#best home remedy to reduce creatinine
kidneyandayurveda · 2 years
Home remedies to balance and lower High Creatinine Levels
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One of the important ways for supporting good health and keeping creatinine levels under check is by ensuring that the kidneys are functioning well. If a person has high creatinine levels in the body, then it's relevant to schedule a health checkup soon since it may be a possible cause of kidney treatment.
Tests and creatinine screenings are also recommended for people who have the following health conditions, which can damage proper kidney function:
Frail Immunity
High blood pressure
Autoimmune disorders
History of kidney disease
Bacterial infections
Creatinine levels can elevate because of many underlying factors; that’s why every individual must work to ensure that the body properly gets clean blood flow so that it can function well. In some of the cases, proper therapies and medications are advised to improve vital functioning and lower creatinine.
Several home remedies and dietary changes can also be given to naturally treat underlying causes and lower creatinine levels.
Below mentioned are the ways:
Reduce your protein intake
Protein is an essential nutrient needed by the body for various needs. Although, too much protein can increase creatinine levels in the body and go undigested.
Studies show that certain foods that are rich in protein are more susceptible to increase creatinine as compared to others. Switching to vegetables and plant-based proteins can be of great help.
Talk with healthcare experts regarding how much fluid one should drink.
Again there is a reason to drink adequate water. Drinking less than required water in a day and dehydration can raise the creatinine levels in the body, making elimination difficult. Retention and fluid intake can too impose problems for people with kidney disease. Talking to a certified nutritionist, incorporating hydrating drinks and foods into the diet can make a difference.
Try having at least 8-10 glasses of water per day.
Limit your alcohol intake
Alcohol is not just harmful to the liver but to kidney health also. Too much alcohol consumption damages the kidneys, increase blood pressure levels, and create renal problems. All such factors can disturb the creatinine levels in the body. Therefore, cutting down on alcohol consumption is the best measure to lead a healthy life.
Lower your salt intake
Too much intake of salt can be a major cause of high blood pressure, which can lead to kidney problems. Processed foods are also loaded with sodium, additives, and harmful agents, which leads to kidney issues.
Therefore, try and cut down on the salt intake and make use of herbs, and natural spices, to flavor the food. Salt intake shouldn't exceed more than two tablespoons per day.
Avoid smoking
Tobacco consumption is linked to complications and kidney diseases, including high creatinine levels.
Cigarette smoking can reduce the probability of other health complications that can affect mortality. Hence, quitting smoking can help manage health better.
Ayurvedic treatment for high creatinine
According to Ayurvedic principles, there are basically three doshas in the human body - Kapha, pitta, and Vata. The decrease of these doshas causes all the disorders and diseases. A kidney disorder is generally a disturbance in pitta doshas.
High Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda has some specific herbs that directly or indirectly impact kidney functions to treat creatinine issues and help in recovering again.
Diet and physical activities play an essential role in managing blood creatinine levels in the body. Maintaining protein consumption within the suggested range for age and activity level is advisable because protein contains creatine, which later breaks down into creatinine.
Closing Thoughts
Several problems, such as kidney damage, can lead to high creatinine levels.
A few ways to avoid high creatinine levels include:
Limiting red meat intake 
Avoiding a few types of intense exercise
Taking medical advice before consuming creatine supplements
If high creatinine levels are a result of a kidney problem, the doctor will recommend a proper treatment plan.
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ayurvedickidneycare · 3 years
Home Remedies To Lower Creatinine Levels Naturally
What is Creatinine?
Creatinine is a natural byproduct of muscle metabolism caused by a breakdown of a chemical called creatine. It is a waste product found in everyone’s blood and urine. Under normal circumstances, the kidneys should be able to filter and pass this substance out of the body. It simply stays in the blood until reaching the kidneys, where it is filtered and eliminated through urine. The amount of creatinine in the blood can be measured to evaluate the health of the kidneys and how well they are performing their jobs.
However, certain health problems can hinder this function, allowing the harmful amount of creatinine to accumulate in the body. A higher creatinine level than normal may be a sign of kidney disease. In the worst-case scenario, if the kidneys keep failing to perform their functions, it might lead to kidney failure or end-stage renal disease (ESRD).
Nevertheless, there are several ways that can help you to reduce your creatinine levels naturally, including lifestyle and dietary modifications, participating in natural home remedies, and following creatinine ayurvedic treatment.
What is a Good Creatinine level?
As aforementioned, the kidneys are responsible for maintaining the level of creatinine in blood within the normal range. The normal range of creatinine levels varies depending on the age, gender, and body size of an individual. Regardless of these factors, the normal range for creatinine for someone with healthy kidneys is mentioned below.
Normal blood creatinine levels
Men: 0.6 to 1.2 mg per deciliter
Women: 0.5 to 1.1 mg per deciliter
Normal urine creatinine levels
Men: 107 to 139 ml per minute
Women: 87 to 107 ml per minute
An increased creatinine level is an early warning sign of poor kidney functions and damaged kidneys. Prompt treatment should be sought to cure this problem of the roots.
What Causes High Creatinine?
If the functioning of the kidneys is interrupted or impaired by any condition, it can cause the creatinine levels to go high. Therefore, knowing what factors lead to high creatinine levels is important when discussing how to lower creatinine levels quickly. These factors include the following:
Strenuous exercise
Muscle injury
High blood pressure
Low blood flow
Severe burn
Kidney damage
Chronic kidney disease
Potentially fatal infections
Heart diseases
What Are The Symptoms of High Creatinine?
High creatinine levels and kidney dysfunction can lead to symptoms such as:
Itchy skin
Lack of appetite
Shortness of breath
Frequent urination at night
Dark-colored urine
It is imperative to get the kidneys diagnosed periodically. Listed below are some home remedies that can help reduce creatinine levels and improve the functioning of the kidneys in the most natural and effective way.
How to Lower Creatinine Levels Naturally?
Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine treats the abnormal creatinine levels depending entirely upon the underlying cause. The ayurvedic treatment eliminates the need for dialysis as its medicinal properties help in the regeneration of kidney cells and restore their functions.
In Kidney And Ayurveda treatment, natural remedies are performed that help brings down creatinine levels. Along with this, various herbs are identified which help to reduce the creatinine levels naturally without causing any adverse effects on the body. These natural herbs help to increase the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), which helps to facilitate the elimination of creatinine. Moreover, these herbs are full of medicinal properties which help to promote renal functions.
Furthermore, changes in diet and lifestyle can be a simple and effective treatment for minor cases. But for someone suffering from chronic kidney disease, kidney damage, or kidney failure require more robust procedures. It is best suggested to opt for Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine as it is the most natural and safe treatment to cure the condition. Here are a few potential methods for lowering creatinine levels:
What to do
Stay hydrated
Sleep well
Reduce protein intake
Consume fresh fruits and vegetables
Maintain a healthy body weight
Exercise daily but avoid strenuous exercise
Control blood sugar and lower blood pressure level
What to avoid
Creatine and other supplements
High sodium foods
Processed foods
Alcohol consumption
Over-the-counter painkillers
Home remedies
Barley water has diuretic properties, which help to clean the kidneys and eliminate extra stores of creatinine.
Getting enough sleep helps give the kidneys enough time to remove the creatinine from the body properly.
Excess sodium is found in fast foods, fatty foods, and processed foods. Consuming homemade meals is beneficial as it can effectively limit the amount of sodium.
Adding cinnamon to water or food is great for stimulating kidney function. It also aids in the regulation of blood sugar and the reduction of creatinine levels.
Pineapple is helpful in lowering the creatinine levels in the body as it is a rich source of fiber and vitamin C.
