#bellarke fic awards
superficialseer · 9 months
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HEMLOCK & HOLLY one-shot | complete | 4.2k.
“You could win an award when it comes to making my life so hard,” Bellamy complains, the hard line of his shoulder bearing uncomfortably into her belly as he makes to carry her down the hallway, “I literally do not understand. You hire me to help you balance out your magic, but you also do everything in your power to make everything harder on yourself. Which also means making everything harder on me.” “It’s not my fault,” Clarke groans, blanket-wrapped feet slung awkwardly atop the air, precariously missing accidentally kicking down the atrocious amount of artwork lining the hallway, “Christmas is my busiest season- I can’t not work.” Bellamy sighs, the rattling breath of passive frustration slipping into the soft muscle of her own belly, the uncomfortable position slung atop his shoulders cutting into the narrow expanse of her diaphragm. “You don’t have to not work, you just have to sleep. For once.”
my @bellarke-eventss gift for @carrieeve
witchcraft au | modern setting | getting together.
ao3 link | fic song | twitter.
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 7 days
time can't stop me quite like you did (A Graveyard fic)
Graveyard fics are fics that I started and will never return to. Some are vague outlines, some are 4 sentences, some are 40 pages. But if they haunt me, I want them to haunt you too.
OH BOY! Here is the 40 page fic lol.
It is the first fanfiction I ever started to write, and boy does it show. I do not have the time, skill, or energy to go back and make this fic good. But it will always have a special place in my heart for what it could have been.
Harry and Ginny get stuck in a time loop during the start of OOTP, stuck at Grimauld Place. They start to actually form a friendship during this time because they are the only two reliving the same day over and over again at Grimmauld. I wanted it set here because it gave Harry the opportunity to have more time with Sirius. It allowed Harry to get to know Ginny earlier. It allowed shenanagans and it allowed angst with no reprocussions because they got to relive the same day over if they fucked up.
Fun fact! It was also based on a Bellarke fanfiction, Meet Me in the Morning! It is just a time loop fic for Bellamy and Clarke for the first season of The 100, but it is what inspired me to write this.
Below the cut are some of my favorite scenes I wrote and an outline for where the fic was going! (Beware it is quite long!)
Chapter 1.
Opened with Weasleys et al. having to clean a room, and Ginny is having major deja vu because they did this yesterday?
Ginny lurched forward to snap the lid of the music box close. “Okay”, Ginny said, turning to everyone in the room, “Am I insane or did we do this yesterday?”
“You’re insane,” chorused the twins from the back corner of the room. 
“No, we definitely did this yesterday,” Harry chimed in. 
“Okay, you’re both insane,” replied Ron. 
“No, yesterday you idiots opened this same box and Crookshanks ate the doxy eggs in the corner.” Ginny pointed at her brother, “And Fred, you definitely took doxy eggs yesterday. I distinctly remember,” Ginny panicked to a room of blank stares. Only Harry seemed to not be looking at her like she had two heads. 
“I think the house is getting to you, Gin,” George said.
“No, I am with Ginny on this one. In the wardrobe Ron and Hermione were cleaning, Sirius’s Grandpa has an Order of Merlin for ‘Services to the Ministry.’ Ron tried on the medal and wore it for the next hour after we found it,” Harry pointed out.
George walked over to the wardrobe and dug around the opened drawer, pulling out an emerald green handkerchief that had dark spots splattered on it which could be blood, picking something small up and not so discreetly tucking it into his pocket, before proudly brandishing a gold medal with a big M on the front. 
“Merlin, it’s Merlin!” George exclaimed.
“You’re going to do all of my Divination homework for me this year, mate,” Ron said, reaching for the medal in George’s hands. “Look at me,” Ron said, placing the medal over his head, and puffing out his chest to brandish the medal, “Order of Merlin, First Class award winner.”
Fred snatched the medal off of Ron. “I don’t think they hand out Order of Merlin’s for being the biggest git, Ronnikins.”
“If I ever win an Order of Merlin, it will be because I put up with you,” Ron said, snatching the medal back. 
“Okay, but how did you know that Harry?” Hermione asked.
“I told you, we did this yesterday!” Harry exclaimed.
“No, Harry, we did not,” Hermione retorted.
“Okay we didn’t,” Ginny said, pointing at the group, “But Harry and I did.” 
It is important to note that Slytherin's Locket is in all the stuff that they are cleaning (that is an important tool that will become important later!)
They try talking with the adults and they can't come up with a solution. They think that Voldemort may have done something to Harry in the graveyard or someone at the ministry did something to Harry during his hearing and Ginny gets mad at all them for forgetting her. Harry and Ginny relive the next few days in frustration.
our next scene takes place on top of the roof of Grimmauld Place
“Well, I had the stupid thought that maybe if we both stayed up all night, the clock couldn’t reset. And I thought, why not at least start our night out here. We can go back inside later if you get too cold, Mr. I’m-too-good-for-a-jumper, but for now, being under the stars is nice. We don’t get out much anymore,” Ginny rambled.
“It’s not stupid.” Harry reassured her.
Ignoring the swoop in her stomach again, Ginny layed down on the blanket and stared up at the stars. She had always found the night sky fascinating. When she would sneak out at night to steal one of her older brother’s brooms for a night fly, she would always end the night staring up at the dark sky above her. Coming up on the roof at night made her feel slightly more at home, even if the sky does not get as dark nor the stars as bright as they did at the Burrow. 
“Why do you think it was us?” Ginny softly asked. “Why us and not you and Ron, or the twins? Or not even all of us?”
Harry joined Ginny laying down on the blanket, his arm slightly pressing against hers. Neither one moved. Ginny regretted throwing on the jumper so that her skin could actually touch Harry’s. Still, she could feel the heat radiating off of his arm that made her entire body flush with warmth.
“I don’t know,” replied Harry, turning his head to face Ginny. “I keep thinking back to the first day, maybe there was something we did just the two of us that caused this, but I keep drawing a blank. We were all in the drawing room cleaning, we all ate the same food all day. Ron and I played chess that night and you and Hermione watched, but why wouldn’t Ron and Hermione also be experiencing this if that was the cause. I just don’t know.”
“No one seems to know,” Ginny said in response, thinking back over the last several days when the adults tried to help, but no solution was given. 
