#darcy is their human name
vdillustration · 6 months
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Father Darcy
Everyone loves the demon-in-priest-vestments trope, right? :3
So my Monster of the Week group had a fun little chat on what the PCs alternate outfits would be, and there were some amazing suggestions! Including this lil gem that haunted me until I was feral enough to draw it (it took about 2 weeks before I caved, then I blacked out for 2hrs and woke up to this). So please enjoy my very pretty demon looking mighty tempting in their definitely not stolen priest outfit!
now just hand over your soul
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Books of 2024: NEVER WHISTLE AT NIGHT: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology, ed. by Shane Hawk and Theodore C. Van Alst Jr.
This has a bunch of authors I already love in it (Stephen Graham Jones, Darcie Little Badger, Waubgeshig Rice, and Rebecca Roanhorse!!), and several authors I've been meaning to try (like Tommy Orange, Nick Medina, and Kelli Jo Ford, to name a few), so I'm really hyped for them all to be together in one volume! Plus dark fiction is very much my jam (especially when it comes in a bright and colorful package).
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pescastories · 11 months
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nsk96 · 1 year
Writing Help
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General Tips
The purpose of writing
Important: only you can tell your stories
Every fanfiction genre has value
Maintaining Motivation
Reasons to Keep Writing
Stretch your hands and fingers
Analyze the stories that you like
Title creation
How to comment on your favorite fics
Moodboard sources
Fanfiction is legitimate (featuring Neil Gaiman)
Angst and Horror: if you can't handle it
Writing Smut: overcoming shame
Don't toss your work
Dialogue / Writing rules
Paragraph breaks
Sentence length matters!
Dialogue punctuation
Scene Checklist
Body Language
Descriptions between dialogue
3 dots in a sentence (Ellipsis)
Using adverbs
Using adjectives
Coming Outs
Commonly misused words & phrases
Words to Avoid
World Building
World building through plot holes
Using context clues
Creating land
Matriarchal society
Resources for Describing Physical things
Alcoholic drinks & cocktails
Clothing references
Sewing sources (includes history of fashion)
Hair texture
Skin color/tone
Sword / Martial arts inspo
Character Development
Character sheet
Character sheets
Character development, agency, plot
Esk*mo is a slur
Naming characters
Naming characters in other cultures
Emotional intelligence
Human body limits
Making threats and the third option
Asian characters
Muslim characters
Slavic characters
Russian names
Mixed characters
Bilingual characters
Blind or Visually Impaired
Morally grey
Dangerous female characters
Romance development
Healthy Relationship
Redemption arc vs forgiveness
Redemption arc trope
Regret / Remorse
Prompt masterlist
Another prompt masterlist
A third prompt masterlist
Best friends to lovers
Mob Boss
Prophecy of lost child
Super power of truth
Enemies to lovers
Enemies to lovers: Reasons to hate
Enemies to lovers: Getting together
Enemies to lovers Prompts!
Enemies to lovers: Fake dating
Past-life Enemies to lovers
Late-night wandering
Romance/physical intimacy prompts
Romance: little acts of love
More sources
Masterlist: body language, words, translator
Masterlist: prompts, LGBTQ+, NSFW Advice
Meme: fanfiction problems
Mr. Darcy (Pride and Prejudice)
Bechdel Test
Part 2 ->
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kelppsstuff · 4 months
“The Daughter of Wrath.”
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Warnings: smut, p in v, adam, kinda angst? Not really
Summery: The reader sneaks out of her palace and meets the first man, but as he lets her go over time they find one another becomes more and more hard to resist temptation.
Darcy, the sin of wrath. One of the big shot seven deadly sins. That man was my father. When my father found out that my mother was pregnant with me, he waited. Waited until I was three to kill her. Because of my father I grew up motherless. I grew up forced to live in his shadow, never able to see the light.
I was his executioner, his doll to bend to his will. Never aloud out of the palace. But that changed. I snuck out. Impulsive? Yes. Did I care? No. At least at first I didn’t. But when that portal in the sky opened I knew something was about to go very wrong.
And I was right. Angels started to fly out the portals and started kill all the sinners off the streets. No one was safe. I ran. I ran as fast as I could trying to get back to my home. What the fuck is this? Why are angels killing sinners? Was this new? And if not, why didn’t my dad tell me?
I ran into the alley way, my mansion in view. But I felt someone tug my arm back. Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck. I turned to look at the angel and he looked different than the others. He wore a golden robe, a mask that was almost demonic that glowed golden.
I tried to pry my arm away but his grip was too strong. “Who are you? Why are you killing those poor souls?” I continued to try and free myself but she just used his other hand to secure me. “You must be new to hell.” Fuck this guy.
My eyes flashed red and sent a red electrical wave all around us. Effectively flying him away from me. I ran and climbed over the gate of my home. Once I was inside the palace walls I felt calmer. I ran to my room and locked the door, throwing myself onto my bed.
The sound of knocking on my balcony pulled me out of my thoughts. The fuck? That man was back. I shouldn’t let him in. That’s a dumb decision. But the way he tilted his head at me and pointed his fingers to the door compelled me. I stood and opened the door like a moron. “Who are you?” He asked me.
“(Name) and you?”
“Adam. You know first man Adam.”
So this was the first man. “Why are you killing everyone?” His eyes narrowed at me and for a second I thought I was going to be next on his kill list but instead he walked to the railing, overlooking the angels killing everyone.
“They deserve death, there sinners. This place was hard to find surprisingly. You have to be looking for it.” He was right, my father intended for it to be that way. He had no tolerance for socialization. “My father likes it like that.”
“Oh? And who’s he? Some kind of demon royalty?”
“Sort of. He’s one of the sins.” I walked to the railed and stood next to him, overlooking the dread on the streets. “If your killing everyone, why not me?”
“Who says I won’t?” His brow raised.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to assume.”
“Everyone assumes, it’s a part of having knowledge.” His voice got quieter but I could hear the anger, the wrath.
“So your the first man?”
“Sure am babe!” He immediately perked up. As if talking about himself cures all worries.
“How does that whole story go? My dad said he didn’t want me to know to much about the heavens or humans.” Adam was apart of both.
“Well from dust I was created, but Eve technically wasn’t the first woman.” His fist clenched around the railing as he retold the story. “The first woman was Lilith but Lucifer stole her away. The Heavens then created Eve as a replacement, then that fucking duck offered her the apple of knowledge. She also fucked him.” His throat clenched as the last sentence.
“Is that why your killing these people?” My voice was quiet, cautious not to anger him further.
He turned to look at me and shook his head. “The sinners were rising and overflowing to heaven, we needed to find away to keep the population down.” So you kill people? Was he going to kill me? What have I accomplished? What can I say I confidently did before I died?
The portal to Heaven opened up again and his wings spread. It was the first time I gotten a clear View of them. They were marvelously beautiful. I reached my hand to touch them but before I could he flew off into the sky. Back to heaven. I watched as he flew off and then saw a golden feather floating in the sky down into my hands. I smiled at the tiny feather and clutched it to my chest. My first real interaction with someone besides my father.
Adam came back exactly one year later. I watched from my balcony as the angels came down from the sky once again. I waited, but he wasn’t showing. I had just about gone back inside the feather my pocket a reminder of the man. But his voice stopped my movement. “Ya miss me?” Crazy enough I did.
I turned to the man who just landed on my balcony, a smile wide on my face. I ran to his side. “What have you been up too? How was heaven? Ohhhh did you do anything fun? Do you have friends up there?” Questions kept spilling from my mouth. Well there goes my cool facade, but I couldn’t help it. I had grown truly lonely.
