#berber stuff
Souad Massi's latest album 🥰🥰🥰
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hindahoney · 1 year
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Berber Jewish women, 1930s
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jhara-ivez · 2 years
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Something is in the works. I don’t know yet which coloring style I want to do but for the first opening-picture of an article but for the topic I chose the moorish invasion of Spain. According to legend Berber general Târik ibn Ziyâd came to Spain in 711 for an expedition, and later conquered the Visigoths that previously reigned the area. The mountain between Afrika and Europa on the most southern part of Spain (2-hours from my childhood-hometown actually! :D) was named after him - Gibraltar - . However there are very little sources that can prove that Târik really existed. The earliest depiction of him is from around 900 ad, so 200 years after he is said to have lived. Some historians say he may have been just another example of a made-up hero-figure to later excuse political decisions. Who knows?
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moodr1ng · 2 years
ik nobody cares but itd be nice if when very occasionally someone posts stuff about amazigh people (like photos of traditional clothing and tattoos or just like, information posts about imazighen just. existing) they also showed people who arent very light and/or white-passing. a lot of imazighen are very visibly non-white, and a lot of imazighen are black. almost like were indigenous to africa
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berberheritages · 2 years
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astronicht · 7 months
viking au, max/daniel f1🫶
Hopefully you came into this anticipating the wall of text 💜
1. The summer that Max was ten years old, the raids went far to the south, through the Pillars of Hercules and into the Mediterranean— because this literally happened like Vikings in fact did this. Theoretically Vikings could have seen Monaco! Anyway. This was memorable not because it was his first season — it was his second, he started a little young — but because it was the first time he stole something for himself on a raid. So, Max saw the coast from Narbonne and Pisa. And Max stole two cats on a raid of a town whose name he did not know, but where people died fast enough that a boy could dodge into a house with searching hands.
Back home, people sometimes laugh and ask if he saved his spoiled cats from the pelt-sellers, who raise cats for their fur (sorry i know i wanted sexy viking “i stole my dutch wife” stuff and instead i give u this canonical Viking-era Danish practice SORRY). He always corrects this: “no, I went out viking and i stole them.” People usually think this is a joke. Their names are Jamti and Saxi, because of course Max does not know their original names. (these are both boy names but whatever, his cats are named after Monaco clubs, what do you want me to do about it).
2. Daniel’s folks are from Sicily and Calabria; let’s put him in Calabria, which is partly Byzantine Greek ruled by Constantinople and partly Arab; he would call himself Roman (meaning Byzantium, the Eastern Empire) and speaks Greek, probably, with a smattering of Arabic that is mostly slang. He is weirdly bad at it. (Sicily was entirely Berber Muslim at this point with a large Byzantine Greek population, by the by, and would later be conquered by the descendants of the Vikings, so I guess that’s a whole different AU). Daniel, for his part, was not stolen from his home; his father was not killed, his mother and sister are presumably well. It is simply that he could not sit quietly in a warm place that would have loved him fine. Oops!
3. They meet for real in the town of Jorvik, which is a river city in what will later be England. Christian warned Daniel ahead of time that they were taking on a new kid, implied that there was a favor owed. Daniel’s met the father, and like, fair enough. Pay Jos back for whatever and steer clear, in Daniel’s opinion, and Daniel and Christian usually agree. Max arrives with a set face and carrying his cats — who are 16% smaller than modern cats but still fucking heavy and sliding around unhappily — in a wicker basket that he carries up the hill from the river himself, his doeskin boots sliding in the muck. A few of the guys tell Max he can get mousers here, why carry these? Daniel, who had been in the city for three years now, tells him he should have taken the old Roman stone road. Max is unamused, but at least Daniel was (unwittingly) the helpful one. They are overwintering together in a house down by the other river. Max is seventeen.
3.a Christian’s debt owed was to Max’s mum. Daniel doesn’t know this.
4. Daniel does otherwise know a lot about Christian, because he helped the ironically named Christian Hornbære (also written as Hyrne), once a minor Northumbrian thane, to throw his lot in with the Danes (vikings), take a Dane wife, turn on his compatriots, and sack the place. Christian has remembered this loyalty ever since. This will come up later!
