#beep beep lives lf
beepbeepdespair · 6 months
i'm just gonna be gay on main for a moment. i often dress a lot like lisa and have a similar personality. and my crush dresses kinda like the creature and has roughly the same personality. so essentially what i'm saying is we're perfect for each other and i need to marry her with peach rings. babe please love me we need to drag each other round graveyards <3
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pynkgothicka · 7 months
I love ur blog and ur writing they
Soo good can I request a yandere husband taehyung x reader where it's the typical wife worship husband kind lf thing also can u pls make him really dark too with a non-con
Sorry if it's too much
Love ya
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Million Dollar Man KTH
Pairing - Dark! Husband! Kim Taehyung x AFAB! Reader
Featuring - None!
Word Count - Around 1.8k
Tags and Warnings - Domestic Violence, Non-Con, Breeding Kink, Mentions of blood, forest sex scene, Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Allusions to kidnapping
Authors Note - Late Valetines Day story! This is my last req!! Sooo some more personal inspiered stuff coming soon! Also please let me know if you guys like the longer more descriptive fics.
A friendly reminder that all my works are dark fanfiction! Please if you do not like that do not read them! These depictions don't pertain to reality. This is your final warning before hitting the keep reading button!!
He was your world, your everything.
Or at least that’s what he told you.
Soon, you found yourself having to repeat these thoughts, constantly reminding yourself of them, almost blinding yourself to the harsh reality of just how miserable you had become.
You cut potatoes, sprinkling herbal seasoning on top. You put them in a pan and cover them with virgin olive oil. Placing the pan in the oven, you set a timer.
The beep reminded you of the constant threats and warnings he provided. He required dinner to be prepared by the time he returned home from work every day. Especially today, Valentine's Day. The day you are supposed to be the most appreciative of what Kim Taehyung has given you.
During your cleanup, you suddenly felt a pair of hands encircle your waist, and a broad nose press against your neck. You instinctively leaned into the touch, fully aware of who it was. "Hello, my love," he murmured, his warm breath gently caressing your neck.
"Hello, how was your day at work?" You inquire, speaking softly with a touch of sweetness. He grunted, wrapping his arms around your waist tighter. "Did you have a tough day?”
Taehyung uttered dismissively, "They were just bothering me, honestly. All I wanted was to be back home with you." He says, planting a kiss on your neck once more. You could feel his cock harden against the curve of your back. You shivered noticeably. His black hair brushed against your neck. "Are you cold baby?”
You glance downwards and shake your head. "No... Your hair just tickled me a little bit.”
Taehyung nodded to himself as he responded, "I brought you some beautiful roses and your favorite chocolates." He lamented slightly, his hips pressing against your back. You stayed quiet. "What do you say?”
“Thank you… I-I’m making dinner… I’m sorry I couldn't get you anything more.” You apologized. But you both knew the reason why.
You had no access to your funds.
No access to a vehicle to leave.
No knowledge of where you lived.
Not even the luxury of owning a phone or the login to any of the house's computers.
Yet Taehyung cooed. “It's okay, I know you love me. I don't need all that stuff.”
Shit. Not even light gaslighting could make him feel sorry and give you more privileges. You nod in agreement as he speaks. “I’m going to get cleaned up for dinner. Don’t wait on cleaning, you know I hate having a dirty kitchen.” Taehyung walks away, gesturing towards the mess on the kitchen counter.
“It’ll get cleaned. I promise.”
After dinner, you prepared to go to bed. You'd expected Taehyung to be asleep by now, but he was up. Book in hand he lay in bed, his nightwear glasses making him look as sophisticated as ever. You gulped, walking towards the bed and crawling in. Crawling into bed next to him, you asked, “Aren't you sleepy yet?”
“No, I can't calm my mind," he stated abruptly. You could tell he was upset at something. It was something you had to pick up on, being with him. He was too emotional, his mood swings frightening you at times. “Where is my laptop?”
Of course that's what it was.
Desperation drove you to try and access Taehyung's laptop. He had left it unattended and you saw it as a chance to try and discover your location. The day you married Taehyung, he had swept you off your feet and whisked you away to an unknown place, leaving you with no knowledge of where you were or how to escape.
The house was nestled in a dense forest, surrounded by trees as far as the eye could see. Sometimes, you would gaze out the window, searching for signs of life in the distance. But all you ever saw was the endless expanse of darkness, an eerie stillness that only made you fear Taehyung more.
The computer taunts you with every failed login attempt, each one feeling like a slap in the face. Frustration and desperation build as you frantically try every password you can think of until finally, with a loud beep, the screen displays "Access Denied." Fury bubbles up inside of you as you realize you've been locked out. Trembling with anger, you snatch the computer and hide it away, unable to face another rejection from this merciless machine.
The silence between you two is deafening.
He flips a page in the book he was reading, seemingly calm but you know better. You can feel his eyes boring into you
"Why are you so quiet?" he questioned, flipping a page in his book. "I know you did something - you turned off the cameras. I received a notification on my phone.”
Quietly, you mustered up the courage to reply. “I-I wanted to…”
"What did you want? To abandon me? On Valentine's Day? After everything I've done for you? After everything I've sacrificed for you?" Taehyung bombarded you with questions, and you couldn't make sense of them. He slammed his book shut and got right in your face. His hands aggressively pulled at the bottom of your nightgown, as if trying to search you for something. You let out a gasp and fought back by kicking at him.
Then you got him. Your foot connecting with his face.
Taehyung jerked back, sitting up abruptly. A metallic taste floods his mouth as he runs his tongue over his now split and bleeding upper lip. “Won't you look at that…”
“T-Tae… I-I’m sorry. Please, I didn't mean it. I-I can pa-” But before you could finish, his hand wrapped around your throat, cutting off your words and squeezing tightly. The impact of your head hitting the wooden headboard sends a jolt of pain through your skull, but it's nothing compared to the fear that grips you as one of his hands grips your throat, his face twisted in a violent rage. Taehyung's grip tightened as he knelt over you, both hands now grasping at your neck.
“What was that for huh? I thought I broke you in… but obviously I didn't do a good enough job huh?” With each point he wanted to get across, he lifted your head and slammed it into the bed. You tried to fight him off, desperately scratching at his arm with your anxiously bitten nails. With each brutal blow, your vision became spotty and distorted until you spotted the vase of roses nearby. The ones he had just brought for you. Without hesitation, you grabbed it and brought it down upon his skull, shattering the delicate glass and sending shards and water flying.
You had only a few seconds to get away.
Your feet thudded against the soft carpet as you sprinted out of the bedroom. Gasping for air, you knew there was no time to stop and catch your breath. Every second counted as you tried to make up for what had been lost.
Racing to the living room, you shoved your feet into house slippers and tore out of the door, darting into the dense woods that surrounded the home. Branches whipped and sliced at you, as you climbed over fallen debris. The idea of stopping flashed through your mind, but you knew you had to follow through.
Trying to see through the minimal amount of light was nearly impossible. The darkness consumed the woods, with only the moon's glow and the trees creating harsh shapes on the forest floor. "Baby! Where did you go? I'm sorry!”
His voice. It was too close, sending a chill down your spine. You quickly ducked behind a towering tree, heart pounding in your chest as you tried to steady your ragged breaths. One hand clamped over your mouth to stifle any noise, the other clenched into a tight fist. "Fuck," Taehyung's voice taunts, followed by the sound of his footsteps approaching. "You got me good, but don't worry. But I can be better okay? We can drop this entire thing and go back to bed…” Taehyung's voice was next to you.
But you aren't falling for that. He wanted you to feel bad. Taehyung's predatory steps echo behind you, coming closer and closer until a vice-like grip seizes your hair, yanking you down to the ground. “I thought we talked about this? This running away shit,” he spat.
