#because they’re a lil shit so ofc they picked a cheesy af name
vdillustration · 6 months
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Father Darcy
Everyone loves the demon-in-priest-vestments trope, right? :3
So my Monster of the Week group had a fun little chat on what the PCs alternate outfits would be, and there were some amazing suggestions! Including this lil gem that haunted me until I was feral enough to draw it (it took about 2 weeks before I caved, then I blacked out for 2hrs and woke up to this). So please enjoy my very pretty demon looking mighty tempting in their definitely not stolen priest outfit!
now just hand over your soul
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volleyboys-imagines · 7 years
Maybe a headcanon post of the captains and pets?
omigosh i have literally been waiting for an ask like this since i started bless you anon im sorry if this was late, it’s midterms week!! ||
it’s long, so have fun under the cut!
German Shepherd, Captain
@faiyuuhi has the Fireman!AU with all the pets and Daichi with Captain was just perf.
I mean, ever since I had this prompt in my head I’ve always been able to see Daichi with a German Shepherd: they’re dependable, loyal, hardworking, smart. But Faiyuuhi just did it so well with her book, I fell in love with the idea even more ❤
Daichi got Captain in college on a whim because he felt lonely and his neighbor was a really good friend that felt owed Daichi so much
So Daichi got a two-month-old German Shepherd
^which he really didn’t know what to name for a while
^but he really wanted to use the name ‘Captain’, and it just kind of stuck
He and Captain go on walks and morning runs together, play catch in the park, do coordinated tricks, even work out at home together (since pets weren’t really allowed to be in the gym)
until ofc the manager at the local gym he works out in saw him running in that park in gym shorts and black tank and says ‘so that’s where he disappears to’ bc he really loves being with Captain so much
and she allows Captain to go to the gym (considering he’s housetrained ofc) and eventually becomes the gym mascot c:
On the topic of tricks, Daichi once brought Captain to the park to practice tricks, and he got an audience that filmed him and his dog
He went a little viral in Miyagi for his ‘Hot Guy and Amazing Dog!!!! AWESOME TRICKS’ or smth like that, and every now and then he does shows in the park
^ after which some spectators offer money for his time
^ now he sets a small box for Captain’s treat budget for extra effort :)
Daichi hates brushing sessions the most, especially during shedding season. 
^and when Captain just shakes his fur out in the middle of the thing omigod
^that is the reason why Daichi hates his carpeted apartment
I didn’t mean to ship Captain with Harper, which came out of nowhere, but why not have some fluff hcs about them
When they’re tired from walks, they snuggle together in a mass of black, brown, red and white fur
Snoot booping. Snoot booping everywhere
Lots of tail wagging, esp when they look at each other
Captain’s pretty shy around Harper, and ducks his head when she runs for him the next time they meet, but really, really likes giving her kisses
They don’t meet when she’s in heat, and they meet on a regular basis when she’s not. Captain looks forward to the meetings and knows what time it is, so when Daichi doesn’t look like he’s bringing Captain to meet with Futakuchi and Harper, he starts barking and howling for her :’(
Japanese Bobtail, Maenki (maen-ki)
I guess a lot of people would pair his flamboyance with a Persian (which is long-haired and floofy and just screams c l a s s y ) but a long-haired Persian requires daily grooming. Considering this boy’s busy vbc + acads schedule, I don’t think that’s going to work
So I read around since I don’t own a cat, and saw that the Japanese Bobtail would be best over my original idea of having a Scottish Fold
They’re healthy, colorful, and easy to care for, but at the same time affectionate and really great companions.
