#best mobile massage houston
Mobile massage therapy for women Houston
💆‍♀️ Enjoy the luxury of #MobileMassageTherapy tailored for women in #Houston! Relax and unwind in the comfort of your home with personalized massage sessions that rejuvenate your body and mind. Book your stress-free experience today! ✨ #Wellness #SelfCare #HoustonMassage #WomenWellness
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heartencasedingold · 1 year
Every Sunday I read the NYT wedding section and look for the Black couples.
This is the wildest I have ever read.
Their first trip together was to Denver in May 2019. There, they had what Ms. Ejismekwu described as their “first remote weed experience.” They booked an Airbnb along a steep cliff in Denver and went on a cannabis spree.
It was a Tuesday night. They bonded over tacos at Three Sheets Bar and Grill, a karaoke spot in Houston.
“We’ve literally hit it off since then,” said Ms. Ejismekwu, 35, whose inner travel bug quickly rubbed off on Mr. Jefferson, 38, as they spent more time together.
She was the adventurous jet-setter. He was the one trying to keep up with her passport stamp collection.
“We loaded up with all of this weed, all of these different products, and went up this hill,” said Ms. Ejismekwu, a speech language pathologist with a private practice in Houston. “Mind you, it is dangerous to get down and up, so we barricaded ourselves there for the entire weekend.”
Despite being stuck in one place, the experience was “extremely memorable” and kick-started a whirlwind series of back-to-back trips. 
The event was child-friendly until around 7:30 p.m., when the adult-only portion of the wedding festivities began. All 75 guests were encouraged to change into their pajamas and participate in a number of cannabis-themed activities, from prerolls and edibles in a mobile cannabis lounge parked outside the theater to THC- and CBD-infused massages.
“All we heard from people was, ‘This is the best wedding I’ve ever been to; I don’t even feel like I’m at a wedding, I feel so relaxed,’” Ms. Ejismekwu said. “We provided an entire vibe of relaxation and just letting loose.”
#newspapers #sundayrituals #nyt #minivows #weddings
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daintysoultx · 2 years
Website : https://www.daintysoul.com/
Address : Houston, Texas
Phone : +1 281-608-6968
Our mission at Dainty Soul is to make the world more beautiful, starting with the person in the mirror.
Here at Dainty Soul, we know that true beauty is not seen with eyes. Real beauty emanates from the soul.​
Dainty Soul provides skin care products and mobile spa services to those living in Houston, TX.
Business mail : [email protected]
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chrsitophwaltz · 5 years
for the entire houston clownery experience click here
psa: excuse my face and the pic qualities. up until this happened i haven’t really taken pictures of myself (less than 10 in the past two years for family and work purposes and NEVER selfies) and when you meet people you’ve only seen on TV in a very unexpected circumstance, then don’t expect your brain and motor functions to work 100%.
in the meantime, The Queen kathleen krüger showed up dragging a little carry on-sized bag. i really wanted a pic but i knew she always likes to be in the background so i just settled for a cheery greeting. she was shy-ish but super nice!
me: *trying to speak german again after 5 years* guten morgen!”
kathleen: *surprised that i recognized her but was super nice* morgen! wie geht’s?
me: sehr gut, danke. und dir? ( i used dir since she used informal and she didn’t look like it offended her or anything dsjfsdjf)
kathleen: oh, sehr gut auch. tschüss!
bless her heart! too bad she might lock niko up and issue a restraining order against me when we see each other next though sndmfbdsmnfbsnmdf
shortly after javi and kathleen left, thiago was next. it took a little while for him to get to me since other people also asked for pics and autographs. when he finally got to me and was signing my shirt, i really just had to tell him “hey thiago, you’re so good! you make it look so easy!” he laughed at that and said thanks. so nice and such a 🐐
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i heard a distinct chuckle and Mr. Bayern himself came out. he was doing his usual thomas müller thing (it’s hard to describe but y’all prolly know what i mean) and was gamely eating a big banana when i asked for another autograph and picture (i got his autograph and picture at the hotel reception on friday already; this is the second time).
me: “hi thomas! could we take a picture again and have you sign my shirt?”
thomas: “ofhrjhf sjdjshfueh” (i’m positive he said “oh sure” or something, but with a mouth full of banana)
so nice! (and he didn’t show his usual cheeky müller grin, incisors and all, because, well........banana)
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okay, here’s a tricky part. sven and leon came out almost simultaneously. sven was slightly first and i asked for the usual combo, and we were both already posed for the picture when i saw leon trying to zip by. greedy binch that i am, my intention was to get both of them in the frame. two birds, one stone. so i said “leon!” to call him over. B U T sven probably thought i was ignoring him and didn’t want his pic at all!!!!!!!!!! he mumbled “oh.....leon” and walked away (i think he probably meant “oh you wanted leon...”) NO SVEN!!!!! I WANTED YOU BOTH COME BACK!!!!! he was gone though and while i was excited to see leon and his beautiful curly hair again (idk if he recognized me but he had this look like “hmmmm...?” and he retweeted me just the night before sdbdmnbnd), i was panicking about the sven incident. it was bittersweet and i decided to really go to that t-mobile thing later on in the day so i could apologize to sven.
this is also prolly why i had this fugly half-assed smile (S VE N!!!!! ;__;)
(also note that leon is wearing lewy’s training shirt sjfbanmfbsahdfd idk why i didn’t ask)
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O K A Y.
around this time was the part where i met niko. but since that whole shebang is a whole other experience in itself, i’m dedicating the entirety of part 4 to it. maybe it’s for the best too since it was just........g o d!!!!!! (kathleen krüger, i really hope you aren’t ever gonna see this blog, but in the off chance that you do, i’m sorry you had to see all that sdnfbndmfabnmfnd s o r r y)
anyway, that niko incident led me to run out of the hotel like it was on fire (told y’all, long story) so it was outside that i got to meet The Chef! he still looked kinda sleepy and was nursing a cup of coffee but was still nice enough to indulge me with a pic and autograph! 
