#carpenter loyalty program
qubadigital · 1 year
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loyaltyexpert · 2 years
How big brands are leveraging carpenter to grow market share?
What do CenturyPly, Greenply, Godrej Locks, and National Plywood have in common? They are successful and reputable companies worth multi-million dollars. Do they have anything else in common? Yes, they run effective carpenter loyalty programs.
If you are a manufacturer of plywood, laminates, medium-density fibreboards (MDF), furniture, or even locks and architectural fittings, you need to choose the right carpenters and make them your brand ambassadors. For that, you need to know every crucial thing about the carpenters you join hands with so that you can craft the right reward programs for them.
At LoyaltyXpert, we create a wide array of well-designed and effective influencer loyalty programs, brand loyalty programs, and channel loyalty programs for a wide array of companies. In this blog post, we detail all the relevant things you should know about your carpenters and create highly effective loyalty programs.
Carpenters—Your most important influencer
Carpenters are the most important influencers for companies in the furnishing industry. When people build new houses or commercial structures, they hire carpenters to get the job done as well as take recommendations from them to buy the right materials.
Understand the mindset and psychology of your carpenters
Carpenters are practical artists who apply their craft and skills to create useful pieces of art. Did you know that Steve Jobs used the analogy of carpenters to develop his design philosophy for Apple? The genius tech entrepreneur said a good carpenter doesn’t use cheap materials even if nobody will see it in a piece of furniture. And that’s true for a majority of carpenters.
That’s why you must understand the psychology, behaviors, and mindset of carpenters to design an effective carpenter reward program.
As per a study, 84 percent of carpenters are more likely to remain with a brand that runs well-designedinfluencer loyalty programs. The same study also found that nearly two-thirds of carpenters say that their reward-earning capability plays a huge role in shaping their buying decisions.
As per Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, a human being has five main needs:
Carpenters are no different. They do their work to take care of their physical and psychological needs. They also aspire to be successful in their work as well as respected and admired for their skills and craftsmanship. You must design your carpenter loyalty programs after taking your carpenters’ needs and aspirations.
Never expect your carpenters to value similar rewards. Some give more emphasis to cash rewards, while others value non-cash rewards such as point-based or tier-based memberships, workshops, conferences, and more such incentives.
That’s why you must know the key motivators of your carpenters to create the right influencer loyalty programs for them.
And to do that, you will need a quality loyalty platform that’ll help you craft customized loyalty rewards.
As you use sophisticated software and loyalty tools, do bear in mind that many carpenters won’t be comfortable with complex technology and registration procedures. That’s why you must make the enrolling process more user-friendly.
This is where a reliable loyalty platform can prove to be useful in enrolling the right carpenters. The more sophisticated the platform, the simpler the process for the end users. Leveraging the right loyalty software can provide carpenters with in-depth training and product knowledge.
Know their expertise, experience, and skills
After enrolling the carpenters, know their expertise, years of experience, and skills. Some carpenters will be more skillful and experienced than others. You must ensure that you reward them suitably and motivate them to provide high-quality referrals. 
When it comes to expertise, see to it that you provide the necessary training so that the carpenters know everything about your products.
After knowing their experience and expertise, know your carpenters’ customer base and popularity. Apart from serving customers, some carpenters work with real estate developers. That enables them to influence the buying decisions of individual customers as well as organizational buyers.
When a carpenter has a strong reputation and deals with a large number of clients, then you have an opportunity to leverage their popularity.
Start your Influencer Loyalty Program Today!
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Create a close-knit community
To know your carpenters better and keep them engaged with your brand, create a close-knit community and provide timely support.
By creating a community, you can facilitate discussions and take their feedback and suggestions. Also, provide your carpenters with superior value to keep them engaged with your brand and retain their loyalty for a long time.
Summing up
To gain high-quality referrals and drive more sales, plywood manufacturers need effective carpenter loyalty programs. For that, they must know their carpenters better. At LoyaltyXpert, we have designed successful carpenter reward programs for many companies and helped them create strong relationships with their carpenters. If you are planning to run a loyalty program for carpenters, Contact us today.
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datascraping001 · 10 months
Travel Industry Email Lists
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Navigating Success: Unleashing the Power of Travel Industry Email Lists. In the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of the travel industry, staying ahead is not just an advantage; it's a necessity. Datascrapingservices.com introduces a game-changer with its Travel Industry Email Lists, empowering businesses to navigate success effectively. This article delves into the transformative impact of these email lists and how they become the cornerstone for strategic marketing in the travel sector.
1. Precision Targeting: The Travel Industry Email Lists provide a treasure trove of accurate and targeted contact information for businesses within the travel domain. Whether it's airlines, hotels, travel agencies, or other related services, this precision targeting ensures that marketing efforts are directed towards the right audience. This is fundamental for success in an industry where personalization is paramount.
2. Tailored Campaigns: The key to a successful marketing campaign lies in its relevance. With insights gleaned from the Travel Industry Email Lists, businesses can craft highly tailored campaigns. Whether promoting exclusive travel packages, loyalty programs, or new services, these lists offer the data needed to customize messages that resonate with the unique needs and preferences of the target audience.
3. Market Expansion: For businesses aiming to expand their footprint in the travel industry, these email lists provide a strategic advantage. By connecting with new prospects and partners, companies can explore untapped markets, forge collaborations, and diversify their service offerings. The comprehensive nature of the lists facilitates a holistic approach to market expansion.
4. Adaptability to Trends: The travel industry is highly influenced by trends and consumer behavior. Datascrapingservices.com's Email Lists go beyond contact details, offering insights into market trends, emerging destinations, and shifting consumer preferences. Armed with this information, businesses can adapt swiftly, offering services that align with the latest industry dynamics.
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sunsetbeachsoap · 5 years
Hollywood: Daytime Goes to the Beach Aaron Spelling will bring sunshine and sand to set-bound soap operas with his new ‘Sunset Beach’
Nov 4, 1996 By Betsy Sharke Except for a nasty cold, Aaron Spelling couldn’t be in much better spirits. He’s spent most of the day with his office crammed full of wardrobe racks and cast members from Sunset Beach, the first daytime drama that Spelling Entertainment has ever done and the first daytime drama to be introduced on network TV in eight years (1989’s Generations was the last — and it didn’t).
‘We brought in 12 racks of clothes,’ says Spelling. ‘I think fashion is as important to a serial as anything else.’ Fashion sets the tone. It defines the palette. The length of a skirt, the style of jeans, can tell the viewer volumes about a character before the first word of dialogue is spoken. Spelling already loves the Sunset Beach cast — their names have been added to his annual Christmas party list — and on this day he is doling out advice to them on everything from buying a new car to renting apartments to how to handle fame, should it be lucky enough to come. He has issued his no-hair-changes dictum — Sunset cast members had better be happy with the style and color they start the show with, because Spelling isn’t about to let them confuse a new audience with a makeover any time soon. It is a long-standing rule for a Spelling show, and his staff knows that he’s deadly serious about it even if some of the awestruck actors don’t — yet. On Jan. 6, Sunset Beach will hit the air. ‘The series is a critical component of NBC West Coast president Don Ohlmeyer’s plan to make the network’s daytime schedule as potent as its prime time. NBC is in third place in daytime, though the net is up 20 percent this season and is closing in on second-place ABC. Ohlmeyer has his sights set on first, which CBS now owns. ‘With Sunset, we have something new and hot and exciting,’ Ohlmeyer says. ‘(In) the ‘80s, NBC daytime basically disintegrated. We are in the process of rebuilding, but we have to deliver the goods. That’s how we’ve built prime time, with distinctive programming. ‘There hasn’t been a successful soap launched in 10 years. It’s very difficult to do, but with Aaron’s touch and looking at the cast we have, we think it’s worth the effort. Some of our affiliates are very receptive (to the show) some, we’re in the process of kidnapping their children.’ On Stage 11 at NBC Studios in Burbank, carpenters and set designers are working late into the night to complete the sets that will form the primary backdrop for the show. The small community of Seal Beach, roughly a 90-minute drive south of Los Angeles, has been scouted nearly grain by grain of sand. It will be the exterior home for Sunset, and unlike most daytime soaps, the location will be a frequent player. Last week, readings and the first of three weeks of shooting exteriors began. The Santa Anas — California’s devil winds — stirred up the sand, making it sting on the skin. The water, which is never warm at Seal Beach, was even colder than usual. But no one was complaining. The 22 actors who will give shape and form to Sunset Beach are a beautiful bunch indeed, a canvas of racial diversity plucked from the talent pool in New York, Los Angeles and other cities including Philadelphia, the hometown of Spelling Entertainment president Jonathan Levin, who went back for that casting session. They are also young faces, part of the strategy to make Sunset a daytime soap for younger viewers, to do for daytime drama what Ricki Lake did for talk, at least in terms of attracting a new audience. Spelling is considered a master at casting, instinctively knowing which faces will work together as a couple, which actors will have that all-important element of chemistry. Now the virtually unknown Sunsetters are all in front of him, many meeting for the first time, and the air is electric. ‘One of my favorite sports is finding new people and combining them with other people, and I had used so many people from daytime on our soaps,’ says Spelling, whose legacy includes such prime-time legends as Loveboat and Dynasty. The company is currently on prime time with an unprecedented four dramas: Melrose Place; Beverly Hills, 90210; Savannah; and Seventh Heaven. Sunset has been 18 months in the making, and Spelling is like a proud papa, surrounded by actors whose future he has just secured. The series, which is co-owned by Spelling and NBC, has a one-year commitment from the network. That’s 51 weeks of shows, 255 hour-long episodes guaranteed. ‘I wouldn’t tell Candy, my wife, for a week after the show was sold, but my daughter Tori is a daytime addict, and she kept saying, ‘Do it,” says Spelling. With four shows already on the air, he has little time. Launching a daytime soap would siphon off even more of it. ‘I don’t think it hit me for a while. OnMelrose, we wrap on the 22nd of November and don’t come back until January 5th. The actors and writers get a chance to rest. This is never-ending. But it’s been a strange, great experience.’ Worldvision, which sells Spelling’s shows internationally, already has 10 countries signed on for Sunsetwithout one scene shot, based on a four-minute video that outlined the premise of the show and included Spelling talking about it. The foreign sales are important, as is NBC’s share in the financing. Mounting a daytime drama from scratch is a massive undertaking. ‘It requires the logistics of mounting a military campaign,’ says Levin. ‘There’s huge construction, there’s an enormous amount of lighting, tremendous casting, wardrobe problems. It’s not like prime time, when you see life in a kind of episodic way. Daytime is an endless stream of programming that, once it’s begun, can’t be stopped.’ Ohlmeyer puts the production investment alone at about $50 million. ‘Then there’s the cost of launch, advertising and promotion — it’s a major commitment on our part,’ he says. ‘With daytime, you’re not really going to know anything concretely for 18 months. I feel we’re very much on track. We’ve done this in a really organized way in terms of laying out target dates, scripts in by here, cast in place by here, task force working on clearances to this point we’re right on schedule. That still doesn’t change the pucker factor.’ NBC was initially looking at four ideas, Spelling’s idea among them, for a daytime soap. Spelling’s concept originally was loosely defined as ‘Melrose Place at the beach.’ When they began to look seriously for a title for the new show, Spelling ran a title contest in-house. The winner would get $200. There were dozens of suggestions, but the most serious contender, Never Say Goodbye, came from an unlikely source: Viacom chairman Sumner Redstone, who suggested it during a dinner with Spelling. ‘I loved the name — it says romance, which this show is all about,’ says Spelling, whose company is part of Viacom. But in testing, viewers were drawn to the ‘beach’ motif more than anything else, Spelling says. Executive producer Gary Tomlin (Santa Barbara) and Robert Guza Jr. are the people on the front line of the creative side of Sunset Beach. The initial groundwork on the series was done by Chuck Pratt, who was an executive producer on Melrose Place, and Guza, whose work everyone knew from Spelling’sModels Inc. Together they wrote a nearly 400-page bible outlining Sunset’s premise, characters and storyline. Spelling remembers the bible for Melrose Place being closer to 40 pages. Unlike most daytime dramas, which tend to build their storylines around families and family rivalries,Sunset Beach is about young singles and couples who have been drawn to the town, and the relationships that emerge as the action unfolds. The producers also created an underlying mythology about the town as a place where one can find true love. ‘We loved the idea of creating a town and making the town a character,’ says Guza, who is cocreator and head writer. ‘(With) Sunset Beach, you get to create this world and these characters, and then you get to screw up their lives.’ Sunset Beach is being written at a faster pace than traditional daytime dramas. It’s a delicate balancing act to move action through each episode without losing the audience. ‘We would love it if people watched five days a week, but they don’t,’ says Tomlin. Three days is more typical. ‘We have to make certain they’re able to pick up where the story left off and that it hasn’t moved so rapidly that they can’t figure it out.’ The show is also being designed to allow room for cameos by big-name prime-time stars. Spelling wants to give viewers as compelling a reason as possible to tune in to Sunset. ‘On top of needing to have a terrific show, you are fighting against viewer habits that are long, long ingrained,’ says Levin. ‘It is very difficult to change the loyalty of the daytime viewer, and we’re talking about shows that have been on for 30 years. That’s one of the reasons we’re targeting young viewers — they’re the most available and the most flexible in their viewing habits.’ Then there is the station lineup. Affiliates exert their independence far more in daytime than prime time. NBC says that Sunset is cleared on 85 percent of its affiliates; the network expects to reach 90 percent by the premiere. With the cast now in place and the first rolls of tapes being produced, the network knows that stations that are wavering at least will have something concrete to see. ‘Will we get sufficient coverage — that’s a constant battle,’ says Levin. ‘Will the local affiliates elect to air the show in desirable time slots that will afford us the best opportunity to be sampled? These are things we are lobbying for but ultimately we don’t control.’ Spelling and NBC executives hope that Sunset Beach will be scheduled to follow Days of Our Lives, which has made a dramatic turnaround. ‘Over the last 18 months with that show, it’s been unbelievable, going from being in the middle to the top,’ Ohlmeyer says. ‘If we can get that kind of performance from Another World — and we think we’re finally on the right track there — with Sunset Beach we could have a solid three-hour block.’ Copyright ASM Communications, Inc. (1996) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED http://www.mediaweek.com/mw/esearch/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=510703
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blog-theninehertz · 3 years
Handyman app like Uber
It is very important to understand the problems faced by common people if you are planning to create an on-demand application for a handyman business. Try to understand the overall concept and see how you can make their lives easier.
