#being on the discord is the only thing protecting this tumblr from being flooded with love for them
archaickobold · 4 years
It's so weird for me, 3 different fandoms I'm in have all put out a really nice happy episode recently and let me just say, I'm not complaining. Don't get me wrong, I love angst and hurt comfort but. Sanders Sides? Wonderful, I don't want to spoil anything but let me just say, pure serotonin. Tma? Ignoring this past week's episode that I couldn't listen to, jon and martin bein cute is always v good, and that I spy game lives in my head rent free still. Rqg? Again, ignoring the end of the latest episode, but Wilde was happy again?! And Hamid and Azu hugs! And Cel!! Always Cel! Do they need a hug? Absolutely, but at least they got to turn into a penguin- also I love Zolf he is my sad sea dad- basically aaaaaaaaa I'm getting all the nice fluffy things and its lovely :)
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vindicatedvirgil · 4 years
not every wave is a tidal wave
Summary: Logan is a sea captain… but he has a bit of a fear of what lies at the bottom of the ocean. At times, Logan is unsure of his choice in First Mate, but Remus proves that he was the correct choice. 
Inspired by a piece of art by Cat from discord!! 
Title inspired by the song Tidal Wave by The Mountain Goats.
Ship: Platonic Intrulogical (Remus x Logan)
Warnings: Discussion/Fears of what lies at the bottom of the ocean, teasing from Remus, but fluffy platonic appreciation and platonic cuddles at the end. also i know nothing about sailing whoops
Word Count: 1406
Logan peered out at the waves rolling beneath the ship, and, for once, he let his mind wander. Sailing was peaceful (most of the time): the soft spray of ocean mist, the sound of the waves below and gulls above. When his crew wasn’t shouting over sail positions and trajectories, Logan found himself leaning against the railings, eyes focused on nothing but on everything — the horizon, the sun shining off of the sea… all of it. 
As a child, Logan was sickly, and spent all of his time indoors, reading about pirates sailing on the open water, going on adventures, battling for treasure. And now as an adult, he spent all of his days on the water, seeking that same thrill that he felt every time he embarked on a journey with one of his books. 
Books never told him how messy and uncomfortable life could be out at sea. They romanticized every aspect of sailing, a harsh reality that Logan had to confront once he became Captain of his father’s ship, Curiosi-Sea. It was a name that Logan absolutely despised, but his father’s final wish was for the ship’s name to remain. And so, Logan kept the name. Spitefully. He was a serious captain, not silly like his pet-loving, pun-making father. And he made sure that his crew knew that he was serious; almost every single one believed this. 
Except for one. Remus was a strong-bodied and even stronger-willed crewmate who quickly proved himself to be worthy of being Logan’s First Mate. But compared to Logan’s neat appearance even on the roughest days at sea, Remus wore torn shirts and pants, his curls framing his face in an unprofessional light. And the comments that Remus would make… they made Logan shudder to remember. 
And it was at that moment, that meditative moment in the early morning light, when Remus decided to rear his head once again, throwing Logan for a loop. The captain barely registered the footsteps thundering behind him, and so he jumped when a hand clapped onto his back. 
“Morning, Cap! Hey, what’s with the long face?” Remus mused, leaning against the railing, a smirk toying beneath his mustache. Logan had to constantly bite back the suggestion that Remus trim or remove the mustache, because he knew that the first mate loved it; it separated him from his twin brother, who had remained on land to become a successful businessman. “Thinking about the name of the ship again, are we?” Logan blinked at the man; how could he perceive him so well? It was like Remus knew the ins and outs of Logan’s every move, and it was absolutely startling.
“What? No,” Logan lied, eyes returning to the spot on the horizon that he had focused on before being rudely interrupted. “Get the men up, we need to weigh anchor and get moving before the next storm hits.”
“Yessir!” Remus mocked, his hand flying up in a parodied salute before spinning on his heel, his footsteps slowly fading away, leaving Logan alone with the sea once again.
The rain battered against the window of Logan’s quarters, the flickering candlelight beside him the only thing keeping him awake to read one of his old battered novels. They had escaped from the brunt of the storm in time, but the rain and thunder still howled outside, his men safely tucked away in their cots. 
Still, Logan couldn’t bear to sleep; not on a night like that, when there was sure to be flooding on deck the following day. There were plans to be made, and their next move to be planned, but Logan couldn’t allow himself to touch those things; he needed the comfort of one of his childhood books, the worn spine and dog eared pages reminding him of a time when his thin fingers would turn the pages so quickly they tore, all because he strove to know what would happen next in the story. 
There was a banging out on the deck, and before Logan could even set his book down to go investigate, the door to his cabin swung open, revealing a frantically smiling, soaking Remus. Logan let his book fall to the table as he stood, grabbing some material from his linen closet to throw over the man.
“What in the world are you doing, Remus?” He demanded, trying to force his worry down his throat in favor of sounding more stern (though he was sure his eyes, despite hiding behind glasses frames, would give him away). “You could have been thrown off deck with no one to notice.”
“Oh, it’s fine, I had a rope tied around my waist in case that happened,” Remus laughed, carding one of his hands through his sopping hair. “You should have joined me, Cap. Dancing in the rain brings a lot of joy to one’s soul.” Logan couldn’t stop the hasty breath that pushed out of his nose in disbelief at this. 
“I don’t dance, Remus,” he said simply, leading Remus to sit in one of the chairs at the table. Once the first mate was seated, Logan sat back down where he was previously, but his eyes were still trained on his friend. “Pretty late in the night for a dance, is it not?”
“It’s pretty late to be up reading an adventure novel, and yet, here you are,” Remus bit back, but his tongue stuck out between his teeth, showing that he was teasing his Captain. “Rumor has it that you’re afraid of the bottom of the ocean, Logan. Are you afraid that a squid might eat you?” Logan blinked, briefly wondering which of the older crew, which of the men that had previously served with his father, let this information slip. He cleared his throat, adjusting his glasses.
“I can assure you that those claims are false,” he said quickly, but Remus narrowed his eyes at the man, then nodded. Logan was grateful that, for once, the man didn’t press the subject any further. “I thought I would read a bit before charting our next course of action. We need to dock somewhere within the next week to refill supplies.”
“You should rest,” Remus finally said, his eyes landing on the perfectly made bed. When was the last time Logan had slept in his bed and not at his desk? “If we’re meant to dock within the next week, we might be running some late nights between now and then.”
“I can’t-”
“Because of the storm?” Remus asked. Logan looked down at his hands; they were dry from the consistent dampness of the ocean air, but then he nodded. 
“I’m not as strong as my father was,” Logan admitted, his eyes trailing to the portrait hanging on the wall. His father was the strongest person he had ever known, despite the puns and silliness, he put his crew and family first. Logan could remember being brought onto the ship for the first time in his adolescence, and how proud Patton had been to show off his son who could read books, his son who would make an amazing captain someday. And yet… Logan was sure that he could never live up to his father’s shadow.
“You don’t need to be as strong as he was,” Remus said, pulling Logan free of his memories. He blinked up at his first mate, who was drying off gradually, but had a serious look on his face, an unusual sight. “That’s why you have a crew, and a first mate. You’re exactly the kind of captain that you need to be, not the kind of captain that your father was.” Logan sighed, but nodded, knowing that Remus was right. Logan had let his own insecurities wash over him instead of allowing himself to feel emotions. His father was the most emotional man he’d ever met, and yet he was still fully capable of being a great captain. “Get some rest, Logan. I’ll stay here with you tonight.”
And Logan listened. He shed his overcoat and set his glasses on the desk, then burrowed himself underneath the blankets of his bed. He barely registered Remus changing out of his damp clothes, blowing out the last candlelight, and climbing into bed behind the captain, holding him to protect him from the nightmares of dark ocean abysses and squids eating him alive.
Remus was a great first mate, but he was an even better best friend.
[SEQUEL: harbor me when i’m lost, when i’m breathless]
if you enjoyed this, please reblog! it helps creators like me spread our work to more readers.
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kasienda · 4 years
A Miraculous Reveal - New York
Ack! Apparently, I remembered to post this one to discord, but not to tumblr. I apologize to my tumblr followers if they only get stuff here. But here it is now! It’s a Ladynoir angst to happy ending reveal based on the New York Special. Please enjoy. 
Adrien slipped into the silver limo and the door thudded closed behind him with a finality that made Marinette flinch. A moment later, the car pulled out onto the road. Watching the vehicle fade away into the grey haze of drizzly rain, two things were suddenly very clear to her.
She didn’t want Adrien to go. He was precious to her in a way that she could not define. He possessed an unending patience, he had the sweetest and softest smiles for her even when she was babbling or stuttering incoherently, and he was kind. She just didn’t know a lot of boys who were just so genuinely compassionate. She clearly had never really gotten over her crush on him despite her best efforts.
But in that moment as the car turned around a corner and completely out of sight, it was surprisingly easy to imagine her life without him. If Adrien disappeared she would grieve, but she would heal, and she would be okay.
No, the gaping hole in her chest had an entirely different source.
It was Chat Noir that she did not know how to live without.
Read on Ao3
Because it was Chat Noir who had her back every time hers was against a wall, Chat Noir who made her laugh when life seemed impossible to face, Chat Noir who offered her advice and insight whenever she asked even when it was about her feelings for someone else, and Chat Noir who built her up and encouraged her in her lowest moments.
And she was never going to see him again.
Marinette fell to her knees, barely noticing the unforgiving impact of the cement below or the cold water seeping up her pant legs from the ground. Hot tears slipped down her cheeks in contrast with the sky’s frigid rain drops. Her whole form trembled like a leaf in an autumn storm as her tears finally caught up to her.
She gripped his ring in her fist, its edges biting into her palm. It was wrong that she had it. It was his. But she couldn’t return it to him. She didn’t know his name. She didn’t know anything about him.