5. Okay since everyone has been patient i WILL play up one sexy (?) viking trope and like. At some point it’s spring and just prior to the beginning of raiding season and the first early little harvest has come in so Christian is hosting a feast before they all go off to do some genuinely heinous shit, and the expectation is absolutely that Christian’s boys get to fuck in this semi-public way in the longhouse. And Max and Daniel are two of the stars of the show, right, so it’s a sort of champagne room situation, only it becomes increasingly clear to Daniel, who is btw barely holding everything together, that Max is absolutely relying on him to get through this. Like everyone in this long dark room has been drinking for two days and Max is watching Daniel to see what he’s going to do, and Daniel is terrified to realize Max watching is the only reason he’s getting hard, etc. They fuck women side by side. It’s a mess! They get off, by which i mean daniel watches Max get off and then fakes his but watching max was the best part. After a bit Daniel goes outside bc he thinks he’s going to be sick but he’s not and he just sits on the new wet grass. Max comes out looking for him and somehow they end up just like. sitting in the wet grass and Max lets Daniel hold him and it’s the only thing that calms Daniel down that entire year, it feels like.
6. The emotional narrative here is like. The inherent tragedy of wanting to be the best, wanting to be beloved, wanting a crowd to know your name, and the outlet available to you is a small, brutal, violent activity. Not because there is absolutely no other option— the Viking Diaspora is one of the widest worlds to have existed; there was a rigid social structure, but one with lots of little odd corners and loopholes. But the tragedy comes in any time and place when no one thinks to tell you this. Max’s cats — stolen from the dead, but themselves simply just cats, just little animals that kill birds for food or to show you love — are kind of the nexus of this, somehow. No idea how I would resolve it, frankly, which is partly because i have to write things to know what they’re gonna say!
Further notes: in this verse Alex Albon’s granddad somehow got caught up in the Battle of Talas, probably on the side of the Tibetan Empire and the Caliphate but who knows, politics are big complicated. Like many Talas veterans’ families he lives in Baghdad right now with his mum and his siblings and he’s often very tired. Look if a Tang Chinese general could get lost in Ethiopia for a bit after the Battle of Talas then Alex Albon could be doomed to watch a really weird viking funeral on the banks of the Caspian during a trade mission to meet up with his father. Shit happens to him. Why is that nude viking man holding a torch and covering his anus?? We will never know bc Alex + Ibn Fadlan’s translator wisely chose not to show up that day. Alternatively Alex IS Ibn Fadlan’s translator, which explains why he is very tired.
what the fuck is this one! thanks for playing. i spent two hours researching domestic housecat dispersal theories.
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
Ugh sorry, I just want AVOID using the Nubian pharaoh dynasty as it seem they were foreign dynasty as well and what the exactly did for the Egyptians? Like I own more about Akenhanton heresy reign vs what these dark skinned pharaohs did
I also own AC origins that take place in Plotemic Egypt and the main character is a Siwan with Berber heritage. But then game acknowledge he very different from my ancestors
He was broken man in the early game hence ragged look. But even his hair texture is different https://www.pinterest.com/pin/354588170663502673/
Oh yeah the Harlem fighters, battlefield 1 acknowledged in their based cover as the game take place in WW1 https://krakenperu.com/producto/battlefield-battlefield-1-cover/
And something I notice in the attempts to diversify fantasy stuff a review pointed out about a crappy game…perhaps next anon
But happy Ides of March https://youtu.be/-aSrXGLmwqY?si=6Oi1S4ardHAsO9Yc
Totally fine, just a thought you do you with the nubian thing.
The whole Akhenaten thing is endlessly fascinating to me, I have my theories about what happened with all of them and that, dynastic Egypt going monotheistic is just a strange blip to read about.
I also own AC origins that take place in Plotemic Egypt and the main character is a Siwan with Berber heritage. But then game acknowledge he very different from my ancestors
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Probably a bit ya
He was broken man in the early game hence ragged look. But even his hair texture is different https://www.pinterest.com/pin/354588170663502673/
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Oh yeah the Harlem fighters, battlefield 1 acknowledged in their based cover as the game take place in WW1.