Oikawa got his at about five months old, a pretty mostly-white tabby calico mix girl with yellow eyes
Her white spots are big, and look like petals dappling her fur, really pretty ❤
He’s wanted one since he saw a Manekineko and read about the folklore too
Later as I was doing this draft I was thinking about my cousin misspelling things, and when she was trying out ‘Manekineko’, she spelled it as ‘Maenkineko’. The Maenki part stuck, since the above hc is that Oikawa likes the Manekineko. :)
He learns that she can ‘talk’, which are mostly chirps and meows strung together
and now when he talks to her, she knows how to respond. Like greeting her good morning earns him her own greeting that, through time, he recognizes as her ‘good morning’ reply
At night, when he can’t call Iwa-chan or Makki or Mattsun, he talks to her, and they have conversations that last hours
She keeps up with his active lifestyle too. Like he does pushups at home and she bats his nose with a paw, or sits on his back
Sometimes he jogs around the street their house is in and she follows
And she’s extra smart too: like she can find the ball in cups, find her ball, etc
She also loves boxes, and will get into anything she can fit into
So he keeps all his boxes closed, and has one especially for her
she doesn’t even touch her furry cat bed, sadly
She scratches him when he tries for her belly too
But she looooves brushing sessions. Like she will try to get those bristles under her chin no matter what, which is problematic since he needs to brush all of her
!! She absolutely loves being pet
And the rest of the Seijou vbc love her to death
Like, she’s the first thing they look for in Oikawa’s home, to Oikawa’s disappointment
Iwaizumi’s really dumbfounded on why Maenki would like someone like him lol
“Look look! Maenki loves Iwa-chan ❤”
^that’s the running joke of the Seijou 3rd years lol but it’s hella fine to Iwa-chan
Sometimes she sucks Makki’s fingers :>
and is utterly terrified of how damn tall Mattsun is :
Medium-sized Poodle, Sushi; Common goldfish, Neko;Plakat Betta, Aki
Kuroo’s love of dogs over cats is canon, so no cats for this tol
His parents agreed he could have a dog, so they got a Medium-sized cream Poodle. Standard was too big, and Toy was too small, so they got one in the middle. His mother was allergic to fur, so they got a poodle
Sushi was the name the breeders kind of tagged him with because at two months, he looked like a riceball
Why not Onigiri? No idea either
^this lil shit is smart af. Regularly gets out of his crate, leash, collar, whatever
Gets into so much mischief too, but that was only because Kuroo wasn’t walking him; all that pent up energy was directed the wrong way
Now they have 15-minute runs and 15-minute training sessions everyday. Sushi now knows enough to enter an obedience competition
The lil shit is fast af, something Kuroo learned while sprinting. Lots of dogs that was Sushi’s size he’s handled before weren’t as fast as this beanpole of ours, but this literal small cloud of fluff could match Kuroo’s sprint over about 200m
(Even though Kuroo is the fastest of the vbc after Tora and Lev)
Neko he won from the college fair. He had no idea what to name it until it jumped out of the tank. He put it back in the tank and lo and behold: it lives!
^and since the first thing he said was that the thing must have nine lives, the name ‘Neko’ stuck
^ to this day, Kenma thinks it’s weird af (but hella cheesy and ironic)
Come spring, as he was cleaning out the tank, he noticed that the container he put Neko in had transparent little balls stuck to the walls. He ran his fingers along the tank walls, and found more of them
The filter was a bitch to clean too
In the end he did a 100% water change, and cleaned including the stand on which the tank sat on
^ this took up an entire Saturday afternoon
That was the day he realized that, for six months, the goldfish was a fricking girl.
Neko was seven months under Kuroo’s care when Aki came home.
