#berny is like a BABY SHARK
leefi · 10 months
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i just know these two tiny short bitches are gonna ruin her fucking life
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blueshistorysims · 6 days
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March 1934
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Montgomery couldn’t remember the last time he felt this free, sighing lazily.
The woman’s voice, the one stroking his hair, laughed. “Don’t fall asleep on me now.”
“How can I when I am yer arms?”
She giggled.
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“Besides,” he whispered, “this is a dream. Canna sleep in a dream.”
Edeline smiled. “If it is a dream, then it is a good one.”
“I wish I could stay here forever.”
She laughed again as he heard the cries of a baby.
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He sat up, confused. “I hear a bairn.”
Edeline scoffed, and when he turned to face her, she was holding a baby girl with his red hair and blue eyes. “Well, I would hope so, considering Maggie is sitting right with us.”
“Our daughter, darling. You’re acting quite strange, you know.” She looked around, unfazed by his shocked expression. “Bernie! Come here!”
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“Bernie? But-but-” He cut himself off the moment a boy of around fourteen ran toward the blanket, his face a mix of his and Edeline’s.
“Yes, Mum?”
“I think your father has some sort of temporary amnesia.”
Bernie turned to Montgomery. “Ya alright, Da?” He had a faint Scottish accent. 
The Scotsman stood up, looking back and forth. “This-this isn’t real. Yer not real. It’s only a dream.”
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“Of course it’s not real, Montgomery,” a voice he recognized well replied, and he turned to see Samira with Miranda in her lap. “It’s only a dream.”
He panted heavily, trying to force himself awake.
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He closed his eyes tightly until everything was black, but when he opened them, he found himself surrounded by darkness, and in front of him, his two dead wives, dressed like a cabaret act in a giant v-shaped glass in their favorite colors, red and green.
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“Do you remember?” Samira asked. “The cabaret shows we used to go to in London? The girls dressed like this, didn’t they?”
Edeline smiled like a shark as the pair posed seductively. “We never went to shows like this when we were together. You only told me you had loved men when you proposed. Were you ashamed of your proclivities? That I, a sheltered English girl, could not understand the decadence of it all?”
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He swallowed, equally disturbed and transfixed. “No, I-It’s not that. It weren’t like that. I… were ashamed of meself, wanted to lock that part of meself away from ya, from… everythin’.”
The women were suddenly embracing one another, still making intense eye contact. 
“I wonder if you would have left me if I had lived and you still had met Samira. You loved her passionately… until she died in your arms.”
Samira finally turned her head, gazing at Edeline with an emotion Montgomery didn’t recognize. “I always stared at her photographs. She was beautiful. Pale, blonde, thin… I’d wonder what I’d do if I ever met her.” She caressed the blonde woman’s face. “Do you think she would love me the way you did? Would she let me kiss her lips?” She whispered before kissing her gently.
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Montgomery watched, entranced as his wives ravished one another with a creeping feeling of dread falling upon him as if he was privy to something he was not meant to see. 
Samira looked up from her neck, her dark brown eyes twinkling with malice. “How do you would tell her? Tell Edeline that you fell in love with her brother, and he doesn’t love you. That the only reason you have yet to take your life is because of some foolish wish that he will return those feelings, and you won’t be alone anymore—someone to hold you in your sleep and whisper soothing words when you have nightmares of your dead. All you have is your daughter. Our daughter.”
He opened his mouth and found he could not speak. He felt faint, his vision blurring, bleeding into color, and Montgomery found himself in his bedroom, held by Edeline as Samira watched with the same enigmatic expression from before.
“Hush now, Edeline whispered, “it shall be over soon. I have you in my arms.”
“But it’s not real.”
“It could be,” Samira mused. “Do you wish it?”
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He did not answer, letting his two wives touch and kiss him as he closed his eyes. Perhaps he could enjoy it, enjoy them, even if he knew he was in some sort of dream or nightmare or somewhere in between. He felt their touch on his body and wondered how he’d managed five years of no romantic love. But then perhaps he hadn’t, thinking his quitting of everything that mattered to him, staying shut up in a house owned by a duke and duchess, who were supposed to be everything he opposed about the class system, but instead, he was hopelessly in love with one and cared too deeply for the other. 
The touch suddenly stopped, and he opened his eyes, his vision perfect for once, to see Edeline and Samira staring at him from the foot of his bed, looking exactly as they did when they perished. Blood covered Edeline’s chest and mouth, staining her olive green nightgown she loved so dearly as the blood from Samira’s navy skirt and legs dripped onto the floor. Overwhelming guilt racked his body as they stared with lifeless eyes, boring into his soul.
“It is funny your face was the last one we ever saw,” Edeline muttered.
“Do you want it to be real?” Samira asked again. 
“No-I dinna ken—aye,” he finally confessed.
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He gasped awake, finding himself in his bedroom once more, the morning rays pouring in from the window. He was awake. The dream was over. But it was not a consolation, he quickly realized as tears welled up in his eyes, and he fell back into his bed, beginning to sob.
By the time Miranda, still in her nightgown, wandered into his room, looking for her father, Montgomery was completely unaware of anything else other than his hammering heart and aching cries. Miranda watched him, too shocked to do anything else.
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tuxedaaron · 1 year
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This was me, drawing a pic of what, at the time, had become a new obsession of mine, a French cartoon called "Zig and Sharko", which I'd drawn in my Danny Phantom style (the show itself, having a bit of a DP art style going on). The basic gist of the series revolves around a mermaid named Marina, who spends a lot of her time just hanging out by this island, where a hyena named Zig lives. Day after day, Zig can think of nothing else but trying to find ways to EAT Marina. Zig's problem...Marina just happens to have a pet shark. I caught this show on Netflix recently. Not being a big fan of French cartoons, my first reaction was naturally to just pass it by. But eventually, my curiosity shouted down my better judgement and I gave it a look. And for some reason, I was HOOKED. And even now, I still don't know why. I mean, on its face, the concept just SHOULDN'T work. But the presentation just hits all the right notes. Essentially, the series takes a lot of cues from classic silent cartoon shorts of the day (even the classic Warner Bros. and Disney shorts). There is no dialogue in this series. Any time someone does speak, it's either through sound effects or nonsensical babbling. Which is probably one of the things that makes this series work as well as it does. Since the point of the show is simply to watch the wacky events as they unfold, trying to accompany it with witty dialogue would only get in the way. It's amazing how this series can keep coming up with ways for Sharko to pummel Zig and still make it seem fresh every time (few things are more amusing that watching Zig smash into something and then just blurt out, "EEK!"). But truly, the glue that holds this series together has GOT to be Marina, who is fascinating as this instantly likable character that can turn the world on with her smile, yet whose brief moments of sadness can just as easily break your heart. She is also infinitely complex, yet gloriously simple. When we're first introduced to her, she really doesn't appear to be all that bright (although, since this is predominantly a silent cartoon, it's not as if we need her quoting Aristotle or Nitsche, here). But over time, you quickly discover that she does, indeed, have a brain in her head. She just doesn't go out of her way to turn it on unless she HAS to. And then we come to Bernie, the Hermit Crab, who is definitely the odd man out of this bunch. On the surface, Bernie is Zig's best friend and often serves as his sidekick in his efforts to put Marina on his dinner table. But behind the big baby eyes and impish squeaks lurks the mind of a genius, who will often be seen indulging in his own little side projects whenever he can manage to tear himself away from Zig. Of course, not all of his projects turn out the way he'd prefer, either. Well, that's the basic gist of the show. If you can, I definitely recommend you check it out. At roughly seven minutes per short, it doesn't take much out of your day. And besides Netflix (as well as certain Nickelodeon and Disney Channel stations), you can also catch several of the shorts on Youtube. Like I say, don't judge this series by its concept. It's the presentation that make this work. In the meantime, though, I hope you enjoy this pic. ^_^
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slimshaedy92 · 1 year
Listen, Shark Tale is a modern classic and I don’t know if it’s the weirdly good animation, the insanely expressive motion capture, but like there’s so much to love.
Lenny is obv queer-coded as a vegetarian shark who fears his family will never accept him for who he is also he does drag as a dolphin (dad says “I love you no matter what you eat or how you dress”)
Lola is a superficial queen who’s totally true to herself like she even says the moment she and Oscar meet “deep down, I’m really superficial” and what a petty queen like
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Me when the pliers won’t grab the nut even though I’m using my grippers the right way
Angie makes like a small visual gag about being friend-zoned but after Lola and Oscar kiss she’s not mad that he’s kissing someone else but she’s mad that A) he fell for someone who said TO HIS FACE she didn’t care about him unless he was the Sharkslayer and B) when he says “nobody loved me when I was a nobody” and she says I DID. And instead of making it about being “friendzoned” because I don’t believe Angie would ever do something like that, she’s mad that he keeps implying the people that loved him as he was don’t matter. Because she could probably just be his best friend forever but she deserves acknowledgment for being a great part of his life.
There’s a dolphins vs sharks joke (look he’s even got dolphin muscle! My uncle Vito got whacked by one of those)
And Bernie and Ernie like my boys my babies
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Oh and Lola is a top. Oscar is a bottom. Canonically.
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expirisims · 2 years
Get To Know Tag
Thank you @anamoon63 and @descendantdragfi for tagging me! 
Rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Favorite color: Green and any shade of teal.
Currently reading: I haven’t had much free time lately, but I was in the middle of reading “Gilead”.
Last song you listened to: Oh gosh! If I’m honest it’s some form of Baby Shark! LOL! (I have a toddler). The last time I had control of the radio station it was “Just Like Heaven” by The Cure. 
Last series you watched: “The Watcher” Tis the spooky season after all! 
Sweet, spicy or savory: Definitely savory and spicy! I like sweets and sometimes crave them, but I really have to be in the mood for them.
Craving: Food wise I could use some good buffalo chicken wings.
Tea or coffee: Definitely Coffee, lots of it!
Working on: In real life, my second draft of my novel (still...), fixing up my old dollhouse for my little one for Christmas. Gamewise when I’ve had time to play, I am playing ahead on the second rotation of my Thicket playthrough, flitting between saves I have in different worlds and procrastinating on finishing the last two builds in my new world of Isle of St. Bernie. I can be a HUGE procrastinator, unfortunately. 
I’m late doing this, but I’ll try not to tag anyone I’ve seen has already completed this! 
I’m tagging: @simsarahsarah @erasabledinosaur @wannabecatwriter @miss-may-i @cas-sims @bellatheegoth @dreamsongsims @anitmb and @thecurioussimmeruk 
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cilantrospirit · 1 year
9 people you would like to get to know better
tagged by @girlpetrarca
Three ships: I thought of boats first, in which case my answer is 1) outrigger canoes, 2) dragonboats, and 3) barges. In the fandom sense my allegiances are to Gimli and Legolas first, and having said this I'm realizing all the other serious contenders are from Lord of the Rings as well, but I can't start ranking them. The target audience of this post (one of two people besides myself that I know to have seen Ravenous) does compel me to note that Toffler and Reich are in love <3
First ship: when I was three years old I shipped myself with Snufkin 😌 but between characters it would be Mary Poppins and Bert.
Last song: "Up From Below" by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes (since writing this it has now become Margaritaville but please ignore that)
Currently reading: Complexity in a Ditch: Bringing Water to the Idaho Desert by Hugh T. Lovin
Currently watching: I don't watch much of anything while I'm in school, but over break I watched some Stranger Things and The Great with my family, along with the usual Oregon Field Guide. I love The Great and most OPB broadcasting, but I hate the CIA and I think ST has jumped the shark several too many times for me to like it anymore.
Currently consuming: the last meal I ate was cauliflower tacos, an ice cream cone, and pizza, none of which was good
Currently craving: red wine, but that's not happening for me anytime soon since I live in a vodka and beer town now 😔
no pressure tags headed towards @dallonwrites, @thebestfrogking, @bluenorther, @coffeeandcalligraphy, @dendrytes, @dancing-naked-monkey, @bloomingtrans, US Senator Bernie Sanders if he sees this, and my beautiful monstera plant ^_^
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knking · 5 years
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I was supposed to be very busy today, but @youngcophoagieoaf showed me @rennyrose ‘s good boy, and I just couldn’t resist, stop what I was doing, turn on the tablet and doodle something really quickly to let him know that I only know his boy for 30 min but that I’m ready to take a bullet for him <3
If you want to see other cute, good and fluffy bois, go follow them ^^ !
