#because there IS more to her. she spies on her clanmates & spends the first few books being manipulated by bramblestar
thylacid · 5 months
hey i know theres that one angsty blorbo cat that like drowned in the dark forest forever angstily or something and i wish i knew about her but i stopped reading warriors after a vision of shadows can you tell me things. i wanna chew her
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sparky-is-spiders · 4 years
So. About that PoT and OotS Rewrite...
This is that PoT OotS rewrite I was talkin’ about earlier. Some stuff has changed.
I’ma start with Lionblaze, because I find the concept for his character to be the most interesting.
Lionblaze: From a young age, Lionblaze is kinda a prodigy. He’s an excellent fighter and hunter and everybody is convinced that he’s gonna be a great warrior, maybe even deputy. He IS the son of the current deputy and the grandson of the current leader, after all. When the Clan hears about the prophecy from Jayfeather, Lionblaze and everybody else is so certain that he’ll play a starring role in it. He hasn’t discovered his powers yet, the way Jayfeather and Hollyleaf have, but he’s convinced that they’ll reveal themselves. It’ll happen annny day now, he’s sure of it.
But he never gets any powers. Sure, he’s a skilled warrior, but it’s pretty obvious that that’s all he’ll ever be. He manages to hold out hope until he’s assigned Dovepaw as his apprentice. Dovepaw, who can read moods so easily. She appears in his dreams one day, and that’s when he realizes: he isn’t anything special, and he never was. He was always just another warrior, while Jayfeather and Hollyleaf keep moving on ahead. He becomes distant from his siblings and clanmates, and struggles to mentor the cat who took his place and the powers that were supposed to be his. This is when he’s recruited to the Dark Forest. Soon, he realizes what their plans are (more on those later), and he and Ivypaw team up to become spies and maybe sabatoge their plans before its too late. They tell their siblings everything they know, and the bridges that Lionblaze burned start to mend. He realizes that, even without powers, he’s still important, and he can still play a role in stopping the Dark Forest.
Jayfeather: Jayfeather is distant from everyone and always has been. He can sometimes be seen talking to cats that aren’t there, and he can predict some events with startling accuracy. Every time he sleeps, he hears thousands of different prophecies, and he can never tell if they’re important or not. But there’s one that he hears, over and over and over again. There shall be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws. He doesn’t understand it, doesn’t know why he hears it so often. He’s still a kit at this point, and one day Squirrelflight (who’s visiting them in the nursury), hears him murmuring it in his sleep. She takes him to see Leafpool, who takes him to see Firestar. He is told in no uncertain terms that he will be a medicine cat. Firestar announces this prophecy to the whole clan, declaring his three grandkits to be the three in the prophecy. Some are skeptical, but between Hollykit’s supersenses and Jaykit’s strong connection to StarClan, they slowly become convinced.
As Jaykit becomes Jaypaw, life becomes even harder for him. The ghosts of old medicine cats are always whispering rebukes and advice and stories in his ears, and all he wants is for them to shut. Up. He has constant visions in his dreams of things that have happened, things that are happening, and things that will happen. When he first visits the Moonpool, the voices in his head become so loud that he flees. He hates going to the Moonpool, and dreads the night of the half moon. It never gets easier.
Jayfeather gets on fine with Lionblaze, but he’s much closer with his sister. Hollyleaf has similar problems to him because of her super senses, and the two often sneak out of camp to find the quietest parts of the forest. They then spend hours sitting beside one another, basking in the pleasent silence and stillness. Lionblaze joins them every now and then, but he often gets restless and leaves. This habit starts during their apprenticeships, but continues well into their adulthood.
As the Dark Forest battle approaches, Jayfeather gets more and more visions about it. He sees thousands of different outcomes. He watches his clanmates win and lose and live and die. At first he throws himself into his work to avoid thinking about it, but he doesn’t succeed. Eventually he just holes himself up in his den, rarely eating or drinking, and fighting himself to keep his eyes open. The instant they close, even just to blink, more images flash across his mind. When he hears about what Lionblaze and Ivypaw/pool are doing, he freaks out even more. Finally, he breaks down and tells them what he’s been seeing in his dreams. When the invasion finally happens, Jayfeather is able to guide the clans into making the best, least damaging and most effective choices.Warriors still die, sure, but it isn’t the massacre he saw happening so often in his dreams.
Hollyleaf (and also the entire plot, apparently): Hollykit has always been a nosy busybody. It doesn’t help that she can hear every conversation every cat has ever had within the clan territories. She is a firm believer in the Warrior Code, and she believes that her power was gifted to her by StarClan in order to make sure that everybody follows the code. She’s ambitious, with plans to become leader in order to enforce the code. The Dark Forest tries to recruit her, but she knows who Tigerstar and Thistleclaw are. She knows what they did. She refuses to compromise her morals for the sake of her ambitions. She’ll become leader without the help of murdery rulebreakers no. 1 and 2, thank you very much.
The prophecy just strengthens her convictions. She was chosen by StarClan! She and her siblings will save the clans from themselves. She can already see it! Hollystar, noble leader of ThunderClan, with Lionkit as her loyal deputy and Jayfeather as her noble medicine cat. She’s a little jealous of Lionblaze, popular golden boy. But that’s fine. They’ll see her worth in time. They’ll all see.
When she hears the truth of her parentage she has a breakdown. How can she uphold the Warrior Code if her very existance breaks it? She does not kill Ashfur, but she does flee into the night. She travels to the Tribe, joining their ranks and becoming a Prey-hunter. All is well for moons and moons and moons, until a certain gray apprentice is born and Yellowfang visits Hollyleaf in her dreams. Yellowfang essentially tells Hollyleaf to get her head out of her ass. The last member of the three is born, and it’s time for Hollyleaf to return home. She talks to Stoneteller about her dream, and Stoneteller tells her that the angry cat with poor dental hygene is right: Hollyleaf has been an admirable member of the Tribe, but her place is and always has been with her clanmates and her siblings. Hollyleaf says goodbye to Stormfur and Brook (who she was good friends with) and she leaves.
She fully intended to go back to ThunderClan, but then she hears something going on in WindClan. Dissent. Rebellion. And, worst of all, mentions of the dark forest and the cats training there.
Onestar is an ineffective leader, and cats are starting to take notice. They hate his stupid wars and assholish attitude. He never listens to any of them! And he puts his own pride before the needs of the Clan. The younger WindClan warriors and apprentices are convinced that Onestr is horrible. A pair of charismatic young tom by the name of Houndleap has promised to make them strong. Houndleap will help them rise up against Onestar and replace him with a real leader, like Breezepelt, who seems to hate Onestar the most.
The older warriors don’t like Onestar to much either, but the whispers of these young cats scare them. Surely they wouldn’t murder a leader? Even if he was a terrible one like Onestar. Isn’t it lucky that they have a cat like Snowtuft to rely on? One who shows them how to defend their leader, and which cats they can’t trust? So handy! Sure, he’s in the Dark Forest, but he just wants to help. And he can’t have been that evil, or they would’ve heard of him, they way they know Tigerstar and Brokenstar.
Hollyleaf hears these whispers and hushed conversations, and she knows what she has to do. She has to save WindClan and Onestar! And that’s how she finds herself in the WindClan camp, requesting an audience with Onestar.
She’s obviously not welcome in WindClan, but Onestar doesn’t care. She’s one of the ThunderClan prophecy cats! Firestar’s precious grandkit is in WindClan, offering to become a WindClan warrior. Onestar couldn’t resist this brilliant opportunity to one-up ThunderClan and Firestar. Hollyleaf is now Hollystorm, warrior of WindClan and right hand man of Onestar.
Her relationship with Crowfeather could generously be described as frosty. Her relationship with Nightcloud is a dumpster full of turds that is on fire. Her relationship with Breezepelt is a planet made of turds that’s flying into the sun. Her relationship with Heathertail is... complicated. They hate each other, except they seem to be the only two cats who want to help Onestar (I really ike ace!Hollyleaf/storm, but I also kinda like Hollyheather in this specific AU. They hat each other, but at the same time, they’re the only ones they can trust, and I love that dynamic. But I also like Heatherbreeze! AHHHHHH).
Hollystorm’s place in WindClan came with a few caveats, of course. First: she couldn’t talk to anyone from ThunderClan, ever. Second: She had to swear on her life to defend Onestar at all costs. And third: she would spy on the other clans. She hates spying, and she tries to be as unhelpful as possible, but it’s a careful balancing act, and sometimes she has to bite the bullet. She’s doing the right thing, she’s sure of it. But she’s equally sure that she’s doing it the wrong way. And she’s also sure that Onestar was a horrible choice as a leader!
