#beemoov problematic
linaselandbasil · 2 years
Out of question and context, but do you think Matthew and Lance f#cked ??👀 I don't know why this is haunting me
Let me state that I think canon Lance is straighter than a ruler and Matthieu looks like the word default got the Pinocchio treatment and was turned into a real boy so probably straight as well. I don't think they would even get along, they're like a clam and a rabbit in the way that they don't feel like they even should be in the same room. I think Lance SHOULD have seen through him if he's so smart and resourceful, so he would have felt that the vibes are too foul to fuck.
Also, beemoov doesn't seem to care, but for a boss to have this sort of relationship with an employee is very problematic. The power imbalance puts the employee in danger of their constant being violated. ANE Lance seems like he would never let anything like that happen.
Mathieu is young, so he might just try to discover himself and what he likes, but not with Lance who is 30 frikin years old. If Lance does like men, he probably won't choose someone he sees as a son. That would be all the way fucked up.
So in conclusion, they would have needed to get absolutely shit faced drunk first. That's an unfortunate state to copulate in.
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ezarelz · 3 years
Not only Chrome spin-off,i was extremey bothered on nevra's route how gardienne glamourises pain and not consent.nevra didnt want to bite her and she was all the time kinda forcing him.
please,dont let that fucked up bitch to get close to me.
Hey Anon! :) Thank you for pointing that out.
I was already working on a part two of my critique which spoke of her lack of respect of her partner’s boundaries, which???? Beemoov literally makes it a point to make the guys ask if we are ready, but somehow that doesn’t apply to her? 
I was quite um tired of always reading about her sexually masochistic tendencies every single time Nevra bit her, but I was going to let it slide as I don’t take this as canon for MY gardienne. However, those that one time she literally force-fed Nevra in episode 29??? I had to close the tab for a second. It reminded me of the question of consent of needed blood transfusion among Jehovah witnesses in Canada (given that they cannot receive blood that isn’t theirs, if I recall correctly), the supreme court decision was that their choice must be respected, regardless of the need for blood transfusion. This is exactly how I see it, if Nevra needs blood, you don’t force him when you see him hesitate. You can speak to him, reassure him of your willingness, but for you to simply disregard his view of it, not adress it and shove your sliced arm to his mouth is fucked up. Also why does she always slice her arm??? Like,,, he has fangs, girly. 
Leiftan was also subjected to that in another episode, but I’d rather keep it for the critique because I need to provide greater context for other readers. 
I’ll provide screenshots to support this, too. 
But yes, very good point, one I agreed with to begin with. So glad to see I wasn’t the only one to notice! 
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tetrakys · 3 years
5 reasons why you should play Moonlight Lovers Neil
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Is this post propaganda? Yes, it is. It totally is. In my opinion Neil’s route is the best thing Beemoov has ever given us and people should know. So, I’m gonna do something I never do, tumblr’s immortal sin: crosspost. I think people from some specific fandoms would like this route. So here is the list of reason why you should play this game:
5. THE ROUTE We are romancing a villain. The villain of the previous routes. So this makes this route already quite different from the others and very interesting. He is a complicated man (vampire) with a long and complicated past. If you have never played ML I suggest you play Vladimir first (and maybe Beliath too if you have the capacity). You don’t have to, because the story is understandable anyway, but I recommend it because it’ll give more flavour to Neil’s route once you get to him. Everything is sort of flipped here, we learn to see things from his own experience and point of view first and then the other vampires, so what we took from granted as correct and just in the previous routes, gets questioned and revaluated here. Morality and actions are questioned and black and white blend in a very murky grey.
4. NEIL  He’s a really hot dilf... ehm... I mean older guy 😌
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And he’s SASSY. I love it. He keeps roasting the other vampires like the king he is 
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and yeah he’s an actual real life ancient Irish king (Niall "Noígíallach"), with very interesting lore.
3. ELOISE  Eloise (the MC) is a total badass. Differently from the other routes, she’s turned into a vampire from the first moment and she owns it. She’s great and not in a Mary-sue unbelievable chosen-one style, she’s just very talented and smart. She actually has agency and is at the centre of the plot. This route is really her/our journey, where we are discovering our power and what we’re willing to do for it.
We also get to suck dry a wannaby r*pist early in the route, which is one of my favourite scenes.