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antoine-roquentin · 4 years
In 1807, Heinrich von Kleist published a short story called The Earthquake in Chile. Its heroes are a man sitting in prison and a woman in a convent, each confined for the crime of conceiving their child out of wedlock. All of a sudden, an earthquake hits, the buildings that house them collapse, and the couple rediscover each other in the wreckage. Seeking shelter in the woods, they meet people who know of their sin but welcome rather than judge them. In the flush of the emergency, all is transformed: “Instead of the usual trivial tea-table gossip about the ways of the world, everyone was now telling stories of extraordinary heroic deeds.” Exhilarated, the couple follows the masses to the only remaining cathedral, where to their horror, the preacher rages against their transgressions. At the climax of the sermon, the crowd identifies the pair and clubs them to death. The inverted world is gone as soon as it came.
As the Covid-19 contagion passed through China, Western Europe, and the United States, we had our own version of the earthquake. Lockdowns have merged with uncertainty about economic growth to crater oil prices and spike unemployment rates to heights with no historical comparison.
As has become routine during such shocks—from the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis to the Global Financial Crisis in 2008 to the victories of Trump and Brexit in 2016—the rumor ricocheted through the op-eds and articles, think pieces, and tweets, that neoliberalism was dead.
How could anyone claim that markets were the solution to all social problems when it was the countries with strong states and safety nets—Germany, South Korea, Taiwan—where the virus was under control and those with a libertarian streak—the US and the UK—where leaders hesitated to intervene and let different parts of the country outbid each other for life-saving ventilators, test kits, and face masks? Daily applause for frontline health care workers must mean new value for the agents of social reproduction. Generous tips for delivery drivers and gestures of solidarity with Amazon warehouse workers must mean a clear-eyed look at the underpaid labor that makes modern life so frictionless. Visions of blue sky over Delhi and Beijing, air pollution indices registering green in the center of Los Angeles, companies paying people to take barrels of oil they no longer wanted… Surely, after the pandemic we would recognize we had been living in a cursed world and this is the correct one. Humanity had an unearned chance for redemption.
But if we were the couple in the story taking refuge in the woods, we are all now streaming into the cathedral for the fateful service. In the past weeks, a $2 trillion rescue package breezed through US Congress that will overwhelmingly benefit large corporations and the super rich, not ordinary workers. Speculation of a bailout for the US oil sector will surely keep high-carbon capitalism churning onward, especially as the Environmental Protection Agency has lifted regulations for the duration of the crisis. In Canada, the premier of Alberta pledged $7 billion for its own cherished pipeline project. The value of nurses and other health care workers has been recognized in the United States, but only in the sense that they are one of the few exceptions in a presidential executive order that otherwise provisionally banned all immigration to the country.
America has found its own sin-drenched couple to turn on. This week a strategy memo urged Republican candidates to “Attack China.” More than half of Americans surveyed want reparations from China for the virus; the United States has defunded the World Health Organization in protest against its supposed subordination to the country; and the state of Missouri has sued the People’s Republic of China (and a string of associated institutions) in a domestic court. A Fox News commentator beloved by the president shouted that politicians must “start working on how you’re going to punish, ostracize, alienate, and financially sanction and make China accountable for what they did to us and the rest of the world.” A fragile unity will be restored—as it so often is—by targeting the outsider, the alien, the nonwhite person.
Without intervention, the community after the earthquake reconstitutes the one that preceded it. The interregnum extends only if there are social formations to carry it. And right now, the streets are empty, with would-be marchers self-distancing and juggling children and babies.
The leading mainstream political opponent to Trump is an elderly man in a Delaware basement with a habit of vanishing from the public eye for long stretches of time. Joe Biden was the safety candidate against an insurgent Bernie Sanders. He now sits in a bunker with no movement behind him.
We have seen a world where capitalism stops. But it will start again. When America “reopens,” it will be much like the old America. Big companies will be bigger, ever more beholden to the leader for having saved them. Arguments for austerity will return in the wake of the unprecedented spending.
The “thought leaders” in Trump’s recently announced Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups are all from the “free market” think tanks that have advised the GOP since the days of Ronald Reagan—Heritage Foundation, Cato Institute, Hoover Institution, American Legislative Exchange Council—they’re the priests arriving to give their sermon. The church of neoliberalism will be rebuilt and the flash of paradise in the emergency snuffed out.
For the real story, look up. Above the steeple, the vultures are circling. The Wall Street Journal predicts a wave of defaults, bankruptcies, and restructurings. Imperiled companies will see their devalued stock scooped by so-called distressed debt specialists, more commonly known as vulture investors, who make use of the generosities of US Chapter 11 law to strip employees of benefits or offload them to the state before flipping their acquisitions at a profit.
A pioneer in vulture investing and now the commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross praised bankruptcy in 2003 as “the corporate form of Darwinism.” Howard Marks, director of investment fund Oaktree Capital Management, was even more graphic in a recent letter to shareholders quoted in The Wall Street Journal. “Capitalism without bankruptcy is like Catholicism without hell,” he wrote, suggesting that federal bailouts shouldn’t shield market actors from “a healthy fear of loss.” He failed to add that people like himself have learned how to monetize the flames. His own Oaktree Capital Fund is reportedly raising “$15 billion for what would be the biggest-ever distressed-debt fund.”
The next year will be a litany of the “workouts and turnarounds” that bankruptcy specialists are known for, ruthlessly wringing the value out of companies, while ignoring the human or social costs. Distressed debt funds are the loan sharks of the business world, and will feel no compunction about pursuing the bottom line. We have seen a preview of such dispassionate calculation in the last month, as stock values soared alongside record unemployment numbers and mounting deaths. The combination seemed shocking to some people, even scandalous. “The stock market doesn’t care about your feelings,” was the response of a Los Angeles Times business reporter, “nor should it.”
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Hulu New Releases: June 2021
Hulu’s list of new releases for June 2021 is highlighted by a host of useful library titles and one fascinating original film.
The original film in question is the one that lends its delightful photo of Pierce Brosnan delivering a baby to this post. False Positive stars and was written by Ilana Glazer (Broad City). It sounds like a really fun, creepy time with a synopsis that reads: “After months of trying and failing to get pregnant, Lucy (Glazer) and Adrian (Justin Theroux) finally find their dream fertility doctor in the illustrious Dr. Hindle (Pierce Brosnan). But after becoming pregnant with a healthy baby girl, Lucy begins to notice something sinister through Hindle’s gleaming charm, and she sets out to uncover the unsettling truth about him, and her own “birth story.” Cool!
Hulu’s other original offerings aren’t too inspiring this month. Only Love, Victor season 2 on June 11 moves the needle much. If you count “FX on Hulu” as Hulu then June 17 sees the arrival of Dave season 2. Dave was one of TV’s best surprises last year and it’s nice to have it back.
After those two, it’s just a bunch of library titles. Thankfully, those library titles are fairly intriguing. Arachnophobia, The Dark Knight, Kick-Ass, and Slumdog Millionaire all premiere on June 1. Willy’s Wonderland, featuring Nic Cage’s battle against animatronic puppets, arrives on June 13.
Here is everything else coming to Hulu this month.
Hulu New Releases – June 2021
June 1 CHANGING THE GAME: Documentary Premiere (Hulu Original) American Ninja Warrior: Season 13 Premiere (NBC) Housebroken: Series Premiere (FOX) Small Fortune: Complete Season 1 (NBC) 50/50 (2011) A Most Wanted Man (2014) A Perfect Day (2006) A Prayer For The Dying (1987) The Adventures of Tintin (2011) Across The Universe (2007) Alive (1993) Anacondas: The Hunt For The Blood Orchid (2004) Anaconda 3: Offspring (2008) Anacondas: Trail Of Blood (2009) Arachnophobia (1990) Batman Begins (2005) The Big Chill (1983) The Birdcage (1997) Black And White (2000) The Blair Witch Project (1999) The Blair Witch Project: Book of Shadows (2000) Bloody Sunday (2002) Blue Streak (1999) The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day (2009) Bucky Larson: Born To Be A Star (2011) Charlotte’s Web (1973) The Company You Keep (2013) Conviction (2010) Convicts (1991) Convoy (1978) The Cookout (2004) The Dark Knight (2008) Desperate Measures (1998) Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo (2005) Dragonfly (2002) Driven (2001) El Dorado (1967) Face/Off (1997) The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) The Full Monty (1997) Fun in Acapulco (1963) Gamer (2009) Get Smart (2008) Hanging Up (2000) Hud (1963) The Hustler (1961) Jennifer 8 (1992) Jennifer’s Body (2009) Just Wright (2009) Kick-Ass (2010) Kung Pow: Enter the Fist (2000) Last Chance Harvey (2008) The Last House on the Left (2009) Little Women (1994) The Long Goodbye (1973) The Love Letter (1999) The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) Once Upon A Crime… (1992) Ordinary People (1980) Places In The Heart (1984) Primary Colors (1998) Revolutionary Road (2008) Richie Rich (1994) Rules of Engagement (2000) Sabrina (1995) Savage State (2021) Saving Silverman (2001) Scorpio (1973) Silence (2016) Slumdog Millionaire (2008) The Soloist (2009) Some Girls (1988) Something’s Gotta Give (2003) Soul Survivors (2001) Still Waiting (2009) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) Switchback (1997) The Time Machine (2002) To Die For (1995) The Upside (2017) Vanity Fair (2004) Waiting… (2005) Walking Tall (1973) Wayne’s World 2 (1993) Weekend at Bernie’s (1989) Wilde (1998) Wings Of Courage (1995) Witless Protection (2008) Young Adult (2011)   June 2 America’s Got Talent: Season 16 Premiere (NBC)   June 3 MasterChef: Season 11 Premiere (FOX) A Glitch in the Matrix (2020) Night of the Kings (2021)   June 4 The New York Times Presents: New Episode (FX on Hulu) Beat Shazam: Season 4 Premiere (FOX)   June 5 Emergency Call: Season 2 Premiere (ABC) Rams (2021)   June 7       Celebrity Family Feud: Season 7 Premiere (ABC) The Chase: Season 2 Premiere (ABC) To Tell the Truth: Season 7 Premiere (ABC)   June 8       The Bachelorette: Season 17 Premiere (ABC) Legion Of Brothers (2017)   June 9       The Croods: A New Age (2020)   June 10     Trolls: TrollsTopia: Complete Season 3 (Hulu Original) Card Sharks: Season 3 Premiere (ABC) Trust (2021) Two of Us (2019)   June 11      Love, Victor: Season 2 Premiere (Hulu Original) Real Housewives of Potomac: Complete Season 5 (Bravo) Come True (2021)   June 13       Dragonheart (1996) Dragonheart: A New Beginning (2000) Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer’S Curse (2014) Dragonheart: Battle for the Heartfire (2017) Not Fade Away (2012) Willy’s Wonderland (2021)   June 14  Rūrangi: Complete Season 1 (The Yellow Affair)
June 15       Accused: Guilty or Innocent?: Complete Season 1 (A&E) Alone: Complete Season 7 (A&E) Alone: The Beast: Complete Season 1 America Our Defining Hours: Complete Season 1 (A&E) The Celebrity Dating Game: Complete Season 1 (ABC) Dance Moms: Complete Season 8 (A&E) Duck Dynasty: Complete Season 3 (A&E) Forged in Fire: Complete Season 7 (A&E) Hoarders: Complete Season 11 (A&E) Married at First Sight: Complete Season 11 (A&E) Mountain Men: Complete Season 6 (A&E) Swamp People: Complete Season 11 (A&E) The UnXplained with William Shatner: Complete Season 1B (A&E) Born to Play (2020) Gone Girl (2014) Her Deadly Sugar Daddy Her Name Is Chef (2020) Michael Smerconish: Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Talking (2020) Nasrin (2020) The Obituary of Tunde Johnson (2020) The Outside Story (2021) Secret Life of a Celebrity Surrogate (2020) (Lifetime)   June 17       DAVE: Season 2 Premiere (FX on Hulu)  Phobias (2021)   June 18       Holey Moley 3D in 2D: Season 3 Premiere (ABC) The Hustler: Season 2 Premiere (ABC) When Nature Calls: Series Premiere (ABC)   June 20 The Guilt Trip (2012)   June 21 Cutthroat Kitchen: Complete Seasons 2 & 3 (Food Network) Worst Cooks In America: Complete Season 4 (Food Network) Backyard Builds: Complete Seasons 1 – 4 (Corus) Big Bucket Food List: Complete Season 1 – 2 (Corus) Family Home Overhaul: Complete Season 1 (Corus) Farmhouse Facelift: Complete Season 1 (Corus) Home to Win: Complete Seasons 1 – 3 (Corus) Home to Win for the Holidays: Complete Season 1 (Corus) Jr. Chef Showdown: Complete Seasons 1 – 2 (Corus) Save My Reno: Complete Seasons 1 – 4 (Corus) Hot Market: Complete Season 1 (Corus) Wall of Chefs: Complete Season 1 (Corus) Hostiles (2017)   June 22 Monster Trucks (2017)   June 23 College Bowl: Series Premiere (NBC) Motherland: Fort Salem: Season 2 Premiere (Freeform)   June 24 An American Haunting (2006)   June 25 FALSE POSITIVE (2021) (Hulu Original) Making It: Season 3 Premiere (NBC)   June 26 The Choe Show: Series Premiere (FX)   June 27 Safer at Home (2021)   June 29 Bratz : The Movie (2007) Harvie & The Magic Museum (2021)   June 30 Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013) Jack Reacher (2012) The Sweet Life (2016)
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Leaving Hulu – June 2021
June 4  Intrigo: Dear Agnes (2019)   June 5 The Appearance (2018)   June 11 Intrigo: Samaria (2019) LA 92 (2020)   June 17 Identity (2003)   June 30 28 Days Later (2003) 50 First Dates (2004) A Low Down Dirty Shame (1994) A Night at the Roxbury (1998) A Prayer For The Dying (1987) A Simple Plan (1998) A Storks Journey (2017) The Birdcage (1997) Blue Streak (1999) Brooklyn’s Finest (2010) Bug (2007) Bulworth (1998) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter (1974) Changeling (2008) Cheech & Chong’s Still Smokin’ (1983) Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs (2009) Convicts (1991) Convoy (1978) The Core (2003) The Devil’s Double (2011) Did You Hear About The Morgans? (2009) Die Hard (1988) Die Hard With A Vengeance (1995) Dude, Where’s My Car? (2000) Face/Off (1997) The Foot Fist Way (2008) Frankie & Alice (2014) The Full Monty (1997) Garden State (2004) Get Smart (2008) Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003) Guess Who (2005) Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (1957) How Stella Got Her Groove Back (1998) I Am Legend (2007) Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport (2000) Junior (1994) Knowing (2009) Little Women (1994) Live Free Or Die Hard (2007) The Long Goodbye (1973) The Man Who Could Cheat Death (1959) Monster’s Ball (2001) Mystery Science Theatre (1996) Napoleon Dynamite (2004) New in Town (2009) Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (2009) The Ninth Gate (1999) Once Upon A Crime… (1992) Pandorum (2009) Paycheck (2003) The Polar Express (2004) The Preacher’s Wife (1996) The Princess Bride (1987) Ramona and Beezus (2009) Revolutionary Road (2008) Rio (2011) Salt (2010) The Sandlot (1993) Saving Silverman (2001) Scary Movie 4 (2006) Scorpio (1973) Sex And The City (2008) Sex And The City 2 (2010) Shirley Valentine (1989) Sleeping With The Enemy (1991) Some Girls (1988) Something’s Gotta Give (2003) Soul Plane (2004) The Sum of All Fears (2002) Thirst (2009) Vantage Point (2008) Vertical Limit (2000) Walking Tall (1973) War (2007) The Wedding Planner (2001) Where the Heart Is (2000)
The post Hulu New Releases: June 2021 appeared first on Den of Geek.