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okay. so, after serge got up on the bus, and while i was studiously avoiding kathleen’s stare (huehue s o r r y), manu came out. a lot of fans had already gathered behind the barriers outside and manu was a crowd favorite so everybody was screaming for him. i was still near the bus entrance and was standing in front of the barrier and two guys behind me were jumping and asking manu to autograph their replica world cup trophy. manu got to them first and stupid lil me was trying to take a pic with him while he was doing his thing. this giant man is about 6′4, and me a ruler and an inch shorter, so when he reached for the trophy, he nearly knocked me out gonzalo-higuain-in-the-2014-world-cup-final style.
(below is me before i nearly died a sweet, happy death c/o manu’s huge ass fists)
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manu, teddy bear that he is, was like “oh no, sorry!” i didn’t mind at all sjdfhsdfsdj (i would’ve gladly let him knock me tf out lmao) so i said “it’s okay!” as an apology, he gamely signed my shirt and we finally took a decent, safe photo dsfbjksdfbsfnsbdns
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*kill bill sirens* WEW! then The Polish Hitman, Mr. 5-in-9, The B O D Y himself, robert lewandowski came out. he was sporting that cursed beard again (sorry lewy, but in this very rare case, i say no stubble for you lmao). he still looked hot af tho and signed my shirt. and took this photo! (thank you to my phone for magically making this HDR)
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there wasn’t anyone after him for a while and the team bus left already so i went back inside (thank you hotel A/C! it was hot as hell and i was shaking and overheating from being so close to them.... and embarrassing myself in front of all those people and Queen Kathleen lmao).
then, coco came out! i guess he’s gonna do individual training since he didn’t go with the team bus. he also did this lil massage thing on my left shoulder sdhbjdfsdn thanks for scoring our first goal the night before, coco! (he was hella cute too)
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i think all the players were gone since the only ones left for the next 15 minutes were the entourage and media people. but one last parting gift! loddar himself came out. took a while for him to get out since he chatted with someone else for a few minutes so i settled for videoing him for my instagram story. then he finally got up and walked to the exit and that’s where i got him.
me: hi lothar, can we take a picture? (only a pic since he looked like he was in a hurry)
loddar: *with that perennial cranky look on his face but was still nice lmao* “ok sure!”
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had to leave shortly after this to go to the mall since @simplyirenic messaged me that there were only 100 tickets for the adidas meet-and-greet, but hey! almost a full haul!
here’s 75% of the total spoils:
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(i’ve maxed out my 10 photo per post limit again so stay tuned for part 3: the mall meet-and-greet with josh, sven (there’s a redemption arc! i’m not a total bitch!), benji (a surprise addition to the lineup), manu 2.0, and thomas 3.0!)
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
How are you doing today? >> Could be better, could be worse. I’m still a bit depressed but I’m hoping it’ll even out. The Inworlders have been very helpful.
What was the best thing that happened to you today? >> Er... I mean, nothing. Nothing much has happened at all.
Which cell phone network are you on? >> Boost Mobile.
Do you like the smell of cinnamon? >> Sure.
What was the last book you've read? >> The last book I finished was a reread of PZB’s Lost Souls. I’m working on Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood right now.
Are you hungry right now? >> No.
What was the last thing you've had to drink? >> Water.
How often do you visit this website? >> This website? Daily. Bzoink? Whenever I need a new survey to take (not that I always find one, mind you. Bzoink is very hit or miss with a marked emphasis on “miss”.)
Do you like frogs? >> I mean... not particularly? They’re cool sometimes, I guess. Mostly they’re just... there.
Are you afraid of dying? >> Sometimes.
Do you like bananas? >> I hate bananas.
Name a movie that you hate. >> I didn’t like Meet the Spartans. That whole genre of movie should have stopped at Scary Movie.
Do you like the show American Dad? >> No. Maybe I just don’t get it.
What TV show do you miss the most that's no longer on TV? >> Galavant.
Are you currently fighting with someone right now? >> No.
Is your life full of drama? >> It really isn’t.
How long can you hold your breath underwater >> I don’t know.
Where's the last place you've been to out of state? >> Houston, Texas.
Have you ever been kissed in the rain? >> Probably.
What letter does your last name start with. >> D.
What are you listening to right now? >> Nothing.
Have you ever had a pet that died? >> Wasn’t my pet, per se. Vlad had a cat die whlie I was living there, and Sparrow’s cat died this past October.
Would you rather use a trackpad or a mouse? >> Depends on what I’m doing. For just using the internet or whatever my trackpad works fine, but when I’m gaming I obviously need a mouse.
Do you consider yourself politically intelligent? >> No.
Have you ever done any volunteer work? >> No.
Do you like the Beatles? >> No.
Is it night time where you're at right now? >> No, it’s early afternoon.
