#lidar scanner 3d app
spacecapturevn · 1 year
Unleash the potential of iOS devices with Space Capture
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With the advancement of architecture and design, it has become critical to produce new and functional places that accurately depict real-world settings with effective LiDAR room scanner. Architects can now use the power of their iOS smartphones to scan rooms and turn them into extremely detailed 3D models, thanks to the rapid growth of technology. By producing precise point clouds that meticulously record the spatial arrangement of the environment, Space Capture advances room scanning.
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scanamaze2022 · 10 months
3d scanner app lidar android
Beautiful 3D model scanned on @Scanamaze. Scan now and get your free 3D model! Scanamaze allows uploading up to 500 images for a single scan from the App and an unlimited number of images from the website.
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spaceculture · 2 years
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While using the best 3D scanner app, you will be able to scan rooms, spaces and other designs of products easily. It’s the best 3D scanner app which you can install directly with your iOS device and in a very easy way.
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9747271149 · 1 year
Apple Vision Pro: Revolutionizing Augmented Reality
Apple, a trailblazer in technology innovation, has unveiled its latest breakthrough in augmented reality (AR) with the Apple Vision Pro. This cutting-edge device promises to redefine the way we interact with digital content, bridging the gap between the virtual and real worlds. In this article, we'll explore the features and potential impact of the Apple Vision Pro on the AR landscape.
The Birth of Apple Vision Pro
Apple's vision for AR technology has been taking shape over the years, with the release of ARKit, ARCore, and the AR-focused LIDAR scanners in their devices. The Apple Vision Pro represents the culmination of these efforts, combining hardware and software to create a powerful AR experience.
Hardware Innovation
At the heart of the Apple Vision Pro is its impressive hardware lineup. The device boasts a sleek, lightweight headset with a wide field of view, ensuring an immersive AR experience. The headset is equipped with advanced sensors and cameras for precise tracking, gesture recognition, and spatial mapping, allowing users to interact seamlessly with virtual objects in their real environment.
Display Technology
The Apple Vision Pro features state-of-the-art display technology that provides stunning visuals. The high-resolution OLED displays offer vibrant colors and deep blacks, ensuring that virtual objects blend seamlessly with the real world. Apple's commitment to display quality ensures a comfortable and immersive AR experience for users.
Spatial Audio
To enhance immersion, Apple Vision Pro includes spatial audio technology. This allows users to hear virtual sounds as if they were coming from their physical surroundings, creating a more convincing and engaging AR experience. Whether it's directional cues or ambient sounds, the audio adapts to the user's perspective, further blurring the lines between the real and virtual worlds.
Under the hood, the Apple Vision Pro is powered by a custom-designed Apple Silicon chip, specifically optimized for AR applications. This ensures smooth performance, low latency, and efficient power consumption. Users can expect high-quality AR experiences without compromising on battery life.
Software Ecosystem
Apple has a robust software ecosystem that integrates seamlessly with the Apple Vision Pro. The device is fully compatible with the App Store, meaning users can access a wide range of AR apps and experiences. Developers are also given the tools and resources to create innovative AR applications, opening up new possibilities for entertainment, education, and productivity.
Applications and Use Cases
The Apple Vision Pro has the potential to revolutionize numerous industries and domains:
Gaming: Immersive AR gaming experiences will take center stage, with users physically interacting with virtual environments and characters.
Education: Augmented reality can enhance learning by providing interactive and immersive educational content, making complex subjects more engaging.
Medical: Surgeons can use AR for real-time guidance during complex surgeries, and medical students can practice procedures in a risk-free virtual environment.
Architecture and Design: Architects and designers can visualize and manipulate 3D models of buildings and products in real-world settings.
Entertainment: AR concerts, theater performances, and art installations will become more interactive and engaging.
Retail: Customers can try on virtual clothing and accessories, enhancing the online shopping experience.
The Apple Vision Pro represents a significant leap forward in the world of augmented reality. With its cutting-edge hardware, immersive display technology, spatial audio, and powerful software ecosystem, it has the potential to transform how we interact with digital content in our everyday lives. As Apple continues to refine and expand the capabilities of the Apple Vision Pro, we can anticipate a future where augmented reality seamlessly integrates into our reality, opening up new horizons for innovation and creativity.
