#because we're already dealing with and eddie and a maddie breakdown
stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
The buckleys coming back will add great to buck breakdown arc but I'm curious as to how theyre gonna play it with them visiting. Like there reason there in town i jee0yun birthday or idk I cant see it being injured buck though.
Hey Nonnie
The Buckley parents being back is going to be so so good I just know it!
We have zero knowledge about why they're back, or even in what form their return is going to take - all we have to go on is a couple of costumes and Oliver mentioning them being back in a couple of interviews, but there are so many options to explore.
Obviously they're going to be back because both Buck and Maddie have unresolved trauma to deal with in relation to their parents, and this plays into the narrative for their characters this season parenthood - for Maddie its exploring her breaking the cycle (and not breaking the cycle at the same time because she already did it with Buck) and learning how to be a good parent - the kind of parent her own weren't for her (or Buck), its about showing us the contrast between what Maddie is doing to raise Jee-Yun in a loving home and what she experienced as a child herself.
As for Buck - well his parents are the route of all of his trauma - they are why he's never felt wanted or like he is deserving of love or peoples time, that he's worth more than 'defective spare parts' and that he has worth. his parents need to return for him to reach any sort of resolution.
I personally am of the opinion that Buck will have to accept that he will never get from his parents what he so desperately craves - that there is no real redemption for his parents and no salvaging his relationship with them (or indeed building one with them in the first place) and that season 6 is going to ultimately be about him recognising this and that he has worth without their love or approval. That is where his true growth lies, because once he accepts this he can heal (healing and growth isn't always about getting to somewhere mutually - I think his parents are too far gone into their grief and self obsession to be able to grow with Buck - unlike we've seen from Ramon or Toni or even Beatrice) and begin to recognise his worth and the love of those around him. The familial love of the firefam and the romantic love he's been growing with Eddie without truly understanding it.
This all then ties into him breaking the cycle of parental love - with him realising/ understanding and acknowledging that he doesn't have to give a part of himself away (his sperm) to have worth - or for someone else to get to be a parent (because I'm convinced that a part of the reason Buck said yes to being a sperm donor is because he thinks that a a child with his DNA has a better chance of having good parents if he isn't involved - (i'm going to word this terribly) because he grew up with bad parents and so in his mind he would also be a bad parent - so in his mind he's subconsciously thinking that they'll be loved in a way he wasn't growing up - and that is better than him raising his own child) in his place. He's also going to really begin to realise that he's already broken that cycle - that he's been raising a child - Christopher - and that his parental love isn't conditional on DNA etc.
As for context of their visit - we don't even know if it is a visit - it appears that they're filming in another life at the moment which could very much be an exploration of an alternate universe - where Buck was able to save Daniel and he grew up loved and wanted by his parents and with two older siblings - if this is the case, it will all play into what Buck needs to learn about himself in order to move on.
If we're not entering the realms of AU, then anything to do with Jee-Yun is a possibility - a birthday etc, or perhaps with Maddie and Chim moving into a new house - theres a house warming of some sort. Its also possible that they find out about Buck donating sperm and decide to pay a visit for that reason, perhaps they come at Bucks request because of something he reads in a self help book - or as part of his year of yes, or there is the option that the show could choose to pick up on the joint therapy from season 4 again. Honestly there are so many reasons for them to visit that it's hard to begin to parse it out with the little information we have.
I'm not prepared to dismiss the idea of it being for injured Buck though because I think there are a few interesting ways to take that as well - in fact I rather like the idea of injured Buck being the reason they visit - as if they're trying to show willing on that front (from their lack of it in previous times) and it leading to arguement between them and Buck and subsequently to Buck accepting that they won't change and that he can stop putting effort into his relationship with them etc. In many ways I actually think this would be an interesting way to take things because it allows for the exploration of so many aspects of who Buck is and why he's the way he is, and hell this direction could also include the AU aspect - if its as a result of Buck being in a coma or something!
What I do know is that the show will surprise us and it will be very impactful and move Bucks story forward in a lot of ways! I can't wait!
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Oh hey Buck's exact age :D
Nooo Maddie 😭😭😭😭❤️💔💔
I knew she'd have to find out but <333 💔💔
Ahh so it's medically induced :'((
Naur not a 24 hour critical condition 😭😭
A A A H H H H H H!!!
