#because ugh now i have to freaking fic it don't i
yan-randomfandom · 19 days
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Theraprism!Bill Cipher & GoLB!Reader
[DRABBLE] had a chat w my friend abt Golb from Adventure Time, and with the stronger-than-bill godly reader fics here rn, i got this idea! although this isn't romance, just pure mockery between cosmic beings
You smiled. His bulging eye narrowed in return.
"Oh, Billy, you never fail to look just like your parents when you're at your worst."
He grew drastically larger in size, overwhelmed with rage and hatred, but the white room only limits him from becoming his full potential. The red color that dominated his body overpowered any other light, and Bill Cipher truly, desperately hated that fact.
As an embodiment of chaos and destruction, you oversee every detail, even the smallest speck, within your domain. Though, who's to say that everything already isn't within you?
And, of course... This guy?
"When they said I had a special guest today, I didn't expect it to be you, GOLB," he seethed, jabbing a finger at the glass separating you two. The action didn't really mean much when his enormous, glowing eye was taking the entirety of your vision.
"So, what? You came here to mock me? Aren't you supposed to be out destroying universes or something?"
Your smile widened. "Who said I wasn't?"
Bill paused, falling silent as he shrank back to his original size. His red hue turned yellow. Shame. He looked best when he was his father's color.
"Well, shucks," he scoffed, leaning back in his chair. "I suppose I should feel honored you’re here. Never realized I’d caught your attention, you freak."
"Always have. Especially after that little fiasco back on earth," you mused, a chuckle escaping your mouth. "I just came by to see how you're doing. You don't look so hot, Bill Cipher."
"Ugh, what, are you about to lecture me on how a human beat me?" he sneered as he crossed his arms. "Because I promise you he didn't—"
"Humans... are peculiar," you interrupted his rant early. Apparently, he didn't appreciate that and glared at you. "They have something we otherworldly beings don't. You know, if I had the choice, I'd choose to be human."
Bill sighed rather dramatically. "All those sappy feelings and weak bodies? You should be glad we don't have that. It's stupid, just dumb!"
To his surprise, you stood up. Well, being an entity like yourself, your time is strict. He's lucky enough he got to talk to you.
"Of course you would say that," you chided, meeting his gaze. The glowing crack on his body intensified in response. "And, yet, the Pines family defeated you using only their bond."
He doesn't reply.
"...I'm just saying that I miss Earth, my home. If I had known you actually had any chance of succeeding, I would have destroyed you already."
"Anyway, good talk. It was a pleasure to meet you," you remarked, bowing your head.
Bill quietly stared at your leaving human form. You are the ultimate disrespect Bill has ever encountered in his lifetime.
Right next to Stanley Pines.
The axolotl blinked at you. "Being kinder to Bill was an option. We're trying to better him, after all."
You shrugged. "Look, Gills, I don't know the future, but what I do know is that I haven't met a being like him in a long, long time."
Bill Cipher is a stupid pest who got his powers from his own mistakes. Now, he chases over nothing.
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if u dunno em, this is OG golb from adventure time! erm golb looking like a baby but feel free to change how u look like lol, we have imagination!!
just gonna outright say it,,, GOLB!reader used to be human! Just like Golbetty!!!
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
💕 Moments 💕
Inspired by this scene in s4, with a similar occurrence happening. Lil fic, all fluff. May expand to write more cute moments if my readers want it ❤️🌸☺️ Minors Dni.
Summary; You're crushing on Eddie and it becomes very noticeable much to your friend Maddie's horror and Chrissy's delight.
It also becomes obvious to Eddie who may be a little bit smug with knowing this.
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Eddie was showing off again, it was like clockwork, every school day around lunchtime he would be loud, opinionated and you couldn't help but admire him.
Okay scratch that, you had a big crush on him and spent a night or two at the Hideout when Corroded Coffin was playing to see him shred on his guitar.
It was the hottest thing you'd ever seen.
Your friend Maddie rolls her eyes as you approach the table Eddie is strutting around on.
"Ugh, Munson being a freak again. What's new?" you ignore her, and your heart skips several beats as you approach the Hellfire table.
Chrissy tells her off saying Eddie is nice and not to call him a freak. You knew the two of them were friends and had been for months now.
The rest of the cheer team told you he was "mean and scary" and Chrissy was too much of a sweetheart to say anything.
You just thought they were far too judgemental.
You're so busy watching him that you don't realize that Maddie is talking to you.
"Hello? Earth to yn please?" she snaps exasperated and you come out of your reverie.
"Oh, sorry. Was distracted" Maddie follows your gaze.
"By that freak of nature? He's a loserboy" her mean assessment causes you to snap.
"Would you stop that? He's not a freak or a loser just because he listens to heavy metal or plays dnd it's just a fantasy game" Maddie's eyes widen.
"Oh my god take a chill pill or something why are you so defensive over... Oh my god. Do you have a crush on Munson?" she snorts.
Chrissy rubs your arm smiling kindly and throws a glare at Maddie.
"It's fine if you do honey, you should go for it. I think you two would be cute together" she beams and you know now that Chrissy knows this, that she will play matchmaker.
Eddie jumps off the table bowing to his friends in Hellfire who applaud him and he flips Jason the bird who has been watching Eddie with a scowl on his face.
He smiles as you, Chrissy and Maddie approach and steps back, motioning for the three of you to go ahead.
You chance a look back and he's still staring, there's a cheeky grin on his face and he winks at you.
You struggle to keep the grin off your face and decide to flirt back, why not? He was cute and you weren't going to let any of your friends dictate who you liked.
So you blow him a kiss and his eyes widen, he makes a show of catching the kiss adding an overdramatic flourish which makes you giggle.
Little did you know but that day Eddie Munson walked around with a goofy grin on his face all day, he went back to his trailer with the big smile still firmly on his face.
Wayne assumed it was something to do with his boys band or a new Dnd campaign he was cooking up.
Eddie really was planning how to flirt with you more, maybe you would blow more kisses his way?
All he knows is the most beautiful woman in Hawkins noticed him and that made him a very happy guy indeed.
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thisapplepielife · 3 months
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Written for the @corrodedcoffinfest June warm-up round.
Eddie Munson's Corroded Coffin Celebrity Full Metal Upside Down Memorial Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run 5K Race For Hunger
Prompt: Band on the Run | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: Language | POV: Eddie | Pairing: Steddie | Tags: Future Fic, Middle Aged Famous Corroded Coffin, Established Relationship Steddie, Steve's Made Eddie Watch Too Much of The Office, Eddie Munson's a Runner, But Not Like This
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"How did we get roped into this again? Who do I need to kill?" Goodie asks, lifting his leg into the air by the leg of his shorts, until Jeff catches his heel, resting it on his thigh as he ties Goodie's running shoe for him. 
"It's for charity," Jeff answers, cinching the laces, tying them.
Eddie's lacing up his own shoes, and he definitely shouldn't have bought new ones for this. Rookie mistake. He'd be better off with his vintage Reebok's that he wore into the ground.
He stands up and looks at himself in the mirror. He looks ridiculous. He doesn't know the last time his legs have seen sunshine, and they look like little chicken legs, under his baggy, black shorts.
This was a mistake.
Gareth is stretching, a foot up on the arm of the hotel couch, and Steve is all but laying over his back, pressing against him. 
"Um, do we need to let you two get a room?" Eddie asks.
Steve chuckles, and Eddie loves the sound. 
"You just want me to do this to you instead," Steve snarks.
"Well, yeah. Fucking, duh. Always, forever," Eddie answers.
"No, we don't have time for that," Jeff answers, looking at his watch, "it's twenty-three minutes until we have to be at the starting line."
"This is my worst nightmare," Goodie bemoans, "It's high school PE all over again."
And Eddie grins at him, because he feels exactly the same way. Goodie's hit it right on the goddamn nose. 
"Agreed," Eddie says, "and look, Steve Harrington is even here, bullying us freaks."
"I didn't bully you. You were the bully," Steve banters back, because they've had this disagreement a thousand times. 
"Agree to disagree," Eddie says, playing his part. Then he looks at Steve's back, still plastered to Gareth in a way that Eddie would definitely be jealous about if he were doing it to anybody else. "How much money is this raising, again?" Eddie asks, because that's the only thing that's gonna get him out of this room and onto the street. 
Steve straightens back up, "With what you've matched? Nearly fifty thousand dollars."
"That'll feed a lot of kids," Eddie says.
"It will. Your fans have really come through."
"They just want to see us in shorts," Eddie mutters.
"Well, that's at least ten thousand of it, yes," Steve says, and Eddie's pretty sure he's serious.
"Ugh, I'm gonna die," Eddie whines.
"You won't. It's a 5K, not a marathon. Over and done in under an hour, I promise, even if you walk the whole thing."
"I'm definitely walking the whole thing," Eddie insists. 
"And that's fine," Steve tells him, again. "But I'm not."
"And that's fine," Eddie mocks. 
"At least the route's along the ocean, so your casual stroll will have a view," Steve says, goading him.
He's still not running. He's walking.
Eddie doesn't walk. He's too competitive, and he should have realized that long ago. Goddamn Steve for getting him into this. 
So, when Steve, Jeff, Gareth and Goodie take off, Eddie matches them. So much for not conforming. He's embarrassed for himself right now.
Steve pulls away quickly, getting further and further ahead, and then Jeff and Gareth settle in beside each other, which leaves him and Goodie.
He thinks as soon as Steve totally disappears, Goodie will walk, and then he can walk, too.
Goodie doesn't walk. He's not fast, but he's in shape. They all are. Playing live shows like they do, even now in their forties, is more cardio than they even realize. So, they jog along together, and aren't even last.
"Are you dying?" Eddie asks, glancing over at Goodie.
"No," Goodie answers. 
"Me either," Eddie admits. 
Eddie was pretty sure he was gonna be last, and he's a little disappointed he isn't.
Steve is at the finish line, and doesn't even look like he's broken a sweat. Not a hair out of place, that asshole.
Eddie's drenched, and he feels like he just played a three-hour set in the sun. He and Goodie didn't finish fast, but they finished strong. And Eddie only stopped running to take a few pictures with fans along the route, as happy to get the breather as the fans were to get the picture, he thinks.
The volunteer hands the finisher's medal to Steve, letting him do the honors, and Eddie sees how hard Steve is smiling as he holds it up to put on Eddie. So, Eddie smiles back and leans his head forward to accept it, as cameras click all around. It's embarrassing, but he turns on the stage charm, bows and shows it off. Kisses Steve, lets them take pictures that all the tabloids will run with their own spin. Some good, some bad. 
Then, he poses with the rest of the band with the comically large check made out to the children's charity of their choice. 
It was worth it, he guesses.
"Rub my calves," Eddie demands, putting his legs in Steve's lap back in the hotel room, freshly showered, and already feeling more human again. 
Steve laughs, but he digs his fingers into the meat of Eddie's muscles, and they are a little sore. Goddamn new shoes.
"I'm proud of you, you know," Steve says.
"Yeah, yeah," Eddie answers, brushing him off.
"No, I am. I always am, but extra today. I know this isn't your thing, but you did a lot of good today. You all did."
"Yeah, well…"
"And got some great press," Steve adds, and now he's talking.
"Did I look good?" Eddie asks, preening, flipping his hair.
Steve grins, "So good."
And then Steve moves, lowering Eddie's legs back to the couch, settling on top of Eddie, covering Eddie's body with his own.
He presses his lips to Eddie's, then pulls back and looks in his eyes, "This mean you're gonna start going on my morning runs with me?"
And Eddie feels no remorse, as he laughs right in his husband's face.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @corrodedcoffinfest and follow along with the fun! 🦇
Notes: Obviously the title comes from the Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin... race name from the Fun Run episode of The Office.
