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qubadigital · 1 year
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datascraping001 · 10 months
Travel Industry Email Lists
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Navigating Success: Unleashing the Power of Travel Industry Email Lists. In the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of the travel industry, staying ahead is not just an advantage; it's a necessity. Datascrapingservices.com introduces a game-changer with its Travel Industry Email Lists, empowering businesses to navigate success effectively. This article delves into the transformative impact of these email lists and how they become the cornerstone for strategic marketing in the travel sector.
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sunsetbeachsoap · 5 years
Hollywood: Daytime Goes to the Beach Aaron Spelling will bring sunshine and sand to set-bound soap operas with his new ‘Sunset Beach’
Nov 4, 1996 By Betsy Sharke Except for a nasty cold, Aaron Spelling couldn’t be in much better spirits. He’s spent most of the day with his office crammed full of wardrobe racks and cast members from Sunset Beach, the first daytime drama that Spelling Entertainment has ever done and the first daytime drama to be introduced on network TV in eight years (1989’s Generations was the last — and it didn’t).
‘We brought in 12 racks of clothes,’ says Spelling. ‘I think fashion is as important to a serial as anything else.’ Fashion sets the tone. It defines the palette. The length of a skirt, the style of jeans, can tell the viewer volumes about a character before the first word of dialogue is spoken. Spelling already loves the Sunset Beach cast — their names have been added to his annual Christmas party list — and on this day he is doling out advice to them on everything from buying a new car to renting apartments to how to handle fame, should it be lucky enough to come. He has issued his no-hair-changes dictum — Sunset cast members had better be happy with the style and color they start the show with, because Spelling isn’t about to let them confuse a new audience with a makeover any time soon. It is a long-standing rule for a Spelling show, and his staff knows that he’s deadly serious about it even if some of the awestruck actors don’t — yet. On Jan. 6, Sunset Beach will hit the air. ‘The series is a critical component of NBC West Coast president Don Ohlmeyer’s plan to make the network’s daytime schedule as potent as its prime time. NBC is in third place in daytime, though the net is up 20 percent this season and is closing in on second-place ABC. Ohlmeyer has his sights set on first, which CBS now owns. ‘With Sunset, we have something new and hot and exciting,’ Ohlmeyer says. ‘(In) the ‘80s, NBC daytime basically disintegrated. We are in the process of rebuilding, but we have to deliver the goods. That’s how we’ve built prime time, with distinctive programming. ‘There hasn’t been a successful soap launched in 10 years. It’s very difficult to do, but with Aaron’s touch and looking at the cast we have, we think it’s worth the effort. Some of our affiliates are very receptive (to the show) some, we’re in the process of kidnapping their children.’ On Stage 11 at NBC Studios in Burbank, carpenters and set designers are working late into the night to complete the sets that will form the primary backdrop for the show. The small community of Seal Beach, roughly a 90-minute drive south of Los Angeles, has been scouted nearly grain by grain of sand. It will be the exterior home for Sunset, and unlike most daytime soaps, the location will be a frequent player. Last week, readings and the first of three weeks of shooting exteriors began. The Santa Anas — California’s devil winds — stirred up the sand, making it sting on the skin. The water, which is never warm at Seal Beach, was even colder than usual. But no one was complaining. The 22 actors who will give shape and form to Sunset Beach are a beautiful bunch indeed, a canvas of racial diversity plucked from the talent pool in New York, Los Angeles and other cities including Philadelphia, the hometown of Spelling Entertainment president Jonathan Levin, who went back for that casting session. They are also young faces, part of the strategy to make Sunset a daytime soap for younger viewers, to do for daytime drama what Ricki Lake did for talk, at least in terms of attracting a new audience. Spelling is considered a master at casting, instinctively knowing which faces will work together as a couple, which actors will have that all-important element of chemistry. Now the virtually unknown Sunsetters are all in front of him, many meeting for the first time, and the air is electric. ‘One of my favorite sports is finding new people and combining them with other people, and I had used so many people from daytime on our soaps,’ says Spelling, whose legacy includes such prime-time legends as Loveboat and Dynasty. The company is currently on prime time with an unprecedented four dramas: Melrose Place; Beverly Hills, 90210; Savannah; and Seventh Heaven. Sunset has been 18 months in the making, and Spelling is like a proud papa, surrounded by actors whose future he has just secured. The series, which is co-owned by Spelling and NBC, has a one-year commitment from the network. That’s 51 weeks of shows, 255 hour-long episodes guaranteed. ‘I wouldn’t tell Candy, my wife, for a week after the show was sold, but my daughter Tori is a daytime addict, and she kept saying, ‘Do it,” says Spelling. With four shows already on the air, he has little time. Launching a daytime soap would siphon off even more of it. ‘I don’t think it hit me for a while. OnMelrose, we wrap on the 22nd of November and don’t come back until January 5th. The actors and writers get a chance to rest. This is never-ending. But it’s been a strange, great experience.’ Worldvision, which sells Spelling’s shows internationally, already has 10 countries signed on for Sunsetwithout one scene shot, based on a four-minute video that outlined the premise of the show and included Spelling talking about it. The foreign sales are important, as is NBC’s share in the financing. Mounting a daytime drama from scratch is a massive undertaking. ‘It requires the logistics of mounting a military campaign,’ says Levin. ‘There’s huge construction, there’s an enormous amount of lighting, tremendous casting, wardrobe problems. It’s not like prime time, when you see life in a kind of episodic way. Daytime is an endless stream of programming that, once it’s begun, can’t be stopped.’ Ohlmeyer puts the production investment alone at about $50 million. ‘Then there’s the cost of launch, advertising and promotion — it’s a major commitment on our part,’ he says. ‘With daytime, you’re not really going to know anything concretely for 18 months. I feel we’re very much on track. We’ve done this in a really organized way in terms of laying out target dates, scripts in by here, cast in place by here, task force working on clearances to this point we’re right on schedule. That still doesn’t change the pucker factor.’ NBC was initially looking at four ideas, Spelling’s idea among them, for a daytime soap. Spelling’s concept originally was loosely defined as ‘Melrose Place at the beach.’ When they began to look seriously for a title for the new show, Spelling ran a title contest in-house. The winner would get $200. There were dozens of suggestions, but the most serious contender, Never Say Goodbye, came from an unlikely source: Viacom chairman Sumner Redstone, who suggested it during a dinner with Spelling. ‘I loved the name — it says romance, which this show is all about,’ says Spelling, whose company is part of Viacom. But in testing, viewers were drawn to the ‘beach’ motif more than anything else, Spelling says. Executive producer Gary Tomlin (Santa Barbara) and Robert Guza Jr. are the people on the front line of the creative side of Sunset Beach. The initial groundwork on the series was done by Chuck Pratt, who was an executive producer on Melrose Place, and Guza, whose work everyone knew from Spelling’sModels Inc. Together they wrote a nearly 400-page bible outlining Sunset’s premise, characters and storyline. Spelling remembers the bible for Melrose Place being closer to 40 pages. Unlike most daytime dramas, which tend to build their storylines around families and family rivalries,Sunset Beach is about young singles and couples who have been drawn to the town, and the relationships that emerge as the action unfolds. The producers also created an underlying mythology about the town as a place where one can find true love. ‘We loved the idea of creating a town and making the town a character,’ says Guza, who is cocreator and head writer. ‘(With) Sunset Beach, you get to create this world and these characters, and then you get to screw up their lives.’ Sunset Beach is being written at a faster pace than traditional daytime dramas. It’s a delicate balancing act to move action through each episode without losing the audience. ‘We would love it if people watched five days a week, but they don’t,’ says Tomlin. Three days is more typical. ‘We have to make certain they’re able to pick up where the story left off and that it hasn’t moved so rapidly that they can’t figure it out.’ The show is also being designed to allow room for cameos by big-name prime-time stars. Spelling wants to give viewers as compelling a reason as possible to tune in to Sunset. ‘On top of needing to have a terrific show, you are fighting against viewer habits that are long, long ingrained,’ says Levin. ‘It is very difficult to change the loyalty of the daytime viewer, and we’re talking about shows that have been on for 30 years. That’s one of the reasons we’re targeting young viewers — they’re the most available and the most flexible in their viewing habits.’ Then there is the station lineup. Affiliates exert their independence far more in daytime than prime time. NBC says that Sunset is cleared on 85 percent of its affiliates; the network expects to reach 90 percent by the premiere. With the cast now in place and the first rolls of tapes being produced, the network knows that stations that are wavering at least will have something concrete to see. ‘Will we get sufficient coverage — that’s a constant battle,’ says Levin. ‘Will the local affiliates elect to air the show in desirable time slots that will afford us the best opportunity to be sampled? These are things we are lobbying for but ultimately we don’t control.’ Spelling and NBC executives hope that Sunset Beach will be scheduled to follow Days of Our Lives, which has made a dramatic turnaround. ‘Over the last 18 months with that show, it’s been unbelievable, going from being in the middle to the top,’ Ohlmeyer says. ‘If we can get that kind of performance from Another World — and we think we’re finally on the right track there — with Sunset Beach we could have a solid three-hour block.’ Copyright ASM Communications, Inc. (1996) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED http://www.mediaweek.com/mw/esearch/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=510703
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webshoutz · 4 years
How To Grow Your Electrician Business And Generate new leads Online
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Your ability to promote your electrician services translates directly into how much you could make. Running a SWOT analysis is a great way to not only understand your strengths, weaknesses, but also find the best opportunities, and identify threats. Once you identify them, you can create or update your electrician business marketing plan and illustrate the essential steps for your current economic climate, in addition, the starting point to successful bidding is to become an expert at analysis and estimates. How To Make Your Service Bloom With Tools & Materials
