#becca's real estate tips
prerealestate · 4 years
Becca's Real Estate Tips Pt 8 | Why Is My Home Not Selling? | Casandra P...
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thebachelordiaries · 6 years
Jocks And Finance Bros: Bachelorette First Impressions
Becca, I hope you like jocks and finance bros. 
If not, you’re shit out of luck.
Becca dates one athlete and they beat that one dating preference of her’s to death by casting 18 or so former athletes. Kind of like how they beat “Let’s Do The Damn Thing” tagline to death.
I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am.
A letter to the men on this season of The Bachelorette:
Do you think you deserve this goddess of a woman, Becca Kufrin? You probably don’t. You probably think too highly of yourself to know this.
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Maybe two of you will be good enough for her. Five of you may turn out to be decent people, but that’s me being generous. If it’s anything like JoJo’s season, we will have just one or two decent men. ABC producers, please don’t let me down. Oh wait, you already did with the super-short bios. 
This season we have 25 28 men vying for Becca’s heart, or at least a blue checkmark on their Instagram page. At least one of you will get fake engaged on Paradise and six of you will move from middle-of-nowhere USA to Los Angeles and move back home within a year. I’m not sure which guys will do that yet, but it’s always fun to guess!
Anyway, good luck with your 15 minutes of fame!
The Bachelor Diaries.
WTF: No Q&A?
ABC did not include the usual Q&A in this year’s cast bios. I’m so offended. How will I truly understand these men if I don’t know what kind of fruit they’d be or what kind of superpower they’d want?
I would boycott this season because of this, but I have literally nothing better to do on Monday nights, or any night for that matter. I’m still going to try my best to roast these men, of course. It shouldn’t be that hard.
Despite no Q&A’s, I will still form my own opinions on these guys. I, like Kanye West, am a free thinker. Go poopidy-scoop yourself, ABC.
Ok, now let’s get to know these men:
Alex, 31, Construction Manager
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Alex is the male equivalent of the basic white girl. He likes country music, his dog, the beach and skiing. He probably has “Let’s go on a hike together!” on his Bumble profile and regularly wears a Patagonia dad hat.
Blake, 28, Sales Rep
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We already met horse boy Blake on After The Final Rose. He either played baseball or football in college. Thanks for being so concise, ABC. However, he looks like a baseball player to me. While originally from a small town in Colorado, he definitley lives in LA now. He also believes “two people need to be independent in order to truly love each other” so I think that means he’s into open relationships and or will cheat on you.
Chase, 27, Advertising VP
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Chase, unlike Blake, was definitley a college baseball player who was apparently good enough to be in the College Wold Series but evidently not good enough to go pro— at least longterm. We also met Chase on ATFR and I don’t remember much about him. He likes “adventure” and the “outdoors” so he’s quite the special snowflake.
Chris, 30, Sales Trainer
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What even is a sales trainer? Chris hopes to retire by 40. In this economy? Good luck with that. He is passionate about “fitness” and “health” which is so unique and different. I feel like I really got to know him through that piece of information.
Christian, 28, Banker
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Christian is a former semi-pro soccer player who moved to the US from Mexico when he was three. I feel like his picture makes him look like he has a little head, but other than that he seems alright.
Christon, 31, Former Harlem Globetrotter/ Professional Dunker
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I spent a good 30 seconds wondering why two guys with the same name didn’t have their last name initials included in their bios. It took another 30 seconds to notice that Christon was spelled differently than Christian. So this dude is a professional dunker in LA. My first thought is that he’d have a pretty good intro video package for The Bachelorette. Anyone want to put money down that he gets one?
Clay, 30, Pro Football Player
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Clay was on his way to the poetry slam but somehow got lost and ended up on the Bachelorette. He allegedly doesn’t curse but is a fan of hip-hop music. I think he is the “famous” football player who was in talks to be on this season. Apparently I should care. Never heard of him. 
Colton, 26, Former Pro Football Player
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“Hi, my name is Colt and welcome to my Youtube Channel!” That’s the vibe I’m getting from this picture. I’m also getting Blake Griffin vibes. He just looks strangely tan here. Colton may have a job at the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. I’m curious to know if he has a story as to WHY he is involved with CF. He also lives in Denver and has a dog named Sniper, which is awkward because the neighboring city of Boulder just banned assault weapons.
EDIT: He was the guy who asked out Aly Raisman via public video and they briefly dated. I shipped them so hard. I AM SHOOKETH.
Connor, 25, Fitness Coach
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I feel like I’m going to be sick if I hear one more guy talk about how they were “almost” a professional athlete and how much they lo0o0o0ove working out. I’m sadly only at the beginning of this cast list. Someone pray for me. And someone pray that Connor’s eyebrows grow back after that terrible wax job.
Darius, 26, Pharmaceutical Sales Rep
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Darius works for big pharma yet claims to be dedicating his life to helping others. Err, okay. He likes to dance and travels a lot so my guess is he’s probably not ready to settle down at age 26 despite his 36-year-old hairline.
David, 25, Venture Capitalist
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David looks like every finance bro who lives in West Village and only dates 22-year-old Instagram models. The only difference is that he lives in Denver instead of Manhattan, which by society’s standards makes him more wholesome. He also loves guacamole, but dislikes avocado, which roughly translates to: I don’t cook and eat Chipotle for dinner every night.
Grant, 27, Electrician
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The only way Grant is making it past night one is if he shows up fully dressed as a member of the Village People or as Bob The Builder. If not, he has no chance.
Garrett, 29, Medical Sales Rep
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Pro tip to ABC: The letter A comes before the letter R in the alphabet. These names are out of order. 
Anyway, Garret reminds me of Ben Afleck in that his face just makes me want to punch him..in the face. Besides the fact that he also works for big pharma, he actually has outdoor hobbies besides “I enjoy fresh air and walking in the woods” like fly fishing and showshoeing. I’m hoping he isn’t a giant jerk because I kind of like him.
Jake, 29, Marketing Consultant
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I thought his name was “Joke” at first because I am a terrible person. I think Joke...I mean Jake...is from the same city as Becca. (I’m assuming Minnesota only has one city) I feel like all hot people in cities have this inner-circle where they know of each other, so maybe they’ve crossed paths before.
