#besides today i hadnt drawn in so so long
alicee1 · 3 years
Finally back
Revived! Wilbur x Reader
Warnings: talk of death, grieving, character death (Wilbur), reunion
Word count: 1.7K
Synopsis: After Wilbur got revived by Dream he first rushes off to find you, right in the place where you had spent the night before L’manburg got blown up together with you. Angst followed by fluff/comfort
what if revived wilbur returning to a (he/him or they/them) reader and the reader who was with wilbur the night before l'manberg went boom being like super over emotional and stuff because they hadnt seen their lover in a while and just good ole comfort coming out of the reunion :0 (please the wilbur revival has had me craving wilbur content </3)
A/n: Not gonna lie, this was really hard to write at first cause of the pure angst, but i figured out a way! I really hope you enjoy it and it was really fun to write actually. Thank you for requesting!
Rules, Masterlist
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"I'll come back to you."
Maybe you had been a fool to believe his words. Both you and him knew the chance was small that he would come back unscathed yet in that moment, those promising words that left his mouth were all that mattered.
The night before the bombing of L'manburg you had spent together with Wilbur. It had been calm and comfortable, spending the night in each other's arms and reminiscencing past memories. Neither of you had spoken a word of what would happen the next day.
He had built a small cabin in the woods where he stayed with you, his little escape from the outside world and all the problems that came with it.
For a while you had seen Wilbur start to slip, his sanity slowly seeping away under the pressure and responsibilities he carried.
He didn't speak to you often about L'manburg and Pogtopia, wanting to keep you seperated from his work and worries.
You had been his escape.
No matter what had happened outside the walls of your small comfortable cabin, it was as if a switch was flicked as soon as he stepped inside.
Even if it was just for a moment, he could leave all his worries and problems behind and seek comfort in your arms.
You were his cliff against the stormy sea that were his thoughts and problems, an unrelenting barrier he could escape to.
But as the day crept nearer he had explained to you what his plan was, sitting down with you as he explained what could happen.
You had known where he was when you awoke to an empty bed that morning. His warmth lingered in the blankets and his scent in the air. Leaving behind his promise to return to you from the night before.
His words were believable, you truly believed he would return to you. For the past days he had made up his mind, through cracks you thought you could see glimpses of the Wilbur you had once known.
Nothing could have prepared you for the news that Phil brought with him.
It felt as if you were torn apart piece by piece before getting out back together, yet his death left a gaping hole behind.
You had etched his name into the large builder that laid in your back garden, without a body to bury it was the most you could do as memorial.
Desperately you had clung onto the traces that he had left behind in your cabin. The pack of cigarettes left on the table, his spare beanie that hung discarded on a chair. A small pile of crumpled up papers discarded as he attempted to write letters to his father.
He never send the majority of them. After everything had gone south and he had retreated to the woods and Pogtopia it just seemed like he couldnt keep up the lies anymore.
You never touched anything he held left behind, afraid it would get rid of his last traces in the cabin. The objects were cleaned often but other than that remained untouched.
It was a few months until a see through apparition had found its way to the small cabin. It was one of the first times you had left the comforting space after Wilbur's death only to be faced with someone, something, that looked so much like him.
It had made you curl up under the protective blankets of your bed as tears streamed down your face as you grieved.
Although it had taken a long time, you learned to move on. Despite that his last traces in the cabin stayed untouched, but you healed. Slowly, step by step, but it happened.
You returned to the way you lived before. Besides the crater in your heart that you weren't sure would ever heal, you picked up your activities one by one.
You started gathering wood again, hunting for meat and gardening in your back garden where you had started a small vegetable farm beside the memorial builder.
Each time you passed it you traced your hand over the stone, lingering for a few seconds as you remembered him before moving on with what you were doing. Although you would always make sure there was a small bouquet of fresh, hand picked, wild flower laid on the stone.
The apparition didn't appear again, making you believe you had imagined the entire ordeal in the first place.
The fireplace was lit again when you were at the cabin, the windows opened to let in fresh air. Due to the secluded nature of the woods you could easily leave the windows and doors open as you gathered for materials.
Wilbur hurried away from the crater where L'manburg once stood. He left Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo, who he had just met, behind there. Plans and ideas shot through his mind although he needed to figure something out first.
He reached the cabin in the woods, he didn't even have to think to remember the way, his body leading him down the path automatically despite it having been 13 years.
The small clearing was still exactly the same as he remembered, the cabin stood peacefully in the middle of it.
Wilbur could see a new vegetable garden beside it, surrounded my fences with lanterns attached to light it up in the dark.
The windows and doors stood open, making his entrance effortless as he entered.
The place still looked exactly the same, although he could see the small changes that had occured over time. But in general, it looked as if time had stopped flowing inside.
The pack of cigarettes laid unmoving on the bedside table that stood on his side of the bed. His spare beanie hung from the side of the clothing chair that stood in the same corner it had been in 13 years ago. The fireplace that always spread warmth and a soft golden glow when he returned to you was reduced to a smouldering pile of ashes, indicating you hadn't been gone for too long.
A small hand drawn map hung from the wall that hadn't been there before.
The only thing missing was you.
Today you had chosen to go fishing, something you had enjoyed doing before but a hobby you had left neglected for a long time.
The ripples in the water were calming as you breathed out, instantly you knew why you had always enjoyed it. There was something peaceful in watching the sun's reflexion in the small ripples the water created as the red and white striped ball floated gently along the stream.
You stayed by the river for most of the day, only returning at the end of the afternoon, satisfied with the catch of today.
As you returned home, you were caught of guard by the steady smoke that gently rose from the chimney. You could see it from a little distance away, making you question if you had checked that the fire had died before you left.
The sack you had stored the fish in hung from your hand as you gently opened the door with the other, the setting of the sun had allowed the fire to cast it's golden glow through the cabin.
That wasn't however what caught your attention. Instead the cloaked figure in the middle of the room did.
A dark cloak you could recognize between any other, paired with a beanie similar to the one you saw every day as it hung from, what had once been your shared, clothing chair. Underneath messy brown hair could be seen.
