#being a hades/pluto kid
youjusttryandstopme · 8 months
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aroaceleovaldez · 5 months
everyone talks about "oh what if Percy could bloodbend" but I think there is woeful little discussion about other potentially fucked up big 3 kid powers:
I mean it's already canonical Hades/Pluto kids can just. straight up kill you. Like literally Nico can just tap people on the shoulder and they get Thanos Snapped. Totally fucking dusted. Sometimes bones are left and he just starts controlling that but that seems to be optional. He does it like three times in Tower of Nero.
Not to mention Nico also being able to just rip people's souls out of their still living bodies. Is that a Ghost King thing or a Hades kid thing or a combo from both? Who knows.
All the different ways Big 3 kids can make somebody just. Explode. Zeus* kids can just build up air pressure, Poseidon kids can build up water/blood pressure, and Hades kids can just make your bones splinter and shoot out.
I don't think Zeus kids would be able to mind-control people by controlling electrical impulses BUT they could just send several thousand volts directly through you via touch so like. That's not great.
Bloodbending for Poseidon kids is obvious but Hades kids have SO many options to potentially control people. Puppet their bones? Control their actual literal soul? If you go the route of "shadows are connected to the person" then dragging somebody around by their shadow? Or given that Hades kids are heavily implied to just have nearly all abilities ghosts are said to, there's a decent chance they could Just Straight Up Possess You.
Poseidon kids can control blood (and actually exemplified in canon - seemingly just about any bodily fluid, as Percy makes Achlys start choking on her own tears/snot). They could also theoretically completely dehydrate you in an instant.
Zeus* kids meanwhile can. Make air bubbles in your blood or etc. Which is VERY bad for those of you who are unaware. Hades kids can probably just yoink all the metals out of your blood. Casually revokes your iron privileges. Poseidon kids are just yoinking your blood In General. Etc etc.
And then yknow, the casual natural disasters stuff. Zeus kids making tornados and hurricanes? Plus the aforementioned just throwing massive amounts of electricity around. Probably also able to make dust storms and stuff. Poseidon kids making hurricanes and floods and earthquakes? Or being able to create geysers just wherever they want? Hades kids also being able to make earthquakes or just shatter the ground or create giant ravines and etc. And, yknow, ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. And aforementioned insta-killing I guess. Bonus Hera kids probably being able to also do tornados and dust storms and etc, possibly moreso than Zeus kids.
*Zeus with an asterisk because wind/air powers actually seem to be more of an Hera/Juno thing and so exclusive to Jason and not Thalia, while Zeus/Jupiter seems to be just the storms/electricity.
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tagthescullion · 2 months
I feel like Hades/Pluto only falls in love rarely, so even before the oath he always had less demigod children than the others (and even now that the oath is gone he won't have any more for a good long while) but when he does, he loves deeply.
Hades stayed with Maria long enough to have two kids with her, and he didn't leave in between like Zeus did with Beryl after Thalia was born. I read somewhere that he stayed with the di Angelos until Nico was a toddler; I don't remember if it's canon or not but if it is I think it fits. I assume he helped them get to America because travel overseas, especially to an enemy country, was, well, difficult to put it mildly (especially considering Bianca and Nico presumably couldn't go by either sky or sea). He personally warned Maria, and from the sound of it that was not the first time they were having a similar conversation. He offered to shelter her and their children in the Underworld, to build her an entire palace. He was so devastated by her death that he cursed the Oracle. More than fifty years later he was still grieving her so much that he sent armies of monsters to get Thalia in revenge for Zeus killing Maria. He had Bianca and Nico dipped in the Lethe, sent to the Lotus Hotel, sent Alecto to get them out of the hotel, got them into school with presumably all the Mist and paperwork forgery that entailed (although then left them to their own devices, instead of sending them to camp or something). Any other god would have stopped caring so much about their welfare once they were in the Lotus Hotel, and possibly before that.
As for Pluto, Hazel never met him until she was thirteen, but it seems that Marie didn't want him around anyway (in fairness, she might not have wanted him around BECAUSE he'd left her and Hazel, I don't know which came first). But when Hazel was born he was "so pleased and proud" that he offered Marie literally any wish it was within his power to grant, and even though he knew what she asked for would only bring trouble he gave it to her anyway. He had apparently had the Levesques under his protection all this time, which I think is why Hazel never mentions ever seeing a monster during her childhood, even though you'd think a child of one of the Big Three would be a major target. He personally came to ask Marie not to go to Alaska, instead of sending a minion, but did not force her not to go. He gave Hazel a birthday present of pencils and drawing paper - which means he already knew she liked drawing, so he'd clearly been keeping an eye on her. He intentionally turns a blind eye to Hazel's resurrection, despite it literally going against his entire domain and everything he stands for as the Lord of the Dead.
the thing about hades/pluto is that (always speaking of the pjo version ofc) he does love his children. hazel, bianca, nico. he has shitty ways of expressing things, undoubtedly, but he seems to be much more into what they do, where they are, and if they're okay! he protects them even unknown to them
did hades love maria di angelo? 100%, nobody would doubt that. when he's talking to her about taking them to the underworld or the casino, she's very comfortable, they're both very mushy, the kids are not paying attention (they would be if hades being there was such an uncommon event), clearly he's been around --if not as a family, then enough that the novelty of his presence has long worn off--
did pluto love marie levesque? idk. she summoned him somehow, not really looking for him in particular, but eh, you get what you get. he clearly has been following hazel's life, but his relationship with marie doesn't look as if it was ever loving. it's even implied marie only wanted him bc he looked "fancy" and she wanted to be rich, and a "queen", did pluto love her anyway in return?
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starlightshadowsworld · 2 months
I hate the Percy Jason rivalry, I find it just a poor attempt to rehash the Percy Thalia rivalry.
But man does it have potential in exploring the differences between them and their respective camps. Such as theme of hard work vs natural talent.
Percy is naturally gifted.
He used his powers unknowingly without even knowing he was anything but human. He's never had an issue with his powers, able to perform incredible feats with little effort.
He accidentally vaporised his pre-algebra the first time he ever held a weapon.
He beat Luke in a swordfight in his first ever swordfighting lesson. A great feat considering Luke is called out for being the best swordfighter in Camp Half Blood in a century.
In Camp Half Blood it seems like parentage is everything. The Aphrodite kids are looked down upon because of their mother. The Athena kids are highly regarded because of their mother.
To be a child of the Big 3 is like being royalty itself.
I mean everyone is told to bow when Percy gets claimed by his father. Thalia's the legendary daughter of Zeus and Nico is isolated for a long while for being a son of Hades.
That doesn't seem to be the case at Camp Jupiter. Hazel's not so much looked down upon for being a daughter of Pluto, but for being part of the 5th cohort.
Jason's looked up too but it's not because he's the son of Jupiter. And clearly not cared about enough for people to actually look for him.
It's never said but I imagine he spent a long time being looked down upon for being of the 5th cohort.
Parentage holds weight but it doesn't matter in the same way as it does in Camp Half Blood. I mean Camp Jupiter allows legacies to join. And most of those aren't even demigods themselves, like Octavian.
Legacies aren't seen as lesser. Hell Frank had his life force tied to a stick by Juno because he was deemed too powerful by being both a demigod and a legacy.
Jason has been at Camp Jupiter since he was two years old. He had to survive the wolf house, countless quests and battles and than lead his camp to war. To which he fought Krios and won.
Presumably with no aid from the Olympians.
The first rule of the Wolf House is self reliance. Imagine having that taught to you at 2 years old? After being abandoned by your mother to the wolves.
And these experiences shape people and the sheer culture shock these two should've faced when they were switched.
Wolves who would've killed Jason had he ever shown fear or failed their tests.
And I'm not saying that Percy hasn't ever had work hard. That Jason's has a worse life than him, because that's not true. I'm saying in terms of their skills one comes across as naturally gifted while the other does not.
Percy who suddenly has no one to help him for the first time in his life. He's alone, he's forced to rely on himself and only himself. He's always stuck out but never more so than now.
Its one thing to diss the Olympians to their faces, it's been a long time since his own peers looked down on him. It's like he's back in school all over again, everyone knows what to do and he's failing.
Everything he took for granted before is gone. His talent is all he can rely on and he doesn't even know how that's happening.
Jason is suddenly looked up too and revered because of his parentage. People have a perception of what he should be because of his father, because of his sister.
Both of whom he barely knows, hell he never met Jupiter in the entire series. And he's failing to meet these new expectations. He's the kid who was abandoned forced into the family reunion.
Neither of them feel like they belong and have different ways of trying to cope. Jason doubles down and tries to meet these expectations, while Percy is defiantly himself.