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3ddruckmuenchen · 1 year
Der 3D-Druck ist eine faszinierende Technologie, die immer mehr Anwendungsbereiche erobert. Ob Hobby, Kunst, Bildung oder Industrie - der 3D-Druck bietet unzählige Möglichkeiten, kreative Ideen umzusetzen. Doch nicht jeder 3D-Drucker ist gleich. Es gibt viele Faktoren, die die Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit eines 3D-Druckers beeinflussen. In diesem Artikel stellen wir euch einen 3D-Drucker vor, der uns mit seiner Leistung und seinem Funktionsumfang überzeugt hat: den Bambu Lab X1-Carbon. Dieser Drucker ist nicht nur ein leistungsstarker und vielseitiger FDM-3D-Drucker, sondern auch ein innovatives Gerät, das mit künstlicher Intelligenz und zahlreichen Sensoren ausgestattet ist. Wir werden euch in diesem Review die wichtigsten Merkmale und Funktionen des Bambu Lab X1-Carbon erklären, seine Druckqualität bewerten und euch zeigen, warum er für uns der beste 3D-Drucker auf dem Markt ist.   Was ist der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon? Der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon ist ein FDM-3D-Drucker mit einem Direct Drive Extruder und einem beheizten Bauraum von 256 x 256 x 256 mm. Er basiert auf einem CoreXY-Mechanismus, bei dem sich der Extruder nur in der X- und Y-Achse bewegt, während das Druckbett sich in der Z-Achse absenkt. Das sorgt für eine hohe Geschwindigkeit und Präzision beim Drucken. Bei dem Bambu Lab X1-Carbon handelt es sich aber nicht nur um einen einfachen 3D-Drucker. Er ist ein multifunktionaler Alleskönner, der viele innovative Features bietet, die ihn von anderen Druckern unterscheiden. Er verfügt über ein Automatic Material System (AMS), das es ermöglicht, bis zu vier verschiedene Filamente gleichzeitig zu verwenden. Damit kann man mehrfarbige oder mehrmaterialige Drucke erstellen, ohne manuell die Filamente zu wechseln. Das AMS erkennt auch automatisch die Filamentart und passt die Druckeinstellungen entsprechend an. Der FDM-Drucker hat außerdem eine Reihe von Sensoren und Kameras, die für eine hohe Druckqualität sorgen. Er hat zum Beispiel einen LIDAR Scanner und eine kleine Kamera auf der Unterseite des Druckkopfes, die das Druckbett vor jedem Druck scannt und eventuelle Unebenheiten ausgleicht. Er hat auch eine Full-HD-Kamera im Bauraum, die es erlaubt, den Druckfortschritt live zu verfolgen oder Fotos und Videos aufzunehmen. Ein weiteres Highlight ist die Spaghetti-Erkennung, die den Druck automatisch pausiert, wenn etwas schiefgeht. Der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon ist zudem sehr benutzerfreundlich gestaltet. Er hat einen großen Touchscreen an der Vorderseite, über den man alle Einstellungen vornehmen oder den Druck starten kann. Er hat auch eine WLAN-Verbindung und eine eigene App, mit der man den Drucker fernsteuern oder überwachen kann. Außerdem ist er mit dem Bambu Lab Studio kompatibel, einer Software, die speziell für den Bambu Lab X1-Carbon entwickelt wurde und viele nützliche Funktionen bietet.   Es wird geschüttelt, vibriert, gerührt, probegedruckt, gescannt, fotografiert und Feedback eingesammelt Der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon ist nicht nur ein 3D-Drucker, sondern auch ein intelligentes Gerät, das sich selbst optimiert und verbessert. Er nutzt seine 43 (!) Sensoren und Kameras, um verschiedene Tests durchzuführen, bevor und während des Drucks. Zum Beispiel misst er durch Frequenzmessungen die Schwingungen des Untergrunds und kompensiert sie durch seine Vibrationskompensation. Dabei schwingt der Druckkopf in unterschiedlichen Frequenzen, um die Gerätestabilität zu messen. Die Ergebnisse fließen in den Druck ein, um ihn zu verbessern. Vor dem Druck wird auf Wunsch etwas Filament auf das Druckbett extrudiert. Anschließend "rührt" der Druckkopf darin herum, um mögliche seitliche Verschmutzungen des vorherigen Elements zu entfernen. Nichts ist ärgerlicher als wenn sich während eines weißen 3D-Drucks plötzlich dunkle Reste des vorherigen schwarzen Drucks lösen und somit dunkle Linien in einen weißen 3D-Modell auftauchen. Dies wird durch die Druckkopfreinigung verhindert. Der Drucker führt auch einen Probedruck durch, bei dem er mit verschiedenen Parametern Linien e
xtrudiert. Anschließend vermisst das LIDAR-System die gedruckten Bahnen und zwei LED-Lichtspots gehen an, damit die Kamera auf der Unterseite des Druckkopfs die Qualität bewerten kann. Die Daten werden verarbeitet und eine Kontrollinie mit finalen Extrusionsdaten erzeugt und erneut vermessen. Das stellt sicher, dass der Extruder richtig kalibriert ist. Als wäre das nicht schon genug: Der Drucker scannt auch den Matrixcode der verwendeten Druckplatte mit der Kamera im Extruder. Denn im Lieferumfang ist eine doppelseitige Magnetdruckplatte. Die eine Seite (Cool Plate) ist für PLA-Material geeignet. Die Rückseite (Engineering Plate) ist für PETG, ABS, TPU, PA und PC geeignet. Durch den vorherigen Scan des Matrixcodes wird festgestellt, ob die Oberfläche zum ausgewählten Material passt. Wenn nicht, wird eine Warnung angezeigt. Ist nach all den vorhergehenden Qualitätskontrollen (die alle optional sind) die