"Tae, please, let's just go home... I'm sorry! I promise I won't run again, just please-" Your pleas fall on deaf ears as Taehyung circles around you, his imposing figure casting a looming shadow, pinning you to the dirt and making you feel utterly helpless, the dirt making you feel grimy. You could hear him pull down his pajama pants and you began to cry out. As you struggle to break free, Taehyung's grip tightens and he slams your shoulder back into the ground with a sickening thud. Tears stream down your face as you realize there is no escape from this nightmare.
His hand went to his mouth as he sucked on his middle and index finger. With his other hand, he roughly yanked up your gown until it tore at the seams. You screamed and cried, squeezing your eyes shut in desperate prayer, hoping against hope that this was all just a twisted nightmare inflicted by cruel and malevolent gods.
A shrill cry escapes your lips as your husband rips off your panties and plunges his fingers inside you. They skillfully find your sweet spot, causing you to moan in pleasure. “Already creaming around my fingers, fuck, that's so sexy,” he growls, a mix of desire and dominance in his voice. His head lowers to kiss you messily, leaving a trail of spit on your frightened face. His tongue invades your mouth, despite your attempts to protest.
With the sudden absence of his fingers came the sudden intrusion of his length.
The force of Taehyung's thrusts feels like a battering ram, relentlessly pummeling into you until your body is split in two. Your gasps turn into desperate cries of shock and agony as he continues to ravage you, his lips locked onto yours in a twisted display of affection.
It all left you gasping for air.
Your screams of agony were muffled by Taehyung's unrelenting kisses as he pounded into you mercilessly. You claw and beg for him to stop, tears mingling with the dirt beneath you as he continues to take what he wants from your menatlly broken body.
He persisted, driven by his ultimate goal to finish inside you. His desire was to take control of you, impregnate you with his child.
As you rolled your eyes back in pure ecstasy, Taehyung's cock became coated in slick, sticky cum. The sight only heightened his own arousal and soon he was filling you to the brim with his hot release. Taehyung had a dazed yet blissful look on his face as he gazed at you.
“Don’t turn off those cameras again.”
Let me know through a dm or ask to be included in my official Taglist- @darkuni63 @captainengineer-trixie @chimmisbae @iloverubberduckiez-blog @mageprincess7 @looneybleus @whipwhoops @mayvalentine33
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rstroic · 2 years
(adj.) In love, or missing the person one loves, so much that one is unable to act normally.
word count: 2k+
warning!! very bloody :') + include deaths / s*lf-harming, leave if you feel uncomfortable :p
Drip, drip.
The shattered pieces of glass lied around the room as the liquid that was once in the glass dripped down from the table onto the floor like a temporary waterfall.
Ridiculous. These fools have no idea what they are doing. I don't need meds. But she, she is all I needed.
I groaned in pain. Everything hurts, it's painful without you here. I can't live on if I can't see you again.
"Where is she!?" I sit on my bed, staring at the table hopelessly.
"Please, I need to see the love of my life! I can't continue living if I can't see her! Please let me go! Let me go!! LET ME GO!!!" I yelled at the nurse.
I gazed her, whose body was trembling slightly at my actions. I held my tied arms out, my gaze never left her eyes. "Take off my straitjacket." I spoke in a cold tone.
"I- I don't have the permission--" She stuttered on her words, looking at me in terror as if I just murdered someone. "Take it off, or I'll smash my face into the shatter glass pieces and blame it on you. You don't want to get fired, am I right?" I threatened her with a flat tone, not interested in continuing the subject any further.
"B-but it's-"
I tilted my head and looked at her sternly, as if I'm challenging her to disobey my commands. I grinned in satisfaction as she started moving towards me to take off my straitjacket.
I took a deep breath as she freed my body, I stretched my arms and glanced at her with a devious smirk. "Now, can you please clean up the mess?" I pointed at the floor.
She hesitated before kneeling down, trying to pick the broken glass pieces up with her bare hands.
Things go just as I expected.
I jumped onto her with no hesitation, causing the both of us fell down, with her back against the floor. She groaned in pain as the broken glasses stabbed into her back. I grabbed her neck roughly and covered her mouth to prevent her from screaming with the other hand. She started kicking and screaming at me, hoping that'd at least do something.
"Stop resisting!" I warned her by tightening my grip around her neck, seeing the tears forming in her eyes as she gasped for air.
"Mental illness? I'll show you how ill I am!" I started laughing at her struggling pathetically, then her movements became slower and weaker as she gazed at me with her half-lidded glassy eyes hopelessly.
I continued to add pressure onto my grip to strangle her, only to loosen my grip around her neck when she passed out. I slowly got off of her, staring at her unconscious body, I began searching her pockets for what I needed.
A syringe filled with anesthetic.
After examining it carefully, I began toying with it, wondering what should I do with this new tool. I grabbed the straitjacket that belonged to me and put it onto the nurse. I stuffed her mouth with a napkin to prevent her from screaming as well.
I must stay alert.
I pushed her unconscious body under the bed and looked around the room. I don't have time to clean the mess, she can just die here. I tightened my grip on the syringe as I sit back onto the bed and plan my next move.
Night fell, the needle of the syringe shone under the moonlight, featuring the sharpness as the tip of the needle reflected the soft and gentle moonlight perfectly.
No one is going to stop me.
I opened the door quietly, only to be greeted by the exhausted guard outside my guarded room. I slowly approached him, waking him up as I had one hand on his mouth and the other one holding my syringe against his neck.
"Where's she?" The guard looked at me in terror as his radio call started beeping. He shook his head quickly, trying to convince me that he had no idea. I gritted my teeth at his silence.
My eyes darkened at his words, "You know. You do know." I pushed the needle into his skin roughly, causing him to scream in pain as I muffled his screams with my mouth. "Tell me. Tell me where she is now, tell me!" I continued to push it deeper, droplets of blood rolled down his neck as he struggled in fear.
"You serve no purpose, just die already." Frustrated. I get frustrated as I couldn't get any information from him. I pulled out the syringe just to stab his neck with it again. Everyone is in the way. I repeated multiple times before watching him struggled to block the blood from gushing out.
I pushed him against the door as the blood gushed out of his wound, the fluid dyed the clean surroundings with crimson red. His warm blood ruined my white shirt. She can't see me like this. I groaned, disgusted by the thought of getting caught by her.
I watched as he slowly bleed out, his lifeless body sitting in a puddle of blood. It wouldn't end up like this if you didn't get in my way. Frustrated, I began stomping his walkie talkie until it was completely broken. I continued walking, looking around for the laundry room for clean clothes.
As soon as I stepped into the room, I was greeted by two janitors.
"What are you doing!--" The taller one questioned me, but he froze as his gaze trailed down onto my blood stained shirt. "H-hey- Call the guards- Call the guards now!!-" He turned to tell the other janitor, but a punch was delivered to his cheek as soon as he turned.
"Cowards!" I laughed as he fell down onto the ground, holding his cheek in pain. I jumped onto him, continued punching his face with my fists as the other one watched in terror. The clear sound of his skull cracking as my fists landed onto his head again ringed in the laundry room. Dark and ugly bruises began to form on his face, I held him down as I pulled out my bloody syringe and stabbed him in his chest multiple times before getting up and moving towards the other janitor.
It didn't take much effort. However, I must have punched his face too hard that I broke my knuckles. It doesn't matter anymore. Their cold bodies lied around the room as I changed into clean clothes again. I should really get going.
I ran on the empty hallway, passing by doors and doors just to search for the room number I was looking for for my entire life.
Rm 2508
I stopped in front of this door.
My heart was beating faster than ever, the feelings stucked in my chest, making me suffocate. So what if she doesn't want to see me? What am I going to do? How am I going to live if my entire world doesn't want me?
I hesitated.
I never hesitated before.
I slowly opened the door, my gaze locked onto her bed.