Do you like steak? >> No.
Do you eat healthy? >> I just eat, man. Whatever.
How often do you work out? >> I don’t.
What was the best gift you've ever received? >> *shrug*
Have you ever participated in a spelling bee? >> Yeah. When I was in fourth grade, I won the spelling bee in my school, so I was supposed to go on to regionals -- but apparently, fourth-graders were too young to go to regionals. I was the first fourth-grader to win in the school bee’s history so they’d never had to deal with that. My father raised a big stink about it because he said that if fourth-graders aren’t eligible for regionals, they shouldn’t have been allowed to participate in the school bee in the first place. Somehow this conflict was so interesting to people (or my father’s just such an adept big-stink-raiser, which is most likely) that it ended up in the newspaper and on the evening news. ...And no, I personally did not fucking care either way. This was just one more example of adults placing undue importance on something that did not matter to me and never would matter in the grand scheme of my life, and just shoving me into a spotlight regardless of my feelings. Also, fuck spelling bees as a concept anyway.
If you could have one wish right now, what would it be? >> ---
Do you owe anyone an apology right now? >> No.
Are you the jealous type of person? >> No.
Have you ever tried doing yoga? >> Yeah. It doesn’t quite agree with me, unless I’m just doing the wrong kind or something.
Do you like getting massages? >> Me? The person who hates being touched? Hmm...
Would you rather be too hot or too cold? >> I’d just rather not be in any kind of extreme weather condition, thanks.
Are you good at telling jokes? >> No.
When was the last time you've attended a sleepover? >> ---
Tell me one of your pet peeves. >> I’d rather not.
Do you wear glasses? >> No.
Do you like to keep your nails painted? >> No.
Have you ever had a pedicure? >> Probably, a long time ago.
What is your favorite smell? >> ---
Do you like the TV show Full House? >> Never watched it, not interested.
Would you rather listen to country music or rap music? >> I like both, so.
Are you a Duck Dynasty fan? >> No.
Have you graduated high school yet? >> Yeah.
What kind of person were you in middle school? >> I don’t know. Probably a socially maladjusted one doing its best.
Do you have any major regrets in your life? >> Meh.
Have you ever thought about running away? >> Yeah.
Do you like pixie sticks? >> Not so much anymore. But there’s still some kind of fun novelty about them, despite the fact that I don’t really want to pour pure sugar down my gullet.
Do you like French toast? >> I like it a certain way.
Are you a fast typer? >> Yes.
Are you good at doing math in your head? >> Some math.
Have you ever played with Silly Putty? >> Not to my recollection, but maybe.
Do you take in a lot of caffeine daily? >> No. Caffeine fucks with me too much.
Do you like watching Football? >> No.
What language do you wish you could speak? >> ---
Do you know a lot about history? >> Not a lot, no.
If we could travel back in time, where would you travel to? >> ---
Would you ever consider joining the military? >> I would literally rather die.
Do you think women should be allowed to have abortions? >> Yes.
Are you a cigarette smoker? >> Not usually.
Have you ever done something you didn't want to just to look cool? >> No.
Do you like zombie movies? >> Not usually. Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland were fun, though.
Have you seen The Hunger Games? >> No, but I’ve read them. I don’t like the casting choices in the movies so I don’t know if I’ll bother watching them.
Do you have a favorite piece of clothing? >> No.
Do you own any Uggs? >> No.
Are you wearing any rings on your fingers? >> Not right now.
Name a TV show that you absolutely can't stand. >> Meh.
Do you have any unusual talents? >> I don’t have any talents, usual or otherwise.
Do you look like your age? >> I don’t know what the fuck I look like age-wise and I don’t care.
Do you feel confident in a bathing suit? >> No, I don’t like bathing suits at all.
Do you do a lot of online shopping? >> Not a lot.
Do you like the Harry Potter films? >> Some of them.
Do you judge people based on their sexual orientation? >> No.
Have you ever been told you had an accent? >> I mean, probably.
Have you ever ridden an elephant? >> No.
Are you allergic to pollen? >> No.
Have you ever eaten sushi? If so, do you like it? >> Yes, and I like it fine.
Are you a fan of anime? >> Sure. Not every single one in existence, obviously, but there are plenty I enjoy.
Would you rather play Xbox or Playstation? >> PlayStation seems to have more games I like. But I actually prefer PC gaming.
Are you a big fan of seafood? >> Yes.
What kind of food are you craving right now? >> None, I’m not hungry.
Are you currently in a relationship? If not, are you happy being single? >> I am in relationships.
Do you depend on others for happiness? >> Obviously. People made the video games I play, after all. Just as an example. Also, since I’m not a complete hermit, obviously I keep company with other people for some reason...
Do you like to go fishing? >> Never been, probably wouldn’t care for it. Even video-game fishing is the worst.
Are you a fast runner? >> I don’t know.
Have you ever worked at a fast food place? >> No.
What's on your mind right now? >> The answers I’m giving to these questions.
Are you texting anyone as you're taking this survey? >> No.
Have you ever had a nasty rumor spread about you? >> Probably.
Have you ever sent someone sexual pictures of yourself? >> No.
Do you like who you are on the inside or the outside more? >> ...
Are you good at drawing? >> No.
Do you know how to dance? >> I don’t dance as a matter of skill, I dance as a matter of enjoyment.
What's your favorite reality TV show? >> ---
Do you think Kim Kardashian deserves to be famous? >> I literally do not care.