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The relationship between Eloise and Neil is top tier. Despite him being the villain and trying to kill her on all the other routes, here she is his protégé. For this reason, it’s not a real enemies-to-lovers route, but more a mentor/mentee romance. And, despite that, there’s no power imbalance, and he is very respectful of her. There’s no way anyone could call this relationship toxic. He likes Eloise being fierce and strong and lets her take charge whenever she wants.
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Also, him being older, he’s a true gentleman
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Now, if you are like me and like “problematic” ships, this may potentially sound boring, but it isn’t at all. The spice lies in the fact that Eloise is basically slowly being seduced to the dark side and turning into a villain herself. This is the dream of anyone wishing to join team evil in Eldarya or people who always wished to romance a sith and join them.
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1. THE ENDINGS On the other hand, if turning bad and killing people doesn’t suit you, you can choose to remain faithful to your inner humanity and goodness. You have choices on directly impacting the ending 
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So, in the end, if Neil really isn’t your cup of tea but you still like the idea of being a badass vampire, you could end up siding up with the “good” guys and probably kill Neil, or banish him, I can’t say yet because as at the time I’m writing this (November 2021) not all episodes have been released yet, but these or similar outcomes are very likely.
Here is my list, I won’t say more to not slip too much into spoilers territory, but feel free to check my ‘ml neil’ tag if you want to know more.
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rico-the-nicoo · 2 years
let's talk about beemoov's issue with black characters :)
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so as a black woman that lives in america, which is a place that barely gives proper representation of black people, im always on the lookout for black characters (if there are any) to see how they are presented in said media.
and beemoov does not do a good job of it.
what i've noticed is that any side character that just so happens to be black falls into three categories: a high key problematic bitch, a stepping stoll to further along the plot/main characters or the side character that nobody gives a fuck about.
now i know i shouldn't have expected much. otome games only really cater to a certain female type that i don't fit in so i should've known. and even if we're included, it's not always to be inclusive and diverse. but it still hurts ya'know? i've spent years not seeing black people get catered to. and if they do, it's always a misrepresentation of who we really are. and i consider it embarrassing when a company includes black people, but don't take out the time to do the proper fucking research to really make them feel real. because they don't.
not to mention the skin colors choices for candy. now i get why they only did five. it'll take a while to draw all of them. but why the fuck does skin color 4 and skin color 5 have the grand canyon between them? it's such a drastic change between them like y'all couldn't add one more between them. and skin color 5 is ashy as hell and never stays consistent in most of the illustrations. how the hell y'all get it right one moment, but the next she 10 shades darker than what she actually is? and im not artist so i might be wrong and it might be a lighting thing or whatever but i know im not tripping, right?
all of this is to say im very tired and frustrated. beemoov if you ever see this, please i beg you to do better. i don't expect y'all to do much, but do something.
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slythereading · 3 years
to preface: neither a lance stan or hater, just tired
this debate wouldn't even exist if two things came true:
1. ed writers gave players a real, impactful choice to distance themselves from characters (think mcl ul when people complained about chars pushing candy towards rayan)
2. players stopped associating fictional favorites with real people's morals
#2 is the most important here. do you seriously believe people who pick lance don't realize he's committed awful, no good, terrible crimes? I have news for you, he's a fictional character. liking problematic characters is a thing, that does not reflect on who you are as an individual. furthermore: if you think the guard were the good guys, you have a huge storm coming.
it's really not hard to respect people's choices. whether they like or dislike a character, it's not your business. it's not up to you to dictate how anyone should play their game.
lance is a part of the overall scenario, you can't avoid it no matter how much you complain. but what you can do is ask beemoov's team the choice to lower his lom, not trigger certain conversations, and thus avoid him.
if you want real change, take it up to them. players can't do anything about ed's lack of consistency and long-lasting choices, but the writers can. be vocal towards the right people and stop antagonizing the fandom just because your game experience isn't the overall consensus.
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urlocalbunny · 4 years
getting to know aaron.
let's talk about things you could notice in Aaron. That was a request made by a follower and I'm excited to work on it! The things I’m taking in consideration DO NOT come from headcanons of mine. They’re based on my perceptions of the canon content.
First things first, he doesn't do many unnecessary things or things that don't make sense to him. He's very simple to understand in every single action that he takes, and I like to think that because of his upbringing and story, that's what he's known and likes to do. He is kind of a brute to people but to me he’s pretty much soft, people are just too weak or think everyone should be the perfect LI, maybe bc i am kind of rough myself???
