#best eyebrows houston
meazalykov · 4 months
the younger morgan
alex morgan x morgan!USWNT!reader
part one / part two / part three / part four / part five / part six
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Growing up in the Morgan household, I was always known as my own individual person. Y/n Morgan. I am described by my peers as someone who’s kind, sensitive, and humble. However, to some of the public and people who barely know of me, I am known as  "Alex Morgan's little sister." 
It wasn't a title I despised while growing up. Being born 14 years after her, I was adopted by the Morgans at birth. My sister and parents have been my family for my entire life, even if we aren’t blood. They’ve surrounded me in a blanket of love while supporting my athletic, famous sister at the same time.
Alex won her first World Cup in 2015 when I was eleven. I remember sitting in the stadium, the air electric with cheers and chants, watching her lift that trophy high. Having my sister as my idol while growing up was a blessing that most girls would dream of.
The pride I felt was immense, but it was always mixed with a yearning.
I played as a striker while growing up, just like Alex. My feet scored goals in every match i’ve had minutes in. By the time I was old enough to transition into taking soccer seriously, it was clear I had inherited the Morgan soccer genes, even if I wasn’t blood-related. 
With the best coaches in the country guiding me, I quickly became one of the best U21 strikers in the world, just like Alex. Success in high school championships, the USYNT national team (before my senior team call up in November 2022), and in my first year of college landed me a spot on the San Diego Wave alongside my sister. I forfeited my college eligibility so I can jump into taking soccer seriously, which I did.
Yet, I hide the fact that the inevitable comparisons to Alex bothered me. Anytime I made a mistake, I had people on social media saying that “Alex at your age would’ve never made that mistake!” and more that were way harsher and mean. I felt a hollowness inside me because I had to accept that San Diego wasn’t the club for me. Something I didn’t realize until half-way into the season.
This wasn't about the love or support I received from my family or the fans. It was about forging my path, I wanted to be my own person away from Alex. I love her so much, but I wanted people to see me for who I really am. I needed a moment which would give me the reassurance that my career was truly mine.
One afternoon, after a particularly grueling training session, I collapsed onto my soft beige colored couch for a nap. I knew I had plans with Jaedyn, Naomi, and Maria later— but I knew I could fit in a good three hour nap before I had to get ready for the night. However the ring of my phone jolted me awake after an hour into my nap. My eyebrows knitted at the sight of my agent's name, Maggie, flashing on the screen.
Usually, Maggie never calls unless we are discussing deals or contract negotiations. However, I asked her two weeks ago if she could contact SD Wave about putting me on the transfer market. Maggie said that wasn’t needed since there was something else that would excite me– but she didn’t explain what. 
"Y/n, I have some exciting news!!!" Maggie began without giving me the chance to say hi, her voice brimming with enthusiasm as I clicked on the speaker option. I rubbed my tired eyes trying to pay attention to what she’s gonna say.
“What happened?” I ask, sitting up from my laid down position and sitting criss-crossed on my couch.
"You know how you asked about a possible transfer? Well I already had a few offers coming in for you before you asked—'' Maggie started as I heard a few clicks on her side of the call, I’m assuming she's clicking stuff on her computer while on the phone with me. 
“So– *click*--- *click* — okay! There are a lot of NWSL clubs that have put in an offer for you. Houston, Gotham, Orlando, Kansas, and Washington have sent in their offers— but I understand that you wanted to go to Europe, is that correct?” Maggie says as I bite the skin around my nail beds. Growing up, I’ve always admired European clubs and the different cultures  Europe has. Playing in Europe would expose me to a better challenge that I’ve wanted in my career. A good chance to (hopefully) play in the Champion’s League too, another thing my sister won in 2017.
“Yes, that is correct.” I say, trying to sound as normal as possible. I am nervous, knowing that this call could change my life. 
“Okay- well that's amazing because several European clubs are interested in you. You have many clubs to choose from— Chelsea, Manchester City, Arsenal, Tottenham, Real Madrid, Madrid CFF, PSG, Wolfsburg— those clubs in particular all offered you a contract. Barcelona showed interest too but you’re not a free agent and due to their financial struggles, they cannot sign you unless you were free. However—- Bayern Munich in Germany offered you a very great deal– a four year contract with add ons—the salary they’re offering along with the add-ons is way better than all of the others. I feel like you would love this club." Maggie commented. Outside of work, Maggie and I had a somewhat good relationship for people who try to remain professional. Maggie had a good intuition and can read people, which means that she knows how I work and how my personality is in detail. 
Hearing about the clubs– my heart pounded in my chest at Bayern Munich. The name alone sent a feeling inside of my body that I couldn’t explain. I placed my hands on my forehead as I felt overwhelmed from the amount of clubs I could choose from. However, my curiosity and intuition wanted to look more into the Bayern Munich offer. 
“Maggie— I can’t lie—Bayern Munich is sticking to me right now.” I say, dragging out my last words as my voice breaks into a yawn. Training was intense today. 
“Okay! Okay! Here’s what we can do— I can come over now and drop off the documents to you— you can look over them and we can have an in-person meeting on your day off from training next Thursday at lunch, deal?” Maggie said. I can sense her smile through the phone call as I felt relieved from having to make such a quick decision. It's Friday so I have six days to make a final decision. 
"Deal," I said, barely able to handle the fact that my nervousness turned into small excitement. I couldn’t tell anybody about this but that was okay with me.
Thursday came and I chose to move to Munich in June. I can spend the season, before the olympics, with San Diego then i’ll move to play for Bayern on the four-year contract afterwards. I couldn’t tell anybody the news until I got the green-light to do so from Maggie. 
Keeping this news from Alex and my friends was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Alex was not just my sister but also my mentor and my rock. But I knew I had to wait until everything was finalized before telling her. She should understand that part. Meanwhile, rumors swirled online, speculating about my potential move to Europe in the month afterwards.
One evening as I played with Charlie, in Alex's living room, I could feel the weight of my secret growing heavier. I look at my niece with a light smile as she colored in a fairytale themed coloring book I got her last christmas. I am going to miss seeing her every-week when I move to Germany.
Eventually, Alex finished what she had to do in her kitchen and picked up Charlie. The little girl complained before her mother explained that it was late and it was time for bed. Its 8:30 which wasn’t late in my eyes but Charlie is a child so— 
After Alex put Charlie to bed, and after I cleaned up after Charlies crayon mess, she joined me in the living room and sat beside me on the couch, her expression serious.
"Y/n— we have to talk.” Alex said. My nerves were on fire hearing Alex say that. I knew she was going to mention Bayern— I can’t hide it anymore. The rumors on social media are increasing and everyone knows my move to Munich is inevitable, even if I haven’t addressed it yet. 
“I know.” I respond, my right leg is crossed over my left one as I cross my arms together.
“Are the rumors online true? You know I don’t like to search the media for answers, but the rumors are increasing and everyone is positive that they’re correct on their suspicions— Are you leaving here to play for Bayern?" Alex asked, her eyes searching mine for answers.
I took a deep breath, steadying myself. I couldn’t lie to her "Yes, Alex, they're true. I'm going to play Bayern Munich in June."
After saying this, I thought Alex would be happy for me right away. 
However, her concern was palpable. "But why, Y/n? Why are you moving so far away? We have everything here."
"That's why, Alex," I replied, struggling to keep my voice steady. "I need to do this for myself. I want a new challenge and seeking something new has been my goal for since the off-season. I need to know if I can make it—-- without always being compared to you." I struggled to say the last part.
The argument that followed was heated but subdued, mindful of Charlie sleeping nearby. Alex didn't understand my need to step away, to find my own path. 
“Everyone knows you’re a great player, you have a higher record than me this season!! You don’t need to leave the country.” Alex argued. 
“Well you played for Lyon and Spurs at one point, which is outside of America—- the NWSL isn’t the only league in the world and I need to grow. If your concern is about safety, I promise i’ll be able to take care of myself. I need this Alex— You know I am a responsible person!” I stood up from the couch. Alex followed and looked at me with concern.
“You are– I’m not saying you’re not responsible– but you’re going to leave everything behind!” 
“No I am not? I will always come back during International breaks!” I argue. 
“Okay– but you shouldn’t “need” to move to Germany. You’re going to leave your friends behind too Y/n!” Alex continued to argue. My blood boiled at her words. 
"You know, Why can’t you just be supportive!!?? I can’t do this anymore–” I say as I ran to put on my shoes by the door, grabbing my tote bag with all of my items inside. 
“I'm glad I'm moving away Alex. Maybe they'll respect me as a good player and my own person– and not just Alex Morgan's sister!" I stormed out of her apartment, the rift between us widening.
We didn't speak after that night. Even at training with the San Diego Wave, we maintained a professional distance, our conversations limited to the bare necessities or anything related to Charlie. The silence was deafening, but I was resolute. This was my decision to play for Bayern, she needs to respect it.
When the SheBelieves Cup came around, Alex and I both made the roster, as usual. This was my last international break as a San Diego player. Since i’ll be living in Germany by the time the Korea friendlies happen in June. 
On the national team, I found solace in my closest friends Jaedyn, Sophia, Trinity, and Mallory. Jaedyn plays at San Diego with me so she has a better understanding about the situation. I told her that I am moving to Munich and we had a bittersweet moment, at least she was supportive of my decision. All of the other girls sensed something was wrong but respected my need for space, assuming that they shouldn’t come in-between family business. Especially if one of their captains is involved. 
On the pitch against Japan for the first she-believes game, my performance was excellent on the pitch. In my mind, I knew I wanted to do good so Bayern fans would be excited about my transfer to their club. 
After scoring twice against Japan, we were now in a penalty shootout with Canada. This is the second-time we’ve gon into penalties this year together. Once in the gold-cup a few months back. 
Emily Fox made the penalty against the Canadian goalkeeper, and the next Canadian kicker’s shot was blocked by Alyssa (Secretary of Defense). Everyone looked in my direction as the ball was passed into my hands. If I make this shot, I win the shebelieves cup for the United States.
My hearts pounded like a drum in my cheat as I looked ahead at Kailen, my San Diego teammate and friend who plays for Canada. She knows how I kick, and I know how she blocks shots coming her way. 
I took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm inside of me. I had practiced penalty shots countless times throughout my time in soccer, but this was different. This was the final. This was for the win.
The referee blew the whistle, signaling it was time for me to shoot. My body stepped forward, and my mind was clear. As I closed in on the ball, I locked eyes with Kailen, who was poised and ready, her eyes fierce with determination.
My foot struck the ball cleanly, sending it soaring through the air. Time seemed to slow as the ball arced towards the goal, the world holding its breath. Kailen dove to her right, stretching out in a desperate bid to stop the shot.
But it was too late. The ball sailed past her outstretched fingers and hit the back of the net with a satisfying thud. The crowd erupted in a roar of triumph, the sound crashing over me like a wave. I scored the winning goal!
Before getting a chance to process what had happened, my teammates rushed towards me. All of their faces showed joy and relief. They enveloped me in a jubilant embrace, lifting me off her feet as we celebrated the victory together. I looked around, taking in the ecstatic faces of my friends, the adoring fans, and the sparkling lights of the stadium. I looked to my right and saw my sister’s bright smile looking towards me, this made my heart warm up a little bit. 
After everyone broke away from me, before the trophy celebration and the part where I’ll be rewarded as SheBelieves MVP, Alex approached me. Her expression was softer than the last time i’ve talked to her at her apartment. Her eyes reflected a mix of hope, sadness and understanding.
"Y/n, can we talk?"
I nodded, and we found a quiet spot away from the rest of the team on the pitch.
"I'm sorry," she began. "I was selfish. I was thinking about how much Charlie and I would miss you, not about what you need."
Her words broke the dam of emotions I'd been holding back. "I know. But Alex— I just want to be seen for who I am, Alex. Not just as your little sister."
She pulled me into a hug, and for the first time in weeks, I felt a sense of peace. "You will be, Y/n. You'll be amazing, and I am so proud of you and that gorgeous penalty kick." Alex squeezed me and I laughed at her gesture. 
“Thank you, Thank you! I have the best sister who showed me what good penalty kicks are.” I smile. 
As the middle of June approached, after the Korea friendlies, I prepared for my move to Germany with a mix of excitement and nerves. Alex and I grew closer again, our bond strengthened by the fact that this new routine will give us a chance to miss eachother. 
The day I boarded the plane to Munich, with three suitcases and one carry on bag with everything I need for my apartment I found while spending a week in Munich last month—  Alex was there, cheering me on. 
“I’ll miss you sweetheart.” Alex hugged me. I hugged her back before hugging my smaller niece who stood beside us. "I will miss you both the most." I respond.
Later as the plane took off, I looked out the window, my heart full of hope. This was my chance to prove myself to the world and to the fans that I am more than just my sister. 
part two here
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hugshughes · 9 months
Pretend C. Loveland
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Cole Loveland x fem!reader
synopsis - You're right there next to him when Cole wins the big one, and he realizes he can't pretend with you anymore.
wc - 4k
contains - based off this request! barely edited sorry. it starts on like January 3rd, not like cause it's exact just after the rose bowl and before the champs. cursing, kissing, makin out, hugging, touching, allusions/talks of sex but no smut, fwb relationship (for part of it), nothing else??? L WORD.
an - this one is pretty long, and all over the place, but it's cute and i love Colston so. so happy someone requested him. he's so cute and hot. i LOVED this request. i read it the night i got it (night of the cfp champs) and thought about it all night. I LOVED WRITING THIS.
Your phone rang from its place on the couch. You were sat on the floor of your childhood living room, watching some college basketball game, Miami was beating Clemson by 7. You grabbed your phone, seeing Colston's name across your screen.
"Who is it?"
Your brother's voice sounded from across the living room, where he laid on the worn recliner, your cat in his lap. Your mother and father's eyes were now on you, expecting an answer. You were home for winter break, and they were nosy as ever.
"It's Cole, give me a minute."
You stood up rounding the corner into the kitchen, leaning back against the counter, sliding the answer button.
"Hi Coley, what's up?"
Colston smiled on his end of the call, he'd missed your voice, missed you saying his name. Although, you two had called two nights before, after they'd won the Rose Bowl.
"Hey sweetheart, I have a question for you. It's kinda big."
Your eyebrows furrowed, though your heart clenched at the endearment.
The situation with you and Cole was a little messy. You were friends with benefits. You two were very good friends, but one night in the first semester of freshman year, when you were both a few drinks in, you decided to sleep together. It was good, the best you'd ever had. It was kind of unspoken, you guys went home together, slept in each other's beds, but were still only friends. You knew that Colston had a lot going on in his life, with football on top of school, he was busy. He'd never told you that, you'd just assumed he wasn't looking for anything other than someone he could call when he needed to.
You couldn't lie and say you didn't have more intimate feelings for Colston, but you would never tell him that. Not when you assumed they were definitely unrequited. You'd been in the same situation with each other for over a year now, why risk it?
"Yeah? What is it?"
