#best data structures and algorithms course
scholarhatedu · 9 months
Best Data Structures and Algorithms Course
Data Structures and Algorithms are the backbone of computer science. They are essential for solving complex problems efficiently, making them indispensable skills for programmers and software developers. To master these concepts, it's crucial to choose the right course. In this article, we'll explore some of the best-known courses available online, and we'll also introduce you to scholarhat's Best Data Structures and Algorithms Course, a program designed to take your understanding to the next level.
1.Udemy - Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive Using JavaUdemy Data Structures and Algorithms CourseThis course provides a comprehensive understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms using Java. It covers a wide range of topics with hands-on coding exercises. 2. Scholarhat - Best Data Structures and Algorithms Course
scholarhat Best Data Structures and Algorithms Course
When it comes to mastering Data Structures and Algorithms, scholarhat's Best Data Structures and Algorithms Course stands out as an exceptional choice. With a curriculum meticulously designed by experts, this program combines theoretical knowledge with hands-on coding exercises. Moreover, the course emphasizes practical application, ensuring you're not only learning the theory but also applying it in real-world scenarios. With experienced instructors and a supportive community, this course offers an unparalleled learning experience.
3. LinkedIn Learning - Learning Data Structures and AlgorithmsLinkedIn Learning Data Structures and Algorithms CourseThis course offers a practical approach to learning Data Structures and Algorithms, with a focus on real-world applications.
4. GeeksforGeeks - Data Structures and AlgorithmsGeeksforGeeks Data Structures and Algorithms CourseGeeksforGeeks offers a plethora of tutorials, articles, and practice problems on Data Structures and Algorithms. It's a valuable resource for self-paced learning.
5. Codecademy - AlgorithmsCodecademy Algorithms CourseCodecademy provides an interactive platform for learning algorithms. The course is suitable for beginners and covers essential algorithmic concepts.
6. LeetCode - Data Structures and AlgorithmsLeetCodeWhile not a traditional course, LeetCode is a popular platform for practicing Data Structures and Algorithms through coding challenges. It's an excellent resource to reinforce your skills.
7. YouTube - MyCodeSchoolMyCodeSchool YouTube ChannelMyCodeSchool offers a series of video tutorials on Data Structures and Algorithms. The tutorials are clear, concise, and perfect for visual learners.
8. Hackerrank - Data StructuresHackerrank Data Structures CourseHackerrank offers a series of tutorials and challenges to help you master various data structures.
9. Princeton University - Algorithms Part I and Part II (Coursera)Princeton University Algorithms Part I Princeton University Algorithms Part IIThis series of courses covers fundamental algorithms and data structures, taught by renowned professors from Princeton University. Conclusion
Selecting the right course to master Data Structures and Algorithms is crucial for any aspiring programmer. The courses mentioned above offer excellent options for learners at various levels of expertise. However, for an exceptional learning experience, consider enrolling in scholarhat's Best Data Structures and Algorithms Course. With its industry-leading curriculum and personalized support, it's the perfect choice to advance your skills in this critical area of computer science.
Enroll in scholarhat's course now. Take the first step towards becoming a Data Structures and Algorithms expert!
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Data structures and algorithms courses in Bangalore
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onetickcdc · 1 year
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shailendra01 · 1 year
This course is intended for people with an interest in software engineering who want to advance their careers by landing an interview with one of the most prestigious organisations in the world, such as Microsoft, Adobe, Uber, Google, or Amazon. In order to prepare you for these important interviews, this programme will teach you everything from coding to problem-solving techniques.
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scoonsalicious · 2 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 22, Untold - Pt. 1
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, alcohol consumption, strippers,
Word Count: 1.5k
Previously On...: Tony expressed his concerns about you going on this mission.
A/N: When Tony Met Pocket!
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Taglist: (Sadly, tag list is closed; Tumblr will not let me add anyone new. If you want to be notified when I update, please Follow me for Notifications!) @jmeelee @cazellen @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @blackhawkfanatic @buckybarnessimpp @hayjat @capswife @itsteambarnes @marygoddessofmischief @sebastians-love @learisa @lethallyprotected @rabbitrabbit12321 @buckybarnesandmarvel @fanfictiongirl77 @calwitch @fantasyfootballchampion @selella @jackiehollanderr @wintercrows @sashaisready @missvelvetsstuff @angelbabyyy99 @keylimebeag @maybefoxysouls @vicmc624 @j23r23 @wintercrows @crist1216 @cjand10 @pattiemac1@les-sel @dottirose @winterslove1917 @harperkenobi @ivet4 @casey1-2007 @mrsevans90 @steeph-aniie @bean-bean2000 @beanbagbitch @peachiestevie @wintrsoldrluvr @shadowzena43
Tumblr will not let me directly tag the following: @marcswife21 @erelierraceala @jupiter-107 @doublejeon @hiqhkey @unaxv @brookeleclerc
Boston, 2002
The bass inside the club was pounding, reverberating through the air and your skull as you made your way onto the floor. The day had already been unbearably long, and after your shift tonight, you still had a mountain of reading to do for your Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms class. But, MIT courses didn’t come cheap, even at two classes a semester, and you needed every penny you could make from your shifts at Beantown Burlesque. It would make more sense, financially, to work a club closer to the college, but the idea of running into any of your classmates or, god forbid, your professors, made the extra time and money you spent commuting from Cambridge to inner Boston completely worth it. 