Aaron isn't the type of person to want something quiet like Vlad and Raph do, but neither is the life of the party like Bel and Ethan. He said it himself, he likes bars, some beer, something in the chill side, more intimate. Just chilling, ya feel me?
He's not really the type to understand some jokes with a lot of depth or sarcasm bc well, he doesn't really need to use them, he's the bluntest man in the manor and he doesn't need to hide things or say them in different ways to get than the shortest, more effective way.
He's the kind of person to enjoy nature and the natural course of things, the wilderness and life without too much changes from the natural, maybe because of the way he lived for 15 years in the pack. He doesn't need anything too fancy to feel nice.
He enjoys poetry though, as you can check in chapter 7. To me it translated that he can understand certain complexities in feelings very accurately, but doesn't understand why one would try to make the way they act or talk less simple on a day to day basis.
In terms of style he is the simple up to date. Probably changes with time just to make sure it stays easy and comfortable to dress but is always the clothes that people seem as "simple" and "functional, but not classy" bc that's just not him. He likes things simple.
He is very pack-oriented and takes care of the people he knows and lives with. He doesn't think twice about sacrifices and he has some sick hero complex. He didn't hesitate to save Eloise even if his life was on the line in more than one occasion (the two main one are the ones where he dies, Vlad 10 bad ending and Aaron 10 bad ending) and he didn't mind making Constance his chalice when Ivan was dying to have her paying for life, even if he had to feed from her and take her wherever he went.
While he has the best intentions and he's really smart as I let you know before, Aaron is kind of dumb when it comes to keeping his cool and managing his emotions. He's kind of aggressive sometimes, but he can be violent on his actions when it comes to the people he protects and this is a problem, because he can't keep his cool when it counts. That might cause some... Altercations (cough cough he broke Ethan's head on Ivan bad ending and say he should die.) that are very uncalled for.
While he is very old, he's not some problematic bogus like some other people in the series Ethan and he pretty much knows that it's important to praise, teach and try many times with a lover. Even when he fights with Eloise, he never really forgets how important it is to talk things out and come back to her after each and every error in the relationship. Which is something the op likes ;) 
He really think if himself as some sort of crazy freak because damn, he doesn't want to let anybody in is life even when he knows the circumstances made most of the crucial moments on his life be full of violence and he was just a victim of society's evolution and issues for hundreds of years. (Ofc op doesn't think everything he did was right, but it was to survive and they still have stories where they were subjects of their society just like evryone is, as it's said a few times by Eloise and other people that talk about vampirism such as vlad.)
He is very sorrowful and thinks life is as it is, no running, no changing. That's why sometimes he gives some kind of blunt advice to Elo in many routes! (All of them honestly, we stan a good gossip with a trustable, hot and wise friend) and she's like "damn, he didn't have to say it like that but he's right...”
What i actually like about him is that even if he’s mostly serious, he’s very cute and easygoing, he’s sociable too and very chill, he’s not an introvert like vlad or not too much of a social butterfly either. To op that’s super attractive lol
Even if he doesn’t undermine people for any sexist, racist or just dumb reasons, he believes that you need to know how to fight or be strong enough if you want to have your opinions taken into consideration, which is stupid in my opinion. (see his training lessons and the meeting at chapter 6, the option to leave the manor when he says “stay put” makes him say that he understands that Eloise wants to help, but it’s useless bc the murderer is too powerful, yet, she proves him wrong!) Eloise proves to him that she’s strong and reliable, and more brave than himself so.. kissy kissy hehe
is really patient and takes consent seriously from day ONE. he’s also very sincere and appreciates being told the truth just how ppl feel it. Eloise put a finger on his face in vlad’s route and he asked to be informal bc they were friends so... boy likes the truth hehe
pretty much your big gentle-not-so-gentle giant friend that gives u neck breaking hugs and likes to walk in the nature and jog with you.
i might edit this with more info as time goes by.
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waywardpeachworld · 4 years
Your unpopular opinions for MCL and ED, plssss
I’m about to get burned by people lmao:
Castiel’s HS route was problematic because of his body shaming and basically calling Candy dumb and stupid any chance he could get.
Nath’s rude personality in the bad ending isn’t that shocking because in HS if you didn’t agree with him he would answer rudely to you.