Colston took a deep breath, he didn't want to be embarrassed if you said no to him.
"Do you want to come down to Houston and watch us play on Monday?"
Woah. You weren't expecting that at all. Colston wanted you to come watch his game? Like you specifically, over anyone else? You were speechless for a few seconds, and Colston got nervous and filled the silence.
"Like it's all covered, you wouldn't pay for any of it obviously. I've got another ticket like where all the families are and I just would like if you were there. But obviously like you don't have to-"
"Colston, you're the sweetest. I really would love to. Are you sure, though? There's no one else you'd pick over me?"
You said it jokingly, but you seriously wanted him to be sure that you were the person he felt deserved it. You filled with nerves though, thinking about sitting with his family, thinking about sitting with other player's families.
"Of course. You're the first person I thought of. It's Monday and classes don't start till Wednesday so everything's fine there. So you really wanna go?"
Colston was giddy. You're the first girl he'd ever been giddy over. You seriously were the first person he thought of when he realized he had an extra ticket. He wanted you there, so badly.
"Yeah of course, Colston. What girl doesn't want to go support her best friend in the biggest game ever?"
Best friend. Colston's smile faltered for just a second, he knew that's all you two were, but God, did he want to be more. He quickly snapped out of his haze of disappointment, his smile returning.
"Perfect. I'll send you the stuff for your flight and ticket, okay? You'll be sitting with my parents, they're excited to meet you."
He'd already told his parents about you? That made your heart glow in warmth.
"Yeah that's perfect Coley. I know we'll talk sooner but I'll see you on Monday, okay?"
He said another sentence and then you two said goodbye. You giggled to yourself, extremely excited to go watch Colston play.
You walked back into the living room with a small smile, one that your mother immediately recognized.
"What'd Colston say that has you smiling like that?"
You blushed immensely, your eyes widening at your mother's bold question. She could tell you had a crush on him, even if you swore up and down you didn't.
"Oh well um, I'm going to Houston for the game on Monday now? Cole just invited me."
Even saying it out loud was surprising, you don't even belive it yourself. Your whole family gasped, passing shocked looks to each other.
"What?! You get to go to the college football playoff championship for free just because you like the tight end!"
Your brother shouted from across the room. You immediately threw a pillow at him, telling his to shut his mouth. Your mom giggled, giving your dad a knowing look.
You'd just landed in Houston, it was Monday morning and you could tell by the airport crowds that the city would be crazy. Everywhere you looked you could spot someone in either Michigan or Washington merchandise. You personally, were wearing your Michigan football sweatshirt that had LOVELAND and 18 splayed across the back.
You got an Uber to the hotel Colston had sent you the address of. Apparently, it was the same one the team was staying at, so you knew it would be ballistic. You had to fly out extra early so that you could get to the hotel before the send off for the boys, so Colston could try to see you before the game.
You reached the hotel just after 9am and the lobby was already filling up with Michigan fans. You checked in quickly, filing into a packed elevator and calling Colston as you scanned your key card for your room, opening the door.
"Hey Colst, I just walked into my room."
Colston excitedly sat up on his bed where he'd been laying for the past little bit. The guys had to head to the lobby a little before 10 so they could leave to the stadium. His roommate for the night, AJ Barner was in Donovan and Blake's room currently.
"That's perfect. You should come hang in my room for a while before I gotta go."
You agreed, talking for a few minutes before hanging up the call. You quickly made sure your hair looked good and you didn't look like you just woke up before you left your room, entering the elevator and going up two floors to Colston's. You walked down the hallway, knocking on the door he'd told you to.
The door opened quickly, Colston immediately pulling you towards him, wrapping you up in his arms. He smelled familiar, warm and strong hands around your hips. Your arms squeezed around his shoulders, savoring this feeling.
"Hey sweetheart."
"Hi Colston."
You both giggled as you pulled away. Colston closing the door behind you and guiding you through the front hall of his hotel room, his hand on the small of your back. His eyes made contact with the 18 on your back, his hand coming up to move your hair over, his eyes darkening when he saw his name. It was so fuckin' hot to see you proudly wearing his name.
"Nice sweatshirt."
You giggled, turning around and making a joke about it, before sitting on the bed that you could tell was his, since the other one was covered in AJ's stuff. You kicked your Uggs off as you scooted back onto his bed, leaning against his headboard. Colston looked down at you from his place standing at the end of his bed. He'd missed you a lot. He threw himself onto the bed next to you, using his tattooed hand to grab your legs and pull them over his. His love language was physical touch.
You two sat there for about thirty minutes, talking about the couple weeks since you'd been home for break and he'd been busy with football. You check your phone, seeing it was 9:50.
"Cole you gotta get downstairs."
He sighed, agreeing with you. You both got up, Colston grabbing everything he needed before you both exited his hotel room, seeing a couple other players out in the hall as well. You greeted the guys, getting in the elevator. The elevator stopped on your floor, so you grabbed Colston's hand giving it a quick squeeze before saying bye and wishing all the guys good luck.
The other players in the elevator all looked at Colston with smirks, making comments on how down bad he was.
"Bro, you need to make a move. You are in love, boy."
"You guys need to get together already."
He quieted them down, insisting there was nothing more than being friends in the books for you two. None of the guys believed it, they all saw the way you two looked at each other. You were like the sun, and Colston was the moon, the moon only glows when the sun shines on it. You made Colston the happiest he ever was, his mood significantly increased whenever he saw you, and everyone saw it. His mom hadn't met you yet, but she already loved you, because she saw how happy Colston got when he talked about you.
You reentered your room, laying down on your bed. You had to leave for the game at 5:45, so you took a nap. You woke up around 4, getting up so you could get ready. You pulled your outfit out, laying it on your bed. Your favorite jeans and your navy Colston Loveland jersey. He'd gotten it for you as a joke for your birthday, but you loved it.
You headed into the bathroom, fixing your hair up, doing a half up half down with a little maize ribbon bow. You did your makeup and then checked the time. It's was just a little after four, so you had a good amount of time still.
You changed into your outfit, slipping on your navy sambas to match your jersey. You sat in your room until 5:35, before heading downstairs. You were immediately recognized by Colston's mom, whom he had shown multiple pictures of you to.
"Hey honey!"
You turned and saw a smiling woman, wearing a maize Michigan top and a navy hat that had 18 embroidered onto it.
"Hi! Are you Mrs. Loveland?"
She nodded, grinning at you. She hugged you introducing herself and her husband and insisting you call her Rachel. You spoke with them for a couple minutes before they led you to the car that was waiting to escort you three to the game. When you pulled up to the stadium, Mrs. Loveland gave you a lanyard game pass, telling you to put it on.
You guys go through security, showing your passes to get into the stadium. When you sat down, it was 6:40. You talked to Colston's mom for a long time, she wanted to get to know the girl who had her son so enamored. She told you about life in Idaho, Colston's career in rodeo, all of it.
"Colston would hate me for asking this, but are you two dating? He doesn't like telling me too much about his love life."
You blushed, even his mom was wondering if you were together. You laughed, shaking your head.
"No ma'am, we are not. Colston is insanely sweet, though."
She gave you a look you knew all too well. It's a look that was given to you almost everyday at this point. A look you received whenever you were with Colston, or he was the topic of conversation. Everyone knew, everyone except for him of course.
The conversation between you two fizzled out, comfortable silence taking over before a girl a few years older than you, sitting on the other side of you, started talking to you. She was one of the D-Line's sister and she was super sweet.
You spoke more with the people all around you as the game proceeded, standing up sometime in the second quarter and never sitting back down.
The score was 13-20, and there was 9:15 left in the fourth quarter, we needed something big this drive, at least a field goal. You stood, hands on your hips as you drummed your fingers back and forth in stress. You closed your eyes and crossed your fingers, taking a deep breath before opening your eyes again.
The ball was snapped to JJ, and your eyes latched onto Colston as he sprinted out, cutting across the field as JJ sent the ball soaring down the field. Colston jumped up catching the ball perfectly. You jumped up and down, shouting his name as stumbled a little before he took off down the field.
You hugged the sister next to you as she gave you the look. Colston's catch had gotten them deep into Washington territory, the drive ending in a touchdown!
You hugged everyone around you as you watched the final seconds run out. You chanted and clapped with the Michigan fans one last time as some began to leave. All the family members stayed for a while longer. You watched as the boys ran onto the field, smiles on each and every one of their faces. You watched them put their hats on, holding the trophy, hugging each other.
Your focus on Colston was interrupted when his mom grabbed your attention to tell you it was time to go so all of you could get down onto the field. You followed behind his mom as you were led back into NRG then through a hallway that led to the tunnel. You walked down the tunnel, staying right behind the Lovelands.
As the three of you descended into the crowd of boys, coaches, reporters, and more, you made sure to keep your eyes on the back of Mr. Loveland's head, so you didn't lose them.
They found Colston rather quickly, burying him in a tight hug. They laughed and teared up as their son hugged them, you couldn't help but take a couple candids of them. When Colston lifted his head from his dad's shoulder and his eyes caught on you, he practically lunged at you, wrapping you up in his arms and lifting you up swiftly, laughing.
Your arms wrapped tightly around his neck, squealing as you were no longer on solid ground.
"Colston! Oh my God babe! You did it, you played so good!"
"Well, you were here! You're seriously my good luck charm."
You shook your head, denying it. But if anyone ever cared to look at the stats, Colston always played better at the games you attended. He was on an adrenaline rush, his head going at a thousand miles a minute. He pulled away just slightly, so he could see your face. You both smiled brightly, you were so proud.
Colston saw something different in your eyes, something he hadn't ever seen before. His breath still lightly heaved form the activity of the games but his heart rate increased as you looked at him. He had to, he had to.
He put you back down, not letting go of you. His bright smile changed into something much more serious, worrying you.
"I know the title of whatever we are has always been weird, and iffy, and whatever but I just- Like I can't keep pretending with you."
He looked anywhere but your eyes, you had no clue what he could say next. You cupped his face, forcing him to look into your eyes.
"What, Colst? You can't pretend what?"
"That I'm not in love with you. That I haven't been in love with you since we first starting bein' whatever it is we are. I really love you. And I understand-"
You smashed your lips onto his. Colston immediately responded, pulling you closer, tightening his grip on your waist. You pulled away from him when you needed air, but he just tried to chase your lips. You put a hand on his chest, laughing as you stopped him.
"And you had me sitting here for the last four hours trying to convince all these people we were just friends?"
"Well you're the one who kissed me, so."
He cut off your next sassy remark with his lips, kissing you again. Your hands ran through his sweaty hair as his warm body engulfed you. You again were the one pulling away from him when you realized exactly where you were again. You blushed insanely, catching sight of his mom, who just smiled knowingly, sending you a wink.
Colston laughed as he followed your line of sight, turning back to you. Before he could let a word slide through his smirking lips, you pulled him down by his jersey, kissing him one more time. You both smiled into the kiss, laughing like 15 year olds who'd just kissed for the first time ever.
Soon it was time for everyone to get off the field, the guys had to head back to the locker room. You walked back up the field to the tunnel, while Colston held your hand the whole way up, until you two had to part ways.
"Wait for me, okay? We should be back by like midnight. I'll come to your room."
You nodded, smiling up at him, urging him to go. Colston couldn't resist tugging you into him by your connected hands, crashing his lips onto your once more. When you pulled away, the air between you two was filled with nothing but love.
"I'm so proud of you, Colst. You're so talented, and hot, and good at football. I love you."
"I love you."
"Now go! Go celebrate, and have fun, and smoke a cigar but don't come to my room smelling like one."
He pulled you closer again, your attempts to urge him towards the locker room failing.
"I wanna celebrate with you later."
His hand slipped down to the curve of your ass, his fingers rubbing back and forth. You quickly slapped his hand, your face inflamed as you looked around, making sure no one saw or heard him. Thankfully no one had.
You pushed him towards the locker rooms, and he finally went. Not without blowing you an exaggeration kiss, which you "caught", and pressed against your heart.
You made your way over to Mr. & Mrs. Loveland, who were talking with other parents. When they noticed you come up, they both smiled. Colston's mom asked if you were ready to go, to which you nodded with a grin.
You were back in your room around 11, surprisingly. You showered and dried your hair, putting on pajamas that consisted of one of Colston's football tees and shorts too short to see under it. You laid in your bed, looking through the TV. You smiled to yourself as you seemed to flip to the ESPN channel at the perfect time, a clip of Colston's catch being discussed. You kept flipping until you stopped on a channel playing a movie you knew nothing about, but knew Colston liked.
It was a while after midnight when you heard a knock on your door. You giddily jumped up, running over to the door. You opened the door with a smile, seeing a smiling and clean Colston.
"Hi Coley, come on in."
You grabbed his hand as he laughed greeting you and shutting your door behind him. He took his backpack off and slipped off his shoes.
"Are you sleeping over? Shouldn't you be in bed with AJ right now?"
He threw his sweatshirt he had been pulling over his head at you. He was now shirtless, and you stared at his toned body.
"Shut up, we do not share beds. And also this'll be our secret. You don't snore as loud as AJ does."
He tried to give you a cute and innocent smile as he finished his sentence, to not act like he was about to burst out laughing. You tossed his sweatshirt onto his backpack, giving him a middle finger.
Colston covered the few feet between you two in no time, pinching the material of "your" shirt with his fingers.
"Nice shirt, wonder where you got it?"
"Some hot guy, don't remeber his name."
Colston laughed as you turned around letting in an amused 'oh yeah?' as you climbed into your bed, signaling for him to do the same. He climbed over you, pulling the covers up to his torso. You quickly scooted over to him, turned into him and sitting on his lap.
Your hands wandered his now bare chest before finding their way to his hair, the ends were still a little damp from his shower. You tug his hair lightly as you plant your lips on his. He quickly deepened the kiss, sliding his hands onto your hips.
You'd made out with Colston many times before, but this time it was so different. This time it was more than just making out, because you wanted to. It was you making out with the boy that was finally yours. When you pulled away, Colston smiled at you, his eyes glazed over in love.
"Can I be your boyfriend?"
Hearts swarmed in your eyes, you smiled at Colston, nodding gladly.
"It's almost like I've waited over a year for you to ask that."
Colston rolled his eyes sassily, and you giggled as he pulled you into a kiss. This kiss was sweet and chaste, full of love and nothing else. He pulled away from you, leaning his head back, the biggest smile on his face. He tilted his head to the side, looking at you.
"Hi girlfriend."
You giggled, leaning forward to hug him, burying your face in the crook of his neck.
"Hi boyfriend."
It was muffled into his shoulder, but didn't fail to make Colston incredibly happy. You were finally his, fucking finally. You didn't have to pretend with each other anymore, you were proudly and openly in love.
"I love you, Colston."
"I love you more."
