#beef salami
carnivorousous · 4 months
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Jun 6, 2022 - Homemade dry cured sujuk (sudzhuk) - dry cured beef sausage made from scratch
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mazzaandmore · 5 months
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Jack's Place launches Feasting Extravaganza Festive Menu!
Jack’s Place launches Feasting Extravaganza Festive Menu!
Story and photos by Dr. Michael Lim The Travelling Gourmet TM All rights reserved copyright The indomitable, irrepressible and inspiring Travelling Gourmet TM tastes... MARVELLOUS Jack’s Place Festive treats like Signature Turkey and Beef Roasts andHoliday Toasts this year. As one of Singapore’s most well-loved steakhouses since 1966, Jack’sPlace offers one of Singapore’s best festive roast…
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qazastra · 1 year
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dogcollarpunk · 1 year
Genuwine fondness for the wrestling mutuals, hi everyone. Happy to have gotten into wrasslin this year btw
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
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the list Yahaha...
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sandwichtribunal · 2 years
Montreal's Wilensky Special
"There is not a thing wrong with this--it is in fact a simple, elemental sandwich, bread and meat and a condiment, combined in just the right ratio, elevated to the sublime by its time in a sandwich press." Montreal's Wilensky Special
Mordecai Richler‘s 1959 novel The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz is a classic Canadian satire about the ambitions of a young Jewish kid from an immigrant family in 1940s Montreal. In the novel, Duddy’s father Max, the garrulous cab driver and part-time pimp, holds court with his compatriots at a neighborhood shop called Eddy’s Cigar & Soda. He walked up to Eddy’s Cigar & Soda, across the street…
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marco1975italy · 1 year
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torchiiko · 1 year
i dont get why ppl complain abt picky eaters like. sorry i like less food than u ig??? but i just had my fav brand of personal microwave pizzas after having the Worst brand last week and im convinced i could eat these forever meanwhile some ppl complain if they have 2 eat leftovers
i could eat the same few foods for so long if i had the right rotation ok there have been times where ive eaten the same cereal 4 every meal at least 2 days in a row. im gonna move out and my kitchens gonna be full of just all my fav canned spaghetti, cereals, and microwaveables and perhaps a few frozen foods for when i have the patience to wait longer than 2 minutes, not 2 mention the Treats !!!
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nexus-nebulae · 2 years
tempted to make some ramen but. do i have the energy for that
#idk#I'm just munching on salami while i ponder#I've been eating better these past couple days!! so that's good!!!#i found a good new okay-food#not quite safe food but an okay food for like. most days#it's just egg noodles plus this like. prepackaged dinner thing that's just beef chunks in gravy#but it's pretty good like i think i could probably just eat the gravy and noodles and that'd be a good meal on its own#i couldn't find the fucking gravy when i went to the store last time so i can't just get myself a massive jar of gravy and a bag of noodles#and be set for a week or so#i have so much pasta in my house#i have four whole boxes of cavatappi bc plain cavatappi with garlic salt is my main safe food#specifically cavatappi bc it's like macaroni except the noodles have ridges so any sauce doesn't instantly fall off#idk that's like. My Noodle. that's the one i always get#we've got two boxes of spaghetti#two boxes of lasagna that we still haven't used for anything#a bag of egg noodles#and then four boxes of rice which isn't pasta but it's in the same ballpark#oh and then also like 20 packages of cheap ramen and then one box of Good Ramen Noodles#we've just got a lotta carbs#which i mean. to be fair. they last a long time. they're filling. they go with pretty much anything.#pasta my beloved#i love exiting the tag menu and realizing the ramble i just went on had barely anything to do with the original post#forgot that i was gonna make ramen#... forgot that i was holding this bag of salami.
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bengallemon · 19 days
i should write down my recipes and share them with yall. only issue is i tend to not really "measure" most of them
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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National Cold Cuts Day
On National Cold Cuts Day on March 3 each year, the nation unites in a common love for meat items that have been stored and processed in various methods. Call them what you will — cold cuts, lunch meats, deli meats, or sandwich meats — we know you each have a favorite. So come on and share the cold cut love. It’s time to celebrate those delicious pieces of processed meat; it’s time for National Cold Cuts Day!
History of National Cold Cuts Day
Stack ‘em up or eat them slice by slice; put them in your sandwiches or cut and add them to your pasta dish. However you choose to eat cold cuts, there is no denying its popularity. According to various websites, Americans alone consume around $2 billion worth of cold cuts per year, with Bologna being the most popular type of meat eaten. 
While we are still searching for the founders of this day, let’s look at how this type of meat preparation came to be.
In the early ages, back when refrigerators were a part of science fiction tales, people still wanted to enjoy meat. Unfortunately, it would spoil too quickly before people could relax and enjoy the giant animal they were planning to eat. So they began sun-drying meats. This process originated in the Paleolithic age, say historians, and went on for quite a while. The cold cut made an appearance much later, around 500 B.C. The Ancient Romans and Etruscan population would salt and smoke meat to keep it around — and edible — for longer. Romans regularly feasted on ham and prosciutto. These cold cuts often were a part of their main courses and even became street food. Gradually, as the empires spread, the curing and processing of meat took on aspects of the region. The ways of conserving meat changed from region to region. 
By the Renaissance, special cured meat recipes abounded, and the seasoning was as different as the people and countries making them. The deli meat that is so popular today has been attributed to the Earl of Sandwich, who popularized these, along with his famous creation (the sandwich) in the 1700s. In turn, meats like pastrami, corned beef, among others, are the invention of Jewish delis from Eastern Europe. Their emigration to the U.S. and other places led to the deli meat craze in other parts of the world. 
