#before we return to our favorite unreliable narrator
yuesya · 5 months
New chapter for zenith of stars is up!
Interlude 4 (update #59) has been posted.
FFN | AO3 | SB
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The Battle of Manhattan didn’t go the way the Fandom thinks it did; we need to address the “massacre” of the Titan Army!
The Battle of Manhattan is the most pivotal event of the first series. And we see the entire thing exclusively from Percy’s point of view. He takes us through the thickest of the fight from one end of Manhattan Island to the next, and shows us a desperate fight of good against evil.
But we have another point of view for the battle, one that comes from the demigods of the Titan army, and one that informs us of a far different, darker side to the conflict. One where an entire army of children is massacred by the victorious Olympians, without a thought or even a care. It’s a shocking, confronting side of the struggle that most fans don’t seem to be aware of. 
But it’s also completely inaccurate. 
Now I love Alabaster; he’s one of my favorite characters, and I want nothing but the best for him. But he’s a demonstrably unreliable narrator. I don’t even mean that he’s intentionally dishonest; but he’s very badly misinformed about what actually happened. And that gives the fandom three major misconceptions that need to be cleared up. 
Alabaster gets the casualty ratio for the battle wrong (the Olympians had more than he thinks).
The Titan army has far fewer demigods than most fans think (not much more than 50 at the most).
Alabaster does say that there was a “massacre” at the end of the battle, but most of the TA demigods had deserted before that!
Part 1) The Olympians Have High Casualties
“It was a massacre. If I remember right, my mother told me that Camp Half-Blood and its allies had sixteen casualties total. We had hundreds.” (pg 219)
This is the only time we get a specific number for Olympian casualties, but it just doesn’t match up with what actually happens in the books. Looking back at all the deaths we do see:
Charlie Beckendorf -1
one [Hellhound] got hold of an Apollo camper and dragged him away. I didn’t see what happened to him next. I didn’t want to know. (pg 182) -1
Michael Yew -1
A young dragon had appeared in Harlem, and a dozen wood nymphs died before the monster was finally defeated. (pg 203) -12
“We lost twenty satyrs against some giants at Fort Washington,” [Grover] said, his voice trembling. (pg 203) -20 Giants smashed through trees, and naiads faded as their life sources were destroyed. (pg 243) -1< Enemy archers returned fire, and a Hunter fell from a high branch. (pg 244) -1  Too many of our friends lay wounded in the streets. Too many were missing. (pg 257) -1< The flagpoles were hung with horrible trophies –helmets and armor pieces from defeated campers. (pg 282) -1< The Drakon lashed out, swallowing three californian centaurs in one gulp before I could even get close. (pg 288) -3 Poison spewed everywhere, melting centaurs into dust along with quite a few monsters, (pg 288) -1< The Drakon snapped up one Ares camper in a gulp. (pg 291) -1
Silena Beauregard -1
Leneus -1
a body covered in the golden burial shroud of Apollo’s cabin. I didn’t know who was underneath. I don't want to find out. (pg 303) -1
Oddly enough, we actually miss the moment that was probably the worst for the Olympians, the final push by Kronos that breaks through their line. After Clarisse slays the drakon and the monsters are driven back again, Percy and co. take the opportunity to go up to Olympus. Percy gives Pandora’s Pithos to Hestia, and then contacts Poseidon via his throne. It’s just as he finishes that Thalia comes up and tells them that Kronos is coming again, but they miss the fighting.
By the time we got to the street, it was too late. Campers and Hunters lay wounded on the ground. Clarisse must have lost a fight with a Hyperborean giant, because she and her chariot were frozen in a block of ice. The centaurs were nowhere to be seen. Either they’d panicked and ran, or they’d been disintegrated. (pg 312) -<500
And finally, Kronos does kill some people on Olympus itself.
A few minor gods and nature spirits had tried to stop Kronos. What remained of them was strewn about the road: shattered armor, ripped clothing, swords and spears broken in half. (pg 322) -1<
The specific deaths we have mentioned during the battle amount to 48 at the very least; and that is an extremely conservative estimate that only includes the deaths Percy has the time and presence of mind to witness in all the carnage. Considering how many others must have happened, factoring the sudden disappearance of the 500 centaurs in particular, it was likely in the hundreds. And most of the centaurs probably ran at the end, but even that would have involved heavy casualties.
It’s true that actual demigods were a smaller fraction of Olympian forces, and so would have made up just a fraction of losses. The number 16 might actually make sense if it were just the number of campers lost, but that’s not what Hecate said, she said total.
It might be significant that Hecate is the actual source of this misinformation. Would she have reason to lie to her own son, or might she herself be out of the loop. Right now, we just can’t know. 
And she might be underestimating Titan Army losses too. Considering how many times a wave of several hundred monsters tear into Manhattan, and get thrown back by the Olympians only to return later with no discernable drop in numbers, until the army is finally routed entirely, it wouldn’t surprise me if the TA actually took a thousand or more casualties. But those would be overwhelmingly monsters, because:
Part 2) Less Than Fifty Demigods Were Even In The Titan Army
To prove that there could not possibly have been hundreds of TA demigods killed at Manhattan, we need look no farther than Alabaster's own account.
“There was a war between the gods and titans last summer and most half-bloods–demigods like me–fought for the Olympians.” (pg 218)
So the TA could not have had more demigods than the Olympians; and they had about a hundred. There are forty campers to start with, who are quickly joined by the Hunters, who now have thirty members. Then, in the last hours of the fight, they are finally joined by the Ares cabin, which brings another thirty (jeez Ares, you animal!). So Olympus has an even hundred demigods. (The Hunters aren’t necessarily all demigods by birth, but I don’t think Alabaster would make a distinction based on that.)
So the TA has less than a hundred demigods, significantly less. I would argue they probably had no more than fifty because that lines up with the only solid numbers we ever get for them. And every time the TA is described, demigods are a clear minority. First, look at the foes Percy encounters when he infiltrates the Princess Andromeda:
I saw monsters patrolling the upper decks of the ship–dracaenae snake-women, hellhounds, giants, and the humanoid seal-demons known as telkhines . . . . . “I don’t care what your nose says!” snarled a half-human half-dog voice—a telkhine. “The last time you smelled half-blood, it turned out to be a meatloaf sandwich!” “Meatloaf sandwiches are good!” a second voice snarled . . . . . a telkhine was hunched over a console . . . . . a half dozen telkhines were tromping down the stairs . . . . . past another telkhine . . . . . And in the fountain squatted a giant crab . . . . . a couple of dracaenae slithered across my path . . . . . As I was running up the stairwell, a kid charged down . . . . . Laistrygonian giants filed in on either side of the swimming pool . . . . . demigod archers appeared on the roof . . . . . two hellhounds leapt down . . . . . The crowed of monsters parted . . . . . Giants jeered. Dracaenae hissed with laughter . . . . . throwing monsters off their feet . . . . .I knew him, of course: Ethan Nakamura . . . . . two giants lumbered forward . . . . . Panicked monsters surged backward . . . . . one of the dracaenae hissed . . . . . I pushed through a crowd of monsters . . . . . Monsters yelled at me from  above.
That was a quick summary of all the enemies Percy and Charlie encounter on the Princess Andromeda, I’m not crazy enough to try and write the whole chapter. But it’s pretty clear there are only a few demigods amid dozens of monsters. We hear the same thing from Poseidon later, that “there were only a few demigod warriors aboard that ship”; we might question whether or not Poseidon is a trustworthy source, but the evidence does back him up.
When we finally get to the battle, the disparity of demigod numbers in the TA is again evident:
The bronze image showed Long Island Sound near La Guardia. A fleet of a dozen speed boats raced through the dark water toward Manhattan. Each boat was packed with demigods in full Greek armor. At the back of the lead boat, a purple banner emblazoned with a black scythe flapped in the night wind. I’d never seen that design before, but it wasn’t hard to figure out: the battle flag of Kronos. “Scan the perimeter of the island,” I said. “Quick.” Annabeth shifted the scene south to the harbor. A Staten Island Ferry was plowing through the waves near Ellis Island. The deck was crowded with dracaenae and a whole pack of hellhounds. Swimming in front of the ship was a pod of marine mammals. At first I thought they were dolphins. Then I saw their doglike faces and swords strapped to their waists, and I realized they were telkhines—sea demons. The scene shifted again: the Jersey shore, right at the entrance of the Lincoln Tunnel. A hundred assorted monsters were marching past the lanes of stopped traffic: giants with clubs, rogue Cyclopes, a few fire-spitting dragons, and just to rub it in, a World War II-era Sherman tank, pushing cars out of the way as it rumbled into the tunnel. (pg 167)
Here we see the first wave of the Titan Army as a three pronged attack (which Percy says on the next page collectively numbered at least 300) and only one of the units has demigods. It’s the one that Kronos leads, so it’s probably meant to be a more elite unit, at least at first. 
We don’t know for sure how many there are. Speedboats are usually made to carry 4-6 people so a dozen would be possible 48 to 72. Considering Alabaster says there were significantly less demigods in the TA than the Olympians, I would guess it’s on the lower end; and that does match another number we see in a moment.
This fleet never reaches Manhattan, since Percy bribes the East River to swamp their boats. Those who say many TA demigods were killed in the battle might point to this as Percy causing a bunch of kids to drown; but Alabaster never mentions a mass drowning in his narrative of the battle, and he would have been on one of those boats, so it’s safe to say they just went for a swim.
(And Kronos was with them, which means that a very angry titan lord was suddenly pitched into the river and had to swim with the rest of them. That’s not really relevant, I just want everyone to know that.)
Percy is then immediately told that “Another army is marching over the Williamsburg bridge.” This fourth prong of the attack, led by the Minotaur, also has no demigods in it.
An entire phalanx of dracaenae marched in the lead . . . About a hundred more monsters marched behind them. (pg 182) More monsters surged forward —snakes and giants and telkines—but the Minotaur roared at them, and they backed off. (pg 186)
But more monsters keep advancing because by the time Percy kills the minotaur and the demigods charge and rout the whole group, it had grown to 200
Finally, the monsters turned and fled—about twenty left alive out of two hundred. (pg 188)
So the grand total for the first TA attack was 500 soldiers or more, with only 40-70 of them demigods. And after the monsters on the Williamsburg bridge retreat, those demigods show back up.
Then I saw the crowd at the base of the bridge. The retreating monsters were running straight toward their reinforcements. It was a small group, maybe thirty or forty demigods in battle armor, mounted on skeletal horses. One of them held a purple banner with the black scythe design.  The lead horseman trotted forward. He took off his helm, and I recognized Kronos himself, his eyes like molten gold. (pg1 188)
This is the only time we get anywhere close to a specific number when TA demigods are concerned. It would have been the same group that was sunk in the East River, who then had to swim for Brooklynn; which is where they are now trying to take the Williamsburg bridge. This reinforces the idea that the number of demigods in the boats was only a little more than forty, since they would not have suffered more than a few injuries in the sinkings.
I’m going to come back to this moment later to demonstrate how Percy refrains from killing other demigods, even in his Achilles state, but the other important thing to note is that this is the last time Kronos organizes his demigods into a unit that he leads personally. After they fail to break through here, Kronos just has them take on a secondary role, and puts his faith in bigger and bigger monsters to lead the charge instead.
The Titan Army units on Long Island then spend the evening marching the long way around Manhattan (for some reason) because they make camp for the night in New Jersey, at Medusa’s old lair. Percy again describes demigods as the small minority.
Hundreds of tents and fires surrounded the property. Mostly I saw monsters, but there were some human mercenaries in combat fatigues and demigods in armor too. A purple-and-black banner hung outside the emporium, guarded by two huge blue Hyperboreans.
And this is only part of the Titan army, because there are more troops north of Manhattan. 
“Tell my brother Hyperion to move our main force south into Central Park. The halfbloods will be in such disarray they will not be able to defend themselves.” (pg 237)
The army that marches into central park is bigger than the one camped in New Jersey. And it is made up exclusively of monsters. 
At the north end of the reservoir, the enemy vanguard broke through the woods—a warrior in golden armor leading a battalion of Laistrygonian giants with huge bronze axes. Hundreds of other monsters poured out behind them. (pg 243)
There is not a single mention of a demigod. However they’re already joining the fight in other places. 
When it flew above the rooftops, I could see fires here and there around the city. It looked like my friends were having a rough time. Kronos was attacking on several fronts. (pg 251)  
After Percy kills the Clazmonian Sow, the momentum of the battle shifts. With his main force failing to deliver a knockout punch, Kronos has his remaining armies spread out to put equal pressure on the entire defensive line, and catch it in a massive envelopment.
Midtown was a war zone. We flew over little skirmishes everywhere. A giant was ripping up trees in Bryant Park while dryads pelted him with nuts. Outside the Waldorf Astoria, a bronze statue of Benjamin Franklin was whacking a hellhound with a rolled-up newspaper. A trio of Hephaestus campers fought a squad of dracaenae in the middle of Rockefeller Center . . . . . The hunters had set up a defensive line on 37th, just three blocks north of Olympus. To the east on Park Avenue, Jake Mason and some other Hephaestus campers were leading an army of statues against the enemy. To the west, the Demeter cabin and Grover’s nature spirits had turned Sixth Avenue into a jungle that was hampering a  squadron of Kronos’s demigods . . . . . I spotted a familiar silver owl banner in the southeast corner of the fight, 33rd at the Park Avenue tunnel. Annabeth and two of her siblings were holding back a Hyperborean giant . . . . . The next hour was a blur. I fought like I’d never fought before—wading into legions of dracaenae, taking out dozens of telkines with every strike, destroying empousai and knocking out enemy demigods . . . . . At one point Grover was next to me, bonking snake women over the head with his cudgel. Then he disappeared in the crowd, and it was Thalia at my side, driving monsters back with the power of her magic shield. Mrs. O’Leary bounded out of nowhere, picked up a Laistrygonian giant in her mouth and flung him like a Frisbee. Annabeth used her invisibility cap to sneak behind enemy lines. Whenever a monster disintegrated for no apparent reason with a surprised look on his face, I knew Annabeth had been there . . . . . Kronos was riding towards us on a golden chariot. A dozen Laistrygonian giants bore torches before him. Two Hyperboreans carried his black-and-purple banners . . .
 Sorry, sorry, I mean then Chiron and the 500 centaurs arrived!
Kronos’s forces looked as confused as we were. Giants lowered their clubs. Dracaenae hissed. Even Kronos’s honor guard looked uneasy. Then, to our left, a hundred monsters cried out at once. Kronos’s entire northern flank surged forward. I thought we were doomed, but they didn’t attack. They ran straight past us and crashed into their southern allies . . . a shower of arrows arced over our heads and slammed into the enemy, vaporizing hundreds of demons. (pg 258)
This is how the second phase of the battle ends. And during the entire night, out of a sea of monsters (hehe) we only see one unit of TA demigods. And it’s the last time we get any reference to them participating in the battle.
After being driven south, the TA apparently did another long march, because they make camp northeast of Manhattan.
The Titan army had set up camp all around the U.N. complex. The flagpoles were hung with horrible trophies—helmets and armor from defeated campers. All along First Avenue, giants sharpened their axes. Telkines repaired armor at makeshift forges. (pg 282)
Ethan is the only demigod mentioned this time. And he doesn’t appear to take part in the next attack, aside from releasing the drakon. We get less of a description of the enemy army this time, but it’s all monsters.
The rest of the battle wasn’t going well. The centaurs had panicked under the onslaught of giants and demons. An occasional orange camp T-shirt appeared in the sea of fighting, but quickly disappeared.  (pg 289)
Of course the Ares cabin arrives, the drakon kills Silena, and Clarisse kills it. It’s another rout for the TA.
The monsters retreated toward 35th Street. (pg 298) There was no answer from the enemy. Slowly, they began to fall back behind a dracaenae shield wall, while Clarisse drove in circles around Fifth Avenue, daring anyone to cross her path. (pg 299)
After that we have the final phase of the battle, when the Titan Army finally breaks through the Olympian lines. But once again, we have no reference to demigods other than Ethan.
The Titan Army ringed the building, standing maybe twenty feet from the doors. Kronos’s vanguard was in the lead: Ethan Nakamura, the dracaenae queen in her green armor, and two Hyperboreans. I didn’t see Prometheus. (pg 312) “ROWWF!” Mrs. O’Leary bounded toward me, ignoring the growling monsters on either side. (pg 315) There were thousands of [skeletan soldiers], and as they emerged, the titan’s monsters got jumpy and started to back up. (pg 315)     The armies of the dead clashed with the Titan’s monsters. Fifth Avenue exploded into absolute chaos. Mortals screamed and ran for cover. Demeter waved her hand and an entire column of giants turned into a wheat field. Persephone changed the dracaenae spears into sunflowers. Nico slashed and hacked his way through the enemy, trying to protect pedestrians as best as he could. My parents ran toward me , dodging monsters and zombies, but there was nothing I could do to help them. (pg 318).
The fight continues like this, until Typhon is destroyed, and the defenders are joined by the gods, and Poseidon’s army of cyclopes. It’s then that the Titan army is “massacred.” Most of the fandom thinks that the demigods were killed too, but that’s not the case.
PART 3: The TA Demigods Deserted Before The Final Battle
As Alabaster remembers it:
the war didn’t go our way. I fought on the battlefield against the enemy, but most of our allies ran. Kronos himself marched on Olympus, only to be killed by a son of Poseidon. After Kronos’s death, the Olympian gods smashed any remaining resistance. It was a massacre. “We weren’t all destroyed,” Alabaster said. “Most of the remaining half-bloods fled or were captured. They were so demoralized they joined the enemy. (pg 219)
When you look at this narrative, and compare it to The Last Olympian, it’s actually more complicated than the TA demigods simply getting massacred.