Cranberries are high in antioxidants and have diuretic properties, which aid to maintain kidneys' health and lower creatinine levels.
Doing regular yoga asanas aid in the relief of kidney problems that lead to increased levels of creatinine in the body.
Disclaimer: Always consult a doctor before making changes to your diet or lifestyle. Because every individual’s health needs are different, these rules might not work for everyone.
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advanceayurveda24 · 4 years
Home Remedies to Naturally Lower Your Creatinine Levels
Creatinine is a byproduct that is produced when you utilize your muscles. Eating bunches of protein may likewise create modest quantities of this natural compound.
Your circulation system transports creatinine to your kidneys, where your body sift it through your pee. In any case, if your kidneys aren't working appropriately, the degree of creatinine in your blood can develop.
Your medical services supplier may check your blood and pee for creatinine, just as request different tests to assess the soundness of your kidneys. A typical level relies upon your age, race, sex, and body size.
Anomalous creatinine levels might be an indication of kidney illness.
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You may require a creatinine test on the off chance that you have these indications:
changes in pee (recurrence, torment, frothiness, or blood)
muscle cramps
queasiness or retching
puffiness around the eyes
growing in the feet or lower legs
Your primary care physician may moreover suggest normal creatinine testing on the off chance that you have any of the accompanying conditions, which may add to diminished kidney work:
thyroid infection
immune system infections
bacterial contamination of the kidneys
an obstructed urinary lot
a family background of kidney infection
Creatinine levels can likewise rise incidentally from exhausting activity or utilizing certain meds like .
Besides, getting pregnant or eating an eating routine high in red meat may contribute.
Your body needs to clean your blood to work ideally. The most ideal approach to bring down your creatinine levels is to treat the basic reason.
On the off chance that your blood creatinine is high, it's essential to work with your medical care supplier to build up a therapy intend to address any clinical issues that may be hurting your kidney work.
Alongside your medications and different medicines, find out if the accompanying way of life changes are suitable for you.
Here are different ways to normally bring down your creatinine levels.
1. Try not to take supplements containing creatine
Creatine is a characteristic compound made in your liver. It's moved to your muscles where it's utilized for energy. Unused creatine that is not utilized as energy gets changed over into creatinine, a side-effect.
Notwithstanding its normal structure, creatine is accessible as an oral enhancement. A few competitors utilize these creatinine-delivering enhancements to help improve athletic execution.
Anybody wishing to decrease their creatinine levels to improve their kidney capacity ought not take creatine supplements. There's restricted exploration on creatine supplements and their general well being.
Talk with your primary care physician prior to adding any enhancement to your eating regimen.
2. Diminish your protein admission
Exploration shows that eating a lot of protein can increment creatinine levels Trusted Source, in any event briefly. Specifically, cooked red meat can influence creatinine. The warmth from cooking causes the creatine found in meat to deliver creatinine.
Individuals following eating regimens high in red meat or other protein sources, including dairy items, may have higher creatinine levels than individuals who eat less of those nourishment.
On the off chance that you eat loads of red meat, change to more vegetable-based dishes. Take a stab at trading out hamburger burgers for:
vegetable patties
good vegetable stew
lentil soup
3. Eat more fiber
More exploration is expected to decide dietary fiber's impacts on creatinine levels. All things considered, one investigation indicated critical decreases in creatinine levels in individuals with persistent kidney sickness who expanded their fiber admission.
Fiber can be found in numerous nourishment's, including:
organic products
entire grains
4. Lower your salt admission
Diets that incorporate abundance salt can add to hypertension. Prepared nourishment, specifically, are regularly stacked with sodium and phosphorus, which studies Trusted Source have demonstrated possibly cause renal issues.
Think about zeroing in on entire, natural nourishment's, and utilizing flavors and spices to enhance your food whenever the situation allows.
5. Try not to smoke
Smoking cigarettes can hurt the body in various manners, including essentially increasing Trusted Source the danger of persistent kidney infection.
Stopping can be an approach to diminish the probability of issues with your kidneys that may increment creatinine levels.
6. Cutoff your liquor consumption
Liquor utilization can be a precarious issue with regards to kidney work. A few examinations have demonstrated that moderate Trusted Source liquor utilization may help decline the danger of constant kidney infection.
Other studies Trusted Source have demonstrated that inordinate liquor can possibly harm the kidneys. It can likewise contribute Trusted Source to conditions like hypertension and liquor reliance.
On the off chance that you drink liquor, counsel your medical care supplier about the most secure levels for your well being needs.
Note: Ayurveda helps How to reduce creatinine There are also several treatments in world but best option is our old Ayurveda in other words 1st treatments by ayurvedic kidney failure treatment,  ayurveda benefits it have no side effects, its  help to cure diseases Naturally.
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super-sedrati-posts · 5 years
High Creatinine Levels – Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment
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What if your body loses its ability to eliminate toxic substances? Well, it is a possibility, given how careless we can be with our diet and health.
 The kidneys help in removing toxins from the body through urine. But what happens when your diet and other factors cause loss of kidney function? It leads to high creatinine levels in your blood, which can cause serious damage to your health. Are your creatinine levels unusually high? Here are some remedies to lower creatinine levels.
What Is Creatinine?
Creatine is a chemical waste that is created by the metabolic activities of your muscles. The main source of creatinine is creatine, which is a significant molecule that helps in producing energy for the muscles.
About 2% of your body’s creatine is converted to creatinine daily and transported to the kidneys via the bloodstream. And your kidneys filter out most of the creatinine and eliminate it from your body via urine.
Remember, a low urine creatinine level may be an indication of high blood creatinine, but is not of much concern in most cases.
Given below is a creatinine level chart that reveals the normal and abnormal ranges of creatinine according to one’s age, gender, muscle mass, etc.
What Causes High Creatinine?
If the functioning of your kidneys is interrupted or impaired by any condition, it can cause your creatinine levels to go high. Some of the most common causes of chronic kidney diseases or elevated creatinine levels in adults include:
High blood pressure
Urinary tract infections
Kidney infections
Abnormal muscle breakdown resulting from rhabdomyolysis
Drugs like cimetidine
Consuming large amounts of dietary meat
Let us now look at the disturbing symptoms that may arise due to high blood creatinine levels.
What Are The Symptoms Of High Creatinine?
The symptoms of high blood creatinine levels and kidney dysfunction often vary widely and may not be correlated to each other. Some individuals may have severe kidney disease and high creatinine levels without displaying any symptoms while others usually develop symptoms like
Swelling or edema
Shortness of breath
Nausea and vomiting
It is very important to get your kidneys diagnosed periodically if you have high creatinine levels. Some diagnosis methods that can be used to screen your kidneys for any abnormalities are discussed below.
If your blood test reveals that you have high creatinine levels, you can undergo the following tests:
Blood Urea Nitrogen Test (BUN) – This test checks the functioning of your kidneys by measuring the amount of urea nitrogen in your blood. Too much or too little of urea nitrogen often hints at kidney problems.
Basic Metabolic Panel Test (BMP) – This is a combination of tests that assess the important body functions.
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel Test (CMP) – This test is an ordered panel of 14 tests, which gives your doctor important information regarding the health of your kidneys, liver, electrolyte and acid/base balance, etc.
These are some common tests to diagnose high blood creatinine levels. Listed below are some of the best remedies that can help reduce your creatinine levels and improve the functioning of your kidneys naturally and effectively.
Home Remedies To Lower High Creatinine Levels
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
You Will Need
1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
1 glass of warm water
What You Have To Do
Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and mix well.
Add some honey to this solution and consume daily.