Are you excited for Christmas this year? >> It’s January, I’m not thinking about Christmas.
Do you celebrate Halloween? >> Not really. What would I even do? Most of the time we just help pass out candy at the Wayland house and that’s good enough for me tbh.
Have you ever had a concussion? >> No.
Do you pretend to be someone you're not? >> No.
Do you listen to heavy metal music? >> Yeah.
Were you sad when Michael Jackson died? >> No.
Do you have more upper or lower body strength? >> I don’t know.
Have you ever been in a tanning bed? >> No.
Do you like hot tubs? >> No. The only time I got into a hot tub I thought I was going to pass out and die. That is definitely not for me.
Do you know anyone who is battling cancer? >> No.
Have you ever donated money to a charity? >> No.
Do you get bored easily? >> Sometimes.
Have you ever peed your pants in public? >> Yeah.
Are you afraid of roller coasters? >> No.
Are you good at doing tongue twisters? >> I don’t know, moderately?
What was the last movie you've seen in theatres? >> Jojo Rabbit.
Have you ever been to a drive-in movie? >> No.
Are you good at doing fractions? >> Probably not. Luckily, I don’t usually have to do them.
What is your favorite holiday? >> Christmas.
Do you prefer Apple or Android? >> Android.
Would you rather have a tablet or a computer? >> A computer. I like having a full keyboard and more robust hardware.
Do you like things that are touch screen? >> Not really, but they can be convenient.
What age did you have your first kiss at? >> ---
Do you regret losing your virginity to whoever you lost it to? >> ---
Do you have a good relationship with your mother? >> I don’t have a relationship with my mother.
Do you like the color lime green? >> It’s okay. In moderation.
What are your plans for tomorrow? >> I have no plans for tomorrow aside from the weekly Cafe Boba thing.
Would you rather wear jeans or yoga pants? >> Sweatpants.
Do you like your clothes to be baggy and comfortable or tight and revealing >> A little baggy and comfortable. I definitely don’t want anything “revealed”.
Do you wish you could change something about your hair? >> No.
Have you ever gotten a makeover? >> Yeah, at a Lord and Taylor’s counter when I was seventeen, for prom. Ugh.
Do you get mad easily? >> Not unless I’m depressed.
Have you ever punched someone in the face? >> No.
Do you think the minions from Despicable Me are cute? >> I really don’t.
Did you have a Gameboy as a child? >> No.
Would you rather have chocolate or gummy worms? >> Gummy worms. Sour, please.
What are your favorite pizza toppings? >> Pepperoni and various vegetables.
Have you ever auditioned for a talent competition? >> No.
Do you make good sandwiches? >> They’re good enough for me.
Would you rather get high or get drunk? >> ---
Have you ever failed a drug test? >> No.
Do you like the Silent Hill movies? >> I liked the first one.
What movie scared you the most out of any other movies? >> ---
Tell me something you've been made fun of for in the past. >> Having big eyes.
What is one thing you need to work on to make yourself a better person? >> ---
Do you support war? >> No. It doesn’t need my support, though. It will always prevail.
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spaparty2u · 2 years
Corporate massage is the key to the success of your company!
Why corporate massage motivates employees to work, improves relations in the team, and creates a trusting atmosphere among management. One of the main components of the effective work of the team is the favorable attitude of the boss to employees.
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Managers who truly understand business processes and value their team are ready to invest in their team, thereby motivating it to work better and bring profit to the company. One of the options for such care for the team is a corporate massage. It is the best solution for those who care about their health and "healthy" cooperation & partnership. And want to increase the prestige of the organization among competitors. Let's find the advantages of it by the experts at corporate massages Houston USA.
Advantages of massage by the experts at corporate massages Houston USA: – Reduction of tension and stress of each individual and the team as a whole;
Reinforcing resistance and sickness avoidance;
Inspiration of workers and increment work efficiency;
Expanding worker devotion;
Early finding and rectification of word-related distortions;
Decrease in the number of debilitated leaves for neurological sicknesses. Already in a few massage sessions, the quality of a person's sleep improves working capacity increases & the vigor and freshness of the body. The general well-being & mood improves the appearance changes. All this leads to an increase in the standard of living. Needless to say, how the mood and motivation of the team will increase after a tonic massage! It can be a useful hobby, a psychological relief for the team, part of a corporate event, or a gift for colleagues on a professional holiday. The manager can give the team a massage in the office, providing room and time for its implementation. If you want to arrange good massage in Huston, then go for mobile massages Houston Texas. Often the head of the company takes on the payment for a certain number of sessions. The master brings with him everything you need, including a compact massage table. Our health requires attention, care, and participation. The team is an invaluable resource that brings the company to profit. For the results of your organization to be even higher, the composition of the team to be more stable, stronger & more effective, it is necessary to invest resources in it - time and financial. Corporate massage is one of the most effective ways to improve internal and external work processes!
