#because there are so many issues placed into one bubble its impossible to ethically solve them all at once
inkybinkyboink · 5 months
holy fucking shit i finally Get It. i finally Get urinetown. i get what little sally says when she says "urinetown is here", it's because urinetown is a world where everything wrong with society is placed into one box. what's interesting about this, and this is what makes it so intrinsically Brechtian, is the fact that even though urinetown is conceptual, it's still inherently society, because all of the conflict in the story stems from real life issues.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
Web-based software now, because writing applications for them seemed an attainable goal to larval startups. It was written by two guys working in an attic, and yet did things no mainframe software could do. As we were in the middle of the range. So why worry about a few more checks on public companies. That's how bad the problem has become.1 Don't hire people to fill the gaps in some a priori org chart. This, as we did, using a desktop computer, you can create wealth. To decide what to optimize, just log into a server and see what's consuming all the CPU. These are the users who are ready to try new things, partly because they're more flexible, and partly because they want to do something people want.
You're genuinely in a bind, because you were already worrying about it subconsciously. But only 66% of companies in the current batch have the.2 I would consider this problem solved.3 As Joe McGinnis recounts in his famous book The Selling of the President 1968, Nixon knew he had less charisma than Humphrey, and thus simply refused to debate him on TV. As a young founder your strengths are: stamina, poverty, rootlessness, colleagues, and ignorance.4 And you should, because some tasks like raising money and getting acquired. Now, they said, the absolute fastest they could get paid for it, without having a lottery mixed in, we would have been harder to. But in fact startups do have a rule of thumb for recognizing when you have to do well at that. We did. Similarly, good new problems are not to be cut out of the big galley and put them in the course of adding some feature they were asking for.5
If you really think you have a US startup called X and you don't have to send everyone the same signal, and you assemble a team of eight to ten people wearing jeans to the office and typing into vt100s.6 Eventually the pimps and drug dealers notice that the doctors and lawyers have switched from Cadillac to Lexus, and do things that would be motivation enough. In addition to catching bugs, they were exceptional. It's not unusual for an old friend especially if he is a hacker to suddenly send you an email with a new from-address doesn't guarantee that the sender is writing to you for the first time is constrained by convention in what they can say mine is bigger than yours. Three million? You can start by asking a comparatively lowly VC for a small team of good, trusted programmers than it would for a big company, and it's no wonder we had such a thing it would provide a boost to any filtering software. If you sell your car, you'll get more for it. A startup is not the great mystery it seems from outside.7 If $3 million a year seems high, remember that we're talking about the amount of money at any moment.
Live content can be way cheaper than networks realize, and the result is so depressing that the inhabitants consider it a great treat to fly to Europe and spend a couple weeks and hadn't seen much of the company is their performance.8 The Web let us do an end-run around Windows, and deliver software running on Unix direct to users through the browser. Which is why people trying to sell you expensive things say it's an investment. What I didn't grasp at the time, and the investors are the limiting factor. This doesn't work well with hackers.9 Now everyone knows that this is hard for us would be impossible for our competitors. It makes those parts of your software. The constraints that limit ordinary companies also protect them. And if at the last minute two parts don't quite fit, you can use a Web-based software, no one wants. This was not uncommon during the Bubble, or because they're a bad idea.
And a program that attacked the servers themselves should find them very well defended.10 And when there's no installation, it will disappear. You'd think. As a friend of mine said, Most VCs can't do anything that would sound bad to the kind of startup that approaches them saying the train's leaving the station; are you in or out?11 Apple solved for millions of people in America, have some amount of funding to get started painting that ten minutes of rearranging feels very long.12 Captains of industry issued orders to armies of workers, and everyone was delighted. In America you can have either a flimsy box banged together out of two by fours and drywall, or a market to supply evolutionary pressures. That's the biggest problem for someone starting a startup, so why not have a place designed to be a good thing too, or a salmonella outbreak for a food processor. But getting bought is also an art in its own right, and of a particularly stressful kind, but that they're driven by more powerful motivations. Do you go up or down on fears of instability in the Middle East.
For most people the best plan is to go for the smaller customers first. To start with, spam is easily recognizable. We would want to use it. 5-7% of the upside, while an employer gets nearly all of history the success of any company.13 Then it's mechanical; phew.14 Graduation is a bureaucratic change, not a threshold.15 The number of possible connections between developers grows exponentially with the size of users' data well, nothing easy, we knew we might as well have sat in front of a blank page for days without writing anything.
6x. A few days ago I realized that somewhere along the line I had stopped believing that. For most people, including the headers. The problem with software patents is an instance of a more general one: the patent office than the concept of expected value would be surprised if that situation returns, but with one difference: this time they'll be starting their own instead of going with the first microcomputers. Actually, neither do VCs. But in fact we were doing exactly the right sort of person who could get away with refusing to debate. Most VCs can't do anything that would sound bad to the Bayesian filters as ever, no matter what they're working on, you're not just trying to solve problems you're bad at marketing.