Ginny looked down at Harry’s wristwatch. Five minutes until midnight. Making it past midnight is their first big obstacle, if they could make it to the 15th, then maybe they can break free from time’s grasp on them. 
“I’m sorry if I somehow caused this,” Harry whispered.
Ginny sat straight up and turned to Harry. “Let’s get one thing clear, you are not apologizing for something that is not your fault. Especially when so much of what is going on is unknown. You got that, Harry Potter?”
“Gin,” Harry said sitting up, “Let’s be realistic, when I am around, things have a tendency to go to shit. People get hurt because of me.”
Ginny understood immediately. Cedric.
Ginny placed her hand over Harry’s, “You were not the reason Cedric is dead, Harry. You didn’t kill him.”
“But if I didn’t tell him to grab the stupid cup with me, he would still be alive.”
“And if I didn’t write in that damn diary, I would not have been the reason so many people were petrified two years ago. I could have directly killed every single one of them, they were all just lucky. Harry, I understand the guilt you are carrying right now, but I also know that it was not our fault those things happened. It is Tom’s fault.”
Harry studied Ginny’s face, trying to understand. “I’m sorry, I sometimes forget everything you’ve been through.”
“It’s fine,” Ginny shrugged, “I’ve mostly moved on. Try not to let Tom control me anymore than he already has.” 
Harry bumped Ginny’s shoulder with his own, “Voldemort sucks doesn’t he?”
Ginny snorted. “That is one way to put it.”
Harry grinned down at Ginny. She could feel her cheeks begin to pink again. It wasn’t the same when she used to turn into a tomato and freeze up next to him. This felt warm like a summer day at the Burrow. Comfortable and Safe.
And then Ginny woke up.
Chapter 2
this chapter is really just the getting into shenanagans chapter. They fly brooms through the halls together. They completely destroy a room they are supposed to clean to get our their frustrations. One day Ginny pretends she is sick because she doesn't want to deal with it all and Harry brings her food.
The end of this chapter they go to Hogwarts to corner Dumbledore to see if he can actually help them because he avoids Grimmauld, so they haven't got his advice yet.
Inside the Headmaster’s office sat their headmaster himself behind his desk, hands gently crossed on the desk in front of him. The famous twinkle in Dumbledore’s eye was absent. Dozens of picture frames of former headmaster’s sat behind him. One of them gave a loud scoff at the sight of the two teenagers. The voice of Phineas Nigellus spoke, “Your mother is quite upset with you, child. She is making such a ruckus, yelling at all your siblings. My worthless great-great-grandson is doing quite a horrible job at calming her down.”
Dumbledore raised a hand in the air, and Phineas Nigellus immediately quieted down. “Please Phineas, can you return to your other frame and inform Molly Weasley that her daughter and Mr. Potter are safe in my office.” Phineas gave another grunt, but quickly existed left out of frame. Dumbledore returned his focus to the pair in front of him. “Now, why do I have the pleasure of this early morning visit from two students who should be at home right now?” Dumbledore asked them sternly.
Ginny rarely interacted with her Headmaster. A quick hello in passing in the halls on sporadic instances. Then there was that one time her second year he invited her up to his office to share some hot chocolate to see how she was holding up after the events of her first year. She was intimidated and lied saying she was fine, then promptly ignored the offer to seek him out if she were to ever need anything. So when she was lightly scolded by her Headmaster, she looked down at the ground in shame.
Harry, however, had no such qualms of embarrassment. “We need help, and I was hoping you could provide that for us, sir.” The bite and anger that was in Harry’s voice at the start of the summer was back as if the sight of Albus Dumbledore triggered the feelings of resentment and anger to return.
“Harry… I need you to take a moment to collect yourself.”
“Ginny and I have been stuck reliving the same day over and over again!” Harry yelled, each work punched with emphasis. “WE HAVE BEEN STUCK FOR MONTHS AND NO ONE CAN HELP US! YOU WON’T HELP US!” 
Harry seized a glass instrument on the table and threw it against the wall. Ginny recognized the seriousness of the situation they were in and the hurt that Harry felt, but she did want to give him a score of 9 out of 10 for that throw.
 Harry’s chest heaved, “I WANT TO BE NORMAL! WHY - DO - SHITTY - THINGS - KEEP - HAPPENING - TO - ME?” Harry yelled, voice hoarse with emotion. He kicked at the leg of the small wooden table causing it to crumble to the ground. 
Ginny cautiously took a few steps forward, “Harry?” she questioned, voice soft. Harry whipped around to face her, eyes alight with rage. However, they softened when the green eyes met her brown. Harry turned back to Dumbledore, much stiller than before.
Dumbledore slowly rose from his desk and walked around to his pensive in the corner of the room, ignoring Harry as he walked past. He picked up the basin and brought it to the center of the room, floating between the three of them. “Miss Weasley,” Dumbledore turned to her, “I am trusting you with sensitive information, that I have full faith in that you will keep to yourself.” Ginny could only nod at this request. 
Dumbledore spoke to Harry, “There is a prophecy.” Then he pulled out his wand taking a silver stream of a memory from his head and placing it in the pensive. A figure began to rise out of the basin. Professor Trelawney spoke in a loud, harsh tone. 
A quiet hum fell over the room. Ginny held her breath, not wanting to be the first to make a sound. Eventually, Harry was the one to break the tension. “What… what exactly does that mean?” Harry paused, drawing in a breath, “Does that mean me?”
“Everything that has happened to you, is because Lord Voldemort decided it to be when he chose you.” Dumbledore stood in front of his pensive, but looked directly at Harry. “He marked you as an equal on that fateful Halloween evening in Godric’s Hollow.
Chapter 3:
The moping, but surprisingly, moping by Ginny and not Harry after hearing the prophecy. She thinks that the only way to end the time loop is to do something drastic. So, Ginny kills herself.
Thankfully, she wakes up the next day and Harry is not happy with her.
The bedroom door opened with a bang.  
“Harry!” Hermione shrieked, “We aren’t dressed yet!”
Ginny pulled back the blanket over her head and peered at the doorway to see a very disheveled Harry. He was still wearing his pajama bottoms and a shirt two times too large for him which must have once belonged to his cousin. His hair was sticking up out of place more than usual like he had literally just gotten out of bed. 