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tkmedia · 3 years
Texans OC Tim Kelly: Taylor has 'command of the entire offense'
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6:00 AM ETHOUSTON -- A lot has happened to the Houston Texans' quarterback room since Deshaun Watson spent part of his end-of-season news conference campaigning for offensive coordinator Tim Kelly to return, regardless of who was hired to replace interim head coach Romeo Crennel.“When they offered me the position to come back, I was elated,” Kelly said during OTAs.That was before Watson’s relationship with the team soured, he asked for a trade and his legal troubles began, which include a total of 23 lawsuits alleging inappropriate sexual behavior during massage sessions. All but one remain active civil cases.The Texans signed veteran quarterback Tyrod Taylor in March, and Watson is serving as the team’s fourth quarterback. Despite going from having Watson -- who led the league with 4,832 passing yards last season -- under center to Taylor, left tackle Laremy Tunsil said the offense is “the same” one the Texans ran last season under Kelly.Tyrod Taylor is "doing a good job leading that offense," according to Texans offensive coordinator Tim Kelly. AP Photo/Justin Rex“Each year your team’s going to be different, so you’ve got to find ways to really play to your strengths and find ways to cover up your weaknesses,” Kelly said. “And so the nuts and bolts of the offense are going to be similar, but we’re going to put our little touches on it to take advantage of the different players we have in the room now.Those "little touches" will no doubt be focused on playing to Taylor’s strengths, which include letting him rely on his mobility instead of the impressive arm talent that Watson possesses.Taylor hasn't started more than three games in a season since 2017. That year, the former Bills quarterback averaged 6.7 yards per attempt, which ranked 19th in the NFL. For comparison, Watson led the NFL in that category in 2020, with 8.9 yards per attempt. Houston’s offense is unlikely to be the big-play threat it was last season if Watson doesn't play.The NFL regular season is just around the corner. Here are the biggest questions and roster projections for all 32 teams. Read more » • Full 2021 schedule | Depth charts » • Transactions | Injuries | More NFL » In addition, the wide receiver room has changed. Gone are speedy receivers William Fuller V (left as a free agent for Miami) and Randall Cobb (traded to Green Bay).“Look at our wide receiver room, and there’s been a dramatic change in that room, and not just the people in there, but the types of bodies," Kelly said.Taylor, who signed a two-year deal with the Los Angeles Chargers in 2019 and was named the Week 1 starter in 2020, started one game before a team doctor accidentally punctured his lung with a pain-killing shot while attempting to treat a rib injury. Taylor was replaced before the Week 2 game by Justin Herbert, who kept the starting job and went on to be named the NFL's Offensive Rookie of the Year.Taylor said he believes the work the Texans did in the spring has helped him have “very few mental errors out here on the field.” Kelly said Taylor has “command of the entire offense.”“For a guy who’s played as long as he has, a lot of it just ends up being translation,” Kelly said. “He understands the plays, just not how we call it and what are kind of the specifics from this offense from the different offenses he’s played in. So he’s done a good job with that. He’s got a really good control of the huddle. He’s doing a good job leading that offense.”As for Watson, in what was likely his final year in Houston, he had the best season of his career. He did report to training camp on July 25 to avoid the $50,000 daily fine and participated in individual drills during the first five days of practice. However, he was not on the field for the two following practices, with no explanation from the Texans.Kelly says he’s been a “great asset” on the field and in the quarterback room during training camp.“It’s been great,” Kelly said. “He’s been very helpful for those players. And again, we’re doing a good job keeping him engaged, and we’re going through some different stuff with him. He’s been good for those players.” Read the full article
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houstonmobilemassage9 · 4 months
Sports Massage in Cypress: Elevate Your Performance with Houston Mobile Massage
Athletes and active individuals understand the importance of maintaining their bodies in peak condition. Whether you're a professional athlete or someone who enjoys staying active, a sports massage can be a game-changer. Houston Mobile Massage offers specialized sports massage services in Cypress, designed to enhance your performance, speed up recovery, and prevent injuries, all in the comfort of your home.
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What is Sports Massage?
Sports massage is a type of massage therapy specifically tailored to meet the needs of athletes. It focuses on areas of the body that are overused and stressed from repetitive and often aggressive movements. This massage technique combines various methods such as deep tissue massage, stretching, and trigger point therapy to address the unique needs of athletes.
Benefits of Sports Massage
Enhanced Performance: Regular sports massage helps improve muscle flexibility and range of motion, leading to better athletic performance. By keeping your muscles in optimal condition, you can train more effectively and compete at your best.
Injury Prevention: Sports massage can help identify and address potential issues before they develop into serious injuries. By maintaining muscle health and flexibility, you reduce the risk of strains, sprains, and other common sports injuries.
Faster Recovery: After intense training or competition, sports massage aids in the removal of metabolic waste products from muscles, reducing soreness and speeding up recovery. This allows you to return to your training routine more quickly and with less discomfort.
Improved Circulation: The techniques used in sports massage enhance blood flow to the muscles, which helps deliver essential nutrients and oxygen while removing toxins. Improved circulation promotes muscle health and overall well-being.
Reduced Muscle Tension: Sports massage targets tight and knotted muscles, helping to release tension and improve muscle function. This is particularly beneficial for athletes who experience muscle fatigue and stiffness from rigorous training.
Why Choose Houston Mobile Massage?
At Houston Mobile Massage, we understand the demands of an active lifestyle. That's why we offer the convenience of mobile massage services, bringing our expert therapists directly to your location in Cypress. Our licensed and experienced massage therapists are trained in sports massage techniques and are committed to providing personalized treatments that cater to your specific needs.
What to Expect
When you book a sports massage with Houston Mobile Massage, our therapist will conduct a thorough consultation to understand your athletic background, current training regimen, and any specific areas of concern. The massage will involve a combination of techniques tailored to your needs, including deep tissue work, stretching, and targeted muscle therapy. Communication is essential, so feel free to provide feedback on pressure and technique throughout the session.