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Find good suppliers that allow you to provide high-quality reliable products at competitive prices with good, long-lasting service. invest in a van, tools, and Office equipment.  you should have the facility and operational capability to handle owners and general contractor’s highest-level projects and needs. remember both your vehicle and your equipment are assets, not liabilities. All can be resold if necessary, or added to the total value of your business. Tool management and tracking systems online software can help you automate a lot of your everyday tasks like scheduling online bookings, sending invoices, and email marketing and support activities. (CRM) systems help bridge the gap between sales, marketing, and customer service. Want More Clients? Start Digital Marketing plan  
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The electrician business website allows customers to learn more about your company and the products or services you offer. You can also offer promotional discounts using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest  & youtube videos, to attract new clients or customers, Improve your web presence meaning a greater new clients base, Add a personal touch to your social media profile with webshoutz Facebook cover photos customized to your business for each Federal holiday. FIGURE OUT WHY YOUR WEBSITE IS NOT MAKING YOUR PHONE RING & CONVERT !! FILL THE FORM AND RECEIVE A FULL AUDIT REPORT IN PDF FOR FREEhttps://forms.gle/6oJrDXjYU26XRYxz7We perform a complete audit of your website’s onsite SEO, offsite SEO, and technical SEO. Touch Up Brand Recognition To Share Your Business With Your Community.Build a brand that customers perceive trustworthy and professional will encourage loyalty, Your brand recognition is the accumulation of experiences that invoke the values of your company, design your unique business logo and contribute it on every item in your company starting from the electrician business cards, flyers, adverts shirts, hats, electrical safety gloves, safety boots, and vehicles with custom patches. stickers placed strategically at the completion of a project. you have a big chance to share your business with your community.
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Improve your digital presence meaning a greater number of new clients within your service area. Setup your digital marketing strategy and run ads in local directories so the consumer can reach you easily and faster than your competitor
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It's Essential To Maintain Your High Safety Standards  official certification is critical, as you can`t secure clients if you’re not qualified and you’ll also turn the job safety of yourself, ignoring this step could mean the end of your business. Make sure you obtain education and training from a certified trade school or training programs in place, as well as a workers’ compensation policy. larger firm’s technology changes are driving employers to hire employees with higher qualifications. Referral Marketing The Largest Source For New ContractsBuilding a good relationship with professional organizations such as painter, carpenter, or plumber. can pave the way for future referrals during a less busy period and establish a higher-volume business You can also run as franchise operations.
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Coordinate meetings with your customers and your electrician team, decide who is going to lead the meeting and what each person is going to contribute to the discussion.  It’s to enforce a potential new client base and to network with them.ensure that your customer has all of your contact information in case there are any problems with the systems that were installed then you can make contact with old relationships and some new ones each week and share some free advice through email and postcard marketing tools with them to produce amazing results. Ask satisfied customers for Feedback and reviews on Google, Facebook, and other digital marketing platforms and directories CHECK HOW IS YOUR BUSINESS LISTED? Just enter your business information to scan below: using our Tool to check how your business information appears on  Yelp, Naddress, Angie’s List, Trip Advisor, and Yellowpages and more than 150 other directories. Not only asking Satisfied customers for testimonials but also to share their positive experience with their friends, family, and other contacts, these people will help you obtain new contracts in the future.
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deadmanslocke-blog · 7 years
Crimson Demon Crew in terms of Hierarchy
Elected positions:
♢    Captain: Carlos Vicente Miranda de Zaragoza ♢    Quarter Master: Adrien “Ghost” Moreau (steps up to Captain in dire situations)
Skilled positions:
♢     Boatswain: William ‘deadshot’ Locke (steps up to QM in dire situations) ♢     Sailing Master: Venus Darya Lajani  ♢     Carpenter & Surgeon: Sybil Beck  ♢     Master Gunner: 0/1
General positions:
♢     Mate: 0/4 (Steps up to the position they shadow i.e. gunner/C&S/Sailing Master/Boatswain) ♢     A.B.S: 0/5 ♢     Rigger:  Ragnar Lawson ♢     Swabbie: Rowland “Six” Flint
Stepping up tends to only be temporary until the individual in full possession of the rank can either return to their duties (unless they’re killed) or should they be in an elected role there be an election held for the crew to pick their next individual to hold an elected role (Captain/QM).
Relationship to crew in terms of position:
Due to William’s position on the Crimson Demon as its boatswain he is considered third mate and thus should anything happen to Ghost, William would be the individual to immediately step up and take his position as QM (albeit temporarily) until an election can be called to replace the position.