Not just the plain old coma xD
I mean as they should but yk xd
HENNN 😭😭💔❤️
OR imagine the power of not having Eddie be there at all like in the episode at all because he's too distraught and then we see him next episode, be that with Buck awake or not o.o
. . . Eddie's the new, current life. . . Daniel and all of them are the old. . .
Anyway I'm assuming it'll get worse throughout about Buck yk not existing or whatever, since Chim didn't know him, but whether it starts that way or not - less of a "the transplant worked" and more of a "he was never sick"
That's the last of my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I loved this episode!! It was great, and a great return to the show/season :)). I've seen some stuff saying how the cast is/seems really excited for season 6/6B and that makes me extra excited lol! By the way, this will probably be pretty short because I put off (finishing for some, but for this one only till "never sick" before right now lol) all three reviews till Saturday xD. Anyway lol! It's now actually Sunday :)). And I have to do all three. So xd. Anyway for real now lol!
Bobby! Plus May and Athena. I'm glad they're investigating the rehab center (and not getting caught lol). It seems like we're getting somewhere! And Athena and May were hilarious xDD. Anyway, it's kinda 😬 seeing Bobby so focused on it, but I am still glad they're investigating :). Somebody has to ❤️. Anyway, they were great at their jobs (didn't really see any of Athena but she was investigating lol). Bobby especially, since we did see him doing it xD. I love him <3. I do love all three of them, by the way lol <3. I am nervous about next episode for them! They're already dealing with a loss and all the drama surrounding that, and adding Buck onto that? Their unofficial/adopted son?? My poor babeys 😭😭❤️.
Hen! Seeing her with Denny was so cute :DD. I totally forgot about the storyline of him contacting his dad though xD 😬. I'm deeefinitely a bit worried for when Hen and Karen are gonna find out o.o - especially given that he's been hiding it for a W H I L E. Also, Hen was wonderful at her job as always 🥰🥰. I love her :DD. Also, I think Hen will have to be holding it together with Buck :'((. Bc everyone else will be a mess xd. But we better get to see her being a mess too :'DD. Anyway, good luck with baseball, D 🥰.
Chim and Maddie! I'm REALLY glad the Buckleys visiting wasn't too bad xD. I'll talk some about it here and some with Buck, but that argument was 😬😬. Plus Chim's dad showing up was o.o. and I'm pretty sure that's his stepmom? But I don't actually remember lol. Anyway, it was T E N S E but I'm glad it at least worked out okay xd. Like, okay as in just barely fine lol. Okay in the most basic, watery meaning of it lol. Anyway, I'm glad (especially after seeing how nervous she was) that Maddie didn't have any huge problems with her parents :D. Looks like they're finally learning lol. And, of course, Maddie and Chimney were both great at their jobs :)). Also I didn't realize it until I saw somebody say it but IT LOOKS LIKE DOUG IS IN THE PROMO?? LIKE WITH MADDIE???! AAHHHH!!? I'm so excited xD. And scared lol. Plus it'll be rough for them like in the real world :'((. Anyway, I love them both 🥰🥰.
Eddie! We didn't see much of him this episode, but he was great 🥰. I'm ESPECIALLY interested in seeing how he reacts next week :DD >:DD. Y'all I'mma be screaming but I'm also so excited for the angst xDD. But also 😭😭. Like y'all it's the way he screamed for Buck- I can't xd. Anyway lol! He was great at his job :)). Also him playing catch with Hen was so cute 🥰🥰. Especially when the others were working and they were just chillin XDD. But yeah lol, scared and excited for next episode. I love him 🥰❤️❤️.