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Investing in a sports massage is an investment in your athletic performance and overall health. Whether you're training for a marathon, recovering from an injury, or simply looking to enhance your physical condition, Houston Mobile Massage is here to support you. Schedule your appointment today and experience the numerous benefits of sports massage in Cypress.
For more information or to book your session, visit our website or contact us directly. Let Houston Mobile Massage help you achieve your athletic goals with the power of sports massage.
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alvispeter369 · 5 years
Improve Physical Performance with Best Massage Therapy in Houston
Massage Therapy Houston - Houston Massage Group is a certified massage therapist in Houston. Well-maintained muscles will enable you to perform better, by optimizing your tissue pliability, which in turn can reduce injuries and improve mobility. To improve physical performance contact us.
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queenpoetry251 · 8 years
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“Down By The Bay” Part 2. (Fictional Love Series)
(It’s a cool Friday evening in March. I’m basking in the brisk breeze on this beautiful, spring day at the the park on Main St. Daphne.
The weather in Alabama can be hot enough to wear for flip flops and a few hours later it’s snow boot weather. Im captivated by my new read written by Infinite Waters.
Listening to the laughter from a little girl’s birthday party held under the pavilion. Balloons popping and the tune from the happy birthday song being played on a violin. She managed to get cake icing all over her monogrammed birthday dress.
It bring back childhood memories for me. Watching children play always put me in a happy place, especially when I’m having a stressful day.
Coming to this park helps to relax my mind before a big show.
I guess I better head home to get dressed so I won’t be late.
I’m looking at the caller ID as the my cell phone ring.)
“Well hello Hyrim. Are you excited about performing your new spoken word piece tonight? ”
Hyrim answered, “Yes. I’m headed there now.”
“I’m on my way to, I’m packing up my new shipment of dashiki dresses and African art. I think it’s going to sell good at the show tonight.”
“I’m going to do a new poem tonight as well. It was inspired by a old friend I ran into a few weeks ago.”
“Ok then Queen sounds like love is in the air.” Hyrim said with laughter in his tone.“
(I just arrived at the Poetry Den in Fairhope. India Arie song “Brown Skin” is setting the tone. The lights are deemed with candle lights setting the vibe just right.)
“Thank you Shanarian for setting up everything for my art display.”
“You’re welcome welcome sis!”
“I have to hurry and arrange the open mic list because it’s almost time to start the show.”
(I’m looking through my emails and making notes in my composition book.)
(My heart is racing fast.)
“Shanarian, after all this time doing poetry I still get nervous before performing a new piece.”
“Queen you are my sister but I don’t understand why you be so nervous, you’re amazing.”
“Thank you for the encouragement Shanarian. I love you sis. I appreciate your support.
"By the way your new blush pink lipstick is banging! You’re always on point with the lipsticks. Shanarian smiles and replies back with a thank you, and yes I know I look cute tonight. Wow sis (I say with a giggle in my voice)
I see you’re feeling yourself tonight. It’s good to have a high view of yourself.
(We both laugh as I began to walk to the stage.)
(Music is turned down low as I walk on the stage.)
"Good evening beautiful people. Welcome to Rhythm & Rhymes Open Mic Show.”
“We have a lot of awesome poets and great comedians on the list for tonight.”
“I’m going to open up with a poem that was inspired by my high school crush that I ran into a few weeks ago.”
(Crowd clapping. I’m taking a deep breath. Now its silent.)
“I titled this poem "I’m longing for what we never had.”
“I get lost in thought thinking of you and what we never had. Maybe our paths will cross again in perfect timing.”
“As for now, I’m missing the romantic getaways we use to talk about but never took, to Jamaica and Hawaii, where we hold hands on the beach walking through the sand.”
“Enjoying the way the water feels between our toes. As the wind blows, we're captivated in every second of our stroll.”
“I’m missing the spiritual adventure to Egypt and Israel we never took. Surrounded by all of that knowledge I’m sure our souls would’ve been shook.”
“I’m missing the late night talks we never had.”
“I’m imagining a spring Saturday with picnics in the park on the green grass, as I enthusiastically laugh at all of your jokes.”
“No matter how bad our day may go, when our souls meet we create a glow.”
“I miss the first argument we never had. I know that the make up session would’ve been a blast. With me role playing, as I sing Etta James "At Last.”
“This may sound like a silly, high school girl’s fancy dream, but I know that in reality our spirits are meant to be.”
“I guess one day we will just have to see if the universe connects our journey.”
“If not, Erykah Badu said it best in her song "I guess I’ll see you next lifetime.”
“Our connection is so strong. Maybe when we fall into a deep sleep our spirits have meet in another dimension.”
“When our energy collides, earth is not strong enough to contain the power that God brings between us.”
“As for now I have my thoughts that I will use for the positive. Imagining you holding me as I fall asleep with my ear pressed against your heartbeat is my favorite tune you see.”
“I miss the massages I never had a chance to give you. The candlelight meals, sitting by the fireplace I never cooked for you.”
“The passionate love we never had a chance to make. The future marriage that hasn’t took place yet would��ve been great. Maybe it’s not to late.”
“As for now, I’m thankful to God for my imagination.”
“I’m missing what we never had. Thinking to myself, maybe just maybe, we will be like Darius and Nina in the movie Love Jones connected at last.”