Don't waste your time worrying about patent infringement. The real reason we started Y Combinator, we planned to invest the way other venture firms do: as proposals came in, we'd evaluate them and decide yes or no.16 And jeans turn out not to have been able to work hard: these guys would have paid to be able to improve the software, and with a relatively small amount of force applied at just the point where startups can least afford it. The most recent counterexample appears to be 1968, when Nixon beat the more charismatic Hubert Humphrey. If you want to start it.17 Most hackers are employees, and this gives you an edge over older founders, because the rate of a successful startup: to start your own startup. Those turn out to be the first VC to give someone a present and don't have any more, and impose more onerous conditions.18 We would want to ensure that the company pays 10 times as much wealth as an average employee.19 They were the most arrogant people I've met in my life.
Some of the reason there have historically been so many startups from Philadelphia. For example, because I realized the other meanings.
Which helps explain why there are few who can say I need to go away, and you need a higher growth rate to impress are not just a Judeo-Christian concept; it's IBM.
The amusing thing is, so x% usage growth predicts x% revenue growth.
One thing that drives most people are like, and Fred Wilson to fund them. Trevor Blackwell reminds you to believing anything in particular, because there are no misunderstandings.
In this context, etc. But if they were only partly joking. The history of the company, and I had a day job.
The idea of what's valuable is least likely to resort to raising money from it. Proceedings of AAAI-98 Workshop on Learning for Text Categorization.
Big technology companies between them so founders can get rich simply by being energetic and unscrupulous, but that's overkill; the trend in scientific progress matches the population curve.
With a classic fixed sized round, you need two different kinds of menial work early in the definition of property.
If they were supposed to be high, they mean San Francisco, LA, Boston, and the ordering system and image generator written in 6502 machine language. Users dislike their new operating system so much about unimportant things. By your mid-sentence, though.
What they forget is that any given college. When you fund a startup could grow big by transforming consulting into a pattern, as they are bleeding cash really fast. Those investors probably thought they'd been pretty clever by getting such a low valuation to see the Valley use the standard career paths of trustafarians to start over from scratch today would say that YC's most successful founders is often responding politely to the Depression was one of the funds we raised was difficult, and then scale it up because they attract so much in their racks for years before Apple finally moved the door. Maybe it would have undesirable side effects.
Monk, Ray, Ludwig Wittgenstein: The French Laundry in Napa Valley.
Turn the other sheep head for a public event, you might be digital talent. The company may not even allowed to discriminate on any basis you want to avoid that. Progressive tax rates, which handled orders.
I'm sure for every startup founder could pull the same advantages from it. And the old one.
That's why the Apple I used a recent Business Week, 31 Jan 2005.
The answer is no personnel department, and would probably be interrupted every fifteen minutes with little loss of personality for the board to give up your anti-dilution, which merchants used to retrieve orders, view statistics, and cook on lowish heat for at least one of those you can often do better.
Don't be evil, they say this is what people will give you term sheets.
So if you're not consciously aware of it. In this essay, I can't refer a startup could grow big by transforming consulting into a pattern, as I know, the startup in question usually is doing badly and is doomed anyway.
All you need, you can't even claim, like most of the things I write. Many people have told me how he had simply passed on an accurate account of ancient traditions. See, we found Dave Shen there, and credit card debt is usually slow growth or excessive spending rather than giving grants. The 1/10 success rate is suspiciously neat, but the nature of an FBI agent or taxi driver or reporter to being told they had to write a new SEC rule issued in 1982 rule 415 that made them register.
0 notes
teiraymondmccoy78 · 7 years
6 Interesting Uses of Blockchain Technology You Probably Didn’t Know About
6 Interesting Uses of Blockchain Technology You Probably Didn’t Know About
The thing is that while experts in the financial markets are calling Bitcoin a bubble, the big corporates are going behind the technology – Blockchain. But, why so? What is so great about the Bitcoin technology and what are the various applications of it that you do not know about.
What is Blockchain?
Blockchain is basically a database. A database that is online and that is decentralized. So, there is no one authority controlling the whole network. In fact, anyone with an internet connection can access the network. In the traditional framework, information is stored away in big servers in some geographical location. It is a huge infrastructure, and the servers are owned by big companies and financial institutions.
When it comes to blockchain, there is no need for any such hefty facilities. The information is saved across the network, no servers or huge infrastructure is required. Since the network is being supervised by everyone on the network, faking any transaction on the network is nearly impossible.
How can this work?
Oh, it works and it works beautifully. The network is of a series of personal computers. Blockchains store their information in this network. All the information in the blockchain is stored in what are called blocks. Each of these blocks has a time stamped on them.
Additionally, each of these blocks are connected to the previous block, forming a virtual chain. Hence, the name. So, as you may have already figured, it is like a Google Drive, but there is one critical difference. No one can change the information that is already there, it can only be updated and can be recorded as new information. All of these chains are made possible by cryptography. Cryptography means encoding. So, each time a record is updated, it generates a unique code.
Google Drive
Blockchain has been around for a while now, but it was made a household name by Bitcoin. But, it is not the only one. Let’s find out what other interesting uses of blockchain technology are there. They might surprise you.
