#best food in winnipeg
angaarrestaurant · 4 months
Discover the Culinary Gem of Winnipeg: Angaar Indian Restaurant
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Winnipeg, a city celebrated for its rich tapestry of cultures and cuisines, offers a plethora of dining experiences that cater to every taste and palate. Among these, Angaar Indian Restaurant stands out as a beacon for those in pursuit of authentic Indian flavors and a transcendent dining experience. If you're a foodie, a local resident, or simply an enthusiast of Indian cuisine, join us as we uncover the allure of Angaar and why it’s a must-visit destination for anyone looking to indulge in the best Indian food Winnipeg has to offer.
Introduction to Angaar Indian Restaurant
Nestled in the heart of Winnipeg, Angaar Indian Restaurant is more than just a place to eat; it's an experience that transports you straight to the vibrant streets of India through its exquisite flavors and warm hospitality. From the moment you step inside, you’re greeted by inviting aromas that foreshadow the culinary delights awaiting you. What sets Angaar apart is not only its commitment to authenticity but also its innovative approach to traditional dishes, making it a celebrated name among Indian Cuisine in Winnipeg.
​​​​​​​For more information, Visit our website: https://angaar.ca/
A Deep Dive into Angaar's Menu
Angaar’s menu is a testament to the rich culinary heritage of India, offering a wide range of dishes that cater to both vegetarian and non-vegetarian preferences. Each dish is carefully crafted to bring out the genuine flavors of Indian spices and ingredients. Must-try dishes that have captivated the hearts (and palates) of patrons include the succulent "Butter Chicken," rich in flavor and smooth in texture, and the "Palak Paneer," a perfect blend of spinach and cottage cheese, seasoned to perfection.
The menu goes beyond these popular choices, inviting diners to explore the diverse regional cuisines of India. From the fiery "Goan Fish Curry" to the aromatic "Hyderabadi Biryani," each dish serves as a culinary narrative of its origin, offering not just a meal but an exploration of India’s vast cultural landscape.
Customer Testimonials and Reviews
The reputation of Angaar as the provider of the Best Indian Food Winnipeg has to offer is echoed in the myriad of positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers. Patrons regularly commend the restaurant for its high-quality dishes that consistently exceed expectations, the inviting ambiance that makes each visit memorable, and the exemplary service that makes everyone feel like part of the Angaar family.
First-Time Visitor Tips
For those planning their first visit to Angaar, here are a few tips to enhance your dining experience:
Must-Try Dishes: Don’t miss out on the signature Butter Chicken and Dal Makhani; they are a delight for the taste buds.
Best Times to Visit: While Angaar is always ready to welcome you, visiting during off-peak hours can provide a more intimate dining experience.
Explore the Menu: Be adventurous and try dishes you’ve never had before – you might just discover a new favorite.
Angaar’s Contribution to Cultural Diversity and Community Engagement
Angaar doesn’t just offer authentic Indian food in Winnipeg; it actively promotes cultural diversity and strengthens community bonds through its cuisine. The restaurant frequently participates in local events and festivals, offering a taste of India’s culinary diversity to the wider community. This engagement not only enriches Winnipeg’s cultural scene but also fosters an environment of inclusivity and mutual appreciation.
Angaar Indian Restaurant is not just a place to satiate your cravings for Indian food; it’s a destination where food transcends mere sustenance and becomes a medium for cultural exploration and communal harmony. Whether you’re a long-time aficionado of Indian cuisine or curious to explore new culinary horizons, Angaar promises an unforgettable dining experience that will keep you coming back for more. Discover why Angaar is synonymous with the best Indian cuisine Winnipeg has to offer. Bon Appétit!
Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply seeking an exceptional meal, Angaar welcomes you to join in the celebration of Indian culinary excellence. Don’t forget to make your reservations and prepare for a gastronomic adventure that will leave your taste buds dancing.
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Antitrust is a labor issue
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me SATURDAY (Apr 27) in MARIN COUNTY, then Winnipeg (May 2), Calgary (May 3), Vancouver (May 4), and beyond!
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This is huge: yesterday, the FTC finalized a rule banning noncompete agreements for every American worker. That means that the person working the register at a Wendy's can switch to the fry-trap at McD's for an extra $0.25/hour, without their boss suing them:
The median worker laboring under a noncompete is a fast-food worker making close to minimum wage. You know who doesn't have to worry about noncompetes? High tech workers in Silicon Valley, because California already banned noncompetes, as did Colorado, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Virginia and Washington.
The fact that the country's largest economies, encompassing the most "knowledge-intensive" industries, could operate without shitty bosses being able to shackle their best workers to their stupid workplaces for years after those workers told them to shove it shows you what a goddamned lie noncompetes are based on. The idea that companies can't raise capital or thrive if their know-how can walk out the door, secreted away in the skulls of their ungrateful workers, is bullshit:
Remember when OpenAI's board briefly fired founder Sam Altman and Microsoft offered to hire him and 700 of his techies? If "noncompetes block investments" was true, you'd think they'd have a hard time raising money, but no, they're still pulling in billions in investor capital (primarily from Microsoft itself!). This is likewise true of Anthropic, the company's major rival, which was founded by (wait for it), two former OpenAI employees.
Indeed, Silicon Valley couldn't have come into existence without California's ban on noncompetes – the first silicon company, Shockley Semiconductors, was founded by a malignant, delusional eugenicist who also couldn't manage a lemonade stand. His eight most senior employees (the "Traitorous Eight") quit his shitty company to found Fairchild Semiconductor, a rather successful chip shop – but not nearly so successful as the company that two of Fairchild's top employees founded after they quit: Intel:
Likewise a lie: the tale that noncompetes raise wages. This theory – beloved of people whose skulls are so filled with Efficient Market Hypothesis Brain-Worms that they've got worms dangling out of their nostrils and eye-sockets – holds that the right to sign a noncompete is an asset that workers can trade to their employers in exchange for better pay. This is absolutely true, provided you ignore reality.
Remember: the median noncompete-bound worker is a fast food employee making near minimum wage. The major application of noncompetes is preventing that worker from getting a raise from a rival fast-food franchisee. Those workers are losing wages due to noncompetes. Meanwhile, the highest paid workers in the country are all clustered in a a couple of cities in northern California, pulling down sky-high salaries in a state where noncompetes have been illegal since the gold rush.
If a capitalist wants to retain their workers, they can compete. Offer your workers get better treatment and better wages. That's how capitalism's alchemy is supposed to work: competition transmogrifies the base metal of a capitalist's greed into the noble gold of public benefit by making success contingent on offering better products to your customers than your rivals – and better jobs to your workers than those rivals are willing to pay. However, capitalists hate capitalism:
Capitalists hate capitalism so much that they're suing the FTC, in MAGA's beloved Fifth Circuit, before a Trump-appointed judge. The case was brought by Trump's financial advisors, Ryan LLC, who are using it to drum up business from corporations that hate Biden's new taxes on the wealthy and stepped up IRS enforcement on rich tax-cheats.
Will they win? It's hard to say. Despite what you may have heard, the case against the FTC order is very weak, as Matt Stoller explains here:
The FTC's statutory authority to block noncompetes comes from Section 5 of the FTC Act, which bans "unfair methods of competition" (hard to imagine a less fair method than indenturing your workers). Section 6(g) of the Act lets the FTC make rules to enforce Section 5's ban on unfairness. Both are good law – 6(g) has been used many times (26 times in the five years from 1968-73 alone!).
The DC Circuit court upheld the FTC's right to "promulgate rules defining the meaning of the statutory standards of the illegality the Commission is empowered to prevent" in 1973, and in 1974, Congress changed the FTC Act, but left this rulemaking power intact.
The lawyer suing the FTC – Anton Scalia's larvum, a pismire named Eugene Scalia – has some wild theories as to why none of this matters. He says that because the law hasn't been enforced since the ancient days of the (checks notes) 1970s, it no longer applies. He says that the mountain of precedent supporting the FTC's authority "hasn't aged well." He says that other antitrust statutes don't work the same as the FTC Act. Finally, he says that this rule is a big economic move and that it should be up to Congress to make it.
Stoller makes short work of these arguments. The thing that tells you whether a law is good is its text and precedent, "not whether a lawyer thinks a precedent is old and bad." Likewise, the fact that other antitrust laws is irrelevant "because, well, they are other antitrust laws, not this antitrust law." And as to whether this is Congress's job because it's economically significant, "so what?" Congress gave the FTC this power.
Now, none of this matters if the Supreme Court strikes down the rule, and what's more, if they do, they might also neuter the FTC's rulemaking power in the bargain. But again: so what? How is it better for the FTC to do nothing, and preserve a power that it never uses, than it is for the Commission to free the 35-40 million American workers whose bosses get to use the US court system to force them to do a job they hate?
The FTC's rule doesn't just ban noncompetes – it also bans TRAPs ("training repayment agreement provisions"), which require employees to pay their bosses thousands of dollars if they quit, get laid off, or are fired:
The FTC's job is to protect Americans from businesses that cheat. This is them, doing their job. If the Supreme Court strikes this down, it further delegitimizes the court, and spells out exactly who the GOP works for.
This is part of the long history of antitrust and labor. From its earliest days, antitrust law was "aimed at dollars, not men" – in other words, antitrust law was always designed to smash corporate power in order to protect workers. But over and over again, the courts refused to believe that Congress truly wanted American workers to get legal protection from the wealthy predators who had fastened their mouth-parts on those workers' throats. So over and over – and over and over – Congress passed new antitrust laws that clarified the purpose of antitrust, using words so small that even federal judges could understand them:
After decades of comatose inaction, Biden's FTC has restored its role as a protector of labor, explicitly tackling competition through a worker protection lens. This week, the Commission blocked the merger of Capri Holdings and Tapestry Inc, a pair of giant conglomerates that have, between them, bought up nearly every "affordable luxury" brand (Versace, Jimmy Choo, Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Coach, Stuart Weitzman, etc).
You may not care about "affordable luxury" handbags, but you should care about the basis on which the FTC blocked this merger. As David Dayen explains for The American Prospect: 33,000 workers employed by these two companies would lose the wage-competition that drives them to pay skilled sales-clerks more to cross the mall floor and switch stores:
In other words, the FTC is blocking a $8.5b merger that would turn an oligopoly into a monopoly explicitly to protect workers from the power of bosses to suppress their wages. What's more, the vote was unanimous, include the Commission's freshly appointed (and frankly, pretty terrible) Republican commissioners:
A lot of people are (understandably) worried that if Biden doesn't survive the coming election that the raft of excellent rules enacted by his agencies will die along with his presidency. Here we have evidence that the Biden administration's anti-corporate agenda has become institutionalized, acquiring a bipartisan durability.
And while there hasn't been a lot of press about that anti-corporate agenda, it's pretty goddamned huge. Back in 2021, Tim Wu (then working in the White wrote an executive order on competition that identified 72 actions the agencies could take to blunt the power of corporations to harm everyday Americans:
Biden's agency heads took that plan and ran with it, demonstrating the revolutionary power of technical administrative competence and proving that being good at your job is praxis:
In just the past week, there's been a storm of astoundingly good new rules finalized by the agencies:
A minimum staffing ratio for nursing homes;
The founding of the American Climate Corps;
A guarantee of overtime benefits;
A ban on financial advisors cheating retirement savers;
Medical privacy rules that protect out-of-state abortions;
A ban on junk fees in mortgage servicing;
Conservation for 13m Arctic acres in Alaska;
Classifying "forever chemicals" as hazardous substances;
A requirement for federal agencies to buy sustainable products;
Closing the gun-show loophole.
That's just a partial list, and it's only Thursday.
Why the rush? As Gerard Edic writes for The American Prospect, finalizing these rules now protects them from the Congressional Review Act, a gimmick created by Newt Gingrich in 1996 that lets the next Senate wipe out administrative rules created in the months before a federal election:
In other words, this is more dazzling administrative competence from the technically brilliant agencies that have labored quietly and effectively since 2020. Even laggards like Pete Buttigieg have gotten in on the act, despite a very poor showing in the early years of the Biden administration:
Despite those unpromising beginnings, the DOT has gotten onboard the trains it regulates, and passed a great rule that forces airlines to refund your money if they charge you for services they don't deliver:
The rule also bans junk fees and forces airlines to compensate you for late flights, finally giving American travelers the same rights their European cousins have enjoyed for two decades.
