#best fountain
toxooz · 2 years
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Ponti doing typical evil dinosaur things like giving a tyrannical speech abt taking over the city and killing ppl 
lil lighting practice doodle 
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bethanyeliseart · 3 years
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“‘To whom do you swear your oaths?’ Master Koon asked, breaking the silence in a low rumble.
Leia almost flinched. ‘To anyone that hears them,’ slipped out, more honest than she would have liked. Followed by, ‘To the dead.’” - acuteneurosis, “Blood of Our Father”
I’ve been wanting to draw this scene for so long. I can’t recommend this series, Don’t Look Back, enough. If you love Leia, time travel fics, the politics and world building of the prequels, you’ll love this series. Here’s a link to the first one. @this-acuteneurosis
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diagonalhorizon · 2 years
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Rex catching a glimpse of himself in The Fountain and realizing his hair is green, moments before getting dunked again.
@puirell here he is!
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neitherlightnordark · 3 years
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[I.D.: Toriel with a baby Kris in her arms, swinging them around in a tight hug and beaming as they reach up to grab her face and ears, a red horned headband on their head and a green crayon in their hand. End I.D.]
you'd only ever do what's best for them. right, toriel?
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a-study-in-dante · 2 years
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March 26th, 2022 | Attended a lecture on Christine de Pizan and her 'feminist' works, which was very interesting. I'm obsessed with the grey ink I brought back from Paris and am currently using!
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bestofmidi · 2 years
Stacy's mom has got it going on She's all I want and I've waited for so long Stacy, can't you see? You're just not the girl for me I know it might be wrong, but I'm in love with Stacy's mom
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original midi at https://freemidi.org/getter-3216
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she-x-wolf · 2 years
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Shadows of Saintfour gang, before and after.
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the-meme-monarch · 2 years
not sure how to convey the passage of time so i sneak in their ages every now and then when it’s relevant to know that time has passed
#anyway we’re at the 6000 word mark#scribe time#it’s now twice as long as my previous longest fic which was 3000ish words and was chulip and is still maybe the best thing I’ve written#also just to be petty i have not and will not at any point call them robots. bc i still firmly believe that they aren’t robots ok bye#and like sorry can i rant abt that again rq. I’m sorry. I need to. i need to be annoying.#they are just darkners. if you were to be any more specific than that they’d be a speaker darkner or cassette player or CD player darkner#or colllectibely: audio player darkners#like undertale they’re still monsters. sans is a skeleton monster. it’s the same sort of More Specific titling#(sans was maybe not the best example bc there’s theory that he’s a darkner actually But. ya know)#in fact queens not a robot either .! she only calls herself a computer#like i think my gripe w calling them robots is that#they weren’t BUILT to look like that? in the light wor#world they are just. a speaker a cassette player and a CD player and a computer#the dark fountain gave the#gave them form they’re made of magic (maybe not magic bc that’s monsters. i like to think darkners are made of hopes and dreams :])#anyway sorry again *looking at myself in the mirror gripping the sink* L + ratio + nobody asked#i KNOW it’s a stupid thing to be so hung up on. I’m literally actually so sorry like genuinely I wish I would get over it#AGAIN nobody asked I’m literally just supposed to be here to mention my writing progress#words from the monarch
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steelycunt · 2 years
Ridi would have sirius liked nirvana during his lie low at lupin stay
hm. depends if remus got around to introducing them. we must bear in mind how busy they were during that period what with all the sex they were having and brooding they were doing. how much time was truly left after that, one must ask
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brutal-nemesis · 3 years
E&T-Just a Memory
Let’s check in with Shiori (✿◡‿◡)
Shiori liked taking a walk each morning. It helped her wake up and just take some time to relax, and since she was often far from home, she got to explore wherever she’d ended up on business. Today it was Nathar, formerly the capital of Berké, specifically the old palace, as she was going to be making a deal with one of the ministers there later in the day. For now though, she was simply a visitor, wandering the halls.
But something in one of the many paintings lining a particular hallway caught her eye. She stopped, looking up to see that it featured the most recent king and queen from before Xerna’s conquest with...their son. Something was intensely familiar about him, and she didn’t quite realize what it was until she looked down at the names on the plaque below: Queen Elisenda, King Talos, and Prince...Prince Erebus. 