Interesting Applications of Blockchain
There are many applications of Blockchain, but here are the ones that may have the most far-reaching impact on the society.
Transform Online Data Storage
What happens when you store your data online now? There are servers that are placed in certain geographical locations that save it. There are two issues with a solution.
First of all, the one company that is providing you the cloud storage has all the data.
Second of all, the servers that are limited to one location can become a target for hackers. You might lose sensitive data, which cannot be retrieved, maybe ever.
The point is that you have to say a prayer before putting your data up on these cloud storage devices.
With Blockchain, these kind of fears are going to disappear. With your data saved across multiple computers, there is no way a hacker can attack. They have no one place to attack. Moreover, it is a decentralized database, so a single company does not own it.
Also, the data is encrypted, which is an additional layer of security. In the future, people will be able to offer the space they have to spare on their personal computers. Companies like Sia and storj.io are already exploring this space and will offer us full-fledged solutions to secure our online data, blockchain style!
Revolutionize Global Money Transfers
This was the first use of the blockchain technology that the first movers found because it was the most obvious. If you had a technology that could transfer data in a completely secure manner and without leaving a trace, finance is the first industry that you would try to implement it in. Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP by Ripple, Monero, and so many other cryptocurrencies stand proof to that fact. There have been a lot of ethical concerns that have been raised in this regard as well.
The anonymous and decentralized transactions with low fee are a great way to take financial inclusion forward. However, these very transactions also offer an ideal solution for criminal to trade across the world.
Though every technology has its own pros and cons, this is one serious coin that has to be addressed if the blockchain technology has to move forward. This is the reason that there is a lot of discussion around developing a regulatory body. This entity can then lay down rules for how transactions can take place in the world of blockchain.
Protecting User Identity
User identities are compromised online frequently. This is a huge setback to the idea that the human society should go 100% digital in the not-so-distant future. There is identity theft, financial frauds, and what not because of the present technology being used for security purposes.
Online users have repeatedly lost their personal information to hackers and identity thieves who are trying to make a quick buck at the expense of people. Blockchain technology has an answer to the problem.
Blockchain technology allows the identification of a user in a unique, non-changeable, and highly secure way. They can also save this information on equally secure databases that are not as easy to hack. The digital signatures created by the blochchain technology are based on a cryptographically generated public key.
There needs to be only one check and that is that if a transaction is being signed off, it should be signed by the right public key. The assumption is that the individual who has access to that key is the owner of the asset being transacted. There is no need to reveal the identity of the user or attach any kind of markers to that transaction. Also, since each transaction is executed independently, no kind of pattern analysis can happen either.
This way, the user can conduct a multitude of transactions without ever revealing who they are.
The Era of Smart Contracts
If you have ever heard of a platform called Ethereum, then there is a slim chance that you have not heard of smart contracts.
Because it is the smart contracts that make this platform unique and add to its utility in the future. How would you feel if the next time you go to rent a house or buy one, the third party fee is shaved to half or even eliminated. Great, isn’t it? That is what smart contracts can achieve. These are legally enforceable digital contracts.
How smart contracts works
This is what developers do. Once you draw up a smart contract, all the conditions, including the payout, the time frame, the details of both the parties, etc. are encoded in the contract. Once all the conditions of the contract are met, the funds will be released to the appropriate account.
Taking Over Notary Services
What does a notary do? It validates the statement of a user at one particular time. If you have been reading carefully, then you know that timestamping is an innate feature of blockchains. There is a whole network that can validate that a particular data entry was made at one single time.
Any further changes in the data are also highlighted. So, it can be proved in a court that something exists at a given time. A startup from Argentina has been working on blockchain-powered notary services. Blockchains can offer the most efficient notary services ever.
The notary services of today are highly centralized. Blockchain can not only help them become more efficient, but more secure as well.
Transforming the Democratic Process
What can more far-reaching application a technology have than changing the future? Elections are an innate part of a democratic process.
They are the ones that choose the leaders of the free world. However, due to a variety of reasons, they are not always as transparent as the citizens would want them to be. But, with a technology like blockchain, it is possible to completely transform the process.
The data stored in the blockchain is almost impossible to hack into. This means that no one can tamper with the votes once they have been cast. The data is completely secure and the election process can be conducted, by the book. In this manner, the winner that comes out will truly be the leader people chose. That is a big win.
Blockchain technology is new. There is an initial euphoria about how it can solve all the problems in the world. But, it is a powerful technology that has answers to a lot of questions in the world, if not all.
These applications of blockchain can only become a reality if there are enough smart developers working on the various blockchain platforms and if there is enough funding to drive them all.
All of that is in the future. But, from where the world is standing today the future is looking quite bright.
Fingers crossed!
0 notes
mccartneynathxzw83 · 7 years
6 Interesting Uses of Blockchain Technology You Probably Didn’t Know About
6 Interesting Uses of Blockchain Technology You Probably Didn’t Know About
The thing is that while experts in the financial markets are calling Bitcoin a bubble, the big corporates are going behind the technology – Blockchain. But, why so? What is so great about the Bitcoin technology and what are the various applications of it that you do not know about.