And now he was gone.  
It wasn’t fair. Hadn’t she done everything right? She tried to be responsible, she always followed the rules, and she sacrificed so much of her normal life to make sure she could be the heroine that Paris needed. Why had everything blown up in her face so colossally?
Chat Noir was gone.
He had supported her through her worst mistakes. Had he not trusted her to do the same for him?
A warmth cuddled at her neck in contrast to the cold damp air around them. “Marinette?”
“I-I’m sorry, Tikki,” Marinette choked out, as she turned away from the red kwami on her shoulder. “I can’t do this anymore. Not… not without him.”
A black streak flew in front of her face. “Then why’d you yell at him?” Plagg demanded.
Her vision was too blurry with tears to make the kwami of destruction come into focus. “Because I was angry! I didn’t think he’d leave!” she countered sharply. “I had every right to be mad at him, Plagg. He promised me that he’d protect Paris in my absence. And then he didn’t.”
To her shock, the kwami wilted like a plant without water. “That… might have been my fault.”
“Plagg?” Tikki asked, a disapproval to her voice that Marinette rarely heard. “What did you do?!”
The miniature cat whirled to face his opposite. “You don’t understand! He never gets to have any fun! He’s always locked up! Every moment of almost every day is planned and scheduled. He’s not allowed to spend time on his hobbies if they are not pre-approved. He doesn’t get to just hang out with his friends! It’s amazing he manages to sneak away to become Chat Noir when he needs to!” He rose and fell in the damp air with a deep sigh.
“He’s my chosen, Tikki,” Plagg continued, his voice more subdued. “He deserves to have freedom.” He said it like a wish.
Salty tears flooded Marinette’s eyes all over again. Her partner didn’t have any freedom in his life? She hadn’t realized. He had always seemed so carefree. He seemed like such a goofball. But she had never asked.
How could she not have known? She should have known.
But they weren’t supposed to know anything about each other.
Another sob threatened to erupt from her throat. She fought it down.
Plagg continued. “A chance for a vacation popped up and he wasn’t going to go! He was all disgusting like, ‘I promised Ladybug I’d be here.’ I may have convinced him that the risk was really small, that he could watch the news constantly on the trip, and hurry back if anything happened.”
Tikki’s antennae vibrated back and forth in agitation.
“And it would have worked if there hadn’t also been villains here. How was I supposed to know that New York was infested with a cesspool of villains and subpar heroes?!” Plagg demanded with all the self righteousness of a wounded animal.
Marinette absorbed this new information stoically. The drizzling rain was starting to soak through her clothes and hair, but she couldn’t bring herself to care.
“He deserved the chance to go, too!” Plagg insisted childishly. “Why did your chosen get to go, and mine didn’t? And it’s not like you didn’t know he was here, Tikki! You’re so quick to point fingers after the fact.”
Tikki opened her mouth to argue, but Marinette put a hand up. “It doesn’t matter. He made his choice.” She honestly didn’t know if she was referring to his choice to go to New York, or to his choice to give up his miraculous. “And now, I have no way of finding him.”
And she dissolved into shaking sobs again. “It’s not fair,” she cried. “W-why did I have to realize that I loved him now? When it’s too late.”
She leaned back against a brick wall, the rain still falling down around her. Her pigtails were weeping with excess water. Her lined jacket faired a little better. The cold wet at least hadn’t seeped down to her skin yet.
Plagg zipped up to her face, his eyes searching her face. “You love him?” he whispered. “Chat Noir, him?”
Marinette just dissolved into a new round of wracking sobs.
The tiny catlike kwami patted her cheek. “It’s not too late!” he insisted. “I can help you find him. We’ll give him back the miraculous together.”
Marinette tried to stamp out the hope that sprouted in her chest at those words.
“She can’t know who he is!” Tikki objected.
Plagg whirled to face his counterpart. “Why not?” he asked seriously. “The old man’s gone. She’s the Guardian now.”
Marinette buried her head into her sopping wet knees. Her throat closed off again, making words impossible.
Tikki had no trouble forming words, however. “It’s still a risk. She’s been akumatized, Plagg! She almost handed her earrings right over. And if Chat Noir were akumatized she would be the only defense against unlimited destruction!”
Plagg hissed in displeasure. “Did it ever occur to you that they might be less vulnerable to akumas if they knew each other?!”
“Please stop arguing,” Marinette begged.
Both kwamis instantly stilled.
“I don’t know if I should know who he is yet. But I do know that I can’t be Ladybug without him.”
“But Marinette!” Tikki objected.
Marinette held up her hand. “I don’t want to stop being Ladybug, Tikki. So we need to get Chat back somehow.”
Plagg spun in a happy circle. “I always knew I liked you, Pigtails.”
“Do you have any ideas, Plagg?” Marinette asked, finally letting the sapling of hope in her chest grow unfettered. “Do you know where he’s headed? Is he close enough that you could go directly to him?”
“I don’t think I could get to the airport before he gets on a plane. But it doesn’t matter because I don’t think he’ll take me back. Even if I bring the ring with me. As long as he thinks you’re still mad at him he’s going to reject me.”
“Oh! I am furious with him!” she growled. “But I don’t want him to quit!” And then her face lit up. “That’s it!”
“What’s your plan?” Tikki asked excitedly, spinning around in anticipation.
She turned to her friend and confidant. “You know where he’s going, too, right?”
“The airport. But Marinette, Plagg is right. I likely can’t get to him before the plane takes off, and what if the earrings fell into the wrong hands along the way?!”
“So, you’re saying that I can only go to him once we get home?” Marinette asked, her voice heavy with disappointment. “But…”
“Ladybug?” A warm synthetic voice chimed in. “I need your help.”
Marinette started, whirling toward the mechanical voice behind her. “Uncanny Valley?”
“The akuma is back and it’s gotten worse. I need your help,” the other hero told her without preamble.
Marinette’s chest tightened in panic. She couldn’t face an akuma. Not right now.
Not without her partner.
“I… I want to help,” Marinette confided. “But… I can’t… Not without him.”
Uncanny Valley smiled. “I can help with that.”
Adrien leaned forward in the padded seat on his father’s private chartered plane, his head tucked between his knees as he silently berated himself for every decision he had made over the last three days.
What had he been thinking? He had known Ladybug was out of town and that Paris was undefended. And he had gone anyway.
And Paris had paid the price.
Just so he could have a few days in New York with his friends. How ridiculously irresponsible and childish of him.
The resulting damage to Paris could not be undone.
He buried his fists into his hair, tugging at the golden strands in self-loathing frustration.
And then, once in New York, he had almost failed in the worst way possible. He had almost killed Ladybug. His partner!
The woman he still loved despite trying to move on.
And if he had, he’s not sure how he ever would have recovered. If it hadn’t been for Uncanny Valley absorbing his cataclysm, everything would have been lost.
And that was on him.
Uncanny Valley had died to save everyone.
He had killed her. He hadn’t meant to. But he had still taken a life with his own power. Even if it was an accident. He had killed someone. Chat Noir was supposed to be a good guy, a hero, and he had killed someone. And not just anyone.
The bright and precious girl that had been following Jess around the whole trip. Ladybug’s charm may have brought the girl back, but it could never erase the moment when the dark haired girl had lain in her mother’s arms, unmoving, from his mind’s eye.
Frustrated tears leaked from his eyes, and his form shook silently.
He knew he wasn’t worthy of being Chat Noir.
Not anymore. His selfish choice to go on a school field trip had ruined everything.
His father was right about him.
Dear god, he didn’t want to face his father.
He dreaded arriving home. He knew that his life was different now. He had no way to escape his hollow and empty room at any time of day or night, no Plagg to keep him company, and he would no longer be able to hang out with or help his lady.
He knew would see her. It would be impossible not to. She still lived in Paris, and Hawkmoth was still at large. But it would be from a distance, and even if they happened to be in the same place at the same time, she wouldn’t know that it was him.
But he couldn’t bring himself to grieve those pieces yet. Because that was only being selfish. And being selfish is what caused the whole disaster in the first place.
A loud pop interrupted his internal self loathing. The air around him was suddenly roaring with the change in pressure. It lasted only for a moment, before everything went still again.
He turned around. Uncanny Valley stood before him with a bright metallic smile.
He smiled back, tears burning at the edges of his green eyes at seeing her unharmed once again.
She stared at him for a moment without saying anything before holding out a familiar octagonal black box.
“Your services are needed, Chat Noir.”
He stiffened at the address. She knew. Knew that he was the one that had killed her and she had come to him anyway.
Adrien held up his hands defensively and took a step back. “No, I am not worthy of the ring.”
She should know that better than anyone.
Her silver smile never faltered. “Good thing I didn’t bring a ring, then.”
She held out the miraculous box again.
His curiosity got the better of him, and he opened the box despite his reservations, only to drop it to the ground immediately at sight of the spotted earrings.
Adrien was already shaking his head when the swirl of pink sparkles diminished revealing the red kwami he had met only once before.
“She can’t give me her miraculous!” he screamed. “Tikki! What is she thinking?! She knows that I’m irresponsible and can’t be trusted! I proved that today!”
“Adrien,” Tikki soothed, holding her tiny hands out in a placating gesture. “I need you to calm down.”
“You want me to be calm?!” He was shaking like a jet engine. “Tikki, I almost killed her today. Me,” he stabbed his own thumb into his chest. “I did that. It was only because of her,” he gestured wildly toward Uncanny Valley, “that I didn’t.”
“It was an accident, and it turned out okay,” Tikki reassured.
“It almost didn’t,” he repeated stubbornly, letting himself fall back into his seat with his hands clenched into fists.
“Who are you talking to?” Uncanny Valley asked him, her head cocked to the side in confusion.
His green eyes darted towards the other hero for a second, and then back to the red kwami. “Tikkis is the kwami that is bonded with the creation miraculous?”