Armin’s super build body was a turn off.
Lysander got more a sad ending than Francis, Nathaniel’s abusive father.
Candy should have had the option of not forgiving Amber. 
I don’t like Priya’s blue eyes because it feels more like it’s just there for aesthetic and it adds her to the list of many poc characters with European features. 
Kim with braids would have been hot as hell.
Lucy, Alajéa and Eweilen don’t deserve the hate they got. Just because they liked one of the boys doesn’t mean they deserve the hate.
Both Alexy and Rosa are not that much of a good friends to Candy.
Deborah was a bitch, but Francis should receive more hate.
Peggy would have been much more of a interesting character if Beemoov didn’t delete away the concept of the original creator. The same goes to Kim and Melody.
Jade would have been a interesting as LI. There aren’t many gardening lover LI. It would have been original.
Dimitry’s whole semi-dateable option was creepy as hell.
Nevra wouldn’t be as popular if he wasn’t a vampire.
Chrome’s sexualization made by Beemoov is disgusting.
Cameria and Eweilen are more hot than all the LIs in ED.
Huang is a walking mess. In both design and personality.
Naytili should have been kept in the game.
And I think that is it?
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cintanna-stuff · 4 years
Today I decided to write about something “controversial”. All of the people who follow me know I love Lance’s character and would like to have him as a route. Is this problematic? Apparently. Would they have a healthy relationship? I wish, but I don’t think it matters. Wouldn’t this give women the wrong idea about how a relationship should be? wouldn’t it be better if this never happened? This is what this post is going to be about. This is going to be long and it applies not only to eldarya but also to any otome, novel or movie you can think of.
I’m going to be direct. Please don't treat grown women like they're susceptible children, this game is clearly for young-adult women and some of us like this type of content. You could argue Beemoov isn’t very clear about that rating, sure, but that’s it. Women aren't dumb (let that be clear) and can tell the difference between a game or book and real life as well as make their own decisions. You don’t have to choose for them wether something is acceptable to see or not, could be toxic for them or not or if it should or shouldn’t be enjoyed. 
I can guarantee you that one of the things abused women want is to have their own life back under control and make their own decisions, make their own mistakes, because guess what abusers do: control your life. Control what you can or cannot see, eat, listen to or read, make you feel guilty for enjoying things. Do you really think an abusive man would let “his woman” play a game where she can date 5 virtual dudes? No. So please, consider letting women enjoy books and novels, videogames or movies, doesn’t matter how problematic or controversial might seem to you. 
Some women like reading about sweet romances, others enjoy romances that would be considered unhealthy, toxic or even dangerous in real life and that’s okay. Because when you’re reading a book, watching a movie or playing a game, you are the one in control and you made your own decision and are enjoying yourself without harming anyone, you can stop it whenever you want. And no, women won’t date abusers because they saw it in a game. Just because I liked the movie The Martian doesn’t mean I’d sign up to get stranded in planet Mars.
Now, if you ever start dating an abuser, you won’t know right away. Abusers don’t harm you since day 1, they start as sweet, compromising, romantic people who groom you into the relationship. Once you’re in love and everything is “perfect” they’ll start to control you “for your own good”, they’ll make you feel guilty for enjoying stuff and you’ll think they’re right, they’ll start to control who you’re talking to, what do you search on the internet, your phone calls, will put you against your family and friends, they will keep abusing you mentally while saying “it’s for your own good, I don’t like to do this but you’re making me do it, I just want the best for us” and eventually might end up physical. Women end up in these shitty situations because they get lured into them, because they’re guilted and shamed by someone they “loved and trusted”, not because they saw it in a stupid otome game, thought it was cute and started dating the first dude that punched them on the street.