erste Modellschicht gedruckt, wird die erste Schicht mit den Sensoren am Druckkopf inspiziert. Während die Daten verarbeitet werden, fährt der Druckkopf in die Warteposition. Sobald der Drucker feststellt, dass die erste Schicht problemlos gedruckt wurde, wird die Düse nochmals abgestreift und der Druck beginnt. Am Ende des Drucks erhält man die Möglichkeit, mögliche Druckfehler zu melden über den Touchscreen oder die App. Die Daten werden dann an den Hersteller gesendet, damit dieser mögliche Probleme analysieren kann und das Gerät immer besser wird. Es ist immer ein gutes Zeichen wenn der Hersteller Interesse an der Weiterentwicklung der Geräte zeigt. Die folgenden Bilder zeigen die Unterseite des Druckkopfs. Dort sind die zwei Schlitze für die LIDAR-Laser zu sehen, die zwei LED-Lichtspots sowie die Kameralinse.   Wie druckt der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon? Wir haben den Bambu Lab X1-Carbon ausgiebig getestet und sind von seinen Druckergebnissen beeindruckt. Der Drucker kann mit einer hohen Geschwindigkeit von bis zu 500 mm/s drucken ohne dabei an Genauigkeit oder Qualität zu verlieren. Er kann auch mit einer Vielzahl von Materialien umgehen, wie PLA, ABS, PETG, Nylon oder Carbonfasern. Die beheizte Bauplatte und der beheizte Bauraum sorgen dafür, dass die Drucke gut haften und keine Verzug oder Risse entstehen. Der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon hat uns vor allem mit seinen mehrfarbigen und mehrmaterialigen Drucken überzeugt. Das AMS funktioniert einwandfrei und ermöglicht es, komplexe Modelle mit verschiedenen Farben oder Eigenschaften zu drucken. Zum Beispiel haben wir einen Schachfiguren-Satz gedruckt, bei dem jede Figur aus zwei verschiedenen Farben besteht. Das Ergebnis war sehr sauber und detailreich. Die Qualität des Benchy kann sich sehen lassen. Die Oberflächen sind fehlerfrei und auch die Unterseite mit der Beschriftung wurde in höchster Qualität gedruckt.   Wie laut ist der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon beim Drucken? Der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon ist kein leiser 3D-Drucker, wenn er mit voller Geschwindigkeit druckt. Er erzeugt einen Geräuschpegel von etwa 60 Dezibel, was vergleichbar ist mit einer normalen Unterhaltung oder einem Staubsauger. Das liegt vor allem an den schnellen Bewegungen des Extruders und den Lüftern, die für die Kühlung sorgen. Der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon bietet aber auch einen Silent Mode an, der die Geschwindigkeit und Beschleunigung des Druckers reduziert und damit auch den Geräuschpegel senkt. Im Silent Mode druckt der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon mit etwa 50 mm/s und 1000 mm/s² und erzeugt einen Geräuschpegel von etwa 53 Dezibel, was vergleichbar ist mit einem leisen Radio oder einem Kühlschrank. Das ist immer noch nicht flüsterleise, aber deutlich angenehmer für das Ohr. Der Geräuschpegel des Bambu Lab X1-Carbon hängt also stark von den Druckeinstellungen ab. Wenn man Wert auf eine hohe Geschwindigkeit legt, muss man auch mit einem höheren Geräuschpegel rechnen. Wenn man aber lieber leiser drucken möchte, kann man den Silent Mode nutzen oder die Geschwindigkeit und Beschleunigun
g manuell anpassen.   Warum ist der Bambu Lab X1-Carbon unser Favorit? Wir sind von dem Bambu Lab X1-Carbon begeistert und können ihn jedem empfehlen, der nach einem hochwertigen 3D-Drucker sucht. Der Drucker bietet Qualitätsfeatures, die wir so nirgendwo finden konnten und viel Arbeit abnehmen. Dabei ist der FDM-Drucker schnell, präzise und vielseitig. Selbst seltenen Fehldrucke können so in einer überschaubaren Zeit neu hergestellt werden. Dabei ist der 3D-Drucker einfach zu bedienen und zu warten. Ein wahrer Alleskönner. Wir nutzen den Bambu Lab X1-Carbon für unsere Firma “3D Druck München”, weil wir unseren Kunden nur das Beste bieten wollen. Wir sind überzeugt von der Qualität des Druckers und seiner Drucke. Wenn ihr euch selbst davon überzeugen wollt, könnt ihr über unseren Online-Kalkulator eure 3D-Modelle bestellen und sie aus dem Bambu Lab X1-Carbon erhalten. Wir hoffen, dass euch dieser Review gefallen hat und wir freuen uns, euch künftig Drucke aus dem Bambu Lab anbieten zu können.   [author] [author_image timthumb='on']https://3ddruckmuenchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/transparentes-rundes-Logo-von-3D-Druck-Muenchen.webp[/author_image] [author_info]Der Autor dieses Artikels ist 3D Druck München, Ihr kompetenter Partner für professionellen 3D-Druck mit deutschlandweitem Versand. Seit vielen Jahren sind wir im Bereich 3D-Druck tätig und verfügen über umfangreiche Erfahrung und Know-how. Unser Team besteht aus qualifizierten Ingenieuren, Designern und Technikern, die Ihnen individuelle Beratung, hochwertige Druckerzeugnisse und zuverlässigen Service bieten. Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne für ein unverbindliches Angebot.[/author_info] [/author]
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datarecover000 · 17 days
The iOS 18 release date is quickly approaching, but is your iPhone compatible? Here are the eligible devices and new features.