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eminsunnytoons123 · 5 months
The parodies cousin Show characters
Part 4
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Dedicated to all my besties, Sisters, Brothers, pen pals And girlfriend: @splashy900 @kxllboii @cheezekennith @aquamarine-dream-queen @dayzsaclark @oscarandgrinchfan @moshywoosh @ilovescaredysquirrel2 @nuggetaubrey @sharkyy599 @nightkit92 @familyoffood @mysafespaceblog13 @thelazzyblogzz @sugar-miss1 @shrimpathizer @shypeachrunaway @iggyguyy @sophia-does-skits @typical-sophie @peaceforpeople @ben5569 @muppet-fan-real @xxkurosakutisaxx @ducktoonz903707 @artismeyou-12 @blackstar044 @acen402 @walt-diego-rodriguez @nia1sworld @rumplestiltsbear @s4gefr0g @beeware-of-lulu @leafith @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing @muppet-fan-frr that always loved me And supported me for how I am, And that always loved my Work, heres the part 4 of the parodies cousin Show characters =^_^= 💘💗💝💕🩷💞💓
So, heres now professor eyebrows And the colorful groove, the cousins of dr teeth And the electric Mayhem gang =^_^=
But first before I tell some info about them, Heres the characters I did now:
Lucille the ladybug (Kermit's parodie cousin), ms. Moosa (miss piggy's parodie cousin), Garrett Rhino (fozzie's parodie cousin), Franklin the best (gonzo's parodie cousin), Harris the King ant (pepe the King prawn's parodie cousin), Calvin the bat (rizzo's parodie cousin), Houston the bull (rowlf's parodie cousin), Austin the King Buffalo (sam the eagle's parodie cousin), professor Charles van rosecrew (dr bunsen's parodie cousin), Carson (beaker's parodie cousin), Isabella (Walter's parodie cousin), Ruby (scooter's parodie cousin), professor eyebrows (dr teeth's parodie cousin), Anders (Janice's parodie cousin), Sgt Paulo Madden (Floyd Pepper's parodie cousin), Petunia Crazenia (Animal's parodie cousin), sadee (Lips' parodie cousin) And Roxanne (zoot's parodie cousin)
Now some info about them:
Professor eyebrows - professor eyebrows is dr teeth's parodie cousin counterpart, he is the leader of the colorful groove band, And he plays the accordion. And he is Austin's love interest, And he loves eating Strawberry shortcake. His headcanon voice actor is Jeff Trammel, And his voice claim is cannonball from Craig of the creek
Anders - Anders is Janice's parodie cousin counterpart, he is the tambourine player in the colorful groove band, And he is Sgt Paulo Madden's love interest. His headcanon voice actor is Del the funky homosapien, And his voice claim is deltron from Craig of the creek.
Sgt Paulo Madden - Sgt Paulo Madden is Sgt Floyd Pepper's parodie cousin counterpart, he is the saxophone player in the colorful groove band, And he is Anders' love interest. His headcanon voice actor is Parvesh Cheena, And his voice claim is Raj from Craig of the creek.
Petunia Crazenia - Petunia Crazenia is Animal's parodie cousin counterpart, she plays the marimba instrument in the colorful groove band, And she gets along with animal very well since theyre both energetic And Crazy. Her headcanon voice actress is Lauren Tom, And her voice claim is Kuki sanban/numbuh 3 from Codename: kids next door.
Sadee - sadee is Lips' parodie cousin counterpart, she plays the clarinet And even bagpipe in the colorful groove band, she is the Calm one in the band And she is Roxanne's love interest. Her headcanon voice actress is Eliza Schneider, And her voice claim is Liane cartman from South Park.
Roxanne - Roxanne is zoot's parodie cousin counterpart, she plays the chimes in the colorful groove band, she is the sort of arrogant And quiet Lady, she is sadee's love interest. Her headcanon voice actress is Casey Wilson, And her voice claim is Felina Meow from littlest pet shop.
I hope y'all will like these =^_^= 💗
NOTE (PLEASE READ THIS NOTE): And also, again, if y'all wanna make fanart, headcanons, ships, OC's... Etc out of the parodies cousin Show gang, then do it. You dont have to ask me for my permission. But please @ me in the post so I can see it, And i'll be very Grateful if y'all give the parodies some attention as if theyre like OFFICIAL like the muppets. But only only the parodies, you can even make fanart, headcanons, ships, OC'S, etc out of the moopets, whatnot Show gang and the teppums Show gang too. 💘💝
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DEVON. How has this not happened yet?
Almost at the end of a chapter with this one so we shall see if I can fit it all in lol.
90 new sentences for TWATYTK:
Buck is certainly right about one thing. You can only count the number of times Eddie has been silly drunk on one hand. Drunk with abandon, that is. He’s been stupid drunk and upset before. But the kind of easy, floating fun that is totally worth the hangover the next morning? Eddie isn’t well versed in that the way Buck is. 
Which is why Eddie happily accepts the gratuitous amounts of champagne offered to him. With his son safely at Pepa’s and at no risk of seeing him, Eddie lets loose and gets champagne drunk. Prosecco drunk? Eddie’s not sure it’s the real thing. Who cares? Tastes great. Makes his head feel carbonated. 
Eddie thinks Buck is taking it a bit slower than him but he doesn’t keep track. They’re both red faced, sweaty, and laughing as the dancing progresses throughout the evening. It all kind of goes by in a blur of lights and greatest hits of years past. Whitney Houston. David Bowie. Earth, Wind, and Fire. Abba. Chim has covered all his bases. 
“It’s a little dated,” Buck observes as they take a moment for fresh air and some water out on the patio. December, 1963 is currently playing, so Eddie supposes he is literally correct.
“Oh yeah?” Eddie raises an eyebrow. “And what would your wedding reception playlist be? Pitbull and Sean Paul?” 
“Hey, now,” Buck laughs. “Don’t knock my early 2000s dance mix until you try it.”
Eddie is a little too drunk and happy to even reminisce on the over-abundance of Shannon’s taste in country music present at their own wedding. 
“Okay,” Eddie says instead. “I’ll just have to try it.”
Buck’s eyes twinkle. “Well, uh, good.”
And it’s a little silly. It’s a little premature, maybe. Or maybe not, all things considered. But Eddie thinks about it. The stupid playlist Buck would make. They could find suits that aren’t exactly matching, but highly complimentary. How they could include Chris in the ceremony. What it would feel like to be someone’s husband again. How it would feel to have a husband. 
Eddie brims with giddy laughter at the thought. 
“What?” Buck asks, grinning.
“Nothing,” Eddie says, reaching forward and resting a hand over Buck’s collarbone. “I just love you.”
Buck kisses Eddie’s forehead, as sweaty as it is. 
“I just love you, too,” he says. “But if we don’t get back inside and keep dancing, Albert is going to call us old. And I simply refuse to deal with that on my sister’s wedding day.”
Eddie laughs. “We can’t have that, can we?”
“My ego simply won’t allow it.” Buck nods.
So Eddie and Buck return to the party, and if Eddie has the tiny seeds of a fantasy taking root in his head, he just hopes it’s not too terribly obvious on his face. 
In the interest of remembering the evening as best he can, Buck elects not to get as drunk as Eddie. This poses the risk of having less fun, but this doesn’t turn out to be the case. Instead, he gets to watch and stamp it all into memory. Eddie, letting loose in a way that is rare for him. Smiling and utterly gorgeous. Maddie and Chim, so happy in celebrating something that seems both hard won and as simple as magic. Hen and Karen, dancing together, warm and tender and familiar. Giving Buck something to seriously aspire to. 
He’s also very glad he’s functional enough to get video evidence of Ravi and Albert doing a drunken handstand competition well after midnight. Beautiful, really. He’ll have lots of embarrassing photos and videos of everyone for a group chat tomorrow. And lots of Eddie just to keep for himself. 
Somewhere close to two in the morning, Buck is fumbling with the hotel room keycard, while Eddie is slumped against his shoulder. 
“Mmm, just want to lie down,” Eddie complains, when Buck isn’t moving fast enough. Maybe if he wasn’t holding up a whole ass drunk, squirmy man, he’d be a bit quicker.
“Give it a second,” Buck promises. 
When he finally swipes them through, Eddie straightens up, strides through the door, and flops onto the bed with alarming deftness, given how he could hardly walk a second ago. 
“You are full of shit,” Buck accuses. 
Eddie laughs, mischievously. He does not deny Buck’s allegations. 
On top of the covers, head not even making it to a pillow, Eddie closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. 
“Oh, no.” Buck scolds, amused. “No falling asleep yet. Take off your damn shoes.”
“You,” Eddie slurs in accusation, keeping his eyes closed but pointing a finger in the approximation of Buck’s direction. “Have put your shoes on my coffee table.”
Buck can’t help but laugh. “It’s our coffee table now, darling.” 
“True,” Eddie yawns. Eyes still shut, he lifts his lefts and awkwardly paws at his shoes. 
“You’re ridiculous,” Buck says, crossing the room to help him remove his shoes.
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huntingteeth · 4 months
18. Share the scene you just wrote, written from another character’s POV.
For all three if I may? 👀✨💖🫂🥰
sick boys are the illest:
Vessel scribbles a note in the margins of the paper, and looks up when IV shifts for maybe the fifth time in just as many minutes. "You alright?" "I feel weird," IV says. Vessel looks at him - really looks at him - and furrows his eyebrows in concern. He can see the sweat beading on IV's brow, the way his cheeks are ruddy but the face below them pale. He piles his papers into a messy stack and joins IV on the couch. "How so?" IV shakes his head and leans against Vessel's shoulder when he's close enough in range. Even through both layers of their shirts, Vessel can feel the heat emanating from IV. "I dunno, like - like my skin is on too tight, or something."
hallmark au:
Mattie shades her eyes as the back door opens and watches IV toddles out of the house to join her. He hands her a glass of water, condensation beading around its bottom, and she drinks from it greedily. "Thank you," she says after a breath. She waves a hand toward the grass, pleased when he sits down next to her. "What's that look on your face for?" She watches for a moment as he tangles his fingers together but doesn't rush him. He'll give her an answer in his own time, she knows. He does better without the rush of a deadline, when he has time to formulate his thoughts. In all the time she's known him - and it really has been such a long time since they were anything other than Mattie-and-IV, hasn't it? - he's always been a bundle of anxiety, vibrating between his decisions, and she's always tried her best to be a spot of level ground for him. "Paige thinks I should get a hobby," he says finally. Mattie lets out a hum. Paige always has a solution, whether one wants one or not. "What did she suggest?" IV snorts, not unkindly. "Volunteering my time with the youth football club." "Oh, they'd eat you alive," Mattie laughs, trying to imagine him interacting with any of the children in the village. "Did you know kids can smell fear?"
III's been thinking about it since before the show. They're on the top of their game, is the thing - Vessel's vocal runs are out of this world, II's drumming picks the emotion in the crowd up to a frenzy. III follows IV off the stage after the encore like he's magnetized; he can feel the awe that IV feels dripping off the bond like honey. He wants to taste it, is the thing. He bumps up against IV when they're both free of their instruments, movements like a puppy that hasn't grown into its limbs, and breathes against the side of IV's head, "That was awesome. You killed it out there." He wants to get his hands on IV, wants to move him where he likes. He wants to watch him - III jolts when Whitney Houston blares over the speakers as if reminding him that they're still in public.
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starpirateee · 7 months
For the drabble thing, Steph/Lex maybe? 👀
Oooo!! Okay this is something I'm gonna be happy to get into 👀 you guys really know how to make things interesting, huh?
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Lex's phone buzzed more times in the span of a few minutes than it ever normally would. Sometimes that happened while she was at work, she was never allowed to check her phone while on the job, so she tended to miss out a lot. But there was never this many messages in such a short space of time.
She opened her phone, glancing around the shop to make sure Frank couldn't see her.
[ s.lauter.x ]
hey lex
idk if you remember, but it's steph
... we were in shop class together in high school
Lex smiled a little at the memory of her. She was a junior when Steph was a freshman. In that half a year before she dropped out for good, the two of them had been sat next to each other, and while they weren't the best of friends, they had gotten along fine.
They hadn't actually spoken since Lex dropped out, so it was strange seeing her name on the top of her phone.
Lex hesitated, then opened the conversation.
[ lexxxx_f ]
uh... yeah! steph, right?
[ s.lauter.x ]
yeah! hey :)
sorry about this, i know we haven't spoken in, like, forever, but i wanted to tell you about your sister.... she got into an accident in class today
[ lexxxx_f ]
what happened????
Lex looked up quickly, leaving Steph typing. Frank had appeared out of nowhere, arms folded in discontent. There was nobody in the shop, hadn't been for a while now. It's not like he needed her for anything...
She glanced down for a brief moment. Steph was still typing. She frowned. God, this must be huge... she hoped Hannah was okay...
"What did I tell you?"
"It's about my sister," Lex tried to excuse. Normally he tended to let that slide, she was the best option when Hannah was in trouble, and it wasn't so often that it happened, so she could usually get away with it, too.
He raised an eyebrow. "What about her?"
"She's in hospital. Would you let me go, I've gotta go get her..."
Frank sighed, glancing at the depressingly empty shop floor. If they weren't busy now, then there was a really good chance that they weren't going to be busy until close. While Lex wasn't the most hardworking girl he could've picked, but if he had to give her credit for anything, it was that she never really asked for much.
That was the one side of it. She didn't ask for much, and when she did, it was usually something he had to note was worth her being excused. "What happened?"
"I don't know. I'm getting an answer for that right now..."
Another glance down at her phone.
[ s.lauter.x ]
she had some kinda blackout in shop while she was on the bandsaw
"She had an accident in shop class." Lex's voice was laced in the horror she felt, and she'd heard the way it broke too. This wasn't good. this really wasn't good. "Shit- Frank, I gotta go-"
[ lexxxx_f ]
steph... what happened to her?
just tell me, i gotta know...
[ s.laughter.x ]
i don't know, i didn't get across the room fast enough
there was a lot of blood though...
She didn't even leave chance for Frank to fully authorise her leaving early before she'd started running out the door. In the few moments she was still within reach, she didn't hear Frank try to protest, so she assumed that he would get used to it.
With a single track mind, she raced to her car, her heart pounding. She'd pretty much blacked out as soon as she saw the word blood from Steph. She didn't really care what had actually happened, if it was bad enough that she'd ended up in fucking hospital over it, then it was a cause for concern.
[ s.lauter.x ]
listen lex, i've gotta go before mr houston catches me, but i just thought i'd let you know
Lex slumped against the driver's seat and sighed, running a hand through her hair.
[ lexxxx_f ]
thanks steph, i appreciate it
It was hours before she got the chance to think straight again. The hospital was one whole mess after the other. Hannah was okay, that was a good start. She'd lost a finger in the blackout, but the surgeon had managed to reattach it before it became a real problem.
That was maybe the only good thing to come out of that whole space of time.