Not that you expected a lot of tips tonight. It would have been better if you’d been scheduled to work the stage before they sent you to the floor; you were always requested for more lap dances after the patrons had seen you work the pole. You’d just have to work your ass off to entice a couple of lonely men into the VIP booth. But that always came with the additional task of fighting off requests for additional “services.” You may have been desperate for cash, but you were quite done with having your body sold for money, thank you.
You made your way over to the bar, hoping to get some intel on tonight’s patrons so you could shoot your best shot. 
“How’s it goin’ tonight, Cherry Pie?” the bartender, Mac, asked, using the pseudonym you’d chosen for your stage name when you started at the club a year ago. 
“No complaints yet, Mac,” you said, gratefully accepting the glass of water he offered you– it was important to stay hydrated, after all, “but then again, the night is very young.”
Mac let out a gruff laugh as he wiped down a glass. “You’re too young to be so cynical, Cherr,” he said.
You shrugged. That was an understatement. “Any good prospects tonight?” you asked, leaning your elbows on the bartop.
Mac nodded his chin toward a group of young men sitting close to the stage. “That group over there’s racked up a pretty big tab so far. Think they’re from the MIT alumni conference.” That piqued your interest. Beantown Burlesque might not be the ideal place to network, but you’d honestly take whatever you could get.
“They seem decent enough?” you asked Mac.
“About as decent as any group of blokes that come here,” he offered. “But they’ve been pretty respectful so far; no one’s tried to put hands anywhere they shouldn’t.”
“Good enough for me,” you told him. With a parting wave, you sauntered over to the group, making sure to put some extra sway in your hips. As you approached, you surveyed the collection of men. They all seemed to be centering their focus on one man in particular– he was dark haired with a goatee and wearing a pair of tinted glasses and looked vaguely familiar, though you couldn’t place where you might have seen him before. You clocked his expensive loafers and custom Armani suit, and the way the others around him laughed a little too loudly at what he was saying. 
That’s the one, you thought to yourself. He had the money. If you were going to make your rent on time this month, he was the one you’d need to impress.
“You boys fancy some company tonight?” you asked once you approached the group. The man with the goatee leaned forward, a sure sign of interest, and looked at you over the lens of his glasses.
“Well, gorgeous,” he said with a smirk, “we're not ones to turn down an offer for good companionship, especially from someone as captivating as you. But let's be real, the question is whether you can keep up with us. Think you're ready for the challenge?”
Oh, this one was cocky. You could work with that. You trailed your fingertips along the tops of his shoulders as you made your way around to the table in front of him. Without breaking eye contact, you picked up the double shot of whiskey sitting there and downed the entire thing in one swig without flinching.
The other men in the group whooped and hollered at your display, but the man with the goatee just studied you with a peculiar look on his face. “What’s your name, sweetheart?” he asked.
“You can call me Cherry Pie,” you said as you began swaying your hips to the rhythm of the music coming through the speakers. 
“I didn’t ask what they call you here,” he said, leaning back as you put your hands on his shoulder and began swaying in between his legs. “I asked for your name.”
“You haven’t spent nearly enough to earn that, honey,” you said as you gyrated. 
The man laughed at that, then, reaching for his wallet, pulled out a handful of crisp, one hundred dollar bills. He gently tucked them into the waistband of your bottoms. “How’s that?”
You looked at the bills tucked into your underwear. By your guess, there was about eight hundred dollars there. You just might make rent, after all. “It’s a start,” you shrugged, beginning your tried and true lap dance routine.
One of the other men in the group let out a loud laugh. “She’s sure got your number, Stark!”
At the name, your eyes shot to the man with the goatee’s face, and it suddenly clicked for you. “Holy shit,” you breathed. “You’re Tony Stark.”
Stark smiled. “Guilty as charged, sweetheart.”
“Your company’s network security sucks ass,” you told him, the words coming out of your mouth before you could stop them.
He quirked an eyebrow at that. “Excuse me?”
Fuck. “Uh, nothing, sorry. Forget I said anything.” You put a renewed vigor back into your dance.
“Um, no.” Stark said, grasping your wrist firmly enough to encourage you to stop dancing, but gently enough to let you know he posed you no threat. “I want to hear how a stripper knows the faults of my network security.”
You blushed at that. “I, uh, may have broken in the back door and temporarily held your system hostage for ten minutes last May,” you confessed.
“That was you?” Stark exclaimed. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he sounded… impressed. “You paralyzed our entire operation!”
“Yeah… sorry about that.” Well, you could kiss any further tips goodbye, that was for sure.
“Why’d you relinquish control back to us?” he asked. “You could have held it for ransom; we would have paid whatever you asked for.”
Huh. You had never even considered doing that. “Well, um, actually, I did it as part of a final project? For my Engineering Ethics and Professionalism course at MIT?”
Stark cocked his head at you. “With Erickson?” You nodded, and Stark actually laughed. “He still a narcissistic son of a bitch?”
You chuckled and nodded. “Sexist, too. He nearly shat a brick when he had to watch a mere girl bring a Fortune 500 company to its knees.”
Stark laughed, heartily. “I’ll bet he did! What I wouldn’t have given to see his face!”
“I set up a camera to record it,” you told him. “I can make you a copy of the VHS, if you want. I needed to capture the moment for posterity.”