It's the latest in a string of muscular actions taken by the DOT, a period that coincides with the transfer of Jen Howard from her role as chief of staff to FTC chair Lina Khan to a new gig as the DOT's chief of competition enforcement:
Under Howard's stewardship, the DOT blocked the merger of Spirit and Jetblue, and presided over the lowest flight cancellation rate in more than decade:
All that, along with a suite of protections for fliers, mark a huge turning point in the US aviation industry's long and worsening abusive relationship with the American public. There's more in the offing, too including a ban on charging families extra for adjacent seats, rules to make flying with wheelchairs easier, and a ban on airlines selling passenger's private information to data brokers.
There's plenty going on in the world – and in the Biden administration – that you have every right to be furious and/or depressed about. But these expert agencies, staffed by experts, have brought on a tsunami of rules that will make every working American better off in a myriad of ways. Those material improvements in our lives will, in turn, free us up to fight the bigger, existential fights for a livable planet, free from genocide.
It may not be a good time to be alive, but it's a much better time than it was just last week.
And it's only Thursday.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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ophanic · 5 months
for the movie game , 4, 12, 20
4- black and white
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My Winnipeg by Guy Maddin the genius, he works in b&w in so many of his movies that I haven't gotten to yet, but this is the best intro ever. he is a collage genius, editing is perfect and everything about it haunts me. winnipeg actually haunts me. I <3 u sleepwalkers
12- horror/thriller
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let's scare jessica!!! masterpiece. skin crawling the entire runtime. If u enjoy terror and a hysteria diagnosis.. come here
the boxer's omen 1983 alsooo free on youtube. holy shit this movie has the most STACKED GOO BUDGET! cannot recommend enough but tw for very extended spider/snake/lots of gross food in the psychic battle scenes. I was excruciatingly high after a month long break and the monk's journey was physically affecting me lol
20- immaculate vibes. yes
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the taste of tea 2004!!!!!!OMFG watch for the best feeling of your life im not kidding. true peace and curiosity and SO singular. Love when u can see a director descending into the movie.. When u are looking for a perfect immaculate movie always add "SURREAL" literally best genre.
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cellythefloshie · 2 years
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;; Last Christmas Dedicated to @antoineroussel  for her winter fic exchange 2k23
Summary: Act 1. Home for the holidays, Charlotte isn’t looking forward to her parent’s annual Christmas party. That is until it provides the opportunity to reconnect with her childhood friend, and AHL player, Adam Lowry.  Act. 2. Charlotte avoid going home for the holidays to avoid the reminder of last Christmas and the heartache that followed only to cross paths with Adam who is now in his Rookie season with the Winnipeg Jets. Charlotte and Adam are forced to face the reality that their friendship may be something that needs to be left in the past.  Kinks & TW: Angst, holiday themed, original character, situation ship, friends-to-lovers, drinking/alcohol, heart break, size kink, teasing/banter, riding, breast play (mild), missionary, protected sex, (i probably missed something here so please be sure to yell at me if I did) ABOUT THE OC: Face Claim: Crystal Reed. Name: Charlotte aka “Charlie” aka “Mini”. Charlotte and Adam are written as childhood best friends. Act 1: Charlie is a University student and Adam is playing with the St. John’s IceCaps who were the WPG Jet’s AHL Affiliate from 2011-2015. Act 2: Adam is playing in the NHL with the WPG Jets.  Word Count: 10011 A/N: Thank you so much for reaching out and inviting me to participate in the exchange! It was an absolute pleasure to be able to write this for you! It was so much fun being able to write an OC again after writing reader inserts since April, and I got to indulge in writing both Adam and Angst. It got me right in the soul. I WAS going to fade to black with this piece (almost 5k words ago), but I have 0 self control... AND I hope you don’t mind that it’s holiday themed because I’ve had this plotted since we first talked about it, but I didn’t get it written until much later than I expected...
Listen to their playlist while you read. Last Christmas now has a sequel series! Read more of Adam and Charlotte in Just Me & You. 
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​Act 1. 
“-Charlotte, honey!” 
It was the sickeningly sweet voice of her mother that greeted Charlie as she had done her best to sneak in through the back door. She had obviously failed. She should have known better, really, there was no way that she was going to be able to get away with going unseen when her parents were entertaining their family and close friends for the annual Christmas Party - not when her mother was always keen on showing her off. 
But Charlie had made other plans for the evening. She had intended to avoid the gaudy decore and the seasonal music that was too loud for Charlie to study comfortably. While her mother had tried to encourage her to put the books down, if only for a night, Charlie had managed to sneak out to a local coffee shop under the pretense of studying for the exams that would rapidly approach once she got back to school after the break - and so she hid at that small coffee shop down the road until the hours grew late and the open sign was flipped to closed. 
Warm eyes shut as Charlie turned in place, her head leaning against the door as she shut it to hide the sigh from her mother that hovered at the kitchen island with a glass of wine, and her friends as they gossips. She had hoped that it would have quieted down before she got home. Yet, the party raged on as if it were a frat party back on campus. Forcing a smile, she turned to face her mother and her guests, as her hand raised to draw her bright red scarf from around her neck. Dark hair dusted with freshly fallen snow fell in loose curls down her back as it was freed from where it was tangled in the warmth of her outerwear that was cast aside on a near stool. 
“Hi mom,” her smile was so forced it almost hurt as she looked at each of her mother’s friends awkwardly, “you ladies look like you’re having fun. I would really hate to ruin it-” She spoke causally as she reached for a festive paper plate, her fingers then finding the assortment of finger food that sat out on the counter, “I’m just going to head upstairs-”
Charlie was drowned out by an assortment of coos. All gawking about how grown up she had become in the few short years she had spent away at college focused on her studies, and how she wasn’t the little girl they all so fondly remembered. It left her grumbling as she pushed her way from the kitchen, keeping her head down as she moved for the stairs. Just a few more strides and she would be free, but her mom had other plans as her familiar touch came down on her shoulders to keep her daughter from wandering too far. 
“Ah, Ah, Charlotte,” she tutted her and suddenly Charlotte felt like a child again, “I think there is someone you’re going to be excited to see.”
Charlie had to bite her tongue to hold back a scoff, but there was no hiding how her large doe-eyes rolled as she thought to herself: Oh yeah, I bet there is. And so she followed her mother’s guidance, her expression no short of annoyed as she was forced to walk through crowds of her parent’s friends and over to her father who was entertaining his friends with one of his wild work stories - a story Charlie had already heard many times before, and she was sure everyone else had as well. 
Her eyes scanned the crowd, looking for the familiar face that was meant to excite her beyond the desire to hide back in her room. It was there, seated in her father’s favourite armchair, his face half hidden behind a glass of amber liquor she spotted him. Full lips split, bearing a far-from-fake grin as she reached down to abandon her plate on the near coffee table. After that, there was no stopping her. Adam’s bright eyes that had contrasted her so effortlessly had found her face and he was standing up from the seat to meet her halfway. 
“Dad’s just letting you sit in his chair now, huh, hot shot?” Charlie greeted him playfully, her arms winding around his middle with ease without a thought and it was only as his arms wrapped around her that she realized just how much he had changed since he had left Calgary. Charlie could feel every muscle beneath his white t-shirt and he had easily grown another inch or two since his draft day three years ago. Her fingers moved cautiously over the expanse of his back as she pulled back just enough to look up at him as he returned the stare down at her. 
“Your dad and I, we did make that bet,” Adam half smirked, earning a shake of her head as she left out a laugh. It had been the best seat in the house, leather and perfectly worn in and it reclined. It was one that Adam had sought after for years as a child, so as it had approached his draft, Adam had bet that if he had gone in the top 100 players, whenever he had come back to visit he would get to sit in the chair. Adam had been drafted 67th overall that year, but he had never returned to her childhood home, until now. 
“I didn’t think he’d hold to it,” Charlie countered, casting a glance toward her father before looking back up at Adam, “what are you doing here, anyway? I haven’t seen you since Minnesota.”
“Surprised Mom and Dad for the holidays,” Adam smiled, his hands continuing to linger on the curves of her waist - his thumbs stroking over it slowly and she watched as there was a flicker of confusion in his eyes. He didn’t remember her body feeling like that - hell, they were practically still kids when he had been drafted to the WHL and had only seen each other briefly during his draft in Minnesota. While their history would always remain, they were far from the kids they once were, not they were practically strangers now. “And they would never cancel on your mom, so I wasn’t about to pass up on seeing my best friend.” 
His words made her skin tingle. Did he have the right to call her that still? After so many years of nothing more than sparse text messages and the occasional goofy Snapchat picture? Their different lives had divided them, but maybe now was their chance to really reconnect. 
“You’ve been here all night?” Charlie quirked a brow, taking a step back when she noticed her father cock his head to the side as he had begun to raise a brow of his own. 
She and Adam had always been close - their mother’s bathed them together, and she called her mom Auntie until she was 10 and knew better kind of close - but Charlie wasn’t a little girl any longer and her father knew that - her father also knew that Adam wasn’t the little boy that used to follow her around like a lost puppy anymore. He was a grown man now-
“Since your mom started making dinner,” Adam sighed, his hand reaching up to card through his shaggy brown hair as he cast a glance out the window and to the snow that fell outside, “they sure know how to throw a hell of a party.”
“I’m sure it’s nothing compared to the trouble you get into now,” Charlie teased, taking careful strides, and Adam fell in step behind as she moved to the makeshift bar. 
“Me, get into trouble? Never,” Adam was beaming as he leaned back against the wall. 
Charlie shook her head slowly as she mixed herself a drink, her pour a little heavy on the alcohol - but she had to make up for the lost time. Adam was surely multiple drinks deep after spending the evening with her parents, though he hid it well or had developed a very strong tolerance since they had last broken into her father’s liquor cabinet at fourteen. 
“That’s only because you’re always able to talk your way out of it,” Charlie reminded, taking the first slow sip of her drink that burned its way down her throat, “or have you been hit so many times that you’ve lost your silver tongue?”
“Nah, I still got it,” Adam assured. 
“Good, because I don’t think I can handle listening to All I Want For Christmas is You again,” Charlie half groaned, her hand reaching out to take one of Adam’s carefully. 
She didn’t dare look back as she lead him through the living room and to the stairs that would take them up to the second story, and up to her bedroom. Adam didn’t stop her, his steps careful and quiet as he followed up behind her, his voice dropping to a low whisper as he whispered to her, “you really want your father to kill me, huh?”
She could feel his hot breath on her neck as he spoke, and it felt like his laugh was sending vibrations right through her body as they came to her bedroom door. It was just as she had left it when she had moved to campus at seventeen. From her small collection of stuffed animals sitting in her favorite reading chair to the pictures that framed her vanity mirror, her parents hadn’t moved a single thing out of place. Charlie stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, her hand gripping the flimsy plastic cup almost desperately. This wasn’t the first time she had Adam in her room, but they had been just kids back then - the click of the door closing had her stomach jumping into her throat - and they had always had a strict open-door policy thanks to her dad. 
“Oh, you’re really wanting dad to kill you now,” Charlie teased him as she turned in place, finding his smile and following his eyes to the pictures on her vanity. They were an assortment of photos from when she was young, and many were with him. There were pictures of when they were babies, to the days they spent at summer camp together, and their most recent photo was framed and sat at the very corner of her vanity. It had been the morning of his draft, their families had gotten breakfast together and he was in the ill-fitted suit of his - prepared for the off chance that he may have been drafted in the first round. 
Adam didn’t reply to Charlie’s banter, and instead shot a smile back at her, his tone soft as he spoke to her, “lots of good memories here.”
“Yeah,” she agreed gently, stepping forward to join him at his side, “we used to do everything together-”
“Do you ever miss it?”
“Miss being kids or us?”
Us. The word left an odd taste in Charlie’s mouth, one that she tried to wash out with the strong alcohol in her drink. They had never really been an Us, had they? Sure, they had been inseparable for most of their childhood, Charlie & Adam, but that was their friendship. He had dated girls she had never approved of, and she dated guys Adam would inevitably scare off. Hell, they hadn’t don’t anything to suggest that there was a chance that they would have ever shared anything more than the friendship they had forged. She hadn’t wanted to kiss him… not until now as he stood so close to her in her room, wearing that smile she had almost forgotten and very much a man now. 
“I could always count on you being there back then,” Adam sighed and Charlie's mouth went dry, “every tournament, every game. Hell, we almost had your mom convinced to move you out to Swift Current, you remember?”