“Until then I’m longing for what we never had.”
“Thank you.”
(Crowd clapping and snapping fingers).
“Are y'all ready for our first open mic artist!”
(Crowd scream yes!)
“Put your hands together and give a clap to Hyrim Ether!”
(Crowd clapping as Hyrim walk to the stage. He grabs the mic.)
(I’m noticing the look in Hyrim’s eyes as if he knows he’s going to rip this show tonight.)
“Walking off the stage I noticed a pair of perfect, white teeth glistening at me. ”
“He has a smile that will make the angels sing.”
“The candle light is reflecting and enhancing his coffee-brown skin. It looks like it’s been kissed by the sun.”
“The blinking stage lights is blinding me. I’m straining to see. I blink my eyes harder to gather my sight all the way back. My vision slowly comes back to me.”
“Oh my God!”
(I just noticed that it’s Darren.)
“My heart rate is elevating! My palms are sweating!”
“Thoughts rambling through my mind. I know he just heard every word from my poem.”
“I bared my soul on that stage. I wonder what he’s thinking? I hurry and gain my composure as he walks closer to me.”
“I’m trying not to blush hard. It’s not working. My smile is too powerful to submerge.”
“Hey Queen Ashley.” Darren speaks with his proper, educated tone. I loved that poem, he added as we embraced. “
"I wish I was that special guy you spoke of. I wonder who he can be? He inquired in a joking manner.”
(I’m laughing)
“Darren thank you. It’s good to see that you are still in town. How long will you be staying? Darren replied "I’m staying for good.”
“Wow are you sure you want to come back to this small town?” (He stands close as our bodies can be.)
(Looking deep into my eyes)
“He states that "New York was cool, but it was missing something. Hopefully I can get it back now that I’m here.”
“I’m working on a new development in downtown Mobile now. Maybe once you finish hosting we can grab a bite to eat at our old hangout spot, the Daphne Waffle House.”
“Sure, sounds like fun D I answered as I’m walking off, rushing back to the stage trying not to fall in my new heels.”
(Crowd clapping loud for Hyrim as he walks off the stage. The tenth open mic poet has performed. The crowd is eagerly waiting for me to introduce the featured poet.
“It’s a big crowd tonight because Steelwaters a local poet from Fairhope is in the building. He is the featured poet tonight. He started poetry here in Fairhope over ten years ago and the poetry movement has expanded.”
“Put your hands together for the one and only Steelwaters the poet! ”
(He’s taking his time walking to the stage confidently, with his head held high. Long dreads, skin the color of burnt brass, and looking like black Jesus in the flesh.
The crowd is screaming out the titles of their favorite poems by him and clapping as he take the mic. Thirty minutes has passed.
Steelwaters just finished performing. The crowd is standing and clapping.)
“I’m so glad the show is finally over. Darren I have to do a wardrobe change before I leave. I will hurry. I exclaimed as I ran to the dressing room. ”
“Darren answers saying "Ok I will be waiting outside.”
(He’s admiring the African art paintings as he make his way out the door. The walls are cover with culture and history about our African ancestors.
I finally make my way to the car, can’t seem to pack my African art in the car fast enough.
Darren chatting with his old high school classmates in the parking lot. He notice me struggling and comes and help me pack it all in.)
“New Edition old jam "candy girl” is playing on 93 blx radio station. I’m thinking about all the fun times we use to have as I follow him to the Waffle House.“)
(Sitting and eating at Waffle House. The waitress finally bring our food out. I don’t think I will ever get use to the sound of plates breaking in the cooking area. People are starting to flood in now after hanging out. It’s getting noisy.
Madonna "Like A Virgin” is playing on the jukebox. I’m digging for coins in my purse. I want to hear Whitney Houston “I believe the children are our future”, when this song goes off.
They still have the same songs they had when we use to hang out here after the high school games.
I might want to play Cyndi Lauper “Girl Just Want To Have Fun” and Janet Jackson “Rhythm Nation”.
I’ll have my own blast from the past music concert up in here tonight. I’m leaving from the jukebox. I’m headed back to the table with Darren.)
(Darren notice me walking back to the table and puts his cell back in his pocket.
He’s starring at me with his dreamy eyes as I make my way back to the table.)
“Darren begins to say, "Ashley I have really enjoyed catching up with you, but you owe me a date at the Mayday pier, since you stood me up in 1996.”
“Darren you are a mess. I don’t remember standing you up. I don’t think I would’ve did that.”
“The only way you can make it up to me is by letting me take you now.”
“Darren are you serious? It’s 2am!”
“Darren nodded his head up and down saying "Yes I’m serious.”
“Ok D for you the Mayday beach it is. I will leave my car here and ride with you.”
(He pays for food at the register. Then he head back to our table to leave a tip.
We exchanged have a goodnight with the Waffle House staff as we make our way out the door.)
To Be Continued!
Written by Ashley Waller/QueenBlack the Poetess ‪© 2017 ‬
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spaparty2u · 2 years
Get deep relaxation at home with Mobile massages; know the benefits!
