#because yodeling
northstarscowboyhat · 2 months
How would Clover react to a post-neutral run with Asgore dead and the 5 human souls gone. Would Clover reveal themself to a pro-human Underground with Toriel as Queen. Would they sacrifice their soul to dispel the pro-war, anti-human doctrine created by a Queen Undyne?
Excellent questions! The 5 human souls are still on Clover's mind, even after they've made their decision to live in the Underground. It's part of why they feel so obligated to watch after Frisk and try to steer them onto the correct path. Knowing that Frisk is now gone along with the 5 souls, along with the knowledge that they might've killed some Monsters on their way? Clover would be devastated. It'd be a massive point of guilt for them.
The ending with Toriel taking up the throne would probably be the best Neutral ending possible for Clover. It would definitely take their family a while of discussing what to do about the queen's new policies on humans (Ceroba in particular is pretty suspicious of the royal family in general) but eventually, Clover would reveal themselves. Toriel would feel pretty emotional that one of the children in her care survived in the Underground, and would decree that the Underground is open and welcome to Clover. Obviously a few Monsters like Undyne would be disgusted and hold a massive grudge against Clover, but there's not much she can do with the Royal Guard being disbanded. Not a perfect ending; it's unlikely that Monsters will ever get back to the surface and Clover has to deal with the emotional guilt and baggage of that, on top of what happened to the human souls and Frisk. Not a perfect ending, but they would at least not be living in secrecy with the risk of being killed if discovered.
The ending with Undyne would definitely be.... less than ideal. Now, with a larger focus on hunting down humans in the Underground, places become a lot less safe for Clover. They'd probably have to hide away in the Wild East area for good, because it's one of the few places left that doesn't have a Royal Guard stationed there. Starlo would probably have to stop letting tourists in, for fear of someone spotting Clover and reporting them. Definitely not a good ending by any means. Clover would conversely be quite bitter in this ending, feeling cheated out of what little freedom they had. If they were ever tempted to give up their soul in order for Undyne to free Monsterkind, it would definitely be done with less willingness and determination than other times. Probably a case of "I'm doing this for my family, not for you".
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altschmerzes · 2 years
every time i do scouting about my wedding dress and stuff like that i have such a powerful moment of ‘oh, fuck, i’m like. getting MARRIED, huh. i’m like. going to be A Bride. i’m going to Have A Wedding. where i’m going to get married. to my wife.’
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blapis-blazuli · 4 days
So we know that Slim's hypnotic yodeling powers work on cattle but not humans, so what would it do to a minotaur? Would they be immune to his hypnosis and just be in awe of his voice? I know it wouldn't ever happen within that movie's universe, but it could happen outside of them like in a House of Mouse setting or something. Disney could answer that if they weren't cowards who refuse to acknowledge he exists (outside of rarely rereleasing his song), and thus far I don't think anyone's wondered about that within fandom spaces either.
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constantvariations · 1 year
As stupid as the "Kyrie would kill me right now" line is, I can't help but run with the idea that maybe Kyrie is a secretly jealous person
She lost her parents to demons and her brother to Sanctus. She runs an orphanage. In Before the Nightmare, we're told that she often feeds other people's kids and refuses to accept donations that could help other people instead.
She gives and gives and gives. So, it's only fair for her to be a little possessive of the only thing she allows herself to keep: her relationship with Nero
Obviously she trusts him to be faithful and good, yet she can't help but cling a little bit tighter to his arm when he's around others, especially women she thinks are far more beautiful than her. Can't help but double check that his eye is on her and nobody else. Can't help but try to prove she's worthier than them by continually doing good deeds and making him happy however she can
She hates this part of herself and knows it's irrational, knows it's sinful, so she hides it. And she does it so well that people would laugh at the idea of Kyrie being jealous
Nero knows, though. It may have taken him a while to figure it out, but he notices her increased touches when they're in public, her subtle emphasis on "we" and "us" and "my boyfriend", her chores being done with a certain agitation or his favorite things popping up after these outings
Even if it can be irritating at times, he accepts all of her, just like she accepted all of him
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gayspock · 3 months
im going 2 have wasted all my money again arent i -_
#egg.txt#i cant go out & buy bigger things so i have to order them to my house.... bc i cant drive...#but literally EVERYWHERE. uses yodel & evri#but i paid extra for delivery for today cuz im gonna be in and tomorrow like i have non refundable tickets#but they havent delivered it today...#and every single other time this has happened theyve no joke thrown shit into my yard without any notification#ive had like several things ruined already and im kind of freaking it because i put in a big order with fragile stuff#and its like last time#this happened i had to spend a whole weekend bussing back and forth to take broken pieces back to the shops#like theyve chucked boxes that have said fragile all over them into my yard and obviously all my stuff smashed#theyve dumped my fucking parcels behind my bins and ive not found them for like a week and theyve been soaked#(those would be second hand items i could not return & were wrecked)#and theres no way to reschedule it eitherrrr ughhhhghgh#its like i feel like such an asshole. i know theyre the cheap option cuz they fucking run their drivers into the ground but#oh my god. i would genuinely pay MORE MONEY to go through a decent delivery service#cuz im gonna spend it anyway recouping all the costs! !#idc if it takes another week so long as it can be scheduled to when im in or a date so i can arrange#but theres no options like literally#AND no warning half the time on all the stores. ALL of the shops use it now its such a nightmare#and im mad too ive waited in the house all day for it#no warning it HAS been rescheduled and yep thats great [redacted] and so and so forth help me GOD
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muntadhir · 6 months
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am i allowed to talk about this on tumblr dot com............. iykyk
no for real if anyone knows if i can have p with guys please slide into my ask box LMAO
edit: I found out how to get m/m scenes I am going to cry
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inun4ki · 10 months
me, frothing at the mouth: i don't want casual ! i want complicated, thought out, tragic, and soft !!!