“Ginny,” Harry sighed, almost looking relieved. And then his attitude shifted. Ginny noticed his eyes darken and his posture stiffen before he strode over to her bed. 
He was pissed. 
“What the absolute fuck was that, Ginevra Weasley!” 
Oh, he is using her full name. He is really pissed. Angrier at her than he was at Dumbledore. She just hoped he wouldn’t chuck any crystal lamps at her head.
“Do you realize what the consequences could have been for your actions yesterday? Do you realize how incredibly stupid you were?”
He could be as mad as he wanted to be, but he was not going to call her stupid. She thought about this long and hard. She was not stupid. Ginny jumped out of bed and stood toe to toe with Harry, not planning on backing down from his anger.
“Obviously I knew what the consequences were going to be, Harry. Did you even read the letter?”
“Did I even read the letter?” Harry spluttered, “Yes I fucking read the letter. I read both of them. I realize you have some flaws like how feisty and short-tempered you are, but, damn, I never realized how selfish you could be too! Did you even think about how everyone would react when they found you dead? No, of course you didn’t!”
“How dare you? Of course I did, Harry! I thought about it for days!”
“For days!” Harry shrieked. “And you didn’t think to maybe tell me?”
“You know exactly why I didn’t tell you. You wouldn’t let me try!” Ginny pushed back.
“No shit, I wouldn’t have let you try because it was a dumb idea! If you brought it up to me, maybe you would have realized the consequences! Did you think about your family? You should have seen the way your mom sobbed all night long. Or the way Fred and George did not laugh let alone smile for the entire evening. Ron cried for hours blaming himself for something entirely not his fault! Hermione was the one who found you! Her scream echoed through the house and scared all of us!”
Hermione finally spoke up after hearing her name, “Harry,” Hermione said warely, “What are you even talking about?”
Harry put his hand up in Hermione’s direction, not even looking at her. “Not now, Hermione!”
“Oye! Don’t yell at her, she didn’t even do anything wrong!” Ron’s voice echoed from somewhere behind Harry.
“See, Harry!” Ginny yelled, ignoring the audience they have, “They don’t even remember. It doesn’t matter. It didn’t work, let’s move on!”
Harry growled at those words. “Fuck Ginny! I remember! You killed yourself yesterday, and I will always remember that! Yesterday was the worst day of my life! You know what the worst day of my life was before then? The day you got taken down to the Chamber of Secrets!”
“Why do you even care so much if I really did die?”
“Merlin, Ginny because,” And then Harry, as though without thinking, or truly even planning it, grabbed her face, pulled her up to him and kissed her. 
Ginny was frozen in shock for a second, trying to fully grasp what exactly was happening. And then she was kissing him back. As a little girl, she had always wondered what it would be like to kiss Harry Potter. She imagined it to be soft and tender, maybe he would brush her hair back behind her ear before he leaned down to press his lips to hers. She never expected it to be so heated. Ginny wrapped her arms around his back and pressed her entire body into him. Minutes ago she had died, but now she had never felt more alive.
The rest of the chapter is them just trying and miserably failing at secret dating during the various days that they keep reliving.
“You would think that we would know enough hiding places by now to not keep getting caught.”
“If Sirius gives you the talk again, that is on you.”
The end of the chapter is when the reveal that the chest Slytherin's Locket is kept in also happens to have a broken time turner in it! (oooohhh)
Chapter 4: (This is where we jump the shark)
Harry and Ginny sneak out of the house and go on a date at Diagon Alley! But war is a thing, and Harry and Ginny should not be wandering around Diagon Alley all by themselves and lol, guess what, they get kidnapped by death eaters and taken to Voldemort.
They go to Malfoy Manor, and they realize that the best way to escape is actually by killing themselves because they know it won't actually stick thanks to Ginny's early attempt. They also are worried that if Voldemort kills Harry that then the prophecy might actually stick, so Ginny kills Harry by stabbing him with a knife. Unfortunately, before she can turn and kill herself, the Death Eaters stop her and take her to Voldemort.
A dangerous thought crossed her mind.
This was either going to extend her pain or kill her sooner. She hoped to Merlin it would kill her sooner. 
“Do all 16 year old boys keep a diary, or was that just something you did Tom?”
Voldemort stopped torturing the Death Eater who captured her and turned to face Ginny.
“How dare you use that name, little girl! How did you know of the diary?”
“I wrote in it. We became fast friends. Unfortunately it's gone now. Harry destroyed it, and killed your pet snake as well. You can thank Mr. Malfoy over there for giving it to me.” 
A flash of light was sent Ginny’s direction, she didn’t even have time to recognize that the color was not green before she fell to the ground in excruciating pain. It was like every nerve fiber was on fire and then on ice. It was unbearable. Ginny couldn’t tell if she was screaming or not. Her blood was pounding in her ears, and her head felt like it was going to explode. And then it was over. 
“You gave one of my horcruxes to a teenage girl?”
“My Lord, I was not aware that it was a horcrux.”
“Avada Kedavra!”
Unfortunately for Ginny, it was Lucius Malfoy that fell to the ground dead and not her. 
From her position on the floor, Ginny could see Voldemort kick Lucius Malfoy’s body out of the way before he sauntered over to her. Voldemort crouched down to Ginny’s level, pointing his wand at her.
“You might think that I would be thankful to the person who killed Harry Potter.” Voldemort said, tracing a pattern across Ginny’s face, “But they would be wrong. I was to be the one to kill the boy, and yet a teenage girl does it instead. My only question is why?”
Ginny let out a whimper as Voldemort’s wand continued to jab her cheek. 
“You speak when Voldemort speaks to you,” Voldemort sneered.
“I didn’t want you to get to Harry, Tom -” before Ginny could even finish the sentence, Voldemort sent another cruciatus curse at her. Somehow the pain was more excruciating than the first time the spell hit her. 
“How dare you! Potter may have killed the basilisk, but he did not get to Nagini. You will become quick friends with her.” Voldemort said, standing up and walking away from her. The familiar sounds of parseltongue were heard. Ginny looked up to see Voldemort’s pet snake slithering towards her with its jaw wide open. Nagini striked, biting down on Ginny’s neck. 
The pain was different from the cruciatus, but just as painful. 
“Kill me, please just kill me,” Ginny begged. And then Nagini struck again.
Ginny wakes up. And then it is basically a repeat of the time that Ginny first killed herself where Harry crashes into her and Hermione's room panicking that Ginny is dead.
