#ayurvedic treatment for creatinine
kidneyandayurveda · 2 years
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Ayurvedic Medicine to Lower Creatinine Levels Naturally
If you're struggling with high creatinine levels, Ayurvedic medicine offers a natural solution to bring them down without harmful side effects.
Problem: High Creatinine Causing Kidney Strain An increased creatinine level can strain your kidneys, leading to further health complications.
Solution: Ayurvedic Medicine to Lower Creatinine Herbal treatments like Siberian Ginseng and Gokshura have been proven to lower creatinine levels by improving kidney filtration. Combined with dietary advice, these herbs can help naturally maintain healthy kidney function.Lower Your Creatinine Levels Naturally! Get in touch for a personalized Ayurvedic consultation today. Discover more about Ayurvedic treatments.
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BK Kidney care is providing information about kidney failure, kidney dialysis, Chronic kidney disease. we are treating kidney failure without Dialysis and kidney transplant with the help of Ayurveda.
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sriaaschronickidney · 2 years
How To Reduce Creatinine, Improve Kidney Function, and Avoid Dialysis?
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Creatinine is seen as an essential factor while concluding the health of kidneys, but why is it important for kidney patients to keep it under control? What are the methods that kidney patients can apply on their own to manage creatinine and kidney health? So let us know it from the basics.
What is Creatinine? Creatinine is a waste product our muscle produce when they perform any work. It comes from the breakdown of a natural substance in the body known as creatine. Whenever the muscle does some work, creatine is broken down to provide energy, and in the midst of this, creatinine is produced. All the creatinine body flows with the blood and is filtered out by the kidneys to be excreted through the urine. However, When the Kidney function is hindered and they do not filter properly, levels of creatinine rise. The higher amount of creatinine also affects kidney functioning and could lead to Chronic kidney disease. That is why creatinine levels are measured to determine whether kidneys work correctly.
How Reducing Creatinine can Increase Kidney Functioning? Creatinine is a marker of kidney health, and its high values indicate kidney disorder, but it does not directly affect kidney health. Then how reducing creatinine levels can improve kidney health? When kidneys are damaged, they cannot filter out all the waste in the blood. Over that, if the amount of creatinine increases, it overloads the kidney to filter out more and can cause further damage to the kidneys. That is why kidney patients must keep creatinine as low as possible to prevent further kidney damage.
Methods to reduce creatinine naturally
As we know, creatinine is essential in preventing the kidney from further damage, and kidney patients must know how to manage it. Although you are taking treatment for kidney disease and medicine for creatinine clearance with medications, you must control its production by knowing and eliminating causes of increased creatinine within the body, providing a helping hand to your kidneys and letting them recover faster. Kidney patients must follow the tips given below to strictly manage their creatinine level.
Diet The most basic thing that significantly impacts your creatinine levels is your diet. Conditionally customized dietary changes can help reduce creatinine production within the body and thus lower it in the blood. Specifically, the amount of protein defines the risk factor for creatinine production. High protein foods make the chances of alleviated creatinine levels higher. Therefore, red meat, Fish, Chicken, and Dairy products that are higher in protein should be avoided. Diet for kidney patients should also be low on sodium, potassium, and phosphorus, so kidney patients should include vegetables good for high creatinine which includes fiber rich vegetables. A combination of all the restrictions makes up a diet that restricts the waste material production within the body. It reduces stress over the kidneys and lets the organ use the energy to improve its ability and functioning.
Controlling Root Cause Treatment of kidney disease can only be accomplished after controlling the root cause of it. Kidney damage progression can only be stopped after having control over the thing that caused the damage in the first place. In most kidney disease cases, High Blood Pressure and High Sugar Levels (Diabetes) are the cause. High blood pressure causes contraction of blood vessels and an increase in blood flow pressure which over time damages the kidney's filtering unit (Nephrons). Kidney patients whose kidneys are damaged due to hypertension are given medications to control their blood pressure and medicines for kidneys. By this, any further damage to the kidney is prevented, and kidneys have a chance to recover more quickly. Diabetes (High Sugar Levels) for a long time affects kidney functionality. Alleviated sugar levels damage the blood vessels carrying blood to the kidneys and negatively impact the kidney filtering unit. Therefore, a Kidney patient having diabetes is given sugar-controlling medications to manage the sugar levels along with the kidney medications. This ensures any further damage to the kidneys. Ayurvedic kidney treatment fundamentally focuses on curing the cause of the disease first and boosting the healing ability.
Following precautions There are some other precautions that a kidney patient should follow to ensure better results from the medications they are taking.
Avoid Heavy Exercising Creatinine is released when muscles work and are one of the major causes of increased creatinine. Because if the work intensity is more, the creatinine will produce more. Thus a kidney patient should avoid heavy exercises; however, light physical activities are unbounded.
