#beel wont eat? dear god!
astaroth1357 · 6 months
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Don't mind me, just my mind living happily in Lesson 32 for the next some odd weeks.
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symphonicmetal101 · 3 years
Over-Tired OM Boys HCs
Here's the initial thing that got me started thinkin bout the boys, but here ya go-
- this man, once he hits overtired, is extremely gullible, which is why he locks himself in his office until hes done what needs to be done
- also cannot keep a train of thought for more than 20 seconds and it drives him nuts
- and then he loses his focus even more because he's upset
- you tried knocking on the door once, and told him when you closed your eyes, you couldnt see and needed to go to the doctor
- man went from frustrated to concerned in a heartbeat, only after opening the door realizing how foolish he had just come across
- but now the door was open and you had access to him, and reluctantly he let you drag him to bed
- Will deny it ever happened, and if you bring it up, expect a punishment.
- Though he is grateful you made him rest so he would not become the laughingstock of his brothers
- over tired bby will ramble until he forgot what he was talking about and space out for a solid ten seconds before snapping back
- it doesnt matter if you're listening intently or only half listening, he makes no sense what so ever.
- If you can record him without him noticing you (which is easy to do in this state) and play it back once he's rested he's either facepalming and blushy for the nonsense he spewed or he managed to pick out what he may have been trying to say and gets super excited, going off on another more understandable tangent.
- Gaming is a priority
- Sleeping is not
- Levi usually ends up just tired, not wired but dear lord when he does-
- All that energy and passion he pours into the way he speaks about anime and manga?
- Its physical now...oh and hes slightly more extroverted
- Though its a rare sight, over tired Levi works out and rambles about whatever it was that made him stay up that long, and hes doing it all in your room
- Over tired Satan is a rare sight, though it happens often, as he holes up in his room
- He gets an impulse to clean, and will tidy and clean and organize his books, though it never lasts
- and theres no escape, he will start crying if he feels you arent paying attention or if you're about to leave
- Depending on who you are, he either becomes 10000000% testier, or hes a giggly mess, there is no in between
- Finds everything funny, but will get pouty if it came from someone he doesnt really like
- Over tired Asmo is rare, likely the rarest of all the boys to see, save for Barbatos
- but he is a chaotic little fucker
- dear god
- He will raid the fridge and pantry worse than Beel, specifically when hes on a diet-
- Then MC you're either in for one hell of a story from Asmo, most of them his not-so-proud drunk moments that he never talks about for that reason but he cant stop himself-
-his laugh sounds even more high pitched than normal, and a little maniacal, and he finds everything he says hilarious
- you will go on an adventure probably
- spaces out randomly, and also cries easily, dont point this put to him and say yes to his adventures, he'll change his mind a thousand times on the way- just go with it
- overtired Beel happens quite a bit, usually after the victory of a game and the adrenaline starts to wear off- and then he still has stuff to do
- but instead of "oh" and maybe a small laugh when he realizes what happened its more ".....oh" and then he looks like he's having an existential crisis
- you will have to physically lead him to bed after that, he's too busy thinking and slowly eating whatever is in his hand
- he snacks to keep himself awake, and poor himbo man is even more gullible than usual
- will want to cuddle, but wont ask when hes like this
- out like a bulb immediately
- The Avatar of Sloth? Over tired? yes it happens unfortunately-
- He gets even grumpier than usual because he can’t sleep
- Then at night its just restless tossing and turning
- yes even the seemingly flawless butler gets overtired, but opposite of Asmo, he is far better at concealing it
- Usually happens when he intentionally sleeps through important meetings and days for Lucifer back to back to back
- It’s another excuse to hold you though, so he might make himself over tired more often
- You will see him stifle yawns
- And when given instructions, his eyes widen slightly with concentration as he whispers the instructions over and over under his breath so nobody can hear, but its clear his lips are moving
- he cannot be bribed
- he can be intimidated though, and how you ask?