Sure, here is an 800-word article about the iOS 18 release date and compatible devices:
The iOS 18 release date is quickly approaching, but is your iPhone compatible? Here are the eligible devices and new features.
Apple is expected to release iOS 18 this fall. The new operating system will bring a number of new features to compatible iPhones. But if data lost problems occur then get solved through Data Recovery Dubai
Eligible Devices
The following iPhones will be compatible with iOS 18:
iPhone 15
iPhone 15 Pro
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iPhone 14
iPhone 14 Pro
iPhone 14 Pro Max
iPhone 13
iPhone 13 Pro
iPhone 13 Pro Max
iPhone 12
iPhone 12 Pro
iPhone 12 Pro Max  
iPhone 11
iPhone 11 Pro
iPhone 11 Pro Max
iPhone XS
iPhone XS Max
iPhone XR  
New Features
iOS 18 will bring a number of new features to compatible iPhones, including:
A new lock screen design
A redesigned Home app
A new Health app
A new Messages app
A new Maps app
A new Music app
A new Podcasts app
A new App Store
A new FaceTime app
A new Safari browser
A new Notes app
A new Reminders app
A new Calculator app
A new Clock app
A new Compass app
A new Levels app
A new ProMotion display
A new LiDAR scanner
A new A17 Bionic chip
A new 48-megapixel camera
A new MagSafe charger
A new USB-C port
Release Date
Apple is expected to release iOS 18 this fall. The exact release date has not been announced yet.
How to Update to iOS 18
To update to iOS 18, you will need to have an iPhone that is compatible with the operating system. You will also need to have a Wi-Fi connection and a battery that is at least 50% charged.
Once your iPhone is ready, you can update to iOS 18 by going to Settings > General > Software Update.
Additional Information
iOS 18 will be a free update for all compatible iPhones.
You can learn more about iOS 18 on Apple's website.
I hope this article has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.
Here are some additional details about the new features in iOS 18:
The new lock screen design will allow you to customize your lock screen with new wallpapers, widgets, and fonts.
The redesigned Home app will make it easier to control your smart home devices.
The new Health app will include new features for tracking your mental health and sleep.
The new Messages app will include new features for sharing photos and videos, and for creating group chats.
The new Maps app will include new features for navigating public transit and for finding nearby businesses.
The new Music app will include new features for discovering new music and for creating playlists.
The new Podcasts app will include new features for subscribing to podcasts and for downloading episodes.
The new App Store will include a new design and new features for discovering new apps.
The new FaceTime app will include new features for sharing your screen and for using Animoji and Memoji.
The new Safari browser will include new features for browsing the web in private mode and for using Reader mode.
The new Notes app will include new features for collaborating with others on notes and for adding attachments to notes.
The new Reminders app will include new features for creating recurring reminders and for adding attachments to reminders.
The new Calculator app will include new features for performing scientific calculations and for converting units.
The new Clock app will include new features for setting alarms and timers, and for using the World Clock.
The new Compass app will include new features for finding your current location and for navigating to specific locations.
The new Levels app will include new features for measuring the level of surfaces.
The new ProMotion display will allow you to enjoy smoother scrolling and animations.
The new LiDAR scanner will allow you to create 3D models of your surroundings.
The new A17 Bionic chip will make your iPhone faster and more powerful.
The new 48-megapixel camera will allow you to take stunning photos and videos.
The new MagSafe charger will allow you to wirelessly charge your iPhone more quickly and easily.
The new USB-C port will allow you to connect your iPhone to a wider range of accessories.
I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
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whatmobilez · 17 days
Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max Price in Pakistan - Specs - Reviews
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Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max Pricing
The Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max is a premium device, priced at Rs 373,999 in Pakistan. Although it’s on the pricey side, its top-notch features and performance make it a worthwhile investment.
Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max Specifications
The iPhone 13 Pro Max runs on iOS 15, which can be updated to iOS 15.3, offering a sleek and user-friendly experience. With dimensions of 160.8 x 78.1 x 7.7 mm and a weight of 240 grams, it's slightly heavier but feels robust and durable.
Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max Design and Colors
Available in four stunning colors—Graphite, Gold, Silver, and Sierra Blue—the iPhone 13 Pro Max exudes elegance and style. No matter which color you choose, it’s sure to look sophisticated.
Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max Display
This model features a sizable 6.7-inch Super Retina XDR OLED touchscreen, delivering vibrant and detailed visuals. The display is safeguarded by scratch-resistant ceramic glass, ensuring durability and clarity.
Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max Performance
Under the hood, the iPhone 13 Pro Max is powered by a high-performance Hexa-core processor and the Apple A15 Bionic chip. This combination ensures lightning-fast speed and smooth operation, whether you're gaming or multitasking.
Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max Storage
The iPhone 13 Pro Max offers generous storage options: 128GB, 256GB, 512GB, and a massive 1TB. It also includes 6GB of RAM, providing ample space and quick access to your apps and files.
Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max Camera System
The iPhone 13 Pro Max is equipped with a versatile camera setup:
12 MP Wide Camera: Captures stunning photos with clarity.
12 MP Telephoto Camera: Allows for detailed zoomed-in shots.
12 MP Ultrawide Camera: Perfect for expansive landscape photography.
TOF 3D LiDAR Scanner: Enhances depth sensing for better portrait effects.
The front camera is a 12 MP sensor, ideal for high-quality selfies and video calls.
Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max Connectivity
Stay connected with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and support for 2G, 3G, 4G, and even 5G networks, ensuring speedy internet access and seamless device pairing.
Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max Battery
The iPhone 13 Pro Max features a powerful 4352 mAh battery, offering long-lasting performance. It supports fast charging, reaching up to 50% in just 30 minutes.
Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max Additional Features
The iPhone 13 Pro Max includes a variety of extra features:
Face ID: Securely unlock your phone with facial recognition.
Lightning to 3.5 mm Headphone Jack Adapter: Allows you to connect traditional headphones.
Stainless Steel Frame: Provides durability and a premium feel, complemented by glass front and back panels for extra protection.
In summary, the Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max is an outstanding phone with exceptional capabilities. It’s perfect for capturing memories, enjoying multimedia, and staying connected. Despite its higher price, it offers an unparalleled mobile experience. If you’re in search of a powerful and stylish device, the iPhone 13 Pro Max is an excellent choice.
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fhjdbvhj · 2 months
Exploring Android 3D Scanners: Technology, Applications, and Innovations
Android 3D scanners enable users to capture detailed three-dimensional models of objects and environments using Android smartphones and tablets. By leveraging the advanced capabilities of modern mobile devices, these scanners offer a convenient and accessible way to create 3D digital models. This article explores the technology behind Android 3D scanners, their applications, and the latest innovations in this field.
What is an Android 3D Scanner?
An Android 3D scanner is an application or device that utilizes the camera and sensors of an Android device to capture and create detailed 3D models. These models can be used for various purposes, including design, gaming, and virtual reality. The scanner processes the captured data to generate accurate and high-resolution 3D representations.
How Android 3D Scanners Work
Data Capture:
Photogrammetry: Many Android 3D scanners use photogrammetry, where multiple photographs are taken from different angles. The app’s algorithms analyze these images to reconstruct the 3D model by correlating common features.
Depth Sensors: Some Android devices with depth sensors or LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology can capture depth information directly, providing a more accurate 3D model.
Structured Light: Projects a series of light patterns onto the object, and the camera captures the deformation of these patterns to build a 3D model.
The scanned data is processed to create a 3D model. This involves stitching together images or depth data, correcting distortions, and enhancing the model for clarity.
Model Refinement:
Users can refine the 3D model by adjusting textures, smoothing surfaces, and filling in gaps to improve accuracy and detail.
Popular Android 3D Scanner Apps
Features: Qlone uses photogrammetry and structured light to create 3D models. It provides real-time feedback, automatic editing tools, and easy export options.
Usage: Ideal for scanning small to medium-sized objects for 3D printing, digital archiving, and more.
Platform: Available on Android.
3D Scanner App:
Features: This app uses photogrammetry to create 3D models. It offers tools for editing and exporting models in various formats.
Usage: Suitable for a wide range of scanning needs, including product design and educational purposes.
Platform: Available on Android.
Scan Thngs:
Features: Scan Thngs utilizes photogrammetry for 3D scanning and offers cloud-based processing for generating high-quality models.
Usage: Useful for creating 3D models of objects for digital art, games, and virtual environments.
Platform: Available on Android.
AR Plan 3D:
Features: Uses augmented reality (AR) to measure and create 3D models of rooms and spaces. It provides accurate measurements and detailed floor plans.
Usage: Ideal for interior design, home renovation, and real estate.
Platform: Available on Android.
Features: Trnio combines photogrammetry and AI to create detailed 3D models. It provides editing tools and integrates with cloud services for easy sharing.
Usage: Suitable for scanning objects and environments for digital preservation and virtual reality.
Platform: Available on Android.
Applications of Android 3D Scanners
Design and Prototyping:
Product Design: Designers use Android 3D scanners to capture accurate models of prototypes or existing products, facilitating design iterations and modifications.
Custom Parts: Create custom parts or components by capturing and replicating specific shapes.
Gaming and Entertainment:
Character Modeling: Game developers and filmmakers use 3D models created with Android scanners to design realistic characters and environments.
Virtual Reality: Integrate 3D models into VR environments for immersive experiences.
Interior Design and Architecture:
Space Planning: Capture detailed 3D models of rooms and buildings to assist with interior design and architectural planning.
Virtual Tours: Create virtual tours of spaces for real estate or remote visualization.
Education and Research:
Interactive Learning: Educators use 3D models for interactive teaching, allowing students to explore and study complex subjects in a more engaging way.
Research: Use 3D scans for research in fields such as anthropology, archaeology, and biology.
Healthcare and Fitness:
Body Scanning: Monitor body shape and composition for health and fitness purposes, creating detailed models for analysis and customization of fitness programs.