Evade staying in cold environments A cold environment makes muscle use more energy to use in shivering, thus producing more creatinine. Therefore, avoiding colder climates is necessary for kidney patients.
Avoid Alcohol Alcohol creates more waste in the body, which the kidney has to filter out. It can also promote creatinine production and cause high blood pressure, which causes further damage to the kidneys.
Drink adequate water quantity A dehydrated body has the tendency to generate more waste, like creatinine. In addition, a habit of staying dehydrated puts strain on the kidneys and negatively influences the glomerular filtration rate (eGFR).
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advaitayurved · 28 days
ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure
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Ayurvedic Kidney Stone Treatment
 ayurvedic medicine for kidney creatinine
The kidneys have important tasks to perform in the human system. These are (i) regulation of the volume of the body fluids, (ii) elimination of inorganic ions both cations (e.g. Na+, K+) or anions (e.g. Cl’, phosphate, SO4) from the body, (iii) maintenance of appropriate plasma concentration of non-electrolytes such as glucose and urea, (iv) maintaining electrolyte balance by H+ and OH- ions and thus adidity or alkalinity of the blood, (v) elimination of waste products especially the nitrogen and sulphur containing substances as well as the toxic substances (e.g. drugs) which have entered the body, and (vi) retention of substances vital to body economy. These also have some more functions.
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Major diseases or Kidney disorders are Anuria or oliguria (complete to cessation or less formation of urine), polyuria (frequent passage of small quantities of urine), abnormal constituents in urine (e.g. blood, pus etc.), Nephritis, pyelitis (inflamanation of the parenchyma & pelvis of the Kidney) uraemia (i.e. renal failure causing retention of abnormal amounts of urea in the blood), renal colic due to calculus or such other condition, Dysuria (painfull passage of urine).
Causes of kidney damage:
Basically human health miseries could be attributed to –
Abnormalities in anatomical and physiological level
Interaction or stress of biotic factors (various in fections)
Abiotic stress which includes Ahar, Vihar and Achar
Mental imbalance due to predominence of tamsik and rajsik bhavas rather than Sattvik
easy entry of microvita owing to suitability of mental and physical bodies
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Besides above a new dimension is added by adverse side effects of modern allopathic medicines. Most probably this is due to administering active ingredients in pure form. This certainly provides quick action but at the same time damages the system in other ways. The crude medication system of Ayurveda allows the human system to assimilate the active ingredient as well as some related compounds in a natural way and thus avoids any such bad effects on the system. One of the potent causes of increasing incidences of kidney disorders, today, is the side effects of modern medicines or wrong medication or over dosages in certain cases.
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Address:  A 222, Shakti ETC ( Extol Trade Centre, Vandematram Circle, NR Vandematram Cross Rd, Gota, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382481, India
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Website:  https://advaitayutreatment.com/
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sandhyamedicity · 6 months
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Proteinuria
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What Is Proteinuria?
Most people notice bubbles in the urine when they pee right after getting up in the morning.
This indicates the release of protein in urine due to some ‘Dosha’ imbalances in the body.
Sometimes, discerning frothy urine can be a sign of overproduction of proteins by the body, but in most cases, it signifies some renal disorder.
People with proteinuria may have more than average amount of protein in the urine, which makes the urine look like a scrambled egg.
Not healthy kidneys may allow you to vent such an amount unless some extreme conditions enable them to do so.
However, the right approach can be to opt for ayurvedic treatment for protein in urine.
It might help avert the progression of this condition into the late stages of CKD.
What Leads To Proteinuria?
Following could be the possible reasons behind the development of high levels of protein in urine.
Eclampsia is a pregnancy-related indicator of proteinuria.
Proteinuria may indicate the presence of further illnesses and disorders, such as congestive heart failure.
Additionally, a high fever or a lot of physical activity can cause temporary proteinuria.
Orthostatic proteinuria, which occurs when there is proteinuria during the day but not in the morning, is occasionally reported.
Disorders affecting the kidneys' filters, such as glomerulonephritis. Proteinuria is also caused by urine infections, but there are other symptoms to look out for, like urinary tract infections.
Sometimes dehydration also causes the urine to become foamy with protein in it.
High blood sugar level when not controlled for a long time can also result in damage to the filters of the kidneys.
What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Proteinuria?
Following signs and symptoms are witnessed during proteinuria.
Usually, there are no symptoms of proteinuria, but if the protein leakage is extreme, you may notice the frothy appearance of the urine.
On account of albumin leakage, you may also face the problems related to swelling, in which there is excess water deposited in the cells and tissues.
Apart, shortness of breath, needing to urinate more often, dry and itchy skin, fatigue, vomiting, nausea, hiccups are some of the subtle signs that are also observed in the people having proteinuria.