Can't ignore them, got a thing at the end for you with Henry Johnson you may like too. Seem to have taken some liberties with the weaponry on that cover too, but that's ok looks badass so I'll allow it, lol.
And something I notice in the attempts to diversify fantasy stuff a review pointed out about a crappy game…perhaps next anon
Sounds good.
oh this is wonderful, happy ides of march.
And also, promised other thing
Apparently the military is making graphic novels of Medal of Honor recipients detailing the actions that led to them receiving a medal that requires even the president to salute when they see it.
Here's Henry Johnson's
just 11 pages, but I enjoyed it
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gemsofgreece · 10 months
What even is this? A Moroccan talking bad about Greeks because our ancestors defeated them thousands of years ago??? Like what?? Are they gonna just complain about everything at this point just to have an excuse to spread hate..
But also, Greeks did not defeat them, that's a major point! 😂 The interaction between Greeks and Berbers was minimal at best.
Imagine being colonized like a dozen times and accusing the ones who actually did not colonize you or colonised a small part where you happened to live nearby! But even if we had, it's also funny to blame people now for ancestors colonizing yours 2500 years ago but you simultaneously give a bigger pass to those colonizing you until 70 years ago LMAO
However, I don't think we should care much about such things. I am not aware of Berber people in general having any sort of beef with Greeks. That person, I mean, yeah like the girl in the response video says, seems to have issues. You only need to see the way she speaks and gestures, she's essentially spitting hate there.
I honestly wouldn't consider this concerning enough to discuss but I liked the Greek girl's response, she's very eloquent and, might I say, has a wonderful and effortless accent in English.
Of course the Greek girl makes numerous points throughout, however I could nitpick some stuff in her arguments as well. For one, Afroditi’s pronunciation is not that much of a serious argument as she's referring to the modern pronunciation. Not that the "Amazigh priestess" used an archaic pronunciation correctly, but just saying, not an entirely correct counter-argument either.
Also about the taxes, Ottomans absolutely did tax Christian Greeks very heavily, it's the notorious "haratsi" (Haraç), we still use the word to refer to illogical taxes.
Her best point was mentioning that the Berbers themselves had empires, expanding all the way up to Spain, sometimes cruel as well.
Then, just to be sure, I did make some research on the Internet. Wikipedia, for one, mentions no substantial interaction between Greeks and Berbers except to say that when Greeks of Sicily attempted to capture Carthage from the Phoenicians, Berbers fought along their side in hopes that their rights in the Phoenician city-state would improve!
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Then the other time Greeks mention Berbers is when Byzantine authors were documenting that Berbers were raiding the Greek monasteries in Cyrenaica. Okay...
I did however find a website which is about Berber history which claims that everything we know is wrong and Egyptian and Greek gods are taken from the Berbers. Yeah, that whole "you know this wrong, it's the other way around, actually" is trending A LOT lately. This Berber website is twisting the general academic research that points that Berbers had their own original pantheon which however was later influenced by the Greeks and the Romans after they started settling there. Once again, this website too abuses intepretatio graeca and twists Herodotus' words. But still the similarities aren't that strong at all. And honestly I really doubt Egyptians needed to "steal" stuff from others. This priestess must spend a lot of time in this website.
I don't know what's happening lately. I think it has become a trend for everyone to claim they are indigenous from the very first 10000000000 year old original ultimately influential culture that everyone has colonized and tortured and appropriated, especially all the "unfairly" and "accidentally" famous civilizations. If I had a cent for every time I have been hearing this lately and by people that most likely are not equipped to claim this, I would have been changing icons to Twitter at this point. It does seem like a "culture envy" phenomenon... really the girl has a point for calling the priestess "culture vulture". It's like people can't promote their own culture without abusing or bringing down another.
And especially when it is about the organic voluntary expansion or mutual influence in religions, it is absolutely the most ridiculous thing. In the same sense, all Christians in the globe are culturally appropriating the Twelve Apostles. Why do we get dumber and dumber with every new year?
Anyway, here's the response video of the Greek girl.