Her empty bed.
"A̸̧̳̣͉͎̱͗̏̾̚͜͝͠u̴̩̗̬̦̮̦̼͓̎͆͗͋̈́͑̈̕t̷̟̾̌́́̈́͊̚̚ụ̴̢̨̬̖͈̜̗̗̇͊m̸̧̱̬̤̜̭̗̗͇̰͐̓͆͘ṇ̶̙̘͚͎̣̳̆̍̅͋̃͠ͅ?" I called out her name softly, but there was no response.
She's gone.
I didn't know how to react to this.
The empty room, the empty bed, my empty heart. Just as I thought I would see the love of my life again, all hope disappeared in a millisecond.
I glanced at window, the cold and gentle wind brushed against my face, making me shivered slightly. The air is suffocating, I couldn't breathe, not when my beloved one is not in where she should be. I glanced over to her bed. Empty. I sit onto the bed and sighed, unable to react to anything.
I noticed some blood stain on her pillow at the corner of my eye. I reacted out and held the pillow, a craving knife dropped onto the ground as the moonlight featured the sharpness of the knife.
The blood on the carving knife is no longer fresh. It's dried out and old, meaning it had been there for quite sometime. I felt my tears dropped onto the floor as I stared at the knife with blank eyes.
So sorry that you'd have to go through all these alone.
I began weeping uncontrollably, fat tears rolling down my cheeks as I felt my throat burnt. I held the knife against my chest.
Sorry, so sorry. I'll make sure no one's gonna hurt you again. Please come back, A̸̧̳̣͉͎̱͗̏̾̚͜͝͠u̴̩̗̬̦̮̦̼͓̎͆͗͋̈́͑̈̕t̷̟̾̌́́̈́͊̚̚ụ̴̢̨̬̖͈̜̗̗̇͊m̸̧̱̬̤̜̭̗̗͇̰͐̓͆͘ṇ̶̙̘͚͎̣̳̆̍̅͋̃͠ͅ. Please. I need you here to be with me.
I refused to believe she was gone. Although that was the first thought in my mind as I entered the room, but the window being left opened already confirmed my suspicion.
I didn't dare to look out the window, A̸̧̳̣͉͎̱͗̏̾̚͜͝͠u̴̩̗̬̦̮̦̼͓̎͆͗͋̈́͑̈̕t̷̟̾̌́́̈́͊̚̚ụ̴̢̨̬̖͈̜̗̗̇͊m̸̧̱̬̤̜̭̗̗͇̰͐̓͆͘ṇ̶̙̘͚͎̣̳̆̍̅͋̃͠ͅ. Cause I know once I did I wouldn't be able to hold myself back. But once I thought of it, not even myself can stop me now.
Everything hurts. I can't live on without you.
I tightened my grip around the handle of the knife as I walked out of the room, holding myself back from crying again.
I bursted into the staff area, greeting the few remaining workers as I pointed my knife at them.
"Why? Why couldn't you all just leave us alone? We could've live a peaceful life if you didn't trap us in here! Why can't I get what I want? Why do you have to take everything away from me?" The blonde male didn't look happy about my words, he ran over and pushed me onto the ground as he tried to knock me out, the other workers panicking and calling the cops in the back. I groaned, trying to kick him off of me.
"You're nothing! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! I HATE YOU!" I screamed at him, still struggling as I tried to stab him with my knife, but his grips on my wrist prevented me to do so. "You're crazy!" He yelled back at me, still fighting for his life.
"I said," I took a deep breath and using my full strength to push my knife towards him, "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" I pushed my knife towards his throat, sliting it open and leaving a verticale wound. The blood started gushing out uncontrollably, gushing directly onto my body as I struggled to stand up, soaked in his warm blood. I kicked his body out of the way as more blood began to spill out, I rushed towards the other workers who just called the cops on me.
There's no turning back now, A̸̧̳̣͉͎̱͗̏̾̚͜͝͠u̴̩̗̬̦̮̦̼͓̎͆͗͋̈́͑̈̕t̷̟̾̌́́̈́͊̚̚ụ̴̢̨̬̖͈̜̗̗̇͊m̸̧̱̬̤̜̭̗̗͇̰͐̓͆͘ṇ̶̙̘͚͎̣̳̆̍̅͋̃͠ͅ. From the day I met you I knew I would sacrifice my life for you. There's nothing wrong with me, it's just my love and passion for you and you only.
The woman looked weak and pathetic. She backed away to the corner, as she muttered out things I couldn't catch. It only took a few stabs and punches for me to finish her off. I pushed her body away, not wanting to dirty my clothes any further. The other woman pointed the tip of her scissors at me, signing me not to approach her any closer. I didn't listen, continued to push her and moved in closer with my knife, droplets of blood still dripping from it as I held the tip towards the floor.
"Stay away!" Her trembling hands held the scissors against me. Fear. I can sense her fear. I charged at her, stabbing the blade into her stomach. She gasped, her grips around the scissors loosened and slipped onto the ground. I giggled as I welcome my victory, pushing the knife upwards to her chest and forming a huge wound. I continued to stab her torso as she slid onto the floor weakly, mouth opening and closing but unable to form any words.
I didn't stop until there were no signs of life left. The police alarmed me that they've arrived. Sorry, A̸̧̳̣͉͎̱͗̏̾̚͜͝͠u̴̩̗̬̦̮̦̼͓̎͆͗͋̈́͑̈̕t̷̟̾̌́́̈́͊̚̚ụ̴̢̨̬̖͈̜̗̗̇͊m̸̧̱̬̤̜̭̗̗͇̰͐̓͆͘ṇ̶̙̘͚͎̣̳̆̍̅͋̃͠ͅ.
I went back to room 2508, where she used to live in. I wasted no time and jumped onto the bed, with the knife in my hand, I felt powerful.
I felt warm even when you're not by my side anymore.
Under the silver moonlight, the shining blade is pointed against my heart.
Oh A̸̧̳̣͉͎̱͗̏̾̚͜͝͠u̴̩̗̬̦̮̦̼͓̎͆͗͋̈́͑̈̕t̷̟̾̌́́̈́͊̚̚ụ̴̢̨̬̖͈̜̗̗̇͊m̸̧̱̬̤̜̭̗̗͇̰͐̓͆͘ṇ̶̙̘͚͎̣̳̆̍̅͋̃͠ͅ. My love for you is immortal.
I smiled softly at our memories. I inserted the blade into my chest, feeling the unbearable pain. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I didn't regret anything I've done for you, A̸̧̳̣͉͎̱͗̏̾̚͜͝͠u̴̩̗̬̦̮̦̼͓̎͆͗͋̈́͑̈̕t̷̟̾̌́́̈́͊̚̚ụ̴̢̨̬̖͈̜̗̗̇͊m̸̧̱̬̤̜̭̗̗͇̰͐̓͆͘ṇ̶̙̘͚͎̣̳̆̍̅͋̃͠ͅ. I knew the day will come.
Drip, drip.
The blood slowly slid down my chest. I can finally meet you again.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
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The secretary flinched on her seat when she heard the glass door of the hospital shattering and yelped in fear when THE Overhaul slammed his fists on her desk, eyes burning with rage as he almost shouted.
"(L/n) (Y/n). Tell me where the fuck is her. NOW." she trembly nodded while picking her notebook on and the telephone.
He had received a call on the middle of a meeting, mentally rolling his eyes in irritation as he excused himself and accepted the call.
The way his eyes had widen in horror and how he stormed out of the room made everyone not only scared, but each one to have certain curiosity and worrover the situation.
What happened to let Overhaul on that state?
A doctor came by along with his nurse and Chisaki grabbed the hem of his jacket, the glare he was still wearing seemed like fire was going to spill from them by any moment while he demanded thhat he spilled out what the fuck had happened.
