#best natural wines australia
juicetraders · 2 years
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The best natural wines in Australia
If you are a natural wine lover, then you should visit Juice Traders. We have an amazing collection of the best natural wines in Australia. We ensure fast delivery on all orders. Moreover, you can also check out our collection of beers to make your party more cheerful. To browse through our new collection of wines, please visit our website: https://juicetraders.com.au/collections/all and place your order. For more details, please call us on  0452 111 114.
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worseforwords · 4 months
The Beginning
(Alessia Russo x Reader)
Chapter II of Marshmallow
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The anticipation hung in the air as you opened the door, revealing Alessia to your parents. Greetings were exchanged, and your mom, with a sly grin, asked, “Hi sweetheart, is this her?” You sent her a nervous smile. “Yes, this is my girlfriend, Alessia,” you said, trying your best to sound natural. “Yes, we know who she is, darling. She’s quite the star, you know?” Your dad joked, as if you weren’t also a professional athlete. Chuckles filled your hallway as you invited your parents into your living room.
After the initial polite and just a little awkward introductions, you all settled down at the dinner table. Wine was poured, dinner was served, and the atmosphere was pleasant. Everyone made small talk; your dad made some jokes, and the initial awkwardness melted away easily.
However, you knew your mom well enough to know that as wine continued to flow, it wouldn’t be long before she lost some of her filters. “So, girls,” she began, leaning in with a conspiratorial grin, “I don’t recall you two ever being very close. Y/N certainly never spoke about you much. So, tell me. How did this happen?” She waved her index finger between the two of you to explain what she meant by ‘this’.
You shot your mom a glare, a wordless plea to dial it down, rolling your eyes when she didn’t respond and instead looked at you expectantly, waiting for an answer. “Fell for my football skills, obviously,” you grinned slyly while internally panicking. Under the table, away from your parents’ gaze, Alessia quickly squeezed your hand, silently signalling that she had this covered, which had you looking at her expectantly.
“Actually, it wasn’t football-related at all,” she started. “You know, on the pitch, Y/N is a force to be reckoned with—focused, passionate, a bit... intimidating, honestly. I always assumed she’d be the same off the pitch.”
She paused, letting curiosity build. “At an away match early in the season, Kyra lost her mother’s necklace. Kyra’s from Australia and had only just moved here to join the team. She was probably hiding how daunting it was to move to the other side of the world at her age.”
In that moment, your eyes met, a silent acknowledgment passing between you as you realised what story she was about to tell. A subtle smile from her as you wondered if and how she knew about what you did.
“So everyone, all in good spirits of course, teased her about her clumsiness. We were all having a laugh when Y/N left the room quite suddenly, without many people noticing.” Alessia, with a fond smile, continued the story. “When warm-up time came, both Y/N and Kyra were still missing. That’s when I offered to go find them. I discovered them in the dressing room, and there was Y/N, holding Kyra’s necklace in her hand.”
The realisation hit you that she was indeed talking about what you thought she was. You didn’t know she had noticed, and you felt your cheeks flush at the unexpected revelation. Alessia’s tone softened, “Y/N was helping Kyra dry her tears, cracking jokes to cheer her up. It was a side of Y/N that I hadn’t seen on the pitch, a softer, caring side.”
Everyone at the table stayed silent, waiting for Alessia to continue telling her story as she took a quick sip of her wine. “Later, I found out from a staff member that Y/N had insisted on going back to the bus. She didn’t want to leave until she found Kyra’s necklace, tucked in between two chairs.”
As Alessia spoke, her words painting a picture of a side of you that even you hadn’t fully acknowledged, your cheeks burned with a mix of embarrassment and something else. You hadn’t expected her to notice the small act of kindness, let alone share it with your parents. But, as her words lingered, a warmth spread through you. Maybe this wasn’t so bad.
You stared at your plate, trying to hide your now likely glowing cheeks, poking at your food and thinking back to that moment as Alessia continued, her gaze warm as she sent your parents a quick smile, “After that, I started noticing more of these acts of kindness from Y/N, not just for Kyra but for everyone, and never taking any credit for it. It’s those moments that made me fall for her.”
That last sentence had you accidentally drop your fork onto your plate with a loud clang, grabbing your parents’ attention as you looked at Alessia, studying her face as it was now her turn to avoid any eye contact by focusing all her attention on gathering some spaghetti on her fork. You were pretty sure your mom was saying something like “aww” in the background, although that seemed like noise to you as you were sure you saw Alessia’s cheeks flush as well now. She looked flustered, clearly taken aback by her own words, yet somehow all you could think about in that moment was how beautiful that made her look.
The room fell into a brief silence after Alessia’s heartfelt recount of that day. Your heart, which had been racing a moment ago, now thudded softly. Alessia’s gaze now held yours, and suddenly you felt something beyond the charade you were playing. As she looked away again, you found yourself wanting to say something. Yet, words eluded you, and all you managed was a grateful smile.