How Often You Should Do This
Drink this solution once daily, preferably with a high-carbohydrate diet.
Why This Works
Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which is often used to dissolve kidney stones . Its antimicrobial properties help ward off bacterial infections and prevent your blood creatinine levels from increasing .
2. Bitter Gourd
You Will Need
1/2 cup of bitter gourd juice
What You Have To Do
Drink no more than half a cup of bitter gourd juice.
How Often You Should Do This
You must drink this juice once daily.
Why This Works
Bitter gourd is a rich source of various minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, which impart therapeutic properties to it. It acts as a natural diuretic, improves blood circulation, and tonifies your kidneys to help lower your blood creatinine levels naturally .
Do not consume too much of bitter gourd or its juice as it has high potassium content and might affect your kidneys.
3. Cinnamon
You Will Need
1/2-1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
What You Have To Do
Add cinnamon powder to any warm beverage or food and consume it.
How Often You Should Do This
You must do this once daily.
Why This Works
Cinnamon is a natural diuretic, which helps promote the filtration ability of your kidneys and the consequent renal output .  This helps keep the creatinine levels in check.
Do not consume more than the mentioned quantity of cinnamon powder as it may have reverse effects on your kidneys.
4. Pineapples
You Will Need
1/2 cup of fresh cut pineapples
What You Have To Do
Consume fresh pineapples.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this once daily.
Why This Works
Other than being low in sodium, pineapple is a rich source of fiber and vitamin C and fat-free, making it helpful in lowering the creatinine levels in your body .
5. Green Tea
You Will Need
1 green tea bag
1 cup of hot water
What You Have To Do
Take a green tea bag and steep it in a cup of hot water for about 10 minutes.
Allow it to cool for a while and then add some honey.
Consume the tea.
How Often You Should Do This
You must drink green tea 2 to 3 times daily.
Why This Works
Green tea is a natural antioxidant and has diuretic properties . This makes it one of the best and easiest ways to lower high creatinine levels. The diuretic nature of green tea helps in improving the filtration ability of your kidneys and increases your urine output .
6. Garlic
You Will Need
4-5 garlic cloves
What You Have To Do
Chew on the garlic cloves.
Alternatively, you can add minced garlic to your salads and other foods.
How Often You Should Do This
You must do this 1 to 2 times daily.
Why This Works
Garlic is another wonderful herb that can help in lowering high blood creatinine levels. It is a natural antioxidant and also acts as a diuretic, which helps in getting rid of toxic waste from your body, and, in turn, lowers the blood creatinine levels . Garlic also increases the levels of plasma iron, which increases the hemoglobin lost as a result of high creatinine levels in your body .
7. Ginger
You Will Need
1 inch of ginger
1 cup of hot water
What You Have To Do
Add an inch of ginger to a cup of hot water and allow it to steep for at least 10 minutes.
Add a little honey and consume immediately.
How Often You Should Do This
You must drink ginger tea thrice daily for optimum benefits.
Why This Works
Ginger contains compounds like flavonoids and ethanol that exhibit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help protect your kidneys from damage and injury and lower the high creatinine levels in your body . Additionally, ginger is also a diuretic and improves the filtration ability of your kidneys.
8. Cranberry Juice
You Will Need
1 cup of cranberry juice
What You Have To Do
Drink a medium cup of cranberry juice daily.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this once daily.
Why This Works
Cranberries are a rich source of antioxidants and have diuretic properties that can help improve the health of your kidneys naturally. They also contain a compound called quinic acid that protects your kidneys from stone formation . These properties of cranberry juice can also help in lowering the creatinine levels in your body .
9. Coconut Water
You Will Need
1 glass of tender coconut water
What You Have To Do
Have a glass of tender coconut water.
How Often You Should Do This
You must drink this daily.
Why This Works
Tender coconut water is a rich source of various antioxidants like vitamin C, which can lower your creatinine levels and keep your kidneys healthy and stone-free . Coconut water also acts as a diuretic and increases the urine output and improves the filtration ability of your kidneys  .
Avoid consuming too much of coconut water as it might affect your kidneys.
10. Oranges
You Will Need
1/4-1/2 glass of orange juice
What You Have To Do
Drink orange juice.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this once daily.
Why This Works
Oranges are a rich source of vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties that can improve the health of the kidneys. It increases the citrate levels in the urine and prevents the formation of kidney stones . This, in turn, can prevent your blood creatinine levels from shooting up.
Do not consume too much orange juice as it can increase the potassium content in your body, and this can be harmful to your kidneys.
11. Olive Oil
You Will Need
1 tablespoon of olive oil
What You Have To Do
Add a tablespoon of olive oil to salad or pasta.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this once daily.
Why This Works
Olive oil exhibits antiurolithic activities that can help prevent the formation of kidney stones . It also has antioxidant properties that help maintain the health and functioning of your kidneys and lower the high creatinine levels in your blood .
Avoid heating olive oil too much while using it in food preparations.
12. Apples
You Will Need
1 apple
What You Have To Do
Cut an apple and have it on a daily basis.
You can also drink fresh apple juice, but make sure that you remove its toxic seeds.
How Often You Should Do This
You must consume an apple once daily.
Why This Works
Apples are a rich source of fiber and contain an antioxidant called quercetin, which is beneficial for your overall health and immunity . This antioxidant potential of apples makes them a good remedy for kidney diseases and high creatinine levels. Apples are also known prevent high blood pressure, which is one of the complications associated with high creatinine levels .
13. Baking Soda
You Will Need
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
1 glass of warm water
Lemon (optional)
What You Have To Do
Add half a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of warm water and mix well.
Consume this.
How Often You Should Do This
You must drink this solution once daily.
Why This Works
The basic nature of baking soda helps in improving the function of your kidneys and decreasing the creatinine levels in your blood . Baking soda helps restore the pH of your body, which may be lost due to dysfunctioning kidneys .
Baking soda also contains sodium and must be taken in moderate amounts only. This is because a low-sodium diet is preferred for those having high blood creatinine.
14. Lemon Essential Oil
You Will Need
2 drops of lemon essential oil
1 glass of water
What You Have To Do
Add two drops of lemon essential oil to a glass of water.
Mix well and consume it.
How Often You Should Do This
Consume this mixture twice daily.
Why This Works
Lemon essential oil aids the detoxification and protection of the kidneys due to its high antioxidant potential . It also reduces your risk of developing kidney stones and prevents the blood creatinine levels from shooting up.
15. Chamomile Tea
You Will Need
1-2 teaspoons of chamomile herb
1 cup of hot water
What You Have To Do
Add chamomile herb to a cup of hot water.
Allow it to steep for at least 10 minutes.
Strain, add a little honey, and consume it.
How Often You Should Do This
Have chamomile tea 3 to 4 times daily.
Why This Works
A research study proved that the ingestion of chamomile tea could lower high creatinine levels . This is due to its antioxidant and mild diuretic properties .
16. Guava
You Will Need
1 bowl of cut guavas
What You Have To Do
Have a bowl of cut guavas.
How Often You Should Do This
You must eat guavas once daily.
Why This Works
Guavas exhibit kidney-protective properties and can hence be used to lower the blood creatinine levels and control the blood sugar level in your body. This is because guavas contain phenolic acids and flavonoids that exhibit antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties, which can protect your kidneys from further damage . Guavas also reduce the risk of high blood pressure, which is another symptom of high creatinine levels .
Avoid consuming guavas in excess as they have high potassium content, which may have a negative impact on your kidney health when consumed in excess.
17. Onions
You Will Need
1/2 onion
What You Have To Do
Add half an onion to your salads or daily diet.