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wangxianficfinder · 5 months
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Fic Finder
1. Hey! I am looking for a fic that's about WWX and LWJ being happily married, happily adopting children, and I think JC wants to reconcile? The children all have "Si" as the first character of their name, because Lan Elders questioned them being LSZ's siblings? Or something? I think LSZ arranged the children to "suddenly" appear in front of his parents too and they are oblivious but JC finds out and is surprised how sly LSZ is? They have a house in the outskirts of Cloud Recesses I think. Thank you so much!
FOUND? ❤️ Attempting the Impossible by Ariaste (T, 36k, WangXian, JC & WWX,  Post-Canon, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, Adoption, Family Fluff, Kid fic, Family drama, Fluff)
2. turning to you for this person's hour of need
i swear ive read this fic before also but i cant remember,,,, theres more info in the comments as well about how it Might be librarian/(equally scholar) lwj & they might be post grad. also he might be quoting mary oliver (but they speculate it theyre mixing fics) @revellingfate
FOUND! Lans Never Kiss and Tell by FeelsForBreakfast (E, 30k, wangxian, Modern, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, Humor, LWJ FUCKS, wwx and lwj are both like ‘I could never be the one for him :(’, and all their friends are like ‘you freaks deserve each other’, Mutual Pining, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, modern diaspora au) they said they found it in the twitter thread 😊
3. hi! looking for a fic i read at some point that had a scene (i think towards the end?) where someone lets slip something about LSZ's identity in front of JC (maybe WWX is being affectionate? or Sizhui says something to him or LWJ?) and for a second they all freeze because what if JC hates him for having been born a Wen, but instead JC's reaction is something along the lines of "oh thank god it IS you" + checking that that's what they meant and he really *was* Wen Yuan bc JC had looked during and after the siege but couldn't find a trace of him and had hoped all these years that LWJ's mystery kid was secretly Wen Yuan but never dared ask in case he wasn't, and so finding out it really was him all along is a huge relief.
thank you!! @aroace-lukeskywalker
NOT FOUND! 江山如有待 | It Seems the Hills and Rivers Have Been Waiting by ScarlettStorm (E, 295k, OFC/JC, Slow Burn, Post-Canon, (mostly), Transfem Character, WQ Lives, Fighting as Flirting, Fighting as Foreplay, qs also lives, demisexual JC, sex disaster jc, Femdom, switch rights, Eventual Smut)
FOUND! Build Your Home (on a landslide) by John_lzhc (T, 55k, LSZ & WWX, JC & WWX, WangXian, LSZ & LJY, Post-Canon, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Family Feels, Families of Choice, PTSD, Flashbacks, Grief/Mourning, best boy LSZ, Hopeful Ending, canon typical references to genocide, JC & WWX reconciliation, Family Dynamics, Fluff and Angst, Trans Male Character, Trans WWX, Alcohol, Implied/Referenced Alcohol, Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Implied Pregnancy, Implied Miscarrage, Happier Than It Sounds, WWX is the best teacher, WangXian forshadowed, Gratuitous use of the word "fuck", Found Family, Romance, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Dissociation, Mental Breakdown, Teaching, LWJ being horny on main, Menstruation, grief and mourning, Marriage Negotiations, moderate shenanigans, asexual LJY, LJY third generation gremlin, soft italicised 'oh' moment) There's an encounter like this with JC near the end of the 3rd part.
4. hello. i was trying to find this fic but now am unable to but it's modern au where wwx tells lwj that if they aren't married by 30, they will marey each other but just as they start hitting 30 wwx starts dating someone (i don't remember if it's mianmian or someone else).
FOUND? By 30 by x_los (T, wangxian, Modern, Accidental Marriage, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Didn't Know They Were Dating, Mutual Pining, Fuck Trees)
5. Ugh I'm sorry but I have a really vague one >.< I remember that Wwx is staying with Lwj post (cql?) canon and they are kind of together but haven't slept together yet. It goes on for a while and one thing I remember is that when they do finally do it it's a hot night and a summer storm is happening. Thanks! @yilingweiclan
6. hii!! i need help finding this fic where wei ying finds or adopts (?) a bunny and then throughout the story he names the bunny/bunnies (?) pun names related to pop culture. it was a modern au and at this point of the story wangxian is already in a relationship(?)
thats all i remember from this fic. thank u in advance for ur hardwork <3
FOUND! Postcards from the Horizon by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (T, 7k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, JC/WQ, WIP, Epilogues, yunmeng bros reconciliation, rabbit acquisition)
7. hello, pls i am rooting for this
Can anyone find a fic abt HuaLian being WWX parents, and it is Canon divergence? I feel like I ever read it, but in the same time i dont know 😭😭😭
FOUND? 🔒 a warm coal in the hearth of our hearts by eccentrick (T, 46k, XL & WWX, HC & WWX, SQX & WWX, hualian, Found Family, fluff with plot, Fluff and Angst, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Disabled Character, Ableism, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, WWX Isn't Adopted by the Jiāngs, slow burn found family, Gender Stuff brought to you by SQX, HuaLian Adopt WWX, Married HuaLian, Post-Canon TGCF, Kid Fic, TGCF Spoilers) I'm sure there are so many, but this is the one I thought of first. Wwx living on the streets and finding shelter in an abandoned temple. Will make you feel a lot of big feelings.
FOUND? Hua Xianle by Tiffany_Guinne (Not rated, 249k, hualian, wangxian, TGCF, Not Jiāng Family Friendly, Madam Lan Lives, Not JFM & YZY Friendly, Bad Parent JFM, Bad Parent YZY, overprotective hualian as parents, WWX is good at feelings, WWX knows self preservation, and self love, WWX NHS and JZX are friends, Not JC Friendly, No Golden Core Transfer, Canon Divergence, Ghosts and Gods are wrapped around WWX's fingers, LWi is a Panicked Gay, WWX is kinda sickly, WWX is not named Wuxian, HuaLian Adopt WWX, WWX has selective mutism, PM is the uncle that teaches you how to flirt, Grandfather JW, MNQ is the grandmother then?, SQX is the aunt/uncle that spoils WWX, all of them spoils him actually, They have a competition on who will be the fave uncle or aunt, and this is a story about how A-Ying disses HC on a daily basis just to make fun of him, he loves his adie though, no HC is harmed in the creation of this story, i can't say the same for the Jiang though, Creepy JFM, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, HUA YING DOES NOT GET RAPED!, Can't say the same for some unwanted...people, Don't like, Don't read, This starts of mild and fluffy though, WIP)
FOUND? let this soul be your whisper by merthurlin (T, 28k, hualian, wangxian, post TGCF canon, post first siege of burial mounds, canonical character death, canon divergence, found family) has Xie Lian take in Wei Wuxian for three years before his 3rd ascension.'has Xie Lian take in Wei Wuxian for three years before his 3rd ascension.
FOUND? Narrative of Strength by erosophic (T, 67k, hualian, wangxian, WWX & XL, WWX & HC, FX & MQ & XL, JC & WWX, FengQing, Canon Divergence, HuaLian Adopt WWX, Found Family, Fluff and Angst, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, XL takes WWX as a disciple, Protective XL, Protective HC, Adoption, Kidnapping, Attempted Kidnapping, QR being QR, Serious Injuries, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence)
If all else fails, searching the Hualian adopt wwx tag on ap3 might get you something
8. Hi! I am looking for a fic where everyone except Wei Ying is a shifter. However, during the attack on Lotus Pier, Wei Ying shifts into a Phoenix/Feng Huang, a clan that was destroyed years ago. He has powers to heal others and so Jiang Fengmian orders everyone in Lotus Pier to keep it a secret. He was also pregnant and gave birth to A-Yuan. Any leads will be much appreciated! Thank you in advance😊 @lilaccamellia
FOUND? Changes by Duochanfan (Not Rated, 80k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Drama, Mpreg, Shapeshifters AU, Sunshot Campaign, Baby LSZ, Angst with a Happy Ending, JGS is a warning unto himself, Past Miscarriage, Good YZY, injuries, Death of people, Not anyone we like)
9. For the next FF, I'm looking for 2 fics: (A) burial mounds arc, yiling Wei sect fic where they advertised cultivators could come perform the burial rites of their sects to lay to rest their dead from the resentful masses in the burial mounds. I think this made them a legit sect. (B) I'm not sure why but LWJ married WY, possibly to protect him? WY was severely injured by zidian and he was bedridden while LWJ was sent to the indoctrination. The one scene I recall is WY made a talisman that exploded a Wen attacker's head.
I've read 9A! Can't find it now, but perhaps additional info will help: there's a rouge cultivator hanging around the burial mounds, who turns out to be Madame Lan, and I think Lan Qiren recognizes her while on a visit to lay to rest Lan ghosts? Later he brings over LWJ and LXC for a reunion.
FOUND? Claiming Life from Death by MarbleGlove (E, 24k, WWX & WQ, wangxian, Golden Core cultivation and theory, Canon Divergence, the wen remnants survive, the burial mounds settlement survives, Pining WWX, Rumors, lying is forbidden but what is truth, Past Rape/Non-con, LQR is trying his best, Porn With Plot, Light Bondage, missing core reveal, YLLZ WWX)
FOUND! 🧡 To have and to hold by Moominmammashandbag (M, 78k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Major character injury, CQL verse, Happy Ending) the head exploding is in ch 13
10. hellooo! i just opened my x app (twitter) and found a short art/comic story where child!wangji suddenly became a bunny and then found that he's at the back of the jingshi (there are other bunnies) then child!wuxian came and saw bunji. i think thats the part 1/5(?). when im about to read the thread, its all gone. im been scrolling thru my feed but i cant find it. can u guys help me find it? thank you so much in advance!
FOUND! twitter thread i think is this!
11. Hey,
Can you help me find a fic. I don't really remember much except that the yiling city (or burial mounds ) was like well- developed and a flourishing place. Hope you can find the fic @mayavsworld
FOUND? 💖🔒 love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, YLLZ WWX, Arranged Marriage, political scheming, Gratuitous Domesticity, Mutual Pining, EXTREME SLOWBURN, the inherent eroticism of the forehead ribbon, The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, neither wwx nor lwj want to be Perceived, but sorry kids! it’s gonna happen!, rated E but the the NSFW stuff doesn’t begin until chapter 19!, bottom LWJ in chapter 20 and 27) Has a well developed community in the burial mounds?
12. Hi! Wishing the mods to have a wonderful day
I need help finding a fic, could you help pls?
It was a Wangxian one shot that took place in modern settings, specifically it was about wangxian having (adopting?) a baby during quarantine and not telling their family & friends until they are invited to a party/reunion and they just… bring the baby, surprise!
I WAS 90% sure it was called “Quarantine baby” but I can’t for the light of me find it. At this point I just want to know if it was deleted or I’m misremembering something. Anyway thanks for all your work! @neko-in-gotham
FOUND! What is on my kitchen table? by tigerlilly3224 (G, 3k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, Modern, A/B/O, Family Fluff, Family Feels, Cute, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Alpha JC, Alpha LXC, Alpha NMJ, Alpha LQR, Post Mpreg, Pandemics, Family Bonding, Siblings JC & WWX, Protective LWJ, Parents WangXian, Soft WangXian, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, LJY Being LJY)
13. I've read this fanfic around 2021 and I forgot the title. I barely remember the details about it but I know it's good and I want to read it again, and it was an incomplete work way back so I'm wondering if it's completed already. It's about LWJ and WWX (participating?) in this kind of survival in the (purgatory?) and like they faced challenges under that and striving to survive until the very end to find their way out... really forgot the complete details but I swear it was good
NOT FOUND and from our own/live to ourselves by betweentheheavesofstorm (M, 105k, wangxian, Modern, Fantasy, Reality TV, Arctic Survival, Blood Magic, Blood and Gore, Getting Together, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Self-Harm, Bloodletting, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Animal Death, Hunting, Mild Sexual Content)
14. Hi, I hope all is well with you.
I'm looking for 2 fanfics.