You pinched yourself under the table, trying to rid your mind of the spiral it was heading towards. It only semi-worked, and any distraction was useless as long as the person causing your inner turmoil was sitting next to you, drowning you in her perfume. You didn’t really think about your actions when you suddenly got up from your place at the table. When you felt everyone’s eyes on you, you quickly stacked some plates, starting to clear the table.
Before you could grab Alessia’s, however, you felt her hand on yours, stopping you in your tracks. “Let me take care of that. Everyone got room for dessert?” Your parents both smiled and nodded as you started to panic again. “Oh, I didn’t g—” you started, but Alessia quickly stopped you again by softly putting her hand on your shoulder and sitting you back down. “Don’t worry, I got this. Just wait here.”
“Did you really do that?” Your mom’s voice drew your attention back to the table. “Yeah,” you said, thankful for the moment of peace as you took a sip of water in an attempt to cool down a bit. “That’s really sweet, honey. I guess we raised you right.”
The three of you chatted away for a few minutes until Alessia returned carrying four plates with some delicious-looking tiramisu. “If you guys are anything like this one over here,” she gestured towards you, “I think you might like what I’ve made.”
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the surprise dessert as Alessia, upon your mom’s curiosity, spoke about her Italian roots. Your dad remarked that it was the best dessert he had ever had, to which your mom insisted Alessia sent her the recipe as she’d never seen your dad this quiet.
When everyone had finished the delicious tiramisu, your dad mentioned something about a basketball game. Alessia, a bit of a basketball enthusiast herself, asked him which team he supported, and before you knew it, they were caught up in a conversation you and your mom could not contribute to in the slightest. After a while, you decided to just turn on the game for them to watch whilst you and your mom took care of the dishes.
“She’s a catch,” your mom immediately said when you two were alone in the kitchen. “She’s really lovely.” “Yeah, she really is,” you said, and you realised you didn’t have to lie about that. “The way she looks at you, and how she talks about you is really special, Y/N. You should hold on to that,” she added. “I know mum, thanks,” you said, your head starting to spin again wondering what she meant by ‘the way she looks at you’.
When you went back into the living room to collect the last items from the table, you saw Alessia and your dad both shouting angrily at the TV. You chuckled quietly as you picked up an empty wine bottle and some napkins. A warm feeling crept into your stomach as if you had just taken a sip of strong liquor, and you wondered if it had anything to do with you seeing Alessia getting along so well with your dad.
By the time you and your mom had finished cleaning up and going through all the recent family gossip, the game was over, and everyone decided it was time to go bed. Your parents stayed in the guest room, and you and Alessia took off to yours to wait until the coast was clear, and she could sneak off to Lotte’s.
“I think that went pretty well,” Alessia started as she sat down on the edge of your bed. “I hope they liked me.” “Oh, they loved you,” you said. “You were perfect. Thank you for doing this, Alessia.” You sent her a quick but kind smile. “Alessia,” she mumbled. 
“What was that?” You asked. “Oh, nothing. It’s just I’ve noticed you keep calling me Alessia. It’s not very girlfriend-y, is it? Maybe you should call me something cuter,” she said, a teasing grin on her face. 
“Oh, should I now? Like what?” You said, matching her teasing tone, not giving her enough time to answer as you plopped down next to her. “Hmmm shall I call you… buttercup? Sweetie pie?”
“Noooo, none of those please!” She giggled. “Honey? Pumpkin?” You continued. “Y/N! You know what I mean!” She laughingly exclaimed as she grabbed a pillow to smash you with. “Muffin? Marshmallow!” 
You and your snake reflexes caught both her wrists before the pillow could reach your face. “Why are they all food related?” She grunted, trying to escape your grasp. 
“Oh, you want serious ones? Fine. Have it your way, babe,” you grinned smugly. Alessia clearly saw her chance as she stopped trying to rid herself of your grip and instead suddenly lifted herself off the bed, using gravity to push you and the pillow down beneath her.
You knew you had lost the battle when you felt the pillow connect with your face and then your body, Alessia keeping you trapped between the bed and the pillow. “Hey! Is that still not good enough?” You asked, a chuckle escaping your mouth. She pressed down a little harder, grinning at your useless squirming. “Cutie! Sweetheart? Baby girl?” You tried. 
“That’s more like it.” She loosened her grip slightly. “Sunshine,” you added as you used the momentum you gained to push yourself back off the bed. “Beautiful,” you said, a bit more quietly as you suddenly found yourself sitting face to face with Alessia again. 
There was a bit of an awkward silence after that one, your eyes meeting and then both looking away and quickly getting off the bed. “Yeah, that’ll do. Or you know, you can start by calling me Less or Lessi instead of Alessia.”