You want good advice for women to not fall into abusive relationships? don’t let anyone tell you what to do, keep your friends and family close and never let any of your partners put you against them or make you choose, never let anyone shame or make you feel guilty for enjoying yourself with a book or a game, doesn’t matter if it’s a book about taking care of your cactus or a game about dating a villain. If a man loves you, he’ll let you do the things you enjoy and won’t make you feel bad or weird about doing them, might even support you (yes, my boyfriend supports me in my quest to date Lance, he even jokes about it “I already have blue eyes but should I dye my hair white for you😫?” xd)
This might be funny but I think a good example of “I’m actually protecting from dangerous things” is in the movie Tangled. Gothel lies to Rapunzel telling her she’s her mother and locking her in a tower, forbidding her from going outside because everything outside is too dangerous for a young woman. Rapunzel has few books in her shelves, has to spend her time doing harmless hobbies like painting the walls in her tower and when she asks her “mother” to take her to see the lights, she dismisses her wishes and sings a song to scare her about how much she’s protecting her from the outside world. In the end, Rapunzel breaks free with the help of Eugene who promises to take her to see the lights and lives some cool adventures in the process, she goes through some dangerous and life threatening situations but also meets unexpected good people and finds love in Eugene, a burglar and wanted criminal in the realm. Rapunzel took control of her own life and chose to disobey Gothel and risk to go outside to see the lights, with Eugene by her side, she started to do whatever she wanted. This is why for me Tangled>Frozen 🤣 
But back to the topic, what about this game, Eldarya? If you don't like a route, don't play it, choose someone else. No one is forcing you to romance Lance, you have the option to spit on his face, insult him, bite him and try to push him off the cliff if you want to. So, think of this character whatever you want, but consider that other women enjoy or could enjoy him and want him to be an option eventually, there’s no need to advocate against them. Please, consider that maybe some of the women you’re advocating against and trying to make feel guilty for liking Lance (or Leiftan who isn’t clearly a healthy relationship either) might have been victims of abuse themselves in the past and now they’re seeing people who shame them and want to censor that game they chose to play 🙃. Let women be free to choose and enjoy.
As for myself, I can tell you I expect Lance to change if he ever becomes an option, I like seeing the journey of redeemed characters. I enjoy his attitude as a villain but no, I don’t like him hitting or trying to harm my character, but that might change in the future. I don’t care wether this is realistic or not because this is a fantasy game and even if I believe the writing must follow a certain logic, these characters we’re playing with aren’t in our own context nor existent. Lance isn’t even supposed to be a human being and I hope he never fully behaves as one, that’s part of what makes him attractive to me.
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fusselmietz · 4 years
I was thinking about CL and LL again and why they failed. I mean look at this Fandom: it's almost dead, it's nothing in comparison to the "golden age" where the Fandom was at its most active point. People had a lot of different opinions about why the later seasons of Mcl failed. The cutting of the 3 routes is obviously one of the main reasons, but I think there is another thing. When you look at mcls design everything has a very cute and harmless aesthetic, fitting when the game has started out. The problem is that Beemoov wanted to change the inherent theme of the game. Mcl was always a silly, over the top, fun, anime like and tropey. And I'm of the opinion that if you make a game like this you have to keep this themes. Be open about what you want to be, don't start out as silly and get more darker as time went on. If you look at these cute clothes, characters and cupcakes do you think about themes like child abuse, miscarriages, black mailing, eating disorders and sexual harresment? No, obviously not. You can make a game with these themes, but this was my candy freaking love it was never designed to handle those heavy themes. The tonal whiplash was honestly jarring. Where the biggest problems prior where that the principals dog has escaped and if a school concert could happen, the newer problems shifted to child abuse, blackmailing and much more. All without trigger warning mind you. So you, as a player, get basically go tricked into it. The only thing that was kind of established was Nathaniel's abuse, but everything else came out of nowhere. If one theme is triggering for you, you can't skip it. You either have to force yourself through it or you can't play the game anymore. You couldn't even prepare yourself for it since there was no mention of these themes in the first places. Beemoov tried to force mcl in a role that isn't fit for it. It can't work. You can't start out that innocent and silly and then throw these heavy themes around without actually handling them right or gave them time. Like, if you really want to you can make a whole season about one of these themes, but Beemoov didn't. Instead they rushed it beyond belive. Nathaniel's whole arc in CL could've been dealing with his abuse, but the writers rather pulled an "uuuh so subversive" stund and wanted a good boy gone bad trope so badly, that they hacked his character into pieces. If you want to make an mature game, fine, but do it with care and make clear that many problematic issues will be handled.
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tetrakys10 · 4 years
i think valkyon is not coming back... but lance might be a route? Idk if i want to cry or celebrate.
We only know that Lance is alive at the end of season 1 and we will presumably see him again because of what Valkyon says “if you run into my brother again...”
This doesn’t mean that he will be a route. Beemoov may think that he is too problematic at this point for some people.