A - is wangxian, where lwj convinces wwx to return with him to gusu and remove his resentful energy and in return he will give a piece of land near the Cloud Recesses to the Wen Remnantslive in. but what lwj doesn't know is that resentful energy is the only thing keeping wwx alive. when trying to remove it he almost kills wwx and if wen qin hadn't been there it was very likely that he would have really died. Upon accepting LWJ's proposal, WWX knew he was going to die and asked LWJ to be the one to remove the resentful energy. has a happy ending.
B - lwj is a courtesan in a brothel near the tombs and wwx goes there for lwj's music to calm the resentful energy within him. when lwj calms the energy wwx returns to seem human. it's a fic where the monsters from the tombs come out to fight the wens and wwx is the patriarch of these monsters from what I remember.
thanks. @lilianeheart
FOUND? decay by antebunny  (G, 16k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Angst, Misunderstandings, Miscommunication, big sister WQ just wants her stupid little brother WWX to take care of himself, warnings for WWX's typical level of self-care, Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, the fluffiest ending, Hurt/Comfort, Podfic Available)
FOUND? start by pulling him out of the fire by tidemakers (T, 15k, wangxian, Creatures & Monsters, Canon-Typical Violence, Body Horror, Mild Gore, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV LWJ, YLLZ WWX, Identity Porn, Identity Reveal, Hurt WWX)
15. What I remember is toward the end of a time travel story after defeating wen ruohan, wei wuxian is confronted by mend yap who was sent back by accident. Thing was that wei wuxian wasn’t actually one of the people sent back he was just told about it and he has to sit and stall while meng yao tries to turn him against I think lan xichen. I think it ends up with wei wuxian getting injured and knocked out after meng yao is stopped (still in wrh’s throne room)
16. Hello There! Hope you are doing good!! I read this fic a long ago Idk where i found it. In which WWX unintentionally adopts a dog and as we know WWX and His naming skills. he accidently named the puppy "Hey". There was some scenes with JL too about how to train the dog. It was post canon I think. please help me find this fic. thank you!!! @vbhardwaj-reads
FOUND? Imprints by Lisa_Telramor (G, 47k, wangxian, accidental puppy adoption, Humor, Panic Attacks, phobia recovery, Post-Canon, JC & WWX Reconciliation, Poor Life Choices, because WWX has trouble putting his mental health first, Self-Acceptance, don't face your phobias the wei WWX does it, that would probably make the trauma worse, jumping through mental hoops to combat phobias, Developing Relationship, fluff with a side of anxiety lol, WWX adopts a puppy, Dogs)
17. Hello!
I am desperatly looking for a fic about Jiang Cheng and Nie Huisang. I literally cannot find it anywhere. It was post canon mostly, they were hooking up or sth and Huisang was dealing with resentful energy in his region and being chief cultivator. at some point Jiang Cheng broke it off, they only saw each other in passing on conferences and then huisang had qi deviation. wangxian was there trying to stop it but ultimately jiang cheng sort of brought him back. if you know this fanfic or anyone who i can ask i'll owe you my life @pandemonium39
18. Lost fic!! (Also tw for mention of SA)
It was a modern au, wei ying ran away as a teenager and lz bumps into him at a market, WY is with the wens and also has a close relationship with xue yang (they are kinda ex's) and then it turns out the JFM had attempted to assault WY as a teem and madame yu blamed WY, and JC and JYL and LZ are all in a group chat where they talk about WY and how much they miss him
FOUND? clean from the war (your heart fits like a key) by sysrae (E, 28k, WangXian, Modern AU, Reunions, past xy/wwx, xy is fucked up but not evil, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks, past wwx/jfm, Past Rape/Non-con, Past Abuse, Rape Recovery, transphobic violence, Victim Blaming, Past wei Wuxian/others, allusions to past self-harm)
19. Hiiiiiii!! I was looking for fic where I think Madam Yu kills Wei Ying and then Lan Wangji finds his soul? And I think somehow the Lan convinces Wei Ying to confess about what Madam Yu did to the Jiang siblings. And Wei Ying was sure that it won't go well but confessed anyway and Jiang Cheng didn't believe him. That's all I can remember.
And Thank you so much for all your work!! @yilinglaobunny
FOUND? I'd give anything to hear you say it one more time by Unicornelia96 (T, 54k, wangxian, Major Character Death, Angst with a Happy Ending, No Sunshot Campaign, Angst, Reincarnation, Character Death, Sad LWJ, LWJ Needs a Hug, Suicidal Thoughts, POV LWJ, POV Multiple, but mostly LWJ)
20. Hello! I wanted to ask about this one fic where I think the entire Lan clan traveled back in time or at least had an idea of future events and so, during the Cloud Recesses Arc, they were super kind to Wei Wuxian cause they knew that Lan Wangji was going to be marrying him at some point. Lan Wangji was horknee gripping all the way when Wei Ying and him sparred and Lan Qiren was exasperated while Jiang Cheng was confused throughout the whole ordeal.
FOUND? 🔒💖 Flawed and Free by Vrishchika (E, 18k, wangxian, major character death, time travel fix-it, dark gusu lan, dark LWJ, dark LXC, not JC friendly, temporary character death, angst, hurt/comfort, WIP)
FOUND? Cluster of Clouds by Nika_Raven_Celeste (T, 20k, wangxian, LQR & WWX, JC & WWX, time travel, post-canon lans time travel, cloud recesses study era, confused WWX, soft LQR, soft LWJ, not JC friendly, not YZY friendly, genius WWX, horny LWJ, oblivious WWX, WIP)
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red-flagging · 6 months
💛 seb/lewis :-)
(kiss fic prompts!)
a little epilogue to rabbits are chasing :)
Lewis's flight lands at 8:02PM, which means that by 7:31PM, Seb is parked outside the airport arrivals door, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel and scanning the sky for approaching planes.
It's quite silly, getting here so early, but it's not as if there's much left to do at home. There's roast vegetables waiting in the oven, the cauliflower steaks that he started marinating earlier this morning chilling in the fridge. Mina and Ellie are safely ensconced in their duck coop with the heater turned on for the night. The sheets on the guest bed are freshly washed.
The car parked behind him starts up. Its headlights illuminate Seb's cabin. For a moment, he catches a glimpse of himself, harried and too-bright, in the rearview mirror. He scrubs his hands down his face. Christ. Get it together, Sebastian. He is a full 39 years old. Far too old to be getting the same jitters that he did the first time he invited a girl over at age 17, agonizing about what album to have playing when they came back to his room. Lewis is far too old for Seb to be doing all this. Lewis might not even be gay.
His phone buzzes. Seb nearly jumps out of his seat.
just landed
getting my luggage now
hows it so freaking cold here
The inside of the car is already fogging up. When he'd asked Lewis to send dates he could come visit and Lewis had said just so you know the next few months are kind of crazy for me, Seb had expected late fall, maybe the holidays. Not the middle of slush season, when all the roads up the mountain have a 50/50 chance of being so muddy that they're undriveable.
I'm outside, in the blue Infiniti :)
He glances back up at himself in the mirror. The scab from where a wood chip caught the corner of his eyebrow while he was sanding the new planter box is almost healed over. His hair looks as good as it's ever going to. If Lewis asks whether he's been using conditioner, he's fucked.
It shouldn't feel like this. Seb beat Lewis to Senna's record, and Lewis still laughed at all his jokes the next season. Lewis watched Seb DNF twice in five races and still said in the media pen that he was waiting for the day Seb would be back up on the podium with him. When they inevitably auction off Lewis's Le Mans racesuit, it'll have to be with Seb's snot all over the front of it, because Lewis let Seb sob all over him and then laughed as he wiped sweat off of Seb's cheek with the sleeve. After all that – the fact that he's about to be in Seb's house for the next week shouldn't make Seb feel like he's standing in front of Lewis naked, without even the promise of a fast car or a good competition to distract Lewis from looking right at him.
His phone buzzes again.
outside i think
Seb peers through the windscreen. Lewis – or rather, the blurry figure lugging a giant suitcase behind him that he assumes is Lewis – waves at him from the sidewalk. Seb flashes his lights at him twice.
The back door opens and Lewis's head, along with a burst of cold night air, pops in. "Hey," he says, a little breathlessly. "I don't think this is going to fit in the back."
It does, eventually, but not without a fight that involves Seb having to climb into the trunk alongside Lewis's suitcase and physically wrestle it into place while Lewis shoves from behind. They're both out of breath by the time they finally climb back in the front and slam the doors shut.
"You know, there are beds at the farm," Seb points out. "You didn't have to pack your own."
Lewis shakes his head, tugging off his gloves. His coat collar is turned up around his neck. He's wearing an an ear warmer headband, held in place by two butterfly pins. Every other bit of uncovered skin is pink, even with the heat in the car up at full blast. Lewis shoves his fingers in front of the vents and sighs with relief, closing his eyes. "Ugh, thank God," he says. He sounds exhausted. "Listen, you're lucky I fit everything into one." It sounds far less like a joke than Seb would hope. The fact that the fondness in Seb's chest still manages to outweigh the exasperation is probably a sign that Seb's beyond salvation.
"Next time I'll bring a trailer so you can fit your bathtub and toilet, too," he says, reaching for the keys. The engine purrs to life as he flicks the lights back on, then leans forward to scrub the worst of the fog off the windscreen. The thermometer on the dash says it's still 3 degrees outside. They might still be able to make it back before the slush freezes over. "Okay," he says, sitting back down and twisting around to reach for his seatbelt. "Ready to go?"
Lewis doesn't say anything. When Seb looks over, he's staring out the front window, playing with one of his rings.
"Lewis?" Seb asks.
Lewis's head jerks around. "Hm?" he says. "Oh. Yeah." He doesn't move to put on his seatbelt.
Seb frowns. Kills the engine so he can properly turn in his seat. "Lewis," he says. "Is everything –"
Lewis leans across the console and kisses him.
It's barely half a second. Seb still hasn't moved by the time Lewis sits back down on his side of the car.
"Uh," Lewis says, after a second. He clears his throat. "Sorry. I just – Shit. Sorry. The whole way over, all I could think about was – I had to get it over with before I chickened out."
He's fiddling with his rings again, but his eyes stay fixed on Seb's. His jaw is set. He still looks half-ready to bolt through the door behind him, out into the night.
"Well, you don't have to make it sound like taking your medicine, Christ," Seb says hoarsely, and drags Lewis back across the console to kiss him properly.
Lewis's lips are still cold. When Seb opens his mouth, Lewis sighs, pressing in closer with a soft sound that makes Seb want to go twenty years back in time and kick himself for not figuring out how to make Lewis make that noise sooner. His hands settle on Seb's wrists, holding him in place. Seb slides his own hands up, cradling the back of Lewis's head, to return the favor.
When he finally pulls away just far enough to catch his breath, Lewis follows him, close enough that their noses bump. His eyes are wide. This close up, Seb can see the dark circles under them more clearly.
He closes his eyes. Lewis is still there when he opens them.
"How long have you been awake?" he asks.
Lewis blinks. "What," he says. "Are you talking about."
"Sleep deprivation," Seb says. His heart is pounding hard enough that he feels it in his throat. "People start to get delirious when they're tired enough –"
"I was awake for 24 hours and I didn't kiss you at the end," Lewis interrupts, his eyes sharp and bright. "I'm not making the same mistake twice."
Seb opens his mouth and nothing comes out. He tries again. Still nothing.
