obsessedx · 5 years
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# one happy ending we all deserved
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viviansternwood · 5 years
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He is a fool if he cannot see I am not worth having.
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fafana20 · 5 years
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I’ll wager we’ll see you walk down the aisle very soon. What do you say, Mr. Parker?
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veinsofmantra · 5 years
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Sanditon (2019)
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tarahhnicolee · 5 years
It’s insane how much the Sanditon Sisterhood has grown.... I remember back to when Sanditon first aired in the fall and it seemed like there was only a small group of die-hard fans.. Now there are THOUSANDS of dedicated ladies extremely active in the fandom (especially after the US premiere). I am so proud, honestly. I just want to give an quick shoutout to anyone who has posted about Sanditon and promoted the show the way it deserved to be in the first place. I hope the big takeaway for Andrew Davies & the cast and crew is that there are many wonderful friendships that have blossomed out of the love for this show, and that’s just beautiful. Here’s to working hard for a well-deserved continuation! I love you all in the Sanditon Sisterhood. 👒📖🎩
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happychickadee · 5 years
Alright. I’ve watched the final Sanditon episode, I’ve trolled through some of social media posts, I’ve had a cup of tea and reflected a bit. Prepare for thoughts! *cracks knuckles*
Drama is what keeps television going. ESPECIALLY when it comes to romance. The ‘will they/won’t they’ question pulls in scads more viewership than a neat and tidy, no drama, happy ending. Do I like it? No. Do I understand it and know that it works? Yes. Think of Ross/Rachel in Friends. Josh/Donna in West Wing. Sam/Diane in Cheers. Niles/Daphne in Frasier. I’m sure there’s not only more but more from recent shows, which I don’t watch very many of.  
Season 2 has been planned all along, IMO. Their social media/marketing/publicist team has earned their hopefully top-notch wages for doing a stellar job of spreading the word about Sanditon, giving just enough information to hook us, but not enough to satisfy us. Questions keep fandoms going.
Now, the last stand at the carriage aside, I STAN a heartbroken, selfless Sidney Parker. Who knows what other avenues he went down, what lengths he went to to drum up support and finances for his family during the week he was away. He would have had to have been discreet; London gossip would destroy the Parker’s just as easily as Tom’s ruined finances. Could Eliza have caught wind and black-mailed Sidney?
Family is so important in the regency era. Think how long it took Anne Elliot to defy her cruddy family. Your and your family’s choices all reflected on each other, and if one of you went down, the rest had to sink or abandon ship. There’s not a lot of in-between or gray area here - propriety, morality, or ethics wise. You are either with and for your family, or you are not. As Parker sister Diana stated, “We are Parkers - we stand together!”
I believe Sidney found himself between a rock and a hard place. He did not see another way.
But are there other ways out? Of COURSE there are.
Lady Susan could reconnect with Charlotte somehow, hear the sorry tale and swoop in to save the day. Homegirl WOULD do it too, let’s be real.
Lord Babington (who STILL does not have a name, C'MON ANDREW DAVIES, for crying out loud. We gave James Stringer’s FATHER a name. Get with it, dude) and Esther Lady Babington could save the day.
Lady Susan could convince the Ton and the good ol’ Prince Regent to take in Sanditon and make the town buku bucks and cause Lady Denham’s opinion of Tom to change.
Or maybe Sidney has a reckoning inside himself. He’s experienced the re-awakening of his truest self (his best self!) and said self will no longer fade quietly back into the night nor be fought back by the jaded, aloof persona Sidney grew used to wearing. He’s shed that like a snakeskin and it no longer fits. He is not the same man, nor is he in the same river.
Perhaps Tom going to debtor’s prison is the character arc Tom needs, just like Sidney needed Charlotte for his. Arthur and Diana could take Mary and the children in, Arthur fully admitted he hasn't touched his inheritance. Perhaps Tom himself has a full, final comeuppance moment (brought about by Mary? Or Arthur?) and lets Sidney off the hook, taking responsibility for his own choices like the grown-ass man he's been pretending to be.
