lesbianoms · 3 months
Hey uhhh. Older pred women. Can I be your bellypet. Like can I be packed sooooo tight inside your stomach that it just looks like you ate a big meal. Can you hide me under all your clothing and take me with you everywhere. Can you rub at me and give me sweet headpats through the walls of your swollen gut. Can you show me off to the camera for all your followers to see. Can you keep me inside of your belly forever and relish my occasional little squirms. Can you reduce my entire existence to a soundboard of loud gurgles. Because I would like all that very much.
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gluttonemporium · 11 months
What do all the prey inside Makoto think of his sister Komaru?
A lot of things really. Some think she's just one of his willing bellypets, some hate her, some try to bargain with her as one of the only connections to the outside world! Most are too occupied with squirming and begging to take much notice of other people...
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blacklodgemusictx · 5 years
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This. Is. HAPPENING. #catsofinstagram #himalayancat #fangnation #underbite #underbiteunite #bestcat #shammyhagar #shamlan #bellypets #skritchies https://www.instagram.com/p/B2DgHaYHop-/?igshid=1okq3flzi2ec3
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outrealm-gates · 2 years
Rumour has it Chihiro always has a select few bellypets wriggling around in his gut at any given time. You just can't see them most of the time through all of the fluff~
Sadly a false rumor, though you *are* giving him ideas...
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caetiecakes · 7 years
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Sunday morning vibes #morningstretch #bellypets #sunchaser #naps #someoneisgettingabelly
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#bellypets #rupert #watchers #alwaysonduty #alienkitties #devonrex #devonrexes #devonsofig #devonrexcat #devonrexcats #catsofinstagram #cats_of_instagram #devonrexofinstagram #errydayiscaturday #sunbeamsurfing #happykittypurrpurrpurr
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lesbianoms · 6 months
How does life as a gut trophy sound? Kept around forever, just to pad out a woman's gut~ Wobbling and bouncing, kept bare so everyone can see your wriggling, loudly sloshing and gurgling, shaken and slapped and jostled as she sees fit~
HHH this is making me blush just rEADING IT—
The phrase "gut trophy" in the context of vore sends flushed shivers through me.... like YES, show me off~ treat me like a pretty pet to be displayed to everybody...... jhjn,gsl
Just the idea that a pred who worked so hard to catch me and eat me would proudly display what I've done to her figure.... people on the street coming up to her and congratulating her for such a squirmy catch; talking around me like I'm just a tasty object filling up her belly, completely disregarding my former life as my own individual being~~
This is such a good concept. I'd love LOVE to be a pretty lady's gut trophy forever and ever <3
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lesbianoms · 1 month
Imagining myself as a bellypet while my middle-aged pred has just discovered TikTok and is trying and failing to do a bunch of dances while I’m just being jostled around in her stomach lol
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lesbianoms · 6 months
You look too cute not to eat. I swallow you down, stomach growling up a storm as it waits for a treat. I've never been so full as you fill me up, my stomach bulge is so big and taunt. I lovingly caress my belly, feeling you squirm and settle in. The space is soft, wet, and tight but you'll be warm and all mine for tonight. My stomach groans and gurgles as I press and massage it as it cradles you. I couldnt have asked for a better meal and maybe belly pet.
Oough, so tight in here~ *huff* 😵‍💫
But it feels soooo good being cradled and squeezed by a stomach 🥴
It’s like a giant, erotic hug… as a bellypet I’d be completely submissive to your gut— my only voice being the deep groans that bubble within you and the belches that escape between your lips ❤️
I love weighing you down with my squirming form~
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lesbianoms · 2 months
If a cute lady like you was my pet and prey, I'd want us both to spend the day being spoiled. Go to a spa together, maybe shopping so I can pick out a new outfit for the new figure I'll have once you fatten me up, and maybe some toys. Maybe tease you a bit how you'll pop the seams and buttons on my current clothes. After that we get a big dinner, so I can work up an appitite and so you can be nice and stuffed for later, thenreturn home to watch some movies. I play with your hair and give you little kisses as you lay on my warm, bloated belly listening to my dinner digest. My softening tummy lets me know I have a bit of room for dessert. I sit you on my gut and pepper you in more kisses before guiding you into my waiting maw. As predicted, my shirt and pants burst open as my already fat and full gut expands as you fill it. I lay back, pinned under its weight as my hands glide over the taunt surface, feeling you kick and squirm deep within. Your movements rouse up gurgles and whines from my stomach and blissed out moans from me. I swallow down one last thing, the vibrator I got you earlier, just to make sure your pleasure is as met as mine is now.
