#been getting into forcemasc lately
masc-momentum · 3 months
not a request so much as a concept but lately ive been obsessed w the idea of forcemascing a guy whos into misgendering; showing him how much better it feels to face the full force of masculinity rather than hiding away from it
He gets off on being misgendered- trying to "cope" with what's happened to him- dressing up as a girl in the way he was forced to as a boy, and losing his way. But you know what's best for him.
You send him a message- "you're a man. You'll always be a man." And he responds, curious and surprised by how hard that makes his cock. "But I'm just a sissy.." and you show him just how manly he can be.
It's easier than you thought- because deep down he's a masculine man just like all of us. Tell him to stop using that wet hole inbetween his legs and only focus on his cock, his hard and delicious t-cock. Outfit him with a strap and order him to fuck you in your ass.
It doesn't take much effort. He's obsessed as soon as he knows what it feels like to sink all the way down into another man's hairy ass. To slap and hit and bite.
He gets rid of all his sissy clothes, and learns to take a bat to anyone who misgenders him now.
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modify-and-sever · 7 months
I haven't posted here in a while because I've tried to stray from discourse for the sake of my health lately, but I really just need to talk about my hatred for the attitude that's been put forth re: the newly budding autoandrophile / forcemasc kink community on here.
it's absolutely ridiculous how many times I've seen people making fun of or treating this kink as though it's something unhealthy or dangerous - an attitude which conveniently does not carry over in regards to forcefem content. it's really just a microcosm of how a lot of other queer people view masculinity and ESPECIALLY trans masculinity as something frivolous and worthy of mockery. People saying that the kink and its community is "weird" and "dumb," which again, I have to note, is not something so uniformly believed about forcefem kinks!
This isnt me saying you can't dislike or be made uncomfortable by a kink. And before my words end up twisted, I am also not blaming transfems for any of this - my mention of forcefem and its wider reception from the queer community is only as a reference point as it relates to forcemasc. My issue is that once again, the queer community has seemingly found a socially acceptable way to mock trans masculinity once again, and as a trans guy it is really not fucking subtle what you guys are doing when you say some of the shit that gets said. The mockery and satirical fake posts, the way that every single time we find a new way to experience masculinity we just happen to be laughed at for it in a way that isn't TECHNICALLY transphobia so we can't actually be mad about it. I realize that kink is not above satire but really it feels fucking targeted when we already don't get taken seriously in literally any of our other endeavors.
a kink community on tumblr is not the end all be all of the transmasc community nor do I really think it has grave importance offline, sure, whatever, I must make a million disclaimers lest I be yet again branded as an overdramatic woman by people who are meant to be my peers. whatever. I really just wish that for once, for ONCE, we could have ONE thing that people actually respected enough for it not to be such a casual target of humor.
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transzilla · 7 months
god, I think you described me.. just skimming the tags when I saw the bit about forcemasc on a transitioned man.. I feel like such a teenager when what I want to be is a man. I don't know how to take it and demand my respect. I feel like I've lost so much not growing up this way. Can I still grow and be changed? Be forcemasc'd like I want to be even though I'm "already there"?
Bro, yes, literally yes... I wish I could just like haunt and possess some of ya'll sometimes and forcemasc you from the fucking spirit realm like a forcemasc demon LMAO
So a lot of the time your feelings of inferiority are coming from yourself. We suffer the most in our imagination. But if they aren't and it actually is somebody not respecting you, don't shy away! Examine it. If I was there I'd absolutely grind your face in it. When you do feel embarrassed somewhere and people aren't taking you seriously as a man I need you to go full humiliation kink and examine everything you possibly can. The most educating moments of our lives are frankly fucking horrible and you won't grow as a man if you aren't paying attention. The beauty here is observation, like is it something I'm doing? Are there any other men who are also being demeaned? I want you to know exactly where the pain is.
We need times in our lives when we are basically teenagers, stunted, clumsy, awkward shitty theatre kid versions of the men in our lives, all our feelings of shame and dysphoria are for a reason. We cannot truly eliminate weakness in ourselves if we can't find it, and the best way is exposing it. And that's a really humiliating process because a lot of us started way late at the most subtle exhibitions of masculinity. These cis guys have been doing it their whole lives.