Mentioning here some of the top features for the handyman on-demand app development that startups can consider:
Transparent Pricing
The app must maintain full transparency with the users. There will be discontentment among the users if they came to know later on that there are hidden charges for the repairs or the cleaning services. All the details must be communicated like service charge, estimation, cancellation charges before they make the choice to hire.
Allows Finding Handyman Nearby
This feature is considered one of the major features of an on-demand app for the handyman. No Plumber or carpenter would travel 250 miles for the job. Therefore, app users must connect with professionals who are nearby. 
Several Payment Methods
A handyman app must provide multiple payment options to its users. Seamless payment methods generally offer great convenience to users. It should be that simple that even a layman can understand the payment options to proceed with the payment. 
Customer Loyalty Programs
This might be a very promising reason why users should stick to your services of an on-demand mobile app. 
Live Tracking
The users are able to track the handyman in real-time with the help of this unique feature.
Application Approval on Play Stores
We work in such a manner that whenever we are assigned with any app development project, we are not only committed to delivering a world-class app but also ensure the launching of your app on the iOS store and Google Play store.
Read full article: Handyman app like Uber
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webshoutz · 4 years
How To Grow Your Electrician Business And Generate new leads Online
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Your ability to promote your electrician services translates directly into how much you could make. Running a SWOT analysis is a great way to not only understand your strengths, weaknesses, but also find the best opportunities, and identify threats. Once you identify them, you can create or update your electrician business marketing plan and illustrate the essential steps for your current economic climate, in addition, the starting point to successful bidding is to become an expert at analysis and estimates. How To Make Your Service Bloom With Tools & Materials
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Find good suppliers that allow you to provide high-quality reliable products at competitive prices with good, long-lasting service. invest in a van, tools, and Office equipment.  you should have the facility and operational capability to handle owners and general contractor’s highest-level projects and needs. remember both your vehicle and your equipment are assets, not liabilities. All can be resold if necessary, or added to the total value of your business. Tool management and tracking systems online software can help you automate a lot of your everyday tasks like scheduling online bookings, sending invoices, and email marketing and support activities. (CRM) systems help bridge the gap between sales, marketing, and customer service. Want More Clients? Start Digital Marketing plan  
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The electrician business website allows customers to learn more about your company and the products or services you offer. You can also offer promotional discounts using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest  & youtube videos, to attract new clients or customers, Improve your web presence meaning a greater new clients base, Add a personal touch to your social media profile with webshoutz Facebook cover photos customized to your business for each Federal holiday. FIGURE OUT WHY YOUR WEBSITE IS NOT MAKING YOUR PHONE RING & CONVERT !! FILL THE FORM AND RECEIVE A FULL AUDIT REPORT IN PDF FOR FREEhttps://forms.gle/6oJrDXjYU26XRYxz7We perform a complete audit of your website’s onsite SEO, offsite SEO, and technical SEO. Touch Up Brand Recognition To Share Your Business With Your Community.Build a brand that customers perceive trustworthy and professional will encourage loyalty, Your brand recognition is the accumulation of experiences that invoke the values of your company, design your unique business logo and contribute it on every item in your company starting from the electrician business cards, flyers, adverts shirts, hats, electrical safety gloves, safety boots, and vehicles with custom patches. stickers placed strategically at the completion of a project. you have a big chance to share your business with your community.
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Improve your digital presence meaning a greater number of new clients within your service area. Setup your digital marketing strategy and run ads in local directories so the consumer can reach you easily and faster than your competitor
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It's Essential To Maintain Your High Safety Standards  official certification is critical, as you can`t secure clients if you’re not qualified and you’ll also turn the job safety of yourself, ignoring this step could mean the end of your business. Make sure you obtain education and training from a certified trade school or training programs in place, as well as a workers’ compensation policy. larger firm’s technology changes are driving employers to hire employees with higher qualifications. Referral Marketing The Largest Source For New ContractsBuilding a good relationship with professional organizations such as painter, carpenter, or plumber. can pave the way for future referrals during a less busy period and establish a higher-volume business You can also run as franchise operations.
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Coordinate meetings with your customers and your electrician team, decide who is going to lead the meeting and what each person is going to contribute to the discussion.  It’s to enforce a potential new client base and to network with them.ensure that your customer has all of your contact information in case there are any problems with the systems that were installed then you can make contact with old relationships and some new ones each week and share some free advice through email and postcard marketing tools with them to produce amazing results. Ask satisfied customers for Feedback and reviews on Google, Facebook, and other digital marketing platforms and directories CHECK HOW IS YOUR BUSINESS LISTED? Just enter your business information to scan below: using our Tool to check how your business information appears on  Yelp, Naddress, Angie’s List, Trip Advisor, and Yellowpages and more than 150 other directories. Not only asking Satisfied customers for testimonials but also to share their positive experience with their friends, family, and other contacts, these people will help you obtain new contracts in the future.
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We are contributing to the current situation and offering a free business listing for electricians to ensure your business shows up where it counts. Get noticed with enhanced listings options like driving directions, menus, photos, business hours, and more. But online business directories offer more than just exposure from potential viewers. They also offer exposure to the various major search engine crawlers which optimizes Google®, Yahoo®, and Bing®. All it takes is a few clicks, and then you can get back to business. 100 % PERCENT free listing no credit card needed, Powered by Webshoutz you can Sign Up and get verified & approved in just a few minutes. list your Business FREE Now- VISIT: Name, Number, Address lookup - nadress.com & list your business for free For more tips on marketing during COVID-19, check out www.webshoutz.blogspot.com #Electricians #Contract #electrician #wiring #insurance #licensed #inmyarea #electrical #pricing #residential #near me #electriciancost #electricalbusiness #business #businesslisting #directories #certification #safety #strategy #visuals #brandrecognition #recognition #referrals #branding #success #tips #Motivation #tricks #ecommerce  from Blogger http://webshoutz.blogspot.com/2020/07/how-to-grow-your-electrician-business_19.html
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specialtreatment · 5 years
2020 Democratic Primary Debate #1
Jose Diaz-Balart (JDB)
Chuck Todd (CT)
Rachel Maddow (RM)
Savannah Guthrie (SG)
Lester Holt (LH)
Elizabeth Warren (EW)
Cory Booker (CB)
Beto O’Rourke (BO)
Amy Klobuchar (AK)
Tulsi Gabbard (TG)
Bill De Blasio (BD)
John Delaney (JD)
Tim Ryan (TR)
Jay Inslee (JI)
SG: Warren: You’ve got a lot of plans, but 71% of Americans say the economy is doing well. Isn’t all this change risky?
EW: The economy is only doing well for a thin slice at the top. We have to make structural change to confront the corruption that’s been pulling us apart.
SG: Klobuchar: You’ve called programs like free college something for a “magic genie.” Are some of the government programs offered by other candidates giving people a false sense of what’s achievable?
AK: I get concerned about paying for college for rich kids. I’ll make community college free. I’d double Pell grants from $6k to $12k a year, and expand it to cover families who make up to $100k. And I want to make it easier for students to pay off their student loans.
SG: O’Rourke: Some Democrats want a marginal tax rate of 70% on people making more than $10 million a year. Do you support that, and if not, what would your top individual rate be?
BO: The economy is rigged towards corporations and the wealthiest. I support automatic and same-day voter registration. No PACs, no gerrymandering.
SG: I’ll give you 10 more seconds. Do you support a marginal tax rate of 70%?
BO: I’d support a fair tax rate – let’s tax capital and ordinary income at the same level. Raise corporate tax rate to 28%.
SG: Booker: Warren has a plan to break up big tech companies like Amazon. You’ve said we shouldn’t “point at companies and break them up without process.” What’s this disagreement?
CB: I don’t disagree. America has a problem with corporate consolidation. I introduced a bill about corporate consolidation in the agricultural sector. We’ve got to let the free market work.
SG: But you’ve said you don’t think it’s right to single companies out. Why?
CB: I’ll single out companies like Haliburton and Amazon that pay nothing in taxes. I’ll appoint judges who enforce anti-trust law. I’ll have a DOJ and Federal Trade Commission that will check this corporate concentration.
SG: Warren: Are you picking winners and losers?
EW: We have the laws in place but not the courage, because the system is corrupt. Monopolies shouldn’t be funding super PACs. I call out the names of monopolies to return the power to the people.
LH: Castro: What would you do about the gender pay gap?
Castro: I’d pass the Equal Rights Amendment and pursue legislation for equal pay for equal work.
LH: Gabbard: What would you do for equal pay?
TG: I have a lot of military experience and understand the cost of war. I’ll invest tax dollars in healthcare, a green economy, good jobs, and protecting the environment
JDB: DeBlasio: Your city has one of the biggest wealth gaps between rich and poor. How will you address income inequality?
BD: We’ve raised wages in NYC with a $15 minimum wage, paid sick days, and pre-K for all. I support a 70% tax rate on the wealthy, free public college for young people, and breaking up big corporations that don’t serve our democracy.
JDB: Delaney: Do you agree?
JD: I want to double the earned income tax credit, raise the minimum wage, and create paid family leave. We also need to fix the public education system, as well as tech training programs.
JDB: Inslee: How would you address income inequality?
JI: I stand up for unions and have a plan to reinvigorate collective bargaining. I’ll put people to work in the jobs of the present and the future. Carpenters, machinists, can bring us into the future.
JDB: Ryan: Trump said manufacturing jobs were coming back in places like Ohio. Can you promise that?
TR: Yes. We lost 4,000 jobs at a GM facility, and then GM got a bailout from the President. We’re shipping jobs to Mexico and China. We need to dominate building electric vehicles and to dominate the solar industry.
JDB: Warren: Are these manufacturing jobs coming back?
EW: Our industrial policy has been to let giant corporations do what they want – but their loyalty is to profits. I propose we should lead on green technology, going tenfold in our research in this area. And any corporation can come use this research, but they have to manufacture their wares in America. Then let’s double-down and sell those products around the world.
LH: Who here would abolish their private health insurance in favor of a government-run plan?
Only Warren and DeBlasio raise hands
LH: Klobuchar: You want to keep private insurance alongside a government plan. Why is an incremental approach preferable?
AK: Obama liked a public option, and so do I. I don’t want to kick half of America off health insurance. Trump gave $100 billion in giveaways to pharma companies – so let’s do something about pharma.
LH: Warren: You signed on to Bernie’s Medicare for All plan. Would you support it as president?
EW: Yes. People go broke because of healthcare as a profit-driven business. When politicians tell you it’s not possible to change this, they’re saying they won’t fight for it. I will.
LH: O’Rourke: You used to praise a bill that would eliminate private insurance, but now you don’t. Why?
BO: I want to get to guaranteed, high quality, universal healthcare quickly. This should also give access to women to make decisions about their own bodies. With our plan, if you’re uninsured or insufficiently insured, we enroll you in Medicare – but if you’re in a union, you can keep what you have.
LH: Ten seconds to answer. Would you replace private insurance?
BO: No.
