yunyin · 1 year
Ask meme: 8 and 26! 😊
8. show us at least 2-3 drawings from 1-2 years ago.
Well, all right, then! I'll even show a couple that haven't been posted here!
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I pulled these from my 2021 folder.
The first was a design attempt in the ML manga style.
The second picture is a sketch of Rachel Maksy's new years dress for 2020.
The third is one of my favorite commissions!! Originally posted here
26. draw urself! (it doesn’t have to be detailed)
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Questions List
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yeet-noir · 11 months
Nino confessed to Marinette before the show started, but she answered with "I like you too, you're a very good friend"
She pulled an Adrien on Nino before Adrien could even do it to her 😔
Send me ML believable lies
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29 with LadyNoir 🐞🐈‍⬛
"Alright then, I'll get going," Chat Noir said, landing on a rooftop.
"Wha- already?" Ladybug asked, joining him.
"Well, the patrol is finished." He averted her eyes. "There's no point for me to stay now."
His voice was tired and he didn't want to look her in the eyes. She should ask him what's wrong, but it could endanger their secret identities... Ladybug bit her lip.
Suddenly get face brightened with an idea.
"Oh but there's this ice cream stall a few streets away, I was thinking we could see if they had any new flavours?"
Chat Noir sighed.
"I'm really not in the mood for ice cream, Ladybug."
"Oh no worries, we don't need to get ice cream" she swatted her hand nervously, quickly thinking about more excuses to stop him. "We could check out the new smoothie bar by the Seine instead? Or see what they're playing at the cinema right now? Oh, or maybe we could race who can climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower the fastest?"
"It all sound great," Chat answered forcing a smile. "But I'd really rather get going so..."
He turned away and took out his baton.
"No, Chat don't go yet!" Ladybug ran before him spreading her arms to lock his path.
"My lady, I really," he grumbled trying to go around her.
He turned right and Ladybug took a few steps to the side. He jumped left and ladybug mirrored him. He tried to spin, feign his movements and flick his tail to confuse him, but she always was right where he wanted to go, jumping, crouching and flailing her arms around, like some black and red mime barricade. Finally he tried to turn around and run towards the edge of the roof.
Ladybug panicked and there herself at his back with a loud: "Chat nooo!" Although her shout suddenly paused.
"What was that?" She asked turning her head, but still not letting him go.
"Nothing," he mumbled pursing his lips.
"Wait a moment..." A devilish smirk rose to her face.
She moved her hands towards his neck and armpits. Chat Noir struggled against her for a moment, before finally bursting into loud cackles.
"I can't believe it!" Ladybug gasped, still holding her partner in her clutches. "You're ticklish!?"
"No. No I'm not," Chat Noir laughed squirming in her arms.
"You are!" She laughed too and doubled the attack. "Oooh I'm so going to use it against you!"
"Mercy my lady, please," Chate tried to tickle her back, but at that exact moment she found his weakest spot and instead they both fell to the ground.
"Oh no, Ladybug does not know mercy!" She laughed in his face, trying to evade his hands but not loose her advantage. "I won't stop until you promise you'll stay!"
"Alright, alright, I promise!" Chat called out in between laughter.
Finally they parted, and for another long moment laid next to each other on the warm sheets of the roof, trying to catch their breaths.
"Remember, you promised," Ladybug panted out, when she saw him stand up from the corner of her eye.
"I know, I know," he chuckled, still out of breath and extended his hand to helo her stand up too. "And you know, those smoothies don't sound so bad."
Ladybug sent him a wide, delighted smile and he slowly returned it.
"And... maybe you could tell me what's wrong?" She risked. "Without any details that would hint me at your identity of course."
"Hmm, maybe?" Chat Noir tapped his chin as if he was considering her offer, but his serious mask quickly slipped off to reveal a smirk. "If you can catch me, that is!"
He shouted and jumped from the roof with wild laughter and extended his baton to the street, turning towards the Seine.
Ladybug gasped loudly and swing from the roof, their laughter filling the warm, afternoon air.
Chat Noir will never be safe now XD
Prompt lists
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heartfulselkie · 1 year
Yellow 💛
Funniest Person Ever
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Thank you! It's nice to know people are appreciating my clown costume
(Colour Ask Game)
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ayydrienagreste · 1 year
8, 23 and 26?
8. 2-3 drawings from a year ago
23. Draw your fave as a vampire
26. Draw yourself!
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(these were so rushed, so sorry)
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lady-de-mon-coeur · 1 year
☾ ✌ ♡ ✓
Favourite word from your language
Первые, которые пришли на ум - это "хрусталь" и "искусство". Мне нравится и звучание, и что они означают. Ещё очень нравятся названия драгоценных камней (рубин, изумруд, сапфир, янтарь).
Favourite proverb/saying from your language.
"Не всё то золото, что блестит". Золотые слова.
Which languages do you speak/have you learned in school?