Hannah refused to acknowledge what happened, the panic had forced Ethan out of work early to see if everything was okay, and Lex had been forced into thousands of dollars worth of debt in a matter of moments. It was a catastrophpe, and Lex had way too many thoughts on the matter. She'd fallen deep into the spiral of worry that came with accidents of this kind.
God, she was going to lose her mind. Even after she contributed all her savings to this extortionate bill, she'd be 20 000 in debt for who fucking knows how long? Her shitty job wasn't going to compensate for this. And she never graduated high school- that's why it had been so long since she talked to Steph.
But she could do that, couldn't she? She could go back, there was an equivalency test she could take to get her diploma.... Maybe she could get around doing that.
To give her a bit of a break, Ethan had offered to take Hannah out for a bit, but because she'd ran out of work, there was no chance she was just going to go back.
For some reason, she couldn't get Steph off her mind. It was weird how she had to admit she hadn't thought about her in years, but now she was all she could think about.
[ lexxxx_f ]
this is weird, but we haven't seen each other in a while, have we?
[ s.lauter.x ]
it's been years
[ lexxxx_f ]
Was this a good idea? God only knows it was the single most impulsive thing she'd ever done... On the other hand, though, she had a couple of hours spare, and Steph had been a great part of easing her worries today, even if she hadn't realised it.
Of course it was a good idea. Any chance to drive these thoughts out of her head, right?
[ lexxxx_f ]
do you wanna maybe grab coffee sometime? catch up?
Even Steph typing managed to make her nervous. She waited, staring at the three dots until they disappeared. They returned within a couple of moments, and Lex went right back to staring at them.
[ s.laughter.x ]
y'know what? that'd be great!
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skineticshtx · 20 days
PDO Threads Treatments in Houston: Achieve a Youthful, Natural Look
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What Are PDO Threads?
PDO (Polydioxanone) threads are absorbable sutures that are inserted into the skin to lift and tighten areas of the face, neck, and even the body. Over time, the threads dissolve, stimulating collagen production, which helps maintain the skin’s firmness and elasticity.
Benefits of PDO Threads in Houston
Non-Surgical Solution: Avoid the risks and recovery time associated with surgery.
Natural-Looking Results: PDO threads enhance your appearance while maintaining a natural look.
Long-Lasting Effects: Results last anywhere from 12 to 18 months, depending on the individual.
Quick Procedure: Most treatments take about 30 to 60 minutes, making it easy to fit into a busy schedule.
Minimal Downtime: You can resume normal activities shortly after the procedure.
Why Choose PDO Threads Treatments in Houston?
Houston is home to many experienced cosmetic professionals specializing in PDO thread lifts. These experts customize treatments to suit your unique facial structure and aesthetic goals, ensuring safe and satisfying results. Whether you’re looking for a full face lift or just want to enhance specific areas like the jawline or eyebrows, PDO threads are a versatile option.
Who Is a Good Candidate for PDO Threads?
Individuals in their 30s to 50s, experiencing mild to moderate skin laxity, are often ideal candidates. However, it’s essential to consult with a qualified practitioner to determine the best approach based on your skin type and cosmetic goals.
Visit Here for Previous Blog on sculpting your body in Houston :- https://medium.com/@skineticshtx/achieving-your-ideal-shape-body-sculpting-in-houston-a4b4a02182f3
If you’re considering PDO threads treatments in Houston, you’re opting for a modern, effective way to achieve a youthful appearance with minimal downtime. Consult with a trusted local expert to explore how this innovative treatment can enhance your natural beauty.
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pint4punt · 24 days
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Changing of the Guard:
4 Teams on the Rise and 4 Teams on the Outs
As with every year in the NFL, turnover is aplenty and teams make bold, auspicious moves aimed at turning their franchise into a true contender or (more importantly to some Owners) a team that puts more asses in the seats than yesteryear! On the other side of that coin, we have the teams who maxed out their credit cards with overpriced veterans and ‘savvy’ draft picks that ultimately…….were as risky as advertised. Word to the wise, Afterpay is a slippery slope!
This is a key reason about half the playoff deck gets reshuffled year-to-year with the only sure bet being that Mahomes and the Chiefs will win the Super Bowl if anything other than Tom Brady gets thrown at them. With the regular season (FINALLY) back this week, today we’ll call our shots on four candidates to regress and miss the playoffs and four newcomers on the rise we expect to make some serious noise!
Budding Super Bowl Contender Houston Texans?
Sure this team made the playoffs last year, but it’s hard not to view them through a different lens this time around. It seems only yesterday the Houston Texans were the favorite punching bag of the national media as well as this particular group of stooges. Yet after a prolific offseason, we’re once again reminded of what one great draft class can do for even the most hopeless franchises. Even most die hard Texans fans couldn’t name more than 3 players on their 2022 roster. Fast forward to 2024 and they might just be the most loaded team in the AFC.
The stars truly aligned for the…..star last year when the Panthers chose Bryce Young over CJ Stroud, allowing hometown hero Demeco Ryans to immediately find his franchise quarterback before his new team had even played a snap. What Stroud went on to accomplish as a rookie could only be described as sensational and prodigious. This clearly isn’t lost on the Texans as they spent nearly $180 million in free agency to ensure the sequel is even better than the original, adding elite talent such as Danielle Hunter, Joe Mixon, and Stefon Diggs.
For a team that already features the reigning Offensive AND Defensive Rookie of the Year in Stroud and Will Anderson respectively, along with breakout stars such as Tank Dell, Nico Collins, & Noah Brown, these moves are all very aggressive. Like OJ fed up with his wife aggressive. And we fucking love it. Stroud is cheap, the Salary Cap is only going up, and no Quarterback has taken the league by storm this fast since our Lord and Commander Patrick Mahomes (and he had a year to marinate). The Texans won the division and a playoff game in the first year of the new guard, just imagine what they can do with a shit ton of spending and another year in the system.
Sun Setting for the Cowboys?
God bless the Dallas Cowboys, they truly disappoint their fans every year. And in our opinion, the annual letdown will be them getting bounced from playoff contention altogether this year (which just means their season will be a week shorter than usual). While that’s not as fun as watching epic playoff collapses where they get blown out at home by a QB with no postseason experience or lose on the road while playing an aging Running Back at center, we just don’t think they have the horses this go round.
Sure, you can put star players like CeeDee Lamb and Micah Parsons up against the best of the best in the league and Dak Prescott is a regular season hero. But that clearly hasn’t been enough when the lights get brighter and Jerry Jones did nothing to address that in an offseason in which he claimed to be ‘all in’. Mix in lingering contract extensions for Dak, Micah, & Head Coach Mike McCarthy along with rumblings of player discontent with Jerry Jones and it’s easy to see a playoff picture sans Dallas. That is of course unless resigning their long snapper galvanizes the locker room!
Can a New Super Weapon Help Kyler Murray return to prominence?
The Cardinals first raised eyebrows last year when they handed the aforementioned Cowboys, a team viewed by many as a Super Bowl contender, their first loss of the year. The team many expected to be in the Caleb Williams’ sweepstakes looked surprisingly competitive and competent under first year Head Coach Jonathan Gannon. And that was without former first overall pick Kyler Murray in tow, who didn’t make his debut until Week 10 as he continued to rehab a torn ACL.
Less than a year later, the Cardinals arguably came away with the best consolation prize of the draft in Marvin Harrison Jr., a player viewed every bit as talented if not more so than his Hall of Fame father. Murray and the Cardinals needed an injection of talent in the wake of moving on from an aging Deandre Hopkins and lacking a true number one receiving threat. Between the projected rookie phenom, promising young tight end Trey McBride, a backfield duo of James Connor & Trey Benson, and a healthier Murray with a proper offseason in Gannon’s system, it’s easy to envision this team giving the established threats of the NFC serious hell and returning to the playoffs this year.
Will the Jaguars Regret Paying Trevor Lawrence?
In Doug Pederson’s first year, the Jaguars had to feel like the sky was the limit. Pederson took over for a coach with more controversies than Hunter Biden and it took the eventual Super Bowl Champions to end their season in the divisional round. Surely, with another year in the system and the addition of an alpha receiver rested up from a gambling suspension, this team could only do better right?
Despite a bit of a rocky start, it sure looked that way in the early throngs of the 2023 season as the Jaguars started off 6-2. Then they ran into a really pissed off San Francisco team coming off a three game losing streak (and a bye week) and Mr. Irrelevant made all the throws a number one overall selected QB simply couldn’t in a 34-3 drubbing. Which really begs the question Jags’ fans must hate asking themselves: Is Trevor Lawrence really the guy?
Sure his college highlights are spectacular and Joel Klatt probably personally sucked him off before the 2021 draft. But what has he actually done as a starter in the league? 20-30 record, averages 13 interceptions a year, has never broken 30 touchdowns in a season, and now he cost $275 Million. Couple that with missing the playoffs last year, losing his top weapon in Calvin Ridley (to a division rival no less) and the AFC South taking significant strides this offseason, and it’s easy to see this team disappoint even more than your first time.
The Atlanta Falcons Might Have Overcorrected, but You Would Too with Desmond Ridder
Heading into 2024, Hotlanta had gone the way of Sydney Sweeney in their three most recent drafts, opting to do the sexiest thing possible at every turn. Instead of the functional family friendly crossover SUVs such as Offensive Tackles or Defensive Lineman, they’ve consistently spent Top 10 Picks on Sports Cars such as a Tight End 4th overall in 2021 and using the 8th overall pick in back-to-back years on a Wide Receiver and a dynamic pass catching Running Back. This was all done for a grouchy walking taint of a Head Coach who refused to use any of these incredible weapons purely out of spite just to fuck your fantasy team even if it meant going 7-10 every year. Needless to say, that didn’t sit well with Ownership and there’s a new sheriff in town with the homecoming of Raheem Morris.
Morris didn’t mince words about the other major problem with this team at his introductory press conference and well, regardless of what you think about how they addressed the QB room, you can’t argue that they didn’t thoroughly address it. While some felt paying Kirk Cousins $180 million and then selecting Michael Penix Jr. (you guessed it!) 8th overall, was overkill and detracted from a potential Super Bowl 59 run, you have to admire the balls of this organization to say ‘fuck it’ year in and year out. While the QB situation could easily get messier than Drake’s family tree if this team doesn’t gel right away, it can’t be worse than watching Arthur Smith take turns screaming at Desmond Ridder and Taylor Heinicke for not executing his genius trick play to his back up Tight End every week.
Incoming Growing Pains for the Buffalo Bills who are Still Looking to Pop That Elusive Cherry
Look as stupid as we are (and make no mistake we are very stupid) even we wouldn’t be so ignorant as to imply that a team featuring Josh Allen at Quarterback wouldn’t be a serious threat to any opponent they face. That being said, it’s hard to envision this team being the powerhouse that had many deeming it a Super Bowl favorite two years ago. Between age and cap constraints, Buffalo had to thin the herd this offseason, opting to move on from key players such as Center Mitch Morse, Safety Jordan Poyer, Cornerback Tre’Davious White, Outside Linebacker Leonard Floyd, and most notably, Wide Receiver Stefon Diggs to name a few. Jesus there’s reshuffling the deck and then there’s declaring bankruptcy. Hell Brandon Beane even said on Hard Knocks that he wouldn’t move into the top 10 because he couldn’t afford to pay a pick that high.
Buffalo shifted their identity last year after firing Offensive Coordinator Ken Dorsey and handing play calling over to Joe Brady mid-season. It was a bold strategy Cotton, but it paid off as Buffalo went from being outside the playoff picture to winning the division. They’ll need their ‘Run First’* identity to carry over into 2024 as they rely on a receiver by committee approach in light of the Diggs trade. Their best hope is Keon Coleman winning over Josh Allen as fast as he probably won over Macy’s Corporate Team (seriously where is the fucking endorsement deal guys???)
The Bears’ Optimism Runs as Deep as Their Pizza
Before Caleb Williams even touched a football with his meticulously manicured nails on the pro stage, many already believed the first overall pick would go on to be the best Quarterback in the history of the Bears’ franchise. That’s both a bold take and a testament to the sheer mediocrity Chicago has fielded at the game’s most important position year after year. His preseason performance did nothing to dissuade this notion either, with him making several eye popping throws in limited action. While the Bears are infamous for never having a QB eclipse 4,000 passing yards and for giving Aaron Rodgers controlling ownership of their franchise, there is finally genuine reason for fans to be excited both long and short term.
While Caleb is still unproven at the pro level and we’ve all been woefully underwhelmed by another ‘generational prospect’ in this article, he couldn’t possibly be set up better coming into the league. The Bears really laid the groundwork for this rebuild last year when they insisted on DJ Moore being included in Carolina’s package for the 2023 1st Overall Pick. That trade gave them a true number one receiver with which to properly evaluate previous starter Justin Fields as well a key piece for the future.
What they couldn’t have seen coming was Bryce Young and the Panthers being so god damn awful that it would also yield the 2024 1st Overall Pick. But they didn’t stop there. They traded for Keenan Allen coming off one of his most successful years in the pros (which is saying a lot given his resume) and used their own first rounder on arguably the best Wide Receiver in this year’s draft not named Marvin Harrison Jr. If Caleb Williams can’t succeed with two elite veterans who combined for over 2,600 yards and 15 touchdowns last year, one of the top young weapons in this draft, and a Defense that tied for first in interceptions (22) last year, then it’s time for Chicago to start asking if they’re truly cursed at the position.
Miami is Now in the Eye of Hurricane Tua
The Dolphins are one of the most entertaining teams to watch in the entire league when they’re firing on all cylinders. It’s like poetry in motion and ballet wrapped together in teal and orange. The problems surface when they run into physically imposing teams that disrupt their flow and make Quarterback Tua Tagovailoa uncomfortable.
Let’s be honest, their Wild Card playoff loss to the Chiefs was every bit as predictable as the Democratic Party forcing Biden to drop out of the election. Like actual dolphins, they thrive in their own environment, but get them in the bitter cold of January and they quickly become endangered. Sure the idea of OBJ joining a receiving corps that already features Tyreek Hill and Jaylen Waddle sounds exciting, but Miami hasn’t struggled in January because of a lack of receivers and Tua isn’t likely to connect with his plethora of weapons often if he has disrupters in the AFC like Will Anderson and Danielle Hunter breathing down his neck.
Further complicating matters is the Dolphins giving said finesse QB $212 million dollars. 2024 is the calm before the storm, because as things currently stand, Miami is $29 million over the cap for 2025 per Spotrac. With a wide receiver duo in Hill and Waddle set to (justifiably) cost over $51 million next year, this season is feeling a little last-dancey for a team that seems ill-equipped to play football in the winter.
Don’t get us wrong, we think Mike McDaniel is unequivocally one of the brightest offensive minds in the league. But at the end of the day, it was east to push this team around last year and with offseason losses such as Defensive Tackle Christian Wilkins, Linebacker Andrew Van Ginkel, and Guard Robert Hunt, along with a now very expensive Quarterback who has yet to win a playoff game, we fully expect them to be drive hunted by the best of the AFC. But hey, for our money, they still have excellent fantasy options and the best coke in the nation!
