#being fat memes
droewyn · 4 months
Tumblr Meme University: Life Skills 101
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This works with any stainless steel object! They actually sell "magic soap" for this purpose, but save yourself the $7 and just grab a piece of flatware from your kitchen drawer. I use serving spoons for the larger surface area.
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rue-bennett · 8 months
when you’re fat but your thin friends keep talking about how fat they are (when they’re not)
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martyrbat · 7 months
computer!!!! show me goth fashion!!!!! *all image results are skinny bitches with $50 thigh garters and black bras. they have dark eyeshadow on if theyre feeling adventurous*
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going through taylor’s 2015 press really is just like you’re vibing and then suddenly you feel like you’ve been kicked in the gut huh
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Pepstavo but its this
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angstmachine-rw · 3 months
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moon smoking a fat blunt
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This plot got me stressing out, man
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lesbianallytoriel · 5 months
honestly looking back on it sans wasn't even that bad. for most sexualised undertale character i mean. it could have been a child
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
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things that happened in rggo part 95
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cant-icle · 9 days
okay it's a couple days late but now that you've mentioned it i can't stop thinking about it: what DID happen during morgana and ryuji's sushi date in conflagration?
They have to be sneaky about it, of course. No decent sushi place will let him stay for longer than it would take for Morgana's head to pop out of his bag before kindly but firmly escorting him out.
That's fine, though. This place is his favorite; he's been coming here for years now, since he joined the clinic just two stops down the line. It's small, never too crowded, and cute as all hell. The selection varies with the seasons, so he knows the fish is always fresh.
He's always thought, in the back of his mind, deep down in the box where he put everything else about Akira, that it would have been nice to take him here for a date. Tangle their legs beneath the table, split a parfait at the end. Fight over the fatty tuna.
Instead of dark hair and a wicked smile across from him he's got dark fur and sharp blue eyes beside him, tucked into the corner of his booth where he can oh-so-stealthily sneak slices of fish into the bag.
The joys of modern technology, too-- with his phone out and one earbud in, it doesn't matter if it looks like he's talking to himself.
"Aaah," Morgana says rapturously as Ryuji hands the next piece down. "I haven't had a meal this good in-- well, who's to say! Is there any salmon roe coming up?"
"I'll keep an eye out." The flounder disappears from between his fingertips; Ryuji casually wipes them on a napkin and snags a nearby piece of mackerel sushi. "You doin' alright down there? I think I can empty out this sauce dish and put some water in it."
A moment while Morgana swallows. "That's very thoughtful! You've clearly done some growing up while I've been away, Ryuji." The eyes looking back up at him are rimmed with frost, but squint up in the same familiar smile. He can't help but smile back. He's missed the cattiness (no pun intended) that he can look back on fondly after almost a decade of distance. "I'm good for now, but you can get me a bottle of water from the konbini when we leave."
"Sure thing."
There's another stretch of quiet between them. Mackerel, salmon roe, shrimp. Some maguro for him, some maguro for Mona.
He wants to ask. He doesn't want to ask. He wants Mona to just tell him. Even though he's grown up, he never figured out the best way to do verbal subterfuge.
Just when he goes to open his mouth, though, Morgana clears his throat. When Ryuji looks down, he sees Morgana shake his head.
"I know what you want to ask," he says, "and I'm not going to talk about it. Not yet. I'm sorry," he adds, which is both surprising and-- and what? Ryuji doesn't really know. "But I've been trying to get him back here for so long, and I don't want to have to lie to him when you bring me back. I don't want him to want to run again, he's been running for so long."
He sighs, something that should be too long and too deep for those tiny lungs. It's full of sorrow. "He's tired. I'm tired too, but I'll never let him know that. I'm the hope of all humanity, you know-- I can keep going for the both of us as long as he needs. So--" abruptly he's Mona again, all steel spine and authority. "Don't ask me about him, or where we've been. But tell me about you! What have you been eating to make you get that big?! Don't you know that phantom thieves are supposed to be able to sneak around without getting stuck in windows?!"
"Are you calling me fat?!"
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doctorwhoisadhd · 2 months
just when i decide to start dressing more punk i discover that i have apparently gained a tiny bit of weight so my pair of black shorts (already tight on me) no longer fit me at all comfortably
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spookyscarysnails · 1 year
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hog calm
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diathadevil · 11 months
Aw man, chances are slim I'll be going to Käärijä's first European tour (it's all far away from me).
Hope you guys enjoy it tho, I'll be there in spirit and watching everyone's recorded videos of his concerts. 🥺💚
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abimee · 11 months
sorry if this is sappy but i follow your twitter from a private account and have done for a while because i thoroughly enjoy your art and what you make. the piece thats always stood out the most to me is the one you did of hyth and the caterpillar and digestive tract, i have it saved to my phone so i can look at it when im experiencing emotions. your art feels so well lived in and loved (and i hope its not weird to say but it reminds me of l ike. a very hearty stew. like with potatoes and carrots), your anatomy feels so impactful and has a physicality and weight that i just adore it's like. (explosion sfx). have a lovely evening
i really like this ask cause whenever people describe my art in like positive and Warm tones i get this tingle in my arms cause i think for the lonest time my art used to not be considered these kind words, people often would tell me my art had a rather sad and upsetting feeling to it and nowadays I can see where they came from because both I Was Really Sad when making it, and i think even when i was trying to draw something Sweet it felt lacking in a way i didnt know how to bring forth. Because at that point in time I was just barely branching out into the idea of altering character's appearances and maybe going for something with thinner lines, but i'd flip flop between high and low effort art because being Sad and being told your art made other people Sad was sort of not very good for the productivity of your art and often made me put in as little effort as i could, since i didnt see a reason to really Do A Lot if people were just going to react negatively to it
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amnd while i dont personally think my art is like, where it Could be for how long ive been drawing (12+ years now. ACK) whenever I hear that people actually like my art now and they see nice things in it and that it gives them positive funny emotions instead of negative ones, it really like makes me recognize that maybe I have developed and maybe whats best isn't to have the most like, ''developed'' style in terms of like, doing all the Cool Artist tricks like rendering and cool color palettes and these epic emotional comics with paneling that rival professional comic makers.
I think i can be happy with where I am now simply by knowing that i no longer have to hear the words ''your art is depressing'' as the highest compliment I can get, and instead hear things like this where my art has a positive influence on another person in some way. It's very small, but words like this really do mean above and beyond for me, and this response sort of rambled away from the topic but im saying all of this to say a big thank you anon for enjoying my work and for being very kind about it, your words will stick with me for a very long time
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the-catboy-minyan · 5 months
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by the way, how the fuck does playing in to antisemitic canards (jews controlling the media and hiding among their enemies) supposed to help jews?
have you ever heard the word "sarcasm"
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sunwisecircle · 1 year
If I see one more depiction of Dionysos as a jolly fat drunkard I am going to FLIP A TABLE
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