But it is also true that BV doesn’t care about anyone else’s opinion but their own and they are aware that Lance has a huge following which means money so, after all this, it would be really stupid of them if they didn’t add him as a crush yet again.
However, this is the company that doesn’t give happy endings to their routes and just cut LIs as if they were side characters, so stupid is their middle name.
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aloy97 · 4 years
I think the biggest problems with Nath's route is Beemoov holding back their resolution. They started the issue with the abuse and trauma but in the ending of HS they acted like everything was fine, but then they brought it back in UL and during the plot it kinda disappear and then again the "perfect life ending". I know that in real life people deny trauma, but the way that beemoov writes with all the characters forgetting about it, it's bad. They also added more extras like mean attitude etc
yeah exactly, i believe none of the other  arc has got a real solution...
Expecially nathaniel, the mafia drama was just an extra, since his main problem is mostly  connected to  his family ..
After we know francis  was in jail and that his mum won’t talk with him  and what amber has done, NOTHING...
Let’s not talk about castiel and his parents...
what it really hits my nervs is this keep treating ONE ARC for 0349034909 episode and the other route has to shut up or not add maybe also their problems..IF THIS IS an otome with  5 route i am expecting to  live my story and the drama situation with my crush...
Somehow on LL this stuff is slight changed , since the OCS somehow talk about them self...but is still there..At last on eldarya in 30 episodes they’ve treat, despite nevra, each arc..WHY IS SO HARD for beemoov do the same they’ve done with HSL..I am praying , not because i have also castiel and nath..To see real arc for every route..
OTHERWISE, is better do individual otome..
however, talking about extra things...
I believe these mean,egocentric, superior behavoir treats are really no sense, since  on HSL and UL at last when they were angry it was for something which makes sense..Now it seems every word or action is a legit motivation to get angry or be mean with others...And it really confuse me because i know the characters , and for me what they’ve done with nath and priya was totally out of character..THERE’S NO WAY you would  spit on your girlfriend job,saying it’s less important,  than yours..While nath is the first one which respects always candy..Priya WHEN THE ACTUAL FUCK has begin so  stressing, heavy, egocentric and superior??.WHEN?..On hsl she was  a lot confident and  fighty..But she was always respectfull..THEN WHY now she has to treat yael like that, and also get angry if nathaniel has porposed a better solution?..
These  behavor are totaly no sense, since people should grow up and mature, not act like a bunch of childrens, because yess in these episodes both are a bunch of childrens...
And i say it how a person which loves strong  attitudes and problematic character but their way of response and act, has to have a  sense, a sense that for now  it does not exist.
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ezarelz · 3 years
Sometimes I interact with Eldarya blogs, and I forget who hates which character, and I panic because I like every LI (to different degrees, however), and I have to study their blog to make sure I won’t awaken a volcano I- 
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monsieurpoisson · 5 years
So people are so dumb to the point to not understand that the behavior of Lance is problematic because it reminds of REAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCES.
YOU CAN’T DEFEND IT. Yes, Eldarya has some isues with the writing but not only Beemoov. The problem is that people internalizes some problematic behaviors, if you like to be treating like shit, if you like to be humiliated that’s ok, but it doesn’t mean that everyone want to. The problem is that Erika, whatever happens, stay calm and polite with her persecutor. Ok some people would react like that because of fear but not all the people. The problem is that we don’t have the choice to be something different, we have to be naive and understanding. “Oh, at least I can sleep in a bed, great, but I’m binded, that’s hot.” Because the BIG PROBLEM is that it’s describe with sexual tension, you can’t say the opposite. (= romanticize abusive behavior)
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(yes, I’m french, it explain my very bad english)
And the most problematic thing is the comment about his “bipolarity”. No, he’s not, it’s just bad writing. They just want to show a bad guy (a criminal, like Sasuke, who deserve to finish in jail), but with a kind side. However, he choked gardy, binded her, insulted and tried to kill her.
So, if the team created a “road” or whatever which involve sexual situations with Lance, it will be bad (but, you know, Eldarya it’s dark fantasy — with hawful silliness) and it will be a new scandal.
In conclusion, Lance is either a new bad-writen antag in Eldarya or the futur daddy of gardy but badly introduced.