“Slow down babe. We’ve got time. Heavens great as always. Never a bad day in heaven. And of course I have friends, I’m fucking Adam.” He looked over my head and into my room and lead us into it. “And I just had a gig so that’s what I’ve been up to.” He laid down on my bed, on his stomach. His wings in full display. I couldn’t help myself. I slowly climb onto the bed and brushed my hand gently on his wings. Soft, like a puppy.
He immediately turned and looked up and me. “The fuck?” At least he wasn’t too aggressive the way he said it. “I’m sorry, there just really pretty and soft.” He tilted his head like the first time I saw him on my balcony. He then laid back down and said, “you can continue, if ya like. You’ve got a comfy bed.”
I smiled and immediately started to pet them while he gave a soft humming melody. In this moment I wasn’t alone. This moment felt perfect. I never wanted it to end. But unfortunately it had too.
We walked back out as the portal reopened. He started to lift off into the sky but I grabbed his hand before he could fully take off. He looked down at me confused and I blushed in embarrassment. “I did miss you. I’ll see you next year yeah?” He nodded his head and flew back into heaven. Like last time I watched. And as the year went by I waited for his return.
As the years went on every time he came back I was filled with joy and as he left again I waited a whole year for him, almost like I was stuck without him.
10 years later
He came and left again yesterday. And like every year I threw myself into my bed and waited for him. Scrolling mindlessly on my phone. Over time I grew to love the angel that would visit me once a year. I loved him more than I thought could be possible. I loved him like the moon loved the moon. Never able to tell how you feel as you only get a few hours with them. He shined so bright while I could only live in the dark. I was alone, but when he was here I felt like a better person. I felt complete.
Too focused on my thoughts I didn’t hear the knocking on my balcony door. But when the door opened that got my attention. I jumped out of my bed and saw him.
Immediately my heart jumped a million beats per second. I could feel the blush forming on my face.
Then the next thought came. It’s not extermination day. How was he here?
He shifted his feet and continued to stare at me. “I had a meeting with the ducks brat.” My chest tightened. He wasn’t here for me, not actually. “Oh.”
“Normally I wouldn’t even entertain the thought of going.” He took steps forward. Until he was fully in front of me. “But I” another step forward. We were chest to chest now. Our breathing were heavy. My mind racing with how close he was. He raised a hand to my cheek and as I nuzzled into it he finished his sentence. “I just had to see you. I couldn’t go another minute without you.”
I gasped out at him but I couldn’t speak, he went on.
“Heaven is supposed to be your happy ending and for a while I thought it was, but it’s not. Your my heaven and I damn well intend to have it.”
He pulled me to his lips, kissing me desperately. I was drowning in him, but I never wanted to breath again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lifted me to his waist. He started to kiss down my neck leaving marks everywhere.
He dropped me to the bed and climbed over me. I reached up to pull his mask off but hesitated. “May I?” He only nodded his head and so I pulled the mask away and threw it somewhere else.
He was absolutely gorgeous. Dark hair, a nice stubborn, a wicked smirk and pretty golden eyes. I pulled him to my lips once again only parting to praise his looking. “Absolutely divine.”
He ripped away my shirt and I helped him pull over his robe. He wore pants under but was shirtless. He had a wide chest, a body of a golden star athlete. He kissed down my chest and wrapped his lips around one of my nipples while his other hand needed the other.
I pulled his head away from my tits and bring him close to my face. His face was flushed as was mine. “I need you inside me now.”
He groaned and dropped in head into the crook of my neck. “Fuck babe I’m trying to make this last as long as possible.”
“I don’t care about that I just need you. Please Adam.”
He pulled his panties down while I pulled mine and he started to rub his fingers up and down my clit, teasing me.
“Fuck babe this wet already?”
I whined and tried to lean into him more, arching my body. He got the hint and started to slowly expand my walls with his shaft. Even with how wet I am he still barely just fit. But fuck did it feel good.
He started to thrust his hips and pleasure immediately crashed into me. He grabbed a hold on the head board while I grabbed his hair and pulled.
I could feel the pressure in my stomach started to build up. The coil wanting to snap. Scratched down his back trying to not cum. But fuck his next words did me in as he rub my clit. “You can cum babe, fuck, you look so pretty.” And my orgasam hit me hard that I didn’t even feel his seed coating my walls.
Once we finally came back down from our high I curled into him. “So the princess was talking about redeeming souls down here with some hotel so they could go to heaven.”
I felt my breath hitch. “I was thinking about giving the go ahead for her.” Would I participate in that? Could I really leave my dad? My home?
As I looked up to Adam I realized I would, because he is my home. He’s the man I love and I would do anything for him
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nobibiname · 4 months
What I just can’t stop thinking about from the Bryce, Nesta and Az bonus chapter (spoilers ⬇️)
( I finally caved and read that one, I didn’t read the other bonus chapters so please don’t mention anything about what’s in them)
A lot of people did amazing work analyzing the songs and I’m in awe, but the moment that sticks with me is this;
First a reminder, this is Bryce’s pov she has no context for any dynamics between these people. The way she describes it, Az starts the chapter suspicious, quiet and broody. Nesta starts actually talking to Bryce, but here’s the moment Bryce notes specifically when Azriel is really paying attention
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So, why is Az particularly invested in this little tidbit? There’s literally only 3 people (3 sisters) he knows that have previously been human and are now Fae, and only 2 of them have become Fae in the cauldron. (Unless you wanna count Briallyn 🤷‍♀️)
Bryce doesn’t have more context, but we do, and we know he has an adorable closeness, and painful “break up” after having been forbidden to pursue his feelings, with Elain, the other person that went into the cauldron.
As far as we know they haven’t kissed, she hasn’t said his name and she doesn’t know Rhys interfered in her love life. They may currently be mid-cliff hanger (i think of it as Jane and Bingley after he leaves nethefield, before he finds out Darcy interferred and goes back to propose)
If their relationship is not resolved (and he did answer “no” to Bryce’s questions) I don’t think it’s a stretch to say he could still be thinking and worrying about her. Perhaps he’s hoping that through Nesta’s account of what the transition was like, he might understand better how Elain feels as well?
Look, do I think he cares about Nesta? Obviously, they’re friends and her well being matters to him, but we KNOW about everything that went down between him and Elain. We know about the necklace specially designed for her. We know he suffers from smelling and being near her bond, we know they spent peaceful time together, that he came for her and gave her Truth Teller since he wouldn’t use it that day… we know about the potatoes!!
So while this IS about Nesta, it is very likely that he is ALSO thinking about someone else he loves. Why do I think that? Here’s what he says next
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And THERE it is —What is the first thing he says? The first thing ON HIS MIND ? “The people you love”
Because what if he says it simply because the people he loves ARE on his mind right now? Because Nesta reminded him of the only other person who would know what it was like to go in the cauldron. Elain, who he loves 💕
So that’s what I think. And have been thinking about since I read the BC ☺️ Yes I could be wrong, there could be other interpretations this is just my reading of it.