"S-She suffered a accident." The doctor gasped out, breathing in a long sigh of relief when the man let go "A villain fight on the center, the man accompanying her didn't survived but she is still alive." They patted their clothing, shakily looking up at the fuming man in front of them.
"The ambulance found her phone and saw it on her emergency contacts yout number. You're family or friend?"
"Mind your own business and let me in." He shoved past the doctor and abruptly entered the room, ignoring the nurses pleas for him to wait.
The sign of your bruised and beaten up image made him want to vomit... the bandaged wrapped around your head as your hair was sprawled out on the pillow you were laying on...
He felt his throat tightening as his eyes seemed to burn... slowly reaching the bed to caress your patched up face with his thumb carefully...
The only comforting sounds he heard on that cursed cold room were the beeping of the machine... indicating that you were unconscious, but alive no less.
"Get the fuck out." He muttered angrily as his hands turned into shaking fists, the doctors and nurses frowing but yet respecting his demand.
He carefully grabbed your hand on his both gloved ones as he took the seat next to you... He controlled the urge of shouting and letting his tears fall as he numbly stared at the bedsheets, his attention focused only on the beeping.
He ended up falling asleep on that place, head resting on his crossed arms on the bed.
He, for the first time, thanked the heavens for letting him have a light sleep, because he woke up with your stiring and weak groans.
Chisaki jerked up, eyes wide as his lips trembled a bit at seing his angel's eyes finally cracking open.
"(Y/n)..." he breathed, lowering his mask down when you looked at him confusedly "(Y/n)! My angel, thank god!" He, without thinking straight, wrapped his arms around you tightly as he breathed in on your scent and kissed with tears rolling down his face.
He only came to realize later that instead of feeling your arms wrapping around him or even a cute little giggle of yours, your body had tensed up under his hold...
Now it was his time to frow, grapping onto your shoulders as he parted only for a few inches.
"Angel I swear on my grave that I am not sending any garbage to accompany you anymore..." he talked, looking at your confused and quite... feared eyes.
"U-uh..." you awkwardly muttered as you slowly but firmly brought your hands to his gloved ones and took them off from your shoulder... Chisaki arching a eyebrow at your action in total dissaproval when you placed his hands to himself.
Then he widened his eyes in complete horror and disgust, hives appearing om his pale skin as his brain processed those despicable words he never once thought he would hear it from you ever again...
"Who... who are you?"
"It seems that after the impact, her brain got affected by the section where it lands the data of her memories..." the doctor spoked as him tapped his finger on his chin while analyzing your X-ray.
Chisaki didn't even dared to say a word... not even being a complete arrogant towards the man as he explained the situation of his partner.
"Her brain is still functioning and she has still her memories from her whole period of school aparently."
"... then why?" He asked in a numb tone as he stared at his closed gloved hands.
"It seems to be a rare type of amnesia ... she actually remembers all of yesterday's events for example; but due to the blow she must have received, the part where the memory about you is kept was the most affected."
"What's the cure?" He growled immediately, trying to surpress his angry shaking.
"There is no cure mister..." the doctor grunted when Chisaki grabbed the hem of his shirt.
"You as a doctor have the fucking obligation to find a cure or at least treat any diseases on this planet so you got the nerves to say that THIS doesn't have even a fucking treatment?!" He shouted, the doctor still keeping his calm attitude somehow.
"The human brain is a complicated thing... she might return her memories or not. We can't know. The maximum you can do now is try little by little to show what you were to her..." he mentally sighed in relief when Chisaki putted him down slowly "But not everthing, go slow... she might have a combustion or be too much overwhelmed."
His parted lips trembled underneath his mask as he wordless left the office...
You... didn't know him. Didn't know who he was or what he was to you...
He was a stranger. A fucking stranger to your eyes...
He dragged his feet to your room. You were already standing up and fixing up your hair on a mirror before you yelped at noticing his presence.
"Uh, hello..?" You awkwardly gretted him with a uncomfortable smile, not knowing how long he was standing there.
He nodded as in a gretting before his broken hearted eyes locked with your own. You felt pity over the man... the moment you told him you had no idea who he was he panicked, opened the door of that hospital room and shouted for the nurses to come explain this.
"...Come. I... will take you home." You tilted your head in confusion.
"I... no. Thank you for the offer but I-"
"I know where you live..." he muttered the words "I know this sounds stupid... but I am your.." he breath in to control the burning in his eyes as he looked down at the floor "Your boyfriend."
"Eh?" He wanted to chuckle so badly at hearing that precious confused sound... but the situation didn't let him "... I'm sorry. I... don't remember you..."
"They already told me. How does your house look like? Just to make sure." He tried, afraid of hearing that your answer would be that cursed apartment of yours.
"Uh... its a japanese like style house. Has a yard with beautiful trees on." You smiled, making hin want to scream in frustation.
It was his house. The Shie Hassaikai's house. You remembered the damn place but not him.
"... Come with me." He sayed nonchantly as he shived his fists onto his pockets and left the room, you following him right after.
You entered on his car and didn't speaked a word as he drove... afraid of making more weird the situation than it was already.
You recognize the place as he stopped and left the keys with a subordinate.
"Ah so you weren't trying to kidnapped me or something." You tried to joke, but that man's face didn't even twitched out of that broken shattered look as he only nodded and continued to walk.
He noticed that you didn't recognized the people on there either... being extremely awkwardly. Still, you were extremely polite with everyone of them, especially Pops.
He winced at remembering the first he brought you here... your actions being the same but instead lf just closing in yourself liek now, you found some comfort on him on the new area...
Pops patted his shoulder at seing Chisaki's huge amount of pain on his eyes while all he wanted to do was succumb onto his knees and scream until his vocal cords exploded.
You looked even more uncomfortable when he guided you to your shared bedroom. Noticing your embarrassment and... distrustful look.
"Not comfortable sleeping on the same room with a stranger." He more pointed out than asked.
"Yeaaah." You scratched the back of your neck before looking up at him "B-But i can sleep on the couch! You don't need to-"
"Is not necessary." He interrupted "You have all the rights to keep this room." He left without much of a word, only telling you that dinner was going to be soon and if you needed him, all you have to do is call.
You arched one eyebrowd of yours while watching him go away... what a weird guy.
Pops told him he wasn't obligated to do those things and even Chrono had offered to take his shift... but he refused it.
He needed to drown on his work to forget this pain and his misery.
A knock on the door had snapped him out of it as he rubbed his eyes and allowed whoever it was to enter.
"Excuse me? Am I bothering you?" You asked shyly.
"Never." He answered with a sigh "Something wrong?"
You took the opportunity to enter and sit on the chair in front of him, the awkward atmosphere still on the air.
"I... you said you're ny boyfriend. Right?" He nodded numbly "What type then? I-I mean. I want to know you... again." You found the strengh to look at those amber eyes.
Boyfriend or not, this man was hot.
"... You want the absolute true or the only love dovey shit?" You giggled at his boldness, making him for the first time smirk underneath his mask.
"Grab that black album from the shelter. I will try my best."
He couldn't help but smile at seing your curiosity as you paced through the pages, asking him the main events before you pointed out awkwardly that this was kostly you on that thing...
"I don't like taking or seing my own photos... But you always kept pressing me to at least have one or two... with those cursed puppy eyes."
"Cursed?" You asked, arching a eyebrow at seing the same elder you greeted earlier on one of those.
"Yes. Every time you use them I can't just say no."
"Ah! So you're the secret softie type!" You smiled at him whole he couldn't help but glare daggers at you.
He breathless chuckled at your gasp when he told you he was part and the leader if the yakusa and in that exact same moment you were underneath their roof.... although he almost choked up when you had noticed the pingent adoring around his neck.
The yingyang. A symbol that represented you both way too well. He cared one side while you carried the other.