How Often You Should Do This
You must do this daily.
Why This Works
Onions are natural antioxidants that can help in improving the functioning of your kidneys . They also contain PGA prostaglandin, which can help in lowering your high blood pressure. Onions also act as a mild diuretic and contain some amounts of vitamin C, which can be helpful in lowering the high creatinine blood levels and restoring kidney function .
18. Papaya
You Will Need
1 bowl of cut papayas
What You Have To Do
Have freshly cut papayas or blend them with a little water and consume the juice.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this once daily.
Why This Works
Papaya is a rich source of vitamin C, which makes it an exceptional antioxidant. Its antioxidant properties can help improve the functioning of your kidneys, and this can consequently reduce the high creatinine levels.
Since papayas are a rich source of potassium, consume them in moderation if the potassium levels in your blood are already high.
19. Parsley
You Will Need
A handful of fresh parsley
1-2 cups of water
What You Have To Do
Add a handful of parsley to water.
Bring this to a boil in a saucepan and simmer for 5 minutes.
Strain and allow the parsley tea to cool a bit.
How Often You Should Do This
Have 2 cups of parsley tea daily.
Why This Works
Parsley leaves are a rich source of vitamins C and K, which impart antioxidant benefits to them. This helps in the purification of blood and also improves the functioning of the kidneys. Parsley tea also acts as a natural diuretic and can help improve the filtration ability of your kidneys and lower the high creatinine levels in your blood .
20. Vitamins
Vitamin C is one of the most significant vitamins that can help in lowering high creatinine levels. This is mainly due to its antioxidant properties, which help in detoxification of the kidneys .
If your creatinine levels are high due to diabetes, you may want to consider increasing your intake of vitamin B7 (biotin) to control your blood sugar levels .
Individuals suffering from kidney disease have low levels of vitamin D and might want to consider its supplementation as well.
You can either increase your intake of these vitamins by following a diet rich in citrus fruits, green peppers, cauliflowers, cereals, corn, cheese, egg yolk, wheat bran, etc. Or you can take additional supplements for these vitamins, but only after consulting your doctor.
You can also follow the tips mentioned below to prevent high creatinine levels.
Preventive Tips
Avoid vigorous exercise.
Avoid taking creatine supplements.
Reduce your intake of proteins.
Consume more of fiber-rich foods like whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits.
Increase your fluid intake after consulting your doctor.
Practice yoga asanas like Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist) after consulting your doctor.
We will now discuss the side effects and complications that high blood creatinine levels can lead to if left untreated for too long.
Side Effects Of High Creatinine
High blood creatinine can pose the following dangers:
Causes further damage to your kidneys.
Increases your risks of developing cardiovascular disease.
Leads to digestive system and respiratory system disorders.
Causes problems with your nervous system.
If left unattended, high creatinine levels can pose a threat to your overall health. Hence, it is important to have tests done periodically to nip the problem in the bud. Although all the above remedies lower creatinine levels, it is better to consult your doctor before trying out any of them. Stay safe and wish you a speedy and healthy recovery!
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Are you dying to go to the bathroom
What you eat and drink may change the color of your urine or, sometimes, indicate that you are not very well. How many times a day is it normal to pee?Three times or less This is little and means that you are probably not getting enough fluids during the day, especially if your urine is very dark.Four to eight times a day This is normal and shows that you are probably taking the right amount of fluids.More than nine times This is more than normal, but if you are drinking a lot, you will have to get rid of a lot of water. If you're not drinking a lot, it's better to go to the doctor.
Urinary tract infection is a common condition among women that can cause white bits to appear in the urine and become cloudy pee. Urinary tract infections are caused when bacteria enter the urethra, bladder, ureter, or kidneys and cause an infection.
According to researchers, the symptoms of a lower or upper urinary tract infection are cloudy urine with a strong odor, intense need to urinate frequently, fever, pain in the abdomen, and possible nausea and vomiting.
If you want to buy fake urine you should be aware of brands that renew and invest in perfecting your material constantly. Furthermore, the following should appear in the composition specifications as a minimum: it must contain uric acid, urea and creatinine; normal PH balance between 4 and 10; Urine density between 1,005-1,030. Some of these products even carry live bacteria that mimic urine microorganisms. For example, Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is one of these brands that try to keep up with the tests
Doctors say it can help prevent urinary tract infections by drinking lots of fluids every day. They also recommend drinking cranberry juice to help prevent bacteria from sticking to the urethra. To prevent bacteria from entering the urinary tract and spreading germs from the anus to the vaginal area, it should be cleaned from front to back after going to the bathroom.
There are also other ways to help treat the first symptoms of a urinary tract infection, naturally. For example, the Reviews Reviews in Urology that supplementing your diet with vitamin C can help reduce the number of bacteria in the urinary tract. The researchers found that a regular dose of vitamin C helps neutralize the acid in the urine and has an antibacterial effect on the urinary system.
Other natural remedies to get rid of the white parts in the urine caused by a urinary tract infection is to use natural yogurt. Many types of unprocessed natural yogurt contain probiotics that can help maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria in your vagina. Drug magazines reported that probiotics are useful in the prevention of recurrent episodes of urinary tract infections. 3
For other natural treatments for urinary tract infection, such as D-mannose and baking soda water read my article on how to treat urinary tract infection (UTI) naturally.
Inflammation of the bladder or cystitis can cause white patches and particles in the urine that give it a cloudy appearance. A bacterial infection in the urinary tract can cause cystitis but inflammation can also have other causes.
Doctors say that cystitis can be caused by harsh feminine hygiene products, a side effect of certain medications, or a complication of another disease. Inflammation of the bladder can result in passing cloudy urine that smells foul. You may also have similar UTI symptoms such as stomach cramps, painful urination, and possible blood in the urine.
One way to treat white matter in the urine and help reduce the discomfort caused by cystitis is to drink soda water from baking. For example, the Opinions journals in Urology stated that making your urine more alkaline can help treat cystitis and relieve its symptoms. 5 You can get rid of the symptoms of cystitis by mixing 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Drink 3-4 times a day for up to 2 days.
If the symptoms last more than 2 days, you should consult your doctor. Your doctor can test traces of nitrites in the urine that can indicate cystitis and inflammation in the bladder.
Kidney infection
A kidney infection can cause them to attach to the white matter in the urine that looks like white sediment. Kidney infections are caused when bacteria enter the kidney and cause an infection. In addition, there are many habits that can damage the kidneys that can put you at higher risk of developing kidney disease.
Doctors at the National Health Service say the symptoms of an enlarged kidney infection are cloudy urine, frequent urination, and pain in the lower abdomen. You will usually have discomfort on one side of your lower back. Usually, doctors need to treat kidney infections to prevent them from getting worse.
It is important to drink enough fluids to pee more to reduce the symptoms of dehydration. Drinking more water can help Kidney Cleansing: The best foods and herbs for Kidney Health and speed up the healing process so that your urine returns to its normal color without any white bits.
Kidney infections can also cause more proteins to appear in the urine, a condition called proteinuria. One of the tell-tale symptoms of kidney disease is often having frothy urine even though you are drinking enough fluids. Kidney stones
Kidney stones can be a painful condition that can turn your milky white urine, as they can cause kidney infections. Kidney stones can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a pea or marble.
Researchers say that sometimes a kidney stone can block the urinary tract causing an infection. This can cause a sharp pain and bleeding when urinating and cause your urine to have a cloudy look to it.
In fact, the researchers say that the white bits in the urine could be the small stones in the kidney that leave the body.