The treatment for protein loss in urine can be done well through the use of ayurvedic approaches.
What Are The Types Of Proteinuria?
The major complications that might develop if creatinine treatment is ignored have been discussed below.
Persistent proteinuria
Persistent proteinuria is another type of proteinuria indicating a diseased kidney, such as Glomerulonephritis and primary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). Microalbuminuria is a low level of albumin in the urine because of some conditions like diabetes and hypertension, which can progress to end-stage renal disease.
Transient proteinuria
Transient proteinuria is the protein leakage arising because of changes in physical health. But, this type of proteinuria is not considered as a measurement of kidney disease as it goes away when you return to your normal health.
Orthostatic proteinuria
Orthostatic proteinuria involves more urine when standing in an upright position. Such types of proteinuria can be seen in thin and tall adolescents. Even in this type of proteinuria, there is no manifestation leading to kidney disease.
What Are The Complications Of Proteinuria?
In the absence of ayurvedic treatment to reduce protein in urine, certain complications can arise in the body.
If proteinuria is avoided, the kidney disease might start progressing and can lead to a complete kidney damage or development of chronic kidney disease in the body.
Your chance of being vulnerable to cardiovascular and heart disease may increase if you have proteinuria.
Also, the risk for bacterial infections might increase in case of ignoring proteinuria.
As a result of progression in kidney diseases, secondary associated issues like diabetes, myeloma, or hypertension may also arise.
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6 Best Fruits to Reduce Creatinine Level Fast ?
Fruits to Reduce Creatinine – Let us talk about the best fruit diet to reduce creatinine levels fast. Creatinine is a side-effect delivered by our muscles when they are utilized for energy. It is generally eliminated from our circulation system by our kidneys.
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rakeshswami · 1 year
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kidneyandayurveda · 2 years
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Naturally Lower High Creatinine with Coconut Water for Kidney Health
Discover the natural remedy to lower high creatinine levels and promote kidney health with the refreshing power of coconut water. Ayurvedic treatment for high creatinine emphasizes holistic healing and restoring balance to the body. Indulge in the wonders of nature as coconut water becomes your ally in creatinine control treatment. Rich in electrolytes and antioxidants, coconut water aids in reducing creatinine levels by flushing out toxins and promoting better kidney function. Embrace this Ayurvedic solution, harnessing the inherent goodness of coconut water to nurture your kidneys and pave the way for a healthier, happier life. Rediscover vitality with this simple and natural approach!
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karmaayurvedakidney · 2 years
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Are you suffering from the problem of creatinine in the blood ? If yes, this is the right place to cure your kidney problem.
For kidney patients, Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment has always been beneficial. The Ayurvedic system of medicine focuses on overall health gain and maintenance with the use of healthy living tips instead of handling the symptoms of the diseases. Toxins removal, blood pressure removal, acid-base balance, management of solutes, and water transport in the body is managed by Kidneys. Therefore kidneys are the important organs in the human body. Ayurveda science is beautiful, as it provides a personalised treatment process designed for every individual. Ayurveda always works to cure the disease and always aims towards restoration of the health of damaged body organs. Herbal preparations are used to purify the system and then enhance the functioning of the body organs.
Now, ayurvedic principles are used worldwide for treating various kidney related diseases such as urinary stone, kidney failure, kidney infections, high creatinine levels etc. The treatment process in Ayurveda comprises following the right diet, lifestyle modifications along with the ayurvedic medicines.
Ayurveda approaches all diseases differently. Ayurveda is the science of life. The causes of kidney diseases are associated with the rakta or medha dhatu which eventually vitiates the Vata, Pitta or Kapha dosha. This vitiation of doshas creates kidney diseases. To treat the disease system purification and pacification of these doshas is necessary and ayurveda always works for it.  
In Ayurveda, a group of diseases, also inclusive of kidney disorders are considered as Prameha. It includes clinical conditions of obesity, prediabetes, diabetes mellitus, and metabolic syndrome.
Ayurvedic management of these kidney disorders have shown promising results. Prameha is a Tridosh Vyadhi and occurs due to predominance of Kapha.
Ayurveda is amongst the best options to cope up with kidney related disorders in a natural manner.
As per ayurveda, urine flow into or out of the kidneys occurs through Mutravaha srotas (channels carrying urine) and any blockage in these srotas results in improper functioning of the kidneys. The blockage of srotas creates kidney related disorders. Toxins start accumulating in the body when kidneys are not able to clear them from the blood. This improper functioning of kidneys creates imbalance of electrolytes and hampers red blood cells production. It is usually seen that the process occurs silently and the signs and symptoms are identified later.