You took your own in your hands and the way your eyes squinted while looking at the pingent made his early feelings return back.
Because he knew with that look of yours... you were trying hard to remember... but you couldn't. Your brain wouldn't let you have those memories back...
"Enough." He picked abruptly the album and placed it over the shelf with a sigh. You apologized and got out from his office shortly after... maybe his attitude had scared you... godammit!
He punched the wall until his gloved hand was all bloody and bruised before he let out a miserable shout.
He lost his angel... he lost your memories. His world was nothing but pure darkness now.
You giggled at seing both white haired man and the creature smaller than him arguing on the end of the hall as you passed through it.
One week had passed after your accident and now you were pretty used to with everyone on the house.
Well... almost everyone.
Chisaki was the man who revealed to be your boyfriend but now he just seemed even more broken and depressed then you saw him once on that hospital.
You tried really hard to remember him... but nothing about this man came up. You also noticed how angry he got when you called him 'Overhaul' or only 'Chisaki'...
You explained to him that calling him by his firts name was still a bit uncomfortable, he understood that and simply waved you off... but you still noticed the way he gripped or turned his hands into fits whenever you called him.
Everyone on there was trying to make you regain your memories back desperately. You even caught a taller man discussing with a muscular one on the hallway once about the situation.
"If miss (Y/N) don't recover her memories soon, master will get worse than he is already."
"You're fucking lucky Tengai. Overhaul at least didn't used his quirk on you three times in less the one hour only because you had asked how was his chick doing."
"You beg though for this Rappa."
You choosed to not know of his quirk after you heard that in fear of what you might discover...
You made your way to the bedroom and sitted on the bed with sigh, picking your cellphone to mess with since you didn't even touched the device ever since you put your foot on here.
You frowned when the screen showed up, a picture of the man you trued so hard on remembering... he didn't seemed to have the knowledge that he was being photographed as he seemed to be reading something without his mask on for once.
His eyes were serious but calm while he readed the book, and something that made your heart twist on yiur ribcage was that you noticed that his gloved fingers were interconnected with bare ones right on the corner.
It was your hand in there.
You didn't needed to know his whole life to already know that this man had a despised for touch and was a mysophobic... but you catched plenty times him going to reach for your hand or your hair only to pull his hand back with a broken sigh and walk away frrom you as far as possible.
You had to admit that this pained you somehow.
You dropped your cellphone, not feeling like messing around on it anymore as you shivered at a cold breeze that passed through the window...
You didn't like it very much closed places so you opted to get up and grab a hoodie instead of closing the window.
Just when you opened you saw the iconic green jacket that Overhaul always used whenever he was out or when he just felt like it.
Curiosity consumed you as you caustiously picked and holded close... scenting the intoxicating smell that left you feeling like you were in heaven.
You wondered a bit before shameless wearing the coat on, way bigger than you but you felt... safe.
You took another sniff... gasping and dropping into your butt when a bright and rather painful flash came into your head as you fell.
You groaned and placed your hand on the bed as you tried to get up, wincing as another flash came by making you want to scream in pain... before you saw it.
Him. The man. Your... your boyfriend of three years!
Chisaki Kai.. Chisaki Kai! You remembered him!
"KAI!" he stopped writing on the papers when he heard your voice shouting his first name.
... it was his mind playing tricks on him. You didn't called him 'Kai' anymore.
He scoffed and went to return to writing before he dropped his pen and widened his eyes at hearing your screams again.
He got up and opened the door, stepping in on the hall way and looking at both sides.
"KAI!" You breath out, when you turned on a hallway and saw him looking at you with worried yet serious eyes.
You runned towars him withiut a care, jumped on him as he groaned at the impact with the floor, wincing at not knowing if that place was clean or not.
"Kai!" You breath out as you cupped his face on your hands as your tears fell, nuzzling on him "My life, my boyfriend, my devil! I remember! Everthing!" You cried, while Chisaki's eyes widened as his pupils trembled a bit.
He managed to at least sip up, arms now holding you with a iron grip as he still processed while you cried on his shoulder... his own relived tears falling at hearing that you called him your devil.
"(Y/N).." he breathed out in a smile underneath his mask, hugging you even closer as he buried his face on your shoulder with a shaking sigh "My angel... my precious angel you're back..!" He whisper shouted as he holded onto you tight.
He growled in disaproval when you separated before grunting when you grabbed him by the hem of his shirt after yanking his mask down to crash your lips with his... smirking when you felt him sigh on it as his hands went to your waist... straddling his lap.
"I'm so so sorry! How could I ever forget you?!" You whispered between kisses, crying a bit as he hushed you harshly while wiping your tears away with his gloved fingers, taking advantage of your mouth being open to after days taste that scent flavor of his angel he had craved for...
"You aren't the one to blame my love. Never." He said after taking a break for at least to have oxygen back to his chest, helping you up from the floor. "How I wonder? I was running out of hope already..."
"Your scent. Your cologne. When I took your jacket-"
"Ah yes. Little thief." He chuckled at your pout before you skirked devilish and snuggled even more on his coat and on him.
"It was.. like a flash. Kai..." you breathed in on his neck, tearing up at feeling him resting his chin on your head as his gloved fingers worked thorugh your hair.
"My life is so painful and so dark without you my angel... those days were like hell." He admited, subsconciously touching his bare lips on you as a kiss.
Chrono just had stepped in on the room before he quickly turned back when he saw his childhood friend cupping his lover face on his hands as he traced her face with his lips lovely... the skies even seemed to get brighter wben Overhaul's partner recuperated her memory...
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fletchphoenix · 4 years
Little Secret
Okay this is chapter 9 of the High School AU
PLEASE READ WITH CAUTION - TW for an attempt at s**c*de, s*lf h*arm and some other morbid shit. please don’t read / skip over the italics if you aren’t comfortable reading about those topics. Please. This is more of a vent piece as well but please be careful.
I love you all so so much.
As Hugo left, Varian let himself lay back on his bed and let out a huff. Wincing at the constricting feeling in his chest, he changed into his pyjamas and laid back in bed. Ruddiger, ever the saint, sat beside his head and let out gentle noises to soothe him, nuzzling his cheek against the boy’s as he calmed him enough to settle into a deep sleep.
Teardrops dripped from his eyes and onto his phone as his breath shook with each inhale and exhale he took. Blue light from the screen stung the already teary eyes, the hurtful words that looked back at him instead of his reflection on the screen made the suffering even worse. His throat burned as he swallowed down acidic bile and his shoulders shook. Still, he couldn’t take his eyes away as the shock of the situation finally set in and his hand flew to his stomach, his gags finally ceasing after a few minutes.
He was well aware of the blood that rolled down his arm, indents from fingernails also stinging and buried deep into the pale, freckled skin that now had an ugly coat of scarlet that concealed them from his view. It ran down onto the bed steadily, not even ceasing as it still continued to run and flow across the expanse of skin and pool onto the sheets. They were red anyway. It fit right in, only a slightly deeper red than the covers.
Raising his head, he looked into the mirror - a true sight to see. Rather than a sight for sore eyes, he looked like something that would make someone gouge their eyes out. He wouldn’t blame them either. He felt like a freak, the weight of his secret almost crippling in his brain. Everything looked wrong about him - the way his hips jutted out too much for a boy, his overly feminine face, his chest...he wanted to rip that off. The material that constricted it made it almost hard to breathe every day, his chest heaving as he knew he had it on for too long, but he couldn’t risk taking it off. He just couldn’t.
Quirin had lost it when he found the last one, so buying a new one would be...too difficult. Well, as soon as the man had found out Varian’s secret, he’d lost it on the boy. Told him he’d ‘never be his son’ and refused to even look at him for a few days. He hated it when he cut his hair, even though he’d always kept it at a moderate length to keep Quirin happy. Well, if Quirin wasn’t going to call him his son, he wasn’t going to call him father.