Al says that while he was fighting, most of his allies ran. That’s odd, because we don’t see the relative numbers of monsters go down at any point. What we do see, is the number of demigods go down.
As I illustrated in Part 2, the Battle of Manhattan has four distinct phases. Phase one, that ends when the Williamsburg Bridge is destroyed. The second phase, that starts when Hyperion attacks Central Park, and ends when the Party Ponies arrive. The third phase, which is all about the attack of the drakon. And the final phase, when Kronos breaks through.
We only see TA demigods in the first two phases; they attack the Williamsburg Bridge in the first phase as part of the Kronos’s main force, then in the second phase they’re relegated to a supporting role by hitting the defenders western flank. And that’s the last we see of them. After that, Etahn is the only demigod left standing in the TA. Alabaster must be somewhere in the background, as a retcon, but there’s no one beyond the two of them.
You might think that they’ve just already been killed by this point. After all, Percy blows up the Princess Andromeda, then goes into an Achilles Curse fueled berserker mode several times in the first two phases of the battle. Surely he must have killed hundreds of kids, right?
No, not even close.
Maybe not any at all.
On the Princess Andromeda Percy finds lots of monsters, but the number of demigods he finds could be counted on one hand. And the first one he meets; Percy spares him and tells him to get his friends and evacuate. We can’t prove whether or not any demigods were killed in the blast; we just know that the two we can confirm were still on board, Ethan and Alabaster, both survived. And when Alabaster recounts it, he doesn’t mention any bad losses at this point.
As for the Curse of Achilles, it doesn’t send Percy into anything like the berserker state some people think of it as. It might seem like that when Percy lets loose on the Williamsburg Bridge:
You’re going to ask how the whole “invincible” thing worked: if I magically dodged every weapon, or if the weapon hit me and just didn’t harm me. Honestly, I don’t remember. All I knew was that I wasn’t going to let these monsters invade my hometown. I sliced through armor like it was made of paper. Snake women exploded. Hellhounds melted to shadow. I slashed and stabbed and whirled, and I might have even laughed once or twice—a crazy laugh that scared me as much as it did my enemies. (pg 188)
But when push comes to shove, Percy can control the Curse, and what he does during it. That last moment was when he was fighting nothing but monsters. But when the TA demigods arrived, Percy pulled his punches like he always does.
I tried to wound his men, not kill. That slowed me down, but these weren’t monsters. They were demigods who’d fallen under Kronos’s spell. I couldn’t see faces under their helmets, but some of them had probably been my friends. I slashed the legs off their horses and made the skeletal mounts disintegrate. After the first few demigods took a spill, the rest figured out they’d better dismount and fight me on foot. (pg 189)
Percy is still in complete control of what he’s doing; even when the worst happens.
“Annabeth!” I turned in time to see her fall, clutching her arm. A demigod with a bloody knife stood over her . . . . . I locked eyes with the enemy demigod. He wore an eye patch under his helmet: Ethan Nakamura, the son of Nemesis. Somehow he’d survived the explosion on the Princess Andromeda. I slammed him in the face with my sword hilt so hard I dented his helm. (pg 190)
Percy really has all the reason to hate Ethan at this point; after Percy spared his life in Antaeus’ arena, Ethan still joined the side that had been ready to write off his death, and deliberately helped Kronos achieve his physical resurrection. Because of that Percy’s friends and even-Riordan-doesn’t-know how many mortals are going to die in the next few days; and on top of all that, Ethan just stabbed the love of his life.
And all Percy does is knock him out, maybe a little harder than necessary. He makes no effort to kill him. Those aren’t the actions of a berserker with no control.
In fact, the knife turns out to be poisonsed. And Ethan now has an idea where Percy’s Achilles Spot is, and might tell Kronos. And even after all of that, Percy doesn’t seriously think about killing him as an option.
“I’ll bonk him on the head harder next time.” (pg 241)
But more on topic, there is no reason to think the TA demigods have particularly high casualties in this phase of the battle, though they have a few:
Our archers shot a volley, bringing down several of the enemy, but they just kept riding. (pg 189)
Though it’s vague if they are hitting the riders or the horses. In fact, it might actually be Kronos who’s responsible for more of their losses.
[Kronos] struck the bridge with the butt of his scythe, and a wave of pure force blasted me backward. Cars went careening. Demigods—even Luke’s own men—were blown off the edge of the bridge. (pg 192)
I will die on the hill that between this, Ethan, and other implied moments, Kronos killed more of his own demigods than Percy did.
In the second phase of the battle, when we see the TA demigods attack again, they’re in a very different situation.
To the west, the Demeter cabin and Grover’s nature spirits had turned Sixth Avenue into a jungle that was hampering a  squadron of Kronos’s demigods. (pg 255)
This is the only thing we see the TA demigods do as a group in this phase; and they’re fighting people who are using very defensive tactics, more hampering than harmful. They’re not likely to lose many fighters. A few of them do cross Percy’s path in the chaos, but even at his most Achilles fueled chaos he never loses control.
The next hour was a blur. I fought like I’d never fought before—wading into legions of dracaenae, taking out dozens of telkines with every strike, destroying empousai and knocking out enemy demigods. (pg 257)
He talks about killing monsters, but always “knocking out” demigods. Finally, that phase of the battle ends when the centaurs show up. Did the centaurs kill any demigods? After all, Percy said they “trampled everything in their path.”
Well the only report we get on the TA demigods puts them to the west. When the centaurs attack, they come out of the north east and drive the enemy south, and start off a wave of panic that ripples down the enemy lines ahead of them. The demigods were probably running before any centaur reached them, and might have had better chances of being trampled by their own monsters.
So if the TA demigods aren’t taking many losses, where do they all go in the third and fourth phases, when we don’t see any except Ethan?
They desert. 
Alabaster: “I fought on the battlefield against the enemy, but most of our allies ran.”
I think the demigods of the TA signed up with no real idea of what would happen when they fought the Olympians. They thought they were going to have a sure victory. 
Chris Rodriguez said it in SOM:
“I hear they got two more [drakon] coming,” [Chris] said. “They keep arriving at this rate, oh, man—no contest!” (pg 122)
Alabaster C. Torrington said it in SOM:
“Kronos wasn’t supposed to lose! You said the odds of winning were in the Titan’s favor! You told me Camp Half-Blood would be destroyed!” (pg 196)
And they probably weren’t well prepared for the war either. At one point Luke says they will fight well because he has been training the army. But most of them join because they are the children of minor gods who swear for Kronos, and that doesn’t happen until the end of BOTL, after Luke has been possessed. Most of the TA demigods never got training from him; including their two highest ranking members, Ethan and Alabaster. It’s no wonder most of them weren’t prepared.
As I was running up the stairwell, a kid charged down. He looked like he had just woken up from a nap. His armor was half on. He drew his sword and yelled, “Kronos!” but he sounded more scared than angry . . . . No way was I going to hurt him. I didn’t need a weapon for this. I stepped inside his strike and grabbed his wrist, slamming it against the wall. His sword clattered out of his hand. (pg 18)
And the demigods might not hold much loyalty to Kronos, a violent and temperamental eldritch horror!
Ethan moistened his lips. “He’s still fighting you, isn’t he? Luke—” “Nonesense,” Kronos spat. “Repeat that lie, and I will cut out your tongue. The boy’s soul has been crushed.” (pg 236) “But, my lord,” Ethan said. “Your regeneration.” Kronos pointed at Ethan, and the demigod froze. “Does it seem,” Kronos hissed. “that I need to regenerate?” Ethan didn’t respond. Kind of hard to do when you’re immobilized in time. Kronos snapped his fingers and Ethan collapsed. (pg 284)
And the demigods might have witnessed a darker side to his army that we didn’t.
Back on my first visit to the Princess Andromeda, my old enemy Luke had kept dazed tourists on board for show, shrouded in Mist so they didn’t realize they were on a monster infested ship. Now i didn’t see any sign of tourists. I hated to think what had happened to them, but I kind of doubted they’d been allowed to go home with their bingo winnings. (pg 15)
So, the demigods deserted. After the second phase of the battle we don’t see any at the Titan camp at the U.N., or taking any part in the last phases of the battle. They had been fed false promises, were treated badly, and were being sent against enemies out of their league.
“Most of the remaining half-bloods fled or were captured. They were so demoralized they joined the enemy.”
All except two, Alabaster and Ethan. The son of Nemesis, who has already given so much and is so desperate to see something good and fair come out of it; and the son of Hecate, who was promised victory, and is desperate to avenge the death of his siblings. Ironically, the two demigods who stayed loyal to Kronos the longest, did so because they had faith in their godly parents.
So if there was no “massacre” of TA demigods at the end of the Battle of Manhattan, why is Alabaster so insistent that there was one? 
“Yes,” Alabaster said bitterly. “Camp Half-Blood decided that they would accept any children of the minor gods. They would build us cabins at camp and pretend that they didn’t just blindly massacre us for resisting. (pg 220) “But I’ll never bow to the Olympian gods after the atrocities they committed. Their followers are blind. I’d never set foot in their camp, and if I did, it would only be to give that son of Poseidon what he deserves.” (pg 221)
Well, it’s because the children of Hecate suffered the most in the war. She didn’t have as many children as other gods, and Alabaster was the only one to fight in it and survive. He claims he convinced “most” of his siblings to join; but if Hecate does not have many children, and he is the only survivor of the battle, how are there still enough of his siblings to decently fill a cabin, it’s likely “most” was only slightly more than half. The sad irony is that the fact that the smaller group of demigods had more casualties than the larger ones (and it sounds like not just more proportionately, but more in actual numbers), also kind of disproves that there could have been a large massacre that affected them all.
Alabaster was a scared, frustrated, exhausted kid; who convinced his siblings to fight in a destructive war, and was the only one of them to survive. To him, that is probably always going to feel like a brutal massacre.
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martyrbat · 5 months
i think my favorite part is how you know what follows after manderley is set ablaze. you know what happens, the life of these characters and how truly tragic it is rather than being left up to imagination. the first chapter, she describes manderley in detail with a sense of deep longing. before we know anything, we know there was a house that is no more. that this house was a vessel to their soul and spirit, not merely a home to their physical bodies. and now it is no more. we later learn the symbolism of the house. the way it was a tie in to the main character's youth, the postcard she had of it since she was a little girl and dreams and admiration and curiosity she had for the house at such a young age—how she lives more in a daydream than a reality. those hopes, that curiosity, was everything for a character like hee. and now, despite being only 25 at the oldest, that youth is no more. she left it and all the hopes that manderley was a symbolistic house for behind her. her husband, while proposing, never said i love you. he never had a confession of happiness or love for her. he told her he wanted to show her manderley. he wanted to bring her with him to manderley. manderly, equally haunted and beloved, was more of a presence than he ever was for her.
in the second chapter she details a bit of their life in exile. the way the boring post is what they look forward to. she says she'll keep the things that hurt to herself, that thinking of manderley and the excitement she once dreamt of is her secret indulgence. ‘color and scent and sound, rain and the lapping of water, even the mists of autumn and the smell of the flood tide, these are memories of manderley that will not be denied.’ she becomes the partner with the secret, despite earlier stating that her and maxim have none between them. she says theyre happy, that happiness is not a possession to be prized but a state of mind and thought. and yet follows ‘Poor whims of fancy, tender and un-harsh. They are the enemy to bitterness and regret, and sweeten this exile we have brought upon ourselves. Because of them I can enjoy my afternoon, and return, smiling and refreshed, to face the little ritual of our tea.’
she establishes herself as an unreliable narrator instantly. she says they're happy, they because they are finally together in unison, they must be. but we know how the story concludes, not on the last page but in the very first. she dreamt of manderley again and will not tell him. her dreams, her indulging fantasy, is the only thing she has left. she has sacrificed her life, something she feared when working for mrs van hooper. instead of being payed with money to be an assistant, a companion, she is payed with his approval. with his need of her, his dependence on her after the whole ordeal being her reward. she speaks only to read him stories he approves of, she doesn't share her dream or desires with the man she loves. she packs their things and accompanies him. she is a pretty little thing to carry his burdens and do his tasks and be his company. she will cover up murder just to get his approval, his love. she excused the murder of rebbeca and now she is slowly being killed, letting her spirit dwindle before its ever firey like rebbeca's once was. she is desperate to be the perfect housewife even without a house, she makes herself the perfect companion. not too opinionated, not firey or passionate. insecure and shy, basing her worth on his happiness and moodiness, on him entirely. the story is titled rebbeca because she's the only one who was shown to have lived enough to haunt later, to have made a crimson impact against this gray societal world that our main character was so eager to slot into. she lives to fulfill her expected wifely duties without anything being left for her outside of it. rebbeca was dead yet continues to haunt them while our main character is the living dead—a ghost in her own story until maxim is dead. and once he is, rebbeca will still continue to haunt her.
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waywardsunlight · 2 years
All The Owl House Lore
That I can remember at the moment, until Watching and Dreaming, Spoilers
A long time ago, there was a species that lived on the Boiling Isles called Titans. Four Collectors (and one baby Collector) came from the stars to collect and control their species, but the Titans fought back which led to the Collectors pretending to dress as Titans to kill them all because the Titan’s magic cancelled their magic out (inspiring the Titan trappers). The Collectors also trap creatures and turn them into scrolls, which is what happened to the Owl Beast. However, the final Titan protected it’s egg and locked the baby Collector in the In-between. In the 1600s, a witch named Evelyn found her way into the Human Realm, likely using Titan’s blood, which creates portals between the worlds. She met Caleb Wittebane, who had recently moved to Gravesfield after being orphaned. The brothers had a good relationship, and Caleb, who did a lot of wood working created Philip’s mask which he would continue to wear for a long time. They would play a game where Caleb would dress as a witch and Philip would be a witch hunter. Caleb didn’t agree with the practices of Gravesfield and they soon became friends and eventually partners, leaving messages in code for each other. They create a symbol together that is a bird that looks like a branch, and Evelyn either gives or creates Flapjack for Caleb, or he was a shared Palisman. At some point, the building which is now the Historical Society caught fire which is implied to have caused Caleb to flee to the Boiling Isles where he lived somewhere outside of Boneborough with his wife. His brother, Philip (our ... favorite unreliable narrator, came after him and wrote a bunch of information about the Isles in his journal and also his attempts at returning home. Philip carved glyphs on his arm, which caused him to transform into a monster. He approached Caleb alone and Caleb, seeing his monster form, accepted him. At some point they met up again, now with Evelyn. Philip attacked them, likely attacking Evelyn and their baby. This is likely when Flapjack got his scar and Evelyn hid the portal. Caleb tried to talk him down, but at some point it was just the two of them and Caleb was stabbed. Philip sat nearby and watched him bleed out, and then Evelyn returned, cursing Philip as he ran away. At some point Philip got ahold of Caleb’s body, and took him to the cave under the skull of the Titan where Philip eventually started working out of. He did at least four experiments with Caleb’s body before he met Luz. Caleb’s remains are still there. Philip came back to Boneborough, trying to get help, which is where he met Luz Noceda and Lilith Clawthorne. He thought he could con them, but Lilith catches on to him and in the end she punches him in the face, breaking his nose, not before Luz helped him find the Collector’s disk. Now that he has the Collector, Philip is starting to see his plans realized, and the cut on his nose turns green and his voice begins changing. Philip changes his name to Belos and creates his first few Grimwalkers, taking on his preacher persona. At some point he goes to the knee, begins experiments for the Day of Unity, and has a Grimwalker blow up a town which is the same destroyed town in season 1. Eventually he rises to power, establishes the coven system, and gains control of the Boiling Isles.  After Flapjack was injured or perhaps after Evelyn died, Flapjack ended up in the care of the Bat Queen, a Palisman who protects Palismen from harm. Her owner is missing but she thought it was a giant, and Luz promised to help her find them, but unfortunately we might never know due to time. This is where Flapjack stays until he meets Luz!
I probably missed some, there’s a ton of lore. I didn’t mention Darius and his relationship to the Golden Guards or Hagsquad lore or Manny or Cosmic Frontier and a lot of other stuff but this is just the general detailed lore we have from the best of my ability! :D 
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glenngaylord · 2 years
Homo Invasion – Film Review: Knock At The Cabin ★★★1/2
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Ever since the great The Sixth Sense, I’ve always looked forward to M. Night Shyamalan’s subsequent films, despite diminishing returns. Say what you will about the final products, but he knows how to set up a provocative, pulpy premise and deliver those famous twists you chat about around the water cooler the next day. Sure, he’s had some low points with people running from the wind or responsible parents sending a blind girl alone into the treacherous woods, but he has always had strong commercial instincts and a knack for precision framing. As most of his films have ultimately disappointed me, I begged for him to direct scripts from other writers or at least adapt a film from another medium.
Enter Knock At The Cabin, which Shyamalan, along with co-writers Steve Desmond and Michael Sherman, have adapted from Paul Tremblay’s 2018 horror novel, “The Cabin At The End Of The World”.  Despite some repetitiveness, this is easily one of Shyamalan’s best films in many years. I greatly looked forward to this movie, as I count the Home Invasion Thriller among my favorite genres. It also happens to be that rare studio film which centers around a gay married couple, providing a fresh take on a time-worn tale.