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Nickelodeon Premieres for December
ALVINNN!!! And the Chipmunks
12/12 12:00 PM - A Very Merry Chipmas 
The Casagrandes
12/5 1:00 PM - A Very Casagrandes Christmas 
It‘s Pony
12/5 11:30 AM - Bramley Holiday 
LEGO City Adventures
12/12 11:30 AM - Arrest Ye Merry Gentleman 
The Loud House
12/5 8:00 PM - Season’s Cheating/A Flipmas Carol 
Ollie’s Pack 
12/14 4:00 PM - Separation Anxiety/The Take Over 
12/15 4:00 PM - Release the Hound/Cube is the Loneliest Number 
12/16 4:00 PM - Unblocking Bernie/Photo Finished 
12/17 4:00 PM - Time Warped/Inspector Ollie Allen 
All That
12/17 8:30 PM - Episode #1134 
The Astronauts 
12/4 7:00 PM - Day 33
12/11 7:00 PM - Day 34 
12/18 7:00 PM - Day 73 
Danger Force
12/12 8:00 PM - Down Goes Santa Part 1
12/19 8:00 PM - Down Goes Santa Part 2 
Power Rangers
12/5 8:00 AM - Source Code 
12/12 8:00 AM - Evox Unleashed 
Side Hustle 
12/5 8:30 PM - Friendiversary 
12/12 8:30 PM - Milkshake Suckdown
The Substitute
12/10 8:30 PM - Gabriel Iglesias
Top Elf
12/3 7:00 PM - Super Vest to Impress 
12/10 7:00 PM - Elfies and Selfie’s
12/17 7:00 PM - Who Will Be Top Elf?
12/3 8:00 PM - Let’s Get Physi-Goat!
12/10 8:00 PM - Watch Like A Hawk!
12/17 8:00 PM - Squirrels Just Wanna Have Fun!
Baby Shark’s Big Show!
12/11 12:30 PM - All I Want For Fishmas
Blaze & the Monster Machines
??/?? ??:?? ?? - Big Rig to the Rescue!
Blue’s Clues and You!
12/4 11:00 AM - Blue’s Night Before Christmas
12/18 11:00 AM - Sleepy Singalong with Blue
Bubble Guppies
12/4 12:00 PM - The Guppies Save Christmas
12/3 9:00 AM -  A Kinderwood Holiday/Snowball Effect/Hop to the Top
Paw Patrol 
12/11 12:30 PM - Pups Save the Marooned Mayors/Pups Save the Game Show 
Ryan’s Mystery Playdate 
12/4 11:30 AM - Ryan’s Christmas Time Special
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build-a-buddy · 5 years
Current Hoard Members (2019)
1. Pillow Central - technically not a stuffed animal, but he’s huggable and soft and a body pillow so he Counts
2. Kitty - hot pack huggie calico cat
3. Nemuriale/NyQuil - Nemuriale cat w heartbrat
4. Loaf - fluffy running eevee
5. Lemon Demon - build a bear lemon cream cat
6. Chubs - Japanese brand giant fat gray cat with ribbon and bell I won at a university sponsored raffle
7. Hedgie - hand made by nanny, hedgehog
8. Flammy - flamingo given by my teacher
9. Graduation Bear - bear from my grandma
10. Alice - black cat with orange dress
11. Pinky - pink LPS VIP cat
12. Mistletoe - little brown dog
13. Orangey - orange LPS VIP cat
14. Twinkle -eden beige dog that plays music with pink bows
15. Mutt - Webkinz classic cocker spaniel
16. Father Otter -the petting zoo, probably gotten at a zoo
17. Aleco - black cat with orange paws beanie baby cat
18. Howl - beanie baby grey wolf with black brown paws and orange eyes
19. Supekit - Webkinz classic black cat, was Alpha’s but she gave it to me
20. Goldie - Webkinz classic golden retriever
21. Fearless - DC direct streaky the cat
22. Prance - grey tabby beanie baby
23. Pounce - brown beanie baby cat
24. Sasha - Siamese beanie baby
25. Penny - Disney Dalmatian
26. Sparkle - Webkinz white yorkie
27. Hope Bunny - beanie baby yellow praying bunny
28. Pico - Ty. Com Chihuahua with pink ruffle like a Eevee
29. Chip - two toned beanie baby cat
30. Nanook - beanie baby husky
31. Wishbone - wishbone plushie, broken voice box
32. Biscuit - golden retriever with red bow and pellets in feet, not the official biscuit tho (there’s a official plushie now and it’s CUTE)
33. Rascal - white and grey dog from Texas Lions Camp
34. Avery - Gund light brown dog with dark ears, paws, and tail
35. Midnight - black and white horse given by nurse when I got surgery
36. Bolt - Disney bolt plushie
37. The Jewish mice - three hand knit mice from my nanny; beige, white, and cream
38. Silversoft - beanie baby like fox with a knot in their tail and a neon yellow shoe string for a collar
39. Espeon - from the Pokémon Center in Japan, gift from dad
40. Zorua - Epcot store Pokémon
41. Carlos - birthday gift Eevee from relative
42. Sylveon - Pokémon Center Pokémon, from dad?
43. Umbreon - bootleg Pokémon plush (didn’t know it was bootleg)
44. Punky - Webkinz patchy puppy
45. Louis - looks more like husky, a gift from my great wolf lodge party
46. BWC - Big white Ty brand Cat
47. Prince - yellow LPS VIP cat
48. Bo -build a bear bearemys kennel pals PWD
49. Eve Whitaker - build a bear eevee
50. Admiral - build a bear pastel swirl kitty
51. Ciri - nemu Neko Lemon plush
52. Minty - Litten from Olivia
53. Luna - build a bear ragdoll cat
54. Callie - build a bear patchwork bear
55. Bam - beanie baby ram
56. Lavender - warmies pink bunny from buc-ees
57. Ari - hallmark lion from grandma
58. Lux - little Eevee from Target
59. Wags - tiny dog from target
60. Nick - tsum tsum from target
61. Venom - tsum tsum from friend
62. Green Bean - substitute doll from friend
63. Angelis - squishables monster
64. Gelatoni - from a member on the discord
65. Strawbaby - pink Meowchi
66. Timmy - BAB Tiger cub
67. Millie - Eevee from friend
68. Thrasher - IKEA shark
69. Black Bean - realistic otter
70. Daughter otter - otter from friend
71. Romeo - valentines wolf
72. Handmade Sea bunny from friend
73. Sloth from friend
74. Little shark from friend
75. Squishy - shiba inu from friend
76. Coffee Man - big detective Pikachu
77. Coffee Boy - little detective Pikachu
78. Bird - Russ Bernie dog w scarf from friend
79. Voidheart - squishbale mini calico
80. Fahrenheit- sleepy flareon from friend
81. Brooke - cat from community college library
82. Halloween Boy - Aurora armadillo from Buc-ees
83. GQ - thunderplushies Pride cat (genderqueer flag)
84. Big Chungus - incredible petables cat
85. Amoeba - chikarita plush
86. Little Chungus - incredible petables cat
87. Peanut Butter Dog - Pokemon Center mimikyu from friend
88. Ramblin’ Sam Bernice - ditto furrett
89. Pumpkin - BAB pumpkin fun cat
90. Simon - wild republic wolf
92. Jarrett - wild republic wolf
93. Catherine - wild republic wolf
94. Unnamed - eevee yurutto
95. Unnamed - mix audit glaceon
96. Unnamed - psyduck
97. Courtney - squishmallow caticorn
98. Unnamed - snorlax
99. Unnamed - sleepy eevee
100. Unnamed - mix audit Espeon
101. Unnamed - mix audit Sylveon
102. Unnamed - mix audit Eevee
103. Moominmama - on the tin
104. Snorkmadien - on the tin
105. Unnamed - big Espeon
106. Coffee Brother - Third detective pikachu
107. Seal Bear - bear in seal costume
108. Bird - Russ Berie dog with scarf
109. Kenny - squishmallow dragon
110. Unnamed - yurutto pikachu
111. Unnamed - fluffy vulpix
112. Unnamed - Penguin
113. Unnamed - hedgehog
114. Little Squeezer - little squishy dog keychain
115. Snocap - malamute Keychain
116. Pluto - Disney tsum tsum big
117. Kirby - Kirby plush
118. Unnamed - big head umbreon
119. Unnamed - ditto bulbasaur
120. Dragon and Knight - Dragonite w baby
(There’s a handful of friends missing; will add them when I return to the dorm and do ‘role call’.)