Jason, 29, Sr. Corporate Banker
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Andrew Keegan? I love your work. “Jason” likes sports and singing along to Disney movies. He contains multitudes. 
Jean Blanc, 31, Colognoisseur
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I love that ABC took a smart, educated, immigrant with a successful job and gave him a fake occupation on television. Jean Blanc is a cologne connoisseur. I feel like he would smell good. 10/10 would smell him.
Joe, 31, Grocery Store Owner
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I feel like a lot of these bios are the equivalent to what it’s like to drive in an Uber. The driver is always explaining to you how successful they are and where they traveled as a way to prove they aren’t some loser driving you around. Joe’s bio screams “Yeah I own a grocery store but also worked in finance before I burnt myself out, so don’t judge me.” Nobody was judging you, but now I am.
John, 28, Software Engineer
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John hopes to be the first Asian male to make it out of night one on The Bachelorette. I can already tell he’s better than most of these guys: he works at a start-up in Silicon Valley, likes wine, plays guitar and bakes banana bread. He deserves a rose, dammit!
Jordan, 26, Male Model
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Robert Mills, who is like an important ABC guy or something, called Jordan the “greatest Bachelorette contestant of all time.” Clearly he’s trying to make us forget about Chad. Good luck with that, Robert. Definitley not happening.
So Jordan is probably this season’s villain. Whatever, I don’t care. I DO care, however, that his bio is bragging about a mediocre 4:24 mile time and “sprinting to the finish line.” The time was written as “4.24″ by ABC and a comma is also missing from that sentence. ABC, let me know if you want to hire me as an editor. Back to the mile comment: A mile is an endurance mid-distance race. Nobody is technically sprinting in it, unless it’s a tactical race. Puns don’t work if they’re factually incorrect. 
Kamil, 30, Social Media Participant
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Kamil works in real estate and is a part-time model, but ABC decided to call him a “social media participant.” He’s originally from Poland but lives in Upstate New York, which is evident based on the fact he’s wearing a denim button-up shirt.
Leo, 31, Stuntman
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It’s crazy how fast Alex Bordy grew his hair in a year. “Not Alex Bordy” is a stuntman in LA, which I heard is a pretty sick job. I am personally a fan of his hair. He knows how to tame those curls and probably rocks a great man bun. I would love to know what products he uses.
Lincoln, 26, Account Executive
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Lincoln has a lot of things going on in his bio. He moved to Boston from Nigeria as a teenager, went to college in Kentucky and moved to Santa Monica for work. We met him on ATFR and he was super nervous, cute and had an accent to make most girls swoon. I’d say make him The Bachelor but 26 is too young in my opinion.
Mike, 27, Sports Analyst
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How come every Ohio sports fan names their dog Riggins? Based on his hair, I’m assuming Mike is a radio sports analyst. That hair on television? No thank you. Hopefully Leo can give him some tips to make his hair look decent. Did you know: Becca’s psycho ex Ross used to have long hair? It was not cute. But I don’t think Becca is going to send the long-haired guys home immediately a la the notoriously shallow Andi Dorfman.
Nick, 27, Attorney
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I’m excited for Nick to be on the show because I know him by association. Let me explain: A friend of mine went to school with one of his friends and periodically stalks her social media. The friend is a girl, so I think he’s friends with mostly girls, which may explain why he loves to “brunch.” He looks terrible in this photo. Nick gives me polished, sexually ambiguous vibes based on how he appears on Insta. I also knew he was going to be on the show before R*ality St*ve, which made me feel powerful. It was a rush.
Rickey, 27, IT Consultant
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I know of Rickey too. He was a Bodybuilding.com Spokesmodel Search finalist in 2017. Hashtag #rightreasons. I’m not sure how “online personal trainer” translates to IT consultant, but ok. Side note: I don’t think bodybuilders look good in suits so he might go home night one. 
Ryan, 26, Banjoist
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Before the “Yanny or Laurel” debate there was the “Ryan or Brian” debate on After The Final Rose. Evidently the answer is Ryan. He’s the new Wells and I could not be more excited to watch this babe on my television screen. He plays at least four instruments and loves to sail. He also screams “family money” but it’s ok, we can mooch off his parents together.
Trent, 28, Realtor
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Can you imagine having a child and naming it Trent? This guy never had a chance. He is a realtor and a part-time model (I swear I wrote the same thing a few contestants up) and has appeared on covers of romance novels, but I certainly wouldn’t call him the next Fabio.
Wills, 29, Graphic Designer
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Wills is a graphic designer who loves Harry Potter. I see no problem here. Except for maybe his porno-stache.
Prediction corner: 
Welcome to the prediction corner where I never get anything right. Oh, you know what happens because you read spoilers? Please keep that information to yourself. I like to find out what happens on my own.
Without further ado, here are my baseless predictions:
First Impression Rose: The guys who got the First Impression Rose on the last three seasons became engaged to The Bachelorette. If that happens this year I demand a scientific case study to explain the power of first impressions on women. Anyway, I think Ryan gets it.
Season Villain: Jordan (that was easy)
Next Bachelor: Blake (don’t ask me why)
Winner: Garrett (I like him)
Comment below to let me know your early favorites!
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thefantasysuite · 7 years
Arie’s Bachelor Preview
Finally. Maybe it just seems longer because I didn’t post much during ette or paradise, but it’s about time we got some new info on the OG of dating shows. The cast has finally been released. I’m going to assume that like me, your heart skipped a beat when you got that google alert stating as much. I glanced at a few pictures, but have held off reading anything about any of the ladies to make sure I captured first impression. You wouldn’t stand out there greeting each as she comes out of the limo and then get black out drunk and not remember what you first thought the next morning. Unless of course you are a contestant on this show and have already stalked the bachelor for months on end. In that case, pass the alcohol.
If you’ve followed this blog at all you know I like to stay away from off season drama. You had your 15 mins of fame. As Mr. Wonderful eloquently puts it:
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But since it’s the season of giving I’ll give you a quick update on last year’s bachelor, Nick. Him and Vanessa broke up. The end. But seriously, this is what they looked like right after they were able to make their ‘arrangement’ public:
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Yeah. Good job convincing everyone that was going to last.