During her time in WindClan, she bonds with Ashfoot. She respects the wise and intelligent deputy, who seems to hold on to her convictions even while dealing with Onestar. Hollystorm tells Ashfoot why she joined WindClan, and the deputy develops a huge amount of respect for her. This warrior had the ground ripped from beneath her paws. She left her home and her family, and when she decided to return, she realized that something was wrong, and she chose her principals and doing the right thing over her old friends and family. As both are certain that Onestar would be hugely offended by the idea that amybody would dare rebel against him OR that he would banish half of WindClan, they decide to team up and take matters into their own paws. They try to get the other warriors on their side. Roughly half of the older warriors and a few of the younger ones agree to stop seeing their Dark Forest friends. But many WindClanners are still visiting with Houndleap and Snowtuft. Hollystorm and Ashfur realize that, if they want to save WindClan, they’re gonna have to take matters into their own paws. It’s time to pay ThunderClan a visit.
Both Ashfoot and Hollystorm hate the idea of going behind Onestar’s back, but they need advice. Hollystorm has heard conversations had by her siblings, heard Firestar’s gathering announcements about the Dark Forest. ThunderClan knows something Hollystorm doesn’t, and she needs to learn what it is fast. Things are speeding up, the WindClan warriors are getting ready for another civil war...
They request an audience with Firestar in the middle of the night, and it is granted begrudgingly. Hollystorm tells them about the unrest in WindClan, and Firestar tells her everything he knows about the Dark Forest. Lionblaze, Ivypaw, and Dovewing join them and tell them all about what Tigerstar and Thistleclaw are doing. Hollystorm is horrified to hear about this. She always thought of Lionblaze as whiny, egotistical, and spoiled (even though she loved him). As awful as she feels, hearing about the ways in which he’s risking his life and reputation, she’s also so proud of him. Together, they realize that the Dark Forest is in every clan. How could they not be? Firestar decides to call an emergency gathering.
Before they leave the camp, Hollystorm demands to see Jayfeather. She was always so close to him, and the fact that he was not at the meeting concerns her. When she hears about how isolated he’s become, she is shocked and appaled and she races into the medicine den. They get into an arguement over, well, everything that’s happened to them. When they finally finish yelling at each other, Hollystorm takes a deep breath and apologizes. She relays the things she’s learned about the Dark Forest in WindClan, and Jayfeather tells finally breaks. He confesses to the others about the visions that haunt his mind day and night.
They leave before the sun rises so that they don’t get caught by Onestar. Ashfoot sends Hollystorm back to her den. Later that day Ashfoot tells Onestar that she met with Firestar, and that the ThunderClan leader has called for an emergency gathering. Onestar is furious. How dare his deputy betray him like this?!? She does her best to calm him down, tells him about the Dark Forest cats who are manipulating his warriors, and he makes his decision. Every WindClan warrior who he doesn’t trust is to be exiled. In other words, half the clan (including Ashfoot) is getting kicked out. Nobody is happy.
The exiled cats refuse to leave. They dedicate their lives to WindClan, and this asshole kicks them out because of what his deputy says??? No. No no no no no. Not happening. Several of the older warriors who are still meeting with Snowtuft are among the crowd being exiled, and they have had enough. They were going to defend Onestar, but maybe he doesn’t deserve that if he’s gonna make stupid decisions like this. It isn’t long until a fight breaks out.
Hollystorm and Ashfoot are conflicted. Onestar has truly hit rock bottom, but they hate the idea of fighting against him. They eventually choose to fight against him. They hate the idea of turning on a leader, but Onestar has proven to be undeserving of his place.
Onestar and his defenders lose. The young warriors choose Breezepelt as their leader. Breezepelt hates Hollystorm for her heritage, and he hates Ashfoot for being Onestar’s deputy. Both are exiled, along with Onestar’s remaining supporters. They go to the gathering island for the emergency gathering.
The three clans and the WindClan exiles (minus a few who are sticking wih Onestar) meet to discuss the Dark Forest issue. Hollystorm notes that many of the other clans are expiriencing unrest, including ThunderClan.
The other clan leaders are shocked by what happened in WindClan and afraid of what Breezepelt might do at Houndleap’s demand. Several members of the other Clans confess to being visited by Dark Forest cats. Hawkfrost and Mapleshade are in RiverClan, and Clawface and Brokenstar are in ShadowClan. The clans realize that the Dark Forest is using them and tearing them apart to weaken them so that when they strike, the clans will be fractured and weak.
The clans unite as one under the joint leadership of Blackstar, Firestar, and Mistystar, with promises to keep each other updated. Warriors are encouraged to stop meeting with the Dark Forest cats, and to report everything they know to their leaders.
The Dark Forest, realizing that the clans are prepared for them and no longer fractured, decide to change tactics. Hollystorm spies on WindClan, discovering that Breezestar has invited many rogues and loners into WindClan to replenish their ranks for the coming war. WindClan patrols routinely invade the territories of the other clans, stealing prey and attacking patrols. Hollystorm can hear them approaching, and Jayfeather can predict the most likely attacks, but cats still die.
Soon, the other clans decide that enough is enough. They decide to ambush WindClan under the cover of darkness on the night of the new moon. While they’re at it, they send out a group to search for Onestar. But when they enter the camp, they find it deserted. The WindClan medicine cat, Antpelt, warned of their approach, and the cats are all set for an ambush, so silent that not even Hollystorm can detect their presence. Jayfeather bursts into the camp and warns then to retreat just before the WindClan warriors leap out of the shadows.
The combined might of the clans is not enough to fight of WindClan, not with its new rogue army, not during a surprise attack. They suffer heavy losses and retreat.
Jayfeather warns them that the Dark Forest is liable to strike back any day. The clans are weakened, and they have many warriors at their command. The clans move to the ThunderClan camp. It’s small but easily defendable, and they set to work shoring up its defenses.
Hollystorm misses WindClan, she finds. She didn’t notice, but it grew on her. She suspects that, once this whole mess dies down, she may return. She’s given up completely on her dreams of leadership. ThunderClan doesn’t feel like home anymore, not the way WindClan’s moors did. And Onestar would probably never even take her back, nevermind appoint her as his deputy. But she’s still determined to be the best warrior she can be. Maybe she can’t be a leader, and maybe the clans don’t need to be saved from themselves, but they do need her to do the right thing. Not spying or accusing cats of breaking the code, but fighting the real threats, the real dangers. She needs to save the clans from the Dark Forest, to take WindClan back from Breezestar, and make sure that it doesn’t fall into the claws of Onestar. Because sometimes the code can be wrong, and sometimes a bad leader needs to go.
Before the battle, Jayfeather tells her not to protect him. If she tries, she will die. She promises not to, but plans to try anyway.
She’s able to warn the clans of the approach of WindClan and the Dark Forest. The ThunderClan camp becomes a bloodbath, and Hollystorm finds herself in the middle of it. She moves to the medicine den, defending the medicine cats, the injured, the elders, and the kits. She fights side-by-side with Lionblaze and Ivypool. When Hawkfrost confronts them, she kills him, but is seriously injured in the process. She is brought into the medicine den for healing. Jayfeather is furious that she didn’t listen to him and terrified that she might die. The voices of those ancient medicine cats whisper in his ear, but this time they help him focus. They guide him gently and he manages to save her.
Onestar and Breezestar fight it out too. Just when it looks like Breezestar is about to lose, several WindClan warriors pounce on Onestar. He is killed multiple times, and soon his soul departs to StarClan.
Firestar still has his dramatic confrontaion with Tigerstar, and he still kills him. However instead of being killed by a tree, Firestar dies of the wounds he recieved in the deadly battle.
When the battle is over, the leaders demand that Breezestar step down. At first, he wants to resist, but he then realizes that many of his clanmates have either swapped sides or abandoned him entirely. He and Nightcloud abandon the clans and do not return for some time. Ashfoot becomes the new leader of WindClan, and she reunites WindClan. She names Harespring her deputy.
Hollystorm decides to follow her. She will always love her brothers, and she has finally reconciled with Squirrelflight and Leafpool after the battle, but WindClan is her home now, and she would never feel comfortable anywhere else.
Coming up soon: Dovewing, Ivypool, and some extra stuff! (What happened to Ashfur, who mentored Hollyleaf and Lionblaze, more Ashfoot stuff, etc.)
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doritopaw101 · 4 years
Arc1, book 2: Chapter 14
"Marshstar, we would've never crossed on your territory if we had other options" Bluestar stated, tail held high, "This was the only way we could get to the gathering"
Her words did nothing to appease the Shadowclan cats.
"I say they're spies?" Blazefang growled softly. Cinderfur and Tangleburr padding forward slightly. Icefire did spot Whitethroat, Roachwhisker, and Darkflower but he did his best not to look at them.
"Spies?" Tiger-roar his way forward to stand next to Bluestar, his thrust forward toward Blazefang until their noses were less than a mouse-length apart. "What would we spy for? We are no where near your toad infested camp"
Blazefang curled her lip back to reveal her long thorn-sharp teeth "Just give us the word, my sister, and we'll tear them apart"
"You can try" Tiger-roar growled, his muscles bunching up, displaying how much taller he was to most of the Shadowclan cats. Cats like Marshstar and Blazefang stood more of a chance. He could probably guess Marshstar and Blazefang were glad to have gotten Yellowfang's height.