Ooooff that sounds like heaven~ 🥰
I’d love to be pampered and fed and spoiled like a good belly pet, before I slide down your gullet into a noisy, gurgly paradise <3 slowly digesting as your belly gets softer and smaller, and eventually you’re able to move again. Stuffing myself with that dildo and feeling it rumble inside of me, grinding against the stomach walls… mmm yeah…
When I come back, all spent and tuckered out by my wet, slimy journey, I could just cuddle up on top of your plush tum and nap while you run your fingers through my hair. Aaaah!! Im so desperate for forehead kisses and rubs before I get gobbled up 💕❤️
I wonder how loud and deep your burps will be as you work away at me in there <3 only one way to find out, right?
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lesbianoms · 8 months
Oh to be a timid bellypet at the mercy of a hungry MILF and her gut <3
To be snacked on whenever she feels like it without warning and to constantly feel hunted in my own house
To be greedily swallowed up and dismissed as food for the rest of the day, sloshed around roughly in that moist cavern of her belly while she burps and plays with my weight 😍
To never know when she’ll let me out, and even when she belches me back up it’s only enough so that my hand is the only thing visible through her open maw, reaching for some escape… only to slip back into soft darkness with a thick, authoritative swallow… 💕💕
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lesbianoms · 5 months
But imagine if vore was real and I could take commissions as a prey…
Vore Commission Sheet
General info:
$10 for every hour in your gut
Additional size prices - $5 to shrink me, $15 to grow
Foodplay prices vary (ask about specifics!)
Endo and Digestion deals below
No extra charge for reformation!
Struggle Special:
Endo or Digestion - I’ll put on a show for you~ <3
Acting fee - $15
Begging - $1 for each phrase you want me to say
Muffled crying - $5
If client requests endo, I can also go still after a while~
Weekly Gains:
Digestion - I will spend a whole week on you before I reform <3
$50 for 7 days ($10 an hour policy does NOT apply to this deal)
No additional charge for becoming tummyfat or breastfat
Gains below the waist - $5
MUST keep weight throughout all 7 days (no burning me off!)
Bellypet Deal:
Endo - I will spend a whole week as your bellypet <3
$50 for 7 days
$5 extra for internal pampering
I can wear a collar or any other restraints while I’m in your stomach
Maintenance included in price (feeding me, “bathing” me, etc.)
Full Tour:
Endo - I’ll take a tour through your guts <3
Smaller than or half size of client - free!
Same-size - $30 (harder to maneuver in there)
$1 for each extra stomach/chamber client may have
LIABILITY RISK: There is a chance I might get stuck in your intestines
Giantess Plaything:
Endo or Digestion - Make me your toy, then a meal afterwards <3
Special for G/T clients! Consumption after play is optional but free
Will serve any body types or genitals
$45 extra for the actual sex
ASK FIRST about any consumption method other than oral
Disclaimer: Sorry guys! I serve women only <3
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lesbianoms · 8 months
I need to be eaten.
I want so desperately to be eaten by a beautiful, tender pred woman and to be kept as her bellypet for as long as it takes me to feel good again.
College is fun but it’s also stressful. I’m tired. Unmotivated. Sad. I wish it would all go away, wish that I could think about my favorite things and my comfort characters in peace without a million other anxiety-inducing thoughts festering in the back of my head.
Food doesn’t need to think.
Food needs to just sit and slosh around inside a stomach after it’s eaten. Food can just be stewing in warm, gooey liquids forever, completely content, not knowing or caring the difference between the bone-dryness of the world it left behind and the wet, moist haven of this new one…
I’d be so good for her. I’d be such a good little meal for my pred as she stripped me naked and swallowed me. I’d squirm in delight as I slid down her throat into her waiting belly— which, upon my arrival, would stretch and sag and groan with a resonant satisfaction, squishing up against my curled form.
All of my responsibilities extinguished with a loud and gassy belch, bubbling up from the gut of my pred. This is her way of reassuring me; I am no longer a person with thoughts or feelings.
I am hers. Just for a while.
Didn’t get much sleep last night. Can’t write my comfort ships, can’t keep up with assignments.
In a belly, I could sleep forever.
Her stomach would rock me into submission, under a blanket of fizzy drinks and softened lunch and the gurgly soup of digestive juices that keep my mind and muscles at ease.
I’d probably spend most of my time in there sleeping, to be honest… every waking moment in that tum, the full-body orgasms from overstimulation would eventually tire me out… and when my devourer patted her stomach to rouse me conscious again, the cycle would repeat…
There would only be two feelings I’d experience down in that squelchy, churning cavern of peace: warmth and pleasure
There would be no expectations to get anything done. All that’s expected of me now is to be a filling weight inside of my pred. A wiggling lump surrounded by my owner’s noisy tum.
I want this so badly. Someone please, help me. Heal me. Repair my soul with your stomach, until I can be me again.