You’ve seen the setup before. A family arrives at their vacation spot, the dreaded cabin in the woods. Here we meet Eric (Jonathan Groff), Andrew (Ben Aldridge) and their adopted daughter Wen (the strikingly self-possessed Kristen Cui). As the film opens, Wen has wandered off to gather grasshoppers when a hulking stranger named Leonard walks up to her and awkwardly attempts to befriend her. As played by David Bautista, Leonard ominously tells Wen that her parents won’t want to let him and his friends inside, but they will have to do so.
[Spoiler Alert - and I’m not referring to Aldridge’s last film - but if you’ve seen the trailer, I’m going to discuss the basic premise in the next paragraph]
Scared, Wen races to her parents and they hurry to protect themselves. When the titular event occurs, we know no good can come from this. It’s a truly terrifying premise, one which conjured up all sorts of “Is Tamara home?” memories from The Strangers. Sure enough, Leonard and his cohorts, Sabrina (Nikki Amuka-Bird), Adriane (Abby Quinn), and Redmond (Rupert Grint), come knocking with some medieval weapons in tow. Once inside, the four present our family with an insane option. The four will not harm them, but one family member must willingly allow themselves to be killed by one of the other two or else the entire world will end. Yes, the apocalypse is coming, folks!
I won’t discuss the plot specifics beyond this, but what follows is an unnerving series of events which bring up issues such as faith and the impact we humans have on the environment, themes which Shyamalan has explored in many of his past films, but here we have homophobic hate crimes added to the mix. It’s a provocative addition, one which comes with a surprise or two and contributes to the core mystery. I’m not convinced it all ties together perfectly, but the premise has an open-ended quality anyhow. Like Shyamalan’s series, Servant, which also features an outstanding Rupert Grint, we witness cult-like behavior and constantly question the veracity of it. We’re intentionally duped by unreliable narrators or by people who may not all have the answers.
One can also see the parallels with the COVID crisis in this film, despite the source material pre-dating it. Additionally, the fact that most of the action takes place in a single house with a limited cast speaks to these times. Shyamalan makes the best of such limitations, expertly photographing a contained set. He knows his way around an action sequence and has always excelled with well-placed silences and the use of negative space in his compositions.
A story like this, while well-crafted and beautifully directed, at times grows repetitive and strains credibility. Thus, it lives or dies by its cast, and everyone here excels. Jonathan Groff has an inherent sweetness to him which helps to sell his character’s shifting point of view. I bought him as this somewhat square daddy whose people pleasing tendencies give way to being open to perhaps the more unbelievable information hurled at them. Groff gets extra points for not spitting all over his co-stars, something he’s famous for doing on stage, during the obligatory singing in the car scene.
Ben Aldridge, so winning in the aforementioned Spoiler Alert, continues his ascent to stardom with his great looks and hair-trigger portrayal. He also impresses in the action sequences, brandishing a gun in a way which gave me “Will he be the first out gay James Bond?” vibes. He’s got superstar upside, which is exciting to see in an out gay actor.
Amuka-Bird, Grint and Quinn acquit themselves nicely in roles which call for large, potentially annoying exposition dumps, but all find their characters’ humanity. The real revelation here, however, is Bautista, who gives a towering, gentle giant performance of such tenderness and vulnerability all mixed together with that intimidating physical presence. He’s clearly on a career trajectory like that of Dwayne Johnson, but with much more accomplished dramatic skills. You want to hate this quartet of home invaders, but they all bring a surprising amount of heart to their roles.
Because of Shyamalan’s spotty track record, it’s difficult to go into his films without bracing yourself for those eye-rolling moments. Some of the speeches did that for me, overwritten and occasionally a little too shouty, but for the most part, I really sat forward in my seat and enjoyed the ride. Some of the doomsday moments felt genuinely scary although on the whole, this film is more tense than frightening. Fans of the novel will not feel spoiled by the differing turns the film takes. This is just plain old-fashioned, good commercial filmmaking which made me want to discuss it with people afterwards. It may feel claustrophobic and it may hammer the same points home over and over again, but the fact that it tackles such huge issues from a queer perspective gives this treasured genre a fresh twist.
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tsukishumai · 3 years
pairing; suna rintarō x gn!reader
wc; 700+
genre; fluff, established relationship , unreliable narrator
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Actions speak louder than words.
That had always been the case with Suna Rintaro.
Would you have liked a boyfriend that showered you with flowery prose and fluffed up sonnets about his everlasting love for you? Of course.
Would it be nice if, once in a while, Suna could post a photo of you and caption it with something sweet instead of “my potato is looking like a hot French fry”? Definitely.
But Suna’s love manifests itself in different ways.
So when Suna visits you in between classes with your favorite drink just because he “had no practice today and had nothing better to do”, you can taste the subtle “I missed you” in the sweetness of your beverage.
And if Suna cups his hand on the side of your neck, smiling as he stares down and gives you a gentle peck on the nose, you can see the affection you feel in his eyes.
And even though Suna grumbles and complains and bites out “no actual sane person needs to go get burgers three in the morning”, he’s dressed in sweats and a hoodie when his car pulls up just ten minutes later. He rolls down his windows and screams “Hurry the fuck up!” and you’re grinning because that’s how he says he’ll do anything for you.
Suna Rintaro’s love is loud through his actions.
But that doesn’t mean you don’t hear it in his words.
“Suna,” you remember hearing Atsumu’s voice through the phones receiver, and you pretend to ignore it.
“What?” Suna takes a sip of his coffee, giving you a pointed look when he notices you stopped typing out your paper.
“We’re meeting up at the bar in a bit,” Atsumu asks loud and clear, “See you in fifteen?”
“We can’t,” Suna replies, “We’re busy studying.”
‘We?’ You mouth out to him, and he just waves you off.
Though the invitation was meant only for him, Atsumu doesn’t miss a beat.
“Quit using y/n as an excuse, I know you’re just watching ‘em,” Atsumu tries to retort but Suna interrupts him.
“We gotta go, byeeeee,” Suna hangs up, and there’s a smile on your face as he glares at you.
“What? Get to work.”
For the rest of the night, Modern Literature became just a little bit easier to study.
“Where’d you put our wallet?” You remember him asking once as he fiddled through every drawer in his apartment, and your head tilts at his verbiage.
“You mean your wallet?” You say, standing up and walking over to the desk tucked in the corner of his living room.
“Isn’t that what I said?” He says while he watches you pull his wallet out from beneath a pile of contracts he was supposed to read.
“You said ‘our’ wallet,” you chuckle and shake your head, and Suna grabs it from your grasp.
He shrugs his shoulders before he opens the door, giving you a kiss on the cheek as you walk by.
“What’s mine is yours, or whatever right?”
You giggled when he smacked your butt on the way out, and there were hearts in your eyes throughout the entirety of your dinner date.
The most memorable, however, happened in the aisles of a grocery store.
He picked up a set of floral decorated chopsticks as the both of you perused through the multitudes of dishwater, and he presents it to you nonchalantly.
“We should get this one for our place, huh,” and he says it with such a monotonous tone that you were sure he wasn’t paying attention.
“Your place,” you correct him just as you do every time the word ‘our’ slips, “It’s your apartment.”
“Okay, then how about we make it ours, then?” Suna drops the set of chopsticks in your basket, and you blink at him twice.
“That’s funny, Rintaro,” you try to keep your cool by picking up a wooden bowl, flipping it over and inspecting the price.
Your fingers twitch when Suna grabs the bowl out of your hand.
“I’m not joking,” he returns the wooden bowl, and links his fingers with yours.
Without another word, he leads you down towards the dessert aisle.
“Come on,” he tugs you faster, “We’re running low on jelly sticks.”
And as much as you would have liked him to list out ten thousand things he loves about you, or maybe create a PowerPoint presentation of all the reasons why you should live together — you couldn’t have imagined it any other way than this.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
rbs v appreciated <3
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buckybarnesbingo · 2 years
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BBB Week 11 Roundup!
We had a great time with our Discord Party this weekend, thanks to those who joined us!
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Title: Fanfic Creator(s): Metalbvcky Link: ao3 Square: B4 - Run away with me Rating: Mature Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: Kidnapping (mentioned only), Canon-Typical Violence Major tags: Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, First Meetings, Meet-Cute, SHIELD Agent Bucky, Werewolf Steve Summary: After escaping an experiment room while on a mission, SHIELD Agent Bucky encounters a werewolf, none other than a big, beefy blonde who comes to his rescue. Word count/format: 1829
Title: Oranges Creator(s): Damage Link: ao3 Square: B4 - Retirement Rating: Gen Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: Established Relationship, Domestic Fluff, Canon Divergence, Retirement Summary: Bucky buys some oranges for Steve. Word count/format: 287 words
Title: Haunted Creator(s): scottxlogan Link: ao3 Square: U2 - Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson Warnings: Dream and Nightmares, Panic Attacks, Past Torture, Bucky Barnes has PTSD Major tags: Bucky Barnes Has PTSD, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Bucky Barnes Has Nightmares, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Cuddling & Snuggling, Established Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Bucky is haunted by nightmares of the time when he was under Hydra's control. After Bucky wakes up, Sam offers to help soothe and comfort his boyfriend to help Bucky find peace again. Word count/format: 2367
Title: Revelation Creator(s): ChrissiHR Link: ao3 Square: B5 - AU: Gothic (adopted prompt) Rating: Mature Ship(s): Bucky/Darcy/Clint Warnings: canon deaths mentioned, depression drinking, abandonment Major tags: Xander is Bucky’s Great-Grandson, Found Family, Team as Family, Dysfunctional Family, Loss of Purpose, Gothic AU, Vampire AU Summary: “We have a situation.” Steve Rogers hates those words. The speaker—Fury—isn’t exactly his favorite person these days, either. Rolling his head shoulder to shoulder to relieve the tension, Steve rises from the comfort of his lazy afternoon sprawl in the common room to join the team around the dining table near the kitchen. A stack of folders, some thicker than phone books, lay fanned across the table’s surface. “And we don’t have time for months of reconn at this point. This situation is developing faster than our limited intel can track. We’re at a significant disadvantage while we build the Avengers Initiative in the absence of S.H.I.E.L.D’s formerly extensive resources.” Fury crosses his arms. “There are several important connections here that we were exploring before the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fortunately, this is all hard copy. None of it was ever processed digitally, so we have the only source of intel, but we can’t sit on it any longer.” “Why not?” Barton asks, flipping open the nearest folder, labeled ‘Faith Lehane, Slayer-General’. Word count/format: 4184
Title: Sugar Me Creator(s): ChrissiHR Link: ao3 Square: C4 - “Kiss me.” Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Clint Warnings: recovery of Bucky’s lost meat arm, otherwise it’s all fluff Major tags: First Kiss, Just Add Kittens, Alpine Summary: Things start to heat up between Clint and Bucky only after Bucky’s return from a frigid mission to the Alpine valley where he fell from the train in ‘45. Word count/format: 1856
Title: Sang Real, Chapter 2 Creator(s): ChrissiHR Link: ao3 Square: K2 - AU: Regency Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Bucky x Natasha x Clint x Darcy Warnings: Sex Positive, Sex Work, Institutionalized Surrogacy, Not a Handmaid’s Tale AU Major tags: Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts, Unreliable Narrator, Regency AU, Royalty AU Summary: “I am not accustomed to living in a household of mostly men,” Darcy pointed out, ignoring the way the sudden flush warmed her cheeks. “Is there anything special I should know?” “Discretion and propriety are far more important in England and especially at court than I suspect they have been here. Lord Barnes, as the ranking member of his household, will have his own say in where certain boundaries lie within his own household and should not be crossed, but until he does lay down the law as to how he expects you to behave as his ward, you should assume you will need to be on your best behavior for absolutely everyone. Your feet will also need to be properly shod at all times unless otherwise instructed, and you will have to wear a good deal more underwear than you do now.” “I don’t wear underwear at all,” Darcy pointed out helpfully. “I noticed,” Lady Natasha commented dryly. Word count/format: 1790
Title: Anyone out there? Creator(s): AriaGrill Link: tumblr Square: Adopted - Anyone out there? Rating: Gen Ship(s): Stucky Warnings: dark, spooky Major tags: Ghost AU, spooky, dark, moodboard Summary: Moodboard of Ghost AU of Bucky calling out to Steve Word count/format: n/a
Title: Find Out Where Your Enemy Is, Chapter 2 Creator(s): BBD2BH Link: ao3 Square: Y1 - Handle With Care Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Warnings: None Major tags: Historical AU, 1860s, Amputee Bucky Barnes, Pining, Best Friends Summary: Riding a horse shouldn't be a survival skill, but it is. Word count/format: ~1700
Title: Find Out Where Your Enemy Is, Chapter 3 Creator(s): BBD2BH Link: ao3 Square: Adopted - Nightmares Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Warnings: None Major tags: Historical AU, 1860s, Amputee Bucky Barnes, Pining, Best Friends Summary: Long nights on the road, thoughts, and a whittled piece of wood make for a good trip. Word count/format: ~1600
Title: Find Out Where Your Enemy Is, Chapter 4 Creator(s): BBD2BH Link: ao3 Square: K2 - Thirst Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Warnings: None Major tags: Historical AU, 1860s, Amputee Bucky Barnes, Pining, Best Friends Summary: Taking a bath with your best friend is always a good idea. It's also a terrible one. Word count/format: ~1500
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carinyms · 3 years
I've scrolled through a lot of discourse on episode 4 of Loki and I need to talk about it
(good lord its a whole essay im sorry)
I gave myself a headache from crying while watching this. (I joined the Loki fandom post-IW so I’ve never had to see him die before while emotionally invested and boy!!! Is it doing things to my fragile psyche!!). But now I’m rehydrated and more stable and ready to party so let’s go
Right off the bat, I loved this episode — loved it loved it loved it. Silly, manic in-shock Loki is gone and shit is getting real. My thought while watching this was truly “wow this is my favorite episode so far” and damn am I in a minority with this opinion lol.
So here’s my perspective on some of the discourse flying around, and just general thoughts
On the whole ‘Narcissist’ thing:
IMO, Mobius saying this means nothing: he’s mad and he’s spouted lies at Loki to push his buttons before (see: every interaction they’ve had since episode 1).
Loki saying this to Sif-- well, Loki is and always has been an unreliable narrator on himself. The major theme of this show is that he doesn’t really know who he is, deep down, and he’s trying to figure it out. The TVA is taking advantage of this, and even though he’s trying to stay above it all throughout the series, he's still in a really impressionable spot and absorbing what others tell him about himself. (not to mention this scene is literal torture and he’s already proven that he’ll say whatever he needs to to get out of it.)
But he does admit one true thing when he says “It’s because I’m scared of being alone.” (And like wow okay same don’t mind my tears) but here’s a big brain idea!
Sif pulls him up and says ‘You are alone, and you always will be’, which is like, WOW that’s cruel after what he said, but it makes me ask wonder: Sif is sentient in this scene, but obviously it’s not really her. Who’s controlling her? And why is it so important for them to make sure Loki thinks he’s alone? I’d go as far as to wager that Sif never even said this to Loki, the big bad made this up. (he admits he forgot about this ever happening, I doubt he’d remember what she said.)
I think the nexus event on Lamentis that caused the branch was two Loki’s joining sides. Or, Loki no longer being alone. Loki insists while talking to Mobius that “she’s not my partner!” but she was, and they were partners from the moment they grabbed hands on Lamentis — right when the timeline broke off. I think Loki variants teaming up is the biggest threat to whoever is pulling the strings here — that’s why the post-credit scene is so significant. (Is Loki the only person who has multiple variants of himself who've escaped the TVA?)
And here’s where I’m gonna get salty--so I apologize but i need to rant about this-- but it’s seriously pissing me off that so many people are intentionally reading this as Loki/Sylvie and then being mad about it when that’s clearly not what’s happening and why is everyone acting like Mobius with one angry jealous brain cell and no critical thinking about the context of the characters.
If people ship it that’s chill, but for the people who are against it—it’s clearly supposed to be platonic, and it’s so upsetting that in the year of our lord 2021 we still can’t have a man and woman hold hands without people saying it’s proof they want to f*ck each other, like what in the misogyny??? STOP. This show was written by a bi woman and Tom the-most-emotionally-sensitive-man-on-this-planet Hiddleston — let them display an intimate loving friendship goddammit. This isn’t romance, this is Loki learning how to admit he cares for someone who cares for him in return — something he hasn’t experienced a whole lot of and clearly doesn’t know how to navigate.
(You have permission to personally come at me if it actually turns out to be romantic by the end of the show—but as of right now I will die on this hill.)
Him putting his hands on her shoulders to me was a clear indication he wanted to hug her, and I’d like to think he would have told her he cares about her, and that they can figure it out together. Because these are two characters who’ve never had anyone else to rely on and trust, and for the first time they’re not alone.
And I have to think about what prompted this from Loki. He just lost Mobius the moment after he called him friend. The way I see it, he’s just realized the true gravity of what they’re up against, and Loki is suddenly very afraid of losing Sylvie too before he tells her cares about her, of dying truly alone because he never told anyone what they meant to him. (Don’t think about this in the context of him also having watched his entire family die knowing he never told Frigga or Thor how much he loved them either don’t think about it—) He’s realized, finally, that he has doesn’t have to be alone, that he can choose to be close to people and have friends. And god it’s so heartbreaking that he never got to hug her or have that moment with her. I really hope they get that in the end. I hope he gets it with Mobius. I hope they have a group hug. I'm upset again.
Okay, deep breath, ANYWAY.
Hopefully this didn’t come off as attacking anyone else’s opinions.