“What is a kwami? I’m unfamiliar with this classification.”
“She can’t perceive me because we are invisible to cameras,” Tikki explained impatiently.
“Kwamis are like spirits or gods of an idea. Every miraculous has one. They embody the jewelry with their powers,” Adrien explained.
“Fascinating,” Uncanny commented. “What does this creature look like?”
“We don’t have time for this,” Tikki interjected. “Can you please tell her to just playback Ladybug’s message?”
“Ladybug left me a message?” he prompted.
“Yes, of course!” Uncanny held her mouth open, but it was Ladybug’s voice that filled up the room.
“Chaton, I…” her voice trembled, and he knew she was barely holding back tears. “I don’t know what to say to you. I just… I need you to come back. I don’t know how to do this without you…” she trailed off, breaking into a sob.
His throat dropped painfully into his chest. He had made his lady cry. Even after everything, it was her voice that could break him.
She managed to recover, and continued, her voice harder. “I was angry with you for leaving Paris when you said you would be there,” she paused for a second. He could picture her glaring holes through his mask too easily. “But I am more angry that you left me today. How could you do that?” she raged. “When things get hard, when we make mistakes, I need you more! I need you to step up! Not run away.”
“I can’t do this without you,” and here her tone had shifted once again. Now, she was all business, all confident Ladybug with a convoluted plan that would bring everything together. He couldn’t suppress the fond smile that sprouted across his face. “So, I’ve decided that I’m not going to.
“I quit,” she said firmly and decisively.
Wait! What?! But she couldn’t do that! Paris needed her! No one could replace Ladybug.
“Now there’s no one to protect Paris or New York except you. Good luck!”
Uncanny Valley closed her mouth, the recording finished, and looked at him expectantly.
He knew Ladybug was manipulating him, but god damn it, he was never not going to do what she wanted.
He wiped tears from his face that he hadn’t realized he had cried. “She can’t give up, Tikki,” he sobbed. “I’ll go today if she needs me. I will go and return her earrings, but she needs to find a new partner. I definitely don’t deserve any miraculous.”
Tikki shot up to his face. “Adrien! This isn’t about what you deserve or don’t! This is about what she needs! And she needs you! You are her opposite and her partner. You cannot just be replaced. That’s not how this works!”
“She deserves better,” he insisted again, like a broken record.
“Do you not want to be Chat Noir anymore?” the tiny bug asked softly.
He sighed. “Of course I want to be Chat Noir, but there’s a difference between what I want and what is best for everyone! I proved over the last few days that I can’t be trusted not to make selfish choices!”
“That right there is proof you can be trusted!”
Adrien’s eyebrows furrowed together in genuine confusion. “What do you mean?”
“You’re willing to step down and pass on your position to another, even though you don’t really want to because you think that’s what’s best. That’s the opposite of selfish, Adrien.”
“But how can she trust me anymore? I let her down,” he whispered.
Tikki spiraled in the air in clear agitation. “Do you think you’re the first miraculous holder to make a huge mistake? Ladybug screwed up just last month and Master Fu’s identity and safety was compromised! And as a result, every temporary hero’s identity was revealed!”
“But that was an accident!” he growled back.
The kwami whipped up to his face.
“Exactly! It was an accident!”
He felt like she had just punched him.
“And Master Fu responded to her mistake by making her the Guardian!”
The kwami pulled herself back with a sigh, her tone once again soft and patient. “Because he was wise enough to know that the biggest mistakes often result in the greatest learning! And that Ladybug is not defined by her mistakes.
“And you aren’t either, Adrien. Ladybug can trust you more after you’ve made this mistake and learned from it, than she could before you ever made it.”
She paused for a moment as if searching for words. Then she darted right back into his personal space. “Never making mistakes does not make you worthy of your miraculous. Learning from your inevitable mistakes and taking responsibility for them is what makes you the perfect holder of the black cat.”
He hung his head. He wanted to believe Tikki. He did. Then everything could go back to normal.
“Do you believe in her or not?” Tikki asked into the silence.
“More than anything on this earth.” The words left him in a whisper.
“Well then!” Tikki continued passionately. “Believe that she’s right when she says that you are needed.”
Adrien wanted to argue. He feared Ladybug was wrong about him, and he was positively terrified of disappointing her all over again.
But if her message was to be believed it was his leaving that disappointed her the most.
He sighed, feeling emotionally exhausted and battered, but he couldn’t argue anymore. Tikki has definitely given him a lot more to think about.  “And here I was thinking you would be nicer than Plagg.”
“What?!” Tikki screeched indignantly, shooting up another foot into the air. “I’m definitely the nice one!”
He shook his head in disagreement even as he smiled, enjoying the rare chance to rib a kwami even if it wasn’t the one who gave him a hard time constantly.
“So, how do I find her?” he asked.
“It won’t be hard,” Uncanny Valley interjected. “You just need to go where the akuma is.”
He launched himself to his feet. “There’s an akuma?! Why didn’t either of you lead with that?!” he demanded even as he rapidly thrust the earring posts into his ears.
“Tikki! Spots on!” The creative energies crackled over his form, feeling somehow warm and soft, so unlike his normal destructive power. He stuffed down all his doubts and self-loathing. That could all wait.
There was an akuma to fight.
And his lady needed him.
“Watch out!”
Lady Noire dropped to the concrete, cursing the non specificity of the warning. Chat would have told her left or right, up or down in the same number of words. The blast of power rushed over her head and missed her, if only just, so she supposed she couldn’t complain. At least she had an ally in Sparrow. It was better than facing this akuma alone.
Because this akuma - she was blanking on his name. Techno something? But didn’t it also have something to do with the Miraculous? It didn’t matter! Lady Noire couldn’t keep it all straight! That’s what Chat and his love of comics and manga was for! The point was, whatever his name, this akuma sucked!
She vaulted upwards, launching herself from the ground to a street lamp, to one of the lower buildings in the forest of skyscrapers.
Remaining at street level was dangerous. There were too many alleyways and blocked sight lines. But leaping from rooftop to rooftop was almost as bad because it left no places to hide, no options for cover even if she could see all her adversaries coming. And she had to fend off Majestia, Knight Owl, and the akuma on miraculous steroids simultaneously.
At least she was in the clear for the moment. There was no sign of any of them. A distant crash thundered. Lady Noire sighed. Majestia was probably destroying more buildings trying to flush them out.
“Hey, Lady Cat!” Sparrow called. “Follow me!” Then she ducked through an open window a dozens of stories off the ground into a conference room of some sort.
And with another sigh, Lady Noire did just that. She and Sparrow huddled with their heads together out of sight, crafting a new strategy. And again, with Chat, the conversation would have been unnecessary. He could glean her plans from a gesture or three words of explanation.
But she and Sparrow didn’t have that level of intuitive communication. Lady Noire liked Sparrow. The Parisian hero related to the other girl’s desire to prove herself, and she knew the other girl's heart was in the right place. But they didn’t have any experience with each other.
So it took thirty seconds of rapidly exchanged words before they were on the same page and back in the air fighting. It had only been thirty seconds, but how many buildings had Majestia managed to demolish in that time?
Lady Noire honestly didn’t have time to count, as she ducked under yet another projectile - this one launched at her by Knight Owl.
The time delay had been worth it though. She and Sparrow were tag teaming better, grabbing the brainwashed heroes’ attention before they could take out their compromised morals on the city too badly, and covering each other’s back when their three adversaries converged on one of them.
But every move was defensive. They had no plan for an offensive strike. It was all they could do to not get hit by the akuma’s beam.
She wished Chat Noir was there.
She was certain he would come back. He would never leave her hanging. She had absolutely no doubt.
But would he make it back in time? Before her luck ran out completely?
She pounced out of the way of another strike, only to dodge into the blow of another. She had time to curse her mistake, but no time to course correct.
Just when she thought it was over, a flash of red body-slammed her into a third direction.
Relief flooded through her at the familiar sensation of his form pressed against her own. They both readily rolled to their feet, and slid into fighting stances side by side.
“You okay?” he called.
She flashed him a huge grin. “Never better, bugaboy!” Now that he was here.
And unlike the first time they had swapped kwamis, they were perfectly in sync. Even for them, it was impressive. It felt like she could read his mind and he hers.
Or maybe, it was just the contrast of working with Sparrow. Or was her name Eagle now?
Whatever the case, she could feel the difference. Chat Noir was her partner, her other half. He had stolen her heart somewhere along the way, and she couldn’t wait to tell him, even if she would never hear the end of it.
He called for a lucky charm, and she jutted her chin towards a parked taxi cab. He flashed her a grin, and dove into action. And that’s what she meant. He just understood.
“Sorry, Miraclonizer,” Mr. Bug called to the akuma an instant before Lady Noire shot out of the cab and cataclysmed his object. “Third time was not your charm.”
Majestia and Knight Owl cornered the healed villain within seconds of Mr. Bug purifying the butterfly and healing the city.
But Lady Noire paid none of them any mind. She launched herself into her partner’s arms the second it was safe to do so. He caught her as if she weighed nothing, absorbing her momentum with a twirl before pulling her against him.
She had never felt safer.
“Don’t ever do that to me again,” she told him, her voice hard. It was the only defense she had against immediately dissolving into a puddle of tears at his feet.
“I wouldn’t dream of it m’lady,” he breathed into her braid. “Shall we go somewhere to talk?”
She nodded into his shoulder. “Go, recharge Tikki. And then we’ll meet up on the Statue of Liberty?”
She bounded away without a word to the American heroes, before ducking into a secluded alleyway three blocks away and letting her transformation shimmer away.
“I don’t have any cheese,” she reported solemnly as she offered one of Tikki’s cookies to the limp kwami that had just fallen into her hands.
“I’ll live,” he replied gruffly, eying the proffered pink macaron suspiciously as if she were offering him poison. He took it, flipped it over and inspected it, before taking the smallest of nibbles.