For his position William is highly skilled in all matters of marlinespike seamanship required for working on deck of a seagoing vessel. He is distinguished from other able seamen by the supervisory roles: planning, scheduling, and assigning work. As deck crew foreman, the boatswain plans the day’s work and assigns tasks to the deck crew. As work is completed, he will check on completed work for compliance with approved operating procedures. 
Outside the supervisory role, the boatswain regularly inspects the vessel and performs a variety of routine, skilled, and semi-skilled duties to maintain all areas of the ship not maintained by the engineering department. These duties can include cleaning, painting, and maintaining the vessel’s hull, superstructure and deck equipment as well as executing a formal preventive maintenance program.
A boatswain’s skills may include cargo rigging, winch operations, deck maintenance, working aloft, and other duties required during deck operations. The boatswain is well versed in the care and handling of lines, and has knowledge of knots, hitches, bends, whipping, and splices as needed to perform tasks such as mooring a vessel. The boatswain typically operates the ship’s windlasses when letting go and heaving up anchors. Moreover, a boatswain may be called upon to lead fire-fighting efforts or other emergency procedures encountered on board.
William has held the position for almost 13 years now, and has managed to do so because of his ability to integrate his seafaring skills into supervisory and easy communication with members of the deck crew who often have a very diverse set of backgrounds. William is a fair and just individual that has led to a decent amount of respect being earned towards him from the crew and even those above him-- only further reason why he’s been so successful in holding this position for as long as he has (not always easy with crews that can easily become dis-quietened with their leadership). 
Occasionally there has been mention that he would make a decent QM or Captain in his own right, but Will has never seemed to show much interest in the role and responsibility. He’s tough on the crew when needs be but never harshly so and would never ask them to do something that he himself wouldn’t do first. Brave, loyal and adaptive it’s rather easy to understand why he’s successful in this particular role aboard the ship. His patience is also part of the reason why when the Captain or QM for some reason cannot deal with another set of pirates William is the one who tends to be sent over to discuss negotiations especially with the crew of the Blooming Rose with whom he has a decent level of camaraderie.
With that in mind I’m going to write some general dynamic summaries and ones I’d like to fill under the cut, because this is me and it’s obviously going to get long. This obviously isn’t everything but it’s an idea for some background for relationships I could see William having. If you have other things in mind for how your muse might know him then 100000% hit me up and let me know. 
Crimson Demon:
Captain - TBA
Ghost - Will and Ghost have a healthy level of respect for one another, where Ghost’s brash attitude and lack of social skills tend to cause trouble Will is usually the one there to balance him out and smooth out some of the disturbances he causes. Ghost routinely tests Will to see whether he’s still suitable for his role considering both are aware that should anything happen to him Will shall be the one to step up.
Venus - TBA
Sybil - Will figured out a fair while back what Sybil’s secret was and decided to keep it, he had no particular interest in blackmail or utilising the fact that she was a woman aboard the vessel to his own vantage like some might. After all, she was good at her job and so long as she kept that up Will saw no real reason as to question her presence. He isn’t superstitious and the Demon hasn’t sunk yet so he sees nothing wrong with her being aboard.
Ragnar - As part of what would be considered the deck crew Will oversees and checks the work of Ragnar and others in these positions. As mentioned above, he’s fair in the amount of work he deals out and so long as it’s done to correct standards sees no point in being abusive of the position he has above these crewmen. 
Rowland “Six” Flint - TBA
Blooming Rose:
Wren Scarborough  - Will and Wren’s dealings go back for several years, it isn’t easy to successfully launch a pirating operation with an all female/non-binary crew and he like most at the time was rather surprised by the success they had. He holds a high level of respect for Wren and though they could be considered friends, Will tries to maintain a decent level of respectful boundary between them considering he needs to keep his crew satisfied that his interests and loyalties lie entirely with them after all more oft than not these two ships go after the same prizes which can lead to tensions between crews. On operations where the Demon and Rose have operated together Will tends to be the one sent over to assist in negotiations considering his acquaintanceship with Wren.
Ruth Sheftall - TBA
Marie-Louise “Louise” Tobin - TBA
Marisol Jones - TBA
Best friends
Close friends
Friendly rivals
Actual rivals
Perhaps a jealous lower crewman of how much William is apparently liked by everyone
Crushes (Will’s oblivious but plenty of people find him attractive perhaps your muse from the Blooming Rose or even Crimson Demon have come to take a shine towards William’s patient and good-hearted nature)
Hook ups / Friends with benefits
Family - Will has 4 elder sisters and 1 younger half-sister, he once had an elder brother but he passed away during childhood. He was always close to his sisters and I’m 10000% willing to discuss if people want to take up an elder sibling to Will or even his half-sister which I’ve requested anyway here.