Tld:dr These two should've been like Neji vs Naruto, Gaara vs Rock Lee at the Shunin exams. They are so different and highlighting those differences would've been cool to see.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Punk Percy Jackson headcanons but by an actual punk instead of someone who thinks skateboarding is an aesthetic
A remaster of an old post now that i've learned even more about how to be punk!!Posted for @sillycathorrors who when i asked if he wanted me to through with this post since i was debating wether to or not said yes♡This will include my Pjo s/i named Lex de los Santos so if that'll bother you,just don't read this and reminder that punk Percy is actually canon as per his writings so this is just letting him fully participate in the subculture!!
Percy is afrosolarpunk because he's monoracial black but multietchnic(american/dominican/greek)and the son of Poseidon so he's naturally deeply caring about enviormentalism and drawn to nature based aesthetics(and people,as seen by Lex being a Demeter kid)
He got into solarpunk because of Sally.She'd take him to the beach every other weekend to clean the beach with a group of her friends(and end each trip with lunch at the beach)
Thalia was his first real experience with the subculture head on and that's a huge reason he admired her so much and was lowkey jealous of her along with a bit of gender envy
Knows how to diy things that don't even exist(i'm sorry i'll never stop making this Percy joke,it's literally so fitting)
Straightedge(Smelly Gabe trauma)
Transfem bigender and uses any pronouns + a bunch of neos and was on estrogen but for a short amount of time compared to full transitions.Autistic too and that's a huge reason he's punk,both because of facing ableism and autism giving him punk personality traits
Radicalized Nico and Hazel,who are now goth punk and pastel goth punk respectively.The three of them and Lex are known as 'The Outcast Godlings' because of the usual treatment Hades/Pluto kids get the first two were no exception to and Percy and Lex's feelings of isolation and otherness even after getting to Camp Half-Blood,all of which were thankfully resolved by the end of Hoo and the beginning of Tods(Tales of Dead Seas,my sequel to it that happens instead of T.oa)
Owns a pair of colbat blue and black demonias that were a gift from Beckendorf and they're a little tight on him now but he still wears them to remember him by
Goes on petty crime sprees for fun,letting frustration out and as dates with Lex
Rachel,Lex and him are 'The Loser Trio',a nickname they got at Goode High they reclaimed for themselves,and Rachel is canonically punk like him since she's an activist and a huge weirdo(affectionate).Rachel is also nigerian yoruba and afrosolarpunk like Perce and Lex with Lex being pastel punk and blasian too(chinese-dominican/black-greek)so they all go to protests/riots and do charity/activism together starting all the way back to freshman year and Rachel uses Mr Dare's money to give reperations and buy gifts for her besties(from punk bussinesses ofc,otherwise what's the point?)
Intentionally travels via Blackjack,foot,Argo ||,etc so as to minimize fossil fuel usage,taught Rachel how to properly dispose of her paint water,teaches younger campers how to mend and alter their clothes so they last longer and attends mosh pits and underground parties on the regular with Lex on his arm and Nico and Hazel following behind
His favorite musicians are Mcr,Teezo Touchdown,Megan Thee Stallion,The Cure,The Misfits,Alt Black Era,Direct Hit!,Meet Me @ The Altar and Korn.Some of these aren't punk but punk is black so ofc he listens to rap and also blues and Lo-Fi Beats courtesy of LFB enthutiast Hazel!!He's a guitarist himself because Lex taught him how to play as they used to take lessons as a kid and gifted him for his 19th birthday,a sea blue diy'd guitar stacked with stickers they knew he'd love
He's 6'4 by the end of Tods and his hairstyles per book were:Baby dreads(TLT),wicks(TTC),twists(TLO),afro for most of SON because he didn't remember what he styles he likes but gives himself dreads with muscle memory by the end,makes sea material based beads for them in MOA and his hair is so long by the beginning of Tods he switches to locs
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^^^Unmythologizably accurate Percy Jackson.She also loves flowy hemp pants and skirts and dyes them fun colors too,makes shawls and wraps for herself and her punk loved ones(including Sally!!)and she loves hair charms sooooo much and has a special sparkly pink sunflower one that's meant to represent Lex she saves for special occasions!
Very involved with the Demeter Cabin thanks to growing up best friends with Lex since The Lightning Thief-They were the first friend she made at camp,in fact!!Rip Annabeth's pick me ass but Lex is different-and Perlex actively try to get them involved in the camp garden
Almost entierly only weird/niche interests.She's obsessed with obscure podcasts,indie games,underrated cartoons,cult classic movies,non-corny musicals and less popular kinds of toys.The Outcast Godlings have matching Aquapets and Percy has the Beach Party Polly Pocket♡
Harrasses Poseidon into giving her money for Nico's chronic pain meds and mobility aids and helps Hazel rizz up girls as she's a baby transbian.They go to a Special ED school at Percy's convicement because she was supposed to be a Special ED kid but melted down so bad at overhearing Sally planning it she nevet tried to get her in properly and she regrets it to this day so she's making sure they get to live the happy childhoods she didn't.Nico is known as the outspoken activist nerd boy(affectionate)and Hazel is the pretty popular IT Girl who radicalizes her classmates with easy knowledge and encouragement and she does art that matches her beliefs
Including grafitti as she defaces public property with her familia y amigos y eventualmente su novia!!
Huge fan of energy drinks but his favorite is Cotton Candy Bang and Sally learned how to make punk themed blue food for the bit
Shark kin and catkin,specifically whale shark and calico cat(who're 99% female,tgirl Percy is her canon event).Lex is calico cat kin too for them soulmateisms and they discovered they're therians together by looking stuff up online together on Lex's bed at the dead of night and kept it a little them secret they provided tons of validation for too.Lex is also dragonkin,ghostkin and plantkin!
Percabeth is a cautionary tale to abuse survivors and intellectually disabled people about cutting off toxic normies.Lex hadn't seen much of Percy's relathionship with Annabeth until Hoo when the Eight Half-Bloods Shall Awnser The Call prophecy was spoken and it was inbetween then and Percy going missing that they learned the full details as reluctant camp co-leaders with her and realized she's abusive to her,planning to tell Percy when the time was right.The time turned out to be the MOA pre-climax when they were discussing everything that had happened over the years and Percy had a pit in his stomach as Lex and Hazel fell into their own pit afterwards too-That is to say,Tartarus.Hazel gets to unlock her true powers down there,as the Princess of The Underworld and The Unknown,and Lex does their best to care for and protect both of them while up on the surface Percy still hasn't broken up with Annabeth because too much was happening but the last straw is when she insulted Lex out of jealousy and she's so angry she dumps her on the spot and walks away despite it being the middle of a meeting.She also got the Hecate Mist storyline and no Nico relathionship retcon as symbolism/motifs for her finally making her own choices,including Lex,who she only didn't earlier because he didn't think he was allowed to
This follows up to Tales of Dead Seas,a year later Hoo sequel.The plot kickerstarter is Percy killing Zeus in a fit of rage and thus causing the greco-roman mythos world revolution Luke lied about wanting to do like the fascist he was,Luke also having been killed by Percy at the end of Pjo.The other mytho beings that're 'lesser' on the system than the gods gladly followed her and did their own things too and the mcs are Percy,Lex,Nico and Hazel in the four books of the last Percyverse series.'Elysium on Earth','Petallic','Arcane Rot' and 'Unmythologizable' are the titles in order,Sally opens up a family bussiness under 'Familia Jackson Beach Shack' in it and it chronicles Perlex's dating dynamic and Nico and Hazel as teens over the course of 4 years for that og Pjo throwback,including the chapter titles and the return of Rachel as an mc who basically lives at La Residencia Jackson at this point
Lex cracked Percy's egg via starting to date her with their own transmasc genderfluid and bigender but super femme identity making it kinda impossible for it to not happen and ofc she came out to them first and they showered her in affection,lended clothes that were too small on her she refused to not wear anyway and diy'd estrogen by their boygirlfriend.Percy's mermaidcore hair dye was spurred on by her transfeminism and Lex did it for her in an intimate moment as she nervously gripped their waist out of dysphoria she'd look ridicilous and they talked her down and kissed her face to help.Lex dyed their hair too in the final chapter of BOO,their bangs forest green as a self-love metaphor for their completed character development arc
Also Lex is a DC Comics fan and has Jason Todd as their favorite Robin and a crush on him so they told Percy she's a lot like him as a compliment and she got super offended,hand over her heart and everything,because she thinks Jason sucks(denial isn't just in The Kane Chronicles i see)
When it comes to makeup,she usually goes for glittery blue eyeliner tears,black glossy lipstick and edgy blue aquatic nails
Lex is the Team Mom to Percy's Team Dad when it comes to Nico and Hazel and befriended Nico in TTC too as his 'new older sister' by their offer when they found him crying over Bianca after meeting him briefly when Percy was showing him around and Hazel first thing they met in MOA as Hazel approached them onsight by recognizing them from Percy's talks of Lex,her not remembering anything except Sally at the start but Lex slowly came back to her when she eat a Camp Jupiter strawberry and noticed it didn't taste quite 'the same',sadness she didn't understand washing over her.Cute lil black punk found family sitch and Sally is the gilf-I mean abuela
Percy has the cocky flirty punk guy thing going on but it's a Lex exclusive
Perlex is also blue x pink,skateboarder x rollerbladder with Percy's board being ocean blue with black designs and Lex's skates are ultra girly and kiddy and huge x pint-sized.Lex has a raspy voice to match their rocker girl personality and Percy finds it so enchanting and they wear eachother's battle jackets and bought matching Ichigo Kurosaki and Orihime Inoue/Ichihime from Bleach figurines by store thrifting because they assigned their relathionship since they're just like them individually and together
Perseo 'Percy' Isadore Jackson:A punk legend
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aliciavance4228 · 2 months
So... Did Hades Have Any Children At All?