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Your Fave Is Catholic: JoJo (real name: Joanna Noëlle Levesque)
Known for: Singer, songwriter, & actress who got her start as a teenager. After competing in the television show America’s Most Talented Kids, she signed a record deal at age 13 & was the youngest solo artist to ever top the Billboard pop charts with her debut song “Leave (Get Out)”. Other songs she is known for include “Baby It’s You”, “Not That Kinda Girl”, “Note to God”, “Too Little Too Late”, “Beautiful Girls Reply”, “How to Touch a Girl”, “Anything”, “Disaster”, “When Love Hurts”, & “Fuck Apologies”. She has three albums to her name titled “JoJo”, “The High Road”, & “Mad Love”, & does several music tours all over the world. She also has been on television & film since a young age, being in projects such as Kids Say the Darndest Things, The Bernie Mac Show, American Dreams, Shark Tale, Aquamarine, RV, Romeo!, Punk’d, Hawaii Five-O, Shane & Friends, & Lethal Weapon. She is also a supporter of many charities, including the Boys & Girls Club of America & the Make A Wish Foundation.
Evidence of Faith: In an interview with Combustible Celluloid, JoJo explains that she was raised Catholic by her mother & that her mother sang in her church choir, & additionally that Catholic church gospel music is an influence to her musical stylings. She has also been quoted saying “I feel so blessed, like someone is looking over my shoulder.”, but the source has been lost. That said, this quote does indicate that she believes in God & could have been referring to God or a guardian angel of some sorts. Additionally, there’s also the fact that her second album has a song titled “Note to God”, which is about asking God for peace & an end to war. Even though JoJo didn’t write it (it was written by Diane Warren), it does illustrate her comfort expressing faith & belief in God.
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theburglcr · 7 years
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“Finders keepers, suckers!” note: i haven’t added a quote for every single thing in the game, but it’s still a long read. i mostly just came up with the relatively ‘important’ quotes. that said, please enjoy.
Shovel- “Truly my best friend.” Pickaxe- “I love the rocky irony here.” Razor- “This is why people don’t have beards.” Hammer- “Any work well done just begs for a load of this.” Lucy the Axe- “Between you and me, he thinks ya look sharp.” Feather Pencil- “My grammar is better than most.” Brush- “Never been the hairdressin’ sort, myself.” Saddle- “But is it comfortable for the animal?” Salt Lick- “Don’t taste-test, don’t taste-test...” Miner Hat- “Never thought I’d find one again!” Endothermic Fire- “All sense is gone along with the darkness.” Mushlight- “Will my stomach glow if I eat this?” Willow’s Lighter- “I should never be trusted with this.” Bottle Lantern- “My brightest idea so far.” Buoyant Chiminea- “Water can’t steal the fire from me now.” Backpack- “Imagine all the money you can fit in there.” Piggyback- “Here’s hopin’ it’s not as sweaty.” Bug Net- “What a fearsome, vicious hunter I am.” Fishing Rod- “I hope to catch hidden treasure with this.” Straw Roll- “Sleepin’ with straw gettin’ in your clothes. Great.” Fur Roll- “This feels morbid somehow.” Umbrella- “Not today, elements.” Compass (generic)- “Wish it could point me towards treasure.” Luxury Fan- “I bet I could fly with two of these.” Siesta Lean-to- “I’m a shade master.” Pretty Parasol- “Frilly, but will do.” Telltale Heart- “Why do I hafta fix them if they mess up?” Booster Shot- “Rot injected through a bee stinger. Healthy!” Water Balloon- “Takin’ a bath the fun way.” Whirly Fan- “The things I do for a lil’ coolin’...” Bernie- “Ya don’t look like you’d be worth much.” Bundled Supplies- “Oh hoh! The thrill this brings me!” Booty Bag- “Where have ya been all my life!?” Silly Monkey Ball- “The humane solution to their meddlin’.” Anti-Venom- “Tropical insurance.” Crock Pot- “I ain’t no cook, but it should help me.” Bee Box- “They work hard, then I steal from them.” Bucket-o-Poop- “Ew. Good thing I wear gloves.” Science Machine and Alchemy Engine- “This is where the magic happens.” Thermal Measurer- “Let’s see the cold sneak up on me now.” Lightning Rod- “Never hurts to lessen the chances.” Gunpowder- “No safe is too strong!” Cartographer’s Desk- “Closest thing to an artistic outlet.” Accomploshrine- “I don’t know what I did, but I did it?” Spear- “I miss my daggers.” Boomerang- “A loyal weapon if I’ve ever seen one.” -- (hit self)- “$!@#! That smarts!” Blow Dart- “I ain’t no coward, but when in Rome...” Fire Dart- “Fear the albino dragon!” Sleep Dart- “Should I worry if I yawn after usin’ this?” Football Helmet- “I’m wearin’ the pig’s butt as a hat.” Grass Suit- “... Sure this will protect me.” Log suit- “I’m not on board with being hurt. Heh.” Marble Suit- “This armor’s the direct opposite of what I am.” Bee Mine- “Boom, bees.” Tooth Trap- “Come get a piece of me now, doggies!” Shelmet- “Function over fashion...” Snurtle Shell Armor- “A less dignified way to hide from trouble.” Scale Mail- “I’m this hot on my own, thanks.” Electric Dart- “Can’t come up with a joke. I’m shocked.” Tail o’ Three Cats- “I’m not even using it and I feel sorry already.” Spear Gun- “Now this is more my style!” Trident- “This means mermaids exist around here, right?” Cactus Spike- “Like my daggers, but much weaker. Shame.” Cactus Armor- “Always been told I’m kind of a prick.” Birdcage- “Reminds me of jail.” -- (occupied)- “I know the feelin’.” Pig House- “Wait, does this mean they have stuff inside?” Chest- “To store my stolen goods.” Scaled Chest- “Summer ain’t gettin’ to me or my stuff.” Mini Sign (drawn on)- “What? I’m an artist too, ya know.” Friendly Scarecrow- “His smile looks like my mom’s.” Wardrobe- “If it’s purely green on the inside, that wasn’t me.” Potted Succulent- “Her name is Erikita.” Sand Castle- “Totally sure this is not a waste of time.” Seaworthy (Vanilla or ROG world)- “Buenas!” Sea Chest- “Bring your stuff everywhere ya go.” Rope- “I use this often.” Purple Gem- “The downfall of the greedy.” Nightmare Fuel- “This stuff makes me uneasy.” Marble Bean- “Is there a money bean, too?” Empty Bottle- “Not very interesting on its own.” Prestihatitator- “Prestowhat now?” Shadow Manipulator- “Not sure I should be anywhere near this thing.” Pan Flute- “Makes pickpocketin’ so much easier.” Night Light- “See to $!@# believe.” Dark Sword- “Knew I had a sharp mind, but this...” Chilled Amulet- “So this is what cool people use, huh?” Nightmare Amulet- “Makes me see what I shouldn’t see.” Life Giving Amulet- “Could make a pretty penny off of it!” Telelocator Staff- “Probably dumb to mess with this. I’m doin’ it anyway.” Old Bell- “Do the work for me, big fella.” Moon Dial- “I’ve been mooned. Heh.” Piratihatitator- “Para... Piri... MAGIC $!@#!” Straw Hat- “This’ll prevent fires from startin’ on my head.” Beefalo Hat- “Convenient humiliation.” Beekeeper Hat- “I look honest in my stealin’ with this.” Feather Hat- “Probably the most colorful I’ll ever look.” Top Hat- “Rich people headwear. I hate it.” Puffy Vest- “I’m warm, but at what cost...?” Bush Hat- “Disguise 101.” Garland- “How to look pure and unsuspectin’.” Cat Cap- “I’m sorry, kitties...” Fashion Melon- “All the green doesn’t make it less embarrassin’.” Floral Shirt- “This one was made for me.” Eyebrella- “Rain is in the eye of the beholder.” Desert Goggles- “Got somethin’ in my eye... just kiddin’.” Blubber Suit- “Eugh! It’s noisy!” Windbreaker- “I’ll stop giggling when I forget its name.” Particulate Purifier- “For when chili night gets outta hand.” Shark Tooth Crown- “Bet I can impress the mermaids with this.” Dumbrella- “More like... oh, wait.” Log Raft- “I mean... nah, can’t defend this.” Raft- “It’s a slight improvement.” Armoured Boat- “Safe piratin’.” Iron Wind- “Doubles as shark chopper, too!” Boat Cannon- “Can’t be a proper pirate without this.” Sea Trap- “One step closer to a fancy dinner.” Trawl Net- “To steal junk from the sea.” Super Spyglass- “Could only dream to see this far until now.” Captain Hat- “Makes me feel like a sea cop. Feh.” Pirate Hat- “Ahoy, ye scallywags!” Obsidian Machete and Obsidian Axe- “Hot and sharp, much like me.” Obsidian Coconade- “I can feel it burn with anticipation.” Sail Stick- “To sail away from my problems faster.” Thulecite- “My highly valuable object senses are tinglin’.” Thulecite Medallion- “Ain’t useful here.” -- (calm)- “Nothin’ worth notin’.” -- (warning)- “Woah, something’s happenin’.” -- (nightmare)- “But what does it mean?” The Lazy Forager- “Nobody can blame me for snatchin’ their stuff now!” Magiluminescence- “I’m brilliant. Heh.” Construction Amulet- “Of course the green gem is the most economic one.” The Lazy Explorer- “Catch me if ya can!” Star Caller’s Staff- “Do the stars grant wishes too or...?” Deconstruction Staff- “ ‘Tis like a magic hammer.” Thulecite Crown- “Should be worth a fortune!” Houndius Shootius- “Those ancient guys were geniuses.” Birds of the World- “I like the tauraco leucotis one.” Applied Horticulture- “Good, I’m no farmer.” Sleepytime Stories- “I can’t tell if it bores me or it’s workin’.” The End is Nigh!- “Good thing I enjoy readin’ during storms.” On Tentacles- “I’ve read enough on them to know where this is goin’.” Joy of Volcanology- “Adds more than a lil’ spice to your current situation.” Kittykit- “Cute and clever, just like its momma.” Vargling- “Cachorrito!!!” Ewelet- “Smelly but soft.” Broodling- “Gosh, so ugly yet so endearin’.” Glomglom- “I ain’t one for hugs, but you’re just so fluffy.” Giblet- “Always wanted to have a chicken.” Candy Bag- “I wanna fill it to the brim with chocolate coins.” Gift- “The best things are the ones ya don’t hafta pay for.” Winter’s Feast Tree- “I feel something growin’ three sizes inside of me! Is it my wallet?” Lucky Whistle- “I HAVE THE POWER!” Charcoal- “Oh. Christmas came early.” Pine Cone- “I stole that tree’s baby. Nice.” Marble Tree- “Okay, now gold trees must be a thing.” Totally Normal Tree- “Tremblin’ like a leaf here. Heh.” Living Log- “Same.” Flower- ��Green with a dash of pretty.” Evil Flower- “Green with a dash of evil...?” Cactus- “That one’s still got its daggers.” Tumbleweed- “Let’s see the trash it’s collected!” Jungle Tree- “Sensin’ lots of loot from that tree!” Snake Den- “I can hear ya hissin’, ya know.” Brainy Sprout- “The sea’s got a comparatively tiny brain.” Palm Tree (sapling)- “I’m callin’ ya Rosie.” Regular Jungle Tree- “You’re goin’ down like a sack of bricks.” Beehive- “It contains sweet, delicious treasure.” Killer Bee Hive- “Heck no.” Hound Mound- “Those barkin’ pests come from there.” Bones- “Mine will not be found like this.” Harp Statue- “Unlikely as it sounds, I don’t have the head.” Rundown House- “If you’re gonna steal an idea, make it better at least.” Merm Head- “My nose begs for mercy.” Pig Head- “This world does make ya lose your head...” Boulder- “Destruction comes with a reward.” Gold Nugget- “I might’ve been a hero in a world without this.” Grave- “Time to work!” Grave (dug)- “A job well done.” Wooden Thing- “It feels... incomplete.” -- (fully assembled)- “Long as I can take my gold with me.” Ring Thing- “What use is a ring with no jewels?” Worm Hole- “Disgust and logic say no...” -- (open)- “... Morbid curiosity says yes.” -- (exited)- “Disgust and logic were right.” Skeleton- “Thanks for the free stuff, man.” Spider Eggs- “Wonder if I can teach them to pickpocket?” Walrus Camp- “Gives a rich Walrus vibe somehow.” Mini Glacier- “Wonder how many ‘cool’ jokes it gets.” Hollow Stump- “It’s fulla hairballs on the inside.” Glommer’s Statue- “Looks important and exploitable.” -- (mined)- “Hope it was neither.” Skeleton (self)- “I meant to do that.” Florid Postern- “Got the feelin’ its beauty is just for show.” Magma- “Great, more things to be burned by.” Stagehand- “Far too pretty and harmless. I don’t trust it.” -- (walking)- “I’m always right.” Loot Stash- “Nobody leaves something like this all on its own.” Prime Ape Hut- “My old room pales in comparison to that disaster.” Magma Pile- “Now if that doesn’t beg to be dug up...” Steamer Trunk- “The sea smiles upon me today!” Volcano- “Dangerous. Something valuable must be inside.” Slot Machine- “I know better than to linger ‘round this.” Electric Isosceles- “For the insanely lazy explorer.” Octo Chest- “We’ve made a fair trade, friend.” Debris- “Ain’t proud of that one.” Wildbore Head- “Looks mad he’s dead.” Seashell- “One of these’s gotta have a pearl inside.” X Marks the Spot- “My fingers itch in anticipation!” Rawling- “I’m deranged enough, I guess.” Watery Grave- “That’s one heckuva way to die. Hah-hah!” Wreck- “I can wreck it all the more.” Volcano Staff- “If only it made it rain money instead.” Plugged Sinkhole- “A poor attempt at hidin’ a hole.” Rope to Surface- “Shame some sunlight is neccessary.” Splumonkey Pod- “Imagine all the valuable junk they’re unaware they have.” Odd Skeleton (complete)- “Well, curiosity sated. Or is it...” Ancient Statue- “Now that’s one statue worth a million.” Ancient Pseudoscience Station- “A museum would pay a lot for this, probably.” Ornate Chest- “How temptin’! It must be a trap.” Large Ornate Chest- “Outside matches the inside.” Nightmare Light- “Shouldn’t be ‘round this, however convenient it is.” Ancient Chest- “My greed is far too great to leave it alone.” Ancient Murals: -- (first)- “Those guys sure look miserable.” -- (second)- “Can’t read this...” -- (third)- “What’s that covering them? Ink?” -- (fourth)- “Eww! What the heck!” -- (fifth)- “What was that all about?!” Coffee Plant- “I did not expect these to grow here.” Elephant Cactus- “Dagger-filled cactus ready to fire!” Obsidian- “Almost sure this costs as much as it did to get.” Charcoal Boulder- “I’d save Santa some work if I mined this.” Burnt Ash Tree- “What did ya expect?” Dragoon Den- “Looks like the ideal thieves den if I’ve ever seen one.” Woodlegs’ Cage- “Nobody’s gonna be left behind bars while I’m around!” Clockwork Knight- “A knight of shinin’ metal.” Clockwork Bishop- “Never been the religious type.” Clockwork Rook- “Can hear it stomp from all the way over here.” Charlie (the darkness monster)- “Who’s there?” Charlie (attacked by)- “$!