#before obliterating them with the thingamajig
dailykugisaki 8 months
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Day 111 | id in alt
*beats you to death*
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monty-glasses-roxy 1 year
How much property damage has everyone done?
Well Freddy has done the least that's for sure. He did a fair bit in his first few years just like Monty but as newbies in a brand new building that's to be expected. Of course in his initial time he also had to learn some rules the hard way even if they're hardwired into his brain so yeah he's done a bit.
Sunny hasn't done a great deal of it either and any that he does cause is cleaned up fairly quick. If it can't be fixed, it's either hidden, or balanced in such a way that it looks fine until someone nudges it or a breeze hits it or something. Honestly, being dropped into the daycare role has gotta be frustrating so if he's ever intentionally broken shit thats probably when it was done.
Moon has done a fair amount. Again though, it was mostly after they were moved from the theatre to the daycare. He misses when they could play with the kids and not just be there to help them sleep, and believe it or not, he misses the kids booing loudly when he came on stage as the villain. Their patience is only so good, its fair enough that a few staffbots have met their demise to them. Never in front of the kids though.
Like Freddy, Bonnie's only really caused property damage in his first year or so of being introduced. He's very rarely a culprit of it and when he is, it's mostly intentional sabotage of some gadget or another. He's less of a breaker and more of a 'cause an inconvenience' kind of property damage guy. He feels it makes more of a statement.
Foxy is fucking notorious. He would be the reason there's no windows to the outside world in the Plex if he could be. He's the kind of accidental damage in every game he's ever played. It mostly ends in the odd couple of toys and screens being broken from a stray ball or something but if you count him being clutzy and breaking random thingamajigs in his endo as property damage then yeah he's done a hell of a lot lmao
Monty has done a shit load. After the first few years, he started containing that anger and rage to his room for the most part so most property damage is in there. There's so much spare Monty themed shit for his room in storage on standby. The contained nature of it limits it a lot, but god damn has he gotten better at obliterating his room in a matter of seconds.
DJ has done... a bit. Mostly in his first few years as well with knocked over arcade cabinets and broken cleaning supplies (given he's canonically designed as a janitor as well). It's entirely accidental with him though. He struck out one time and learned that he's way too strong to be doing that shit and has dealt with his emotions in different ways instead. He only really wanted to try the whole 'break something' strategy anyway so he's fine with not being able to now. Once he's used to the place, property damage is very rare.
Chica's first five years were god awful. She's calmed down a lot, sure, but she was so fucking bad for it. Literally no shits given. If any staffbot got between her and food, that was it. She would break things to send a message and to make a point, not really out of much anger unless it's at a specific person. Her aggression is typically aimed at attractions and areas that aren't hers, but um. Not always. She's way better about that stuff now though. She's grown.
Roxy is of course, the worst for consistent property damage. Like Monty, she's highly destructive and like how Chica used to be, it's not contained to any one place. She tends to stray away from destroying attractions given the state of her own but has destroyed the Cupcake Factory before. Staffbots are her favourite targets. They're great stress relief and they're fucking everywhere in her territory always bumping into her and watching her and sounding alarms over the Minis and she fucking hates them. AND they test the track with those things! How come they get to race when she can't?? Fuck those guys! She's the reason they have the first update ever in six years and all it does is modify their pathfinding AI to avoid her specifically.
The Minis have done very minor property damage. They are friendshaped. Their damage is their display case and vent coverings.
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benito799-blog 6 years
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furederiko 7 years
Today is January 8th, and this is my first official post of the year 2018! NOTE: Because obviously that incidental late-night half-asleep New Year post did NOT count LOL
I'm going to kick-off the year with something Kyuranger related, but it's not about that explosive new episode that hit broadcast yesterday (in case you missed the note, there was no episode on December 31st). Something special instead: the Summer 2017 Movie "Kyuranger the Movie: Geth Indaver no Gyakushuu"! Here goes...