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lesbianoms · 6 months
could you write something with an overweight/chubby pred? love your writings <3
Of course! <3
A chubbier pred hunting down a cute, unassuming, and petite girl as her new plaything and bellypet. She singles her out, stalks her… plays cat and mouse with her… and when she finally has her cornered one day…
nn-no, please, I- mm- mpnh-!!
It's the perfect arrangement: the prey is so much smaller than her, and when the pred swallows her and traps her in that big, fat belly, nobody can hear or see her <3
She makes no visible impact on her devourer's form, and no one can hear her muffled whimpers, her desperate calls for help. All that the prey hears in response are the digestive gurgles of a flabby stomach echoing around her, eager to serve as the sounds of her new home...
The pred smiles to herself, batting around her belly and playing with the squirming meal inside. She pats her round orb of a gut and lets out a meaty belch; she can still taste the cutie's perfume on her lips. Ohhhh yes, she'll be keeping this one in her tummy for a looong while <3
Or perhaps, she keeps the cute girl around outside her gut and devours/digests anybody who threatens the sanctity of their relationship. Maybe an old boyfriend (or a current one) shows up, and after spending a day with the would-be prey, he suddenly goes missing...
The pred comforts the smaller girl, cradling her anxious form in her arms and whispering reassurances. Pressing her up against her rounded tum with each embrace... it seems a lot more active than it usually is, but that's probably just a coincidence...
He spends the whole day wearing himself out in the pred's belly without her ever finding out, or having any solid evidence that the pred was behind his disappearance. At night when the two women are snuggled up in bed, the smaller one lays her head against that soft gut and unknowingly falls asleep to the sounds of her boyfriend digesting
I just love the concept of a pred with a physique that makes it really hard to tell if they've eaten someone or not... considering how small and short I am, I see it as a win-win 🩷
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lesbianoms · 2 months
Thoughts on an a lady who spoils and adores her belly pet: Swallows up her pet whenever asked and spends hours massaging her full tum and pleasuring her darling inside it. Feeds her the finest treats and takes her everywhere she goes. Wears tight clothes or things to show off her bulging belly because she just loves how big and full her pet makes her. Compliments and coos over her, making sure she's comfortable. "That's right darling, snuggle in. I'll keep you warm and comfy. Its the least I can do when you always make such a wounderful meal meal, nothing else can satisfy me like you~"
I love this <3 we honestly need more wlw vore relationships where there’s a mutual tenderness and the urge to protect and cherish! I imagine my otp in scenarios like this one ALL the time~
Just something so good about doting, nurturing, possessive preds treating their bellypet with such care, like they’re the entire world to them. And I myself wouldn’t mind being in a relationship like this as well ☺️
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lesbianoms · 8 months
(ask 'n ye shall recieve, sug')
Whene'er ye pay her a visit, announced 'r otherwise, that big, warm pred with the mombod's usually workin' on somethin' outside, 'n's always pleased to see ye, givin' ye a warm wave, dustin' herself off, 'n comin' to greet ye up close, typically with a hug (that always seems tae "coincidentally" smush yer face intae her belly, 'r at least her doughy front) .
Even in the shade of wide-brimmed hats, the sun always seems to give her cheeks 'n grey-streaked hair a warm shine to 'em.
Like any proper southerner, she's quick to invite ye in 'n help ye make yerself comfortable. Yake a load off, relax! She'll bring snacks, aom fresh tea, 'n a friendly chat. Sometimes ye findbyerself sittin' not on one o' her comfy chairs, but on her plush lap as a reflex, which she ne'er points out, simply smilin' knowin'ly, 'n adjustin' to make ye more comfortable. Her fingers so often find their way glidin' though yer hair, her soft, stronf arms around ye, just as yer hair oft makes it's way to her pudgy, rumblin' belly. Sometimes she feeds ye, gentle 'n tender. . .
And, I assume, ye're hopin' to hear 'bout how you wind up feedin' her, ain't ye dearie? ~
Ohhhhh wow…
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Anon, the way you describe her belly is just soooooo incredible 😍 how plush and soft it is, the quiet rumbling…. and the way it pudges out into a pillow that I can just lay my head on while she strokes my hair and feeds me food <3
hhhhhh~ 💕 there’s something so warm about that. About being taken care of, being stroked and petted at and fed with such a tenderness. Specially when it’s an older woman being such a cuddle bug with me!
Mm, with the way she's pampering me, the only thing keeping me from becoming her bellypet at this point is the thick layer of tum I'm relaxing on 🥴 and just knowing that she knows that I imagine feeling it from the inside~ !!! It's making me so giddy...
When I got this notif I literally squealed in joy! She's everything to me, and YES.... I would be honored to feed myself to such a gorgeous pred with a talkative tummy!!!!
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