It's very hard to tell wheter or not Hades indeed had any kids. The main reason for this is that Hades is believed to be impotent or at least infertile (though this is never specified in ancient sources) in about 90% of the myths. Which makes sense, considering the fact that he's the God of the Dead and rules over a realm where 99% of its residents are mortal souls.
But what about the other 10%? Well, he has less children than his brothers, that's for sure, and their number varies depending on the myths.
In some myths the Erinyes are considered to be his daughters, whom he conceived either with Nyx or Persephone. But both of these possibilities are labeled as weird by Greek Mythology Nerds because a) Nyx usually conceives her children either asexually or with Erebus, and b) it's very likeable that by the time when Persephone was kidnapped the Erinyes already existed. So people stick to the version where they are the daughters of Nyx and Erebus, and them being reffered to as the daughters of Hades is rather related to the way he treated them.
Another strange case is Plutus. Sometimes he's the son of Demeter and Iasion, sometimes the son of Tyche and Iasion, and sometimes he's the son of Demeter and Hades. Which would be cringe on many levels. Even weirder, Plutus is depicted both in the company of Demeter and Persephone, as well as in the company of Hades, and he's considered the younger brother of Melinoe and Zagreus even when they have completely different parents. My personal theory is that Plutus, being the God of Riches, was basically adopted by his uncle Hades (who's called The Rich One as Pluto) and he's currently treated like his son because they share some attributes. Also, Iasion was killed by Zeus, so he probably needed a new father figure (or someone who rules over the realm where the soul of his father lies now). Furthermore, Plutus is usually depicted either as a young boy or even as a child, so he's literally a babe.
And now, we will talk about the three divinities that are labeled as their children by the majority of this fandom: Macaria, Melinoe and Zagreus.
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Macaria is the one we know few to no things about. She is a daughter of Hades (who was basically mentioned only once in the Suda and that's how we know about her existence), and she's generally associated with a Blessed Death, being a softer counterpart of Thanatos. To make things a little bit complicated now, Heracles also named his daughter Macaria, so it's pretty hard to separate them both when you try to talk about any of them. Her mother is never mentioned, but technically it should be Persephone.
While specific descriptions of Macaria’s appearance are rare, she is often imagined as a serene and comforting presence, embodying the peace that comes with a blessed death. Unlike the fearsome depictions of other death-related deities, like Thanatos and Hecate, Macaria’s visage would likely be gentle, reflecting her role in easing the transition of the souls to the afterlife.
Since there are no recorded myths about Macaria, we can only guess about her personality based on the few mentions of her name and role. As the goddess of Blessed Death, Macaria would be compassionate and understanding. She represents the aspect of death that should not be feared. Instead it should be accepted as a natural and potentially beautiful part of the life cycle. Her demeanor would be calming, reassuring those on the verge of death.
Also, just as a little Fun Fact, some people ship her with Thanatos and consider them to be a natural pair, considering the fact that their attributes are making them complement each other. It's probably one of the most famous non-canon couples from Greek Mythology at this point.
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Melinoe is the Goddess of Ghosts, and is also associated with Nightmares and Madness.
Now, about her parentage... *sighs*
The earliest versions of her story appear in Orphic Greek Mythology, which is completely different and complicated compared to your typical Vanilla Greek Mythology. So depending on the versions, her mother is Persephone, whereas her father is either Zeus or Hades (or both).
The most common version of her myth is that Zeus took the appearance of Hades and impregnated Persephone on the banks of the River Cocytus. Some people are arguing though, claiming that a) Hades was sometimes reffered to as Zeus of the Underworld due to the fact that people were too scared to say his name, and b) In Orphism Hades and Zeus are sometimes believed to be one and the same deity (I've told you that it’s complicated, guys!). What we know for sure though is that Persephone gave birth to her on the banks of the River Cocytus as well, while Hermes was acting like some sort of a bodyguard. One can hope that he got a raise after that...
There's also another version of her myth, though this one was transmitted orally rather than written. In this one Persephone remained pregnant with her after a midnight tryst with Hades on the Nysion Island (Ooo...).
Melinoe is described as being half dark and half pale (though this description might be metaphorical rather than literal, but at least Hel has a twin sister now), representing her dual nature, and is considered both a daughter of the Underworld and of Mount Olympus whoever her parents are.
It is believed that there's a strong connection between her and Hecate. Both preside over realms that are shrouded in mystery, and their domains often intersect in the world of spirits, night, and the unknown. Despite her eerie domain, Melinoe wasn’t inherently malevolent. She was a guardian of spirits, guiding them through the night. However, her association with nightmares and madness meant that she was often perceived with a mix of fear and reverence by the Ancient Greeks.
Melinoe’s primary role was to guide the spirits of the dead during the night. She would roam the earth, accompanied by a host of ghosts, ensuring they did not harm the living. It was believed that the reason why dogs bark at night is because they would see her and her ghosts and get scared. Additionally, she was the embodiment of nightmares, bringing forth visions and dreams that could both terrify and enlighten mortals. Her responsibilities also included maintaining the balance between the world of the living and the realm of the dead, ensuring that neither was disrupted by the other.
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Ah, Zagreus... Where the hell should I begin?
Zagreus is firstly mentioned in Mycenaean Mythology, and it seems that he had a great importance thousands of years ago, but for some reason he lost it in time. In the earliest mention of Zagreus, he is paired with Gaia and called the highest god, though perhaps only in reference to the gods of the underworld. Aeschylus, however, links Zagreus with Hades, possibly as Hades' son, or as Hades himself.
In the most famous version of his myth, which appears in the Orphic Hymns, Zeus raped Persephone in the form of a snake/dragon when she was FUCKING FOURTEEN and hidden in a cave, due to the fact that her mother decided to keep her there so that no god would take advantage of her (Spoiler Alert: it didn't work.). Later, when Zagreus was born, Hera found out about him and threw him into Tartarus, where he was dismembered by the Titans. Athena, however, managed to find his heart and gave it to Zeus. Zeus then asked Semele to eat that heart, which she did and soon after that she got pregnant with Dionysus. This is why Zagreus is sometimes called The Orphic Dionysus, why he is associated with rebirth and reincarnation, and why in some versions of the birth of Dionysus it is Persephone the one who raised him.
There are also people who claim that Zagreus is in fact the son of Hades and Persephone that later got merged/syncretized with the Orphic Dionysus, who is the son of Zeus and Persephone.
And last but not least, in the later versions of his myth he is simply the son of Hades and Persephone, and the God of Orphic Mysteries. In this version he is generally depicted as a skilled hunter who hunts during nighttime and sometimes even eats his prey raw. Also, he and Dionysus share a lot of attributes in common, because yes.
Now, it should be ALSO pointed out the fact that in the Orphic Greek Mythology Hades, Zeus and Dionysus are sometimes believed to be one and the same deity. A small hint that many people use as an argument in order to prove the connection between these three gods, more specifically between Hades and Dionysus, is that during the time when Demeter was searching for Persephone she refused to drink wine even when it was offered to her. But that's an idea and a concept that would take me hours to unpack and explain, and I'm already tired.
*Fanarts by Arbetta*
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rafyki · 3 months
[Percico fanfic]
*Throws more percico smut at you* (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
You know I really can't stop thinking about percico smut lately asdgsdfkas (might be also because me and @neo-kid-funk have been talking about it so much, throwing ideas at each other lmao and also her beautiful spicy art is a constant inspiration)
So anyway, have some Nico calling Percy pet names and Percy with kind of a praise kink - this is very extremely sappy, btw, you've been warned (because of course I can't help but writing them absolutely in love with each other)
You can also read it on AO3!