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sacrifesse · 7 months
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🕳️ ⋆˙⟡♡ VOiD iD PACK 〰️
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— NAMES : noire , noirette , noiresse , vortex , void , voidette , voidesse , daze , casiah , euna , cassie , zero , cassian , corley , chaos , abyss , nebulon , dusk , lilith , onyx , obsidian , crow , shadow , nyx , night , raven , cole , darcy , dorian , midnight , ebony , nero , nox
— PRONOUNS : void/voids/voidself , null/nulls/nullself , vortex/vortexes/vortexeself , daze/dazes/dazeself , chaos/chaos/chaoself , abyss/abyss/abysself , nebula/nebulas/nebulaself , dusk/dusks/duskself , night/nights/nightself , obsidian/obsidians/obsidianself , crow/crows/crowself , shadow/shadows/shadowself , raven/ravens/ravenself , coal/coals/coalself , midnight/midnights/midnightself , ebony/ebonies/ebonieself
—TiTLES : the soulless one , the one without a soul , (pronoun) who is not human , the void , (pronoun) who seeks shelter within the void , (pronoun) whose home is the void , the one of the night , (pronoun) who finds comfort in the void , (pronoun) who can create voids at will , the darkness , the night , the keeper of the void , the keeper of darkness , the keeper of the night , the night dweller
— GENDERS : voispirean , neagender , seegender , facelessic , gendervoid , voidlike , voidcattic , voidghostic , voidpocket , astrofoxic , voidelixir , mainabyss , isochillvoidic , voidpupkenolux , voidbunny gender/voidrabbit gender , caedisochillvoidic , incorporealvoid , voidnightmaric , voidcatgender , voiwalk gender , lalinandisterragender , foggyvoidflux , voidpunkcatgender , voidgender , whimsivoidic , voidgender , :3voidic , catvoid , voidbodiment , litvoidgender , voidinwatchic , sleepyvoidcatgender , sparkvoidic , voidwound , voixeur , comfevoidic
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pt: void id pack
requested by anon /end pt.
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midnightmayhem13 · 8 months
headcanon request where reader slowly realizes that their gf is stealing their clothes pls if you haven’t done this already
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it's a roller coaster kinda rush
this is so cute omg ❕ thanks babe (also i kinda switch the roles but only realized when i finished writing😩)
carol danvers
carol loves when you wear her clothes. she always lets you borrow her leather jacket, and you love it. she starts noticing it's in the laundry cycle quite often. she doesn't wear it all the time, bcs she either in her suit or pjs. she gets home and realizes it's either laid on your vanity chair, or the laundry bin. i haven't worn it in a while, coulda sworn it was on the hanger. she lets it be, she can be a messy person. but then she sees it out often. she definitely had put it back in the closet yesterday. when she wore it on a date she let you wear it. and said "it smells like you again" with a sweet smile. she's the only one who wears it. why wouldn't it? she brushes it off. then after laundry day she sees it in the bin again. you just washed it. she takes some fun in it. untill one night, after coming back from a week long mission. she sees you curled up her bed, wearing her jacket. you unconsciously wrap it around your body. that's why
sharon carter
ms carter is a distinguished women. she only wears the finest dress shirts. silks, cotton, you name it. she has power so she must dress like it. and since she has such a busy schedule so often, she has to have a fast variety of them. she doesn't have time to wash very often, and she'd hate to ask you such a thing. but as she goes through her weeks she starts noticing her collection starts diminishing quicker then usual. she shrugs it off, it's been a busy week. but when she sees a shirt that she was planning to wear the day before is gone, she starts to question it. no one that works at her main house is allowed to her private rooms. you're not her size, so it's 'definitely not you'. but oh was she wrong. she doesn't want to waste her time thinking of it so she just sits down and has a small glass of whiskey. are you embarrassed to ask to borrow one? she thinks it's cute that you'd wear her clothes but she doesn't want to assume. one day she comes home late to find you in her button up and underwear, cleaning that house. guess she caught the thief. and from them on she cannot stop looking at you when you wear her clothes.
darcy lewis
i feel like darcy is one of the girls that gets cold all the time. but it started out with once in a while, she'd ask for a hoodie, wash it when it lost your cent, and return it. but then you told her you didn't need to ask. she started taking them when she missed you and even swapped it out sometimes. it became that it wasn't even like to wear it to sleep when she missed you she'd wear them with her regular outfits. but you didn't know all that. sometimes she'd wear your socks just to feel giddy. but she's definitely borrow your hoodies and jackets the most. and one day on a chilly day you decided to wear your favorite sweater but came to find it was gone. that's weird. you sent darcy a quick text and she responded with a rather suspicious "uhmm nope sorry honey, maybe you left it at work" you let it slide and wore a different. but this turned into an ongoing thing. no way you left all your jackets and hoodies at work bc they were always "left" at work. untill one day you came home before darcy to find your missing sweaters in the laundry room. and when she walked in she was wear the exact hoodie we were gonna were that day. she smiled and you did too as you shared a sweet kiss.
now she doesn't have the most human comfortable clothes but she has this one t-shirt she wears often. it's cute and fits her just right to sleep at night. but since she's a giant it fits you long, almost as if it were a dress. so when she's not here or she wants to be alone you wear it. yk she would probably ask you not to wear it but you'd take that chance. one day she walked into your room and saw you covered your body rather quick "are you nude?" she asks with a confused expression. "uhm y-yup!" you say getting up with the blanket around your body and going to change. she stands there as you head into the washroom. while she waits she goes to lay on the bed. when you come out she sees you try to discreetly place her shirt in the laundry bin. she stays silent and hold her arms out to accept you. this happened again. but you were dead asleep. while she went to go join you in the bed. as she pulled the sheets up she saw you in her t-shirt. she didn't know how but she immediately fell more in love. she pulled you in by the waist and kissed your lips sweetly and gently. "i love you" she whispered.
maria hill
now maria usually comes home late so obviously you miss her a lot. and you like to wear her sweat pants. you dont know what it is but wearing the pants that go past you ankles and you have to tie tight around the waist makes you feel at home. and maria honestly doesn't mind. she'd lend you clothes all the time before you lived together. she just didn't know how often you still did it. but she's notice that her pants would go missing for ages. she had a thought that it was you but brushed it off thinking you were that obsessed with her. boy was she wrong. but one time after a long day at work she just wanted to hold her girl and get wine drunk and have a fun night. she walked in to you making her dinner and taking two bottles of wine from the fridge. she noticed you did your make up fancier and you did your hair that was more than a being at home look. then you would away from the counter to greet her with a kiss and hug and she noticed you had her pants and a long sleeve on. you looked so beautiful and she definitely showed you that night
kate bishop
now kate has a lot of fancy clothes but you have your favorite. her suit jacket. you'll always wear it when she's not around. either with just undergarments on or with your pjs but you always wear it. it's warm and cozy to you especially unbuttoned. plus the sleeves fit you long so can keep your hands warm. and kate isn't aware but she knows it's always steamed and hung up when she needs to wear it. and does she wear it often yes but she never really questions why it's always perfect and not slightly wrinkled like the other clothes. but she does love her but jackets so it's probably her unconsciously taking extra care of it. on a chilly saturday afternoon your doing laundry and she's just eating pizza and cuddling with lucky. lucky gets up to got lay somewhere else and she takes the advantage to go give you a kiss attack. she walks into you listening to music with booty shorts and her jacket on. she hugs you from behind the waist and tells you how good you look.
uhm hi loves so i'm back i just vanished for a little but HI SLUTS🩶🩶
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maithefluffychicken · 8 months
Ok, ok, bloodweave is great, but have we talked about Astarion/Wyll? What's that ship's name?
I think that, in game, Wyll is the slowest burning romance that Astarion would hate but that he so needs. Astarion who wants to gain Wyll's favour and protection and Wyll is like: "of course I'll protect you, now dance with me?" And Astarion would be so frustrated, thinking that Wyll is not at all interested in him, that he's losing his charm - and worst, Shadowheart, who can read Astarion perfectly and they're best frenemies, laughs her lungs out at Astarion's antics -, so yes, Astarion is losing it.