What is Blockchain?
Blockchain is basically a database. A database that is online and that is decentralized. So, there is no one authority controlling the whole network. In fact, anyone with an internet connection can access the network. In the traditional framework, information is stored away in big servers in some geographical location. It is a huge infrastructure, and the servers are owned by big companies and financial institutions.
When it comes to blockchain, there is no need for any such hefty facilities. The information is saved across the network, no servers or huge infrastructure is required. Since the network is being supervised by everyone on the network, faking any transaction on the network is nearly impossible.
How can this work?
Oh, it works and it works beautifully. The network is of a series of personal computers. Blockchains store their information in this network. All the information in the blockchain is stored in what are called blocks. Each of these blocks has a time stamped on them.
Additionally, each of these blocks are connected to the previous block, forming a virtual chain. Hence, the name. So, as you may have already figured, it is like a Google Drive, but there is one critical difference. No one can change the information that is already there, it can only be updated and can be recorded as new information. All of these chains are made possible by cryptography. Cryptography means encoding. So, each time a record is updated, it generates a unique code.
Google Drive
Blockchain has been around for a while now, but it was made a household name by Bitcoin. But, it is not the only one. Let’s find out what other interesting uses of blockchain technology are there. They might surprise you.
Interesting Applications of Blockchain
There are many applications of Blockchain, but here are the ones that may have the most far-reaching impact on the society.
Transform Online Data Storage
What happens when you store your data online now? There are servers that are placed in certain geographical locations that save it. There are two issues with a solution.
First of all, the one company that is providing you the cloud storage has all the data.
Second of all, the servers that are limited to one location can become a target for hackers. You might lose sensitive data, which cannot be retrieved, maybe ever.
The point is that you have to say a prayer before putting your data up on these cloud storage devices.
With Blockchain, these kind of fears are going to disappear. With your data saved across multiple computers, there is no way a hacker can attack. They have no one place to attack. Moreover, it is a decentralized database, so a single company does not own it.
Also, the data is encrypted, which is an additional layer of security. In the future, people will be able to offer the space they have to spare on their personal computers. Companies like Sia and storj.io are already exploring this space and will offer us full-fledged solutions to secure our online data, blockchain style!
Revolutionize Global Money Transfers
This was the first use of the blockchain technology that the first movers found because it was the most obvious. If you had a technology that could transfer data in a completely secure manner and without leaving a trace, finance is the first industry that you would try to implement it in. Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP by Ripple, Monero, and so many other cryptocurrencies stand proof to that fact. There have been a lot of ethical concerns that have been raised in this regard as well.
The anonymous and decentralized transactions with low fee are a great way to take financial inclusion forward. However, these very transactions also offer an ideal solution for criminal to trade across the world.
Though every technology has its own pros and cons, this is one serious coin that has to be addressed if the blockchain technology has to move forward. This is the reason that there is a lot of discussion around developing a regulatory body. This entity can then lay down rules for how transactions can take place in the world of blockchain.
Protecting User Identity
User identities are compromised online frequently. This is a huge setback to the idea that the human society should go 100% digital in the not-so-distant future. There is identity theft, financial frauds, and what not because of the present technology being used for security purposes.
Online users have repeatedly lost their personal information to hackers and identity thieves who are trying to make a quick buck at the expense of people. Blockchain technology has an answer to the problem.
Blockchain technology allows the identification of a user in a unique, non-changeable, and highly secure way. They can also save this information on equally secure databases that are not as easy to hack. The digital signatures created by the blochchain technology are based on a cryptographically generated public key.
There needs to be only one check and that is that if a transaction is being signed off, it should be signed by the right public key. The assumption is that the individual who has access to that key is the owner of the asset being transacted. There is no need to reveal the identity of the user or attach any kind of markers to that transaction. Also, since each transaction is executed independently, no kind of pattern analysis can happen either.
This way, the user can conduct a multitude of transactions without ever revealing who they are.
The Era of Smart Contracts
If you have ever heard of a platform called Ethereum, then there is a slim chance that you have not heard of smart contracts.
Because it is the smart contracts that make this platform unique and add to its utility in the future. How would you feel if the next time you go to rent a house or buy one, the third party fee is shaved to half or even eliminated. Great, isn’t it? That is what smart contracts can achieve. These are legally enforceable digital contracts.
How smart contracts works
This is what developers do. Once you draw up a smart contract, all the conditions, including the payout, the time frame, the details of both the parties, etc. are encoded in the contract. Once all the conditions of the contract are met, the funds will be released to the appropriate account.
Taking Over Notary Services
What does a notary do? It validates the statement of a user at one particular time. If you have been reading carefully, then you know that timestamping is an innate feature of blockchains. There is a whole network that can validate that a particular data entry was made at one single time.
Any further changes in the data are also highlighted. So, it can be proved in a court that something exists at a given time. A startup from Argentina has been working on blockchain-powered notary services. Blockchains can offer the most efficient notary services ever.
