#ben bondy
bmobeaumont · 8 months
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postambientlux · 1 year
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• ben bondy • spirit desire • benbondy.bandcamp.com/album/spirit-desire
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meditite · 9 months
hewn – k2dj [ bc . . ]
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tutti-fruitti · 2 years
(ben bondy)
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deputamare · 5 months
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disparate sensations woven with care
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2goldensnitches · 11 days
Terrible news from australia: crazed incel joel cauchi, motivated by extreme misogyny, launched a stabbing attack in the bondi westfield shopping mall that resulted in the deaths of six people—five of them women—dozens injured, and left a baby girl motherless. The only man killed was a security officer, Pakistani immigrant Faraz Tahir, who bravely and tragically risked his life trying to stop Cauchi.
Unfortunately, due to the insane media climate these days, propagandists seized on the attack to try and push an agenda, lead by notorious tankie fascists simeon boikov and maram susli; they spread falsehoods claiming that a jewish man named ben cohen (one of the most common Jewish names btw) was responsible for the attack, motivated by an apparent hatred for gentiles
Of course, seeing as how much reach antisemitic pro-kremlin accounts have online and off, it didn’t take long for Australian news outlets to pick up the rumour and spread it without verifying. The Benjamin Cohen whose pictures were found and circulated to serve the rumours called the news to retract the accusation and apologise, which they did, but the damage was done, and the torrent of harassment Ben and his family received prompted him to hire a solicitor to sue boikov and susli.
With the possibility of facing actual consequences, boikov and susli (better known by their online handles That Aussie Cossack and SyrianGirl, respectively), have backtracked and claimed they are actually the ones being defamed. It bears noting that boikov’s ass has been parked in the Russian consulate for a while now trying to claim asylum due to the Australian government trying to arrest him for assault, and susli opened a crowdfund for her legal woes 🤡
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xclowniex · 12 days
Jewish man mistakenly identified as the Bondi Junction Killer
I saw that article today and wanted to talk about it.
Ben Cohen as faced antisemitism online after being mistakenly identified as the Bondi Jucntion Killer.
He obviously is not the killer.
It is disgusting that people did not fact check anything and more importantly, it's disgusting that Channel 7 gave legitimacy to this and antisemitic conspiracy theories surrounding this.
Shame on Channel 7 and shame on everyone person who has been antisemitic towards Ben Cohen
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alexkess-photography · 3 months
Moonrise over Ben Buckler Bondi - 2015
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dopescissorscashwagon · 5 months
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Riley Keough & Ben Smith-Petersen attend the GQ Australia Men Of The Year Awards in association with BOSS at Bondi Pavilion, Bondi Beach on December 06, 2023 in Sydney, Australia.
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coughloop · 4 months
ben bondy makes some of the most immersive music i have ever heard i love the way it wiggles around my skull
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postambientlux · 2 years
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• ben bondy • ben bondy • bit.ly/bB-bB
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albad · 9 months
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- Bombarder plus pour gagner plus -
C'est à la fois un record et une honte mondiale. La France est désormais le deuxième plus gros exportateur d'armes du monde.
Notre pays est sur le podium des marchands de mort depuis des années, à la troisième place, entre la Russie et la Grande Bretagne. En 2022, profitant de la montée des tensions militaires mondiales, la France passe deuxième dans le business de la guerre.
Avec 27 milliards d’euros de ventes, c'est un record absolu. Ce montant pharaonique est dû, notamment, à la vente de 80 avions de guerre à la monarchie religieuse des Émirats Arabes Unis. Ce pays du golfe est l’un des premiers producteurs de pétrole au monde. Son dirigeant, Mohammed Ben Zayed Al-Nahyane, enferme les journalistes indépendants et a transformé l’État en Régime policier, avec une cybersurveillance généralisée et un quadrillage des villes par les caméras. Il était invité l'été dernier à l’Élysée par Macron, qui lui proposait d'importer du diesel ainsi qu'une loi pour relancer le charbon. On imagine qu'en échange, la vente de quelques Rafales a été négociée.
27 milliards d'euros de ventes d'armes sur un an, c'est 60% de plus que le précédent record, 16,9 milliards d’euros en 2015. Ce chiffre est aussi plus de deux fois supérieur à celui de 2021 qui était de 11,7 milliards d’euros.
Les exportations d’armes par la France avaient déjà bondi en 2018. Les principaux pays destinataires cette année-là : le Qatar, la Belgique et l’Arabie saoudite. La France vend aussi des armes au Yemen, où le régime massacre la population civile, causant l'une des plus grandes crises humanitaires de la planète.
L’Hexagone a toujours figuré depuis les années 1950 parmi les cinq premiers vendeurs mondiaux d’armes. Les ministres des armées sont devenus les VRP des grands marchants d’armes. Ils sillonnent le monde en avion pour aller vanter les mérites des bombes françaises, et se montrent dans les médias lorsqu’ils reviennent d’une dictature quelconque avec de gros chèques entre les mains.