She sighed. “I’ve seen you inhale cheese, Plagg. I don’t suppose I could bribe you with a promise of a wheel of Camembert later to just hold your nose and inhale that, now?”
“What’s your rush, Pigtails?” he asked, taking another infinitesimally small bite. “The akuma has been defeated already. Your job is done.”
“I just…” she looked away. “I don’t want him to spook.”
Which was a lie. She knew he’d be there. But she… she had lost him today. He walked away once. He might do it again. She wouldn’t feel secure until she had seen him, until he had promised with more than words that he wasn’t going anywhere.
He eyed her. “You can trust him, you know. He’ll wait for you.”
“Like I could trust him to protect Paris in my absence?” she bit back.
Plagg said nothing. Just took another tiny bite if one could call it that.
She sighed, idly running her fingernail along the alley brick wall. “I’m sorry. I’m trying not to be angry. I don’t want him to run again.”
“You don’t have to be what others expect you to be, you know.”
Her eyes whipped to the kwami floating in the dim light of a flickering street lamp. “What do you mean?”
He darted around in an animated circle. “You don’t have to be the bigger person. You can be angry. He can take it. He has lots of practice.”
She hissed at those words, hating that any piece of them could be true, and that she still didn’t know enough about his civilian life to refute or understand them.
“But this isn’t about him, or your feelings for him,” Plagg continued. “This has nothing to do with him at all. This has to do with you being the Guardian.”
She frowned. “I’m not following.”
“You don’t have to be what Paris expects you to be. Or what Chat Noir expects you to be. You don’t have to be what Master Fu expected you to be either.”
Her eyes watered unexpectedly at the mention of her old mentor.
“You just have to be you,” Plagg concluded.
Her knuckles buried themselves into her eyes, as she tried to fight back tears. “But I keep messing up.”
“That’s because you’re trying to follow the rules instead of following your instincts!”
“A hero thinks with her brain, not her heart!” she countered hotly.
“No! You need to think with your gut! Your brain is not what helps you decipher Tikki’s charms. I love her, but that girl can be obtuse! No, you have to follow your intuition, and trust that even if you don’t know what the final piece is when you’re halfway through some convoluted plan, you’ll recognize it when you see it.”
She bit her lip, considering his words. His description of unraveling the mystery of a lucky charm wasn’t wrong.
“Like, why didn’t you bring the horse miraculous on this trip? I know you thought about it!”
Her eyes narrowed at his tone.“Because Master Fu said that having too many miraculouses out and active was too risky!” she began defensively.
“You already proved that your determination, creativity, and your faith in your partner was more effective than that old man’s paranoia when you defeated Feast.”
The miniature floating cat took another crumb off Tikki’s cookie. “The old man is gone! You need to figure out your own way of doing things. His ways won’t work for you because you’re not him.”
“But… I’m just a teenager. I don’t know what I’m doing. He had so much more experience. He kept you all safe for centuries. Who am I to say that his methods were wrong?”
“Who are you?” Plagg repeated indignantly. “You are Ladybug! You have never lost. You are now the Guardian. You are Marienette Dupain-Cheng who is quite accomplished in her own right!”
Her eyes burned at the praise. And coming from Plagg who pretended he didn’t care about anything? Well, that meant a lot to her. Especially today when she was feeling so raw and like she had screwed up just for coming on this trip at all.
“And just so you know, Master Fu took on the role of the Guardian when he was twelve. He didn’t know what he was doing either. He made tons of mistakes. You will too, but they don’t have to be the same ones.”
Marinette leaned up against the wall behind her, carefully considering every word. “Why are you telling me all this?” she whispered.
He flipped the cookie over on its end and nibbled into the untouched end. Really, the whole cookie looked unmarred. They were going to be here all night.
“You brought my kid back. You didn’t let him go. I figure I owe you a favor.”
She smiled softly. “You seem to care about him a lot.”
He frowned. “He gives me only the finest of camembert!” he gushed. “Not every holder can pull that off, you know.”
Marinette reached out and scratched the little cat behind his ear, and to her delight he leaned into the caress and purred. She suspected Chat Noir meant far more to the kwami than cheese, but she wasn’t going to call him out on it.
“Tikki says you can’t ever take anything seriously.”
He looked affronted. “I can be serious!” he argued. “When it’s important!”
She giggled. “I can see that,” she conceded. “Thanks, Plagg! I think I needed to hear this.”
“Like I said, I owed you a favor. It’s nothing more than that.”
“Oh, of course,” she agreed readily, an amused smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
He popped the rest of the cookie in his mouth, and gulped it down in one swallow.
“So are we going to go meet my kid or what?” Plagg asked. “We shouldn’t keep him waiting all night! He’s going to think you’re still mad at him or something.”
“Are you serious right now?” she screeched, staring at the stoic kwami in complete disbelief. “You were just pretending you had to eat that cookie so slowly?”
He did the kwami equivalent of a shrug. “You asked me to hurry it up. And I did! Don’t know what you’re complaining about.”
“Oh my god! You’re impossible!”
“Still waiting on you, Pigtails,” he countered smugly.
“Plagg, claws out!” she growled out, his laughter echoing in the humid frigid air around her even after he was sucked into the ring.
Dark crackling energy enveloped her body from head to toe, thrumming with raw power and energy. Her normal transformation felt warm and comforting. And the black cat wasn’t cold - it was more like lightning. And once her transformation was complete she just needed to move, to run, to pounce, to be free.
She vaulted from the ground, shooting off towards the monument of liberty that she could see clearly now that it had stopped raining, eager and excited to speak with her partner.
As she approached, she could see he was already there - a spot of red that stood out against the green of the statue’s oxidized copper. He was sitting under that railing of Lady Liberty’s torch, his legs dangling playfully over the edge.
She vaulted up and landed next to him in a feline crouch.
“M’lady!” he greeted brightly as if they hadn’t planned on meeting not twenty minutes prior. “I was starting to get worried. What happened?”
“Plagg happened,” she growled. “Apparently, he eats cookies really really really slowly.”
He laughed. And god, it was a gorgeous sound. One that she would never take for granted again. “Yeah, he’s pretty annoying when it comes to food.”
She sat down next to him, closer than she normally would have, wanting to have him close. She crossed her legs at the ankles and they stayed relatively calm compared to his active swinging. Neither of them spoke for a minute, they were just staring over the city of lights. The city that was not their own, but they had just saved.
“Thank you,” she whispered into the silence.
His spring-green eyes snapped to her in surprise. “For?”
“For coming back,” she told him simply, still not daring to look at him. If she looked at him she was fairly certain she would cry. And while tears were likely inevitable this evening, she didn’t want to start off with them.  
“I’m sorry for ever leaving,” he told her solemnly.
“It’s…” she broke off. She was going to say that it was okay, but it wasn’t. “Thank you for saying that,” she said instead. “Can you promise me something?”
“Anything,” he said immediately. Her eyes jumped towards his face, surprised at his total lack of hesitation. He gazed back at her, his face calm and serene as the breeze that swept across their cheeks.
“You don’t want to know what it is first?” she asked.
He shook his head with a soft smile. The expression almost seemed familiar, but she couldn’t place it. “I already know I would do almost anything for you, M’lady. I thought you would have known that by now. And the one or two things I wouldn’t be able to do, you would never ask.”
Heat bloomed across her cheeks at his raw faith in her. She was never certain how she had earned it.
“What did you want to ask?” he prompted when she still didn’t explain.
“Just that… next time, if there’s a next time, which I hope there won’t be,” she rambled. “But if there is a next time, can you please talk to me first? Before you make your decision?”
He stared at her for a second. “Next time for what?” he finally asked.
She glanced at him, then looked back down to her knees. “A next time you want to quit…”
And then he said nothing. And she couldn’t stand it. Her gloved fingers writhed in her lap.
“It’s just… you left without letting me say goodbye,” she confessed, her voice softer than the cold breeze. But she knew he could hear her. She looked back at him again, gauging his face for a reaction, but for once she couldn’t read him. “I…” she bit her lower lip in thought, and looked back down. “I don’t want you to be trapped in this. You’re never obligated to continue, but…”
His hand, gloved in red and black, reached out to hers soothingly. “But?”
Emerald green eyes blinked at her from behind a spotted mask, and she found herself missing the vertical pupils that came from wearing the black cat miraculous. When had his eyes stopped looking alien and strange to her? When had they become a source of comfort?
“If you ever want to stop doing this, please… just let me say… goodbye,” she choked out over the massive rock that had just lodged itself in her throat. Hot tears fell from her eyes, over her mask. She hated crying in the mask.
He pulled her against him, she felt safe and warm in his arms. Her body responded by convulsing harder with wracking sobs. He rubbed her back soothingly, and rocked her back and forth.
“Oh bug, I’m so sorry,” he said softly, and then he kissed the crown of her head. “Of course I promise.”
“The last thing I said to you was out of anger,” she sobbed into his chest.
“Shhh… it’s okay. I’m right here. And I know you,” and she could hear the smile in his voice. “You were never going to let that be our last conversation. I’m apparently really bad at staying away even when I think it’s for the best.”
She stilled at his words, at the self deprecation in his tone. “Do you…?” she hesitated, carefully keeping her head down and not looking at his face. “Do you still... think it would be best for you to give up the miraculous?”
He didn’t say anything.
And suddenly, despite his arm around her shoulders, the night was freezing once again, overcast, dark, and grey.
“Chaton?” she prompted. She was terrified of what he might say, but she had to know. She had to know if she could rely on him.
His head dropped, his forehead rested against the top of her braid. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “In the moment that I renounced Plagg, I did it because I just didn’t see any path back for me. I just kept making mistake after mistake. I didn’t want to keep letting you down.”
“You didn’t let me down,” she objected automatically.
