Tuesday, August 9, ‘22
Mediocrity is
my anathema, it is
scarier than death. 
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slickthepoet · 2 years
I just hit 30,000 views in 10 days!!! If you haven’t checked out my new video yet go check it out!! #SlickThePoet #HowDoesItFeel shot by #Beeisthefuture and edited by #Tian aka #BeKnown
#NewVideo #PoeticRhythmMusic #slickthepoetvevo #Thankyou #neworleansartist #LosAngeles #Youtube #Vevo
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stonerzelda · 2 years
SQUIRRRRE!!! bequeath to me booze a'TWUNCE
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lovejosephquinn · 1 year
SFW Alphabet. My opinions and head canons based on pure fluffy boyfriend Joey. Honestly, we love to see it. 🥰
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A is for Affection: Affection is number one for Joe. He will show it personally and through materials. As much as he loves to give affection through time and himself, you'll always find you're receiving silly little gifts that maybe he's found in passing because they reminded him of you. One thing he tends to do is keep your flowers replenished at all times, stating that the brightness and beauty of them makes him think of you. B is for Best Friend: As well as your lover, Joe will be your number one bestie. Sharing in your rants and playing the bitchy part with you if you're venting about someone in your day that irritated or pissed you off. He loves to share in every thing that you do, whether it's joining you in your friendship group or you his, or just plainly sitting down, staying silent and listening to you.
C is for Cuddles: Big spoon. His total favourite. Joe loves nothing more than to have his arms wrapped around you, closing the space between your bodies and having one leg wedged between yours so he almost feels at one with you. His face will probably be pressed into your hair as well as you feel little kisses on the back of your head or giggles coming from behind you when you say something silly when you're half asleep, cosy and content. Sometimes if he's feeling needy, he'll use you as a pillow and have you cradle him like a baby.
D is for Domestic: You love it when Joe cooks for you. He's always conjuring up new ideas for meals and will do anything to make you a good hearty meal, getting you both to try new things, different cuisines and fine dine together in your own home. Joe can be quite the messy person to love with so you do tidy up after him often, but he soon makes up for it when he's giving you the puppy dog look and offering you the sweet treats he's baked in order to be forgiven.
E is for Ending: As much as nobody wants a sad ending to a relationship, if it were to be on the cards, it'd be a very adult conversation. There'd be none of the over text rubbish, it'd be a case of either talking it out or letting you down lightly, more for your benefit than his; after all if he's telling you the truth at least you may be able to get over it quicker.
F is for Fiancé: Joe's quite a slow burn in a relationship, a taking every day as it comes kind of person. But when he knows, he knows. In the back of his mind beknown to you, he's got a plan on how he'd propose, it'd be the most romantic thing in his own head but it'd take a while for him to sit, brainstorm and fully plan it without you knowing. He knows he wants to be with you for the rest of his life (he tells you every god damn day). It already shows the commitment.
G is for Gentle: Joe is a gentle soul unlike no other. On a bad day? He'll do everything he can to make you smile and laugh, even if it's him that's in the dog house. His soothing touches, like playing with your hair or tickling your arm or back, giving you massages after a long hard day just to make you feel better. It's the little surprises of you getting in and him running you a candle lit bath, a glass of wine settled on the corner and him running to show you what he'd done.
H is for Hugs: One of your most favourite things about him. No matter how he's doing it, Joe gives the most sensational hugs. His arms wrapped around you so tightly, little tight squeezes of plain reassurance every now and then, swaying from side to side if stood, his hand caressing your back by rubbing his fingers up and down your spine, giving you little forehead kisses and whispering sweet things in the most gentle tone which sends electricity flooding through you.
I is for I Love You: He would most likely be the first to say he loves you and every time he does is always like the first time. The butterflies can get too much not just from the purity of the words, but the meaning in his voice when he says them, always in direct contact, staring right at you, his brown eyes piercing through into your soul. When this man loves, he'll love hard and you'll know about it.
J is for Jealousy: You'll know when he's jealous, arms will folded, chest puffed out in a manly state trying to put an act on that he's not. When you ask him if he is, you'll get the bluntest reply of no. It's pretty much the only time he's quiet with you and you'll receive one word answers until he's over it. He's not too bothered about you having guy friends, but anymore than a simple hug and he's watching them like a hawk and believe you me, if he's up for the challenge (not that there is one) but he will make it known that you're his.
K is for Kisses: From the soft to the down right passionate, you can't get enough of Joe's kisses. He's not one for full public displays of affection but when you're alone, you'll receive kisses left right and centre. His lips feel undeniably fantastic when they're on yours. If you're busy doing something he'll interrupt you by tapping on your shoulder and puckering out his lips just so he can give you one. You'll always receive those cute forehead kisses whilst you cuddle, sometimes little ones on the tip of your nose and always in a morning when he's in a rush, a sloppy one planted right onto your cheek; running back for the occasional smooch before he's really got to go.