[BD jumps in]
BD: Private insurance isn’t working for tens of millions, when you consider all the extra costs.
JD: A lot of people like their private insurance. We should give everyone healthcare as a basic human right, but we should give them the option for private insurance. At the Medicare rate, hospitals would have to close.
LH: Gabbard: What do you think about this?
TG: Medicare for All is the way to go, and it’ll save money by reducing administrative and bureaucratic costs. Other countries have this available while also having some form of private insurance.
LH: Booker: Where do you stand on this?
CB: Kids who don’t have healthcare won’t succeed in school. Healthcare is a human and American right, and I like Medicare for All, but we have to do things quickly and provide better care. Private insurance has overhead of 15%, Medicare has overhead of 2%. I’m for more access and more affordable cost.
[EW jumps in]
EW: The insurance companies got $23 billion in profit from healthcare last year. This industry wants things to stay the way they are.
JI: Insurance companies shouldn’t be able to deny the right of choice for women. I’ve protected those rights. I’m the only candidate to pass a law for these protections and to pass a public option.
AK: We all share the goal of universal healthcare. I support a public option with an estimated 12 more million people getting covered. It’s a start.
LH: Castro: All of you support movement to some sort of government option and a woman’s right to choose. Would your plan cover abortion?
JC: Yes. I support reproductive justice, meaning women and trans should have the right to choose, even if they’re poor. I’d appoint federal judges who respect Roe v. Wade.
LH: Warren: Would you put any limits on abortion?
EW: Women should have access to the full range of reproductive services, including birth control and abortion. Also, the courts aren’t enough to protect us. Most voters support Roe v. Wade, and it needs to be federal law.
JDB: Booker: 14 of the 20 largest pharma companies are in your state. Should these companies be held criminally liable?
CB: Absolutely. This is why I don’t take contributions from pharma companies or executives or PACs. And we can’t arrest people to get them out of addiction.
JDB: Booker: How would you deal with these big pharma companies?
BDO: These companies have acted with impunity. It’s time to hold them to account.
JDB: Castro: Last month, more than 130,000 migrants were apprehended at the Southern border. What’s your plan on this issue?
JC: I was the first candidate to offer a comprehensive immigration plan. I’d sign an executive order to remove Trump’s no-tolerance and metering policies. In my first 100 days, I’d put forward reform that would honor asylum claims and put migrants on a pathway to citizenship if they haven’t committed a serious crime. We also need a marshal plan for Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador so their people feel safe at home.
JDB: Booker: What would you do on the immigration issue?
CB: I’d end the ICE policies that violate human rights. I’d reinstate DACA and pathways to citizenship for those in protected status.
JC: Booker, Warren, and Inslee agree with me. I want to get rid of Section 1325 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. All other candidates should support this repeal.
CB: ICE isn’t just at the border, they’re ripping apart families in cities around the country.
BD: We all need to understand: immigrants have not created misery for those Americans who have fallen behind. The corporations and the 1% did that.
JDB: O’Rourke: What would you do Day One at the White House to address this issue?
BO: Follow our own asylum laws.
JC: But your policy already criminalizes the actions of these families. You need to repeal Section 1325.
BO: We wouldn’t detain any family fleeing violence. We’d implement a Family Case Management Program and then rewrite immigration laws to free Dreamers and make them citizens. Invest in solutions in Central America and work with the region.
JC: But Section 1325 is what makes their choices a criminal action, incarcerating the parents and separating the children. I have called to end that Section. O’Rourke hasn’t.
BO: I helped introduce legislation to protect those seeking asylum. I want a comprehensive rewrite of our immigration laws.
JC: But some migrants aren’t seeking asylum. You’ve said the reason you don’t want to repeal Section 1325 is because you’re concerned about human and drug trafficking — but those concerns are already covered by other parts of the US Code.
SG: Klobuchar: Castro wants it to no longer be a crime for people to cross the border. Should it be only a civil offense?
AK: I’ll look at his proposal, but we need to be able to go after law violators. We need immigrants and their ideas. I’d like to look at the 2013 bill that passed with GOP support and update it.
SG: Ryan: Should it be a crime or a civil offense?
TR: I agree with Castro. There are already provisions in the law, so there’s no need to repeat them in Section 1325. And the President should send doctors to take care of these kids at the border.
SG: Booker: If you’re President, what will you do with the families who are here? Will they be detained or not?
CB: We’d deal with this through a civil process, not a criminal one. No one should be profiting off their incarceration. We should make investments in the Northern Triangle. We should provide healthcare and dignity for those who come here.
SG: Inslee: What would you do on Day One for this issue?
JI: They should be released, pending hearings. Washington passed a law that prevents local law enforcement from being like ICE agents. I stood up against the Muslim ban. We welcome refugees in Washington.
LH: Tankers have been attacked and a drone has been shot down. Who as President would sign onto the original 2015 nuclear deal with Iran?
All but Booker raise hands.
CB: It was a mistake to pull out of that deal, and Trump is leading us into a dangerous situation. We need to renegotiate a deal, but I can’t unilaterally say I’ll sign the old deal. If we can get a better deal, I’m gonna do it.
LH: Klobuchar: You said you’d negotiate yourself back into the Iranian agreement. Was it a good deal.
AK: It was for that moment, but it was imperfect. I would’ve negotiated a longer sunset period. Trump told us he was going to get us a better deal, and now we’re a month away from Iran saying it will blow the caps on enriching uranium. He makes us less safe. We need to stand with our allies and stop giving leverage to China and Russia. I would also go to Congress before any authorization of military force.
LH: Gabbard: You said you’d sign onto the 2015 deal. Would you insist it addresses Iran’s support for Hezbollah?
TG: Let’s deal with where we are. I served in Iraq. A war with Iran would be even more devastating and would exacerbate the refugee crisis. We need to stand up against war with Iran, get back into the agreement, and negotiate improvements to it.
LH: But what would your red line be for military action against Iran?
TG: An attack against our troops would demand a response.
CT: Warren: You have robust plans to deal with guns, but what do you do about the hundreds of millions of guns already out there? Should the federal government play a role in that?
EW: Seven children die every day from gun violence, and it’s a national health emergency. We’ll do universal background checks, and we can ban weapons of war. But let’s also double down on research to find out what actually works to keep our kids safe.
CT: But should the federal government go and get guns?
EW: We need to treat this as a serious research issue. Guns in the hands of a collector is a different situation than guns that are sold and turned over quickly. This isn’t an across-the-board problem, it’s a public health emergency.
CT: Booker: You have a federal government gun buyback program in your plan. How will that work?
CB: We’ve let the corporate gun lobby frame this debate. It’s time for a bold agenda.
RM: Castro: School shootings are so common they don’t even always make the news. Will this problem get worse, or can you do something to turn it around?
JC: We don’t have to accept that. I think we’re gonna have a Democratic House, Senate, and White House. I think even though we haven’t seen legislative action yet, activism is working. If I have to choose between 60 votes, a filibuster, or passing common sense gun reform, I’ll choose the reform.
[TR jumps in]
TR: We need trauma-based care and socio-emotional learning in every school. Most shooters come from the school they shoot. We need mental health counselors in school.
CT: O’Rourke: You’re from a conservative state. What do you tell a gun owner who may agree with you on everything else but who believes Democrats will take his gun away?
BO: We know universal background checks save lives. We know assault weapons and weapons of war belong on the battlefield. We need red flag laws so people are stopped before it’s too late. These efforts have to be led by the young people who are making our democracy work.
CT: Klobuchar: If the government is buying back guns, is this a tough conversation to have?
AK: These proposals don’t hurt my Uncle Dick and his deer stand. Kids will lead this – as on gay rights, when kids talk to their parents, the parents listen.
RM: Booker: Mitch McConnell says his biggest achievement was preventing Obama from filling a Supreme Court seat. You’ve served with Republicans on the judiciary committee. Do you believe they’ll support your nominees?
CB: If you need a license to buy a car, you should need a license to have a gun. Also, concerning the Supreme Court: we will get to 50 votes in the Senate. Our nominee needs to campaign in red states and secure Senate seats so we can pass an agenda America already agrees with.
RM: DeBlasio: As an executive, you’re used to saying what you want and then getting it. If you select a Supreme Court nominee and McConnell is still leading the Senate, what makes you think he’ll allow you to have a nominee?
BD: On the gun issue, we need a different relationship between the police and our community. I have a black son. On McConnell, the Democratic party needs to stop acting like the party of elites and go into red states to support Democratic nominees there.
CT: Warren: What is your plan for dealing with Mitch McConnell?
EW: The way a democracy is supposed to work is to be driven by the will of the people. Short of a Democratic majority in the Senate, we’ll still fight from the White House. We also have to push from the outside while having leadership on the inside.
CT: Delaney: McConnell doesn’t seem to operate in your bipartisan manner. Why would he conform to your style?
JD: We need to get things done. This country’s transformative history has happened through majorities of the American people being activated.
CT: Booker: How do you deal with Mitch McConnell?
CB: As a black man from a black community, when I got to the Senate people told me we couldn’t get a criminal justice bill. Today we passed the First Step Act. I’m able to accomplish things.
RM: Inslee: You’ve staked your candidacy on climate change. Does your plan save Miami?
JI: Yes, and we need to take the filibuster from Mitch McConnell. We’re the last generation that can solve climate change. In my state, we passed a 100% clean Electrical Grid Bill. I am the candidate making climate change the organizing principle for the US.
CT: O’Rourke: What’s your message to a voter who doesn’t want government telling them how to live concerning climate change?
BO: We’re going everywhere, listening to everyone. We’ll mobilize $5 trillion in this economy over the next 10 years and pay farmers for the environmental service they want to provide.
CT: Castro: Who pays for the mitigation to climate change? Is this a federal issue? How much should the government bail people out on this?
JC: My first visit as a candidate was to San Juan, Puerto Rico. I’m one of the few candidates with executive experience. When I was mayor of San Antonio, we moved our public utility from coal-fired plants to solar and renewables, creating more than 800 jobs. When I was HUD Secretary, we invested in communities rebuilding from natural disasters. First thing I’d do as President is recommit to the Paris Climate Accord.
CT: Ryan: If pricing carbon is politically impossible, how do we pay for climate mitigation?
TR: In a variety of ways. The Democratic Party needs to be less Ivy League and focus on the “forgotten communities” to get those workers back on our side.
[Delaney jumps in]
JD: I introduced the only bipartisan carbon tax bill in Congress. A carbon pricing mechanism works. I want to put a price on carbon and give a dividend back to tax payers, and I can get that done in my first year, with bipartisan support.
CT: Gabbard: You issued an apology to the LGBT community for past statements on gay rights. Why should voters who care about this community trust you?
TG: My record in Congress shows a commitment to LGBT rights. I serve on the Equality Caucus and voted for passage of the Equality Act. I grew up in a conservative home and held views when I was young that I don’t hold today.
[Booker jumps in]
CB: Civil rights is a good place to begin. We do not talk enough about trans Americans, especially those of color, who are murdered. It’s not enough to be on the Equality Caucus – we need a President who will fight on this issue.
RM: Klobuchar: Democrats have long counted on African American turnout, and now the Latino community. What have you done for black and Latino voters?
AK: My career has been about economic opportunity. This means better childcare for all, better retirement, better schools, STEM jobs. One of the first of the 34 bills Trump signed where I was a lead Democrat was one making sure minorities could share in STEM jobs. In my first 100 days, I’ll work to make sure everyone can vote and will work towards criminal justice reform.
RM: Castro: Miami is a 70% Latino city, and you’re the only Latino running. Is Klobuchar’s answer enough to mobilize Latinos?
JC: We’ll also have to recognize racial and social justice and the ways in which law enforcement treats whites and POC differently. I’m the only candidate to put forward legislation to reform our policing system. No matter what your color is, you should be treated the same.
LH: O’Rourke: Does America have a responsibility to protect other countries in the case of genocide or crimes against humanity, even when these atrocities don’t impact our core interest?
BO: Yes, but always with allies. This President has diminished our global standing by alienating us from allies. I’ll ensure we live our values in our foreign policy.
[De Blasio jumps in]
BD: What about the War Powers Act? We’ve too often gone to war without Congressional authorization. I think we should be ready to intervene, but not without Congressional approval.
RM: Ryan: Today the Taliban took responsibility for killing two American soldiers in Afghanistan. Obama and Trump both said they want to end involvement in Afghanistan. Why can’t we get out of there?
TR: I’ve been on Armed Services or Defense Appropriations Committees for 12 years. We have to stay engaged over there. But Trump doesn’t even have State Department appointments to deal with these issues.
[Gabbard jumps in]
TG: We need a better answer for families who have lost soldiers than “we need to stay engaged.” It’s time to come home from Afghanistan. That money should be directed to needs here at home.