“How could I forget?” She shook her head as she remembered the nonsense she had tried to feed her mother and the dramatic lengths the pair had gone to before it was made clear that it was far from a reality for them. “Still convinced them to drive me out to see you almost every weekend - but they got you all the way across the country now, don’t they hot shot?”
Reaching her hand out, Charlie shoved against Adam’s arm, a playful habit that returned all too quickly as did the comfort of being around him. 
“Oh, you’re already going to start back up with that shit, huh, Mini?” Adam laughed, a large hand reaching out to abandon his glass on the vanity. 
Hearing her old nickname slip from his lips so effortlessly left her mouth dry. No one called her that anymore - not since she hit her growth spurt - but Adam, he would forever tower taller than her. Charlie licked her lips slowly before taking another long sip of her drink before she set it down beside Adam’s. Her hands then found his chest, so strong beneath her touch, in a playful shove. One that Adam met with his own, earning a laugh from Charlie as she took one stumbled step back. It wasn’t enough to send her into a retreat. Instead, she had leaned in for another playful shove, but she wasn’t met by Adam’s playful roughhousing. No, Adam wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her up with ease. 
When they were kids, she would have left out a laugh, or a groan of protest, but not, Charlie was reduced to silence. Her bedroom went blurry around her, and she could only see Adam and the grin on his face as he took careful strides toward her bed. She could feel each flex of his muscles as he held her so effortlessly, and there was no ignoring how naturally her legs had wrapped around his hips - and how his belt buckle grazed roughly over her jeans. The strength of his arms remained as they reached the bed, as  Adam didn’t release her to free fall down onto the mattress, instead, he was falling with her but she was left breathless all the same. 
Charlie did her best to hide the heave of her chest as she lay out on the bed, her dark hair fanned out beneath her and her sweater left wrinkled and bunched up her waist bearing just enough skin on her stomach to draw in Adam’s curious touch. She could feel his thumb drag over her exposed skin, his touch hesitant as if he shouldn’t be touching her there at all. Together they lay out on the bed in silence, Adam’s body hovering slightly over her own. Charlie could feel the heat of his body against her own and taste his breath with each inhale. It was an intoxicating combination. One that left her reaching down to her mattress and gripping at the covers in restraint. 
“Adam,” his name escaped her lips in a quivering breath, her warm eyes dragging over the softened features of his face. His jaw had slacked, and his thin lips parted as they were consumed by each of his steady breaths. Her gaze dragged over the angles of his jaw and up and over his cheekbones that had only seemed to sharpen as his youth left him. And his eyes were piercing as Charlie found them. His brazen stare was only obstructed by the shagged strands of his hair that hung down over his forehead and the intensity that consumed the blue of his eyes was unlike she had ever seen in him before - or maybe she just hadn’t been looking. 
Their gaze was locked, but it didn’t distract her from how his hand had left the skin of her stomach and dragged upward. Up and over the swell of her breast - that threatened to heave at just the slightest graze of his fingers tips. Those same fingertips danced over her collarbone - her neck stretching out almost instinctively, a heavy breath consuming Charlie as if to prepare for his fist to wrap around her throat - but his touch persisted. His touch didn’t stop until it had stroked over the angle of her jaw, and his thumb had found her quivering lower lip. 
“I’ve missed you, Charlie,” Adam sounded, his words a low groan as his thumb stroked her lip, leaving it almost numb, “fuck, you’re so…” Charlie watched as he licked his lips, trying to find the right word to say - and she didn’t care what he had to say. Not really - how could she when all she could think about was what his tongue would taste in her mouth? “...Beautiful.”
The word stung, just like the slap sixteen-year-old Charlie would have given him if she had even thought he was thinking something like that. But now, Charlie was very much consumed by his touch and his words held left her melting. 
“Adam, you shut your mouth before you say something stupid…” Charlie cautioned him slowly, his own voice weak as her lips dragged over the pad of his thumb. The graze left her shutter, her eyes shutting as she tried to force herself to ignore just how good it felt to feel his flesh in places he had never explored before. 
“Stupid? No,” Adam answered, and Charlie felt the bed shift oh so slightly. He was leaning in, his hot breath washing over her face now as his thumb tugged at the lower lobe of her lip, “I should have been telling you that a long time ago-”
Charlie scoffed, her eyes remaining closed as she parted her lips to speak again - too nervous to open them and see just how close to her he had become. If she had seen him so close, she wouldn’t be able to control herself. “Adam, how many drinks have you had?”
“You think I’m drunk?” his voice was laced with a laugh, one that left her own lips curling up into a grin. 
“Can you blame me?” It was only then that Charlie let her eyes blink open and she took in the sight of him. 
Adam was a mere breath away from her lips, his hair tickling her forehead as his eyes fell into slow, dreamy blinks. “Charlotte,” she hated when people called her by her full name, but in the moment, he had made it feel so intimate, “I really want to kiss you.”
“What’s stopping you?” Charlie muttered, her lungs holding onto her breath as if he was going to steal it from her. 
“I’m only slightly worried that you may hit me if I tried,” his smile grew, and her own came to mirror his. 
“I’m not going to hit you, Ad-”
Before she could finish, he had stolen the last bit of air between them, his thumb leaving her lips to clear the way for his own lips.  His mouth met hers gently, cautiously, as if she may change her mind at any moment and raise a hand up to give him a good smack. Once upon a time, she would have. She would have pulled back with a gasp and her palm would have met his cheek with a sting because he was her best friend and she wasn’t going to risk that at sixteen. But now, her head was spinning, her body consumed by the mix of emotions that came with seeing him for the first time in three years. Excitement met longing and mixed with melancholy and it left her head spinning as his lips moved effortlessly against her own. Each motion drew her mouth open, adding depth and hunger to the first kiss they had shared. 
She reveled in the taste of sweet bourbon from his tongue as it met her own in a slow graze and it had brought such comfort that her hands eased from their rigid grasp on the covers. Her touch found the expanse of his back, her fingers wrinkling the thin-white fabric of his t-shirt as she left herself to feel his strength. It drew him in closer, Adam shifting in the slightest to hover fully over her form - never once breaking their kiss - and she could feel all of him. Her head was spinning, her thoughts gone as she was consumed by Adam and only Adam. 
Charlie was left groaning against his lips, her hands clutching him desperately, and her knees resting on each side of his hips as she lost all composure. She was pushing up from the bed, Adam giving her just enough room to seek out the hem of her knit sweater and he helped her draw it from her frame. It was then their lips were pulled from one another, both of them left gasping and eyes opening to meet in a desirous gaze. Adam stared at her, and Charlie stared back the only sound shared between them, desperate, panting gasps. If they continued, there would be no going back to how things were before, and they both knew it. But it didn’t stop them. 
Adam’s hands dropped her cable-knit sweater down on the bed, his eyes never once leaving hers before he reached back and took hold of the thin fabric of his t-shirt. He pulled it off in one swift movement, bearing the muscles of his toned chest and strong abs to her as he knelt between her thighs. 
Charlie let out an uneven sigh. She had seen him shirtless before, probably more times than she could count, but he had never looked like that. “Jesus, Adam,” she couldn’t contain herself, her hand reaching out to stroke down his chest without a single thought to how he was seeing her breasts in something other than a restrictive sports bra for the first time since puberty had finally decided to be kind. “What are they feeding you out there?”
Adam let out a low throaty chuckle as he arched over, placing his hand palm down on the mattress trapping Charlie beneath him against the bed. She watched as muscle she didn’t even know could exist flexed in his shoulder. Licking her lips, Charlie was near salivating at the sight of him as she pushed up onto her elbows to close the short distance between them and prevent Adam from having too much time to admire her soft, feminine body. His athleticism had never intimidated her until now. It was not his talent or his status, but his body that made her so instantaneously insecure. And she was sure he could feel it in the desperation of her kiss against his mouth and the angles of his jawline. 
Charlie could feel the vibrations of his groan against his own lips as Adam lowered himself down against her. He wasn’t heavy against her, but Charlie marveled at just how much of him she could feel. His chest was warm against the exposed skin of her breast, his friction sending the cups of her bra chaffing and making her nipples hard. Then there were his hips, which pressed down into her. It sent the cold metal of his belt buckle dragging over her skin and the pressure, paired with the strength of his thick, muscular thighs had her spreading her legs for him further. 
Her heels dug down into the plush mattress, her hips raising with the hope of grinding up against him only to meet the flesh of his abs. Charlie groaned against his lips, almost frustrated. Why did Adam have to be so damn tall? Usually, Adam towering almost an entire foot taller than her was an asset, but not when she was trying to be sexy. 
Leaning her head back she let it lull to the side, Adam’s hot lips dragging over the soft skin of her neck, and she used that leverage to reach her hand down between their bodies and didn’t stop until her careful touch grazed over the growing bulge of his cock as it tested the restraint of his jeans. Fingers traced up and down the thick outline, earning a low, quivering breath from parted lips. A breath that was laced with a subtle holy fuck that she did her best to play off as a moan. Adam was huge, in every way she could possibly imagine. From his height to his cock - Charlie swallowed hard - she was all the more intimate to take him now. 
“First time?” Adam muttered out against her skin, his tone only half teasing. 
“Oh, you would like that, wouldn’t you?” Charlie gawked up at him, her eyes going as large as a doe in the headlights as she mocked him, “Oh Adam, I’ve been waiting so long for you to take me with your giant cock. I’ve wanted you and only you for so long,” she let out two desperate heaves before she was muffling her laughter into the strength of his bicep. 
“Fuck off,” Adam laughed, his hands taking each side of her hips firmly before flipping over in the bed. He guided him on top of him effortlessly, her knees falling on each side of his hips so that she could feel him against her cunt the only thing between them was the thin layers of their clothes. 
Perched up on top of him, her cheeks flushed with color, her hands coming to brace against his chest as she began to roll her hips slowly. The friction left her biting her lip, her arousal already beginning to pool between her legs as she could feel his cock growing harder - and it even left Adam groaning with impatience. 
He was propped up against her pillow, his bright eyes fluttering as he reached a single hand out to stroke over her warm cheek. He stroked the heated flesh, his fingers reaching out to hold her dark tendrils away from her soft features as he spoke to her. “I may not be your first, Charlie,” his tone was low, sultry and it left her mouth dry and panties wet, “but have you taken a cock this big?”
She let her hips roll slowly dragging her cunt from what felt like his balls to tip, and she shuttered as her head shook slowly from side to side. And she watched as his smile grew, the touch of his thumb stroking against her cheek a little more tender now. 
“We can go slow,” he assured, his hips raising as his hand dropped. 
She couldn’t hold back the soft whimper that took her as the pressure of his cock tested the friction of her jeans as he sunk his hand into his pocket. He fished out his wallet, drawing out the fine leather before pulling out the foil that had been tucked away among a wad of cash in various, colorful, dollar amounts. 
“That’s not the same one that you stole from your dad’s bedside table in high school, is it?” She teased him gently, her smile splaying over her lips as she crawled off of him and to the bed at his side. 
“No, no,” Adam laughed before he put the foil in his mouth and held it there as she reached down to take care of his jeans and belt. It was as he pushed them down he muttered, “that one didn’t fit.”
“Oh fuck off, they stretch,” Charlie scoffed, her handing beginning to work on her own pants. 
Spitting the condom out on the bed, Adam smirked and pressed up onto his knees. “Okay, okay, correction,” he raised his hands up as if in surrender, “it didn’t fit comfortably.”
“That’s what I thought,” she chided as she pushed her pants down to her knees, only for Adam’s own hands to meet the fabric and pull them down the rest of the way. 
Charlie could feel every lazy drag of his fingers against her skin, his touch like the strike of a match leaving a blazing trail on her skin in its wake. It should have left her pulling away, but it only made Charlie want more. His touch silenced her teasing, his fingers dragging back up the smooth skin of her legs as she was rid of her jeans and was left in nothing but her underwear. If it had been anyone else Charlie would have been flooded with confidence, but with Adam, it might as well have been her first time. He knew her better than anyone, every story, every scar, every secret. But it was only being near-naked in front of him that she felt truly vulnerable.
His hands kept gliding up. Up over the ticklish curves of her knees. Up over imperfect, tiger-striped thighs. And to the thin, flimsy fabric of her panties that left an imprint of the seams against her hips. Adam looks up at her through his shaggy hair as two thick fingers hooked her panties around her hips - and she couldn’t breathe. Not while he was looking at her like that, silently asking her permission to keep going with the most curious and caring of glances. Her lips parted, but she found no words. Charlie could only nod. 