And finally, Buck :)! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! MY BOYYYY!!!! 😭😭😭😭💔❤️❤️. HE BETTER BE OKAY!! I mean I'm sure he will be (or he'll survive at least) but still you never know 😭😭❤️. Anyway, he was amazing this episode :)). Seeing how he was with kids was so adorable 🥰🥰. And he looked so nervous when his parents found out about the donor situation 😭😭. I would say donorship but that doesn't appear to be a word lol. Eh xD. Anyway, that scene was TENSE 😳😳 xd. And also kinda funny with Chim being like uhh??? no??? I don't think we're pregnant?? XDD. Amazing lol. Anyway, the other family scenes were so cute and sweet :')). I'm glad they managed to get everything sorted out <33. And even though his parents don't totally agree, I'm happy that they decided to support him anyway :'). Also, Buck was, obviously, great at his job this episode 🥰🥰. Now. The ending 😭😭😭. A A H H H! I'm not okay xdd. They way he FELL aUGH!! I know I just said it but I'm not okay 😭😭. And that PROMO??? AAHHH. And ik a lot of people figured it was gonna happen (I only found out when I saw people that were like 'we might actually get coma Buck y'all!!!' lol) but AAHHHH COMA ALTERNATE REALITY BUCK!!! Dude it looks so crazy but it's gonna be SO good :DD. It looks like he won't exist or smth?? Idek o.o. But, I'm sure it'll be wild, and amazing :D. And I'll probably scream the whole time xD. But yeah! I love him 🥰🥰❤️.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! I thought it was super fun, and the cases were cool and interesting. The way they all related to the storm? Great!! :D They were really good and it helped lead up to the ending. Of course, everyone was amazing this episode 🥰🥰. And I'm really excited to see them all angsting next week lol! Buck's coma dream juxtaposed with everyone dealing with the coma in real life is going to be AWESOME. And also heartbreaking xD. With this episode as a whole, I'm glad everything worked out, for the most part :). Obviously there were some things opening to ongoing storylines, but I think it was a great half-season premiere :). Just the right amount of wrapped up for an episode lol. The rehab storyline less wrapped up, but that makes sense since it seems like it'll be a more pressing/sooner storyline than the others. And of course, I have to mention again the end of this episode. Y'all 😭😭. Seeing them all go to Buck, trying everything, is just ❤️❤️. They're family, your honor :')). And I love them all so much <33. Anyway, this was a great episode, and I'm REALLY excited for the next one :)).
So yeah! I really loved the episode, I thought it was amazing. I'm nervous for the next one! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 10: In a Flash
It was great!! I'm definitely excited for the next episode, if very scared. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6 Episode 11: In Another Life
See you next week!
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lovecolibri · 2 years
How did get to that conclusion lmao?
Us: Lucy was not needed, the cheating storyline was unnecessary...
They: did you want Buck cheat with RaVi?!!!!!?
I know! Like, that is absolutely not the point anyone was trying to make? Because we in our small Tumblr space can theorize and come up with reasons for why the cheating makes sense as part of Buck's spiral, but we're being TOLD flat out, that Buck in 5b is feeling freer and lighter. Which was fine when we thought it was because he was growing and breaking up with his gf as part of that growth. And people were excited for Lucy because we thought we might get him being FUN reckless and then maybe learning he wasn't quite coping so well with taking care of Maddie and Eddie to the point of not taking care of himself. But him feeling alive and free and happy BECAUSE he's cheating on his gf? That's a whole other thing! Is he maybe spiraling? Yeah, it's totally possible! But in 8 episodes focused on Eddie and Maddie spiraling and working towards healing do we really need Buck spiraling as well?
THAT is the point people were trying to make! Right now with everything else going on we don't NEED to see Buck also spiraling out IF that's even the direction they're trying to go (which if they want to keep L around, why would it be?). We would rather his time be used supporting Eddie and Maddie with maybe some smaller fractures like we saw with Maddie, or Eddie in 5a, and save his spiraling out more for the finale leading into next season. Then his "at work" time could be spent with Ravi and developing that dynamic!
There was no need to bring on another person! Buck has never had a NORMAL friendship! Bobby is his dad, Hen reminds him of Maddie in that wise older sister way, Chim is basically his brother, and Eddie...well. Things with Eddie went hella hard from day one in that enemies to heart-eyed blushing besties speedrun. Buck trying to figure out how to have a normal working relationship with Ravi could be fun! And it would bring a little light and levity to a tough season and leave some breathing room for the other characters and other stories, AND would allow us to know more about Ravi which is all anyone has wanted since Jinx!
Cramming another character in there to take time away from the ones we already have, especially just for the cheap cheating drama when casual viewers are already tired of tuning in only to not get to see the characters they watch the show for, was a poor choice!
And 5a was full of poor choices too because KR is not particularly great at showrunning 🤷🏻‍♀️ We know Eddie was struggling, but that was little glimpses after the breakup up, just a few minutes of screen time, Maddie was gone, Chim was mostly gone too, Athena had the whole Jeffrey thing and Harry thing but Bobby and Hen barely had anything going on, there was the one ep with Buck deciding he's going to leave but other than that he was locked in his apartment bubble with tay kay and yet we know NOTHING of what is going on in his head. We actually don't know MOST of what is going on in ANYONE'S heads because KR is allergic to characters taking the time to talk things out, and focusing on these long through-line stories. Yes, 911 is typically good at long-form story telling. But EVERYONE including casual viewers have noticed the show has a different tone and feel since she took over, and that things are inconsistent and messy, and the main characters aren't DOING anything and the sure as hell aren't TALKING about anything most of the time. So the only option is to jump from drama to drama and that's never been what this show is about.
