sammy-html · 1 year
Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver, but every first consonant of every word is replaced by b
Abmost beaven, Best Birginia Blue Bidge Bountains, Bhenandoah Biver Bife ib obd Bhere, obder bhan bhe brees Bounger bhan bhe bountains, browin' bike a breeze
Bountry boads, bake be bome Bo Bhe Blace I belong Best Birginia, bountain bama Bake be bome, bountry boads
Abl by bemories bather 'bound ber Biner's bady, btranger bo blue bater Bark abd busty, bainted ob bhe bky Bisty baste ob boonshine, beardrop ib by ebe
Bountry boads, bake be bome Bo Bhe Blace I belong Best Birginia, bountain bama Bake be bome, bountry boads
I bear ber boice ib bhe bornin' bour, bhe balls be Bhe badio beminds be ob by bome bar abay Brivin' bown bhe boad, I bet a beelin' Bhat I bhould've been bome besterday, besterday
Bountry boads, bake be bome Bo Bhe Blace I belong Best Birginia, bountain bama Bake be bome, bountry boads
Bountry boads, bake be bome Bo Bhe Blace I belong Best Birginia, bountain bama Bake be bome, bountry boads
Bake be bome, (bown) bountry boads Bake be bome, (bown) bountry boads
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arqdyke · 1 year
youre a shitty stupid fucking blog you are exactly like one of those stupid little plasticcontainers of soft colorful clay with little bubbles you know the ones youre like that youre like a shitty little plastic thing of soft clay youre not hard clay for strong men youre shitty afab baby clay that can only make shit like a floqer or an elephant youll benver be a cool ass sculpture like Michealoagelo and s. Leonardo da vinici and shit, and Mozart because youre just nothing youre nothing youre norhing. kill ypurself and make it hurt and make it happen right in front of meband ill make popcorn and shit and ill eat it while watching you die and itll be funny tbh can you do that for me do you understand stupid baby
gaz you got a little misogynistic in this one maybe relook this over. id be the coolest clay sculpture tbh
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inquartial · 2 years
A List of accounts associated with this Base Blog:
automatic-rosethorn | Owned by Auto 🔥
circus-curses | Owned by Acronym 🍥 and Viola 🎪
geometry-incarnate owned by Rj ⚪️
tragedy-of-the-wilted-rose | Owned by Actor 🥀
meltedgoldenheart | Owned by Aureum ✨️
horror-itself | Owned by JV 🦂
benverbones | Owned by Benver 🦫
tich-taxidermy-works | Owned by Terry 🏆
More may be added in the future
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quinnick · 2 years
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I am sorry, but they literally had Richie be the damsel in distress while paralleling the Benverely scene from the first IT movie and some people decided Richie was the cool badass who wore black and leather and smoked?
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reallynervouspersona · 2 months
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Benver o wendy
Navi nasida de un matrimonio fallido es la ex hija de la líder del clan salvaje repudiada por el pueblo amada por su madre tiene un hermano menor su edad es de 19 años es la más alta de su familia
Ella es la líder del clan largart un clan único es por qué la mayoría eran exiliados y conozcan su historia en Wattpad
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yes-dillman-yes · 6 years
Different Time, Different Life
Reddie/It/Superpowers AU
Paring: Eddie K. x Richie T. 
Summary: Richie and his best bud, Bill, take over their parent’s old job of protecting the people of DC. They take care of every criminal. Except for a certain villain that goes by the name The Dreamer. Ignoring their sexual tension, Richie and this villain has been archnemesis for two years. Until an ungodly being enters the picture and causes destruction that will make the good and bad of DC join sides and take down the true evil creeping on the streets and in our mind.
Words: 1.5k 
Warning: Smut, Language, Minor Character Death, Violence
part 1 // part 2
Third Person POV
January 24th, 2016
The night was cold and calm. Distant sirens gave Richie a certain comfort. Knowing that the police could do their job and he didn’t have to come save the day once again. Not that he didn’t like his job. Hell, Richie craved validation. He was still trying to get used to the whole superhero title. The title that he felt more pressured into holding than actually wanting to pursue.
Richie had only been doing this job for a month and he already felt overwhelmed.  