It was an appearance you could recognize in a heartbeat as tears gathered in your eyes, the sack slipping from your grasp as Wilbur turned around at the sound of the door opening.
He didn't say anything, just opened his arms invitingly as you stumbled forward, crashing into him and burying your head in his shoulder.
His hold on you was tight, he breathed in deeply through his nose, inhaling your scent as his arms squeezed harder around your form.
He had missed you so much. In those 13 years spent at the station, all he wanted was to see you one last time, to apologize for leaving you behind.
There had not been a single moment where he hadn’ t longed for your touch, for your presence, in comfort.
All that time he had thought he truly wanted to die, that this world wasn't for him. All that time you had been his deciding factor without even knowing.
But now that he had experienced it, was there and seen what it was like, he was sure of the truth, his truth.
Ha had a new lease on life and this time, he wouldn't throw it away. He had learned.
He melted into your touch as you leaned back, cupping his cheek and wiping away the stray tears he hadn't even realized that flew down his cheeks.
In your eyes he could still see the same love for him as he had seen that night. You still looked exactly like you then.
He pulled you closer, inhaling your scent as he realized he was holding you, the real, physical you, in his arms once more. You smelt like water, grass and the forest. It was a scent he would burn into his mind of he could.
You pulled him towards the bed gently, forgetting what you had been doing before entering the house and tackled him onto the bed in your hold.
His voice was rough as he spoke, pulling you closer against him as he mumbled against your skin. It may have taken him 13 years to do it, but he did it.
"I promised you I'd come back to you."
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dabis-devil · 4 years
Shinso, Shigaraki, Kamanari, Shoji and Ojiro share their first kiss with their SO? I look forward to seeing your blog flourish!
Can I kiss you?
Thank you for being my first request aAaAa!! Hopefully this does you well :) since you didn't specify, Ima do some head canons. I love you sm for your encouragement 😓
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Oh boy here we go-
There you two were, outside of the movie theater.
Shinso had asked you to see some thriller movie with him.
let's just say he had a smol (huge) crush, and was finding ways to spend time with you.
Little did he know, the feeling was mutual.
His hands folded into one another, resting near his abdomen.
“ y/n, what did you think about the movie? ” Toshi asked
“ I loved it! What about you? ” you chirped.
Shinso nodded with a slight smirk. “ it was cool. . ”
In wake of the silence, you decided that tonight was the night to shoot your shot!
You tapped on shinso’s shoulder, gaining his attention. You didn't waste a second to press your soft lips against his. Your hands cupped his cheeks, skimming your thumb across his cheek bones. He tasted fruity- probably from the mountain of skittles he ate during the movie.
Shinso was admittedly starstruck for a mere second, but melted into the kiss as his senses kicked in. He moved his hand to your neck pulling you closer. You on the other hand, tasted like butter from the popcorn.
You two shared something that was either a lowkey makeout session, or a high key span of kisses. Either way, both of you were delighted.
Whew! He just had his first kiss! He looooved it!
After the fact, both of you couldn't wipe smiles off of your faces. His were moreso smug & confident, and yours were bubbly and radiant.
Shinso drove you back to the U.A. dorms, the car ride was full of easy going conversations, now that you two were on the same page.
After dropping you off he went back to his own dorm.
His fingers brushed across his lips, and he couldn't help but wear a grin by the reminder that he had been kissed- by you.
Before heading to bed, you got a text from him.
Toshi 🖤 : goodnight kitten, sleep well.
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Poor shigaraki.
He was always so absorbed in his hatred for Hero Society and taking over, he didn't have the time for a significant other; I mean, before now.
Besides the fact that most sane people wouldn't step within a 50 mile radius of him willingly.
Don't worry shiggy, your fans gotchu 😩
You and shigaraki had met during recruitment for the league.
You entered the villains bar in style, holding your head up high.
The way you upheld yourself was just mMmMn mAgNiFiQuE-
Shigaraki began to vigorously scratch at the sentive skin under his jaw, crimson eyes drawn to you.
He wanted you on his team.
“ Kurogiri, y/n would be a fine addition to the league. . Don'tcha think? ” a sinister smile split his lips.
After you settled in, Shigaraki watched your every move. Juuuust to be sure.
It was a few days later that shigaraki began to subtly hint at the fact you aren't absolutely terrible.
“ at least y/n can do their job! ” Tomura snapped at Toga.
To you, this all seemed like something normal for the league.
One night you found Shigaraki drinking by his lonesome at the bar, reluctantly attempting to join him.
Shigaraki jumped, his paranoia driving him to almost decay your face from your skull.
You chuckled in response, and he was a stool over heaving for dear life.
Once he managed to calm his nerves, he took a sip of his drink, turning your direction.
“ y/n, you don't happen to have somebody else in the picture, hmm? ” shigaraki rested his jaw in his fist, his exposed face examining yours. “ that'd be no fun. ”
you scoffed, sipping on your own drink. “ no. I don't. ”
That was the stem of the conversation, which went on for a while. You talked about your ideas (which he took note of), hardships, etc..
Later, you felt as if you knew shigaraki on a completely new level.
You wrapped your arms around the buzzed man's neck, searching in his eyes. Maybe he could be the one? At least for now?
Shigaraki was a tad bit nervous, but that didn't hold him back from kissing you.
Mind you, he hasn't used chapstick since the minute he set foot on this earth- but you know what? We love crusty lips.
You turnt your head to one side, him shifting the opposite direction. His hands lingered around your waist, and the kiss went on for a hasty fifteen seconds or so,
he kept coming back for small seconds.
Shigaraki full on grinned, displaying his preciously goofy smile.
You two had a good night!
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Did denki know he was gonna have a heart attack today? Psh. No.
Denki was head over heels for you, and you knew that.
His cheesy flirting 24/7
Always smiling and waving
You catch his wandering eyes when you're in the room.
Denki sat on the couch located in the lower level of the dorms, working through a sheet of homework. You heard the boy groan of frustration, and plopped yourself onto the couch, right next to him.