Nico came back at exactly eleven minutes past two a.m.. Percy knew that with certainty because he had been alternating between staring at the door and at the clock for the most part of the day, since the moment Nico had contacted him via Iris Message to tell him he would come home today.
He had looked so tired, smiling softly at Percy when he told him he missed him, and Percy wanted nothing more than to cradle him into his arms, kiss him wherever he could reach, and make sure he was really okay.
Of course, he knew that Nico wouldn't use the door to get inside the house. Instead, like every good son of Hades, he materialized in the shadows in a way that would have scared anyone who didn't know him. Percy was used to it though, and he did expect to see him stumble into the room from the shadows - he had kept the room dark enough precisely because of that.
What he did not expect was for Nico to choose the shadow on the ceiling and to literally fall into the room. But it didn't really matter, because Percy's senses were so used to be tuned on Nico's presence and his every movement that his body moved before he even registered it, catching the falling man easily into his arms.
“Welcome back”, Percy said. He didn't let Nico go, holding him close to himself, bridal style - the weight in his arms was familiar and welcome, as was the beautiful eyes looking into his own.
“I'm home”, Nico murmured back. There was mirth in his smile as he looked at Percy, hugging him around the neck, head resting against his shoulder. He looked as happy to stay there as Percy felt. “You caught me”.
“Of course”, Percy said. “Was it a test?”
Nico hummed in assent. “You passed”.
“Of course I did”.
“I knew you would”.
Oh, Percy had missed him so much. Here, standing in the middle of the room with the man he loved in his arms, Percy thought that this was what home felt like. As dramatic as it might have seemed, he had been feeling like a part of himself was missing for the whole three weeks Nico had been away. They had kept in contact through Iris Message as frequently as they could, but it wasn't the same; it wasn't enough to lighten the burden weighting on Percy's heart, a weight he knew Nico shared. 
Nico seemed to read his mind. He hugged Percy closer, hiding his face in the crook of Percy's neck, leaving a feather soft kiss there.
“I missed you”.
“Me too”, Percy said. “So much. I'm never letting you go again”.
Nico let out a soft laugh at that, and Percy felt it tickling on his skin. “I don't think my father would agree with that”.
“I have some experience in defying you father, I think I can manage”.
Another laugh. Oh, how Percy had missed the sound.
A beat, a moment of silence. Percy buried his nose in Nico’s messy hair, breathing him in. 
“I really really missed you, Neeks”. 
He had been worried, too, but he didn’t say that out loud. It wouldn’t be fair, not when Nico had his job as the ambassador of Pluto to do, not when Percy himself sometimes had quests to participate in to help the Camps - it was their job, and being worried about each other came together with it, it was a given in a demigod’s life; they couldn’t help it and they both knew, but it didn’t make it any easier. 
When their eyes met, Percy knew Nico was thinking the same thing.
When they kissed, they could taste relief on each other’s lips.
They had been together for long enough that kissing and being into each other’s arms should have probably lost its magic; it should have been familiar like something that you have always there, that is such a huge part of your everyday life that it becomes an afterthought. It wasn’t. Instead, it was familiar in a way that made it impossible to take it for granted, it was familiar in a way that Percy needed, in the way that made their everyday life worth living. They kissed, and every time Percy thought this is why I survived everything I have. To have this. 
Percy kissed him now, and thought that he would never get tired of doing it, even in a million years spent together.
Nico melted into his arms, lips spontaneously opening against his. The sound of a content sigh got lost in between them, and Percy wasn’t sure if it was his or Nico’s. It didn’t matter, they were breathing into each other’s mouths anyway, the sound swallowed in between them.
They stood there in the middle of the room, Nico still cradled in Percy’s arms, kissing and kissing and kissing until they had no breath left in their lungs. 
“You can put me down now, you know”, Nico said after a moment of silence.
Percy just adjusted his hold on him, hugged him closer. He would probably need to do it in a short while when his arms would inevitably start to complain, but for now he was perfectly happy and comfortable like this. “Don’t wanna”.
Nico looked at him, smiled, and kissed him again. Percy knew what the light in his eyes meant, felt it in the heated way their lips met this time, in the way Nico was holding onto him almost desperately, the way he pushed his tongue into Percy’s mouth like he wanted nothing more than to devour him. 
It was different from the languid sweet kiss from just a few moments before. This was a different kind of I missed you, a different kind of I need you, another face of their I love you.
It was the kind of kiss that made Percy feel like Nico was touching him everywhere all at once, that demanded everything from him, every bit of attention, every bit of his soul.
When Nico kissed him like that, it made Percy want to give up everything just to fall on his knees and worship Nico like he deserved.
He kissed back, just as hungry, just as desperate, giving Nico everything he was asking for. 
It had always been like that, between them - one single glance, one single word, and things escalated. That was how they had found themselves falling into bed together even before confessing and getting together properly; it had caused problems, back then, but now they could allow themselves to give in to it without a second thought, could get lost in the feeling of want eating them up without worrying about what waited for them on the other side of it.
Percy only forced himself to move back when he remembered, amidst the haze that was filling his mind, that Nico had just come back after a three weeks long job. Nico whined at the loss of contact. 
Percy took a moment to catch his breath. 
“Wait”, he said. “Have you eaten?”
Nico nodded. The way he was clearly a little annoyed made Percy smile. 
“You sure?”
This time Nico rolled his eyes fondly at him. “Hazel was with me, you know what that means”.
“Mh, yeah, I can trust her to take care of you”.
“You should trust me”, Nico said. Anyone else would have thought that his frown meant he was seriously mad, but Percy knew him too well. 
“I do, with everything”, he said, kissing his nose gently. “But I also know how quests can go, and how they can distract you”.
Another kiss, long and sweet. The heat from before was still there, boiling just underneath the surface. Honestly Percy just wanted to give in to it.
“You sure you’re not tired?”, he asked, in between shared breaths. He could feel the heaviness of Nico’s tired bones, had noticed the way his eyelids had looked heavy earlier when he had just arrived; and he knew how tiring a quest could be, especially such a long one. Nico could sleep, and they could just start again the next morning.
“I am, a little”, Nico replied, and Percy was about to put him down and let him get some well deserved rest. He stopped when Nico held onto him tighter, got his lips close to Percy’s ear, and murmured, “So, take care of me tonight?”
And it was like a fire was lit inside of Percy.
How could he deny him?
Just those words were enough to make arousal fill every inch of his body, strong and prepotent and impossible to ignore. Nico knew the effects it would have on him, of course, knew exactly what to say and do to make Percy do whatever he wanted. And Percy loved it.
Barely suppressing a groan he changed his hold on Nico, moving his hands under his thighs as Nico wrapped his legs around him. Kissing him was easier like this, the new angle making their lips fit perfectly together, the higher position allowing Nico to push for more as Percy opened up against him. Hands were buried in Percy's hair, touching and pulling on it impatient and demanding.
Without breaking apart, with his eyes still closed and lost in the malestorm that was Nico, Percy started walking towards their bedroom. He didn't need to see to know where he was going, and the house was coated in shadows anyway - still he was too busy to worry about bumping into anything. There wasn't anything that could make him separate from Nico right now.
Only when they did reach the bedroom Percy moved back, putting just enough space between their lips that he could catch his breath. He could feel Nico's hard breaths mixing with his own.
Gently he let him down, resting him on the bed. Their bed, sometimes it was still hard to believe it. But there they were now, in their home, on their bed, hands still touching each other like they couldn't bear to separate even for one instant - and Nico was looking up at him, looking beautiful and ethereal in the moonlight coming in from the window. There was lust and anticipation in his eyes, and so much love Percy felt himself drown in it.
Under that stare he took a moment to take off his shirt, then his trousers, and finally his underwear, leaving himself naked and bare for Nico to see. Oh how he loved this, how he loved to be the only object of those eyes, the only one who had the privilege of being at the receiving end of that passionate and devoted look. He could feel himself grow harder just by the weight of it.
Nico reached out, and Percy joined him on the bed. He helped him out of his clothes, slow and gentle, as he could feel the weight of Nico's weary bones, the tiredness of his every move mixed with the need for this, the need for the contact and the touch.