But like, give yourself some credit, you're not the moron here. We aren't kids. We are adults and we can learn faster and adapt faster than kids can. Question your own perception! Are you really that far behind? I think honestly for the time you've been a man and the obstacles you've gone through to get to where you are you've been doing pretty damn well. You've dealt with things that majority of cis men would not be strong enough to deal with.
Do not be uncomfortable with your material reality because if you can't face it and look at yourself and all of your flaws you can't improve. You need to go out and do things and experience humiliation in order to expose all your weaknesses, and then work to eliminate them. Don't just shoot yourself down all the time, oh I can't do that, I'm too weak, I'll never get there, it's too scary, etc. like, come on, this is your life, this is serious. be a fucking man LMAO.. when you can force respect from yourself then you will be able to make other men respect you. That's the first step.
It just takes the nastiest ordeal to get there. Sometimes the ordeal is coming from us! We terrify ourselves. We torture ourselves worse than any other man could ever dream of. Start smaller and smaller, understand that your feelings of terror are jealously guarding your potential to be a man like a hen guarding its eggs and you need to just bare your teeth and rip that piece of shit limb from limb and take what you are entitled to.
Like let me stay grounded here. When I first started what I do for work, tree removal, it was incredibly embarrassing and nobody respected me. And they were right. Like I could barely use a chainsaw, I couldn't pull the cord fast enough to turn it on, couldn't lift the fucking thing. I didn't know shit about anything, and I couldn't figure out shit about anything, like I was lacking entire thought processes that other dudes could do starting in kindergarten, it went all the way down to going to lumber yards and boys getting excited over big machines and tractors, they were familiar with everything and had decades of experience on me while I was still learning how to be a man. There were some jobs I didn't stick around very long at, hahaha.
But then I learned, like I wanna say it took me about two years to get up to speed, And I took the piss and I accepted consequence. As soon as I stopped demanding immediate, fairy tale perfection from myself and my life and stopped with "should'ves" my life became much more work oriented and essy to deal with. Getting fired was fine. Getting bitched out and humiliated was fine. Going with incredible isolation and lacking very basic things was fine Because like shit I tried and and as long as some other guy is doing it to me I sure as hell don't need to do it to myself. I just had to work that much harder. Endure it!!!
some guys now are still better than me because they've been doing it longer but I'm functional now u know. And like these guys also don't know shit about anything, like wow they can lift a big saw and use a tractor but they're so focused on being masculine they don't fucking explain things. Because of their feelings and their oh you ought-tos and just absolutely writhing in weakness and inefficiency for NO REASON. Like I actually have a vagina, man, the fuck is your excuse? I've had quite a few bosses who will tell you to do something, give no details, get mad when you ask for details, and get mad when you do the job wrong. Then I feel like I am truly one of the guys when we're just discussing what the fuck our boss meant. Is he really a big fucking man when he can't do his job? When all the men he works with think he's a punk?
Where I'm at in my transition right now I still don't always get men to listen to me, like my coworkers in conversation, which at first I percieve as disrespect but then i need to consider the men I'm with don't really listen to anyone. If my current boss, a man in his 40s who has witnessed so many deaths in his field and is physically stronger and smarter than all of them can't get them to listen, is it really a blow to the respect I command? And these guys also all feel insecure about being a man, except they haven't figured out basic shit that I have so they think raising their voices means people will listen. A lot of these guys get their asses handed to them by girls, they can't handle heartbreaks. They bring up being jealous about me doing things that I considered feminine, they wonder how I can haggle well, make funny jokes, talk to girls, keep everything clean, cook well, play poker well - these are all feminine skills, haha, the empathy and sensitivity required in the money world especially.
Focus on your humanity first, and use being a man and your desire to be a man, to magnify and shape your desires as a human being. Like you wanna be a man. What does that mean? You wanna be respected, command other men? You want to take control? You want to be dominant? You want to be skilled? What will it take to get to that point? And have a little fun, enjoy the process it takes to get there, in its kinky, humiliating, rancid chained-to-the-radiator glory.
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alienjock · 6 months
hope everyone’s ready for a reintroduction.