From there, the atmosphere and your position in the group shifted. You were no longer the entertainment. Tony (he insisted you call him that) invited you to join him as his equal, and for the next several hours, he picked your brain, testing your knowledge and asking you questions about yourself, much to the displeasure of the rest of his group. One by one, they departed, until it was just the two of you. You were having the time of your life. You figured you’d never again have the opportunity to sit back and just hang out with such an icon of the tech community, and you were going to make the most of it. Now, here you were playing a game of Never Have I Ever.
“Never have I ever sheared a sheep,” Tony said with a grin.
“Why, Mr. Stark,” you said, bringing your glass to your lips (you failed to mention that, technically, you weren’t legally old enough to drink), “you haven’t truly lived until you’ve shorn the raw wool from an unwilling ewe.”
“You’re shitting me,” Tony said, laughing.
You took the glass from your lips without drinking. “You got me,” you told him. I grew up in Dayton. Not a whole lotta opportunities for sheep shearing there.”
A mischievous glint came into Tony’s eyes. “Your shift’s got to be almost over,” he said. “What do you say, Cherry Pie? Wanna go shear a sheep?”
“(Y/N),” you told him. “My name’s (Y/N), and I would fucking love to.”
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fu66sun · 8 months
telepath; 이동혁
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003 | unspoken words wc: 1,989 (lmaooo, stream 1989 tv)
right after you bid your goodbyes, you were left alone with an unsettling sensation gnawing at the pit of your stomach. it was a feeling that, despite your best efforts to ignore, you couldn't quite brush aside. and that scared you, deep down, because the familiarity of this emotion was something you didn't need at the moment.
as you walked away from the encounter with haechan, you couldn't help but replay those intense moments in your mind. the way his voice had softened, the electric chemistry between you two, the playful banter that had lingered in the air—it all haunted your thoughts. you'd known haechan for quite some time, and although you'd been rivals, even enemies at times, this new sensation you couldn't escape was foreign and unsettling.
it was tempting to rationalize it away. perhaps he was merely being polite, or maybe he was just being his usual annoying self, which explained the proximity of your faces. but every excuse you conjured up felt hollow and unconvincing. deep down, you knew that these explanations didn't hold water.
the truth was, haechan had managed to break through your defenses, and you were undeniably starting to feel something you had been trying to suppress, an emotion you hadn't allowed yourself to acknowledge before. you couldn't quite put your finger on it, but there was a magnetic pull, a curiosity that you couldn't escape.
a curiosity that had always been there.
the days that followed the party were filled with a constant internal battle. you couldn't shake the feeling that something had irrevocably changed between you and haechan. those stolen moments and charged encounters refused to fade into distant memories, and you found yourself yearning for more.
you had always prided yourself on keeping your emotions in check, never letting anyone get too close or too comfortable. but with haechan, it seemed like all those defenses had been effortlessly dismantled. it was unnerving, to say the least.
you tried to distract yourself, diving into school work and studying, but every time your mind wandered, it drifted back to him. the way his eyes had held yours, the teasing tone of his voice, the way his smirk had made your heart race—it was as if haechan had carved out a space in your thoughts that you couldn't ignore.
one evening, as you were out with friends, you found yourself absentmindedly checking your phone for messages that never came. you realized that you were hoping for a message from haechan, a sign that he, too, was thinking about that night. it was a dangerous revelation, and it scared you even more.
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but he never reached out. not until your birthday, at least.
your 19th birthday had come and gone without much fanfare. it was just another day, and it felt like age brought nothing new to the table. most of the day was spent in solitude, hunched over your computer, grappling with the complexities of your intro to data structure and algorithm course. the virtual world provided a sanctuary where you could bury yourself in your studies, away from the complexities of the emotions you had been grappling with.
as the evening grew late, and your room bathed in the soft glow of your computer screen, you realized it was time to retreat to your bed. you longed for the comfort of your sheets and the solace of sleep.
just as you were about to settle in, your phone buzzed with an incoming call. it was a surprise. your heart raced as you answered, but when you picked up, there was nothing but silence on the other end, and then the call abruptly ended. you stared at your phone in confusion, your heart sinking.
moments later, a text message from haechan lit up your screen. it was a half-hearted explanation, a simple "misunderstanding." the words were followed by a casual, "oh, happy birthday."
you sat there, staring at the message for a moment, trying to decipher the mix of emotions that washed over you. it was as though he had remembered your birthday and reached out, but the call had ended abruptly, leaving you perplexed. it was a cryptic gesture, one that only added to the complexity of your feelings for him. it left you wondering what his intentions were, and whether he was playing another game with you, or if there was something more genuine beneath the surface.
and as you lay in bed that night, staring at the ceiling, the "happy birthday" message from haechan replayed in your mind, leaving you with even more questions than answers. it was clear that whatever was developing between you two was far from straightforward, and you couldn't help but wonder what would happen next.
the following day, haechan reached out once more. his message was apologetic, explaining that he had been out celebrating with friends and had had a bit too much to drink. he confessed that he hadn't meant to call you but had mistakenly dialed your number during the commotion. his words were accompanied by an embarrassed emoji, as if he couldn't quite shake off the awkwardness of the situation.
you couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and disappointment. his explanation was plausible, and it did make sense that a drunken call could have been unintentional. but a part of you couldn't help but wish that it had been deliberate, that he had wanted to reach out to you on your birthday, you found yourself trapped in a whirlwind of thoughts about him. his message had provided a plausible reason for the call, but that didn't stop your mind from racing with the what-ifs and maybes. you were being slowly consumed by thoughts of him, and it felt like an inescapable vortex.