Molly O'Brian - Molly and Will met a fair few years ago now, he’s always been one of the few individuals around who hasn’t shown an initial interest in her work but rather her as a person. He likes her a lot, considers her a good friend and can sometimes be a little overprotective in regards to her well-being not in the jealous sort of way that he would stop her working but simply takes an interest in making sure she’s looked after and stays as safe as she can considering her line of work brings her into contact with some unsavoury sorts. Will finds that Molly is someone he can let his guard drop around which isn’t always an easy thing to manage, she’s fun and enjoyable company that he’s happy to pass time with when she isn’t working.
Siren Song / Brothel Workers - Due to his friendship with Molly Will is known to hang around the Siren’s Song and various other brothels not for business interests but to see her and other friends he’s come to make with the workers. Will’s a kind and patient man but also tends to go to keep an eye on his crew along with the general populus, should things get a bit too rowdy or kick off his 6 ft 5 frame makes for an impressive deterrent for patrons getting too possessive on the women and other individuals working there. Will isn’t above stepping in to help settle matters as cordially as possible and is known to pay decently for drinks he receives which is part of the reason owners let him stay even if he doesn’t seem to be present for anything more than a chat and a drink.
Tavern workers / patrons - Again, similar concept as above. Will enjoys a game of cards over a tankard of ale, he’s known to frequent pubs and taverns across the city to relax with his crew and other friends. Perhaps these people know Will from his frequent visits to the tavern, though he seems imposing he tends to keep to himself a lot of the time but will happily chat to staff whilst they’re bustling about keeping tankards full.
Religious Connections - Though Will no longer tends to subscribe to any sort of faith or practise, he isn’t above going to visit church occasionally. He likes to sometimes go to these places to sit, think and reminisce on his life before he went away to join the Navy where he was raised in an Abbey down on the Southern coast. Perhaps these characters know Will from his visits to church, have seen him there various times and one day decided to approach him.
Muscle - Will isn’t above settling his skills and strength in exchange for coin, most who hire him for odd jobs presume him to be a mindless idiot when it couldn’t be further from the truth. Perhaps your muse hired Will to act as a guard on some expedition or job in London and for a fee he agreed.
Exes - Will has some history taking partners although he’s rather selective about that in London, perhaps these characters were together for a little time during his last time in London before he took to the seas once more to go pirating. They would have had to have known each other a fair while and Will would need to feel comfortable with them before anything serious ever came about.
Bounty Hunter - Will’s been in the career of piracy for 15 years, which in itself is almost unheard of. His reputation precedes him and there are whispers amongst the highest levels of aristocracy about pirates and the remarkable skill ‘Deadshot’ possesses. Some say he bargained with the devil and sold his soul for his remarkable shooting skills others that he consorts with witches and magic to gain his abilities. None have managed to put a name to a face and though plenty of hunters have been sent after him none have ever returned successfully (some haven’t even returned at all). Perhaps your muse has been assigned the case and is trying to track him down to put him in irons but due to Will’s meticulously careful attitude with his skills has come to a frustrating roadblock.
Past connection - Will used to sail aboard a privateering vessel about 20-15 years ago. Perhaps your muse was in the navy and knew young William in those days of suffrage. Perhaps they sailed aboard the vessel with him or were one of the other officers aboard the ship. They might have a clue about what happened to William during those days with the sadistic Lieutenant David Porter but they also might not.
Below is a plot that involves some revenge and the eventual murder of a sadistic Naval lieutenant that made Will’s life hell. Warning just before you read.
Lieutenant David Porter - a plot that will be ongoing with Will is him coming to terms with what this monster of a man did to him when he was 18/19. Will is currently under the impression that Porter died the day the HMS St Andrew went down but little does he know that this man has been alive and well and has continued terrorising those under his command with brutal and sadistic torture yet remains untouchable himself due to the fear that confronting him would result in their demise. None have come forward and it’s unlikely any will. (For an example of a character like this think Captain John Randall from Outlander and you get an idea of what he’s like). 
Perhaps your muse is a military officer/official who has run into this smarmy git who acts like a true gentlemen but as soon as he’s out of sight of official lines of sight turns into the true monster he is. Perhaps your muse is a prostitute or civilian that has been attacked and not been able to do anything about it because the man is wealthy and privileged and to accuse him would more than likely result in your death rather than his. 
Eventually, Will is going to find out that Porter is still alive and that is going to have some major ramifications for him. He will want to find a way to bring this man down and it will likely bring him into contact with authorities and officials in an attempt to find any sort of way to bring this man tumbling down from his pedestal. Will will eventually be looking to discredit, humiliate and potentially even kill this man. There are plenty of avenues that this could go down in lead up to that. But this is something I’m 10000% willing to throw open to anyone who wants to get involved.