Don’t agree with our list? Fuck you! Just kidding, give us your thoughts in the comments.
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browclinic123 · 2 months
Eyebrow Waxing & Brow Perfection in Houston, TX | The Brow Clinic TX
Say goodbye to unwanted brow hair and hello to perfectly shaped brows! At The Brow Clinic TX, our expert technicians specialize in eyebrow waxing in Houston, TX. Book your appointment today and experience the best in eyebrow waxing!
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jamisonblog · 2 months
Best Waxing and Hair Removal Salon
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Finding the best waxing salon near you can be a daunting task, especially when you seek quality, expertise, and a comfortable environment. For those in Houston, Le Bijou Nails and Spa stands out as a premier choice for all your waxing needs. This blog will delve into what makes Le Bijou the top Best Waxing Salon Near Me and a leading Wax Hair Removal Salon.
The Search for the Best Waxing Salon
When searching for a waxing salon, there are several key factors to consider. These include the skill and experience of the estheticians, the quality of the waxing products used, the cleanliness of the facility, and the overall customer experience. At Le Bijou Nails and Spa, each of these aspects is meticulously addressed to ensure clients receive the best possible service.
Expertise and Experience
Le Bijou Nails and Spa boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced estheticians who are trained in the latest waxing techniques. Their expertise ensures that clients experience minimal discomfort and achieve the smoothest results. Whether you are a first-timer or a regular, the staff at Le Bijou will guide you through the process with professionalism and care.
Quality Products
The quality of waxing products is crucial in achieving effective and long-lasting results. Le Bijou Nails and Spa uses only the finest waxing products that are gentle on the skin yet effective in removing even the most stubborn hair. These high-quality products reduce the risk of irritation and ensure a smooth finish.
Clean and Inviting Environment
Cleanliness is paramount in any waxing salon. Le Bijou Nails and Spa maintains a spotless environment, ensuring that all tools and equipment are sanitized after each use. The salon's inviting atmosphere helps clients feel relaxed and comfortable during their visit. From the moment you step in, you will notice the attention to detail in maintaining a pristine setting.
Comprehensive Services
Le Bijou Nails and Spa offers a wide range of waxing services to cater to all your needs. Whether you need a quick eyebrow touch-up or a full-body wax, the salon provides comprehensive services that cover every part of your body. Their menu includes facial waxing, bikini waxing, leg waxing, and more, making it a one-stop destination for all your hair removal needs.
Why Choose Le Bijou Nails and Spa?
Choosing Le Bijou Nails and Spa for your waxing needs comes with numerous benefits. Here are some reasons why it stands out as the best Wax Hair Removal Salon in Houston:
Personalized Care
At Le Bijou, personalized care is at the forefront of their service. Each client receives individualized attention to ensure their specific needs and preferences are met. The estheticians take the time to understand your skin type and hair growth patterns, tailoring the waxing process to achieve the best results for you.
Comfort and Convenience
Waxing can be an uncomfortable experience for many, but the team at Le Bijou goes above and beyond to make the process as comfortable as possible. From using soothing pre-wax treatments to applying post-wax care products, every step is designed to minimize discomfort and enhance your overall experience. Additionally, the salon offers flexible scheduling options, making it convenient for clients to book appointments at their preferred times.
Long-Lasting Results
One of the main benefits of waxing is the long-lasting results it provides compared to other hair removal methods. Le Bijou Nails and Spa's expert techniques and quality products ensure that you enjoy smooth, hair-free skin for weeks. Regular waxing can also result in finer and sparser hair regrowth over time, making maintenance easier.
Positive Reviews and Reputation
A salon's reputation speaks volumes about the quality of its services. Le Bijou Nails and Spa has garnered numerous positive reviews from satisfied clients who praise the salon for its exceptional waxing services. The salon's commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction has earned it a loyal clientele and a stellar reputation in the Houston area.
When it comes to finding the best waxing salon near you, Le Bijou Nails and Spa in Houston is the ultimate choice. With their expert estheticians, high-quality products, and commitment to providing a comfortable and clean environment, they ensure an exceptional waxing experience for every client. Whether you are looking for facial waxing, body waxing, or any other waxing service, Le Bijou Nails and Spa has you covered. Book your appointment today and discover why they are the leading "Wax Hair Removal Salon" in Houston.
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seo-top-up · 1 year
Discover Beauty and Wellness at Lash U Studio: Your Ultimate Health and Beauty Destination in Houston, TX
In the bustling city of Houston, Texas, finding a reliable Health and Beauty Shop that caters to all your needs can be a daunting task. But fret not, for Lash U Studio is here to make your search a breeze. Conveniently located in Houston, TX, we are your trusted neighborhood destination for all things beauty and wellness.
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Address: 7066 Lakeview Haven Dr Ste 107, Houston, TX 77095, United States Phone: +1 346-241-1445 Website: Visit Lash U Studio Google My Business: Explore Us on Google Maps
Unveiling the Essence of Lash U Studio
Imagine a place where beauty and wellness converge to provide you with a holistic experience like no other. That's precisely what Lash U Studio is all about. As your go-to Health and Beauty Shop, we are dedicated to enhancing your natural beauty and promoting your overall well-being. Whether you're seeking eyelash extensions, rejuvenating skincare solutions, or simply some pampering, we've got you covered.
We understand that your time is precious, and we believe in making your self-care journey both convenient and indulgent. At Lash U Studio, we offer an extensive range of beauty treatments to ensure you look and feel your absolute best, without the need to travel far and wide.
Services Offered at Lash U Studio
Eyelash Extensions: Our skilled lash artists are experts at creating custom eyelash extensions that accentuate your eyes' natural allure. Whether you crave a dramatic, glamorous look or a subtle enhancement, we have the artistry to make it happen.
Skincare Solutions: Achieve radiant, healthy skin with our diverse range of skincare treatments. From facials to microdermabrasion, we customize our services to address your unique skin concerns, leaving you with a revitalized complexion.
Brow Services: Frame your face with perfectly shaped and tinted eyebrows. Our brow specialists will sculpt, groom, and tint your brows to perfection, elevating your overall appearance.
Waxing Services: Bid farewell to unwanted hair with our professional waxing services, available for various body areas. Our waxing treatments ensure a smooth, hair-free result that lasts.
Lash Lift and Tint: For those seeking a natural, low-maintenance way to enhance their lashes, our lash lift and tint services provide a beautiful, long-lasting solution.
Spa Treatments: Immerse yourself in relaxation with our rejuvenating spa treatments. From massages to body wraps, our spa services will leave you feeling refreshed and renewed.
Why Choose Lash U Studio?
Proximity and Convenience: Situated in the vibrant city of Houston, we are your local Health and Beauty Shop, easily accessible from all corners of the city. Say goodbye to traffic woes; we're right in your neighborhood.
Expert Team: Our dedicated professionals are passionate about beauty and wellness. They stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques, ensuring you receive top-notch services.
Customized Approach: We recognize that each individual is unique. Therefore, we tailor our services to meet your specific needs and preferences, guaranteeing your satisfaction.
Hygiene and Safety: Your safety and well-being are paramount. We adhere to stringent hygiene and safety standards, utilizing only high-quality, sterilized tools and products.
Online Booking: Booking your beauty appointments has never been easier. You can schedule your visit through our website or by giving us a call, and our friendly staff will assist you promptly.
Discover the Lash U Studio Difference
At Lash U Studio, you're not just entering a beauty shop; you're embarking on a journey of relaxation, transformation, and rejuvenation. Our serene ambiance and dedicated team create an unparalleled experience.
If you're searching for a "Health and Beauty Shop near me" in Houston, look no further than Lash U Studio. We're here to help you look and feel your absolute best, and we're excited to welcome you to our studio.
Visit Us Today!
Experience the excellence of Lash U Studio firsthand. Find the perfect blend of convenience and quality at our Health and Beauty Shop in Houston, TX. Your path to enhanced beauty and well-being begins with a visit to our studio.
Contact Information:
Lash U Studio 7066 Lakeview Haven Dr Ste 107 Houston, TX 77095, United States Phone: +1 346-241-1445 Website: www.lashustudio.com/houston Google My Business: Discover Us on Google Maps
Elevate your beauty, embrace your well-being, and immerse yourself in the world of Lash U Studio today. Your journey to beauty and relaxation is just a visit away.
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simplytrina · 1 year
Chapter 2... Wheels Up
Mia got out of her Uber and headed to the Southwest check in terminal. She passed Spirit and Frontier airlines and shuttered at the long lines and lack of airline workers to address them.
She hated those airlines and vowed to choose comfort over convenience always.
Mia zoomed through TSA thanks to her investing in TSA pre check. She headed for her gate and stopped to get some gum on the way.
After a somewhat quick flight, Mia arrived in Houston Texas and was ready to relax and decide which activity on her list of "things to do" she felt up to.
She didn't have an itinerary so to speak, just a list of restaurants, bars, and places to go IF she decided to. Mia would also be content in her hotel room, reading a book at the pool or the bar.
As Mia was waiting at carousel 6 for her bag to show up on the belt, she heard a voice that she couldn't tell if it were familiar or not.
Mia turned around to face where the voice was coming from. She scanned a few people and saw someone weaving through the crowd towards her. It was Xavier. Mia's stomach flipped and her throat felt tight.
'Xavier?" Mia question, before she was enveloped in a friendly half hug.
Xavier was Mia's ex ex boyfriend.
Mia and Xavier grew up together and fell in love after college. They were best friends before their relationship, but when it ended Mia lost a boyfriend and her best friend... and it crushed her. She powered through the breakup and graduated law school, while Xavier moved to New York City to go after his dream of working in the music business.
Now years later, Xavier was married and Mia had just ended a relationship she tried desperately to save.
Mia just looked at Xavier hoping that she could form something intelligible to say. Sometimes she had a problem with responding to people in her head and not actually saying anything at all.
Xavier looked great. He was wearing his ear length dreads in two cornrows. He had on all black and some Nike Panda dunks. He only carried a LV carry on, and had Bose earphones around his neck.
Xavier: Small world! *said with a bright smile* are you here for SXSW?
Mia: ...it is a small world! uhm no, I'm here just to get away...a little solo trip
Mia was very nervous but was pretending not to be. She hoped her voice didn't crack and she prayed her smile looked genuine. She wanted to get away from him. What sort of sick trick were her guardian angels playing? Really Xavier in the airport?? Of all places... of all people!?
Xavier: dope! Birthday trip?
Mia: Yup!
Xavier: you deserve it! where are you staying? Maybe we could get up?
Xavier adjusted his LV carry on on his shoulder and his yellow gold wedding band caught Mia's eye. Xavier didn't seem to notice that she looked at his hand for longer than a beat.
Mia: uhmm... I am staying at the Bloom Hotel...
Xavier cut her off with an eyebrow raised impressed expression
Xavier: oh wow! that's how you are doing it? My hotel isn't far away from there I think!
Mia: Oh cool
Xavier: Can I text you?
Mia: sure sure...
Mia began to say her cell phone number but Xavier cut her off.
Xavier: its still the same right?
Mia: Right.
Mia had the same exact number since college. She never changed it -and never planned on changing it. The fact that he knew she had the same number struck Mia in a weird way.
First, it was confirmation that he was able to reach her, but for whatever reason just did not. Mia always wondered what would happened when she stopped reaching out to Xavier- so in her first year of law school she did an experiment. Whenever she would call Xavier, he would call back-but he never initiated communication.
So she stopped...and communication stopped altogether. Whenever she felt the desire to contact him, she would just tell herself that if he wanted to talk to her he would...he never contacted her so Mia resolved to her self that Xavier could reach out to her- he just did not want to.
Xavier: Cool! I'll hit you later! Are you good with getting to your hotel?
Xavier asked, and it was with genuine concern.
Mia assured him that she was alright. They both said quick goodbyes and just like that Xavier was running out of the terminal. Mia was frozen. Her bag had been sitting on the carousel. Alone.
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beatandblades · 1 year
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Everything You Need To Know Before Microblading Your Eyebrows
It uses the same technique as a typical tattoo, yet they are not the same. It involves two steps. You shouldn't use a microblade on everyone. Your skin type could influence the result. Even after microblading, your natural hair will continue to grow You can get the best microblading brows Houston services from Beat & Blade. Immediately visit our website.
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arjaandsimoni · 1 year
Luck Ain't All Good
Somewhere outside of Houston Texas
The rental truck rolled along a lonely patch of dirt road off the main drag, a nearby sign reading ‘Open Air Ranch’ with an arrow under it pointing off into the distance. Stephy and Tex were seated up front next to Tara, and none of them looked particularly comfortable in the truck.
Tex sighed, “Welp, it was a dang good idea at the time darlin’…” he shrugged, “I mean, we did wanna keep an eye on ‘im… but I kinda figured Loren could, yanno, pinch hit for us.” he nodded, patting Stephy’s shoulder, the Texan boy dressed in a pair of bluejeans and a plaid button-down shirt over a white teeshirt.
Stephy nodded back, “Yeah… I mean… I definitely wanna meet your family… well, I guess my family now.” he smiled a bit at that thought, the effeminate changeling giving Tex’s hand a squeeze. He’d gone for a loose blue silk summery top and short white kneeskirt with strappy sandals against the heat of the southern state. “Just… didn’t occur to me we’d be leaving Covington again so soon… and… we’d have to bring an extra.”
From the backseat came an annoyed sniff. “You know, I’m sitting right here… And I’m not exactly thrilled about this either… You could have warned me how bloody hot this part of the mortal realm is.”
Prince Samuel of the Icebound Heart, or ‘Sammi’ as Stephy called him to annoy him, was stretched out in the backseat, frowning ahead. In deference to having to be among the mortals he was wearing a white silk shirt and dress slacks, along with shiny black leather shoes, and it was only by close examination one could tell the leather was not from any identifiable animal. He frowned, fanning himself with an ornate paper fan painted with an oriental depiction of a snowfield. None of them knew where he’d gotten it from.
Tara rolled her eyes, “Yeah, we know… yer highness…” she replied sarcastically.
Covington Kentucky, Three days earlier
Stephy gazed around the expanded palatial bedroom that was once his speakeasy hideout, the boy’s eyebrows so high they threatened to disappear under his hairline. “What… how…” he managed finally.
Prince Samuel was sitting at the bar in an elegantly cut black evening dress spotted with star-like sequins, as if someone had cut a stretch of the night sky out and made it into something you could wear to a dinner party, along with long black gloves and matching strappy heels. “Well you didn’t expect me to live in just any old hole in the wall did you? I like to think I fixed it up nicely.” he smiled, his lips painted a deep shining blue. He looked like a blonde 1960s Audrey Hepburn, though his pearls were made of ice crystals rather than formed in clams.
Tex was leaning on the bar, looking over the changeling prince. “Yeah, uh, speakin’ of… whats with the…” he gestured to the outfit, “I mean, no judgement, just wanna make sure I’m usin’ the correct pronouns ‘n all.”