TR: I don’t want to be engaged, but if we’re not, the Taliban will grow.
TG: The Taliban was there long before we came in and they’ll be there afterwards.
TR: When we weren’t there, they flew planes into our buildings.
TG: No, that was al Qaeda.
TR: I understand. The Taliban was protecting those who were plotting against us.
TG: Saudi Arabia is protecting al Qaeda right now.
CT: What is the biggest geopolitical threat to the United States?
JD: Biggest challenge is China, but the biggest threat is nuclear weapons.
JI: Donald Trump
TG: Risk of nuclear war
AK: Economic threat is China, but our major threat is Iran
BO: Climate change
EW: Climate change
CB: Nuclear proliferation and climate change
JC: China and climate change
TR: China
BD: Russia
CT: O’Rourke: The Mueller Report outlines multiple instances of potential criminal behavior by Trump. Pelosi resists any move to impeachment by the House. If the House doesn’t impeach, as President, would you do anything to address the potential crimes in the report?
BO: Yes. We can’t set a precedent that people with power are above the law. We should begin impeachment now. Under my administration, the DOJ will pursue accountability.
RM: Delaney: It’s possible Trump may be prosecuted for some of these potential crimes down the line. No US President has ever been prosecuted after office. Should Trump be the first?
JD: No one is above the law and this President is lawless. I support Pelosi’s current decisions, and she has more information on this than any of the candidates. The people aren’t overwhelmingly concerned with this: they’re concerned with healthcare and jobs.
AK: We need to do something about Russian interference in our elections.
JD: America has been lost through infighting. We can find it through real solutions, not impossible promises.
BD: We need a candidate who has already taken actions on healthcare and minimum wage and pre-K, like I did in NY. Put working people first.
JI: I want to be able to tell my grandkids I did everything to protect them from the damage of climate change. I’m the only candidate for whom this is a top priority.
TR: I’ve represented a forgotten community. The powerful have divided the working class, and it’s time to bring people together, especially in industrial America
TG: The government hasn’t been of, by, and for the people. It’s been for the rich and powerful. We need healthcare and clean air and well-paying jobs.
JC: My grandmother was an immigrant, and now my brother and I are both in significant office. I’ll work towards good healthcare, education, and job opportunities no matter what part of America you’re in.
AK: I listen and get things done. I’ve passed over 100 bills as a lead Democrat. I win in deep red districts and swing states. I have no political machine, and I don’t come from money, and I don’t make big promises.
CB: Activists stood up for my family, and I’ve fought as a tenant lawyer, and I will beat Trump. I stand up to bullies, and I also want to call us to a common purpose for each other.
BO: I’m running for my daughter and for kids across the US. We need a new kind of politics with the urgency of the next generation. We need a movement like mine in Texas.
EW: I dreamt of being a public school teacher, but my family couldn’t afford college for me. The government helped me into a commuter college and expanded my life. Let’s make our government and economy work for all. I’ll fight for you as hard as I fight for my family.
Michael Bennett (MB)
John Hickenlooper (JH)
Bernie Sanders (BS)
Kamala Harris (KH)
Eric Swalwell (ES)
Kristen Gillibrand (KG)
Marianne Williamson (MW)
Pete Buttigieg (PB)
Joe Biden (JB)
Andrew Yang (AY)
SG: Will taxes go up for the middle class in a Sanders administration, and if so, how do you sell that to voters?
BS: Under a Medicare-for-All system, the vast majority of Americans will pay less for healthcare than they are right now. They’ll have no premiums, deductibles, co-payments, or out-of-pocket expenses. So yes, they will pay more in taxes but less in healthcare for what they get.
SG: Biden: you’ve said “we shouldn’t demonize the rich. Nobody has to be punished, no one’s standard of living would change, and nothing would fundamentally change.” What does this mean?
JB: Donald Trump has put the middle class in a horrible situation with real economic inequality. We can make massive cuts in the $1.6 trillion in tax loopholes, and I would eliminate Donald Trump’s tax cuts for the wealthy.
SG: Warren: Do you think Democrats have a responsibility to explain how they’ll pay for their proposals?
KH: Where was that question when Donald Trump and the GOP passed a tax bill that benefits the top 1% and contributes $1 trillion to the country’s debt, which middle-class families will pay for?
I propose to change the tax code so every family making less than $100,000 a year will receive a tax credit of $500 a month. And on Day One, I will repeal the tax bill that benefits the 1%.
SG: Hickenlooper: Only one candidate identifies as a Democratic Socialist. What policies of your opponents do you think veer towards socialism?
JH: If we don’t clearly define that we aren’t socialists, Republicans will call us socialists. The Green New Deal goes too far – we can’t promise everyone a government job. We can’t eliminate private insurance.
SG: Sanders: How do you respond to the notion that nominating a socialist would re-elect Donald Trump?
BS: Last poll I saw has us 10 points ahead of Trump. America understands he’s a phony, a liar, and a racist. He lied during his campaign and hasn’t stood up for working families – instead he’s tried to throw 32 million people off their healthcare. We need to expose him as a fraud.
[KG jumps in]
KG: Companies shouldn’t care more about profits than about people. The NRA and gun manufacturers are greedy, the drug companies are greedy. But we don’t have to disagree in this party – capitalism is fine, just not corrupt capitalism.
SG: Bennett: You’ve said “it’s possible to craft proposals that have no basis in reality. You may as well call them candy.” To whom were you referring?
MB: I disagree with Bernie’s Medicare for All solution. I want to get to universal healthcare, and we do that through a public option. We’ll get to Medicare for All more quickly if we do that. Vermont rejected Medicare for All because of Bernie’s taxes.
[KG jumps in]
KG: I wrote the part in Bernie’s bill that merges Bernie’s and Bennett’s POV. If you have a buy-in, over a four- to five-year period, we get to single-payer more quickly.
JDB: Buttigieg: Why don’t you support free college, as others do?
PB: I believe in free college for low- and middle-income students. But those families shouldn’t subsidize wealthy families. It should also be an option to not go to college and still make your life affordable. We need to raise minimum wage to at least $15/hr.
[ES jumps in]
ES: We can’t count on the people who have been around for 30 years in government to solve this.
JDB: Yang: You want to give every adult $1,000 a month (or $3.2 trillion a year.) How?
AY: It’s hard to do when companies like Amazon are paying no taxes while closing 30% of stores. A value-added tax at half the European level would generate over $800 billion in revenue, and that money would trickle up and create jobs. We could increase GDP by $700 billion. We’ve automated away 4 million manufacturing jobs in key states, and it’ll get worse.
JDB: But wouldn’t the $1,000 gift just go right back into the value-added tax?
AY: No. You’d still increase the buying power of the bottom 94%. The average family of 2-3 adults would have an additional $24-36,000 a year.
JDB: In this age of automation, what would you do to help people adapt?
ES: Invest in vulnerable communities. It’s time to pass the torch, and Joe Biden said that 32 years ago.
[JB responds]
JB: I want to focus on schools that are in distress. Let’s triple the amount of money spent on Title I schools. Let’s have universal pre-K, free community college. And if you get out of school and are making less than $25,000 a year, you shouldn’t have to pay school debt – the debt is frozen with no interest payment until you can pay it.
[BS jumps in]
BS: We’ve got to take on Wall Street, the fossil fuel industry, and big-money interests.
[KH jumps in with “food fight” line]
KH: People shouldn’t have to be working 2 or 3 jobs if Trump’s economy is so great. The stock market isn’t a full measure of the economy’s health.
LH: Who would abolish their private health insurance in favor of government-run insurance?
Only Sanders and Harris say yes.
KG: With me, anyone who doesn’t have access to insurance they like can buy in at a percentage of income they can afford. We need to get to universal healthcare and then to single-payer. You get there by creating competition with the insurers. If given the choice, people will choose Medicare, and then we’ll get to Medicare for All. Single payer can be an earned benefit, just like Social Security, and you’ll pay into it your whole life.
PB: I want to do Medicare for All Who Want It. Put it up as an option against the corporate options. Even in countries with socialized medicine (like England), there’s still another option. But we shouldn’t rely on corporations for our primary care.
JB: Let’s build on Obamacare and make sure everyone has options and can buy in on an exchange.
LH: Sanders: You want to scrap private insurance and replace it with a government-run plan. But states who have tried that have struggled. How can you do it at a national level?
BS: Every other major country does it and they’re spending 50% per capita of what we’re spending. The function of healthcare today isn’t care, it’s to make billions for insurance companies. I will cut prescription drug costs in half in this country. We’ll do this by bringing millions of people come together to fight for it.
LH: Williamson: How would you lower costs of prescription drugs?
MW: The government never should have made a deal with Big Pharma that they couldn’t negotiate. We’re not going to beat Donald Trump by having plans. He didn’t have a plan. We don’t have a healthcare system, we have a sickness-care system.
LH: Bennett: Is building on Obamacare enough to get us to universal coverage?
MB: Yes, and quickly. Canada has a much smaller population than we do. Medicare for All won’t work here. Bernie’s plan will make everything illegal but cosmetic surgery.
[BS responds]
BS: Medicare is currently the most popular health insurance plan in the country. Our plan allows people to go to any hospital or doctor they want.
[KH jumps in]
KH: Families shouldn’t have to fear going into the ER because they’ll be out a $5,000 deductible.
[ES jumps in]
ES: We’ve got to have a system where if you’re sick, you’re seen, and you won’t go broke.
SG: Would your plan provide coverage for undocumented immigrants?
All hands go up.
PB: Undocumented immigrants pay sales and property taxes, so this is not a free handout. We have 11 million undocumented people with no access to healthcare, and no path to citizenship. The majority of the American people support these pathways.
SG: Biden: Obamacare doesn’t cover undocumented immigrants. Are you in favor of change on this?
JB: Undocumented people contribute to our country and increase the lifespan of Social Security. They would also reduce the overall cost of healthcare because they wouldn’t be waiting until it’s too late to get care. We should also be putting pharma execs in jail for their misleading advertising.
JDB: Harris: What would you do with the thousands in detainment looking for asylum?
KH: I’d start with DACA and reinstate DACA protection through executive action. I’d extend deferral of deportation for their parents and for undocumented veterans. I’d put in place a process for reviewing cases for asylum. I’ll release kids from cages and get rid of private detention centers.
JDB: Hickenlooper: What do you do for these migrants?
JH: What’s happening right now is kidnapping. We need sufficient facilities in place to keep families together. We need to reform ICE so it’s working in a humanitarian way – providing food, clothing, shelter, and access to medical care.
[MW jumps in]
MW: This is kidnapping and child abuse. State-sponsored crimes. Why aren’t we talking about healthcare and Latin American foreign policy?
JDB: Gillibrand: What would you do about the border?
KG: Fight for comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship. Develop a community-based treatment center for asylum seekers, giving them lawyers and real immigration judges. Fund border security. Trump has diverted the funds from stopping drug trafficking and has directed the funds towards for-profit prisons to lock up kids and asylum seekers.
JDB: Should it be a civil offense rather than a crime to cross the border without documentation?
All hands go up except Bennett and Biden (who puts up a “give me a second” finger)
PB: Criminalization of this is the basis for family separation. The GOP cloaks itself in religion, but you can’t put kids in cages and pretend to be religious.
JDB: Biden: Would you decriminalize migrants who come without documents?
JB: I’d send help to the region immediately. I won a bipartisan agreement to spend $740 million to deal with the problem, but Trump rolled that back. We would reunite the families.
JDB: But the Obama-Biden administration deported more than 3 million. If living in the US without documents is their only offense, should they be deported?
JB: Yes, if they’ve committed a major crime. Let’s fix why they’d leave in the first place and absorb those seeking asylum.
JDB: Yes, but should someone here without documents, and with no other offense, be deported?
JB: They should not be the focus of deportation.
[BS jumps in]
BS: I agree with Kamala. On Day One, with executive order, we should rescind everything Trump has done on this issue. Also, Honduras is a failing state with massive corruption. We need to invite the leaders of Central America and Mexico together to solve this.
JDB: Swalwell: If an undocumented person has no other offense, should they be deported?
ES: No. And Day One, for me, families are reunited.
JDB: Harris: If an undocumented person has no other offense, should they be deported?
KH: No, and I disagreed with the Obama administration on this. The policy allowed deportation of non-criminals, by ICE’s own definition. I directed my state not to comply, and to make decisions based on public safety. A rape victim should feel safe to report the crime against her without fear.
LH: Bennett: US business says China manipulates currency and steals intellectual property. How would you stand up to China?
MB: Russia is a bigger threat than China. I think Trump is right to push back on China, but he should be doing it with the rest of the world beside us. Also, I wrote the immigration bill in 2013 that called for a path to citizenship.