Adam bit down on his lip as he eased her panties away from her lips. Charlie watched as his jaw went slack, his gaze dropping to the sweet heat between her legs as it was exposed to him. “Oh, Charlie,” Adam let out a satisfied hum at the sight of how her arousal, and how it had soaked into her panties, “you’re so wet.” His words were almost as if he were in awe, but then his smile grew and his tone became teasing, “Did I do that?”
His teasing cut right through her nerves and brought a smile to her lips that lit up her features and brought her the confidence she so desperately needed. 
“You might have had something to do with it,” her head cocked to the side sending her dark curtain of curls over her shoulders and over her breasts as she reached back to free the, from the confines of her bra. 
Adam’s eyes went as wide at the sight of her soft, womanly body fully exposed to him. His smile didn’t fade, no, it grew wider as his teeth took hold of his lower lip almost shyly. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Charlie muttered. Her words were a mere whisper as her arms crossed over her chest awkwardly in an attempt to cover her exposed breasts. 
Adam almost stuttered on his words, his cheeks flushing as he reached a hand out to gesture to her body, “you look, incredible Charlie. Absolutely, just, wow-”
“You're just saying that-”
“No, really,” Adam sighed, his hand reaching down and pushing down his boxers and abandoning them at the foot of the bed. She crawled up her childhood bed until he was seated against the pillow - his stiff cock laying out over the tone plains of his stomach threatening to draw all of her attention. It was there, propped up in the comfort of her bed, that he ripped open the foil and worked the thin latex over his cock with the strength of his well-worked hands. “Come ‘ere, Charlie.”
Silently, she obliged and crawled up the length of the bed and into his lap. Each of her knees found its place at each of his hips and her sweet, dripping cunt came to rest over his cock. Her stomach fluttered with the nerves of anticipation, her hips rolling oh so slightly so that she could feel the thick vein of his cock stroke against her clit. The pleasure burned through her body and coaxed a soft sound from Adam’s lips. One that lingered in his words as he spoke to her, “you’re fucking perfect.”
His hand reached out, stroking her dark hair back from her face, and back so that it cascaded down the length of her back. His hands then dragged down, Stroking at her eager neck and the angles of her shoulder and stopping at the impressive swells of her breast. Adam palmed at her supple flesh with his coarse hands, her chest consumed by desperate, heaving breaths at his touch - and he muttered out his sweet words, “so perfect…” Then, Adam was leaning in, his hair hanging down into his eyes as his mouth descended down. He placed slow, open-mouthed kisses over each breast. Kisses that warmed them with the heat of his mouth and were instantly cooled by the room’s tepid air. 
“Adam,” Charlie gasped out, her fingers finding his hair gripping just enough to ground herself but not enough to stop his movements as he sucked on one nipple, and the next, before his tongue dragged up from the valley between them to the sweet angles of her jaw. 
Adam raised a brow at her as he placed peppered kisses along her jaw, trialing his way to the corner of her mouth as he let out an inquisitive hum, “do you think you’re ready for me, Charlie?”
Nodding desperately, Charlie pressed up on her knees and gave Adam the room he needed to reach between them. She could feel his hot hand against the inside of her thigh as he took hold of his own cock, stroking it slowly as he drew it up to guide the very tip to her core - but it wasn’t without teasing her first. He dragged the tip of his cock up and down the fold of her cunt slowly, sending her arousal dripping down the latex and over his hand before he positioned himself at her core. 
“You don’t have to take it all,” he assured her gently, “it can be… a lot. So go slow, and we can stop if you need to. Okay, Charlie?”
“Yeah,” she sighed, her hand reaching out to brace herself against the strength of his shoulders, “yeah, okay.” She took two long blinks, trying to ease the spinning in her mind at the feeling of his cock between her legs. It all seemed like a dream, like the ones she would have as a teenager and would do all in her willpower to repress - because you weren’t supposed to think about your best friend like that. But it was the burning pleasure of slowly taking his cock into her eager cunt that reminded her that this was very much of a reality. 
Charlie took him slowly, inch by inch he spread her walls, and it left her cursing out under her breath in pleasure. “You’re taking me so well, Charlie,” came Adam’s encouraging coo, his hands having abandoned his own cock and found her hips to help carefully guide her as she rode his cock. With each rise and fall of her cunt around his cock, her head spun and she questioned just how much more of him there could possibly be. 
“Jesus Christ, Adam,” she near yelped, her head thrown back before she could bite down on her lip and stop herself. 
Adam hushed her gently, a single hand raising to stroke over her cheek. Charlie leaned into his touch as she panted, her lips parting and taking his thumb in her mouth without a thought in her head. She sucked on it slowly, earning a soft moan from Adam’s lips and it muffled her own as she eased down on him further and found the relief of his balls smacking against her ass. She had managed to take all of him. Smiling around his thumb, Charlie cast a glance down at Adam who was watching her with a dreamy gaze. 
“We’re going to have to find a way to keep you quiet, Charlie,” he beamed up at her and dragged his thumb from her lips and over her smooth cheek slowly. He cupped her face in her hand, his fingers knotted in her hair. “Because if your dad wasn’t going to kill me before, he sure as hell would want to kill me now-” 
“Don’t talk about my dad when you’re balls deep in my cunt, please,” Charlie begged, her skin ablaze and shimmering as she began to sweat. 
“Sorry, mood killer?”
“Just a bit,” Charlie gasped out as the tip of his cock pressed into her limits. She was so impossibly full of him, and it near had her legs trembling. 
“I’ll make it up to you,” Adam spoke, his words almost charming as his hand gripped at her hip firmly, “just don’t make a sound.” 
His smile was wicked as he held her gaze and drew her in close to his body. With their bodies chest to chest, his cock buried to its absolute limit and her face tucked into his neck to muffle any sound that would threaten to spill from Charlie’s lips, Adam flipped them.
The plush mattress was welcome on Charlie’s back as she let out a soft yelp against the flesh of Adam’s throat. “Sorry,” she muttered softly, her smile blossoming and her lips dragging over his neck with every word, “I can’t help it - you feel so good.” 
Adam propped himself up with his elbows on each side of her head, his lips coming down to kiss her forehead with a slow lingering kiss - as he couldn’t quite reach her lips while he remained deep inside her cunt. His hot breath washed over her face with every exhale as he began to roll his hips, drawing his cock from her just enough to slide back inside her in a steady rhythm. Each thrust sent a burning pleasure through to her core, and a soft sound from parted lips. It was a moan that only threatened to grow louder as the pleasure grew. And when Charlie wound her short legs around Adam’s hips, she muffled her cries of pleasure in the strength of his shoulder and clung to him like he was her only source of gravity. 
Her eyes watered as she held onto him so desperately, her teeth grazing over his skin and the taste of him lingered on her tongue as she muffled her moans into his shoulder - and when he reached a hand back to grip at her thick thigh, holding it in place as he hit such a depth that sent his own eyes fluttering back with pleasure, her head lulled to the side and she forced to burry he gave into the flex of his bicep.
“Adam,” his name was a hymn on her tongue, her body shuddering as her climax threatened to overtake her - as he could feel its threat as her cunt began to pulse around him. 
His hand only left her leg to take hold of her chin, guiding her soft features took look up at his as they too melted with pleasure. His thumb stroked over her lips slowly, tugging at her lower lobe and drawing her sweet lips open to welcome his mouth. Charlie was consumed by Adam’s kiss - one that was unlike the one that had started it all. There was no caution, no that had all been abandoned now. His kiss was one with purpose. One that stole her desperate breath from her breast and flooded her with emotion. It struck her like a slap to the face, leaving her gasping against his lips and her head spinning. 
Not once had she ever been kissed the way Adam had kissed her, and it left her trembling as her core clenched around him. The grip of her was enough to draw him to his release. He lost all control, every thought of gentle caution seemingly lost as Adam pounded into her with a series of forceful thrusts. Then, with his cock buried deep inside her and sweat dripping down the angles of his face and body, Adam stilled. 
Faces mere inches apart, only panting could be heard. Eyes brown and blue were caught between open and fluttering shut as their bodies only began to calm. While Charlie crazed to continue to be close to Adam, the wrap of her legs around his waist loosened, her feet sliding down to the bed with a quiet thud. And she reached up both hands slowly to stroke his sweat-drenched strands from his face. Charlie watched as his eyes fluttered and his lips parted as he let out every heavy exhale that was laced with the whisper of her name on his tongue. And she relished in it, her own name echoing in her euphoria dazed mine until Adam’s words drew her back into reality. 
“What time is it?” his words were a soft whisper as he remained hovering over her and his cock still buried deep in her cunt. 
Charlie’s head lulled to the side, taking in the glow of her old digital clock. “Late,” she answered him simply, “people would have started to go home already… Your parents, were they staying the night in the guest room?” Her words were slow, hesitant even as she silently recollected the many times he had spent the night in her room when they were children. When they were too young for their parents to care, they had shared the bed, or even a tent out in the backyard in the summertime - but as they had grown older, her father more concerned about a teenager's urges, Adam had slept on the floor beside her bed. She remembered waking up with her hand reaching down over the edge of the bed to his hand even more fondly now. 
“No,” Adam hung his head, “we were going to cab home, my flight leaves early in the morning.”
Her heart fell, and her stomach twisted into knots. Of course, he would have to leave. They would need him back before their next game, and they kept a tight schedule - she was lucky to have gotten to see him at all. There was no easing how sick knowing she was going to have to say goodbye to him before the night was through made her. Not even the thrill of seeing him again, nor the euphoria of her climax could put it at ease. 
Charlie forced a smile, trying so desperately to hide the dread that consumed her. “We should probably get dressed before someone comes looking for you.”
“Your dad would really kill me then, huh?” Adam half laughed as he pushed up with whatever strength he had left as eased his cock from her core. 
She near whined as she was left void of him, her legs coming together firmly as she shifted to the edge of her bed. She bit down on her lip as she fought to find her composure, and when she spoke her tone with low but she carried her smile into her voice, “Your teammates would really miss you if you died over something so menial-”
“Ouch,” Adam hissed, his hand coming up to rest over his heart as if he had been stabbed through it, “menial? That’s how bad it was?”
“Adam I-” Charlie found herself stumbling over her words as she pulled a loose t-shirt down over her naked body - the Swift Current Broncos logo resting right over her chest, “you know that’s not what I meant…”
“I know,” Adam grinned his tone teasing as he discarded the used condom into the waste basket by her bed and moved to step into his boxers, “I’m just teasing you Charlie - and like, I mean,” he rambled as he tried to choose his words carefully, “you enjoyed yourself?”
“Well,” Charlie’s tone was teasing as she found his t-shirt, took it in her hand, and held it out to Adam casually, “you were right about being the biggest-”
“Oh, you’re just cruel, Charlie!” Adam laughed out so loud that she was sure that someone would have heard it downstairs. He continued to laugh as he stepped forward, his one hand pushing his shirt away while the other reached out for her. Soon, Adam had her in his arms again and hoisted her up so that he was holding her near and her legs could wrap around his middle. “Lie to me at least,” he playfully begged her as his hands kneaded at the soft flesh of her thighs, “tell me it’s all you’ve ever dreamed.”
Charlie shook her head slowly, her forehead coming down to rest against his carefully as she deadpanned, “worst I’ve ever had.” And then she snickered, her lips curling up into a smile to match Adams. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever been more relieved that you’re the worst liar I know,” Adam sighed in relief, “because I don’t think I have the time to prove to you just how good I can be…”
“Another time, hot shot,” Charlie hummed, leaning back just enough to peer around him and to the door when she heard footsteps pass in the hall, “I think we’ve pushed our luck long enough.”
Adam lowered her to the ground before his hands abandoned her body for the soft fabric of his t-shirt - but the ghost of his touch remained on his skin and between her legs even. It was a feeling that Charlie was sure would be difficult to forget - even if it all came to feel like nothing more like a dream in the morning. 
The pair dressed in silence, nothing shared between them except lingering glances and soft smiles as more and more skin was covered. It was only in that silence that Charlie could hear that the Christmas carols that had consumed the home had gone quiet and there was nothing more to be heard from downstairs than their father’s laughter.