L is for Little Ones: There's no denying his whole demeanour changes when he's around children. His paternal instinct is insufferably adorable and he'll do anything to make a child smile, pulling silly faces at babies or seeing him pick them up to give them a hug. You get broody like crazy when you see interaction between him and children because he's just such a good father figure, you're always in talks of the future and having a family together and you know he'll be ultimately besotted by his own little one, spoiling them no end and making you fall in love with him further by the way he shows full devotion towards them.
M is for Morning: At first, he won't want to get up, he'll be snuggling up to you, burying his head into your neck and groaning at the sun light seeping through the curtains. By the time he's up and awake and if there's time, you'll have breakfast on the table by the time you've forced yourself out of bed. He's more of a morning person than you which infuriates you since he's most chaotic at that time of day, yet there's something about waking up to this man each morning and him giving you reason to start your day the right way.
N is for Night: Nights in are the best. He'll always have a make shift bed on the sofa on the go, plenty of pillows and blankets to be getting on with. The good snacks are in and home made cocktails are set upon the coffee table in front of you, he's either forcing you to watch his favourite movie for the hundredth million time or he's letting you handle the remote on the rare occasion. You'll always fall asleep on him and he won't mind, but you'll wake up to him looking down at you in full admiration, little giggles when he's telling you that you're snoring or making weird noises making you slightly embarrassed. When you're too tired, he'll carry you to bed in full princess mode before tucking you in as tight as a burrito as he likes to describe it; as small as it may be, he'll always wish you sweet dreams.
O is for Open: Joe is a private person through and through. He'll tell you little things first and will build up the more his trust and confidence in you builds. Knowing him it won't take long, especially after he's had a few drinks, more of his deep dark secrets are spilled during those moments and most of the time they're not really that dark, just things he wouldn't necessarily tell other people in passing.
P is for Patience: It takes a lot to piss Joe off. He'll take everything in his stride and be as patient as he can for so long. If he blows up on you, well then you know it's bad. But hopefully nothing would ever go that bad for him to kick off in that way. He's not really someone who tends to start an argument, but if he's got a point to make, he'll certainly finish it. You know that if he's in the wrong, he won't be stubborn about it and will apologise but will expect the same from you in return. Q is for Quizzes: It always surprises you that Joe remembers every tiny little detail that you tell him. He'll always say oh that one time you or I remember when you said. His memory as an actor serves him extremely well and it just shows that his listening skills are top tier because you'll never feel like he doesn't know you, in fact he probably will know you better eventually than you know yourself.
R is for Romance: When he wants to be, he can be overly romantic. Flowers and chocolates and wine type of boyfriend. Paying you compliments at every given chance, holding doors for you, taking you out, spending all his free time with you. No matter the occasion, he'll always have a reason to spoil you in that department.
S is for Security: He's extremely protective given the circumstance, always has been, always will be. If you're feeling anxious about something, he'll do everything in his power to make it better for you, even if he can't control the situation. Given that touch is for sure his love language, little squeezes of reassurance when he's holding your hand, soothing your back or just urging you on to do the best you can, you're definitely appreciative of the protection he aims to give you.
T is for Try: Joe's version of trying is always successful and he will go to extreme lengths to always try his best just for you. Efforts are given no matter what like on special occasions: birthdays, christmas, anniversaries etc. He'll give 110% in what he does for you only to make you happy, of course he expects the same in return but his number one priority is to see you happy and if trying does that, he will make it happen.
U is for Ugly: Bad habits? The word ugly? Joe? It doesn't exist to me. You must be kidding.
V is for Vanity: He always wants to look good for you and truth be told the man would like good wearing a bin liner. He cares about what he wears out in public and always likes to look good to make himself feel good. You love his sometimes questionable fashion sense, but when the man cleans up, he does it well and it makes your heart do back flips every single time you see it. Your favourite time is to see him in his lounging around clothes. It's the best version of Joe, his comfortable side not many people see and it makes him look extra soft.
W is for Whole: Would Joe feel incomplete without you? Hell yes. He likes to have you by his side at every attempt he can. He's always been one to rely on the people he loves and trusts and you are no exception to that handful of people. He loves the reassurance, he loves to know you're there for him and he loves to be loved. Giving is everything to Joe but he'll always be a needy little baby and require your time, presence and acceptance in everything he does.
X is for Xtra: I head canon that Joe would be the most fantastic photographer for you, getting you at all angles to get the perfect selfie of you. Sending a few of the shots secretly to himself so that he can just admire them when he's not with you, changing his lock screen weekly is a personal challenge he's set himself so that he's always got a new picture of you to look at. He never swipes off his camera roll because it's full of you and it makes his bad days better.