By the 1800s, cold cuts were an everyday item. Specialized stores that sold such meats populated places in the U.S., Italy, and other regions. To this, we add the ancient (and immensely popular) art of ‘charcuterie’. Derived from French, this describes the preservation of meat through curing, smoking, and salting. It has been around for more than 6000 years, and the ancient Romans are likely the very first people who tried to regulate the trade of charcuterie (they wrote laws regulating the ‘right’ production of pork joints). The French contributed greatly to charcuterie production, even building guilds, and regulating the production of such meats. The classic culinary reference book, Larousse Gastronomique, also contains references to charcuterie.
Today, cold cuts are extremely common all over the world, and the industry shows no signs of stopping its upward march.
National Cold Cuts Day timeline
900 B.C. – 27 B.C.
The Popular Cold Cut
During Etruscan times — which flourished in central Italy — the prosciutto is a very popular item among merchants.
8th Century B.C.
Cold Cuts In Ancient Greek Epic Poems
“The Odyssey” — a set of 24 books that describe an epic poem, attributed to Greek author Homer — contains mentions of cold cut meats.
1st Century A.D.
Early Mentions Of Preserving Meat
Strabo, a Greek geographer, philosopher, and historian writes that salted meat is being imported from Gaul; he also indicates that people at Borsippa (or Birs Nimrud) — now an archaeological site in Babylon Province, Iraq — are catching bats and salting them to eat.
Numbers Don't Lie
The U.S. loves its cold cuts, but one meat stands out: 2020 statistics indicate 170.18 million Americans eat ham cold cuts.
National Cold Cuts Day FAQs
What kind of meat is a cold cut?
These are cooked or cured meats — like sausages, ham, meatloaves, etc. — that are recommended to be warmed before eating, although they are also often cold.
Is it bad to cook cold cuts?
Some cured meats could contain a bacteria called ‘listeria’. Therefore, the CDC recommends people heat their cold cuts to at least 165 degrees before consumption.
Is cold cuts raw meat?
Cold cuts are processed, not raw, meats. Processed meat, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research, is meat that has been preserved by smoking, curing, or salting, or by the addition of chemical preservatives. 
National Cold Cuts Day Activities
Visit the local deli: Check out different cold cuts: chicken loaf, corned beef, dutch loaf, prosciutto ham, meatloaf, mortadella, chorizo, bierwurst, and more. Prefer vegetarian fare? Try out the varied faux meats from the refrigerator section at local grocery stores.
Create a charcuterie board: Add whichever cold cut sparks your attention, whether veg or non-veg. Throw in some favorite cheeses, some nuts, and you are good to go!
Have yourself a cold cuts party: Set out a charcuterie board, pair it with wine — which is the perfect partner for this type of food — and you have yourself the foundation for a great party.
5 Of The Funkiest Cold Cuts Ever
Head cheese: No, this is not cheese; it is the flesh, brain, eyes, and ears (some parts vary) of a calf or pig, all mixed into a paste-like substance.
Black pudding or blood sausage: Also known as blood pudding, this cold cut is exactly what it sounds like — a sausage made with boiled, then congealed, blood mixed with different meats.
Horse sashimi: A Japanese delicacy, this is thinly sliced pieces of raw horse meat that people eat on special occasions.
Tongue loaf or tongue sausage: A loaf of pork, lamb, veal, or beef tongues that are preserved in a variety of ways; they have either been cooked, pressed, jellied, and/or smoked.
Whale Blubber: Called Muktuk, this is a meal of frozen whale skin and blubber — made from the Bowhead, beluga, or narwhal whale; usually eaten raw, it can also be diced, breaded, deep-fried, or boiled.
Why We Love National Cold Cuts Day
We love cold cuts: They get some flak, but we can't help but love these delicious slices and cuts of meat (in moderation, of course).
Cold cuts can be healthy too: When eaten smartly, of course. In fact, they are high in proteins (naturally) and contain minerals like iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. There are even heart-healthy options such as tuna, salmon, or even hummus.
They're the fastest of all fast food: Hello, convenience! They cannot be your substitute for fresh meat, but cold cuts are your backup for when things get tough (aka you didn’t hear the alarm in the morning).
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ameliaobrien · 4 months
Charcuterie Recipe - Hors D'Oeuvre Charcuterie with Brie, Salami, Smoked Beef and Grape Tomatoes
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Hors D'Oeuvre Charcuterie with Brie, Salami, Smoked Beef and Grape Tomatoes. This Hors D'Oeuvre Charcuterie platter is ideal for any gathering. Brie cheese, salami, smoked beef, and grape tomatoes combine to create a variety of flavors and textures that will please any palate.
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carnivorousous · 4 months
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Indulge in the mouthwatering flavors of homemade sujuk, a dry cured beef sausage. Made from scratch, this absolutely del...
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dogcollarpunk · 1 year
urge to name myself after a salami variant
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bluepoodle7 · 4 months
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#Saputo #SaputoFrigoCheeseHeadsComboPackMozzarellaCheeseAndBeefSalamiSticks #MeatAndCheeseSnackReview
This is part 2 of the Saputo Frigo CheeseHeads Combo Pack Mozzarella Cheese And Beef Salami Sticks and these are the rest of the images.
Part 1
A blog about obscurity stuff, plushies and food. on Tumblr: #Saputo #SaputoFrigoCheeseHeadsComboPackMozzarellaCheeseAndBeefSalamiSticks #MeatAndCheeseSnackReview I tried the Saputo Frigo...
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