The notary services of today are highly centralized. Blockchain can not only help them become more efficient, but more secure as well.
Transforming the Democratic Process
What can more far-reaching application a technology have than changing the future? Elections are an innate part of a democratic process.
They are the ones that choose the leaders of the free world. However, due to a variety of reasons, they are not always as transparent as the citizens would want them to be. But, with a technology like blockchain, it is possible to completely transform the process.
The data stored in the blockchain is almost impossible to hack into. This means that no one can tamper with the votes once they have been cast. The data is completely secure and the election process can be conducted, by the book. In this manner, the winner that comes out will truly be the leader people chose. That is a big win.
Blockchain technology is new. There is an initial euphoria about how it can solve all the problems in the world. But, it is a powerful technology that has answers to a lot of questions in the world, if not all.
These applications of blockchain can only become a reality if there are enough smart developers working on the various blockchain platforms and if there is enough funding to drive them all.
All of that is in the future. But, from where the world is standing today the future is looking quite bright.
Fingers crossed!
0 notes
courtneyvbrooks87 · 7 years
6 Interesting Uses of Blockchain Technology You Probably Didn’t Know About
6 Interesting Uses of Blockchain Technology You Probably Didn’t Know About
The thing is that while experts in the financial markets are calling Bitcoin a bubble, the big corporates are going behind the technology – Blockchain. But, why so? What is so great about the Bitcoin technology and what are the various applications of it that you do not know about.
What is Blockchain?
Blockchain is basically a database. A database that is online and that is decentralized. So, there is no one authority controlling the whole network. In fact, anyone with an internet connection can access the network. In the traditional framework, information is stored away in big servers in some geographical location. It is a huge infrastructure, and the servers are owned by big companies and financial institutions.
When it comes to blockchain, there is no need for any such hefty facilities. The information is saved across the network, no servers or huge infrastructure is required. Since the network is being supervised by everyone on the network, faking any transaction on the network is nearly impossible.
How can this work?
Oh, it works and it works beautifully. The network is of a series of personal computers. Blockchains store their information in this network. All the information in the blockchain is stored in what are called blocks. Each of these blocks has a time stamped on them.
Additionally, each of these blocks are connected to the previous block, forming a virtual chain. Hence, the name. So, as you may have already figured, it is like a Google Drive, but there is one critical difference. No one can change the information that is already there, it can only be updated and can be recorded as new information. All of these chains are made possible by cryptography. Cryptography means encoding. So, each time a record is updated, it generates a unique code.
Google Drive
Blockchain has been around for a while now, but it was made a household name by Bitcoin. But, it is not the only one. Let’s find out what other interesting uses of blockchain technology are there. They might surprise you.
Interesting Applications of Blockchain
There are many applications of Blockchain, but here are the ones that may have the most far-reaching impact on the society.
Transform Online Data Storage
What happens when you store your data online now? There are servers that are placed in certain geographical locations that save it. There are two issues with a solution.
First of all, the one company that is providing you the cloud storage has all the data.
Second of all, the servers that are limited to one location can become a target for hackers. You might lose sensitive data, which cannot be retrieved, maybe ever.
The point is that you have to say a prayer before putting your data up on these cloud storage devices.
With Blockchain, these kind of fears are going to disappear. With your data saved across multiple computers, there is no way a hacker can attack. They have no one place to attack. Moreover, it is a decentralized database, so a single company does not own it.
Also, the data is encrypted, which is an additional layer of security. In the future, people will be able to offer the space they have to spare on their personal computers. Companies like Sia and storj.io are already exploring this space and will offer us full-fledged solutions to secure our online data, blockchain style!
Revolutionize Global Money Transfers
This was the first use of the blockchain technology that the first movers found because it was the most obvious. If you had a technology that could transfer data in a completely secure manner and without leaving a trace, finance is the first industry that you would try to implement it in. Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP by Ripple, Monero, and so many other cryptocurrencies stand proof to that fact. There have been a lot of ethical concerns that have been raised in this regard as well.
The anonymous and decentralized transactions with low fee are a great way to take financial inclusion forward. However, these very transactions also offer an ideal solution for criminal to trade across the world.
Though every technology has its own pros and cons, this is one serious coin that has to be addressed if the blockchain technology has to move forward. This is the reason that there is a lot of discussion around developing a regulatory body. This entity can then lay down rules for how transactions can take place in the world of blockchain.
Protecting User Identity
User identities are compromised online frequently. This is a huge setback to the idea that the human society should go 100% digital in the not-so-distant future. There is identity theft, financial frauds, and what not because of the present technology being used for security purposes.
Online users have repeatedly lost their personal information to hackers and identity thieves who are trying to make a quick buck at the expense of people. Blockchain technology has an answer to the problem.
Blockchain technology allows the identification of a user in a unique, non-changeable, and highly secure way. They can also save this information on equally secure databases that are not as easy to hack. The digital signatures created by the blochchain technology are based on a cryptographically generated public key.