For a few heartbeats Marshstar said nothing, Icefire's muscles tensed. Beside him, Graystripe growled low in her throat, glaring at Tangleburr. Mousefur bared her teeth at Darkhollow who raised an unsheathed paw, and Whitethroat seemed to have a silent conversation with Marshstar.
Then it started, Seedspots launched forward and pinned Whisperleaf down and Cinderfreeze covered Seedspots and got in a tussle with Cinderfur. Tiger-roar and Blazefang were on their hind legs and were clawing at each other's faces.
He couldn't see where Bluestar was but he figured she was after Marshstar, he needed to find her. He dodged as my cats as he could through the fray, ignoring the odd nip as they did. He was shoved back when Graystripe was trying to buck Tangleburr off her back, he also had to duck when a cat was tossed at him. He didn't expect the tossed cat at his paws was his daughter, his little Flame.
"Papa?" she mewed in shock, she had a tooth in her ear already
"Get back here" Seedspots hissed, trying to pounce on the poor apprentice. Icefire rammed into her full force "What are you doing? She's just an apprentice barley out of teh nursery"
Seedspots swiped at him to which he blocked "Just cuz she's your kit doesn't mean you save her from fighting like a true warrior"
Icefire stood protectively over Flamepaw "Fight someone your own size Seedspots"
The tortie hissed in response.
And just as it began, the fight ended. A yowl sounded in the center. Marshstar on one side and Bluestar on the other. His leader's mouth was dripping with blood, left front leg cut into, and her eye was slashed across to contrast Marshstar's chest was bleeding as was her right ear and her tail. Both leaders eyes blazed with rage.
"Keep back" Marshstar grunted at last to her warriors "We'll let them pass, I want Thunderclan here for this gathering"
Thunderclan and Shadowclan stayed mostly on opposite sides of the clearing as they waited. Injuries that needed to be tended to were treated by the healers. Icefire ignored the glares from some of his clanmates as he groomed Flamepaw, she was his daughter no matter what clan.
"How's..er..the others?" Flamepaw said awkwardly
"Traitor" Seedspots hissed lowly
"They're okay and apprenticed just like you" he replied ignoring the tortie "Cloudpaw's training to be a Silverblood"
"Glad he actually stuck to it" Flamepaw mewed "He kept following Blossomhaze around"
"He would've came here if Bluestar allowed it"
"Kinda glad he didn't end up in the fight"
Icefire agreed silently "How've you and Violetpaw been?"
"Great, My mentor's name is Rottingbranch and Violetpaw's mentor is Houndclaw, Rottingbranch is so cool"
"Yeah, she renamed herself from Dirtpaw after dealing with a dog, it was cool"
"Darkflower's daughters right?"
"Proudly" he looked up and saw Darkflower with Rottingbranch and Houndclaw at her side "Raised them well" Rottingbranch looked friendly enough while Houndclaw narrowed her eyes at him.
"I don't doubt that" Icefire mewed, he glanced around "Where's Violetpaw?"
"Back at camp" Roachwhisker appeared on his right side out of nowhere, her head hair a mess as was her pelt "Wrappped up in cobwebs she is"
"She's fine" Houndclaw said quickly
"Alive" Roachwhisker corrected
"She got bit by a snake pa" Flamepaw said finally
"Bit the shit outta her more like" Roachwhisker snorted, Rottingbranch cuffed her ears.
"What?" Icefire hissed "I'm sorry, my daughter got bit by a snake, where's Marshstar?"
"Please don't Icefire" Darkflower pleaded "She's okay really, Blossomhaze and Palecloud made sure of that"
"Is that why you have fangs in your ear? The fangs of the snake that could've killed your sister" Flamepaw shrunk slightly "How did she even get near a snake in the first place? Some fucked Shadowclan tradition?"
"You wouldn't understand Thunder cat" Houndclaw growled, baring her teeth and stepping closer to Icefire "She was perfectly safe, I was there"
"Houndclaw hush" Rottingbranch hissed "Don't be rude after we just fought"
"Take a breath" Whitethroat hissed out, padding over with a slight shove at Houndclaw "Me and Foxtrot already had to calm down Marshstar, we don't want for arguments over nothing" The black tom turned his blue gaze on Icefire "You as well"
Icefire sighed "Houndclaw is right I don't understand but what I am doing is showing basic concern for my kit's wellbeing, do you understand that?"
Houndclaw forced a breath out "Yes, it seems I was too blunt in my words"
"Better" Whitethroat mewed "Houndclaw stay with the group, it's clear you can't contain your temper"
Houndclaw snarled but obeyed.
"My apologies for my daughter, she's just gotten protective of her siblings, Badgerfang rubs off on her" Darkflower said, lowering her head "It's gotten worse since Sharp-paw's injury"
Icefire nodded, he almost forgot that Rottingbranch, Houndclaw, and Sharp-paw were some of the many Brokentail kits.
"Darkflower, didn't ya want to ask Icy here somethin" Roachwhisker said, she leaned against Icefire, he let her and he didn't know why.
"I was actually wondering if you'd like to come to a meeting in two days" Darkflower asked
"Yes, for all the kits of Brokentail, to see what happens with relationships with ones in Thunderclan"
"Didn't they spend time with you all?"
"Marshstar didn't really let them" Darkflower admitted
"Damn shame honestly" Roachwhisker added
"Fourtrees" Whitethroat replied
"I'll see what my kits want and if they agree we'll come"
Rottingbranch nodded "Thank you" she turned away "I'll be off, Flamepaw come over if needed alright" Flamepaw nodded to her mentor.
"Windclan's here" Roachwhisker mewed "Have fun with that half-bro of mine" she quickly hopped off.
Whitethroat looked tense, his fur spiking up. Icefire placed a paw on the smaller tom's for comfort. "Breathe"
"You two are more alike than you think" Flamepaw commented
"You and Aunt Roach, you two can act all crazy and rude but on the inside you're both kind and soft"
"She acts like she's on catmint half the time" Icefire scoffed at the thought of being soft, he was trained by Tiger-roar for Starclan's sake, a well trained fighter.
Whitethroat snorted
"You have something to say?"
Whitethroat shook his head
Flamepaw chuckled "What about the time you took us all out to watch the sun rise?"
"Hush you"
"Splinter" he turned his head to see his father pad over to him, he was wearing a dark blue,pink, and purple colored bandanna, it reminded him or Barley's rainbow colored one.
Juniperleaf nuzzled him purring as he did "I've missed you son, sorry I wasn't at the recent gatherings I've been busy"
"Yeah, I heard about my new siblings" Icefire mewed, he pulled Flamepaw close "However I had my own things as well, meet one of your grandkits, Juniperleaf meet Flamepaw"
"H..hi " Flamepaw stuttered
"My stars, Your beautiful" Juniperleaf wrapped his paws around Flamepaw "Look just like Filou"
"She reminds me more of Blazefang" Whitethroat muttered
'Both of them honestly' Icefire corrected mentally "I have to introduce you tow sometime" he turned to Juniperleaf "Flameshell is expecting kits too father"
"I know, I saw her while on patrol, she's close to her kitting. When can I meet your other kits?"
"As soon Bluestar allows it" Icefire replied "I didn't know Flamepaw was going to be here until I saw her however there's something that's happening at here two days from now, I'm sure you can meet them all there"
A yowl from Marshstar started the gathering.
"That could've gone better" Ebonyshade muttered, ducking her head
"You think?" Lichenstrike snapped, Brackenfur stopped his sister from cuffing Ebonyshade over the ears.
It had been regular news from Stormstar, Greenflower's new litter with Dragonflykit and Duck-kit, new warriors in Tidesong, Eelfang, Heronclaw, and Poolheart.
As well as Duskstar's news of Gorsepaw, Quailpaw, and Brairpaw's apprenticeship.
However, the gathering truly had gotten right into it when Marshstar was passive aggressive about the attack on the Thunderpath and accusing Bluestar of sheltering Brokentail's followers in their territory. Marshstar had stated that her warriors caught their scent throughout the territory, the Shadowclan leader seemed a bit paranoid.
Bluestar had denied it up and down. They two mollies ended up in a screeching match giving insult after insult without skipping a beat. They ended up fighting and Duskstar and Stormstar had pulled them apart. The only thing that calmed Bluestar down was when Stormstar told her that his clan found Smokepaw, Petalpaw, and Owlpaw's bodies, Lynxpaw was alive, soaked and injured but alive nonethless.
Marshstar had spat at Bluestar that her clan was stuck here because there was no way they were going through Shadowclan territory without getting clawed. Some of the Windclan cats had hissed at them as well believing Marshstar's words.