- “threaten” to go tell Beel or Dia because you know full well if they were asked, they would carry Barb back to his quarters if you can’t do so on your own-
- no he will not sleep
- Usually that’s enough to convince him, but you have to stay near to make sure he doesn’t leave until he’s well-rested, otherwise he’ll leave as soon as possible and try to get back to work
- buuuut if you’re “on guard” or in bed with him- well he might have a few extra minutes or hours to spend with you
- overtired Diavolo is rather rare, as Barbatos is very strict with the prince's schedule
- Still though if Diavolo truly wants to keep going...all Barb can do is prepare for the future
- Which uh...just means being able to drag the prince to his quarters
- If you thought he was lively before, being overtired is kinda like giving caffiene to a squirrel for him
- Until he suddenly crashes....which, depending on how you like his company, can be unfortunate as his kick can last for hours
- Simeon goes into zombie mode when he's overtired
- He hates to admit it, but it tales every oumce of strength to not fall asleep in the middle of classes
- Not that Luke would let him
- He's a little dazy, a little slow, but even just a power nap gets the angel going again
- Babie boy, don't stay up with the big kids-
- an overtired ten year old follows a certain progression
- grumpy, denial in need of sleep, chatterbox, chatterbox, chatterbox, chatt- oh he fell asleep in the middle of his sentence
- will not acknowledge anything in the morning, even as he walks out of his bedroom instead of the random place he slept, instead carrying on the conversation he left half finished the night before
- hah
- he has spells
- who needs sleep?
- bastard also pushes himself too far, but disguises it with more ease than anyone else, at least until its just the two of you
- He tends to run his hand through his hair more often, fidgets more
- hes a little jumpy too, so continue with caution if you dont want to be turned into a frog-
Anyways, I know its been a hot minute since I posted anything really uh...substantial? I guess this will have to do?? I'm going to be travelling for a bit, so I apologize for slow updates, also dont have the patience to make a queue
Thank y'all for supporting me anyways, it means a lot!! Keep an eye out for the next OC Hunger Games~
Love ya!!
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asmo-ds · 4 years
Hi! Im sorry for bothering you! How would the brothers react to an mc who is soft, smol, innocent, kind to everyone. But that also comrs with being a huge ditz and trusting everyone, and doing anything anyone says? Cuz thats me lol. Thank you so much!
omg sweetie you’re not bothering me! I liked this request a lot cuz I'm the same for the most part so it was easy for me :)
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w/ Ditzy!MC
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- oh no, oh dear, ohhhh boy
- Needs to protect the poor babi
-  His blood pressure is rising with the second
- When sees MC easily trusting his brothers he is glad but oh my Diavolo was he horrified
- They were demons who eat humans, why were they trusting the brothers so much
- When Belphie comes out of the attic and reveals how he tricked MC he honestly isn’t surprised
- When he and MC start dating he gets even more protective and is sure to mark him and scent them so no other demons even think about touching them unless they want to face his wrath
- When MC accidentally trusts a demon who then tries to eat them, he is so mad he almost gives birth again
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- He is going to have so much fun with them
- He is able to lure them into his schemes pretty easily
- But when he realizes they are nothing but nice to everyone they meet he feels very guilty and tries his best to keep them out of his dirty work
- He makes sure to leave his scent on them before they even get romantically involved with each other because if anybody touches them they’d have to deal with him so he figured this was the best way to baby sit effectively 
- He finds it adorable how sweet they are and is swooning every time they speak
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- they’re like a sweet ditzy anime character omg
- He compares them to every ditzy anime character to ever exist
- But when he realizes Mammon has been using them to do his dirty work, he is raging
- He will try explaining to them what he’s doing and they seem to be listening, but then the next day they’re back at it
- Throws hands with Mammon at one point or another and begins to listen into their conversations for Mammon asking for “favors” from the human
- Has them wear his sweatshirt in public so nobody even thinks about trying to fool them or even breathe in their direction bc this is HIS smol human and they will not get hurt on his watch
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- He doesn’t trick them into doing anything bad really, just asks them to help with some of his more innocent pranks on Lucifer
- Scents them to be sure nobody asks for any “favors” that could hurt them
- They’re too nice and he’s too cold so they balance each other out
- classic “the angry one is only soft for the sunshine one” situation
- Baby proofs everything he has in his room because they can’t seem to understand how dangerous everything he owns is