“ y/n! ” the aggravated boy exclaimed. “ Heyy! ”
“ hey yourself- ” You giggled, eyes wandering over to his sheet of notes. “ what's got you hung up? ”
Denki shook his head, pushing the notebook onto the table. Now that you where here, it's not the time for studying.
“ oh, nothin. ” he beamed, placing his hands behind his head. Afterwards, crossed his legs, and wore the coolest face he could think of. “ Why? Was I, on your mind, y/n? ” denki’s eyebrows wiggled, hoping his antics would prove victorious.
“ actually. . ” you smirked. You stared at kaminari, the boy just radiating such a sense of silliness. “ let's say- hypothetically- that I knew somebody who had a crush on you. . What would you want me to do?? ”
Denki’s face rose, practically overthrown by joy. “ uh- ” he chuckled cockily. “ send them my way!! ”
It was only after the fact that he realized if you were asking. . You probably didn't feel the same way about him. He hid a frown behind a smile.
‘ let's just see whos been crushing on me! ’ he thought. ‘ maybe they will be cool too? ’
Blush spread across your cheeks, as you leaned towards the Sparky boy, planting a kiss against his lips.
Your heart: !!!
Internally doing backflips^^
This dumbass was too surprised to close his eyes and kiss you back. . The first time.
After you leaned away, denki pulled himself out of his dazed state. He had to make this memorable for him too! This is his first kiss! seizing the moment, He leaned forward to kiss you passionately.
You felt a small shock between your lips and his, probably because he got excited and jumped the gun
In the distance, Mina snuck pictures and videos to preserve this beautiful memory.
Good job you two.
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Shoji had viewed you under heart shaped lenses since he set eyes on you, back at the entrance exam.
Not only are you beautiful, but incredibly skilled and respected.
What's not to love??
Shoji kept to himself though.
Time for romance? No. Time to become a pro hero? Yes.
He held that logic for so long, just admiring you from afar.
That was until you approached him at lunch, sitting with him. You two chatted lunch hour away, everybody else at the table was a little annoyed with the chatiness. Toru even left to go squeeze in with Mina.
The boy watched you head back to class, honestly a bit sad you had to go.
Why couldn't there be no class today?
He just wanted to talk smh >:[
Once Shoji had his priorities in order, his sheepish walls faltered.
From that day onward you saw a lot more of the masked boy.
At your locker, before class, he would say hi while at the dorms too.
When you swallowed the breath hitched in the back of your throat, you invited him to a nearby oriental park.
“ the view- it's beautiful right? ” you chirped.
“ not as beautiful as you. ” he shamelessly complimented you.
The scenery was complete with cherry blossom trees (& trees of other assortments ) koi ponds, elemental buildings here and there.
You pulled Shoji to the bridge that crossed a man-made stream. the two of you watched the water travel down hill for a bit, silence thickening the air.
“ Shoji, ” you turned to match his gaze. “ do you want to go to dinner with me tomorrow? ”
Shoji agreed immediately. . Looks like this was going down the fast trail to being more than friends.
Shoji took the moment to gaze deeply into your eyes, deciding now is the perfect time to kiss you.
Shoji hadnt much of a clue as to what particular part of himself to kiss her with, that ended up being the lips along his face.
Shoji carefully slid down his mask, planting a soft and sensual kiss against your plush lips.
He had two knuckles under your chin to help you look up to him.
While you didn't see this go with the flow type guy to do this, you were glad he did.
Lemme just tell you
He may be calm and composed on the outside,,, despite the soft look gracing his features.
But believe me when I say
He. Was. Screaming. Internally.
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You and Ojiro had been officially going out for a week now
This sweet boy was trying to make everything perfect, just for you.
You are his first girlfriend, and he wanted to make you happy! Duh!
Ojiro had been spending a few hours concealed in his room, and he refused to let anybody else in.
He set up a blanket fort, had all of your favorite snacks, amazon on his laptop to rent a movie. Hell, he even strung up christmas lights.
Ojiro wore an Innocent smile when locating you, blindfolding you, and taking you back to his decorative room.
Some of the other student of class 1-A were receiving a different message, one very vulgar at that.
“ whoa there- ” Mineta mumbled, gawking at the sight.
Ojiro’s tail shook from side to side, as the two of you entered the room. He pulled you down towards the ground, onto the pallette prepared with a few hefty blankets, and topped off by a fluffy one.
“ okay. . Open! ” ojiro exclaimed, holding his arms out to present what he had done.
You were left in awe. All of this, just for you? It was so plush and comfortable against your bottom, the light illuminating both of their faces and the fanned out selection of candy. Your face lit up, a beacon for mesmirization.
At this moment, Ojiro couldn't keep his intent behind the night to himself. He wanted to kiss you, and that's exactly what he did.
Ojiro supported a faint blush as he placed his palm on your cheek, inching closer. He laid his lips against yours, drawing them back shortly after.
Ojiro couldn't be more fluster than he was now, but good flustered!
You on the other hand
You swooned over this boy almost instantly.
The rest of the night was enjoyable, you shared the pallette and watched a comedy together.
You were the little spoon
You took a picture of you two on your phone, which would become both of your home screens.
And don't you worry, you were the best first kiss he could've asked for.