Her partner laughed, but there was no amusement here. It was not the bright, rich laugh that came from his belly that she coveted and cherished. This laugh was bitter and dark.  
She huffed out a sigh. “Okay! Fine, you let me down, but not in some irreparable sense that you seem to be thinking.”
His arms tightened around her. “I almost killed you today,” he whispered so softly she almost didn’t hear him.
She sat up then, and traced the sides of his downturned face in both of her hands. She urged his gaze up to hers and waited until he was looking at her before speaking. “But you didn’t.” Her voice didn’t waiver.
His lower lip trembled and soon his whole body was quaking. She jerked him into her arms, and his head came to rest on her bony shoulder.
“I… I don’t know… w-what I would do… if I lost you,” he gasped out between sobs.
“You’re the one that was going to leave,” she couldn’t help but point out dryly.
His nose burrowed deeper into her shoulder. “Only because I am afraid that at some point I will screw up so badly, but instead of me… you’ll be the one to pay the price. I don’t want to be your partner if I am not the best one to protect you. You’re too important to me to let my ego or selfish tendencies get in the way.”
Her arms tightened around him.
He looked up at her then. His eyes were glassy and as green as new spring grass. “But then Tikki said some things that made me think about it differently. That maybe coming back was more important?”
He said it like it was a question. That he needed her confirmation more than anything.
“Kitty, I don’t know how to convince you. I know you won’t be perfect. I won’t be perfect either. I know our mistakes have very real consequences for more than just us. And I would definitely appreciate it in the future, if anything that affects our responsibility changes, you would tell me rather than pretend like everything was taken care of.”
He nodded in agreement.
“But you are it for me! I cannot do this with anyone else because you are the only person who was here with me through this whole crazy thing, the only person who has believed in me even before I believed in myself! You are the person that I trust the most. The only person that can really understand my life. That’s why today was so hard. I…” She broke off into tears.
She started sobbing uncontrollably, harder than either time before. Her throat was tight, and she felt like there was no air. She couldn’t talk, but she desperately needed him to hear these ones.
“I… thought I was… n-never going to see you again,” she choked out.
His hands traced her jaw as his thumbs brushed away her tears. “Do you want to know who I am?” he asked, his eyes serious.
She laughed hysterically through her tears. Of course she wanted to know; she had always wanted to know. But she was still scared. Plagg’s advice about being in her own kind of Guardian warred with every word of caution Master Fu and Tikki had ever given her. Because learning who he was wasn’t something they could take back.
She needed to think about this very carefully. But she wanted to just know. And she wanted to tell him.
“I’m serious,” he told her. “I will tell you right now. You don’t even have to reciprocate.”
She sucked in a breath, trying to calm her racing heart, and smiled brightly at him. She wanted to give into his offer with every fiber of his being. But even if she wasn’t scared to know anymore, it was still probably wise to give it careful consideration before rushing into anything.
“I know who you are,” she told him.
He started. “Y-you do? What gave me away?”
Her smile grew, and her fingertips traced the side of his face. “No, that’s not what I mean. I don’t know your identity. But I do know you. You’re my partner. And my best friend. The boy I trust more than anyone else on this planet. And the most important person in my life. I know your heart.” She placed her other hand on his chest. His heart was racing, too. “I know you.”
She leaned forward before she could think about it too much. He met her halfway.
His lips were chapped, and his breath tasted of mint. His fingers found a home in the small of her back while hers became tangled in his golden locks. Everything about their contact was warm, sweet, and soft.
She didn’t want the moment to end.
It was perfect.
So when he started to pull away, her hands held him in place. And she could feel him smile against her lips.
She finally pulled away with a gasp, and only because she had to breathe at some point, and she was rewarded with a dopey grin on his face with his masked eyes still slitted closed.
She watched him fondly for a few seconds, her giddy smile likely echoing his own. But when he didn’t move, and he didn’t open his eyes, she grew impatient.
“Chaton? You still there?” she teased lightly.
“Yes, m’lady!” he answered brightly. But his eyes remained stubbornly closed.
She poked him in the shoulder. “Why are your eyes still closed?”  
He sighed happily. “Because I’m trying to memorize the best moment in my life so I can replay it later when I need it.”
She snorted. “I can’t believe I fell in love with such a dork.”
His green eyes snapped open. “You love me?” he breathed out as if he could scarcely believe it.
She curled her hands around his again. “Where the hell have you been?” she demanded. “Did Uncanny Valley not play you my message?”
“She did, but…”
“And you were here for that confession and kiss, right? You remember it? You weren’t under some akuma’s control or anything?”
He shook his head, even as his fingers tightened around hers. “No, but you didn’t say love,” he objected.
She turned towards him again. “Chaton, the boy I told you about, the one I told you I loved?”
He went rigid, his expression suddenly carefully neutral. “What about him?” he asked casually.
“He came on this trip with me,” she explained. “But today he left. I watched him drive away and it felt like he was leaving me. And it was hard. But it barely registered in comparison to the devastation I felt listening to your echoing footsteps fade away after you left your miraculous behind.”
His gaze dropped to their joined hands. “I’m sorry.”
She shook her head. “I’m not trying to make you feel more guilty. I just… that’s how I knew.”
She turned and kneeled before him, still not letting go of his hands. “I had to let go of both of you today,” she told him. “But you were the one where that did not feel possible. I don’t know when it happened, but somewhere along the lines you snuck into my heart, made it your own, and I don’t want you to leave.
“Because I love you,” she whispered.
His eyes turned glassy, but he was smiling. “I love you, too.”
She couldn’t stand to see him crying even if they were tears of joy. So she leaned forwards and kissed him again. And then again and again until she lost count and they were both giggling like children.
“What does this mean?” he asked her later, when they were giggled out, and her head rested against his shoulder once again.  
She sighed. What she wouldn’t give to just be! Be here and now, and not have to worry about Paris or New York or decisions that she didn’t want to be the one to make! “I don’t know. I want us to be together, I think. But this is dangerous. But… Plagg said I needed to make my own rules.”
He started. “Plagg said what?”
She ignored his interjection. “And he was right! I… I’ve been trying to emulate Master Fu because he is the only example I have.”
“Plagg gave you advice…? Like useful advice?” Chat objected again.
She frowned up at him. “You’re getting distracted, kitty.”
“Sorry.” He rubbed the back of his neck with his free arm. “Go on.”
“I just worry that if Hawkmoth knows we’re in love, he’ll find a way to use it against us. Love makes us strong in so many ways, but it also makes us vulnerable.”
He threaded his fingers with hers. And she had never thought she would enjoy holding hands with someone as much as she did.
“Do you really think he couldn’t have already done that before when assuming we were just friends?”
She pursed her lips, considering. She supposed he had a point. She kept her identity a secret so that Hawkmoth couldn’t get at her through her family or friends. But Chat Noir had always been a friend she couldn’t hide.
“It’s just more pronounced, I think,” she concluded.
“Would you want to keep it a secret then?” he asked, his expression betraying nothing about how he felt about that idea. But she knew that was his way of being supportive by letting her take the lead.
“Keeping our vulnerabilities secret does offer some protection. That’s the way Master Fu did it. He always stayed in the shadows and was secretive and he was able to protect the kwamis and to stay hidden for almost two centuries!”
“But?” he prompted when she stopped.
And she smiled, pleased that he could read her so well. “But we’re on the front lines. We don’t have the luxury of staying in the shadows. It’s harder to build an impenetrable wall of secrets when you have to be out in public all the time fighting monsters. When you have to balance a double life without anyone noticing. When you struggle with so much, and can’t confide in anyone, or ask anyone for support…”
And suddenly, now that she was really thinking about it, she was angry. Livid that she had been put in this situation where she was almost alone in keeping an entire city safe, and told that she could share that with no one. How long would it be before she broke? How long before she was akumatized?
“Are you okay?” he asked softly.
She shook herself out of her thoughts. “Yeah, I just… I didn’t realize that I was so angry. Master Fu dumped a lot of responsibility on me without leaving any avenues of support,” and she immediately tensed realizing how her words can be misconstrued. Her eyes jerked upwards to his. “I didn’t mean you,” she told him.
He smiled. “No, I totally understand what you meant,” he assured immediately. And then his smile faded and his gaze turned distant.
“What is it?” she asked.
“Do you want to give up your miraculous?” He asked softly, clearly afraid of her answer.
She jerked back violently. “What?! No!! I can’t give it up!” Even she was startled at how visceral her reaction was. “No,” she said again, her tone more calm. “It’s hard, yes. And definitely unfair. But it would just as unfair to put this burden on someone else.”
“But do you want to be Ladybug?” he asked again, this time his green eyes were intense and insistent, rather than worried.
“I love being Ladybug,” she whispered back. “I love knowing that I have helped someone. I love being able to protect the people I care about. And well, even the challenge of figuring out how to defeat an akuma or interpret a lucky charm… It's empowering,” her voice grew louder the more she talked. “Just knowing that when the chips are down, I’m capable of thinking stuff out like that. Most people have to run when an akuma strikes, but not me. I have agency. I can do something. And I’m good at it!”  
“Damn good at it!” he agreed with a huge smile.
She smirked. “And I suppose flying over the city by yoyo is pretty cool too,” she tacked on.
“I had to ask,” he told her. “I want you to know you have an out, too.”
“Thank you kitty. I appreciate that.”
“So if you’re committed to sticking it out, what do you want to do differently than Master Fu as the new Guardian?” he asked. “And whatever you decide, know that I will always support you.”
Her eyes locked onto his. “I want to trust. I want to trust you completely. Maybe others too, but I want to start with you. I don’t want there to be secrets between us.”
She felt him freeze underneath her.
“So… does that mean…” he fidgeted nervously. “Tell me if I’m jumping the gun again, but may I tell you my name?”  