Flamepaw nuzzled him before following her clanmates. He saw Tiger-roar stalk over, he thought the two-colored tabby would yell at him for talking with Flamepaw but the tabby walked past him.
"I hope you're satisfied" Tiger-roar snarled at Bluestar as he took his place beside her "Like we needed another fight"
"This is not the time or place" Bluestar replied curtly, she drew a licked paw to her bleeding ear.
"You're one to talk about not the place" Tiger-roar snapped, tail lashing "How are we supposed to get home?"
Icefire could see that his clanmates were worried that Bluestar and Tiger-roar would start fighting, thankfully it didn't come to that when Stormstar padded over with some of his warriors.
"I can offer you a way home" Stormstar mewed, he glanced at Icefire as he spoke, and Icefire guessed he was remembering how he and Graystripe had helped Riverclan by giving the prey. But no one except Bluestar knew about what they had been doing.
Before Bluestar could speak, Tiger-roar hissed "Why should we trust Riverclan?"
'We don't have a choice dumbass' Icefire thought 'it's either this or get clawed by Shadowclan'
Stormstar ignored him, his amber and blue eyes on Bluestar waiting for her response. Bluestar had shoved Tiger-roar away then she dipped her head respectfully. "Thank you, Stormstar. I accept your offer"
The Riverclan leader nodded briefly and turned to escort her out of the clearing. There was still some muttering among the Thunderclan cats as Bluestar led her warriors through the bushes and up the slope out of the hollow. Cats from Shadowclan and Windclan hissed at them, even though Riverclan warriors flanked them protectively on both sides. Icebelly realized with a jolt that the divisions within the forest had shifted in the space of a single gathering.
He was relieved when they reached the top of the slope and left the hostile gathering behind them. He noticed Graystripe trying to edge closer to Silverstream, but Greenflower and Mosspelt were in her way, giving Silverstream a lick from time to time.
"You're sure you're not tired" Mosspelt mewed "It's alright if you are love"
"It's a long journey when you're expecting kits Silver" Greenflower fussed "You remember with our first and with Dragonflykit and Duck-kit"
"It was tiring for me when I was still pregnant with Dawnkit" Mosspelt added
"No guys, I'm fine" Silverstream replied patiently, casting a frustrated glance at Graystripe over her mate's head. Icefire pulled Graystripe to walk beside him.
Tiger-roar brought up the rear of the Thunderclan patrol, swinging his huge head aggressively from side to side as if he expected the Riverclan cats to attack any moment.
Bluestar, on the other paw, seemed to be quite at ease traveling with the other clan. She had been chatting idly with Stormstar, asking about kits and grandkits. Once they were away from Fourtrees she let Stormstar take the lead, while she dropped back to join Mistyfoot.
"Hello, Mistyfoot" Bluestar mewed
"Hello, Mother" Mistyfoot replied, edging closer to Bluestar "How've you been?, I've heard about your new litter"
"Two've just been apprenticed" Bluestar mewed, she turned serious "I've heard that your kits were caught in the river" Mistyfoot looked down "Are they well?"
Mistyfoot rubbed themself against Bluestar, whispering something that Icefire couldn't catch. Bluestar softly licked Mistyfoot on the head, an act of comfort.
Watching his leader and the Riverclan warrior walking step for step, Icefire couldn't help but chuckle softly as their blue-gray fur shone almost identical in the moonlight. They had the same neat, compact bodies, and when they had to leap over a log that lay in their path they both flexed their limbs with the same economical ripple of muscles. Stonefur, coming up behind was an exact copy of Oakjaw but had Bluestar's chilling blue eyes like Mistyfoot.
It was shocking how close they were a family even though they were in different clans. He still held a good relationship with Flameshell even though she was in Riverclan. He hoped he could stay close to Violetpaw and Flamepaw though he wondered if it would last if a battle broke out.
On the second dawn after the gathering, Icefire woke in the warrior's den to find that Graystripe had already left the nest. Raveneye had filled in the spot in his sleep, Cloudpaw and Rosepaw laying on both of them and Bearpaw and Shrikepaw on his left side with Sunnypaw close by. Even when apprenticed, his kits still wanted to sleep with him, didn't help when Ashpaw, Fernpaw, and Tulip-paw seemed to sleep nearby as well.
Fun to watch Chestnutclaw growl with envy though so he'll deal with the weight.
'Gone to see Silverstream', Icefire thought with a sigh if frustration. He knew that Silverstream was expecting kits but Graystripe didn't need to get caught. Whiteclaw had to push Graystripe into a stream to hide him once and neither wanted to do that again.
"He's been gone for awhile" Raveneye muttered in his ear "Is he trying to get caught?"
"He knows if he goes down, he does down alone" Icefire replied "I just got the proper custody back, I'm not losing it again"
Honestly he preferred not being in the nursery as much since Seedspots moved in, Lionheart being all over here made it worse. The newly retired Speckletail seemed to approve her son's new mate, he could tell Frostbite wanted to break someone but used some leftover bones instead. Honestly with Seedspots there as well as Robinwing still being there and close to popping, it was an explosive time in the nursery.
Patchpelt brought two kits of his back to camp, a tom and a molly. Nettlemist was all to happy to care for the kits but Robinwing seemed to want to raise them as well.
Yawning widely, Icefire pushed his way through the outer branches of the bush, and shook moss from his coat while he looked around clearing. The sun was beginning to edge its way above the bracken wall, casting long shadows over the bare ground. The sky was pure, cloudless, and blue.. Birdsong all around held the promise of easy prey.
He quickly brushed through the camp entrance and made his way through the forest. Quiet and not to sunny, just how he liked it. He quickly caught sight of a mouse, nibbling on a seed. He slowly made his way over, trying to calm his breath.
He pounced killing it was one swift bite. He turned to a tree root to bury it for later and continued his way. He made his way past the sandy hollow, it felt good not smelling Smallear around. He did however catch the scent of Voletail. He honestly wondered what he was doing out here since the tom liked to sleep in. He started to pad over when he heard a loud noise. He tensed thinking it was one of the rouges but lowered slightly when he saw hooves.
'A deer' he was surprised, he knew they were there and rarely the clan ate them but didn't expect to see one so early in the day. As it got closer he realized it was a male, an elderly and pretty injured one at that.
'Perfect kill' he remembered Scourge's words
It stared at him then lowered it's head and sniffed his paws then nipped. He hissed as a reflex and swiped at his face, at first he was confused why the stag was doing this then it sank it that it wanted to be killed.
"I'll kill you if you put up at least some effort"
The deer huffed then it spoke "Have it your way cat, rather you then those wolves"
Icefire quickly dodged the stomping hooves and dashed underneath, he bit into the stag's belly. It took more effort than he thought to dig his claws in, didn't help he had to force some weight than he would've liked on his busted leg. The stag bucked but it only made it bleed more. He let go, and moved forward to launch himself to sink his claws in the stag's neck. The stag's struggles lessened as it started to sink to the ground.
Icefire tightened his bite and pulled his head back. He started eating the piece in his mouth as the blood pooled around him.
"Not bad" he muttered to himself "Now how in the hell do I get this back to camp?"
He realized that he'd have to get Voletail. Sighing he started padding over to the scent. He saw Voletail's brown pelt and was about to announce himself but he quickly ducked when he saw Mudfoot.
He froze when he heard Tiger-roar hiss "You killed my kits you mouse-brain"
"I thought that was the plan to kill the apprentices" Mudfoot hissed
"Not my brother's kits" Nightshade spat, she hit Mudfoot on the back of the head "Starclan getting Swiftkit from Shadowclan wasn't this hard"
"I wasn't going to subject my son to Icefire's fate sister" Tiger-roar stated "Not if I could help it"
'What!' Icefire's jaw dropped 'They knew!'
It took all of his self-control to rip into Tiger-roar and Nightshade's flesh, it reminded him of one of Scourge's and Tiger-roar's lessons "You can only depend on yourself"
'Depend on myself indeed' he thought grimly. He walked a few paces back and called over to them "Tiger Night Voletail, I can smell you can you help me with this Stag?" He wanted to gag when he used only their prefix, he never wanted to be close with these fuckers again.
A sudden rush from the bushes could've made Icefire jump.
"What stag?" Voletail sneered
He flicked his tail over to the stag's body "Help me drag it back to camp"
"Mama, stop" Graystripe whined, trying to squirm away.
"You will not look like a thorn bush" Willowpelt lowly hissed trying to tame her kit's fur "Not even Thrushpelt or Featherwhisker's fur got this bad"
Icefire had to hold in his laughter, glad that Nettlemist was there to help him. Took a while but he,Tiger-roar, Nightshade, and Voletail dragged the deer back to camp.
Many cats gasped when they saw the large kill, some wanted to know who killed the beast. Icefire's pretty sure that Voletail tried to take the credit but Nightshade beat him to it stating that Icefire killed it.