Consumer Products:
Customization: Offer custom-fit products, such as ergonomic furniture or accessories, by capturing detailed body or object measurements.
Emerging Trends in Android 3D Scanning
Integration with AR and VR:
Enhanced Experiences: Integration with augmented and virtual reality platforms is providing more immersive and interactive experiences, allowing users to visualize 3D models in real-world or virtual environments.
AI and Machine Learning:
Improved Accuracy: AI and machine learning algorithms are being used to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of 3D scanning, improving model quality and providing advanced features like real-time editing and analysis.
Portable and Affordable Solutions:
Consumer Accessibility: Advances in technology are leading to more portable and affordable 3D scanning solutions, making it easier for consumers to access and use 3D scanning capabilities.
Cloud-Based Processing:
Enhanced Capabilities: Cloud-based processing services are enabling more powerful and complex 3D modeling, offering advanced features and scalability for users.
Privacy and Security:
Data Protection: As 3D scanning becomes more widespread, there is a growing focus on ensuring the security and privacy of scanned data, addressing concerns related to data protection and consent.
Android 3D scanners are democratizing access to 3D modeling technology, allowing users to capture and create detailed 3D models using their smartphones and tablets. With applications ranging from design and entertainment to healthcare and education, the technology offers numerous benefits and possibilities. As advancements continue, with innovations in AI, AR/VR integration, and cloud processing, Android 3D scanning is poised to play an increasingly significant role in shaping our digital and physical experiences. Understanding these technologies and their applications helps individuals and businesses harness their potential and explore new opportunities in the 3D modeling world.
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v3dtechnologies · 3 months
Portable 3D Scanning Solution
Portable 3D scanning solutions have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and versatility. Here are some popular options and their key features:
Handheld 3D Scanners:
Artec Eva: Known for its speed and precision, suitable for medium-sized objects.
Creaform Go!SCAN 3D: User-friendly, fast, and accurate, ideal for a variety of applications.
Shining 3D EinScan Pro HD: Versatile with multiple modes for scanning different object sizes and details.
Portable Laser Scanners:
FARO Freestyle 2: Highly accurate, designed for professionals needing detailed scans of environments.
Leica BLK2GO: Combines SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) technology with 3D scanning, great for capturing complex spaces.
Smartphone-based Scanners:
Qlone: Uses your smartphone's camera to create 3D models, convenient and easy to use for small objects.
3D Scanner App: Available for iOS devices, utilizes the LiDAR sensor on newer iPhones and iPads for accurate scanning.
Structured Light Scanners:
Occipital Structure Sensor: Attach it to your iPad to create detailed 3D scans of objects and environments.
HP 3D Structured Light Scanner Pro S3: Provides high-precision scans, suitable for detailed work in various industries.
When choosing a portable 3D scanner, consider the following factors:
Purpose: What do you need to scan? Small objects, large environments, or something else?
Accuracy: What level of detail and precision do you require?
Portability: How easy is it to carry and use the scanner on the go?
Software Compatibility: Ensure the scanner's software is compatible with your existing tools and workflows.
Budget: Prices can vary significantly, so consider your budget and the features you need.
Would you like more detailed information on any specific model or type?
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jacobfeng69 · 5 months
Project 2 Proposal
By Lantao Liu and Guanli Feng
In our Project 2, we plan to take audiences on a special journey through different stages of a person’s life using 3D scanning of a stair and important items related to this person. Every few steps upward, audiences will see all stages of someone’s life — from being a baby to growing old.
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We plan to use 3D Scanner App to scan the stair and items related to the person’s life.
Blender can make the scanned assets more precise and smooth.
Styly for editing and demonstrating the final version of project.
When using Lidar to scan small items, we may encounter a lack of detail due to the low density of laser points.
We may also face a similar issue as in Lantao's last project, where the 3D Scanner App struggles with wall recognition due to their similarity, leading to scan losses.
We also need to make sure we scan enough representative objects to make sure they are relevant to our topic. After all, to represent a person's life, these objects must be strongly representative. We also need to set the transition well, reflecting the phased changes in people's lives.
These are all issues that we need to consider and dealing with these details will help us move forward with the whole plan more smoothly and clearly.
Planetizen. (2022). Building staircase. https://www.planetizen.com/news/2022/05/117106-how-staircase-requirement-can-impact-housing-affordability
Active Metal. (2020). Steel Spiral Stairs. http://www.activemetal.com.au. https://www.activemetal.com.au/2020/11/24/steel-spiral-stair-zurich-north-sydney-active-metal/
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spacecapturevn · 1 year
Introducing Space Capture: The Ultimate iPhone LiDAR App for Capturing Stunning 3D Spaces
Discover a whole new dimension of photography with Space Capture, the cutting-edge iPhone LiDAR app that revolutionizes the way you capture and experience the world around you. Whether you're a architecture, interior designer or a professional looking to elevate your creative projects, Space Capture empowers you to create mesmerizing 3D spaces with unparalleled precision and detail.