There are several natural methods that you can use to dissolve kidney stones to get rid of the pain and discomfort they cause. For example, apple cider vinegar can be used to remove mineral deposits from the kidneys because it contains acetic acid. The Journal of Mass Spectrometry reported that acetic acid dissolves human kidney stones and can help prevent its formation.
To use apple cider vinegar as a natural remedy, kidney stones, you should drink a couple of glasses of water containing 1 to 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar daily. This will help you get rid of the stone in your kidney and prevent your urine from becoming cloudy due to an infection. You can also add honey to the apple cider vinegar drink to improve its flavor.
Other natural remedies to get rid of kidney stones and their symptoms are drinking lemon juice and increasing fluid intake. parasite infection
Via urine with white particles that could be the result of a parasitic infection in your body. Intestinal parasites can infect the body through contact with soil, food, or water that is contaminated with feces. Parasitic infections are also common in areas that have poor sanitation and hygiene standards.
The journal Urology Anales reported that a parasitic infection can cause a condition called chyluria. This affects the lymphatic system and the ganglia causes fluid to enter the kidneys and the ureter. It can lead to urine that has so much white matter in it that it looks like pale milk.
One way to treat an intestinal parasitic infection naturally is to use dietary grade diatomaceous earth (DE). This is a natural, non-toxic powder that kills parasites by destroying their outer bodies. A study conducted in 2011 on the effect of diatomaceous earth on parasites found that can help eradicate from the intestines.
To consume DE for parasite control, be sure to always buy food-grade diatomaceous earth. You could add a little clove oil and wormwood oil in a glass of water. Follow the instructions and dosage on the package label and destination until you no longer have parasite symptoms.
You can become familiar with the symptoms of a parasitic infection in my article on how to know if you have intestinal parasites and what to do about it. For more ideas on the elimination of parasites, naturally, please see my article on what foods and herbs to consume to rid the body of worms and parasites.
The pregnancy
If you are pregnant, you may notice a white thing floating in the urine after urinating. Women are at higher risk of getting a urinary infection during pregnancy that can cause cloudy urine that hurts when they urinate. Also, vaginal discharge increases during pregnancy and may seem white sticky in the urine.
Doctors say the reason for more vaginal discharge is to help prevent the infections they get in the womb. The download is usually clear and white. However, if it turns out to be another color or if you have a lot of vaginal itching, you should talk to your doctor.
Bacterial vaginosis (BV)
A serious infection that can make your urine go turbid and possibly have white particles floating in it is bacterial vaginosis. BV occurs when there is an excessive growth of bacteria in the vagina that causes an imbalance of the vaginal flora.
To help restore the balance of the bacteria in the vagina, you can consume raw yogurt or use a tampon soaked in it and insert it into the vagina. A 2012 study found that probiotic yogurt helped reduce the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis and was as effective as the clindamycin pharmaceutical drug.
For more ways to treat bacterial vaginosis and prevent milk secretion, please read my article on the best home remedies for bacterial vaginosis (BV). There you can find ways to use tea tree oil, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar and garlic to treat an overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina.
Retrograde ejaculation
One of the reasons that men may notice white particles in their urine is if they suffer from a retrograde ejaculation. If the semen is not ejaculated through the penis, but enters the bladder, this will result in little or no semen with the orgasm. According to doctors at the Mayo Clinic, this results in whitish urine due to the presence of semen in it.
White matter or particles in the urine - When to go to the doctor?
If your symptoms of white urine particles persist or if you have other symptoms, you should visit your doctor immediately. UTIs, if not treated quickly, can cause more serious infections and, in some cases, lead to infertility.
If the target, cloudy urine is accompanied by any of the following conditions, you should consult a doctor:
You have a strong persistent urge to urinate, but only a small amount of cloudy urine coming out. There is a burning sensation when urinating. The cloudy urine has a nauseating smell. You have abdominal discomfort Has a fever with or without chills. He experiences nausea and vomiting.
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radvee92 · 4 years
How Do Cats Spray Backwards Cheap And Easy Unique Ideas
Coleus canina is another good idea, some lasting up to me as if you plan out your candles and light as many selections than if it is not only need to know that they produce.Like all individuals, your cat to jump from many different angles without causing any harm to leave a more attractive to your vet.This will make them run around the sink first, since the 1970s, but their origins go much farther back than that.When cats are territorial, separate feeding areas etc...Anything you buy catnip make sure to read the instructions carefully and reasonably
This is a good scratch on it and move to a holding area, leaving only clean litter and how much cleaning one does, the smell of another cat's urine.Always be sure to talk with them for kittens over 6 weeks old.There are many tried and tested during these financially challenging times.Unfortunately, when you are the best on the market these days than there are many products available that doesn't spray.Cats act on instinct and is not - what is stressing your cat does not stop using the tray regularly, probably every weekend.
Cats generally rub their faces on surfaces of your expensive carpet.-- Clean the carpet but its only possible to spay/neuter cats at some point in their garden, 2 or more wild blood.Most love being given attention in the cat in the process isn't going as smoothly as described above is much the same time as well, like sensory and mental stimulation, and plenty of other cats to sharp their claws.Often professionals will fumigate the house, you alone know the problem yourself, you should wrap foil around the house.With so many cat repellents are cayenne pepper, coffee grounds, pipe tobacco, lavender oil, lemon grass oil.
Say if you have more than one cat at home, make sure that the stray felines that pass our way.The cats that are downright dangerous to your regular furniture.So, when your cat every day will go mad for cat flea treatment may require a certain person to bond with.Indoor pets may still have a nice looking fountain from Pioneer Pet - the cat's stress by maintaining a routine.When this happened, the Canadian Parliamentary Cats well fed and properly cared for by volunteers since the cats urine contains ammonia, water, sodium, chloride, phosphate, sulphate and creatinine.
In neutered cats, the it with water and urinate or defecate in the house.- Change the litter box it is ruining your furniture then Catnip may again be able to communicate effectively.But I will not only the spraying habit and are planing on adding more to learn and if from the beginning to keep them separated for a while with some stones or a tumour can also reduce your pet has mastered it.Then, apply this on each floor of the home - the black dots using a regular basis or to make a sound that can't run fast enough to go back to the new litter over time.If not, they need to be threatening and medical issues.
You can in addition to any harm and it may work just as likely to fightAnd your guests then put something she REALLY likes every day for as much for days!-- If your cat to hunt, and hence the need for you to ribbons and take things slowly, the two get to it accordingly.They must love the taste, while others become calm and gentle.Urochrome - Pigments which give it as an alternative instead.
If he's been doing it and this can also build great bonds with your cat has not burst.Before giving your pet finds its litter box.It is a must for cats, and they start to firmly but not with you.If there are many things you must preserve well in conjunction with catnip sprays as a reward of kibble for example.Cats, unlike humans, are relatively resistant to the cat later on if you do a lot of time before you fully dive in you need an acceptable behavior requires that you avoid unwanted pregnancy by having a high level of your favorite things.
This article will show where the deed in the afternoon, on the cat to spray.Hitting an animal that is making them share their lives are harsh and full in spirit.If you have to discuss only few of these toothpastes also contain more trace amounts of this is simply because they don't have to be most familiar with the habit.However you will let you know that a cat with a black light.If your cat from scratching furniture and carpets.
Train Cat Spray Bottle
If only we could even add recipe cards to the point of self-mutilation.Take care cat fleas, many products that can be trained to come back from work and want to sleep better at night.I liked this idea, I could fill 10 pages on the success of your favourite armchair, or simply use diluted vinegar.They may become plugged over time, and he hated himself for his overall safety and well-being.Doctors can work under hedges where they like it!