Personally, I love this character so much, I’m just so happy to be seeing him in his own storyline that they can’t go wrong here. Objectively I think the production is amazing, and personally I love they way Loki’s character has been explored so far. (Yea yea, was I HOPING that the bad-memory loop would morph into Sanctuary and Thanos and like a full exploration of his true worst memories? Yes but let’s be honest my whump needs will never be met in canon and I have to accept that lol.)
Honestly I left all my own meta about this character at the door when the series started, because for me the opinions I’ve formed from the hundreds of (amazing) fics and meta I’ve read on this character and what’s true in canon are basically inseparable at this point, and no portrayal is going to live up to the way Loki exists in my head. Canon Loki and fic Loki are two different characters and I can enjoy both at the same time :) I’ve just loved seeing the character get given the different dimensions he deserves, and written by people who care about his story.
Also, it’s not over! If he was dead and this was it I’d be very upset, but this is the rock bottom of the storyline, and I think the whole next two episodes will be the build back up. I trust it’s gonna be worth it. SO hyped for flaming sword Loki. I would die for Sylvie, but I’m excited to see him on his own again.
My current most pressing questions are:
-what was the fallout of Sylvie’s bombing the timeline? (Have we seen that yet, am I just dumb and missing something?)
-Obviously, who’s behind it all? (Kang? Is there a head honcho Very Evil Loki at the top?)
-How much does Ravonna actually know, and to what extent is she just a pawn too? She asked Sylvie to prune her— she’s probably also been duped here.
-Is everything we learned about the sacred timeline BS? How much of what the TVA workers believe is real?
-my favorite theory so far is that the war of the timelines miss minutes talks about hasn’t actually happened yet, maybe making setting that into motion is the true endgame, leading into Multiverse of Madness?
(Side note: holy HELL im so excited for this soundtrack to drop on Spotify. It’s SO AMAZING I had CHILLS in the end credits.)
Open invitation to discuss anything with me if you feel inclined! :)
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o-w-quinlan · 3 years
Digimon Ghost Game, episode 1 reaction (and over-analysis)
This might very well be my favorite first episode of a Digimon show, excluding Tamers. Atmospheric, very good at introducing the characters, certainly living up to the “horror” that the staff and cast had been hyping up since this was revealed.
I’ll ignore the OP for now, since that’ll get its own post later, but the very first scene, where Ruri’s friends start talking about the Sewn-Lip Man, is almost certainly my favorite first scene to a Digimon series, no exceptions. The out-of-frame or slightly out-of-focus faces sell this as a mystery. The images showing the slightly futuristic setting of this series, where technology and specially holograms have become an omnipresent part of life in entertainment, education, work, security, even religion, paired with the narration describing this new kind of urban legend for this new kind of world, are as good as anything else in any other Digimon series at establishing the world this story is set in. It even allows its infodump to be wrong (no victim is shown to have sewn lips as the rumours say), to further establish the unreliable nature of this rumours (even when the horrors they describe are otherwise 100% true). The scene where we actually see the “Sewn-Lip Man” (Clockmon) steal a young girl’s time is excellent, suitably horrible, with the visuals and voice actors selling the fear and horror of the young girl and the sadistic glee of Clockmon. I was afraid that the “horror elements” of this show would resemble a gross-out comedy more than anything else, but the episode plays everything very straight-forwardly, and it’s all the better for it. The scene ends with a return to the cafe where Ruri’s friends were speaking, this time clearly showing their faces, as their role of “all-knowing narrators” has ended and we’re left with just confused girls no longer sure of what the story means, and that’s how we’re introduced to Ruri, bold and fearless and lacking any doubts as she says that she wants to look for the Sewn-Lip Man. Her friends don’t really take her seriously, but it’s clear she’s 100% serious. We’re shown her social media profile, where she doesn’t show her face (wise girl) and, interestingly, is next to an old, broken down, obsolete game. Whether that means anything or not is yet to be seen.
That excellent opening sequence aside, we’re finally introduced to our protagonist, Hiro. He’s clearly... tired, unenthusiastic about anything. It’s later revealed through a flashback that his father disappeared in his first day of Junior High School half a year ago, and that Hiro was the one to discover that when he was alone at home (his mother’s job helping refugees means she’s constantly overseas). This has obviously and very deeply affected him (kid has flashbacks inside his flashbacks). We see in almost all his interactions with the people around him that everyone relies on him, to the point his friend Nomura tells him everyone’s taking advantage of him (which includes Nomura himself, obviously). This may be a continuation of his daily life with his father before the incident, since we see Hiro is the one in charge of preparing breakfast at home. Certainly, when questioned about how his resourcefulness while helping Nomura open a locked door, he says it’s because he’s an inventor’s son (why this means he carries a lockpicking toolbox with him at all times is beyond me). Hiro doesn’t initially show much enthusiasm for anything, disbelieving the stories about “Hologram Ghosts” (his remark about how things would be interesting if they existed just sounds like empty small talk). Don’t get me wrong, he does seem to cheer up while teasing Nomura on his obvious crush on “Rirurun” (Ruri’s social account), so not everything is doom and gloom with this kid. He just has... issues.
Of course, compounding his issues is Clockmon’s attack on Nomura while Hiro watches and later attempted attack on Hiro himself. Kiyoshiro makes his second appearence afterwards. Previously, he had appeared in the breakfast scene between Hiro and Nomura to, basically, assert his authority, and then dramatically reveal his fearfulness and superstitious nature when lightly mocked by Nomura. This comes back in his second appearence, where he overcomes his inner cowardice to give Hiro a talisman for his protection, before running away and once again dramatically revealing he has tons of talismans with him. Yes, he’s a weirdo through and through, changing from cool to fearful and then back to cool in the blink of an eye, and I’m loving it. (Sidenote: Apparently Kiyoshiro gave Hiro a “have a safe birth” talisman. I couldn’t stop laughing when I learned that.)
Immediately afterwards, Hiro perceives an invisible entity moving around his room, and he comes into possession of 3 DIM Cards. Remembering them from his father’s disappearence, he puts one of them into the Digivice, and then the other two as a recording of his father’s voice keeps telling him it’s the wrong one. When he does get the right one, the area around him slightly changes to include grass, and he’s able to see the invisible entity, a BlackTailmon that silently points at Gammamon and leaves. A hologram of his father, Hokuto, soon appears, and makes sure to tell him he’s alright both at the start and at the end. One wonders if he didn’t intend Hiro to activate the Digivice shortly after his disappearence, and not 6 months later. He proves to know his son very well by predicting his reactions and interruptions (though the “perfect prediction” trope is averted by having him be wrong a couple times, thus making it more realistic). Hokuto refers to the distorted space around them as the “Digital World”, thus showing he didn’t quite know as much as he thought he did (the distorted space may be influenced by the Digital World, but anyone who’s seen another Digimon series can tell it’s not the Digital World). He tells Hiro to treat Gammamon as a little brother and that “his world will change” after using the Digivice, in what sounds like him trying to share his passions with his son. Hiro himself is clearly disappointed when he realizes this is not his father but just a recording, though. We don’t see much of his interactions with Gammamon before they’re interrupted, but it does look like he’s dismayed at having to take care of Gammamon “too”.
Of course, Clockmon appears so Hiro and Gammamon can have a life-or-death experience to bond over. Gammamon quickly changes from adorable child to vicious fighting beast in a way that reminds me of Guilmon from Digimon Tamers. He and Clockmon start to fight, quickly moving through the city causing damage to several buildings as Hiro follows them running through the street, in a scene that reminded me of the first Digimon Adventure short movie, and that shows the level of power we can expect from Digimon in this series. Hiro wonders if Digimon are naturally battle-hungry (they are). Ultimately, they arrive at a park where Clockmon manages to land his time-stealing attack on Gammamon. It seems to go wrong when the distorted image of a mysterious digimon appears over Gammamon (GrusGammamon, apparently), but that quickly ends, and after briefly freaking out, Clockmon recovers and starts to enjoy himself in sucking the life out of his victims again (charming guy, that Clockmon). Hiro initially freezes, but is inspired by Gammamon’s determination, taking a step forward as Gammamon does, calls him and then his quick thinking and tactics save the day when he throws a branch with pinecones towards Clockmon’s “time stream”, which transforms it into a full grown tree, forcing him to dodge and deactivate the attack. We see both Gammamon and Clockmon comment on this, with Clockmon seeming to have gained a grudging respect for the boy. As they declare themselves as “brothers”, we see the Digivice activating some sort of synchronization between Gammamon and Hiro, with Hiro unconsciously calling out an attack and either enabling Gammamon to use it or boosting its power. It’s not enough to destroy Clockmon, but it is enough to damage him and reverse the harm on his victims. Clockmon escapes swearing revenge, Gammamon comments on Hiro giving him his energy (Hiro previously collapsed to the ground, which may just mean adrenaline ran out and his physicially and mentally exhausted from everything, or it may mean something else) and asking Hiro again to take care of him. This time Hiro agrees, and wonders just what sort of mess did his father brought him to.
Other notes about the episode:
Clockmon mocks his first victim for not knowing the time, which may or may not be a subtle criticism on overreliance on technology.
Hiro mentions that someone named “Ishida” has a lot of information on Hologram Ghosts (they’ve been appearing for 2 or 3 years), and considers it strange that they know so much.
Hokuto’s accident broke apart a family photo, very obviously symbolic.
Hiro looks so small in the scene where the police are searching his home.
Nomura is so dedicated to his crush on “Rirurun” that he keeps taking photos of Clockmon even while clearly terrified.
Hokuto really wanted Hiro to have specifically Gammamon as a partner.
I’d theorize that BlackTailmon is actually Hokuto like in Savers... but they really don’t act anything alike, so I’m discarding that theory for now.
Hokuto has an older model of the Vital Bracelet, a black one compared to the blue Digivice V.
The ending seems to be all images drawn by Tenya Tabuno.
Overall, an excellent start to the series. Next week we’ll have Mummymon, and I'm intrigued by what this staff can do with such a classical monster.
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 3 years
Hi y'all!
So I realized today that it's been about three months since I started cross-posting my stuff to ao3 (those of y'all who were here for After Each Midnight while it was still a wip will know that I've been writing for longer than that but anyway). With the latest fic I just posted, I now have 30 works published to ao3 within those three months! Which is wild to me!
Since that averages out to ten fics a month and I like round numbers, I decided to celebrate by listing my 10 favorite fics...of my own lol. Narcissistic? Maybe! But it's fun anyway!
This is a really long post as each rec includes a summary, an excerpt (or a few), and some personal notes/anecdotes about the writing process or what inspired me to write the fic, etc. so I'm putting it all under the break. If this doesn't sound like your cup of tea then of course please just skip over this one, but for anyone who wants to revisit some of my older works with me, or if you're curious about which fics I personally like the most, or if you want to talk about your favorite fics of mine in the replies or anything, then that's cool too! I just wanted to find a way to mark this down because it feels like something of an achievement ^_^
Thank you!
1. After Each Midnight Begins A New Day, (54,401 words, Rated E) Ship(s): 3zun, Wangxian Summary: When Lan Xichen wakes up the morning after the fifth anniversary of his life crumbling to rubble around him in Guanyin Temple, he's shocked to find both Nie Mingjue and Meng Yao in his bed, both whole and alive and...married to him?! (A time travel fix-it in which the time traveling and fixing of things has already been done by Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian, and Lan Xichen accidentally gets dragged along for the happily ever after.) Excerpt(s):
1. “Poor da-ge,” [Meng Yao] teases again, this time with a bit of an edge, and Lan Xichen cracks one eye open just enough to see him stripping first out of his shoes and socks, then his third layer of robes, then his second, until he’s dressed much as he had been the prior evening - in nothing but a black under-robe so sheer that it actually almost looks gray. It clings to all the petite, lithe curves of him and the sight makes Lan Xichen’s mouth practically water. “What if I want my turn with you now? What if I’m jealous that er-ge got to have you all to himself for hours , while your poor A-Yao had to go have a drink with Xian-didi just to pass the time.” “Oh gods you’re a beast too,” Nie Mingjue groans as Meng Yao slips on top of him gracefully to lean down and pepper kisses up and down his neck and shoulder. “Get off of me, foul creature. Go tempt our husband, I’m temporarily immune to your wiles.” “You’re never immune to my wiles, da-ge, and er-ge is meditating oh so diligently. He’s certainly not smiling and watching us through his lashes as if we’re not well aware of his tricks and what he likes to watch.” - 2. “It took years of practice, you with your painting and I with my answering, but when you were a teenager I finally decided on the best advice I could think to give you: Do not seek for every answer in this life all at once, Xichen,” he instructs with a smile as he returns to painting. “Let them come to you gently and in their season, and trust that all will be as it should in the end.” Lan Xichen takes another breath and returns to his painting with a slightly trembling hand - a trembling that ends up creating a lovely branch on the tree he is painting that, when he turns his head to look, is modeled almost exactly after the one growing in the garden behind the Gentian House, just beyond the window. “I don’t remember ever seeing this tree,” he whispers and Qingheng-Jun hums across from him in clear understanding. “And yet it flows from your brush all the same. Now we can all know that you have nothing to fear, your memories will also come to you in their season. Until then, allow yourself to rest, and remember that you have the support of your family whenever you need it.” “Yes, father,” he replies with a whisper and a tremulous smile, feeling lighter than he has in days. - 3. “I will go into seclusion.” The statement is a stone dropped into the gently rippling water of a spring-fed pool. The stone is jagged and pitted with all that the world has done to chip away at it, to make it rough and painful to the touch. It is sharp in his hands, heavy with all the hurts he still carries in his chest, all the grief he has no more room to hold. He feels lighter with it out of his grasp, the words settling into the ensuing silence with some bittersweet relief.
Notes: I know I've said it before but it bears repeating: this entire fic exists solely because of the smut scene in chapter 1. I thought of the smut first, and then the lead-in to it, and I intentionally left the end of chapter 1 ambiguous - it could have ended right there as an angsty one-shot with Lan Xichen believing that it was all a hallucination, and there's nothing really in the text to say that it's not because Lan Xichen is a very unreliable narrator in this fic. But then I wanted to write the backstory for the smut if, in fact, it wasn't a hallucination - and everything kind of...butterfly-effected out from there to become what it is now, along with all the extras in the series that's now roughly 120k long altogether and still not finished. Oops. Oh and also: this fic that started the ball rolling only exists because for some reason the servers for Omegle went down for months where I live, and prior to that I used to spend hours rp'ing. Without that creative outlet, I filled the vacuum with writing fic instead and now here we are. So if you're grateful for my fics then thank Omegle for sucking for a few months lol --//-- 2. Loving, Loud, Wild, and Theirs (7386 words, Rated T) Ship(s): Xuanli & Gen (kidfic), 3zun (briefly) - an extra for AEM Summary: A brief look at how in this kinder world, Jin Zixuan managed to find and legitimize his three siblings as well as a snapshot of the chaos of love and fun that is his family with his siblings, his beloved wife, and their seven children. Excerpt:
He had listened to [Madam Qin] and her handmaid, and he had believed them, and he had been unsurprised to find himself thinking quite uncharitably of his father following his promise to Madam Qin that he would do everything in his power to make it right, as much as he could. [Jin Zixuan and Meng Yao] return to Jinlintai the day after the next, once their business is concluded. He’s relieved when nothing needs his immediate attention as it means he’s free to retreat into his and Jiang Yanli’s quarters so he can tell her everything that’s weighing on his mind. “No more surprise siblings from now on,” he sighs into the comfort of Jiang Yanli's chest when he’s finished outlining what has happened and his plans to prepare a new suite of rooms in the family wing of the tower. For Qin Su. His sister. Jiang Yanli just laughs her tinkling laugh and kisses him, her hands gentle as she combs his hair back from his face with her fingertips. “You’ve got more siblings now than any of the rest of us,” she teases with a mischievous smile down at him that is a bit too reminiscent of, weirdly, both Wei Wuxian and Mo Xuanyu for comfort. “Two brothers, a sister, and of course we must keep Mianmian in her spot on the list. If you would like to count brothers-in-law as well you’ve also got A-Xian, A-Cheng, Huaisang, Wangji, Xichen, and Mingjue...” He groans and hides his face properly in the soft silk of her robes even as she laughs again over his head.