Я изучала английский в школе, немецкий в колледже (уже практически ничего по-немецки не помню). Изучала также французский, шведский, финский, сербский, могу более-менее читать на этих языках, иногда даже понимаю, что говорят, но сама говорить не смогла бы. Изучала также китайский, потом бросила (хотя он мне понравился).
Funniest word in your language.
Кандибобер 😆 (это женская шапка такая).
Спасибо за вопрос!
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airi-p4 · 1 year
Happy birthday! 🥳
Thank you!!
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daily-kagami · 11 months
Summer beach Kagami 🍨
done! tysm for the suggestion :)
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♧  ☮ ❁ ϟ
♧ - любимое слово из английского языка, переведено на твой язык:
Это нормально есть любимые слова?? Я не думаю у меня есть любимое слово! Я поговорю "ladybug" потому что это слово по-русски-- "Божья коровка," или "God's little cow." Мне нравится.
☮ - переведи первые строчки из твоей любимой песни на твой язык:
Сейчас у меня в голове "Светлячки" по Городу Сов (всегда одна из моих любимых песен), так: "Вы бы не поверили своим глазам, если бы десять миллионов светлячков, осветили мир, пока я забываю."
❁ - какие языки ты хотела бы говорить?
Я хочу говорить по-испански потому что моя мама говорит по-испански. Я также хочу говорить по-итальянски или по-сицилийски потому что моя фамилия сицилийская, и все спрашивают меня, если я говорю по-итальянски
ϟ - переведи предложение:
Я не хочу сделать домашнюю работу сегодня, но мне нужно. -> I don't want to do homework today, but I need to.
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mila-beedoodling · 1 year
Hi for the ask game, 3 ad 14 🤎
Hi!! Thank you for your ask
3. What ideas come from when you were little
I never thought about that
In terms of AUs I think it could be my Pixie Hollow AU that I never continued on and it's waiting to be drawn. I was obsessed with anything fairies as a kid, hemce why my LB redesign (that I think haven't posted yet) has ladybug wings and why Cosmobug might be my favorite LB design.
14. Any favorite motifs
I don't think it qualifies as a motif, but I really enjoy using bright colors and adding little quirks and details into the characters, like beauty marks, interesting shapes, some fashion choices that I think they'd do.
I do this a lot in my writing too xD
(Ask game)
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drawing2cope · 1 year
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@bengaltiger25 - here ya go!
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zabortseva-liza · 9 months
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Chapter 1.
After the S5 finale, Ladybug meets up with Adrien to bring the emotional news…
Thanks @bengaltiger25 to the inspiration! ❤️
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dadplagg-mamatikki · 1 year
I was inspired from that previous post of comfort characters!! So, here we go.
What are your comfort ships? List 5 and tag 5!
Jayfeather and Half Moon
Brightheart and Cloudtail.
Adrien and Marinette.
Aeduan and Iseult
Luka and Kagami.
I'm actually torn. Adrien and Marinette as 2 or 3....
@kaiju-superstar @katieykat513 @bengaltiger25 @gilded-moon @fantasyoverreality98 @taketwoinink @cauchemarlena @generalluxun @ultrakart @xhanisai
(I only done more than 5 to try and let others see it!! Hope yall enjoy!!)
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wormzandgutz · 1 year
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@bengaltiger25  took the opportunity to show my love of cowboys, more of this please yummy
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sizzleissues · 11 months
since I've been deprived of miraculous content for the past few weeks my brain had started coming up with its own crap so here's ANOTHER dream I had about it, in particular the reverse world special that's upcoming.
@bengaltiger25 here you go (:
Since dreams don't exactly care for being consistent or chronological I'll do my best to pull out the bits that work and make sense and I'll throw the crack down at the bottom!
The 'episode' took place over two timelines, the present and the past in the reverse world, which essentially existed to explain why reverse ladynoir were evil. The reverse world in the dream was a dystopia with blantently evil politicians and a divided public.
The dream started with Alya and Marinette discovering the 'portal' to the reverse world, Alya being the channel point for it. Theres flashes of other universes with different heros. Example I can remember is a world where Luka has the turtle and is a guardian. Theres a voice over explaining how in each universe there are parallels, lines in which you can jump between. There's a flash of Shady bug, Marientte's parallel, and through this and Alya's connection the universe can be crossed. Claw Noir (is that his name?) is assumed to be Adrien's parallel but the narration (which is like a robot lady who Marinette and Alya can hear) explains that Claw will not be joining them. Left with the big question why and then Shadybug steps out the portal, much like the trailer and it cuts to the past in the reverse world.
What looks like our ladynoir is sat overlooking a more cruel Paris, with some dialogue about the unfairness of their world. It's their duty to protect it but sometimes it feels wrong. There aren't fighting the butterfly but rather crime is so rampant they're always fighting off some bad guy.