Even worst! Astarion starts finding Wyll not only attractive - he is handsome and gallant and proud in this well educated way that is hot instead of arrogant (shut up it is arrogant but we love Mr Darcy, right? Same thing). Astarion starts enjoying their conversations, their time together, gets a little jealous when Wyll starts talking with Shadowheart about the smut they both have read. And Wyll respects Astarion, not only his body but also his mind, asks him for opinion and takes care of Astarion's needs and fears.
Fuck, Wyll treat Astarion as a (ha, I was going to say as a human being but Astarion is not human xD) person, not a pet, not an animal, and not a fucking slave.
So, Astarion befriends Wyll and then fucking falls in love with him, and it terrifies him.
Aynway, what I wanted to ask is, anyone interested in human au Astarion/Wyll where Wyll is the local young hero who helps elders with their lawn and then Astarion watches him thorugh his window how this hottie takes his jumper's off and starts helping Astarion's old neighbour to sod with only his tight white sleeveless shirt and even tighter jeans and Astarion snorts into his red wine because hot damn?!
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Okay, so this is the post where I defend first cousin marriage, which is featured in Mansfield Park, Sense & Sensibility, and also comes up in Pride & Prejudice (I mean Anne de Bourgh and Mr. Darcy, Mr. Collins is a distant cousin to Elizabeth, at least 2 degrees removed, Mr. Elliot in Persuasion is another second cousin, though his line about Anne not changing her name might be the most cringy pickup line in romance history).
Firstly, 1st cousin marriage, in general is a squick NOT genetically dangerous. Yes, the Hapsburgs did happen, but they were intermarrying like crazy and within a very small dating pool. For most people, the genetic danger is equal to a woman over 35 having a baby. Negligible.
You also have to consider why cousin marriage was a good idea. Yes, you want to maintain wealth within a family, but more than that, women are vulnerable in marriage. When divorce laws are strict, and even running away from abuse is heavily frowned upon (just see The Tenant of Wildfell Hall) it becomes very important to choose prudently. Now who should you trust not to be abusive? The man you met at six balls in heavily chaperoned settings or cousin Charles, who you've known since birth and who has always been kind to you? I'm going with Charles. And you have more allies (hopefully) in that situation. You can go to your uncle for help if something is going wrong. You have an established network.
You can see why the overly cautious and continually neglected and verbally abused Fanny Price doesn't want to chance it on the wider world! She knows Edmund about as well as a human can know another human.
Now I'm sure this didn't always work perfectly, it certainly didn't for Eliza Brandon, but I can really see the logic behind it especially in Regency England.
In most Western countries, first cousin marriage just seems weird, but it's probably because we have such large dating pools these days and much longer dating periods (usually). People don't marry in a matter of weeks, they often date for years. With the benefits of cousin marriage fairly incomprehensible, we tend to focus on the risks.
Also, we have to remember that these people were not raised being told it was wrong, it wouldn't be gross to them. In fact, in Mansfield Park the idea that it would be a real fear for Fanny to marry one of the sons comes up more than once (at the ball we are told onlookers might have thought Sir Thomas was raising Fanny as a wife for his second son). In Frankenstein, Victor's parents specifically call Elizabeth his cousin instead of sister, assumably because they shipped those two crazy kids at five years old.
Anyway, many cultures still today prefer or practice first cousin marriage. The genetic risk increase is very small (it raises from about 2% to 4%) and we now have genetic testing as well. While it may be gross to you, it is not wrong or immoral, it is a difference. I can see why women might consider it a safer and desirable option.
I'm bringing this up not just because I read way too many posts about how gross the ending of Mansfield Park is to people, but because many people alive today are married to their first cousins and if you meet one, please be civil.
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Pride and Prejudice AU Anger Management (dp x dc)
Guess who just finished reading+watching Pride and Prejudice? And guess who’s now obsessed with making an Anger Management AU based on it? It’s me babyyyy (btw it's sorta more of a fusion than a proper AU I think?)
Casting: Jason as Elizabeth, his siblings as the bennet sisters. Alfred is mr bennet, Bruce is mrs. Bennet except they’re not silly they’re instead paranoid and emotionnaly stunted.
Jazz as Darcy, Danny as Georgiana. 
Kon as Bingley (with Tim being Jane looool)
Vlad is lady catherine and dani is cousin anne.
Wickham is both the Al Ghul (Talia and Ra's) they pretended to be nice to the Fenton before trying to enslave/exorcice Danny.
Plot (which is basically just P&P but like slightly modified so it works):
Jazz & Danny got spit out the pits. The Al Ghuls pretended to be kind and honorable and stuff, and Jazz was just so happy the dimension they ended up in had some nice (though weird and formal) people. Then, she ends up finding Danny tied up and Ra’s talking about what an interesting specimen he is, and how he’ll help them figure out how to be immortal and all that. Jazz goes full-on Beserk mode and destroys the base + burying pits.
Vlad and Dani end up there too a little later, but she doesn’t tell them the specifics just not to interact with the League of Assassins. Danny is hurt and Jazz is still a bit feral. They end up in Kansas where the Kents offer them a place to stay for a while. So they do stay, and Superman+family end up being really nice people. She doesn’t tell them about the Ra’s, just that the trip between dimension was rough. She also says nothing about Danny’s power and keeps that secret because he’s still hurt and she doesn’t want anyone trying to take advantage of him.
Magic users recognize her as Queen Regent of the Infinite Realms and like everyone who’s met her agrees she’s a fair and kind ruler, so they respect her a lot. So Captain Marvel, Zatanna and Wonder Woman (after they mention Pandora) all vouch for the Fentons and they’re generally just considered really powerful and benevolent.
Anyways danny is severely injured (plus his powers are really reduced) and Jazz is so stressed about it not to mention the queen regent thing (she has paperwork and correspondence with Frostbite, Pandora and Clockwork for all kind of stuff to do, including making sure there is no war after the future King was kidnapped by humans wanting to experiment on him again!!!) plus making a good impression on the league. So she comes off as a little bit stand-offish especially to the heroes she doesn’t know super well. She’s been burnt by the Al Ghul and is just so busy and stressed she has little energy for socialization. She accidentally snubs Dick which everyone in the batfam takes as an insult plus a lot of the younger generation heroes do too. General consensus is that she’s a bit stuck-up and only makes an effort for the big names (Superman, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel). 
Jazz makes a comment about Jason after Kon teases her about him (like “I know his type, pretty bad boy with a list of issues a mile long, not to mention how shit at emotions the bats apparently are”) and he overhears and is like not like I would want to end up with such an arrogant snob no matter how handsome she looks.
So anyways, they end up going on a few missions together and Jazz gets to see that Jason is actually a really good person who does his best and wants to help everyone so bad. Also, he’s so good with kids and Jazz is 100% sure Danny would love him despite him hating most of her previous boyfriends.
Meanwhile, Jason sees how she keeps taking down the villains faster than him and even takes on some of his that he was handling thank you very much, and assumes she’s being condescending instead of trying to be helpful. 
She also talks about school that she’s started and how much she enjoys it because she heard he likes to read but he takes it at a dig at how he never completed his formal education which is a sore spot. She also sometimes completely disregard his suggestion when they go after supernaturals which fair but like super rude?! But it’s just Jazz being used to being in charge and having to wrangle a bunch of go in first, think of a plan later type of people.
(Talia has come by and fed the batfam an edited story of what happened with the pits, which makes Jazz look really shady.)