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ruchikakamat · 4 years
3 Part Strategy For Better Work Ethics
“I’m tired.” “It’s too late.” “I’ll do it tomorrow.” Are common excuses almost every employee has resorted to at some point in order to avoid work. It’s natural to feel unmotivated sometimes and inevitably dish out such excuses to put work off. But it’s important to understand that one has to outwork competition in order to be successful and success is always a by-product of superior work ethics. Stephen King once said that “Talent is cheaper than table salt, but what separates an individual from a successful one is a lot of hard work”. While this is true, there are times when the motivation just doesn’t make the cut. But as the saying goes – discipline and ethics keep you going when motivation runs out. Despite obvious talent, successful people wouldn’t be where they are without having insane work ethics. Here’s a small tale about how important work ethics are and the lack of which can be consequential.
An elderly carpenter was ready to retire, and he told his boss of his plans to leave and live a more leisurely life with his wife. He would miss the paycheck, he could get by, but he needed to retire. The contractor was sorry to see such a good worker go, and he asked the carpenter to build just one more house as a personal favour. The carpenter said yes, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. It was an unfortunate way to end a dedicated career. When the carpenter finished his work, the contractor came to inspect the house. He handed the front-door key to the carpenter. “This is your house,” the contractor said. “It is my gift to you. “The carpenter was shocked! What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently.
So it is with people at work. People work every day often putting less than the best effort in their work. Oblivious to the fact that like the carpenter was building his own house, employees are actually building their own careers ad will have to live with it for the rest of their lives.
This sure would make people wish they did things much differently. We cannot go back. But our attitudes and the choices we make today build our “house” for tomorrow. Employers/ Bosses essentially become enablers of work ethics. They need to ensure supreme ethics at workplace. These reach far beyond employee loyalty and morale or the strength of a management team bond. As with all business initiatives, the ethical operation of a company is directly related to profitability in both the short and long term. It may sound like a herculean task but attaining superior work ethics in your organization. But there is a simple strategy that can help you achieve it.  We’ve broken this down into 3 parts for better understanding:
Organizations need to have predefined rules and regulations regarding workplace ethics. These rules and regulations should be given to ALL employees together with their employment contract. Also having the rules written at strategic places at the workplace will also help remind people about the rules. People tend to unconsciously imbibe things they see every day. Thus it is important to establish rules and a strict code of conduct. Make a list of unethical behaviours and list the consequences for these behaviours.  Ensure that they are placed alongside the rules at strategic places in the organization. That way, if anyone wants to ignore the rules despite seeing them, the fear of getting punished will stop him or her from going ahead. Also, it’s important to ensure swift disciplinary action in case these are breached. Some companies often cover up grave ethical breaches when the defaulters are high ranking members of the organization. Things like this should not be accommodated. Irrespective of who breaks the rules, there should be swift disciplinary action by the organization.
It would be unrealistic to assume that all employees may only comply with the work ethics just because it is communicated to them. The best thing to do in this situation is to ensure that all the disciplinary policies are enshrined in the code of ethics are enforced accordingly. It also helps to organize value-based training seminars where you invite experts to educate employees and empower managers at every level with the right tools to engage their teams on the company’s values and expected behaviours. Managers should be encouraged to have regular discussions with their teams to keep values on everyone’s minds. Managers will need coaching on how to comfortably conduct values discussions with their teams.
It is incorrect to assume that employees possess the values that are the right fitment for the organization. Managers must remember that from the recruitment to appraisals, the internal branding must reflect in the company values. Managers must ensure that these are not just imbibed but team members must also be appreciated and recognized for demonstrating superior ethics.
Actions always speak louder than words. If you want to get the best out of your employees in regards to improved work morals, you need to empower them from time to time. Ensure they have an open forum to speak about their challenges so they can avoid burnouts. It is often noticed that an employee who is facing burnout due to any of the following reasons, tends to compromise on work ethics as a coping mechanism.
Late Night Out/Unpaid Overtime: Job markets are competitive and workplaces are demanding. Employees are laden with more workload than they can handle. Thus they end up working overtime or extra hours, often without any compensation. They miss out on leisure time and struggle to maintain a work-life balance. Managers/ bosses sometimes fail to acknowledge their efforts and sacrifice and begin treating over time as a normal working practice. This breeds resentment among employees and they often give half-hearted efforts.
Verbal Harassment: It is becoming increasingly common for bosses/managers to turn to the usage of harsh language when employees make little mistakes. This often reduces or kills employee morale and productivity. Employers should always say kind words to their employees.
Undue Pressure/ Unrealistic expectations: Deadlines are a great way to make sure the work gets done on time and instil great ethical code. However, when employees are placed under undue pressure, they end up trading quality for on-time delivery. An example of undue pressure will be giving an employee a 1-day deadline for a project that would normally take a week, this may prompt them to resort to unethical means to achieve results.
Nepotism: This degenerate practice that breaches ethics and bars talent from flourishing is unfortunately prevalent in many organizations. For example, An employee who has been working hard for years while influencing company growth may get side-lined for a promotion because of another employee who is either a stooge or an apple polisher. Things like these reduce employee morale or even push talented employees to resign.