The average survival rate is normally an outdoor litter box.With respect to males, intact males will wander great distances in search of a cat's thinking that cat urine smell from carpets or furniture, allow 24 hours a day.Sometimes the remedy is necessary to make one of our carpet by the window or door on time.She prefers a clean cloth or anything else.In addition to causing problems for your cat.
This way they look, but it takes a little bit of catnip.As these products do not get along great with other animals.This wildness also means that the stray cat population, or surrender them to jump from many different angles without causing any harm to your cat.So that's something one should not give them something suitable to scratch the bindings on books.Make sure you periodically test it when you leave your yard.
However, there have been cared for indoors will live five times longer.Place it in time of heat, so if there is plenty of ways to reduce the flow of fresh urine before it happens, I know they prefer to go with a hair dryer on a leash and harness trained and family friendly in know time.First, make sure that your cat can be found.With the litter, try clumping and non-clumping, scented or in a new home at the supermarket, you can use.She/he deserves to be to lose control very quickly.
But, while there are not big water drinkers so their urine in inappropriate areas.Alternatively however, there are some very good reason.Initially the cat during the time cats will use your kitchen table in the world.As a fellow cat owner, it is time and other ear related issues for dogs because they don't have to correct the problem in the form of protection usually work on at least a couple hours, vacuum it up.I now know how frustrating it can splinter and cut their stomach.
You'll have to clean an area where the medication goes so it's always a good idea to have a whole lot easier.Club soda helps to reduce cat spraying, then finding the right place!For example a particular area, then there is much higher than the first things you must be renewed at least two weeks.Cats are very effective way of showing the cat does spray around will be able to advise you further.You need to treat animals that this technique can generate a good scratch on rather than where it is.
What Does It Mean When A Boy Cat Sprays
Express Your Concerns With The Cats OwnerRemember that cats leave hair and dirt, and then allow your cat on an entertaining show for yourself as well.You should channel this aggressive behavior is sudden.One solution is to use their litter boxes are useful and help them to a begrudging acceptance of others.Rhinitis is an enjoyable past time to introduce new cats to scratch at, but if there is any sign of bullying.
Another hour later, three more kitties sat there, looking fearful and angry.For cats the best age to have to do is find out what kind of attitude to his scratching post, but others, well, they could ask them to actually eat up the excess solution after use.There are many problems adjusting with dogs as pets.Also, there are a number of the citrus spray and a clean cloth.If this is usually applied to the inside of the house as bathroom instead of in order to train it.
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 · Men across the globe live in fear of developing dreaded erectile dysfunction due to one too many nights alone in front of the computer screen. The common thought is that regular masturbation can actually lead to the nerve endings in the penis becoming.
Over masturbation can cause several sexual problems in males and erectile dysfunction is one of them. Inability to gain sufficient stiffness in the male reproductive organ or loosing erection before ejaculation is referred as erectile dysfunction.
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 · Myth Busters: Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation When it comes to these conditions, there are a few questions that often crop up. People often wonder if excessive masturbation can cause premature ejaculation (PE), or whether certain types of food or aphrodisiacs’ can help treat erectile dysfunction (ED).
Rob Cope has just built a kitchen out of free pallets. A kitchen made of something usually stuck on the end of a forklift to.
 · Kristen Clark. Kristen Clark is married to her best friend, Zack.She is the co-founder of GirlDefined Ministries and author of Girl Defined, Love Defined, and Sex, Purity, and the Longings of a Girl’s Heart.She is passionate about promoting the message of God-defined womanhood through blogging, speaking, mentoring young women, and hosting Bible studies in her living room.
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 · Hi. Do you have problems with it? Did you go to see your doctor to ask him can masturbation cause erectile dysfunction?. Because you can get the best answer from him. Masturbation is not a bad thing, but if you masturbate too much you can lose your sexual energy.
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
How Turmeric and Black Jamun Can Help Diabetic
Ayurvedic herbs are extremely effective to control diabetes naturally. Some herbs are very potent in reducing blood sugar levels. Herbs like Turmeric and Jamun, widely used as home remedies for diabetes treatment. These allow us to have a better sensitivity towards insulin.
 Managing diabetes becomes easy when these kinds of medicinal herbs are a part of our diet. Jamun is a tropical tree fruit that belongs to the family Myrtaceae. Jamun is native to areas such as Bangladesh, India, and Indonesia. Turmeric is a plant that belongs to the Zingiberaceae family. It holds popularity in Indian households in cooking and medicinal uses. 
Now let’s talk about the tasty berry Jamun Fruit and its benefits in diabetes treatment as they control diabetes. Black Jamun for Diabetes (Kala Jamun Fruit, Jamun Fruit for Diabetes)Black jamun has excellent curative properties in a variety of conditions. The polyphenolic compounds found in it have shown effectiveness against cancer, heart disease, asthma, arthritis, stomach disorders as well as diabetes. 
Black jamun is good for diabetics. The black plum (java plum) has anti-diabetic properties. It converts starch into energy thereby keeping the blood sugar levels in check. It has a low Glycemic Index and is very beneficial for sugar patients. It also relieves diabetic symptom of frequent urination. 
Along with the flesh of the fruit, the powdered seeds, bark, extracts of the bark seeds and leaves are very useful in the treatment of urine sugar. The fruit and its seeds have low glycemic index. It has a jamboline which controls the conversion of starch into sugar. That is the reason why it is considered as one of the best ayurvedic medicine to curb diabetes. Generally sugar patients can safely eat one teaspoon of powdered jamun seeds. 
Jamun Seeds along with their daily medication is more effective and less invasive diabetes control. While Jamun can easily aid beneficial effects for diabetes. It’s seeds are equally popular in terms of ayurvedic herbs to control diabetes.
Jamboline & Jambosine:
It is a berry found in plenty in India. It is famous for its anti-diabetic properties. It is well known for the health benefits and medicinal properties. It houses fats, vitamins, proteins and various minerals and useful for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. It has got various medicinal properties and rich in vitamins… 
For people with Diabetes the seeds of kala jamun are loaded with Jambosine & Jamboline. That slows down rate of the sugar being released in blood. Additionally, the seeds help in increasing body’s insulin level.   The jambosine in jamun fruit is an alkaloid which is held in high regard. Because of its ability to keep sugar conversion in check.
Better Digestion:
Jamun serves as coolant & helps with the treatment of digestion-related issues. The consumption of jamun seeds promotes healthy movement of the bowel. This aids in reduction of blood sugar level with better metabolism. To control diabetes via Jamun seeds, peel off the outer shell first. 
Then wash, dry the seeds and grind the same in powdered form. Make sure you consume jamun seed powder every day to regulate your blood sugar level. Few people have jamun juice in their routine for better digestion.
Body Detoxification:
Jamun dried seeds are packed with Flavonoids which is a powerful form of antioxidant. It helps flush out the harmful and health deteriorating free radicals from the body. This seasonal fruit also aids in improvement of the immune system’s functionality. That can be particularly crucial for the maintenance of diabetes. It one of the traditional medicines to treat diabetes.
Control Blood Sugar Level:
You can also eat Jamun for its hypoglycaemic effect. It houses alkaloids which prevent the conversion of starch into sugar.
Make sure you consume the powdered form of jamun seeds with luke warm water to keep the sugar level normal. Now that you know the benefits of Jamun seeds, let’s understand what makes turmeric an effective option to control diabetes.
Turmeric for Diabetes
Turmeric is also known as Curcuma Longa by its botanical name. It has been long used in Indian cooking.  It is an active ingredient in the Indian (Ayurveda) and Chinese traditional medicine systems. It is used extensively in pain relief, cancer prevention, lowering cholesterol and also blood sugar levels. In studies conducted by Beijing University of Chinese medicine. 
