#being autstic is so fucking hard
tinytrashkid · 2 years
i feel like one of the reasons i get so frustrated and angry when doing anything is ‘cause my autistic brain can’t process things that well. someone will try and tell me what to do or show me how and it always takes me a minute for me to figure it out even thought they showed/told me what to do.
also no matter what i’m doing, it takes me so much longer than the average person to do it and i have no idea why. it’s really hard when most jobs are time based to see how effective the workers are and cut everything down to the minimum.
i always feel so behind everyone when they can do things so much easier and without a lot of guidance. it just sucks that the world is built on efficiency VS craftsmanship.
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soulvee-animationz · 2 years
Picos School/Friday Night Funkin’ as incorrect quotes, because I said so >:D
Boyfriend: Girls pockets; *holds up a peepy* A wretched beast. Boys pockets *pulls out 12 pack of soda* 12 pack of pepispis zero sugar mango
Nene: That wretched beast is friend shaped <3
Pico: your “””friend shaped””” creature is an escaped felon
Nene: Irrelevant 💞
Boyfriend: If I was famous I would simply release a bad song and watch my fandom struggle to defend it online
Boyfriend in the studio: yeah this sounds like it’s gonna get my fans bullied on twitter, drop it
Pico: I don’t think we can gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss our way out of this one boys
Cassandra: *sobbing* This is like…The dark souls of being gay
Alucard: It’s magic bitch, I ain’t gonna explain shit
Cassandra: I fucking hate country music. “Yeehaw I love my truck and my beer” shut the fuck up I hope your truck breaks down and dies
Hanzou: *stares at Scorbunny and Fuecoco with intense disgust* what sick fuck keeps slapping kraft singles onto the pokemon
Nene: Currently two minutes into this video! I’ve never watched The Walten Files before, but people have been telling me it’s a really unnerving series. Not sure what that means but look at how cute and funky this artstyle is! :D
nene: update: what the fuck
Alucard: WHY is there so much onceler x dream fanart. I’m taking the internet away from everyone
Hanzou: how did you discover that there was onceler x dream fanart.
Damian: For this game of dodgeball, I will be specifically targeting the gayest and most autstic among you to eliminate.
Cassandra: Okay so normal rules then
Cassandra: I do not care how hard life get I am NOT talking to the school therapist (same)
Boyfriend: We should talk about water more that shit is crazy
Daddy Dearest: it is literally one of the most normal things
Boyfriend: You don’t even begin to understand how insane water is
Cassandra: on a dark and stormy night, there was a creature. and you’re never going to believe what it did next
Cassandra: it creached
Kapi: If you could have any video game ability what would it be?
Boyfriend: Protect girls
Cassandra: Kiss wife
Pico: You awaken feeling rested
Otis: You can now play as luigi
Cassandra: I’m a very kind and loving person but also I have a lot of rage and I just want to kill and maim people all the time. but other then that I am very kind and loving
Soft!Bf: there is a man using foul language in the mcdonalds. This is suppose to be a place of love.
Boyfriend: feeling so hamburger helpless
Nene: *holding a letter with a sticker of lola bunny on it. The letter reads on the outside “you have to kill lola to get your card”.* why does my girlfriend have to turn everything into a game of saw
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katrina-linden · 5 years
On Fandom Sotha Sil
I think... the reason I get so genuinely upset when I see how people react to Sotha Sil in ESO is because.. a lot of the traits people criticize, such as his emotionless tone, ignorant of the needs of others, not understanding how other people do things, being very sure of himself and not being able to explain himself clearly - and being vague and obscure because of that... is stuff I deal with, because I’m autistic.
Now I’m not saying ‘all people who criticize Sotha Sil are immediately ableist and must be cancelled!’. I don’t think its intentional. I think people see a character they can’t understand and therefore dont like him. And he’s absolutely not a 100% good person, but its Elder Scrolls. And far more people seem to praise and admire Daedra like Boethia (murder and backstabbing) and Nocturnal (straight up tried to end the world?) as much as they criticize Sotha Sil.