Unfriendly Work Environment: One of the things that can kill productivity is a toxic workplace culture that is far from being friendly. This may be seen as a combination of toxic bosses, lack of recognition, nepotism and other conditions. An unfriendly environment usually is a breeding ground for various unethical behaviours under one roof.
While these may seem daunting, but it is important to remember that employee happiness is key!  This can easily be achieved by simply appreciating the efforts employees put in to contribute to organizational success. One easy way to do that is by allowing not just manager but also peers to recognize each other on a social platform. This will greatly boost the morale of employees and will set an example to motivate others. Let’s Buzzz offers a great peer-to-peer recognition program that allows organizations to establish value-based behaviours that can be socially recognized across the organization and amongst peers as well.
Managers can also choose to reward employees for demonstrating such behaviour by awarding buzz points that can be redeemed against digital rewards. Get in touch for a demo or a free trial today.
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Q&A: Monica Clark “Our main focus is to provide opportunities for kids all over the local communities”
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By: Sabrina Torres
Monica Clark is the Youth Baseball and Softball Development Representative for the Philadelphia Phillies. Monica graduated from Rider University in 2018 with a study in Sports Management. She has been working there for just under 3 years now. 
Her day to day life at the Phillies organization is to create unique events for children of all ages to come and get help with their skills. These different events that she runs including the Phillies Homerun Derby, Youth Academy, and the Softball Carpenter Cup.
 These various events involve softball/baseball and the main goal is to provide opportunities for these kids in the surrounding communities to become passionate about the game.
Monica is a friend of mine so I had the opportunity to speak to her on these certain questions regarding her position as an event coordinator/ development representative. 
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This picture above is from this past RBI Softball Clinic where various college softball alumni came to talk and practice softball with girls of many ages. Monica (standing all the way to the right) ran this entire event and it was ultimately a success.  
1. What is your idea on doing virtual events because of this pandemic? 
For her job, her team has started to use social media as a way to virtually share things with their audience. They started creating posts using Phillies alumni. They have been creating videos that show baseball and softball drills kids can do at home by themselves with very little equipment needed. They want to make it just as effective for the kids like if they were at the Phillies baseball/softball events in person. This coming week, Monica and her team are discussing more ways they can connect and engage with the kids. Zoom calls have been a very effective way to stay connected with their teammates and coaches. They will continue to use technology to reach as many kids as they can to keep them active during this time. The kids they work with come from inner cities and some might not have access to technology or the internet so they are trying to be as creative as possible. Unfortunately, the type of events that they host cannot be done virtually due to the fact that it requires physical activity with equipment that the Phillies provide them. 
2. What other strategies has your company been considering to ensure customer loyalty? 
For Monica and her team, they work with kids trying to get them involved in playing the sport of baseball and softball. It’s hard because so many of these kids were just about to start their seasons. A lot of these kids baseball and softball is their way to get away from any craziness they could be experiencing. Right now, they are just trying to spread a positive message to stay safe and once this is all over the Phillies will be here to continue to support their programs. Although they don’t know when or what this season may hold it is important to let these kids know they will be there for them as soon as everyone can get back out there. 
3. Have you guys been utilizing social media?
Like stated in question #1, they have been utilizing social media accounts including Instagram and Facebook to connect with their target audience. Their main priority right now is to focus on staying up to date with the customers so they remain loyal to the organization. Monica has been keeping up and creating engaging content that is fun for the kids and their parents. It is hard when some kids who attend their events do not have access to the Internet because it leaves them feeling left out and their main goal as a department is to create a positive message for these kids who live in Philadelphia. Social media is their main way to stay in contact with the kids and keep them motivated
4. What are your main duties right now when working from home? 
Monica’s main duties as a youth development representative right now are to continue to keep her communication with their RBI (reviving baseball and softball in inner cities) Softball Coaches. They were supposed to start the 3 softball leagues on April 1st. These 3 softball leagues were brand new to RBI. A big project this offseason for Monica was to bring these girls into the program. Right now, a lot of them are worried the season won’t happen and the girls will miss out. Monica tries to keep them updated and remind them that once this is all done they will work together to get these girls playing. She also oversees the 3 Youth Academy Softball teams. For this, Monica tries to stay in communication with the coaches and players. They ask the players to do weekly workouts during which they record themselves to show us their improvements. She also is in constant communication with the other 2 people in her department discussing their other 12 programs they oversee. May and June are two of their busiest months so it’s important to stay on top of the events that are supposed to be happening in the future.
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5. How were consumers told about the cancellation of certain events and the postponed baseball season? 
 She doesn't really work with consumers for her department as all their events and programs are free. She is aware that the ticket sales office has been in contact with consumers about the steps moving forward. It’s hard though right now as none of them know what the future holds. They sit and wait just like everyone else to find out when and if the season will happen this year. For her department specifically, they sent out emails to their Youth Academy and RBI Leagues explaining the suspension of both due to the pandemic and in the best interest of the safety for all the kids. Most of their events are still in the future so time will tell what will happen. They have to take it one day and week at a time. They do not want to cancel things prematurely but are also not going to put any of any kids or coaches at risk.