Memories came flooding back to her all of a sudden. Of dancing under the Midnight Sun, of a spot of cream on his nose, of being together in the garden, of flatbreads with jam. Looking back up at the painting...that was him, albeit a bit younger, wasn’t it? Besides his hair, which was much longer in the painting than it had been when she met him, he had the same blue eyes, the same smile, the same way of standing...At the sound of a guard walking by, Shiori turned towards them.
“Excuse me, is...do you know what happened to the royal family after Xerna took over? The family in this painting?”
The guard stopped, their face falling slightly. “Well...the queen died a few years prior to the war, and the king was killed when Nathar fell. As for the prince,” their voice dropped, “he was captured and branded before being taken away. To this day we don’t know where, or what ended up happening to him.”
Shiori felt an awful feeling start to grow in the pit of her stomach. “When-when you say branded, do you mean-”
“With a hot iron. Like cattle.” The guard shuddered, gripping their spear tightly. “I don’t think I’ll ever forget the way he screamed.” 
There was silence for a moment as Shiori tried to imagine the man she’d met that night screaming in pain. If that really had been him...what had he been doing there that night? But the way he’d been hesitant to talk about himself, so desperate to remember every moment of the night, that incredibly sad look in his eyes as they said their goodbyes, the fact that he never met her at the fountain, that her efforts to track him down came up short…“I think I met him.”
“What?! When? He-he’s still alive then was he okay-”
“I-it was years ago, at a party in Taiyorum. He-he just seemed like a normal person, but now that I think about it there was something off and it might have been because he was-was a prisoner or something, even though...I don’t know.” She furrowed her brow. “I never saw him again after that day.”
Shiori looked back up at the painting, at those bright blue eyes she’d all but forgotten.
Erebus...what happened to you?
She never did find out.
Tags: @dramaticcollapse @thehopelessopus @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @galaxywhump @as-a-matter-of-whump @mnmlover2002 @tears-and-lilies @yet-another-heathen @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @starnight-whump @unicornscotty @thebewilderer​ @kixngiggles​ @itallstartedwithharry​​ @inky-whump​ @redstainedsocks​ @lonesome--hunter​ @his-unspoken-words​​ @lave-whump​ @susiequaz12​ @its-mysweetlittlesecret-blog @whumpasaurus101​ @patheticlittleguy​ @jadeocean46910
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cherrymoonvol6 · 3 years
whatever caused asgore and toriel to divorce becomes 200% more interesting to me when i remember that, when feeling in danger at her home while watching over two sleeping teenagers, and when the police is not picking up, toriel still doesn't call asgore (who's an ex-cop, btw) to protect her and the kids from whatever could happen to them during the night
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you're laying on top of a hill with your best friend, to watch the 4th of july fireworks. as the fireworks start, you start to think about how much shit you both have gone through and how proud you are to call her your best friend.
You're laying on top of a hill with your best friend, to watch the 4th of july fireworks. As the fireworks start, you start to think about how much shit you both have gone through and how proud you are to call her your best friend
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doebt · 3 years
i need some like local friends in a seriously bad way ive even halfway reached out to former friends lately which is pathetic but I like need to be able to go walk down a sidewalk with someone in real life and breathe the same air 
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loosesodamarble · 3 years
Hello there!!! Congrats for reaching 100 followers, if it's still available, can I get a potential friendship fic (🧃) for Luck and Gauche? (please do 🥛 if the other was taken) Thank you in advance!!!
Why hello anon! And don't worry, the request is yours to have!
Ready to be served: one friendship between Luck and Gauche. Please enjoy!
King of New York by Alan Menken was the song set for the request. The song isn't explicitly about friendship but I like the high energy vibes from it.
It was something out of a dream. Something sought after. But ultimately impossible. And yet…
“In second place… THE BLACK BULLS! With one hundred and one stars!”
But no matter how hard Gauche had pinched himself, he didn’t hear the usual “And in last place, the Black Bulls!”
It was real. And the high spirits didn’t die down even after the Star Awards Festival ended.
“Second place~! Second place~!” Luck chanted while bouncing around the base the next morning. “We Black Bulls are in second place~!” It was better than him asking for death matches, but still annoying.