you couldn't help but replay every interaction, every glance, and every word you'd ever exchanged with haechan. his mischievous smile, the way his eyes had locked onto yours, and the subtle chemistry that had ignited between you both during that stupid party – it all haunted your every waking moment.
you became more distracted, your laughter less spontaneous, and your conversations less engaging. it was as though you were there physically, but your thoughts were lost in the labyrinth of haechan's presence in your life. it was driving you to distraction, and you couldn't help but wonder if he was feeling the same way.
you found yourself picking up your phone far more often than usual, half-hoping for a message or call from him. the moments when your phone remained silent felt like a relentless reminder that you were treading water in a sea of uncertainty, with no clear direction in sight.
late at night, when sleep remained elusive, you'd find yourself scrolling through the messages and moments you'd shared with haechan. each interaction seemed to hold a hidden meaning, a puzzle you couldn't quite solve. you felt like you were losing yourself in the maze of emotions that you couldn't control.
it wasn't just the moments you'd shared; it was the possibility of what could be that gnawed at your soul. you were teetering on the precipice of a choice – whether to dive headfirst into this growing connection or to retreat, keeping your heart guarded. the pull toward haechan was undeniable, and you couldn't help but feel like a moth drawn to the flame, even if it meant getting burnt.
as the days turned into weeks, you couldn't escape the realization that you were being slowly swallowed by the thoughts of haechan. the lines between reality and fantasy blurred, and you weren't sure if this was a path you should continue to tread or one that would lead to an inevitable heartbreak. the only thing that was clear was that you couldn't escape the gravity of your emotions, and they were pulling you deeper into the enigma of haechan.
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the day you had been dreading for weeks had finally arrived. with a heavy heart and a sense of anticipation mixed with anxiety, you found yourself back at campus, ready to begin your second year of college. the thought of returning meant one thing above all else – you were finally going to see haechan again.
as you stepped onto the familiar campus grounds, you couldn't help but feel a whirlwind of emotions. it had been a long and restless winter and you had tried to move on, but he had remained a constant presence in your thoughts.
now, as you walked the familiar paths of your college campus, you couldn't help but wonder how things would unfold. would you fall back into the familiar pattern of rivalry and tension, or would there be something different, something unspoken that would hang in the air between you? you knew that the moment you saw haechan, the complexity of your emotions would resurface, and the uncertainty that had been looming over you would intensify.
the beginning of your second year of college marked the start of a new chapter, and you couldn't help but acknowledge that the enigmatic presence of haechan would be a significant part of it. as you approached your first class, you braced yourself for what was to come.
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like clockwork, chenle, renjun, and haechan arrived, one after another, sharing stories about their winter breaks. it was as if a familiar rhythm had returned to your life, and it was both comforting and unsettling.
renjun led the conversation, revealing that he had broken up with his girlfriend over the break. chenle chimed in next, excitedly recounting his overseas vacation.
then there was haechan, whose winter had been filled with parties and alcohol. you couldn't help but steal a few glances in his direction, even though you were trying your best to avoid him. the thought of locking eyes with haechan had you convinced that your cheeks would betray your feelings and turn a deep shade of red.
you busied yourself with your phone, pretending to be engrossed in some messages, all the while stealing the occasional covert glance in haechan's direction. his presence was magnetic, and you couldn't help but be drawn to him, even when you were doing your best to stay distant.
as the conversation continued, you realized that the dynamic between the four of you hadn't changed much, and yet everything felt different. the unspoken tension that lingered between you and haechan was palpable, even if it went unacknowledged.
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as you settled into your usual spot with your friends, the tension was palpable, hanging in the air like an unspoken secret. it was as if a fragile web of emotions connected you and haechan, and a single misstep could shatter it.
then, in one unexpected moment, you adjusted the strap of your backpack, and it happened. haechan's hand, almost instinctively, reached out to fix it for you. he didn't say a word, and the room fell into an uneasy silence as he carefully adjusted the strap, his fingers brushing against your shoulder.
it was a simple and subtle gesture, but it sent a shockwave of emotions through you. you couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth and longing as his fingers grazed your skin. a feeling of electricity surged through your body, and for a brief, heart-pounding moment, it felt like the rest of the world had faded away.
you both pulled away from each other as he completed the task, and you dared to look into his eyes, searching for any sign that he had felt the same connection. but his expression was unreadable, and you were left with an unsettled feeling, wondering if it was all in your head.
the silence between you and haechan stretched, and you were left with a flurry of thoughts and emotions that you struggled to make sense of. the complexity of your relationship seemed to have deepened in an instant, and you couldn't help but wonder what this simple, unspoken gesture meant for the future.
taglist yayy: @sunflowerhae @sundamariis @yesohhsehun @hcheach @lhcread @j7ngwoovs if i forgot anyone pls send me an ask !!!<3<3<3<3
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canmom · 9 months
ai analogies
with photography, the 'inputs' or 'creative choices' include the subject, the framing, and technical qualities like exposure, focus, aperture and iso. the output, the thing that's judged, is then the qualities of the image - composition and colour and narrative. since photography is very quick, a photographer will typically take many shots of a subject, and then pick out the ones they like best to share with the wider world, so there is also a curative element.
