#beej mantra
rainydetectiveglitter · 4 months
Ketu in the 7th house common remedies'
⭐ Chanting Mantras: Reciting mantras associated with Ketu can help alleviate its negative impact. The most common mantra is the Ketu Beej Mantra: "Om sram srim sraum sah ketave namah."
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⭐ Worshipping Lord Ganesha: Ketu is associated with Lord Ganesha, so worshiping Ganesha can help appease Ketu's influence. Offerings of durva grass, modak (a sweet), and lighting a lamp with sesame oil are common practices.
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⭐ Donating: Giving charity or donating to organizations on Tuesdays or Saturdays can help mitigate Ketu's effects. Donations of black sesame seeds, blankets, or other items to the needy are considered beneficial.
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⭐ Wearing Gemstones: Wearing a cat's eye (lehsunia) or chrysoberyl gemstone can help counteract the negative effects of Ketu. However, it's essential to consult with an astrologer before wearing any gemstone.
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⭐ Fasting: Fasting on Tuesdays or Saturdays is believed to pacify Ketu's influence. Some people observe a fast from sunrise to sunset, consuming only water or fruits.
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⭐ Yoga and Meditation: Practicing yoga asanas and meditation regularly can help calm the mind and reduce the impact of Ketu's energy. Pranayama (breathing exercises) and mindfulness meditation are particularly beneficial.
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⭐ Seeking Guidance: Consulting with a knowledgeable astrologer or spiritual guide can provide personalized advice and remedies based on your birth chart and specific circumstances.
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Remember that while remedies can be helpful, they work best when combined with self-awareness, introspection, and efforts to improve relationships through communication and understanding.
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kaalisecrets · 2 years
Why you took birth in
Specific culture
Ketu & spiritual dreams
and about Beej Mantras
And why should you reconnect with it.
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(hi, this post IS ALL OVER THE PLACE, talking about many different topics and points but they connect with eachother so bare with me ig ;_;. This post also works as a reminder/motivator for those, who are lost, disconnected from their ancestral roots and language/it's kinda a rant lol)
OK this one. Was channeled outta no where. And I got his sudden erge to just. You know, talk about this. (It's allots from here and there!!)
Ever thought of, why did you happen to be part of a particular culture, and ancestral lineage?
We are aware our souls picks specific mothers, or even families. This as well as applies to our culture. And specific ancestral roots.
So in bigger picture you also chose which ancestral root to be part of.
I, as a born hindu. Never really looked into my culture much. And tbh, I was living pretty much of a lost life. Until I chose the path of spirituality, and eventually later in recent years came across the mystical beauty of my own culture. Culture that my ancestors belong to.
Today's generation, specially Indians (as an indian, ill talk about us here) and hindus have completely lost touch with their own cultures, their ancient values or what their ancestors believed in. The distractions from our surroundings, the media specifically. Many don't even know basics of our culture.
( I do see some advancing towards our ancient teachings which I'm so proud of but I'm talking in larger scale)
In our schools, if we would speak Hindi, we would get fined for it. Because as we are going to an "English speaking" schools, Hindi wasn't allowed. Our teachers themselves suppressed our own language into a low class.
We forgot our Languages are nothing but mantras. Spells. That's why there is a Spell in "Spellings".
Mantras (languages) are so powerful, i mean, our ancestors used this form of communication to connect to eachother and the SOURCE all together. Which in itself is Form of magic. Each word you say affect you in how you behave. You must've noticed how your personality changes a bit when you speak a very different language? Why that happens? Because as you speak that language you somewhere make a direct contact to that specific culture which then makes an effect on you. Our personalities are direct extension of our culture in many different ways. We are nothing but netwrok of roots spreading across from this singular doorway (which Is our ancestral culture). And connecting to that leads us to reach the source/god/universe in better ways, because our soul chose this path for a reason.
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A good amount of us don't speak our ancestral Languages anymore, are quite drifted away from the teachings of our ancestors. How the heck are you gonna connect to the source when you aren't even using the doors YOU AS A SPIRIT CHOSE? before completely existing in this 3D plain?