@#! Ya coward!” Hound- “Stand back! Don’t make me run!” Red Hound- “They’re fireproof now!?” Blue Hound- “They send a chill down my spine!” Hound’s Tooth- “I’m not tremblin’, you’re tremblin’.” Krampus- “You’re not even sneaky. Bad thief!” Krampus Sack- “Ah, a proper sack for a burglar.” Tentacle Spots- “Be right back, burnin’ my gloves.” Big Tentacle- “Surface doesn’t seem so bad all of a sudden.” Werepig- “I thought I could trust ya!!!” Ghost- “This time ya might just disappear.” Tam o’ Shanter- “No newsy cap, but still nice.” Mosquito- “If ya steal my blood, I’ll steal yours. Fair warning.” Mosquito Sack- “Didn’t think I could take my threat literally...” Cave Spider- “Now that’s just unfair.” Spitter- “Can’t blame it. They’re uglier up close.” Batilisk- “Yeesh, it looks so full of hate.” Meat Bulb- “Thinks it can trick me. How cute.” Fleshy Bulb- “My personal, living trap.” Eyeplant- “The plant spies with its little eyes.” Slurper- “It leeches off my lunch. Yuck.” Dangling Depth Dweller- “If they weren’t so aggressive, I’d adopt one.” Depths Worm (lure)- “Something’s very off ‘bout that.” Varg- “No! No! No no NO!” Ewecus- “Walkin’ ball of wool and gross.” Floaty Boaty Knight- “Great, the mechanical navy is here.” Poison Mosquito- “Ya can keep the poison, thanks.” Stink Ray- “Woah, man! What’s that funky smell?” Swordfish- “This fish got its own natural dagger.” White Whale- “All white, fearsome and hates everything. Like me!” Dragoon- “Sadly, they’re not intelligent enough for a truce.” Killer Bee- “Okay, I get it. I should buzz off.” Pig (normal)- “I could mug him if needed.” -- (follower)- “I’ll teach ya to steal for me.” Bunnyman- “A white ball of adorable. Like me!” Bunny Puff- “Hope they can forgive me.” Frog- “Rana o sapo?” Rock Lobster- “Well hello, potential bodyguard.” Pengull- “Lookit all that meat waddlin’ about.” Splumonkey- “Stealin’ from the thief. The nerve!” Catcoon- “I appreciate its eye mask.” Volt Goat- “I want one.” -- (charged)- “Maybe gettin’ one can wait.” Blue Whale- “Is it cryin’? Nope, just wet.” Bottlenose Ballphin- “I love you so much.” Prime Ape- “More like a prime pain in the $!@#.” Wildbore- “Doesn’t look like someone ya can steal from.” Gobbler- “Only I steal food ‘round here!” Chester- “A burglar’s second best friend.” Mandrake (planted)- “Should be picky with this one. Heh.” Glommer- “I want a statue for doin’ nothing, too.” Grass Gekko- “Your tail is grass and I’m gonna mow it.” Hutch- “There’s empty space where its brain should be.” Canary (poisoned)- “Keep your distance.” Shifting Sands- “Sure, hide like I do- I mean a coward!” Sharkitten- “One day you’ll grow up to be as fearsome as me.” Packim Baggims- “Stop hoardin’ my fish.” Parrot Pirate- “A bird after my own heart.” Seagull- “We just want to survive. Am I right?” Doydoy- “I feel sorry enough for this thing not to kill it.” Fishermerm- “Finally, someone I can steal from without consequences!” Tallbird- “Something can only be so territorial over one thing.” Tallbird Nest (with egg)- “Looks cozy in there. I can fix that.” Tallbird Egg- “Could sell this as a dinosaur egg...” Hatching Tallbird Egg- “Am I gonna be a mom? I don’t wanna.” Smallbird- “Expected ya to have more leg. Huh.” -- (hungry) “Don’t have to regurgitate something for ya, do I?” Smallish Tallbird- “I ain’t tellin’ it about the birds and the bees.” Treeguard- “I stole too many tree lives.” Spider Queen- “Gonna need a bigger sandal.” Spiderhat- “Thinks whatever a spider can.” Deerclops- “Well, $!@# me.” Ancient Guardian- “Whatever it is you’re protectin’ will be mine.” Bearger- “A thief doesn’t share her food, bud.” Moose/Goose- “Sorry, I just haven’t laughed this hard in a while.” Moose/Goose Egg- “Can’t mess with something this big.” Mosling- “Curiosity is likely gonna kill the cat.” Dragonfly- “It was nice to meet me.” Bee Queen- “Gimme your sting, Imma give that thing right back.” Bee Queen Crown- “Fool bees, get honey.” Klaus- “Lookin’ different, Santa. New haircut?” Stag Antler- “Ya better be worth all that mess.” Toadstool- “This ain’t no prince!” Sporecap- “That thing just screams magic.” Reanimated Skeleton- “It should not be alive.” Ancient Fuelweaver- “Almost wish I didn’t have to bring ya down.” Bone Armor- “It protects a lot more than you’d think.” Bone Helm- “I’m scared of usin’ this...” Shadow Thurible- “Why does it smell like money?” Palm Treeguard- “Nothin’ a good bit of fire can’t fix.” Quacken- “The bigger they are, the more loot they give!” Chest of the Depths- “Seein’ this is very satisfying.” Sealnado- “Time to break some wind.” -- (seal form)- “Killin’ it would be easy. Far too easy.” Tiger Shark- “Tigre y tiburón... Tigreburón?” Maxwell- “He used my greed against me.” Pig King- “I can smell his richness from afar.” Wes (trapped)- “What do I get if I help ya?” Abigail- “Sucks to be you.” Bigfoot- “I need new pants.” Abigail (revival failed)- “I feel kinda sad it didn’t work. Just a little.” Antlion- “I know that face. The ‘I want your things’ face.” -- (upset)- “What did I do now?!” Yaarctopus- “Snazzy getup, man.” Egg- “Like a fragile chest with tasty treasure.” Monster Meat- “This is far from a good idea.” Morsel- “Meatling.” Leafy Meat- “I can make it tasty. Just leaf it to me.” Fish- “Dad used to eat these a lot.” Eel- “Think I’m feelin’ eel.” Winter Koalefant Trunk- “Looks warm and big enough for me to wear it...” Cooked Frog Legs- “How is this fancy food?” Dead Swordfish- “Could make a good weapon if it didn’t smell so bad.” Dead Jellyfish- “I’ve always liked jelly.” Cooked Limpets- “Should stick my pinky out while eatin’ these.” Shark Fin- “The pest’s hat.” Delicious Wobster- “Now this can be called a delicacy.” Bile-Covered Slop- “May as well eat manure.” Extra Smelly Durian- “Smell’s stronger than a corpse’s.” Halved Coconut- “For the true tropical experience.” Red Cap- “Never trust red fungi.” Green Cap- “Still hardly sane to consume.” Blue Cap- “Mixed feelings...” Cactus Flower- “I see flowers awfully often ‘round here.” Bacon and Eggs- “English breakfast is weird.” Butter Muffin- “Don’t think killin’ the butterfly was neccessary.” Dragonpie- “Hopefully not as hot as it looks.” Fishsticks- “I bet a cat would love this.” Fish Tacos- “And now they will swim in my tummy.” First Full of Jam- “It doesn’t help I’m a messy eater...” Froggle Bunwich- “A delicious blasphemy.” Fruit Medley- “More delicate-lookin’ than I’m used to.” Honey Ham- “Surprisingly, it works really well.” Honey Nuggets- “Oh... gonna enjoy every part of it.” Kabobs- “I’m a culinary genius.” Mandrake Soup- “I consider this a good idea somehow.” Meatballs- “Missed these so much!” Meaty Stew- “I’d be stewpid to let it go to waste.” Monster Lasagna- “Only dogs would like this.” Pierogi- “How do I even know how to make all these neat recipes?” Powdercake- “Wouldn’t even feed this to a dog. My prey, however...” Pumpkin Cookie- “Interesting. And tasty.” Ratatouille- “Used to eat this a lot back before all this.” Stuffed Eggplant- “It’s as fillin’ at it looks.” Taffy- “Good thing I don’t care that much ‘bout health.” Turkey Dinner- “I ain’t festive, but this deserves celebration.” Unagi- “Deelicious! Heh.” Waffles- “Always wanted to try these. Mmmm.” Wet Goop- “Somethin’ went wrong.” Flower Salad- “Yes, I’m eatin’ the flower too.” Guacamole- “Not baa-aa-aad.” Ice Cream- “Ahhh, so refreshin’.” Melonsicle- “Perfect to chill with.” Spicy Chili- “ ‘Tis what I call dragon food.” Trail Mix- “What’s that I hear? Is it... jealous gobblin’?” Jellybeans- “These fattened me up as a kid.” Banana Pop- “I stabbed this banana.” Bisque- “Picky in ingredients, but worth it.” California Roll- “Fancier than I’m used to.” Ceviche- “It’s funny to see other people try to pronounce it.” Coffee- “Not a huge fan.” Jelly-O Pop- “Wonder if I can make one with peanut butter?” Lobster Bisque- “Everyone goes nuts for this one.” Lobster Dinner- “Now this is the kinda rich people food I can get behind.” Seafood Gumbo- “Dad would have a ball with this.” Shark Fin Soup- “Don’t think I can eat it with a good conscience.” Surf ‘n’ Turf- “Sure’s got a fun name.” Fresh Fruit Crepes- “Wow, looks pretty.” Monster Tartare- “Eugh! If I really gotta.” Mussel Bouillabase- “Buy... bi... uh, food.” Sweet Potato Souffle- “Sorta looks like a big muffin.” Seeds- “Normally I steal what they produce...” Honey- “Sticks to my gloves.” Butterfly Wings- “The loot of a dead bug.” Butter- “... Well then.” Rot- “Nothing is eternal, I guess.” Rotten Egg- “Takes one to know another.” Phlegm- “I’m gonna hurl.” Blueprint- “Bet this’d burn nicely! Just kiddin’.” Gears- “It’s not murder if it ain’t organic, right?” Ashes- “Nothing valuable ever winds up like this.” Red Gem- “A lively ruby.” Blue Gem- “Sapphire! So refreshin’.” Yellow Gem- “Not gold, but good enough.” Green Gem- “The best color, period.” Orange Gem- “Garnet? I’m not sure.” Manure- “Gotta be pretty bad for me to need this.” Melty Marbles- “Oh, canicas.” Fake Kazoo- “Maybe it can still hold some value.” Gord’s Knot- “Need to read that story sometime.” Gnome- “This could kill a zombie.” Tiny Rocketship- “It ain’t blastin’ off again.” Frazzled Wires- “Don’t remember cutting these off...” Ball and Cup- “Mastered this as a kid.” Hardened Rubber Bung- “Rubber harder than the sole of my boot.” Mismatched Buttons- “I’m cuter.” Second-hand Dentures- “Hope I can find a proper toothbrush instead.” Lying Robot- “Please. Brutal honesty is where it’s at.” Dessicated Tentacle- “Got the feelin’ this will make me very happy...” Webber’s Skull- “Fine, I’ll respect the dead just this time.” Pile o’ Balloons- “If only I had a reason to party.” Codex Umbra- “Smells like a bad idea.” Leaky Teacup- “Wonder if there’s a matchin’ teapot?” White and Black Bishop- “Kinda miss playin’ chess with dad.” Bent Spork- “Get bent.” Toy Trojan Horse- “This one’s actually really cute.” Unbalanced Top- “Lil’ nostalgic lookin’ at it, broken as it is.” Back Scratcher- “Ya scratch my back, I steal when you’re not lookin’.” Beaten Beater- “How much is this worth? Beats me.” Frayed Yarn- “Kitties would find it more endearin’ than I do.” Shoe Horn- “Boots are better for a reason.” Lucky Cat Jar- “If that pig’s got taste at all, he’ll know how important this jar is.” Air Unfreshener- “Should be poop-shaped instead. Ugh.” Potato Cup- “Now I, too, can drink potato-flavored water.” Wire Hanger- “My clothes may be tattered and dirty, but no longer wrinkled!” Iridescent Gem- “I like to look at it... is it lookin’ back at me?” Moon Caller’s Staff- “Now I can moon others too.” Shadow Atrium- “It should not be beatin’.” Beach Toy- “Some sandy guy could use this.” Crumpled Package- “Ya know what they say. One man’s garbage...” Venom Gland- “Fight fire with fire.” Dubloons- “Yes!! Proper money!” Message in a Bottle- “Not now, I’m busy lookin’ for treasure.” Snake Oil- “Tryin’ to fool me. For shame.” Orange Soda- “Sodarn excited to find this.” Voodoo Doll- “Do I or do I not have the heart to ‘play’ with it?” Ukulele- “Well, Aloha O’e.” License Plate- “M’sure I can use this for something...” Ancient Vase- “Ancient things are for museums. Museums pay for this.” Brain Cloud Pill- “Can’t remember what it does. Memory’s foggy.” Wine Bottle Candle- “Waste of good wine.” Broken AAC Device- “Doesn’t seem at all valuable like this.” One True Earring- “Sounds like something worth a fortune!” Old Boot- “Looks good to kick bums with.” Sextant- “Heh. Heheh.” Toy Boat- “I wanna paint a skull and crossbones on the sail.” Soaked Candle- “May have some use still.” Sea Worther- “Feel like a scallywag for not knowin’ what this is.” Iron, Bone and Golden Key- “It unlocks something important. I can feel it.” Tarnished Crown- “Doesn’t seem like sellin’ material.” Failed (Adventure Mode)- “That was a waste of resources.” Obelisk (sane, down)- “This thing gives me a bad feeling.” -- (insane, up)- “So it wasn’t decoration!” -- (sane, up)- “Lemme guess. I can’t blow it up.” -- (insane, down)- “Whoa, who chopped it down?” Divining Rod (before being picked up)- “Why is that radio on a stick?” -- “You’re gonna be a useful friend.” -- (cold)- “Who knows where it is...” -- (warm)- “Must be in this area.” -- (warmer)- “Gotta keep my eyes peeled!” -- (hot)- “It’s mine now!” Maxwell’s Door- “A creepy door in the middle of the woods. Hm.” Maxwell’s Phonograph- “Make that thing stop!” Maxwell Statue- “Vandalism just waitin’ to happen.” Maxwell’s Tooth Trap- “Nice try, old man.” -- (went off)- “Nicely done, old man...” Nightmare Throne- “My butt hurts just lookin’ at it.” Generic- “Heck if I know.” Freedom- “No prison is eternal!” Freezing- “$!