It was great watching Lionheart's jaw drop, Frostbite and Mossthorn approved.
The clan declared a feast to be had. Good times after a long while. Fuzzypelt even told Icefire that he'll make a good pelt and helmet for him. Just like Bluestar's that he'd yet to see.
Graystripe wasn't doing any better when Frostbite started grooming her. "Mother"
Frostbite shushed her, Whitekit, Lightkit, and Tawnykit wrapped in her tail. It had been interesting to learn that Frostbite and Miststrike helped raise Graystripe along with Willowpelt and Leopardstorm.
"Everything okay? Thymeroot called, Voletail and Ashpaw at her side.
"Yep, Graystripe getting groomed by her moms" Icefire replied "She's fine"
"Well I've brought some borage for Goldenflower you've said your milk won't come"
"Yes" Goldenflower mewed "I don't know why, it wasn't like this with Swiftpaw and Lynxpaw"
Thymeroot brought the leaves over to the golden queen, Ashpaw observing silently while Voletail just looked around. "Something wrong?" Nettlemist asked softly, Patchpelt's kits resting against his tail.
Voletail rolled her eyes at his words "I'm just questioning why you're here and not hunting or fighting for the clan"
Nettlemist looked a little taken aback by his words "I..I never really liked that life, I've always been interested in nursery life"
"You don't even have a mate or kits"
"The kits I've cared for are my kits" Nettlemist replied
Voletail laughed at that "You're pathetic for thinking that"
The nursery was silent, all eyes on Voletail.
"What is wrong you?" Icefire hissed, pulling Nettlesong close when it looked like the tom was about to cry.
"No not just that, what's wrong with you and Seedspots?" Embereyes said, standing beside Icefire while glaring at them "We raised you and then you mock us, what did we do to deserve this?"
"Being weak" Seedspots stated, her tone wasn't as harsh as Voletail's but it still stung "Nettlemist, I don't wish death on you or Embereyes but the clan is just enabling you two to laze about, Icefire you shouldn't follow their example"
"You're in the nursery" Graystripe hissed "Embereyes is training Amberpaw"
"Only because Thymeroot wouldn't leave me alone" Seedspots shrugged
"only because we were running out of cats useful" Voletail sneered
"Perfect words" Robinwing mewed
Nettlemist started crying into Icefire's fur and Embereyes looked furious. Icefire about his mouth to speak but Thymeroot stopped him. "I think you've overstayed your welcome" the seer said firmly "Get out Voletail and do something if you think your so high and mightily instead of mocking two cats who've done nothing wrong"
"I can have any warrior escort me, you've lost the privilege"
Voletail huffed "Whatever" and left the den.
Thymeroot sighed "I'm so sorry"
"Don't apologize for something you didn't do" Embereyes replied, trying to clear her tears
"I'm going to rip that foxheart" Graystripe growled coming over to Nettlemist "Don't shed tears for him brother"
"Thank you Gorsepaw" Crowfur rasped
"Your welcome" Gorsepaw replied "Do you need your ticks cracked?"
The old tom "I'm alright, you can go youngster"
Gorsepaw smiled and grabbed the soaked moss and padded into the dirt place to dump it. They had finished burying the soiled moss when they heard their sisters call their name. "Gorsepaw Gorsepaw"
It had taken some time from talking with Runningbrook and Ashfoot but they now knew they were a moggy, Morningflower and Quailpaw had hugged them when they came out.
"Come, mom wants to show us something" Quailpaw replied
"She said it's something all Windclan cats need to learn" Brairpaw added
Gorsepaw's mind buzzed hearing that. "What about Weaselwhisker, Deadfoot, or Robinpelt?"
"They're waiting for us, now come on" Quailpaw was shoving them now.
Gorsepaw chuckled "Okay okay"
They quickly followed Quailpaw out of camp, nearly crashing into Darkfoot, and Bristleclaw.
"Watch it moor-runner" Darkfoot hissed.
"Sorry" Quailpaw called
They rushed past the camp guard on watch, Woolcloud and headed to the tree stump.
Gorsepaw saw his mentor, Deadfoot, and Robinpelt but also their mother, Cloudrunner, Rushtail, and Duskstar.
"Glad you two decided to join us" Rushtail drawled
"Gorsepaw was taking care of the elders" Quailpaw stated as she sat next to Robinpelt.
"You didn't have to keep doing it Gorsepaw" Weaselwhisker mewed
"I know but I wanted to" Gorsepaw replied
"Alright then" Duskstar lifted his long black and white tail "We will be learning Badger talk"
"Why would we talk to Badgers?" Brairpaw asked "Don't we attack them like any other clan?"
"Windclan tries to live in peace with the badgers" Morningflower mewed
"They like our territory to have their cubs" Weaselwhisker added
"We protect their cubs and they help us with food" Rushtail finished
"Exactly" Duskstar purred "We learned their speak and we teach them ours" He turned and started to lead them to the badger set.
Gorsepaw was anxious, talking with a badger and not attacking it?
They saw the burrow, Duskstar let out a growling sound and a small black and white head poked out. It was a badger cub, probably a few weeks old. A few more cubs began to tumble out of the burrow, eyeing the Windclan cats with curiosity.
"Do we talk to them?" Quailpaw asked
"Not them yet" Rushtail warned
"We talk to mama first" Cloudrunner added
Gorsepaw realized the white tom was right when they saw the mother badger pad out of the burrow, pulling her cubs to her. Gorsepaw steadied their breathe and reminded themself that they would be fine.
"Icefire" Bluestar called. Icefire looked up from his thrush he had been sharing with Birchstep and Mousefur.
"Could you come with me to check the tides near twolegplace?" Bluestar asked "I need to know if our other food source is gone or not"
Bluestar had punished Voletail for insulting the royalty, she was on nursery and elder duty until further notice.
"Alright" he replied "Should we take any others?"
"It's fine"
"What?" Mousefur said in shock
"I've been hearing some things around twolegplace" Bluestar mewed "I don't want more death and I want to check it myself"
"I'll take a patrol near twolegplace and the Shadowclan border" Mousefur mewed "If I may?"
"You can, take cats with you who won't cause a fight"
"Of course Bluestar" Birchstep assured
Mousefur stood up "I'll get Ebonyshade, Brackenfur, Cranewing, Frostbite, and Sunnypaw"
It didn't take too long to head near twolegplace. They searched the area, helped some kittypets from soggy areas.
They started to double back when the conversation began:
"Tell Graystripe to keep his scents in check"
Icefire tried not to flinch in shock "Takes one to know one right?"
Bluestar hummed
"How did it go down exactly?"
"It was only exposed when I wanted it to be" Bluestar mewed "It was a harsh leaf-bare and my milk was drying up, I couldn't feed them"
"Were there no other queens at the time to help?"
"White-eye was dealing with Mousefur and Birchstep and I couldn't ask her to doom her litter for me" Bluestar sighed "I made my choice and life goes on, let's see how Graystripe fairs"
"So having a mate from another clan is worse than having one outside the clans?" Icefire asked "Patchpelt isn't punished"
"The standards of clan life aren't fair especially when you see it from in outsider's view such as yourself"
"I'm pretty sure the only reason I wasn't punished was because Brokenstar raped me"
"Unfortunately I agree with you" Bluestar replied "The laws protect those kits when it's obvious rather than...others"
"Like your experience with raising Mossthorn?" Bluestar stiffen "with Thistleclaw?"
Bluestar sighed once again, leaping over a tree stump.
"I was too caught up in my anger towards and ignored my own kits pain, I thank Yellowfang in more ways than one"
"What about Thistleclaw?"
"Too caught up in his hatred, sometimes I hate that I listened to Leopardstorm and Tiger-roar ideas of being mates with him" Bluestar curled her lip "He was a strong warrior no doubt about it but he's answer to everything was a fight, it wasn't a way to live I thought when Snowstrike became mates with him that things could get better and curve his anger but good things don't last"
"Who's Snowstrike?"
"My littermate, Leopardstorm's mother, she and I had gotten into an argument and we found a Shadowclan patrol" Bluestar looked away "She was too battle hungry from being stuck in the nursery and she..." Bluestar seemed to choke a little "she...got hit by a monster or car as you say"
"I'm sorry, it must've been awful watching that"
"Not as awful as having to bury her body by the Thunderpath to not horrify her own son, mate, and her clanmates" Bluestar looked down at her paws "I hated the Thunderpath more than I already did that day"
Icefire laid his tail on Bluestar's back and licked her head. It was silent for a few moments both of them taking in the silence.
Of course, we aren't allowed to have nice things.
"Help! Someone help me!"
Icefire and Bluestar rushed to where the vice came from, Icefire spotted a cat covered on mud and stuck in a hole and it was filling up. "Chocolate?"