Where’s everyone else? Gauche wondered, unable to concentrate on his in-progress portrait of Marie. Someone needs to take Luck out for a walk or something.
“Hey, hey!” Luck yelled while yanking Gauche down to his eye level. “Do you know what being in second place means?”
“If we end up in last place after this, then the recent ranking will look like a fluke?” Gauche guessed with a roll of his eyes. “Or a prank. How long until they do the reveal?”
Luck flicked Gauche’s forehead and muttered, “It’s not a prank. Don’t be a weirdo.”
I’m the weirdo?! Do you even know who you are?! Gauche attempted to pull Luck’s hands off his collar only to find the blond’s grip was eerily strong. “Fine. So if it’s not a prank what do you think second place means?”
“It means we’ll get more missions!” Luck whooped. He threw his hands up, inadvertently clocking Gauche with an uppercut. “Or tougher missions! Either way, it means I’ll get to fight more!”
“More missions, huh?” Gauche echoed. Rubbing his sore nose left bloodstains on his hand. Come on. Really? He wiped away the blood with his sleeve as he mused. “If I go on more missions then I’d get paid more… And I’d be able to get more and better gifts for Marie!”
“I could fight more Diamond and Spade soldiers if I was on border patrol!” There was a sparkle in Luck’s wide eyes.
“I’ll finally be able to get Marie a whole new wardrobe! No third-rate rags for her!” Gauche could picture Marie all dolled up in new clothes. They’d be so nice that nobility, no royalty, would be put to shame!
“Maybe the knights from other squads will spar with me now!” Luck hopped back and forth on his feet, sparks flying each time he landed.
“She’ll have so many stuffed toys, she could sleep on them like a mattress!” The image of Marie carving an angel shape out of stuffed toys, as if she were playing in snow, crossed Gauche’s mind. So cute.
“This is the best thing to ever happen to me!” the young men cheered in unison.
The two of them fell dead silent and gave each other side-eye looks.
A beat.
“What kind of weird fantasies are you having?!” Gauche snapped, pointing an accusing finger at Luck. “Not everything is about fighting, you know! Take some time to reward yourself!”
“Pff-wahahaha! That’s rich coming from you!” Luck ewas bent over himself, giggling and snorting in a fit. “Fighting is rewarding to me! And how is spending all your money on someone else rewarding?”
Gauche caught Luck around the neck with one arm and ground into his crown with his free fist.
“Seeing Marie happy is my reward! Didn’t you ever do things for the sake of family before?”
At Gauche’s words, Luck went still, eerily so. It made Gauche wonder if he had handled his junior too roughly. All of a sudden, electricity discharged from Luck’s whole body, traveling up Gauche’s arms and making him scream and convulse before collapsing to the ground.
“That’s right!” Luck exclaimed, standing upright and ignoring Gauche slumped on the floor. “I did do that at some point!” He spun on his heel and offered a hand. “When you put it like that, I guess what you do is okay! Still pretty creepy though!”
Looks like I’m not going to get an explanation for any of that. With Luck’s help, Gauche got back on his feet. “I guess if you accept how I do things, I can accept what you do too.”
“Really? Then how about a death match right now! That’d make me really happy!”
“… Hell no! Are you outta your mind!”
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oimoi-op · 2 years
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Tried comparing the 400NN to my semi-flexy vac with mixed results lol
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swashbucklery · 3 years
hello! I hope you are having a good day. I always appreciate reading your tumblr and your amazing fic! (I've been reading since lj and legends of the seeker and bleighton and such? with some years off here and there...). I live out in the country now, and there's a sheep farm near me with a big "knit local" sign on the side of its barn, and it always makes me think of you when I pass by, since you are the only person I know to have spun their own wool.
Anon, this was a lovely message! I can't believe you've been reading me for that long but I'm delighted that you enjoy my vibe and my work after this many years. 💕
That sheep farm sounds like it has the good stuff - if they have a stand you should definitely check out their yarn; I bet it's wonderful. I remain a huge wool nerd and I'm in a real period with like. Single breed naturally-coloured fleeces (ie, the sheep that have brown or grey wool instead of white). Spinning for a few minutes every day has been my morning zen even through the pandemic.
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