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enactivewebs · 5 months
Te Ha gaussian splat capture
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spaceculture · 2 years
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We provide the best Lidar scanner app in cheap. Now you can install the best Lidar scanner app with your iOS device and can make the best use of it while scanning your rooms and spaces in an effortless manner.
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theleadersglobe · 8 months
Apple Vision Pro Headset Gains Momentum in the Market
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The recently launched Apple Vision Pro headset has made its debut in select countries, including the US, generating considerable interest among consumers. Priced at $3499 (approximately ₹2,90,000), the headset has garnered attention on social media platforms, with users showcasing their experiences in various everyday scenarios.
Spatial Computing Redefined
A distinguishing feature of the Apple Vision Pro is its spatial computing capability, setting it apart from other headsets in the market. Unlike traditional devices that create a virtual cocoon, this headset allows wearers to see the real world even with the display on. The innovative technology, powered by visionOS, overlays digital content onto the physical environment, offering a unique and immersive experience.
Health-Friendly Design
Notably, users sharing their experiences have not reported common discomforts associated with mixed reality headsets, such as headaches, nausea, or neck pain. The headset’s design, which includes a stereoscopic main camera 3D system, a LiDAR Scanner, and eye-tracking cameras aims to provide a foundation for a comfortable and user-friendly spatial computing experience.
Apple’s intentional avoidance of terms like mixed reality, virtual reality, or augmented reality in favour of “spatial computing” emphasises its commitment to seamlessly integrating digital content with the physical space. The headset supports eye movements, hand gestures, and voice commands for navigation, opening up possibilities for a computing experience free from the constraints of physical screens.
Expanding App Ecosystem
With more than 600 compatible apps and games on visionOS, Apple is working to establish a robust ecosystem for the Vision Pro headset. Major applications, including Adobe Lightroom, Webex, Amazon Prime Video, Microsoft365, Disney+, and Zoom, are onboard, showcasing the device’s versatility for both work and entertainment.
In a notable development, Adobe’s Firefly generative AI and Lightroom have been made available on the Apple Vision Pro, enhancing the spatial computing experience. Adobe’s adaptation of the Lightroom interface to accommodate hand gestures aligns with the broader industry trend of simplifying user interfaces for spatial computing platforms.
As the Apple Vision Pro gains traction in the market, its innovative approach to spatial computing and user-friendly design mark a significant step forward in redefining the landscape of immersive technology.
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webyildiz · 1 year
There is a black circle in the latest iPhone Pro models and some iPad Pro models. Do you know the mystery of this circle and what its function? This circuit is actually quite useful, as it allows the use of some of the device's most important apps and features, and can be found on the camera bump on the back of modern iPhones. Black circle location The circle rests flat on the square protrusion that contains the phone's lenses from the back. It is a lidar scanner that senses depth using laser beams to determine how far things are. It is designed to measure distances, as it emits pulsed laser beams that help the scanner measure... How long it takes for the reflection to return. Black circle advantages This allows the scanner to measure the distances of objects in its field of view, which enables the phone to create an accurate 3D image of what it can see. This is useful for a whole host of applications that can take advantage of this feature on the iPhone. For example, this is useful for augmented reality applications that allow you to place virtual objects in the “real world” using your camera. It works by targeting an object with a laser and measuring the time it takes for the light to return, enabling the device to “build” a 3D model of the world in front of it. Using this feature, a three-dimensional object can be better placed as the camera sees it from all measurements and angles. It can also allow the camera to work more effectively. In low-light conditions, the scanner can track how far away a subject is, allowing the camera's autofocus feature to work more quickly. “The lidar scanner measures the distance to objects up to 5 meters away, and works indoors and outdoors,” Applen says, according to a report by the British Daily Mail newspaper. “The lidar scanner improves the measurement app, making it faster and easier to automatically calculate someone’s height, while useful vertical and edge guides automatically appear to allow users to measure things more quickly and accurately,” the report adds, citing Apple. The report stated that Apple finds this feature useful in several applications “to make virtual content interact with the physical environment realistically, for example, by throwing a virtual ball at a wall in the real world and making the ball follow the laws of physics.” IKEA website The IKEA website, for example, uses augmented reality to place the company's furniture such as sofas, lamps, and bookcases inside your home to see how they fit into the real space, and uses a scanner to help the application estimate the distance accurately.
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techswings · 1 year
Popular 3D Scanner, Polycam, Uses AI to Complete the 3D Picture
Polycam, the most popular scanning app on the Apple store—and perhaps in the world has found an ingenious way to use AI in its scanning. Polycam users will be able to create a totally immersive view with the ease of creating a panorama. The normal process for getting an immersive view involves moving the camera up and down while rotating, what another iPhone-using scanner refers to as a “painting the wall” approach. But Polycam is able to take the panorama and guess the rest, as it were.
You can get a full 360 degree view of an outdoor scene in less than a minute.