- “Satan what’s this book about?” “hm, what bOOK MC DONT TOUCH THAT-” they got cursed again lol
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- Ohhh my god he LOVES MC and wants to corrupt them so bad
- Like he wants to do things MC has never even heard of
- They’re so oblivious when he flirts though, so he was a bit saddened by that, but then he gets nervous about their safety and begins to coddle them more
- He may be feminine and the third weakest of all his brothers, but that doesn’t mean he isn't hella powerful,
- so whenever someone teases MC (even if MC doesn’t realize it) is going to have to deal with him, and it wont be pretty
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- He is kind of the same so watching these two together is adorable but worrying
- Beel may be a bit oblivious and too trusting, but he has never once forgotten he’s around evil, but it seems MC does that a lot so big teddy bear baody guard Beel comes out 
- He walks them everywhere and scents them so that nobody will even look in their direction
- If he sees MC talking to a demon that looks like their up to no good he was stand behind MC with a murderous aura and mouth threats to the demon before they give up and run
- If MC gets sad about the demons always avoiding them he feels guilty, but he knows it’s for the best and will encourage Luke, Solomon, and Simeon to spend more time with the human
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- Oh he was so happy when he first met the kind human, they were a ditz and perfect to manipulate
- Stupid human helped him out of the attic without a single doubt that he wasn’t going to hurt them
- After the whole killing them thing though he reflects on how easily they trusted him and he begins to cling to them
- If anybody even breathes a words about a favor that has a hit of mischief he’s dragging MC away and has a murderous gaze at the demon that says “sleep with one eye open” 
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onbrokenwings90 · 4 years
Obey Me Fanfiction check out my wattpad for recent updates
Based loosely on the new Obey Me otome game.
Part One
Thump...thump...thump...Hana's heart raced in her chest as she took in her surroundings. She appeared to be in what looked to be in an old style courthouse. Hundreds of candles were placed around the room, their flickering lights casting shadows along the walls. Dark tapestries lined the walls depicting scenes of demons and angels in varying dark scenes. In front of her sat 7 males looking down at her with different expressions coloring their faces. o
"Welcome to The Devildom, as an exchange student for the year! I know this is a shock to you as a human. But I can guarantee that no one here means you any harm. Well as long as you follow the rules and stay to the designated areas. My name is Diavolo, the man next to me is Lucifer and as President of the student council he and his brothers will watch over you during your year long exchange here in the Devildom."
Huh?....my head is spinning at the on slaught of information. I pinch my thigh trying to figure out if I am dreaming. I had gone to bed last night in my own home and had 'woken' up in this room. I look down at myself seeing that I'm still in my nightgown which isn't something should be seen by men that I don't know.
"Uhhmmm...am I dreaming?" The question leaves my mouth before I even process the question. The man, Diavolo laughs good naturedly, but shakes his head no.
"No, Hana, this isn't a dream. You were chosen amongst thousands of applicants for this exchange program. Two Humans, Angels, and Demons, were chosen from each race to exchange to each realm for a type of home study program. The leaders of each realm are trying to bring a peaceful coexistence between the races and you were chosen to come here to Devildom."
A tall black haired male stands up and draws my attention away from Diavolo. His deep voice rings out as he introduces himself.
"I am Lucifer, during your stay you will be living at The House of Lamentation along with my brothers. I am the eldest, the second eldest Mammon will be your guide from day to day, but if he isn't around feel free to ask any of the others."
"Lucifer! Why the hell should I take time out of my precious schedule to look after a HUMAN girl?" A silver haired male sneers as he looks at this human girl in disgust. It is taking everything in me not to tell this BOY to go fuck himself. I press my lips together in a grimace and clench my fists.
"Mammon, you will do as you are told. Diavolo has requested you as her guide, and his will is my will and you will do it!" Lucifer tells this Mammon firmly and I can feel a heaviness radiating from him. The hair on the back of my neck stands up. I had always been sensitive to people's emotions, and even though Lucifer had not directed those words toward me I could tell this was not a man to talk back to. Apparently Mammon thought so as well as he visibly blanched at his brothers tone of voice.
"Let us introduce ourselves. My name is Lucifer and I am the Avatar of Pride"
The silver haired boy stands and grumbles and glares toward me.
"Mammon...Avatar of Greed. Second eldest."
I look next to him at a male with dark blue hair, he has been playing on his phone during the whole proceeding. A blonde next to him elbows his side and jerks his head toward me. He stands without taking his eyes off the phone.