Notes: This fic is actually a request fill for someone and I had some trouble ending it because there's a lot more I want to write with this wild family, though I did eventually find what felt like a good place to cut it off with 3zun arriving in Jinlintai for the visit they leave for at the end of AEM. There is something of a follow-up floating around my wips that - if it ever gets written - is a direct sequel to AEM that continues where this extra leaves off, with 3zun getting to spend time with their hoard of niblings in Jinlintai. No promises about if/when that will get written though. --//-- 3. Performance Art (8106 words, Rated M) Ships: 3zun, Wangxian (briefly) Summary: A Modern AU inspired by the 'Hysterical Literature' performance art project. Lan Xichen, Nie Mingjue, and Meng Yao take turns doing their best to read aloud from chosen written works as they're filmed. The twist is that they're trying to do so as they're being pleasured with a vibrator controlled by one of their partners off-camera, each of their turns ending when the partner being filmed/played with has an orgasm. Excerpt(s):
1. “Engage people with what they expect; it is..- it…it is what they are able to discern and.. ngh.. confirms their projections. It settles.. ah settles them into predictable-“ He cuts off suddenly to set the book down flat and slap one hand down sharply on the tabletop. Meng Yao simply clicks another button and Nie Mingjue groans as his newly unoccupied hand twitches back to rest on the edge of the table closer to himself, as if about to drop down beneath it. Lan Xichen and Meng Yao both shift forward in their seats but Nie Mingjue catches himself before they have to intervene, returning his hand to the middle of the table and forcing a deep breath into his lungs so he can continue. “-Predictable patterns of..of response, occupying their minds while you w-wait for the ex- extra-“ he huffs out a sharp breath and curls his hand into a fist as he tilts forward and forces out the rest of the sentence in a rush. “Extraordinary moment — that whichtheycannotanticipate. FUCK!” - 2. It’s a few hours of quiet, peaceful work later when Lan Wangji shifts his weight in the way that means he wants Wei Wuxian’s actual attention and not his ‘ I’m sculpting so I’m periodically looking at you ’ sort of attention which he is, of course, quick to grant. He pauses in his muttering half to himself and half to Lan Wangji to say, “Hm? What’s up Zhanzhan?” “From Xiongzhang,” he says by way of explanation, holding his phone out for Wei Wuxian to squint at the screen. It takes him a moment to understand what he’s looking at, his eyes needing a second to adjust to the small black and white video that’s playing after having spent hours looking between Lan Zhan and the clay form taking shape under his hands. “What is this?” he asks as he leans in closer and squints a little harder. He blinks and his eyes go wide in the next moment as he realizes what’s happening on the screen as the woman’s tension climaxes ( literally ) - and then it’s just a hop, skip, and a jump to figure out just why he’d been asked to create an eerily similar setup in his own studio the previous afternoon for three men he might as well consider his sort-of brothers at this point. His next exhale is a wheeze as his ears go hot and Lan Wangji is instantly shrugging into a robe to stand from his lounging position and approach, concern written all over his features. “Wei Ying?”
Notes: I don't really have too much to say about this one except that it brought me so much joy and laughter to write and it honestly kind of surprises me that it's one of my less popular fics - it's nothing but a fun, sexy time! But I'm also terrible at guessing trends/what people will want to see so that might be on me haha. Oh! Also - a minor thing but something I'm very mildly proud of: the narrator voice is dependent on who's behind the camera! I wanted a way to make the person filming feel just as involved as the other two and I thought that was a fun way to do it since within the narrative it's technically going to be their perspective used for the video they're recording. Just to give y'all a little insight into my decision-making when it comes to my writing style for this one. --//-- 4. Anything For My Nie-Zongzhu (6411 words, Rated E) Ship: NieYao - pre-canon (just barely) Summary: Meng Yao is Nie Mingjue's trusted right hand, intelligent and valued by his Sect Leader, at least, who has learned lately to appreciate him a hell of a lot in private too - and for much more personal matters than the minutiae of running the Nie Sect. Seeing as Nie Mingjue trusts him so much, he finds it in himself to ask for something new - for Meng Yao to top him. [Technically an extra for AEM but can be read as a standalone] Excerpt:
“Am I to play into this boorish act you’re putting on tonight?” he teases instead as he steps closer until he’s near enough to feel the way the steam from the bath has turned the air sticky and humid. Nie Mingjue finally looks up at him and Meng Yao is internally crowing with triumph as he watches the lines of tension around his eyes and mouth fall away, his expression smoothing into quiet contentment. He did that. His presence alone is enough to help Nie Mingjue relax. It feels nearly as good as the day the man had angrily defended him to his own disciples and promoted him on the spot. “It’s not an act, I’m plenty boorish,” Nie Mingjue gruffs, returning his gaze to the letter, but this close Meng Yao can actually watch his eyes do nothing but try to glare a hole through the center of the page. “Of course you are, Zongzhu,” Meng Yao allows, his tone openly humoring - as is the smile tightening the corners of his mouth. “Therefore I can only suppose that you would prefer it if I returned to my walk and left you to continue your...correspondence in peace.”
Notes: Once again not really many notes on this one! I just love NieYao, I think their dynamic during Meng Yao's Nie Sect days has so much potential and I love exploring it every so often. --//--
5. Bite The Hands That Feed (1590 words, Rated E) Ship: XiYao Summary: After being forced out of the Nie Sect, Meng Yao has to come to grips with the hunger that's been chasing him his whole life, and he finds temporary satisfaction over and over in Lan Xichen, who is always so generous with his time and his body and is willing to help him feel less empty even just for a night. Excerpt:
He would never bite the hands that feed him, that stuff him full enough to make him believe for a moment that he’s no longer starving. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t inflict pains. He bites and he scratches and he plants himself in the bloody furrows until flowering moans reward his violent care, until pleasure bursts sun-warmed and sweet between them, berries ripe for the picking. He stains his mouth red with them, his fingers purple with the bruises he paints so delicately on his devotee’s body. If Meng Yao is being clawed to a slow torturous death from within, then it stands to reason that his other half will be ripped to shreds from without. He keeps his nails sharp and his teeth bared to tear into his flesh and drink sweetly of the vintage he offers - sweat, spend, blood, saliva when their mouths meet for crushing kisses. All of it is his to consume. He puts his mouth to the feast of Lan Xichen’s body and eats until the hunger pangs are satiated, drinks until he feels dizzy with it.
Notes: So I wrote this one when I was getting a little tired of the straight narration style of all my other fics and I wanted to try my hand at something looser, a little more prose-like but also a little darker than my usual fluff. I'm not sure how successful I was - this is actually one of my absolute least popular fics, number-wise! - but it's one of my favorites anyway. --//-- 6. A Figure, A Mouth (2788 words, Rated M) Ship: Wenzhou Summary: A quiet, intimate evening spent in the comfort of the Four Seasons Mountain Manor sometime between their arrival/fixing up of the place and the confrontation with Ye Baiyi. Excerpt:
After a while of warming each other up Wen Kexing urges him back up to push the bed under the window just as he’d said he would. Zhou Zishu takes the opportunity to blow out the candles before he rejoins Wen Kexing in their bed, the sudden darkness leaving them free to admire each other clothed in nothing but broad swathes of cool, sweet blue light bisected by deep black lattices of shadow from the trees out in the yard, the shadows from the contours of the wall and decorations around the window blocking and revealing them in turns. Lao Wen is, of course, as beautiful like this as he has been in every way Zhou Zishu has ever seen him, and he takes the time to savor it, to indulge in the decadence that Wen Kexing presents for each of his remaining senses. He’s a feast for the eyes, all hard muscle and skin glistening with glittering diamonds of sweat along his shoulders and the soft curve of his cheek. He’s a symphony for the ears, breathless desire and tender calls of his name that Zhou Zishu never lets go unanswered when they’re like this. By now Wen Kexing is an expert at drawing pleasure from him in every unlikely way there is to make sure that the effects of the nails don’t keep him from reaching his peak at least once, occasionally more in spite of his fading sense of touch.
Notes: Wenzhou makes me so soft and emotional, y'all. The next one on the list is also a Wenzhou fic and I just can't seem to stop writing them in fluffy/smutty situations because it's what they deserve. I really don't have anything more interesting to say about this fic, I just love them haha. --//-- 7. Tease Him Just Enough (2537 words, Rated M) Ship: Wenzhou Summary: A possible outcome if the conversation post-face reveal in episode 6 had gone differently - i.e. if Zhou Zishu had called Wen Kexing out on all his flirting and challenged him to do something about it - and then he does. Excerpt:
They don’t need words to communicate that at least right here in this particular moment there’s no one else they would rather have in their arms, pressed up against their bodies, no one else’s tongue who would find a new home in each other’s mouths or any other body their hands would rather explore. Wen Kexing has already known that they’re fated, but for the first time it feels like they’re agreeing to be so. Even if it’s just for a night. (Not that he thinks it will be just one night for them, but getting Zhou Xu to agree to anything remotely of the kind is like trying to drag a stray back-alley cat into a bath so he’ll take what he can get.)
Notes: My first fic for Word of Honor! The whole time I was watching the show (read: obsessively binge-watching) I was like 'Okay I like this show a lot but it's not nearly as compelling as The Untamed, idk if I'll be motivated to write anything for it'. Then I got to the end and I was like NEVERMIND YES I AM. I played myself. --//-- 8. You Need Tending (12,108 words, Rated T) Ship(s): Lan Wangji & Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji & Lan Xichen, Lan Qiren & The Jades & Wei Wuxian (this is a kidfic so nothing romantic!) Summary: Wei Wuxian is alone and homeless on the streets of Yunmeng, unaware of the presence of his parents' old friend so nearby. Lan Wangji is a child grieving for the loss of his mother in silence, overwhelmed by the world his uncle keeps dragging him out into. It takes their paths crossing more than once for Lan Qiren to realize just who Wei Wuxian is and that he needs their help, but he gets there eventually. Excerpt:
He watches on as the man comes to a stop next to the boys and squats down to check over the one who had been lost and suddenly he remembers lying on the ground and looking up at a stern-faced man with gentle hands and a ribbon across his forehead. The man who had given him medicine and bandages after a small boy had defended him from dogs, and an older boy had talked to him so kindly and helped him to sit up off the dirt. Wei Ying gasps as the memory hits and he scrambles back down off the roof, landing on the packed dirt of the space between the buildings with an oof, excitement bubbling in his chest. Along with the memory comes a name and it flies from his lips as he scrambles up off the ground to push his way into the crowd again. “Master Lan!” he shouts, his tiny voice lost in the din of the market. He tries to shove closer but the little family is already walking away, their backs to him as he strains against the flow of people much bigger and stronger than him. “Master Lan!” he tries again, desperation lending extra strength and emotion to his cry. Wei Ying stops struggling as he watches the two boys in white walk away, the pair of them flanking Master Lan in his sky blue robes as they move through the market, radiating serenity in the midst of the chaos. His vision blurs and he scrubs his forearm against his eyes angrily to dry them, trying to keep the three of them in his sight for as long as he can just in case they turn around and spot him. Just in case they remember him and maybe want to tell him to come with them.
Notes: Baby Wei Ying T-T He just hits me right in the heart, and so does baby Lan Zhan! And baby Lan Xichen. All the babies. This fic was actually completely inspired by an utterly adorable fanart of Lan Xichen giving a grumpy baby A-Zhan a piggyback ride! I'd been wanting to write a kidfic type fix-it for a while and that art was the spark I needed to come up with something workable. (Edit: here’s my reblog of the art I’m talking about!) --//--
9. Familial Circumstances (5393 words, Rated G)
Ship(s): Lan Qiren & Original Characters, Lan Qiren & Jin Zixuan, Lan Qiren & Qin Su, Lan Qiren & Mo Xuanyu - An extra for AEM
Summary: Another kidfic extra for the horde of children in Jinlintai, this time as seen through the lens of their beloved Great Uncle Lan. It's a simple relationship-study-type look at how all the children love their Great Uncle and how much he loves and treasures them in return.
An unusual stillness accompanies [Jin Ruhai's] playing. Jin Lu stops fidgeting with her fingers, the twins slip into the perfect stillness of those who are utterly aware of themselves at all times - a trait [Lan Qiren has] noticed in every skilled fighter he’s ever come across - and even Jin Ye relaxes, slumping further and further backwards until she’s slouched down against his stomach, legs dangling over his crossed shins.
The piece isn’t a terribly long one, nor as complex as the next score Lan Qiren intends to teach the boy, but Jin Ruhai’s mastery of it is impressive. Again, Lan Qiren is forcefully reminded of Lan Wangji, always most at peace when behind his instrument to play with and/or for the people he loves.
There’s silence in the room until the last note fades with a shiver into the air and Jin Ruhai pulls his hands back from the instrument. The stillness lasts for one more moment before it’s interrupted by Jin Lu sneezing suddenly and her siblings laugh as the quiet breaks.
“I had to hold that in the whole time !!” Jin Lu laughs as she rubs her sleeve under her nose, one eye screwed shut as she giggles. “I didn’t want to mess up A-Zhuang’s song, it’s so pretty!”
Notes: I'm definitely biased because they're all my oc's except for Jin Ling, but I genuinely love all of the Jin children in the AEM AU. If anyone is ever interested in knowing more about their individual personalities and the like please don't hesitate to ask me, I've actually put quite a bit of thought into all 6 of the kids I created wholecloth and I have a lot of feelings about Jin Ling getting the chaotic siblings and loving parents he was robbed of.
10. Opportunities To Practice (5710 words, Rated M) (*WIP)
Ship: Xuanli - An extra for AEM
Summary: Jin Zixuan is nervous for his..marital activities with Jiang Yanli - after all, who could he possibly ask for advice? His father? No thank you. Thankfully Jiang Yanli is sweet and patient and knows her husband well - he just needs a bit of time and he'll get it figured out.
She shivers with an interesting combination of want and intense vulnerability as she stands there, feeling bare in spite of her remaining layer. It’s of a material so sheer as to be practically nonexistent, nothing more than a delicate veil of a red so pale it’s nearly pink that sits on her body like a second skin. Until it falls gently away at the knee to flutter around her ankles, it clings to every curve, every contour, and as she watches Jin Zixuan doesn’t even bother to hang the robe he had just removed on the screen. He lets it drop into a soft pool around her bare feet, his gaze roaming her newly exposed figure - she would perhaps feel strange about it did he not look so devoted , so in awe of seeing her practically naked in front of him.
Yanli gasps softly as he suddenly drops to his knees at her feet and oh - that’s heady. Her body, which she hasn’t really thought of too much in the past beyond the occasional irritation that it’s weaker than she would prefer, has put the man she loves on his knees. He’s looking up at her now, his eyes wide and his hands reverent as he raises them to rest on her thighs, thumbs caressing her too-warm skin through the barely-there robe that bunches up softly under the pressure of his grip.
“You’re right,” he finally breathes, sounding slightly strained. “I’d like this to stay on. If that’s - are you alright?”
“I am,” she reassures.
Notes: This last fic is technically a wip, the only one in the list! However! - it's going to be a collection of one-shots centered around Xuanli and their sexual exploits that lead to their seven children, and possibly also the ones that are just for fun (horny Yanli rights forever). It's not currently high on my list of priorities or anything and the one chapter that's up so far can stand on its own so it's a wip but it's not? I just love Xuanli so much and I want to explore their relationship in my happy fix-it AU whenever the mood strikes, and whenever that happens this is where those one-shots will go.
And that's it! My personal top 10 favorite fics of my own as of right now. I thought about doing my top 10 according to statistics like hit counts or kudos, but I genuinely love some of these unpopular fics and I wanted to give them some love and attention even if it's just for me. I know there's a lot here to sift through but if any of y'all enjoyed the list or any of the specific fics on it let me know! I liked taking this little pause to take a look at what I've actually been producing these last few months.
Thanks for reading!
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Thoughts on, Invader Zim Quarterly: Holiday Special
Ahhhhh It’s out! I’m so excited!
But I always get excited when it has my man Membrane and my man Eric Trueheart involved with the comics. 
Also santa..   Tbh, I was excited and nervous about this quarterly. 
Excited because it has Membrane santa backstory...
But I was nervous because that it means they might bring back the santa-blob monster from the Holiday special on the TV... and The Christmas special is one of my least favorite IZ episodes...   I mean... I rewatch it occasionally, and it’s fun, but I’m just kinda used to IZ having more BITE in it’s satire if you know what I mean? The Christmas Special in the IZ universe doesn’t really say anything about the capitalism of Christmas... it’s not like IZ hasn’t made fun of capitalism before. (that’s the whole show)  The Christmas Special in the show just kinda fell flat of my expectations of what an Invader Zim episode should be....
The only thing I respect the Holiday Special for, is that it goes down the “Santa isn’t real” route in a kid’s show and sticks to it. (there’s no “real santa” that shows up and “solves everything”) All of the “Santa’s Helpers” confused the Santa mythos with the Christianity Jesus mythos. (”waiting one day for his return”) Which makes sense, since IZ is like dystopian future Suburbia Hell. I just kinda like that there’s no “real santa” that interfered to “fix everything” and that Zim himself ended up CREATING Santa when he didn’t exist previously. Like I find that kinda cool...
Other then that, I just kinda wanted something else from the Hoilday special then what I got. (It taking priority over scrapped episodes like “the trail” and “Ten minutes to doom” and “mopiness of doom” does not help it’s case in being one of my C-tier episodes...) 
So maybe this quarterly will fill the void of what I wanted out of a Holiday special? Well, let’s see. 
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Ways to get Dana off-board immediately: Monster Santa is canon. 
I always never liked to view the special as canon for ways that it fell flat before.
And I had the excuse of saying that the snowman was an unreliable narrator and I could adapt it down the line in my fic as a different story. 
I just didn’t like the idea of Monster-horror-blob santa...  Like... Cool design... but he just kinda represents everything I disliked about the special...  (including the major inconsistency of when Tak’s ship got fixed...)
But then again.. I need to remember IZ’s lore isn’t as consistent as I think it is sometimes... 
Okay, fine. Monster blob santa real... what else you got for me, Holiday special?
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Okay, kinda into it because this means that ZIM CREATED SANTA in this mythos... I am dying.... wait.. this takes place in the future then...soo...?
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It was all a dream?!  
my heart couldn’t take it if horror-santa was real... 
Also... that nightcap and bed... Does this mean we’re going to have an Invader Zim Christmas Carol?!?!?! I know that’s been adapted a schmillion times but I would be so into that.... 
Also... Flying... hamm...
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Good ol’ Zim... Repressing those memories...  
Also this being the THIRD ETF reference in a quarterly, It can be very safe to say the Quarterly issues take place after the events of ETF.
Clembrane exists in the Quarterly, Membrane has robot arms, Zim remembers this (kinda)  Yeah this is definately ETF verse and it’s here to stay. 
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Christmas Carol?! I’m down for this... and I can’t help but notice their claws look familiar
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Why are you here tho?