- Since a Super Sentai solo movie is usually double-billed with its Kamen Rider counterpart, the duration gets to be rather short. Particularly when compared to a season's Returns V-Cinema or Versus Movie. The same thing is happening to Kyuranger, as this August 5th, 2017 movie is clocked at only around 33:45 minutes (logo intro and the 01:35 ending dance included) having to share its theatrical running time with "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid the Movie: True Ending" (as seen on the trailer above). That is the reason why the chain of events have to immediately start with a bang... - By bang, that's literally! The intro showcases a galactic (and uncommonly hectic) spaceship battle between Kyuranger's Voyagers and a horde of Jark Matter fleet around the deadly Geth Star (a very obvious nod to a weapon with similar name in "Star Wars"). And more importantly, Commander Xiao Long Bao gets shot to a seeming demise by the story's major antagonist Geth Indaver (played by Ryou Tamura), who might or might not be homage to a famous Mandalorian. Don't look for any explanation on how or why Xiao is even aboard the planet-sized battleship, this movie demands us to just follow along. All we are privilege to know is that Geth Indaver wants to collide the Geth Star and Earth, just to obtain the Destroyer God Kerberos. - I believe the intro is meant to be a 'the plot thickens' twist right away. Unfortunately, in a way it feels nothing more than a mere petty ruse to give a sense of purpose to the team. If not to move forward the plot, of course. LOL. No really, when everyone in the ORION is looking sad and depressed prematurely coping the loss of Xiao, I'm rolling my eyes instead. Come on, does anyone actually believe this is happening for real? Remember the sci-fi death rulebook, if there's no corpse then death remains a huge question mark. Especially when we know for sure that Xiao is still safe and sound at least until episode 44 *grins*. NOTE: Seeing this through home video doesn't help either. However, the sequence might have been 'shocking' and worked differently had I seen it in the Summer as it was intended to. So I guess there's that. - Lucky gets a premature rousing (or intended to be one, at least) speech that they need to continue what Xiao would have wanted: not give up and try their best to save Earth. Thankfully, Raptor had conveniently able to tap on Xiao's conversation with Geth, and discovered Geth's ambitious goal. Stinger is well-informed about the myth surrounding his objective. Kerberos is a destroyer of planet that consists of three components/heads: Dober, Husky, and Bull. All of them are actual varieties of dogs, in case you're wondering. - Lucky realizes one easy logic: since Kerberos has the ability to destroy a planet, it will be able to strike down Geth Star as well. That means the Rebellion only needs to revive and take over Kerberos to basically save Earth. To do so, they require three sealed Kerberos Stones from the uncharted territories of Cerberus System. These items have to be acquired before Geth Star reaches Earth, which is only 72 hours away. Wait a sec... if the keys to summon Kerberos can be found in ANOTHER star system, what's the purpose of Geth Indaver's globe-shattering assault on Earth then? Hmmm... Trivia: Similar to Argo Navis, Cerberus is not part of the 88 Modern Constellation System. According to Wikipedia, Cerberus is a defunct or obsolete star system whose star members have since been included into the Constellation Herakles. Ironically, the creature used as a Constellation is NOT even the famous Three-headed Gatekeeper Dog of the Underworld. It's an entirely different three-headed SNAKE that the mythological hero defeated. I guess dogs sell better than snakes, huh? - Team sans Raptor nor any of the newer members splits up into three, and heads toward different locations. Lucky and Garu arrive on Planet Husky, and need to defeat one of Geth's men by the name Kaaru Indaver in a motorcycle racing match. Lucky utilizes the #62 Auriga Kyu Globe, and... turns Garu into one furry motorcycle. LOL. They equip Antlia Kyu Globe's power to outspeed Kaaru Indaver and secure the first red-colored Kerberos Stone. - Stinger, Champ, and Hammy arrive on the snowy Planet Bull, only to discover that it's a secret... Jark Matter MMA Tournament Stadium. Hey, I thought this Star System is supposed to be a dangerous place? Oh well, Taurus Black has to wrestle his way against gorrilla-esque Oumo Indaver to obtain the blue-colored Kerberos Stone. I guess this serves as a quick fan-service to those who has been eager to see Champ in his original occupation prior to becoming a Kyuranger. Naturally the Jark Matter cheats, so Scorpius Orange and Chamaeleon Green slashes into the ring (the latter uses Cancer Kyu Globe to tear the wires away) and join the fight. Things become a bit messy that Oumo Indaver gets the chance to run off with the prize. - Spada and the BN-Thieves land on Planet Dober and easily discover the yellow-colored Kerberos Stone in an unknown ruins. But there's a surprise welcoming party who snatches away the treasure right away: Geth Indaver himself! We learn that he's a rather... BAFFLING antagonist who conveniently and casually shares his true humanoid identity. No kidding, Geth is a former Rebellion soldier and old comrade of Xiao by the name of Hoi-pyon... I mean Hoi Korou. He was exiled due to his dark obsession towards Kerberos. - Geth Indaver demands the Husky Stone to be handed to him, naming Earth as the rendesvouz place. If you're wondering why he doesn't choose a much safer place, then you're not alone. Geth and his men are risking their own life to get crushed by their own Geth Star, right? *sigh*. With only one hour away from collision, the Kyurangers decide to just go all out