( i’m on my phone right now but i’ll update my desktop blog and such. eventually. this is a work in progress. i just took a shot with rose. )
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anyway. it’s ya boi mikey. in case anyone needs any reminders or updates, im about to go a little ham:
the artist formerly known as shorthalt
returning to tumblr after four years of twitter nonsense, can still be found at wuvvywednesday or pokiina
yes, i’m a furry.
what i do in general:
marine biology
national park conservation. soon. and camping. soon.
subliminal forcemasc propganda
write both fanfiction and original works
what i’m doing recently:
returning to school in the fall to finish college and get a degree in anthropology
physical and mental spring cleaning
lots of fake weed
my best
what i’m into recently:
CURRENT HYPERFIXATIONS: house of the dragon
music. you know. i’ve been listening to music a lot lately
ttrpgs, primarily motw, 5e, and whatever else i can get my hands on
dimension 20 and dropout.tv and their adjacent works
middle school darlings (homestuck, mlp, got)
film analysis in a cool and nuanced and funny and party way
death, just the cosmological concept and its ramifications
bdsm education
horror and sci-fi
pokémon, star wars, monster high, barbie, hatsune miku, night in the woods, friends grocery lists, fake blondes, megan the stallion world domination
the works
some random things i have a lot of strong feelings about and will talk about nonstop given the opportunity:
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eve. yknow. from the bible.
slenderman, the blair witch project, and the history of internet-era horror folklore
mount everest and how much i hate tourist climbers
doctor perry cox of scrubs fame
various links to important things:
please know that i have like a thousand posts from high school that still get a million notes a day so anything you want me to see directly either dm me or send it via an ask.
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doggerell · 3 months
blood, forcefem AND forcemasc, humiliation, praise, pain, somno.... okay go
jumping straight to pain 11/10 number one kink EVER‼️‼️‼️‼️ Im a fetishistic sadist it is everything to me
Ive also been on a masochistic kick lately too but my pain tolerance flicks in and out so it can lean into genuine discomfort sometimes. I like receiving blunt pain more than like… pinching pain? like Please punch me in the stomach but if u pinch my arm Im tapping out LMAO. but s&m is everything to me. genuinely like a Fetish fetish like this is something I Need.
-blood. 8/10 I guess Im giving that to all bodily fluids so far. I loooove blood. closer to an 8.5 ig? I thinks its better than vomit or piss? I hate my own ratings scale already. I do Not like self harm/cutting as a delivery method tho. big ick, one of my few turnoffs 💔 Ive read/looked at it for beloved mutuals but its just one of those things that makes my stomach drop yaknow?
-forcefem. yah. good shit. this happened to my buddy eric (me). 7/10? I think mainstream kink femboy/sissy stuff isnt for me but theres great avenues In My Mind. you understand
-forcemasc. 4/10. Im too fembrained for it rn. its fun its just not for Me. honestly like it more as a detrans mtf thing than a trans ftm thing ;; or not going All the way. turn pretty girls into butches ‼️‼️‼️‼️
-humiliation. 7/10? cause theres conflicting forces here again. I CANNOT do public humiliation. another genuine turnoff it makes me very upset I Hate being embarrassed audgsuhe. however. howwwwever. one of my top things rn. on a subtop streak rn and this is. um. yah. yaah I like it.
-praise. 5/10? its cute. if Im in a soft mood Im here for it but I prefer degradation. also Im not Great at giving praise I feel like Im repeating myself too much BUTTTT. huge win to see my partner get very blushy so thats great
-somno. yah. 8.5?/10. hits similar keys to me as cnc or snuff. um. I like it best when its like a drugging somno, heavier sleep. or unconscious by other means. unmoving…… okayyy anyway
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implied-divinity · 4 months
hiiiiii :3 i love your blog so much and i was wondering what your like favorite kink is??
Also, do you do anon emojis?
hmm its hard to say im kinda shifting rn. puppyplay will probably be my favorite for a long time. i even bought a leash for myself. but lately i have been having lots of thoughts about forcemasc as the dom, tho i think it would be impractical to practice irl. it gets me really excited when tboys leave cute tags on my forcemasc posts tho. also, hierophilia is a big fav. also i have been getting an embarrassing interest in fauxcest lately. i try not to put it on this blog cause of how many followers i have tho. i have another blog for that and mutuals can dm me if they wanna see it :p
but yeah pretty much its hard to pick favorites cause kink is such a huge interest of mine.
and you can use emoji anons if you want idm. i'll try to remember to tag them if people do that.
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