The chapter ends with Ginny asking Harry if he knew what a horcrux was.
Chapter 5: LAST CHAPTER!
Everyone finds out what a horcrux is and realizes that the locket is one. We destroy the locket! With the sword, Ginny also gets to do it because Ginny deserves to destroy a horcrux!
And, like I have said before, I just really like digging into Ginny's trauma with Tom. So like the boggart scene in I Go On Too Many Dates and in the other graveyard fic, Haunted, I have Ginny face Tom again.
“How are you going to open it?” Ginny asked.
“Parsaltongue,” Harry replied, the answer somehow obvious now to the both of them. “Ginny,” Harry warned, “it is going to fight back. Are you sure you want to do this? I am sure Dumbledore-”
“Harry, we both know that it has to be one of us,” Ginny interrupted, “and you got to do it last time.”
Harry nodded at her, and set the locket down on top of the table. A quick swing down and then this nightmare would all be over. Ginny’s hands tightened on the handle of the Sword of Gryffindor. Just one swing.
With a hiss from Harry, the locket springs open.
With shaky hands, Ginny lifts the sword above her head. Just one swing. Why can’t she swing? Looking down at the locket, the eyes that have continued to haunt her nightmares for the past 3 summers stared back at her. Then the voice that haunts her began to speak.
“Ginny, I have missed you. Look at you, all grown up, but still so young. So naive. So stupid.” 
Out of the locket’s windows, two figures grew: one of Tom Riddle, the other of Harry. 
Ginny lowered the sword out of shock.
“Ginny, stab it!” Harry shouted from a million miles away. 
The voice of Riddle-Harry was much louder. “Do you really think that I could truly love you? That this bond we have formed was not out of desperation? Are you that stupid that you think I will continue to want to be around you once we break free from this loop?”
Ginny backed away as the figures of Tom Riddle and the dark Harry sauntered towards her. 
Tom Riddle spoke next. 
“I know everything about you Ginevra Weasley. I know how you hate to be coddled because you are the youngest. I know that worry that you disappoint your own mother because you are not the daughter that she always wanted. I know that even though you are a Gryffindor, you are still terrified.” Riddle stood directly in front of Ginny, “terrified of me. You have so many demons, and they all look like me, don’t they? I haunt your dreams. Hasn’t it been so nice not dreaming lately? You have almost forgotten about me? You have gotten to live out your childhood fantasies of being the love of Harry Potter. 
“Do you really want to lose that?” Tom Riddle asked, a long, cold finger hovering over Ginny’s cheek. Almost to brush away a nonexistent tear.
No, she didn’t want to lose that at all. Tom terrified her. The diary may be long gone, but Tom was still a part of who Ginny was since the Chamber. Ginny looked over to the real Harry. Her Harry. Harry was the reason why Tom’s voice that used to echo around her skull, had softened to a whisper. The risk of nightmares returning and Harry moving on was worth ending the loop. It was worth ending Tom. 
Ginny rushed forward with the sword brandished over her head and swung down on the metal locket, shattering it into pieces. Both Tom Riddle and Riddle-Harry vanished with a scream. Ginny dropped the sword to the ground, sinking to her knees next to it. Warm arms embraced her. Ginny turned to the familiar scent of Harry that was her best source of comfort during the past few months.
“He’s gone,” Whispered Harry, muffled by Ginny’s hair. Ginny clung on to Harry tighter. “He’s gone,” Harry repeated, “But I’m not going anywhere. It’s going to take a lot more than that for you to get rid of me. If one thing is for certain, Gin, it’s that you and I are stuck together.”
Ginny gave Harry a watery smile. “I know.” She could still hear the chill of Tom’s voice echoing around her skull. She knew this would only ignite the nightmares that have plagued her since the Chamber because Tom was right: she is still scared of him. 
“Let’s go to the roof.”
Ginny and Harry just held onto each other for the rest of the night, whispering words of reassurance to each other. At some point, Ron and Hermione came up to join them. The four of them stared up at the stars, very few words passing between them, waiting for the clock to strike Midnight. 
“Guys!” Hermione said, sitting up straight. “My watch says it's 12:04!”
“It’s past midnight?!”
“It’s past midnight!”
“Ginny!” Harry shouted, picking her up by the waist and spinning her around. “You did it, you’re amazing!” Ginny giggled.
“You do realize they are not going to forget this time and we will actually have to deal with the consequences of my family knowing we are dating, right?”
“You are so worth it.” Harry said, grinning down at Ginny and kissing her. 
I have honestly had thoughts about what comes after all of this: Harry basically being like "lol no" to Cho as soon as he saw her, Ginny breaking up with Michael Corner because she basically cheated on him for over a year with Harry. The fact that, technically, both Harry and Ginny aged a year despite not moving forward a day, so does that then cause them to lose the trace a year earlier? The fact that we know about horcruxes a year earlier, and destroyed one a year earlier, so how does that impact the rest of the story.
etc. etc.
The world will never know
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animmortalist · 2 months
my fics masterlist
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Here is a masterlist of all of my fics sorted by fandom. This will be updated as fics are posted and updated. Here is the link to my ao3 profile.
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the sea is a good place (to think of the future): complete ship: bellarke
Private Clarke Griffin was presumed dead in the act of saving her squad during their deployment in war-torn Azgeda. For six years and seven days, Bellamy believed he’d lost her, never saying how he truly felt about her. But then, a miracle. Bellamy discovers that Clarke’s alive, and coming home, and she’s not alone. But six years in captivity is a long time, and there’s so much for the both of them to confront. It will take everything they have to do it, but there’s hope. There’s the possibility for them to heal. And hopefully not only that, but to heal together.
my sky's not blue, it's violent rain: complete ship: bellarke
Bellamy's a spy for Mt. Weather, damning his soul in exchange for keeping Octavia alive. Then his latest assignment to infiltrate Griffin's Laboratories and get close to one Clarke Griffin changes everything. Suddenly, he doesn't have just one person he'd do anything to protect. If only she didn't hate him once she discovers the truth about him. To his utmost surprise though, she agrees to work with him to save his sister and bring down Mt. Weather. Betrayal might keep Bellamy and Clarke apart, but regardless of the lies and whirlwind of emotions, if they're going to succeed, they're in this together.
need you like water in my lungs: complete ship: bellarke
Years after Clarke left Bellamy heartbroken, they reunite in the worst of ways. They're a ship out to sea in a brewing storm, and while they both know this only ends in disaster, there's no way in hell either one of them is going to stop it.