"Fuck," he says, closing his eyes. "Okay. Okay." He drags himself back upright and reaches for the keys. "We can – tomorrow. But we should – you need to shower. And sleep." Lewis's hand settles on his leg. Seb rests his own on top of it; after a second, he squeezes Lewis's fingers gently. Lewis flips his hand over and laces their fingers together.
"Yeah," Lewis says. His thumb traces over Seb's knuckles. "That – tomorrow sounds good."
The slush crackles under the tires when Seb starts to move. Ahead of them, the headlights carve a path through the darkness. Lewis's hand is a solid, steady weight against his leg. "Okay," Seb says, to himself, to both of them, to no one. Lewis hums softly from his side of the car. He squeezes Seb's knee gently.
Seb closes his eyes for a second. "Okay," he says quietly. "Yeah. Let's go home."
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guilty-pleasures21 · 7 months
Another one?! Ugh, I get bored at work, okay?!
Might try to finish this one up soon, because I got an idea for another fic (🥲), but I don't want to make the ending too abrupt.
1. Ergh, I don't really know if I want to write this ...
2. I wrote it
Part 1 - the towel
Part 2 - the morning after
Warnings: um, well, they're naked?
She woke up the next morning to a soothingly heavy weight on her waist and a deliciously solid presence behind her back. She snuggled deeper into her warm cocoon and Miguel slid his hand over her- Wait. Miguel? Miguel! She twisted her head back to get a glimpse of the man lying behind her, then turned back around when she’d confirmed that yes, it was Miguel. As in her boss Miguel. As in ‘holy freaking shit, she’d just slept with her boss’ Miguel! X clutched tighter onto her quilt, then began discreetly trying to wriggle herself out of his grip - maybe she could sneak out. Of her own house. And then call in sick or something and send him her letter of resignation once he’d left.
“¿Cariño? (Sweetheart?)” Miguel’s deep voice rumbled through her bones, still rusty from sleep, and a shiver ran down her spine. He chuckled and cuddled her closer to him so he could lean over to press a kiss to the crook of her neck. The crook of her neck which was bare because she was naked in bed with her boss! “¿Qué paso, arañita? (What happened, little spider?)”
She tried not to react as he continued to press soft and appreciative kisses along her bare shoulder. But then his fingers were brushing across her nipple and his thigh was slipping in between her legs and it took everything in her to bite down on her lip and muffle the squeak that fell from her mouth. “Um, nothing! Go back to sleep, Miguel! This was just one crazy dream …”
Miguel let out another snicker and X shuddered again. “Mmm, if this is a dream, then I don't want to wake up, mi arañita linda. (... my lovely little spider.)”
Holy shit! Did his morning voice have to be so hot?! Did his everything have to be so hot?! He squeezed her breast gently and she sucked in a breath as her body stretched put so that her p*ssy brushed up against his leg. Shit! “M-Miguel!”
She grabbed onto his arm and lifted it off of her body so she could wriggle further away from him. Miguel finally sat up, confused. “¿Arañita? What's wrong?”
She was acting differently to last night - less playful, less affectionate - and he didn’t know what had happened to prompt the unexpected change.
X pulled the quilt all the way up to her eyes, then let her gaze trail over his body: his broad chest, his tanned skin, his defined muscles - all of which she now knew the feeling of against her. Against her naked body. She gulped at the thought.
“Um, is this … okay?” she asked him softly. “Like, is it going to be awkward at work … or something? I just … I'm just kind of nervous because I've never done this before, and I don't really know how things work, and, I mean, you're also, like, my boss and … and oh my God. Please don't fire me! I'll quit! I’ll just, like, hand in my resignation or something! That's okay, right? It won't look bad on my résumé or anything? But I really like this job! And I'm good at it! And I've still got quite a while left of my contract. Oh my gosh. Should we just have waited? I dunno. Would you still like me if I wasn't here?”
“Arañita,” Miguel stopped her, leaning over her to catch her attention. “Breathe.” He could feel her nervous energy rubbing off on him as she’d continued with her rant - did she regret it? He definitely didn’t, but maybe he’d rushed her. Maybe he should have sat her down and talked to her and then taken her for dinner or something. And then he could have f*cked her to sleep. X took in a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down.
“I'll like you wherever you are, arañita,” Miguel assured her, his fingers aching to reach out and touch her. He clenched his fists instead, trying to focus on soothing her concerns first. “But … do you regret it? Do you want us to wait?” ¡Dios, por favor! (God, please!) Say no, please say no! He didn’t think he could go another day without touching her - not now that he knew what she felt like in his arms.
“No!” X replied immediately, not even waiting to process his sad eyes and his nervous grimace and the anxious furrow of his brows. “I don’t regret it!” Miguel breathed a sigh of relief at her admission.
“And I don’t want to wait,” X continued, pulling her quilt back up over her mouth and nose. “I really like you, Miguel. But … do you like me?”
She blinked her eyes up at him, her voice riddled with insecurity, and his heart cracked at the sight. Of course he liked her! He’d liked her ever since she’d raced into that meeting room and scribbled her ideas all over the board in a way that had made sense only to him - the day he’d given her that nickname everyone in the office now knew her by.
“Of course I like you!” he exclaimed incredulously. “You think I'd have had sex with you if I didn't?!”
“I don’t know!” X sat up, raising her voice to match his. Her expression turned uncertain again as she considered his words. “Maybe you just wanted sex … or something.” Her voice softened as she said the word and she lowered her gaze, embarrassed.
“I mean, isn’t that what good looking guys do?” she finished. She winced at her own words, hearing herself how stupid the argument sounded. But she just wanted some reassurance from him - a confirmation that he wouldn’t just get bored of her and then leave her to go chase after the next pretty thing. Not that he’d ever done anything to make her think that he would do that. But … Miguel fixed her with another disbelieving look.
“¿Qué p*tas? (What the f*ck?)" Miguel narrowed his eyes at her, completely and utterly bewildered as to how she’d possibly come to that conclusion. She thought he’d wanted sex from her just because he was ‘good looking’? ¿Qué mierda? (What the hell?) How the f*ck was he supposed to respond to that?! “Wait. So, you think I just wanted to have sex with you … because I’m ‘good looking’? ¿Qué mierda, arañita?”
“No! I mean … I mean, like …” X waved her hands around, trying to come up with a response. But then her quilt slipped down to her waist and Miguel's eyes fell to her breasts immediately, his pupils dilating with desire as he took her in. X rushed to pull the material back up over herself and Miguel shot her a guilty look.
“Uh …” He waved one hand at her body and rubbed the back of his neck with the other. “I mean … I've already seen … all of it … arañita.”
He snuck a glance at her again and his lips twitched at the ends when he saw the glare she was giving him. She was so cute when she was mad.
“Miguel!” She grabbed a pillow and whacked him over the head with it, too quick for him to block her attack.
“Hey!” he exclaimed, giving her a questioning look once she’d set the pillow down. “¡¿Arañita?!”
X huffed in irritation. “See! You're just … You're all ‘sexed up’ right now! You're not going to listen to anything I say!”
‘Sexed up’? How did she keep coming up with this stuff? He had to admit that she might have had a point though, considering the direction in which his thoughts had been headed when she’d exposed herself before him again. But it wasn’t his fault she was just so f*cking delicious! Miguel forced his features into a frown.
“¡Arañita! I have been listening!” he insisted, taking offence at her accusation. Then he sat back and gave her a serious look. “Okay, okay, I'm listening. What is it? What's really bothering you?” X fidgeted with her fingers, thinking.
“I just …” She tucked her hair behind her ear, not meeting his gaze as she spoke. “You're just, like, so amazing and everything and I … I'm just me, you know? There's … nothing special about me or anything. I just … What if you got bored of me one day, you know? And then someone way prettier and way more cool comes along? What do I do then?” Her voice cracked as she finished the thought and Miguel felt his own heart breaking at her words. How could she think that about him? How could think that about herself? Not when she was so pretty and smart and sweet! Miguel grabbed her face, cupping it in his hands so she was forced to look at him.
“¡¿Estás loca, arañita?! ¡¿Qué diablos?! (Are you crazy, little spider?! What the hell?!) How can you say that about yourself?!” He released his hold on her, getting more and more upset with each passing second. “You are special; you’re so special, arañita. I don’t want anyone else but you! You’re so pretty and cute and so smart! I mean, even in your interview, that first day, when I saw you! I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about how pretty you were! With your … your beautiful eyes and your cute smile and your …” His eyes fell to her body - to her small form and her mouth-watering curves and her-
“Not that that’s the reason I hired you!” Miguel assured her quickly, dragging his gaze back up to her face. “You’re really smart! You’re brilliant! And … And that was just an added bonus … to … to the … to what you’d contribute to …”
“Miguel,” X stopped him, snickering at how frazzled he’d become. “You’re rambling now.”
He relaxed, the tension easing from his shoulders when he saw the gentle curve return to her lips.
“I can’t help it, arañita.” He shrugged. “That’s just what you do to me.” X bit her lip, giving him that shy smile that drove him crazy.
“Okay.” She readied herself to lower the quilt, her body heating up in anticipation of his reaction if she did. But then she stopped, suddenly realising how out of her depth she really felt. “But, um, Miguel?”
“Hmm?” Coño, it was like the f*cking towel all over again! Why wasn't she lowering the damn quilt?!
“Can we … take this a little slower?” X asked him carefully, completely oblivious to his thoughts. “I just … I’ve never been in a relationship before, so …”
¡Mierda! (Shit!) Of course! How could he have been so insensitive?!
“Yes! Yes, of course,” Miguel agreed immediately. “We’ll go at your pace, arañita. Whatever you want to do, just tell me.”
“Hmm.” X paused to think about it, her expression much more relaxed now that they'd resolved her insecurities. Then her eyes lit up with an idea. “Should we go on a date?”
She looked so excited, her lips stretched into a hopeful smile as she waited for his response. He liked seeing her happy - and he absolutely adored being the reason for it. He leaned forward to tuck her hair behind her ear and give her a mischievous smirk. “I'll take you on a date, arañita. Where do you want to go?”
She bit her lip as he began brushing lips along her neck and shoulder, his warm breath tickling her skin and causing a shiver to run down her spine. “Miguel …”
He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. “Tell me where you want to go, arañita. I'll take you wherever you want.”
She reached up to grip his shoulder, then pushed him back slightly so she could start thinking again. “Hmm, a movie?”
Then they wouldn't have to worry about anyone seeing them. Smart. Miguel cupped her cheek in his hand. “What time do you want to go?”
He leaned forward to press his lips to hers and she sank against his chest, kissing him back. Finally, he pulled away and she treated him to a sweet smile before replying. “We can go in the evening? Then you can go home and get changed too.”
Right. He had a spare set of night clothes he kept at her place - for when he was injured or too tired to go home after a mission. But he'd always get up before she awoke and put on his suit to swing through the city back home - a task that was probably going to be a little more difficult now that everyone was awake and going about their day. But that could wait for later.
“Can I take a shower here first?” Miguel asked, his voice low and thick with desire. Her stomach flipped at the look in his eyes, but she swallowed it down, wanting to tease him a little.
“Sure!” X agreed happily, hopping up and heading over to her closet. “Let me just get you your towel.” His eyes followed her as she walked across the room and stretched onto her toes to grab the towel he'd use whenever he stayed over. Joder, she was beautiful: her long limbs and her soft curves and her tanned skin and curly hair. He couldn't wait to get her into the shower with him. He grinned at her as she handed him the towel, getting up to go over to the bathroom. But then she turned around to start walking in the wrong direction.