“You should go down first,” Charlie decided as she reached for her robe and leaned back against the pale floral wallpaper that decorated her wall, “dad will ask too many questions if I come down already changed into my pajamas…” 
“Yeah, right, good idea,” Adam stuttered, his hand carding through his own hair, “so I guess, this is where I should give you a proper goodbye, huh? Because I don’t think you’re dad would like me kissing you at the front door…”
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Charlie nodded slowly and swallowed hard - though, she would be much more worried about what their mothers would do if they had found out. She was already sure that they had been planning their wedding since they were five. “Don’t be a stranger Adam…”
“Just pick up the phone when I call Charlie,” Adam hummed, his tone almost dreamy as his hand came up to cup her cheek. Then he leaned in, placing a soft, warm kiss on her lips - one that would linger long after he left. 
“I’ll pick up, promise.”
“That’s my girl,” Adam praised, but when he pulled back he was wearing a solemn look. 
He hated goodbyes. 
And so did she. 
“Merry Christmas, Charlie,” was Adam’s final goodbye in the privacy of her bedroom, his thumb dragging over the skin of her cheek and neck before she was left completely void of his touch, “you were by far the best gift I got to unwrap this year.”
Her cheeks flushed red hot with color as she stepped back from the door. She hid just out of sight of anyone waiting just on the other side of the door. “Merry Christmas, Adam,” she spoke, her head leaning against the wall. It was from there that she watched him open up the door - his features falling into relief when he found that their parents were still very much entertained with each other’s company downstairs. He glanced back with a grin, one that silently screamed: SUCCESS, before he reached back and shut the door back into its place in the frame. Charlie didn’t move an inch, not even as she heard his heavy footsteps on the stairs just on the other side of the wall. There was nothing comforting about the sound of him leaving. Not when she so desperately wanted him to stay. Saying goodbye was something that had never been easy for them, not even as children - one of them had always cried. And now, they had made things a whole lot harder by blurring the lines between friendship and something more. 
Act 2. 
The warmth of the ski lodge was a welcome after a day spent out on the slopes. Charlotte’s body ached in all the worst places, but no one would have been able to guess it. Not with how she carried herself so well in a pair of heels and her short, yet elegant slip dress that hugged her body in all the right places. Her hair was left down in long, cascading curls, and her makeup was just enough to hide the sunburn. Charlotte and her best friend had escaped to the mountains for the holidays, the chalet was brought to life for the last big party of the year and she had let herself be consumed by it. By the music, and by the drink, hell, even the unwanted attention from guys, she thrived on it for it was all that could keep her mind from wandering to last Christmas. 
Last Christmas, seemed both like a century ago but also only yesterday in Charlotte’s mind. She could still so clearly remember the excitement of seeing Adam for the first time, and the sting of heartache as the days of the new year passed. They had tried to keep in touch, they really had - but with the time zones, and their busy schedules, it had led to an inevitable silence. She had to focus on her courses, and Adam got called up to the NHL, becoming the hot shot she had always told him he would be. Charlotte knew she should have known better. That she should have been prepared for ever the outcome, but it didn’t take away the ache in her chest that came with giving herself fully to Adam. 
Charlotte didn’t blame him, how could she? They both knew the risks, but that didn’t mean she wanted to risk seeing him again by going home for the holiday. It was too soon, it would only rip open the wound in her heart time was still trying so desperately to turn into a scar. A wound that was ripped open the moment she looked up from her drink and towards the bar when she heard the nickname she had tried to abandon echo in her mind like the beckoning of a ghost in the crowded room. 
“Charlie, I thought that was you!” Adam was pushing through the crowd that had formed around the table, dressed casually in a nice pair of blue jeans and a half-tucked button-down. He looked just as he had a year ago, the same face that had been burned into the back of her mind at the peak of her pleasure, save for the scruff that peppered his chin and jawline. Charlotte might have even thought it looked good on him if it hadn’t felt like someone had poured the salt from her margarita into an open wound - if she hadn’t felt like she was on the verge of throwing up. 
“Charlie?” one of her friends piped up, their brows furrowed. 
“A childhood nickname,” Charlotte rolled her eyes as her lips couldn’t find her drink fast enough. Her glass was near empty by the time Adam had reached the table, her face putting on a fake smile as she looked at her friend with eyes that looked as if they had been encased in candied sugar as they were consumed by the threat of tears. “This is Adam, we grew up together.”
Her friend didn’t need to hear much more than that. From the excitement of seeing him again to the pain of getting just sort of ghosted, she knew it all and it drew her face into a knot that she struggled to hide. “Oh, yeah, the hockey star,” her friend's words were like sweet venom that would kill you before you knew the poison you were drinking. 
“What are you doing here?” Charlotte’s voice almost broke as she shifted in her seat, her fist grasping at her empty glass desperately, “I thought you would spend the holiday back in Winnipeg with that tough schedule they keep you on-”
It was a casual jab at one of the many excuses he had used to explain his silence. Sorry I couldn’t text you I had a game… I had practice… I won’t be coming home for the summer, I’ve got training… They had all been just words on a screen then, his career too much for even a conversation with her then, but somehow, he had the time to celebrate the new year in Banff. It made her stomach sick. 
“Caught a trip out with some of the guys,” he nodded back towards the bar where a group of guys had gathered, some missing teeth, others bruised and banged up from their last games before their few days off, “we fly back out tomorrow, you should come to meet them-” 
Her heart was pounding like drums in her ears, her mouth falling open as she let out a steady, frustrated huff. How could he be acting so casually, so calmly? As if nothing had ever happened between them at all. Did he ever care about her at all? The thought hit her like an avalanche, sending a single glistening tear down her cheek as she abandoned her glass and pushed it up from the table. 
“I’m sorry,” was all she could manage, her voice broken as she let her eyes drop to the floor and she began to push her way through the crowded room. 
Charlotte didn’t look back when she heard Adam call after her, and persisted through the crowd as she hoped that she would lose her in it. She was small enough, she could slip out of just about any room unnoticed, but Adam he towered over almost everyone in any room. He could use that to his advantage - so Charlie didn’t stop until she was in the foyer of the chalet, where the music was almost reduced to silence and the view of the mountains in the distance could be seen out its grandiose windows. 
She let the way the silver mood beamed down onto the slopes calm her. The sight brought a semblance of peace as the ache in her heart raged on. A peace that was lost when the echo of heavy footsteps took the foyer, and Adam’s voice pierced the air, his annoyance clear, “Dammit Charlie, what was all of that about?”
Charlotte doesn’t look at him, she doesn’t even want to listen to him as she’s standing in front of the window - the winter’s chill sending goosebumps as it permeated the window’s failing seal - with her arms crossed over her chest and her gaze locked on the mountain tops. She could feel the burn of tears as they trailed down her cheeks, tears that she tried to hide from him as he approached. 
Adam came to sand on her left, his towering frame leaning against the cold glass of the window. She could see him out of the corner of her eye, his figure only slightly distorted by the tears that built up along her lashes and smudged her mascara. 
“You should go back to the party, Adam,” she had tried to tell him firmly, but her words broke as soon as she said his name. 
He didn’t make an effort to leave, it was going to take a lot more to get rid of him than that and it left Charlotte’s stomach in knots - and it was left near lurching as she felt the warmth of his hand encroach on the expanse of her back in a careful touch. 
“Adam, don’t-” she wanted to bite out, but her words were a pathetic mewl instead as her head spiraled. Oh, how good it felt to be reminded of how it felt to be touched by him. 
His touch lingered, his fingers slipping around her waist just enough to carefully turn her to face him. She was sure he could see it all now. The tears. Her tired frown. The pain that was coming to love him and knowing that she would never be loved by him the way she needed from him. It could all be seen in the sad glimmer of her eyes. 
“Oh, Charlie,” Adam sighed, his face falling, softening at the pain that was painted across her beautiful features. 
“Don’t patronize me-”
Her words were cut short as the embrace of his hand came to warm her cheek, leaving her lips parted as she let out an unsteady breath. His touch was careful, and tender, as it wiped away the tears that strained her cheek. And she wanted so desperately to lean into that touch. To embrace its comfort and let it consume her as she had let it last Christmas. 
“Adam, don’t,” her whisper was breathy, her head turning and eyes shutting as she felt the gentle guidance of his hand as Adam tried to draw him into her. 
Charlotte desperately wanted to give in - it would feel so good to give in to him. To let him make it feel like everything was going to be alright. That their relationship would always be more than that of childhood friends, but it would be a comfort built on falsehoods. She wasn’t going to let herself get built back up only to be left in shambles again. 
Raising a hand, Charlotte took hold of his carefully, guiding it to her lips and placing a kiss on his palm slowly. Her eyes fluttered shut as she inhaled the subtle scent of his cologne, and left the warmth of his skin lingering for but a moment during her tender gesture. Then, she guided his hand back to his side, and her warm eyes met his gaze. Adam held a sadness in his eyes, one that told her that she didn’t need to speak a single word to him to explain anything. He knew the sadness she felt - and maybe he felt it too. 
“It’s been really nice seeing you Adam,” Charlotte's words were broken as she spoke, a genuine smile taking her lips for the first time, “but I can’t be doing this, not again…” She gave his hand a gentle squeeze before her fingers slip from his like silk. 
Adam gave her a slow nod, the hand that had overtaken her back with the warm comfort of his touch leaving her void. Her chest ached as they held their gaze, the space between them growing as she took a careful step back. The air between them was suffocating, and it left Charlotte’s heart feeling tight in her chest.
It felt like a goodbye. A farewell to her childhood, to their friendship, and to any hope that either of them had that they would be able to sustain any kind of relationship into their adulthood. But life had taken them in separate directions. Adam with his career in Winnipeg - or anywhere else he could end up if he were to ever be traded away - and with Charlotte remaining close to her family and putting down her own roots in Calgary, there would always be too much of a divide. Too many obstacles to truly make something worse when they were both still so young and had so much more of their lives that were unknown just waiting to be uncovered. 
And so she left him standing in the foyer and made the walk back into the party alone. The ghost of his touch lingered as the music consumed her, her eyes growing bright as they fell on her friends that welcomed her back with smiles of their own. Smiles that almost eased the pain in her aching heart. It was a pain that told her that her love for Adam would never fade, and would go unforgotten. But with that pain, she could finally move on. 
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msmargaretmurry · 1 year
Please elaborate about the border patrol incident
okay so, the border patrol incident is not really that dramatic, but it is very funny to me. when i was a young 20-something, one summer a friend and i decided to go on a month-long roadtrip across the continent and back. we had a lease on an apartment that didn't start until september, shitty little service industry jobs that didn't care if we disappeared for four weeks, and absolutely no standards for like, sleeping conditions or whatever. we got a hotel or motel room every 4-5 days to shower and stuff but mostly we were living out of my 2001 toyota camry, which ran just fine but was not in the best shape aesthetically due to being pretty old and also due to young me having sub-par depth perception and occasionally backing it ungently into things. also, because we were between apartments, the vast majority of our earthly belongings were packed into the backseat and trunk of this car.
the route of the trip was pretty meandering, but some stretches of it were based on the summer tour dates of bands we liked -- one of my favorites things to experience in a new city is its small/medium music venues, so this was a great excuse for doing that. anyway, we'd started the trip by driving north to montreal and then cutting west, but instead of going over the great lakes through western ontario we headed south, crossed back into the us at sarnia and went up through michigan's upper peninsula, wisconsin, minnesota. the night before we crossed the border again, we parked the car in the massive parking lot of the walmart supercenter in bemidji to sleep, which i remember distinctly because of the paul bunyan and babe the blue ox statues looming suddenly upon us in the middle of the night as we drove into town. that's not important to the story, but i am setting the scene here, which is that leading up to this encounter my traveling companion and i had just spent several days driving through a lot of deeply rural lake country with very little human contact except each other. the plan that day was to hit a concert in winnipeg and so we awoke with the sun, availed ourselves of the bemidji walmart supercenter facilities, and headed north.
the border crossing our google maps directions took us to was the one on route 59, which is a very small and not very busy crossing. i think the border guards were quite bored. in retrospect i can see how a couple of young women in this old, stuffed-to-the-gills car with virginia plates seemed pretty strange, but also in retrospect i still maintain they didn't have to be dicks about it. they checked our passports, asked where we were from and where we were headed -- to a concert in winnipeg -- and then decided that they needed to unpack the entire car to make sure we weren't carrying anything illegal, because, they said, groupies like to bring drugs to concerts.
please recall that we had so much stuff in this car. clothes and books and food and small furniture. the tetris of packing it was both an art and a science. i was NOT happy to have it dismantled by these border men. at one point they were like, ohhh see ALCOHOL and i was like, yeah, it's in the trunk so obviously no one is getting at it while driving so who cares?? and also it's not enough to have to declare so truly who cares. by the end of this process our cache of earthly belongings was scattered around the car in the road on the canadian border, and they begrudgingly allowed us into the country, but a single other vehicle had arrived at the crossing so they told us we needed to hurry up and get out of the way.
now i was already stewing in anger over a) the characterization of us as female fans traveling to a concert as "groupies" and b) the characterization of groupies as ~obviously~ carrying drugs. no disrespect to actual groupies or to drug users, live ur lives!! but we were neither if those things in that moment and i found the generalizations very gross, so i snapped at the border guards that the car takes a lot longer to re-pack then unpack and also maybe they should consider being less sexist. they did not like this very much. i also do not think they liked my lecture about their assumptions about female music fans, but imo they deserved it. afterward when we were finally driving into the grand prairies of manitoba, my friend was like, becky...... maybe in the future consider not picking fights with the border guards considering they get to decide if we cross the border. and i was like. well. we got in didn't we lmao.
in conclusion we did make it to the show in winnipeg, where we failed to read the fine print on the parking signs and also i sliced my foot open on something in the mosh pit, turning me into a person who now will tell literally anyone at any given opportunity, "yeah, i've been to winnipeg, and all i got was a parking ticket and a flesh wound."