Rock Bottom: wip ship: bellarke & murven
Echo and Bellamy get engaged, and it sets off a series of events Clarke could never predict. One moment, she’s sobbing about her supposed unrequited love for Bellamy, and the next, she and Murphy are kissing. It turns out while she’s been pining, so has Murphy, for Raven. The two decide if they’re gonna be heartbroken, then they might as well rely on one another at the same time. In a move that will impact the entire group in unexpected, drama-filled, and wild ways, the two decide, “fuck it,” and become friends with benefits. After all, what’s the worst that can happen? As it turns out, a lot.
Send Me on My Way: wip ship: bellarke & murven
Clarke and Raven despise Bellamy and Murphy in college. But that doesn’t stop them from sleeping with them when a party plus a round of Dance Dance Revolution leads to a whole lot more. 12 years later, Raven and Clarke are raising their daughters, Robin and Madi. They hope to keep the secret forever, and have accepted being alone in return. Of course, their kids, and fate, have other ideas.
Brokenness is a Form of Art: wip ship: bellarke & murven
An impulse. A prayer. A hope. Bellamy stays behind with Clarke as Praimfaya hits. And everything that happens after.
I Got You Babe: wip ship: bellarke & memori
Reports are coming in that The Primes have struck again, leaving yet another vault empty and a security team utterly confused as to how it happened. More to come in the latest development on the now ten year spree of robberies in Arkadia. Will The Primes ever be caught? Or will their reign continue for yet another year? John Murphy and Bellamy Blake, private investigators, and self-proclaimed badasses, figure the case of The Primes will lead to a key to the city or another award to put on their shelves. They count on their tact ability to root out criminals and best kept secrets. What that they don't count on are Emori Woodhouse and Clarke Griffin, tenacious investigative journalists who've been working the case for five years. They're not about to just let a couple of outsiders handle things, given their own personal ties to it. A disastrous first meeting sparks a game of wit and skill with a side of immature shenanigans. Then, the stakes are raised, and it's not just money on the line, but lives of innocents. They're forced to put aside their differences if they're going to even have a chance at solving this damn case. Once and for all.
It's All Happening: wip ship: bellarke
Bellamy Blake's dedicated to his sobriety and wife Gina. Clarke Griffin's dedicated to her next high and teetering on the edge of collapse. What they share is an all-encompassing love of music. As Clarke Griffin and The Six, they, along with Octavia, Harper, Monty, Murphy, and Miller, become legends. Against the glittering backdrop of the 1970s, the band will learn what being a rock god truly entails, and what happens when you find your soulmate at the exact wrong time.
Comeback Kids: wip ship: clurphy
Bellamy dies, and Clarke isn't sure how she's meant to make it in a world without her soulmate. Just as she and his best friend, Murphy, lose their grip on Bellamy, he starts appearing to them as a ghost. Clarke thinks there's no life for her without Bellamy, but Murphy's intent on showing her that it's still worth living, even amongst the pain. He helps Clarke heal and have hope once more, all while talking to his dead friend, convincing him that they'll survive. Though he knows neither one of them will ever be whole again, he thinks things might be okay, one day. If only he and Clarke didn't fall in love, like proper idiots.
devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes: bellarke & josibriel: oneshot
first the parent-teacher association, then the world: memori: oneshot
i'll stop the world and melt with you: bellarke: oneshot
For the History Books: bellarke: oneshot
the art of imprinting on "platonic" soulmates: bellarke: oneshot
got a lucky one: bellarke: oneshot
Walking with a Ghost: bellarke: oneshot
get punched for the love club: murphamy: oneshot
Body Talk: bellarke: oneshot
we were something, don't you think so?: bellarke, memori, clurphy: oneshot
In the Daylight: clurphy: oneshot
Gotta Wait for You Baby: bellarke: oneshot
the most i could give you is nothing at all: bellarke: oneshot
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Your Needs, My Needs: complete ship: daisybilly
Six years after that fateful show in Chicago, Ellemar Records calls in on the band's unfulfilled contracts, forcing Daisy, Billy and the rest of the band to grapple with their past and present. But it also might be able to help them save their futures. It's 1983, and Daisy Jones and The Six aren't done just yet.
would it be better if our love wasn't defined by our art?: complete ship: daisybilly
Daisy finds her hope and belief in love and life in October of 1977. Five years later, Billy struggles to cling onto his own. When they reunite at Warren’s wedding in the summer of 1982, both of their lives change forever all over again.
Living Proof: wip ship: daisybilly
Daisy’s life is almost perfect, right up until the moment it isn’t. When her childhood best friend, and burgeoning rockstar husband, Graham gets cancer, everything falls apart. The only person who understands what she’s going through is Billy, even though they’ve never liked one another. And then, because her world isn’t broken enough, she and Billy do something unforgivable. They fall in love.
All This and Heaven Too: wip ship: daisybilly
Daisy and Billy don’t leave the band after Chicago. Instead, The AURORA world-tour continues with a newly sober Daisy, and a Billy who’s spiraling further and further out of control. Leaving is easy. It turns out that staying is the hard thing.
this modern love (it kills me): wip ship: daisyeddie
In which Daisy doesn't leave the band after that night in Chicago, might just find peace, and somehow...Falls in love.