It was a familiar thing, that of taking off each other’s clothes, slowly getting bare before one another, as familiar was the sight of Nico’s beautiful scarred pale skin - yet it never failed to make Percy’s breath stop in his throat, his heart beating like crazy in his chest and blood boiling in his veins. Even in the heat of the moment he could never deny himself a few moments just to look, hungry eyes caressing every inch of skin they could reach, hands following behind shortly after on the same path. He pulled Nico in closer, and the kiss that followed was heated and slow at the same time. Nico’s hands left a burning trail where they moved along on Percy’s skin. They moved on the bed until Nico was on his back and Percy on top of him.
It never failed to amaze Percy how perfectly they fitted together, skin against skin, bodies finding where they belonged against each other. Nico was still smaller than him, and Percy loved that he could cover him like that, having him underneath himself, swallow him whole. He loved that despite this, Nico almost always had the reins of the situation anyway.
They broke the kiss in a moan when their half hard lengths pressed together, leaving them panting into each other’s mouth.
“Are you going to show me just how much you missed me?”, Nico said, whispering the words directly into Percy’s soul.
Percy could feel his pleased smirk against his own lips. Even in his tired state, Nico knew perfectly well how to push every one of Percy’s buttons.
“As if I could ever deny you”, Percy replied, blood rushing into his veins. “Whatever you want”.
“I want you”.
It was such a simple thing to say, such an obvious truth that Percy knew already, had known for years, and it had been so long since the last time he had doubted it. But it still got his heart running, jumping into his throat like it wanted to escape and leap into Nico’s waiting hands.
Percy moved back enough to look into Nico’s eyes. He couldn’t see him properly, as he was coated in the shadows casted by Percy’s own body; it didn’t matter, Percy could see the look in his eyes even in the dark, would see it in his dreams and with his own eyes closed. “You have me”, he said. “Always”.
Another kiss. Nico tasted like everything Percy wanted, now and forever. 
He moved his lips to Nico’s neck, sucking on the sensitive skin, taking it in between his teeth, soothing the bruise with his tongue. Every little sound that was coming out of Nico’s mouth pushed him to bite a little harder, to leave a more permanent mark. Bite marks looked especially pretty on Nico’s neck, their color a stark contrast against the pale skin.
Nico moved to give him better access, one of his hands buried in Percy’s hair, keeping him in place, his legs around Percy’s waist, pulling him closer. Percy could feel the breath catching in his throat every time a movement made their hard cocks slid between their bodies, the pressure and friction so good and not nearly enough at the same time.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good”, he said into Nico’s ear, before taking the lobe in between his lips.
“I- ah, I know you will, baby”.
Percy couldn't help it - he preened at the word,  an unintentional pleased sound escaping from his throat. There was just something about Nico calling him that, something that made Percy lose himself a little more every time. He loved getting lost in Nico, forgetting himself for a little while and just focusing on him, on how to give him pleasure, how to make him feel good.
And so he moved from his neck to his collarbone to his chest, kissing and biting every inch of skin he could reach, letting himself get lost in the taste under his tongue and the sweet sounds coming from Nico and filling his ears. Tomorrow Nico's skin would be a beautiful map of every heated touch, and Percy would wake up and trace it with his fingers, marveling at how beautiful he was.
Down, and he took a pink hard nipple between his lips, sucking and biting just hard enough, just how Nico liked - and he was rewarded with a high moan and a hand gripping his hair so tight it almost hurt.
Few things felt as good as having Nico underneath himself like that, all bare and waiting for him, all for Percy to taste and touch and give pleasure to; tired and exhausted and yet waiting and wanting nothing but Percy. Percy wanted nothing more than to be good for him, to give him pleasure to the point he couldn't take it anymore, to make him arch under his touch at the plea of his name.
A kiss, just where Nico's heart was. A kiss, long and lingering.
I love you so much, he thought, and believed that Nico could feel it, hear it in the sound of his own heartbeat.
Down, again, leaving a trail of soft gentle kisses behind, on Nico's sternum, on his belly, on his hipbones. Nico's legs opened to accommodate him, and Percy moved to his thighs, beautiful and sensitive and so easily marked up. The soft skin tasted perfect under Percy's teeth and tongue. He kissed over a few scars - that was a habit they both had, that of wanting to leave marks over scars, like an attempt to rewrite with something better whatever painful moment had left a sign on their bodies.
“Percy…”, Nico called, breathless already. The name always sounded so beautiful on his lips. It was a request, and Percy understood. 
He licked his lips before finally bringing his mouth on Nico's hard length, wrapping his lips around the head, teasing with his tongue that spot he knew would help to drive Nico crazy. Just a little, not enough to make him come, but enough to make him arch under Percy, to make him moan and cry out asking for something more. 
The broken moans of Percy, and baby, went to Percy's head and groin, and he moved down a little more, taking more of Nico into his mouth, closing his eyes as he drowned in the sounds and taste filling his senses. Nico's legs were wrapped around him, his hands on the back of Percy's head, forceful yet careful at the same time.
Percy loved this, loved how he knew perfectly where to touch to make Nico come undone under him, loved that he could just do this, could love him and show it with every part of his body and every part of his soul. Loved that Nico's taste was so engraved in his senses that it almost felt like his own.
When he could feel that Nico was about to come, he moved back, letting him fall out of his mouth. A whine escaped Nico at the loss of contact, and Percy, breathless, let his tongue run over the length of his cock one last time, a final kiss lingering on the head.
Nico brought his hand under Percy's chin, pushing to make him look up at him. Fingers brushed against his lips, thumb stroking his lower lip, gentle at first then harder, pushing in between until it was inside Percy's mouth.
Nico was beautiful - there was no proper word to describe him, but beautiful was what always came up to Percy's mind whenever he tried to find the right way to describe him. Sometimes, the word was almost enough - never quite able to encompass everything that Nico was, but close, almost good enough. Now though, the sight before Percy's eyes was more - more than beautiful, more than perfect, mesmerizing in a way that the word itself couldn't catch; there were no words that could describe the way Nico looked right now, bathed in moonlight, with his sensitive skin flushed pink, white and shining with sweat, marks starting to form on it, his swollen lips parted, breathing hard. And his eyes, soft and intense at the same time, fixed on Percy, lust and love tangled together in them, and so strong Percy found himself unable to breathe. He knew that the same look was probably mirrored into his own eyes as he looked back at Nico. 
There were no words to describe Nico like this, and there was no need for them - this was a sight no one but Percy was privy to, it was his.
“Come here”, Nico said, his voice raw and breathless, and it pulled Percy out of his own dazed thoughts.
They met in a long messy kiss, mouth opened against each other, like they couldn't get enough, like they wanted, needed, to devour one another. 
“You're being so good for me”, Nico said, and Percy melted at the words. “You're so good at taking care of me”.
A whine escaped Percy and Nico swallowed it in the next kiss.
Hands were traveling all over each other, legs tangled together, every inch of their bodies pressed together. Percy couldn’t wait to be inside him, feeling Nico surrounding him completely. It didn’t matter how many times they did this, it always felt as heart-stopping and significant as the first time.
Nico always seemed to be reading his mind, because the next thing he said was, “I really need you inside me now, Percy”, with a low and clearly affected voice, speaking the words against Percy’s lips.
“Yeah”, Percy breathing, nodding.
He moved back enough to reach out and take the lube and a condom from their bedside table, opened the bottle and coated his fingers in it, then went back to kissing Nico. He really couldn’t go too long without doing it. He kept kissing him as he opened him up with his fingers, careful and slow, taking his time both because he didn’t want to hurt him and simply because he loved doing this. 
As they kissed, Percy could feel on his lips every breath broken in pleasure, every moan and every whine as he kept moving his fingers inside him. 
“I’m- ah, I’m good”, Nico said. “Come on, baby”.
One more kiss, heated in anticipation. 
Nico’s eyes were locked on him, hungrily following his every move as Percy put on the condom and coated himself in lube. The heat and weight of that stare would end up driving Percy crazy one day - crazy with need and passion and so much love that he didn’t know how he hadn’t gone mad yet; or maybe he had, and Nico with him, but as long as they were together in this nothing mattered anyway.
Nico pulled him down and Percy went willingly, putty in his hands. Their lips were made to kiss each other.
“I love you, Neeks”.
Percy had to say it. The words weren’t enough, but he needed to say them, just three little words to describe something that was so big, impossible to really put into words. Their hands found each other, fingers interlacing naturally.
“So much”, Nico replied, squeezing his hand. “So much, love”.
When he finally slid home inside of Nico, they stayed there, panting into each other's mouths for a handful of long moments, getting adjusted and just feeling each other.
“You feel so good”, Nico said, voice row and broken. “You always feel so good”.
A moan cut him off when Percy shifted a little, the movement enough to make his eyes roll back.
“Move, Percy, please”.