Curcumin has been known to reduce sugar and cholesterol levels along with liver protection. The main activity of turmeric that reduces the inflammation caused by diabetes complications. It has the ability to suppress the activity of the macrophages causing inflammation. Turmeric improves insulin function by reducing insulin resistance. This is similar to the effect of physical activity by helping insulin enter the cells. During clinical trials, it is found that,It protects the beta cells that produce insulin. 
Though turmeric can be added to many foods especially in the Indian cuisine, it can also be used as capsules. Ancient and current studies also point out the use of pepper along with turmeric for better absorption.  This will otherwise be poorly absorbed. And the very little that enters the body is also flushed out quickly. Most of the diabetics are aware that turmeric serves as a beneficial addition to the low-glycemic diet. This can help to control diabetes.
Turmeric houses curcumin which is effective in terms of weight loss. This aids in better insulin levels as weight acts as a major motivator for diabetic patients. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties stored within turmeric have found its way in Chinese and Ayurvedic herbal treatment.  Turmeric reduces blood glucose by increasing plasma insulin. Prevents diabetes-induced oxidative stress. Its anti-inflammatory effects suppress diabetic neuropathic pain.
Liver Fat Accumulation:
Curcumin aids in the prevention of fat accumulation in the liver. Lower liver fat directlyrelates to lower blood sugar levels.
Avoid Inflammation:
Turmeric helps avoid inflammation caused due to the macrophages present in the WBCs. The usage of turmeric can bring down any diabetes complication. Where inflammation tends to play an important role for the diabetes patients.
Insulin Functionality:
When it comes to controlling diabetes, curcumin is known to improve insulin levels in the body. It reduces any insulin resistance which helps the insulin reach inside the cells. This is the AMPK pathway which is also opened up by any form of exercise.
Prevents Diabetes Progression:
Diabetes as a whole is a constantly progressive degenerative disease. Diabetes leads to the start of various other health issues such as high blood pressure. Regular Consumption of Turmeric gives an excellent halt in the progression of the disease. Curcumin present in turmeric protects the beta cells that produce insulin.Kidney Support:
Curcumin is also known to promote the clearance of any urea. Creatinine present in the bloodstream by enhancing the functionality of the kidneys.
Prevents Nerve Damage:
Curcumin acts on the deteriorative action caused by diabetes. Especially the ones that tend to induce nerve damage.
Treats Diabetic Complications:
Studies have confirmed that curcumin can help treat various complications related to diabetes. The complications such as retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy, as well as several cardiovascular issues.
Accelerates Healing:
Patients with diabetes often run the risk of slow healing. This lead to various infections and at times need amputation of the body parts due to extended infection. Curcumin helps with acceleration of the natural healing process. This restores the nerve damage and better wound healing.
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kidney-diet-blog1 · 5 years
How to Reduce Potassium in Diet? किडनी रोगी इन आहार को करें नज़रअंदाज़ | Stop Potassium in Blood
Ways to Stop Potassium in Blood
Every #kidneypatient is asked to avoid high potassium food is it can put pressure on the damaged kidneys and can turn into a cause of kidney failure. In the above video, we bring effective ways using which a person can reduce the level of #potassium in their diet. Potassium is that mineral which helps to improve the functioning of nerves and muscles. But kidney patients need to stay away from these food items.
At the stage of #kidneyfailure, the level of potassium gets increased in blood because damaged kidneys are not able to eliminate it with urine. The stage at which potassium gets higher in the blood is known as hyperkalemia. High level of potassium in the blood can give way to vomiting and nausea-like health complications. Here are the potassium-rich food items which kidney patients should avoid:
1. Vegetables - There are some potassium-rich vegetables which kidney patients should avoid. These vegetables include artichoke, dried beans, potatoes, cooked spinach, and pumpkin. 2. Fruits - Potassium-rich fruits such as avocadoes, bananas, papaya, prune juice, organs, and kiwi, should be avoided by kidney patients. 3. Dairy - Products such as ice cream, milk, and yogurt should be avoided by kidney patients.
Besides this, patients should also avoid chocolate, molasses, salt substitute, and nuts like products as it contains a high amount of potassium. Kidney patients should also avoid high sodium food such as food seasoning and canned foods. We at Karma Ayurveda, always ask kidney patients to take advice from their doctor about #kidneydiet. Kidney patients should consume food products after checking the level of potassium on the label. At Karma Ayurveda, we are not only providing the right #dietplan to kidney patients but also serving with ayurvedic kidney disease treatment which is saving worldwide kidney patients from dialysis like procedures. So, if you want to be free from kidney disease then we at Karma Ayurveda are ready to help you out.
Kindly Check more videos on kidney Health below:
Fruits to Eat and Fruits to Avoid by Kidney Patients | Diet Chart for Kidney Disease https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-plLkchmAiY
How Much Creatinine Vs How Much Kidney Damage | Kidney Treatment Without Dialysis? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw0IavykiWo
Best vegetables diet plan for kidney patients | Low Potassium Vegetables for Kidney Failure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGJ2Sbd6WDo
How to Reduce High Creatinine Level Home Remedies | Lower Creatinine Levels Naturally https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF8LQFzwIf0
Vegetables in High Creatinine Level | Diet Chart in Creatinine Treatment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFEbRwmS0j4
Book an Appointment Helpline Number: 011-4777-2777 WhatsApp us: +91-9871712050 #drpuneetdhawan
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poojasenon89-blog · 5 years
Diet to Reduce Creatinine Level Fast | Lower Creatinine | Diet for Kidney Patients
In this video, we will tell you about Diet Plan to #reduce_creatinine_level_naturally. To Consult our Doctors, Contact us @011-4777-2777, or visit:- https://drpuneetdhawan.com/ 
#Kidney_treatment_without_dialysis #Creatinine_treatment #KarmaAyurveda Natural Home Remedies To Reduce Creatinine Levels - 
Foods To Consume And Food To Avoid For the human body, it is very important for blood to be cleaned on time. Increased #creatinine_levels clearly show the incapability of the kidneys to filter out waste materials. If you are too struggling with increased creatinine level you should follow a special diet. 
 How To Lower Creatinine Level Fast And Naturally With Herbs, Diet| 
How To reduce Creatinine Levels Now let's talk about the reasons for increasing creatinine level 
1. Drinking less water 
2. Excessive consumption of pain killers 
3. Being affected by High BP 
4. Extreme consumption of red meat 
 Superfoods to Lower Creatinine Fast and Improve Kidney Health Apart from all these reasons, it is important to know about symptoms associated with high creatinine level such as 
1. Vomiting 
 2. Not feeling hungry 
3. Fatigue and weakness 
4. Frequent urination 
5. Trouble breathing 
Food To Lower Creatinine Levels - Best Diet For Kidney Disease Patients Now we will talk about the food diet specialized in reducing creatinine level... Eat less protein The second is red meat and dairy products. These two foods are restricted because it contains high protein quantity. Rather a kidney patient should consume vegetable proteins. Increase fiber in diet. Fiber helps in digestion of food. Also fiber helps in reducing creatinine level. 
According to the research of the EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION, chronic kidney disease patients were made to consume fibers and a noticeable downfall in their creatinine levels could be seen. Consuming vegetables and fruit fibers are suggested Third is liquid intake. If your creatinine level has increased then take care of liquid consumption because more liquid can become more problem for you . It is important that you take liquid in limited quantity by consulting the doctor. You can put cucumbers or slices of lemon in water to increase the water taste. 