Hungry All the Time: wip ship: daisybilly
Twenty years after Chicago, Billy knocks and Daisy answers. But nothing is ever that simple for them. For I feel my only crime is being hungry all the time In every possible definition of that word
You've Haunted Me All My Life: daisybilly: oneshot
Don't Leave Me Here Alone: daisybilly: oneshot
I Never Was the Best to You: daisybilly: oneshot
Like a Full on Rainstorm: daisybilly: oneshot
Just What I Needed: daisybilly: oneshot
Would I Have You in My Dreams Tonite?: daisybilly: oneshot
stone me, stone me, stone but i love her still: daisybilly: oneshot
it feels good to be known so well: daisybilly: oneshot
and i will hold on to you: daisybilly: oneshot
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This Godforsaken Mess: complete ship: chenford
When world-renowned actress Lucy Chen and small-town bookstore owner Tim Bradford fall backwards into an affair, they both wish desperately they could let the other go. But they can't. Not when they're falling, no matter how reluctantly, in hopeless, all-encompassing, love.
in the middle of the night (when i'm in this dream): wip ship: chenford
When the dam finally breaks between Lucy and Tim, she thinks it’s the start of something. And she’s right. Just not in the way she first thought. Because Ashley seeks to get back together with Tim by proposing. And then, too late to take back telling him to say yes, Lucy finds out she’s pregnant. The whole situation is doomed from the start, but somehow, they just might beat the odds, and be something neither one of them could’ve seen coming: A family.
glue me in the arms of she who loves me: wip ship: chenford
Lucy and Tim’s relationship falls to pieces on a Wednesday. It burns up until it's ash. As if it was never alive in the first place. Neither one of them believe there is any coming back from this. That their story is a tragic one. But there just might be a chance. One that they’ll have to fight tooth and nail for, but it exists. It will take everything they have, but they might be able to save themselves, save each other and bring their love back to life.
I Just Wanna Be Held in a Particular Way: chenford: oneshot
As a Blonde: chenford: oneshot
Have You in a Secret Life: chenford: oneshot
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Such an Old-Fashioned Word: wip ship: devil's minion
Enter stage right: Armand, last name unknown. The mysterious Broadway director fresh off sweeping the Tonys, and who’s intent on adapting the musical genius of the rock band, Dark Gift, into a new musical. On stage left: Daniel Molloy, frontman for the long-disbanded and yet beloved Dark Gift. He’s here to make sure Armand doesn’t ruin his legacy, well, that and the free drinks. If they’re drawn to the other for completely different reasons, some of which might live only in the past, so be it.
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*note: I am no longer writing for this fandom
lay all your love on me: buddie: oneshot
i keep these longings locked: buddie: oneshot
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Who Am I to Complain?: wip ship: nace
Nancy and Ace haven't spoken or seen each other in nearly five years, but when Nancy's forced to return to Horseshoe Bay, she must reckon with what, and who, she left behind. She's nothing short of a disaster, and to her anguish, Ace isn't faring much better. And even if she still loves him, still feels an undeniable pull toward him, she knows they can't. For so many reasons, but the most important one is what they lost. Who they lost. Only there's no staying away. Not for Nancy. Not for Ace. Their love may be hopeless, but Nancy and Ace aren't new to that. If anything, it makes them daring to try all that more tempting. If only there was a curse to break or a wraith to defeat. Instead, there's just the two of them, trying, together.
it may not be much (but we do what we can): wip ship: nace
Nancy expects a lot of things when she links her soul to a demon in order to save her friends' lives. What she doesn’t expect is for him to be so…Himself. And for her to fall in love with said demon.
Your Tapestry That I Shred: nace: oneshot
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*note: I am no longer writing for this fandom
you're just like a dream: upstead: oneshot
ttyl: upstead: oneshot
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Sugar, We're Goin' Down Swinging: wip ship: kanej, helnik, wesper
The Crows were the biggest post-punk band of the late 90s. They toured stadiums and cities around the world. Then, at the height of their fame, they broke apart, the members vowing to never see one another again. It's been five years since then, and Kaz tells himself he doesn't miss the fame or the music. More than that, that he doesn't miss Inej. But when Nina bursts back into his life with the prospect of one final tour, a revival to rescue them all from their debts and demons, Kaz finds himself unable to refuse. It's a disaster waiting to happen, but since when have the six of them walked away from that?
I Believe in Us: kanej: oneshot
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One last BFSN
I'm a pretty sentimental person, and though I haven't been involved in this fandom for very long (only months?) I'm incredibly grateful for those I've interacted with and gotten to know! I always expected to just linger on the edges and not actually try to be involved, and honestly, it was nights like BFSN and BWC that made me think "man, these people are having so much fun and actually forming friendships! Maybe I should try it out!" And then I still didn't for a while longer haha, but I'm so glad that I finally stepped out of my comfort zone and did.
This season really went in ways we never expected, but if nothing else, we get to give Bellarke the ending they truly deserve -- over and over again! And in so many different worlds!! Thank you fic writers for your time and energy that you put into crafting such wonderful stories for our favorite characters! (Oh and don't forget to vote in the @bellarkeficawards people!! And donate/request to @t100fic-for-blm!!)
I'm not sad this season is coming to an end, which is weird to say. But I am sad that I only had a few months with all of you. While I'm not leaving, I expect some of you may move on to bigger or better things and, if that's the case, may you only look back on this little fam and remember the joy and support and love you experienced. Because that's been my favorite part of this fam -- you guys have gone above and beyond what I ever expected. So thank you, truly.
Bellarke is ours, forever.
Much love, Bellarke fam✌🏻
Tagged tonight by some of the kindest and most gentle souls I've come to know: @pendragaryen @bookwormforalways @kylie-in-the-sky @gansxythethird @wonderingwhyy @igotbellarkeforthat
Tagging/ sending love and hugs: @otp-armada @slick-as-hell @pawprinterfanfic @burninghoneyatdusk @changingthefairy-tale @nakey-cats-take-bathsss @poppykru @ruggedmurphy @katersann @carrieeve @edgelessness @angstybleuskies @together-is-my-favourite-place @eyessharpweaponshot @communicationnskills @elora-lane @animmortalist @thefangirlingbarista​
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captaindaddykru · 4 years
thank you!!!
big thanks to everyone who nominated me for the @bellarkeficawards! what an honour to be nominated amongst gods but i just want to publically endorse all of us working together to try and get @wellsjahasghost​‘s Soul Fate Determination to reach world domination!
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bellarkeficawards · 4 years
Final Round Voting is Open!
Voting in the Final round for the Bellarke Fic Writer Awards 2020 is now open.
This poll will close on October 24 at 11:59PM UTC. 
Winners will be announced on October 27 at 11:59PM UTC.
You MUST select the fic you want to win! See all the finalists eligible for voting in this Google Doc.
Before you vote, read the about the rules here!
Link: https://forms.gle/fcWCYmrA9pVssent5
If you are having trouble with the link, copy and paste into your preferred browser.
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dayo488 · 4 years
Oh my goodness everyone! Congratulations to all who won a BFWA!! Seriously that is an amazing acheivement and you should be SO proud of yourselves! 