About this post : https://sirsalis.tumblr.com/post/186330498923/you-know-at-this-point-i-just-play-for-laughs-but
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kyuumclul · 6 years
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Ok, I swear that beemoov's decisions are a big shitshow. First all the crush/AP problems in MCLUL, then the Eldarya bans. This whole thing gets problematic and yet they don't even care. That is some unprofessional management and it will DEFINITELY affect future projects like Moonlight Lovers, making them unplayable. This is some serious self-harm to their label and the few hard-working people who may try to do a good job.
Rant over.
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birbsstorageroom · 3 years
Thoughts about Eric and the situation at hands : a rambling.
I'll start to say that I'm very happy for all the Eric stans who get the wedding with the man they chose. Some after losing their first crush, some after being disappointed by the new ones or the golden boys duo, some because why not anyways it ain't that deep, some because they loved him at first sight... I'm glad for all of you, I truly am, and I hope once the special episode is released, we get to send each other our best wishes with our chosen LI. That will be the positivity I really want to share with you. You got your LI, you WON ! And that's worth celebrating so please please keep being happy about it ! The world needs your sparkles of joy rn.
For the people who don't want to read the rant here's the TL;DR : Instead of brandishing torches and flags when there is no need, learn how to use Tumblr Savior, block Eric's tags, and let people mind their own business. They're having a celebration party and no one needs neither the haters' attitude nor their opinion to ruin it. Now, more below.
Of couse it is a sad event for all the Ken, Lys and Armin stans. I was and am still a Kentin fan, I've been since the game's launching (I joined in March 2011, Lysander wasn't even THERE), and I still feel a little pang in my heart once in a while. But you know what ? That doesn't allow anyone to shit on Eric stans. I can't believe people are so entitled about a .png that they launch a full Crusade against another .png who is NOT responsible for their misery. You know why ? Because people are responsible for this.
And these people are not Chino (who loves her game and characters, and probably would have challenged her bosses to a Beybattle if it was allowed to keep the boys), but the CEOs who know jackshit about what the community wants. Not the players' fault, not the stans' fault, not the creator's fault : the decisionmakers' fault.
See it's really trendy nowadays to label something or someone problematic just to fit our own narrative. Double standards, hypocrisy, ... call it what you want. Maybe people need to touch some grass and remember that because you don't like something doesn't mean it's worth launching a full crusade against the something ? Nobody is forcing you to marry him, but if just the thought of someone marrying the character you don't approve of is revolting to you ? Then Eric is probably not the real issue. Sometimes, mind your goddamn business.
Btw I don't remember Castiel getting this much hate when we got to cheat on our LI with him ? I don't remember a hateful campaign against the stans and him being accused of being a perv ? Oh but it's Castiel, of course... so basically you're saying that cheating on the person you're with with a pretty rock star in town for a week and disappearing afterwards because you decided to yolo is less problematic than taking the lead to first kiss then sleep with a grown divorced clean man you kinda chose to have dates with and who has been your friend for quite some time while your couple is going South because your chosen one is being a jerk and neglecting you ?
And once again I can't believe how people can be hypocritical enough to overlook the whole situation just because it doesn't fit their narrative ? "I thought Beemoov couldn't fit more than 5 routes" Exactly, maybe that's why we got 5 real routes + an alternative one which lasted 4 episodes only during the epilogues ?? Seriously, think before speaking, it's tiring for everyone. "Why did we get Eric but not our first crushes then ?" Maybe because they had already been deleted before we could even hope to fight for it, just like Ez and Valk were decided to disappear before the end of Origins ?
I know it's hard, but please try to think outside of your own vision for a second. We have Beemoov, a company who always looked down (and still does, look at Uncoven's campaign) on players, which decided, somehow, thanks to the voices of some people, to listen to a part of the players to bring a character to a LI level.
Now, try to think like them when all they see is people complaining and bashing each other, shaming each other, because suddenly other people's choices are their top priority, creating even more hate and sadness while we're still burned out from a fucking pandemic. Do you think you're giving them the will to listen to the players once again ? No. You are the reason why we can't have nice things. I hope you are very happy with yourself for having """values""". Maybe if you truly had some, you'd be advocating for real people's rights, not because boohoo the character you don't approve of will have a wedding.
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ezlave · 7 years
Look these intends to violate data privacy for to hunt players on fb by the admin of Eldarya forum (spanish)
Yep, the bullying that received a player was not good, but the same problem that other players presented, the staff did not do anything! We are talking about preferences.
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