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goddessoffire1984 · 3 years
Ages ago, when I was only just a child, waiting to become a woman soon, I wandered on a path in the woods, half overgrown. Almost lost there, paying little attention to my surroundings, I stumbled upon a house, half rotted, but strangely appealing. As if drawn by force, not on my body, but my soul, I entered this decaying mess through a half unhinged, creeking door. It had been painted white, small flowers could be spotted where time hadnt eaten them away. Stepping into the only room, I noticed the faint smell of roses and lavender, overpowered by dust and decay. This whole room was grey-ish white, full furnished with a tiny table, two chairs and a small closet, all in white, the paint chipping and old, dryed wood showing. Beside the big bed with masses of molding covers and pillows, there was wind playing with torn, long, once white curtains. Parts of it fell like feathers on a delicate nightstand. This was, as if protected by invisible forces, perfectly clean, there was no dust and it looked as if it was new. But that was all forgotten, as soon as I saw the only object placed there. It was a frame, silver, containig a photograph. The sepia tone assured me that it was old, but the person looking straight at me looked timeless. It was a man, his dark hair, longer than it must have been fashion at that time, wavey and shining. His delicate right eyebrow was slightly raised, long, dark lashes framing bright humourous eyes. A wave of His hair touched high, defined cheekbones, the jawline was sharp as a razor the softly smiling lips curved perfectly. I was in shock. Never had I seen something this beautiful in my whole life. Then, through the window, came a slight whisper, so faint, that you could barely hear it. A deep, warm male voice asking me to wait. Wait.. Remembering the need to breathe, I ran out into the woods again. Was I terrified? Was I filled with wonder? I dont know. The years pass, and I have grown into a woman. So focused on my work and studies, I have never thought about this day again, until today. As I got off the train in my hometown, I saw a man, just out of the corner of my eyes. I saw eyes of a bright, happy green color under thick lashes, then he vanished, around the corner of the station, out of sight. Almost like a crazy person, I charged out of the door to find him and was startled by imense pain. I woke up in hospital, turns out, I ran straight into a car. Luckily I could leave within a week. But the impression stayed. My mind wandered towards this wonderful being more often than I liked. I was constantly destracted all the time. Never the less, my life went on. I started a new job, this kept my mind off him, until one day, I rode the bus. As always Düring lunchbreak, I took a quick ride to my favourite Cafe in the centre of the city. The bus was literally stuffed with people, spreading the usual odors. The stenches of onion and unwashed bodies are sheer revolting. And then, just as it becomes almost overpowering, I sensed roses. Roses and lavender as a lean, pale hand griped the back of a seat on the bus. Right as I turned to look at whoever was attached to it, the doors opened, and I only get a glimpse at the lean back of a tall man.
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sodoyouknowbts · 6 years
J Hope x Reader - Kaleidoscope
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Summary: A hot chocolate, a palette of colours. A private game between two strangers in a coffee shop leads to a little more.
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader
Genre: Romance, fluff, oneshot, eternal ball of sunshine
Author: Moxie
He’s here again.
It’s the third time this week.
He’s wearing blue today. A soft woolen jumper, the shade of the early morning sky. It’s large and the sleeves hang down his arms and past his hands, giving you only a peak of his fingertips, which are tinted pink from the cold.
His hair is red today and not a subtle red either. It’s a bright and vibrant shade, like the deep colour of a perfectly ripe apple. It’s a stark and dramatic contrast to his jumper. Yesterday his hair was blonde, a soft and muted yellow.
He reminds you of a kaleidoscope.
You note that his shoes are the only thing that remain constant, besides his presence here.
They’re loud and onoxious, a mess of rainbow colours on a cream canvas. At least you think it’s cream. Was it originally white?
He orders the same, a hot chocolate in a takeaway cup and a slice of chocolate cake. You take his order and pretend that you havent already memorised it, making sure to wait until he’s finished speaking before you write it down.
Your fingers touch for a fleeting moment as he hands you the money. His fingertips are ice cold and you have the urge to wrap them in your warm hands. You don’t.
You watch him discreetly from your peripheral vision as he takes a seat at the same table.
He pulls out his laptop and begins to read something on there. He rests his cheek on the palm of one hand whilst the other occasionally hovers over the keypad and presses some buttons.
You started working at your friend’s cafe about a month ago, having just finished your degree and taking a gap year off before you propel yourself into full adulthood. Your plan was to save enough money to travel but at the moment the furthest you could travel was to the next city over. Saving was never your strong point.
There was always a constant flow of customers and some regulars, however he was the only one who stood out.
You place a large slice of chocolate cake onto a plate and prepare his drink. You take a styrofoam cup and add some chocolate flakes before proceeding to heat up some milk. When you’re done you add the final touch, some mini marshmellows.
Not being able to help yourself you draw a smiley face onto the cup with a black sharpie. You hope the smile will help brighten up his day.
You place both items on a tray and carry them over to him. He stops reading and smiles when you approach. You notice that he lowers the laptop screen as you place his cake and drink on the table, but you don’t take it to heart.
“Please enjoy!” you gesture to the food and retreat behind the counter.
She’s here again.
The first thing he notices about you is pink.
You’re wearing the same shade of lipgloss as when he first saw you, link pink, the shade of cherry blossoms.
The second thing he notices is your hair. Today you have it in curls, the long strands cascading freely down your back, brushing your shoulders everytime you move. The other day it was up in a ponytail.
He picks up his drink and goes to take a sip, however he stops when he sees that something is drawn on the side of the cup. He turns it around and admires your smiley face.
It’s simple, two dots and a line.
He pulls out a blue pen from his bag and draws something on the cup. When he’s done he holds the cup out in front of him and smiles, pleased.
When he leaves you walk over to his table and start to clear it. You pick up his cup, wondering if he liked your drawing and turn to see it.
You’re suprised to see that it’s not as you had drawn it. Someone’s added a tongue, some spikey hair and a peace sign in blue ink.
The next time you see him you draw a circle with two dots for eyes and a squiggly line for a mouth.
He adds in some swirls for hair and giant ears. He adds a speach bubble and writes the words “Argghhh it’s hot!”. It makes you chuckle.
As the weeks progress your drawings get more complex until you’re scribbling all over the entire cup. It’s a private game between the two of you. You’ll draw a template and he’ll fill in the blanks.
Despite this interaction you both still haven’t spoken a word to eachother, outside of you taking his order and the usual pleasantries.
You didn’t know his name or who he is or what he did but you were content with your secret game.
You also notice his pattern, he comes into the cafe every Monday, Wednesday and Friday without fail, come rain or shine. Without even realizing it you start to put more effort into your appearance on those days.
When the weekend ended and Monday came you excitedly waited for his arrival. You had been barnstorming the night before and had come up with the perfect template. However he never came.
You told yourself that he was probably just busy and that there was still Wednesday and Friday.
When Wednesday came and went with no sign of him your heart sank. You were surprised with how much of an impact he had on you, afterall all you had was a silly game where he finished your drawings. You brushed it off and told yourself that he was just probably busy and not to think too much about it. Afterall there was still Friday.