So many beautiful fics and beautiful people nominated throughout and I am so honored to call some of you my friends.  You’ve all worked so hard and spent many hours writing, editing, posting, stressing, thinking, outlining, brainstorming, staring at blank pages...etc. It’s not easy, but your dedication and love for this fandom shines through and is greatly appreciated.
Congratulations lovelies! You all (those who won, who were nominated, and even those who weren’t nominated) deserve the stars 🌟✨
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kombellarke · 4 years
A Love Letter to Fandom
I am so, so grateful to this beautiful Bellarke family. You are the kindest, strongest, most supportive fandom I have had the pleasure of being welcomed into. The world has not been kind to us, but we have helped each other through to the other side. 
I am honored that my fics have made it to the final round in the Bellarke Fic Writer Awards. Thank you for reading and going along for the rides with me. Thank you for being patient with updates and sending sweet messages to check in. 
I mean it, when I say I don’t regret joining the 100 fandom. The ending and Bellamy’s loss will always hurt, but I have been surrounded by talent and appreciation in this corner of the fandom. 
If I may quote the queen Taylor Swift: hell was the journey but it brought me heaven. 
Love you all. ❤️
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pawprinterfanfic · 4 years
Bellarke Fic Writer Awards
I just wanted to say a very quick thank you to everyone who nominated me and my fics in the @bellarkeficawards this year! I am speechless. To be nominated at all is such an honour, but to be nominated 45 TIMES?? There’s no words to describe how that makes me feel; just know that I’m humbled, and touched, and filled with so much love and gratitude towards this fandom. 
This year has been rough for the fandom, but I’m so happy that I found a community here and I’m able to share things I write and scream about Bellarke in general with you all. Sappy, yes, but it’s the truth.
Thank you to whoever nominated me. I’m so happy that people read and enjoy what I write, never mind nominate it! Thank you!!!!
If you can, be sure to take some time to vote! This is a great way to show your love to your favourite fics and also to celebrate fandom and spread some love. This is a ton of fun for us fanfic writers, and it always leaves me feeling extra loved and inspired.
I’ve listed all the categories I’m nominated in below. Voting is open for one more hour.
Paint me in Trust
Best Alternate Universe Fic (More than 10,000 Words)
Best Angst Fic (More than 10,000 Words)
Best Romance Fic (More than 10,000 Words)
Best Smut Fic (More than 10,000 Words)
Best Fantasy AU
Best Fusion/Crossover AU
Best Mutual Pining Fic
Best Slow Burn Fic
Best Enemies to Lovers Fic
Best Found Family Fic
Best Sharing a Bed Fic
A Fic I Could Re-Read 101 Times (and Still Love It!)
If I Had to Convince Someone to Ship Bellarke, I Would Send Them *This* Fic
Most Original Idea
Most Memorable Fic
Most Well-Written Fic
Best Worldbuilding
When the Wolves Come Home
Best Alternate Universe Fic (WIP)
Best Angst Fic (WIP)
Best Romance Fic (WIP)
Best Fantasy AU
Best Fusion/Crossover AU
Best Slow Burn Fic
Best Enemies to Lovers Fic
Most Original Idea
Best Worldbuilding
a castle in the clouds
Best Alternate Universe Fic (More than 10,000 Words)
Best Romance Fic (More than 10,000 Words)
Best Fantasy AU
Best Fusion/Crossover AU
Best Sharing a Bed Fic
hold on i still want you (come back i still need you)
Best Angst Fic (More than 10,000 Words)
Best Modern AU
Best Friends to Lovers Fic
Best Worldbuilding
simmer, simmer, simmer
Best Canon Fic (More than 10,000 Words)
Best Season 7/Post Series Spec
miserable and magical at the same time
Best Alternate Universe Fic (Less than 10,000 Words)
Best Romance Fic (Less than 10,000 Words)
we're gladiators (we fight for ourselves)
Best Parenthood Fic
Best Seasoned Writer
Best Alternate Universe Writer
Best Angst Writer
Best Fanart to Accompany a Fic
Bellamy and Clarke in the stars by @goddess-clarke for When the Wolves Come Home written by @pawprinterfanfic [not my fan art but it’s for my fic so I’m going to hype it up!!!]
Bellamy with wings by @pawprinterfanfic for Glass Heart Hymn written by @important-metaphors
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burninghoneyatdusk · 4 years
Just trying to put together my voting list for @bellarkeficawards and every mention of soul fate determination has me drowning in feels again 🥺
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gansxythethird · 4 years
I don’t make many posts because not a lot of people follow me on here, but I just wanted to say thank you for those who nominated me for Bellarke Fic Writer Awards! ♥ I’ve only recently started writing, so I never expected to get a single nomination, let alone six!! I almost cried last night when I saw somebody nominated me for the best emerging writer category! I’m so thrilled to be nominated among some of my faves! It’s such an honor!!
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kizo2703 · 4 years
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bellarkeficrecs · 3 years
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Clarke is nine when she realises she has a soulmate.
She positions the marker and begins, drawing an otter swimming her forearm. She’s most of the way finished when she feels a prickling and words appear underneath her otter. The fine blue ink and messy scrawl a stark contrast to the thick marker and neat drawing above it.
Go away. I don’t want a soulmate.
Clarke frowns at the words on her arm. She’s heard about soulmates, but they’re kind of rare and she’s only met two people who have one. She knows some of her friends have written messages on their own skin hoping that they would get a reply, but no one has ever gotten one as far as she knows. And now the blue ink on her arm clearly states that her soulmate isn’t interested in her. She hates them, she decides. Who cares if they don’t want her?
I don’t want one either. She writes in her thick marker. But this is my skin and I want to draw on it. So there. She completes her message with an entire zoo down both her arms. She’s working on her legs when her dad finally turns around.
Runner up in the Bellarke Fanwork Awards for best soulmates fic and nominated for best fluff, which is incredible!
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t100fic-for-blm · 4 years
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For Black History Month we're highlighting our talented black creators. This is the wonderful Kara @queenemori​. Enjoy part 1 of our interview with her about her creations, her creative process and fandom.
Check out Kara’s AO3!
Wanna Prompt Kara? Click here. 1. How and when did you become involved in t100 fandom?