@#, I’m cold!!” Battlecry- “De España con amor!” -- (prey)- “Right behind ya.” -- (pig)- “Time to smash the piggy bank!” Leaving combat- “Not my kinda approach anyway.” Dusk- “The sun hides as crime awakes.” Hounds are coming- “I hate that sound.” Deerclops is coming- “What the heck was that!” Eating (painful food)- “Oof. That wasn’t wise.” Hungry- “El hambre...” Lightning miss- “Gave me a $!@# scare!” Overheating- “I’m meltin’...!” Tree shelter- “Nature ain’t so bad, after all.” Giant arrival- “I know for a fact that’s no good.” Refusing to eat Eternal Fruitcake- “I’ll never be desperate enough.” Cave-in warning- “Keep movin’! Keep movin’!” Encumbered (carrying heavy object) - “Hrng... Huff...” - “I ain’t... made for this...!” - “This... is no work... for a thief...” - “Ugh... my everything...” Volcano eruption warning- “Be prepared.” Volcano eruption- “Run like heck and don’t stop!” Sea hounds are coming- “Not even in the sea...” Sealnado is coming- “Pretty windy today, huh.” Map border approaching- “A dead end. Or is it?” Entering map border- “Who knows by this point.” Exiting map border- “Whatever the case, we’re here now.” Riding wave- “Yeehaw!” Formal Set- “Nobody suspects a thief under this perfect look.” Survivor Set- “Sometimes, to find the diamond in the rough, ya gotta become rough yourself.” Shadow Set- “Now acceptin’ worship in the form of your valuables!” Halloween Costume Set- “Monkey business afoot.” Rose Set- “I am now even more of a prick.”
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Raffi, the King of Children’s Music, Takes on Trump
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Raffi. Photo: @Raffi_RC/Twitter The subgenre of “children’s music” can be pretty barren lyrically, a wasteland of dada earworms, nonsense lullabies, nursery rhymes, and edutainment. It is not generally considered fertile ground for discussing political and social issues. But a quick journey into Spotify proves that these songs have the power to inform a fledgling’s belief system. There’s Christian kids’ music (“Jonah was a Prophet” honestly slaps … and I’m Jewish). Sweet Honey in the Rock is a black gospel a capella group that is popular among the 10-and-under set. Their arrangement of “This Train Is Bound for Glory,” a spiritual once made famous by Sister Rosetta Tharpe, makes me tear up. It’s also not typical children’s music. There have been some notable indie efforts but they are overshadowed by unrelenting trash heaps like last year’s viral sensation, “Baby Shark.” And, eureka! In a league onto himself, is Raffi. If you grew up in the ’80s and ’90s, have children, or have ever been to a kid’s birthday party, then you’ve probably heard the Canadian crooner’s timeless bangers “Baby Beluga” and “Banana Phone.” Raffi’s saccharine melodies and lyrics actually read like discrete guides on how to live and love with dignity, starting at childhood. With an adult’s ear, the chorus of Raffi’s biggest hit — “Baby beluga in the deep blue sea / Swim so wild and you swim so free” — appears to be about learning how to individuate while still feeling safe and held by your caretakers. It’s a valuable message, even for adults. The last line of “Everything Grows,” an ode to the universality of the life cycle, is, “Mamas do and papas too / everything grows.” It’s a subtle reminder to parents that while we may be done with the physical part of our growth, emotional growth is a lifelong journey. But learning to live with dignity means learning about what it’s like to live without it and the nefarious forces that try to take it away. “Apathy is the enemy of democracy. And through apathy, tyrants can gain power,” Raffi said to me about why he’s been so vocal about Trump in a recent interview. But if you look closely, these messages have been in his music forever. “And I need some clean water for drinking / And I need some clean air for breathing / So that I can grow up strong,” he wrote in his 1979 hit “All I Really Need.” The lyrics resonate like an anthem for basic human rights, rights that are still unfortunately being fought for 40 years later. Like many of his songs, it is a blueprint for human kindness in its most pure, essential form. In recent months, the 70-year-old singer has gained a bit of attention for his active, politically engaged Twitter feed where many posts are accompanied with the dissenter’s slogan du jour: #Resist and #ResistFacism. Raffi’s outspokenness around Trump and his policies goes back to when he was elected. Just last week the singer called Trump unfit for office, racist, and misogynistic. In December he said we must “fight fascism with everything we’ve got.” Seemingly trite, the addition of Raffi’s voice to the American political landscape is actually invaluable — the singer-songwriter is the premier emissary for children and his positions carry with them an incredible weight. And the children, after all, are the future. Recently I spoke to him about the nexus between children’s music, politics, and human decency. Raffi is not quiet about his opinions. But, he rejects the label “political” being affixed either to his personal outspokenness or music, though he has songs that tackle issues like climate change, peace between Israelis and Palestinians , and most recently, his love of Bernie Sanders. (By the way, Bernie, if you’re reading this Raffi “wishes you well” this time around and said it’d be “interesting” if you asked him to sing his song “Wave of Democracy” at your upcoming rallies). Raffi entertains some children after a Los Angeles concert, September 10, 1989. Photo: Paul Harris/Getty Images He seems to view being political as artificial, an act of external performance: He’s as taken aback by the idea that he is political as he would be if I’d called him a politician. “Maybe just like the troubadour that I am, I seek creative ways of self-expression,” he told me. “I seek the right [to] expound about who I am the way that I feel that I am,” he said when pressed about his unwillingness to be labeled political. “It’s not a big deal to me. I don’t go around having debates in my head as to whether I’m political or not. I just have a way of speaking, I just have a way of presenting what I’m passionate about. That’s what I do” he said. But a few moments later he spoke about treating climate change as an emergency, saying, “Unless a rapid shift to a low-carbon economy happens like yesterday, you’re gonna face a very, very tough world.” It’s easy to dismiss the way Raffi couches his activism as a cop-out, as a way to insulate himself from accountability. But the singer doesn’t hide his beliefs; they’re always there in his music and on his social media profiles for everyone to see. Admittedly, I always thought identifying as “not political” seemed like a privilege. But there is something I’m finding in Raffi’s fine print: You can hold a unique space in the political landscape when you insist that your political positions aren’t political at all, but borne out of self-evident, universal values. Raffi has a way of both challenging an idea while simultaneously distilling it, as he does when we talk about climate change. “I detest the term ‘the environment,’ I think it’s barren and cold. I never use it. Never,” he said. “It’s different if you say, ‘our environment,’ perhaps. There can be many environments that you live in. There’s a learning environment, there’s a family environment and all of that. Mother Nature, or simply Nature, is that planetary community that we live in. It’s the basis of our lives. It’s what feeds us. We come from the womb and suddenly we’re in a womb with a view. Mother Nature.” On Twitter, he took a more political approach when he predicted World War III would be “climate change: humanity’s war on itself.” Raffi Cavoukian is an immigrant two times over. Born to Armenian parents who had escaped the genocide, the singer, 70, spent his first ten years in Egypt. At ten, his father moved their family to Toronto. Of immigrating to a new country he said, “You learn to forgive. You learn to be strong in your identity. And even while you’re learning a whole new culture; so quite the transition.” In early March Raffi tweeted, “blame the inciter in chief…how’s that for false patriotism,” in response to an article posted by Chelsea Clinton with the headline, “Counties that hosted a 2016 Trump rally saw a 226 percent increase in hate crimes.” With me he took his big-stick approach. “Children are people,” he said about child separation. “The reason we don’t want corporeal punishment, let alone separation from their families, is that you don’t hit people. It’s not okay to hit people. Children are people, so we don’t hit them. By the same token, you know, if you respect children as people, you don’t separate them from your families.” It’s a simple statement, a seemingly unremarkable one. But if you were to put Raffi’s words to a tune, it’d be a heartfelt children’s song, there to teach us how to treat each other. And it reveals more yet about Raffi’s belief that children should be considered as whole and serious human beings. Sign Up for the Intelligencer Newsletter Daily news about the politics, business, and technology shaping our world. Email By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Notice and to receive email correspondence from us. Raffi’s attempt to have it both ways — be political, yet be thought of as apolitical — is working for him. The singer, whose first album came out in 1975, says he has no plans to retire. He will continue to tour with his children’s music but is also focused on his foundation, the Raffi Foundation, which promotes a group of principles he came up with about how to advance children’s rights, called “Child Honouring.” “It’s one thing to be loved but it’s another thing entirely to feel respected for who you feel you are, and that is why the first word of the nine principles of Child Honouring is respectful so that principle — respectful love — that’s why that word is there,” he said. “It can’t be any kind of love. Sure, the Beatles sang ‘All You Need Is Love,’ but it can’t be a coercive love, it can’t be an overbearing love.” At the end of our conversation I ask him what words he has to impart to youth living under Trump’s policies. Unsurprisingly, he brings it back to the spirit of his music. “Well it’s advice I’ve given many times in songs,” he said. “I suppose I can say, love is the greatest power you hold. Come to know that power, don’t let anyone take it away from you, hatred is not who human beings are, it’s not who we are. It’s an aberration; power of human spirit is a loving, caring spirit. That’s what it means to be human, so anybody’s task is to grow strong and to be rooted in that human capacity to love.” When you’re fighting your way through the sludgiest sociopolitical turmoil of your lifetime, it can be hard to remember your values, or even what you’re fighting for. Raffi reminded me, over and over again, that care for the earth, for democracy, for human decency is pretty much paramount if we want to even have a future. I guess sometimes you need a children’s singer to remind you what’s important.