"Splinter, help please!" The housecat was trying to push something up "Duskthorn got knocked out trying to help me"
'Of course the cat I tried to kill is here' he thought with annoyance
Bluestar jumped into the hole, mud staining her blue-gray fur, she started shoving Chocolate upwards and Icefire grabbed the tabby's scruff. Bluestar gave a hard shove and Chocolate launched forward dragging Duskthorn with him. Icefire fell backwards and Chocolate was panting on top of him.
"We're taking this two back to camp" Bluestar stated, shaking her muddied fur "Pinestar got busy"
Icefire groaned as a response.
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puppypaw-wc · 4 years
Mothpool AU Rambles - Omen of the Stars + Super Editions / Novellas
More of me rambling about the Mothpool AU, this time going through Omen of the Stars!
Two kits were born to the young queen Whitewing not long before Russetleaf fled to the tunnels.
One, a pale gray she-kit with white markings on her side and green eyes, was named Dovekit by the queen. The other, a gray-and-white tabby she-kit with blue eyes, was named Ivykit.
Once Russetleaf was presumed dead by the Clan, Dovekit started to know the names of cats who were from other Clans she’d never been to. She knew Flamepaw was a medicine cat apprentice before Littlecloud announced it at a Gathering, she knew who Mothwing was without having to be told, she knew Lynxcloud as well.
Anyways, the time comes for them to be apprenticed. Dovekit is apprenticed to Quailwing, while Ivykit is apprenticed to Cinderheart.
Dovepaw’s apprenticeship is difficult despite her enhanced senses. Quailwing spaces out a lot, as if distracted by something in the distance despite his blindness. Ivypaw on the other paw is great at hunting and fighting. She’s even more uncertain when an old gray she-cat with matted fur comes to her dreams and gives her a prophecy.
The russet leaf hasn’t truly left. It’s only descended deep, deep down. For now, look for the dove’s feathers that will rain down.
In her dreams, she sees starry cats and hears them whispering the same thing, over and over again. There will be three who will hold the power of the stars in their paws.
But she also sees dark, bloody cats with a strange mist surrounding them that make her feel sick to her stomach.
She just wants to have a dreamless night for once.
Eventually she tells the Clan about the beavers. Quailwing immediately knows. He never knew about Russetleaf’s power since she had it for such a little amount of time before leaving. He knows.
She tells him about her dreams. About the starry cats and the bloody, misty cats. Quailwing tells Firestar. He knows too.
Firestar sends them to get Lynxcloud from RiverClan. Lynxcloud has an apprentice, Hollowpaw, who desperately wants to go on the mission as well. But Rippletail and Petalfur say they should go in Lynxcloud’s stead. Mothwing dismisses their argument and says that all three of them can go and that Hollowpaw can be mentored by Icewing until they come back. He’s mad about this, but reluctantly accepts.
And so at the next Gathering, Firestar announces the news and Leopardstar announces that Lynxcloud, Petalfur and Rippletail are all going to represent RiverClan.
The cats from the other Clans include Oakfur, Tigerpaw and Toadfoot from ShadowClan and Sedgewhisker and Whitetail from WindClan. After getting some herbs from their medicine cats (in Quailwing and Dovepaw’s case, Brightheart, who’s in charge of medicine cat duties until further notice), the group sets off and that goes about as normal.
Unlike in the original book, we get Ivypaw chapters instead of Quailwing chapters. Dovepaw apparently getting a dream from StarClan does make her feel a bit jealous, but she’s a great fighter and hunter so it doesn’t bother her too much. Note that while Poppyfrost does go to the Moonpool, Breezepelt doesn’t attack her because he actually has a father who cares for him.
During the fight against the beavers, Dovepaw sees Tigerpaw use his Dark Forest moves and is intrigued. The two become relatively close on the journey back.
Once they get back to the Clans, Dovepaw sees how great at everything Ivypaw’s been. Yes, she has a connection to StarClan, but she’s... jealous. And uncertain about everything. Shouldn’t Russetleaf, Quailwing and Lynxcloud’s sister, be the third cat? Was she? Did StarClan change their destinies after Russetleaf’s presumed death?
The Dark Forest can finally get into her dreams and bring her somewhere StarClan can’t reach. Hawkfrost first comes to her in a flowery field. He says he wants to teach her how to control her powers and how to be a great warrior. She believes him. She wants her Clan to believe in her not because of her power, but because of her.
Now let’s go to RiverClan. Lynxcloud and Willowshine are still dating, though Willowshine’s had to spend less and less time with Lynxcloud due to Mothwing’s de-promotion. This saddens Lynxcloud. The Dark Forest tries to manipulate him, but he’s aware of their tricks already. Instead, he goes to the ThunderClan border, where Quailwing and a few other cats (Berrynose, Cinderheart, Ivypaw and Dovepaw) find him. He explains he wishes to meet with Firestar. Quailwing agrees. Cinderheart, who knows about the prophecy from Russetleaf, is less confused then the other cats... but still confused.
Quailwing brings Lynxcloud to Firestar’s den, surprised when Firestar requests that he and Dovepaw come too, but they do as he says. They talk to Firestar about the prophecy for a bit, and Dovepaw is even more uncertain when she hears about Firestar’s last notable interaction with Russetleaf.
“I remember what happened not long before Russetleaf left,” the leader mewed, “I was talking to Brambleclaw about patrols, when Russetleaf entered, asking to talk to me in private. I assumed she’d received a prophecy, so I followed her. We went into the forest, where she asked me if I’d ever broken the warrior code. I suddenly felt... compelled to tell her everything. So I did. Once I was done, I felt like myself again. I think that was her using her power.”
Russetleaf was one of the Three. She was meant to be there instead of her. Dovepaw should’ve been a normal apprentice. Why couldn’t she be normal?
Training in the Dark Forest makes her feel... important. A StarClan cat is choosing to train her of all cats. But slowly, as the Dark Forest gets more of a hold on her, the scenery in her dreams changes to be more eerie. 
At first there’s just blood red and dark mist slowly forming, like the ones the dark cats from her older dreams had.
Then the flowery field starts to turn into a misty, muddy forest. Dovepaw doesn’t know what’s happening. But she doesn’t stop going. She can’t, not when she’s not even done with her training yet. So she continues going to the Dark Forest.
Ivypaw notices her sister acting... odd. She asks her about it, but Dovepaw simply says that she’s focusing really hard on her training. She keeps waking up with bloodied fur, so much so that it can’t be from thorns in her nest like she insists it is. Ivypaw doesn’t know what to do, so she tells Quailwing and Cinderheart, who both promise to keep a close eye on her. Note that here, Cinderheart knows about Quailwing’s power due to them being close. Quailwing told her about the prophecy because he felt that she deserved to know.
Cinderheart suggests Quailwing walks in Dovepaw’s dreams. He doesn’t want to because he hasn’t used his power very much in this AU due to not being a medicine cat... and because Leafpool told Brightheart and Longtail about his power and they taught him about violation of privacy.
Anyways, the tree falls and Briarpaw breaks her spine and Longtail dies. Quailwing is devastated by the latter event.
Brightheart takes care of Briarpaw, though she struggles a bit due to not having been trained as a medicine cat. Quailwing and Squirrelflight go to ShadowClan to get Littlecloud’s help, and Flamepaw helps out as well, though he mainly just bonds with Dovepaw and Ivypaw, especially the latter.
Anyways, Briarpaw gets her warrior name of Briarlight, Blossompaw and Bumblepaw are named Blossomfall and Bumbleflight (name subject to change, I just think Bumblestripe is lame). Briarlight and Dovepaw end up getting really close... Blossomfall still gets jealous of her sister and when Dovepaw sees her in the Dark Forest, she decides to try to help their relationship because she doesn’t realize what she’s doing is bad - she just wants to be cared for by her Clanmates because of her, not because of a prophecy that she just so happens to be playing a part in.
I imagine that after their training sessions and before they wake up, Dovepaw and Blossomfall talk sometimes. At one point Hawkfrost joins in upon hearing them talk about their feelings, telling them how he came to be in the Dark Forest. It’s at this point that Dovepaw realizes that it’s wrong to be here...
Night Whispers starts with a Flamepaw chapter as he and Littlecloud go to the Moonpool and he gets his full name of Flametail before dreaming of a strange place... a dark misty forest. A dark brown tom with a red aura around his scars approaches him before he wakes up.
After this, Dovepaw goes to Quailwing and tells him everything. About the Dark Forest, about Hawkfrost, about Blossomfall... everything. At the next Gathering, he asks Dovepaw to tell Lynxcloud what she told him, and she does. Ivypaw and Tigerpaw (yes, Flamepaw got his warrior name first... don’t question it) eavesdrop and this helps Tigerpaw realize that mouse-dung, everyone is right about Tigerstar being evil. Ivypaw and her sister start to fix their bond.
I can’t decide if Flametail dies or not but if he doesn’t then like in Veil of Shadows with Shadowsight (and Squilf’s Hope with Squilf but that book isn’t canon-), he becomes a ghost and has to wait while his body heals from almost drowning.