"Leviathan, Avatar of Envy. Now leave me alone I'm trying to beat this level." I hear audible sighs coming from the other brothers.
The blonde next to him stands and smiles.
"My name is Satan, and I am the Avatar of Wrath. I am also the fourth oldest."
An androgynous male stands up he smiles and winks at me.
"I'm Asmodeus The Avatar of Lust. Hana dear, I love that nightgown, and those legs. I wouldn't mind having those legs wrapped around..."
"Shut the hell up you sex fiend!" Mammon grows at Asmodeus who doesn't seem to care as he runs his eyes up and down my body and licks his lips. He takes a step toward me and I back up, he is trying to capture my gaze and I turn my head to look at Lucifer breaking the gaze from Asmodeus. Asmodeus cocks his head at me before tapping his chin.
"Hmmm..." I hear from him before he sits down. I breathe a sigh of relief, I feel like I almost found myself in a snake bed.
I hear a loud growling sound coming from the tall red head next to Asmodeus.
"I'm hungry...starving. I'm Beelzebub, Gluttony Avatar. Do you have any snack on you? Hmm...you look tasty." His stomach growls again, Diavolo whips out a sucker and throws it at Beelzebub who snatches it quickly and pops it in his mouth.
"Please refrain from eating the exchange students Beel. It wont look very good to the other realms. The youngest brother is not here as he is one of the exchange students for the human realm."
If my eyes widen even further they are going to pop out of my head. Oh God...this is an absolute nightmare. I have recognized each name as the brothers have introduced themselves, though I am not a religious person their isn't many people who wouldn't know about the Seven deadly sins, the only one missing is Sloth who I assume is the youngest brother. I plop my ass down on the cold chair hardly even caring that if someone was standing beside me they would get a nice view of my ass cheeks hanging out as my nightgown rides up. This has to be a nightmare, I put my head in my hands ignoring my surroundings.
"Did we break the human?"
"If she is broke can I eat her?"
"No Beel, you cant eat her."
"Do you ever think of anything but food?"
Stomach growling..."So hungry..."
I feel the temperature change as a warm body kneels down beside me. I look over to see Diavolo and Lucifer. Diavolo has brought himself down to my level.
"I know this is a shock, stories of our realm is told in myths and shown in human nightmares. Only those with magical or psychic powers in the human realm know that we exist. I have placed you with the brothers to ensure your safety. Though if you have issues please let Lucifer here know. He will answer any questions you have. Mammon WILL do his job correctly as your guide." He holds out his hand, I hesitate before grabbing it as he pulls me up. Lucifer steps forward and hands me a large jacket.
"Please cover up, I apologize for having you stand there in your night dress. It is easier to pull humans to this realm as they dream. Unfortunately they show up as dressed. Your clothing is causing a stir with a couple of my brothers. Asmodeus especially, beauty catches his eyes no matter the race." I wrap the jacket around my body, it was very large on me, reaching my knees covering more skin than my nightie. Warmth returned to my body, though my bare feet were still freezing.
"Thank you, may I call you Lucifer?"
"Hmm, I will allow it. You can address all of us brothers by name. I will address you as Hana. Mammon, come here. I want you to escort Hana to the House of Lamentation."
Mammon groans loudly but walks over toward me. I look up at him as he stands closer. He is dressed flashily, rings on a couple of his fingers and expensive looking sunglasses perched on his head.
"Ok human, here's the deal, if I'm going to be in charge of showing you what's what you better listen to me. If I tell you to do something you will do it." I arch an eye brow as I stare up into his face, I cross my arms under my chest. My anger is reaching a boiling point, and this Mammon is seriously pissing me off. I'm close to saying fuck it to caution and letting this haughty prick have it. If he refers to me as human one more damn time...the blonde, Satan walks over grinning.
"Idiot, if you could feel the anger rolling off of her you'd be dead. Hana feel free to unleash that anger on this moron. I love a good fight." Though Satan is smiling, I can see the darkness under his good looks. I keep my mouth shut, but flip off Mammon. Satan laughs and I hear Asmodeus talking.
"I love feisty girls. Hana call me whenever you want to release your inner wildcat." I ignore him as he blows me a kiss and flounces off. No way in hell was I crawling in his bed, he seemed the type to smile sweetly while he fucked me to death. No thanks.