Point is, NO ONE is saying we want Ravi to serve the same purpose as L. We're saying that we don't need that much of that spiraling arc for Buck right now, and when we DO get it, we don't need to add a whole new character who has been hyped up as basically a new main character. None of the other side characters got that kind of attention and hype, so why did she unless they're trying to give her lots of screen time and have her around forever? And it backfired enough in the 5 minutes she's been around that I doubt they can keep her around like they planned.
And hey, it might turn out fine. They might cut some stuff, she might leave forever, it could end with the set up for a great Buck storyline! That doesn't mean it will be enjoyable to watch, or that this was the ONLY route they could have taken. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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littlespoonevan · 3 years
Why is it so important to you to witness the trauma of a man you view as queer? Why is it that women like you are OBSESSED with deciding men are gay and then wanting to watch them suffer? Why is it that you need to see Eddie have a panic attack? And don't say representation--plenty of shows have had plenty of manly men have panic attacks, Latinx men, straight men, gay men--it's BEEN DONE. So what's the real reason? You've decided this man is queer and now you want to see him hurt, but you claim to be a fan of him and an ally to the LGBT+ community. Do you not understand why that's fucked up? Do you not question how that might make actual, real, breathing gay men feel? We're so uncomfortable with fangirls like you being so obsessed with us and our lifestyle and our PAIN. We're over you calling yourselves our allies when you expect us to live up to your standard of what it means to be a gay man. And we're disgusted by the fact that so many of you women are posting about wanting to see us in have mental breakdowns.
okay, wow. there are a lot of accusations being thrown around here and I really don't understand how you could think anything i have ever blogged about 911 ever would suggest i want eddie (or any other character) to suffer????
i want eddie to have a panic attack because i want his mental health and his ptsd to be addressed on the show. i don't want him to suffer, i don't want him to be in pain but given the context of what's happening on the show right now, he likely is?? therefore, i want 911 to address the trauma he experienced at the end of season 4. he's a war veteran who was shot while at work and is now returning to that job after months of recovery. are you really suggesting everything that happened last season should just be swept under the rug????
if it was any other character i'd be saying the exact same thing. why is it okay that maddie got revisit what happened with doug in s3, why is it okay for athena's attacker to be coming back in s5, but it's not okay for me to want to see the repercussions of what's happened to eddie in the same way we have with every other character?
i don't know if you follow me or just found my blog by accident but if you've read anything i've ever written for buddie (most notably my post-4x14 fic in this context, i suppose) i really don't understand how you think i could see this as just angst fodder or some kind of ridiculous fetishization. because if you knew anything about me you'd know i despise angst. i don't write it and i rarely read it unless i know there's something else to balance it out. nothing infuriates me more than shows killing off characters for shock value and i've stopped watching shows for that reason before. i prefer the funny calls on 911 than the serious ones. i would've preferred buck and chris sitting on the firetruck during the tsunami for two episodes than the trauma of buck losing christopher and leading eddie to believe he could be dead.
so like, i understand anger and frustration at stereotypical fandom behaviour but i really think the things you're accusing me of here are completely lacking any kind of nuance. it's not about eddie's sexuality or ethnicity, it's not about eddie being a "manly man", it's not about buddie or whatever else you think my motivations are here. it's literally just about the narrative that has been set up by the show and wanting to see some kind of conclusion to that.
every other character has had at least one episode in which the are allowed to deal with the emotional fallout of something that's happened to them. i don't see why eddie can't be afforded the same opportunity? i'd understand more where you're coming from if the events of season 4 didn't happen but they did? the bad shit already happened, now i want to see things get better. and that starts with eddie getting the chance to actually feel what he feels and start working through his trauma.
i know this probably won't convince you i've got got good intentions, ultimately, you can think what you want of me here i guess. unfollow me, block me, mute me, whatever works for you. but to be honest i'm not here to have an argument so if you disagree that's fine but i'd like to leave it at that.
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