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mywifeleftme · 3 months
335: Areski and Fontaine // L'Incendie
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L'Incendie Areski and Fontaine 1973, BYG
The late ‘60s and early ‘70s were when the past half-century of avant-garde developments in theatre, literature, film, and art music began to break through into pop. The results of these early flirtations have a sense of discovery and possibility that has continued to captivate generations of new listeners to this day. Brigitte Fontaine and Areski Belkacem’s L’Incendie should absolutely be considered one of the towering classics of the era (and, among the Francophonie, it probably is), but I only came across it for the first time early last year. It reminds me of something from the Velvet Underground / John Cale / Nico universe, simultaneously emblematic of its time and so ahead of it as to sound anachronistic.
On “Les murailles,” tape of Fontaine’s exhalations and what sounds like a kalimba are snipped up and looped to create a tinkling, twitching soundscape that presages the Books or Boards of Canada; the track that follows, “L’engourdie,” layers howling wah-drenched electric guitar behind a pretty acoustic folk pop number that would fit right in on a Brigitte Bardot record; next, the stark “Nous avons tant parlé” could be a theatrical elegy set in a dilapidated seaside church. Every song feels stylistically distinct, but Areski and Fontaine’s creative vision remains consistent; I hear post-punk and Björk and Sonic Youth, and I hear French early music and Berber folk and the ‘50s sound poetry of Henri Chopin in the same measure.
It’s always a challenge reviewing non-English language records because you’re stuck speaking to its purely sonic characteristics, which increases the likelihood you’ll hilariously misread it—call a song a soothing folk idyll when it’s actually about smashing international Jewry or something. With political, lyric-forward stuff like L’Incendie, it also means failing to engage with its message, flattening it as an artwork. (Unfortunately, there is nothing I as a person of French ancestry living in a majority-French city could do or could have done in the past to better interpret this record.) I asked French-language correspondent and girlfriend of the podcast Mea for one of her classic vibe checks, but she told me the reams of notes she took while listening were too dotty to share, so I can only assume hearing and understanding Fontaine’s words in their original tongue unchains some celestial horror.
Few of the lyrics can be easily found online, which forces me to rely on Le Gendre’s analysis, but critic Kevin Le Gendre’s helpful liner notes paint a portrait of a wide-ranging album that engages with recent post-colonialist bloodshed (Jordan’s Black September civil war with PLO forces on “Le 6 septembre”); the medicalization of psychic distress (“Ragilia”); intimacy and coupledom; and much more besides. What I was able to find of Fontaine’s lyrics online have a spiky surrealist poetry to them. From “Après la guerre” (“After the War”):
“Happiness blows The eyelids lie gently The sexes glow The eyes, by moving, make you cum The men returned from the war And on their heads, the grass grows back.”
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tackdump · 1 year
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Ok so these 2 pictures sent me down a rabbit hole I am Not going to expand on at length about. I am just dumping them on here.
The tldr train of thought was ‘is that upper part of the bridle meant to be used as a blindfold’ and ‘if so, why is it on a finished bridle horse’ BECAUSE I have only ever seen blindfolding involved in breaking horses.
Ex: lots of criollo stuff on instagram
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In breaking (1st pic) and 2nd I think is the sportier jineteada. Both involve snugging a horse to a post and blindfolding them to keep them quiet while rider goes on.
A lot of Old Cowboy art and some pictures seem to depict the same blindfoldage
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So again, why on a finished bridle horse? I knew I had seen similar additions on Fancy Horse bridles in the past but couldn’t recall exactly from where. I’ll spare posting pics of Everything but Berber or barb horses in Morocco doing the tbourida/fantasia performances have fancy blinders that seem extensive enough to almost qualify as blindfolds. I found a few other things too but then finally ran into this:
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‘Tapa ojos used to prevent horse from wandering.’ So essentially the same as hobbles, an alternate to tying. I have no idea if that’s accurate BUT it would make the top 2 pics make more sense. A lot of finished bridle horses and general broke cow horses would be hobbled vs tied and still are today when working in places with no trees/places to tie.