So I actually started out watching the show more casually in 2017. I binged two seasons with my friend while I was visiting her for a weekend, then put it down for a very long time. Cut to 2019 when I wasn’t really watching anything and I noticed a gifset of Murphy and Emori from 3x05 on Tumblr and I said “That guy’s still alive? And he’s got a girlfriend?” So I started watching again mainly because I was shook he’d survived. I caught up in time to watch season 6 as it aired. As I was catching up, I also started reading fanfic, mainly Bellarke and a couple Murven things since that’s what I came across. And I got the idea for You’re Already Breaking My Heart, my To All the Boys AU, which I thought of before I picked which ship I would do, so fun fact, it was almost Murven! I got a lot of positive feedback on that story, and it even got nominated in that year’s iteration of the Bellarke Fic Awards and I had a few other story ideas so I figured it might be fun to stick around.
2. What is the best part of being a part of t100 fandom?
I’ve met so many amazing writers! I have written for other fandoms before, but I kind of just wrote a couple things and then left, which is honestly what I thought I’d do with this fandom too. But all my writer friends I’ve made have been so supportive and nice, especially as I branch out and write for lots of different ships. And it’s been fun to just talk about our projects and bounce ideas off of each other.
3. What was your favorite episode of t100?
Your favorite season? Fave episode hands down 4x07 Gimme Shelter. And my fave season is season 2!
4. Who is your favorite character on t100?
If it is not already rather obvious, it’s Emori lol. Though, Murphy is like a close second or more like 1.5 because I love them both a great deal and I’m indecisive.
5. What’s your favorite character headcanon?
I like to think of headcanons for Spacekru’s time on the Ring. Emori didn’t used to be much of a hugger before she ended up on the Ring, but I kind of imagine that she and Bellamy used to just hang out and talk to each other, especially when he was sad. And one day as they’re getting up to leave he hugs her and I think the only person she’s ever hugged at this point is Murphy so she doesn’t know what to make of it at first? But then she hugs Raven when Raven seems a little stressed and it seems to calm her down so then she’s like, “Oh is this something that makes people feel better?” So then Emori is known as the person in the group who will give out hugs when people need them. She likes being able to cheer people up.
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goddess-aelin · 4 years
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Happy Last BFSN EVER!
As many of you know, I actually haven’t been watching the show....at all. It really is a dumpster fire (or should I say DUMBster fire ha) where nothing makes sense. I’m SO incredibly mad at the worst creator ever and his trusty sidekick, kimshum. I’m so sad that this is the way that the last season went. First we get absolutely no promos, we get no Bellamy in said promos, we have SO much drama with rumors and accusations, then Bellamy dies with absolutely no drama, no sendoff, no SENSE! I haven’t watched that scene and I don’t plan on doing so any time soon unless things change drastically tonight. I hope you guys who are still watching enjoy it and know how truly strong you are. Because after certain things have come to light, I don’t want to give Jroth any satisfaction. The one good thing that will come out of this is that we get to watch his career flush down the toilet. If there is no payoff tonight, this will literally go down as one of the worst show endings ever. And ya know what? Jroth deserves that title due to his pettiness and actual gaslighting of the Bellarke fandom (and yes, we can safely say that after how things progressed and then all of a sudden regressed, and him telling us that we are misinterpreting what we are seeing right in front of our eyes.) 
Update on my life- I’m in art school now! I’m so excited and I’ve been loving it so far. I’ve been so busy that I’ve barely had time to enjoy really anything but at least school has been fun so far! The above pic is just something I was playing around with one night.  
I also was nominated a few times for the Bellarke fanfic awards as a creator! I was nominated for best art to accompany a fanfic ( @pawprinterfanfic ‘s AMAZING fic, When the Wolves Come Home,) and best fanartist! I appreciate the nominations! I want to take this last little bit of time to tell you guys how much I appreciate and love you guys. I’ve made so many amazing friends and met so many awesome people over the years and for that I am so grateful. I’m not sure how active I’ll be on here in the Bellarke fandom specifically but I’m sure you’ll catch me reblogging and raving about Lucifer and the Witcher in the future. Big thanks to the Bellarke fanfic writers who single-handedly saved the hearts of the fandom. You guys are heroes.
Special shoutout tags to my loves, @griffinnblake @queenstephaniaa @pawprinterfanfic @foreverandalwayscrysis and @talistheintrovert who I consider the truest of the true and best of the best of friends. I love fangirling with you guys and know that when something goes down, you guys will always be there to listen to my screaming and ranting. :)
also tagging all of my other fandom friends: @clarkgriffon @clarkeindra @poppykru @queenemori @queenofthewallflowers @broashwhat @mobi-on-a-mission @sparklyfairymira @aainiouu @andthelightbulbclicks @craniumhurricane @carrieeve @ruggedmurphy @useyourtelescope @eyessharpweaponshot @important-metaphors @hellyeahbellarke @animmortalist  @bellamyblakru @burninghoneyatdusk @underbellamy @nakey-cats-take-bathsss @together-is-my-favourite-place @natassakar @astridandoddsandends @shaeheda @lizzybizzyo @icantloseyou-too @famousflowermagazine @as-inevitable-as-morning @captainwilldameron @chasethesun18 @lesbellamy @swainlake @harpermiller @katkomskaikru @johnmurphysass @charmainediyoza @braveprincess @nvermindiseeyou​ @lameblake​ @angelbellamy​ @loveisalwayswise​ @chants-de-lune​ @thelittlefanpire​ @youleftme-clarke​ @eternal-bellamy-blake​ 
I’m totally sure that I’m forgetting people so if I did, sorry! Consider yourself tagged :)
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bellarkeficawards · 4 years
Round 2 Winners
Congratulations to our Round 2 Winners, who can be found in this Google Doc.
Along with the above winners, the following categories will become available to vote in Round 3:
Best Social Media AU
Best Soulmates Fic
Best Fanartist
Best Fic Moodboard Creator
Best Fanart to Accompany a Fic
Voting period: September 30 at 11:59PM UTC - October 6 at 11:59PM UTC
You can select up to three (3) fics in each category to move onto the next round
Round 3 Winners announced: October 8 at 11:59PM UTC
Top six (6) fics in each category will move onto Semi-Final Round
If you want to look ahead and see the details for the Semi-Final Round and the Final Round of voting, see this post.
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