Friday came and he still did not show up. By then you told yourself that he was just another customer and that it was ridiculous to get so attached.
Earlier that week there was buzz online about a new webtoon that was released by a popular writer. You had never read their stuff before and hadn’t planned to but on Saturday your friend sent you the link and insisted that you read it.
Curious to see what the hype was about you opened the link and began to read.
The story was about a boy who would walk past a cafe everyday on his way home from tutoring. He had never gone inside until one day as he walked past he saw a girl working there. The girl caught his attention and he decided he wanted to see more of her so the next day he went in. He didn’t know what to order so he ordered the first thing that came to his mind, a hot chocolate.
He was captivated by her smile and by the sound of her voice. Not wanting for the moment to end he ordered something else, he raked his brain for what but came up blank. Looking at the display window he saw a large chocolate cake, so he ordered that.
He didn’t even like chocolate. He found it too sweet, but it was always her who made his drink and prepared his cake so he continued to order that.
Before he knew it he was there everday after tutoring. Just to catch a glimpse of her.
He tried to come up with the nerve to speak to her but he was too shy, his words escaped him everytime she brought his order.
One day he noticed she had drawn a picture on his cup. Suprised and amused he added in some details of his own. Thus began their secret exchange.
Everyday she would draw a half completed picture on his cup and everyday he would complete it. Through this he learnt that they shared a smiliar sense of humour and that she had very neat handwriting.
It was the highlight of his day. The boy would often stick around and hide around the corner just so he could see her face when she saw his drawing.
Her smile was the most beautiful thing in the world. If he could draw it he would use the brightest shade of gold.
The more you read the more you got an overwhelming sense of deja vu. The story was eerily familiar to your encounter and the main girl even looked similar to you.
Curious to know who the author was you decide to search their name online. There is a profile page and a photo is attached.
It’s him, your kaleidoscope man.
You’re suprised to see his face smiling back at you. You can’t believe that he has based a webtoon off of you. It’s already so popular too.
He study his photo. He looks younger and his hair is black but his smile is still the same.
Jung Hoseok, you read his name aloud. Its a nice name.
It’s Wednesday afternoon and he still hasn’t shown up. Your resolve throughout the day was strong however every time the bell chimed, signalling a customer, your heart would race and you’d look up hoping it was him. Every time you saw a face that wasn’t his, your heart would sink a little more.
A sense of disappointment washes over you as you finish for the day. Looking outside the snow has begun to fall so you grab your coat and secure on your beanie. Once you’re bundled up you head outside, waving goodbye to everyone.
You begin to walk towards the bus stop but halt when a voice calls out for you. You turn around surprised.
It’s him.
He’s running towards you. His hair is hidden underneath a fuzzy white bucket hat and he’s wearing an oversized brown coat. You look down at his shoes and smile. Still the same mess of colours.
He stops in front of you and bends over panting for air. It seems like he was running for a while.
“I thought I almost missed you” he gasps in between breaths. His words leaving a trail of condensation in their wake.
“Sorry?” you ask confused. Why was he chasing after you?
Once he’s got his breath back he straightens up and hands you a takeaway cup. You hadnt even realised he was holding one until now.
“What is thi-” you open your mouth to ask but stop when he brings a finger to his lips and shakes his head. He points to the styrofoam cup in your hand.
Curious you glance down and examine it. It’s a plain white takeaway cup, similar to the ones you had. In black sharpie he’s drawn a cartoon self portrait himself, complete with the fuzzy bucket hat. You raise your head and laugh at him and he gestures with his head for you to continue.
Next to the cartoon there’s a speech bubble and inside it reads the following:
“Hi, Im Jung Hoseok. Nice to meet you! I know we’ve never properly spoken to eachother but I feel like I already know so much about you. I know that your favourite colour is pink. You prefer to have your hair out of your face and that’s why you have a hairtie on your wrist at all times. I also know that you love mini marshmellows and are always sneaking some when you think no one is watching and that you’re not a morning person”
You smile at his comment about you not being a morning person.
“I’m running out of space here so what I wanted to ask you was would you like to get to know each other more? I’ve still got plenty of drawings to show you”
You can’t fight the huge smile on your face. Your heart flutters and it feels like you’ve got butterflies in your stomach.
He looks nervous and embarrassed. His cheeks have a hint of pink and his gaze is averted.
“Hi Jung Hoseok, it’s nice to meet you” you hold out your free hand and his face turns to relief and he breaks out into a smile. That same dazzling smile that memorised you when you first saw him. It still makes your heart race.
He takes your hand in his, his cold fingertips wrapped around yours.
“It’s nice to meet you too” he replies.
The END.
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mialetters460-blog · 7 years
first time as a girl - What Everybody Ought To Know About Ftv Gils
The bus had picked up the group early that morning. They were all members of a singles activities club, and today the schedule sent the young men and women hiking up to a mountain lake. Nick instantly recognized her, and his thoughts flashed back to a secret moment earlier in the afternoon.