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remyfire · 1 year
Having a really nice time writing this fic ;v;
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northstarscowboyhat · 5 months
In your Lucky Clover AU, would Starlo join the Royal Guard because; A, it would give some validity to his sheriff claim and; B, so that he could get word and try to deflect any investigations for the missing human that the Royal Guard launch.
This was such an interesting ask I really had to sit with it for a while. Huge ramble ahead!
So, this idea fascinated me solely because this is a little bit of what the situation is with Martlet in this AU. After Clover decided to live in the underground post Pacifist ending, she put in her two weeks and quit, since she does NOT want to risk being ordered to kill or hunt down Clover, or any other humans for that matter.
It's something she struggles with a lot; not only because she's jobless for a while and probably has to ask for financial assistance from Dalv/Ceroba/Starlo, but also because she KNOWS being in the Royal Guard would give the gang some insider intel on the missing human investigations. Maybe it would've been better to tough it out in a job she wasn't content with just to get that info, to protect Clover? While her friends reassure her that this was the best decision, for her and for Clover's safety, it's something Martlet struggles with for a while, especially considering how some Snowdin Monsters side eye for her suddenly leaving her post and job.
Now, for Starlo. If the situation called for it, would Starlo try and join the Royal Guard? Perhaps if there was no other option! He's the kind of person to go above and beyond for the people he cares about, sometimes to reckless degree. However, I think his relationship with the Royal Guard is far too sour for him to ever be considered for a job with them, based on this line from Ceroba.
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Dude literally has made a habit out of locking Royal Guards in his town's jail. Undyne is NOT accepting him into her ranks LOL. (I honestly HC that although Undyne and Starlo have a lot in common and some similarities, they probably would hate each other if they met or were forced to engage in conversation with one another LOL).
As it stands in the AU, none of our main cast has any connections to the Royal Guard, as much as they would like having some kind of way of getting side info, in order to protect Clover. Martlet is in a weird spot with her old co workers, and Starlo's pre-Pacifist ending habits and way of running his town had pretty much killed any chance of that. The best they can do is just keep their eyes and ears peeled in order to ensure no Royal Guard ever discovers Clover secretly living in the Underground.
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lesbianrustcohle · 2 years
i've wanted to learn how to yodel and specifically how to yodel that song since i was in fifth grade and today i just randomly decided to do it and i learned it from youtube during an hour-long shower
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akkivee · 2 years
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i’m glad someone posted the before and after shots of the height difference update lol 😭🙏🙏🙏
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c0pernicus · 2 years
I got the worst cat mom news today
My two year old baby girl Gremlin has a tumor the size of her kidney growing on/in her intestines and causing a blockage
She’s probably going into surgery early next week depending on how her next round of scans goes, how well she continues to keep down liquids and if the steroids and medication she’s been given work
I’m devastated and really scared right now lol
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localnoodleman · 2 years
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heirloommtomatoes · 2 years
i think i’m gonna give birth control three months and then say byeee!! i miss myself! i miss myself so much! 
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catgirlkirigiri · 2 years
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 month
Whyyyy have I JUST found out that you can disable delivery options on Vinted. I’ve been running all over town like a douche because I thought everyone had all the options enabled and you couldn’t change it, and you’re just now telling me I could’ve chosen to only go to the post office or the inpost locker all along 😭
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