#bepo law and shachi are all women in this chapter it’s nuts
teazingsassy · 1 year
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Chapter 1063 was so wild for what it was.
Anyways, this was on my computer when it died, and when I was looking through all my old stuff to see what I was working on, I found a sketch of this piece and I was like wtf this sketch is a banger why didn’t it finish this…and then I remembered I was out a computer for half the year lol
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xxchaosjojoxx · 4 months
I want you to see me [1/5] (Penguin x reader)
After the events on Whole Cake Island,  you rejoined your Crew, the Heart Pirates, with the strawhats. You never interacted with Shachi, Penguin and the rest of your crew due to your shy personality. Suddenly you can interact with them without any problems and are really close to Sanji on top of it. Even so, Penguin isn’t quite fond of you, seeing you and Sanji flirting with each other makes him a little jealous.
A/N: Welcome to my first mini serie. I hope you will like it <3 There is a hint of Sanji x reader
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Chapter 1: Wano Kuni, here I come.
“No, you won’t be doing this! Law said angrily. You gulped and looked him in the eyes. “But Captain. I wanna help as well.” - “Then join Bepo, Shachi and Penguin.” Law was totally annoyed. You were with the strawhats on Whole cake Island to help them save Sanji, despite the fact that you were a member of the Heart Pirates. Captain Law wasn’t happy with your decision, but he trusted you enough to let you go for this mission. Now you and the rest of Luffy's crew are on Wano and reunite with the other members as well. As the other strawhats received their undercover role in Wano Kuni you wanted one as well and had an idea, but your captain wasn’t very happy about it. “I want to be more useful for once. Please, I beg you, captain.” Law was getting more furious. “You won’t be a prostitute here, are you nuts?!” He couldn’t control his voice. Normally you would tremble, avoiding your gaze. But you learned a lot from the strawhats while you were on WCI and didn’t look away. “I won’t be doing this kinda stuff I promise. But this Kyoshiro guy is suspicious. I am sure I can gain helpful information from either him or Komurasaki. Maybe I can work as a geisha or whatever by his side.” Law sighed heavily. “This is way too risky. You know that. If you wanna be active, you can join blackleg-ya and help him with his soba noodle shop. You can cook as well.” Law was staring at me with an unamused expression. Your face lit up. “Ok. I won’t disappoint you. Thank you captain.” And with that and the help of Kinemons devil fruit you were ready for your first mission.
A few days later~
“There is nothing going around lately.” Shachi sighed while he watched the area with binoculars. Shachi, Penguin and Bepo's daily routine was observing and  delivering Kinemon’s secret message to his allies. Bepo stood up and was on his way towards the city. “Where are you going, Bepo?” The mink turned around, looking at his two crewmates. “I will go see Sangoro and Y/N to share our newest information. “Oh right. Y/N is back. I didn’t see her after she left Zou.” Penguin said while Shachi nodded his head. “Yeah I wonder why she even joined the strawhats or why the captain allowed it.” Penguin hummed. “We should accompany you. I could use something to eat.” And with that the three of them were on their way to the city.
While they arrived in the city they could see Sanji’s soba noodle shop on the streets and with that a large crowd of customers. “Woah, his business is insane.” “Their noodles are absolutely delicious” Bepo said and was on his way towards the shop. “Hey Shachi look. There are so many beautiful women there.” Penguin was in paradise. A small blush on his face. Shachi shook Penguin’s shoulder. “Dude look at this girl in this cute (f/c) kimono. She looks like a princess. Their cook is such a lucky bastard to have so many women gathering around him.”