The question hit her like a lightning bolt, sending both her heart racing and her gut fluttering. Even though he had mentioned it earlier, this time felt different. Now, she felt ready. But she was still nervous. But not in the way that she used to be. She wasn’t worried for her friends and family because this was Chat! Her partner. He would give his life for her, she already knew. The idea even brought a sense of relief.
No, the butterflies in her stomach were more a giddy nervousness. She tried to calm herself by breathing deeply. Knowing his name wouldn’t change how she felt about him. And she had to believe that his knowing hers wouldn’t change the way he felt either.
“Only if you want to,” she said. God, she wanted him to tell her so bad, but she didn’t feel she had the right to demand anything after she had already put him off so many times.
He grinned. “I’ve always wanted to. It works out for you, too, in this case because you’ll always be able to track me down when you need to yell at me for something without having to send a third party or worry that it will be our last conversation.”
She laughed. “You sure you don’t want to wait like two weeks when we’re not so emotionally raw? When our heads are on straight?” It was the more pragmatic choice. There was no rush. They didn’t really have to burn through all the secrets between them in one evening.
He barked out a laugh of his own. “Two weeks for you to come up with a million and three reasons about how bad of an idea it is?” He shook his head, even as he chuckled. “No, I don’t really want to wait for that.”
“I’m not that bad!” she objected.
“Oh, yes, you are,” he grinned, darting in with a quick kiss to her nose, which she scrunched up in response. “It’s one of the many things I love about you.”
“Yeah, well! You’re so impulsive!” she countered, even as she grinned.
“And you love me anyway,” he countered, cheekily.
Heat flooded her neck and face; even her ears felt hot in the cold air. “Yeah, yeah, I do.”
“I love you, too.” His voice was so soft, like velvet, and his eyes were even softer. Love poured from them. It was so intense it was hard to maintain eye contact. She had never felt more exposed or vulnerable. He had all of her heart. He had stolen it.
But he didn’t say anything more, and it was driving her mad.
“So…” she prompted, “What’s your name?”
He started, and then grinned again. “R-right!” He cleared his throat dramatically. “Adrien.”
She reeled backwards as if burned. “W-what?!” she exclaimed. She thought she had been prepared for anything! She thought his name wouldn’t change anything.
She had been wrong.
“My name… it’s Adrien,” he repeated.
Her eyes were bugged out of her head, and her jaw was on the balcony floor. But she didn’t know what to say. It couldn’t be him, could it? That would be too simple. And too unfair all at once! The universe was clearly laughing at her. It had been laughing at her for years!
He frowned. “Is that bad?”
She could hear the tremor in his voice. God, he was freaking out. She had to fix that.
“N-no…?” she stammered. Crap! She was stammering. He was totally going to see straight through her.
Would that be so bad?
“Just… unexpected,” she said lamely.
“Were you expecting a Louis, or an Antoine?” he asked jokingly, clearly trying to bury his vulnerability in silliness, but she could see through him. He was terrified. “What name did you give me in your head?”
“Chaton,” she whispered, squeezing his head, managing to look right into his anxious eyes.  
His whole form relaxed and his jokester face melted into the softest smile at her admission. And oh god, it was totally him. How had she never seen it before? She was such an idiot.
“Okay seriously,” he laughed. “What is wrong with the name Adrien?”
“Nothing!” she insisted.
He kissed the knuckles of each of her gloved hands. “Then why are you freaking out?”
So many panicked thoughts swirled through her brain just like it always did when she was trying to talk to Adrien. But this wasn’t just Adrien anymore, she reminded herself. This was her partner, her best friend, her love, and her Chaton. She had just said she wanted no more secrets between them not five minutes prior.
She took a deep breath and prayed for courage. “Adrien might be the name of the boy I had a crush on,” she admitted. Somehow, it was easier to be indirect about it even though she already knew that it was him.  
“What were the chances that I have the same name as…?” And then his whole body stilled and his eyes widened. “Unless… No! I cannot be that lucky,” he mumbled more to himself than her. “But… you said…” His eyes searched hers. “You said… your crush walked away from you today. If that was me…”
And suddenly his eyes watered and he was crying again. Only this time, she had no idea what was wrong.
He couldn’t be that disappointed it was her, could he? The possibility had never occurred to her.
“Chaton? What’s wrong?”
He yanked her to him, his arms wrapped around her petite frame from both sides and he cried onto her shoulder.
“Marinette, I’m so sorry!” he sobbed.
And she shivered at her name on his lips, laden with such emotion. She felt her panic begin to fade. He definitely wasn’t disappointed.
“For?” she asked.
“I walked away from you twice today.”
And with those words the last of her fear faded away. She rubbed circles on his back. She hoped he found them soothing.
“Chaton, it’s okay,” she reassured, feeling remarkably free herself. She had managed to confess to both of the boys she loved in one go!  And she was feeling much better about this whole Guardian business just as a bonus. “This makes things surprisingly simple,” she said, framing both sides of his face in her gloved hands.
He shook his head and nuzzled his cheek into one of her hands. “I don’t deserve you,” he croaked out.
She shook her head. “I think you deserve the world, Chaton. That’s why I fought so hard for you to be able to come on this trip. I just didn’t realize you were also the person that I needed to stay behind.”
He laughed through his tears. “You’re so amazing, Buginette. I have thought so this whole trip. Until I screwed up royally, I was thinking about asking you out when we got back to Paris. Marinette you, I mean.”
“R-really?!” she squeaked.
“What changed?” She asked. “If I recall, Chat Noir already rejected Marinette.”
“I don’t know that anything did. It’s like you said… I think you snuck in a long time ago and I just didn’t realize it because I was so focused on Ladybug.”
“Ladybug is pretty great, I guess,” she grudgingly admitted.
“Ladybug is definitely amazing! I’ve looked up to her for a long time, but Marinette… she is so much more because she fights for justice without the benefit of a mask. She always stands up when it matters. She goes out of her way to include everyone, she gives people second chances. She gave me a second chance.”
Her eyes watered with his sweet, sweet words.
“She was the first friend I really made on my own, and I think it’s one of the best things I have ever done, and I save Paris on a weekly basis!”
A laugh tore through her tears, and he smiled back.
She tilted her head up and kissed him, trying to convey how much his words meant to her. Because she could not put it into words.
“I love you,” he finished when they pulled away.
She grinned even though she was still crying. “I love you!”
She studied his face, his eyes sparkled and his mouth couldn’t stop smiling. Happiness suited him. She realized that she had never seen her partner completely one hundred percent joyful. She had never understood before that half his jokes and tendency to want to play around was one part outlet and another part defense mechanism, but now, he made so much more sense to her. And she loved him more.
She hadn’t realized that was possible.
“It makes sense now,” she confided.
“What does?”
“Your attitude and personality as Chat Noir. You barely ever are allowed anything, so of course you go a little overboard when the opportunity presents itself. Ladybug has always primarily been a duty for me. Chat Noir is freedom for you. And well, if my miraculous was the only way I got to be free, I wouldn’t listen to my kwami either.”
He laughed. “Plagg actively encourages my rebellious moments,” he said, his eyes still gleaming.
“Really?!” she scoffed. “No fair! Why did you get the fun kwami?”
“He’s not that fun,” Adrien immediately disagreed. “Quite annoying really. He goes through so much expensive cheese you wouldn’t believe it. Nathalie still asks me questions about how much cheese I buy. And he makes a point of leaving cheese crumbs everywhere, which makes everything smell weird.”
She ate up every word like a child on Christmas morning. It was so mundane, but they got to do this now! They got to share every bit of how their civilian and hero lives clashed.
“But he’s definitely the nice one,” her partner concluded.  
“What?!” she screeched in mock outrage. “Blasphemy! Tikki is the sweetest!”
He grinned. “She is definitely the mean one.”
“Whatever! I guess you should give her back to me then, since you clearly don’t appreciate her!” she bantered back.
She hadn’t expected the immediate flash of pink light.
Tikki materialized a split second later, but Marinette spared no attention to her constant companion. She was looking at her unmasked partner. He stood before her, unfairly tall. His blond unstyled hair looked more like Chat’s than Adrien’s and she loved it. His cheeks were slightly pink, but his eyes…. It was like she had never seen them before, which was ridiculous because he was Adrien. She had seen them thousands of times before. But she had never seen them knowing he was her partner. They were emerald-green, and they were shining with complete trust and love, and she was lost in their depths.
She traced the curve of his jawline with a gloved hand, but her eyes never left his even when she started tearing up all over again.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
His golden eyebrows furrowed in genuine confusion. “For?”
“For making you wait so long for this moment,” she confessed. She was so mad at herself for costing them so much time when they could have been supporting each other completely in both parts of their lives.
He smiled. And she could see her kitty in his face and it was amazing!
He turned his head into the hand on his face and kissed her palm. “You had to be ready. I know I was less patient on some days, but I’m glad that we waited until we both were ready.”
Maybe he was right. It was better this way because if it had happened sooner she might have combusted realizing it was Adrien and been unable to talk to him. Or she might have been angry if he had shared before she thought it was okay. And this… this was better.
She dissolved her own transformation in a flash of green. Plagg was there immediately, glanced between them in their civilian forms, and he smirked.
“Oh thank god!” he exclaimed. That was as far as he got before Tikki swooped in, and wrestled him out of sight.
Adrien carefully took out his earrings, and they reverted to their red and black form in his hands. He held them up, gesturing to the side of her head. “May I?” he asked.
A blush bloomed across her face at the question. She nodded, not trusting herself to form words.
His bare hands gently pushed a few errant strands of her hair behind her ear, before he carefully slipped one earring into her right ear. “Thank you for making me come back and thank you for trusting me with… yourself and everything else.”
He moved to the other side of her head and slipped in the second earring just as gently. “I promise to do everything I can to live up to your trust in me.”
Then he kissed her forehead before pulling slightly away, but she captured his hand before he could escape entirely.