Anyways in Sign of the Moon, Quailwing and Lynxcloud, alongside their apprentices, meet up to check out the tunnels. Dovepaw and Hollowpaw have gotten relatively close due to the Dark Forest and are both of their Clan’s respective spies (Lynxcloud asked Dovepaw to spread the news to as many Dark Forest trainees as possible - Hawkfrost and Tigerpaw helped out. They all decided to have Tigerpaw and Applefur spy for ShadowClan, Hollowpaw and Minnowtail spy for RiverClan, Harespring and Sunstrike (Me about Sunstrike: “I don’t know who you are but you’re pretty.”) spy for WindClan, and, of course, Dovepaw spy for ThunderClan... I’d have someone else spy with her but at the time she was like the only Dark Forest trainee in ThunderClan).
Hollowpaw and Dovepaw just hunt so Leopardstar doesn’t get mad while Lynxcloud and Quailwing block off the tunnels and end up finding a tuft of Russetleaf’s fur and realize that oh sheet, she’s alive.
Anyways they go back to their respective camps and Firestar decides that Dovepaw and Ivypaw should have their assessments, so they do and manage to both pass after a misadventure in the tunnels after Icecloud falls in. Dovepaw is named Doverain due to her friendliness and intelligence (had to look through a naming dictionary’s meanings for -splash, -pool, -creek and some others) and Ivypaw is named Ivypool due to her fierceiocity and strength in battle... her name’s more obvious.
Doverain, Foxleap, Squirrelflight and Quailwing all go to the mountains since Quailwing got a message from Half Moon saying that he had to go... the Three’s connection to StarClan is lessening due to some reason that no one knows the reasoning for. Hint hint, Dark Forest.
Quailwing possesses Quail’s Feather again because he wants to violate this dead cat’s privacy. Rock tells him to not violate Quail’s Feather’s privacy. He pretends to be deaf.
Anyways back at the lake Blossomfall and Ivypool end up in the tunnels and meet Fallen Leaves. After totally not Russetleaf leads them out Fallen Leaves won’t leave Ivypool alone. I had to make Ivypool’s character arc interesting, okay? She keeps getting dreams of the ancients and death and a battle... starry cats on one side and misty, dark cats on the other... a starry tortioseshell cat fading right from someone who she can only assume is Firestar’s grasp... she doesn’t know what they mean but they scare her and she just wants them to leave her alone.
In RiverClan Lynxcloud is having a crisis because StarClan is visiting his dreams and telling him that the Clans will have to stand divided and he’s just like “but,,, my bro’s in thunderclan” and they’re just like “sorry bruh” and leave. Willowshine’s also confused because she also keeps having these dreams and she’s pretty sure StarClan’s shipping them.
Back at the mountains, Quailwing comes back to the present and names Crag Where Eagles Nest the new Healer. Note that here just to make it make more sense, even if they are generally called Teller of Pointed Stones / Stoneteller, they are sometimes referred to by their old name, usually in dreams from the Tribe of Endless Hunting or by cats close to them.
After returning to the lake, Doverain finds that her powers have seemingly vanished. She doesn’t know how to feel about this. She vents about it to Ivypool, Blossomfall and Briarlight. She vents about everything to Ivypool, Blossomfall and Briarlight. How she feels like Ivypool was always better then her even though she had a power, how she felt like she was only cared about by Firestar and StarClan was because of her power, how she only felt at home in the Dark Forest, how she just wants Blossomfall to get along with Briarlight and be a happy family again, all of it. Blossomfall stays quiet while Briarlight and Ivypool comfort her.
Doverain notices that Blossomfall has stopped participating in training sessions, even when it’s just between the spies (Hollowpaw and Tigerpaw have since become Hollowflight and Tigerheart), a few others and Hawkfrost. When she asks about this, Blossomfall says that Doverain saying all that made her realize that she was being petty and that she’s been thinking.
Anyways, during a Gathering Doverain catches a glimpse of a cinnamon and red splotched and striped pelt through the trees. It looks exactly like...
Doverain had already had her suspicions that the torbie she-cat wasn’t actually dead due to the prophecy she’d received as a young apprentice, but seeing her was a whole ‘nother story.
Also I just now realized that I didn’t elaborate on Briarlight so here we go: after Doverain vents about all that to Blossom, Ivy and Briar, Blossomfall confronts Millie and tells her that “hey, you’re being really helicopter mom-like towards Briarlight, I don’t think she appreciates that, maybe stop and let her get out?”. She agrees so Briarlight gets out sometimes. While hunting on her own is still a bit challenging, she manages. She and her siblings go on their own hunting patrols sometimes and Bumble and Blossom scare prey towards her so she can catch it since pouncing and chasing it is... kind of out of the question. Also “[...] due to [Briarlight’s injury], she can never have kits”... w h a t ? I... hm... Kate... are you okay?
Anyways, Doverain goes on a walk in the middle of the night in order to think, and ends up coming across Russetleaf and her ghost boyfriend Fallen Leaves! She tries to convince Russetleaf to come back to the Clan...
“It’s nice talking to you Doverain,” Russetleaf mewed, smiling, “isn’t it, Fallen Leaves?”
The ghostly tom simply nodded, uncertainty in his eyes. “Er, Doverain, can you see me?”
“I can,” Doverain smiled at the ancient cat - what did Quailwing call his rank the other day? Softpaw? Yeah, Softpaw - as her tail whipped back and forth happily, “anyways Russetleaf... why don’t you come back to the Clan? If I can see Fallen Leaves, surely others can too! Or at least, Quailwing when he gets his visions and Lynxcloud... well, when he’s Lynxcloud,” she chuckled at herself.
The torbie looked to Fallen Leaves, uncertainty in her eyes as well. “Doverain... I can’t come back. I just can’t. I don’t want to cause more pain then I must... and then I already have.”
A puzzled look glazed the younger she-cat’s eyes. “What do you mean?”
Russetleaf sighed. “You know who Ashfur is... correct? Ferncloud’s brother, a brave warrior, formerly mates with Squirrelflight,” she speaks her foster mother’s name as if it’s a curse, though Doverain had heard from Quailwing and Lynxcloud had no trouble cursing, “him.”
“Yes, I do,” Doverain was confused, “why?”
“I... killed him.”
But she refuses.
She and Doverain keep meeting at night. It helps Doverain become more certain with herself. And eventually, she convinces Russetleaf to come back home.
She has a tearful reunion with Cinderheart and (somehow) manages to introduce Fallen Leaves to her, though given everyone else in the Clan’s looks they likely think they’re insane.
Seeing how happy Russetleaf looks being back with her brother and (albeit, foster) parents, and knowing that she isn’t going to get her powers back soon, Doverain wants to obstruct any connection with the prophecy.
Doverain smiled back at Russetleaf, Quailwing and the torbie’s mates as she pushed through the overgrowth and entered Firestar’s den.
“Doverain,” the tom purred, “you’ve proven yourself to be a great warrior, even beyond the prophecy. You’ve brought Russetleaf back to the Clan and have accomplished several other great feats. With that aside, what do you need?”
She paused. Did she want to do this? She wasn’t the third cat... did she have any involvement in the prophecy? Or was she just a temporary replacement?
She did want to do this.
“I... I want to change my name,” she mewed, “could you give me the proper ceremony for that? I understand if you think it’s silly or-”
Firestar cut her off. “I don’t think it’s silly at all Doverain. In fact, I’ll let you choose your new name when the time comes. I understand that you may not want to be connected to the prophecy any longer. I’ll host your ceremony right now, in fact. I already have something I need to announce anyways.”
And so, Firestar calls a Clan meeting. Cats still gossip about Cinderheart and all that, but after he shares the news of Sol...
“Before everyone leaves, I have something else I must do,” the leader announced just as cats were beginning to disperse, “Doverain, please come forward.”
The pale she-cat stepped forward, anxiety in her pelt. She heard a comforting whisper of “you got this” from Briarlight.
“Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name,” Firestar began. She gazed around camp, seeing a few confused yet supporting looks on cats’ faces. They know it from Brightheart. “I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what she is. By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name,” he jumped from the Highledge, looking to the currently nameless she-cat, “I give you the privilege to choose your own name.”
She paused, looking to her pelt. Pale gray... pale.
“I would like to be known as Palerain,” she mewed, hoping her trembling voice wasn’t obvious. Firestar nodded.
“By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name,” he mewed, “from this moment onward, she shall be known as Palerain.”
The newly named Palerain felt as if a weight had been lifted off her chest. She no longer had the burden of a prophecy on her shoulder.
But she knew what was coming.
Now note that I’ve never fully read the Last Hope... I read like the first couple of chapters and then stopped cuz it was boring and I knew what was coming (I spoil myself about shit that happens in the books sometimes... I knew who died in it, I knew about the battle, etc, etc)... but I just used the cliffnotes for every other book here so who cares!