Alright Moving right along. The bachelor this year is Arie Luyendyk:
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I don’t remember feeling strongly about Arie one way or another when he was on. I do remember feeling strongly about the bachelorette that he was chasing after however:
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Back to Arie. He comes from a family that likes to race cars. The F1 circuit to be precise. For all intents and purposes I’m going to group that in with NASCAR because the jokes are easier. Matt and Trey got 22 minutes out of making fun of NASCAR:
I can do a season of the bachelor.
Arie’s bachelor announcement doesn’t come without some controversy. He may have broken up with girlfriend right before he became the bachelor:
It also appears Arie has a type when you look at his ex compared to the former bachelorette:
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Enough about Arie. Let’s see the skanks that will be racing after his heart (get used to a bunch corny puns relating to his former profession)
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Ali is a personal stylist. Got a quick tip for Ali. Next time ABC offers to have their professional stylist help you out before your headshot, don’t say “I got this”. The most embarrassing thing she listens to is Nickelback. While unrelated, please check out this clip of another Chad Kroeger fighting his local government to keep house parties a god given right:
The Beastie Boys would be proud
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3 people dead or alive you’d like to have lunch with. You can tell a lot about a person in how they answer. Starting your list off with Kim Kardashian says more than enough. What can you possibly ask her in which the honest answer isn’t “sex tape”? How did you get so famous? Sex tape. How did you break into the industry? Sex tape. What drove your step dad to become a woman? Sex tape
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I feel like Annaliese misunderstood the question 5 things you can’t live without. She listed 3 different types of food and 2 emotions. I think the producers are looking for you to say something like wi-fi and your favorite hoody. She also listed Miley Cyrus and Chrissy Tiegan as people she would want to be. Guessing there isn’t much going on upstairs with this one
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Ashley looks super boring. Doubt she makes it past night 1. She hates doing laundry because it takes her a week to go from washing her clothes, to folding, to putting them away. Pft. I leave that shit in the dryer and go grab a pair of socks and underwear as needed. Amateur
Becca K
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Becca has quite the jawline on her. Hopefully she has a smokin hot body. Becca is a publicist. You know who was also a publicist? Fucking Shauna:
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Something tell me Becca is publicizing people more like Johnny Drama and less like Vincent Chase
Bekah M
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Bekah is very intriguing. This might be a first, but her age isn’t listed in her bio. And I really want to know what it is. Her profession is nanny so I would assume she’s pretty young. But past contestant Corrine also had a nanny and she was pretty old. I know it’s because of the hair, but I’m getting a Morena Baccarin vibe:
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I’ve got my eye on this one
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I’m guessing Bibiana has quite a bit of personality. This has to be the girl other girls hate, right? She’s an executive assistant and former NFL cheerleader. I vote Bibi as most likely to tell everyone that she isn’t there to make friends and to start calling Arie her man
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Bri is a sports reporter. I needed to look it up to be sure:
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Now I’m not saying someone that’s already been on TV can’t fall in love with someone else on TV. But if she gets to the final 3 this season, fans like her, and a sideline job happens to open up with ABC she may have her eyes on a prize other than Arie
Brittane J
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At the risk of making an off(on)-color joke, I’m going to guess that is a new way to spell Brittany. And is she winking? Lunch with 3 people dead or alive she went with Whitney Houston, Bernie Sanders, Beyonce. When the bill came Bernie made sure that Whitney Houston’s estate paid for her meal before the new tax bill gets rid of the death tax. (Hey. She got political, not me)
Brittany T
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Seeing her listed as Brittany T confirms that the previous girl does pronounce it as Brittany. This Brittany would like to have lunch with Chris Evans, Hillary Clinton (shudder), and Beyonce. When Chris Evans goes on a coke binge he better hope he stays away from the bathtub to relax afterwards (See Whitney Houston above). Also, do you think Hillary ordered a side of beef at lunch? I remember when she got chucked into a van like a side of beef at a 9/11 memorial ceremony:
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I’m out on Caroline. She doesn’t have a dog yet, but can’t wait to find someone to “co-parent” a dog with. You would be a dog owner, not a parent. I bet she also can’t wait to “play house” with Arie. She’s going to be that girl that Arie tries to have a serious conversation with and can’t stop giggling while talking about how much fun they have together
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Chelsea is boring and generic. Sticks out in no way. Not pretty. Not ugly. Thinks France is the most romantic city. Listed grade school sports as something she did competitively (read: unathletic). Likes warm weather, but not too warm. I don’t see anything here. I suspect an early pass (racing jokes) from Arie
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I’m trying to figure out who Jackie looks like. Right now I’m stuck on a poor (very poor) man’s Winnie Cooper:
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I don’t think that’s the right answer, so I am open to suggestions. I also kind of wanted to look up Danica McKellar so I’m not mad. This will never work out though. She keeps talking about her career and how important it is to her. Career first women don’t win. They usually become the bachelorette. Not that I’m suggesting that will happen. Just that she has no chance
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Jenna is a social media manager from Indiana. Speaking of, I need to fire mine. When she eventually reads this post I expect https://twitter.com/thebachtweets to be updated with the new season flair. Jenna’s favorite show is Friends. I’m going to diagnose her as Monica. Looks like she is bubbly, can provide some comic relief when necessary, and probably has a nerdy brother named Ross that keeps finding ways to screw up everything with his much hotter girlfriend. How you doin’??