As half the group returned to the water in the hot sun Nick started to hike around the lake. After several miles up narrow trails and steep stairs many of the hikers immediately jumped into the cold water. After lunch the group split up til three, when the descent was to begin. He easily recognized fellow singles on the hike. Hed made out most of the way around when he found a sunlit beach, nestled between old rock slides. The tall redhead was Margaret, an administrative assistant he had first met at his job. The taller of the two brunettes was Alison, a graduate student for whom this was her first event. "So, did you like the view? Excited by the potential of a quick naked swim Nick had started towards the beach only to realize it was already occupied. Shed been the one who persuaded him to join the club but he had transferred departments and they hadnt been to many of the same events. The last woman was a compactly beautiful brunette named Sally. Stopping behind a large boulder Nick stared down at the three women who had already discovered the sheltered cove. Nick had been immediately drawn by her long legs in her tight shorts but she barely acknowledged him when hed tried to talk to her during the bus ride to the trail head. They were as much an item as was allowed within the club. Margaret lay on her back on a flat rock, chatting with Alison. Shed been the first person to greet Nick when hed first joined, raising his hopes of quickly ending his status as a single man, but since then hed discovered she was outgoing to everyone, very flirtatious, but essentially unavailable, going home with mainly one guy, David. Initially he worried that hed been spotted but after a moment none of the women gave any indication they were aware of being watched. Nick had considered her attractive but had never really studied her body and had never noticed just how gorgeous she was. Sally lay next to Alison on a towel, sunbathing in a black tied bikini. Nick only glanced at Alison before staring at his former coworker. From his vantage point Nick could see each woman clearly. " Surprised by the unexpected voice Nick started and then looked up at the young woman standing in the isle of the bus. Due to her dark sunglasses Nick could only guess that she was asleep since she hadnt moved and she wasnt participating in the conversation beside her. Afraid hed been spotted the young man got ready to disappear but Sally never even looked towards him, instead watching where Margaret and Alison had disappeared out into the lake. Margaret had chosen a bright green two piece, showing off her body in the bright sunlight. The brown haired beauty was starting out at the lake, a towel tied around her waist, her body outlined by a dark blue swimsuit. After a moment she grabbed her towel and walked towards the slide nearest Nick. However Sally had declined the invitation and as the other two women started out of the cove Sally stood and watched them go. Glorifying in the beauty below him Nick couldnt help but sigh when Alison persuaded Margaret to go for a swim. Nick knew Sally occasionally slept with other guys but he wasnt looking for a mere hookup, but instead was hoping for something more. For a moment Nick could see her groin perfectly, but then Sally reached down and hid herself with her hand. At first she just massaged between her legs but then she leaned back, spread herself wide, and went to work with both hands. Nicks disappointment didnt last long for Sally began to pleasure herself right below his hiding spot. Quietly he reached inside his shorts and started jerking off as Sally kept pleasuring herself. When he looked back Sallys back was arched with ecstasy, her face holding an expression of intense concentration as her nipples hardened and her body shook with her orgasm. Silently Nick watched her fingers disappear between her lips, her hips bouncing with her own movements, her other hand rubbing her clit hard and fast. Quietly the two lay in their respective positions, the young man hidden above, rubbing at his shorts to spread his ejaculation around to dry, the naked brunette below, sweaty and breathless in the afternoon sun. Intently watching the young woman fondle herself Nick quickly found himself filling his boxers with his load, momentarily distracting him from the spectacle below. Quickly Sally stepped behind a boulder, hiding herself from the water, but unknown to her staying perfectly within Nicks view. Above her, with a perfect view of all the action Nick couldnt help but reach down to his own crotch where his dick had gotten as hard as the rock he hid behind. Completely naked, Sally spread her towel on a log and sat down, spreading her legs. To his surprise Sally undid her top, dropping the clothing on a nearby rock, and then followed it with her bikini bottoms. Hed carefully gone out of his way so he didnt follow the three women to the trail. Nick, sure hed never see Sally undressed and completely unguarded again, carefully committed every inch of her body to memory, from her crinkled nipples to the neatly trimmed hair above her dripping pussy. He didnt want any of them suspecting hed spied on them within the cove, especially not Sally. But barely a minute had passed before splashing announced the return of Margaret and Alison. To get back in time for the hike down Nick had run through the brush and trees around the lake. Hed chosen the spot due to the dried stains of cum that covered the front of his shorts and that he knew Sally could plainly see. With a sigh Nick watched Sally quickly tie her bikini back on and walk out to met her friends. As the group hiked down to the waiting bus Nick carefully avoided the women, but couldnt resist occasionally stealing a glance at them. And now, looking down at him as hed looked down at her only hours before, stood Sally, who Nick would never be able to look at as he had before the days adventure. At first Nick didnt respond as thoughts whirled through his head. He was sure shed try to get him kicked out of the club for watching her private moment. " Nick asked after a second of confusion and uncertainty. But the way Sally was phrasing the question didnt appear to indicate displeasure with his voyeurism. Hoping for the sight of one of the other women changing out of her swimsuit Nick stayed in his hiding spot but was disappointed when the three merely pulled on their hiking clothes and headed back to the trail head. With a chuckle Sally sat down next to Nick. Though yes, I do like to enjoy natures stimulative effects from time to time. " Sally said again, staring at Nick in his seat in the back corner of the bus. " "Tease," Nick said boldly. "Yes, I enjoyed it thoroughly," Nick responded bravely. "Ill remember every minute of it fondly. "Nick, do you really think I like to go out and masturbate in the wild for no reason? Apparently his hiding spot hadnt been as secret as hed thought. " Sally asked in a low voice. " Sally asked with a raised eyebrow. As he fell silent to think back on the afternoons performance Sally reached over and felt his crotch, where his dick had been hardening ever since shed sat down next to him. His confidence was returning quickly due to Sallys open honesty. "Id have to say I definitely enjoyed you pulling down your bottoms," Nick answered after a moment of careful thought. Quickly he looked around but none of the other hikers were close enough to hear their quiet words. As she leaned forward to push the thin cloth down her legs she let the skirt cover herself again before Nick had the chance to see anything, but now she was naked beneath her outer attire. Surprised, Nick looked over at Sally to see her naughty