with collage (and also photobashing, and even the limited space of a dollmaker game), the 'inputs' are the choices of existing images, and the composition created by arranging them. so there's a curative element in selecting what to collage, and then new meaning is created by juxtaposing two previously unrelated images, the spatial relationships between them, and so on. (see also graphic design!) the visual qualities of the original image are relevant insofar as they affect the composition, but you don't judge a collage containing a painting or photo on how well-painted the painting or well-shot the photo is, rather on how well it uses that painting or photo.
with 'readymades' and similar genres of conceptual art, it's kind of similar, right? you put the existing objects in a new context and create meaning through how they're arranged. people respond to whether the idea it communicates is interesting. (often these days they come with some text which gives a key to inform you how to interpret the artwork.)
anyway. with drawing and painting, which are comparatively laborious to create, you are constantly making thousands of creative choices, from the broad scale - composition, value structure, how you construct a figure - to the tiny, like line weight, rendering, shape design. to navigate this vast space of possibility, you will be informed by your memory of other pictures you've seen (your personal 'visual library') and techniques you've practiced, reference images you've gathered, and so on. the physical qualities of your body and the medium will also affect your picture - how you move your arm, how watercolor moves across the paper, etc etc.
broadly the same is true for other very involved media like sculpture or computer graphics or music (of all kinds!). more fine-grained control implies both more work and more scope for creative choices.
when someone sees an image created by whatever means, they take all of this in at once, for a gestalt impression - and if they feel like it, they can look closer and appreciate the particular details. many artists will think about trying to create a composition that 'leads the eye' to take in particular points of interest and convey the narrative of the picture.
so then, 'AI'. your inputs are the design of the neural net, the selection of training data, the text/image used as a prompt and then finally the selection of an image produced by the program. (you can modify that image of course but let's not get into that for now). chances are you don't have a lot of control over the first two since the computation involved is too unwieldy, though some image generators can be 'finetuned' with additional training data.
'AI art' is like photography in that you typically generate a lot of images and select the ones that 'come out well'. like a photographer looking for a subject, you might search around for an interesting prompt. it's unlike photography in that you have very limited control over all those other parameters (at best you can try to verbally describe what you want and hope the AI understands, or ask it to generate similar pictures and hope one has the qualities you want).
'AI art' is like collage in that you are taking existing images and creating new meaning of of them, by generating a latent space and transformation algorithm that approximates them. it's unlike collage in that you have no real knowledge of what specific images may be 'most' informing the corner of latent space you're probing. you can look at an AI generated image and say 'this looks kinda like a Nihei manga' but it's not using a specific image of Nihei. still, there is something similar to the relationship between images in collage when you do things like 'style transfer'.
'AI art' can be like conceptual art or for that matter political cartoons in that often it's just providing illustration to a concept or joke that can be expressed in words. 'Shrek in the style of The Dark Crystal' or 'cats that spell "gay sex"' is what you're getting across. but 'AI art' as a subculture places very high concern on the specific aesthetic qualities, so it's not that simple.
briefly, sampling in music often tends to foreground that it's a sample, either one the audience may recognise - the Amen break for example - or just by being noticeably different from the texture of the rest of the piece. even when the sample isn't easily recognised, though, the art of sampling is to place it in a new context which brings out different sonic qualities, e.g. by playing it rapidly in succession, or heavily filtering and distorting it, overlaying it with other sounds, or playing it right before the drop. it's similar to collage and photobashing.
paintings then. AI art rather obsessively tries to imitate paintings, drawings, 3D graphics etc. some of its proponents even try to position it as obsoleting these art forms, rather than a new derivative art form. a lot of the fear from artists who work in those media is that, even if the AI generated images are a poor substitute for what we make, it will be 'good enough' to satisfy the people with the money, or discourage people from learning how to paint with all its nuances.
so, 'AI' may make results that look like a painting, but the process of making it is hugely different. rather than gradually constructing a picture and making decisions at each turn, you try out successive prompts to get a page full of finished pictures, and generate variations on those pictures, until you find one you like. it's most similar to the client who describes an image they want and then makes requests to tweak it. there is still creativity in this, because it's kind of replicating the back-and-forth between an artist and client/art director/critique-giver/etc. however, in this analogy, it's hampered by the limited communication between you and the 'artist'. and it's a different sort of input, so we respond to it differently.
generating and posting AI art could also be compared to the kind of thing we do on this website, where we curate images we like and share them. you're all looking at the outputs of the same image generator and pointing and saying 'ooh, that one's cool'. what's kinda troublesome in this analogy is that AI obfuscates all that stuff about credit and inspiration, collapsing it all into one mass. unless their name was used in the prompt, you can't tell if the 'AI' image is 'drawing heavily' on any particular artist. this isn't a new problem - firstly websites full of uncredited images abound, secondly any creative process is inspired by loads of things that we can't enumerate or hope to divulge, so the idea of tracing the paths of inspiration is perhaps a mirage anyway. still, for me (sakuga fan type of person!), knowing what i can about the specific people involved in creating artwork and how they went about it is important, and that's heavily blackboxed by 'AI'.
none of this would be helped by harsher copyright laws. it's great that people can create derivative works and respond to existing art. that is the scaffold that launches us somewhere new and hopefully interesting. simply putting someone's work into an image generator to create similar pictures is not a very interesting statement in its own right, and a lot of AI illustration produced at the moment has a weirdly glossy, overproduced feeling that is offputting and leaves nowhere for the eye to settle (when it isn't just mush), but that's not to say AI is never going to be able to be used to say anything interesting or become a meaningful art form in its own right.