“¡Arañita!” Miguel called after her, unable to keep the hint of panic out of his voice. Where the hell was she going now?! X stopped and twisted her head back to look at him, a questioning expression on her face. “Uh, we could … we could save water … if we showered together …”
He looked so guilty as he said it, she had to bite down on the inside of her cheek to stop herself from bursting into laughter. Her eyes drifted down his towering form, lingering on his handsome face and his rapidly stiffening cock and her stomach fluttered at the sight.
“Oh, it's fine.” She waved away his concerns nonchalantly. “I'm just gonna go put my breakfast first.”
Miguel clutched onto his towel, his heart thudding with panic as she began walking away from him. Another excuse - he needed another excuse!
“¡Arañita!” he called out to her quickly. X turned back to give him a questioning look and he hesitated. “Uh … Don't you need to brush your teeth first?”
“I can wait,” she replied, fluttering her eyelashes knowingly as she took a step back towards him. “Besides, I can always just brush my teeth while you're showering. Then we can switch! Let me get you a toothbrush.” She started making her way to the bathroom and Miguel seized the opportunity to race after her.
“After, after: I can brush my teeth after I take a shower.”
Tags: @heubstr
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soaps-mohawk · 5 days
& this chapter was ugh so good. you just make the angst soo freaking good. idk whats its called (youre the writer here) but when the book actually makes you feel something yk? yeah.
and omg johnny just crying tore me apart. you can tell he was always a sweetheart maybe even the most omega-like before reader. like god theyre all having to be so strong for everyone.
and fucking simon with the spoon like yes do what you ahve to do for her. idk that part made me feel something because everyone else is almost to scared to push the boundary but it wasnt about her boundaries it was about her safety since she clearly wont admit it yaknow? simon is so im gonna protect you whether you like it or not.
then john god damnit. he’s going through so much but im do into this fic i honestly dont even feel bad. like im reading how he feels and feel nothing. no pity, no empathy, i dont even feel good that he’s feeling this way.
i 💕 this fic. this is so long sorry bye -👻👻
I don't know if there's an exact word for that?? Maybe? I'm not sure of it either lol.
Johnny is my sweet boy and I hate hurting him so much. I hate hurting all of them but it's necessary unfortunately.
I think any of them would have reached out and done it if they had been sitting next to her, but it does feel a bit intentional that they put Simon there. He can't fight those instincts, even if he wants to. He wasn't going to let 'mega get hurt, even if it meant pushing that boundary a bit.
Good. You shouldn't feel pity for him. He fucked up and he has a lot to make up for. You're supposed to not like him right now lol
Thank you though, I'm glad you've been enjoying it despite the pain it's been causing recently. (It is going to get better I promise)
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lily-alphonse · 25 days
for the rare pairs, did you ever get one with marlon and rasmodius? i haven’t been able to stop thinking about them together 👀
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Old man yaoi is such a crowd favorite fr lmao
Ok you guys aren't ready for where I'm going to take this (except Human) because I had an idea for vampire!Abigail that involves Marlon and Rasmodius getting together. Cuz you know, like, 2 dads or whatever. (Technically 3 but Pierre? Ugh. He’s wimpy comic relief in this only)
For the purposes of this fic, Abigail is the wizard's daughter and only him and Caroline know.
Anyways I'm trying to do A LOT with this one so maybe I just do bullet points this time to give you the idea
There's no farmer, instead Marlon takes Abbie under his wing as a young adventurer
Rasmodius (because he watches everyone, like a creep) sees this and is like UGH not that THAT GUY, because Marlon is essentially his annoying coworker. Marlon tries to be buddy buddy with him and Ras is not about it. Like bro do your job protecting the valley and shut up pls.
Abbie stumbles on something she shouldn't in the mines, accidentally unleashing an ancient evil vampire and getting bit. It's very important to me that she turns into a bat. It happens automatically when the sun touches her skin, as a defense mechanism. She can survive in the sun as a bat.
So shit hits the fan obviously. Caroline goes to the wizard's tower screaming and freaking out because her daughter is missing and she is certain he has something to do with it (she hadn't known about Marlon) and Rasmodius pieces together it probably has something to do with the ANCIENT EVIL now on the loose. He assures her he is going to take care of it and has no choice but to team up with (ugh) Marlon.
Marlon doesn't know about Abbie. Ras is keeping all his secrets close and being careful about which info he gives to who. They go on an adventure of bonding. Important features of which are homoerotic wound dressing, and Marlon getting serious with Ras about his past and stuff. So he sees another side to him and starts to gain respect for the man.
A lot happens next that I don't have worked out yet sue me its just a concept rn. I have a few different ideas for how Abbie's side of things can go. She could potentially get out of the mines and turn into a bat which leads to her flying to the tower bc who else would believe her? Or she could be trapped in the mines with the original vampire and be like his spawn under his control or something.
Either way, we end up at a moment of truth where Marlon realizes Abbie has turned and feels like they need to kill her or otherwise trap her for eternity or something. And Ras is like tf no Im not condemning my daughter to that and Abbie and Marlon both are just [shocked pikachu face]
BATTLE OF THE DADS. DAD DUEL. FATHER FIGHT where they are physically fighting but also arguing about who knows best for her since the wizard has literally never spoken to her in her life but is also the one trying to save her, while Marlon actually did become a strong father figure for her but wants to kill her (only to end her suffering ofc)
Imagine they are fighting and Abbie just calls over them like "Not really suffering a whole lot, to be honest!" because this is a dark comedy as well as a romance.
Ras wounds Marlon badly enough (owie, it hurt his heart to do though, what is this, FEELINGS?) that he is subdued. Abbie and Ras take on the ancient vampire and nearly DIE but Marlon comes back and saves the DAAAY
He has the opportunity to also kill Abbie and doesn't, he's come around to compromise his morals for the sake of the ones he loves
Potentially even more homoerotic wound dressing and then they KISS with their old scruffy man beards and Abbie pretends to vom
The End
If you want this one to exist be sure to reblog and vote for it in the poll! This would be a hell of a fun one
Send me any Stardew Valley rarepair and I will tell you how I would make them work! (Even non-marriage npcs) If youre lucky you may get a mini fic out of it. Check the list below to see if Ive already answered yours
Rarepair Masterlist
@totallyhumanexe @chikoxiko come get ur old men
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purple-obsidian · 3 months
Wellll, since you said it was okay, allow me to analyze this fic like I'm in an English lit class.
First off, what I've been thinking about the longest is him tugging the blanket over her at the end. It's such a small gesture, but it's gonna mean so much when there's almost never any casual intimacy. I would be thinking so hard on what it means. He's offering just the slightest hint of comfort after what seems like a constant battlefield and why? He feels guilty? He wants to show her that he's there? Its the only thing he can offer her when he's so hurt himself? Those are the kinds of actions that would make you stay because he still has to love her. Or at least, that's what you tell yourself when you're alone on the couch.
Next, the scene set up to him cutting her cheek. Oof. I can only picture what he saw in himself in the mirror. I mean, doing the same thing your torturer did to you to your partner? Ouch. And that fact that she still has to try and comfort him and be strong when he's the only that literally hurt and scared her? Ugh. That was painful and she's trying so hard only to get beaten down emotionally every single time. No wonder she was dark circles cause I'm drained just thinking about it. But that would also make me feel guilty because he went through so much more.
And the fact that she had to learn how to react to him! She's only trying to do right by him and gave him space when he asked- aka leaving the apartment- and he hunted her down over it? Wild. But he probably thought she was leaving him. I'm thinking how panicked he was until he found her and then the anger set in once he saw her. I feel like he probably wouldn't have noticed she left very fast. I'm picturing she leaves the apartment very quietly to not disturb him.
On one hand I'm seeing a public scene, but I feel like he would just follow her until she was alone so there's no witnesses. Now that rooftop scene. That's where I feel like she would go to wait to go back to the apartment. Cause it's a comfort, so much so she actually uses it to dissociate. I'm not a writer so I really can't put it into words. The only problem with a confrontation on that rooftop would that any fight that would happen there would taint the memory. So maybe she goes somewhere else that used to be special?
Anyway, I really loved the fic and obviously I have lots of thought. I am still thinking about how he laughed at her in front of his men in the first part. So thank you so much for writing them!
[this is related to my ak jason x reader fic for those who may be confused]
it makes me so happy to hear your thoughts! i put a lot of thought into the little things like the blanket and other details to weave in symbolism and parallels that aren't all explicitly called out, so it makes me happy that they're noticed 💜
that mirror scene was a really intense moment for our poor jay, he had some realizations that he didn't process very well. and the reoccurring theme of 'oh he suffered more so i shouldn't complain or speak out about my suffering' is not doing reader ANY favors.
for that reference to him hunting her down, i initially pictured it to be something like reader gives him space after a fight where he tells her to leave, so she goes for a long walk or to a bodega to get food or whatever or just running a relatively normal errand, with the intent of coming back in a few hours. the only reason his men let her leave the building is because they heard him yelling and telling her to leave too. jason freaks out 20 minutes later and goes off on his men for letting her leave, maybe fires someone idk, and starts searching like reader is america's most wanted.
[i don't think he would go as far as to hurt or fight with his hired men for letting reader go, like he's emotionally unstable and very much not okay but he was still sharp enough to be the arkham knight and go through all that and plan shit out, he's still a fucking tactical genius in my opinion so i don't think he would be THAT unhinged, esp. around people who have shown him loyalty, yanno? but if reader ended up hurt or they actually got away and never came back, that would be another story, but until he knew for sure he would just wanna leave and find reader A-S-A-P like homeboy is DESPERATE to get his person back.]
i like your idea about the rooftop. like if reader needed to calm down first, that could definitely be one of their first choices. with the errand idea, i had a scene in mind where reader is carrying a bag of groceries or some library books or whatever item[s] from whatever errand[s], and rounds a corner to literally walk into the brick wall that is jason and drop their shit while he's still as a statue just fuming. or possibly, he walks up to reader while they're on the sidewalk talking to a random person about directions or the weather, and he's just a menace and yells at them to leave reader the fuck alone, threaten some violence, before dragging reader away by the wrist or even picking reader up and throwing them over his shoulder.
and the memory of him laughing at her in front of his men? i almost wrote that out as a mini-flashback in the first part, like how i did with the rooftop memory in part 2. maybe i'll have to do a little snippit or something to flesh that out some more for ya ;)
thanks for taking the time to share with me! i see your second ask, oh boy i have some thoughts 😈
xoxo sid
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agirlwholovesrockstars · 10 months
smeared lipstick
Tumblr media
summary : something else popped into Eddie's mood, the moment you walked in from work
warnings : 18+ MDNI!!! Eddie Munson x FEM!reader, language, reader and Eddie are in a relationship, no use of y/n, they're both (21), p in v penetration, unprotected sex (wrap it up), Eddie is so in love with reader (ugh gimme an Eddie please), aftercare, I'm still new to this spicy fics so I'm sorry! 😭
what to expect : SMUT!SMUT!SMUT! and fluff
note to reader : I have to admit this idea just came off after we got home for a stroll, I'm exhausted but the way my makeup looks faded but still looks so freaking good?!? I was like "okay, time to write" ✍🏻
author note : I just know, Eddie, would be so fucking down bad for it, I mean- seeing you so tired but still looking HOT AS FUCK- MY GOD- SOMETHING ELSE POSSESSED HIM
Eddie is always the first one to go home from work, another gig successful
But still, he is aiming for greater than this
He knows that you're deserve so much better than you're both having right now
Eddie tries to not think about it too much, he is so worried about the future
Yeah, he is grateful for this, it pays the bills
He won't stop though and you know that, you'll do the same thing with him too
You both help each other, learn and grow together as partners
His heart sparks ever since he dated you and now you're his....