And Percy did. Slow at first, then harder and faster, as control started slipping from his fingers and Nico kept pulling him in with the legs wrapped around his back. They were one, joined in every possible way - this was what made Percy lose his mind. It felt impossibly good, to be with Nico like this, a gift so precious it had taken Percy a long time to believe and accept he really could have this.
Their mouths were still pressed together, the kiss broken by moans but they still kept breathing together, swallowing each other’s every sound.
Percy wrapped his free hand around Nico’s cock, and the next moment Nico was coming with a moan and a broken plea of Percy’s name.
It took barely another few thrusts, and the whisper of “come for me, baby”, from Nico, to push him over the edge, and then Percy was coming too.
Time slowed down as they caught their breaths, long moments of stasis that stretched over as the intense heat from before gave way to the slow and lazy intimity that always came after.
Slowly, gently, Percy pulled off Nico, kissing his cheek at the weak sound of protest that elicited. He tied and threw away the condom, and then he was back with Nico, pulling a blanket on top of both of them and wrapping him tight into his arms.
Nico looked content and spent, his eyes already threatening to fall shut as he looked up at Percy with a soft smile on his lips. It seemed that exhaustion was catching up to him all together, and he looked seconds away from falling asleep. Percy leaned in to kiss him again, soft and chaste. These were some of Percy’s favorite moments, the slow lazy moments in between, when time seemed to stop existing, like it was waiting for them to catch their breaths.
“I really missed you”, Nico said, the words coming out slurred. “I never want to be away for so long again”.
Percy agreed. It might have sounded dramatic and silly, but he hated it - he could be away from Nico, but he simply didn’t want to.
“Next time, I’m coming with you”.
It didn’t matter if it wasn’t easy, they would find a way.
Nico hummed happily as he got comfortable with his head pillowed on Percy’s chest, Percy’s hand on his head, caressing his hair slowly. The weight of Nico’s body on him was everything Percy needed after way too many nights spent sleeping alone.
“You should sleep now”, he said, leaving a kiss on top of Nico’s head.
Tomorrow, as time would start moving again, Percy would kiss him good morning and make him breakfast, they would stay in bed the whole morning kissing lazily, and Nico would tell him about his quest, and Percy would tell him about the little mundane things that had happened while he was away. And they both would think that that was what they wanted from life.
Tonight, Percy fell asleep thinking that this was the forever he wanted.
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beans-core · 4 months
Forever sad over the fact that Hazel never got to meet Bianca. :c
Just imagine Hades plopping the three together and being like “yessir they’re all siblings, definitely from the same mother and father, definitely not from a certain Rome counterpart of mine. Just three kids of Hades right here. No one inform Pluto about this, by the way.”
I think Bianca would have rolled her eyes at having to babysit another sibling but would secretly be giddy at having a sister. Hazel would have thrived with an older sister, would have followed Bianca around like a little duckling. Not to mention how happy Nico would have been with both his sisters together. Nico would have been jealous at the start with the girls catching up on years of sister bonding time, but he’d get over it, because ultimately it’s more family to love.
All these kids from the past, and they would get to learn about this new world together (T-T)
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general-cyno · 10 months
I've been musing about it for a while, thanks to some posts I've read recently too, and honestly... one of the (many) fascinating aspects of zolu to me is the way they share parallels/connections and or similarities to important figures in OP's world. spoilers for the most recent arcs and reveals ahead!
perhaps the most blatant and one of my personal favorites, are luffy and zoro's similarities to roger and rayleigh. as OP's mc and someone who's on the road to become the pirate king, luffy's own similarities to roger have come up a lot throughout the story and they've been acknowledged or pointed out by other characters like shanks, rayleigh himself and yamato, for example. from the goofy parts of their personalities, to the strength of their wills, and their dreams, luffy and roger's parallels are consistent in OP,
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and as seen in rayleigh's brief memory of their first meeting, the straw hat luffy received from shanks was originally worn by roger back when he was young.
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albeit the circumstances are a little different - with them stumbling upon each other by chance vs luffy going out of his way to meet zoro after learning of his name and reputation - this first meeting is still reminiscent of zoro and luffy's, with both ray and zoro initially rejecting roger and luffy's invitations to join them in their journey.
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as for rayleigh and zoro, there's also a bunch of parallels between the two!
due to his previous time as a bounty hunter in the east blue, zoro made quite a name for himself and as OP progresses, his renown as the pirate hunter and the straw hats' swordsman is only second to luffy's. he was also the 2nd straw hat to get a bounty, and he's usually right behind luffy whenever their bounties go up. similarly, rayleigh was (and still is) considered a legend second to roger himself, strong enough that garp still views him as a powerful foe the marines can't easily defeat and managed to scare blackbeard away from amazon lily without an actual fight, despite the latter's strength.
there's other stuff too: the eye scars, both zoro and ray being greatly skilled swordsmen, their love for booze, being users of all three types of haki and even their epithets! from what I've read from other OP fans in discussion threads and through some internet search, rayleigh's title of "dark king" in jp is actually the name or word for pluto (the god of the underworld, roman mythology's equivalent to hades) in said language. in comparison, "enma", the name of zoro's most recently acquired sword and the "king of hell" title that he claimed after defeating king in wano, are a direct reference to the buddhist deity of the same name in jp mythology, also known as yama - a god of the underworld in charge of judging souls.
from the most recent flashbacks of the god valley incident, too, you can see the physical resemblance between these duos:
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(as a bit of a side note, I think it was nice that rayleigh not only took it upon himself to mentor luffy, he was also the one who protected zoro from kizaru in sabaody and after the timeskip, during the straw hats' reunion in the archipelago and as they bid their farewells, zoro went out of his way to thank him for everything too.)
all in all, considering how close roger and rayleigh were (to the point roger called him "partner"), their strength, reputation and their overall journey with the roger pirates crew - the fact that luffy and zoro share more than a few clear similarities/parallels to them is really good imo, and it speaks both of the importance of their relationship and of the kind of figures they're bound to become, or are already becoming, in OP's world and ongoing history.
although it'd be sweet to have zoro and luffy directly refer to each other as partners as well (which kid and killer, another captain/first mate duo, have done too) I'm not sure it'll happen, if only for the sake of keeping the relationships between luffy and the crew balanced, so to say. still, like I said, knowing how close luffy and zoro are and that they share parallels with other captains/first mates, I think that says a lot about them regardless and the importance they hold for each other and the story as a whole.
another interesting resemblance between zolu and characters who are connected to one another involves, of course, shanks and mihawk - both of which are not only acquainted with each other, as rivals and friends of sorts, but also served as luffy and zoro's mentors/guides at different points of their lives and presently stand as their eventual foes to face in order to reach their goals of becoming the pirate king and world's greatest swordsman.
aaand last but not least, because it's yet another favorite of mine: joy boy/nika and shimotsuki ryuma. I sort of talked about it in another post, and I find it pretty cool. nika and ryuma come from different eras and don't exactly have much to do with one another but luffy's DF awakening and defeating kaido led to "joy boy" (since luffy refused to take credit for it directly by name) being hailed as a hero to wano that's comparable and only rivaled by ryuma, who in the past defended the country and was considered a legendary swordsman, whose sword shusui (that zoro wielded for a while) is a national treasure even.
since the hito hito no mi: model nika is a mythical zoan and vegapunk's speculated that devil fruits come into existence as manifestations of hope and wishes (or a potential for human evolution someone's desired), among other things, nika's existence as an actual god is kind of a subject of current debate in the fandom BUT. the fact remains that whether real or myth, he's still mentioned in old texts and his story has been shared among those enslaved by the WG, as a call for hope and freedom. in addition, even though he was human, ryuma also became revered as a savior figure and a sword god by the folks of wano.
so when you have luffy embodying the sun god of joy and liberation,
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and it turns out zoro is none other than a descendant of the shimotsuki (frost moon) family, who resembles the former daimyo of ringo and the god of the blade ryuma,
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well. those are some crazy parallels luffy and zoro share outside of their equally kinda crazy and meaningful relationship, as individuals and crew.
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asolareclipses · 6 months
Here’s a headcanon I literally can NOT stop thinking about:
So i’m not sure if anyone’s brought this up before, but you know how Percy hates traveling in air as Zeus doesn’t like Poseidon (including his kids) and all that?
Well wouldn’t that be the same for Nico? Maybe even more so as Hades is one of the most hated on gods by the olympians. I imagine it’s the same in water too, Nico probably has bad luck in air and water.
While it’s never been mentioned (or at least I think it hasn’t let me know if i’m wrong) in the books, I feel like it would make sense.
It’s like…
Percy: No luck in air
Jason: No luck in water? (Roman gods could differ?)