She caressed each finger one by one, and then took off his miraculous, which was a rose gold on her hand, but instantly turned black when it was free of her finger. She watched in fascination as it turned silver when she placed it on his finger.
“I want to thank you for always supporting me, for being patient,” she started.
“Mostly patient,” he interjected, his voice light with teasing. She pushed a finger to his lips.
“Hush! It’s your turn to listen.
He nodded, his eyes sparkling with mischief. It was such a Chat expression on Adrien’s face. And that made her smile.
“I want to thank you,” she began again. “For always being there when no one else was, for picking me up in my lowest moments, for giving me advice, for being a bright spot in the darkness.”
“Can I get a do over?” He asked, his voice cracking.
“Nope!” She snapped back playfully. She had loved what he had said. “And I promise to be transparent with you as the Guardian the way Fu never was.”
She kissed his hand. Then he pulled her up and his lips met hers again. He was so warm. And he was sending tingles down to her toes.
Would she ever get used to his kisses?
She hoped not.
He pulled away just slightly and her vision was filled with his green eyes. “It feels like we just got married,” he told her.
Heat rushed from her cheeks to the tips of her ears. “I don’t think I’m ready for that. But… maybe someday?” she suggested with a shy smile.
He grinned back. “I look forward to that day.”
She did, too.
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akaluan · 5 years
moon6shadow-main replied to your post “moon6shadow-main replied to your post: That moment when you realize...”
...facepalm I actually forgot about that one. I’ve been rereading and catching up on AO3 and Wordpress but the bleach/log horizons au isn’t there so oops. >.> XD :) (I’ve just been enjoying all the others that have been posted on AO3 & Wordpress. :D Oh ouch, yes I can see that not being good for writing inspiration. I was wondering around on pillowfort for a little while but haven’t really looked at the social aspect of fandom in a few months after heading back to AO3. (1)
Sounds like everyone is still scattered to the four winds right now. Not sure if things have picked up for fandom anywhere else? Although it sounds like you’ve been having fun on discord at some point. :) (2)                   
Although, muses on log horizon/bleach crossover does this mean inspiration for more or cleaning them up to officially post? :) I need to reread them now to remind me what the girls are doing. XD :) Although young or not I’m still expecting Karin to learn to fight younger then she did in cannon, to protect her sister from a (more) visible threat if nothing else.  So some fighting skills but not joining the main group.... oh wait some of the log horizons main characters are really young (3)    
So she and Yuri might fall in with them :/ well fun story wise but young... I forget how young they all are...             
I only put the old AUs on Wordpress as I start to work on them again. It’s just less hassle on my part that way, and some of the AUs or drabbles will probably never get carried over because they’re done.
I haven’t been doing anything on Pillowfort. It’s just not really... I don’t know. There’s not much there and it feels like there really isn’t a large Bleach community there either, so I feel very awkward at the thought of how often I post something -- in such a small community, that sort of unilateral flood is... not what I want to do.
So yeah, fandom is pretty separated and I think a lot of people either scattered to twitter or retreated into private discord servers. A fair number of people did come into the server I made, yeah, and it’s been pretty nice. Just makes it really lonely here on tumblr since some people don’t use the site anymore.
As for the Bleach/Log Horizon crossover, it’s actually me writing it right from the start. I’ve got about 600 new words that should blend into another segment I’ve written to make the opening of the story.
Yuzu and Karin are ten years old in this story. They’re ten years old and their characters are barely level 3 because they just started playing a week or so before in preparation for the expansion pack coming out which had something that interested them (on top of wanting to spend more time with Ichigo). And no, they’re not joining the main group, they’re going to join my OC Guild XD They do learn to fight monsters, though! Nothing really big, but low level fun things with some other experienced players around to help out.
The youngest LH character that I know about are the twins Minori and Tohya who are about 13, I believe. So I’m pretty sure I made Yuzu and Karin the youngest trapped players known, thus the whoops. They’ll get to interact with people about their age, of course, but I’m not getting them mixed up in the Hamelin Guild mess. That’s just cruel and nope, can’t do that to them.
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mikemortgage · 6 years
Social media and misinformation: It’s a game of whack-a-mole
NEW YORK — It’s a high-stakes game of whack-a-mole with no end in sight.
Social media companies are fighting an expensive and increasingly complex battle against Russian trolls who are using catchy memes, bots and fake accounts to influence elections and sow discord in the U.S. and beyond.
This week, two reports released by the Senate Intelligence Committee gave strong evidence that Moscow’s sweeping online disinformation campaign was more far-reaching than originally thought, with agents working to divide Americans by race, religion and ideology and erode trust in U.S. institutions.
It is also clear that the culprits are learning from one another and quickly adapting to sophisticated countermeasures taken against them.
Here are some questions and answers about the efforts to combat misinformation.
When it comes to election meddling, much of the focus for the past two years has been on the biggest internet platforms, especially Facebook, where agents in Russia (as well as Iran and elsewhere) have used phoney accounts to spread fake news and divisive messages.
But the latest reports offer more proof that the Russians went beyond the social media giant, taking advantage of smaller services like Pinterest, Reddit, music apps and even the mobile game Pokemon Go. Instagram, Facebook’s photo-sharing app, was also found to have played a far bigger role than previously understood.
In many ways, the Russian operation works like a corporate branding campaign, except in this case, the goal is not to sell running shoes but to sway elections. On Facebook, agents might post links to fake news articles, or slogans pitting immigrants against veterans or liberals against conservatives.
One image showed a ragged, bearded man in a U.S. Navy cap. It urged people to like and share “if you think our veterans must get benefits before refugees.” Another post had a photograph of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and the words “Enough dreaming, wake your ass up.”
On Instagram, the post with the most interactions was a photo showing a row of women’s bare legs, ranging from pale white to dark brown, with the caption “All the tones are nude! Get over it!” The image had over a quarter-million likes.
Many of the posts and memes were not incendiary and didn’t contain anything that could get them promptly banned from social networks for violating their standards against hate speech or nudity, for example. Instead, they looked like the ordinary sorts of things regular people might share on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Caught off guard by Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. elections, giants like Facebook, Google and Twitter have thrown millions of dollars, tens of thousands of people and what they say are their best technical efforts into fighting fake news, propaganda and hate.
They are using artificial intelligence to root out fake accounts or to identify bots that post divisive content. For example, while a human might post at random moments and needs sleep, a bot may give itself away by tweeting at all hours of the day, at fixed times, such as on the hour.
Of course, malicious actors are learning to sidestep these countermeasures. Bots are being designed to act more like humans and stop sending tweets out at fixed intervals. Or users who are operating fake accounts change their identities rapidly and delete their tweets to cover their tracks.
Some companies have made progress. Facebook’s efforts, for example, appear to have reduced trafficking in fake news on its platform since the 2016 election.
But some of these efforts go against these companies’ business interests, at least in the short term. In July, for example, Facebook announced that heavy spending on security and content control, coupled with other business shifts, would hold down growth and profits. Investors reacted by knocking $119 billion off the company’s market value.
Smaller platforms have fewer resources to throw at the problem, and that is one reason the trolls have moved on to them.
Created to sign up as many users as possible and have them posting, liking and commenting as often as possible, social networks are, by design, easy to flood with information. And bad information, if it’s catchy, can spread faster than a boring but true news story.
Companies like Facebook and its competitors have also built their business on letting advertisers target users based on their interests, where they live and a multitude of other categories. Trolls sponsored by malicious governments can do the same thing, buying ads that automatically target people according to their political leanings, ethnicity or whether they live in a swing state, for example.
Some companies have taken countermeasures against that. But critics say that unless companies like Facebook change their ad-supported business models, the exploitation is not going to stop.
Filippo Menczer, a professor of informatics and computer science at Indiana University, said the problem is a very difficult one to solve.
Facebook, for example, has focused a lot of its efforts on working with outside fact-checkers to root out fake news and suppress the spread of information that has been deemed false. But those items are only a part of the problem. Fact-checking doesn’t necessarily screen out memes and other more subtle means of shaping people’s opinions.
“A lot of the stuff is not necessarily false, but misleading or opinion,” Menczer said.
According to one of the Senate-released reports, 2016 and 2017 saw “significant efforts” to disrupt elections around the world.
“We cannot wait for national courts to address the technicalities of infractions after running an election or referendum,” the Oxford researchers warned. “Protecting our democracies now means setting the rules of fair play before voting day, not after.”
There are also new threats, already seen in countries such as Myanmar and Sri Lanka, where messaging apps like Facebook’s WhatsApp have been instrumental in spreading misinformation and leading to violence. With these apps, the messages are private, and even the platforms themselves can’t get access to them as they try to combat those trying to spread havoc, Menczer said.
Menczer said the cost of getting into the misinformation game is low. The entire campaign by Russia, he said, might have involved a few dozen employees and an advertising budget in the tens of thousands of dollars.
“Clearly, they will continue,” he said. “There is no reason why they wouldn’t.”
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defiancerpg-blog · 6 years
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Congratulations LAURA, you have been accepted as CEPHEUS, THE KING, with the faceclaim of AVAN JOGIA and the PSYCHOMETRY ability!
Notes from the Admins: Ellie and Tasha:
We really enjoyed reading your app and seeing how you were going to portray Jai. I (Tasha), personally have nothing to complain about with your app. I loved everything about it. And I’m truly a fan of your writing. You just hit every point with your writing, no matter how short or long it was there was nothing lacking. Like Tasha said, I (Ellie) think your app really hit home with who our little genius was in our minds. The answers to the interview are short and sweet and give us a perfect glimpse into Jai’s mind.  I also love your connections and how you touch on his relationship with Daniela and how that also extends to her sister in some ways which is a struggle for him.
You have 48 hours to send in your blog. If you haven’t already joined the group discord then you may do so now (if that’s your wish) [x]. Once you have turned in your blog, you will be given a role that will allow you access to the private channels regarding plots/characters. Please remember to do everything on the checklist, and also we just want to thank you for joining this roleplay. We hope your time with us will be a fun and memorable one!