Danny sees Jazz is completely crushing on this dude and after hearing her talk about him for so long, he’s on board with Jason and also curious to get to know him. Danny tells her to go for it and ask him out. Meanwhile, they each agree to tell Vlad nothing, because he might not be as crazy as he used to be, but he’s still a complete ass.
So at some point, after a mission, she takes Jason aside and asks him out, while insulting his family accidentally (like makes a joke about reserving an extra table for his brothers to spy on them). She means it as a gentle tease, but Jason takes it as a giant insult, since it’s also super true so instead of just saying no, he goes for the snark.
“Thanks and all but I dont date future villains.”
Jazz is fucking insulted. “Ok wow. From what I heard everyone in your family has at least one alternate version of themselves whos a villain, so keep talking shit?!”
“Not even trying to hide your contempt for us now are you?”
“I don’t have contempt for you guys.”
“No? You told Kon he shouldn’t date Tim!”
“That is NOT true! I said to take it slowly while he deals with his identity issues as a clone first to make sure he doesn’t jump into something new while he’s not ready!”
“Yeah, sure. I’m sure it’s got nothing to do with how 'shit at emotions' my family is.”
“Well, it doesn’t help that you’re all emotionally stunted, no!”
“That’s your excuse for Tim, sure. But what about that nice little tale Talia told us?”
“Talia Al Ghul?”
“Yeah. Now why would a hero like yourself cause the complete collapse of a secret organization they should have no knowledge of considering they had arrived in the dimension less than a week ago? I mean, I know they’re assassins and all, but I thought you guys had landed in Smallville, Kansas. That’s a long way to go if you really didn’t have designs on the fucking pits. Did you or did you not burry the pits where no-one except someone who can go invisible and doesn’t need to breathe could access it?”
“I did.”
“And you want to tell me you’re not a villain? You may have everyone else fooled, but I know what you are.”
“Fine,” she says. “If that’s what you want to think. Sorry you had to endure my presence for so long.”
She leaves him a note still, because she knows at least some of the batfam have had contact with the pits. She knows he’s a good person and actually really trustworthy plus how much he cares about children, so she trusts him with Danny’s secret. She explains how Talia and Ra’s have plans with the pits and liminals, and to look out for himself. She tells him to verify with Zantanna if he wants because she’s the one who helped put up the wards to hide Danny’s presence while he recuperates.
Jason is like, ok so maybe she’s not a future villain. So he feels a little bad about his outburst plus dumb about trusting Talia about anything, she’s a liar that is well-known. But he still stands by turning Jazz down coz she is genuinely sort of a snob a lot of times.
After that they go on a few missions together and Jazz acts much better, she actually listens to his feedback even if most of the time she doesn’t need to when it’s supernatural beings. She also seems way less wound-up and doesn’t say a word about how emotionally constipated the bats are, which she used to do way more often. She’s being polite, kind and open to suggestion and Jason is like so maybe I judged a bit fast. He also starts to see how many responsibilities she actually shoulders (Queen Regent, her brother, Justice League stuff) and he’s a little humbled by how well she does it. At some point he meets a Realm Ghost who talks about what a great Queen she is and all that she’s done for them and Jason starts feeling some feelings.
They meet up again for a low-level mission with a supes, it’s like undercover/surveillance about white collar crimes or something, and the vibe between Jazz and Jason is super good until he gets a call. 
Damian/Cass end up captured on a mission by the Al Ghuls to experiment on. All the batfam is losing their minds and Jazz is like this is my fault they know about ectoplasm at all, because she trusted them and talked to much while Jason is like no I’m the one who should’ve told them. 
Jazz goes and rescue the batkid. In exchange she offers one vial of pure ectoplasm (ecto dejecto) which she was saving for emergency in case she gets injured. She tells the Al Ghuls this is worth all the test subjects “from which you’ll try and extract it and it probably won’t work. So do your crazy experiment on that and leave liminals alone.”
So yeah the designated batkid is rescued (tho they don’t realize by who cause they’re unconscious) and Jazz asks Superman to take the credit for it. Jason learns it was Jazz and feels so guilty and grateful. He bakes/cooks something and goes to thank her. He meets Danny who is super excited to meet him and doesn’t know about the messy rejection coz Jazz didn’t tell him because she thought she might have deserved it a little bit. 
So Jason sees how sweet Jazz is with Danny and how much more relaxed she is at home and he’s like ok, so maybe, maybeee I have a feeling about this. Meanwhile, Jazz is still completely gone on him (the man can cook!) and Danny approves. Jazz doesn’t really have the heart to tell him it’s not happening.
All the while, because of Jazz’s connection to the pits the batfam are super suspicious of her and keep making digs at her. Jason feels terrible about it (since she literally saved the batkid) but Jazz just takes it and answers back politely, cause she likes Jason still and doesn’t want to antagonize his family.
Meanwhile, Kon and Tim started dating and the whole batfam are like ‘finally!’ Kon defends Jazz anytime one of the batfam says something about her and they think he’s a little naive but they like him so they stop when he’s there.
Vlad ambushes Jason at some point and tells him he’s not allowed to date Jazz. And Jason is just like “fuck you I do what I want”. He eventually admits to Vlad he isn’t dating her, but when Vlad asks him promise he never will, Jason says “I’m not promising that, she and I can do what we want.” 
At some point Jason and Jazz meet together by coincidence, and it’s a little awkward. Jazz has not been able to forget about him, she just likes him a lot so she goes, “I heard Vlad came by.”
“Yeah, what a weirdo.”
“Yeah, Sorry about him.”
“Hey you have to deal with my crazy family, it’s only fair.”
They laugh
“Sorry if this makes you unfomfortable, say the word and I’ll never mention it again, but I can’t help but ask. I still like you a lot and I wanted to know, could you maybe might have changed your mind about a date?”
“Yes. Uh, I mean for the date, yes I’d like to go on one.”
“Yeah. I, actually, Um. I like you a lot too?”
So they end up dating and they actually like each other a whole lot. Danny is over the moon, as is Dani. Vlad still thinks Jason isn’t good enough for Jazz. The whole batfam is like wtf, I thought you hated her. Dick is the first to be like gotta make an effort for Little Wing’s girlfriend and ends up thinking she’s actually pretty cool. The rest are slower to follow, and Bruce is snail-pace. Alfred just likes that Jason is happy so he’s all for it.
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cathedralcomic · 1 year
Clowder Info — The Basics
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There are three cat clowders residing on the outskirts of an abandoned lake town. They formed 40+ years ago through various house and farm cats left to their own devices after humans disappeared from the area. The clowders are organized and similar to small communities.
Each group has their own last name, but this doesn’t mean every individual in one clowder is related. The “surname” is to differentiate them from each other. There are the Rosens (the flower-loving barn cats), the Bethels (the strange church cats), and the Darrows (the serious hunting shack cats). The clowders appear to be the only intact colonies in their area.
The clowders are known for taking in wanderers down on their luck. They’re safe spaces for cats to stay for the rest of their lives or only a short while. The Darrows are an exception and they’re not as receptive to having strangers among them.
These cats are semi-anthropomorphized in their lifestyle. They have their own written language, traditions, and many other traditionally “human” concepts. Occasionally a northern cat will venture into the clowders’ territories and voice confusion about their behaviors. This implies the clowders’ anthropomorphism is somewhat unique to them and the cats in the area.
The clowders love art — be it music, storytelling, or painting/drawing. They use pieces of bark and slate to produce most of their art. Birch bark in particular is a favorite due to its lighter color. Paint is sourced naturally from crushed berries, clay deposits, blood, and ground-up leaves.