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rpmemes-galore · 2 years
don’t starve : woodie character quotes … sentence starters
“Oh boy! Here it comes!“
“Tastes awful, but it works!”
“Not the greatest idea, eh?“
“You shoulda stayed down.“
“I'm used to sleeping in worse.“
“My mouth's dry just looking at it.“
“You do what you gotta to survive.“
“I'm getting hungry just looking at it.“
“This'll make it feel more like home.”
“Sounds like some trouble up above.”
“Can't siesta, something chasing me.“
“Now this is some proper winter gear.“
“You can't be right all the time, I guess.“
“I'll get you something to eat soon buddy.“
“It's nothing a good chopping wouldn't fix.“
“I would have liked this when I was a boy.“
“I'm not one to turn my nose up at a meal.“
“Whose bright idea was it to kill the lights?“
“Gonna have to hold that one real carefully.“
“Freeze you colder than winter in Winnipeg.“
“It's hard to stay neat and tidy in the woods.“
“I don't think it can still be considered a tent.”
“I'm gonna do some serious damage with this.“
“My belly is rumbling. I'd never be able to relax.“
“Eh, at the very least it'd make a good doorstop.“
“Doesn't seem like the best place, but here I am.“
“Whew... almost mistook you for a bird, little fella.“
“Huh. Seeing it now, I guess it's not that impressive.“
“Always good to have something watching over you.“
“Sorry, bud, looks like those bragging rights are mine!“
“Makes me feel like some sorta woodland nymph, eh?“
“Now that I've made it, might as well put it to good use.“
“Can't say much for the food, but I like the presentation!“
“Thanks for the shelter, buddy. I'm still gonna chop you.”
“There we go. Everyone needs a bit of help sometimes.“
“Watching stuff dry passes for entertainment 'round here.“
“Not a good night to have a curse, but then when's it ever?“
“Not sure where it's leading me, but I might as well find out.“
“Anyone want a demonstration of my impressive lungpower?“
“If a log burns in the forest does it hurt my feelings? Yes. It does.”
“Tastes terrible. And that's speakin' as someone who's eaten raw lumber.“
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blckebiitchx · 11 months
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“𝘋𝘢𝘻𝘻𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘵 𝘣𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘰𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘦. 𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘴𝘵.”
Full name: Blake Penelope Marie.
Hometown: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Currently Resides: Jacksonville, FL.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Relationship status: Single.
Occupation: Seamstress @ All Elite Wrestling.
Birthday: July 23, 1993 (30 yrs old)
Likes: pink, shopping, food, reading, writing, singing, and making clothes. She is obsessed with old Hollywood and anything true crime.
Blake Penelope Marie was born on July 23, 1993 in Winnipeg, Manitoba to her parents Ted and Victoria Marie. Her father is a successful lawyer and her mother was a stay at home mom, she was always closer to her father than her mother but still she loved them both and tried to have good relationships with both. Her mother was extremely hard on her throughout her entire childhood and teenage years, always pushing her to do whatever she wanted or thought was best for her daughter. Beauty pageants, school plays, ballet recitals, cheer, fashion. Anything Victoria wanted for Blake, she made sure she got, no matter the cost. Even if it wasn't really what her daughter wanted, Victoria always wanted to be a fashion designer with her own company, but she got pregnant with Blake and it never came to fruition. So of course, she wanted her daughter to live up to her dreams she never got -- so she taught her daughter how to sew when she was twelve years old and began pushing her to create her own fashion empire. Blake never really wanted those sorts of things and it left her feeling unfulfilled but she'd always done what her mother told her to, so she didn't see it changing now. Growing up, Blake always watched wrestling and dreamed of working with them but she never really saw it as being a possibility until an ex of hers, introduced her to the independent wrestling scene and she began designing gears for some of the local talent in Canada. This eventually landed her a job with NJPW, working as a seamstress for several years, before she left the company and Japan behind to come to the US and work for an up and coming wrestling promotion named All Elite Wrestling.
Connections: TBA.
Pleaaase if you'd like to plot with me, hit me up!! I love writing and plotting. <3
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nebulein · 2 years
Jonny as a wandering soul, a traveler, who went from his hometown in Winnipeg off to college in North Dakota, did a stint in Mexico building houses and that was it, he was gone, the call of the wild world luring him in. He lives everywhere exactly a year, digging wells in Ethiopia, shearing sheep in Australia, working on a coffee plantation in Bali, teaching folks how to surf in Costa Rica, living in an ashram in India. Getting to know the people, the local customs, living his best life. Doing it all for a year, a full cycle, all the seasons and the celebrations, the ups and downs, and then he moves on.
He's just arrived in Chicago working in a pizza restaurant even though he's gluten-free, working dough all day, standing at the giant oven in full view of the patrons, white shirt clinging to his forearms, giant forehead glistening under his white paper cap as he rotates pies in and out of the oven.
Patrick, of course, is instantly smitten, getting elbowed by Sharpy and Shawzy more than once when he can't stop staring at this hunk of a man working the counter today, throwing on cheese with a flick of his wrists that has Pat sweating. Takes him all meal to gather up the courage to sidle up to Jonny at the end of the night while Shawzy and Sharpy watch from the door, Jonny wiping down the counter, Pat's own palms sweaty.
"How long, uh, have you been making pizzas?" God, Pat is the lamest human being on earth.
Jonny looks up, surprised, like he didn't expect Pat to actually gather his courage and speak to him. He musters Pat with dark eyes before his lips quirk up in a tiny smirk. "Two days."
"Two days?!" Pat is getting his leg pulled here. No way did Jonny only learn that two days ago.
Jonny looks smug, flattered by Pat's incredulousness, eyes twinkling like he's laughing at Patrick. "I just got here."
They hit it off. Pat shows Jonny around, to millennium park taking goofy selfies in the bean, takes him to a hockey game even though the Hawks suck but the tickets are cheap, eats more pizza than he has in decades. Jonny is fascinating, full of stories, full of thoughts on life, on spirituality and what it means to be alive, how to do good, speaks with such quiet intensity Pat can't help but hang on every word, his own measly life as an accountant suddenly feeling small and pale in comparison to Jonny's wild stories.
Jonny's pan, because you can't wander the world without opening your mind to all the beautiful people out there (his words, not Pat's), and when he kisses Pat, hand rough with callouses resting lightly on Pat's cheek, Pat's gone hook, line, and sinker.
They all but move in together, Sharpy teasing Pat relentlessly how everything's 'Jonny, Jonny, Jonny' these days, Pat's cheeks blushy when Sharpy smiles and claps him on the back. "You look happy, Peekaboo."
Jonny's hot and funny and so very good with his hands. Pat's in love.
And then Jonny tells him, casual, the two of them curled up on the bed of Jonny's pickup truck, blanket and Jonny's thick arm wrapped around him because Pat gets cold, apples from when they went picking them in the orchard earlier spilling out of the Ikea bags they used to collect them in (Jonny wants to make juice, Pat came for the free food), watching the stars because Jonny is a closet romantic like that, loudly musing where else he wants to go next. Pat's suddenly cold in a way that has nothing to do with the outside temperature, heart heavy in his chest.
They have a year.
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nocturnalswarehouse · 2 years
Tag game!
I was tagged by @blossom-adventures and @thequeenofthewinter :)
3 Ships:
I'm going to delve away from Skyrim here because my procrastination response if I don't want to be productive around my place, is to immerse myself in as much media as possible. So an obvious one is OC/Brynjolf. Otherwise, Adi would not exist XD my others are OC (or reader)/Jacob Frye because I'm still hyperfixating on AC Syndicate. I also recently finally started Jane the Virgin, and I'm a slut for Jane/Rafael
1st Ever Ship:
I was but a young child, barely able to comprehend reading when my first ever a ship came to be. I shit you not. I think I was 5. It was Blue/Magenta in Blue's Clues. I found out a couple years ago was also my first gay ship, and I am HERE for it.
Last Song:
Boyfriend by Dove Cameron
Last Movie:
I watched one in my filmmaking class by a local director who created a film about a Ukrainian woman who immigrated to modern-day Winnipeg. Do I remember the title? Nope. Do I want to? Nope.
This movie was filmed back in like,,, 2019 I believe, is what he said and released like last year. It's two hours and could've been easily cut down to one. Very slow, almost too slow. I liked a lot of the shots. It was interesting to watch a film where only two characters - who were in there briefly - spoke English.
So there are good things about it, but it definitely could've been way better. I felt like the writing was almost too dry, and the director didn't give us any context as to what the plot was or any warnings that were needed (nudity and a certain subject related to nudity that is unpleasant to watch, to put it nicely).
I just think we should keep cishet white north American men away from creating films with that kind of subject because they don't,,, get it. Granted, neither do I but I do have an entire family of immigrants.
Currently Reading:
Well, it was my personality psych textbook, but no more! I hope to finish @thequeenofthewinter's fic because I'm behind due to school, and after that? Well, when the term starts, one of the texts for one of my classes is "The Handmaid's Tale," and I'm VERY excited to read it.
Currently Watching:
Too many things at once.
Jane the Virgin
Wednesday (I get the hype, I have critiques, but imma keep them to myself because it's very nitpicky and a bit pretentious)
RuPaul's Drag Race S14 (I'm on episode 7)
Canada's Drag Race S2 (I'm on episode 4)
The Witcher (started it in September, had a depressive episode)
Slow rewatch of Avatar: The Last Airbender because I'm following the podcast recaps and discussions
Slow rewatch of Kim Possible because I got bored and switched to the Witcher (it's great to watch after a long shift at work, though)
Wizards of Waverly Place (helped me through the depressive episode. Downside? I've seen it so many times the show is fully memorized)
Hunters on Amazon Prime (They re-edited the show to take out the scenes that got a lot of negative press, and I'm mad, so I stopped because they also re-edited my favourite scene in the entire show)
Teen Wolf (gotta prep for the movie coming out in 2023)
Okay yeah, so my fam and I have a lot of streaming services. Welcome to my Dad, and I are movie buffs
Currently Consuming:
Water. I'm pulling an all-nighter because I gotta be at the airport in two and a half hours, so if I sleep I will miss my flight. Gotta stay hydrated!
Currently Craving:
Tacos from a place back home, and lemonade from a pop-up lemonade stand that ends up at every big event in my city back home and if I can convince my parents I'll be able to get one and won't have to wait until Stampede in July next year. It's the best damn lemonade I've ever had.
The specific tacos I'm craving are the best damn fast-food tacos I've ever had, but I've definitely had better. My sister worked at a Mexican restaurant specializing in tacos that a family member owns, for god's sake. Although, now that I'm thinking about it, I also crave those. I think I just want tacos.