So like the first chapter of the original Last Hope (with the change of it being Palerain instead), Palerain is training her Dark Forest apprentices (Birchfall isn’t one of them because the idea of her training her dad in the Dark Forest weirds me out) and Tigerstar and Mapleshade come to tell the trainees to wake up and go back to their nests. The trainees (reluctantly) agree but Hawkfrost stops Palerain and the other spies (alongside a few others... Blossomfall and the other ThunderClan trainees are there since most of them have started doubting the Dark Forest’s claims of being good and StarClan being bad) and brings them to the Gray Area, AKA where cats who did do bad things but had good reasoning for it but did too much of a bad to go to StarClan go. This is the area where Palerain’s Dark Forest training first started, the flower field. Note that none of the Dark Forest cats except maybe Mapleshade (I feel like she might also be in the Gray Area but leans closer to StarClan) know that Hawkfrost is in the Gray Area and think that he’s just in Hell outright. Anyways, he talks to the spies about the other senior Dark Forest warriors’ plan... not the battle, but another.
You know how when Antpelt died he got hypnotized in a way to believe that the Dark Forest’s plans were right and to care about them more than his old Clan? Well Hawkfrost tells the trainees that Tigerstar and the other senior Dark Forest warriors are planning to kill the trainees while they’re in the Dark Forest so the same thing will happen to them. Anyways Quailwing comes and brings some StarClan cats to violate the trainees’ privacy because he learned nothing from his training (the cats he brings are Bluestar, Yellowfang, Spottedleaf, Whitestorm, Oakheart, Redtail, Leopardstar (she’s just there because she was Hawkfrost’s mentor), Half Moon and Cinderpelt - note that here Cinderpelt was more of an imaginary friend / guardian angel to Cinderheart and Cinderheart just had her memories for some reason... it’s based on this AU and a post by @/the-broken-code-rewrite).
The trainees make a plan to fight back when the Dark Forest cats attempt to kill them and Hawkfrost is just like “good luck ig i’ll help u get 2 starclan if u die”.
Anyways at the Moonpool Russetleaf has the same dreams Jayfeather has in the canon book (yes, she does get POVs) and she’s confused when she sees Mothwing there... Willowshine and Lynxcloud also tag along here. Russetleaf tells them they need to unite their Clans and Lynxcloud promises to tell Mistystar that.
Mistystar’s not having any of that.
“but ur half-thunderclan”
“yeah but if starclan’s telling willowshine that the clans need to stand divided then i’m going to listen to starclan”
“mistystar, ur my mom, i love you, but listen to the child”
“i’m an adult reedwhisker”
“sure u r bab”
“ur not even my dad”
“leopardstar nursed you and i acted like ur dad”
Anyways Dark Forest shit happens. Palerain and the other spies are anticipating getting killed.
Brightheart announces she’s having babies and Russetleaf’s just like “brightheart... maybe wait”.
Skipping some shit/shuffling events around, the Three and Palerain discuss who they think the fourth cat might be.
Canidates: Lynxcloud and Russetleaf both think Cinderheart, Palerain thinks Ivypool. Quailwing doesn’t really have any ideas until Mothwing shows him and Russetleaf the flaming reed, after which he thinks Flametail. However, here, the reed itself wasn’t the omen. Instead the fact that despite steady rain it didn’t go out was the omen. Do you get it yet?
Anyways Dark Forest patrols. Only the Three, Palerain, Fallen Leaves (yes, he’s still awkwardly roaming ThunderClan), Cinderheart and the trainees can see them. Also like in the canon books Brokenstar slaughters Beetlewhisker. This is when the Dark Forest decides to attempt to kill the trainees. The spies and ThunderClan’s trainees fight back, and a few other trainees fight back too, but some of them (Redwillow... that seems to be about it canonically so it’s time for OCs! Cherrycloud and Leechfeather, both RiverClan cats) fight the “betrayers”. The spies and ThunderClan cats are escorted out by Hawkfrost and a few StarClan cats (mainly Goosefeather and Crookedstar) who know the way to the Dark Forest. Said StarClan cats fend off the Dark Forest cats and Redwillow while Hawkfrost and the spies / ThunderClanners escape to the Gray Area.
The ThunderClan trainees go on a patrol led by Palerain and find the spies and some of the other trainees by the island - Icewing, Hollowflight, Minnowtail, Harespring, Sunstrike, Furzepelt, Larkwing, Whiskernose, Ratscar, Applefur and Tigerheart. When asked where Redwillow is, Tigerheart explains that he woke up with lots of injuries and scars and is in the medicine cat den healing, and that he thinks that he swore loyalty to the Dark Forest and they killed him so he’d stay there. Icewing and the other RiverClan cats report the same for Leechfeather and Cherrycloud. Hawkfrost then appears because no one cares about privacy in this AU.
The Three and Palerain tell Leafpool, Mothwing, Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw about their destinies, blah blah blah, Lynxcloud accepts his destiny... and also tells them that he’s dating Willowshine and that he’s pretty sure she’s expecting his kits and Leafpool and Mothwing are just like “lynxcloud honey no” and Lynxcloud’s just like “lemme have a girlfriend”.
They’re not saying that about him dating Willowshine. They’re saying that about the kits.
Lynxcloud asks Willowshine if she’s cheating on him and she says that no, she’s not, she just wanted to have babies with him so she got Pebblefoot to sire some babs. Lynxcloud is both happy and realizes that she’s gon be in trouble but then Mistystar comes in like “yo i heard y’all talkin’ and i was already thinkin’ of givin’ mothwing her medicine cat position back and y’all have made me decide that maybe i should” and I don’t know why Mistystar’s Southern but anyways-
The medicine cats (Mothwing and Leafpool are there too because Brightheart’s struggling and Russetleaf’s like... a teenager) all decide they need to unite StarClan and Russetleaf tells them about the Dark Forest. Willowshine tells them she’s expecting kits and they all decide that that rule is pretty damn stupid so they should abolish it. Bluestar tells Russetleaf that Palerain’s the fourth cat and she’s like “y’know what that makes a lotta sense”. Russetleaf invades her privacy and hears Bluestar say this and tells Palerain and then brings the medicine cats to the Dark Forest to watch a training session. Palerain and most of the trainees are in the Gray Area with Hawkfrost while Redwillow, Leechfeather and Cherrycloud are all training for the battle.
Quailwing somehow gets to the Gay (I’m keeping that) Area and the medicine cats conspire there, all agreeing that they need to get their leaders to meet at the island.
Firestar brings Russetleaf, Quailwing and Palerain to the island (Palerain didn’t want to go but Firestar doesn’t know she doesn’t have her power anymore) and Lynxcloud comes with Mistystar. The Three reveal their powers to the Clans.
Russetleaf’s truth revealing/hypnosis, Lynxcloud’s inability to be hurt in battle, and Quailwing’s invasion of privacy.
The leaders decide to send patrols at each camp at dusk to prepare for the upcoming battle, and they decide to have reinforcements - cats who will send news to other Clans (I’m copy-pasting stuff from the Wiki now).
Palerain turns down Tigerheart with the reasoning of “i’m gay, ur gay, go marry bumbleflight”. Tigerheart is just like “wait i’m gay” and leaves to contemplate his sexuality.
Firestar tells the Clan about the Dark Forest and battle plans and stuff and Russetleaf talks to Cinderheart and they decide to be gay together. Fallen Leaves is there too.
“ily russetleaf”
“ily 2 fallen leaves”
“... hi i’m here 2″
“ily cinderheart”
“ily 2 russetleaf”
“we can be polyam”
“that sounds gucci”
The battle happens. Hawkfrost starts fighting on the side of the Dark Forest before he, Snowtuft and Thistleclaw “ambush” Palerain, after which he fights on the side of the Clans. Russetleaf almost dies but doesn’t.
Palerain sacrifices herself in order to save her sister from almost getting killed. However, due to her former unstable powers, her spirit simply gets disconnected from her body.
Spottedleaf double dies.
Firestar still dies, Brambleclaw becomes leader and appoints Cinderheart as deputy. Leafpool gets her medicine cat position back.
Let’s quickly quickfire through post-OotS pre-AVoS Super Editions / novellas in chronological order.
Dovewing’s Silence
Palerain gets back to her body after having some strange dreams. That’s basically it. I don’t remember this book. Foxleap and Icecloud don’t die. Hazeltail doesn’t either. Basically no one dies.
Crowfeather’s Trial
Instead called Crowfeather’s Peace as he comes to a peace with his past “relationship” with Feathertail and reflects on his relationship with Nightcloud. The first half of it takes place with him as Crowpaw during the journey to the Sun-drown Place while the second half of it takes place a bit before Po3 but after TNP, around the same time as Leafpool’s Wish, as he and Nightcloud become close and eventually have Breezepelt.
Bramblestar’s Storm
This book’s about the same.
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