and fight their way to protect the planet. - Look who decides to show up during the fight! Ursa Minor SkyBlue who immediately deploys his Ursa Major Kyu Globe to gain the upper hand. Where have you been throughout the first arc, Kotarou? And there are more surprises. Commander Xiao saves the day! Cue failed-dramatic moment. Well, duh?! Did anyone really think he's actually dead? Nope, because apparently another member encountered Xiao drifting in space just in time to rescue him. WHO? Duh? It's Tsurugi, of course! Seriously, everyone seems to have forgotten about him and Kotarou to the point that it genuinely annoys me... *grumble* - Tsurugi also plays a part to deal with the next threat: Keroberos, which has been revived by Geth Indaver. He instructs Leo Red to use the Herakles Kyu Globe (the movie's official promotional item) and... well, reenacting the myth by practically 'taming down' Keroberos. The act officially turns the mythical beast into... the spring-green-colored Cerberus Voyager and awakening its accompaniment #111 Cerberus Kyu Globe. He then utilizes the Kyu Globe to form the annual movie-only mecha Kerberios. NOTE: Cerberus Kyu Globe goes by the number 111. What's the point? Well... it's unconfirmed and pure speculation until now, but 111 can be read as 'ONE ONE ONE' or 'WAN WAN WAN' in Japanese spelling. Guess what the latter means? 'WOOF WOOF WOOF'. That's onomatopoeic of barking, in case you still don't get it. LOL. Kyuranger sure loves its puns. - As Gigant Phoenix deals with giant-sized Oumo Indaver, Draco Commander settles his feud once and for all with Geth Indaver. All the while, Kerberios tries desperately to take down Geth Star. Yep, it's a triple-sized parallel battle! Thanks to Garu's suggestion (clearly based on personal experience) and undoubtedly sheer luck, Leo Red uses Shining Kyu Globe's Lunar Mode to turn the mecha into gargantuan size. What for? To block the Geth Star from obliterating Earth. - Does it work? Well duh, should we even expect otherwise? It even rather surrealistically transform Earth into a giant Earth Kyu Globe that pushes the deadly weapon away. All enemies are destroyed, which means Earth has been saved and its civillian can freely... hug it out. As for the Kyurangers? They decide to release the Kerberos Stones to their original locations (what a waste of resource!) and... celebrate in a Japanese festival. You know, that fun yukata-filled Summer-only ending sequence (aired from episode 22 to episode 27) we've all known and loved!
Overall: So... that was, uhm, fine, I guess? To be honest, reviewing or giving personal impressions on Super Sentai Summer movies is generally a somewhat tricky affair for me. Aside from one or two notable exceptions (Abaranger's fan service spree, or Kyoryuger's genuinely thrilling big screen feature to name a few), most of them ventured in the realm of mediocrity to 'just okay' at best. Much of this was caused by the limited duration, the production staffs involved, and many other small things. In Kyuranger's case, it unfortunately fell on the underwhelm side despite the series' overwhelming success. This movie suffered through a very thin plot that ridiculously didn't quite make sense. I think even the most simpleton would easily wonder, why would Geth Indaver try to destroy Earth in the first place, when he's busy fighting INSIDE the planet? In general, the stakes felt poor despite the situation being of catastrophic scale. The plot was basically a rehash of TV series' repeated story pattern (collecting elements of a thingamajig), but condensed into one single run. That's why everything felt rushed! To put it worse, it didn't exude the usual fun aspects and charm of a broadcasted episode, because everything just felt strangely serious and surprisingly lacked a heart and soul. Even the almost full (just 11 members, minus Tsurugi) team transformation and roll call (which usually got flashier in movies) looked bland and... generic. The TV series has done better IMHO! Don't even get me started on that failed emotional angle with Xiao, or how Kotarou and Tsurugi were just sort of... 'there' only when the plot required them to. Similar to "Episode of Stinger" V-Cinema and its coupling web-series, the placement of this movie in the timeline/continuity is... a little difficult to pinpoint. Still, judging from what I saw, this likely took place after the clash of Reds has been cleared out (in episode 24), because Lucky and Tsurugi seemed to be in a good mood with one another. The ending sort of suggested that this was the team's final mission to liberate Earth, but I doubt it took place after the Time Travel arc. That's when they left to explore other Star Systems to search for Don Armage's whereabouts, right? Overall, it was still a watchable movie and had its fun moments too. But overall? It's definitely not among Kyuranger's best, plagued by obvious flaws there were just too distracting to ignore. This was just on par with the mediocre to good episodes, but still ranks better than "High School Wars". I actually expected better, but things don't always go along with what we want, do they? *sigh*. Here's hoping the upcoming (assuming both will be produced), Versus and/or Kyuranger Returns V-Cinema will make up for my disappointment... Next: Back to TV, to its 1st episode of 2018!
Overall Score: 7,5 out of 10
Visit THIS LINK to view a continuously updated listing of the Kyutama / Kyu Globes. Last Updated: December 29th, 2017 - Version 3.10. (WARNING: It might contain spoilers for future episodes)
Trailer used above is officially available through CINEMA NAVI Youtube Channel. "Uchu Sentai Kyuranger" is produced by TOEI, and airs every Sunday on TV-Asahi. Credits and copyrights belong to their respective owners.
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