Rosen art consists of bright, vibrant colors and an adoration for whimsy. The inspiration lies in nature and the romanticism of life itself. Rosen cats teach their children art from a very young age and it is engrained in their way of life. They’re the “loudest” clowder in that the other two can hear them singing all throughout the day and night.
Bethel art, aesthetically, is the opposite. Their colors are muted and earthy, and their songs are on the morbid side. Bethels have a strong fascination with death and what comes after it. A notable tune from the Bethels is a ditty about our infamous serial killer, Darcy Darrow. It’s become so popular that it’s extended to Rosen youth and beyond the clowders themselves.
Darcy Darrow, Darcy Darrow,
has the voice of a field sparrow
She’ll skip you in the lake like a stone and
strip you down to meat and bone
Darcy Darrow, Darcy Darrow,
has the voice of a field sparrow
She’ll steal you at third hour dark and
peel your skin like birch bark
Despite its popularity, it’s garnered strong criticism from older cats who experienced the murders firsthand. Most of the youngsters simply can’t comprehend Darcy’s devastation because it didn’t affect them.
Darrow art often refers to or depicts winter. Snow is a religious symbol, a merging of heaven with the earth. There’s a haunting quality to the Darrows’ creations, coming off more unsettling than holy to some. The Darrows encourage their cats to sing and paint for their god and rarely anything else. Art functions as prayer.
There are a handful of roles cats can fall into. These roles serve to better the quality of life within the clowder, and most require extensive training and work.
Head cat — The head cat is a leader and a role model. They are in charge of ensuring the safety of the vulnerable and settling conflicts with outside colonies as well as wanderers. The head cat is in their position for ~three years before a new one is chosen by popular vote.
Physician — These cats are in charge of tending to the sick and injured. They gather useful resources from the town, such as gauze, adhesive tape, disinfectants, and small tools. They hold a bi-monthly healing lesson for all the cats in case of emergency. Throughout the years they have attempted surgical procedures, however these always end fatally.
Flora — Often working directly with the doctor, the flora is a cat with vast environmental/plant knowledge. They’re in charge of plant safety, informing cats what is and isn’t safe to use or eat. They gather plants with medicinal properties to give to the physician. Occasionally a single cat can be both the physician and the flora if they’re skilled enough.
Fauna — This cat is knowledgeable of other animals and their behaviors. They are able to communicate with other carnivores and social groups such as the wild dogs. When there’s a rare territorial or food dispute, they clear up the situation by serving as a translator. The fauna tends to have many friends across multiple carnivora. Corvids are excellent communicators, however due to the biological differences in vocal cords they must use body language and mimicry to convey their thoughts.
Scribe — The scribe is a history buff and a talented writer. They are in charge of historical records, books, and other writings. They hold literacy and spelling classes, and they are often the sole cats spearheading attempts to translate human words. Modern day scribes are very interested in what became of humans and they've dedicated their free time to research.
Gatherer — This cat will go deep into the forests or town to search for items. These can be used for practical reasons (such as bedding), decoration, or to trade with other clowders. These consist of “furniture,” bones, human scraps, or anything interesting/useful the cat can find. Gatherers can be gone for up to a week, departing with a bag in which to stuff their discoveries.
Members — Cats of any age who have no particular rank. Some are hoping to be head cat one day while others are content doing their own thing. Members are either former wanderers or the children of cats who’ve resided in the clowder for years. All members no matter their age participate in classes taught by the important clowder cats.
The Kindle — All nursing parents and their kittens. Everyone pitches in to help the Kindle and it’s required that as much food gets to them as possible. Kindle beds are well-protected and made up of old blankets, feathers, and wool.
Clowder: A group of cats, specifically used for the lake cats.
Colony: General term for a group of cats.
Crick: A small stream.
Day-legs: Unusually active during midday. “I see you got the day-legs. Go back to sleep.”
Draping: Placing your tail on another cat’s back comfortingly.
Flower folk: Nickname for the Rosens, can be used as an insult.
Glaring: A group of cats who don’t trust each other or a group of highly aggressive/territorial cats.
Old yawler: An elderly or middle-aged cat, used as an insult by younger cats.
Outsiders: Derogatory version of wanderer.
Rhuner: A devout follower of ‘Rhune,’ the feline god. Used as an insult against the Darrows or any extremely religious individual.
Stare-scratcher: A cat who makes direct eye contact to start a fight or argument.
Stone-skipper: A cat with high energy.
Tail-twined: In a committed romantic relationship. “Sorry, my tail’s already twined.”
Triller: A very talkative cat.
Up in my whiskers: Being nagged or annoyed, especially by a cat who ignores personal space. “He’s been up in my whiskers all day.”
Wanderers: Cats without a colony.
Lunar cycle: Another term for a month.
First/second/third/etc. hour dark: The hours after the sun sets.
Shroomhead: An insult, used as a substitute for ‘dumbass’ by young cats (think ‘crap’ vs. ‘shit’).
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lizzieisright · 9 months
Okay just a little thing about characters in my Marvel AU: (I kidnapped Acrane women for it. Again)
Original six:
Captain America!Abby. She is untrusting but honourable, worn out already: the new world is foreign and weird and her adjustment is still ongoing. She still dresses like her time, but if Steve looked like a grandpa Abby just looks like your friendly neighbourhood lesbian. Fun fact! She had a small guy named Steve to teach her grandma computer courses. He also taught her how to not get tracked on the web.
Iron Man!Ellie. Cocky, explosive, genius. Lost her mom and Joel after a stupid fight, got angry and started building weapons because of it. After being captured and almost dying gets back into her mom's vision of Williams Industries and starts building things to help people, and because she is a fucking Ellie Williams she is as rich as before.
Black Widow!Reader. You're a Russian assassin who escaped to the US after getting on a bad side with a lot of people in Europe. Let's just say Shield missions to Europe are a big pain in your ass. You put up a polite smily front because your grim attitude is not something Americans appreciate. (Guess who will)
Hawkeye!Manny. He is just a funny guy who saved your ass back in Europe and because I wanted to have one guy on a team the same way they only had Natasha. Manny doesn't have a secret family on the side, he is just there making a little team of cold blooded sarcastic assassins with you. You don't need to smile as much around him.
Thor!Vi. Got sent to Earth for punishment and instead fell in love with the little world. She is still visiting her friend Darcy and gives her incredibly crazy love advice from time to time.
Hulk!Caitlyn. This one doesn't really make sense, but the comedic potential is good. ("How many PhDs does Hulk have? Zero! I have seven" with Thor!Vi by her side can you imagine?). Caitlyn was too curious about Abby's story and tried to recreate the serum but ended up becoming a giantess who almost destroyed Harlem. She is very awkward and nervous, and hates being lied to. Tried to get away from gamma-radiation research and went away to help the poor with her medical skills.
Now others:
Fury!Sevika. Because these people need someone with no bullshit attitude. Sevika is constantly tired and smokes so much it's a miracle her lungs work. She is tough and doesn't tolerate anyone's shit. We don't know her story and we actually shouldn't.
Loki!Jinx. It's in the name. Vi's little sister who adored her, but when the time came to choose between her and humanity Vi chose humanity. And then it turned out her hair is blue for a reason and Jinx is not only adopted but also the child of an enemy. Jinx is out for revenge. She plans to destroy Earth with everyone on it to get Vi and then destroy Asgard to get Vander. (Also the comedic potential of Caitlyn repeatedly slamming Jinx into the floor)
Pepper!Dina. The only person who can make Ellie do something she doesn't want to. Dina gets shit done and done brilliantly.