What he hadn’t anticipated was this.
He only told one person his little secret. His almost deadly secret that he couldn’t risk getting spread because he’d already been transferred from Old Corona High to Saporia High, Old Corona apparently not being ‘good enough’. He’d left behind all his friend, everyone he’d ever cared about was gone and he wasn’t going back. 
He met Andrew in his first week and almost instantly they’d bonded. They bonded over thinking the Corona High students were snobs and didn’t even deserve the air they breathed. He’d told Varian that everything he did was great and encouraged him to do more. He cared for Varian when his father was being difficult and had wiped away countless tears. He’d been there for him no matter what. 
So he told Andrew his little secret.
He’d told Andrew. Andrew swore he wouldn’t tell anyone. Well, he swore until Varian befriended Rapunzel and her husband, Eugene. He didn’t even know he hated the pair, oblivious to the fact until Andrew had forced him to stop talking to them just the other day. Obviously he’d refused - why wouldn’t he? Rapunzel and Eugene cared for him. They loved him.
And so Andrew told everyone. Everyone in Saporia High knew his little secret, which is definitely not what he needed in a school that was almost built on republican values. It ached and pulled at his heart as he threw his phone across the room, it banging against the wall and he could swear he heard the shattering of the screen. It didn’t matter though anymore - not as if his father would have to fix it.
He rose to his feet. He had some business to attend to.
The burning returned as shaky legs dragged him towards the bathroom, fists clenched and locked himself in there, the tears still rolling down his cheeks. He felt too warm all of a sudden, sweat gathering and forming beads along his eyebrow as he heaved for breath and a pain spread and blossomed throughout his chest. He’d closed his eyes as he pulled off his shirt before he opened his eyes and stared at the binder that covered his chest. He wasn’t right. He didn’t know why he was born the way he was. The still shaking hands raised to open the glass cabinet in front of him as he took out two containers of pills. If he wasn’t gonna be listened to, he’d make them hear him.
The next time he woke up, all he heard was the persistent beeping of a monitor. A heart rate monitor. He remembered that from when his mother was in hospital. His vision was still blurred as he looked around the room, faces of doctors with masks and nurses opening doors appearing first, then the face of a familiar blonde rushing to his bedside as soon as the aforementioned door was even the slightest bit open. 
“Rapunzel.” He coughed, forcing a smile onto his features. Everything ached. His stomach ached. He let out a wheezy cough as a dainty hand was raised to press against his cheek, the touch welcome and spreading a cooling touch against his skin. He felt too hot. Far too hot. He assumed that was normal, the humid air of the hospital being uncomfortable. The place was too sterile as well, too uniform.
Distantly, he heard screams of ‘Vivian! I want to see my daughter!’. Quirin. He raised his head from the comforting hand pressed to his cheek and dread filled his stomach. “Please don’t let him in.” He gulped, Eugene moving away from the bedside to stand in front of the door and help the staff holding the man back.
 Rapunzel gripped his hand, a poor distraction as Eugene stopped Quirin from entering. “Oh Varian, we were so worried.” The soothing tone of the woman replied, the yelling outside ceasing as Eugene took a glance over. In fact, Lance and the girls were there as well as Cassandra and her girlfriend. A sad smile graced his features as he leant into the hand resting on his face and tears rolled down his cheeks.
“...And for as long as I live, you’ll never see him again!” The finishing yell of Eugene declared as the door to his room slammed shut and he rushed to his side, giving a silent nod to Rapunzzel. “Kid, you’re living with us. I’ll go get all your stuff and whatever you need, I just...fuck, kid. You should’ve told us sooner. We could’ve helped you, V. We didn’t know it was...that it was that bad. I just...fuck. I'm so sorry, Varian. I’m so sorry.” He explained, very clear tears welling in the man’s eyes as he apologised profusely to the boy.  
By the end of the week, Eugene and Rapunzel had helped him move out and set up his room in the attic of their house. He didn’t want to be an inconvenience to them, but the couple seemed to welcome him with open arms as they took him away from Quirin. They’d also arranged for him to start at Corona High instead, having helped him legally change his name to Varian. No one would know other than the teachers.
Thank god.
Varian woke up with a start, sitting up and wheezing. Oh, that was right. Hesitantly, the boy gripped at the sheets before removing his shirt and the binder residing under it before putting the shirt back on again. Rapunzel had always been sure to tell him when he had to take it off, ever the observant. She’d also always been the one to tell him to take his hormones. He knew she and Eugene loved him even after he came out.
But would Hugo? Well, that was a whole different story but...fuck it.
His fingers drifted to pick up his phone. 2:37am. He took a deep breath. He was sure Hugo would still love him either way, even if he wasn’t a biological boy. He was still Varian and he was still the boy Hugo fell in love with. Inner turmoil filled him as he let out a determined breath and dialled his number before raising the phone to his ear. There was no going back.
“Sweetheart, what’s up?” The raspy voice on the other end asked. God, he sounded amazing. Guilt still settled in his stomach as he took a large gulp. Shit, he was calling Hugo at 2am. They had school tomorrow and he’d probably woken the other up. Oh fuck, he’d certainly hate him now- “Baby, you gonna talk? I’ve gotta finish this level on-”
“I’m trans. Well, I was a girl. But I’m a boy. Well, I was never really truly a girl, I’ve always felt like a boy and I guess what I’m trying to say is I’ve always been a boy but I have a girl’s body and I thought you should know.” He stuttered out, silence meeting him on the other end of the phone. He facepalmed mentally, wanting to just curl up and die. Was he really this awkward? Why couldn’t he have just been normal and told Hugo face to face. ‘Hello my ridiculously handsome boyfriend, I’m transgender and I hope you love me!’
“Oh..” The other finally said. Varian could tell he was carefully choosing his next words, he could practically hear the cogs in his head turning in the deafening silence. “Well, I still love you and that isn’t gonna get rid of me, V. But thanks for telling me. You’re still my amazing boyfriend and I don’t love you any less.”
“Thanks Hugh. Sorry, I’ll let you finish your game. I uh-I love you. Goodnight.” He replied, hanging up and setting his phone aside as he stared at the ceiling. Hugo didn’t care. Hugo still loved him either way. A warm feeling filled his chest and a goofy grin took over his features as he slowly, but surely, fell into a deep and very happy sleep.
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babykpopsweets · 7 years
Truthful Blood
| anon reqeusted |
Is your requests still open? I want to request a Mafia AU with Minseok/Xiumin when he is a gang leader and then he finds out that his s/o is also the leader of their rival gang/group. And I'll leave the rest to you because I believe in your creativity. Make it Angsty & w/ a very fluffy ending please.. 😚 T H A N K Y O U~ 💜💜💜
Y/G/N = ya gangs name
‘Information not found’
The file said as Xiumin tried to scoop up some info on the leader of his rival mafia gang leader.
“What the hell?! This person literally has nothing on them. Ughhhhh” Xiumin groaned as he started to try a new route of figuring it out.
“What are you doing baby?” You questioned while rubbing his shoulders.
“I am trying to find out who the leader is for our rival mafia gang that keeps interfering with us. But there is literally nothing at all for them to be found.” Xiumin sighed and then kissed your hand.
“Do you need help?” You offered your assistance as you knew he might want it.
“Deeply. You can try your best; not even Suho nor Lay could find a lick of info on them.”
“You see Xiumin, I know a lot more people then you think I do.”
“Uh, I do not know how to feel about that.”
“Thas a good signal then. By the way I need to tell you something. I just don’t know when I will maybe not today cause’ you seem a little... busy.”
“Hm? Oh yeah haha real funny. Y/N I love you and you know that so take your time to tell me whatever it is.”
“Thank you. And I think you should get off the conputer it’s 12:39 pm. I think you should rest it off.”