Aki is a Grizzle Plakat Betta
Kuroo knew that bettas couldn’t be put into a tank with a four-inch-goldfish because of their size, and because bettas are literally fighting fish
But Kuroo found Aki not in one of those cups, but in a community tank. this means that Aki was already living peacefully with other fish
So after buying the things he needed for Neko’s tank, he had Aki put in a bag to take home c:
So imagine a less-than-an-inch betta with a four-inch-goldfish
Oddly enough, they get along. Well if by ‘getting along’ means ‘no nipped fins’ then they’re good
The name ‘Aki’ (暁) literally means ‘daybreak’. It’s attributed to his pastel body and blue-and-purple fins, literally looking like the morning sky
Sushi once jumped up on the seat right next to the tank and watched the fish for a good five minutes. He goes there every now and then to bark at the tank, and they greet him with omnom faces. (they’re practically best friends now c:)
Alaskan Malamute, Harper; Guinea pig, Megumi
His aunt was into raising Malamutes. There was a month-old litter in her house
one of the puppies crawled up to his leg and started pawing his pants. He picked her up, and played with her until he left with his mother that evening. He’s wanted her ever since (although he won’t really admit that openly)
About a month later, he was a proud owner of a smol sable-and-white, blue-eyed Alaskan Malamute
Named her ‘Harper’, even though she’s also called Haru-chan (/ha-ru-pe-ru/, since Harper itself is an English name)
On the way or when she came home, she kept trying to lick his face, as if she was excited he was her new owner
Outside the house, she’ll play pretty vigorously
Once she grew into standard Malamute size, she’s learned she can bowl Futakuchi over. The rest of the team thinks it’s cute
Poor Sakunami is dwarfed by the some-6-foot-tall Harper. he likes it when she flops on him tho, such warmth
speaking of, in the house she likes flopping onto anyone, as in anyone
Sakunami was lying on the couch and he kind of just disappeared under her fluff
^ Aone was looking for him all around the house, the whole team was looking for him around the house until he woke up from under her and his hands popped out, trying to lift the sleeping dog off his small frame
^ which ofc Aone and Kogane had some trouble with bc Harper’s pretty iffy about being moved when she’s comfy
^ Sadly the same thing happens to Futakuchi on the regular, even more so bc he sleeps in his room and she is allowed in his room
^ ofc he knows that dogs aren’t allowed on the bed or to sleep with you but she’s just. so. stubborn
But he has so much fun with her, the team really thinks it’s cute
^ if he wasn’t so invested in the dog he probably would have a gf at that point
Sometimes they go out in the park and share mochi
And he lets her play free bc the kids want to play fetch with her
But at the same time can’t ??? because she runs off c:
Once they were walking and they come across Daichi and Captain
This sweetheart literally just waltzes up to Captain and boops his snoot with hers ❤
To which Futakuchi has absolutely no idea what to do bc she’s never really looked at the ‘how to raise a female dog’ part of the books before
She and Captain sometimes spend afternoons together on the rare occasion that they meet c:
^to Futakuchi’s dismay, since she usually pays attention to him, and now she’s got goo goo eyes on Captain
I don’t really see Ushiwaka having a pet, since he’ll probably think it’ll take up his time
But how about an hc where he keeps a freaking hedgehog
African Pygmy Hedgehog, Quill
^ some idiot tried to give it as a gift (not Tendou, he’s too smart for that) and Ushiwaka just kind of took it in.
^ the note mentioned just how spiky he was, and took it to a literal level.
^ he didn’t have the heart to ‘dispose’ of the tiny ball of spines, so he decided to keep it.
^ his mother was pretty much against it though, but he managed.
The smol stays in a large for-rabbits cage, with furniture of assorted sizes
After the initial introductory period (which includes desensitizing of new owner and environment, plus anting) Quill’s pretty chill
He likes snuggling in Ushiwaka’s huge sweaters, and practically disappears
You know the Hangry to Happy Hedgie vids? Feed this smol some cheese bits while he’s curled up
Sometimes Ushiwaka leaves Quill out of his cage for a while, until the Grand Ace forgets
^ and subsequently finds droppings over his hardwood floor
^ and also subsequently wonders where the heck the smol went
When the team comes over, they don’t really check on Quill simply because it’s Quill. He doesn’t really care
He cares for the treats they give tho
And the snuggles they let him have when Tendou brings him out
Speaking of, Tendou once wanted to pet Quill, but was afraid he’d get spiked
Ushiwaka showed him how, and every time he visits he’s usually got his hands on Quill
^unfortunately the one time Tendou made that stupid pun of ‘spiking’ Quill made Ushiwaka kind of worried that Tendou would actually spike the smol
^ so now Tendou must always handle Qull under Grand Ace Supervision™
Quill also likes cherries (without the skin), but it stains his lips, cheeks, chest, and paws (which leads to Ushiwaka trying to bathe Quill [which Ushiwaka really doesn’t look forward to])
But leave the smol in a bath and he’ll swim for hours
^ which is ofc dangerous but Ushiwaka also has a heart, so he spoils this one sometimes
First of all, HOOT HOOT
Second of all, I’ve read up on the thing about keeping owls, and although it’s a good enough idea for our resident Hoot Captain, it’s not realistic enough
So how about another dog instead?