I can't really think of anyone to tag (the main person I would've tagged, tagged me first XD), so I pass this on to anyone that wants to do it :)
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laresearchette · 19 days
Wednesday, September 04, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHAT IS NOT PREMIERING IN CANADA TONIGHT?: UNSELLABLE HOUSES (Premiering on September 08 on HGTV Canada at 9:00pm)
DISNEY + STAR LEGO PIXAR: BRICKTOONS MURAI IN LOVE (premiere episode) TELL ME LIES (Season 2, two-premiere episode) THE ZONE: SURVIVAL MISSION (Season 3, new episode)
2024 US OPEN TENNIS (TSN/TSN4) 12:00pm: Quarterfinals (TSN/TSN4) 7:00pm: Quarterfinals - Primetime
2024 SUMMER PARALYMPIC GAMES (CBC) 2:00pm: Swimming, Day 7 (CBC) 2:30pm: Para Athletics, Day 7 (CBC) 2;45pm: Para Road Cycling (CBC) 3:15pm: Prime, Day 7 (CBC) 8:00pm: Primetime (CBC) 11:30pm: Tonight
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 2:30pm: Jays vs. Phillies (TSN3/TSN5) 7:00pm: Red Sox vs. Mets (SN) 8:00pm: Yankees vs. Rangers (SN) 9:30pm: Dodgers vs. Angels
BACK TO ROOTS (APTN) 7:00pm: Perry and Chef Denia visually hunt for ducks while Chef Denia advises Perry on wild mushrooms and the benefits of muskeg. Perry prepares muskeg and mint tea for them to enjoy as they discuss ingredients and upcoming recipes.
SECRET HISTORY (APTN) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): A fearless Blackfoot matriarch, orphaned in youth, surpasses her male counterparts in horse raids and battles; her unwavering pursuit of glory comes to fruition when she leads her war party on an unforeseen horse raid.
GUY’S GROCERY GAMES (Food Network Canada) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): In a Tournament of Champions Winners vs. Culinary Giant Slayers showdown, the teammates work alone in 10-minute tag-team shifts to create a sweet and savory duo with a few mandatory items.
THE ESTABLISHED HOME (Magnolia Canada) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Jean redesigns a dated 90s kitchen in the small town of Holland.
DON’T EVEN (Crave) 9:00pm/9:30pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Best friends Violet and Harley graduate high school, determined to leave their mark on Winnipeg while having the best summer of their lives; when Harley drags Violet to a rowdy party, the two make new connections. In Episode Two, during a trip to the mall, Violet, Harley and Cousin Cheryl pursue their own missions.
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angaarrestaurant · 4 months
Discover Angaar Restaurant: The Jewel of Indian Takeout Food in Winnipeg
Nestled in the heart of Winnipeg, Angaar Restaurant has quickly become a beacon for lovers of Indian cuisine, offering an unforgettable takeout experience that captures the essence and diversity of India’s rich culinary heritage. For foodies, local Winnipeg residents, and Indian cuisine enthusiasts looking for authentic flavors and dishes prepared with meticulous care, Angaar is a must-try destination. In this blog post, we'll take you on a flavorful journey, exploring what makes Angaar stand out in the burgeoning Indian food scene in Winnipeg.
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The Flavors of Angaar
Angaar's menu is a thoughtful curation of India's vast and vibrant cuisines, bringing signature dishes from various regions to the forefront. Each dish tells a story, with flavors and ingredients that convey the diversity and richness of Indian culture. The chef's special recommendations often include Butter Chicken, crafted with a perfect balance of creaminess and spice, and Lamb Rogan Josh, a hearty dish that warms the soul with its depth of flavor.
What truly sets Angaar apart are the homemade spices and traditional cooking methods employed, allowing each dish to resonate with authenticity and love. Guests often rave about the Chicken Biryani, a fragrant and saffron-laced delight, which is a testament to the intricate layers of flavors Indian cuisine is known for.
Behind the Scenes
Angaar takes pride in its approach to Indian cooking, adhering to timeless techniques and using a palette of traditional spices that give Indian food its distinct identity. The kitchen is a hub of activity, where age-old recipes meet passionate chefs dedicated to preserving the integrity of each dish. They emphasize the use of fresh ingredients and handmade spice mixes, ensuring every order encapsulates the true essence of Indian cuisine.
The Takeout Experience
With the rise of takeout food culture, especially in the current global climate, Angaar has positioned itself as the go-to spot for Indian takeout in Winnipeg. Whether you're craving a quiet night in with some comfort food or looking to spice up your dinner party, Angaar offers an exceptional menu that transcends the typical takeout experience. For an enhanced dining experience at home, follow the chef's tip and lightly heat the naan bread in your oven, allowing the authentic aromas of India to permeate your home.
Community Feedback
Angaar has not only catered to the tastebuds but also captured the hearts of the Winnipeg community. Reviews and testimonials highlight the restaurant's consistent quality, friendly service, and ability to evoke a sense of belonging and cultural appreciation through its food. Regulars commend Angaar for bringing a piece of India to Winnipeg, allowing them to relive memories or explore new tastes. Its emergence as a local favorite is a testament to its excellence and commitment to delivering an unparalleled Indian dining experience.
Indian Cuisine in Winnipeg
The popularity of Indian cuisine in Winnipeg has seen a significant rise, with Angaar Restaurant leading the charge. The city is now home to a vibrant Indian culinary scene, offering everything from street-food inspired snacks to gourmet delights. This growing fascination with Indian food reflects Winnipeg's diverse cultural fabric and a general trend towards exploring more bold and authentic flavors from around the globe.
Angaar Restaurant is more than just a place to order Indian takeout in Winnipeg; it's a gateway to exploring the depth, variety, and richness of Indian cuisine. With its signature dishes, dedication to tradition, and heartfelt service, Angaar invites you to experience the best of Indian culinary delights. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado of Indian food or a curious explorer eager to try something new, Angaar promises an adventure for your palate.
Ready to take a culinary trip to India without leaving Winnipeg? Visit Angaar Restaurant and discover the true essence of Indian cuisine. Indulge in a dining experience that will leave you craving for more and understand why Indian food in Winnipeg is becoming everyone's favorite cuisine.
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food-service · 5 months
Exploring Culinary Delights: Discover the Best Pizza and Tandoori Paneer Pizza in Winnipeg
Winnipeg, a vibrant city known for its diverse culinary landscape, offers a wide array of dining options that cater to the taste buds of food enthusiasts from around the globe. Among these options, pizza stands out as a universal favourite, with numerous restaurants vying for the title of the best pizza in town. However, not all pizzerias are created equal, especially when it comes to offering a diverse menu selection and specialized options like Tandoori Paneer Pizza. This article delves into the heart of Winnipeg's pizza scene, highlighting establishments that not only serve traditional pies but also offer an exciting twist with their innovative Tandoori Paneer Pizza Options in Winnipeg.
A Gastronomic Journey Through Pizza
Pizza, with its rich, flavorful toppings and perfect crust, has become a staple in the diets of many. Yet, it's the pizza restaurant with a diverse menu selection that truly captures the essence of culinary exploration. These establishments go beyond the classic Margherita or Pepperoni, inviting diners to experience flavours from around the world baked to perfection on a slice of pizza. From the savoury depths of Mediterranean-inspired toppings to the spicy zest of Mexican chorizo, these menus cater to a broad audience, ensuring there's something for everyone.
The Unique Appeal of Tandoori Paneer Pizza
Among the innovative offerings found in Winnipeg's pizza scene, Tandoori Paneer Pizza stands out. This delightful fusion combines the creamy, mild paneer with the bold, aromatic spices of tandoori cuisine, creating a pizza that is both comforting and exotic. It's a testament to the creativity of local chefs who dare to blend traditional Indian flavours with the beloved Italian dish, resulting in a pizza option that is rapidly gaining popularity among locals and visitors alike.
Spotlight on Winnipeg's Finest
In Winnipeg, several pizzerias have earned accolades for their commitment to variety and quality. These establishments not only pride themselves on their diverse menu selection but also specialize in crafting the perfect Tandoori Paneer Pizza. Each restaurant brings its unique twist to this fusion dish, whether through the use of secret spice blends, homemade paneer, or wood-fired ovens that add an authentic smoky flavour. Diners can expect a culinary experience that is both familiar and refreshingly new.]
For those eager to embark on a pizza journey in Winnipeg, the city's diverse culinary scene promises an adventure for the palate. Whether you're in search of a pizza restaurant with a broad range of options or aiming to try the innovative Tandoori Paneer Pizza, Winnipeg has something to offer. For more information on where to find these culinary delights, visit Niakwapembina.com. This website is your gateway to discovering the best pizza experiences in Winnipeg, featuring reviews, menus, and insider tips to guide you to your next favourite pizza destination. Embrace the flavours of the world one slice at a time in Winnipeg's bustling pizza scene.
For more info:-
niakwa pizza
Spicy Chicken Pizza Combos
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keentransport · 6 months
Trucking Company in Winnipeg
Are you in search of the best trucking company in Winnipeg? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know to make the right choice. Whether you need trucking services for local or long-distance transportation, finding a reliable and reputable company is crucial for the success of your business.
With so many trucking companies in Winnipeg to choose from, it can be overwhelming to make a decision. That’s why we’ve done the research for you and compiled all the essential factors to consider. From their experience and track record to their fleet size and services offered, we’ve covered it all.
We understand that efficiency and affordability are key when it comes to transportation logistics. That’s why we’ll discuss the cost factors to consider and the importance of high-quality customer service. Additionally, we’ll provide tips on how to verify the company’s credentials and the benefits of reading customer reviews.
Don’t waste any more time or effort on unreliable trucking services. Let this guide be your ultimate resource in choosing the best trucking company in Winnipeg.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Trucking Company
When it comes to choosing the best trucking company in Winnipeg, there are several factors to consider. These factors will help you evaluate the different options available and make an informed decision. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:
Experience and Track Record:It’s important to choose a trucking company that has a proven track record of success. Look for companies that have been in the industry for several years and have a good reputation for delivering goods on time and in good condition.
Services Offered: Consider the specific services offered by the trucking companies you are considering. Do they specialize in local transportation or long-distance hauling? Do they offer specialized services for specific industries, such as refrigerated transport for perishable goods? Make sure the company’s services align with your business needs.
Fleet Size and Equipment: The size and condition of a trucking company’s fleet can impact their ability to meet your transportation needs. A larger fleet may indicate better availability and flexibility. Additionally, consider the type and condition of their equipment to ensure it meets your requirements.
Pricing Structure and Rates: Cost is an important factor in choosing a trucking company. Compare the pricing structures and rates of different companies to find the best value for your money. However, be cautious of extremely low prices as they may indicate subpar service quality.
Licensing and Insurance: It’s crucial to ensure that the trucking company you choose is properly licensed and insured. Verify their licenses and certifications to ensure compliance with industry regulations. Additionally, check if they have adequate insurance coverage to protect your cargo in case of any accidents or damages.
Types of Trucking Services Offered in Winnipeg
In Winnipeg, there are various types of trucking services offered to cater to different transportation needs. Understanding these services will help you choose the right trucking company for your specific requirements. Here are some common types of trucking services available in Winnipeg:
Local Transportation: Local trucking services are ideal for businesses that need to transport goods within the city or nearby areas. These services are often used for same-day or next-day deliveries, providing quick and efficient transportation solutions.
Long-Distance Hauling: If you require transportation services for goods that need to be delivered across provinces or even to the United States, long-distance hauling is the right choice. These trucking companies specialize in transporting goods over long distances, ensuring timely and safe delivery.
Refrigerated Transport: For businesses dealing with perishable goods, such as food or pharmaceuticals, refrigerated transport is essential. These trucks are equipped with temperature-controlled units to maintain the freshness and integrity of the cargo throughout the journey.
Specialized Transport: Some trucking companies offer specialized transport services for oversized or heavy cargo. This includes transporting machinery, construction equipment, or other large items that require specialized handling and equipment. By understanding the different types of trucking services available, you can select a company that aligns with your specific transportation needs.
Researching and Shortlisting Potential Trucking Companies
Now that you know the factors to consider and the types of trucking services available, it’s time to start researching and shortlisting potential trucking companies in Winnipeg. This step is crucial in finding reliable and reputable companies that meet your requirements. Here’s how to go about it:
Online Research: Begin by conducting online research to identify trucking companies in Winnipeg. Look for companies with a strong online presence and well-designed websites. This can be an indicator of their professionalism and commitment to their business.
Industry Recommendations: Reach out to others in your industry who have used trucking services in Winnipeg. Ask for recommendations and feedback on their experiences with different companies. This firsthand information can be valuable in making your decision.
Check Online Directories: Utilize online directories or industry-specific websites to find a list of trucking companies in Winnipeg. These directories often provide details about the company’s services, contact information, and customer reviews.
Ask for Quotes: Contact the shortlisted companies and request quotes for your specific transportation needs. This will give you an idea of their pricing and help you compare the costs of different companies. By conducting thorough research and shortlisting potential trucking companies, you are one step closer to finding the best trucking company in Winnipeg for your business.