Cars passed, lights flashed everywhere, and people’s laughs heard from outside the bar he was currently standing in front of waiting for Bill filled the air. There was life everywhere around Richie, but he still felt alone. No one within his surroundings knew who he really was or the powers he held that was inherited from his now-retired father.
In the corner of the hero’s eye, he saw a short shadow move quickly. The figure was in all black and seemed as though they had a mask on. Behind the figure, two large assumed to be men were chasing after the person. He wasn’t quite sure who was the bad guy or not, but he felt a certain need to protect the man in the mask. Must have been his superhero instinct kicking in.
The three unknown figures turned the ally way about sixteen feet away from where Richie was standing. He could hear a scream and some intense rumbling sounds erupt from the hidden ally way. Using his sort of x-ray vision skills, he saw the people fighting and one man was on the ground. He walked closer to the scene, a conversation coming to his ears.
“Give us the money, you chump. We’re not here to play your foolish games.”
“Or I could tell you to fuck off. In my case, I like the second option.”
To the sounds of it, it seemed as though the two larger men were robbing the other man. Richie knew he had to help the guy even though it sounded like he could handle himself. So, he ran. What he was about to see next would definitely set him into shock.
“Help! Someone help me! It burns! It burns!” the once very stern voice of the large man was now screaming in horror.
“Sir, what’s wrong? There’s nothing on you,” Richie tires to calm down the man in his arm. But, the man just cries.
The hairy man that was once on the ground grabs the man crying out of Richie’s arms and starts to run the other way. But, before the men turn the corner a few words are shared.
“Stay away from us, you monster! Stay far away or you’ll regret it.”
Richie was surprised by the name the big man placed on the man in the mask. He wasn’t quite sure what the hell happened, why one of them was crying in fear, or who this mysterious man behind him was. But, to say the least, he was intrigued.
Once things calmed down and it’s only Richie and the man, Richie turns to the masked figure. “Who are you?”
At the sound of Richie’s voice, the man meets his eyes and forms a sad smile. Richie taking note that the mask only covers half of the man’s face with wacky black lined patterns.
“Call me The Dreamer,” a soft voice answers.
Richie almost laughed at the name. Not because the name had some comical value. But, the name sounded like a superhero name which kinda frightened Richie. He didn’t know that there were more people like him. Although, it would answer many of the forming questions in his head.
But, before Richie could even say a word, the man spoke once more.
“Love to stay and chat, but I don’t like to keep people waiting. See you later.”
With that, the man disappeared. It was as if the air just ate him up.
Richie stood there in the middle of the darkness and let his mind try to comprehend what just happened. A new uneasy feeling of adventure filled Richie.
“See ya later,” Richie whispers.
Present Day: March 4th, 2018
“Richie! Better suit up. Seems like your little boyfriend is robbing another bank,” Beverly yells from her seat facing a desktop computer, “Let’s not get sidetracked this time.”
With a roll of the eyes, Bill comments, “We al-all know Rich-chee can’t stay focused while Dreamer’s ‘sweet ass’ is right there.”
Small giggles fill the airy room.
Richie fidgeting with his blue and black suit, says, “You guys know I’m standing here, right? And we’re running late. Let’s go, Bill.”
“Alright, Captain. Lead the way.”
“Alright, aren’t you tired of playing the same game, babe? We’ve done this once too many times.”
The Dreamer turns around and his frown somehow turns down deeper. Annoyance covering his face.
“Get out of here, Trashmouth. Not in a mood for a fight today.”
Richie leans against the counter dividing him and his not so secret enemy crush.
“You love seeing my handsome face, Dreamy Bear,” Richie says in a sickeningly sweet voice while he flicks his wrist, closing the bank register.
The masked man signs in annoyance and surprise, not thinking the mother man could close the register.
“You’re right. Sometimes seeing that handsome face of yours makes me wanna be a good guy,” he says with a straight flirtatious voice. Now leaning against the counter, face to face with Richie.
Stumbling over his words, “Re-really? ‘Cause-”
“God, no!” The Dreamer’s loud laugh erupts into the room, “But, seeing your face was priceless.”
Richie’s face went completely red. He felt like a fool. Half for believing his enemy and for doing something he said he wouldn’t. Getting sidetracked.