6. How have the Phillies made sure that the facilities are being deep cleaned to ensure the safety of future players, customers etc.?
Monica and her team have been working from home since March 16th. They have been told to stay and work from home until further notice to keep everyone safe. Only necessary workers are allowed to access the building and that is only after they have been granted special permission from the ballpark operations department. Outside of the ballpark, there was also a testing site set up for people. I’m sure they have proper cleaning crews that will tend to the building and extensive cleaning will happen before people are allowed back in.
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humbertocomer-blog · 6 years
The Tedious Honey Bees
Nevertheless it appears the prevailing opinion is that it's extra of a "honey excluder" than a queen excluder. We're additionally showcasing a beautiful new display beehive, the place you can watch the queen laying eggs, see a new baby emerge from a cell and experience the delight of the bees communicating through their waggle dance. I'm a software engineer with intensive expertise in shipping products on many different platforms and utilizing many various applied sciences. Outcomes of one 2003 study showed that making use of aspirin topically to bee stings or wasp stings really elevated redness and didn’t decrease the duration of swelling or ache in comparison with utilizing ice alone. Their investigation discovered that one in three Ikarians attain age 90 compared to the anticipated one in 9 child boomers in the United States. The common life of a honey bee through the working season is about three to six weeks. When they're a few weeks old, worker bees start receiving and storing pollen and nectar from foraging bees. Buzzing about gathering nectar from the flower blossoms, and flying that nectar again to the hive. The pattern includes each a back an front panel that fold collectively. Nate opened one of many bee colonies and showed viewers an inside view of the hive. So I simply needed to squeeze in yet another pumpkin recipe earlier than the top of October. The stored bees would seem to have extra contact with humans and extra bees would die from stinging them. The researchers concluded that therapy with bee venom would possibly inhibit the development of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in people. Bee removal in Woodbridge is something quite common. You may as well use other bee killer substitutes such aerosol sprays that are efficient in getting rid of carpenter bees effectively. The female bees (worker bees and queens) are the only ones that can sting, and their stinger is a modified ovipositor. On account of the best way wherein it's processed, the ensuing honey resists mold, fungi and different micro organism, which implies that it will probably last for years with out adding any synthetic preservatives or by refrigeration. Conserving bees to make honey is known as beekeeping, or apiculture. An enzyme in meat tenderizer called papain is also believed to assist break down the protein that causes pain and itching. There are 130 species in North America. Here are a number of examples. Attempt to purchase new tools if you possibly can, it is going to last you numerous longer and finally value lower than one thing you purchase used that breaks after just some uses. Once you begin supplying patties you could proceed till natural pollen is accessible or the hive will decline and/or collapse. Our Burns Bees Feeding System allows you to feed your bees each patties and a pair of:1 sugar water. This means each have the identical effect on blood sugar. Consequently, after you consume the honey, the glucose in it is quickly absorbed, while the fructose is absorbed relatively sluggish, thus enjoying a job of sustaining the blood sugar. This may be because beeswax candles are sometimes purported to be superior to other wax candles, as a result of they are meant to burn brighter and longer, don't bend, and burn "cleaner". This type offers some enjoyment to some people who are after the natural honey taste. Honey is just made by bees and bottled by people. Honey has been consumed by human since long ago and may be very useful with so much of advantages. Subterranean bee nests need human TLC, too. Bee pollen will increase the power of natural ovulation amongst ladies as it improves the situation of their ovaries. The bee ingests pollen from flowers and, in its stomach, mixes it with formic, manite and other acids. This week long institute is held at our honey bee farm in our new classroom constructing. In a world of synthetic this and manufactured that, The Honey Retailer is an excellent demonstration of the issues that come from Nature. Being aware of bloom instances and offering flowers that overlap the seasons are important for beekeepers who wish to successfully overwinter their colonies. We are a VETERAN-OWNED Firm! Once they get out, you're only giving them the prospect to start out infesting your own home. Botulism spores are in air, soil, water and vitabumin plants. Bee Venom is a an costly scarce commodity. Like most insects, a bee has complicated mouth elements that it uses to eat and drink. This set of activities is like an old-fashioned Spelling Bee. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper and toss to evenly coat. Papini’s buddies and household have mentioned the submit was written by someone else. Microsoft’s Search Engine Bing Celebrates Its fifth Birthday 2. 4 Causes to Have Loyalty Program to Retain Prospects 3. Best Resume Writing Providers: What is Most Preferrred for You? When you've got any trouble email us at [email protected] We currently assist buying sites in the United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom and India as well as sites that serve world prospects. Drones make up a comparatively small proportion of the hive's whole population.
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qubadigital · 1 year
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