But the reason it really actually hurts when people go on a tirade is it makes me remember just how much I’m vilified by the world for who I am. It’s not just this community and its not just this character - the minute neurodivergent people show up with not so ‘nice’ symptoms, like above, they’re monsters. I can’t express my emotion through tone. I can’t explain myself very well, and I use words and sentence structures that make me sound like a full-of-myself asshole. I know this - trust me I’ve had people telling me this since I was 5. I don’t get other people, and sometimes I get so exhausted trying to, that I just stop caring about them or their feelings. It’s not nice. Its not ‘pretty neurodivergent uwu’ (not that im against nd people who enjoy that). It just is. And I’ve had so many discussions with people in the fandom, trying to discuss Sotha Sil as a interestingly flawed character, and they always seem to fall back on the traits above. ‘Oh he speaks like an IT guy’ ‘oh he acts like he’s smarter than everyone’ or just, ‘I just hate the way he acts, its so annoying’.
Like thanks, if anything was going to make me give up discussing with you out of grief and frustration, its that. Why do I think I’m going to get through to you when you dismiss autistic traits as annoying?
This isn’t a callout, and I don’t really expect anyone to read this, let alone take it to heart. that’s fine. A bit of this is me having to go back to school and just being so exhausted of how hard it is to get what im thinking across in any situation. A bit is there’s been a storm of Sotha Sil hate on my dash today and he’s such a comfort to me as an autstic-coded character. And a bit is anger. I just... fuck I wish people would listen, sometimes, to people that don’t talk like they do.
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haikyuu100 · 7 years
Here's a slat flame i want you to rant about. Ushijima has no human emotions and doesn't understand allot of things and is shown to be autstic. Kageyama obsession with Milk. Yachi being a scary'dy cat know it all. Oikawa being volleyball obsessed and a player who toys with one's emotion. Goshiki treated like a baby. ( I kept 5 just like you said ).
Sen: I swore I wouldn’t do many of these but it’s happening aGAIN. This is only going in the queue because I dunno when I’ll have time to organise all of this snehauehtarmguiag. 
Kageyama: The whole milk thing is uh… I mean, I kinda get it? Like yeah, he likes milk. I don’t see the whole big obsession with it. I guess it’s a fandom aesthetic thing. It does look pretty funny when he drinks it with a pissed off expression and all. But yeah, not too much to say about this.
Oikawa: I don’t know how to go about this because almost every single player has a strong fixation on volleyball. The main uniting factor of Haikyuu’s characters is just how much they love volleyball. Oikawa stays up at night to watch volleyball and analyse plays. There’s a reason why he scores a 4/5 in game sense and 5/5 in technique; he’s spent years honing his craft. Is he obsessed? To an extent, yes. But lest we forget that he is an athlete with a passion. For anyone who has a strength in a particular area, that can be called an obsession by those who may not understand it..  I don’t see him as someone who toys with emotions because he mostly just keeps in his lane and doesn’t really interact with any other teams asides from run ins with Ushijima and Kageyama.
Ushijima: I’m very cautious when it comes to approaching something like this because I want to get the balance of someone who isn’t too social but not someone who’s totally oblivious. It’s been shown that Ushijima’s smile surprised his team (all except Reon) but then again, it means that he does have emotions and all. The thing is “shown to be autistic” is something I don’t want to talk about: 1. I don’t have autism myself or have looked too much into it therefore I don’t want to put my take on it. 2. It hasn’t been confirmed and something such as a neurodevelopmental disorder is hard to talk about within anime since it’s barely talked about - at least from my knowledge. So if anyone wants to HC Ushijima as that, I’m fine with it, but I don’t want to put that on him for now.
Goshiki: It’s easy to baby him, based on his appearance and his easy to rile up nature. I will admit that I’d like to baby him a bit as well. However, it shouldn’t be ignored that he’s an amazingly strong player, being the only first year in the starting line up in one of Miyagi’s most powerful teams. Ushijima recognises his skills and tells him not to worry. If anything, Goshiki’s someone who’s going to grow into a fearsome ace in the future and if Haikyuu continues on into the next years, I’d love to see how this guy plays.
Yachi: She is a timid person who doesn’t stand out, at least that’s how her introduction portrays her. But we also see her development when she’s able to exclaim that she’ll by the volleyball club’s manager in the middle of a crowded train station. She puts her all into the volleyball club, whether it be her posters or just generally checking up on them. She’s got big boots to fill with Kiyoko as her senior but so far she’s already shown to be a match for her as well. I haven’t seen much about her being called a “know it all” but she is fucking smart. English education is shit in Japan and for her to teach it to Hinata and Kageyama and get them to pass is a feat. She’s even on the college prep class. She’s smart and she owns it, while still being a very humble person.
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