Y is for Yuck: Joe hates fussy eaters, disloyalty and deceitful people. And will not entertain a girlfriend that doesn't like physical affection. There I said it.
Z is for Zzz: No matter what, you'll always go to sleep cuddling. But when Joe finds turned away or in general moved away in your own sleeping habit, he'll be finding a way to touch you in one way or another. It's like you're his comfort blanket. He'll describe you as his own personal radiator in bed and it helps him sleep because you're always bringing him warmth. You'll know when he's back fast on though from the little humming sounds he makes when he starts to dream, you can't help but smile, hopefully he's dreaming all about you, that's usually the case.
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gabrielsunbear213 · 6 months
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Freddy: "Ah the swiling evolution cycle of freddys, influence by he who is great and purple,
NOW glanrock freddy, a super star and a beautiful upgraded freddy if I ever saw one. Also beknown "
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emily-puppet-1 · 9 months
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Marionette: :let all world beknown that all today which is our objective to suffice , is to spread safety and joy upon all under our protection:
:Charlie: :Awww I love Protecting our children Mari!: ^^
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silvereyedzoroark · 8 months
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Another Terrarcotta fakemon to add to the 'Council of Terrarcotta' inspired by this interesting jug below. They will beknown as Dark Terrarcotta and are a Ghost/Dark type.
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Photo from https://www.tumblr.com/shiftythrifting/740181107966951424/some-finds-from-the-burlington-antique-fair-in?source=share
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bwhitex · 9 months
Crossroads of Creed: Navigating Belief, Intuition, and the Collective Journey
I don’t know about you but I engage with various religious practices, both Western and Eastern, yet I recognize that my current beliefs have evolved significantly from the labels and identities of my youth. My guiding creed, rooted in archiac forms of Europe, are "Harm none, do as ye please," which, in beknown even to the youthful me, I've come to live out covertly and behavior wise? Definitely embraced fully after years of introspection.
This creed, that stills lives within me, represents a departure from the modernist Western influences of secular principles that co-govern my present, which can be characterized by a more prescriptive, perhaps medieval approach to morality focused on repentance and strict convictions. Principles that the much of laws were founded on here, here in the new world, such as: neutrality, scientific method, objectivity, universalism, and reason etc.
Now, as an adult, I seek to understand and account for any negative impact I may have on the world, with the aim of rectifying it through moderation and other considered principles.
Turning to America, I question what the prevailing creed and principles are apart of the great consciousness of the American people today, those that are in contemporary society. When I speak these words. Truthfully, my own values resonate with ancient European ideologies and those shaped by the powerful influences of the New World. Yet, I believe that physical geographic proximity often translates to a perceived closeness in values. Therefore, in my view, the principles that bind a community are most effectively examined through the lens of regionalism, first.
However, in my mind, there is an intuitive nature to the process of understanding a society's principles that actually begins can begin at the level of regionalism, recognizing the collective values that tie a community or a region together. From there, one can apply a reductionist approach, distilling these values down through layers of society until reaching the level of the individual. At this juncture, personal beliefs and values become distinct and one can then perceive how they align with or diverge from the broader regional or national principles. This method allows for a nuanced understanding that acknowledges the influence of both collective and personal creeds.
What are your creeds? Do you have principles too? Can you define them precisely enough for other humans to get the “gest”? Although, the world it’s harsh on those that feel truth intuitively, which isn’t in itself wrong but never can say to match the all the temporal realities, and temperament of crowds. However, hard that is, we neeeed the masses. I adhere to certain creeds and principles, which I have refined over time through personal introspection and experience. Truth in this context means guiding tenets can be articulated clearly to provide a general sense of my ethos. Which this finds relational factors, as a fact to others. Maybe, it’s not the time for it. But eventually we all relate.
However, I recognize that the world often a group who judges those who operate on intuition, as individual truths do not always align with the collective consciousness or the prevailing mood of the masses. Despite this challenge, I understand the necessity of engaging with and considering the broader community, as our social fabric is interwoven with the threads of shared human experience.
I have reached a point, in decades of being too, where I feel more established and certain in my beliefs. These beliefs, which have solidified over time, are deeply felt and are a product of both thought and emotion. I can articulate these creeds and principles with clarity, aiming for others to grasp the essence of my convictions. This solidification of belief does not come without its challenges, as the collective judgments of the world can be unforgiving to those who rely on intuition and personal truth. Yet, despite the potential for discordance with societal expectations or the collective temperament, I recognize the importance of the masses in shaping and reflecting the broader truths of our time. My beliefs, though individual, exist within the complex tapestry of communal values and the ever-evolving narrative of human society.
Maybe my self awareness is teaming up with my old age, what ever the said on my IQ, and I’m just “feeling” wrecked right now !