Samuel grinned at him, “Oh how courteous of you!” he simpered, “But no, I just couldn’t let my new ‘sister’ have all the fun.” he chuckled. “Besides, its been ages since I got to dig deep into my wardrobe. I haven’t worn this old thing since my mother held a ball when the Dot Com bubble burst. Oh we had quite the feast that night let me tell you…”
Stephy huffed at him, “Ugh, you only drink sorrow do you? You can’t do any other emotions?” he asked. He’d been rather surprised by it himself. He’d described raw glamour to Tex after attempting to find it shortly following their return from Arcadia.
Colored smoke, that was the best way he could envision it. Everyone had swirls of it all around them… and he could smell and taste and see and feel it. When someone was calm it would swirl lazily, like smoke drifting up from an incense burner. When they were angry or agitated it would billow like a bonfire. Joy tasted like spun cotton candy and brought a feeling of childhood giddiness to him, while sorrow was like fresh vanilla ice cream to his new senses, anger or fury felt spicy and hot and he found it was too much to really handle, while fear had a bitter saltiness to it and an acidic sense similar to vinegar… there were other blends too, but he was still working them out. He didn’t see it all the time, but all he had to do was focus, and there it was, and standing near a person feeling intense emotions was all he needed to do to soak them up.
Samuel shrugged, “I suppose I could, but after years of living in Arcadia with Mother they all taste… off… to me.” he frowned, taking a sip from his wineglass as the goblin bartender looked at Tex expectantly.
“None fer me thanks, I’m drivin’.” he nodded.
The goblin shrugged and said, “Suit yerself mac.” before rolling up his sleeves and starting on the dishes.
“Anyways, we just came by to warn you. We’re leaving town soon. Tex’s family found out Tara adopted me and they want to meet me in person.” explained Stephy.
Prince Samuel smiled widely, “Oh capital! I’ve never been on a road trip before, when do we leave?” he asked.
Stephy rolled his eyes, “Very funny… Tex, Tara, and I are going, not you… You’re staying right here, Sammi.”
At that the prince shook his head, “That’s PRINCE Samuel thank you, and no, afraid that won’t be possible… unless you forgot that pledge we made over chicken tenders the other week.” he smirked over the edge of his glass. “I pledged to cease my predations upon mortalkind and remain near you and your’s. Remember?” he asked with a grin.
Tex started, “Yeah, uh, no way. Ya’ll ain’t comin’ back to my ranch buddy. My whole family lives there…” he frowned.
Prince Sammi sighed, “You don’t understand. The pledge was made, the Wyrd recognized it. Even if I tried to stay Fate would conspire to land me right in your laps.” he frowned. “I don’t have any choice in the matter at this point. I’m coming, like it or not.”
Stephy blinked, “Wait… you mean you HAVE to come with me?! What about Loren? Doesn’t she count? Can’t I just have her, I dunno, babysit you?!” he asked, looking rather concerned indeed. It would be hard enough to explain to the Smith family why they suddenly had a new member… but bringing along another fae being would invite far more questions than he’d have answers for.
Prince Sammi shrugged, raising a gloved hand, “Fine then, try to leave, see how far you get without me.” he said, waving them out with his fingers and handing the glass back to the goblin, “More of the same, would you kindly.”
Stephy huffed, then walked out with Tex in tow, the door shutting behind them.
“He’s gotta be bluffin’ right?” he asked.
Stephy nodded, “He has to be. There’s no way it can force him to come with us like that…”
Several website crashes when trying to purchase specifically three plane tickets, dropped connections when attempting to use the phone to contact the airline, going to pack the truck and just drive to find that the spark plugs had all burned out, the oil filter had gone bad, the transmission fluid seemed to have leaked away, and all four tires had spontaneously sprung leaks, and the mechanic they hired experiencing a sudden religious epiphany and fleeing to Michigan to join a Hare Krishna commune later…
Tara frowned, “And ya’ll be on your BEST damn behavior! You do even the tiniest bit of faerie craziness and I’ll take Tex’s dagger and cut your damn ears off!” she said, the three of them sitting on the couch and looking extremely stressed out over the events of the past several days, waiting for Tara’s truck to come back from the shop.
Prince Sammi stood before them, dressed in a tight black pair of leather pants, knee high high heeled boots, and a silvery tunic. He just smiled and winked, crossing his heart with his index finger, “I would never even dream of causing problems.” he smiled in a satisfied way.
Tex sighed, “This is gonna be a long damn drive…” he frowned.
Texas, Present Day
Prince Sammi sighed, fanning himself harder, “Can’t that blasted air conditioner go any higher?” he grumbled in annoyance. He hadn’t know where Texas was, finding out he was heading to the American south in the middle of July had displeased the Prince of the Icebound Heart greatly to say the least.
Stephy huffed, though he was using a little hand fan they’d picked up at the last gas station himself. He’d never had that much of a problem with heat before… but while Stephen Fullmoon was used to walking the Covington streets at the height of summer, the Princess of Everfalling Snow was having a really hard time of it. “To be fair guys, I don’t think he’s just being whiny… it really does feel hotter than it should for me…”
Tex smiled sympathetically, patting Stephy’s shoulder, “Its okay darlin’ its mostly desert around here. Nighttime will be a lot easier fer ya’ll.” he nodded.
Prince Sammi huffed, “Bloody kill for a drink right now…” he sighed, taking out a lace-frilled handkerchief and dabbing away the sweat on his forehead.
Tara just grumbled in annoyance.
Eventually however they did reach the entrance to the ranch, Prince Sammi making several comments about the smell from the cow pens. Open Air Ranch was the Smith family ranch, having been established by Tex’s great grandfather after coming home from the Civil War in the 1800s. It had supplied a good bit of beef to the area for a while now, but suddenly the locals were all buying elsewhere, and someone was trying to buy their home…
As they got to the door there was a man in a business suit talking to another man through the screen in the door. “Oh not this again…” sighed Tara.
“Please be reasonable Mr. Smith. My employer is making you a very generous offer…” he said. He was a portly man in a dark purple business suit, wearing a pair of thick bifocal glasses and sporting a combover.
“Reasonable my ass Maroon. Ya’ll go back to that casino and tell McCall we ain’t sellin’! This land belonged to mah father ‘n I’ll be DAMNED if some city slicker gets his mitts on it!” grumbled a man from the other side. He was elderly and bent double, leaning on a wooden cane with a bull’s head for the handle. “Now getcher shiny ass back offa my ranch ‘afore I throw yez off!” he snapped.
The man adjusted his tie, “Yes, I can see I’m wasting my time. Good day Mr. Smith…” he frowned, walking off towards a rather nice Rolls Royce parked nearby.
As he did however Sammi narrowed his eyes, “Hmm…” he murmured.
Stephy looked at him, “What?” he asked, glancing between Sammi and the older man.
Sammi looked at him and smiled, “How would you like me to teach you a fun little trick ‘sister?’” he smiled, "Listen carefully…"
Then, Sammi taught Stephy the Secret of Snow’s Silence.
Afterwards Stephy would remark it was almost like he’d simply detached himself from the world momentarily. He and Sammi walked over to the car where Maroon stood talking into a phone without making a single sound whatsoever, and without Tex and Tara even noticing they had gone.
As they drew near, they picked up on what he was saying into his smartphone.
“… still won’t sell, he’s being exceedingly stubborn. I’m even offering him twice what the market value for this place is.” he frowned.
A muffled response came.
“Sir I strongly advise against involving them. If the authorities get wind of this then it could cause us severe complications. It may be best to abandon the plans to acquire the ranch. Surely nobody is even looking for…” he started.
Another response came, this one sounding much more… insistent.
Maroon sighed, “… very well. I’ll contact them at sunset.” he frowned, hanging up and putting his phone away. “Hellfire and damnation I’m surrounded by fools… oh well, so be it. Smith will wish he’d accepted my offer.”
Stephy glanced at Sammi as Maroon got into his car and drove away. “What was that all about?” he whispered to him.
Sammi raised an eyebrow, “Something interesting no doubt… but what it is I cannot begin to imagine. But that man, something about him was very off.” he frowned, then looked up.
“Stephy? Sam?! Where’d ya’ll get to?!” called Tex, the boy looking around and, to Sammi’s annoyance, resting a hand on his dagger’s hilt.
“Really now he didn’t need to bring it, I told you lot I’d behave…” he frowned, then snapped his fingers. There was a burp in reality, and Stephy and Sammi stood exactly where they were… but much more noticeably now.
Tex looked over and cocked his head, “When did ya’ll get over there?” he asked as Stephy jogged over to him.
“Nevermind that, Tex do you know who that guy was?” replied Stephy, nodding his head at the car as it pulled past the gates of the ranch.
“Oh him? Mr. Maroon is the only name we ever got. Works for some bigshot in Houston named McCall, he runs a casino along the gulf. McCall Amusements he calls it.” he shrugged, “He’s been tryin’ to buy the ranch for months now, but granddad doesn’t wanna sell it off. Can’t blame ‘im, three generations of us grew up here.” he nodded, guiding the two faerie boys towards the door and walking in.
Stephy giggled a bit at the décor, looking like something out of an old western movie as Sammi even had to admit there was a certain… attractiveness to it.
“Oh how charmingly rustic…” nodded the fae princeling as the two boys walked forward… then bounced back suddenly with a loud snapping sound! “OW!” grunted Sammi.
“EEK!” yelped Stephy, rubbing his forehead as Tex blinked in surprise, then looked upwards.
“… whups.” winced the Texan boy as he looked up. Hanging over the door was, yes, a solid iron horseshoe. The very same trick that had saved them from Isolde’s minions they’d found blocked Stephy from entering their home back in Covington until they'd removed them!
Tex looked around and quickly pulled a chair over, standing on it and yanking the horseshoe free, then putting it away in a drawer nearby. “Sorry about that ya’ll, forgot… ya alright?” he asked.
Sammi huffed and walked past him with his nose in the air as Stephy blushed, rubbing his forehead, “Just a little sore, I’ve had lots worse.” he smiled sheepishly.
Then Tara’s voice came from the next room, “Stephy! C’mon over ‘n meet yer new family!” she called.
The living room held four more Smiths besides Tara, as well as a muscular Hispanic man. Despite him clearly not being part of the family, he seemed as comfortable there as anyone else could be.
The old man hobbled over on the cane, then held out his hand and shook Stephy’s. “Welcome to th’ family young lady.” he grinned toothily, as in he only had one tooth to grin with, “Name’s Joshua, this one’s grandpappy. Now don’t ya’ll worry, we know all ‘bout Tex ‘ere. I don’t pretend ta understand it, but I’m an old man ‘n there comes a time when ya’ll gotta recognize th’ world is movin’ on from what ya knew. There’s lotsa worse things boys can do these days then wear skirts so, heck, go fer it!” he cackled as Tara rolled her eyes and shrugged. Stephy blushed but smiled back, he’d take acceptance even if it was a little off kilter.
Joshua turned around and gestured with his free hand, “This ‘eres my other daughter Elizabeth…” he said, a woman who looked like Tara but about five years younger waving from the couch, “… ‘er two kids Timothy and Jessica,” a teenage boy and a girl a few years Stephy’s junior waving back, “’n our ranch head Raul.” The Hispanic man tapped the brim of his hat and nodded in welcome. They all had the same shaggy darker blonde hair as Tex save for Raul, whose hair was black, and Joseph, who had not had any hair in quite some time.
“So… Tara gave us ah bit o’ th’ lowdown over th’ phone… seems yer dad met with a bit of a messy end ‘n my girl took pity on ya’ll ‘n took ya in.” he sighed, shaking his head, “Bad business that, mighty sorry ta hear it… but if Tara says yer Smith material ‘s good enough fer me. I trust my girl’s judgement.” he nodded.
Then Sammi walked in and they all looked up before Joseph turned to Tara, “Er… darlin’ though ya’ll said ya adopted one kid…” he muttered.
Tara glanced at Sammi, “Well…” she started.
Sammi however stepped forward and smiled, “Oh she must have forgotten, its been such a busy few days! I’m Stephy’s cousin Samuel from… oh… a good ways over there…” he waved his hand eastwards, “… and when I heard what happened to her father I rushed right over to console her!” he wrapped his arm around Stephy, “Well, I certainly wasn’t going to let her out of my sight so when Tara said that you were all heading south I just simply had to invite myself. Don’t worry, I won’t even be the slightest bit of a bother…” he smiled, and as he did there was a scent of fresh snow and a faint mist blew from his mouth.
Tara blinked as the other members of the Smith clan (and Raul) all seemed to pause, their eyes flashing for a moment. They looked confused and then Joseph said, “… well… suppose ah can’t blame yeh fer bein’ concerned fer yer kin… Ah’m sure we can squeeze in fer one more, ‘s a big house.”
Stephy looked around, then whispered to Sammi, “What. Did. You. Just. DO?” he asked through gritted teeth.
Sammi grinned, “Oh just a little trick, barely a nudge really. Makes the implausible seem just that little bit more plausible… smooths things out all around…” he whinked, then added, “Now please tell your cowboy to take his hand off the knife, it really didn’t do hardly anything.”
Tex was starring daggers at Sammi, his hand gripping the hilt of his knife as Stephy waved him down, “He’s telling the truth Tex, the spell already ended. It was just to make sure your family didn’t think him being here was suspicious.”
Tex grumbled, “Everything about ‘im is suspicious… his name should be Prince Suspicious.”
Sammi pouted, “Oh that hurts… not very charming of you, Prince Cowboy…” he teased.
Stephy sighed, “Whatever, lets just go to our rooms and settle in…” he frowned, walking upstairs.
Later That Night
Stephy and Sammi shared a room, Joseph insisting that until Tex was old enough that he wasn’t going to have any ‘hanky panky’ under his roof.
Stephy frowned at that, laying on the huge queen-sized bed next to Sammi, “Could’ve just had you sleep on the couch…” he muttered, laying there in a white cotton nightdress.
Sammi frowned at him, the fae prince wearing elegant blue silk pajamas. “Not on your bloody life ‘sister.’ Its not like I wanted to come, I had to thanks to that pledge you baited me into…” he huffed, “True love, bloody hell the one thing I can’t get is the weakness you found out…”
Stephy rolled his eyes, “Well maybe if you tried talking to people instead of tricking them into eating candy and then chaining them up you might have better luck.” he huffed.
Sammi just chuckled, “You’d be surprised how many are into that…” he replied, Stephy’s ears turning pink at his comment. “But that’s not what I mean… I was born human, but I was raised in Arcadia. I don’t know how to be human.” he sighed, “My mother was Lady Sera… yes, my birth mother was not, but she in all her madness and insanity and desire to freeze the hearts of the sorrowful is the one I knew from infancy to my current age. Effectively, she is my mother.”