Dive in, Understand, Learn about your ancestors, and the great knowledge they carried.
You never know when you'll get all answers to your life.
And ofc, if you do feel drawn towards a different spiritual path THAN your birth culture, nothings wrong. Go with where heart calls you. Learn. But I believe it can be well done whilst being connected to your own roots. Apprecitiating the place you chose, along with what your heart calls. 💌
(Ok now on to next topic)
After all we are here to connect with our ketu and rahu. Aren't we?
Ketu that rules utmost spirituality in Vedic culture. Rules ancestors as well Paternal ancestors in specific (see the connection?). Connecting with ketu whilst using your ketu's nakshatra's deity's beej mantra (Mantras that are very short and easy but holds phenomenal powers, they are like seed hence called "beej" = which translates to "seed". Seeds, because they are tinier than pinky but holds power to birth a tree). Chanting these beej mantra's before sleeping can give you instant spiritual dreams. You might as well see your paternal ancestors' house often if your ketu is very prominent already in chart as ketu rules spirituality, sleep, paternals ancestors as well as your daemon. Yes by doing this you can as well channelize your daemon.
How to find perfect beej mantra for you?
First go check in what Nakshatra your ketu is situated in.
Then look at that specific nakshatras's deity.
And then google search that specific deity's beej mantra.
And that's it, that beej mantra, is your beej mantra working as a gateway between your ketu, your daemon, your ancestors, you and ofc thr source.
For example if your Ketu's Nakshatra's Deity is, let's say Saraswati. And her beej mantra is ऐं (pronounced- aim)
And you chant it before sleeping, you'll see suddenly you visiting your school, library, of anything that has to do with knowledge and even music. And these places in your dreams would work like specific check points before you can lets say, lucid dream, Astral project, or even travel realms if you have reached that level.
Because Saraswati rules knowledge and Arts. So once you experience what your deity represents on dream as specific residing checkpoints, you know you just connected with source and came back without realizing 💀
So that's it for today, I hope you learnt something. I know it was so random of me switching between 2 topics but as it was channeled I didn't want to filter.
lots of love to you. Have an amazing day.
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jeevanjali · 2 months
Saturn Mantras: Check Here, Beej, Vedic And Tantric Mantra Of SaturnSaturn Mantras: In astrology, it is believed that Saturn's influence is based on our actions. Because of this, Saturn is often referred to as the ruler of the house of karma. When Saturn is weak in the birth chart, challenges may arise in one's career, business, or professional life
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mypanditastrologer · 6 months
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masterkeyisyou · 10 months
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cosmiccontemplations · 10 months
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I chose today's topic to be the Om (read "Aum") symbol. It's a really significant symbol that is seen almost everywhere, yet we don't know what it means. Why is that? In my opinion, this specific symbol's overuse in mainstream media and popular culture was that has led to its commercialization and misrepresentation. Through this dilution of its sacredness, this process of mainstreamization diminished its significance in the eyes of some who hold it dear, as it's often used without understanding its spiritual meaning. I would like to change this by writing this article and refreshing the importance of its meaning. Let's dive in!
The Om symbol, which we pronounce as
"Aum," is a sacred sound and spiritual icon in Hinduism. The sacredness of the Om sound lies in its deep spiritual significance. It is believed to encapsulate the entire universe within its vibrations, representing the essence of ultimate reality, encompassing the threefold nature of existence: creation, preservation, and destruction. The sound of Om is believed to connect the physical and spiritual realms, serving as a powerful tool for meditation and spiritual awakening. It is considered the sound of the universe, resonating with the cosmic vibration that underlies all of creation. The chanting of Om is said to bring a sense of peace harmony, and connection to the divine. Knowing this, it's only natural how deep of a significance this sound and symbol of eternal truth holds.
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The Om sound is often associated with the crown chakra, which is the energy center located at the top of the head. In some spiritual practices, Om is considered the beej mantra, or seed mantra, of the crown chakra Chanting Om is believed to help activate and balance this chakra, facilitating spiritual awakening and a deeper connection to higher consciousness.
(The image above (purple) is a symbol of the thousand petal lotus, or the crown chakra located at the top of the head.)