It never goes out, it will always burning with thankfulness
You believed in him just like he believed in you
"Hi, Eddie" you walked in with a small smile as he heard your high-heeled shoes starts clicking the floor
He straighten himself up from the couch as his eyes follow you
"Hey" he says as you lowered yourself to give him a quick kiss on his lips, he smiles but his eyes grows darker the moment he smelled your scent
You directly went into the bathroom, the perfume you had is very intoxicating
It's the perfume you always wore since senior high school, he never grew tired of it
But damn, he felt a very new feeling to his senses, he breathes heavily
You always looked good, even you tried to tell him that you look so awful when you just woke up or didn't have any makeup on
You tried to reason with him before "I'm so haggard, Eddie, don't look at me"
He always appreciates the things you do for yourself, that's why you love him
The best part is that, he always makes you feel good about yourself
He knows that you're just saying that because you feel shy and since you're both outcasts back then
You didn't believe that you are truly indeed beautiful inside and out
Eddie stands up, ignoring the live concert that he's watching just a few minutes ago before you arrived
The sound of it is all just a background to him now
You left the bathroom door open in the corner of your eye, you can see him leaning against the doorframe, he's looking at you
But.... This feels a lot different
You put your hand on the edge of the sink for balance as you tried to remove your high-heeled shoes that has been killing your feet the entire day
Eddie's mind right now is just all over the place
It's unbelievable to him that even though you're had enough of the day
You still managed to get his breath all locked up and had his heart skips more than once
Your hair is piled up in a bun, your makeup is all faded but to Eddie? You're the most captivating girl that he has ever seen
You feel all so silly when Eddie thinks you're pretty wearing a goddamn waitress uniform in a local diner
Nah, when it's Eddie Munson? Every outfit that you wear?
You're still looked hot as fuck to him
You let out a sigh of relief as you can finally stretch out your feet
You remove the tie from your bun and the loose voluminous curls bounce at smooth motion that Eddie almost fainted at it
You run your fingers through your scalp first and massaging it a little as you finally brush it at the end
Eddie walks towards to you slowly, you taken noticed that his hair is a bit damp from the bath that he just took earlier
He is now standing at your side, you can feel the familiar tension rising
You looked at him at the reflection of the mirror
"Eds? Is there anything I can help you?" You ask
It took a minute to register from his brain that you just asked him
"Uh, no- baby, I'm just admiring you" his cheeks went tinged pink
You smiled softly at him, you turn to him holding by his forearms "I missed you"
He looks at you lovingly "I missed you too, sweetheart" he tucks your hair behind your ear as you blush from his touch
My god, you're both together for 2 years still feels all too new to you
"How's the gig?"
"Oh, it was fun"
"The crowd?"
"It's wild"
You chuckled "I wanna watch it someday, I really do miss seeing you perform" you say to him as you remove your accessories
"Me too, I miss my girl cheering for me" he smirks as he pokes your side
You immediately felt tickled as you giggled
Eddie rest his elbow on the sink as he looks at you mischievously, you can see in his eyes as he looks at you from up and down
You became suddenly shy at his gaze, you tried to avoid to blush but Eddie thinks it's the most cutest thing ever
He flashes his eyes on you with so much tenderness
You brushed your hair as you put your hair on your shoulder on the side
"Have you eaten dinner?" You asked him as you taken out all of the hair from your brush
"U-Uh no, I haven't yet" He stifled a groan at the sight of your chest with the guitar pick necklace is sitting on the top your breasts
"Mhm, okay, we'll talk about it later after I take bath" you say as you grab your towel
"Hey, wait a minute" he stops you by holding your wrist
You look down at it and back up at him "Yes?"
He doesn't speak as he comes closer to you
Your heart is now suffocating of how he touches you
He starts holding by your waist as he moves his free hand on your neck and now caressing your cheek
You're both looking at each other, eye to eye, having the same feelings with each other
He moves one more inch and by that he captures your lips as he pulls you closer to him
You squealed as he deepens the kiss, your eyes went wide of how rough he is but also very addicting to the way he moves his lips onto yours
The moment he slid his tongue on you
You mewled and sigh in content as your hands went to his luscious brown curly hair
He breaks the kiss as you ragged breathing
He starts unbottoning your work dress
"Eddie- wha" you're so amused by his behavior tonight but also you're perplexed
He places his index finger in the middle of your lips as he says
"I wanna love you, darling- please"
You nod as you let him continue to what he was doing
He stops as he reaches for your bra "Are you okay?" eyeing you for concern genuinely
You smile at him "I'm always okay with you, Eddie, just you- I'm fine"
He beams as you throw your hands onto him pulled him down to kiss him passionately
He grunts as his hands snakes under your skirt as he removes your underwear
"I couldn't take it anymore" he pants as he swiftly tears off his pajamas
Your skirt riding up as he carries you and places you at the edge of the sink
His hand are under your thighs as he places his palms on the side to open your legs wider for him
Your hair is now messy and your unbottoned top is now all crinkled of how aggressive Eddie is undressing you
The straps of bra is now falling onto the side as he decides to remove them by the cups of your bra as he starts putting love bites marks on it
You gasp at the feeling
He stares at you for a moment as he let his hand gliding from your neck to your body
You squirm and just his simple touch sends shivers to your spine
He devilishly smirks at you as you started getting all giggly of how he looked
Not gonna lie- you're so turned on but you wore a cherry pink lipstick today and is now smudged on his lips
He pulls you closer to him "What's so funny, baby?" His voice is deeper than it was before
"It's my lipstick is smeared on you now" you snorted as you gesture it to him
He looks at himself in the mirror, too focused on loving you that he didn't get the chance to notice
He shrugs playfully with a grin on his face as he says "I'm gonna kiss you for all I care until that lipstick is on me"
You shrieked at the moment he is now inside on your awaiting hole
He didn't give you time to adjust as he fills all the way up
He chuckles darkly to your dumbfounded expression as you rolled your eyes to him playfully
"See? This is what you get when you look like that"
His thrusts starts from slow to faster and you couldn't even register of what he's been saying to you
You're so fuckdrunk that you can't even talk
"I-I haven't t-taken a bath yet- Eddie!- oh" you spoke between your "oh's" and moans
You follow his pace as he begins to sheathes himself to your pussy
He grabs both of your legs and put it around to his waist
He grips tightly on your hips as he pulls in and out of you deliciously
He leans forward to smell your neck as he nips at it as your eyes fluttery shut from the sweet sensation building up
"You smell so fucking good to me, sweetheart, I don't see the problem" he shakes his head and pretends to think for a moment
You pout at him as he smiled widely
"Shit, baby, you're so tight- it's killing me" he praises
"M-more, please" you support yourself by holding onto his shoulders but goddamn the way Eddie goes in and out makes you feel all wobbly
"Yeah, baby- I'm here" he moans and his face contorted in pleasure
You lean backward placing both of your palms on the sink as you start grinding
"Ooh yes, sweetheart- damn" he exclaims in shock of how so freaking good you feel
"E-Eddie- it f-feels a-amaz-ing" your voice turns high pitched as it becomes faster and faster
Your moans echoes in the bathroom as Eddie just in awe of how you looked
Your cheeks flushed, he doesn't even know if it's your makeup blush of how flushed it is and your forehead has a bit of a sweat
Your eyes are now prickled with tears, your eyeliner is faded, your mascara is clumped and your smeared lipstick is the most hottest thing he ever seen
The fact he's the one and the only one who makes all these noises coming out of you he feels honored and proud
The look of yours with mouth hanging open with that fucking lipstick of yours is now engraved onto his mind forever
The way your glistening pussy of how super wet it is that is making the unholiest of sounds in the area
You tried to open your eyes to watch Eddie as he couldn't even look to where he wants his eyes to stay
He always groans by looking at your pussy devouring his dick so delectable that it drives him mad
"I'm all yours, Eddie-" you announced between your screams and moans
"Fuck, this was it for me"
If it wasn't aggressive enough earlier, he starts moving and sliding his dick onto you that it flows a lot of your arousal
You throw your head back as he fucks you until you see stars "Holy shit! E-Eddie- ah"
You wrap your arms around him almost hugging him and as if your bodies weren't close enough as he brings you more nearer to the edge of the sink
His free hand cups your breasts and kneads it making you moan even more
Your hands is now tugging his hair making him growl
Both skins are slapping against each other and him never letting you go as he puts himself on the crook of your neck as he fucks the hell out of you
You arch your back as you kept saying "Faster, E-Eddie-"
"Hold on- I got you" he squeeze his eyes shut
"you feel so good- sweet thing- you're literally made just for me"
Your head tilt sideways, fuckdrunk and cockdrunk all together in one
Eddie feels just the same way as you do
When he can feel that you're coming close
You yelped when he carries you as he sits in the rim of the bathtub, straddling you on his lap
"Please- bounce on my cock, baby" he begs for you
You bite your lip at the stimulation, you will do anything for him
"ugh" your eyes rolled back and helps you by assistance
He bucks his hips as he holds you by the waist guiding to his short circuiting pace
Your legs tremble and he just chuckles again of how fucked up you look
"That good, huh?" He looks so smug, you can't even form anything now to tease him
You shook your head weakly
Instead of saying something, you kissed him on the lips as he melts with it
You start to ride him, he pulled back with an agape mouth
"I don't- think- I can hold it anymore" your eyes pleading for him
"Cum for me, come on" he fucks you nastier
You start holding onto him once again like your life depended on it
Your kiss with him are starting to get sloppily as you moan onto his ear
"E-Eddie, Ed-s" your whole body is now shaking
You ride and you ride until you scream his name the time you come out undone
"W-Where'd you want it?"
"Inside of me"
"A-Are you sure?"
"Yes, I want you to dump it all inside of me"
"Fuck- that's- holy fucking- what a dream"
He thrusts onto you until he finishes
It's all too much that it's leaking out of you, he moans at the sight of it, he uses his fingers to tuck it all in, you gasp
He pulls out of you slowly while holding you carefully, for a moment he thought you're passed out as you rest your head on the side of his shoulder with your eyes closed
He smiles to himself
"What's gotten into you, Ed's?" You chuckled of what just happened
He suddenly grows flustered and a little bit embarrassed since.... maybe the neighbors heard it
His cheeks are now reddish and you pinch it watching his face scrunches up in annoyance as you giggled again
He finally looks at you
"I-I just can't help myself whenever you come home from work or whatever the things that you do, with that faded makeup and perfect hairstyle is just-" he inhales as he dramatically exhales earning another fit of laughter from you
"So, there's not a day that I looked bad to you?" You raised your eyebrow
"Stop saying that or else we're going for round 2" he glares at you but he wiggles his brows
You blushed at it and he chortled
You tried to remove your smudged lipstick using your thumb that is transferred onto his lips as he whines
"I want to keep it" he shuts his lips as you try to take it off
"Eddie! You're being ridiculous!" You push him at the shoulder softly
"Nah- im gonna kissing you like it was my lifeline"
You hummed as he places his lips onto yours
He took care for you and definitely not letting you be alone while taking a bath
You're wearing one of his old pajamas and he wore his black sweatpants with his tattoos full on display as he goes by the telephone
You combed your hair and a fond smile is now growing onto your lips
"Chicken Alfredo Pasta with Garlic Parmesan Wings for dinner?" He asks as he starts dialing the delivery number
You hug him by his side as he places a kiss on the top of you wet hair
"You know me so well, Ed's"
"I know right" he replies with the sassiest tone ever as you both laughed
"I love you so much- Eddie"
"I love you more, sweetheart"
Both of you are snuggled up with each other in the couch with the fluffiest blanket as you both ate dinner together while watching a movie
All of your stress is now all gone, thanks to Eddie
If this is what you're gonna come home for, you couldn't be even more excited for it ;)
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ur-boyfiend · 7 months
secret admirer
[???] x gn!reader (implied non-fem reader tho, 'straight' used for reader not being attracted to guys)
this was supposed to be a valentine's fic i'm so sorry lmao,,, also there's no name at the top bc it's supposed to be a surprise (secret admirer, yanno?)
it's been for fucking ever since i was at a school that actually had like,,, class periods so apologies if things don't make much sense hndfjkhskjdfs. this is like. minimally proofread. the proofreading was when i typed it up from what i had in my notebook lol.
wc; 1.4k
opening your locker, you're met by a folded piece of notebook paper fluttering to the ground, landing at your feet. you pick it up just as your best friend makes it to his locker, a few down from yours. immediately he zeroes in on the note in your hand.