smirk. " "What was your favorite part? "But Im surprised that you didnt think the later parts werent better than me just getting naked. He was sure Sally wasnt fooled by his reply but Nick was curious how she would respond to his obvious game. Sally dropped the bikini into Nicks lap. Nick made his next move, confident that he would be rewarded. "There, a souvenir," Sally said with a smile. " Sally looked at him critically. "Youre not bad looking so Id expect plenty of women would love to spread their legs for you. " For the hike Sally had worn a light skirt that brushed her knees, and now beside Nick she pulled it up, and hidden by the seat in front of them, slid her now visible bikini bottoms down off her hips. " "Now thats just sad, Nick. "Well, true, Ive seen women undressing before, but they dont often spread their legs for me right afterwards. And then you reached down and I thought you were going modest on me. "What, you mean like this? " "I hope I dispelled that impression. "Its hard to say," Nick replied. " Sally looked at him with a raised eyebrow, then stared forward. If you liked this post and you would certainly such as to get additional info relating to xxx girl on girl pics kindly browse through our own webpage. "When you started pleasuring yourself I nearly broke out of my hiding spot to run down and join in. "What exactly would you have done? Shed shed her bottoms but she still had left her skirt protecting her. " As he spoke Nick reached out to gently brush Sallys knee with his hand. "Well, true, but its been a while since one let me watch the way you did. Then he began to move his hand up her thigh, pushing her skirt up towards her naked crotch. " The game had been turned around, and now she was testing him, seeing how bold hed be. As Nick felt the curve of her abdomen Sally looked at him with that naughty smile, and slid her hand into his shorts. "Im not too aggressive so Id have waited til you invited me to join in, but then Id have started by touching you somewhere safe, like your leg. " Still looking straight ahead Sally reached down but instead of halting Nicks hand she merely lifted her skirt back over her legs, covering his advance. "I think you forgot to spread your legs for me, Sally," Nick said with a mock frown. " She had picked up on his game and was playing along. " "That you most certainly did," Nick replied. "I havent forgotten anything, Nick," Sally replied. " "And just how would you have greeted such a brazen move? "Youd see my hair, but thats it. "Well, I know Id have closed my legs, as youve discovered," Sally replied. Then he twitched as Sally squeezed his tip. As her fingers found the tip of his dick Nick slowly slid his own fingers down the warm skin of her belly til he felt short hairs but was blocked by her closed legs from exploring further. " With her free hand Sally reached behind her neck to release the tie there, then reached up under her shirt to untie the back. " "Id have told you to get as naked as I was," Sally replied, slowly pushing Nicks foreskin down his tip. " "And your breasts, dont forget that," Nick threw out, making another play. "But if youd have stepped out instead of just watching, things would have gone much different, and Im going to show you exactly what I mean. " "Trust me when I say you wouldnt have been disappointed. "Id wanted to see how hard my stripping had gotten you, whether or not you were oozing yet, just as Ive discovered how taking off my swimsuit right here has gotten you wet. " "Im sure," Sally replied. Sally responded by running her fingers down his cock. The tank top she wore was now filled with her ample breasts, her nipples pressing against the thin fabric. She pulled out her bikini top and dropped it next to the bottoms in Nicks lap. She echoed his actions, beginning to stroke him within his shorts. She nodded towards the front of the bus. "Then Id start towards the spot youd shown me, where your fingers waited to guide me to your special spots. "Wait," Sally whispered after a few moments of mutual pleasure. " "I cant wait," Sally whispered. Nick looked up to see Margaret staring back at the two of them. "Now, I better go chat with the girls before they suspect anything. "Then, after I had a chance to get a good look at you, just as youd gotten a good look at me, Id have spread myself to your touch. " As Sally finished speaking she relaxed her thighs, opening them just enough for Nick to push his hand lower, where his fingers found her wet lips, and between them her warm pussy. She looked back, then dropped her purse. As she knelt she carefully let her skirt catch on an armrest, hiking it up her bent back, showing off her naked pussy, peaking from between her legs. Hidden behind seat in front of him Nick reached down inside his shorts and stroked himself slowly as he recalled Sallys show in the cove. " As wonderful as things were Nick knew it was time for a break. By the time the bus reached the parking lot where everyone had parked Nick had brought himself to the edge of orgasm several times, but carefully avoided repeating his earlier messy moment. Relishing the view Nick sighed as she stood, covering herself, but after she flashed a smile back at him, he began reliving the afternoon. He wondered if she had any idea of all that had happened that afternoon, both in the back of the bus and up by the lake. Feeling her response Nick began to caress the flower hed seen so clearly earlier in the day. Waiting as the other hikers left the bus, Nick tried to catch Sallys eye, but instead only found an odd glance from Margaret. While unlocking his door he casually looked around and saw Sally leaving the restroom, now dressed in a heavy fitted dress that flared as it ran down her legs to cover her ankles. But now all Nick cared about was what Sally had in mind for him after knowing he had enjoyed her show. Nick could tell shed put on some underwear since bright red straps showed underneath the dress straps and when she bent over to adjust her sandals her butt was crossed by a ft v girl of panty lines. " As Sally walked up the isle of the bus Nick watched her, staring at her behind. " Not quite what hed hoped for. "Ready for some fun, Nick? When he looked at her Nick could see into her car, and Sally smiled. Hed always liked her, but Nick had never gotten the courage to see if they could be anything more than friends. She reached down to her legs, where the buttons of her dress ended at her thighs, and spread, pulling the dress open to show off bright red lace, her dark pubic hair clear underneath. " "Follow me," answered Sally, covering herself. " Nick just grinned as he jumped in his car. "And no playing with yourself til we get there. Sally politely made it easy for him to follow her and they soon stopped in front of a large apartment building. " "Your place or mine? Sally led the way through the maze of hallways til she stopped and unlocked a door. As Nick reached his car his hopes fell when he didnt see Sally waiting for him. As the last button opened she pulled the fabric away and let the straps fall off her arms. " Sally asked as she pulled up next to Nick. He put away his pack, but didnt get into his car. Her bra matched the panties she had flashed at Nick earlier. Her nipples pushed against the transparent fabric, the dark skin around them mirroring the dark hair visible between her hips. The red lace supported her breasts, accenting her curves while hiding no details. She motioned Nick in, then after locking the door she strode past him into the living room. Instantly hard again, Nick looked around and saw that most of the other hikers were already leaving. With her now within arms