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Jenny’s most afraid of picking the wrong person to marry. I guess you can’t make that mistake if the bachelor picks you. She probably has nightmares about being the bachelorette. Many of her answers indicate that she’s outdoorsy and loves adventure. She looks just the opposite. Maybe her idea of camping is hanging out in a motor home watching netflix while a fire burns outside
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Jessica’s occupation is television host and I immediately couldn’t wait to look up which show. Then I saw she was from Canada, which isn’t real tv. Is Degrasi still on? But then I looked her up and it’s worse than Canadian tv host. She has a youtube channel called Jessica Carroll TV.......(So what if I watched the video ‘Get Pool Party Ready). So we have smoking hot girl living in LA that’s used to the camera. Guess who might get called out first for not being there for the right reasons
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I feel like Kendall has a drink in one or both hands of this picture. This chick is weird. If she could be any animal she went with bat. Most romantic gift was an alligator hand holding an iron heart in a jar because she collects taxidermy. As long as it wasn’t an alligator holding a human hand. Carl Weathers would have been pissed:
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Krystal is one of those fitness nuts. I feel like that’s a profession/hobby that never does well on this show either. She says she is most afraid of unused potential. Lol. She must moonlight as a life coach. Trying to remember back to when Arie was on the bachelorette he didn’t strike me as a real go getter. I feel like Krystal is going to push him to be better and Arie will end up channeling his brother in name and hit her with:
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Lauren B
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I think Lauren B goes far. Pretty girl. No weird answers. What is my first rule about going on this show? Don’t be weird. She has a second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. By the way, whatever happened to Billy Blanks?
Lauren G
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Lauren has the real descriptive occupation of executive recruiter. Her favorite tv show is ‘This is Us’. I’ve never seen an episode, but based on the people that watch it and from what I’ve heard it sounds like one long ass chick flick. It’s like tv networks needed to try and scoop up the ‘Parenthood’ audience that loves mushy feel good/make you cry stories and we ended up here. Those shows are the worst (And no, the bachelor is not the scripted reality version of those shows).
Lauren J
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Lauren is honest. Asked if she’s neat or messy, she concedes to being messy. Doesn’t like playing games with guys, just tells them how she feels. Eats full meals in bed. Can’t live without mascara. She’s also 33 so no time to beat around the bush. I think she’ll end up getting super jelly when she sees Arie making out with other girls. I’m gonna say she ends up in the top 5. Arie wants a young girl to parade around for a little while. Lauren is probably trying to have kids tomorrow
Lauren S
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The run on Lauren’s continues. We’ve got another social media manager on our hands. It’s funny thinking back to the first season of the bachelor and knowing how that job wouldn’t have even existed. When asked if she could be anyone in the world she went with ‘anyone in Taylor Swift’s girl squad’. You wouldn’t want to be....I don’t know....Taylor Swift instead? Not very lofty girls for this one. She’s an early out
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Maquel? Whatever. Guess we are just making names up at this point. Her favorite holiday is Halloween. She loves dressing up and creepy/scary stuff. I’m guessing she is more Cady and less Regina:
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Maybe the weirdest answer to a question that I’ve seen:
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What? So you don’t want to accidentally confirm an incorrect assumption? Keep in mind that she was asked this question, had time to think it over, decided to go with that. I think Marikh might break down if asked where she wants to go to eat. “I love Olive Garden but I hate their breadsticks and salad and pasta so let’s go there”
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Nysha looks like she’s embarrassed to take this photo and have an official Bachelor headshot that will live forever. I don’t see Nysha doing real well this season. Her answer on favorite tv show and fictional character comes off as a bit “I don’t need no man”. Try not to make a scene when you don’t get a rose
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Olivia is 23. She looks even younger than that. Favorite book is 50 shades of grey. Not sure she was old enough to read that when it first came out. Do you think she secretly hopes Arie has a sex dungeon? Probably would have been a good intern for Matt Lauer. 
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I’m going to guess that Seinne is this year’s Rachel (you know what I’m getting at). Favorite tv show is Game of Thrones. I don’t care for the show. Watched the first season and couldn’t believe I wasted that much time. Don’t get the appeal at all. If I hear Dilly Dilly one more time I’m going to fucking lose it
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Tia could win this year, be the girl that everyone hates, or be the next bachelorette. I’ll know by the end of the first episode, but right now I have no clue. I’m looking for key things in her answers and she says ‘sassy’ as well as having gone to a swingers resort. I’m going to go with the one everyone loves to hate. But I reserve the right to change my mind
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Valerie is a server in Nashville (failed country music artist). She’s 25 and has over 50 Halloween costumes. Maybe she celebrates it multiple times a year. I just hope she doesn’t have that thick twang when she talks. That’s so annoying
There they are. The desperate fame whores looking to make their mark January 1st. I do wonder about airing the premiere on the 1st. I know there isn’t a ton of crossover between individuals when it comes to the bachelor and college football, but I can imagine a fight or two between couples when it’s the football semi-finals vs bach premiere. The game airs on ESPN which is of course owned by ABC’s parent company of Disney. I would suggest holding off a week but the national championship game is played that next Monday. 
See ya after the premiere
- Nick
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cathygeha · 6 years
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A True Cowboy Christmas by Caitlin Crews
Cold River Ranch #1
 Story telling is an art and this author is a talented wordsmith. Her characters have depth with backstories that illuminate. The plotting is tight and flows easily. I smiled and cared and wanted Abby or her grandmother to be my friend. I was able to understand why Gray and his brothers were as they were even though I wished I could have smacked some sense into Gray a time or two and I also understood the insecurities of Abby and her understanding of Gray’s daughter, Becca. I hated the people I was meant to hate and wished them the karma they so justly deserved. I smiled and cared and enjoyed this story even when it was painful. And, I can’t wait to read book two in the series no matter who is going to star in it.
 This book includes: marriage of convenience, unrequited love (till it is), dysfunctional families, small town romance, drama, friendship, awakenings and a whole lot more. I have enjoyed other books by this author but this is my first contemporary romance by her and I have to say that I enjoyed it immensely.
 Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC – This is my honest review.
 4 Stars
From USA Today bestselling author Caitlin Crews comes A True Cowboy Christmas, the first in a sensational series debut about a cowboy, a farm girl, and the greatest gift of all. . .
Gray Everett has a heart of gold but that doesn’t mean he believes in the magic of Christmas. He’s got plenty else to worry about this holiday season, what with keeping his cattle ranch in the family and out of the hands of hungry real-estate investors looking to make a down-and-dirty deal. That, plus being a parent to his young and motherless daughter, equals a man who will not rest until he achieves his mission. Now, all Gray needs is the help of his lifelong neighbor. . .who happens to have grown into a lovely, spirited woman.