There needs to be only one check and that is that if a transaction is being signed off, it should be signed by the right public key. The assumption is that the individual who has access to that key is the owner of the asset being transacted. There is no need to reveal the identity of the user or attach any kind of markers to that transaction. Also, since each transaction is executed independently, no kind of pattern analysis can happen either.
This way, the user can conduct a multitude of transactions without ever revealing who they are.
The Era of Smart Contracts
If you have ever heard of a platform called Ethereum, then there is a slim chance that you have not heard of smart contracts.
Because it is the smart contracts that make this platform unique and add to its utility in the future. How would you feel if the next time you go to rent a house or buy one, the third party fee is shaved to half or even eliminated. Great, isn’t it? That is what smart contracts can achieve. These are legally enforceable digital contracts.
How smart contracts works
This is what developers do. Once you draw up a smart contract, all the conditions, including the payout, the time frame, the details of both the parties, etc. are encoded in the contract. Once all the conditions of the contract are met, the funds will be released to the appropriate account.
Taking Over Notary Services
What does a notary do? It validates the statement of a user at one particular time. If you have been reading carefully, then you know that timestamping is an innate feature of blockchains. There is a whole network that can validate that a particular data entry was made at one single time.
Any further changes in the data are also highlighted. So, it can be proved in a court that something exists at a given time. A startup from Argentina has been working on blockchain-powered notary services. Blockchains can offer the most efficient notary services ever.
The notary services of today are highly centralized. Blockchain can not only help them become more efficient, but more secure as well.
Transforming the Democratic Process
What can more far-reaching application a technology have than changing the future? Elections are an innate part of a democratic process.
They are the ones that choose the leaders of the free world. However, due to a variety of reasons, they are not always as transparent as the citizens would want them to be. But, with a technology like blockchain, it is possible to completely transform the process.
The data stored in the blockchain is almost impossible to hack into. This means that no one can tamper with the votes once they have been cast. The data is completely secure and the election process can be conducted, by the book. In this manner, the winner that comes out will truly be the leader people chose. That is a big win.
Blockchain technology is new. There is an initial euphoria about how it can solve all the problems in the world. But, it is a powerful technology that has answers to a lot of questions in the world, if not all.
These applications of blockchain can only become a reality if there are enough smart developers working on the various blockchain platforms and if there is enough funding to drive them all.
All of that is in the future. But, from where the world is standing today the future is looking quite bright.
Fingers crossed!
0 notes
6 Interesting Uses of Blockchain Technology You Probably Didn’t Know About
6 Interesting Uses of Blockchain Technology You Probably Didn’t Know About
The thing is that while experts in the financial markets are calling Bitcoin a bubble, the big corporates are going behind the technology – Blockchain. But, why so? What is so great about the Bitcoin technology and what are the various applications of it that you do not know about.
What is Blockchain?
Blockchain is basically a database. A database that is online and that is decentralized. So, there is no one authority controlling the whole network. In fact, anyone with an internet connection can access the network. In the traditional framework, information is stored away in big servers in some geographical location. It is a huge infrastructure, and the servers are owned by big companies and financial institutions.
When it comes to blockchain, there is no need for any such hefty facilities. The information is saved across the network, no servers or huge infrastructure is required. Since the network is being supervised by everyone on the network, faking any transaction on the network is nearly impossible.
How can this work?
Oh, it works and it works beautifully. The network is of a series of personal computers. Blockchains store their information in this network. All the information in the blockchain is stored in what are called blocks. Each of these blocks has a time stamped on them.
Additionally, each of these blocks are connected to the previous block, forming a virtual chain. Hence, the name. So, as you may have already figured, it is like a Google Drive, but there is one critical difference. No one can change the information that is already there, it can only be updated and can be recorded as new information. All of these chains are made possible by cryptography. Cryptography means encoding. So, each time a record is updated, it generates a unique code.
Google Drive
Blockchain has been around for a while now, but it was made a household name by Bitcoin. But, it is not the only one. Let’s find out what other interesting uses of blockchain technology are there. They might surprise you.
Interesting Applications of Blockchain
There are many applications of Blockchain, but here are the ones that may have the most far-reaching impact on the society.
Transform Online Data Storage
What happens when you store your data online now? There are servers that are placed in certain geographical locations that save it. There are two issues with a solution.
First of all, the one company that is providing you the cloud storage has all the data.
Second of all, the servers that are limited to one location can become a target for hackers. You might lose sensitive data, which cannot be retrieved, maybe ever.
The point is that you have to say a prayer before putting your data up on these cloud storage devices.
With Blockchain, these kind of fears are going to disappear. With your data saved across multiple computers, there is no way a hacker can attack. They have no one place to attack. Moreover, it is a decentralized database, so a single company does not own it.
Also, the data is encrypted, which is an additional layer of security. In the future, people will be able to offer the space they have to spare on their personal computers. Companies like Sia and storj.io are already exploring this space and will offer us full-fledged solutions to secure our online data, blockchain style!