“Seriously? Aish, I guess I could try and catch some Z’s.”
“You better!”
The morning came around quicker then Xiumin would have expected. His eyelids were very heavy as he tried waking up. He bolts his hand to block his face from the blazing sun. Xiumin looks next to him and sees you aren’t there. How weird? You are always there when he wakes up. If anything he was the one leaving before you awoke. He just dusted it off thinking you were probably grocery shopping.
Xiumin rose out of bed and went to the bathroom. He took and a shower came out then brushed his teeth. After he finished getting ready he peeked his head outside the bedroom door to see if you were around. Still not here? Grocery shopping doesn’t usually take this long. He takes out his phone and dials you number. Only hoping you’ll pick up.
‘The number you have tried to reach is currently unavailable. Please leave a message after the beep.’
“Y/N-ah where are you?! Call me back as soon as you hear this. Please.”
He hung up the phone and sighed loudly. As he was about to start making breakfast, a message came through to his computer. Xiumin takes a glance at the name lf the person. It seemed like the rival gangs official number. But how? He never had any information on them and suddenly he has the contact. Then reality hit him hard.
How come every time something happened with the other gang you were never here?
How come the morning after he said he had trouble finding info to you a message came rolling in?
Were you somehow in an alliance with the opposing team?
Upon realization, Xiumin knew that he didn’t have much time to think of a plan. He would have to hurry and try to make you confesses before it was too late.
Just 30 minutes after you came in. He was quick to hide some where he could see you but you couldn’t seem him. He might’ve seemed like a stalker right now but this was vital. Xiumin watched as you closed the door and hung up your keys. You looked around for him and called out for his name once.
“Xiumin baby?” You yelled out looking at your surroundings.
It seemed like the coast was clear. You reached into your mini velvet bookbag and pulled out your phone. You dialed a number then put it to your ear to speak. Xiumin pulled his computer on his lap and hacked into your phone so he could hear the conversation through his ear piece.
“Hey~ I think Xiumin left the house already. :c” You said into the phone.
“So when are you going to tell him?” The other person immediately asked firmly.
“You see I don’t know. He’ll hate me if he found out I am leader of his rival mafia gang. And on top of that he’ll think I am trying to use for info or whatever. I really love him I don’t want to lose him.”
“Ah yah! You have to tell him soon. The later you tell him the worse the consequences.”
“You are right. All this time I haven’t ever even thought about telling him. Maybe I should. I am going to call him now thanks bye!”
You hung up the phone.
You grunted at the thought of Xiumin practically hating you. This wait any longer though. It’s best for the truth to come out now rather then later. Before you could call him, Xiumin emerges from the shadows. Seeing his angry face you knew he heard everything.
“Oh Xiumin! D-did you by any chance hear all of that?”
“How could you?”
“I am sorry. I was leader of a mafia gang and I fell in love. With you. Then right when I was going to confess this to you our gang clashed.”
“You are a filthy liar Y/N. I can’t believe I practically gave you all of EXO’s information and you backstab me.”
“Look I am not a liar! I just didn’t tell you about it I never said I didn’t own a gang or something. But saying that doesn’t justify what I did.”
“You are probably just here for the information! You never cared did you? It was all for the stupid dirty cash you want right?!”
“Woah woah woah. I never said any of that! Did you or did you not just hear my conversation?! I said I loved you and that if I told you about this you would hate me. And I would hate myself too!”
“well you were right then. I do hate you. You betrayed me. And I don’t want to see you right now.”
“Fine. I’ll leave then.”
Right as you were storming out of that joint, you remembered you had bought Xiumin something. You stopped dead in your tracks and reached in your bookbag. You pulled out the IPhone X and placed it on the table. You knew Xiumin had broke his phone recently on a mission so you felt bad about it. Thus you bought a new one. After it was safely on the table you walked out not looking back once.
The door slammed shut and Xiumin let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in. He softly made his way to the phone. Upon opening the case a paper appeared. He out the top down; he opened the letter to reveal a whole paragraph.
I am truly deep down inside sorry. I kept the fact that I am the mafia leader of your rival gang for sooo long. Too long to be exact. I didn’t mean or want to cause any harm to you nor EXO members. If you could be so kind as to forgive me. This isn’t a kiss up either! It’s just my way of showing I truly care. <3
Xiumin felt a salty warm tear rush down his face. He went a tad bit overboard. You were going to tell him everything but you were too scared? Why? He could never hate you. hate. Hate. HATE. At that second he progressed what he had said to you in order for you to leave. He said he hated you. That wasn’t true, Xiumin knew that. Did you know that?
The only person he truly hated right now was himself. He never bothered to hear you out completely.
“I’ve gotta go after her.” He whispered to himself as he grabbed his computer to look at your location.
You were at a random place which he assumed was your other mansion from your mafia. He grabbed his keys and blasted out of there.
Many awful thoughs crossed Xiumins mind at the time. None of them were really as important as how bad he felt. He knows you messed up yet he did himself too. He didn’t give you even a second to explain.
Two minutes later he arrived at this big luxurious mansion. Xiumin shut his car off, locked it, and went to your door. There was no answer at the door when he knocked so he rang the door bell. Nothing. He stood there while his heart dropped to his feet. Xiumin wished he could take back what he said. He didn’t givenup though and knocked once more. There wasn’t an answer still.
Drip drip...
Great. It was drizzling now. And he was waiting outside your door like a fool. More then likely he will get sick from this but he’d do anything for you because he is a fool that is in love with you. Only you, no one else would ever cross his mind. To Xiumin no one in this world is conparable to you and how much you put up with him.
As he was sulking in his own saddness he heard the door unlock. Immediately his hope sprung up again. He raised his head to be greeted by the sight of your watery eyes.
“Don’t just stand there. You’ll get sick. Come in.” You said opening the door more.
“Thanks” Xiumin replied rushing in to get warm.
An awkward silence was present as Xiumin was taking a look around. It took him to break the silence.
“Look. I know I really messed up. But you have to know how important something like that is really.” Xiumin finally spoke dragging his feet towards you.
“Yeah I know. You didn’t need to come off like that though.”
“I know that too. Please forgive me. We can work this out. I just need you to be truthful with me.”
“...I am. I have too. It’s just never told you about one thing. I never lied about it or say I wasn’t. I just never told you anything.”
“Fair enough. You have to be mire OPEN with me. I need to know what’s happening in your life in order to live mines correctly. I am nothing without you Y/N. I love you.”
“I love you too Xiumin and I promise to be more expressive and open with you.”
Xiumin took advantage of this moment of forgiveness and locked your lips together. After that you both discussed what to do with your seperate mafias. It took an hour but you both agreed to join forces.
Months later the EXO and Y/G/N became the strongest gang to ever come on the sceen. Maybe uncovering some secrets is for the best. In some cases at least.
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Alrightyyyy so sorry this took so long but I hope you like it. I hated this but whatever I tried my best. Enjoy!
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mi7003thomsansom · 4 years
Looking into sounds to put in
ASMR sounds my be worth looking at.
ASMR sounds seem more relavent to what the film is conveying. Also helps make the rooms conected and themed but also can help make them separated with changing the fad of the volume.
Spaceman Room 
The rustling of sheets (When the child toss and turn)
Subtle space beeping like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XHbmiECLGI&ab_channel=VeniceSoundEffectsGroup-Topic 
Space humming sound 
Trap Room
Insert in panic noises for the character, it gives a sense of urgency to the character trying to get out.
TV Living Room
Have someone sigh?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49dUTP33Lug&ab_channel=Stingray%27sMusic%26SoundEffects something like an ambient outdoor sound
Boiler Rooms
Water boiling sounds?
Lion King Room
Mummering before she presents the lion cub
roar/ meow sound effect when the lion is raised
Animal Kindom noises after lion cub meow/roars
Rustling of plates and utensils?