LH: Yang: Are you worried about China taking jobs? What would you do?
AY: I agree Russia is a bigger threat. But the China trade war is punishing everyone. We need to crack down on Chinese malfeasance, but the trade war is the wrong way to do it.
LH: Buttigieg: What would you do about China?
PB: It’s is a serious challenge. Tariffs aren’t going to change China’s economic model – tariffs are taxes, and Americans are gonna pay $800 more a year because of them. Meanwhile, China is overwhelming us with better technological advancement. We need to invest in our own competitiveness.
RM: Buttigieg: The police force in South Bend is 6% black in a city that is 26% black. Why hasn’t that improved in your two terms as Mayor?
PB: I couldn’t get it done. There is a systemic wall of distrust, racially.
[JH asks to respond]
JH: Why has it taken so long to do something about it? When I was a mayor, we had a police shooting and so we created an office of the independent monitor, a civilian oversight commission, diversified the police force, and did de-escalation training.
PB: We’ve taken so many steps toward police accountability that the FOP just denounced me for too much accountability.
[ES jumps in]
ES: If the officer’s bodycam wasn’t on, and that was the police policy, you should fire the chief. You’re the mayor and someone died.
PB: It’s being investigated.
MW: This is all due to deep racial injustice. We should support reparations for slavery for this reason. Americans aren’t educated enough on race.
[KH jumps in]
KH: Biden, I don’t believe you’re a racist, but your comments about segregationists were hurtful. You worked with them to oppose busing. When I was AG, all my special agents kept their bodycams on.
JB: This is a mischaracterization. I was a public defender, not a prosecutor. And when I worked with Obama, we dealt with these issues. I support busing being a decision at the local level.
KH: But do you agree you were wrong to oppose busing then?
JB: I didn’t. I opposed busing being directed by the Department of Education.
KH: And that’s why the federal government must step in sometimes. There was a failure of states to integrate schools. We need the federal government – the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, the ERA. Sometimes the states fail to support all people.
JB: I supported the ERA from the start. I’ve fought against denial of access to the ballot box. I extended the Voting Rights Act for 25 years…
CT: Sanders: You’ve said voters should focus on what people stand for, not a candidate’s race or age or sexuality. Are you saying diversity doesn’t matter?
BS: No. Diversity is valuable and that’s what our party is about. But we also need to ask why workers aren’t making more money than they made 45 years ago, while the top 1% has massive income increases. We need diversity, and we also need to stand up to power.
KH: We have to go to the root of the corruption in politics if we want to solve any of these problems. I want publicly funded, clean elections.
JB: And I introduced the first Constitutional amendment to do that.
CT: Bennett: Concerning partisan gridlock, Obama said that if he were elected, the parties would come together. That didn’t happen, and now Biden is saying the same thing. Will a Democrat magically solve gridlock?
MB: Not if Mitch McConnell is there. We need to run in all 50 states and win the Senate with broadly appealing policies. We need to end gerrymandering in Washington and overturn Citizens United. All this stuff happened while Biden was in the Senate.
CT: Biden: It seems as if you haven’t seen what’s happened in the Senate over the past several years. Why?
JB: We needed three votes to pass the recovery act to avoid Depression – I got three votes changed. I got Mitch to raise $600 billion in taxes. I sent billions into cancer research.
MB: But the deal Biden made with Mitch McConnell extended the Bush tax cuts permanently and was a victory for the Tea Party, after Democrats had been fighting against that for 10 years.
KG: GOP admitted the reason the Trump tax cut had to be passed is so the GOP could pay back its donors. I want clean, publicly funded elections to fight corruption.
RM: What is your plan if Roe vs. Wade is struck down while you’re president?
BS: I will never appoint any Justice who does not 100% defend Roe v. Wade. Constitutionally, we have the power to rotate judges to other courts, if we need to bring new blood in.
RM: But what if the court has already overturned Roe v Wade and it’s gone?
BS: Medicare for All will guarantee every woman in this country the right to an abortion.
[KG jumps in]
KG: Thirty states are trying to overturn Roe v Wade right now. During ACA negotiations, I had to fight to make sure contraception didn’t disappear. I’ve been the fiercest advocate for reproductive rights.
CT: Harris: What is your plan for climate change?
KH: I support the Green New Deal and will re-enter us into the Paris Agreement.
CT: Buttigieg: How will your climate change plan help farmers in the Midwest?
PB: I support a carbon tax and dividend in a way that is rebated out in a progressive fashion. Rural Americans, with the right kind of soil investment, can be part of the solution.
RM: Hickenlooper: You’ve said oil and gas companies can be part of the solution, but other candidates are moving away from that idea. Can oil and gas really help?
JH: Socialism isn’t the solution. In Colorado, we’re replacing some coal plants with wind and solar and batteries, and we’re working with the oil and gas industry to start the first methane regulations in the US. We shouldn’t be demonizing business.
RM: Biden: Democrats are arguing with themselves about climate change, but a lot of the GOP doesn’t believe it exists. How do you solve this with no support from Congress?
JB: Obama administration built the largest wind farm and largest solar farm in the world, and that drove the competitive price of both of those sources. I want 500,000 recharging stations across America to go to a full electric vehicle future by 2030. Let’s invest $400 million in new science and technology for an economy that will create jobs. And let’s rejoin the Paris Accord.
RM: Sanders: What would you do for climate change?
BS: We have 12 years before irreparable damage is done to the planet. Instead of spending $1.5 trillion on weapons and war, let’s transform away from fossil fuel to sustainable energy.
ES: Pass the torch.
MW: John Kennedy didn’t say he had a plan to get to the moon. He just said he’d do it. Gather the energy of the people.
CT: Obama wanted to address both healthcare and climate, but only got to healthcare. If you only get one shot, what’s your issue?
ES: Ending gun violence
JB: Climate change and economic mobility
KG: Family bill of rights, national paid leave plan, universal pre-k, affordable day care, making sure women thrive at work
KH: Middle-class tax cut, DACA, guns
BS: Political revolution
JB: Obama brought together 196 nations to commit to deal with climate change. But my first issue is defeating Donald Trump
PB: Fix democracy
AY: $1000 freedom dividend for everyone age 18+
JH: Collaborative approach to climate change
MW: Call New Zealand
RM: Swalwell: You propose mandatory government buyback of every assault weapon in America. How?
ES: The other candidates’ plans aren’t enough. I’ll approach it as a prosecutor and as someone who has voted on and passed background checks.
RM: Sanders: In an interview in 2013, you said, “Everything being equal, states should make decisions [on guns]. Has your view changed?”
BS: That’s a mischaracterization. In 1988, I ran on a platform of banning assault weapons. I have a D-minus voting record from the NRA. We need comprehensive gun legislation with universal background checks. We need to end the gun show loophole and the strawman provision. Assault weapons shouldn’t be on the streets. We will ban their sale and distribution.
ES: Will you buy them back?
BS: If the government wants to do that.
KH: I think Swalwell’s idea is great. As President, I’ll give Congress 100 days to put a bill on my desk. If they don’t, I’ll put in place the most comprehensive gun legislation we’ve had. I’ll have ATF take licenses from gun sellers who violate the law, and I’ll ban through executive order the importation of assault weapons.
RM: Buttigieg: You’re the only one on stage with military experience. Do you believe military families and vets will have a different take on this issue?
PB: Yes. Every part of my life experience informs this issue. Universal background checks are the right thing to do. Some weapons have no place in peace time.
JB: I’ve beaten the NRA nationally, getting the Brady Bill passed. We increased that during the Obama administration. I got assault weapons banned and the number of clips in a gun banned. I would buy back assault weapons. And we should have “smart” guns – no gun should be sold without biometric precautions. Our adversary is the manufacturers, not the NRA.
PB: But the manufacturers are giving orders to the NRA
LH: What do you see as important early steps in reversing Trump’s damage?
MB: We have to restore democracy at home and restore the relationships he’s damaged with our allies.
CT: Which relationship with an ally would you most want to repair?
MW: European leaders.
JH: China
AY: China
PB: We have no idea who he’ll have pissed off by then
BS: Rebuilding trust in the UN
KG: Engage Iran
MB: European allies and Latin American countries
ES: Break up with Russia, make up with NATO
RM: Biden: Your foreign policy chops are central to the campaign, but you voted for the Iraq War. Why should voters trust your judgment?
JB: Because we got elected after Bush, and Obama told me to get the troops out of Iraq. We shouldn’t have combat troops in Afghanistan. I’ve pulled together alliances to combat terrorism – we should never go it alone.
BS: Joe voted for that war, which was a disaster, and I led opposition to it. I also led the effort for the first time to use the War Powers Act to get the US out of the humanitarian disaster of Yemen. And I’ll do all I can to prevent war with Iran.
ES: Congress has been built for the wealthy, but this generation can change that
MW: We can beat Donald Trump not with plans but with love
MB: I bring people together, and we need a broad coalition to beat Trump
JH: I’m a scrappy businessowner and a successful governor in a purple state. No socialism!
KG: The rights of women are under attack. I stood up against the banks and the Pentagon
AY: I can beat Trump by solving the problems that got him elected, with a “trickle up” economy
KH: We need someone who can prosecute Trump. I have a “3 a.m. agenda”
PB: I’m a gay, married mayor and a vet. I want to be able to say I delivered solutions on racial equality, climate change, and endless war.
BS: We all have good ideas, but until we have the guts to challenge the system, nothing will change
JB: We need to restore the soul and backbone of this nation. I can unite America
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5 Major Benefits of Business Mobile Apps for the Construction Industry
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There is no alternative to digitization for any sector. If a sector has to stay afloat, it has to pace ahead with the times and embrace technology. Every link in the value chain needs to function as a connected system based on information and communication technology to enhance productivity. And, the construction sector is not bereft from this but many sub-sectors of the industry are still looking to digitize their production and distribution process. Whereas logistics and freight has changed the way it does business through digitization.
Some of the existing mobile app types used in the industry are:
1.      Auto CAD under CAD design and drawing
2.      Concrete Design Calculator, Calculator for Carpenters and Construction Pro Calculator under construction calculators
3.      Customized Estimators, Painting Estimator and Material Estimator under estimating
4.      Construction Management under construction site apps
5.      Construction Suit Coordinator and Construction Architecture under project management
Now, here are the major positives of utilizing business mobile apps for construction sector:
 1. E-Tendering is going to be the new normal
Construction industry is extremely information intensive with complex project communications and digital call for tenders is going to make the process efficient to the core and readily transparent. When construction suppliers and product specifications have gone digital, the construction industry needs to move beyond the basic software access and absorb revolutionizing information and communication technology (ICT). E-Tendering will eliminate inefficiencies which are part of the traditional process and will smarten the process in an electronic environment.
The existing level of unawareness regarding ICT can leave the affected companies far behind in the lead-up to internet based tendering. It has been estimated that in the next 5 years 80 to 90% of public construction projects globally will go for electronic circulation of tender calls.
 2. The way ahead – Smart Business Site Logistics
For better workforce optimization on the construction site, business apps can come to the rescue. A construction workers spends most of his time and energy on running errands, collecting and shifting building material, transporting building equipment or looking for it; all this energy and time spend can be brought down hugely if digital solutions are applied.
A lot of technology forward construction firms are already using supply software, and Internet of Things for establishing communication and coordination between Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and machinery or construction vehicles to identify or manoeuvre products on the construction site. A mobile app interlinked with RFID technology to inspect the fitting of freshly laid concrete surfaces can be path breaking consequence of digitization in the building and construction sector.
 3. The future is Drones and Droid driven
Lack of swift communication among construction workers and project managers can bring an entire day’s work to a sudden halt and in unfortunate cases even lead to mishaps. Rising time and cost limitations, and complicated/innovative architectural projects are the leading causes for construction companies to go digital.
For example, 3D laser technology is extensively used to survey the construction site, power lines, fiber optic cables, etc. Drones are an amazing tool that are being used to survey land, scan and monitor expansive construction sites, and carry out an easy surveillance of the project’s progress. All these robots and drones will have the backing of mobile cloud solutions.
The Chinese company, WinSun has devised a combination of a robotic arm with that of a 3D printer where the robotic arm controls the motion of the 3D printer, helping it create large structures at once. With the robotic 3D printing equipment, WinSun has made 10 single story houses in one day!
 4. Digitising Customer Relationship Management and Sales
Construction sector is always on the growth curve and operating companies face stiff competition to stay afloat. There is immense potential for business mobile apps to skim the construction market and provide details on different players’ projects in pipeline and delivering it to companies. Also for analysing customer data and enhancing customer relationship management programs digital solutions can contribute immensely.
Customer loyalty can be further cemented by business Android mobile applications that generate a lot of information on a daily basis and function as a communication platform create long lasting goodwill. Imagine custom mobile apps that provide the amount of energy the under-construction space will consume once it is ready, the opportunities are limitless.