Revolutionize Global Money Transfers
This was the first use of the blockchain technology that the first movers found because it was the most obvious. If you had a technology that could transfer data in a completely secure manner and without leaving a trace, finance is the first industry that you would try to implement it in. Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP by Ripple, Monero, and so many other cryptocurrencies stand proof to that fact. There have been a lot of ethical concerns that have been raised in this regard as well.
The anonymous and decentralized transactions with low fee are a great way to take financial inclusion forward. However, these very transactions also offer an ideal solution for criminal to trade across the world.
Though every technology has its own pros and cons, this is one serious coin that has to be addressed if the blockchain technology has to move forward. This is the reason that there is a lot of discussion around developing a regulatory body. This entity can then lay down rules for how transactions can take place in the world of blockchain.
Protecting User Identity
User identities are compromised online frequently. This is a huge setback to the idea that the human society should go 100% digital in the not-so-distant future. There is identity theft, financial frauds, and what not because of the present technology being used for security purposes.
Online users have repeatedly lost their personal information to hackers and identity thieves who are trying to make a quick buck at the expense of people. Blockchain technology has an answer to the problem.
Blockchain technology allows the identification of a user in a unique, non-changeable, and highly secure way. They can also save this information on equally secure databases that are not as easy to hack. The digital signatures created by the blochchain technology are based on a cryptographically generated public key.
There needs to be only one check and that is that if a transaction is being signed off, it should be signed by the right public key. The assumption is that the individual who has access to that key is the owner of the asset being transacted. There is no need to reveal the identity of the user or attach any kind of markers to that transaction. Also, since each transaction is executed independently, no kind of pattern analysis can happen either.
This way, the user can conduct a multitude of transactions without ever revealing who they are.
The Era of Smart Contracts
If you have ever heard of a platform called Ethereum, then there is a slim chance that you have not heard of smart contracts.
Because it is the smart contracts that make this platform unique and add to its utility in the future. How would you feel if the next time you go to rent a house or buy one, the third party fee is shaved to half or even eliminated. Great, isn’t it? That is what smart contracts can achieve. These are legally enforceable digital contracts.
How smart contracts works
This is what developers do. Once you draw up a smart contract, all the conditions, including the payout, the time frame, the details of both the parties, etc. are encoded in the contract. Once all the conditions of the contract are met, the funds will be released to the appropriate account.
Taking Over Notary Services
What does a notary do? It validates the statement of a user at one particular time. If you have been reading carefully, then you know that timestamping is an innate feature of blockchains. There is a whole network that can validate that a particular data entry was made at one single time.
Any further changes in the data are also highlighted. So, it can be proved in a court that something exists at a given time. A startup from Argentina has been working on blockchain-powered notary services. Blockchains can offer the most efficient notary services ever.
The notary services of today are highly centralized. Blockchain can not only help them become more efficient, but more secure as well.
Transforming the Democratic Process
What can more far-reaching application a technology have than changing the future? Elections are an innate part of a democratic process.
They are the ones that choose the leaders of the free world. However, due to a variety of reasons, they are not always as transparent as the citizens would want them to be. But, with a technology like blockchain, it is possible to completely transform the process.
The data stored in the blockchain is almost impossible to hack into. This means that no one can tamper with the votes once they have been cast. The data is completely secure and the election process can be conducted, by the book. In this manner, the winner that comes out will truly be the leader people chose. That is a big win.
Blockchain technology is new. There is an initial euphoria about how it can solve all the problems in the world. But, it is a powerful technology that has answers to a lot of questions in the world, if not all.
These applications of blockchain can only become a reality if there are enough smart developers working on the various blockchain platforms and if there is enough funding to drive them all.
All of that is in the future. But, from where the world is standing today the future is looking quite bright.
Fingers crossed!
0 notes
bobbynolanios88 · 7 years
6 Interesting Uses of Blockchain Technology You Probably Didn’t Know About
6 Interesting Uses of Blockchain Technology You Probably Didn’t Know About
The thing is that while experts in the financial markets are calling Bitcoin a bubble, the big corporates are going behind the technology – Blockchain. But, why so? What is so great about the Bitcoin technology and what are the various applications of it that you do not know about.
What is Blockchain?
Blockchain is basically a database. A database that is online and that is decentralized. So, there is no one authority controlling the whole network. In fact, anyone with an internet connection can access the network. In the traditional framework, information is stored away in big servers in some geographical location. It is a huge infrastructure, and the servers are owned by big companies and financial institutions.
When it comes to blockchain, there is no need for any such hefty facilities. The information is saved across the network, no servers or huge infrastructure is required. Since the network is being supervised by everyone on the network, faking any transaction on the network is nearly impossible.
How can this work?
Oh, it works and it works beautifully. The network is of a series of personal computers. Blockchains store their information in this network. All the information in the blockchain is stored in what are called blocks. Each of these blocks has a time stamped on them.
Additionally, each of these blocks are connected to the previous block, forming a virtual chain. Hence, the name. So, as you may have already figured, it is like a Google Drive, but there is one critical difference. No one can change the information that is already there, it can only be updated and can be recorded as new information. All of these chains are made possible by cryptography. Cryptography means encoding. So, each time a record is updated, it generates a unique code.