'AI' is kinda like a bunch of things but not exactly like any of them. (this isn't to get into the economic questions at all, that would be a much longer post!). but since there are people very sincerely devoted to this being an art form... I want to know how to 'read' these works - what I'm looking for in there, what a meaningful comment would be. bc right now when I see an illustration and realise it's AI generated image it's like... a sense of disappointment because whatever I was picking up on isn't actually part of the 'statement' in the way i thought. so it's like oh... that's nice. the machine picked a cool perspective huh? all the things i would normally appreciate in an illustration are outside the artist's control, so responding to them feels irrelevant! so what is the right mode here? there's more to it than just the choice of subject. but I feel like I have more to say about even a picrew.
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shantibsmithi · 2 years
Just got messaged by kokobot, it seems like the bot does what it says it does but… there’s no way this bot is safe right? Where does it’s data go? Who made it? How does it scout “mentally ill” people and where does it get its data that decides you’re mentally ill? Is it using a similar algorithm to porn bots? Can it access other data about you like account info? Why do we need a bot to middleman helping each other? Wtf is this thing??
edit: seems like ive made a few of you nervous with my own paranoia! whoops sorry. it’s really unlikely that this thing knows anything about you, though im curious about how it targets accounts (maybe through tagging?) anyway, remember that you can just block it :) esp if it’s like the other bots on this site, they mostly are looking for engagement from enough accounts to look legit, and blocking them prevents that. but do be careful online friends!!
Please look in the reblogs of this post!
Voxxvindictae (local hero) actually went and did research on kokobot and has answered all of these questions to the best of their ability based on information they were able to find from devs and the way this particular AI is structured. It is not completely safe, but it’s not malicious. Please read this information if you have concerns about kokobot! And thank you again to voxxvindictae for doing the research!
Updated update, over a year later!
At the time of this original post there was nearly no information about kokobot that an average person such as myself could find. Of course the amazing voxxvindictae somehow was able to find information on the experiment, (which it is, an experiment on suicidal social media users) but in that time the founder of kokobot and the university funding kokobot have massively come under fire. Morris, the founder of kokobot has been shady and defensive in every interview he’s had. The company, originally for-profit, pivoted towards becoming a non-profit after receiving backlash from users and respected researchers alike. Koko has admitted that 99.98% of users can be easily re-identified based on information koko has collected from you. Please trust your instincts and do not interact with bots of any kind regarding sensitive issues.
Read more about this in notes on this post, specifically shouting out voxxvindictae again, as well as in this Vice article.
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izicodes · 1 year
hi hello ! i really really love your blog so much; as a high schooler still considering something in IT, it gives me a glimpse of what you do as a software developer
the research im doing about software developing and programming has me feeling a little overloaded, so i just wanted to ask (if it's okay)
do you know of any blogs / websites / resources that can aid a high school student in learning more about software development, and what to take in university to get there? any guides to help a high school student overwhelmed with information ?
if not, that's more than okay! thank you very much, and your blog aesthetics are simply stunning <3
Hiya! Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm thrilled to hear that you enjoy my blog and find it helpful as you think about having a career in Tech!! I assume you're an American high school student so I'll try my best to help because I'm British and only know the British school system.
It's completely okay to feel overwhelmed with the amount of information out there about software development and programming, especially when you're still in high school and just starting to explore the field. It's great that you're doing research and trying to learn more about what interests you.
One way to manage the feeling of overload is to break down your research into smaller, more manageable pieces. Try focusing on what courses/classes you can take now to work towards applying for university to do Software Development (or related). Watch YouTube videos about students who are already in university studying the course and watch a 'day in a life...' to get a glimpse of the coursework load, what you will learn etc.
As for what to take in university to prepare for a career in software development, it's a good idea to start with a degree in computer science or a related field:
Software development obviously
Software Engineering
Information Technology
Computer Engineering and more
This will give you a strong foundation in programming, algorithms, and data structures, which are all essential skills for software development.
For choosing AP courses, you could use this tool to help get the right majors for university (I don't know how to word that since I'm British):
"Connect AP to Majors and Careers: Match college majors and careers with the AP courses that can help you get there" - CollegeBoard [LINK]
About how what to take in university to get into Software Development, here are some articles to read, that might help you:
"How to Become a Software Engineer: A Guide for Those Starting From Scratch" - Columbia Engineering [LINK]
"How to Become a Software Developer | 9 Tips" - Coursera [LINK]
"How To Become A Software Engineer: Salary, Education Requirements And Job Growth" - Forbes [LINK]
"How to Become A Software Engineer/Developer: #10 Steps" - Guru99 [LINK]
To find more people your age who are into programming, I recommend joining HackClub! They have a slack group where many teenagers from 13 to even 19-year-olds hang out and talk about coding/programming. It's really inspirational and there are older leaders who can help with university advice as there are people who want to do software development at university as well!:
Hack Club - A Home for High School Hackers [LINK]
Have a go and see what they can help you with! People are really friendly there and want to help as many teenagers as they possibly can. US-based but it's online!
Have a couple of programming languages under your belt to get a head start in university. The first language I was taught during my apprenticeship was Python and then it was C#. I'm guessing you already know your HTML and CSS, pick an OOP language. Read some university courses and see what language comes up the most when researching and start reading more about that language... maybe even start programming in it.
Hope this helps in a way and remember, it's never too early to start exploring your interests and planning for your future. The advice I gave is something I would have done if I was 16 again!