"another one?"
rolling your eyes slightly you nod, "good morning to you too, jeongin."
ignoring your tone, he gives a terrifyingly cheery "good morning!" in response
"ugh, it's too early for that kind of energy, go away you freak."
"yeah yeah, what's the note say?"
you shrug, "dunno, i haven't read it yet."
he gasps dramatically, "well read it then!"
before you have a chance to tell him to piss off, the warning bell rings. the entire hall stops, then turns into a frenzy of students trying to get to their first hour before they were counted as late. you share a wide-eyed look with jeongin before you each make a mad dash to your classes.
there's not much happening in your homeroom, so you take the opportunity to read the note. it's different from the others, it says that the author will be sitting at one of the outside tables for lunch if you want to meet them. you're immediately glad you didn't read it while jeongin was around.
you send him a quick text saying that you're gonna be sitting somewhere else at lunch so you could meet the person who's been leaving you notes. he immediately responds with "WHAT", but the bell rings before he can freak out further. luckily you don't have any morning classes with jeongin so he can't bother you in person either.
morning classes somehow take both forever and no time at all, and as soon as the lunch bell rings you're on your way to the cafeteria as quickly as possible without getting yelled at by a hall monitor. one of them, a senior named chan, does give you a warning look as you rush by, but it's clear he's trying not to smile at the same time.
the two of you aren't quite friends, mostly because you're in different years, but you've had electives together before, and get along well. realizing you have a music elective with him for your last hour, you make a mental note to explain things to him.
you make it to the cafeteria without running into jeongin, which, all things considered, was a minor miracle. hurrying across the room, you reach the doors to the small courtyard that the school allowed students to eat lunch in.
the weather isn't great, so it's mostly deserted, but there are still a few students scattered around. your eyes land on the table you'd been directed to in the note, but it's empty. for a moment you wonder if you'd been set up, if this had been some cruel joke, but you take a seat at the table anyway.
while you wait, you grab your notebook and start on music homework that you really should've finished last week. chan had texted you about it a couple times, but eventually gave up and sent a game of cup pong instead.
you're so focused on your work that you don't immediately notice when someone sits down across from you. the thing that gets your attention is their hand waving at the edge of your vision.
looking up, you blink a couple times before smiling at the person now fidgeting nervously, "hi jisung."
he looks startled and you tilt your head, slightly confused.
"you know my name?"
grinning, you nod, "yeah! chan talks about you a lot, i've been bugging him to introduce us sometime."
he groans, "oh god, what'd he say?"
you laugh at his immediate distrust of his best friend, knowing full well you'd be the same with jeongin.
"mostly good things, he complains sometimes but he just sounds like a dad, not like he's actually upset about anything."
jisung puffs his cheeks out slightly before sighing, the sight making you laugh again.
"you look like a chipunk!"
he puffs his cheeks out again and you laugh even harder, jisung laughing as well after a few seconds.
"so," you start once you can breathe again, "you're the one responsible for the notes in my locker?"
he nods, sheepishly scratching at the back of his neck, "yeah, i was worried about how you'd react if i told you since we don't really know each other and i wasn't sure if you were into guys anyway-"
holding up a finger to cut him off, you try not to laugh again.
"i'm friends with jeongin and hyunjin, and i hang out with chan and felix, and you thought i was straight?"
he pauses, "okay maybe i was being overly dramatic but still!"
you roll your eyes slightly, still smiling.
"anyway, chan said you'd been losing your mind about the notes and eventually he and changbin bullied me into telling you."
you're not surprised that chan and changbin had been responsible for convincing jisung, chan had mentioned his anxiety before.
after a slight pause you hold out your hand, "here gimme your phone."
he furrows his brows slightly before handing you the device. you snort and hand it back, "unlocked, romeo."
blushing slightly, he unlocks it and you add your number to his contacts, leaving the name blank, just shrugging when he gives you a confused look.
a moment later you get a text with a screenshot of your contact name, "juliet" glaring at you from the screen. you flip him off and he laughs as you add him to your contacts as "romeo".
he makes a face when you show him, "does this mean we're both gonna die?"
standing up, you lean across the table and smack him lightly on the back of his head, "do not jinx this, do not tempt the fates, do not speak that into existence," you punctuate each statement w,ith another smack.
he laughs, covering his head wiith his arms, "okay, okay! i'll stop!"
you're about to ask if he wants to hang out sometime, but the bell cuts you off, announcing the end of lunch and making both of you jump. rushing to shove your work back into your bag, you end up knocking your notebook off the table, all the notes he'd left you scattering across the ground.
cursing, you hurry to collect them before they could be snatched away by the wind. jisung blinks a couple times before quickly crouching down to help you.
when they're all tucked safely back in the pocket of your notebook, and the notebook itself is stowed in your bag, he looks at you again, "you kept them."
it's more a statement than it is a question, but it still makes you blush. you turn slightly to the side, "'course. why wouldn't i?" it's a mostly rhetorical question you both know the answer to.
the warning bell rings and you both jump again, rushing back into the building and almost sprinting to your classes. you get another warning look from chan, but you can tell it's not that serious this time either.
the next two hours pass in a blur, jeongin almost getting himself sent to the office twice for bothering you instead of paying attention. by seventh hour, you're about ready to duct tape his mouth shut. thankfully it's another class you don't share, and his only way to bug you is by text, which you quickly mute.
collapsing into the seat across from chan, you feel yourself deflate slightly. chan snorts, "rough day?"
groaning, you open your eyes again, "it was great, except for the fact that jeongin."
"oooh, something good happen?"
you give him a look and he breaks down into a fit of giggles, confirming your suspicions that he knew damn well what'd happened at lunch.
"oh can it, i've heard enough of that from jeongin."
chan stops laughing after a couple minutes, switching his attention back to the class. it's a fairly laid-back one, so you usually do more talking than working. you both work on music in your free time anyway.
hyunjin drops into the seat next to you, five minutes late and looking half-dead. you stare at him for a couple seconds, "how's dance team been treating you?"
he groans loudly in response, dropping his head onto the table with an audible thud.
"hey hey be careful, you don't have enough extra braincells to be treating them like that," chan is grinning as he says it, his grin widening when hyunjin flips him off.
the day ends before you really want it to, having been in the middle of a debate about barbie movies with chan and hyunjin. as you're heading out of the building, bickering with jeongin over whose house you're gonna crash, your phone buzzes with a text.
romeo see you tomorrow :)
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writingforfishes · 28 days
i absolutely get that your hiccup stuff is kink and for arousal and stuff BUT i am so obsessed with learning about that part mark mentioned in the third fic where mark recounted that awful bout of hiccups otto got that made him want to take him to the hospital. i’m not even asking for a fic my whump appreciating ass just needs to know how that whole situation went down i need to know how absolutely FREAKED OUT mark was haha
Ooh. This is actually a good opportunity for me to flesh out that experience a little. I've thought about writing a little fic about it, but this ask gives me space to brainstorm.
CW: Fast hiccups, painful hiccups, long hiccups, and emotionally constipated cis men from the 20-teens.
I don't really know what precipitated this epic hiccup case of Otto's while Mark was living with him. It might have just been a random event, or it might've been instigated by dietary choice. That part might not be important.
I think it all started, though, when Otto got the hiccups from coffee that morning. They were a little stronger than normal, but Otto didn't really pay it much mind. He wasn't as aware of his hiccup patterns until Atticus revealed their kink to him.
Mark is on his way to hang out with friends from work, or something. Maybe a work meeting on his day off. Detectives have those, right? I dunno.
Mark probably acknowledges Otto's hiccups in a bro-y joke-y sort of way.
Mark: Gotta lay off that coffee, dude!
Mark maybe pats Otto's chest affectionately as Otto laughs.
Otto: I can h'mk!mk! stop an-anytime!
I think it's kind of common for coffee to replace alcohol as a safer vice. I can see that being sort of a private joke that Otto is a coffee-holic in lieu of alcohol.
Mark is gone for a couple hours or so and when he comes back Otto still has them, just as strong as they were that morning.
Mark: Oof. Got them again?
Otto: Still hu'up! Still have them, ac-hilp!-actually. Huck'm!
Mark: Jeez, man. You okay? That's-shit-that's at least two and a half hours now.
Otto: They're k-kinda hulp!hukkah!hmp!-oof! Kinda starting to hlmp!-uh, hurt a little.
Mark probably asks him what he's tried to get rid of them. Otto never really had a reason to try to get rid of them as either he'd been too drunk to care, or they didn't bother him as much before and he just waited them out.
Mark just sits there and watches his friend wince through volleys of hiccups that are obviously painful at this point.
Otto: Ugh. I'm f-fine. Hu'ulk! They'll stop hulp! stop eventually. Hu'ulk!
Another hour passes though, and they have not stopped. In fact, they seemed to have dug their heels harder into Otto's diaphragm. He can't focus on his work and his chest and back have started to hurt.
Otto has eaten, but it hasn't helped, and his throat has also started hurting. He probably doesn't share all of this with Mark but it's obvious Otto is not having a good time.
Mark maybe tries to distract him with conversation or watching something on tv, but it's obvious that even that is being shadowed by Otto rubbing his chest and half-hearted chuckles and smiles. It's when Otto doesn't babble that you know something is wrong, and he'll have gone a bit quiet and less prone to spout random knowledge or correct Mark's inaccuracy when relating to history or some niche topic Otto happens to know all about.
Mark even sets himself up to be corrected a couple of times. Otto not taking the bait and just nodding along with the conversation are red flags to Mark that this is more than just an annoying bout of hiccups.
I imagine perhaps that Otto has gotten some air trapped somewhere in his body and every hiccup is sort of pressing that air in an unpleasant way. He may have tried belching but can't actually get anything out because a hiccup interrupts the attempts. So, at this point perhaps Otto is not only sore from hiccuping but also in pain from a pocket of air that he can't get rid of.
It's most likely at this point that Mark get concerned enough to actually start wanting to go hard on curing Otto's hiccups. And Otto, being more and more exhausted and in pain from his hiccups, probably goes along with it. So, they go through the litany of drinking water in various ways before Mark suggests holding his breath.
I'm not sure if Otto has experienced his body's paradoxical reaction to holding breath to cure hiccups before. If he had, perhaps he didn't recall it. Or perhaps this was the first time he'd cared to hold his breath. Or maybe he did as a kid and found out his hiccups' reaction to it and subconsciously never tried it again.
Regardless, Otto holds his breath out of desperation. Like, he holds it really hard, too. All the way in. And, at first, as he's holding his breath, the hiccups do stop. But then after a few seconds he feels painful thump in his chest as they fight against the pressure of his expanded lungs.
He can't help but let it out and Mark does freak out as Otto is hit over and over again by the fastest hiccups Mark has ever seen anyone have.
Mark puts a hand on his shoulder as Otto holds a fist over his mouth and closes his eyes trying to ride out the attack.
Mark: Shit! Are you okay?
Otto: hmk!hmk!hmk!huck'm!hmlk!huck!huck!hu'uck! Y-ye-ah. D-d-am-mit! hulk!hulk!hlmp!huck'ah!huck'uh!hup!hup!