Stephy looked over at him, “You know… I did pledge I would go back to her lands before I left, on the grounds she would let me leave at my choosing… in exchange for helping her learn how to be a mother.” he stated.
From his side came a loud snort, “REALLY?” asked Sammi, “Oh very good… what will you do for an encore? Part the Ruby Sea? Topple the pillars of creation? Oh I know! Lock the Sahara desert into eternal winter!” he chuckled, “You bloody fool… you’ve set yourself a task you’ll never accomplish! She’s one of the Others, they’re not human! They can’t learn that. They can’t learn anything! She stole me because she thought mothers had to raise their children from infancy and that was it, but she had no idea HOW to do it! She got her maids and servants to do it for her, and if I cried or fussed or got upset, she immediately blamed the nearest one and froze them into statues!” he frowned, “… so I had to learn to freeze my heart on my own, so she’d stop doing that…”
Stephy rolled his eyes, “Surprised you even cared enough to bother…” he huffed.
Sammi went quiet for several long moments. “… you’ve tasted emotions ‘sister.’” he said in an icy tone, his voice taking on an edge, “… have you ever tasted Fear of Inevitable Death? Its hot, and rank. It burns like acid and sticks like tar. Once you taste it, you’ll never forget it.” he whispered. “Every time she did that, when she froze a maid who told me I had to go to bed when I didn’t want to, or a butler who’d tripped over my building blocks, or the scullery girl who’d tried to repair my toy and accidentally did more damage…” he sighed, “… each time they tasted the same, because they knew to be frozen was to die. That they would be in my mother’s garden forever. Unmoving, unfeeling, unblinking, forever.”
Stephy gazed at the ceiling for a long time, then said, “… once. I was five, at a hospital, and I was watching my mother struggling to breathe through a plastic tube. She was holding my hand tightly because she didn’t want to leave me alone with my father… and I could tell in her eyes she knew she was going to lose. I tasted it, in the back of my own throat because I knew even back then as soon as she died I wouldn’t be able to live anymore. 'Survive' would be the best I could manage.” he replied.
Sammi was silent for a few ticks of the clock, then said, “… I see…” he murmured softly.
They were both silent for several long moments.
“… we’re not making a connection here.” warned Stephy.
“Of course not.” replied Sammi.
“Just because we’re both abuse survivors doesn’t mean I trust you or like you.” warned the fae ‘princess.’
“Perish the thought.” nodded the fae prince.
“But… maybe I kind of get, just a bit, why you’re so eager to throw others away, if that’s the kind of stuff you had growing up.” Stephy admitted.
“If a man is falling into Hell he will grasp any rope, any branch, anything to stop his descent and damn the consequences.” Sammi concurred.
They both fell silent again, then their ears twitched.
“… the house is surrounded.” warned Sammi.
“Yeah, I can sense them now. About five?” he said.
“Six, if I’m not mistaken.” replied Sammi.
“Should we… wake up someone?” asked Stephy.
“We won’t need to. Judging by the staleness of the emotions the cows should realize what’s near them right about…” he began… and then there was a cacophony of horrified, loud, mooing roars from the livestock pens and everyone in the house woke up!
Both of the fae boys leapt out of their bed as the Smith family jolted awake as one, running to their windows!
“Dad! Whats going on?! I think I saw someone movin’ around outside my window!” came Elizabeth’s voice.
Tex and Tara knew this couldn’t be normal though, the former of them snatching up his dagger and the Very Useful Deck from the nightstand, running out into the hall to find Stephy and Sammi standing there.
“What…” he started.
“Vampires. Half dozen that I can sense.” warned Sammi.
“… WHY?” he blurted out.
“How should I know?! Maybe the local vampire prince thinks beef isn’t kosher or something!” he snapped.
The cows were in a blind panic, kicking and roaring outside, wanting to get the HELL away from what they were smelling. One of the vampires realized their ambush had been foiled and began to kick on the downstairs door, but living out in the countryside meant they had to rely on themselves for security. It held… but it wouldn’t hold for long.
“They’re breaking in!” gasped Stephy, “Tex, Sammi, try to hold them off!” he rushed back into his room, grabbing the purse that Tara had helped him get.
“And what exactly will you do then?” huffed Sammi.
Stephy smirked and pulled out the phone Arja had bought him in the Nightside, “Call the cavalry.” he nodded.
Jaipur India, currently lunchtime
Dawn was stretched out in the rec room of the Barjar mansion, the feline enjoying a rare moment of downtime. She blinked as she felt a buzz from her pocket, then pulled out and answered her phone with a grin, “Moe’s Tavern, This is Mike Ro-…” she paused at Stephy’s frantic voice. “Oh shit. Got bats in the belfry? Six?” she sat up.
Nearby Simoni and Arja looked up from their game of Smash Bros Ultimate, Nelen putting down the relic from Rajesh’s collection he’d been inspecting.
“Uh… where are you?” she asked, then winced, “Some ranch in the ass-end of Texas?! Whats the nearest city?! Houston? How far?” she nodded, then almost dropped the phone, “A HALF HOUR BY CAR?!” she yowled, her tail floofing out in shock, then the phone was snatched away.
“Stephy, turtle up.” said Nelen. “We’ll be there as fast as we can, but it’ll take us some time. Try to hold out!” he nodded firmly, then hung up. “Someone wake up Natasha and Lupe! I’m opening the door in the wine cellar! MOVE IT!” he shouted.
Meanwhile, at ‘Some Ranch in the ass-end of Texas’
Stephy ran down the stairs to where Tex and Sammi were preparing to make their stand. “Guys! Nelen and the others are on their way, but they can’t get any closer than Houston using the Wulfshead. We have to hold out until they can arrive!” he warned.
Tara had the rest of the Smith family holed up in the living room, a loaded shotgun in her hands that was MOSTLY used on predatory animals trying to go for the cows… “Ya’ll got through to ‘em?” she asked, “Good!”
“Sis, what the HELL is going on?!” asked Elizabeth, staring at Tara as she held her kids close.
Then suddenly the front door was kicked in with a loud crash, and crimson eyes glowed in the darkness.
“Would you believe night of the living dead?” asked Samuel, raising his hand.
A second later a blast of ice shot the vampire halfway to the gates of the ranch like a frozen cannonball!
Tex and Sammi darted out onto the porch as the fae princeling looked around, “Okay… lets see… he’s mostly over there… got lucky, tore him up good, but there’s still five more and…” he squinted, “There’s something very odd about one of them, I can’t quite focus…” he frowned.
Tex shook his head, shuffling the deck frantically, “Just do somethin’ fairyboy!” he shouted.
Sammi tsked, “Oh very well, I can at least buy us some time…” he sighed, then stepped forward, “This… always… always bloody… wrecks my hair…” he whispered as frost began to swirl around him, and then the wind began to howl, and a freak blizzard erupted… made even more freak as they were in Texas!
A very localized but very violent swirl of ice and snow exploded around the Smith’s family ranch, driving back the vampires quickly as it became a nearly impenetrable barrier. One of them tried to reach into it, then hissed and pulled his hand back as it was nearly shredded!
Inside the swirling snow Sammi had transformed, looking like nothing more than a statue of himself carved from ice with a red beating heart visible through his chest, the changeling prince having given himself fully over to his fae aspect! “Get something ready you two!” he called out, his voice taking on a strange cadence. “I can use this to hold them off for a half hour! No more! After that I won’t be able to fight anymore!”
Stephy nodded to Tex, and the cowboy drew a hand… and by sheer luck he got the ace of clubs and the ace of diamonds! The cards vanished in a sudden swirl of magic, the symbols of the suits burning brightly, and suddenly he was holding a loaded revolver carved of some sort of silvery material… the metal warm and humming in his hand. He grinned, spinning the ammo cartridge, and heard a rumble of thunder from within.
Stephy flexed his arms, “I hope this still works…” he whispered, then focused and felt the wind rise… but not just wind. He smelled the scent of fresh snow, and frost on windows, and the clear crisp air of a winter’s night… and then…
His eyes opened, then he saw his wings but the black feathers were gone, replaced with icy blue ones that had white tips to them, his legs turning pure white now. “Woah… that’s new…” he whispered.
Sammi raised an eyebrow at that, “The Very Useful Deck and a fae-touched Fullmoon… we might actually have a chance here…” he nodded… and then one of the vampires burst through his barrier and landed in a bloody pile, not destroyed but injured and very angry about it!
He hissed and stood, and Tex leveled the gun at him, pulling the trigger.
There was a loud crash of thunder and a bolt of pure lightining arced out of the barrel, slamming into the vampire and blowing him back through the barrier into the Texas night!
“Holy shit!” exclaimed Tex, “Lightning gun…” he grinned, “This deck really is useful!” he nodded.
“Don’t waste them! You only have six shots! Once you run through all of them the gun will vanish!” shouted Sammi, then he added, “Don’t look at me like that! I’ve lived in Arcadia for decades remember?! I know what that is!”
Stephy nodded as another vampire burst through, and he let out a loud shriek and flapped his wings… the wind swirled infront of him, but he saw a sparkle inside it, and then a blast of super-cold air shot out from him and into the undead man!
The vampire cried out and tried to shield itself… but the blast hit him head on and kept going until, finally, he stood there frozen solid… his arms held up in a defensive posture. He wasn’t defeated, vampires couldn’t die of hypothermia or suffocation, but he couldn’t move!
Sammi however was beginning to lag, droplets of water falling down his face. Suddenly the blizzard faltered… then slowly began to fade as Sammi’s icy body began to shift back into flesh and bone, the fae prince gasping for breath, “Bugger and blast it all!” he gasped, “Its still too damn HOT here! I can’t… maintain it… you…” he glanced back, “You may want to run…” he warned.
The remaining three vampires were there, and they did not look happy… Tex leveled his gun and shot one’s head off with a blast of lightning, and the one next to him stared as his companion’s body crumbled to ashes, then he raised a hand and snapped his fingers.
Tex shot, but the shot went wild, then the gun seemed to misfire, then a sudden burst of wind knocked the barrel to the right, then finally the gun jammed… and he was holding a hand of poker cards again. “SHIT!” he exclaimed.
The vampire who’d snapped his fingers nodded to his friend, who grinned and started forward… and then…
The vampire had just enough time to turn to see the headlights of a massive SUV heading his way at speed before it plowed into him and did three doughnuts, screeching to a stop just six inches from the Smith’s living room wall!
Nelen was behind the wheel, with Arja and Simoni in the backseat holding on for dear life and Natasha holding on for dear unlife. Lupe was in her wolf form, her head sticking out the window and panting excitedly, and Dawn had opened the sunroof to stick her torso out. She threw up the horns with both hands and hollered, “WOOOOO! PARTY BUS!” as the others unloaded from it.
The vampire who was left looked around, frowning… then snapped his fingers again as he drew closer. Natasha scrambled out of the vehicle, grumbling angrily, then spat out. “LUPE!” and pointed to the vampire.
The wolf snarled, then doubled in size and transformed, becoming a werewolf once more. “LUPE HUNT!” she roared, charging at the vampire and kicking up dirt and roots as she went… and as she got close her foot suddenly got caught on a root her front claws and pulled up and she faceplanted the ground as the vampire quickly stepped out of reach.
Arja and Simoni nodded to each other, Simoni feeding Arja wind as she spun it with her fire magic to make a massive ball of flames over her head, then throwing it at them as hard as she could! It sailed towards him, and he snapped again… and suddenly Stephy’s nose tickled, then itched, and… “ACHOO!” he sneezed, and a blast of icy wind sent the fireball of course, incinerating a nearby shrub.
Nelen made ready to move forward, but Natasha held him back. “I have heard of this…” she warned.
The vampire stopped. “Oh? Got one of us with ya?” he chuckled, stepping close enough to see. He was a lanky man with short cropped black hair and an earring with an eagle feather on it. He had on a leather jacket with fringe and a white muscle shirt, bluejeans and cowboy boots, but he looked phony… like someone who buys their stuff online and has never even been near a horse.
“A vampyr who visited my former prince’s domain told us of it. You take more than just blood from the kine, you can steal their luck as well.” she nodded, narrowing her eyes.
Nelen looked at him, “Son of a… I’ve heard of that one too…” he muttered, “Never thought I’d run into it…” he glared at him.
The vampire grinned toothily, “Got it in one! Name’s Coyote, luckiest vampire in all Texas…” he chuckled, then Nelen lashed out hard with one of Merihim’s tendrils, ripping up dirt and rocks as it shot towards him… and it suddenly got caught on a particularly stubborn root just long enough for Coyote to dodge out of the way.
Arja threw several more fireballs at him, each the size of a baseball, but somehow they all seemed to just miss, the vampire grinning widely as he drew closer and closer…
The team was growing tired now, Sammi had all but collapsed, and no matter what Tex did his cards came up useless! A pair of twos gave him a small dagger with a fang-like design, but he’d have to risk getting close enough to the vampire to cut him, and nothing Arja did would even hit him! Lupe roared and tried to tackle him again, but he rolled back, lifted his leg, caught her middle, and helped her along her way. She rolled, smashed upside down into the grill of the truck, then whined and scrambled to her feet.
“You cannot keep it up forever.” frowned Natasha, “You need blood to use the power, the same as any other vampyr…” she hissed, knowing better than to charge in blindly.
The vampire grinned, “True, that I do! But all I see infront of me…” he chuckled, then suddenly he was gone, and standing next to Tex! “… are blood bags with legs!” he laughed as the group sprang into motion, Dawn teleporting Tex away as Nelen, Arja, and all the others attempted to tackle him at once.
“Dawn!” shouted Nelen, “Switch!”
The vampire skidded to a halt as they all landed in a pile, Dawn hissing and whipping off her glasses, and then Simoni and Arja rushed forward as a flash filled the area, Tex cursing as he just wound up with a small crossbow with a single bolt.
Coyote smacked Arja away, then grabbed Simoni and forced her around, exposing his fangs, “ ‘scuse me guys. Fighting's thirsty work…” he grinned, then plunged his fangs into the girl’s vein!
Simoni’s eyes bulged, her mouth moving in a wordless gasp, as Arja roared in fury before meeting Coyote’s boot on her chin, sending her sprawling!
Coyote laughed, then suddenly he paused, “Mmph?” he blinked, pulling off the girl’s throat, then reaching into his mouth and pulling out a coarse black hair. “… this is…” he looked down at Simoni… except… it wasn’t her’s. It was short, and curled slightly, and was far too coarse for normal hair, it was more like… beard hair.
Nelen Fullmoon was in his arms, two puncture wounds on his neck. “… gotcha Dracula.” he grinned weakly.
Dawn grinned, her hands firmly over Simoni’s mouth from behind as her illusion wore off. “Surprise! You got the wrong sibling!” she cackled, teleporting to Nelen and then getting him away as the Smith family ran outside, Tara no longer able to keep them back.
“What the hell just happened?!” demanded Elizabeth.
“The fuck did ya’ll just do?! The yard’s wrecked ‘n the cattle are ready ta SHIT!” shouted Joshua.