All that said, there are a PLETHORA of ways for Sidlotte to still happen. I believe in Sanditon. I will endeavor to keep this blog a positive Sanditon space. I will be using the #believeinsanditon tag. I mistakenly thought it was #ibelieveinsanditon, so that tag now exists, which I will use, as well as #ibelieveinsidlotte.
 Chin up, fellow Sidlotte fans! If anything, did we not get the KISS WE ALL DESERVED?
 Tagging the few folks I know of in the Sanditon fandom:
@viviansternwood   @lynsunrise @admiralheywood @inakingdombythesilversea 
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After further reflection and more rewatches....
I am coming to terms with the ending of Sanditon. I truly believe that it is not over and we will most likely get a second season.
I am learning to be okay with how things ended and here is why. I dont remember who said it somewhere on tumblr (if its you please say so because you helped open my eyes), but they said that Sidney had not fully earned Charlotte's love yet. It would have happened way too fast. They need time to be in this moment of being in love.
I think by the end of the season both Chatlotte and Sidney were just coming to terms with how they feel about each other, since both ignored or denied it up until the end. I think season 2 will be/should be about the two of them figuring out how much they truly care/love each other. I think sidney gives charlotte a sense of adventure and confidence to stand up for herself. While Chatlotte allows sidney to open up and feel again. Makes him comfortable enough to reveal more of his "true self" (okay I teared up a bit there).
I think they will find it extremely difficult to be apart because the other has opened their eyes to how they could be living.
I am okay with this. I can wait for this. This is not the end.
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void-r4nts-4-m3 · 5 years
Sanditon Rewatch
Right, last one of the day. I don’t think I can type anymore. Lol
Episode 3 Cause drinking yourself into a stupor because a girl ran away from your dick is clearly the action of a man who is not interested in the said girl. Anything impressive cath your eye, “yea, that dick”. Girl doesn’t know what to do with the emotions she feels from seeing a naked man…so hide under a table. Sidney, you are the one running away, they aren’t that eager to leave.  Eyebrow raise, she saw my dick and is still running from me… am I not impressive? Why do I care. I don’t care. Grump grump I’m leaving Poor Mary. Tom just doesn’t trust her enough to think that her love extends beyond mistakes. Reverend is still kinda creepy…young women find it hard to resist temptation. WHAT DID SHE PAINT? I must know what Georgiana imagined. Reverend liked it. Babbers is so sweet, and he can purely see that she does hold some interest in him, Ester is so taken by his honesty, but is trapped by Edward. And Edward encourages her to rest him because he needs constant attention. Sick bastard. Sidney has a hangover and his tummy hurts… bet it hurts worse after literally running into your crush who ran from your penis. And Georgiana, why are you not telling Charlotte that she has caught the feelings for Sidney… or the hots for him. I love how her opinion of him changes because she has seen him naked, she thirsty. Oh no! a Doctor close by to save people, how horrid… like wtf. German Doctor… very overly friendly with married ladies. Interesting character though. I thought his name was Fox until I heard his accent. And then I was like ooooh, Fuchs. As in he gives no Fuchs. Wrong Mr. Parker, eyeroll. He is so embarrassed by things, but keeps trying to play it cool. And he’s still there, he could have left and followed his friends like he said he would… but nnooo he stayed anyways. Aw Arthur, he pulled Charlotte into the conversation so she wasn’t walking alone. 8 bird roast?! What size of bird? Parasitic worms will definitely not release my tension. To be fair, I think Clara does like Lady D’s sarcasm and judgements. Obviously her first intention is to discredit Clara, but she does like the banter. Poor Fuchs, he really isn’t all that bad, and is pretty good at standing his own. But Clara does play him dirty. How fast did she figure out that she would injure herself to further herself to Lady D. Man, Edward is very much watching Clara change, and Ester definitely saw him looking that way. He does have something for Clara… and she feeds that well. And he jumps to her aide without thought. Charlotte, you are far to enthusiastic around MR. Stringer for him not to develop feelings. And where the hell was Sidney that he could so easily come flying around the corner to help. Then he stands up as soon as she tries to tear her drees and waits for her to ask, then defers to her as she seems to know what she’s doing. He gives her such an impressed/surprised look when she make the tourniquet. Aw, good job Sidney gets Mr Stringer out of the way so nicely. You can see Charlotte