Not sure how common this practice might have been or how prevalent, or what historical training threads connect a rider in Montana with tapa ojos in Peru, but it makes sense since there are so many shared practices all thru the Americas. Cowboys be cowboying
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taikanyohou · 6 months
heyy i vaguely remember you talking about perfumes and like, affordable alternatives to the expensive stuff. do you have any recommendations for long-lasting but not too heavy or sweet, fresh-smelling perfumes? :)
hiiii anon!!! cheaper dupes from zara are always a hit! the kinda notes you've listed are the complete opposite of what i wear, but zara's 'someday sometimes' and 'les heures passent' are good choices! also their 'silent flowers' collection have some pretty nice scents too! sana jardin's 10ml perfumes are alright priced too, and a little goes a very long way bc they're super long lasting, like 'vanilla of verbena' or 'berber blonde', and their entire discovery set or even penhaligon's discovery set, is only £30, which i think is well worth it!
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daytimedrinkingdiary · 8 months
More Morocco.
It’s 4 weeks since we left Marrakech and headed to the seaside town of Essaouira on the Atlantic coast.
The road trip to Essaouira - with J&J and their children - was a great start to our time by the sea. Once we left the busy Marrakech roads the landscape emptied. To our left were the Atlas Mountains, visible only as distant hills on the horizon. Our driver stopped at a roadside stall where lamps, woven goods and ceramics - many made on-site - were sold. I am entranced by the Moroccan aesthetic with its bright colours, artisanship and practicality. Consequently I left with a bit more stuff to pack.
Our second stop was for lunch and comfort breaks. We pulled into a petrol station which also housed a cafe. Behind the facade was an oasis, surrounded by seating in the Berber fashion, lots of different birds in cages, an ostrich (!) and a horse. There seemed to be a lot of people working at the station including three impeccably dressed young men, all operating the single cash register.
The third stop was at a cooperative, run entirely by women, producing Argan oil and the many derivative products. Argan oil has provided many Moroccan women with a path out of poverty as the processes involved with harvesting and production are primarily women’s business.
The landscape changed as we approached Essaouira, undulating and with the scrubby growth common to so many seaside locations around the world. We were deposited outside the walls of the medina and our luggage (and the kids) were taken by cart to our riad. Essaouira has very sensibly banned motorcycles within the medina, unlike Marrakech where there are motorbikes and cars in the very narrow streets. Consequently Essaouira is quieter and very pedestrian friendly. Every street and lane has so much to look at with the beautiful doorways common to Moroccan homes and businesses.
G made his way, almost immediately, to the beach returning with a report that the water was very cold, a real shock after the Meditteranean!
More soon…..
Photo credits: Me, George, Jason & Josephine
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t34-mt · 2 years
im having SUCH A HARD TIME trying to dress my silly little kyhuine can you say what inspires your clothing choices?
I take inspiration from my own cultures by that I mean North Africa( Morocco and just berber in general), a bit of French shit too but that's super rare and mostly for one character from the ranks of section 4 during the Golden age. I mostly take insp from prehistory too. I sometime come up with stuff making up gears that would represent an aspect of their folklore or to represent fauna they cohabit with.
Kyhuines will wear long clothing that covers them fully because of padak's heat, clothing can depend of which region, what event, time of year, even the material will make how they wear clothe differently, and so on. but if I had to make a big generalisation then yeah its long cloth wrapped around the body and folded
They will use stuff from animals a lot too, like claws, carved bone accessories, painted animal skin, bug like wings to make glasses for sandstorms. Even masks made out of big bug like creatures to filter sand during sandstorms too! Kyhuine can use stuff that originally are from plants of the dense red jungles. Like that one type they use that is half transparent and has a veiny look to it, or take strangs of a plant to tie them together creating a pattern to wear in the back.