The term"beej mantra' originates from the Sanskrit word "beej" meaning seed. In the context of spiritual practices, a beej mantra is a single syllable or a short phrase that encapsulates the essence of a specific deity or concept. It is believed that chanting or meditating on a beej mantra can invoke the energy associated with that deity or concept, leading to spiritual growth and transformation. Each beej mantra is thought to carry a unique vibrational quality that resonates with the practitioner's consciousness, helping to align their energy with the divine.
Practicing mantras serves various purposes, including promoting focus and concentration during meditation, invoking specific energies or deities, and aligning oneself with higher consciousness. Mantras are also believed to have a calming and centering effect on the mind, promoting inner peace and spiritual growth. Additionally, the vibrational qualities of mantras are thought to resonate with the practitioner's energy, facilitating a deeper connection to the divine.
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(Image: Divine Mother - Adi Shakti)
The concept of the divine varies across different spiritual and religious traditions. In a broad sense, it refers to a transcendent, sacred, or ultimate reality that is often associated with qualities such as omnipotence omniscience, and omnipresence. For many, the divine represents a source of love, wisdom, and guidance, and it can be perceived as a universal force that underlies all of creation.
The ultimate reality is the concept of an underlying, unchanging truth or essence that transcends the material world. It is often associated with the divine or the highest form of existence. Omniscience refers to the attribute of having infinite knowledge and understanding. The beej mantra "Om" is believed to resonate with the ultimate reality and the concept of omniscience. In Hindu philosophy, "Om" is considered a sacred sound that represents the essence of the universe and the divine.
Chanting "Om" is thought to align the practitioner with the ultimate reality and the omniscient nature of the divine, facilitating a deeper connection to higher consciousness and spiritual awakening.
Spiritual awakening refers to a profound shift in consciousness and perception, often accompanied by a heightened sense of awareness and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. It can involve a profound realization of one's true nature, a deep sense of inner peace, and a heightened sensitivity to the spiritual dimensions of life. Spiritual awakening is often described as a transformative and liberating experience that leads to a deeper connection with the divine and a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment.
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(Spiritual Awakening by Michael Durst)
The experience of spiritual awakening can vary greatly from person to person, but common signs include a deep sense of inner peace, heightened intuition, a greater sense of empathy and compassion, and a shift in perspective towards the interconnectedness of all things. Individuals may also experience a heightened awareness of the present moment, a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment, and a profound connection to the divine or universal consciousness.
I hope you found this article useful! Let me know if you want similar articles in the future. :)
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rationalastro · 2 years
बुध बीज मंत्र | Budh Beej Mantra || बुद्धि बढ़ाऐं | Mantra for Memory an...
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transcendingbeliefs · 11 months
10 Advantages of Harnessing the Power of Beej Mantras
Beej Mantras are ancient sacred sounds linked to specific energies and deities. This blog speaks about how people can leverage Beej mantras transformative power through regular chanting. It enhances concentration, promotes inner peace, attracts prosperity, clears negative energies, boosts confidence, improves health, heightens intuition, strengthens relationships, and fosters protection.
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Read more: 10 Benefits of Beej Mantras for Success
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lifetimeyogi · 1 year
What is Beej Mantra? The Significance of Beej Mantra in Hindu Tantra Vidya
#mantra #yoga #meditation #love #o #spirituality #spiritual #mantras #mindfulness #om #bhakti #namaste #krishna #reiki #peace #motivation #kirtan #chakras #healing #india #amor #shiva #n #astrology #bhaktiyoga #selflove #yogi #medita #a #hindu
What is Beej Mantra? The Significance of Beej Mantra in Hindu Tantra Vidya Introduction Hinduism is a rich and diverse religious and spiritual tradition that encompasses a wide array of beliefs and practices. One of the lesser-known aspects of Hinduism is Tantra Vidya, a branch of Hindu spirituality that delves into the esoteric and mystical. Within Tantra Vidya, Beej Mantras hold a special…
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pslvtv · 1 year
ఏలిననాటి శని ఉన్నవారు ఈ స్తోత్రం వినండి | Most powerful shani mantra tel...