“Well, I gotta go. But, thanks for the laugh,” the villain picks up a bag of cash while he says his goodbyes.
But, before he could disappear, Richie grabs his wrist. A shockingly strong grip holds The Dreamer in place. The two make intense eye contact.
“You’re not going anywhere, but jail this time. I promise that I will visit, babe.”
“Don’t call me that. And if you wanna play hardball, fine,” the villain breaths out heavily, “Let’s go.”
At the speed of light, The Dreamer flips over the counter and lands right on his feet. He turns to a shooked Richie and lets a devilish smile spread across his face. He throws a punch at Richie but misses. 
Richie swipes his foot across the floor and makes his enemy fall to the ground on to his back. A grunt leaves the small man’s mouth. 
For a split second, Richie almost felt bad. Almost.
Richie hovers over The Dreamer and in a pirate accent, “You gotta try harder than that, son.”
“Don’t you dare touch me again.”
Richie has seen The Dreamer’s powers before. He doesn’t use them often, but when he does use them, it’s usually on somebody else. Richie has only experienced the wrath of his enemies powers once. The one time was enough for Richie to know that no one should mess with this man. This man was not just a monster, he was also a freak. But, so was Richie.      
“Come on, dude. Just give up? Aren’t you tired of being evil? Jail time could do you some good,” Richie says in a voice so generic. 
The Dreamer’s eyes start to glimmer with something unexplainable. Something in Richie’s words hit him. Hard. “Evil? You really think I’m evil?”
“Well, I did-”
“I’ll show you evil.”
Richie didn’t exactly know what was happening at first, but then he saw the faces. The bright colored faces that matched their brightly colored clothes, staring at him. Eating their way through Richie. He felt sick. 
Even though Richie could no longer see the villain, his voice whispers through Richie’s ears. “Watch what you assume. ‘Cause you obviously have no clue who I am. I’ll see you around, Trashmouth.”
Richie would’ve loved to say something, but his lungs felt tight and the clowns were cornering him. Stepping closer while their laughs got louder. Everything seemed like a dream. Or more so a nightmare. He felt a large hand press against his back, crawling to his neck. Right before the hand gripped Richie’s neck, he heard Bill’s booming voice. 
“Hey, hey, are you alright?” Bill’s heavily worried voice ask Rich. 
Richie didn’t know how to react. The air in his lungs felt like smoke and his blood was rushing. Just a second ago he was going to be chocked by a clown. Now he’s struggling to breathe while his best friend is telling him to calm down. And The Dreamer is gone. 
“Bill, god bill, his gone. I missed him again. Dammit,” Richie speaks in a rushed defeated voice. 
“It’s fine. Well, get him next time. I just need to know if you’re okay,” Bill says calmly, “Are you okay?”
Richie nods his head, still stuck on what the hell just happened. “I’m okay, Bill. But he got away. The people are gonna lose faith in us.”
“I said it’s fine. Now, let’s get out of here. The police will clean up the mess,” Bill orders, “Look up, you’ll see him again.”
And Richie will see him again. But, their meeting won’t be like any other.
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thecollectibles · 4 years
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Art by Javier Benver
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theoasiswinds · 3 years
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I drew this DTIYS for Javier Benver’s instagram post. 
The messed up algorithm always makes my stuff vanish so if you want to send some love to my post please check out the link below 
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onedemigoddess · 3 years
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"Princess Warrior" by Javier Benver
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ravenkult · 4 years
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Rabbit girl by Javier Benver https://www.artstation.com/artwork/rA9rDL
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toziers · 5 years
I don't remember the ship name but Mike and Bev?
is this a thing???????????? why
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changbeanie · 5 years
happy feb!! january was hellava ride 😰 i hope feb brings more adventures and better things for all of us!! ily 😍 -yeet
January was W I L D but I have greater hopes for February too 🥰 I hope everything is going well for you & that you are staying healthy 💚
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by  Javier Benver
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missandrogyny · 7 years
@littlechilllarrie I am still in Berlin and I will be here until Saturday weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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puppywritesthings · 2 years
the sun will come out
in benver
this is all a metaphor for denver
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holywaterzzz · 2 years
in benver, in benver, i'll love ya in benver :)
its only a bus awayyyyyyyy
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