Maria Hill is now also a Coulson and gets paid double.
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teecupangel · 3 months
Having just watched Captain Laserhawk, I must ask- no, i must Beg- for our dear precious Bullfrog to be descended from Desmond! And to let those poor souls LIVE HAPPILY- and preferably with the other ancestors who desperately need a hug! Dang that show was beautifully deranged
It absolutely was, nonny. I love it.
We’re gonna play fast and loose with canon in this one though. (Spoilers to Captain Laserhawk's season 1 ending)
Bullfrog was not the only hybrid in the Brotherhood.
But he came from two old Assassin families, a rarity even in the Brotherhood.
He had only heard about it though.
He was told that they were originally created in a modified lab of one of the ancient ones.
Created by the remaining descendant of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad and, through the Kenway line, Ezio Auditore.
A man that only goes by the name ‘Elijah’.
He was not an Assassin. He preferred to stay away from the war between the Brotherhood and the Order. But he was hunted by the Templars so he had a ‘distant’ alliance with the Brotherhood.
They didn’t trust him and he didn’t trust them in turn.
Elijah wanted to be left alone in peace and anyone who threatened that were killed without mercy.
Bullfrog’s grandparents were born from his lab, ‘blessed’ with Elijah’s blood and the blood of another great Assassin of old, Callum Lynch.
According to his parents, Callum Lynch agreed to provide his blood in exchange for Elijah’s help in one of the more dangerous missions the great Master Assassin had before Eden had taken over everything.
When there was still a glimmer of hope that the Brotherhood could defeat the Templars...
And from the combination of those two bloods, their ability to access the Calculations were formed.
Elijah’s blood held the genetic codes of the men whose fate were closely linked to the Calculations. Callum Lynch’s blood held the genetic codes of a French Assassin who can ‘see’ the memories of his targets.
Modifications had to be made to stabilize them and…
Like they said, the rest was history.
When Elijah disappeared (dead, he must be dead, it has been a long time), Bullfrog’s family was taken in by the Brotherhood. Bullfrog had grown up having human childhood friends, Hastings and Darcy.
Eden found them.
And Bullfrog survived because he had been lucky.
Because the Warden saw his potential.
He was sure Eden ordered the complete eradication of the Brotherhood.
The Warden was playing a dangerous game and everything went to head at the end.
And now, here he was, being escorted back to his cell.
At least they were kind enough to hand him a juice box to drink while they walk.
Maybe they were still all confused by the orders they received to stay his execution.
They seemed a bit daze.
There was one more thing that separated his kind from the other hybrids.
Bullfrog had lived his entire life with the whispers of dead men.
Sometimes, he would even stand back and let them control his body.
The Bleeding Effect, the Brotherhood called it.
It was rare though.
The whispers prefer to advise and to talk to him.
They were the ones who suggested he talk to Eden’s puppet.
There was nothing to lose after all.
The moment he heard that whisper echo with different voices, all speaking at once, he threw his juice box at the guard to his right before kicking the guard to his left. He grabbed the man’s pistol from his shoulder holster and fired at the three guards behind them.
The third one moved enough that he was hit on the shoulder and he quickly took out his own gun.
Bullfrog kicked the man he had taken the gun from and ducked, firing two more rounds.
The first one hit the man between them on the chest at the same time the guard with the bleeding shoulder fired and hit him on the back. The second one hit the hole that the first shot created and the shot goes through the man.
Both men fell on the floor, killed by that single bullet as it hit the chest of one and the head of the other.
Bullfrog jumped the remaining man that he had hit with his juice box, jamming his gun inside the man’s mouth and pulling the trigger as his screams were muffled by the gun in his mouth.
He jumped off the corpse as it slumped on the floor and rummaged their bodies, finding the key to his cuffs in the first man he killed.
The whispers continued the entire time.
[Good job.]
[We must go.]
[Don’t take the elevator.]
Bullfrog nodded.
His hidden blade and other weapons would be near his prison but it was too risky.
He’ll have to find someplace to make his own weapons after escaping this shithole.
That was easy.
One of his whispers knew how to make a hidden blade.
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My Créme de la Créme MCs -- Ethan & Celeste Dalton
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I played CLDC by @hpowellsmith and enjoyed it quite a bit, so I got a commission of my MCs from OyenPaws on IG <3
Spotify playlists:
More info under the cut!
Ethan Dalton and Celeste Dalton are siblings. However, they're total polar opposites. Celeste is bubbly, outgoing, flirty and dramatic. Meanwhile, Ethan is introverted, reclusive, quiet and stoic.
I added lots and lots of headcanons (sorry), so in my mind, their playthroughs happened parallel with each other.
Ethan is very academic and studious. He stays in his own lane, does his own thing, unbothered. Celeste is popular and is involved with everything and everyone. She's a flirt, for sure. Florin Kraemer, eat your heart out.
Ethan decided to pursue higher education at a prestigious university, while Celeste decided to have fun with an art gallery apprenticeship. Her end goal is to become a fashion designer and start her own haute couture house.
In both playthroughs, Gallatin won. None of them ended up married. Lady Renaldt got exposed, and the good Dalton family name was restored.
Ethan got thrown in the mines (yikes!) while Celeste was busy fooling around with her boytoys. You'd think that she'd notice her brother being gone, but it's kind of hard when there are so many guys fighting for your attention :/
I scoured the author's blog to find any clues about the fashion in CLDC. I didn't want to put them in their school uniforms (which would've just been easier honestly), and since the zeitgeist of the CLDC universe is actually... not THAT set in stone (I even looked at other people's MC to make sense of what the fashion should look like) I just ended up taking inspo from dark/light academia, old money and coquette aesthetics. Can you tell that Celeste is very Lana Del Rey coded? :)
Their parents accidentally supported a corrupt political candidate.
Celeste is incredibly arrogant, vain and bold. For better or for worse. Ethan also has a tendency to look down on people he deems to be less intellectual than him.
Celeste had a hate-love thing with Blaise. Ethan wondered why she needed two snarky dark-haired dudes in her life. He pretty much avoided everyone, and the closest thing he had to romance was with Prince Rosario of all people!? So much for trying to be low-profile.
Ethan has to constantly drag Celeste out of dumb situations of her own making. Celeste has to constantly remind Ethan that people, even him, need human interaction.
Honestly the only reason why they managed to save the family's reputation is because Ethan was working behind the scenes and cleaned up Celeste's love scandals.
They're part east/southeast asian, part middle eastern and part european.
Ethan loves birds, especially corvids. He spends more time with birds than he does with people. His earring is supposed to resemble a raven.
Celeste is part of the Prefect Committee. Ethan is a member of the Birchmeier Society.
Ethan is 5'11, Celeste is 5'5.
Their mom is another OC of mine, Darcy Angelis <3
Had to restart the playthrough because of this, but in Celeste's playthrough, she decided to dance with Auguste at the ball. After that chapter ended, it triggered multiple consecutive scenes, one after another, where literally ALL of the characters had the "what are we???" talk with her. Can't believe the harem found out.