reach, provocatively attired, exuding sexuality, the sight rendered Nick speechless. The young man quickly shook his head with a laugh as he started pulling off his shirt. Sally stepped closer as he pulled the fabric over his head. Starting with the top button Sally slowly undid her dress. " demanded Sally as Nick silently stared at her. "You are ready, arent you. "Get ready, Nick," Sally said as she turned to face him. Sally pushed his shorts and boxers down his legs and waited as Nick stepped out of the clothing. She looked down at his erection, gently brushing her belly. " "Ill never give in," replied Nick with a grin. " Sally pulled Nick close, pressing her body against him as his cock pushed against her stomach. Sally laughed as she pulled away, a wet smear where his penis had rubbed across her skin. "I am going to fuck you until you beg me to stop. Nick could feel her lacy bra on his chest as Sally brought her lips up to his ear. The room was dominated by a king sized bed. She took his hand and led him into her bedroom. " Sally licked her lips as she ran her fingers across Nicks chest. "There is nothing I dont do. " Nick gently ran his fingers across one of get breasts. She ran her fingers across his chest, brushing his abs as she reached down to unbutton his shorts. Dropping the shirt behind him Nick spread his arms to keep from interfering as Sally ran her fingers around his waist to his hips. "Are you going to get naked, or what? "Give me a bit and Im sure Ill come up with something. She leaned over and grabbed his cock, rolling down to lay across his thighs. " Sally grinned, then sat up, pushing Nick onto his back. Sally looked up at Nick as she began slowly stroking him. ftv girls dani As Nick stared at her he could feel Sally running her tongue across his skin. Quickly she pulled a pack of condoms from a drawer next to the bed. When she clamped her lips around him and sucked, Nick gasped with the intensity of the sensation. " "I dont know, all Im thinking is that Im lucky enough to be with you at all. " "Im very happy to xxx sexy fuck photos hear that. "Tell me, what do you want to do to me? " Sally tossed her hair out of her face with a practiced flip of her head. Sally pulled Nick onto the bed and lay down next to him. Reaching her stomach he slid his hand inside the lacy garment. Then she leaned down to kiss his tip before sliding her lips down his shaft. As she licked at the pre cum oozing out of his penis Nick ran his fingers down the waistband of Sallys panties. Sliding his middle finger between her folds Nick brushed the hard lump of her clit. Feeling the fuzz of her neatly trimmed patch Nick grinned at Sally before continuing down to the wet lips hed seen spread open beside the lake. Gently he ran his fingers across her nub. " Nick reached out to run his hand along her side, from her bra strap down to her hip. Beneath his touch Sally shifted her hips, rolling further onto her side and lifted one leg to open her crotch to his searching hand. As Sally twitched from the sensation of his finger penetrating her Nicks dick twitched inside her mouth at the memory of seeing her own fingers between her legs earlier in the day. Tingles of ecstasy ran up his body as Sally ran her teeth gently up and down his dick. Under Nicks hand Sally gently squirmed before settling her mouth back down on his cock. Though Sallys tongue on his cock felt extraordinary good, her question had gotten Nick thinking, and now he wanted more. Nick knew he had found her g spot when his dick vibrated with her low moan of ecstasy. Slowly he withdrew his finger from Sally, eliciting a sigh from the young woman. As she stared up at him, surprise in her eyes, Nick smiled down at her. "I think I know what you want, too, Nick," replied Sally coyly. With the extra space available Nick pushed his hand further into her panties, sliding his middle finger up inside her pussy. " Emboldened by Sallys words Nick reached down and pulled her thong down her legs. Now naked except for her lacy bra still covering her breasts, Sally licked her lips as she stared up at her guest. Then he pushed her off his legs and got to ftv free nude pics irls his knees above her on the bed. She watched as he put a condom sex in images on "Turn over," Nick ordered. Nick carefully pulled her panties off her raised hip, revealing her crotch. With a smile Sally complied. " Nick reached down to grab a handful of her hair and pull her mouth away from his dick. Sally relaxed, melting into his lap, feeling Nick explore her vagina with his finger tip. She shook her butt at Nick, looking back over her shoulder. " "Maybe later, Sally," Nick replied quietly. "Is that what you want, Nick? He ran his fingers over her ass, tickling her skin as he slid his hand down between her thighs, dragging his thumb down her crack. "I know what I want, Sally. For a moment he paused above Sally, stroking his cock slowly as she watched. Nick quickly knelt between her legs. Nick ran his ftv streaming eyes across her body, relishing the curves of naked flesh on the bed in front of him. Then he reached down, grabbed her hips and lifted her butt up towards him. With his cock barely penetrating her Nick grabbed Sallys hips again and pulled her against him, driving his penis deep into her. "Ive taken it in the ass before, Ill let you fuck me that way. "For now, spread your legs. "Fuck," Sally gasped as Nick held her against him, filling her pussy with his dick. With each shove she grunted, both from the pain of her bra being tugged and from the impact of his cock into her snatch. "Show me how you want it. " Obediently Sally opened her thighs, showing Nick her pussy, glistening from the moisture his earlier attention had brought forth. She gasped as he rocked her body with thrust after thrust. "You feel good, Sally," Nick said as he paused for a breath. He released her hair and shoulders and straightened, keeping his cock buried in her. After several thrusts Nick reached up further and grabbed a handful of smooth dark hair with one hand and a shoulder with the other. Sally came off her elbows as Nick held her head back and banged her hard and fast. Slowly Nick ran his fingers up Sallys back. "Ready for me to take over? He straddled Sally’s butt before reaching down and grabbing his dick. " Inspired by Sallys current pose Nick pulled himself out and rose to his feet. When he reached her bra strap he grabbed the fabric and pulled, keeping her against him as he started sliding himself out of her and slamming back in. He adjusted his position slightly and started banging away, grinding her face into the cushions. His tip felt the smooth skin of her crotch, and then the rippling of her lips, and within the hot fire of her vagina. Finally the sensations of Sally’s hot wet pussy overwhelmed Nick’s self control and he felt the ripples of orgasm rock his crotch. As Sally supported herself on her knees and elbows Nick reached down, grabbed his dick again, and guided it between her thighs. He changed to fast quick thrusts as he came, filling the condom with his cum. " Sallys voice was muffled as she lay her head down against her sheets. Nick could easily hear her moans as he banged into her over and over again. As the waves of pleasure subsided he stopped moving, his dick buried as deep as he could get it within Sally. "Now it’s your turn. Using his thighs he allowed his full weight to thrust his cock down into her. "Fuck you’re good," Sally said finally, lifting her head from the pillows to look back at Nick. Pushing it down he inserted it almost vertically into Sally. " With a sigh he straightened up, pulling out of Sally.
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