Polycam uses a process it has named “stable diffusion complete,” which is based on “stable diffusion,” the technology similar to one used by media sensation, DALL-e, to generate fanciful pictures, except stable diffusion uses your computer rather than the cloud. To use stable diffusion, users must have a GPU and 8GB of VRAM. While DALL-E and stable diffusion generate images, inpaints and outpaints (more on that later), Stable Diffusion Complete appears to generate a picture based on the image itself, essentially guessing what the rest of the sky or ground would look like, and turns what is normally a low-resolution thin strip of images stitched together and puts you in the center of a full resolution, 360-degree view about the vertical axis (that’s the yaw axis if you are flying a plane), where you can also have a full 180-degree up and down view (the pitch axis).
Meeting Elliott
If Elliott Spelman, cofounder of Polycam, doesn’t strike you as the typical Silicon Valley startup founder, it’s because he is not. Spelman is a designer by education with a master’s in fine arts from Stanford. Being at the helm of a cutting-edge imaging technology is fun for Spelman.
Out for a spin is Elliott Spelman, cofounder of Polycam.
Spelman wants scanning to be fun for everyone—not just professionals with expensive LiDAR rigs. We watch Spelman’s short instructional video that demonstrates how simple it is to take a full 360-degree image.
Sure enough, that is all that is needed to record a full 360-degree immersive image. Polycam may have ruined panoramas forever. After seeing the big picture that Polycam can create, a breathtaking sky-to-ground and all-around seamless (almost) shot, could you ever go back to a thin, distorted, low-resolution image you got from Apple?
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Polycam creates this magic with AI, explains Spelman in a Teams meeting. We expect no less from a company with AI in its domain name.
Although several 360 imagers have the ability to create a high-resolution immersive view (e.g., Matterport, Envisioneer, Luxolis), all of them require that your camera view includes the sky and the ground.
I take it out of the office for a spin. Polycam uses the full resolution of the iPhone’s camera and its image stabilization to take a series of pictures on its own as I rotate in place. The images are uploaded and Polycam returns with what at first looks like any other picture taken with an iPhone. And then you press on the image with your finger, and lo and behold, it’s a full 360-degree, immersive image. Polycam has added a fake sky and ground. It’s pretty good fakery. You have to squint to see where reality stops and fakery starts. The ground below is an excellent guess at what would be underfoot—without me having to extricate myself from the picture.
The stitching together of images in the 360-degree sweep is not perfect—though, in all fairness, that may be Apple’s imperfection. It’s a rare overcast May day in the Bay Area and the sky looks darker suddenly from left to right in one place. But overall, the result is impressive and the process effortless. The scan took less than a minute. I didn’t have to wait more than a minute for the processing. Studying the image, I see that tilt has been magically added to the pan. The sky and ground were completely filled in.
“It’s called inpainting,” says Spelman.
Outpainting would be more appropriate, but okay.
How well does it work inside? I ask.
The AI has its limitations, Spelman admits. It can create ceilings, but it may have trouble in the Sistine Chapel.
Should you, though? There are only a million pictures of the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling, snapshots shared on Instagram, for example. In fact, Autodesk was able to create 3D models of the statues destroyed by the Taliban from publicly available photos on Google. Surely, your AI could use photos similarly?
Spelman tolerates impertinent questions graciously. He could have reminded me that Autodesk has over 10 thousand employees, whereas Polycam has but 15. It is another sign that he is not your typical hyper, type A startup founder.
But the lightweight Polycam punches above its weight. Its reality capture is easier to use than Autodesk’s ReCap Pro. Instead of clicking away and taking photos, Polycam takes pictures continuously as needed all on its own. And it generates better images faster than the “pop-up” metaverse seen at PTC’s recently held LiveWorx conference.
Better Than LiDAR?
While having the LiDAR scanner in your pocket, as with the latest iPhones, is initially exciting, the lack of accuracy is somewhat of a detriment. Also, the images from the camera look better.
Responding to a less-than-favorable review of LiDAR scanning in our first look at Polycam, Spelman has a quick solution.
“You should have used the photo mode.”
It’s unexpected that LiDAR is less accurate than photogrammetry, but here we are, with the result of the iPhone, even the biggest one being too small for multiple, accurate LiDAR sensors, leaving the iPhone with plus or minus one-inch accuracy. Professional LiDAR systems, on the other hand, command mm-level accuracy.
Why not have professional quality LiDAR on Apple’s much larger iPad, I have to wonder.
About Polycam
Spelman and Polycam’s other founder, the equally boyish-looking Chris Heimrich, left a scanning company to create an app for simple, easy-to-use scanning. They have taken a page out of the Autodesk playbook, essentially democratizing a sophisticated process available to the elite. Anyone can take their smartphone and create a 3D picture with Polycam. And have they ever. The Polycam site (“3D capture for anyone”) gives them all gallery space.
Yet, Spelman insists that Polycam is useful for the professional. It outputs its LiDAR and photogrammetry data to standard formats—for example, DXF for AutoCAD.
It was the iPhone’s ability to store the images that made all the difference. Otherwise, there is too much lag in the shooting if you have to wait for each photo to upload.
Also, unlike every other startup, Polycam is now profitable. Polycam’s revenue model is simple, $79.99 a year for unlimited use. There is a free version, which has usage and export format limits.
The free intro. version encourages engagement, and the all-you-can-eat price promotes continued use. Other pricing schemes I have seen, such as price per square foot, discourage continued use.
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