While they were fangirling about all those women, Bepo sat down on a near bench, receiving a bowl of noodles from said girl. Shachi and Penguin rushed to his side while Bepo was enjoying his soba noodles. “Bepo what are you doing?! I thought you wanted to share information.” The mink looked at them sheepily. “My apologies. But I was so hungry.” Before Shachi and Penguin could say anything else, the girl with the (f/c) kimono joined them. “Hey guys, wanna have a bowl of our soba noodles as well?” She asked and smiled at them. Both men jumped in surprise, smiling like idiots and nodding their heads, while sitting on the bench beside Bepo. After a few moments, she joined them with two bowls of hot soba noodles. “Enjoy your meal.” Shachi and Penguin were in heaven. This girl was way too cute for their own heart. “Can I have another bowl please?” Bepo asked shyly and the woman was holding his empty bowl in her hand. “Of course Bepo.” She said happily and again gave him a big smile. Bepo replied with a smile as well. “Thank you Y/N. Those noodles are the best. I missed your cooking.” Penguin and Shachi choked on their food and coughed, nearly dying from this. “Oh no, I forgot the water.” You said and were fast to bring both of them a glass of water. After they drank a big gulp of water they were staring at you. “W-Wait…Y/N?!” Penguin asked surprise. Shachi was still coughing while he tried to get a good look at you. “You are Y/N? What happened?” You tilted your head. “You mean on Whole cake island? That’s a long story. Maybe I should tell you this later.” “No!” Shachi shouted at you and you shrieked in surprise. “I meant what happened to you. You were always sitting alone in the corner, without even talking or looking at us. You were a plain and inconspicuous person. How the hell are you so different right now? Why do you chat with us like we were good friends?” You were pouting and felt anger rising in your chest. Before you could answer Shachi, Sanji came by your side leaning an arm around your shoulder. “Y/N-chan, is everything all right?” Sanji asked you while his gaze was on your crewmates. The blonde looked pretty pissed. “Yes Sanj- eh I mean Sangoro. Shachi is just being a bit rude right now.” You calmly said. Shachi was shocked while Penguin couldn’t even say anything at all. He was just staring at you. “Mi amore, if they don’t wanna be around your beautiful presence I will. Will you join me again?” Sanji said with a smile on his lips, as he turned his head so he could look at you. He clearly had heart eyes right now. You met his eyes and chuckled. ”Ok there, handsome. We have a lot of work to do today. Go ahead. I will join you shortly." Sanji nodded and went back towards his little shop. “You can flirt? Are you even the same Y/N we know? Our crewmate?” Shachi was still on and you turned towards him. Your smile was gone. “Of course I am. You just don’t know me, otherwise you wouldn’t say something like that.” “What are you saying? You ignore us all the time by sitting alone in the corner and reading a book without joining us for any fun occasions.”  Penguin stood up looking between the both of you. “Stop it guys.” You both gazed at each other. “I had my reasons for it.” 
”Only because you decide to dress up and be friends with the strawhats doesn’t mean you can trashtalk us right now.” Penguin was touching Shachi’s shoulder. “Shachi, stop there for a second.” But they both ignored Penguin. “HEY!” You heard a loud yell. Sanji was on his way towards you with an angry look on his face. “Can you stop screaming for once? And don’t you dare talk to Y/N-chan like that.” Without waiting for an answer, he grabbed your hand with a ‘Come on, my dear’ and dragged you away from Bepo, Shachi and Penguin. “Now I know why she is like that. They both have the same attitude.” Shachi growled. Bepo tried to calm Shachi down. Penguin was looking at you and Sanji. You were so different back there. He kinda liked you smiling at them earlier and being friendly towards them. You were never interested in your crewmates except for Captain Law, Ikkaku and Bepo. Never ever talking or interacting with him or Shachi. Seeing you like this, talking to them without any problems, he felt unsure and a sting in his heart. He wished you were able to interact more often with him and the rest of the crew in the beginning. After time passed he figured out that you dislike them, so Shachi and Penguin weren’t too keen when it comes to you as well. Penguin was looking at you. You were working and smiling at the blonde chef. Penguin gritted his teeth when he saw Sanji’s hand was on your body, guiding you with something. “This dude is touching her all the time without any problems.” Penguin said, while Shachi and Bepo looked at him confused. “What does it matter? She clearly enjoys his attention. We should go back to our spot right now.” Shachi said and the three of them returned back to the top of the nearby mountain.
After your work for the day was done, you and Sangoro cleaned everything up. “Those two are idiots.” Sanji said. He was still a little furious about the situation earlier. “They were right tho. I did reject every offer to get along with them…I even ignored Shachi and Penguin the whole time.” Sanji interrupted you. “But you had your reasons.” You sighed. “Yeah but they don’t know them. It’s ok Sanji. I will apologize to them the next time I see them. I was pretty rude back there as well.”You silently stood beside him. “Maybe you should join us Y/N-chan. I’m sure Luffy wouldn’t be against it.” “I can’t, Sanji.” Sanji sighed and lit up a cigarette. He blew some smoke before turning towards you. “I know you are loyal to your captain and he appreciates you and your skills. You looked at him sadly. “Do you really think so?” He grinned at you.”Of course Y/N-chan. Otherwise he wouldn’t have let you go to Whole Cake Island to rescue me. Say, why are you interested in this douchebag anyway?” Your face turned red. “S-Sanji…! Don’t be so loud. I..-I guess he doesn’t remember anymore but when they docked on my island, he was the first of the crew I met. He was so thoughtful and sweet back there. I couldn’t help myself.”
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