Fridge humming
Plant Living Room
Yoga scene, maybe some chants (calm humming?)
Dark Room
Muffle the music in dark room
Maybe have whimpering sounds for the character?
Breathing? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bu7ER2iCehI&ab_channel=ASMRPPOMO
Artist Room
Painting sounds? (like scrapping on a canvas, paintbrush strokes)
Have the character make a sound while falling backwards to the ground
Thump sound for the fall
Classical music playing?
Camper Room
Girl should be humming? (like campfire song?)
This https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E77jmtut1Zc&ab_channel=RelaxingSoundzzz
TV living room
Muffled dance music, also do lower the background music in this part.
‘Ugh’ sound before he stands up to knock on the ceiling
Dancer Room
Muffled dance music becomes louder 
Background music is still lowered
‘Hoo haa sounds as the dancer changes dance poses.
Boat Room
Quiet sea noises like seagulls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpndP-cBE60&ab_channel=TheRelaxationStation
Rowing sound
Sounds to think of 
Electric light humming
Sound of the bags in hand 
Thump 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJo5yIPhFSM&ab_channel=AllSounds
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thelondonfilmschool · 8 years
WHEN ALUMNI CONVENE - Hadi Ghandour (Part 1)
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Almost exactly at 11 am one Saturday morning, my laptop beeps to indicate an incoming Skype call. On the other end of the line is Hadi Ghandour, a 2011 London Film School (LFS) filmmaking alumnus calling from his hotel room in Estonia. The Lebanese/Belgian writer and director is currently attending the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival with his first feature film, THE TRAVELLER (Le Voyageur), and has found some time during his final weekend to chat about his journey up until the festival, before he heads to the 13th Dubai International Film Festival as part of the Arabian Nights programme. During the next hour, we discuss adapting projects from real life, approaching the film from the stance of both writer and director and the hot topic of culture clash and identity in today’s world. 
However, first we must address the question that seems to play most on the minds of students old and new alike. Ghandour’s first steps into the film industry are fairly simple in their nature and reflect the experiences of some of the previous alumni to grace the WHEN ALUMNI CONVENE series, most notably screenwriter Theo Krekis and filmmaker Koby Adom.  After chucking out a script for a feature film he’d been working on for 6 months, Ghandour realised he needed to put food on the table: "I wanted to live on very very modest means, to put myself in a situation where it was all or nothing. Not to have a plan B. Because I felt that a plan B would give me a too much of a safety net.” Despite taking up some script doctoring opportunities, Ghandour soon came to an early realisation. "I figured I can’t afford to be in London anymore. I went to Paris, because my girlfriend was living in Paris, and I started writing the script over there, while I was script doctor for another director.” 
The script in question became his first feature film, THE TRAVELLER, and tells of a travel agent, Adnan, who has never travelled one day being sent to his dream destination of Paris, only to suffer a crisis of identity after the culture shock that ensues. As reported on the London Film School news blog, the concept was inspired by a meeting with a former Lebanese colleague back in 2000 while working at Disneyworld. “His story never left me because he had such a great impression on me. His story and his look, his demeanour, the way he behaved.”  However, adapting from real life can be a tricky minefield and Ghandour was cautious not to find out too much about his muse. "I didn’t want to meet him afterwards because the impression that I had of him was a very personal, subjective one and it spoke something to me. It’s how I perceived him and it’s not based on him, it’s inspired by this idea of who he was to me. I felt that if I had met him, maybe he would’ve said things that completely negated how I thought of him.” 
While Ghandour is a graduate of the filmmaking course at LFS, his first role in the process was as the writer, and several decisions were made early on that shaped the direction of the narrative. The first of these was the destination of Adnan’s business trip.  "The very first draft was set in New York, and it’s funny because I was sitting in Paris writing the film where the guy goes to New York, but I was living in Paris for the first time. I was there, I was feeling the loneliness, the culture shock so I thought 'Why aren’t I doing this in Paris? This should be here.'  And so it organically shifted to where it should be.”  Ghandour went on to admit that the melancholia that spreads throughout the film and main character mirrored his own feelings after moving to Paris. “It’s impossible to write a character that doesn’t have some relation to how you feel somehow.”
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Photo Credit: Saro Varjabedian
Another organic growth through the redrafting process was the roles of the characters that Adnan encountered during his 5 day stay in Paris. Each represents different relationships to both Paris and Lebanon, but this was not always the case. "When I first began to write, I allowed myself to not have that happen. I wanted to have this central thought of a man who’s never travelled. And then, as I was writing, those themes started to pop up from the central one and then through the rewrites it became a conscious effort to make each character embody something because you don’t want to have double beats or characters.”  This conscious effort involved making the characters reflections of each other, that caused them to equally repulse and attract one another. "For example, [Adnan’s cousin] is a representation of the Lebanese who left, but they bring their traditions to the new country and they're stuck in time basically. Or Layla, who’s her daughter, an independent woman who’s completely assimilated with the [new] culture who is proud of her origins, but at the same time rebellious against the old traditions of her mother. Jean, the restaurant owner, who dreams of going back to Lebanon, a Lebanon that he doesn’t know, which kind of mirrors Adnan who dreams of going to Paris. So those two characters are reflections of each other and that’s why they’re friends.” 
This relationship between Paris and Lebanon is part of another theme that is close to Ghandour’s heart. Being of Lebanese descent but born in Jordan and having lived in Belgium, the USA, London and Paris, the filmmaker often struggles to understand his multi-cultural background and has chosen to explore the issue of identity from the opposite situation. "Adnan has never travelled before, so when he’s in Paris, he loses himself in the moments he’s living and starts to want to integrate into that society. There’s almost a rejection of his identity and trying to forge a new one, and that’s what he’s unable to do. That’s the biggest challenge. And this is why I think the story holds with any other culture. It doesn’t not have to be a Lebanese guy. It can be a Chinese, Mexican or Italian guy who’s never left, it’s the same thing.”  The difficulty in making a film culturally relevant and yet universally appealing is a struggle for any filmmaker, and Ghandour believes the topic of identity is something everyone can get behind. 
"It’s definitely a universal issue, [along with] questions of culture clash. Also the grass is always greener is something a lot of people can relate to. I think anybody can relate to these characters, especially today in such a globalised culture it’s more relevant than ever.”  Interestingly, the topic of culture clash seems to bring us back to choosing the right setting for a film.  While London and Paris are both cosmopolitan cities, the general thinking is that cultures mix better in London, with the forgotten minorities in Paris restricted to the banlieu (suburbs), making it easier not to integrate into the Parisian culture.  "It’s very multicultural, but in terms of integration, there’s definitely an issue, especially compared to London. London is quite a remarkable city when it comes to that, probably one of the best in the world I think, maybe London and New York. That’s why setting this film in Paris is a perfect fit.” 
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On the other hand, there was one issue that Ghandour purposefully shied away from. “What was important was not to talk about the war because otherwise it starts to dehumanise certain elements. But no matter what, the war is in the background. We all live in circumstances of the war, that’s inevitable. But what we’re dealing with isn’t always the war. We talk about food, life, women and in the scenes in Lebanon, there are some people playing Backgammon, shooting the shit, talking about bullshit basically.” This resonated with Koby Adom’s attempts not to make his short film, HOUSE GIRL, about poverty in Ghana due to its constant portrayal in the media. “It’s our job as artists, really our responsibility, to show films and works of art that don’t deal with such a one dimension. If we’re constantly seeing in the media images of war, destruction, religious intolerance and extremism, we need to show films of who these people are living in the Middle East. We’re people like everybody else.” 
Next week, Part 2 of Hadi Ghandour’s WHEN ALUMNI CONVENE interview will highlight some of the directorial decisions he had to make, before unveiling what it’s like taking a feature film to an A list festival.
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