>> If anyone else has advice, please do share! Thank you! 🥰
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mckencodes · 8 months
10-15-23 Goals
Continue FreeCodeCamp ES6 lessons
Practice DOM manipulation
Brainstorm project ideas (frontend)
Hello! I am back ...(I was going thru it 😭). I'm currently working through Freecodecamp's Javascript Algorithms & Data Structures course. I used to be so scared of Javascript for some reason, but I'm slowly getting more comfortable so yay! I've also kind of hit a coding block. I feel so tired after only coding for a little while. I think it's because I feel the pressure of getting a full-time position now that I graduated. I began to start getting anxiety pulling up anything related to data structures/algorithms :( . The best way to push past it is to take it in small steps, while making projects that are fun and interesting. It is soo easy to get overwhelmed, especially if you want to learn everything like me. Time to learn better time management 😵‍💫 .
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Winter-Summer Training Kolkata
Elevate your skills with Winter-Summer Training in Kolkata. Dive into immersive courses, stay ahead, and thrive in every season. Join now for a transformative learning experience.
Visit us: https://www.limatsoftsolutions.co.in/winter-summer-training-kolkata
Read More -
Location - Electronics City Phase 1, Opp, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560100
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tutortacademy · 11 months
data structure and algorithms coaching in Bangalore offer a wealth of opportunities for individuals seeking to build a career in this rapidly growing field. With its strong technology ecosystem, industry collaborations, and thriving community, Bangalore provides a conducive environment for learning and skill development in data structure and algorithms. By enrolling in a reputable coaching program like Tutort Academy which provides the Best data structure and algorithms course online, one can equip themselves with the necessary knowledge and practical experience to succeed in the dynamic world of data structure and algorithms.
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xpc-web-dev · 1 year
100 days of code : day 4
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Hello, how are you everyone?
Yesterday I started the 4th I studied about the random module but I had an anxiety attack and I didn't finish. (I'm better)
Today I finished the random and we started the array. But there's still a little bit left to finish. And during the afternoon I had several ideas of things I want to learn and I had a slight outbreak because there are so many things and how to organize myself.
But something I want to share is that I don't feel like I learn from Professor Angela, her teaching is not bad and she gives a lot of exercises.
BUT my head feels that something is missing and I know that I don't really think with it, precisely because the answers are easily accessible, which makes it easier to procrastinate or, in a slight error, look for the answer (no, I don't want moralistic advice on how this is wrong, I have a conscience, I'm just sharing my logic)
And why doesn't it seem to me that I'm learning algorithms and data structure, even though today, for example, I've seen array.
So, accessing the free university on github (I'll make a post, but I'll leave a link here too) I found the Brazilian version and saw a course on Introduction to Computer Science with Python and I loved it, because then I feel like I'm going to algorithms and data structure, and it's taught by the best college in my country (my dream included)
And then for me to stop feeling like a fraud and REALLY try hard.
I decided to make my own roadmap (not the official version yet) It will basically be:
Introduction to computer science part 1 and 2
Exercises from the algorithm course in python (I did it last year, but I really want to do it and make an effort this year)
Data structure
Object orientation
programming paradigms
Git and GitHub
Clean Code
Design system
And only after that go back to 100 days (but now managing to do algorithm exercises for example) So then it would be:
100 days of code
Practice projects.
Another thing I wanted to share (but I'll probably talk more about it in another post) is how the pressure/hurry of wanting to get a job is screwing up my studies.
I WILL NOT be able to learn things effectively on the run.
So I talked to myself and decided that this year I'm going to focus on learning as best I can, but without rushing to get a job (I have the privilege of living with my mother and she supports me) and then next year I'll go back to the call center to pay my bills and then look for a job in the area
I want to feel confident in my code, I want to REALLY know what to do and do it well.
But it won't be in a hurry, so I prefer peace to be able to learn in the best way and everything I want than to freak out and not leave the place.
Anyway, if you've read this essay so far I thank you and I wish you well UHEUHEUHEUHUEH
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attitudetallyacademy · 2 months
Hacks to Boost Your Java Skills in Computer Science
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Are you a computer science student looking to level up your Java programming skills? Java is a powerful and versatile programming language used in a wide range of applications, from web development to mobile app development. Mastering Java can open up exciting career opportunities in the field of computer science. In this blog post, we'll share some hacks to help you boost your Java skills and excel in your Programming techniques and computer science studies.
Practice Regularly:
Like any other skill, programming requires consistent practice to master. Set aside dedicated time each day to work on Java coding exercises, projects, or challenges. The more you practice, the more confident and proficient you'll become in Java programming.
Build Projects:
One of the best ways to solidify your Java skills is by building real-world projects. Choose projects that interest you and align with your career goals, such as developing a web application, creating a mobile game, or building a desktop application. Building projects not only helps you apply your Java skills but also enhances your problem-solving abilities and creativity.
Explore Online Resources:
Take advantage of the wealth of online resources available for learning Java. Join online coding communities, participate in forums and discussion groups, and follow tutorials and video lectures.
Collaborate with Peers:
Learning Java doesn't have to be a solitary journey. Collaborate with your peers on coding projects, participate in hackathons or coding competitions, and engage in pair programming sessions. Working with others not only fosters a sense of camaraderie but also allows you to learn from different perspectives and approaches.
Solve Algorithms and Data Structures Problems:
Java programming is not just about syntax; it's also about problem-solving. Practice solving algorithms and data structures problems using Java, as these topics are fundamental to computer science.