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I’m a bit lost on why these guys wanta take over the earth, but they’re hilarious so I’m just glad they’re here.
Also...   The Christmas Special is Schrodinger's Christmas... did it happen, or was it a dream, or the tales of a lunatic snowman... I guess I’ll never know. 
The issue goes on for an IZ Christmas Carol parody (heck yea) and the visions are all hilarious and I’m not gonna spoil them here... but...
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Eric.... this is terrifying..........thanks I hate it. 
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“Though I am Dib and sickly father”
I’m dying XDDDDD
Also... What the fuck is Zim’s reaction here... 
I find it funny that Zim has put Dib into simulated realities before... (in the show and comics) and in the show, Dib is all powerful and in the comics, Dib is just himself and Zim is his brother..
But seeing a simulated Dib all weak and pathetic and chronically ill BOTHERS ZIM?!?!
That’s... well that’s interesting. 
Thought he’d laugh at this honestly, but he seems greatly annoyed... 
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(those who know me know why I’m dying over this)
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(which confirms like a lot of my hcs and adds spicy kindling to my au much mad respect) 
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This I find interesting...  Zim complepative over his lonely/abandoned grave. It’s like he really doesn’t know how to feel. It’s more of a numbness then a sadness. Or he noticed how empty his life is... 
He feels lonely and empty about it...  which tracks considering how Zim’s greatest fear in the Trial was to be deleted and never be remembered by anyone. 
I don’t know... This panel makes me feel things...
Johnen: Haha. Zim’s not that deep a character.
Eric: Hey for the Christmas special, let’s have Zim parody a Christmas carol and feel lonely staring at his own empty grave when he realizes no one cares about him or misses him.
Johnen: Cool. Do it. 
What are you two assholes doing to me, man?! I have feelings! 
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Zim hates pity and people feeling bad and sorry for him. 
Man this makes me so sad...  And it really feels like this issue looked into my brain again, cause I have some plans relating to Zim not wanting sympathy or pity from anyone later down the line (okay I’ll shut up about my au. We’re talking Zim here)
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And of course, Zim breaks everything like he usually does. (this time on purpose)
Also nice callback that Zim remembered that Dib said he liked his boots one time in the Poop-wizard issue. 
Also, it ends? I guess this quarterly has a few shorter stories this time... which I’m fine with. 
Also, Zim should consider Green and Blue like D-list friends at this point and just invite them in for some fundip or something (come on, Zim, it’s Christmas.....) 
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Wait... so his Parents are scientists too? Is that why he always wanted to be a scientist?
But then wait.... If Membrane inherited Membrane Labs from his parents... Why is HIS FACE the brand of the Company?..... There’s so much Membrane-face brand merch in the show. (it decorates his home..) 
Like even if they were dead, if his parents founded Membrane labs, I feel they’d still be the face. of the company... (that’s how a lot of corporate faces are these days... they show some old dead guy who made the company as opposed to the son who inherited the Company.... Like everyone knows who Walt Disney/Mickey Mouse is, but unless you pay close attention to that kinda thing, not everyone knows who the current chairman or CEO is in the modern age....)
I just find that a bit odd. 
Anyways... I feel people can still do what they want with Membrane’s parents and get away with it. I’m not changing my “his parents were farmers” headcanon. Sorry comic..
I love how Membrane looks a lot like his mother, and his father is just BUFF GAZ with a pipe.... Truely legends. 
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The Membrane Men when they don’t shower or bathe in months.....
Someone help these two.
(thank god Membrane got better at personal hygiene.) 
Also Teenbrane STILL has his human arms and not his robo-arms.
This means he loses his arms later in life...  YUSH HORRAY FOR HEADCANNONS BEING VALIDATED!
He didn’t lose his arms in a shark accident when he was a KID! It happened WAY LATER!
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He is just... all sweat and hiding his work but also very passionate and spiteful. 
Like you can see who he grew up to become, and you can also see how a kid like Dib came out of a man like him...
But I love social anxiety awkward early twenties/late teens Membrane... He is a baby! 
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Basically, Membrane knows that Santa isn’t real, but he doesn’t want to be mad at his parents so he harbors a grudge on Santa instead... THAT’S SO SWEET I’M CRYING  TTmTT
(also I love how me and Ceph understand Membrane’s character too well that the gesture he does in the 2nd panel here are reminisant of our fic so many times... Like we have his mannerisms down and I love when the mask slips from Membrane and we get to see a real person... augh soo good) 
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Also probably guessing the parents are dead...   I’m just laughing at their designs... 
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Yes you are, Professor Membrane... Don’t let anyone tell you different. (actually, please do) Well, I mean,  At least you’re trying and get progressively better.
(also... this probably means everytime Dib has asked his Dad for a dangerous weapon to fight Zim with, Membrane just gives it to him no questions asked and I’m doing a MAJOR concern about this man’s parenting skills... get help please good sir!) 
Also, Dib really saved the day again here (like he did in Dib’s big day)
Dib called about destroying santa when Membrane was in one of his lowest points...  He hides it really well...   Especially from his children..
Ah..  I loved that one.
But I’m a huge Membrane Simp though.
I did find the stuff about Membrane’s parents a little weird... like I said regarding how Membrane’s face is the brand of Membrane labs...
Could be true that they were other scientists and that Membrane founded Membrane labs later... but that seems highly unlikely... 
Also... Why does the house look that hug when in the christmas special, it looked kinda like...well... just not that, and kinda more humble from the interior and not some big rocket lab...
So yeah... AMAZING character building for Membrane (which I eat up)
Hilarious Grandparent Designs. But I still prefer @esthyradler​ ‘s Grandparents. The superior Grandparents.
Anyways... The Quarterly was GREAT! 
I kinda find it funny the Zim story is the weaker one of the two again... But I honestly blame the Christmas Horror blob connection and the Christmas Carol parody. 
Or maybe my Membrane Bias is clouding my mind here.  I do have Zim bias but sometimes Zim can frustrate me. There’s just so many times Zim can do and say the same things you know? Zim is my baby, but sometimes his denial and annoyance with everyone can be very predictable at points. Zim was just way more fun in the last quarterly than this one. 
With Membrane it’s more of a blank slate what to do with him cause he ony started really mattering as a character since ETF. Yes, I do love show Membrane, but I admit he wasn’t exactly a character then. More of a presence and excuse for why Dib had access to lab equipment. With Dib’s Dilemma and this Hoilday special, the Quarterly folks seem determined to turn him into a fully realized character with the rest of the cast and I’m extremely excited to hear that!
(Computer issue/backstory WHEN?!) 
I don’t really have ratings or systems for these but hope you liked my thoughts.
Merry Christmas everyone.
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dangermousie · 3 years
Heelo mousie! Love your blog! Do you mind recommending some of your favourite Chinese BL novels or shows?
I've seen the untamed and read it. I'm currently reading heaven's official blessing and I saw the donghua. Anything other than these two?
Awww, thank you!
Novels: I am gonna be lazy and literally copy/paste the entire danmei section of my top 10 web novels post (except MXTX’s stuff since you are already reading it.) Let me know if you need help finding any of these.
Lord Seventh - I am only partway through this so far, but it’s already on the list because it’s smart and somehow intense AND laid-back (not sure how this works, but it does) and is honestly just a really really solid and smart period novel, with the OTP a cherry on top of a narrative sundae. Plus, I love the concept of MC deciding he is not going for his supposedly fated love - he’s tried for six lifetimes, always with disaster, and he’s just plain done and tired. When he opens his life in his seventh reincarnation and sees the person he would have given up the world for, he genuinely feels nothing at all. (Spoiler - his OTP is actually a barbarian shaman this time around, thank you Lord!)
Golden Stage - my perfect comfort novel. Probably the least angsty of any danmei novel on this list (which still means plenty angsty :P) It also has a dedicated, smart OTP that is an OTP for the bulk of the book - I think you will notice that in most of the novels in this list, I go for “OTP against the world” trope - I can’t stand love triangles and the same. Anyway, Fu Shen, is a famous general whose fame is making the emperor   antsy. When he gets injured and can’t walk any more, the emperor gladly recalls him and marries him off to his most faithful court lackey, the head of sort of secret police, Yan Xiaohan. The emperor intends it both  as a check on the general and a general spite move since the two men   always clash in court whenever they meet. But not all is at is seems. They used to be  friends a long time ago, had a falling out, and one of the loveliest  parts of the novel is them finding their way to each other, but there is  also finding the middle path between their two very different  philosophies and ways of being, not to mention solving a conspiracy or  dozen, and putting a new dynasty on the throne, among other things. It always makes me think, a little, of “if Mei Changsu x Jingyan were canon.”
Sha Po Lang - if you like a lot of fantasy politics and world-building and steampunk with your novels, this one is for you. This one is VERY plot-heavy with smart, dedicated characters and a deconstruction of many traditional virtues - our protagonist Chang Geng, a long-lost son of the Emperor, is someone who wants to modernize the country but also take down the current emperor his brother for progress’ sake and the person he’s in love with is the general who saved him when he was a kid who is nominally his foster father. Anyway, the romance is mainly a garnish in this one, not even a big side dish, but the relationship between two smart, dedicated, deadly individuals with very different concepts of duty is fascinating long before it turns romantic. And if you like angst, while overall it’s not as angsty as e.g., Meatbun stuff, Chang Geng’s childhood is the stuff of nightmares and probably freaks me out more than anything else in any novel on this list, 2ha included.
To Rule In a Turbulent World (LSWW) - gay Minglan. No seriously. This is how I think of it. it’s a slice of life period novel with fascinating characters and  setting that happens to have a gay OTP, not a romance in a period  setting per se and I always prefer stories where the romance is not the only thing that is going on. It’s meticulously written and smart and deals with  character development and somehow makes daily minutia fascinating. Our   protagonist, You Miao, is the son of a fabulously wealthy merchant,   sent to the capital to make connections and study. As the story starts, he sees his friend’s  servants beating someone to death, feels bad, and buys him because, as  we discover gradually and organically, You Miao may be wealthy and  occasionally immature but he is a genuinely good person. The person he buys is a barbarian from beyond the wall, named   Li Zhifeng. It’s touch and go if the man will survive but eventually he does and You Miao, who by then has to return home, gives him his papers  and lets him go. However, LZF decides to stick with You Miao instead, both  out of sense of debt for YM saving his life and because he genuinely  likes him (and yet, there is no instalove on either of their parts, their bodies have fun a lot quicker than their souls.) Anyway, the two  take up farming, get involved in  the imperial exams and it’s the life of prosperity and peace, until an invasion happens and things go rapidly to hell. This is so nuanced, so smart (smart people in this actually ARE!) and has secondary characters who are just as complex as the mains (for example, I ended up adoring YM’s friend, the one who starts the plot by almost beating LZF to death for no reason) because the novel never forgets that few people are all villain. There is a lovely character arc or two - watching YM grow up and LZF thaw - there is the fact that You Miao is a unicorn in web novels being laid back and calm. This whole thing is a masterpiece.
Stains of Filth (Yuwu) - want the emotional hit of 2ha but want to read something half its length? Well, the author of 2ha is here to eviscerate you in a shorter amount of time. This has the beautiful world-building, plot twists that all make sense and, at the center of it all, an intense and all-consuming and gloriously painful relationship between two generals - one aristocratic loner Mo Xi, and the other gregarious former slave general Gu Mang. Once they were best friends and lovers, but when the novel starts, Gu Mang has long turned traitor and went to serve the enemy kingdom and has now been returned and Mo Xi, who now commands the remnants of his slave army, has to cope with the fact that he has never been able to get over the man who stabbed him through the heart. Literally. This novel has a gorgeously looping structure, with flashbacks interwoven into present storyline. There is so much love and longing and sacrifice in this that I am tearing up a bit just thinking of it. If you don’t love Mo Xi and Gu Mang, separately and together, by the end of it, you have no soul.
The Dumb Husky and His White Cat Shizun (2ha/erha) - if you’ve been following my tumblr for more than a hot second, you know my obsession with this novel. Honestly, even if I were to make a list of my top 10 novels of any kind, not just webnovels, this would be on the list. It has everything I want - a complicated, intricate plot with an insane amount of plot twists, all of which are both unexpected and make total sense, a rich and large cast of characters, a truly epic OTP that makes me bawl, emotional intensity that sometimes maxes even me out and so much character nuance and growth. Also, Moran is my favorite web novel character ever, hands down.
Anyway, the plot (or at least the way it first appears) is that the evil emperor of the cultivation world, Taxian Jun, kills himself at 32 and wakes up in the body of his 16 year old self, birth name Moran. Excited to get a redo, Moran wants to save his supposed true love Shimei, whose death the last go-around pushed him towards evil. He also wants to avoid entanglement with Chu Wanning, his shizun and sworn enemy in past life. And that’s all you are best off knowing, trust me. The only hint I am going to give is oooh boy the mother of all unreliable narrators has arrived!
The novel starts light and funny on boil the frog principle - if someone told me I would be full bawling multiple times with this novel, I’d have thought they were insane, but i swear my eyes hurt by the end of it. I started out being amused and/or disliking the mains and by the end I would die for either of them.
The Wife is First - OK, this one did not make my top 10 web novels but it’s a sweet, fun gay cottagecore fest. Our ML, a royal prince, and his spouse, a smart if delicate aristocrat, keep house, eat noodles, play with their pet tiger, make out and spoil each other rotten, while occasionally fighting battles and outwitting their court enemies. It’s so very mellow. That couple redefines low drama - they are both nice and functional and use their brains. It’s as if a nice jock and a nice nerd got together and then proceeded to be wholesome all over the place.
I mean, the set up could be dramatic - our ML the prince, lost his fight for the throne and is about to be killed. The only person who stayed loyal to him is his arranged husband the aristocrat guy who ML never treated nicely since he resented marrying him (marrying a man in that world is done to remove someone from the ability to inherit the throne.) And yet the husband stood by him not out of love but beliefs in loyalty blah blah. Anyway, he transmigrates back into the past right after their wedding night and is all “I got a second chance OMG! I don’t want the throne what is even the point? I want to live a good long life and treat the only person who stood by me really well!” And he proceeds to do so to the shock of the aristocrat who had a very unpleasant wedding night and generally can tell the man he just married would rather eat nails than be married to him. But soon enough (no seriously, it’s not many chapters at all) he believes the prince is sincere blah blah and then  they get together and they pretty much become cottagecore goals.
In terms of dramas, I only do period dramas (or novels) so I am not the person to be able to recommend any modern BLs. There is a flood of upcoming (hopefully) period BL dramas but it’s relatively thin on the ground now. The two I will recommend is Word of Honor (which is AMAZING) and Winter Begonia (which I just started watching but which owns me already.) I have a tag for both - the one for the former is huge and I cannot recommend either strongly enough. I’ve heard good things about The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty, but I am not big on mysteries so haven’t watched it for myself.
In terms of the upcoming BLs, the ones I am most looking forward to are Immortality and Winner Is King, but The Society of the Four Leaves also looks promising.
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bondsmagii · 3 years
Alright, maybe I’m remembering the first book wrong, but then why are there so many people who blame Eli for seemingly “betraying” cause when I first read the book I was actually surprised because I was expecting Eli to have done something awful to Victor something that justified Victors anger towards him and yet it was at that moment when I knew Victor was an unreliable narrator because it was Victor who had killed Eli’s girlfriend it was Victor who stabbed Eli after he had called the police, and I really don’t blame Eli for doing what he did, because who wouldn’t had called the police after finding our tour best friend had killed someone?
If you just discovered that your supposed best friend had killed your girlfriend and you have noticed him acting very weird and out of character lately and later he comes and tries to physical attack you, wouldn’t anyone had called the police after a situation like that? Specially a person (Eli) who has previously suffered from physical abuse at hands of his father?
Like I’ve seen far too many people claim that it was Eli who “betrayed” Victor and like, how? How can you blame Eli for calling the police after he heard his best fiend had killed someone, I’ve heard people say that Eli was the one who “betrayed” and that he “was the one who ruined his and Victor’s” friendship as if Eli hadn’t been the one to be worried sick about Victor’s well-being and as if Victor couldn’t had been hold accountable for murdering Angie and attempting to murder Eli after he reasonably called the police.
Why are people placing the blame on Eli for that? How is he accountable for what happened and for Victor’s actions?
I understand hating/disliking Eli because of his seemingly patronizing attitude or because of his religious fanaticism and/or because he jumped to conclusions about EOS after Victor was sent to jail, but why are people claiming he “betrayed” Victor?
Even since I first read the book that was the moment I realized Victor was an unreliable narrator, I was expecting Eli to have done something awful to Victor when it was Victor the one who had done something awful to Eli because he got jealous and wanted to get his attention and Victor getting send to jail was a direct consequence for his actions.
And I’m not blaming Victor for this because Eli already has tons of religious trauma and self-hate that he ended up projecting onto all the other EOS, yet Victor actions were what pushed Eli into thinking EOS were devils in disguise, so why are people blaming Eli for supposedly “ruining” or “bettering” Victor’s friendship when that’s not what happened at all.
Even in post that seemingly try to act neutral in terms of character favoritism, people always seem to place the blame on Eli for things that were out of his control and placing the blame on him for things that weren’t his fault , like I’ve seen people said things like “Eli was an asshole for betraying Victor” or “Victor shouldn’t have had asked for Angie’s help on becoming an Eo, but Eli shouldn’t have had called the police maybe he could have had talked things out with Victor”
And I’m like, so basically you are blaming Eli for Victor’s actions? Your are placing the blame on Eli for calling the police and not on Victor because he accidentally murder someone?