 5. After sales mobile apps for legacy building
To bridge gaps between projects, a construction company can build apps to optimize the supply chain process and also keep the customers engaged and not let the long durations of no activity, also referred to as the down time don’t create a vacuum. Afterall, a construction company doesn’t rest on its laurels, so no matter how successful its current project delivery was, it would want its customers to have memory recall and its logistics section always streamlined.
Construction industry is the least digitized and automated industries in the world, positioning digitisation as the perfect solution for every company in the sector. Pegged at $10 trillion dollar globally and dotted with inefficiencies, the advent of business mobile app development can lead to potential savings, productivity gains and workforce optimization.
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qubadigital · 1 year
Carpenters & Contractors Loyalty Program | Best Rewards APP for Carpent...
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loyaltyexpert · 2 years
7 Ways to Effectively Promote Your Referral Program
Did you know that influencer marketing delivers more than 500 percent returns on investment (ROI)? As per a recent stat, every dollar invested in influencer marketing generates an average return of $5.20.
If you’re running a referral program, or are planning to run one, then you need to make sure that your influencers are invested and motivated in your program. For that to happen, you must see to it that your influencers get the most out of your referral incentive program.
Behind every successful referral program, there are well-rewarded and delighted influencers and customers. This blog post discusses seven ways to keep your influencers interested and motivated in your program in the long run.
1. Have clear, defined goals
Before running a referral incentive program, be extremely clear about your goals and know what you want from your influencers. Some of the following questions can help you find greater clarity with your referral program.
Do you want to attract more influencers?
Do you want to promote your product to the followers of a particular influencer?
Do you want your influencers to promote a specific product or service?
What amount of monetary and non-monetary rewards can you give your influencers?
After finding answers to the above questions, you can know what exactly you want from your loyalty program.
2. Choose a high-quality loyalty solution for your referral program
Finding a loyalty solution provider in a highly crowded market is not a big thing in itself. But choosing the right loyalty partner can mean the difference between a successful referral incentive program and a failed one.
A high-quality loyalty platform will enable you to automate your referral program and give the right rewards to all your influencers. When it comes to joining hands with the right loyalty provider, you need to do your research and consider those solutions providers who have a proven track record of creating and deploying effective referral programs. A company such as LoyaltyXpert that has a dedicated and competent team and years of experience in delighting its clients can be the one-stop solution for all your loyalty needs.
3. Customize incentives for your influencers
The need to customize your referral incentives for your influencers can’t be overstated. Creating customized incentives and reward programs can make influencers feel special and make them more effective when they are working for your brand. 
To customize your referral programs for your influencers you must know everything about them. Say, for instance, you are in the plywood and laminates industry. Your influencers are carpenters. You must understand their psychology and what they want. Conducting surveys and creating personas is a good way to categorize your influencers and create customized rewards for them.
4. Spread the word about your referral program
When it comes to running a highly effective referral incentive program, leave no stone unturned to promote it. Leverage your social media accounts to promote your referral programs. Email marketing also works like magic when it comes to promoting referral programs. Make sure you have an email id list of high-quality customers and influencers. Promote the referral program throughout your app.
Another effective way to promote your referral program is by creating an explainer page. Apart from that, promote your program organically by encouraging your customers to spread the word, share reviews and testimonials as social proof, and add social sharing buttons. You may also create order status emails, post-purchase emails, in-store promotional materials, and referral links in purchase stages to better promote your referral program.
5. Gift pre-launch product features
Gifting pre-launch product features is one of the most effective ways to generate buzz before the launch of a product. Every time your influencers refer to your products and generate a high-quality lead or a sale, consider gifting them some pre-launch product features. You can also use the same strategy to reward all of your valuable customers.
6. Showcase influencers in brand video
In case you use video marketing, then showcase your influencers in your brand videos. Many influencers, if not all, love to appear on video content that’s relevant to their niche. The more opportunities for them to appear in brand videos, the more popular they become in a wider circle.
In the same way, it’s a win-win scenario for brands. The more screen time they give to their partner influencers, the more they will be known by the legions of followers and the more they will be accepted. That makes it an attractive proposition for both parties.
7. Use giveaways and provide attractive offers on products or services 
Giveaways are among the most effective ways to promote referral programs. Apart from motivating your influencers, giveaways will help you generate high-quality leads and expand your social reach by leaps and bounds. 
Offers on products and services not only enhance sales but work like a charm for your referral programs as well. You can reward your highly productive influencers by providing them with exclusive coupons, gift cards, vouchers, and many more financial rewards.
All in all,
A referral program is a gold standard for business growth. It is a must-have tool for businesses in almost every industry. To run a successful referral program, you must make sure that your influencers are well-rewarded and are happy with the referrals. 
At LoyaltyXpert, we know what it takes to create effective referral programs. We have helped our clients in rewarding their influencers in the best possible way. If you would like to run successful referral programs, Book a free demo today.
This blog is already posted here.
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deadmanslocke-blog · 7 years
Crimson Demon Crew in terms of Hierarchy
Elected positions:
♢    Captain: Carlos Vicente Miranda de Zaragoza ♢    Quarter Master: Adrien “Ghost” Moreau (steps up to Captain in dire situations)
Skilled positions:
♢     Boatswain: William ‘deadshot’ Locke (steps up to QM in dire situations) ♢     Sailing Master: Venus Darya Lajani  ♢     Carpenter & Surgeon: Sybil Beck  ♢     Master Gunner: 0/1
General positions:
♢     Mate: 0/4 (Steps up to the position they shadow i.e. gunner/C&S/Sailing Master/Boatswain) ♢     A.B.S: 0/5 ♢     Rigger:  Ragnar Lawson ♢     Swabbie: Rowland “Six” Flint
Stepping up tends to only be temporary until the individual in full possession of the rank can either return to their duties (unless they’re killed) or should they be in an elected role there be an election held for the crew to pick their next individual to hold an elected role (Captain/QM).
Relationship to crew in terms of position:
Due to William’s position on the Crimson Demon as its boatswain he is considered third mate and thus should anything happen to Ghost, William would be the individual to immediately step up and take his position as QM (albeit temporarily) until an election can be called to replace the position.
For his position William is highly skilled in all matters of marlinespike seamanship required for working on deck of a seagoing vessel. He is distinguished from other able seamen by the supervisory roles: planning, scheduling, and assigning work. As deck crew foreman, the boatswain plans the day’s work and assigns tasks to the deck crew. As work is completed, he will check on completed work for compliance with approved operating procedures. 
Outside the supervisory role, the boatswain regularly inspects the vessel and performs a variety of routine, skilled, and semi-skilled duties to maintain all areas of the ship not maintained by the engineering department. These duties can include cleaning, painting, and maintaining the vessel’s hull, superstructure and deck equipment as well as executing a formal preventive maintenance program.
A boatswain’s skills may include cargo rigging, winch operations, deck maintenance, working aloft, and other duties required during deck operations. The boatswain is well versed in the care and handling of lines, and has knowledge of knots, hitches, bends, whipping, and splices as needed to perform tasks such as mooring a vessel. The boatswain typically operates the ship’s windlasses when letting go and heaving up anchors. Moreover, a boatswain may be called upon to lead fire-fighting efforts or other emergency procedures encountered on board.
William has held the position for almost 13 years now, and has managed to do so because of his ability to integrate his seafaring skills into supervisory and easy communication with members of the deck crew who often have a very diverse set of backgrounds. William is a fair and just individual that has led to a decent amount of respect being earned towards him from the crew and even those above him-- only further reason why he’s been so successful in holding this position for as long as he has (not always easy with crews that can easily become dis-quietened with their leadership). 
Occasionally there has been mention that he would make a decent QM or Captain in his own right, but Will has never seemed to show much interest in the role and responsibility. He’s tough on the crew when needs be but never harshly so and would never ask them to do something that he himself wouldn’t do first. Brave, loyal and adaptive it’s rather easy to understand why he’s successful in this particular role aboard the ship. His patience is also part of the reason why when the Captain or QM for some reason cannot deal with another set of pirates William is the one who tends to be sent over to discuss negotiations especially with the crew of the Blooming Rose with whom he has a decent level of camaraderie.
With that in mind I’m going to write some general dynamic summaries and ones I’d like to fill under the cut, because this is me and it’s obviously going to get long. This obviously isn’t everything but it’s an idea for some background for relationships I could see William having. If you have other things in mind for how your muse might know him then 100000% hit me up and let me know. 
Crimson Demon:
Captain - TBA
Ghost - Will and Ghost have a healthy level of respect for one another, where Ghost’s brash attitude and lack of social skills tend to cause trouble Will is usually the one there to balance him out and smooth out some of the disturbances he causes. Ghost routinely tests Will to see whether he’s still suitable for his role considering both are aware that should anything happen to him Will shall be the one to step up.
Venus - TBA
Sybil - Will figured out a fair while back what Sybil’s secret was and decided to keep it, he had no particular interest in blackmail or utilising the fact that she was a woman aboard the vessel to his own vantage like some might. After all, she was good at her job and so long as she kept that up Will saw no real reason as to question her presence. He isn’t superstitious and the Demon hasn’t sunk yet so he sees nothing wrong with her being aboard.
Ragnar - As part of what would be considered the deck crew Will oversees and checks the work of Ragnar and others in these positions. As mentioned above, he’s fair in the amount of work he deals out and so long as it’s done to correct standards sees no point in being abusive of the position he has above these crewmen. 
Rowland “Six” Flint - TBA
Blooming Rose:
Wren Scarborough  - Will and Wren’s dealings go back for several years, it isn’t easy to successfully launch a pirating operation with an all female/non-binary crew and he like most at the time was rather surprised by the success they had. He holds a high level of respect for Wren and though they could be considered friends, Will tries to maintain a decent level of respectful boundary between them considering he needs to keep his crew satisfied that his interests and loyalties lie entirely with them after all more oft than not these two ships go after the same prizes which can lead to tensions between crews. On operations where the Demon and Rose have operated together Will tends to be the one sent over to assist in negotiations considering his acquaintanceship with Wren.
Ruth Sheftall - TBA
Marie-Louise “Louise” Tobin - TBA
Marisol Jones - TBA
Best friends
Close friends
Friendly rivals
Actual rivals
Perhaps a jealous lower crewman of how much William is apparently liked by everyone
Crushes (Will’s oblivious but plenty of people find him attractive perhaps your muse from the Blooming Rose or even Crimson Demon have come to take a shine towards William’s patient and good-hearted nature)
Hook ups / Friends with benefits
Family - Will has 4 elder sisters and 1 younger half-sister, he once had an elder brother but he passed away during childhood. He was always close to his sisters and I’m 10000% willing to discuss if people want to take up an elder sibling to Will or even his half-sister which I’ve requested anyway here.
Molly O'Brian - Molly and Will met a fair few years ago now, he’s always been one of the few individuals around who hasn’t shown an initial interest in her work but rather her as a person. He likes her a lot, considers her a good friend and can sometimes be a little overprotective in regards to her well-being not in the jealous sort of way that he would stop her working but simply takes an interest in making sure she’s looked after and stays as safe as she can considering her line of work brings her into contact with some unsavoury sorts. Will finds that Molly is someone he can let his guard drop around which isn’t always an easy thing to manage, she’s fun and enjoyable company that he’s happy to pass time with when she isn’t working.
Siren Song / Brothel Workers - Due to his friendship with Molly Will is known to hang around the Siren’s Song and various other brothels not for business interests but to see her and other friends he’s come to make with the workers. Will’s a kind and patient man but also tends to go to keep an eye on his crew along with the general populus, should things get a bit too rowdy or kick off his 6 ft 5 frame makes for an impressive deterrent for patrons getting too possessive on the women and other individuals working there. Will isn’t above stepping in to help settle matters as cordially as possible and is known to pay decently for drinks he receives which is part of the reason owners let him stay even if he doesn’t seem to be present for anything more than a chat and a drink.
Tavern workers / patrons - Again, similar concept as above. Will enjoys a game of cards over a tankard of ale, he’s known to frequent pubs and taverns across the city to relax with his crew and other friends. Perhaps these people know Will from his frequent visits to the tavern, though he seems imposing he tends to keep to himself a lot of the time but will happily chat to staff whilst they’re bustling about keeping tankards full.
Religious Connections - Though Will no longer tends to subscribe to any sort of faith or practise, he isn’t above going to visit church occasionally. He likes to sometimes go to these places to sit, think and reminisce on his life before he went away to join the Navy where he was raised in an Abbey down on the Southern coast. Perhaps these characters know Will from his visits to church, have seen him there various times and one day decided to approach him.