Kyhuines can use bells made out a nut shell and small silver disks that will make sound but these two are more for festive events or theatrical stuff
One thing they will often wear, especially in kaar'kchir is a little thing to cover their battle claw. It can be decorated with painting or leather working, sewing. It's done to protect others members of the colony from being injured by accident. It has some laces at the base of it to adjust the size and tightness
I'm writing this at school at the moment so if you want you can ask me to make some examples when I get home, tho it might take until tomorrow for that sorry
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notyobabygirl · 2 years
missss u !!! whatcha been up to girlie 🖤 what are some things you’re wanting for christmas if you’ve started thinking ab that yet ! love u sm 🫶🏼
ugh I missed you guys! like not much tbh?? I went home to nj/ny then went to Colorado and then went back home for thanksgiving. okkkk for Christmas omg I feel like I have such good stuff. making an amazon storefront would be so easy but then again everyone has one now so ill just list
anything from rhode beauty, hydro flask or Stanley, fleece jacket (like one of those cute fuzzy ones), anything from boys lie, vogue eyewear Hailey Berber sunglasses, Jonathon Adler decor pieces, Rachel g bubble name necklaces, coverlab phone case, candles, makeup bag, so much from Sephora I can do another post about, set active workout set, artizia comfy set, heated blanket, books, nice pair of jeans, new balances, jellycat plushies they are so cute, basics from brandy Melville, uggs, clip light for your phone, a nice toothbrush (lol), tile sticker, rosemary oil for hair
ok thats it for now but I can go onnnnn lmk if you guys want more!
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citynewsglobe · 1 day
[ad_1] 1.IntroductionMorocco is a various and multifaceted nation with awe-inspiring pure magnificence, compelling historic significance, and a vibrant and various cultural custom. Whether or not you are analyzing the traditional Roman ruins or assembly the indigenous Berbers, you are sure to have an expertise like no different. The wonderful structure and the varied cultural influences of the totally different civilizations all through historical past are mirrored within the design of the various mosques, palaces, and gardens throughout the nation. The desert cities alongside the sting of the Sahara Desert, like Merzouga and Zagora, are beautiful and visually enthralling.The place else on this planet are you able to hike by way of magnificent flowing gorges, go on a desert safari, spend an evening within the coronary heart of the Sahara beneath a shocking cover of stars, or go to the magical winding medieval streets full with snake charmers, acrobats, and storytellers? Whereas Morocco is each trendy and conventional, it's important to needless to say the nation is predominantly Muslim, so dressing respectfully, notably when visiting mosques or non secular websites, is advisable.f you're planning your first journey to Morocco, there isn't a want to fret. The land of kasbahs, souks, and desert camps has been accommodating vacationers for many years; it isn't a brand new factor. On the subject of what kinds of things to convey alongside, it is best to do analysis first since Morocco may be in style in probably the most various cities. Moreover, you'd do nicely to place packing lists along with gadgets like sunscreen, journey adapters, and passports months upfront. It may be simple to miss the significance of this stuff, however they are going to be extremely essential in your journey.Find out how to Get There: Morocco has a variety of smaller airports, however the two that depend as worldwide are in Casablanca and Marrakech. Seeing as many flights into Morocco arrive fairly late, it may be a greater plan to spend an evening within the first metropolis you land in for a day. Then, take a bus or practice the next day to your closing vacation spot. Planes are filth low-cost and often solely run about 20€ one strategy to a brand new metropolis. With regard to what number of weeks it is best to spend in Morocco, the consensus is that a month is lengthy sufficient to get a real really feel for Morocco however many individuals solely have two weeks. In fact, there are a lot of fast Morocco excursions for many who are pressed for time.Morocco’s fame for hustlers could make purchasing right into a little bit of a burden, as not solely should you be assertive in stating that you're shopping, you have to additionally know the appropriate second to say no and stroll away. Native markets belong to the retailers, not the purchasers. Don't contact merchandise in case you are not and be ready to cut price. Cash speaks louder than phrases and chronic retailers is not going to cease urgent you to purchase. Make the most of their hospitality by answering their questions and having fun with a cup of conventional mint tea. It's clever to go to a teashop or two to fathom the undercurrents of Moroccan tradition. Historically, teashops have been the place males 'hid' to flee the oversight of their households. Now, whereas vacationers could also be welcome, the forged of each day characters - males actually clad in woolen "burnooses", fez hats, and the thickest of discussions - will depart you in little doubt that it is nonetheless a person's world.2. FesFes is the oldest of the 4 Imperial Cities of Morocco and is nicely price a go to. The outdated city (Medina) is Morocco's largest car-free city zone and is now a UNESCO world heritage web site. The principle entrance to the Medina, Bab Boujloud, is a grand and spectacular gateway. You will not consider the comparatively small constructing holds! You will see many small accommodations hidden away inside.