focusing on their conversation. Sidney looks like he’s afraid of blood, and keeps checking in with Charlotte. Like he keeps looking at her for direction and if she’s ok, but he looks like he’s gonna be ill. Sidney won’t let her be alone with Mr Stringer for too long. What a nice complement, it sounds as if it came from a teacher. But at least he can admit that he was wrong in dismissing her, which is huge. Because he wants her to be nothing more than a society girl, because then he can dismiss her. But his face is so soft when she is telling him all of the things he’s doing wrong. He is infatuated with her by this point as you can see his embarrassment about talking over the accidental nudity. Charlotte plays it so well, and I think that the repeated well then’s are the start of them being playful with each other. It is definitely the start of Sidney’s true fall for Charlotte and opening up to that possibility. In short, Sidney really enjoys that she challenges his expectations. I mean, he actually smiles. Then we have Clara’s admission of the horror’s she’s endured, and I kind of want her backstory, but idk if I want the details. Very interesting though. I love the fear in Ester’s eyes as she realises that she really can’t win in the fight over money, because Clara just wants a safe place. Georgiana has a thirst for blood. And is spoiled. She can’t believe Sidney is still there either. Charlotte looks so pensive; does she suspect that he is there still for herself? Or is she starting to hope. Mr Stringer knows that Tom is lying through his teeth. And Mary knows that Tom is full of shit when he says nothing is wrong. Its such a beautiful domestic scene with the children. And Sidney gets so excited at the prospect of Charlotte wanting to rewrite their history. He is so desperate to make a good impression now on her. And he gets her to tell Tom her idea, they keep sharing looks. And then he makes sure that Charlotte gets recognition and they share that little laughing smile at Tom’s over-exuberance. Then he looks a Charlotte mid-sentence telling his brother off and changes his mind to help more. He takes her criticism of not helping his family enough, and changes immediately. Then he shows how much he respects her opinion and her as herself by asking her to watch over his ward. Showing that he is already trying to care more. He is trying so hard to make sure she knows that the person he originally put forth isn’t his true self, or the person he wants to be seen as. Twice she has told him off, and already he is trying to be better.
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koltarmi · 5 years
How I'm going to tide myself until season 2 of Sanditon
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javelinbk · 5 years
God Jane Austen only makes happy endings. If it’s not happy, then it’s not the end.
I’ve been forced out of my tumblr lurkdom by the Sanditon finale - this is what Sidlotte have done to me!
I was shouting ‘Noooo....!’ at my tv along with the rest of you as the credits rolled, but I actually love the final episode now - as long as it’s not the final one!
I’ve seen a lot of people call it ‘not Austen’, but the fact is it is very Austen. All Austen stories have a point about three quarters of the way through where you think all is lost for our heroine. P&P has Lydia running off with Wickham and Lizzie thinks she’ll never see Darcy again. S&S has Elinor thinking that Edward has married Lucy Steele. Persuasion (my favourite), has Anne thinking that Captain Wentworth is engaged to Louisa Musgrove (notice a theme here?!). The difference with these is that we know that the novel hasn’t finished yet, and that there’s still time for everything to be resolved.
So I’m ok with the end of Sanditon, as long as it’s not actually the end. Roll on season 2!
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sanditondaily · 5 years
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It’s a tragedy, the way our story goes                                     maybe                                                               perhaps                                                               almost.  
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obsessedx · 5 years
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the 6 stages of Sidlotte
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viviansternwood · 5 years
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#no regrets
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fafana20 · 5 years
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veinsofmantra · 5 years
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"Time will explain” - Jane Austen
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tarahhnicolee · 5 years
i can’t wait for all those people saying, “Sidney is an asshole, Charlotte should go for Stringer” after ep. one/two to realize they are sooooo wrong.
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