Muscle - Will isn’t above settling his skills and strength in exchange for coin, most who hire him for odd jobs presume him to be a mindless idiot when it couldn’t be further from the truth. Perhaps your muse hired Will to act as a guard on some expedition or job in London and for a fee he agreed.
Exes - Will has some history taking partners although he’s rather selective about that in London, perhaps these characters were together for a little time during his last time in London before he took to the seas once more to go pirating. They would have had to have known each other a fair while and Will would need to feel comfortable with them before anything serious ever came about.
Bounty Hunter - Will’s been in the career of piracy for 15 years, which in itself is almost unheard of. His reputation precedes him and there are whispers amongst the highest levels of aristocracy about pirates and the remarkable skill ‘Deadshot’ possesses. Some say he bargained with the devil and sold his soul for his remarkable shooting skills others that he consorts with witches and magic to gain his abilities. None have managed to put a name to a face and though plenty of hunters have been sent after him none have ever returned successfully (some haven’t even returned at all). Perhaps your muse has been assigned the case and is trying to track him down to put him in irons but due to Will’s meticulously careful attitude with his skills has come to a frustrating roadblock.
Past connection - Will used to sail aboard a privateering vessel about 20-15 years ago. Perhaps your muse was in the navy and knew young William in those days of suffrage. Perhaps they sailed aboard the vessel with him or were one of the other officers aboard the ship. They might have a clue about what happened to William during those days with the sadistic Lieutenant David Porter but they also might not.
Below is a plot that involves some revenge and the eventual murder of a sadistic Naval lieutenant that made Will’s life hell. Warning just before you read.
Lieutenant David Porter - a plot that will be ongoing with Will is him coming to terms with what this monster of a man did to him when he was 18/19. Will is currently under the impression that Porter died the day the HMS St Andrew went down but little does he know that this man has been alive and well and has continued terrorising those under his command with brutal and sadistic torture yet remains untouchable himself due to the fear that confronting him would result in their demise. None have come forward and it’s unlikely any will. (For an example of a character like this think Captain John Randall from Outlander and you get an idea of what he’s like). 
Perhaps your muse is a military officer/official who has run into this smarmy git who acts like a true gentlemen but as soon as he’s out of sight of official lines of sight turns into the true monster he is. Perhaps your muse is a prostitute or civilian that has been attacked and not been able to do anything about it because the man is wealthy and privileged and to accuse him would more than likely result in your death rather than his. 
Eventually, Will is going to find out that Porter is still alive and that is going to have some major ramifications for him. He will want to find a way to bring this man down and it will likely bring him into contact with authorities and officials in an attempt to find any sort of way to bring this man tumbling down from his pedestal. Will will eventually be looking to discredit, humiliate and potentially even kill this man. There are plenty of avenues that this could go down in lead up to that. But this is something I’m 10000% willing to throw open to anyone who wants to get involved.
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ruchikakamat · 4 years
3 Part Strategy For Better Work Ethics
“I’m tired.” “It’s too late.” “I’ll do it tomorrow.” Are common excuses almost every employee has resorted to at some point in order to avoid work. It’s natural to feel unmotivated sometimes and inevitably dish out such excuses to put work off. But it’s important to understand that one has to outwork competition in order to be successful and success is always a by-product of superior work ethics. Stephen King once said that “Talent is cheaper than table salt, but what separates an individual from a successful one is a lot of hard work”. While this is true, there are times when the motivation just doesn’t make the cut. But as the saying goes – discipline and ethics keep you going when motivation runs out. Despite obvious talent, successful people wouldn’t be where they are without having insane work ethics. Here’s a small tale about how important work ethics are and the lack of which can be consequential.
An elderly carpenter was ready to retire, and he told his boss of his plans to leave and live a more leisurely life with his wife. He would miss the paycheck, he could get by, but he needed to retire. The contractor was sorry to see such a good worker go, and he asked the carpenter to build just one more house as a personal favour. The carpenter said yes, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. It was an unfortunate way to end a dedicated career. When the carpenter finished his work, the contractor came to inspect the house. He handed the front-door key to the carpenter. “This is your house,” the contractor said. “It is my gift to you. “The carpenter was shocked! What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently.
So it is with people at work. People work every day often putting less than the best effort in their work. Oblivious to the fact that like the carpenter was building his own house, employees are actually building their own careers ad will have to live with it for the rest of their lives.
This sure would make people wish they did things much differently. We cannot go back. But our attitudes and the choices we make today build our “house” for tomorrow. Employers/ Bosses essentially become enablers of work ethics. They need to ensure supreme ethics at workplace. These reach far beyond employee loyalty and morale or the strength of a management team bond. As with all business initiatives, the ethical operation of a company is directly related to profitability in both the short and long term. It may sound like a herculean task but attaining superior work ethics in your organization. But there is a simple strategy that can help you achieve it.  We’ve broken this down into 3 parts for better understanding:
Organizations need to have predefined rules and regulations regarding workplace ethics. These rules and regulations should be given to ALL employees together with their employment contract. Also having the rules written at strategic places at the workplace will also help remind people about the rules. People tend to unconsciously imbibe things they see every day. Thus it is important to establish rules and a strict code of conduct. Make a list of unethical behaviours and list the consequences for these behaviours.  Ensure that they are placed alongside the rules at strategic places in the organization. That way, if anyone wants to ignore the rules despite seeing them, the fear of getting punished will stop him or her from going ahead. Also, it’s important to ensure swift disciplinary action in case these are breached. Some companies often cover up grave ethical breaches when the defaulters are high ranking members of the organization. Things like this should not be accommodated. Irrespective of who breaks the rules, there should be swift disciplinary action by the organization.
It would be unrealistic to assume that all employees may only comply with the work ethics just because it is communicated to them. The best thing to do in this situation is to ensure that all the disciplinary policies are enshrined in the code of ethics are enforced accordingly. It also helps to organize value-based training seminars where you invite experts to educate employees and empower managers at every level with the right tools to engage their teams on the company’s values and expected behaviours. Managers should be encouraged to have regular discussions with their teams to keep values on everyone’s minds. Managers will need coaching on how to comfortably conduct values discussions with their teams.
It is incorrect to assume that employees possess the values that are the right fitment for the organization. Managers must remember that from the recruitment to appraisals, the internal branding must reflect in the company values. Managers must ensure that these are not just imbibed but team members must also be appreciated and recognized for demonstrating superior ethics.
Actions always speak louder than words. If you want to get the best out of your employees in regards to improved work morals, you need to empower them from time to time. Ensure they have an open forum to speak about their challenges so they can avoid burnouts. It is often noticed that an employee who is facing burnout due to any of the following reasons, tends to compromise on work ethics as a coping mechanism.
Late Night Out/Unpaid Overtime: Job markets are competitive and workplaces are demanding. Employees are laden with more workload than they can handle. Thus they end up working overtime or extra hours, often without any compensation. They miss out on leisure time and struggle to maintain a work-life balance. Managers/ bosses sometimes fail to acknowledge their efforts and sacrifice and begin treating over time as a normal working practice. This breeds resentment among employees and they often give half-hearted efforts.
Verbal Harassment: It is becoming increasingly common for bosses/managers to turn to the usage of harsh language when employees make little mistakes. This often reduces or kills employee morale and productivity. Employers should always say kind words to their employees.
Undue Pressure/ Unrealistic expectations: Deadlines are a great way to make sure the work gets done on time and instil great ethical code. However, when employees are placed under undue pressure, they end up trading quality for on-time delivery. An example of undue pressure will be giving an employee a 1-day deadline for a project that would normally take a week, this may prompt them to resort to unethical means to achieve results.
Nepotism: This degenerate practice that breaches ethics and bars talent from flourishing is unfortunately prevalent in many organizations. For example, An employee who has been working hard for years while influencing company growth may get side-lined for a promotion because of another employee who is either a stooge or an apple polisher. Things like these reduce employee morale or even push talented employees to resign.
Unfriendly Work Environment: One of the things that can kill productivity is a toxic workplace culture that is far from being friendly. This may be seen as a combination of toxic bosses, lack of recognition, nepotism and other conditions. An unfriendly environment usually is a breeding ground for various unethical behaviours under one roof.
While these may seem daunting, but it is important to remember that employee happiness is key!  This can easily be achieved by simply appreciating the efforts employees put in to contribute to organizational success. One easy way to do that is by allowing not just manager but also peers to recognize each other on a social platform. This will greatly boost the morale of employees and will set an example to motivate others. Let’s Buzzz offers a great peer-to-peer recognition program that allows organizations to establish value-based behaviours that can be socially recognized across the organization and amongst peers as well.
Managers can also choose to reward employees for demonstrating such behaviour by awarding buzz points that can be redeemed against digital rewards. Get in touch for a demo or a free trial today.
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Q&A: Monica Clark “Our main focus is to provide opportunities for kids all over the local communities”
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By: Sabrina Torres
Monica Clark is the Youth Baseball and Softball Development Representative for the Philadelphia Phillies. Monica graduated from Rider University in 2018 with a study in Sports Management. She has been working there for just under 3 years now. 
Her day to day life at the Phillies organization is to create unique events for children of all ages to come and get help with their skills. These different events that she runs including the Phillies Homerun Derby, Youth Academy, and the Softball Carpenter Cup.
 These various events involve softball/baseball and the main goal is to provide opportunities for these kids in the surrounding communities to become passionate about the game.
Monica is a friend of mine so I had the opportunity to speak to her on these certain questions regarding her position as an event coordinator/ development representative. 
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This picture above is from this past RBI Softball Clinic where various college softball alumni came to talk and practice softball with girls of many ages. Monica (standing all the way to the right) ran this entire event and it was ultimately a success.  
1. What is your idea on doing virtual events because of this pandemic? 
For her job, her team has started to use social media as a way to virtually share things with their audience. They started creating posts using Phillies alumni. They have been creating videos that show baseball and softball drills kids can do at home by themselves with very little equipment needed. They want to make it just as effective for the kids like if they were at the Phillies baseball/softball events in person. This coming week, Monica and her team are discussing more ways they can connect and engage with the kids. Zoom calls have been a very effective way to stay connected with their teammates and coaches. They will continue to use technology to reach as many kids as they can to keep them active during this time. The kids they work with come from inner cities and some might not have access to technology or the internet so they are trying to be as creative as possible. Unfortunately, the type of events that they host cannot be done virtually due to the fact that it requires physical activity with equipment that the Phillies provide them. 
2. What other strategies has your company been considering to ensure customer loyalty? 
For Monica and her team, they work with kids trying to get them involved in playing the sport of baseball and softball. It’s hard because so many of these kids were just about to start their seasons. A lot of these kids baseball and softball is their way to get away from any craziness they could be experiencing. Right now, they are just trying to spread a positive message to stay safe and once this is all over the Phillies will be here to continue to support their programs. Although they don’t know when or what this season may hold it is important to let these kids know they will be there for them as soon as everyone can get back out there. 
3. Have you guys been utilizing social media?
Like stated in question #1, they have been utilizing social media accounts including Instagram and Facebook to connect with their target audience. Their main priority right now is to focus on staying up to date with the customers so they remain loyal to the organization. Monica has been keeping up and creating engaging content that is fun for the kids and their parents. It is hard when some kids who attend their events do not have access to the Internet because it leaves them feeling left out and their main goal as a department is to create a positive message for these kids who live in Philadelphia. Social media is their main way to stay in contact with the kids and keep them motivated
4. What are your main duties right now when working from home? 
Monica’s main duties as a youth development representative right now are to continue to keep her communication with their RBI (reviving baseball and softball in inner cities) Softball Coaches. They were supposed to start the 3 softball leagues on April 1st. These 3 softball leagues were brand new to RBI. A big project this offseason for Monica was to bring these girls into the program. Right now, a lot of them are worried the season won’t happen and the girls will miss out. Monica tries to keep them updated and remind them that once this is all done they will work together to get these girls playing. She also oversees the 3 Youth Academy Softball teams. For this, Monica tries to stay in communication with the coaches and players. They ask the players to do weekly workouts during which they record themselves to show us their improvements. She also is in constant communication with the other 2 people in her department discussing their other 12 programs they oversee. May and June are two of their busiest months so it’s important to stay on top of the events that are supposed to be happening in the future.
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5. How were consumers told about the cancellation of certain events and the postponed baseball season? 
 She doesn't really work with consumers for her department as all their events and programs are free. She is aware that the ticket sales office has been in contact with consumers about the steps moving forward. It’s hard though right now as none of them know what the future holds. They sit and wait just like everyone else to find out when and if the season will happen this year. For her department specifically, they sent out emails to their Youth Academy and RBI Leagues explaining the suspension of both due to the pandemic and in the best interest of the safety for all the kids. Most of their events are still in the future so time will tell what will happen. They have to take it one day and week at a time. They do not want to cancel things prematurely but are also not going to put any of any kids or coaches at risk.