Sébastien Lecornu se félicite d'ailleurs des ventes «de missiles, frégates, sous-marins, artillerie, hélicoptères, radars, satellites d’observation»… Pour le plus grand bénéfice des industriels de l'armement : Dassault, Thalès EADS ou jadis Lagardère. Qui pour certains investissent leurs profits en achetant des médias.
Cette orgie de ventes d'armes a lieu dans un contexte de montée en guerre, d'impérialisme agressif et de militarisation. Mardi 27 juin, Macron annonçait la construction d’un nouvel hôpital militaire à Marseille pour «préparer la France à une éventuelle guerre de haute intensité [...] pour pouvoir accueillir plus de militaires qui seraient touchés par des blessures très graves». Une inquiétante façon de préparer les esprits. En janvier, le gouvernement débloquait 413 milliards d’euros pour l’armée. En parallèle, le Service National Universel, un grand programme coûtant des milliards d’euros, est lancé pour embrigader les lycéen-nes dans l’idéologie militariste et nationaliste dès le plus jeune âge. Toujours plus d'argent pour la guerre, toujours moins pour les besoins vitaux de la population.
Les pauvres n’ont rien à gagner dans les conflits militaires des puissants et tout à attendre d’une paix mondiale entre les peuples, de l’abolition des États et des inégalités sociales.
Source : https://www.challenges.fr/entreprise/defense/27-milliards-d-euros-la-france-devient-numero-deux-mondial-des-ventes-d-armes_862869
Contre Attaque
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skatalite · 1 year
gimmie a call — ben bondy
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menandunderwear · 1 year
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In our magazine today, Ben from Germany poses in his EveryMan Briefs in Bondi blue by Obviously Apparel. Check him out in our new, Real Men In Underwear feature: https://www.menandunderwear.com/2023/03/real-men-in-underwear-ben-in-germany-obviously-apparel-part-five.html
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knife-moth-mc · 10 months
With the music asks, I'd like to ask prompts: 1, 3, 11, 19, 23, 26, and 30!
1:A song you like with a color in the title
3:A song that reminds you of summertime
11:A song that you never get tired of
19:A song that makes you think about life
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to
26:A song that makes you want to fall in love
30:A song that reminds you of yourself
1: It's All Over Now, Baby Blue by Bob Dylan, but specifically this version. I haven't formally posted my Haven music playlists anywhere (I will do that.... soon......) but this is one of the first songs on the arc 1 playlist. You can think of it as Anathema and C!Moth's meetcute song : P
3: The Beast of Pirate's Bay by Voltaire. A girl I went to summer camp with... gosh, at least a decade ago now--taught it to all of us since we didn't have access to music that wasn't us singing. I also learned about Homestuck and bisexuality from her, so, you know, pretty much all the good parts of my life I found originally through meeting her that summer. Wiki, if you're still out there, thank you.
11: I could be wrong, because I haven't known it that long, but I think I'm going to go with Blacksoul by Onya. I could say more about it but honestly just listen to it. It's beautiful.
19: God Fearing, Sea Faring Man by The Accidentals. I listened to the album this is from a lot back when I first stumbled onto it, and while I think the band has now largely disavowed it it remains very deep in my heart. This specific song has stuck with me especially, I think because there's a kind of... the word that's coming to mind is grace, it feels like there's a kind of grace to this song. It feels like a moment of clarity. If I had to claim the meaning of life was buried in any one song, I would pick this one.
23: I'm going to cheat here and say an artist, because so far as I know they only ever released a handful of songs, most or all of which I try to link people to every so often because they're not otherwise available. I'm talking about superedge, who was a fanmusician back in 2015 or so. I hope they're still creating somewhere, but they've left behind some of my favorite songs in the world and I'm grateful that I happened to find them when I did.
26: Ben Caplan's cover of Lovers' Waltz by A. A. Bondy. The original is also solid but something about Ben Caplan's version really particularly speaks to me. I think according to the lyrics this song is actually about dying together? Which makes this a weird choice I guess but it feels in a way comforting, and I think fits the prompt better, because I have lots of people I love! I don't need a generic love song! But this song feels deeper and more permanent, in a way that's at least as appealing as it is scary.
30: You know, I have a whole collection of books that are me; you'd think I'd have a collection of songs that are me. But I don't. I think I have a tendency to shift songs from me to my (or others') characters, or to strongly associate songs with the circumstances under which I first listened to them. I've been combing through my library trying to think of anything and I could make some cases but most of them are weak. So I'm going somewhere very personal and emotional, and I trust you'll understand.
When I was 17, I was in a really bad place. It was, I think, the worst year of my life bar none. I'll spare you the details, but one day after a really intense couple of weeks, I played nice until I was given back my ipod. The moment it was in my hands, I grabbed my bike and fled to the library. I cried the whole way there, and I listened to this song, The Bust from The New Albion Radio Hour by Paul Shapera. This wasn't the song I came to identify with at the time--that would be The Wasteland, from the same album--but to this day, I can't listen to it without remembering that scared teenager.
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