Labrador Retriever, Choko
Anybody know what a name we could give this one
The Labrador Retriever’s intelligent, playful, family-oriented, supportive
I wanted Bokuto to have one that’s extra playful, but most of them were either small or medium in size. I really didn’t ship something like that for Bokuto
I was thinking of an Australian Shepherd, a Shikoku, Siberian Husky, Dalmatian
^ and subsequently thought, why not four dogs??
^ then I thought of Akaashi and kind of received a fictional bop on the head heheheh
Bokuto went out witih Kuroo to the local groomer/clinic with Sushi, and saw quite a few puppies waiting for their grooming and wandering around playing with other puppies and dogs
And most dogs were small/medium in size
So when a grown-ass black Lab sat in line, he was just so ‘wowed’ out
“Kuroo!! It’s so BIG”
“…isn’t that what girls say when they see your thing??”
But the black Lab was so big and sweet and so very nice
The owner even let him pat her head!!!
And he decided he wanted one :)
ofc Kuroo would let his friend know what it takes to take care of a dog and whatnot, and ofc Bokuto won’t listen to this
So they check the ad boards next to the door for any Lab breeders
and Bokuto’s like, “Why not get from the pet store?”
and Kuroo lists down the hell why nobody should get dogs or cats any pet from the pet store
(says the author who got a betta from the pet store)
aaand Bokuto vows to vanquish pet stores
aaand Kuroo distracts Bo with a breeder close by
“Oh look it’s a station away”
and somehow Bo procures a female chocolate brown Labrador Retriever
Choko loooooves to play! She literally always brings her tennis ball over
Bokuto can’t stody because of this
But when he does she lies down under his desk as a foot warmer
And she gets rubs too c:
aaaand because Labs love to swim :>
sometimes he brings her to the beach and plays fetch into the water
and all the girls love a man with a dog right??? wrong
he’s just so loud that’s all and it’s such a turn off
also he just freezes but that’s not the point
this baby girl is just sooooo loveable that she’s always getting kisses
and always giving kisses!!!
SO the captains meet up out of nowhere with their pets and guess who she tries glomping first :>
yeahh Captain’s a ladies’ man
so much that Daichi’s pretty irritated about that
BUT get this
the first time they meet is that she’s just so happy to see another dog almost her size that she just runs over and glomps Captain in a head-on collision course
He’s terrified of her after that
But slowly they become good friends
She and Sushi are best friends!!
Sushi has unlimited energy and paired with the big Lab Choko they’re free to roughhouse however they want
so feel free to ship the smol with the big, that’s fine
When they’re all tired, it’s a big pile of multicolored multi-textured fluff that Captain stands lies guard over
Choko likes giving kisses the most, likes getting pet the most, likes playing ball the most
Chewing? She chews on hands and fingers and it doesn’t really hurt bc Labs have soft mouth
^you literally could give her an egg and the shell won’t break
Bokuto finds that weird since Sushi can bite real hard
But finds it adorable nonetheless
okay imma post this first because it’s two weeks overdue but i’ll try to update it for the other captains!!! im so sorry anon i hope you like the length of it though i got so invested in this even though it was midterms week hahahah
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