6. How have the Phillies made sure that the facilities are being deep cleaned to ensure the safety of future players, customers etc.?
Monica and her team have been working from home since March 16th. They have been told to stay and work from home until further notice to keep everyone safe. Only necessary workers are allowed to access the building and that is only after they have been granted special permission from the ballpark operations department. Outside of the ballpark, there was also a testing site set up for people. I’m sure they have proper cleaning crews that will tend to the building and extensive cleaning will happen before people are allowed back in.
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youtiara-blog · 6 years
How can jewelry POS benefit your business?
The jewelry business is one of the most rapidly growing business and taking the market to the next level.
Do you know why everyone is trying to get into the jewelry business?
Give it a try and guess.
Yes, you are right the dramatic and dynamic profit one can gain in the jewelry business. For an establishment, smooth progress and expansion of business, we need some planes. As digitization is ruling the world, to be in the race, we need some system or software to manage everything.
We use software like CRM and POS to maintain business. Today we are going to see some of the benefits of POS. First, let us understand:
What is POS?
A POS or point of sale usually means any location where a sale or purchase may take place. For retailers and restaurateurs, POS traditionally means the area circling the cashier or counter where payment is accepted during checkout.
Point-of-sale (POS) system may seem like a hassle and an additional expense, but if you look closer, you’ll find clear gains.
What are the benefits of POS?
1) Simple discounting by category or customer group.
People celebrate their sparkling occasions with jewelry. Whether your customers are celebrating an engagement, graduation, anniversary or any other event of there life, celebrate with them.
Your POS can automatically apply discounts to any group that you select – brand, category or customer group. It keeps every kind of track for the customer.
2) Find new business possibilities with mobile POS.
You can take your business wherever you can take your mobile devices. You’re setting up a pop-up workshop or attending a trade program, all you need is an internet connection to bring your entire business with you.
Create purchase orders at a trade show or ring in sales at your booth, and run reports wherever you are.
3) Create and track your work orders at every stage.
Fixing a watch? Readjusting pearls? Engraving a ring?
Your POS system can help you track your work orders and provide better-organized information in the future if needed, so your customers know exactly where their items are.
Make your buyers happier by properly managing their expectations.
Better customer experiences better brand trust.
4) Learn about your customers and build loyalty.
Create customer profiles to track there special days like birthday, anniversary and more. Keeping track on purchase history and personal information on hand for when you need it is always helpful.
Developing a new loyalty plan? Take your store to the next level of customer relationships with the help of POS partners.
5) Simplified vendor management.
Save time and cut down on paperwork cost. Correlating with your vendors and creating purchase orders is faster than ever with the help of a POS system.
Damaged or overstocked products can easily be returned back to vendors and POS can be automatically populated with items that are running low.
6) Print jewelry tags and barcodes
Set up your stock quickly. Printing jewelry price tags and barcodes immediately from your POS system is quick and simple.
7) Track sales, staff performance and grow your business
Track sales by salesperson, register the time frame and make changes as you see fit.
Learn what your occupied time periods are, what doesn’t sell and make well-informed decisions that will allow you to grow your business.
8) Expanded Payment Capabilities.
 Point of sale advantages also includes the ability to accept different payments types including EMV chip cards, contactless payments (NFC), and mobile wallet payments such as Apple Pay, Android Pay, and Samsung Pay.
By allowing your customers to use different payment types, you can increase revenue as well as customer satisfaction.
According to the recent polls:
44 percent of respondents prefer to pay using debit cards.
33 percent favor using credit cards as their preferred payment method.
That means cash is gradually losing its reign as king and there’s a new queen in town — plastic.  
9) Easy to use.
No special training is required to use the POS software as it is very easy to use.
10) Increased Efficiency.
The biggest benefit of having POS is the increment in efficiency. When your cashiers have the right tools to support the customer, your operation will run more efficiently.
You can’t expect a carpenter to build a house without a hammer and nails and with right tools, right?
So, these are some of the benefits of having the POS system and this help you to grow your jewelry business smoothly.
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quazidesign · 6 years
Thoughts on sustainable design
When asked where I draw inspiration from, most often I find myself saying “everywhere and in everything”, but when I really consider my main source of inspiration, I find that the process of design, and the challenges of using available materials and techniques, is what truly drives me. These process and challenges are the basis of what I believe sustainable design is. Of course, there are many principles to sustainable design, but at its core, it is about problem solving - innovative ways of addressing a current issue or re-thinking an old question. Problem solving and resourcefulness are at its heart. You use what you have access to and you make the most of it.
As mentioned, there are many common principles to sustainable design, but environmental issues are at the forefront. Low-impact materials, non-toxic sustainably produced or recycled materials and energy efficient manufacturing processes are integral. Design that connects us to the natural environment can also be a method of sustainability. Making sure we have a connection to our environment means it’s easier for us to care for it.
For example, consider all of the plastic waste that ends up in our streets, in landfills, on our beaches or simply in our homes. The question of what can be done with this waste is the basis from which we can create a design that adds meaning and a positive connection from maker to buyer. I have come across two brands that have managed to address this issue while at the same time creating a commercial product that is design-led, beautiful, functional and innovative:
·      EcoBirdy makes sustainable children’s furniture by creating a system that collects and recycles old, unused plastic toys. The furniture pieces are made entirely from recycled plastic. Each step is based on social and environmental responsibility. An accompanying storybook and school-program has been designed to introduce youngsters to the circular economy and inspire them to contribute to a more sustainable future.
·      Reform started from a major issue in Egypt – waste. And after many design proposals and experiments they created ‘plastex’ an eco-friendly material made by weaving discarded plastic bags.
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My personal experience with sustainable design is from building my own business Quazi Design in Eswatini. Quazi Design is a partnership with the local magazine distributors who have a large number of magazines and newspapers that are returned or not sold and therefore waste. With the goal of repurposing these materials to decrease waste and focusing on creating employment for Swazi people, I set out to create a design that would fulfill these needs. Quazi Design now produces beautiful handcrafted accessories and homeware from 100% recycled magazines and newspapers.
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Rather than merely follow trends or simply design for a certain market or aesthetic I like to be inspired by the process of creation. This means that the process of developing a product is more organic and playful. Sometimes mistakes can inspire a whole new collection. This way of working means that the materials are at the center of the design, and it’s about being as resourceful as possible. I feel this is a truthful, real, tangible and a very organic process of trial and error. Our collections are segmented by technique rather than merely design. By wanting to push the boundaries of what is possible with paper I came up with original techniques that have now become our signature style.
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When coming up with our ‘paper wood’ collection for Quazi Design we were experimenting with layering the pages of a magazine but it somehow felt stuck and needed much more refining and developing. The shapes were raw and unfinished. One day I collected wooden displays for our local retail shop in Swaziland from a local carpenter and I thought – why not treat it like wood? We could use a sander, saw and drill just like wood and this became the base of the whole collection. I was true to my idea of bringing paper back to its original form as wood, while using local skills and accessible tools, to create an innovative solution with a beautiful finished product. I feel that products come alive during the sampling process and can take a life of their own.  This collection then became about enhancing paper rather than trying to hide it.
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At Quazi we focus mainly on design for recycling; making products and creating systems designed for performance in a commercial ‘afterlife’ but we also only use renewable resources, meaning materials come from nearby or are produced in a sustainable manner. We endeavor to use natural paints, or water-based glues as much as possible. This can be hard when needing to make a paper bead water-resistant so if it’s not possible we are honest and transparent about our decision-making.
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Beyond Environmental Sustainability
I believe that design can change lives and that we can design for positive impact. I decided very early on that if we wanted to create a sustainable brand, we would need to incorporate sustainability into everything we do. Sustainability has become our ethos; from our business model, our materials and processes to our finished products. This focus not only applies to environmental sustainability but social sustainability. Can a product really be sustainable while its maker is being underpaid or treated unfairly? I think designers have a responsibility to recognise the power they hold to create design that empowers marginalised people. Design happens collaboratively, and I feel fortunate to facilitate this through my work, being able to utilise skills in engaging artisans and inspire leadership – using design to inspire positive change.
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It is heartening to see sustainable design becoming mainstream, understood, design-led and innovative. Brands are adapting ‘green’ strategies and are changing their materials and manufacturing processes. Sustainability is a trend that is here to stay. It also makes business sense with real benefits– an opportunity to enter new markets, strong brand awareness, customer loyalty, and more efficient use of resources. Though, companies should remain cautious of ‘greenwashing’ - using sustainability as a marketing tool but not actually incorporating any green practices. Several companies have either successfully altered their unsustainable practices, (such as Nestlé’s Nescafé, who found a novel use for their waste coffee grounds, by using the steam generated to power Nestlé factories) or pursued a successful green agenda from the beginning, like Patagonia, whose long-standing commitment to the environment can be traced back to its very origins.
The future of sustainable design is exciting and positive and it will become a part of our everyday life.
To learn more and keep up to date with current sustainable designs you can check out The Guardian newspaper, the design magazine Dezeen or online green website Inhabitat, all with dedicated pages on sustainable design.
Written by our founder and director Doron Shaltiel
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humbertocomer-blog · 6 years
The Tedious Honey Bees
Nevertheless it appears the prevailing opinion is that it's extra of a "honey excluder" than a queen excluder. We're additionally showcasing a beautiful new display beehive, the place you can watch the queen laying eggs, see a new baby emerge from a cell and experience the delight of the bees communicating through their waggle dance. I'm a software engineer with intensive expertise in shipping products on many different platforms and utilizing many various applied sciences. Outcomes of one 2003 study showed that making use of aspirin topically to bee stings or wasp stings really elevated redness and didn’t decrease the duration of swelling or ache in comparison with utilizing ice alone. Their investigation discovered that one in three Ikarians attain age 90 compared to the anticipated one in 9 child boomers in the United States. The common life of a honey bee through the working season is about three to six weeks. When they're a few weeks old, worker bees start receiving and storing pollen and nectar from foraging bees. Buzzing about gathering nectar from the flower blossoms, and flying that nectar again to the hive. The pattern includes each a back an front panel that fold collectively. Nate opened one of many bee colonies and showed viewers an inside view of the hive. So I simply needed to squeeze in yet another pumpkin recipe earlier than the top of October. The stored bees would seem to have extra contact with humans and extra bees would die from stinging them. The researchers concluded that therapy with bee venom would possibly inhibit the development of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in people. Bee removal in Woodbridge is something quite common. You may as well use other bee killer substitutes such aerosol sprays that are efficient in getting rid of carpenter bees effectively. The female bees (worker bees and queens) are the only ones that can sting, and their stinger is a modified ovipositor. On account of the best way wherein it's processed, the ensuing honey resists mold, fungi and different micro organism, which implies that it will probably last for years with out adding any synthetic preservatives or by refrigeration. Conserving bees to make honey is known as beekeeping, or apiculture. An enzyme in meat tenderizer called papain is also believed to assist break down the protein that causes pain and itching. There are 130 species in North America. Here are a number of examples. Attempt to purchase new tools if you possibly can, it is going to last you numerous longer and finally value lower than one thing you purchase used that breaks after just some uses. Once you begin supplying patties you could proceed till natural pollen is accessible or the hive will decline and/or collapse. Our Burns Bees Feeding System allows you to feed your bees each patties and a pair of:1 sugar water. This means each have the identical effect on blood sugar. Consequently, after you consume the honey, the glucose in it is quickly absorbed, while the fructose is absorbed relatively sluggish, thus enjoying a job of sustaining the blood sugar. This may be because beeswax candles are sometimes purported to be superior to other wax candles, as a result of they are meant to burn brighter and longer, don't bend, and burn "cleaner". This type offers some enjoyment to some people who are after the natural honey taste. Honey is just made by bees and bottled by people. Honey has been consumed by human since long ago and may be very useful with so much of advantages. Subterranean bee nests need human TLC, too. Bee pollen will increase the power of natural ovulation amongst ladies as it improves the situation of their ovaries. The bee ingests pollen from flowers and, in its stomach, mixes it with formic, manite and other acids. This week long institute is held at our honey bee farm in our new classroom constructing. In a world of synthetic this and manufactured that, The Honey Retailer is an excellent demonstration of the issues that come from Nature. Being aware of bloom instances and offering flowers that overlap the seasons are important for beekeepers who wish to successfully overwinter their colonies. We are a VETERAN-OWNED Firm! Once they get out, you're only giving them the prospect to start out infesting your own home. Botulism spores are in air, soil, water and vitabumin plants. Bee Venom is a an costly scarce commodity. Like most insects, a bee has complicated mouth elements that it uses to eat and drink. This set of activities is like an old-fashioned Spelling Bee. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper and toss to evenly coat. 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