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monkvyasaa · 1 year
Shukra Beej Mantra Benefits
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In Hinduism, the Shukra Beej Mantra has a lot of spiritual and astrological importance. People think that chanting this powerful mantra will bring in good energy, improve love and relationships, and heal the mind and body. This article, we'll talk about the Shukra Beej Mantra benefits, meaning, significance, and, as well as the right way to chant it.
Shukra mantra: How do they help?
According to ancient texts called the Vedas, having a strong Venus planet in your astrology chart can give you extraordinary self-confidence and a graceful demeanor. Venus enhances your charm and personal qualities. By reciting the Venus Mantra, you can gain courage, trust, wealth, luxury, enjoyable experiences, love, marriage, and happy married life. This mantra has been proven to be beneficial for achieving success in life. Additionally, it can also help in expediting the process of getting married.
Shukra Beej Mantra and Astrology
Shukra Beej Mantra is a very important part of Vedic astrology. Venus is known as Shukra in Western astrology. It is considered to be one of the important celestial bodies affecting the lives of people. People think that chanting Shukra Beej Mantra has a positive effect on one's astrological chart and can help with problems caused by Venus.
From an astrological perspective, Venus is a symbol of love, beauty, relationships, wealth, and artistic skill. Its position and aspects in a person's birth chart can affect their romantic relationships, financial stability, and general happiness. The energy of Venus can be both helpful and difficult, depending on how it lines up with other planets.
By chanting the Shukra Beej mantra, people try to bring the forces of Venus in harmony and balance in their birth chart. This mantra is a spiritual remedy that helps in reducing the ill effects of a weak or ill Venus and enhancing its good qualities.
Shukra Beej Mantra Meaning
Shukra Beej Mantra is a sacred mantra that is said to Lord Shukra, the God of Venus. A mantra is made up of a certain set of words that vibrate in a way that matches the energy of Venus. The word "beej" means "seed", indicating that this mantra contains the essence and promise of the entire universe.
Read more - https://www.monkvyasa.com/blog/shukra-beej-mantra-benefits
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nisthadhawani · 2 years
माँ काली का चमत्कारिक मंदिर | Mata Kali Mandir
माँ काली का चमत्कारिक मंदिर | Mata Kali Mandir
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kaalisecrets · 2 years
Hello Babies
Asks are On! Ask away!
Im so excited!
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jeevanjali · 2 months
Venus Mantras: Check Here, Beej, Vedic And Tantric Mantra Of VenusVenus Mantras: The position of Venus in the horoscope is associated with material pleasures and sensual thoughts. A weak position of Venus may lead to a decrease in economic, material, and sensual pleasures for the individual, as well as potential issues with diabetes. Chanting Vedic and Tantric mantras for Venus can bring peace and balance. Taurus and Libra individuals, as well as those with a weak Venus in their horoscope, are encouraged to chant Venus mantras to enhance Venus's influence
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bharatsastra · 2 years
শ্রী শ্রী কালীকবচম্
শ্রী শ্রী কালীকবচম্ | Kali Kavach Mantra ভৈরব্যুবাচ। কালীপূজা শ্ৰুতা নাথ ভাবাশ্চ বিবিধাঃ প্রভো। ইদানীং শ্রোতুমিচ্ছামি কবচং পূৰ্ব্বসুচিতম্৷। ত্বমেব শরণং নাথ ত্রাহি মাং দুঃখসঙ্কটাৎ।। ভৈরব উবাচ। রহস্য শৃণু বক্ষ্যামি ভৈরবি প্রাণবল্লভে। শ্রীজগন্মঙ্গলং নাম কবচম্ মন্ত্ৰবিগ্ৰহম্ ৷৷ পঠিত্বা ধারয়িত্বা বা ত্রৈলোক্যং মোহয়েৎ ক্ষণাৎ। নারায়ণোঽপি যদ্ধত্বা নারী ভূত্বা মহেশ্বরম্ ।। যোগেশং ক্ষোভমনয়দ যদ্ধত্বা চ…
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bejandaruwallaindia · 2 years
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