We see Mayor Bourgeois playing golf off the roof of his palace, expect the balls are flaming bits of coal. He gets upset because he misses and throws his golf stick. He panics and chases after it, falling into the fast water below. Ladybug and Chat Noir show up to save the day. They work together to catch the Mayor before he's washed away. Chat Noir realises that he doesn't want to save the Mayor, that he doesn't deserve to be saved. He slackens his grip at the last moment and the Mayor drifts away. It works out though, the Mayor is saved by another force and the public cheer them on anyway but things are a little quieter for Chat Noir. Ominously the narrator says it won't stay this way for long, soon there will be silence.
Now since it's a dream things get messier from here but we switch back to the present, to Adrien. He's accidentally crossed into the reverse world, taking the place of the Adrien in that world. It's revealed that while the reverse Adrien was Chat Noir, he isn't anymore. He was captured. His miraculous was removed from him just before captured by a shadowed figure. (The current Claw Noir perhaps?). In the reverse world he was faced with a choice, go to prison or become the corrupt governments mascot. Our Adrien finds himself the source of entertainment for thousands, dressed up like his reverse world counterpart's miraculous form and paraded around.
Of course our Adrien still has his miraculous, so with it he maintains some power.
That's pretty all I can remember that isn't nonsensical. A lot more is implied in the dream but isn't shown. For example the butterfly miraculous is used by Gabriel to create champions who take over Ladynoirs role once they turn evil. Shady bug is motivated to save Adrien and is actively stopped by the butterfly's champions because Adrien still was evil for the last bit of bit of his time as Chat Noir. She wants the butterfly miraculous for revenge.
And Zoë is Claw Noir. In the reverse she's the mean sibling and Chloe is the 'nice' one.
Not everything that happens in the dream I want to actually happen in the special ofc. But I think for a reason to be evil, being bitter because of the world and instead of choosing to save it anyway in the hopes it'll improve but to end it instead is definitely a crazy leap and more evil leaning ladynoir can choose.
Some crack stuff was that the Mayor was a gory monster thing for a second, Adrien went ice skating and like it turned into a dance battle and then a bunch of random other crap. XD Definitely was a random dream
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aalissy · 1 year
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
Tysm for the tag @bengaltiger25 !
1. Are you named after anyone?
Kinda yeah! My real name is Alyssa but the name most people call me is Lissy. My mom had a best friend in high school named Missy and she thought that the name was super cute so Lissy was born haha.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Oof, not entirely sure. Probs bc of a movie or tv show tho tbh. Honestly, the last miraculous ep where Félix and Kagami were explaining his childhood and how awful his father was had me def tearing up!
3. Do you have kids?
Not at the moment haha. I’m a lilllll too young for kids rn. I do want them eventually tho :).
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No, not at all 🙄. Honestly, tho I use sarcasm probably tooooo much 🫣. To the point where sometimes people don’t know I’m not being serious lmaooo.
5. What sports do you play/have played?
Uh, yeah, not a sports girly. I’ve never played a sport in my life and have never had any desire too. Nor do I watch any sports lmaooo. The closest I’ve come to sports is reading quite a fair few sports romances bc I loveeee them lmaooo.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
Probably their hair. Idk why. I guess I just like looking at people’s hair. Does that seem weird? Lmaoooo, probably 🤭
7. What’s your eye color?
They’re kinda a mix between brown and green tbh. Somedays they’re more green and somedays they’re more brown. It depends on what I’m wearing :).
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings >>>>>. That’s not to say I don’t loveeeee scary movies. Bc omg I love jumping and getting scared and then laughing but I def prefer a happy ending. Scary movies that have happy endings are the best lmaooo
9. Any special talents?
Uhhh, I can recite all 50 US states in under a minute. Does that count as a special talent? It’s from a song I learned in elementary school that I suppose just never went away lololol.
10. Where were you born?
Chi-Town! Ye oldeeeee Windy City, how I adore you <3
11. What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, playing video games, and coding are a few of my biggest hobbies. Can I also count watching YouTube videos as a hobby? Cause I swear I spend most of my time there lmaooo
12. Do you have pets?
Yes! I have a tiny lil Morkie named Lulu. She’s 8 years old now and I love her soooo sooo much <3!
13. How tall are you?
Uhhh, between 5′5 and 5′6 tbh. I’m a shrimp bc both of my parents are supperrrrr talll smh. Wish I was taller 😅
14. Favorite subject in school?
English, if you couldn’t tell hahah. I’ve alwayssss loved reading and writing so English was always my strongest subject :).
15. Dream job?
Working in tech! Which, thankfully, is something that I get to do right now! It’s been superrrr fun for me to learn different languages and then take those skills and apply them to projects hehee.
Thanks again for the tag! I’m tagging @rosabud1250 @crescent14 @wehadabondingmoment @dammithawke @lady-de-mon-coeur @therob28 @julysky712 @ladyofthenoodle @team-leo-v @anxietyinthedrivethru @dawn-the-rithmatist @fleur-de-jasmin-fdj @princesscrybabytears @that-starbucks-lover @giuliafc if any of you guys would want to do this 😊!
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