Take a Java Course:
Consider enrolling in a Java programming course at a reputable institute or training centre. Look for courses that cover the latest Java technologies, programming techniques, and best practices. A structured course can provide you with a solid foundation in Java programming and help you stay updated with industry trends.
Stay Updated:
The field of computer science is constantly evolving, with new technologies and frameworks emerging regularly. Stay updated with the latest developments in Java by following tech blogs, attending webinars and conferences, and joining Java user groups. Keeping abreast of industry trends will ensure that your Java skills remain relevant and in-demand.
By incorporating these hacks into your learning routine, you'll be well on your way to mastering Java programming and excelling in your computer science studies. Whether you're taking a computer science skills course, exploring programming techniques, or seeking training at a reputable institute, these tips will help you become a proficient Java programmer. So, roll up your sleeves, dive into the world of Java programming, and unlock your full potential in computer science!
Suggested Blogs:
Java programming tutorial
C++ development process
principles of data structures
Python coding techniques
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edcater · 3 months
Intermediate Machine Learning: Advanced Strategies for Data Analysis
Welcome to the intermediate machine learning course! In this article, we'll delve into advanced strategies for data analysis that will take your understanding of machine learning to the next level. Whether you're a budding data scientist or a seasoned professional looking to refine your skills, this course will equip you with the tools and techniques necessary to tackle complex data challenges.
Understanding Intermediate Machine Learning:
Before diving into advanced strategies, let's clarify what we mean by intermediate machine learning. At this stage, you should already have a basic understanding of machine learning concepts such as supervised and unsupervised learning, feature engineering, and model evaluation. Intermediate machine learning builds upon these fundamentals, exploring more sophisticated algorithms and techniques.
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):
EDA is a critical first step in any data analysis project. In this section, we'll discuss advanced EDA techniques such as correlation analysis, outlier detection, and dimensionality reduction. By thoroughly understanding the structure and relationships within your data, you'll be better equipped to make informed decisions throughout the machine learning process.
Feature Engineering:
Feature engineering is the process of transforming raw data into a format that is suitable for machine learning algorithms. In this intermediate course, we'll explore advanced feature engineering techniques such as polynomial features, interaction terms, and feature scaling. These techniques can help improve the performance and interpretability of your machine learning models.
Model Selection and Evaluation:
Choosing the right model for your data is crucial for achieving optimal performance. In this section, we'll discuss advanced model selection techniques such as cross-validation, ensemble methods, and hyperparameter tuning. By systematically evaluating and comparing different models, you can identify the most suitable approach for your specific problem.
Handling Imbalanced Data:
Imbalanced data occurs when one class is significantly more prevalent than others, leading to biased model performance. In this course, we'll explore advanced techniques for handling imbalanced data, such as resampling methods, cost-sensitive learning, and ensemble techniques. These strategies can help improve the accuracy and robustness of your machine learning models in real-world scenarios.
Advanced Algorithms:
In addition to traditional machine learning algorithms such as linear regression and decision trees, there exists a wide range of advanced algorithms that are well-suited for complex data analysis tasks. In this section, we'll explore algorithms such as support vector machines, random forests, and gradient boosting machines. Understanding these algorithms and their underlying principles will expand your toolkit for solving diverse data challenges.
Interpretability and Explainability:
As machine learning models become increasingly complex, it's essential to ensure that they are interpretable and explainable. In this course, we'll discuss advanced techniques for model interpretability, such as feature importance analysis, partial dependence plots, and model-agnostic explanations. These techniques can help you gain insights into how your models make predictions and build trust with stakeholders.
Deploying Machine Learning Models:
Deploying machine learning models into production requires careful consideration of factors such as scalability, reliability, and security. In this section, we'll explore advanced deployment strategies, such as containerization, model versioning, and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. By following best practices for model deployment, you can ensure that your machine learning solutions deliver value in real-world environments.
Practical Case Studies:
To reinforce your understanding of intermediate machine learning concepts, we'll conclude this course with practical case studies that apply these techniques to real-world datasets. By working through these case studies, you'll gain hands-on experience in applying advanced strategies to solve complex data analysis problems.
Congratulations on completing the intermediate machine learning course! By mastering advanced strategies for data analysis, you're well-equipped to tackle a wide range of machine learning challenges with confidence. Remember to continue practicing and experimenting with these techniques to further enhance your skills as a data scientist. Happy learning!
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Questions and Answers for Data Analytics Interview
Preparing for a Data Analytics interview requires a thorough understanding of the technical questions you might encounter. These questions often test your knowledge of algorithms, data structures, logical reasoning, and the application of theory into practice.
To excel in a Data Analytics interview, it's crucial to comprehend the question's requirements fully. This involves not only showcasing your technical skills but also your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
For instance, questions in a Data Analytics interview may delve into algorithms, logical reasoning, and the practical application of theory. Building a solid foundation in these areas is key to interpreting questions accurately and formulating appropriate responses that demonstrate your expertise.
When addressing a question during a Data Analytics interview, it's important to devise a strategy for tackling the problem effectively. You should be able to articulate the theory behind your approach and its practical implications for the specific scenario. Moreover, a strong understanding of algorithms and data structures can aid in structuring your answer logically and facilitating comprehension for the interviewer.
In essence, comprehending technical questions is a crucial aspect of preparing for a successful Data Analytics interview. Through thorough preparation and practice, you can position yourself for success in interviews at top tech companies like Google.
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