Nelen's eyebrows went up as he saw them, “Oh, huh. There are… mundanes here… Stephy did not MENTION that… huh… well then…” he stepped forward, a bit unsteadily as he had lost a lot of ‘blood’ there. Behind him Coyote gasped and clawed at his chest. “Everyone, there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for tonight’s events…” he began.
And that was when Merihim erupted from inside Coyote. Blood and ash and bones flying everywhere as the demon’s fury tore the vampire apart from the inside out.
Nelen shrugged, palms held upwards, as he gave a rather forced grin, “I assure you all there’s a VERY good explanation for these events…” he chuckled anxiously as he looked around, noticing a couple smartphones already out.
That was when Coyote’s skull landed, upside down, on his left hand. Out of sheer blind reflex, he caught it.
His grin frozen on his face, his eyes swiveled to look at the empty, slightly smoking eye sockets on the vampire’s skull, then back at the collected Smiths.
“… I got nothing.” he sighed, his grin blowing out like a bad lightbulb as he dropped the skull, “How much do I gotta bribe you all to keep this the fuck off Twitter?” he asked, pulling a checkbook out of his bag.
Arja walked over, still in her monkey form. “Dad told you about the fund for that?” she asked.
Nelen sighed, “Your dad told me about the fund for it five damn minutes after he hired me.”
Arja rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest, looking away, “Set one tray of canapes on fire and you never hear the end of it…”
Simoni looked at her, “Was that when you and your dad got invited to Prince Harry’s wedding?” she asked.
Arja grumbled, “ONE tray… just one… he was totally asking for it…”
About a half mile away from the ranch.
In truth, there were seven vampires, Coyote had been a very superstitious vampire and believed strongly in ‘lucky numbers.’
The vampire lowered his binoculars, then dialed a number on a smartphone. “Hey, Maroon? We got a situation. They’re all toast. Some guys barreled in here in a fuckin’ SUV and ran over Kevin, then one of ‘em got bit by Coyote but it made him fucking explode.” he said.
“… a vampire exploded when they bit him? Oh dear… you’d best come back. I’ll inform Henry that he has to pursue other avenues.” came the same voice that had been discussing a buyout with Joshua Smith earlier that day.
“Gotcha Maroon. Good luck man. Looks like the Smiths got some powerful buddies all of a sudden.” he replied, then he hung up, got in the car, and drove back to Houston.
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theslaysummitsa · 2 years
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raybyanothername · 2 years
Sloan's Rosary: Chapter Three
The county hospital was in the next town over. It was a short car ride, but the doctors in Houston had agreed to let me use the rehab facility at the small clinic Rose Meadow supported. It was connected to the hospice so the primary clientele was those who had just had a hip replaced.
Saddie took me to my first appointment before he had to return to duty. After that I walked across town three times a week, with Hask or Killian at first, and then by myself. Week after week, nurse after nurse watched me lift my legs up and down, up and down on machine after machine. Of my whole recovery I remember those appointments least of all.  
“Now, I know this is your last prescribed appointment,” Dr. Smithers started my exit appointment with her doctor voice firmly in place. I was instantly on high alert.
I’d known Dr. Smithers since I was eight. She’d set Sloan’s second and third broken arm and had made house visits for a week when Saddie got a concussion playing football. She’s not real good at the subtle thing.   
She tapped her rubber hammer against my knee and various spots on my leg. Her eyes darted back and forth from my leg to my face. A few back-and-forths across the room and she smiled.
She placed a hand on my shoulder to force eye contact, “You’ve made the necessary progress – you’ll make a full recovery as long as you keep up the exercises.”
“But?” I raised an eyebrow. Dr. Smithers was friends with my mom. I had a decent idea of what might be coming.
She pursed her lips, “I think you should go see a real therapist, Sarah.” She let go of my shoulder to walk to her desk.
“Therapist as in shrink?” I asked, not that I needed to. My mother had already mentioned it to me at least half a dozen times. There was no doubt in my mind that the two had discussed this during one of their weekly lunches here at the clinic. Or at their book club.
Smithers grabbed a file from on top of her desk, “We came up with a short list for you.”
I didn’t take it, “Rose Meadow doesn’t have a shrink. Never has.”
“I’m aware,” her smile was tight, “These doctor are all only a few towns away.” I shook my head before she even finished the sentence. I stood up. She raised her hands in surrender, “Sarah, sweetie, just consider –.”
“No.” I narrowed my eyes on hers. She faltered. “Are we done?”
She offered me the file again, “Some other options.” I took it this time. And left.
Once I stepped outside the clinic I closed my eyes, breathing deeply.
The stucco exterior was warm against my back. The late afternoon sun beat down on my face as I leaned my head back.
Everyone wanted to fix me. Put me back to normal. Or some other hooey that meant letting go of Sloan. Getting over my loss – those were the words that kept getting repeated.
Sloan was my best friend, the most important person in my life. That didn’t end with her death. I couldn’t just forget what she meant to me. I wouldn’t.
“Sarah, darling,” I opened my eyes to see Mrs. MacDonald approaching me, “Are you alright?”
George MacDonald was the mayor, had been for over a decade at least. Greta MacDonald was even more influential – the primary fundraiser for over half a dozen organizations, councilwomen or board member on a few others.
I forced a smile, “Just fine, ma’am.” I saw the skepticism in her eyes. They were large and square with long lashes. She’d passed them down to her daughter, Lily, and from her to Sloan. She wore her long, grey hair in a sophisticated bun that made her face look rounder, more genial.
“I think we both know that’s a lie, darling,” Mrs. MacDonald placed a hand on my shoulder.
The MacDonalds were Sloan’s grandparents, same as Abe, but I could count on one hand the number of times either of them had talked with Sloan for more than five minutes. My parents were still friends with them. Abe too, sort of.
“I’m fine,” I said more forcefully, shrugging her hand off. Her smile slipped for just a moment before it returned, bigger and faker.
She placed her hand on my shoulder again and squeezed, “Life keeps marching on, dear, so should you.” I swallowed down my response and after a quick pause she patted my cheek and continued on.
It was Sunday. The evening mass would be starting soon. I took one more deep breath and turned in the opposite direction as Mrs. MacDonald. I’d see her at church, but I could avoid her on the trip.
I walked through the heart of town – the town square, surrounding the single roundabout, which itself circled a small park. On all sides cheerfully colored roses bloomed almost all year round. Impervious to the summer heat. City hall stood tall and center. The rest of the square circled out with mom and pop shops, including the diner where my parents met.
Gardens and trellises dotted every open spot to fill the square with greenery. All the shops had window boxes and climbing vines. It was the quintessential small town that Hollywood always tried and failed to capture.
All I wanted to do was rip every rose out of Mr. Montgomery’s window boxes as I walked by the bakery. He was watching me with these pitying eyes and despite telling me my whole life that nothing came free, he handed me a muffin when I passed by. No charge, just a quick “How are you Sarah?” and a smile without teeth.
Miss Abigail, the high school science teacher, gave me a soft smile as I passed her on the street. Lucas O’Henry avoided all eye-contact and crossed the street when he saw me. Two people stopped me to ask how I was doing. Mrs. Russell even pulled me into a hug and told me that the sooner I let myself cry the sooner I’d be able to move on.
She got uncomfortable when I said I cried more often than not and it hadn’t done jack-shit yet.
Texans aren’t exactly known for their tact.
When I got to the church I was tense and on edge. I sunk into the pew – second on the right, where my family had been sitting for nearly six generations now. I was early. Mrs. Montgomery and her husband were sitting in the pew ahead of me. The Marcuses were trying to wrangle their seven children – all under twelve – into a pew towards the back.
The file Dr. Smithers gave me sat in my lap. I played tug-a-war with my decision before finally opening it. There were two sheets of paper – the first a list of therapists. Names, numbers, specialties.
I immediately looked to the second sheet. A list, handwritten. My mother’s handwriting stood out to me as the most familiar, but I recognized the barely-legible scribbles of Dr. Smithers and the curly g. Miss Jane was the head physical therapist at the clinic and another of my mother’s best friends.
Listen to your favorite music
Go out with friends
Talk to people
Make jokes
The list had no heading. I didn’t need one. It was advice, how to help me, goals set for me to reach, ways to gauge me emotional recovery. It was double-sided. I almost crumpled it in my hand right then.
There was a single word on the bottom of the page though, separate from the rest. In a chicken scratch I’d watched grow worse over the years – the word Smile.
“Always smile, Sarah,” Sloan’s voice echoed in my head, “Even when all you want to do is throw rocks at windows and scream at the sky. Smile.”
I’d given her that advice when her parents died. Abe had said every day back then that our smiles would reach heaven.
“Smile for me, Sarah.”
I did. I was crying too, but I smiled.
A scream drew my attention. I flipped around in my seat to see Abe crumpled on the ground near the door. I stood up, my feet frozen on the hardwood floors as I watched Mayor MacDonald rush over to help. Lydia Marcus dialed 9-1-1.
And I stood there. Just. Stood there.
The ambulance showed up pretty quick – there’s only two for the whole county. It must have been a slow night.
It wasn’t like with Sloan. With Sloan every detailed seared into my memory like a permanent tattoo or a brand. With Abe it was the opposite – a blur of color, moments bleeding together.
I found myself standing outside as the ambulance pulled away. The Montgomerys standing on either side. I felt empty. Blank. And then all eyes were on me as I sank down to the ground.
Father Abbott had gone with Abe to the hospital. The congregation that had gathered for mass had grown with each second and now they were all standing around the church. Stained glass reflected the light from the setting sun. The colors on the ground were jewel toned. I stared at those colors on the ground rather than meet the eyes of those around me.
“Sarah, dear, don’t you worry.”
“Come now, stand up. Abe will be fine.”
“Be strong, Sarah.”
“Everything happens for a reason, sweetie.”
Every voice, every word, every face trying to console me, pitying me. Drew’s voice shook through the stream. My name tumbling out – voice tight, cracking.
I shoved the would-be-helping hands away and ran. I fled around the church and stopped on the edge of the meadow there.
Soft grass, wildflowers. Like the mural on Abe’s door. Like my dream. I kept going, rushing into the too tall grass until I was completely lost in it. Then I kept going. The grass tickled my ankles and the flowers whopped my knees.
I tripped and fell into the ground. My legs were shaking. My fingers dug into the dirt and I scrunched up into a ball. The grass dug into my arm, pressed into my side. The tears came quickly. The ache in my heart spread through my whole body, pulling my muscles tight as I sobbed into my knees.
The I felt the same caress along my spine as I had the last few weeks. Every time I fell asleep crying  the caress, a soft whisper. The sound of Sloan’s humming floated into my ear. It was a hymn – Adoramus Te.
I started to laugh through my tears. It made the aching worse. “I’ll always be with you, Sarah.” I squeezed myself smaller and closed my eyes, “In the music and the laughter.”
“Don’t leave me,” I whispered. There was another caress, of my hair this time, and I opened my eyes to the sight of Sloan. Red hair in her stupid ponytail and a big grin on her face as she sat on the ground in front of me.
Her skin glowed with a summer tan and there was a ribbon tied in her hair. Her hand grazed over my shoulder. Long fingers, rounded nails. Yellow nail polish with purple stripes and polka dots.  I smiled up at her.
“I will always be with you,” her voice echoed in my ear even as I saw her lips move only a short distance away. I reached for her, but my hand never seemed to reach her. My eyes lulled closed as she sharpened into focus.
It felt like a dream. If it weren’t for the dull ache in my right arm – where the tense muscles pulled against developing scar tissue – I might have convinced myself it was one.
“What are you doing?!” an angry voice, young, boomed through the meadow. It bounced off each blade of grass, echoed out from every flower. It almost seemed like the voice was coming up from the ground itself, “You can’t be here!”
I saw Sloan shift, her figure fuzzing around the edges and shimmering in the receding light. I sat up, my head pounding. There was a little girl, maybe seven, standing a few feet away in a pink ruffled dress with white ribbons in her blond hair and a teddy bear in her hand.
She seemed familiar, but I didn’t recognize her from town. The rest reminded me of the main character from my first novel, “Victoria?” Her eyes landed on me.
“Get out!” the girl screamed. The wind picked up. It swirled around us in a little mini-twister. I blinked back tears as the harsh breeze cut into my eyes.
Sloan had this look of terror spreading across her face, “Stop it! What are you doing?” It clicked in my head then. Rosie. Our imaginary friend from elementary school. The girl the town was named for. I was sitting between two ghosts.
Ghosts. Ok. Maybe the nurses had been right about that psychotic break.
“This is my meadow!” Rose screamed again, her hands balled into fists, tears streaming down her scowling face. My head swirled as the wind picked up, “Mine!”
I fell back onto the ground. Sloan’s voice echoed in my head, calling my name as I lost consciousness. I dreamed of little girls playing tag and flowers blooming before my eyes with the sound of youthful laughter.
Years of forgotten memories flooded into the forefront of my mind at once.
I ran and I ran, giggling as I crouched down. My blond hair was loose, ribbons that had once held up pigtails were long forgotten somewhere amongst the tall grass and the wild flowers.
“Sarah!” Saddie’s whine carried over the wind. I clamped a hand over my mouth so he wouldn’t hear my laughter. Sloan grinned beside me, red hair curling around her ears. She held a finger to her lips. “I’ll find you eventually!”
We started running again and I shouted over my shoulder, “No, you won’t!”
“Rosie won’t let you!” Sloan added as we zigged and zagged through the field of green. Saddie’s shouts grew quieter. We stopped when Sloan tripped over a rock. I tumbled over her and we rolled together down a slight hill.
A laugh rang out above us. Rosie stood, her ringlets shinning with the sun behind her, “Are you ok?” We joined in her laughter, nodding.
Sloan jumped up, “Saddie doesn’t think you’re real.” She pulled me up and together we each took one of Rosie’s hands, “But we know better.”
“We won’t let anyone forget it either!” I grinned. Rosie smiled. She pulled at my hand and pushed at Sloan’s. We skipped in a circle as the wind wrapped around us. The grass sprinkled in the air and the crisp scent mixed with that of the flowers that clung to Rosie.
Then the scene changed slowly as rain began to fall.
Sloan was standing there in a white dress, spinning in the grass as the rain poured. Spots of red appeared on the dress. The blood dripped slowly from the hem of her skirt. The sky was practically biblical in its torrent as Sloan’s wounds bled out. Her screams ricocheted around my skull.  Blood pooled at my feet, crashing up against my ankles.
When I woke up I was in the town square, wrapped in my father’s arms as he carried me home. I pressed my face into his shoulder when I felt the stares. It wasn’t quite nightfall. It felt like the whole town could see me crying. My head was aching, my heart was tired.
I was done. So done. I had wanted out of Texas since the night of the accident. It was time to put that plan into action.
Chapter Four is up on my patreon and will be public Dec 23rd. You can also support me over on ko-fi.
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