For Abby Douglas, the chance to join forces with Gray is nothing less than a Christmas miracle. Much as the down-to-earth farmer’s daughter has tried to deny it, Abby’s been in love with stern, smoking-hot Gray her whole life. So when Gray proposes a marriage of convenience as a way to combine land—and work together toward a common cause—Abby can’t refuse. But how can she convince Gray that sometimes life offers a man a second chance for a reason. . .and that their growing trust and mutual passion may be leading to true and lasting love?
  “Why would you try to tell me that chemistry doesn’t matter? Of course it does.”
“I’m not saying it doesn’t matter. But sheer stubborn- ness matters more.” He heard the intensity in his voice, but did nothing to temper it. “If people want to stay married, they do. If they want that marriage to be a good one, they work on it and make it that way. It’s not rocket science. It doesn’t require your online profiles. You don’t need to get matched on your smart phone. You make a commit- ment to someone, then you keep it. It’s as simple and as hard as that.”
He watched in fascination as her hands curled into fists at her sides.
“I appreciate that you have experience being married, and that gives you a platform to make sweeping state- ments,” she said, her voice low, as if she was fighting back her own intensity. “That’s great. But you’re missing that I’m not interested in the state of marriage in a general sense. I’m telling you I am not going to marry someone I have no chemistry with. That has nothing to do with me being stubborn, not stubborn, or insufficiently committed. It’s actually all about the fact that I’m not staggering around in a grief-induced daze, proposing marriage to people I’ve never looked at twice before in my whole life.” That should have annoyed him, because he wasn’t dazed. Amos had been a mean, unhealthy old man. His death hadn’t been a real surprise. Gray wasn’t sure he was
 grieving him so much as the father Amos had never been, and he knew he wasn’t crazy with it. But he couldn’t seem to lose his grin, especially when he moved closer to her.
Because when he did, she lost that scowl. Her eyes went wide, that cute flush brightened up her face again, and she had to tip her head back to look at him. Not as much as some of the other girls he’d dated had, as she’d pointed out. Gray liked that too. He didn’t have to hunker over her.
She was . . . right there.
He had an urge and went with it. He reached over and curled his fingers around her ponytail, then pulled them gently along the length of it.
And figured the chemistry question was answered by the way her breath went shuddery.
But he didn’t end it there.
“If I’m following all this,” he said, his drawl low. Thick. “You don’t actually have any objections. You think we maybe ought to date first. You’re worried we don’t have chemistry. But at the end of the day, you’re not opposed to the idea.”
“It’s crazy. And I’m worried that you’re crazy, in a clin- ical sense.”
“If you agree to marry me, I’ll take you on a date or two. If that’s what you want.” His hand was still tangled in her hair, and he was close enough now that he could catch her scent. Gray breathed deep. She smelled like rosemary. And something that reminded him of the pies she and her grandmother had brought over the day after the funeral, warm and good. Right. “But we can settle the other question right here.”
“What do you mean . . . ?”
Gray didn’t wait. He didn’t answer her question, half stammered out with her hazel eyes so wide they looked like summer gold.
 He used his free hand to cup her cheek, flushed and smooth beneath his palm. Then he bent—only a little, which struck him as unexpectedly hot—to take her mouth with his.
He felt her tremble. And there was something about the way she melted into him as their lips touched, then brushed, as if she was being pulled by some kind of magnetic force he was half certain he could feel himself.
Gray had only meant to kiss her to make a point. The way a gentleman might, not that he’d ever met too many gentlemen out here where the mountains and the land were the only things that mattered.
But Abby’s lips were soft and velvety beneath his. And she made a tiny sound in the back of her throat that he could feel like a flickering flame.
Before he knew it, Gray was angling his head to one side and licking his way into her mouth.
As if he couldn’t help himself.
And everything got hot. Bright. Impossible.
This was Abby Douglas. Abby Douglas. There was something deliciously wrong about it being Abby that made it hotter, wilder.
It rolled in him and made a joke of him imagining he was in control of any of this. Of her.
Of this sudden storm of sensation that would have taken him off his feet, if that didn’t mean he would have had to let go of her.
When the door slapped open, both of his hands were sunk deep into her hair, and Abby was up on her toes, pressed against him, her arms wrapped around his back.
It turned out Gray wasn’t going to have to worry about easing his way into some or other form of eventual chem- istry with the woman he already knew would make him a good rancher’s wife. He was going to have to worry about
 what the hell to do with all this chemistry—so much it was like a lightning storm and he kept getting hit—with a woman he’d never paid the slightest attention to until his father’s funeral.
The fact that the front door had opened penetrated the heat and fog that was swirling around him.
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USA Today-bestselling, RITA-nominated, and critically-acclaimed author Caitlin Crews has written more than seventy-five books, including Frenemies, Princess from the Past, A Royal Without Rules, and Undone by the Sultan's Touch. She's won fans with her romance, Harlequin Presents, women's fiction, chick lit, and work-for-hire young adult novels, many of which she writes as Megan Crane (including the dystopian Viking romance Edge series). These days her focus is on contemporary romance in all its forms, from small town heat to international glamour, cowboys to bikers to military men and beyond. She's taught creative writing classes in places like UCLA Extension's prestigious Writers' Program, gives assorted workshops on occasion, and attempts to make use of the MA and PhD in English Literature she received from the University of York in York, England. She currently lives in the Pacific Northwest with a husband who draws comics and animation storyboards, and their menagerie of ridiculous animals.
BUY THE BOOK: https://heroesandheartbreakers.com/contemporary/a-true-cowboy-christmas/
SOCIAL LINKS: Caitlin’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/megancrane Caitlin’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MeganCraneAndCaitlinCrews Caitlin’s Website: https://megancrane.com/
SMP Romance Twitter: https://twitter.com/heroesnhearts & https://twitter.com/SMPRomance SMP Romance Website: https://heroesandheartbreakers.com/
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Candace Cameron Bure Claps Back at Troll After Getting Body Shamed for Her Weight
Candace Cameron Bure Claps Back at Troll After Getting Body Shamed for Her Weight
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Candace Cameron Bure Claps Back at Troll After Getting Body Shamed for Her Weight
The actress responded to an Instagram comment on a picture of her and her son Lev.