Nico: No luck in air nor water
Of course Hazel too with air and water (her sea sickness?) though again i’m not sure if the Roman gods differ in this aspect.
And then pretty much no demigod has luck in the underworld unless they are a child of Hades/Pluto.
Adding on to this comes the head canon that Nico might not be welcome in Olympus unless it’s on a solstice, or he’s with his dad (like that time after the battle in manhattan).
It’s just the thought of Nico being afraid to go to Olympus because he feels like he wouldn’t be welcome. I could picture Zeus being unpleased by his presence since he already seems to dislike Percy so Nico might have it worse.
I can’t imagine he’d need to go to Olympus not on a solstice though, because most times they visit are on solstices (or after crazy battles with gods being there) but still it’s a thought.
I don’t know, maybe none of this makes sense but i’ve been going over all these rules for the big three and wondering how they affect the demigods.
Let me know what you think..
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nicoathogwarts · 1 year
I cannot stop thinking about what would’ve happened if Luke found Nico in the labyrinth and it lead to a domino effect where Nico joins the Roman’s way earlier.
Obviously Minos lead Nico to Luke as a way to get revenge on the gods.
Luke takes in Nico not only because he’s a child of the big 3 so super powerful and younger then Percy, if Luke kills Percy then Nico will be the one in the prophecy.
So Nico joins Luke, and Luke knows exactly how to deal with an angsty 10 year old. Mostly by promising Nico that he’ll kill Percy for him in revenge. So Nico stays and chills with Luke. He’s not super into the whole killing the gods thing but he is for vengeance. So he stays.
During the Battle of Manhattan Nico’s at the mountain base, hidden away so that he’ll be safe for after Percy dies.
Jason and Reyna find him after storming the base and defeating the titans there. As far as they know, he’s Roman and Nico, realizing that Luke’s left him as well, joins them.
Nico does everything to be Roman, it’s an easy switch of the most part, his odd fighting style is explained via him summoning skeletons to teach him how to fight. Mythomagic helps him easily switch from using the Greek names for the gods to the Roman names.
Learning Latin is a struggle, but he learns out of a mix of desperation and worry they’ll realize he’s not one of them. Knowing Itallian helps thankfully and no one is any the wiser and the ghosts know to keep their mouths shut.
Everything’s fine for awhile, Nico makes friends, he’s close with Reyna and Jason. Maybe Hazel’s there, maybe she’s not, I’d say not personally.
And then Percy Fucking Jackson shows up out of nowhere and Jason goes missing. And everything around Nico silently crumbles. Everything he’s built will be gone, everyone will realize he’s a son of Hades and not a son of Pluto. He’ll lose his friends and his home. He’s already lost Jason, though the dots are easy to connect, he’s definitely at camp half blood. 
His saving grace is Percy not knowing who he is.
It’s almost cathartic for Nico to watch people tense up around Percy. How the find him strange and how he’s so clearly an outsider.
The tables have been turned. And Nico watches every second of it with glee.
Even before it’d been revealed Nico was a son of Hades the campers at CHB were weary of him on instinct. Nico remembers how one of the other unclaimed kids told him that he was... off. There was something strange, threatening about him.
And now Percy gets to experience the same thing with the Roman’s and their distrust of Neptune and his children.
Once Percy goes on his quest Nico knows he won’t die. So he busies himself with looking for Jason, slowly trying to inch everyone towards the correct conclusion without being too obvious.
But it all comes to an end, and Percy returns with the eagle and his memory intact.
Percy stays quiet, pulling Nico to the side when no one’s around and asking him what happened, why he’s here, how he’s here. Nico shrugs and shadow travels away.
It gets worse when the Argo II comes, when Jason sees Nico and even though he doesn’t remember there’s something so achingly familiar about him he knows that at some point they were close.
No one is as confused as Annabeth, who immediately knows.
“Nico? We thought you died.”
And all hell breaks loose. 
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aroaceleovaldez · 5 months
i think it's really interesting that Hades/Pluto is associated with noxious fumes, with temples to him (Ploutonions) being built often on sites of poisonous gases, and there's some evidence in the Riordanverse that Hades/Pluto kids have at least some mild resistance to toxins possibly because of this association (Hazel surviving the katobleps' poison, Nico having little reaction to normally excruciatingly painful werewolf scratches, etc etc). we should do more with that.
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hyperpotamianarch · 9 days
So, after seeing @half-shadowgalra's post about what if Bianca stayed alive, I thought of analyzing the topic. So, my take on what might change, following the details of canon I can remember:
Firstly, let us assume that Bianca accidentally drove Talos into the Labyrinth, and just got severe head trauma and amnesia instead of dying. Zoe, Percy and co, however, still think she died and continue under this assumption. What happens next?
Well, as far as I know, only one god might actually know Bianca is still alive - her father, Hades. Who, I might say, is not present for the Winter Solstice council and doesn't seem like he'll inform anyone. He would want his daughter safe, probably, so there's a chance he'll send Alecto to find her and bring her somewhere safe - possibly the underworld. No guarantee that the Erinyes would succeed, though.
As to what we see in canon... In his angry burst, Nico mentions feeling Bianca being judged in the underworld, and having nightmares. I'm going to have to assume his nightmares will be altered. And, well... This certainty of her death, which was another sign of them being children of Hades, will likely not exist. How will it change things? Well, I think Nico will still be angry at Percy and consider him guilty of Bianca's death. Maybe. After all, the lack of certainty he had in another timeline can't actually help him realize Bianca is alive. He can't know he would've felt it if she died - even if he started feeling such things, he probably didn't understand that well enough yet. He might have some doubts, though. That's still a minor change, all things considered.
Next time Bianca's death affects the plot is the Iris-net messages. However, we might need to explore first what happened to Bianca. Especially since she not only fell into one of the most dangerous pieces of magical architecture, she did so in a time it was being explored by a whole bunch of people. At any given moment, she could encounter Luke's forces, Clarisse, Daedalus or one of the creatures looking for her. So, you're Bianca Di Angelo, daughter of Hades, who's trapped in a maze underground and have amnesia. What can you do?
Well, I think her bow and arrows are either right beside her or a summon away - the latter is going to be problematic, because she doesn't remember how to summon them. She'll probably have her hunting knife. Oh, and did I mention that she won't remember her training, whatever amount she had?
I don't think canon gives us much indication on what she might do in such a situation. Part of the question is how much she forgot. And since we're makeing this up anyway, we can go for the option we find the most fun! Oh, and I forgot Nico is joining everyone in the Labyrinth pretty quickly. Either way, I think I'll go (regarding her memories) with forgetting everything except for her brother. And English, though it will be fun to have her speak some Italian dialect for some time. Oh, and her name. Easier that way.
So, Bianca wakes up in a cave. She only remembers her name and that she has a brother called Nico. Who is, for some reason, not present. She hears weird sounds and runs away from them.
Now here's another bit: we don't know what Bianca's powers include beyond the ability to permanently kill skeletal warriors. Incidentally, we have another canonical Pluto kid who can control caves. Now sure, Hazel and Nico supposedly have between them Hades' two dominions: riches and death. No reason to keep them separate, however. Bianca can have some power over underground spaces. We have seen Hazel interact with the Labyrinth in the House of Hades, even manipulate it - though she was using magic instead of demigod powers, so we can't be sure if someone with similar powers but no magic could do it. I do think it's possible, though - especially without anyone directly resisting her. It'd be mostly instinctive and unintentional, though, so there's no telling where it would lead her.
Now, where would Bianca find herself? It's hard to tell. Everyone goes through the arena eventually, but it takes time. Bianca can get to many places, Camp Half-Blood included as well as Geryon's farm or the underworld. There really is no telling. Meanwhile, Nico is looking into ways to find his sister and bring her back. Does he realize she's alive? Or does he still try to learn from Minos? As far as I know, we were never told how he made his way to the underworld. Did Hades send Alecto to collect him? If so, does that mean we'll have a family reunion sooner rather than later? Or maybe does Bianca inadvertently run away from it in effort to stay alive and, ironically enough, find her brother?
One possible change would be that when Hades gets Nico, he tells him (at some point) that his sister is still alive. Not in an attempt to console him - Hades doesn't really know about that - but as a throwaway line when Nico mentions her death. I think I can picture that. Nico still runs away, but this time to find his living sister - all that assuming he somehow got to Hades' palace in the time between the Titan's Curse and the Battle of the Labyrinth. In such a case, he might not turn to Minos, which would significantly change BotL. So... Maybe the best option here is Nico not getting to Hades' palace/Hades being too secretive about it all.