Many people can't able to take massage services because the massage room is far from home or have no time to go to the center. A home-back massage can ease the stress. Be that as it may, it also has more to offer for well being and different advantages. Stress can gradually harm the human body if you are not treating it on time. Subsequently, it is extremely important to deal with your feeling of anxiety. Mobile massages Houston Texas, gives the most mind-blowing way of dealing with an elevated degree of stress is to get the most relaxing massage. And for all of us, our home is the best comfort area. Getting an in-home massage is a relaxing thing. Benefits of In-Home Massage You no longer need to go anywhere through rush and traffic because the massage will come to you! Time-saving; one of the advantages of calling mobile massages is that it can save you a ton of hours on your bustling timetable. Because of this, you don't need to change your timetable & you can get a back rub any day. Better prolonged; an in-home massage Houston permits you to appreciate prolonged relaxation. You can make an arrangement just before heading to sleep also. Deep relaxation; Home is always the best comfort zone. Here we can relax without any worries. If you get an in-home massage, then it becomes more helpful. More privacy options; one more incredible benefit of home massage is the high privacy. Since massage expects you to remove clothes from your body, ladies feel a little uncomfortable. With Home massage, they can have a peaceful climate that leads to a quality massage. Customized service; Many times for many health reasons or any special needs we can't able to go the relaxing center to arrange mobile massage helps people with special needs. So do you want to get this service? Then find the best in-home massage Houston. Visit spaparty2u.com to get the best service now!
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lovelyfantasticfart · 4 years
Four Doors Full Of Tech In The BMW 640i Gran Coupe
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massagechairmax · 4 years
The Benefits of a Massage Mattress For Seniors
We no longer demonstrate the physical and psychological benefits of massage, regardless of age, but more particularly in the elderly. When we get older, massage is an excellent way to regain a better quality of life. However, this practice is often minimized. If the massage in institute is no longer the prerogative of seniors, they still have the possibility of home massage performed by professionals or done by themselves using dedicated equipment. The massage mattress is just one of them.
What is the massage mattress?
Massage , massage cushion ... today there is a whole range of tools dedicated to massage therapy. One of them is the massage mattress, sometimes also called a massage mat. The massage mattress is a massage device that can be used both in institute and at home. For our seniors, this equipment is an excellent way to enjoy the benefits of professional massage at home, without having to go to a massage center.
There are several types of massage mattresses. The relaxing massage mattress is perfect for relieving pain. The heated massage mattress, on the other hand, is often used by overweight people who want to lose a few extra pounds. However, older people can also get it to enjoy a little more heat in the winter. The vibrating massage mattress usually combines vibration and heating. It mainly provides relaxing massage. This type of massage mattress provides significant relaxation from head to toe thanks to the vibrating motors installed on certain specific areas (top, middle, bottom). The motors can be operated via a remote control. The vibrating mattress is also often equipped with an infrared heat diffuser. There are also models of massage mattresses fitted with massage heads on the market. They offer different massage techniques such as shiatsu, kneading, percussion, rolling, etc.
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 Modernizing over time, the massage mattress can be equipped with several functions to meet all needs. Most often, this device is handy thanks to a power supply and a remote control. But, it can also have other functions such as the combination of vibration and heating functions that work thanks to motors distributed over key areas of the body. We can also find on some models of massage mattresses the speed function which allows the user to choose the rhythm that suits him. Finally, there is also the airbag function and the possibility of choosing between several thicknesses.
The massage mattress, to reduce back pain, muscle tension and aches with age, the state of health weakens. It is obvious! To this is added the taking of drugs of all kinds. All this has the effect of weakening the body and causing many ailments such as lower back pain, muscle stiffness and tension. Unlike young people who can recover quickly on their own, seniors find it difficult to recover from these ailments. Massage is then an excellent way for them to remedy this.
By acting on key areas of the body such as the neck, shoulders, pelvis, back, feet and legs, the massage mattress reduces all existing muscle and joint tension. The combined effect of vibration and heat promotes blood circulation. This has the effect of oxygenating the muscles and relieving back pain and aches.
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 The massage mattress helps reduce stress
More fragile and more exposed than the rest of the population, the elderly can also be victims of stress, anxiety and anxiety. And it must be said that there are many reasons: fragile health, reduced mobility ... They therefore need massage more than ever to evacuate the physical and psychological stress that accumulates in them for a thousand and one reasons. Many studies have shown the effectiveness of massage in reducing stress in the elderly.
The use of a massage mattress helps to provide well-being, relaxation and relaxation in seniors, three ingredients that are beneficial to their age. Not only does massage bring physical relaxation to the elderly. It also reduces feelings of depression and anxiety which tend to increase with age. The benefits of the massage mattress do not end there. This equipment also helps to calm restlessness and improve the quality of sleep. It must be said that age and sleep have never been good companions. This is due in particular to the habit of seniors of going to bed very early or of staying too long in bed. By eliminating all tension from the body, the massage mattress helps you get a good night's sleep.
In addition, it also makes migraines, nervousness and chronic fatigue disappear. During the session, you will therefore fill up with energy!
The massage mattress, to re-tame your body
In the elderly, massage is an effective weapon to awaken every part of the body. The brain remembers every part of the body. Repeated and regular massage sessions can only be of benefit to the elderly person. She has a better perception of her body. Her self-esteem is boosted and she gains confidence and acceptance. Often, as we get older, we have a hard time accepting our body and being proud of it. Massage allows you to re-tame your body and to accept it.
 The massage mattress can also be used as a means of preventing falls in the elderly. A person who regularly receives massage sessions regains a better balance. His brain remembers all those areas of the body that tend to be forgotten. The body becomes more sensitive and more receptive.
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