There are many younger college students round Morocco, and lots of will observe you to attempt to converse English to you. Fes is a good place for a information who is aware of the town to point out you round. The Medina is a maze of over 9,000 vehicle-free streets, crammed filled with craftspeople, markets, donkeys, folks, and road meals distributors. Different highlights embody the Al Quaraouiyine Mosque (the college inside is the oldest working academic establishment on this planet), the central Souk, the tanneries, Medersa Bou Inania, and the Royal Palace. Clothes in Fes is a bit totally different than within the south of Morocco, so ensure you know what to put on!1. Casablanca & MarrakeshYou'll probably fly into Casablanca, the gateway to Morocco. Nevertheless, there's not a lot to see within the metropolis, and I might advocate heading straight to Marrakesh for a extra fascinating expertise. Marrakesh is an amazing and bustling metropolis, full of pleasure and power. Marrakesh is most well-known for the UNESCO heritage web site Jamaa El Fna, the place you will see snake charmers, fire-eaters, acrobats, and tranquility-inspiring storytellers. This space is the spotlight of the town and is close to the slim alleyways of the Medina outdated metropolis, the principle sq., and the Koutoubia Mosque. In case you get fed up with the pushy merchants and henna artists, the Jardin Marjorelle is just not too distant. It was purchased by Yves Saint Laurent in 1980 and now homes an Islamic Artwork Museum, surrounded by wonderful themed gardens.Having visited Morocco a number of occasions, I've all the time discovered it a particularly fascinating, various and rewarding vacation spot to go to, notably for vacationers focused on different cultures. Nevertheless, there are a number of key factors that I might emphasize to first-time guests…Trains... The Moroccan rail system is each dependable, environment friendly and a good way of seeing the nation. Trains are spacious and comfy, stations fairly primary, however, and that is the important thing level - each freeway and rail programs in Morocco are close to common and observe the identical routes. As a result of frequency of service, I might recommend taking the practice as a substitute of a bus for many routes.Renting automobiles... In case you do determine to go along with a rental automotive, driving in Morocco is easy. Tremendous Highways maintain dashing to a minimal, and gasoline is affordable. Nevertheless, there are additionally tolls, and for probably the most half, you'll want to carry a wad of Dirhams. Automated pay factors alongside the tremendous freeway is not going to all the time achieve recognizing an "Abroad" bank card, and even after they do, the system should select to reject it. Take alongside some money! Bus and "Grand Taxis"... Maybe because of the uniform high quality of trains, I've not used long-distance buses or "Grand Taxis." Nevertheless, when in Marrakech.... Do I want to say one thing that's each native and tourist-oriented? In fact not!Driving Suggestions... Gives some items of sensible recommendation for first-time drivers in Morocco, notably on how one can navigate the infamous roundabouts!The Climate... Within the winter, the climate in Morocco will differ from very heat to scorching. Through the Almond Blossom interval, it will get very chilly at night time, virtually sub-degree C temperature, and the storm programs may be wild. Nevertheless, even right here, touring is less expensive, and the shortage of vacationers has its benefits. In the summertime, it will possibly get highly regarded or stormy. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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products69 · 1 month
Berber Vitality- NATURAL ARGAN OIL
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Dry, flaky skin and dull, lifeless hair were my struggle. Sun, stress – they weren't doing my looks any favours! Then I found Berber Vitality's Natural Argan Oil, and wow!
This oil is like a vitamin bomb for your skin and hair (A, E, D and other good stuff). Here's why I love it:
Hydrates Skin: No more tight, uncomfortable feeling! This oil keeps my skin feeling soft and hydrated all day.
Happy Hair: My hair used to be frizzy and dull. Now, it's shiny and healthy, and way less frizzy – huge win!
All-Natural: This is a big deal for me. No harsh chemicals, just natural goodness for my skin and hair.
It's easy to use too! A few drops on my face at night and a touch on damp hair – that's it! It sinks in fast and doesn't leave me greasy.
If you want a natural way to take care of your skin and hair, Berber Vitality's Argan Oil is worth a try. My skin and hair feel amazing, and I'm so happy I found it!
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