This content was originally published here.
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whenismuna · 8 years
1-50 :)
1. What are your nicknames? What do you prefer to be called? mostly just steph/stoof. prefer to be called Big Lesbian.
2. What books on your shelf are begging to be read? my bee book, my shark book, my rachel carson biography and my women in science history book :)
3. How often do you doodle? What do your doodles look like? like...never
4. What do you do if you can’t sleep at night? Do you count sheep? Toss and Turn? Try to get up and do something productive? i just make up a scenario and think lol
5. How many days could you last in solitary confinement? How would you do it? i literally never leave my house unless im going to class so i think i could last pretty long
6. Do you save old greeting cards and letters? Throw them away? depends
7. Who is the biggest pack rat you know? michelle
8. When making an entrance in to a party, do you make your presence known? Do you slip in and look for someone you know? Do you sneak in quietly and find a safe spot to roost? usually make it unknown unless i know everyone
9. What is your strongest sense? If you had to give one up, which would it be? probably smell or hearing and id give up the sense of abandonment that i feel from everyone ive ever interacted with
10. How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror? if front camera counts too, then a lot
11. What is the strangest thing you believed as a child? i used to think that india was a continent on its own? i had literally zero reasoning i just always thought it was
12. What is one guilty pleasure you enjoy too much to give up? my sweet baby boys :)
13. Who performs the most random acts of kindness out of everyone you know? idk??? i mean its not like a competition yknow?
14. How often do you read the newspaper? Which paper? Which sections? never
15. Which animals scare you most? Why? none? like actually zero animals intimidate me because i know that if they could kill me, like they dont have morals so theyre just doing what they know idk
16. Are you more likely to avoid conflict or engage it head-on? i will do literally anything to avoid a conflict
17. What was the most recent compliment you’ve received and savoured? the other day like 3 people complimented my bernie pin on my jacket? 
18. What is something about yourself that you hope will change, but probably never will? everything :-)
19. Are you a creature of habit? Explain. if i have a habit of doing something, i will do everything in my power to not break it
20. Are you high maintenance? Explain. i constantly want to talk to people but will also ignore everyone. im sorry.
21. When was the last time you really pushed yourself to your physical limits? every time i walk up the fucking stairs
22. Do you have a whole lot of acquaintances or just a few very close friends? Why? very few close friends bc im anxious and in middle/high school everyone hated me
23. Are you more inclined to “build your own empire” or unleash the potential of others? wtf?
24. What’s a strange occurrence you’ve experienced but have never (or rarely) shared with anyone? shai and i are convinced we saw a ghost once in a hospital. it was wild
25. What do you think about more than anything else? that one insta pic :) such a happy boy
26. What’s something that amazes you? that one insta pic :) such a happy boy
27. Do you prefer that people shoot straight with you or temper their words? Why? i mean like you should definitely be honest, but dont be rude yknow? im sensitive 
28. Where’s your favourite place to take an out-of-town guest? it used to be cats closet and sammy t’s but theyre both closed :’( so now its the river probably
29. What’s one thing you’d rather pay someone to do than do yourself? Why? idk
30. Do you have a catchphrase? nah
31. What’s your reaction towards people who are outspoken about their beliefs? What conditions cause you to dislike or, conversely, enjoy talking with them? i think its important to talk about what you believe in especially when people disagree with you because you can learn different viewpoints and where people are coming from. the point where i dislike someone is when their beliefs infringe on other peoples existence/human rights
32. How and where do you prefer to study? i dont know how to study :)
33. What position do you sleep in? one leg bent and the other on the other side of the country and on my tummy
34. What’s your all-time favourite town or city? Why? prague :0
35. What are the top three qualities that draw you to someone new? girl, tall is always a plus, ya gotta be funny boi
36. How has your birth order/characteristics of siblings affected you? well having two older brothers and being the only girl made me have thicker skin so theres that, but my parents also have higer expectations of me bc the boys fucked up constantly and im nothing like them (apparently)
37. If you could eliminate one weakness or limitation in your life, what would it be? id fix my GOTDAM knee! i wanna be able to workout without limitations!!!!!!!!!!!
38. If you could restore one broken relationship, which would it be? oh lord -_-
39. If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to? idk probably like sarah? ive always liked that name
40. Do you believe ignorance is bliss? Why or why not? it depends...
41. What do you consider unforgivable? a lot. i dont forgive easily tbh
42. Have you forgiven yourself for past personal failures? Why or why not? depends on what it is. mostly no
43. How difficult is it for you to forgive someone who refuses to apologize? again, i will not forgive people. like if youre my friend and you fuck up badly, ill still be your friend but ill never forgive you or forget what what you did, believe me. i hold strong grudges.
44.Do you hold any convictions that you would be willing to die for? i will die for a single grain of rice.
45. To what extent do you trust people? Explain. i like to trust people but others in the past have made it hard for me to do that to people in the future :-)
46. In what area of your life are you immature? all
47. What was the best news you ever received? when i found out i was going to see michelle in japan last year :D
48. How difficult is it for you to be honest, even when your words may be hurtful or unpopular? if my words are hurtful i wont say it, but if theyre unpopular i literally dont care
49. When did you immediately click with someone you just met? Why? What was the long term result? Conversely, are you close with anyone now that you really disliked at first? on tuesday but thats whatever i guess... we talked twice and now we dont anymore but its,,, whatever..,, i dont think im friends with people i didnt like at first
50. When do you find yourself singing? when im driving or home alone.
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YEETEN (Summer Shark Series) T-Shirt Jack of Hearts T-Shirt Poker Pro Luck Player Winner Costume Jackson HBCU State University T Shirt Japan Kobe Mormon LDS Mission Missionary Gift Japanese Happiness Bisexual Kanji Symbols Bi Pride Flag T-Shirt Jawn It’s A Philly Thing Shirt Johnson & Wales – Women’s / Men’s NCAA T-Shirt RYLJWU06 Joshua Tree National Park Hiking Camping Keepsake T Shirt JOSIAH Quote Funny Birthday Personalized Name Gift Idea T-Shirt Jurassic World Mosasaurus Movie Poster Graphic T-Shirt Just A Boy who loves RHINOS T-Shirt Funny RHINO Tee Just a Girl Who Loves Sheep T-Shirt Animal Spirit Just A Girl Who Loves Sloths Animal Gift Stuff Yoga T-Shirt Just A Girl Who Loves Sloths T-Shirt Just a Girl Who Loves Wolves T Shirt Wolf Shirt Women Gifts Just Gonna Send It! Just the Tip I Promise AR-15 Distressed Flag Shirt Karate Girl – Dont Let The Ponytail Fool You Funny T-Shirt Kawaii Fujoshi Heart Yaoi Fan Japanese Boys Love Anime Otaku Raglan Baseball Tee Kawaii Japanese Anime Shiba Inu Eating Ramen lovers cute dog Pullover Hoodie Keanu Shirt, Cartoon Drawing Reeves Shirt Keep Calm It’s On The Backlog – Agile Scrum Master T-shirt Keep Our Sea Plastic Free Turtle Tshirt Funny GIft Kidney Transplant Recipient Shirt Forever Grateful To Donor T-Shirt Kids 4th Birthday Shirt Girl 4 Four Quattro | Italian Compleanno T-Shirt Kids 7th Birthday Shirt for Girls 7 Siete Anos | Spanish Gifts Kids 8 Year Old Laser Tag Birthday Party 8th Gift Shirt Kids Child Doge Shirt Cryptocurrency Funny Humor Gift Meme Dog Kids CowBoy 6th Birthday Tee- 6th Birthday Gift T-Shirt Kids Kids Safari T Shirt Animal Friends Kids My First Plane Ride Airplane Graphic T-Shirt Kids Straight Outta 2013 T-Shirt Funny 5th Birthday Gift Shirt Kindergarten Typography Back To School Gift For Teacher T-Shirt Kindergarten Unicorn Back to School Girls Kindergarten Shirt Kindness Butterfly T-Shirt “Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful” KISS – I Was Made For Lovin’ You T-shirt Knee Replacement Warrior Knee Surgery Recovery Get Well Gift T-Shirt Ku Kiai Mauna – We Are Mauna Kea Kanaka Maoli Vintage Retro T-Shirt Ku Kiai Mauna Hawaii Tshirt Long Sleeve T-Shirt Kurdish Flag In Supporting To Kurds In Syria American Flag T-Shirt Landing On The Sun T-Shirt Latinas For Trump 2020 Tank Top Lefse Definition Norwegian Tortilla Lutefisk Gift T-Shirt Legends Were Born In September 1969 50th Birthday Gift T-Shirt Leopard Skin Love, Vintage Tees Shirt For Women Men Let it be Sunflower Hippie Gypsy Soul Lover Vintage Shirt Level 7 Unlocked Gamer Shirt Seventh Birthday Party Gift Boy Liches Get Stitches Shirt – RPG T-Shirt Life is better in flip flops Beach Tank Top Life is better with a Bengal cat cute t shirt Limpin’ Ain’t Easy Shirt Broken Bone Shirt Leg Injury Shirt Linemen Because Quarterbacks Need Heros | Football Lineman T-Shirt Lion Tamer Shirt Circus Costume Women Girl Men Kids Cute Tee Little Mr. Pot Of Gold Clover Graphic Long Sleeve Live In Concert Live Love Lift Inspirational Weightlifting Gym Pullover Hoodie Llama Unicorn Shirt, Llama 9th Birthday Shirt LLS – Inspire Hope – Long Sleeve T Shirt Lone Wolf Survives The Mountain Silhouette Art Hoodie Shirt look mom i can fly Long Sleeve T-Shirt Lord Strength Religious Christian Fitness Workout T-Shirt Love Like Jesus Christian Hoodies Love, Simon Don’t Worry T Shirt Low Rider Los Angeles American Flag LA USA 4th of July Gift Lulea, Sweden – Swedish Sverige T-shirt LumberJack T-Shirt. “Chop Wood Look Good” Graphic Woodcutter LUNA Funny Surname Family Tree Birthday Reunion Gift Idea T-Shirt Machinist Flag Tools CNC Machine Operator Machining T-Shirt Make America Think Again T-Shirt Nasty Anti-Hate Shirts Make Thanksgiving Great Again Shirt Gift Funny Turkey Trump T-Shirt Mama Bear with 2 Cubs Shirt Retro Mountains 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Just A Girl Who Loves Sunshine And Mermaids T-Shirt Metal Detecting Hobby T-Shirt Mia Khalifa for President and Happy Ending T-Shirt Microbiology Cultural Awareness Bacteria Lab Tee Mimi Shark Sweatshirt Mind Over Matter Inspiring Fitness Design T-Shirt Miniature Schnauzer Shirt Minnesota Football | Vintage MN Home State Retro Viking Gift T-Shirt Mississippi State Bulldogs It’S Okay Sweatshirt – Apparel Mitt Romney 2012 Official Campaign R Logo T Shirt Mizzou Tigers Patterned Letters T-Shirt – Apparel Moi? Sarcastique? 