Jai Tailor Application
OOC Information:
Alias & Pronouns:
Timezone, Activity Level, & RP Experience:
I’m from GMT+10, My activity fluctuates depending on what’s going on at Uni, but when I don’t have assessments I tend to be on once a day. I’ve been roleplaying for about six years now on tumblr, and you can find an old rp blog here
Cepheus – Jai Tailor
Avan Jogia, Mahesh Jadu (would require age change to 29), Sidharth Malhotra
Jai identifies as Bi-sexual and aromantic.
Salt Lake City, Utah
Nova Type:
Psychometry: Otherwise known as token object reading. Jai has the ability to extract an objects entire history, the hands that have held it, the places it has been left, those who have claimed ownership over it. His parents described it as him transporting himself into the essence of an object, removed from time or space. He never liked to use his parent’s descriptions. He simply describes it as having access to an object’s data base. So far Jai has only had the ability to read objects without a conscious. He suspects things with sentience have the ability to reject his attempted extraction. When he was fifteen he experimented for the first time with a dead body. The results were beyond belief, he could only bare to touch the body for a few moments, enough time to extract only the beginning of its life, before his skin seemed to burn, and his stomach emptied itself. Although he has never again had the chance to experiment with such an ability he is filled with morbid, self-destructive curiosity about this aspect of his powers and is desperate to try again.
Mnemokinesis: Or memory manipulation. Jai has the ability to insert false memories into the minds of other people. It is not an easy power to utilise, he does it with his words, first lulling a subject into a subdued, susceptible state, and then crafting a memory. When done correctly the memories he plants are stronger and more vivid than any real memory his victim has.
NB: I have worked psychometry into the application a lot, so if the second/any other choice is chosen I may have to rework parts of the app. Please just let me know if that is the case 😊  
So, tell me a little bit about growing up. What was your childhood like?
“My childhood. Seriously?!” Teeth grinded against his lip as he shook his head. His jaw was set, filled with all the tension that gave away his annoyance at the question. Glaring he sat, waiting for the question to change, for some form of acknowledgement that such a question was ridiculous, but none came. “It was rosy. Hugs every day. Fun with other children. Mom and dad shielding me from all the horrible evils of the world. I grew up happy and loved and valued.” His tone was so dry, so lacking in infliction, that no one could doubt his sarcasm.
What about your relationship with your family?
He snorted as soon as the question was asked, shaking his head in disgust. “You’re just like everyone else. Desperate to understand me through my relationships. To place me in some context and diagnose me.” He spat the final words. “If you want to know about my parents interview them. You want to understand me? Here I am.” He spread his arms out wide, hard eyes seeming to dare the interviewer to come closer. “My relationship with my parents means nothing. You think they shaped me? Made me? You’re wrong. They’re nothing.”
Are you the only Nova in your family? Or were your parents Novas too? What about any siblings?
“Were my parents Nova’s?” His smirk, the quiet snort he emitted portrayed amusement. The shadow that fell across his eyes however said otherwise. “In a way. Latens both of them. Completely powerless. But they had superpowers none the less. An inferiority complex so grand it consumed them. The ability to close off from any emotion, completely invulnerable to feeling. They were self-diagnosed Latens but they had powers all the same. Perhaps they diagnosed wrong… I’d like that.”
What’s your ability like? Is it easy to control or harder? Do you even like it?
“My ability.” For the first time since the interview began he seemed to calm, settling down with an aura of excitement about him. His eyes had lit up, this was his specialty. What he knew. He loved nothing more than sharing information, enlightening people with his theories. “I don’t think any ability can be easy to control. There’s always unlocked potential, unforeseen circumstances, unpleasant effects. There’s always an element of your ability controlling you. Do I like it? I love it! I literally have information at my fingertips. I love that it can make me feel stronger. Can give me power over others. I love it because it will always be un-understandable and uncontrollable.”
How would you describe your personality?
“My personality?” The question was repeated in a soft voice, eye contact maintained under hooded lids, and thick lashes. “I think I’d prefer to hear you describe it.” His hand reached out, a single index finger tracing the veins on the underside of the interviewer’s wrist. “Does personality really matter outside of perception? I only care what you think of me.”
What do you think your greatest strengths and weaknesses are?
“I don’t like to reveal my strengths. The ones that aren’t self-evident are an advantage. That or they’re imagined. Either way I’d be stupid to advertise them. Weaknesses…” He paused for a moment, calculating. “There’s a disadvantage to being so removed from human emotion, to not buying into socially accepted fallacy. People label it as “socially awkward”. Really it’s just another word for existing outside the collective.”
Where and what were you doing the day the Nova Protection Act was enacted?
“I was waiting.” He raised his eyebrow, daring the interviewer to question his statement. “I was waiting and was ready. What exactly I did that day doesn’t matter, I knew that day would come, and when it did I had everything in order to survive it. I had liquidity and I had supplies. I was prepared.” He pursed his lips, “I’d only recently left my last job, working in a lab, my parents had been in contact with my boss, continuing to extract data. I had no interest in continuing there. There was an opening in a pathology department, I’d always wanted to work in pathology, but I never got the chance to start.”
Did you immediately run? Or did you try to obey the law and report to the Anti-Nova Force?
Snorting laughter signified what he saw as the ridiculousness of the statement. “You think I would willingly catalogue myself? Submit myself to the will of the government? I didn’t run, I disappeared. My parents were the only ones who could find me. They can’t find me now.”
How have you survived this last year and a half or so? Did you have any help or were you all alone? How did you find Yalena’s Sanctuary?
“We came as a group. All good scientists protect their subjects. My parents found me, found the sanctuary, and began marching me towards it. I was a burden to them, a heavy, hard to move experiment. My parents reminded me of that the whole journey. They could have gone in to hiding if it wasn’t for me. They didn’t need sector zero. They thought I needed them and they needed no one. They were wrong. They cared if I died, needed my survival. I never needed them, never cared for their safety. Never cared for anyone’s safety.” He chewed his lip, silence hanging off him “No. There’s no one’s safety I care for.
What were you doing when the raid happened? How did you respond to the flood of Wardens? How quickly did you go through Yalena’s portal?
“I was… reading… I don’t know. I don’t think it matters. What matters is I was ready? Bag packed. I should have been the first one through. Would have been if it wasn’t for… Sector Zero wasn’t as easy as the first time. Everything I needed couldn’t be packed. I still made it through quickly, just not as quickly as I should have… My parents on the other hand… They were too slow.”
What has living in The Imperium been like for you? Do you feel safer than before? Is it better or worse than on the run, or Yalena’s Sanctuary?
“It’s not like any of them were a five-star resort…” He laughed at his own joke, shaking his head when no one laughed with him. “It’s fine. I’d be stupid to get too attached. They found us once, they’ll do it again. Really there’s only one major difference. My parents aren’t here…”
The last question. If war broke out between Novas and the humans, which side will you be on?
“I don’t know. Neither? Both? It would make sense to be on the side of the Novas, I don’t know if humans will ever be on a Novas side again, but I have no interest in fighting for the losing side. There’s no glory in war, no honour in death. I care nothing for a collective, feel no connection to a group of people. If war comes I will do what’s best for me. I’ll survive.”
Gemini: Jai trusts Waverly intellectually, he knows she is bright, enjoys her candid nature, is willing to work with her to survive. Intellectually he knows the two of them fit together. Are both broken in a similar way. Emotionally, however, he feels none of this. The wall between them is as strong as any other he has erected. They only want one thing from each other, and he refuses to allow anything deeper. She is a stranger to him, a stranger who would only respect a closed off man, perhaps he’s correct in this assumption, he’s never been sure, but what he feels emotionally has a habit of trumping what he knows intellectually.
Cassiopeia: Jai had a flawless outlook on life, except for one problem. Dani. Clever Dani who worked her way into his soul. He never meant to care about anyone the way he cares about her. He thought he knew better. Somewhere down the line, however, he let his guard down, exposed himself in a way he never meant to. Love was some fallacy humans hid behind to stop themselves feeling alone, but he felt it, with every fibre of his being, she was his family, his home, his life. He hates her for weakening him in this way, but he could never hate her really. She’s all that matters.
Andromeda: I would also like to explore Jai’s relationship with Dani’s younger sister. He see’s her as an annoyance, inferior to himself and Dani, trapped by the same weaknesses he sees him and his best friend as being outside of. He also hates the prospect that her existence means he has to care not only about Dani’s survival but also Nora’s
As a child Jai’s parents literally used him as a test subject, they were obsessed with understanding his powers. As a child he knew nothing else, he saw his life as normal, it made sense to him that his parents would want to understand him, to improve him. When he saw Daniela’s relationship with her parents it was the closeness he envied, the care she was shown. When he grew older, when he grew to understand what his parents had done, not only to him but to others as well he learnt his parents weren’t just cold, they were monsters.
Jai enjoys subtle powerplays in bed. Never has this been more pronounced than in his relationship with Waverly, mostly because he has never before had a such a continuous intimacy with another Nova. He often teases her, fingers tracing the skin around her jewellery, secrets and information she has not chosen to share. He could access them whenever he wanted. But he doesn’t. He never would. He needs that wall too much.
Jai’s parents were atheists. His mother’s parents were non-practicing Christians, his father’s were devout Muslims. Jai himself, partially as rebellion against his parents and partially out of his own attempts to collect all the different information, theories and perspectives he can has been experimenting more with the Muslim faith. He has had little time for it whilst in hiding and will always take the portions of the region he feels suits him, but he holds onto the identity non-the-less.
None at all!
You can find a personality page I have made for Jai here
You can also find some moodboards I made here and a pintrest board here
There are some playlists here
Finally, all the little extras I have done are here.
Nothing I can think of now!
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