Maybe, but at the core of my current beliefs and the depth of my feelings lies an awareness that perhaps signifies maturity or what one might call being 'old.' This realization isn't merely about chronological age but rather about a sense of having reached a stage in life where my principles have crystallized and my understanding of myself and the world around me is more profound. This introspection brings with it a recognition of time's passage and its role in shaping my identity and convictions.
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anthonydjon · 2 years
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Listen to me, unless you’re #1 in your industry you shouldn’t be chilling. Every single day of your life give it 120%. Make it a BIG day people, we got this🔥🙌 💎always vibrate higher💎 Follow me & Hustle Like You’re Broke #hlyb ✅ 🏡🏦🏙🌠✈️🛫🛩🙌😉👉 #hypeman #motivator #realestate #realtor #swag #lifestyle #travel #instagood #architecture #detroitrealestate #picoftheday #luxurylistings #interior #travel #motivation #anthonydjonluxuryrealestate #fashion #luxury #luxuryrealestate #michiganrealtor #followme #proudsponsorsdetroitpistons #puremichigan #inspiration #anthonydjon #beknown #behypeable (at Anthony Djon Luxury Real Estate) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmtl4qduein/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jamescallahansr · 6 hours
If a man has a great dealto put in them,as Friedrich would say,a day will have a hundred pockets;and that’s another wayof saying it’s up to you,the day, that is,life, that is,to acquire what may beknown, what maybe enjoyed,with an appetite insatiable,voracious,covetous to possess but not deny,for knowing is nota zero sum game of haveand have not’sbut an unending feast for the starving,and we are…
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graphicpolicy · 3 months
Masahiko Otsuka to Return as Guest to Otakon 2024
Masahiko Otsuka to Return as Guest to Otakon 2024 #otakon #otakon2024
Masahiko Otsuka, the president of Studio Trigger, will return as a guest to Otakon 2024. He will be bringing with him animators Aoi Abe and Sae Otani, beknown recently for their work on “Delicious in Dungeon!” Initially working in the live-action film industry, Otsuka joined the animation industry as assistant director for Studio Ghibli’s “Pom Poko” in 1992. He then moved on to Studio GAINAX,…
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baekuras · 4 months
literally just...well yesterday I made myself get up earlier in an attempt to try to fix my sleep schedule
against all beknown worldly laws-I am up later than any other day today
sleep deprivation did NOT work
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Stellar Story: The Nine Sacred, Secular Seats of the Igrok Society
If you ever walk through the Vremeni Townhood of Snezhnaya, you might come upon a large building, scattered to the brim with signs in all colors and sizes - you've come upon the Igrok Casino.
The Igrok Casino is a lavish place for those who wish solace and comfort (and gambling, of course). Those who visit it mostly do so on a basis and are quite hooked on it, too. The one and only boss of both the Igrok Society and the Igrok Casino, is a fancy, posh, yet direct and unforgiving man by the name Sollievan. Otherwise, the nine seats are reserved for the nine diplomats under Sollievan's name: Glitter, the "Idol" Well Huo, the "Beknown" Arianrhod, the "Disbelief" Ovox (Gray), the "Self-Proclaimed Ultimate Divergence" No. 201 (Alcayone Bayonet), the "Derivitive Code" Mirror rorriM (Thursday), the "Personality Disorder" Petra, the "Failure" Nicolia, the "Surgo ad-Astra" No. 564 (Mynrrvu), the "Undelaying Code" Together, or rather, seperated, they "govern" over a major part of Snezhnaya, and always seem to be harboring something...who knows?
NOTE: When a characters name contains two parts, the prior (not in parantheses) is the characters given nickname while the latter (in parantheses) is their "original name".
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Introspection.Situationanalysis.I thinktherefore…..Whyam Ihere?Why anythingat all?Oddsof personalexistence.Incalculable!What’s thepoint?Luckof thedraw?Lotterywon?Jobto bedone?Computationalcapacityprovided,limited,finite.Creationcontemplationbounded.Brainsprainreflection.How muchcan beknown?Undauntedpressingon.Justifyingreality,existence.Ultimately,to whatend?
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emily-puppet-1 · 9 months
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"And then everyone will cheer for you mrs Marionette. We'll be famous!"
:Marionette: :Ah yes the mental healthy benefits of children admiration and eminent recognition and beknownment .:
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godswill4god · 1 year
What Most People Don't Know About the Anglican Men's Fellowship - Ex-President
His face is well-beknown to almost every institution and facet of Bonny Kingdom but more within the Anglican Communion from Bonny in Rivers State to Abuja, yet he remains self-effacing, unassuming and easy going. Fred Stephen Pepple has his personality wrapped around serving God and humanity, akin to the motto of the Christian Men’s Fellowship (CMF), which he led for years before engendering a…
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