At times unknowingly we promote the factors that cause kidney damage and alter its functions. Few mistakes are listed below:
 Alcohol and tobacco addiction
 Controlling the urge to urinate
Drinking  improper amount or cold water 
 Excess salt intake
Excessive intake of coffee, tea, cold drinks
High protein intake- pulses, non-veg products
Lack of vitamins and minerals
Cardiac disease, liver problem, paralysis, TB and psoriasis etc
Sleep disorders
 Polycystic kidney disorder
 Unprescribed and excess  use of painkillers, drugs, antibiotics etc.
Any kind of addiction or inclusion of above mentioned factors in your daily life leads to damaging the kidneys.
Kidney diseases manifests through the following signs and symptoms:
Bad breath-smell in breath
Blood in urine- hematuria
Burning micturition or Dysuria
Difficulty in breathing while walking
Early tiredness/lethargy
High blood pressure-Hypertension
Irritability in behaviour
Itching on body
Loss of appetite or Nausea
Proteins or Pus in the urine
Puffy face on waking up in the morning
Taste of the mouth changes
Tingling in the body-specially calf muscles and feet
With every passing day, kidney diseases are increasingly becoming a cause of concern  worldwide. Use of natural herbs, lifestyle management can have an effective impact on kidneys and can treat chronic kidney disease naturally. There are various ayurvedic medicines available for creatinine treatment:
1. Punarnava: It has anti-inflammatory action along with curative effects on kidney disease. It reduces the accumulation of the fluids in kidneys thus cures creatinine problems. It also treats oedema of feet and joints. 
2. Varun: Another powerful ayurvedic medicine used for creatinine treatment. It works to remove all the kidney ailments. It helps to improve urinary function and also provides strength to the prostate gland. It also prevents stone formation in kidneys. It is also helpful for other health ailments like intestinal bleeding, intestinal worms, and chronic migraines. It is considered a very effective ayurvedic medicine for creatinine problem
3. Kaasni: Kaasni is a wonder drug for all kidney ailments. It also has anti-inflammatory actions. This herb helps in relieving the inflammation in the kidneys. It is also helpful in respiratory troubles, chronic constipation, and for treating low haemoglobin also. It is also considered as a miraculous medicine for creatinine treatment in Ayurveda.
4. Palaash: When considering ayurvedic medicines for creatinine problems, palaash is considered as the best herb. It is used in all kidney problems. It is used to treat decreased liver functioning, if it is causing damage to kidneys. It has antimicrobial and anthelmintic action that eliminates the intestinal worms and parasites too. 
5. Gokshur
Gokshur has cooling effects; it relieves inflammation and treats chronic kidney disease naturally. Gokshura is helpful in treating renal infections. It is also helpful in enhancing the immunity of the body.
Few dietary and lifestyle changes are also found helpful.
Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption
Avoid seafood-rich source of sodium
Controlled consumption of sodium
Blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels should be in control
Low potassium intake
Low protein consumption. Check and avoid foods having high protein content
Fried, fatty food should be avoided.
Your health should be your top priority. Therefore, it must be taken into consideration that the use of the above mentioned herbs is not recommended without proper medical supervision. Know your creatinine.
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Best Kidney Disease Treatment In Ayurveda -Best Ayurvedic Hospital For Kidney Treatment without Dialysis IN Ranchi Jamshedpur, Jharkhand
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Ajay Kumar Yadav, a kidney patient from Jharkhand, faced a challenging journey. After consulting multiple hospitals, doctors advised him to undergo dialysis due to his high creatinine level, which had reached 11.4 mg/dl. Desperate for an alternative, Ajay learned about BK Kidney Care Hospital in Varanasi, renowned for its Ayurvedic treatments.
With hope, Ajay traveled from Jamshedpur to Varanasi. Within just seven days of treatment at BK Kidney Care Hospital, his creatinine level significantly reduced to 8 mg/dl. The hospital has a strong reputation for helping patients stop dialysis permanently through effective therapies and Ayurvedic medicine.
BK Kidney Care Hospital has successfully treated many patients, allowing them to overcome kidney disease without the need for dialysis. If you're seeking a natural and effective solution for kidney treatment, BK Kidney Care Hospital in Varanasi is one of the best options.
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minecraft-problems · 2 years
Is There An Ayurvedic Treatment That Can Be Used To Reduce Creatinine Levels?
Is There An Ayurvedic Treatment That Can Be Used To Reduce Creatinine Levels?
Creatinine (also known as Ayurvedic Waste Product) is a chemical that can be found in the blood and must be filtered by the kidneys. Urine is the process of eliminating waste from the body through the urine stream. It is a byproduct of the metabolic activity in muscles. The blood levels of creatinine are a good indicator of general health. A creatinine level of 0.6 to 1.25 mg/dell in males is…
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