"That's enough children. Mammon, do your job. Hana there is a phone that we call a D.D.D, read the manual inside. When you reach your room some clothing will be provided, and you will find your school uniform. Read the student handbook, your schedule is also in your room. During your stay any humans will no longer remember your existence, at the end of the year everything will be as it was. Please do your best and follow the rules. Classes are explained in the handbook and start next week giving you time to settle in. Now excuse me, have a good evening. "
Lucifer nods to his brothers before he follows Diavolo as they head out the door.
"Fucking Lucifer. One of these days I wont have to listen to him anymore. Now I have to keep tabs on a lowly human. My time is valuable." Mammon continues bitching as he starts walking toward the door.
"Well human, follow me." Mammon looks at me like I'm a dog to heel.
"Dickhead..." I grumble under my breath only to hear low chuckles. Fucking great, they heard me. Mammon either doesn't hear me or ignores me as he walks swiftly ahead. I walk after him, my feet stinging against the cold stone floors. Mammon continues walking swiftly, but I'm curious as I take in the old building in currently in. It almost looks like a large courthouse. Stone walls, and monochromatic decor.
He leads me to the exit, a red and black sky meets my eyes. I'm surprised by the triple moon in the sky, it's an absolute beautiful sight, taking my breath away. We are up on a tall hill and a small town nestles down in the valley. I can see mountains in the distance, it looks similar to the human realm but I can pick out the differences here and there.
My feet are aching and I have to slow down considerably. Mammon looks back and sighs loudly.
"Are all humans this slow?"
"My name is not human it is Hana! And if you get your head out of your ass you would notice that I have NO FUCKING SHOES ON YOU DICK!!!" I curse at him. His eyes go wide and his mouth gapes open in shock that this human would dare curse at him. I continue on my tirade.
"I get pulled here in the middle of the fucking night in my night gown. Get told I have NO choice in whether I want to be here. Then get forced to follow around a pompous asshat who refers to me as human. I dont care if you go demon on my ass but if you refer to me as human like I'm scum one more time I'm shoving my fist down your fucking throat. Got it?!?" I hear laughter and clapping from behind me.
"See, I said she was feisty. Hey Beel can you help Hana, I can smell blood from her feet. Just don't take a bite." Asmodeus walks over toward me with Beelzebub following behind him.
"Barbotos brought me some snacks so I'm good, at least until we get back to the house." The tall demon walks toward me and I notice the muscles lining his arms.
Holy shit, he must work out all the time. Definitely not the physic of someone I would picture as the Avatar of Gluttony.
"We have a bit of a walk. None of us have shoes that will fit you. It's not a good idea to be trailing blood around. Not all demons can control their urges. If you dont want to be hunted it would be best for me to carry you. "
" Uhhh...I don't really have much of a choice do I?" He shakes his head and I sigh. I'm not comfortable with having a man I don't know carry me. He leans his tall frame down and swings me into his arms. I squeak loudly at the sudden move as he carries me princess style. I wrap my arm around his neck to steady myself.
Oh good Lord...if you could die from embarrassment Id be six feet under.
"Thank you, Beelzebub. I'm sorry" He looks slightly startled at my apology but he shakes his head.
"Can you cook?"
"Yes, but do you guys have similar food to humans."
"We can get human food here. But there are some things you can substitute that is similar to human food in the sense it can be cooked in the same way. If I get the ingredients can you make me cheeseburgers that are like humans."
"Sure since you are carrying my ass where ever we are headed."
A big smile lights up his face and happiness fills his eyes. I feel my heart skip a beat at his expression.
Oh my...he is gorgeous when he smiles.
Mammon has continued grumbling as we walk to our destination. I've caught bits and pieces of his mumbling. I've caught bitch...human...how dare she...lowly human. Asmodeus walks beside Beelzebub his eyes scanning my features every so often. I try my best to ignore him.
"So Hana, do you have a boyfriend in the human realm?" Asmodeus asks.
"Want one?"
"Want a sex friend?" I choke at his question.
"Not really."
"Hmm...are you a virgin?" Now I'm wanting to reach out and punch him in his gorgeous face.
"None of your fucking business." I growl out at him.
"Oooo...you have a naughty mouth. I like it" I feel like doing a face palm but I control the urge.