I’m not trying to make this into a competition, both characters have done awful things both characters are morally grey and shitty at times, both characters have a degree of fault for what happened, yet people seem to blame a character more than the other one and even put the blame on him for things that weren’t even his fault, there is such an obvious favoritism and I’m tired of seeing this.
I think the reason there has been a split of sides between the fandom in terms of characters is because some either are able to relate towards a character more or because the unreliable narrator makes the story side more towards a certain character yet the narrative is obvious biased because it’s told from Victor’s POV and I personally side more with Eli because the fandom just seemed so unfair to his character.
I understand hating him, disliking him and/or having a knee jerk reaction to his character due to his religious fanaticism who tend to put off many of the readers (this happened to me) yet so many tend to miss the point of his character, place all of the blame on him for what happened and I just happen to found him a far more interesting character than Victor that’s why
Why is there si much favoritism towards Victor? Even by people who claim to be neutral or unbiased towards them?
what I think people mean when they say that Eli betrayed Victor is that he told the police that Victor was an EO. there's obviously separate protocols in place for an ordinary criminal vs a criminal with what's essentially superpowers, and later on we find out that there's some pretty nasty human experimentation going on in regards to EOs, so I think people feel it's a shitty move for Eli to grass Victor's abilities up, basically. what I don't understand is the fact that Victor goes to normal person prison rather than EO jail, and he manages to convince everyone he's not an EO? I have no idea, but it's either confirmed or heavily implied that Eli told the police Victor was an EO. I mean, I can't really blame him considering what he was going through at the time, but you know. once people decide they don't like a character, they'll refuse to consider any other option but the most uncharitable one.
I also think there's an element of like, obviously the story is told primarily through Victor's point of view, so he's going to be telling it in a biased fashion. I think people don't pick up on this as much as they should and take him at face value, and they don't think critically about his reasoning for his dislike of Eli. Victor was actually a terrible friend who constantly tried to sabotage Eli and was always putting him down. when Eli came up with his thesis, Victor was annoyed that it was better than his and did everything he could to ridicule the prospect and make Eli second-guess it. when Eli persisted, and started getting good results and a solid theory, Victor immediately changed tactics and tried to become the centre of Eli's thesis -- if he couldn't stop Eli from getting all the glory, he was damn well going to shoulder his way in there and force Eli to share it. he did this by volunteering himself to try out the thesis, and then he obviously failed the first time. meanwhile Eli tried it and succeeded, and I think Victor sees that as a betrayal. he didn't want it to succeed, but if it did, he wanted it to be him. how dare Eli try it himself and have the audacity to become an EO first? the way Victor tells this story is obviously sympathetic to himself, and casts Eli as the spoiled kid who gets everything -- the grades, the friends, the results, the girl. through this narrative, we don't get to see the other side of things in a clear light: that Victor is nasty, spiteful, jealous, and is taking advantage of a young man from an abusive, cultish background who has never had a real friend before.
because people obviously like Victor more, they believe him at his word and before the plot even moves outside of the early college days, they're convinced Eli is a brat. the fact that Eli then gets what Victor wants before him, and then grasses him up to the police... yeah, it does look like a betrayal, but at that point Victor had murdered Eli's girlfriend in pursuit of his own selfish goals, you know? when Angie was laying there freshly dead, Victor wasn't concerned about her at all -- he called Eli to gloat. when Eli called the police, as you would if someone had just phoned you up and said "hey dude, I just killed a woman in cold blood", Victor escapes and returns to literally torture Eli, because... I don't even know. because he's mad that Eli called the police? because he's pissed at Eli for being Eli? I have no idea, but you don't just flip a one-eighty and start torturing your best friend unless you have a lot of beef with them you haven't been acknowledging, lmao. I cannot blame Eli for then assuming that EOs come back evil.
Eli isn't blameless, don't get me wrong. he went off the rails hardcore and he is responsible for his actions to a certain extent. but the truth of the matter is if Victor had been a better friend, Eli wouldn't have done any of that shit. if this is a cause-effect scenario, Victor is the cause and Eli the effect. Eli went bad, but Victor was an utter bastard from the beginning.
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disneyat34 · 4 years
The Three Caballeros at 34
A review by Adam D. Jaspering
Mickey Mouse is, and always has been, the face of the Walt Disney Corporation. Perhaps it’s because of legacy or favoritism, because Donald Duck has often proven himself more popular. To expand on a quote from Walt Disney, it all started with a mouse, but a duck pays the bills. Never was this more apparent than in the 1940s.
As morbid as it seems, World War II was a great boon to Donald Duck’s popularity. Mickey Mouse represented an unflappable, upbeat everyman. He became popular during the Great Depression when people needed their morale lifted. Donald Duck was an angry fighter who got knocked down, and stood right back up, fists swinging. That sensibility was celebrated by many during the war. Seeing the influence he had, Walt Disney capitalized on his creation.
Donald was commissioned by many sources during World War II. The US Treasury, the United Way, and the Canadian Film Board all commissioned cartoons from Disney Studios. His likeness was merchandised in countless other places. Within months, Donald Duck was promoting war bonds and celebrating American resilience coast to coast.
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Later, Donald joined the US Army, encouraging enlistment. As an act of patriotism, Disney produced seven of these shorts at cost for the armed forces. Why he opted for Donald to join the Army as opposed to the Navy, as is often suggested by his sailor outfit, is a mystery. Donald wasn’t the official face of the war effort, but not for lack of trying.
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In 1944, three separate events lined up. First, World War II was still ongoing.  Second, Disney Studios was celebrating Donald’s tenth anniversary. Third, the follow-up to Saludos Amigos was nearing completion. It was time for another cinematic saga of comradery in the western hemisphere, this time featuring Donald Duck front and center.
Saludos Amigos was a rush job. Disney Studios churned it out for immediate financial returns. The writers and animators had unused ideas leftover. Some ideas were more dynamic and required money and time, not available in 1941. Now with a foot-hold on the Latin American film market, the studio was able to make a proper follow-up. That was The Three Caballeros.
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The Three Caballeros uses the 10th anniversary of Donald Duck’s creation as a framing device. Throughout the film, Donald opens a multitude of gifts from friends and well-wishers. Each gift prompts or frames a new vignette. Like Saludos Amigos, the vignettes of The Three Caballeros were created to foster international goodwill between Latin America and the United States.
The first gift is a projector and film canister. The movie is The Cold-Blooded Penguin. It features a penguin named Pablo who dislikes living in Antarctica. Pablo hates the cold, and wishes to live in a tropical climate. One day, he pools his resources, and sets out on an ice floe for warmer weather.
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Astute readers will notice the error immediately. What on Earth is a cartoon about a penguin doing in a film about Latin America?
It’s true, Pablo’s journey takes him around some of the coastal geographic features of South America’s west coast. These aren’t so much landmarks as name drops. We hear the narrator mention the Straits of Magellan, Cape Horn, Juan Fernandez Islands, Vina Del Mar, Lima, and the Galapagos Islands. But what’s depicted onscreen are rather nondescript landforms. These could be any straits, any coasts, and any islands.
The Cold-Blooded Penguin’s ties to South America are incredibly tenuous. Plainly, it does not belong as part of the film. So much so, it’s not even worth commenting on the animation or story. You could make the greatest rotisserie chicken in culinary history, but if you serve it atop an ice cream sundae, no one will care how the chicken tastes. 
The short shamelessly tries to mask itself as an extended cutaway from a larger feature called “Aves Raras,” or “Rare Birds.” The non-penguin half of this short does indeed focus on the indigenous fauna of South America. Somewhat farcically, but also with an informative nugget. This infotainment is what The Three Caballeros aspires to be, and achieves in certain quantities. 
Unfortunately, the filmmakers either get lazy or distracted. Strewn among the cultural aspects are nonsense and unsupportive jokes. Either the filmmakers were padding the film or afraid of losing the attention of a younger audience. The end result bogs down quality with unnecessary jetsam.
The highlight of the Rare Birds segment is the Aracuan Bird. This bird has a high-pitched, sped-up voice, and a warbled laugh. He has a screwball sense of humor, and an innate ability to antagonize all those who he comes into contact with. He has a bright red crest, a yellow beak, and oversized eyes. He debuted four years after another cartoon bird with alarmingly similar characteristics: Woody Woodpecker.
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Woody Woodpecker first appeared in the 1940 short Knock Knock. Walter Lantz created the character, and licensed him to Universal Studios. The similarities between The Aracuan Bird and Woody cannot be ignored. I can find no information explaining this coincidence. There were no complaints filed, and no legal action by Lantz or Universal. It’s rather unlikely Disney’s animators resorted to plagiarism; we can only assume it was an unintentional, subconscious reproduction.
The Aracuan Bird appears here, and in two more brief scenes. He then disappears for the remainder of the film. One would think he would be a running gag, appearing regularly throughout the movie. Or at the very least, he would be a main feature in his own vignette, his other appearances being callbacks. He would certainly be more on-theme than The Cold-Blooded Penguin. 
The Aracuan Bird is an unpleasant reminder that The Three Caballeros was a pile of ideas leftover from Saludos Amigos. He is introduced, then subsequently forgotten. The movie was the production of different animators and writers, working independently. They each had their own ideas, and didn’t seek consultation. These ideas are threaded together as best as possible, but big gaps in style and substance exist.
The next vignette is The Flying Gauchito, set in the pampas of Uruguay. It is the story of a child, looking for the approval of the gauchos of his village. The boy goes on a hunting expedition, finding the rarest game of all: a winged donkey. 
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The donkey is named ‘Burrito,’ the Spanish word ‘Little Donkey’ (which existed long before the popular Tex-Mex dish). Gauchito returns home with his newly acquired winged steed. Rather than show him off, Burrito is entered in a horse race. It’s one thing to show-off your luck. It’s another thing to demonstrate your worth.
What makes The Flying Gauchito special isn’t its story. Will and determination overcoming the established norms is a common moral. The true strength of the short is its utilization of an unreliable narrator. Gauchito’s journey is narrated by his older self, narrating from an omniscient standpoint in the future. It would be easy for him to tell the story accurately. Instead, he’s forgetful, indecisive, and admittedly unsure of specific details. 
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This narrative style creates not only a humorous structure, but humorous accompanying animation. Whenever a detail is “corrected” or second-guessed, the corresponding imagery is swapped out. In quick succession, the characters onscreen are left helpless as their world is ad hoc corrected. They must endure a shifting landscape and environment before they can react accordingly. This gives them a sense of instability, like they’re wearing roller skates, or walking a tightrope. It’s an advanced narrative technique, and it’s executed well.
With two and a half shorts finished, Donald Duck moves onto his next present. Inside is his friend and Saludos Amigos costar Jose Carioca. Jose is just as jovial and passionate as ever, but now smoking a giant cigar shamelessly for all children to see. We’re a long way from the warnings of Pleasure Island.
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Jose introduces Donald to the Brazilian city of Baia. In a combined mood of nostalgia and admiration, Jose begins a long musical serenade. As his memories and thoughts are manifest to reality, we are swept away in the romantic imagery. The pinks and purples of the city at sunset are wonderfully done.
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The two avian friends find themselves at a celebration on the streets of Baia. They’re joined by singer and dancer Aurora Miranda, plus a small army of samba dancers. The interplay of cartoon and human is outdated by today’s standards, but to an audience in 1944, it must have seemed groundbreaking. The technique is used extensively throughout the remainder of The Three Caballeros, and to great effect. It’s a gimmick, but a gimmick employed and accomplished well.
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Exiting the glory of Baia, Donald opens his next gift from a stranger in Mexico. The unfamiliarity is temporary. Inside the gift is the loud, ecstatic, pistol-packing Panchito Pistoles. This firebrand is so eager to meet both Donald and Jose, he declares the trio “The Three Caballeros.” Finally, forty minutes into the picture, well past the halfway mark, we meet the last of our title characters.
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After a fiery song and dance number, Panchito introduces Donald to the piñata. Panchito identifies it as a Mexican Christmas tradition (The Three Caballeros was scheduled for a December release date). Until this point, Panchito has been a quite vocal and boisterous individual. Hearing him tell a reverent and humble tale of Christmas tradition displays his hidden depths. Panchito could have been a shallow and one-note character. Instead, we see him capable of many things.
Cracking open the piñata, Donald is treated to a tour of Mexico’s most popular sights. Panchito summons a serape, which flies like Aladdin’s magic carpet. The Three Caballeros visit the exotic locales of  Pátzcuaro, Veracruz, and Acapulco. 
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Until this point, both Donald and Jose were nothing more than enthusiastic partygoers. They enjoyed the celebrations and sights of their destinations. And they never shied away from the pleasant company of a gorgeous woman. For whatever reason, upon visiting Mexico, something stirs in the mind of Donald. 
Going forwards, every woman Donald encounters is an object of lustful desire. Singing girls, dancing girls, sunbathing girls; Donald wants them all. Jose and Panchito do their best to subtly remind Donald he is a cartoon duck in a G-Rated movie, but Donald is driven by his id. 
It’s a common cartoon trope for a character to be so blindsided by a woman’s physical attraction, they lose control. From the works of pre-Hays Code Betty Boop shorts, to the then-contemporary Tex Avery, it was a well-established joke. Donald, however, is completely insatiable and unstoppable. It starts funny, gets ridiculous, and then turns downright disturbing. Donald Duck is insatiably in love with these Latin beauties, and cannot be tamed. It’s a running gag that runs far too long. Panchito shouldn’t have shown Donald a hot beach, he should have shown him a cold shower.
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The movie ends in quite an interesting way. Instead of a traditional song and dance number celebrating Mexico, the remaining twenty minutes of film is a surreal, avant garde display. More than ‘Toccata and Fugue’ from Fantasia. More than ‘Pink Elephants on Parade’ from Dumbo. Things are odd, formless, wild, and baffling. And lots of fun.
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The Three Caballeros’s primary problem is how unbalanced it is. Any ten minute stretch is vastly different from any other. But it is unbalanced in a linear fashion. As the movie progresses, it becomes more cohesive and more audacious. Things are always building towards the (literally) explosive climax.
It begins with one short that doesn’t belong in the film at all. It moves onto a second short that, while more appropriate, could easily be excised. Jose is introduced, giving the movie more structure and narrative harmony. With him, more advanced animation techniques are employed. Panchito is introduced, giving the film a solid shape and definition. Finally, we’re treated to a grand tour de force. Disney’s animators use every trick to deliver a mindboggling trip for the eyes and ears.
The Three Caballeros as a group existed as Disney second-stringers for many years. Donald Duck remained as popular as ever, but it was rare to see Jose or Panchito acknowledged by the studio. Early in the 21st century, the cult popularity of the film prompted a resurgence for the forgone trio.
The Three Caballeros are featured at the Mexican Pavilion of Epcot Center (despite only one of the three members being Mexican). Don Rosa wrote two sequels for the trio, published in comic form. They’ve appeared in Disney television shows, such as House of Mouse, and 2017′s DuckTales. They even star in their own series on Disney+, where they become globetrotting fantasy heroes.
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The Three Caballeros expands on the ideas of its predecessor, Saludos Amigos. A multitude of animation techniques continues the celebration of harmony in the Americas. Music, laughter, and a love of exploration unite us all. While the end result is something of a mixed bag, the highs are demonstrably high. It will stimulate some viewers while outright confounding others. But in the end, the wild, surreal adventure is a voyage worth taking. Hasta luego.