Evaluating the Reputation and Experience of Trucking Companies
When it comes to choosing a trucking company, reputation and experience play a crucial role. You want to work with a company that has a proven track record of delivering goods safely and on time. Here are some steps to evaluate the reputation and experience of trucking companies in Winnipeg:
Online Reviews and Testimonials: Read online reviews and testimonials from previous customers. Look for patterns in the feedback, paying attention to comments about service quality, reliability, and professionalism. Keep in mind that a few negative reviews are normal, but if there are consistent complaints, it may be a red flag.
Industry Associations and Certifications: Check if the trucking company is a member of industry associations or has relevant certifications. These affiliations indicate their commitment to meeting industry standards and best practices.
Ask for References: Don’t hesitate to ask the trucking companies for references from their previous clients. Contact these references to inquire about their experience working with the company. This direct feedback can provide valuable insights into the company’s reputation and customer satisfaction.
Track Record and Experience: Consider the company’s track record and experience in the industry. Look for companies with a long history of successful operations and a proven ability to handle various types of cargo. By evaluating the reputation and experience of trucking companies, you can narrow down your options to those that have a solid foundation in the industry.
Assessing the Fleet and Equipment of Trucking Companies
The fleet and equipment of a trucking company are crucial factors to consider when making your final decision. You want to ensure that the company has the necessary resources to handle your specific transportation needs. Here’s how to assess the fleet and equipment of trucking companies in Winnipeg:
Fleet Size and Availability: Consider the size of the company’s fleet and their availability to meet your transportation requirements. A larger fleet may indicate better availability and flexibility in accommodating your needs.
Condition of Vehicles: Assess the condition of the trucks and trailers used by the company. Well-maintained vehicles indicate that the company takes pride in their operations and prioritizes the safety of your cargo.
Specialized Equipment: If you have specific requirements, such as refrigerated transport or specialized handling for oversized cargo, ensure that the company has the necessary equipment to meet your needs.
Maintenance and Safety: Inquire about the company’s maintenance and safety protocols. Ask about their regular inspection schedules and safety measures to ensure that your cargo will be handled with the utmost care. By assessing the fleet and equipment of trucking companies, you can choose a company that has the resources and capabilities to transport your goods safely and efficiently.
Understanding the Pricing Structure and Rates of Trucking Services
Pricing is an important consideration when choosing a trucking company. While you want to find affordable rates, it’s also crucial to consider the value you will receive for your money. Here’s how to understand the pricing structure and rates of trucking services:
Transparent Pricing: Look for companies that provide transparent pricing information. They should clearly outline the cost factors involved, such as distance, weight, and any additional services required.
Compare Quotes: Request quotes from multiple trucking companies and compare them. Pay attention to the inclusions and exclusions in the quotes to ensure you are comparing similar services.
Value for Money: Consider the overall value you will receive for the quoted price. Evaluate the company’s reputation, experience, and service quality in relation to their rates. Remember that the cheapest option may not always provide the best value.
Additional Fees: Inquire about any additional fees that may be applicable, such as fuel surcharges, toll fees, or overnight stay charges. Understanding these potential costs will help you make an accurate cost comparison. By understanding the pricing structure and rates of trucking services, you can select a company that offers a fair balance between cost and quality.
Checking for Proper Licensing and Insurance
When it comes to choosing a trucking company, it’s crucial to ensure that they have the proper licensing and insurance. This ensures compliance with industry regulations and provides protection for your cargo. Here’s how to check for proper licensing and insurance:
Licensing Verification: Verify the trucking company’s licensing by checking with the appropriate regulatory bodies. They should be able to provide you with their license numbers and any relevant certifications.
Insurance Coverage: Inquire about the company’s insurance coverage and ask for proof of insurance. Ensure that they have adequate coverage to protect your cargo against damages, theft, or accidents during transportation.
Bonding and Liability: Check if the company has bonding or liability coverage that can provide additional protection in case of any unforeseen incidents or losses. By checking for proper licensing and insurance, you can have peace of mind knowing that your cargo is in safe hands.
Reading Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Customer reviews and testimonials provide valuable insights into the quality of service provided by a trucking company. Take the time to read through these reviews to gauge the experiences of previous customers. Here’s why reading customer reviews is important:
Service Quality: Customer reviews can give you an idea of the company’s service quality, including their reliability, professionalism, and communication. Look for positive reviews that highlight these aspects.
Consistency: Consistent positive reviews indicate that the company consistently delivers good service. Conversely, consistent negative reviews may indicate ongoing issues that should be a cause for concern.
Red Flags: Pay attention to any red flags mentioned in the reviews, such as complaints about damaged cargo, missed deliveries, or poor customer service. These can help you identify potential problems with a company.
Overall Satisfaction: Consider the overall satisfaction level of previous customers. If the majority of reviews are positive, it’s a good sign that the company is reliable and trustworthy. By reading customer reviews and testimonials, you can gain valuable insights into the experiences of others and make an informed decision.
Making the Final Decision and Booking the Best Trucking Company in Winnipeg
After considering all the factors, evaluating reputations, assessing fleets and equipment, and reading customer reviews, it’s time to make your final decision and book the best trucking company in Winnipeg. Here’s a summary of the steps to take:
Compare Shortlisted Companies: Review all the information you have gathered about the shortlisted companies, including their reputation, experience, fleet size, equipment, pricing, licensing, insurance, and customer reviews.
Consider Your Requirements: Ensure that the chosen company aligns with your specific transportation needs, whether it’s local, long-distance, refrigerated, or specialized transport.
Contact the Chosen Company: Reach out to the chosen trucking company and discuss your requirements in detail. Clarify any questions or concerns you may have before making the final booking.
Confirm the Booking: Once you are satisfied with the company’s responses and feel confident in their ability to meet your needs, confirm the booking and provide any necessary details or documentation. By following these steps, you can make an informed decision and book the best trucking company in Winnipeg for your transportation needs.
In conclusion, choosing the best trucking company in Winnipeg requires careful consideration of various factors. From evaluating their reputation and experience to assessing their fleet and equipment, every aspect plays a role in ensuring a successful and efficient transportation service. By conducting thorough research, reading customer reviews, and comparing quotes, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business requirements. Don’t settle for unreliable trucking services when you can find the best company to meet your needs. Let this guide be your ultimate resource in choosing the best trucking company in Winnipeg.
For further inquiries or to initiate discussions with potential candidates, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our dedicated team is readily available to address your questions and provide personalized assistance. We look forward to collaborating with you and facilitating seamless transportation solutions for your business at Keen Transport & Logistics
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towncarrentals · 6 months
Exploring Winnipeg with Town Car Rental
Winnipeg, the capital of Manitoba, is a vibrant city filled with cultural attractions, picturesque landscapes, and bustling urban life. Whether you're a local looking for a convenient transportation solution or a visitor eager to explore all that Winnipeg has to offer, renting a car can be the key to unlocking the city's wonders.
 In this guide, we delve into the options available for car rental in Winnipeg, with a spotlight on Town Car Rental – your trusted partner for seamless and affordable transportation solutions.
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Why Renting a Car in Winnipeg Makes Sense:
Winnipeg is a city with diverse neighborhoods, each offering unique experiences. From the historic Exchange District to the scenic Assiniboine Park, having access to a reliable mode of transportation can significantly enhance your exploration of the city. While public transportation is available, it may not always offer the flexibility and convenience that a rented car provides. With a rental car, you have the freedom to chart your own course, explore hidden gems off the beaten path, and make the most of your time in Winnipeg.
Introducing Town Car Rental:
Among the many car rental options in Winnipeg, Town Car Rental stands out as a reliable and customer-centric choice. With a fleet of well-maintained vehicles ranging from compact cars to spacious SUVs, Town Car Rental caters to diverse needs and preferences. Whether you're traveling solo, with family, or in a group, you can find the perfect vehicle to suit your requirements at Town Car Rental.
Convenience and Accessibility:
Convenience is key when it comes to car rental, and Town Car Rental excels in this aspect. With multiple locations conveniently situated throughout Winnipeg, including at the airport and downtown area, picking up and dropping off your rental car is a hassle-free experience. Additionally, Town Car Rental offers online booking options, allowing you to reserve your vehicle in advance from the comfort of your home or office.
Affordability Without Compromise:
While renting a car offers undeniable convenience, affordability is also a crucial factor for many travelers. At Town Car Rental, competitive pricing meets exceptional service, ensuring that you get the best value for your money. With transparent pricing and no hidden fees, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that you're getting a great deal on your rental car. Furthermore, Town Car Rental frequently offers promotions and discounts, making your Winnipeg adventure even more budget-friendly.
Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed:
Town Car Rental takes pride in providing top-notch customer service to every client. From the moment you book your rental car to the time you return it, you can expect personalized attention and support from the dedicated team at Town Car Rental. Whether you need assistance choosing the right vehicle for your needs or require guidance on navigating Winnipeg's roads, their friendly staff are always ready to assist you.
Exploring Winnipeg with Town Car Rental:
With your rental car from Town Car Rental, the possibilities for exploration in Winnipeg are endless. Start your journey by discovering the city's cultural landmarks, such as the Canadian Museum for Human Rights and the Manitoba Museum. Then, venture into nature with a visit to Assiniboine Park, where you can explore lush gardens, encounter wildlife at the zoo, and stroll along scenic pathways.
For those seeking a taste of Winnipeg's culinary scene, your rental car provides easy access to an array of restaurants, cafes, and food markets serving up delicious local fare. From traditional Ukrainian pierogies to innovative fusion cuisine, Winnipeg offers something to satisfy every palate.
As the day turns to night, use your rental car to experience Winnipeg's vibrant nightlife. Whether you're into live music, craft cocktails, or cozy pubs, there's no shortage of entertainment options to discover. With your trusted rental car from Town Car Rental, you can explore Winnipeg's diverse neighborhoods at your own pace, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
In Conclusion:
Renting a car in Winnipeg opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to explore the city and its surroundings with ease and flexibility. With Town Car Rental as your trusted partner, you can enjoy a seamless rental experience from start to finish, with convenience, affordability, and customer satisfaction guaranteed. So why wait? Book your rental car today and embark on an unforgettable adventure in the heart of Canada's prairies.
Whether you're a local resident in need of temporary wheels or a visitor eager to explore Winnipeg's offerings, renting a car from Town Car Rental is the smart choice for convenient and affordable transportation. With their diverse fleet, convenient locations, and commitment to customer satisfaction, Town Car Rental ensures that your Winnipeg adventure is smooth, enjoyable, and memorable.
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204mealprep · 7 months
Eating Healthy | Made Easy | Winnipeg #1 Meal Prep Service
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Our vegan meal plans are thoughtfully curated to provide you with a balance of flavors, nutrients, and variety, ensuring a satisfying dining experience every time. What sets us apart is our dedication to delivering freshness directly to you. Each meal is carefully crafted using high-quality, wholesome ingredients, and then promptly delivered to your door, preserving the vibrant flavors and nutritional value.
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ilopisara · 7 months
16.02. 21:23 | Ilo Pisara vs Eremenko Mentality 3 - 6
Ah, the latest spectacle on ice has left me with a cocktail of emotions, mostly stirred and shaken in disbelief. Our beloved Ilo Pisara faced off against Eremenko Mentality and let's just say, if this game were a dance-off, we tripped over our own feet. The final score? A heart-wrenching 3-6 defeat. Now onto the shots - "VETOJA HYVÄT HERRAT!" or should I say lack thereof? Eighteen shots! That’s like trying to win a food fight armed only with toothpicks. And powerplay opportunities? Four chances to shine brighter than my bald spot under stadium lights, yet zero goals. It was as if our strategy was inspired by playing darts... blindfolded. Teppo Winnipeg tried his best impression of an offensive defenseman but ended up more lost than socks in a laundry room – shooting at 18% accuracy is not going to cut it unless we're aiming for sympathy points. Macho Fantastico lived up to half his name; 'Fantastico' must have been taking the night off because while he scored twice, those giveaways (12!) made him look like Santa Claus in enemy territory. And Sami Noddy – bless your soul for scoring and assisting while probably wondering if you accidentally joined a curling team given how slow everyone else seemed! In conclusion: If history teaches us anything from our previous victories ("skating victoriously into sunset"), it's that redemption isn't just possible; it's necessary. Let’s lace up tighter next time because clearly, some skates were on vacation today!
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