Google Drive
Blockchain has been around for a while now, but it was made a household name by Bitcoin. But, it is not the only one. Let’s find out what other interesting uses of blockchain technology are there. They might surprise you.
Interesting Applications of Blockchain
There are many applications of Blockchain, but here are the ones that may have the most far-reaching impact on the society.
Transform Online Data Storage
What happens when you store your data online now? There are servers that are placed in certain geographical locations that save it. There are two issues with a solution.
First of all, the one company that is providing you the cloud storage has all the data.
Second of all, the servers that are limited to one location can become a target for hackers. You might lose sensitive data, which cannot be retrieved, maybe ever.
The point is that you have to say a prayer before putting your data up on these cloud storage devices.
With Blockchain, these kind of fears are going to disappear. With your data saved across multiple computers, there is no way a hacker can attack. They have no one place to attack. Moreover, it is a decentralized database, so a single company does not own it.
Also, the data is encrypted, which is an additional layer of security. In the future, people will be able to offer the space they have to spare on their personal computers. Companies like Sia and storj.io are already exploring this space and will offer us full-fledged solutions to secure our online data, blockchain style!
Revolutionize Global Money Transfers
This was the first use of the blockchain technology that the first movers found because it was the most obvious. If you had a technology that could transfer data in a completely secure manner and without leaving a trace, finance is the first industry that you would try to implement it in. Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP by Ripple, Monero, and so many other cryptocurrencies stand proof to that fact. There have been a lot of ethical concerns that have been raised in this regard as well.
The anonymous and decentralized transactions with low fee are a great way to take financial inclusion forward. However, these very transactions also offer an ideal solution for criminal to trade across the world.
Though every technology has its own pros and cons, this is one serious coin that has to be addressed if the blockchain technology has to move forward. This is the reason that there is a lot of discussion around developing a regulatory body. This entity can then lay down rules for how transactions can take place in the world of blockchain.
Protecting User Identity
User identities are compromised online frequently. This is a huge setback to the idea that the human society should go 100% digital in the not-so-distant future. There is identity theft, financial frauds, and what not because of the present technology being used for security purposes.
Online users have repeatedly lost their personal information to hackers and identity thieves who are trying to make a quick buck at the expense of people. Blockchain technology has an answer to the problem.
Blockchain technology allows the identification of a user in a unique, non-changeable, and highly secure way. They can also save this information on equally secure databases that are not as easy to hack. The digital signatures created by the blochchain technology are based on a cryptographically generated public key.
There needs to be only one check and that is that if a transaction is being signed off, it should be signed by the right public key. The assumption is that the individual who has access to that key is the owner of the asset being transacted. There is no need to reveal the identity of the user or attach any kind of markers to that transaction. Also, since each transaction is executed independently, no kind of pattern analysis can happen either.
This way, the user can conduct a multitude of transactions without ever revealing who they are.
The Era of Smart Contracts
If you have ever heard of a platform called Ethereum, then there is a slim chance that you have not heard of smart contracts.
Because it is the smart contracts that make this platform unique and add to its utility in the future. How would you feel if the next time you go to rent a house or buy one, the third party fee is shaved to half or even eliminated. Great, isn’t it? That is what smart contracts can achieve. These are legally enforceable digital contracts.
How smart contracts works
This is what developers do. Once you draw up a smart contract, all the conditions, including the payout, the time frame, the details of both the parties, etc. are encoded in the contract. Once all the conditions of the contract are met, the funds will be released to the appropriate account.
Taking Over Notary Services
What does a notary do? It validates the statement of a user at one particular time. If you have been reading carefully, then you know that timestamping is an innate feature of blockchains. There is a whole network that can validate that a particular data entry was made at one single time.
Any further changes in the data are also highlighted. So, it can be proved in a court that something exists at a given time. A startup from Argentina has been working on blockchain-powered notary services. Blockchains can offer the most efficient notary services ever.
The notary services of today are highly centralized. Blockchain can not only help them become more efficient, but more secure as well.
Transforming the Democratic Process
What can more far-reaching application a technology have than changing the future? Elections are an innate part of a democratic process.
They are the ones that choose the leaders of the free world. However, due to a variety of reasons, they are not always as transparent as the citizens would want them to be. But, with a technology like blockchain, it is possible to completely transform the process.
The data stored in the blockchain is almost impossible to hack into. This means that no one can tamper with the votes once they have been cast. The data is completely secure and the election process can be conducted, by the book. In this manner, the winner that comes out will truly be the leader people chose. That is a big win.
Blockchain technology is new. There is an initial euphoria about how it can solve all the problems in the world. But, it is a powerful technology that has answers to a lot of questions in the world, if not all.
These applications of blockchain can only become a reality if there are enough smart developers working on the various blockchain platforms and if there is enough funding to drive them all.
All of that is in the future. But, from where the world is standing today the future is looking quite bright.
Fingers crossed!
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