Fantasia Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Pinocchio Bambi The Three Caballeros Dumbo Saludos Amigos
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the teen show genre is back. that it had announced it’s grand return at such a time of deep uncertainty and unimaginable loss, especially for an entire generation of teenagers, is relief, respite, and a necessary and urgent gain. there is nothing but gratitude for this...for its intended audience and for those of us who will live vicariously through the lives of the kids, for those of us who will watch, and walk with the kids. for someone like me who longs to feel strongly about a story enough to write again.
despite my ‘desperate begging’ for the return of the youth oriented show. i did not picture this. in my defense, i did not know about this story at all. now, when i did learn the gist of the story, i did not expect much. it is, after all, a trope we’ve repeatedly seen in practically every language. in my defense, again, i would have found this show, and watched it anyway, in support of the network, probably be mildly entertained, slightly amused, and successfully distracted. and that would have been enough. i was bound to find this show, though during a deep dive into the youtube rabbit hole, chancing upon a japanese doll and an american cutie, realizing the creative team for this show is that creative team. my favorite creative team. i was sold.
i knew i was going to love this show enough to write. the question is, how? do i live tweet, take notes, and write a post for every episode, or do i live tweet take notes, listen, take notes and write one big post at the end of the series? judging by how much detail i know this team puts into a story in the form of metaphors, seeds, pay offs, connection and clues, clearly obvious in this first episode alone, this calls for an episodic post, for the peace of my own nerdy, detailed obsessed mind.
it is worth repeating that i haven’t read the book. this focuses on the series alone. no references, no comparison to its source material.
and it begins. oddly so.
first, a note on the casting: my attachment to a show is dependent on my attachment to the cast of the show. i spent the weeks and months leading up the pilot episode learning as much as i can about this refreshing cast of newbies. i’d been watching rise since it began, and so it wasn’t difficult to develop a soft spot for the five rise kids who are part of the show. as for the rest of the cast, their interviews and streams are all surprisingly impressive. i always like to say ‘walang patapon sa mga batang ito.’ none at all. they are all so special that i am in awe of how many gifted children are in one batch at one time, in time for a show like this. the teen show slot was vacant because it was waiting for these specific kids. 
everyone who was given moments on this episode made the most of their moments. episode one’s surprises were criza, who is a natural. i am just grateful naih was able to use all of criza’s kulit energy. gelo, i’ve known is funny, but it wasn’t until i saw him in character that i realized just how hysterical he is. i enjoyed his interaction with ysay, i am wondering if there is more of that. v no longer surprises. i find that she is incredibly underrated still. i love that girl. fictional life sometimes clouds my judgement, ever so slightly, but these mean girls, are the mean girls i would cheer for. i’ve just been enjoying the girls’ junket interviews so much that it is also a joy to watch them in character. aimee is spunky, sophie is incredibly poised. khloe is a joy to watch, and ash just fits in, dalia...i have never seen a girl with such strong presence and beauty since hopie. i have never enjoyed watching a local queen bee as much as i feel i would enjoy, and hate to watch kim. dalia is amusing to watch too, so there’s that. joao, you know i have always found reliable and competent. limer, i am just happy an actor like him is in a show as big as this. kaorys is my in on this show. they are favorites. i adore them. she registers well on camera, and rhys is music to my ears, and has such an animated, expressive face. i cannot wait to watch their subplot and write about them in detail. i am attached to these kids. i know they are going to be a joy to watch.
melizza, melizza deserves her own paragraph. i first paid attention to when she was answering those miss universe questions on rise, and my jaw literally dripped at how intelligent she is. that intelligence shines through in her portrayal of elle. she is self-aware, and aware of her co-stars in a scene. she is conscious of where she is in a scene. she does she is a realiable actress in that there is no fear that she will break character it doesn’t have to be her scene, but i cannot help but watch her. she isn’t a scene stealer, but she is always acting, always reacting. she gets the assignment: from speaking french to playing a nuanced mean girl whose meanness, is as she understands and plays elle, stems from fear, from being threatened. i actually love that. there is no real villain in this story, just kids navigating unfamiliar, ugly, strange feelings, with limited ways to express these feelings. melizza gets it. i said i am a melizza fan now. i mean it.
donny and belle individually: i had known of donny, watched him long enough to know him, and who his family is. since he started mostly on social media, this ate didn’t quite get the appeal. no offense, it’s just a generational thing. haha! when he started acting, he was like most greenhorns to me, appeal understandable, charming to an extent, but with still so much to learn. i missed his last acting stint before this show. i did not watch jpd.
belle is a going bulilit alum. that’s all i really need to know to trust the casting. i wasn’t a fan yet. i had no clue about the story so i did not know just how much weight the character carried, but by virtue of the fact that she’s been acting the longest out of the ensemble, i knew she knew what she would be doing. i knew the management knew what they were doing when they casted her. belle as the focal point of the story lends such an air of confidence that the story will be told well and that the necessary intimacies will be handled with care. belle’s ability to transform would make max’s arc effective. i did not watch jpd. i had heard about it.i had heard it was surprise. ‘the ending part...’ it was all too familiar: lizquen, circa 2012, must be love: ‘the ending...’
it was completely blind, complete trust.
their casting made me momentarily forget that there were multiple rounds of auditions, from which the each of the cast were carefully picked. it just seemed so random, that is, in context of say, kaori and rhys that could count kuya’s house as part of their shared history. so much of my acceptance of this new pairing depended on how much i trusted the team, and how i knew they worked. i then consumed any and all donbelle content i could find, which, at that time was painfully lacking. imagine the excitement when that first general assembly officially kicked off the hih junket, from then on, they started to grow on me. 
these are two calm, cool, collected kids, with a kulit side for sure, but they both take their sweet time. there is a formality and wide open space that was begging to be bridged with these two. there were times i would will myself to see it.  theirs isn’t an instant explosion of chemistry, but a sustained afterglow. once that was clear, the goal of sustaining this partnership for however long, how many other stories they can tell together, also became clearer.
it was the tv patrol interview by the lockers that had me sold. it was him joking that they were already married with three kids. it was the way he looked at her in that interview, the way he still does, with donbelle, it’s all the little, quiet things. i don’t know how to explain it, but if they were to jump into the emotional deep end together, i have no fear.
now, back to the beginning which i thought was strange. a recap of what i imagine is the entire first season, artistic as it may be, is one huge spoiler. i realized, this is based on a book. those who’ve read it obviously know what’s going to happen. such opening is meant to set the mood. it’s an invitation to emotionally invest. it’s safe to say, it accomplished those two goals, but i feel as though there is more to that opening. as someone who is clueless about the source material, it reassures that it doesn’t matter what we know, or don’t know, because this is less a story of ‘what?’ and more a story of ‘whys?’ and ‘hows?’this takes me back to the first general assembly when comparisons to the meteor garden, boys over flowers were brought up. i understand the comparisons, but now that the first episode has aired, i feel so strongly against it.  
this introductory montage is proof that it is not about the pieces of the story, but how the pieces are moved around to tell a story, to give us a fresh new perspective of a trope, starring stereotypical characters. the story is told in retrospect, with our lead looking back, taking all the pieces of the whole apart, rather than building the story as she goes along (which is incidentally how i like to take in stories).
the introductory montage is a device that allows a more expanded storytelling. the story is told from max’s point of view. it’s a story of how she sees things, this makes her an unreliable narrator due to her blind spots and clouded judgement. as the story goes along, the audience sees that it is not only max’s story, it is deib’s as well, and the rest of the characters’ stories, max only sees the bigger picture in retrospect. because i am such a nerd, imagine my kilig when i realize why that choice for an opening was made? i may have screamed.
notes, questions, favorite moments.
belle’s ‘sigurado,’ the first 4-5 notes of the hooked sprinkled throughout the episode.
on the road: the transition from max on the trike and deib, in his car rushing through a countryside road, if that was clean editing, i’d celebrate it...that the two people were on the same road at the same time travelling different directions is the most clever storytelling moment thus far. i love when seeds are planted and pay offs are grand. it was hardly a meet cute, but it was some intense head on collision. okay, i got it just then, the accident was a literal representation of their metaphorical colliding. it was a lot of things for her: irritation, wonder, disturbance, fascination, disruption. it was a complicated mix for him too, except clouded by the rush of having to be somewhere else other than that moment. charged. electric. spark. lightning that escaped him. (yup. more on that later).
this encounter begs the question: what was deib doing there? why was he in a rush?
the airport scene: ‘hinihintay ka na ng kapalaran mo.’ a beautiful verbal sign of things to come.
meeting daddy: it’s what uncertainty does to max that i find so disarming her fidgeting the heart shaped pendant close to her chest, summoning said heart for strength, and grace, counting on the assurance of its familiarity.
the car conversation with dad: still disarming. charming. curious. that the necklace from which hangs her heart shaped confidante was actually her dad’s gift to her mom. how heartwarming is the thought that the one thing that makes her feel close to her mom is actually from her dad who she is meeting for what i assume is the first time? i think it’s a beautiful irony.
the dinner table scene. the family dynamic it established. elle’s french, max wrestling with the chopsticks on the side.
sleepless max. her hidden vulnerability, and with whom that vulnerability finds comfort. who is babu?
max’s fist at the school entrance, and elle calling her out on it.
the cafeteria scene, and how that whole moment is the selling point of the story - brave max who does not care for the social rules of her new school standing up to the bully who happens to look the way he does. i won’t say she’s unaffected, but at that point  her view is clouded with the injustice she just witnessed, that is until they recognize each other. as a side note: ysay and lorde’s interaction made me smile.
the aftermath. max has now caught the attention of the whole school, she has caught the attention of the mean girls so much so that walking down the halls is social suicide. when aimee confronted her, (sophie did so well!) my eyes looked for elle’s eyes. there were layers upon layers of emotion there: shame, hesitation, confusion, fear, maybe anger, there was a flash of her wanting to connect too, or did i just imagine it?
the gym scene with all the boys. it’s probably my favorite...not really, but it’s the scene that gave me so much, the scene that proved to me that this is more than just a simple, one dimensional teen show. this one moment spawned so many fan theories online that i have yet to read. it’s interesting when we cross that bridge, but to me for now, it is from this point up to the debate that kind of turned the tables, and gave the story a sudden depth that’s unexpected. it made the audience pay attention to deib as well, that this is as much his story too. and on the aspect of change, in one interview (i can’t remember which one), i remember belle describing max as someone who wants to change the people around her, and through that, she is changed as well. i did not understand what she meant at that time, until this. and the debate.
the debate: i just love the debate, simply because i love words, but long-winded dialogue like that is risky especially on a show like this. i loved it. i loved the rhythm, poetry, and point of it. i love how layered it is. i loved how comfortable was delivering his lines. i did not cringe, which just means he has gotten better at this whole acting thing, and it’s always a joy to watch someone breakthrough. this moment was necessary as a springboard to the next scene, to show that the rivalry isn’t just a physical one, but a rivalry of the minds too. (i enjoyed that that was pointed out in one of the kumu lives)  this is also one of the scenes that proved what the introductory montage was trying to establish: that max is an unreliable narrator, that there are things she doesn’t see. i would say the tables have turned, and it has, but we also discovered that deib has always been the romantic, and max the realist. at that moment we know that max will be changed irrevocably. that ending took the wind out of me. that hurt, but it was thrilling too, made me excited for things to come.
 ‘love is like lightning.’ poor deib doesn’t know he has been struck by lightning, and is prone to the electricity of one. he doesn’t know it yet because of the gray sky gloom of his shattered heart.
the kiss is everything, it was shocking, kilig and all that, but in context of the story, it is more appealing more kilig to think of all the interactions that lead up to that accidental kiss, all the pent up tension in those interactions that is channeled into that meeting of lips. oh gosh! it just occurred to me, this kiss was predicated by such a verbose exchange just to prove a point, to win. it only took this kiss to shut both max and deib up. i would say there are no winners here. they are both losers to love. except. it’s still to early to call it, right?
in terms of the team up: implied as it is, this is what i mean when i say, i am unafraid for these two to go there, when necessary. there is such a safety i sense between donny and belle, in the way they care for each other. it’s beautiful.
to say that this show only promotes bullying to its young, impressionable target demographic, could not be more wrong. this show matters because it gives its characters (who are representative of today’s teen generation), complete arcs, and safe spaces for feelings no matter how ugly they are. it’s a show that allows teens to be teens, allows them to figure things out for themselves, a show that allows them to relate with one another, as they should. and the usual byproduct of emotional teens relating with one another is bullying. it’s not the best thing ever, but it is what it is. see, we can only pray and hope that the kids turn out to be good ones, but to expect kids to be perfect is out of the question. this is a work of fiction, of course there is a tinge of exaggeration. now, if you all are that bothered by the bullying, i hope there are adults watching with you. be kilig. have fun with the show, but always look deeper.
why do you think i needed three re-watches and few days for a post this long?
i am excited for the next episodes.
(if i think to add more, this will be edited).
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rebelcourtesan · 4 years
Hordak - Peeling Back the Layers
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Alright, if you’ve been following my blog for a while, then you know how much I like villains.  A show is only as good as its villain and She-Ra and the Princesses of Power have given us several awesome villains.
Since it’s a reboot, all of the characters have underwent redesigns.  From She-ra’s more modest outfit that brought out raging fanboys, and the wide range of ridiculous 80′s outfits remodeled to be more practical and stylish.  Perfuma isn’t wearing a flower on her head and Catra is actually a cat girl and not a lady stalking around in a tight red dress.  
long post below
One of the biggest changes is Hordak himself.  Instead of some muscle bound brute, they remodel him to have a slimmer build and wearing a tunic/tabard with a technological mind.  
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In season 1, we actually do not see him in person until the end of the THIRD episode.  Though he is the leader of the Horde which should put him as the main antagonist, I consider Shadow Weaver to be the main antagonist of season 1, mainly because she makes more appearances and has more influence over the actions that hamper the heroes (BFF Squad).  At best, he’s a recurring character, at least in the first season.
However, even then, I was drawn to him because I liked his redesign so much and was quite intrigued with him.  He was shrouded in mystery and kept himself distant from current affairs unless it’s to make a brief appearance to intimidate Shadow Weaver and receive reports on what’s happening outside his sanctum via monitors.
In the original She-Ra series, Hordak was much more attached to Adora.  In SPOP, he dismisses her as a lost cause and in turn makes Catra the new Force Captain, overruling Shadow Weaver’s selection, which shows a very pragmatic side to him.  He also overruled her when it came to using the Garnet runestone to attack Bright Moon.      
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He pretty much remains a static character throughout season 1.  We still don’t know more about him other than his being the Leader of the Horde and he has a cool disposition towards his underlings.  
It not until we hit season 2-3 that multiple layers are stripped away to allow us a closer look.  And the one responsible for peeling back those layers is Entrapta.
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I’ve gone on in length about why these two work so well together as a couple.  With her lack of social skills and obsession with science and experimentation made her to the perfect companion of a man who isolates himself from others and considers Etheria a backwater planet with no concept of interstellar travel.  They suited each other as if cut from the same cloth.  
Imperfection is beautiful.   
These are the words that sparked a deep relationship he had never experienced before, that he had never imagined and we’re given Hordak’s background . . . or a side of it.
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Hordak plays the part of an unreliable narrator when he talks about his past.  An unreliable narrator.  An unreliable narrator is a narrator whose credibility is compromised.  Whether its someone who is bias towards events (racist), naive of certain events (a child), has an askew perception (Humbert Humber, the pedophile narrator in Lolita.  
In Hordak’s case, it’s his programming as a clone and strong attachment to his ‘brother’ progenitor Horde Prime.  We’re given only one part of the story and we’re led to believe that his ‘defection’ was a physical disability that causes his body to break down and chronic pain.  And for a long time, until the end of Season 4, this is what we the audience believed was the case.
However, we are quickly shown the true reason why he was discarded.  He had attained a mind of his own and individuality.  
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Which asks the question, did Horde Prime allow Hordak to come to the conclusion that it was a physical defect?  Or was it Hordak’s won misconception that led him to believe such?  There had to be a reason why his ‘brother’ would reject him so and he body was falling apart.  So that must be the reason, and therefore he must rise above his frailties to prove himself strong in Horde Prime’s eyes.
Yet, he meets Entrapta and experiences genuine acceptance. Unconditional love and affection from someone he didn’t have to prove himself to.  Entrapta who created a suit to ease his pain and make him more functional without expecting nor asking for anything in return, but did it simply out of friendship and love.  It’s literally an eye opening moment for him.  
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From this point on, he shows a wider range of emotion beyond that of anger, cool reception, or frustration.  
He struggles to give his thanks to Entrapta, even going as far as to assure her she was worth something.  
He demonstrates regret at the thought of returning to the Horde Prime.
Hurt when he believes Entrapta betrayed him.
Loss and grief over loosing her.
Pleasure in the battle field.
Embarrassment when the Imp teases him for thinking about Entrapta.  
Season 4 has Hordak leaving his shell or sanctum to lead the Horde army in taking over Salineas and has a taste for battle.    
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For Season 4, he has the mannerisms of something had just been spurned by a lover.  He disallows Entrapta’s name to be spoken in his presence, has her things thrown out, and yearns for her while desiring her work and recordings to help him finish his arm cannon.  He even wanted to face in her battle as if he wanted to show her up or have a confrontation.  
He has become a leader that is more open with his underlings now, more confidant and isn’t a malignant being that intimidates his followers from the shadows as he had done in Season 1.  
Then another layer is stripped away when Double Trouble (lauded as a hero for this) reveals what really happened to Entrapta.  
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Now we see him as a man in pain, suffering loss and grieving for a loved one.  He had been the fool that had discounted her loyalty.  And with sending someone to Beast Island is considered a death sentence, in his mind, Entrapta is dead, murdered by Catra to gain his trust and steal power.  
Then he does something out of character for himself.  
Remember, in Season One, he was calm and collected, pragmatic and cold with his mind focus on his goal.
Then as the Horde is posed to win the war, he attacks his second in command Catra.  Which is understandable reaction to see revenge, but it’s a very human thing to do.  I’m using the term ‘human’ loosely as many of our favorite characters aren’t human as a race, but you know what I mean.  
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He destroys a good portion of the Fright Zone, his own lair and base, trying to kill Catra, consumed with fury over Entrapta and being tricked.  One doesn’t need to be a soldier or a general to know how this would weaken his position in a war. Yet, the emotional pain has put him past caring of how this would weaken him.  All he wants is to avenge Entrapta.  
 Then we have the final layer removed.  The false hope.
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We are finally given a missing piece of a puzzle that we didn’t know was missing.  We learn that Hordak’s true defect was having a will of his own.  
When we are introduced to Horde Prime (and brutally so), he completely outstrips Hordak as the main villain of the series and lays him bare to raw vulnerable person seeking affection he never truly had. 
Let’s compare.  
We went from this, when we first see him in the series.  Cold, calculating and feared.
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to this.  On his knees, begging for approval, and frightened. 
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What I love about this is that it happened so naturally over the course of four seasons in a way I cannot find fault or call bullshit on.  This is a character whose barriers have been stripped from him, first through love and then fury, and then fear and rejection.
His motivation throughout his life had been to please Horde Prime and his actions which has been the cause of so much strife in the series from the war, banishing King Micah, Shadow Weaver betraying Mystacore, Adora’s seperation from her family, Catra, Lonnie, Kyle, and Rogolio’s childhoods, have all been to reunite with an abuser that not only outright rejects him, but then rips away what was left of his mind.
When Season 5 comes around, we’re going to see a new Hordak.  Not a reprogram amnesiac (though I believe he’ll start that way), but someone who has to find a new purpose.  And in finding a new purpose, he’ll likely become a new man.  
But predictions are for another post. 
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