#being shoes in the shoe bag
marcsalmonds · 2 years
A genuinely useful bag I aquired from my nan dropping something off to me that just happens to be a sketchers shoe bag, has me doing the smarties autism test in reverse because everytime i use it someone in my family is like "I didn't think you'd shop there" expecting it to contain the ugliest trainers known to man in it and not some shit that doesn't fit in my normal bag, and getting increasingly frustrated that everyone thinks that
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yuutito · 4 months
I knew I was destined for being a sugar daddy when I realized that every single time someone reblogs one of those cute girl aesthetic posts on here my first thought is “I wish I had a gf to buy those for”
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projectmayhem-stims · 3 months
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🎀 🎀 🎀
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💕 💕 💕
4: Your Favorite Color: pink!!! i also really like black, but theres so many nice pink stims, so i went with pink!!
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champagnemoon · 2 months
Thrift stores being priced like boutique consignment shops now is very darksided lmao like I can’t believe 15 years ago it was likely you could find a Chanel bag in an unsorted bin for 10 dollars
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cloudcountry · 6 months
there is no way the ikevamp guys are being such assholes in jean's route i must be dreaming
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sweatyflytrap · 9 months
Thank you for the tag @schumigrace 🩷🩷🩷
Your first celebrity, outfit, quote, and aesthetic pic on pinterest is your vibe !
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Tagging @geneticcatalyst @skitskatdacat63 @userkritaaay @xiaoluclair @fractalkiss @wewentcarracing and @lil-shiro if you would like to ☺️
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musubiki · 6 months
dark academia oscar!!! does he wear those shirts with the frill collars too and the high waisted pants lol?
HES GONNA LOOK SO GOOD WHEN I HAVE TIME TO DRAW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was thinking those fancy plaid pants with the high socks and fancy brown shoes with like. a long coat and maybe like a fucking insufferable sweater vest over button-up shirt vibes......im sure madam springs tried to put him in the fucking poofy shirt and he went "this isnt the 8th century anymore madam" followed my a whack on the head
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vulpinesaint · 1 month
truly you have to participate in the compliment economy. random compliments are so rare but it's not because you don't deserve them! our discomfort with engaging with other people makes it so that only some people take the initiative to give compliments in the first place, and that's really only if there's something standout about the person they're complimenting. it doesn't have to be that way. get comfortable with telling people that you like their clothes or their hair or that they have nice eyes or a good smile or a pretty laugh or that you admire the way they carry themself or like their music taste or just that you think they're nice or smart or cool. put a little delight out into the world! once you've done that, it opens up similar dialogues bit by bit... and as a secret special bonus, when you tell someone something nice, they're often very happy to have a chance to tell you something nice in return :)
#sorry for being cringe i will always go out of my way to tell a stranger that i like their shirt.#if i'm not making pretty girls smile then literally what is even the point. and all girls are pretty girls#if i notice something i think is cool then i'm saying something.#god as my witness the nice things that i have to say will NOT stay in my head. putting them out in the world 🫡#and again i cannot emphasize enough that girls will get smiley and blush and giggle when you tell them nice things#which is far and away a reward of its own. i just think it's nice to make people feel nice...#if you see something say something. that's all i'm saying.#might make the guy out front of the ross blush and stop functioning when you tell him you like his hat#but a) he is probably not often exposed to a bunch of trans people walking by and someone in cat ears paying him a compliment#and b) he probably doesn't get complimented often!! and you have the power to change that. isn't that awesome#my thesis statement forever. you can just tell people when you like something about what they're doing in life.#i have gay people privilege so i can tell girls they're gorgeous without it being taken as creepy guy stuff#so. y'know. be aware. don't be a freak about it or put people in uncomfortable situations.#but you Can duck across the sidewalk rq to tell someone that you think their bag is cool or their shoes are nice or you like their outfit#it's free it's easy... and you'll never see them again most times so what could even be the harm...#get over your social anxiety by telling boys they have nice eyes it is going to free up your whole world /hj#valentine notes
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Me and Aventurine 😍
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aqqleshiqqing-archive · 7 months
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im a bit late to talking about this since this was related to my recent appleshipping art, but
now that I see it. they have so many similar characteristics what do you mean they aren't SIBLINGS....
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twilightarcade · 7 days
I think my least favorite thing about my dad is that he's decided that I am NOT a fun loving guy and instead edgy and oooohhh watch out she's a Gemini and oooooooohhhh she's gonna stab you in the back ooohhhhhh she hates talking to people which like . That's not even remotely how present. At all.
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vampyrsm · 1 year
i fucking hate rich old white people
i will eat you alive.
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aethenia · 4 months
it’s fucking gut wrenching to see girls you went to secondary school posting about men treating them like shit. we’re not friends, we’ve probably never shared more than a few words, but I can picture you as an eleven year old on the first day of school and that breaks my heart.
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mishkakagehishka · 10 months
corks how tf do u walk so much. my dorm is at the top of the hill and most of my classes are like halfway down it and making that walk both up and down is killer. my ankles hurt. my hips hurt. it makes my chest hurt. help
For me it's a case of getting used to (i walked some 10min uphill today to get to my hairdresser's and it killed me bc. I took public transport all the time here and fell out of the habit of walking), but don't you have chronic pain or smth of the sort? I vaguely remember you mentioning smth like that :[ honestly my suggestion sucks, but i'd say: leave earlier than you "have to" so you can take breaks to avoid overexerting yourself.
My commute's most annoying part is the 15min walk from my stop to my college. And it took 20ish min at first bc i had to take it slow until i got used to it.
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wlwgang · 8 months
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Anyway I will be serving creativity uniqueness nerve and talent!!! At this wedding
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willbyersabyss · 10 months
terrible feeling when you make a controversial post and then someone vague posts about it and takes away the entire context and explanation to make your opinion look stupid/baseless and then a million other vague posts pop up based on that vague post and now you’re in vague post hell
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