May 02, 2018
Candace Cameron Bure isn’t here for people’s negative comments about her weight.
Responding to a comment left on a sweet picture of the 42-year-old Fuller House star cuddling up with her 18-year-old son Lev, Bure spoke out against an Instagram user who left a body shaming comment about her figure.
“All that excercising [sic] and you still look like you weigh more than your husband, did you change your diet?” the social media user wrote in a comment found by the @commentsbycelebs Instagram account, which seemingly mistook Bure’s 18-year-old son for her husband of over 20 years, Valeri Bure.
Although Bure chose not to correct the social media user on that point, she did speak out against their body-shaming  comment.
“If a 25 inch waist looks big to you … then you’re looking through an altered lens. Be well,” she wrote.
RELATED: Candace Cameron Bure Is in Her Best Shape at 40: ‘I Feel the Most Fit and Strong That I’ve Ever Felt in My Life’
The Fuller House star previously told PEOPLE that she “feels the most fit and strongthat I’ve ever felt in my life.”
In addition to fitting in workouts whenever possible, which can consist of anything from “a 20-minute workout a couple of times a week, or an hour five times a week,” the actress attributes her toned physique to the healthy diet she follows.
“I eat a very plant and grain-based diet,” she said. “I follow a more Mediterranean diet, so I eat lots of fresh vegetables and whole grains and fish. I don’t eat dairy very often, and I’ve cut most of the sugar out of my diet — I see the biggest effect from not eating as much sugar.”
RELATED: Candace Cameron Bure on Her Struggles with Bulimia: ‘It Was Never About the Weight, It Was an Emotional Issue’
While Bure has been open about struggling with bulimia when she was younger, she has recovered from it.
“It’s something that I’m always aware of and that I do think about, but having been healthy for so many years, it’s not something I have to think about on a daily basis,” she remarked. “It’s not something that I struggle with anymore. I really found my joy in fitness, and then as I get older I’ve just been fine-tuning my diet and I enjoy eating what makes my body feel the best.”
“I feel a real sense of accomplishment about what my body can still do, and I want to keep it in shape and keep it strong for so many years that are ahead of me,” she told PEOPLE. “You kind of take your body for granted when you’re younger, so the older I get the prouder I am of the things I’m able to do with it.”
This Story Originally Appeared On
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minnievirizarry · 7 years
Top Takeaways: Strategies, Stories & Cutthroat Ping Pong at the First Agency Partner Day
At Sprout, our motto is “open communication creates progress.” We don’t just mean that when working with one another, we mean that when working with our customers and partners as well.
Last Tuesday, we held our first ever Agency Partner Day, a labour of love put on by Sprout’s Agency Partner Program. Over 100 of our agency friends gathered at Sprout HQ for a little more than networking. This event was built to support our agency partners and to further bring them all of the tools, resources and communities they need to grow and excel as a social media agency. We also wanted to give them a space to tap into one another’s experiences—both professional and personal. It was a day about them and their stories.
As a Content Specialist on the Marketing team, I’m not intimately woven into the fabric of our Agency Program, so I was a little unsure what would resonate with me. But I’ve attended enough Sprout events to know that they’re populated with great people, provocative ideas and collaborative communication. I was pumped.
I arrived early, like other Sprout employees attending, helped set up (by helped I mean I quietly ate snacks while the events team set up) and took in the view:
I had already had conversations with our team about Agency Partner Day and the details that surround it, so I had a solid idea of what the event was about. But when partners began filtering in—jovially greeting one another, striking up conversations, diving into their event gear—they seemed so excited about what was on deck for the day. And suddenly, so was I.
A Symbiotic Relationship
Our CEO, Justyn Howard, kicked the day off, acknowledging the symbiotic relationship between an agency and social. It’s always refreshing to be reminded of why we do what we do, and today was no different.
Our mission is to help organizations of all sizes become better marketers and create the world’s most beloved brands.
Justyn Howard CEO, Sprout Social
"You are our champions in the industry" couldn't agree more! @Justyn speaking to our #sproutpartner family #SproutPartnerDay @SproutSocial pic.twitter.com/Srg06VScBs
— Tara Robertson (@taraerobertson) October 17, 2017
“K-P-I” “K-P-I”
There were so many thoughtful presentations, it’s hard to encapsulate how much insight each one provided. Lucas Vandenberg, Managing Partner at Fifty & Five, spoke to tracking KPIs and really identifying areas of ROI, which was a hit with the crowd.
Great social insights from @FiftyandFive’s @LucasVandenberg at #SproutPartnerDay! #KPI #sociallistening @SproutSocial @SSPR pic.twitter.com/0ToEBaSUD3
— Avalon Cole (@avalonmcole) October 17, 2017
It made sense that on the heels of gaining some KPI knowledge the team had planned a strategy building workshop. The gist was partners would split up into small groups and each would get a use case. Their job? Convince and educate a skeptical client that social can bring them ROI and determine the KPI.
“K-P-I” “K-P-I” … #SproutPartnerDay strategy builds and sharing pic.twitter.com/MGZJH4gMvU
— Luke Reynebeau (@LukeReynebeau) October 17, 2017
It was a refreshing break to interact with one another and observe a room of partners apply their expertise to a challenge.
Rock Band Lessons
Spencer Smith shared his #1 lesson from his music days—go where a scene already exists and make yourself valuable. He backed this up with something he called ‘The Summerfest Effect,’ explaining that the same rules that apply to booking a sought after slot at a music fest apply to business—envision a daunting goal, be bold enough to ask how to get there, then take the steps necessary to achieve it.
BAM! @spencerXsays used to be in a band.
#1 rock band lesson: go where a scene ALREADY exists & make yourself valuable. #SproutPartnerDay pic.twitter.com/m5sjxrJz0n
— Krista Whitley (@SocialKrista) October 17, 2017
Our Own Roadmap
Our own Patrick Cuttica, Director of Product Marketing, gave everyone an inside glimpse of what’s new and next for Sprout, which sparked a surge of tweets and love from our partners, while Sprout’s Ryan Barretto, SVP of Global Sales, talked growth tips for agencies looking to expand.