"She better not cuss at Lucifer or Satan. They both might forget she is supposed to stay alive here." Mammon calls back.
"Well seeing as neither of them have treated me like shit I dont see myself cussing them out. You, Mammon on the other hand..." I leave off.
"Oh Hana...this is going to be an interesting year" Asmodeus says.
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symphonicmetal101 · 3 years
Boys In Their "Ideal" Vacation Spots HCs (with you)
Lucifer: honestly? A small homey cabin in the woods by a body of water, either a lake or a river. A wood burning stove, a fireplace, record player, comfy worn in seats and hot chocolate for cold nights. He needs some work to do- like chopping wood, and I mean...idk about yall, I love watching people use an axe to chop wood, so I wouldnt be one to stop him. On warm nights you guys snuggle up with each other and a shared blanket on the porch swing, looking up at the moon and stars.
Mammon: a yacht partayyyyyyy. Boy wants to party hard and have you along for the ride. Taking a weekend to show you off as his and *his* alone to a boat full of strangers while being able to go swimming, big buffet all day, partying- and at the end of the night he gets to snuggle with you in bed, waiting for you to sleep before going to sleep himself. Loves to take pictures of the two of you the whole time.
Levi: beach house! Now he doesnt normally like the beach- but this one is private...and he gets to share it with you. ~~and it has wifi~~ would you help him put on his sunscreen? He wont ask but if you offer its a flubbed "you would do that?!!!" You spend your days outside in the water- in his element. Hes able to relax and might slip into one of his other demon forms (bc I hc they got like 2-4 forms) and can take you for a dive you wont forget. At night you guys game or watch movies until you pass out.
Satan: idk, getting like a ski lodge vibe for him. With cats. But mostly its because he wants to see the northern lights with you. He wants one of those places with full length windows in the bedroom- set up a charcuterrie board, maybe some wine depending on who ya are. Blankets, cuddles and Nothern Lights. Would go skiing if you really wanted to. Hot chocolate is a must after though, in the living room with the fireplace and the cats.
Asmo: penthouse suite in the city!! He has access to wifi for his followers, spas, shops, makeup, nail polish- and you! As well as a very posh living arrangement and a great view of the city. Maybe you guys can even go see a ballet or a play/musical! Its the perfect way for him to relax and enjoy himself- especially since youre there with him.
Beel+Belphie: now I usually try to do seperate these two, but honestly I dont think they'd be very relaxed without each other there, even if youre there, and its a vacation...you dont want to be hearing "I wish belphie/beel was here" the whole time :/ that being said- these two are the KINGS of STAYcations. They dont need anything fancy, theyre pretty happy right where they are, and Belphie hates packing his bags. Beel is very low maintenance.  "Packing" enough food for a weekend on the attic is your biggest worry- even then, the kitchen is just a flight of stairs away! Its perfect for these two.
Diavolo and Luke: liiiisten they both are babiessssss and both of them deserve to go to disneyworld/the equivalent of that and they would *love* it. Hell, take them together- it'll be chaotic but fun as all hell, not to mention long lines feel shorter with them there (and Dia maybe...possibly...usin a little magic to make the lines go a little faster...or making somethin to distract people so they leave the line and you guys get to go sooner...maybe-). Guaranteed to be the most fun either of them have ever had. So many pictures, laughs, smiles and sweets dear gOD😂
Barbatos: Also a staycation kind of guy but like you have to force him to relax. Maybe you can take a vacation to another realm- like a garden (and no such thing as you know...allergies to pollen if youre like me) with a small cottage in it so you guys have a place to sleep and eat. He enjoys botanical work, even if you dont work alongside him, just having you there is more than enough. Makes fresh teas with you to chat well into the evening when the fireflies come out.
Simeon: he enjoys the idea of a small cotrage in the woods, a little getaway to be with you and nature. Should a storm hit, you two can watch the rain in candlelight, snuggled together as he reads a book to you, or just cuddling as he hums a soft tune, succulents dotted around the room.
Solomon: I think he would really enjoy a weekend of hot air balloon rides or just like...aerial activities. Sky diving, bungee jumping, hangliding- hes the best to do it with bc he can *guarantee* nothing will go wrong. Hes also another human, so hes either super cocky, super cocky then freaks out, or is big scared babie the whole time and I really love the idea of the last two.
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