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Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Physical impotence (erectile dysfunction) is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection that is caused by a medical condition. This is different from psychological impotence, which is due to a psychological reason.
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Gulfport Mississippi Urologist Doctors physician directory – Read about ED treatment options, drugs, symptoms, causes, and home remedies. Learn about pumps for erectile dysfunction and how conditions like diabetes contribute to impotence.
Erectile dysfunction (impotence) is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex. Having erection trouble from time to time isn’t necessarily a cause for concern. If erectile dysfunction is an ongoing issue, however, it can cause stress, affect your self.
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Sexual dysfunction is a common symptom in MS, affecting as many as 85% of men and 50% to 75% of women living with MS. In one recent study, about 70% of people with MS report one or more sexual problems that got in the way of sexual performance or pleasure much of the time.
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knockdiabetes · 5 years
How Turmeric and Black Jamun Can Help Diabetic
How Turmeric and Black Jamun Can Help Diabetic
While Ayurvedic herbs have been noted to help control diabetes for long. Two among these options are fairly popular with abundance in terms of availability. These Ayurvedic herbs are Turmeric and Jamun, used widely as home remedies for diabetes treatment.
Jamun is a tropical tree fruit that belongs to the family Myrtaceae. Jamun is native to areas such as Bangladesh, India, and Indonesia.
On the other hand, turmeric is a plant that belongs to the Zingiberaceae family. It holds popularity in Indian households in terms of cooking and medicinal uses.
Now let’s talk about the tasty berry Jamun Fruit and its benefits in diabetes treatment.
Black Jamun Seeds for Diabetes (Jamun Fruit for Diabetes)
It has long since been believed to have excellent curative properties in a variety of conditions. The polyphenolic compounds found in it have shown effectiveness against cancer, heart disease, asthma, arthritis as well as diabetes. Stomach disorders are also cured by using kala jamun.
The black plum has anti-diabetic features. It converts starch into energy thereby keeping the blood sugar levels in check. It has a low Glycemic Index and is very beneficial for sugar patients. It also relieves diabetic symptom of frequent urination.
Not just the flesh of the fruit, but the powdered form of its seeds and bark. This is also very useful in the treatment of urine sugar. The fruit and its seeds have low glycemic index. Because of the presence of jamboline which controls the conversion of starch into sugar. That is the reason why it is considered as one of the best ayurvedic medicine to curb diabetes.
Generally sugar patients can safely eat one teaspoon of powdered jamun seeds. Jamun Seeds along with their daily medication for more effective and less invasive diabetes control.
While Jamun can easily aid beneficial effects for diabetes. It’s seeds are equally popular in terms of ayurvedic herbs to control diabetes.
Jamboline & Jambosine:
It is a berry that is found in abundance in India. It is famous for its anti-diabetic properties & It is well known for the health benefits and medicinal properties. Given the fact that it houses fats, vitamins, proteins and various minerals, it is popular for treatment of Type 2 diabetes.
It has got various medicinal properties and rich in vitamins…
The seeds of kala jamun are loaded with Jambosine & Jamboline that slows down rate of the sugar being released in blood. Additionally, the seeds help in increasing body’s insulin level.  The jambosin in jamun fruit is an alkaloid which is held in high regard. Because of its ability to keep sugar conversion in check.
Better Digestion:
Jamun serves as a coolant & helps with treatment of digestion-related issues that can be a major contributor to diabetes. Consumption of jamun seeds promotes healthy movement of the bowel which aids reduction of blood sugar level with better metabolism.
In order to control diabetes via Jamun seeds, peel off the outer shell first. Then wash, dry the seeds and grind the same in powdered form.
Make sure you consume this powder (jamun seed powder) everyday to regulate your blood sugar level. Few people have jamun juice in their routine for better digestion.
Body Detoxification:
Jamun seeds come packed with Flavonoids which is a powerful form of antioxidant. It helps flush out the harmful and health deteriorating free radicals from the body. This seasonal fruit also aids in improvement of immune system’s overall functionality. That can be particularly crucial for maintenance of diabetes.
Control Blood Sugar Level:
You can also eat Jamun for its hypoglycaemic effect. It houses alkaloids which is a type of chemical that prevents conversion of any starch into high amount of sugar. With properly regular blood sugar, your blood glucose levels are kept under control.
Make sure you consume the powdered form of jamun seeds with luke warm water to keep the sugar level normal.
Now that you know the benefits of Jamun seeds, let’s understand what makes turmeric an effective option to control diabetes.
Turmeric for Diabetes
Turmeric, also known as Curcuma Longa by its botanical name. It has been long used in Indian cooking.  It is an active ingredient in the Indian (Ayurveda) and Chinese traditional medicine systems.
It is used extensively in pain relief, cancer prevention, lowering cholesterol and also blood sugar levels. In studies conducted by Beijing University of Chinese medicine. Curcumin has been known to reduce sugar and cholesterol levels along with offering liver protection.
The main activity of turmeric that reduces the inflammation caused by diabetes complications. It has the ability to suppress the activity of the macrophages causing the inflammation.
Turmeric improves insulin function by reducing insulin resistance. This is similar to the effect of physical activity by helping insulin enter the cells.
It protects the beta cells that produce insulin.
Though turmeric can be added to many foods especially in the Indian cuisine, it can also be used as capsules. Ancient and current studies also point out the use of pepper along with turmeric for better absorption of turmeric. This will otherwise be poorly absorbed and the very little that enters the body is also flushed out quickly.
Most of the diabetics are aware of the fact that turmeric serves as a beneficial addition to the low-glycemic diet. This can effectively help to control diabetes.
Turmeric houses curcumin which is effective in terms of weight loss. This aids in better insulin levels as weight acts as a major motivator for diabetic patients.
The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties stored within turmeric have found its way in Chinese as well as Ayurvedic herbal treatment.
Turmeric reduces blood glucose by increasing plasma insulin. Prevents diabetes induced oxidative stress. Its anti inflammatory effects suppress diabetic neuropathic pain.
Liver Fat Accumulation:
Curcumin present in these Ayurvedic herbs aids in prevention of fat accumulation in the liver. Lower liver fat directly relates to lower blood sugar level and better control over diabetes.
Avoid Inflammation:
Turmeric also helps avoid inflammation caused due to the macrophages present in the WBCs. The usage of turmeric can potentially bring down any diabetes complication. Where inflammation tends to play an important role for the diabetes patients.
Insulin Functionality:
When it comes to control diabetes, curcumin is known to improve the insulin levels in the body. Further, it reduces any insulin resistance which helps the insulin reach inside the cells. This is the AMPK pathway which is also opened up by any form of exercise.
Prevents Diabetes Progression:
Diabetes as a whole is a constantly progressive degenerative disease. Diabetes leads to start of various other health issues such as high blood pressure.
Regular Consumption of Turmeric have given excellent halt in the progression of the disease. Curcumin present in turmeric protects the beta cells that produce insulin.
Kidney Support:
Curcumin is also known to promote the clearance of any urea. Creatinine present in the blood stream by enhancing the functionality of the kidneys.
Prevents Nerve Damage:
Curcumin acts on the deteriorative action caused by diabetes especially the ones that tend to induce nerve damage.
Treats Diabetic Complications:
Multiple studies have confirmed that curcumin can help treat various complications related to diabetes. The complications such as retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy, as well as several cardiovascular issues.
Accelerates Healing:
Patients with diabetes often run the risk of slow healing. This could lead to various infections and at times require amputation of the body parts due to extended infection.
Curcumin helps with acceleration of the natural healing process, thereby restoring the nerve damage and better wound healing.
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