Now, no Percy Jackson story is complete without old myths underlining events: Percy isn't compared to Heracles for naught, there are a couple of parallels between them - at least in monster slaying and such things. Sadly, I can't say I'm an expert in Greek mythology, and I'm not sure I know enough to create a story paralleling any myth. So, I kind of hope someone more experienced could come and give a fitting story - only thing I can think of right now is Atalanta, the huntress who took a vow of virginity, joined the Argonauts for a time and participated in the hunt for the Calydonian boar, drawing first blood and thus winning the boar's hide - which eventually lead to much strife. Now, one would think this boar was used in the past, like in tTC - but nope, it was a different boar, so I'm sure having some taste of the Atalanta myth could work. Kind of. Maybe, somehow, I don't know.
So, Bianca is dealing with her own stuff. Maybe, because I just thought of it, she can also have a taste of Cadmus' story - the guy looking for his disappearing sister who went on to found a city instead. I'll have to think about it for a bit, especially since I think both Atalanta and him had a weird "happily ever after in animal form" thing. Cadmus and his wife became snakes, while Atalanta and the husband she eventually did marry (thus breaking her vow of virginity, though the consequences were somehow unrelated) were turned into lions. Huh.
Anyway, she deals with that while running away from Alecto. Nico tries to find a way to reassure his sister while Minos hides the fact she's actually still alive from him. And maybe Bianca encounters Luke.
Now, the repercussions of Bianca being alive include Percy not getting the Iris-net calls about Nico. Which would mean that, if they meet in Geryon's farm, Percy has no way to convince Nico that Bianca doesn't want what he does. Which leaves us at an impasse, so Nico would head out with Minos straight away... Probably. Here's the thing: Bianca being down there means she can be found by someone. I think Clarisse isn't a good option for that, though. So, what if Luke found her? Would she join him? Or be killed? Well, obviously not the latter, we didn't save her so that someone else might kill her. But since we want her as a hero, we'd prefer her not to serve the titans, right?
So, after some thought: maybe she got to the arena and was forced to compete. Her fighting talent was promising, so Luke suggested she join them. And then... I think she run.
This is just a vague outline, and you may have noticed this is stream of thought writing. So, umm... well, I can only say that next she's probably told to give up the search for her brother and follow a cow, which probably should lead her to the huntresses, but instead of following it she'll keep looking and will find Nico, because I honestly don't like how easily Cadmus gave up on Europa just because the oracle told him. Curses be upon Zeus. Coming to think of it, the myth of Cadmus might fit well with the theme of BotL, because Cadmus is Minos' uncle. Yeah, it's all still stream of thought.
Bianca will probably meet Nico before the whole "king of ghosts" fiasco. I think this should affect the larger story, but I'm not sure how. So, umm... Let's leave it here for now?
So, a suggestion to a more organized outline: Bianca is in the Labyrinth. She runs away from some monster and accidentally finds herself in the company of some half-bloods loyal to Kronos. At first she journeys with them and they slay monsters together. However, after having drawn first blood from a very strong monster, some of the half-bloods became angry at her for hurting their egos or something? So she run away from them? Then she gets the magical cow, maybe Alecto finds her, and then she continues to search for her brother, who she maybe finds on the verge of killing someone to bring her back to life.
I might try to write it at some point, but I'm not very good at finishing stories. So, I guess we'll see.
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Mal from descendants. Is technically a half blood. ⊂⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠⊂⁠)
I only read up until the second book a year ago (lost motivation to continue reading (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)) so idk how Hazel and Nico would feel about her but I feel like they'd be good for her. She'd actually look nice in the camp half blood shirt.
Oh yeah I have yet to see the 3rd movie but I did hear about her dad apparently being Hades.
I feel like Nico and Hazel would adore her. Mal would pull the oldest card and Nico just grins like nice try. Bonding over Hades/Pluto kids being trapped in places for years. I like to think she and Hazel race, with Mal as a dragon and Hazel on her horse.
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punkeropercyjackson · 24 days
Percy Jackson is peak autism.He's audhd so nobody thinks he can be autistic because he 'already' has adhd.He popularized the term 'troubled kid' in fandom,the irl meaning being 'minority kid who is abused by everybody for it and dosen't get their needs met for the same reason'.He was a bully beater and so set on standing up for others he got kicked out of 6 schools by 12 and it destroyed his self-eestem but he just couldn't stand down and let others be hurt and it escalated into him turning into a punk and a team parent with professional instigation,an overt sense of community and intersectionalism,unrestrainable anarchism and activism both mortal and mythological and he has 11+ books of street cred.He has a canon safe food-blue food-and a canon Resting Bitch Face.He hates 'truly mature interests' and is into kiddy stuff instead as a mix of natural attitude and childhood trauma coping but handles and understands serious and complex situations way better than self-proclaimed genius' without a need to brag about it or himself in general.His emotional regulation is in the bottom layer of Tartarus and his social skills are deeper below than Poseidon's characterization.He sucks at academics but is beyond smart in literally every other area.He's super kind and earnest in a way that gets called fake and offputting and naive in-universe by allistics yet also treated as actively threatning even though he's never done anything wrong.His sense of humor can only be achived by unmedicated adhd and undiagnosed non-stereotypical autism.He wears layers and is feminine in gender while being amab and worships women and is in heavy touch with everything of the sea and loves every kind of burger and sharks are his favorite animal and is just a he/she/they/neos egg waiting to crack in a glass closet.His foil is Abusive White Allistic Man Supreme(Luke)who talks down to him about radicalism and trauma when he's sheltered asf and an entire fascist.He can never tell when people are attracted to him because romantic norms don't filter into him as he thinks they're stupid and weirdly toxic and he's right but everyone treats it as a flaw out of normiehood.His found younger siblings,pseudo-kids and platonic soulmates by choice in every universe are also autistic as they're a socially awkward outcasted physically disabled accurately goth gay boy and a misfit creepy cute black middle school artsy weirdgirl with gems,horses and ghosts special interests that always mean as well as their dad,notably Percy and not Hades/Pluto,does but don't ever get believed just like him too.He's a mama's boy who hates his dad and his Mamí considers his differences to be a blessing instead of a curse and dosen't always understand him but never treats him badly for it either and supports and nurtures him all the way through.'Good Kid' from the Pjo musical is the anthem of abused by the system and at home audhd black kids.Percy Jackson is literally the audhd with no masking game experience
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2-59-amwater · 2 months
Camp Jupiter knew about Camp Half-Blood -to an extent
so I was thinking- canonically part of WWII was a fight between the big 3 (with Zeus and Poseidon vs Hades if I'm not mistaken) and here's the thing. WWII was global and I refuse to believe it was only the Greek pantheon at war. And considering how close Camp Jupiter/the Romans are to Camp Halfblood/the Greeks I find it improbable that they didn't meet/overlap if not actively fight against or with one another.
I will say considering Rome's attitude towards Neptune they may have been less involved seeing as how I doubt Neptune would have many kids if they were going to face discrimination (consider the fact that despite there being no pact Neptune has no kids in CJ, but Jupiter, and Pluto to an extent, do)
And considering that CJ has elder demigods and descendants it's likely they heard stories of Greeks from old war tales. But CHB with no older demigods to pass on stories would be completely unaware of the Romans.
Obviously we know Chiron is aware of CJ but swore not to speak of them. But since CJ doesn't have an immortal it charge to the degree of Chiron (Termius only guards the city, he doesn't run the military) they likely didn't have as much suppression on the topic as the Greeks did. Furthermore Greece and Greek Mythology is inherently tied to Rome but Rome has little influence on Greece chronologically. So even if it was highly discouraged to talk about Greeks or the stories faded to nothing the Romans would still have some knowledge of Greek Pantheons.
I could very much see CJ knowing abt CHB but only key figures. For instance it would make since for the prateors to know abt CHB (a potential enemy). This especially intrigues me bc this suggests that Jason might have already known abt CHB before the whole Hera/Juno incident. (and adds another layer to Octavian gunning for the position) We already know Reyan is well aware of the Greeks. And we also see that the Amazons sometimes collaborate with the Hunters or send possible recruits their way.
I just think all this is interesting bc it's really made me re-examine the relations and connections between various pantheons. Ik some of Ricks later books expanded on this slightly as well but I haven't read them in a while. It's also important to note that in the scenario(s) I described above CHB would be at a distinct disadvantage because of they're cut-off from knowing abt Rome as much as CJ knows about Greece. It also begs the question if the older a pantheon is the more isolated it is and the newer a pantheon is the more connected it is.
TDLR: I believe that CJ might have known abt CHB from WWII war stories. This means CHB would be at a disadvantage and changes the way pantheons are connected in-universe.
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