Mark: Dude, this isn't normal. Maybe we need to go to the emergency room. God, man. Are you breathing okay?
Otto shakes his head in negation at going to the emergency room and waves his hands. Then realizes his mistake and tries to talk again.
Otto: L-lem-me hup!hup!hnk! l-hup!-lie nk! d-do-hup!-dow-hmk!-n f-hmk!-or a huk'm!-li-tt-le b-mk!-it. I-'m o-hmp!-kay.
Otto is getting a little out of breath but soon the hiccups give him breaks to breathe, only lasting as fast as they were for a few seconds at a time.
Otto goes upstairs to lie down but Mark promises he's gonna check on him. Otto gives Mark's shoulder a squeeze in thanks and goes up and tries to relax.
I imagine it takes another hour or so for the hiccups to finally calm down and eventually end after Otto is able to completely relax. He's probably able to get that air out of his system as well with a good belch and perhaps that was what was causing the irritation the entire time. I dunno.
Maybe Mark comes up with a soft knock on the door.
Mark: You okay?
Otto: Yeah. Man, I'm so tired though.
Mark: Why don't you take a nap. I'll order us some dinner in a little bit.
Otto: Hey...you okay?
Mark: Yeah-yeah. You just scared the crap out of me with those hiccups. You sure you're good?
Otto: I'm good. Sore and tired, but good.
Mark: Okay. Good. Just...you know...don't die on me, okay?
Otto: Not in my agenda, kid.
As much as someone who's ten years older than another person can refer to them as a kid.
Mark: Okay. Cause you're kind of important.
Otto: Careful. You might actually show that you care for me.
Mark: I do. Dude, you didn't have to do any of this shit for me that you've done. You let me in your house and have dealt with everything I'm going through and I was not an easy person to deal with. I'm at least that self-aware. I do care about you. I hope you get that. Like, that I'm not just using you, Otto. I don't want it to seem like that.
Otto: It doesn't. But hearing you say that is kind of nice. So, thanks.
Mark: Yeah, sure.
Otto: ...okay. So, when I wake up from this nap are you going to still be this emotionally vulnerable because we seriously need to talk about you doing the dishes more often...
Mark: I hate you.
Otto: Got it. Hey, thanks for checking in on me, though.
Mark: You got it.
Soo, liiike, something like that maybe?
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racfoam · 1 month
Okay, poll time regarding an important purchase in my day-to-day life.
In short, I am ready to upgrade from my (glances to the Acer laptop that's been dead for a year) laptop...
I now have a very big budget (it's considered big in my country) that I got over the summer to finally spend it on an upgrade.
I need a poll because now I got an idea to buy a PC, which is dangerous territory for me for numerous reasons. Some background: I haven't had a PC since I was 14, I got my laptop (which is dead now) right as I entered high school, and it was a cheap one, it couldn't even run Minecraft without lagging which at the time pissed off my gamer childhood self.
But, as a functioning, employed adult, I finally did it. I finally saved up enough money to buy a new device.
The accesibility & portability of laptops is def what I need overall for my professional life. They're not a MUST at my work place at all, but it would be NICE to be able to access my documents on laptop & edit them there or during the way home rather than go to the office again for the PC.
Here’s the thing. The laptop I can afford is not better by performance against the gaming PC I can afford.
Why a gaming PC?
Because I am a whimsical little shit. I see a program and I want to master it for hobby's sake, or just cus I'm that curious. What if I one day want to pick up Blender or 3D sculpting or some shit just to try it?! It's happened before, and it continues happening. I jump from hyperfixation to hyperfixation like a ping pong ball. A laptop at the price range I want to buy won't be able to run complex games or Blender.
The childhood me, in my soul, wants that freaking PC. But my basic normal thought process is also aware if I get a gaming PC it may distract me from my work bcs... Well the PC will be able to do EVERYTHING. At least I'm self-aware enough of that.
Another thing is...
Durability & longer-life & upgradability
I can always upgrade the PC, I know my way around PC hardware. The PC will last me longer than the laptop probably will, and I can't upgrade the laptop.
But then I have no portability & always-accessibility the laptop offers, and if I get the laptop it will be for work, Photoshop & fic writing if I get used to it (I won't, I hate writing on laptops). Which is perfect, I'll be able to do my work even on the go, I can carry it with me, etc etc and I WON'T BE DISTRACTED.
So! I guess, vote bcs at this point I'll toss a goddamn coin! And before anyone asks, no I won't put the Macbook on the list, I like having my liver, thank you.
My biggest fear is that I've grown so used to the laptop interface if I buy a PC I'll just take time re-configuring my brain to use it, so what if I hate it? I have so many fears, and I don't want to waste my money and then go like "ugh, I'm disappointed". I'm used to reading on the laptop, typing on the laptop, working on the laptop, etc. I have all PC peripherals except a monitor but the IT stores are having huge discounts & sales now I can grab one from anywhere at this point so that doesn't concern me a lot.
This is a purchase I'll treat myself with for my birthday. I've spoken to friends, some say laptop, some say PC. Anyway, here is the poll. I'll put it for today.
I just love both but I have to pick, but I can't. Laptop is more familiar to me now than a PC 🤣 a PC would be dangerous cus I will def get the urge to play games instead of WORKING, but on the off hours it'd be a party 🤣
For info, the
PC would be
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 5600
GPU: RX 6600
That is the overall idea and I even found a custom pc builder in my country, too, if the prebuilt ones are too expensive, haha.
Laptop Models:
Lenovo Ideapad 3 with Ryzen 5, 16Gb RAM, Integrated Intel GPU
Lenovo V15 G5, also Ryzen 5, 16gb ram, integrated Intel GPU
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From 0% to 100% in what number the possibility that Nicky x Maritza will be canon in the show,or at least one of them have a crush to the other?
I will be honest, I have no idea if it would happen in the show considering that her character feels completely different from her pilot counterpart. Like here you can see the chemistry the small smiles, her acting like a cheetah playfully with nicky and etc. Small moments like this shows the dynamics those two have.
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Which brings me to the other point where you can see her along the others worried for nicky going missing right from the get go.
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Going back to WTRB
Look i know is a different take on the show with the characters but bro you got be freaking kidding, NICKY IS YOU'RE FRIEND HE BEEN MISSING FOR WEEKS ALREADY LIKE COME ON. Trintiy and Enzo are the only onces who are worried while maritza just acts like nicky does the usual and runs all the time or you know saying this without starting feeling worried at all which bruh, I love WTRB but sometimes is just ridiculous.
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She does have a moments in episode 6 and 4 but that's pretty much it i can think of.
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But after the season 2 teaser tralier i- was like B r u h really.
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I genuinely don't know how feel with those two in show like i'm going back and forth and look if anyone's wants to prove any points feel free to share it.
I really wanna see they're relationship develop and hope for the love god we get to see it finally happening, because i'm still pissed that the left us with Buried Secrets and skipped with freaking Reset Day mhhmmmm ugh. For now only time will tell if season 2 can fix that if not then idk. I really miss they're pilot and books counterpart... But oh well @ghduck gave me more then enough with the fan fic he made. Which i'm still thankful for the work he did, close thing we get to a sequel for Buried Secrets and i'm exciting to see the next books the guy will make.
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womaninwinter · 2 months
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
💖 What made you start writing?
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
(whoops I forgot about this for a hot second) thank you friend!!
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
hm, there are soooo many fics from old fandoms that I am mortified that I wrote. Fortunately, they are all deleted. For L&Co, I am pretty proud of most of it, although I now see that some of my earlier fics are not as good as I thought they were at the time. And I'm not sure that I would reeeeally choose to write Cutting Room Floor again. But it had quite a big impact, so from that perspective, I'm glad I did.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
I love the moment between Lockwood and Quill in the last chapter of Gutted:
“What are you doing here?” His voice came out in its usual hospital rasp. Kipps put the heels of his stupid pointy boots on the edge of Lockwood’s bed. “You know how they say that there are things you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy?” Lockwood blinked at him. “I’ve heard of the concept.” “Well.” Kipps gestured at him with what appeared to be a disposable coffee cup. “Here we are.” Doped up as he was, it took Lockwood a second to parse this. Then he raised an eyebrow. “I’m your worst enemy?” “Don’t get a swelled head about it.” “I’m sixteen, Kipps. You’re nearly thirty. That’s kind of sad.” “I am not nearly —” Kipps broke off, apparently realising he was being baited. “That smack on the head didn’t make you any funnier.”
Just... really proud of this one.
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Wildest ride for the reader or the writer?? For the reader, probably the Intruder, lol. That one starts crazy and stays crazy. For me as a writer, probably one I haven't actually published, because I started it and deleted it so many times. That was when I was having myself a lil freakout about fandom in general last summer. I am over that now, obvs.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
babe, you know the answer to this one, hahahaha. It's Sleep Token. Eveeeerything is Sleep Token right now. Particularly Jaws/Blood Sport. I also listened to this a lot while writing the St Anthony fic.
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
literally any time, I just want some freaking time to WRITE ugh!!! I generally manage to carve out half an hour in the evening, right before bed.
💖 What made you start writing?
turned 30 and almost immediately had a crisis, complete with brand new hyperfixation and 100k+ of fic.
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
Sometimes, when you write something well, you just know you've done good work and that's a kind of personal satisfaction no amount of gushing comments can give you. That said, I do also crave comments because I am a normal human being and I love attention.
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Descriptions of food. Scripture quotes (okay, that one's on purpose). Advice my dad has given me. Characters struggling with self-loathing (I am FINE, fic is just cheaper than therapy and much more fun tbh)
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Action is definitely hard to do and I will tend to keep action scenes as short as humanly possible.
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yanderemommabean · 1 year
Friendly little reminder that I'm not responsible for what you consume on your day to day social media
the way i knew EXACTLY the brand of ask you got in order to generate the post with this sentiment...
i'm more active on twitter recently but i do live in fear of posting relatively normal content and then people follow me for THAT and then i'm gonna talk about graphic gore and noncon etc. and they'll be all like "wtf is this"
like a lot of people on twitter/tumblr probably don't know the wild kinks i went for in my kinktober series. every now and then i RT a tweet saying "by the way i am a FREAK, unfollow, block, mute, i don't mind" sdfhglsg but i honestly doubt people listen that much
i feel better posting that stuff on Ao3 because the tags work better there,,, and you never get asks Like That lol but every now and then you do still get the random commenter who can't believe they found a dead dove in the bag labeled "dead dove: do not eat"
Some people have this weird "I have to be holier than thou and righteous and shame these sinners" when they stumble upon my blog and then like to infantilize me by saying "But but then you wont know this stuff will happen to you in real life or you could end up wanting this to happen"
Like I can't tell the difference between a fun indulgence in literature and real life horrible crimes I would never wish on anyone. I'm an adult who knows these topics are dark and dead dove. it's fun and taboo and doesn't hurt anyone IRL especially if tagged correctly so it doesn't ick/trigger people who stumble upon it and find it distressing.
My blog literally has yandere in the name, and says to stay away if you're a minor, along with constant mentions of me knowing this is fiction and to never want this IRL
I shouldn't HAVE to be like that in fics. Its a fic. We don't care, we know what we're getting into and if we don't like it we can be mature and just click away. But no. Some people need a soap box to stand on for anything they can get their hands on.
Liking dark and taboo subjects doesn't need any justification. If you like something you like it, if you don't then you don't, simple as that. even on my own blog I lately feel I have to be too clinical and clean because so many people are waiting to screech about "UGH THE YANDERE BLOG IS WRITING YANDERE THINGS"
IDK man I miss the days when fandom was a silly fun thing and not where Christian teens and young adult's tried to purify and convert everything they touch.
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