Me listening to all the new exciting top secret stuff @SproutSocial is coming up with next! #sproutpartnerday pic.twitter.com/nHsu2rXPEM
— Becca Keyes (@BeccaKeyes) October 17, 2017
Some Standout Moments
Put People First
Sprout’s VP of Strategy & Brand Engagement, Andrew Caravella, shared a stat that was simultaneously surprising and not so surprising—43% of digital marketers say social is their most effective tactic, 49% say it’s the most difficult. Exemplifying that while proving the value of social is beginning to fade, leveraging it to it’s fullest potential is still a bit of a head-scratcher.
My big takeaway from Andrew’s talk was that despite social being a digital industry, it’s still a human-to-human business. The hurdles we’re trying to jump in order to get the most out of our social efforts are based in reminding ourselves that everything we do in this industry is for people.
💯 Put people first. #SproutPartnerDay pic.twitter.com/T9VlE1pl9L
— Sprout Social (@SproutSocial) October 17, 2017
Influence Occurs on Twitter
Twitter’s Lead of Data Partnerships, Eric Martin, has conversations with brands everyday about how to leverage Twitter for business. He reminded us that Twitter is where the world comes to connect, celebrate, share and mourn. And brands who actively respond to customer issues on Twitter find that customers are willing to spend up to 20% more per transaction. It was abundantly clear that there’s no excuse for brands to overlook the opportunity to respond and interact with consumers on social.
Being ignored by a business on social is like walking into a store and being ignored by a shopkeeper. It’s quite profitable to respond.
Eric Martin Data Partnership, Twitter
Replying to tweets creates increased revenue potential @ericmartinyc from @Twitter at #SproutPartnerDay pic.twitter.com/Nm5Z9IppYp
— RyTech, LLC (@RyTechLLC) October 17, 2017
This conveniently coincided with #SproutPartnerDay starting to trend on Twitter, as well as on Chicago’s Instagram story.
Growing At Scale
Brooke B. Sellas is a ‘real talk’ kind of person. As the first Agency Partner up to address the group and founder of B. Squared Media, she convinced us of the importance of planning, planning and more planning.
“I’m not telling you to be a social climber, but I am telling you to plan your network,” Sellas said.
In the early stages of her career, Sellas says she looked at the people she was connected with on social and leveraged those relationships. She’s documented everything and revealed to us her “secret sauce” for business growth: process, planning, people and pace.
I was impressed with the takeaways here and with hearing Sellas’s personal story of the uphill battle of creating her own business. This transparency was something that many other agencies at the event were incredibly thankful to hear as they are struggling with the same challenges in growth.
.@madSMscientist talking about scaling your agency at #SproutPartnerDay 🙌 “Mind your P’s” to grow your agency. pic.twitter.com/7Hhmu6OiQi
— Jared DiVincent (@JaredDiVincent) October 17, 2017
Listen, Learn & Adapt
Social Media Consultant and Founder of SocialCompass, Jared DiVincent, said he’d learned a lot since signing up to speak and, if asked today to summarize his talk, he’d change it from Leveraging Advocacy to Build Stronger Retainers, to simply Listen, Learn & Adapt.
While he did go in-depth about the value of employee advocacy and advocacy tools, the main takeaway from DiVincent’s talk was his encouragement to adapt to what’s happening in the marketplace and to find happiness in the work we do. He spoke about the winding paths most of us have taken to marketing and social, reminding us that he himself traded a career in commercial real estate for a job handing out brochures at a gondola visitor booth and eventually went on to build the agency he owns today. So DiVincent knows a thing or two about adapting and what partnership means in all of that.
With how quickly our industry changes and how quickly you have to adapt, having a partner allows us to stay ahead of the curve. It’s essential to our growth as an agency.
Jared DiVincent Founder, SocialCompass
DiVincent’s advocacy talk convinced me that despite agencies investing more and more in advertising, it isn’t necessarily working in their favor any longer, with 92% of consumers taking word of mouth marketing over ads.
So they’re adapting, much like we do in our own lives, to try new things because it can expand reach in organic and lasting ways.
His outgoing spirit came through in what he was telling us and they were sentiments I found value in and could apply to my own work, regardless of role or industry. There was something for everyone in this story.
A Compelling Panel
With the presentations capped off, what became my favorite portion of the night began when a panel of three mighty and spirited women took the stage: Krista Whitley, founder of Social Media Unicorn, Crystal Montufar, Operations Manager at Friendemic and SSPR‘s Director of Social Media, Katrina Jacobsze.
Two standout conversations between the experts emerged: one focused on the delicate balance between the concierge aspect of being an agency and setting boundaries to ensure you scale efficiently, and another about how to create the ‘aha!’ moment for clients.
“Clients become respectful of boundaries set,” Whitley said. “Identify what makes your agency unique. That value that you bring is what will keep you with them and make you a trusted advisor.”
She ended her response with a quote she said they like to use at her organization (one I would love to apply to more conversations in my life):
Ideas are pawns, execution is king.
Krista Whitley Founder, Social Media Unicorn
Jacobsze feels that ‘aha!’ moment from clients falls on being a thought leader in the industry, “You have to be your own newsroom,” she said.
She went on to say something that tied it all together for me giving me a clear and powerful sense of why all of us are here:
“We believe in a genuine connection between your brand and your customers. Social media is a human-to-human business and how we communicate with one another continues to evolve.”
A truthful, transparent agency panel discussion with @SocialKrista @friendemic @SSPR by @LukeReynebeau #SproutPartnerDay pic.twitter.com/8YLtkO6mYb
— Jared DiVincent (@JaredDiVincent) October 17, 2017
Our Own Partner Oscars
There’s no better way to express appreciation than to honor our partners for their remarkable efforts in the industry.
Partners from a variety of agencies walked away with plaques honoring their work in selected categories.
As our own Agency Business Development Lead, Tara Robertson, noted, if we could give an award to everyone, we would. But in order to show our deepest appreciation to the partners, the team identified a number of categories and used performance metrics, as well as submitted campaign materials to make the very tough decisions.