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p-taryn-dactyl · 11 months
way down we go (i)
a/n: this was not requested but I couldn't for the life of me get the idea out of my head. this can be considered a dark!fic bc of the events and plot points so please read the warnings before reading! I hope y'all enjoy! also, I already have part 2 written so this is one series you don't have to wait weeks for an update, only a day 💜
word count: 1.4k
warning(s): graphic depictions of crime scene/dead body - murder - blood and gore - this isn't really a happy fic - I'm not the fondest of writing things that show serial killers in a romanticized way so this...isn't going to end well - people die in this guys - if you do not like blood or anything to do with death do not read this - even though I absolutely love forensics I am in no way an expert and all my info comes from my singular forensic class and all the forensic files I watch - this is fiction plz don't come for my inaccuracies - (reader also does profiles bc why not)
pairing(s): forensic scientist!reader x serial killer!Agatha
prompt: your relationship was picture perfect. you're happy and in love but one crime scene brings your love crashing down around you. (I'm not good at descriptions)
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You knew you would never escape this feeling.
The chills that ran down your spine as you walked through the scene, the only sounds being camera shutters and shuffling footsteps of your team, the way the air was suspended around you, imitating the way you held your breath. You forced your emotions into a box and shoved it to the back of your mind, your eyes turning from sympathetic to analytical, necessary for your job. The only one who noticed the change was your Crime Scene Photographer, Darcy. She pursed her lips at you, tilting her head towards the bedroom, acknowledging your shift into your role of head CSI.
This scene was different than the others, you immediately noticed as you crossed the bedroom threshold. Blood took over the wallpaper, staining the costly vintage pattern. The body lay face down on the bed, stab marks on the back, mostly shallow and jagged, indicating a struggle had occurred. Your thoughts were proven as your eyes scanned over the blood spatter. This victim fought back, causing a fight your killer hadn't anticipated.
She was the tenth one this month, the bodies being found more and more frequently, the killer getting more confident.
Your name sounded behind you, making you turn around. Lead Detective Jimmy Woo stood with a grimace on his face, eyes expectant. You nodded as you brought him over to the side of the bed, where you could see the wounds better.
"This one is different, Jim. The scene is a mess, the body mutilated and uncharacteristically stabbed, not to mention the lack of sophistication."
You turned from the bed and walked over to a pile of cleaning supplies, crouching down and cocking your head to the side. Your eyes widened when you noticed what had caught your eye. Pulling out your tweezers from your toolkit hanging by your side, you called out to Jimmy, asking for an evidence bag. As he handed it to you, he asked an important question.
"Then how can we be sure it's the same killer."
Without hesitating you answered.
"The victim fits the profile. A woman in her early to mid 50s, lives alone, estranged from family," you nodded your head to the dusty photographs on the dresser, now decorated by dried drops of blood, "and the cleaning supplies, the same ones we know for a fact were used at the other scenes."
As you bagged the strand of hair, your mind thought back to the other crime scenes. The bodies of the victims lying in bed, dead for days or weeks at the longest, the rooms cleaned meticulously, the only mess being the crusty blood stains from the single slit mark on the women's neck. You thought that those scenes were the worst, but now as you looked around, you knew you hadn't seen the worst of humanity yet.
Handing Jimmy the evidence bag, which he passed on to the officers on the scene, you stood up.
"Forensics is done here, all pictures taken, swabs done, and now all evidence is bagged. Help me roll the body over."
Your plastic gloves were already soaked with blood as you and Jimmy rolled the victim onto her back. Jimmy choked on what he saw. You merely sighed. The slit on the victims neck was jagged but shallow. The scene played out in your head. The killer did the normal business of coming from behind with the knife, but this one struggled, making the cut not deep enough to kill. The killer pushed the woman onto the bed, trying to suffocate her with the pillow but she kept struggling. Finally, the killer resorted to stabbing the woman until the act was finished, even some post-mortem. Then, instead of having time to clean the scene and position the body, something unexpected happened. Someone visited the victim, the young next door neighbor who felt sorry for the elderly woman who never saw her family. The killer had to rush out the back, leaving countless pieces of evidence behind and ruining weeks of planning.
"Let's get her in a bag, make sure to contact the family and ask for her will and wishes upon her death."
On the drive back to the station and your team's lab, you allowed yourself a moment to text your wife.
You: Hey hon, I don't think I'll make it for dinner. I might stay the night.
You let yourself slip information, a breach of protocol but you trusted Agatha.
We finally have enough to catch this bastard.
The sounds of reporters never stopped as the hours passed, your team logging and entering every piece of evidence from this scene and past. You ran every single strand of DNA evidence you had through every database you had legal access to. Monica Rambeau, your secret weapon when it came to, well, weapons, made multiple 3D replicas of the suspects height and body weight, using the angles of the blood spatter and the stab wounds. You and your team had discovered a separate blood profile in the mix, a break that had you desperate for a culprit. Now you sat in front of the equipment in your lab, the rest of your team resting while evidence was being processed and while the detective went over profiles and case reports, looking for details they might've missed.
You kept yourself from drifting into sleep by scrolling on your phone. When you opened your messages, your brow scrunched together. Agatha hadn't responded to your text, leaving it delivered. Frowning, you started typing but realizing the time, you thought she would be sleeping. Maybe you missing dinner tonight had struck a nerve with your wife. Sighing, you slumped in your chair, practicing your apology in your head. You knew it wasn't common of you to miss dinner, so maybe she had something special planned for tonight, even if it was nowhere near one of your birthdays or an anniversary. But that didn't mean anything, maybe it was a surprise date night. You were so lost in your worry, you almost didn't hear the ping from your computer indicating a match. You read the results, a hint of surprise at the determined sex of the killer. You started to type some notes in an email for Jimmy when your computer indicated it had found an 94% DNA match in a database. You paused, your hands still hovering over your keyboard as the killer's picture came up on your screen.
Time suspended around you, suffocating you as your vision tunneled. The buzzing of your phone broke you out of your stupor and with shaking hands you opened the message from your wife.
aggie❤️: no worries about dinner love, how's the case going?
Your eyes flickered from the text to the picture on your screen, your wife's cold blue eyes staring into your soul. You hesitated before you answered.
You: not well. everything came up a dead end, ig it's back to square one.
You put your phone face down on your desk, quickly exiting out of the page, your wife's picture replaced with your background. Which did nothing to sooth your rapidly panicking state, as it was your wedding photo. You slammed the power button, relief flooding your body at the black screen. With shaky hands, you cradled your head.
This can not be happening. You thought, pinching your arms, desperate to wake up from this vivid nightmare.
Your phone buzzed with your wife's reply and you read it through blurry vision.
aggie❤️: im sorry to hear that hon. text me when you're on your way home <3
Normally, the heart as the end of the text would send butterflies ablaze in your stomach but now all it did was sending waves of nausea coursing through you. Were there signs you missed? Something you overlooked through the haze of being in love?
Were all these women dead because you were too blind to see what was in front of you the whole time?
You stood up suddenly, your chair crashing behind you. Darcy rushed in, concern lacing her actions.
"Y/N, are you-"
"I have a migraine. Staring at a screen for too long and all that." You cut her off, even giving a slight chuckle at the end to play it off. Darcy still looked concerned but let you gather your things and walk out of the lab.
"If anything comes up, I'll call you!" she called out, not knowing her words caused your stomach to hardened.
As you went to walk out of the station, you noticed Jimmy had recklessly left his gun and holster on his desk.
You walked out of the station, pulling your jacket tight against your body as you got into your car.
No one had noticed Jimmy's gun was no longer on his desk.
a/n: ok I really hope y'all enjoyed this bc ive been waiting to write it for forever!! part 2 will 100% be out tomorrow bc ive already written it lol. I like writing true crime/mystery fics or fics with the same vibe so hopefully I did it well!! thank you for reading and I love all of y'all so much <3 sorry I haven't been writing that much
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