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Live Fast Vintage Mount Rainier National Park T Shirt Washington Bear Vintage Ms Warrior Unbreakable T-shirt Multiple Sclerosis Awareness MTV Sunset Logo My Bowling Excuses T-Shirt Funny Bowling Gift T-Shirt My Broom Broke So Now I Drive A Jeep Funny Witch Halloween T-Shirt My Broomstick Runs On Vodka Funny Drinking Halloween T-Shirt My Brother Has Back Firefighter T Shirt Thin Red Sister Gift My Daddy’s wings were ready hoodie, in memory of my Daddy My Daughter Multiple Myeloma Awareness Shirt MY FAVORITE BASEBALL GRANDPA FATHER’S DAY AMERICAN FLAG TSHI My Favorite People Call Me Coach T-Shirt Coaching Gift Shirt My favorite sister gave me this shirt T-Shirt My Favorite Softball Player Calls Me Granny T Shirt My Girlfriend is Psychotic T-shirt – Funny T-Shirt My God vs My Enemies T-Shirt | My God Versus My Enemies Top My husband has an awesome wife My Lifeguard Walks On Water Shirt Christian Fashion Gift My Llama Ate My Homework Alpaca Animal Kid Back To School Pullover Hoodie my story isnt over yet shirt mental health awareness My Students Are My Why Shirt Inspirational Teacher Gift T-Shirt My Wife Has An Awesome Husband Funny Witty Sarcastic Gift T-Shirt My Wife Rocks Stylish Rock Trophy Wife Guitar Design T-Shirt Namaste Shirt Girl Yoga Pose with Chakra Gift for Yoga Lover Tank Top Nana Claus Matching Family Group Christmas X-mas Gift Pullover Hoodie Nancy Drew: What Would Nancy Drew Do? Nannycorn Like Regular Nanny Only Way More Magical NASA Mission Control Space Shuttle Program Premium T-Shirt NASA Retro Pastel Kennedy Space Center Graphic T-Shirt National Park List T Shirt – All 59 National Parks natty boh Raglan Baseball Tee Nebraska Cornhuskers Univ. 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Funny Trail Running T-Shirt Pops Shark T-Shirt Doo Doo Doo – Pops Shark Post Office Shirt Postal United States Service Eagle Gift Long Sleeve T-Shirt Pretend I’m A Unicorn Funny Party Gift Helloween Costume Long Sleeve T-Shirt Pretend I’m a Zebra Halloween Office Night Party Costume Tee T-Shirt Princess Security T-Shirt Halloween Costume Funny Parents Protect the Fourth Estate Freedom of Press Speech Tee Shirt Proud Daughter Of A U.S. Air Force Veteran T shirt Proud Daughter Of A WWII Veteran T-Shirts World War 2 Vet Proud Gator T-Shirt PROUD GRANDPA OF A DWARFISM WARRIOR t-shirt Proud New Dad It’s A Girl Shirt Pregnancy Promoted To Daddy T-Shirt Proud to Have a Little Wiener Dog Dachshund Funny T-Shirt Proud US Army Brother Shirt Military Pride T Shirt Proud Wildcat Spirit T-Shirt Psychedelic Hippie Peace Sign T-Shirt Cool Hippy Costume Tee PTA Shirt | PTO Gift Emoji Volunteer Shirt Purdue Boilermakers Perfect Grandpa – Team – Apparel Pullover Hoodie Queen Of The Cafeteria Crown Lunch Lady T-Shirt School Queen of the Double Wide Trailer Tank Top Queen Official Classic Crest White Logo Long Sleeve Shirt Racing T Shirt Gift: Eat Sleep Race Repeat Racing T Shirt Gift: Eat Sleep Race Repeat RAMIREZ blood runs through my veins shirt youth kid 1kl2 Rams Football T-Shirt – Los Angeles Fan Rare USA Dodgeball t shirt Dodgeball Gift Tees Rasta Reggae Jamaican One Love Flag TShirt RC Airplane Fixed Wing FPV Funny T-Shirt Evolution Red Baron Fokker DR1 Triplane WWI Fighter Plane TShirt Reel Cool Pops T-Shirt Vintage Fisherman Father’s Day Gift T-Shirt Reel Cool Uncle Fishing Father’s Day Funny Gift T-Shirt Relic hunter apparel metal detecting Zip Hoodie Resting Witch Face Spooky Broomstick Party Halloween Gift T-Shirt Resting Witch Face T Shirt Retired Engineer Not My Problem Funny Retirement Mechanical Long Sleeve T-Shirt Retro Observatory Telescope T-Shirt Retro Pretend I’m a Watermelon Halloween Costume T-Shirt Retro Typewriter Writing Shirt, Vintage Writer Tee Gift Retro Vintage Board Game Dice Shirt RPG Geek Nerd Boys Gift T-Shirt Retro Vintage Octopus Kraken T-shirt Retro Vintage Texas Marfa T-Shirt Riyadh Saudi Arabia Long Sleeve T-Shirt Road marking With Headlights Funny Halloween Costume Sweatshirt Robertson surname last name Scottish Clan tartan badge crest Robot T-Shirt Robotics Retro Team 30 Toy Emoji AI Geek Tee Rock On Metal Guitar Music Lover Distressed Band Shirt Rockport Hoodie Sweatshirt College University Style MASS USA Rocky And Bullwinkle Rocket J Squirrel Premium T-Shirt Roller Derby Shirt No Balls Required RPG Dice Role Playing Game Dungeons Gaming Gift D20 Fantasy T-Shirt RV Shirts for Women & Men Sabrina The Teenage Witch – Coulda’ Had A Bad Witch T-Shirt Salmon Fishing Retro Gift For Men Women Boys & Girls Pullover Hoodie Salt and PEPPER Halloween Costume Couples Matching Shirts Saltwater Life T-shirt Fisherman Fishing Shirts Salty & Lit Funny Christian Bible Verse Faith Religious T-Shirt Salty Ironic Sarcastic Cool Funny Hoodie 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Motorcycles Gift Biker Babe Chick Tank Top She is My Daughter and Angel hoodie, in loving memory tshirt Pullover Hoodie Sheriff Police Hoodie Front & Back Print Law Enforcement She’s a good girl loves her mama Shirt That Says Angel Shirt.Woot: Cat Carrier T-Shirt Shirt.Woot: Holiday Pocket Sloth T-Shirt Shirt.Woot: Physics Doesn’t Bohr Me T-Shirt Shirt.Woot: The Apathy Monster T-Shirt Shoot Hoops Not People Hoodie Show Me Your Bobbers I’ll Show You My Pole Fishing T-Shirt Siberian Husky dog Merry Christmas shirt Siberian, Husky, Dog T-shirt | Pet Tee Sicilian Pride T-Shirt – Sicilia Cheer Jersey 2018 Sister Shark Doo Doo Shirt For Matching Family Tshirts Six Stages of Marathon Running Funny Marathoner Runner Gift Zip Hoodie Skateboarding T Shirt Skater Skate Board Skeleton Tee Skeleton Rib Cage with Mexican Pan Dulce Concha Sweatshirt Skeleton Teacher Halloween Gift Trick or Treat T-Shirt Sketchy T-Shirt Sloth Riding Tortoise – Sloth Riding Turtle T-Shirts SLOTH The Cutest of the 7 Deadly Sins Cute Funny T-Shirt SLP Shirts Speech Language Pathologist gifts Speech Therapy Long Sleeve T-Shirt Smart, Sassy and a Little Bit Gassy Funny Novelty TShirt So Happy I’m 64 years old Today Tshirt 64th Birthday Gifts Soccer Dabbing Werewolf Halloween Funny Sports Kids Boys Men T-Shirt Soft Pastel Goth | Egirl | Aesthetic Clothing for Teen Girls T-Shirt Softball Catcher I Catch She Pitches Tshirt Softball Girl Definition Shirt Sassy Girl Sports Gift Long Sleeve T-Shirt Someone In North Carolina Loves Me – North Carolina Shirt Premium T-Shirt Son in Sanford City and funny meme tshirt Sorry I Can’t I Have Plans With My Cats Retro Tshirt 2019 South Africa Johannesburg Mormon LDS Mission Missionary Gift South African Blood Inside Me Shirt | South Africa Flag Gift SpongeBob Patrick surprise attack long sleeve T-shirt Spooky Cute Happy Halloween Kitten Cat Pumpkin T-Shirt Spooky English Foxhound Dog Halloween T-Shirt Spooky SZN Halloween Sriracha The Boss Of The Sauce St. Joan of Arc Fight Like a Saint Catholic Saints T-Shirt St. Patricks Day Boston Distressed Irish Shamrock T Shirt Stain Crow T-shirt dead bird awesome design shirt Star Trek Discovery Spock Space Glow Portrait Hoodie Star Wars Darth Vader Best Costume Ever Pullover Hoodie Star Wars Jedi Academy Code Graphic Hoodie Star Wars Logo Kawaii Multi-Character Long Sleeve T-Shirt Star Wars Lucky Porg Saint Patrick’s Day Graphic T-Shirt Star Wars Princess Leia and R2-D2 Long Sleeve T-Shirt Star Wars Stormtrooper Battle Worn Helmet Graphic T-Shirt Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker Resistance Rose Tico T-Shirt Stay Spooky Bat Halloween Lover Gift Raglan Baseball Tee Stop No Anti Quit Prevent Vaping Vape Warning Sign Gift Idea T-Shirt Straight Outta 1998 | Great 20th Birthday Gift Idea t-shirt Striking giant eyeball T-shirt STUDIO: DAVID LYNCH BITE T-SHIRT Stylish ATL Hoodie | Atlanta Georgia and Pine Tree Stylish Team Roping Pullover Hoodie Suicide Squad Joker Stare T Shirt Sumerian Cuneiform Script Writing 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T-Shirt Team Honey Badger Pullover Hoodie Team Honey Badger T-Shirt Vintage Team SILVA Family Surname Reunion Crew Member Gift T-Shirt Tech Gang Long Sleeve Tees Monster Truck American Flag Racing USA Vintage T-Shirt Tennessee Flag Hoodie Distressed TN State Hooded Sweatshirt Tennis T Shirt – I Know I Play Like A Girl, Try To Keep Up Terraria T-Shirt: Terraria Logo Texas Forever Shirt | Distressed Bold Design Thailand Football Jersey 2019 Thai Soccer Jersey Long Sleeve T-Shirt Thank You Veterans USA Flag Memorial Day T-Shirt That’s What I Do I Play Poker Shirt Funny Card Gambling Gift The Anatomy of A Havanese T-shirt The Best Educational Rockstar Rock Out Teachers Design T-Shirt The Best Linemen Come From Texas Lineman Pullover Hoodie The Blues Brothers Ray’s Music Exchange Graphic T-Shirt The Days Are Evil Dress Appropriately Ephesians 6:10-18 The Fairly OddParents Timmy Turner Pullover Hoodie The Lucky Ones Have A German Shepherd Tshirt The Man Behind The Bump Sweatshirt The Moon Tarot Card XVIII T-Shirt (Vintage Design) The Noblest Art is That of Making Others Happy – PT Barnum Tank Top The Office Princess Unicorn Funny T-Shirt – Official Tee The Office WUPHF Short Sleeve T-Shirt The only thing better than being Italian is being Sicilian The Original The Remix The Legend Shirt for Men and Women The Pace That Kills 1935 Cocaine Fiends Movie Tshirt The Princess Bride The Dread Pirate Roberts The Star of Ishtar or Inanna Goddess t shirt. Octagram tee. The Venture Bros. 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