From the ‘Happy Clients, Happy Partners’ award to ‘Social Campaign of the Year’, the winners spanned every type and size of agency and hailed from all over the world.
The Winners:
Happy Clients, Happy Partners – SocialCompass Always Be Growing – Cosmitto Sprout Partner MVP – Whiteoaks Social Media Campaign of the Year – Digital Natives Partner of the Year – to be announced at the end of this year.
Thanks @sproutsocial! We're so honored to take home the "Always Be Growing" award at #SproutPartnerDay 🌱🌱🌱
A post shared by Michelle Marie (@michellemahbelle) on Oct 17, 2017 at 5:24pm PDT
A big congratulations to all the winners! You are changing an industry we all love.
Knowledge Sharing
One of the day’s most memorable developments for me was the enthusiasm for the collaborative exchange of ideas. As Tara pointed out, it didn’t feel strange to see these agencies—competitors in the industry—sitting next to one another, dishing tips for success, sharing in their triumphs and downfalls and asking hard questions of themselves and each other.
We’re all open books and something that was keenly clear at the end of Agency Partner Day was that the support of one team to another is what contributes to our communities’ successes.
One thing we ♥️ about #SproutPartnerDay: knowledge sharing! pic.twitter.com/EJoPCunbzY
— Sprout Social (@SproutSocial) October 17, 2017
Lest you think the day ended in hugs and high fives at Sprout HQ… au contraire! After a full and satisfying gathering of sharing experiences, everyone was eager to unleash our competitive sides and hit the tables at Chicago’s ping pong social club, SPiN.
It was the perfect opportunity to get to know one another in a more relaxed setting and ask questions one on one.
Partners mingled and continued to learn from one another, while kicking each other’s butts in a ping pong tournament.
Next Year
Nope, I refuse to accept that it’s over.
Tomorrow marks the first day of planning for #SproutPartnerDay 2018 pic.twitter.com/igmwkS5ge5
— Luke Reynebeau (@LukeReynebeau) October 18, 2017
This was just the beginning of what’s to come for Sprout’s Agency Partner Program. Only three months into this initiative and it’s already a productive and collaborative community amassing a network of hundreds of partners and counting.
Among many things, our first Agency Partner Day struck me as an opportunity to see how different people, with different professional ethics, approaches and objectives, work toward the same goals. That’s what I call progress.
Best. Event. Ever. For real though, #SproutPartnerDay was a dream come true for so many reasons and I cannot accept that it's over. Cant wait for next year!!!
A post shared by Christine (@christinialb) on Oct 18, 2017 at 3:13pm PDT
Interested in learning more about the Agency Partner Program? Contact us.
This post Top Takeaways: Strategies, Stories & Cutthroat Ping Pong at the First Agency Partner Day originally appeared on Sprout Social.
from SM Tips By Minnie https://sproutsocial.com/insights/first-agency-partner-day/
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1996babes · 7 years
RANT: The New “Makeovers” In The Sophomore
Disclaimer: I do use the word “makeover” VERY loosely because makeover usually indicates a sense of a glow-up not downgrade. Also, this is just supposed funny and relatable not to insult or drag Choices. Even when they should be for doing this to these characters. SMH 🤦🏽‍♀️
As of today’s chapter of TS, it is becoming apparent that several, uh (clears throat) physical characteristics are occurring in this book with multiple characters.
And they’re not good changes either.
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EXHIBIT A: Chris Powell
Now, Chris’ new look is definitely not as bad as the others. It’s actually nice when you get used to it. I will admit I did NOT like it at all in the first chapter. Trust me, I was literally screaming at my phone “MY BABY WTH DID THEY DO TO YOU??”
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But then after awhile, I realized his new hairstyle reminded me of a 90s Leonardo DiCaprio. And babe, let me tell ya 90s Leo is EVERYTHING lol
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I love Chris with either hairstyle. Tbh, I prefer the old Chris more; but that’s my opinion, I know some people don’t like his new look and that’s okay. It’s not for everyone. Hell, it wasn’t for me at first!
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LOL BUT NO seriously I miss his red Henley so much @playchoices bring my mans shit back immediately
k moving on…
EXHIBIT B: Kaitlyn Liao
Oh God…here we go.
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I still haven’t really forgive her for the mess that in Book 3 and I would much rather have Zack (KING) as MC’s best friend but even I wouldn’t have wished a travesty such as her new hairstyle.
Homegirl was fine with her original hairstyle and/or the punk rock purple dyed tips hairstyle which btw was hot af.
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BUT LITERALLY NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS ATROCITY OF A ‘MAKEOVER'❗️ It’s like she cut that shit herself…in the dark.
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The outfit: YES BITCH love it. need it. want it.
The hair: Nope. Nope. Nope. never wanted it. never asked for it. TAKE IT BACK PLS @playchoices
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Now, I don’t have a lot of nice things to say about Becca. She’s not exactly the nicest and I hated her in book 1 and book 2. In book 3, her parents divorcing was rough and sad but all I could think about was…
(if you thought about zoey 101, dm me we should totally be friends lol)
In book 4, she was kind of cool. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I guess, I didn’t really care all that much and she was only in like two chapters. So, now it seems like we’re friends with her now??? Plus, she’s the new roommate…
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But she was really good at serving pretty blonde goddess looks 🏼i could always count on that from her as well as her bitchiness (but let’s not talk about that) 
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But damn Choices, no need to go ruin the girl’s life even more with this MONSTROSITY of haircut.
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I MEAN WHY?? WHY? Just answer me that, PB! I want to know who asked for such an abomination to fall and land on this girl’s head!
1. she looks like a 40 year old rich lawyer mom who lets the nanny raise her kids bc she’s a workaholic ???? what the fresh hell is this choices??
2. it looks like she glued a damn wig to her head
3. “now this home is listed for $335,000 and comes with 4 bedrooms and 3 baths” headass   looking like a real estate agent just like @whatchoices said smh
4. Those bangs 🤢ew
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Oh and don’t even get me started on that lie MC told Becca when she came into the room. “Becca? You look amazing!” UM  NO TF SHE DOES NOT. We must not be looking at the same person.
In conclusion, PB get ya shit together because these makeovers are really getting out of hand.
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