“Fine, I’ll consider it. I think the coast should be clear by now, by the way,” you said, opening the door and peaking around the corner, nodding at Alessia after. “Good night, Y/N,” she whispered. “Good night, marshmallow,” you whispered in return, to which she sent you a quick glare before quietly sprinting off to Lotte’s room.
What followed after was a restless night. A combination of all the events of the night and the alcohol still in your system left your mind a spinning mess. You eventually tired yourself out and fell asleep, but not before you noticed light starting to seep through your curtains.
When you woke up the next morning you felt exhausted and confused. At first, you thought last night might’ve just been a dream, but then you noticed one of your pillows was still on the floor, and you knew it had been real. You stumbled downstairs to be met with Alessia cooking breakfast in your kitchen. You wondered how she became such a good actress because the sight felt oddly familiar to you, like she did this for you every morning.
“Morning marshmallow,” you said, voice still raspy as you startled her out of her focused state. “Morning Y/N, how did you sleep?” She smiled, and you wondered why she didn’t fight the new nickname. “Hey, how come you get to call me Y/N?” You asked, crossing your arms. 
“So you didn’t sleep well, huh?” She looked up from the counter to meet your eyes, tone almost accusatory but her look rather soft. You had become quite good at changing the subject when you didn’t want to talk about something, yet somehow she had already figured you out. You tried to busy yourself with making coffee, but you soon felt a hand on yours, stopping you in your tracks. 
“How about you go take a shower? I’ve got this covered,” she said, hand not leaving yours before you set the pot back down. You wondered when her little touches had started to set your skin on fire yet make you shiver at the same time. “Yeah, okay. Thanks.”
After your shower, you made sure all doors were closed before you had your morning chat with yourself in the mirror. After all, Alessia apparently knew about your weird habit, and you could not afford having her listening in on this one. Today you were in for a stern talking to from yourself. “What on earth do you think you’re doing?” You asked yourself, sending a harsh glare to your own reflection. 
“You can’t do this to yourself, and furthermore, you can’t do this to her. She is doing something really nice for you, and you can’t turn something you both agreed on was just pretend into something more. It’s not fair to her. You know she has a boyfriend. Frankly, Y/N Y/L/N, you’re being extremely inappropriate and it has to end now. Today, you behave yourself.”
As you walked back down the stairs, the smell of scrambled eggs and fresh coffee caught up with you, and you found your parents and Alessia sitting at the table with the delicious food in front of them. “Yesterday’s tiramisu and now this? She’s a keeper Y/N!”
The rest of the day went by swiftly as you gave your parents a tour of your neighbourhood and then some other parts of London, with a newfound determination to keep your walls up. ‘Friendly, but not too friendly’, is what you kept telling yourself as you interacted with Alessia throughout the day.
When she put her hand on the small of your back as you stood in line at a coffee shop, you thought about the moment before a corner kick in a football match, where your opponent would usually do the same thing. When you were sat shoulder to shoulder on a bench at the park, in your mind she was a tree you were leaning against. When that tree started to talk, you were inside a fairytale. One about friendship, and certainly without a princess. Whatever you had to tell yourself to make the bad thoughts disappear.
The four of you walked by the Thames, you showed your parents some of your favourite sights, and you walked around Covent Garden before settling down for a delicious lunch at your favourite café. After that you took them to the Museum of Natural History where you spent the majority of the afternoon. Everything went surprisingly well and your change of mindset seemed to work. When the sun started to set the four of you settled at one of your favourite restaurants around the city centre.
“Thank you for having us here, girls. I know you both live busy lives, so it’s really nice of you to spend all this time with us,” your mom said as you all waited for your dinner to arrive. “Of course!” Alessia answered with a genuine smile. “It’s been lovely meeting you, finally.” She quickly winked at you. “And you!” Your dad replied as your mom nodded along, both of them smiling broadly. 
“So, Alessia,” your mom started after a brief moment of silence. “I’m sure Y/N has mentioned this before, but Charlotte, her sister, is getting married next month.” You felt your temperature start to rise as she continued. “Now I know you’re a very busy person, so it’s totally fine if you can’t come on such short notice, but she did plan it after you two have a Friday match so Y/N could be there the rest of the weekend.”
You and Alessia shared a few glances in which you desperately tried to communicate she didn’t have to come. “So, Alessia, how would you like a little trip to Paris? All expenses paid off course.” Your mom and dad both looked at her expectantly, but before she could even open your mouth you interjected. 
“Invites went out months ago and we shouldn’t bother Charlotte by adding a plus one so last minute, don’t you think?” You asked, hoping this would solve the situation. 
“A plus one?” Your mom asked. “Don’t be ridiculous Y/N, she’s family now. Besides, I already asked your sister about it and she said she’d love it if Alessia would be there.”
You thanked your lucky stars as you noticed a waiter approach your table with several delicious looking dishes, interrupting the excruciating conversation before your mom could ask anymore questions. The food served as a perfect distraction as you all munched away and hums of enjoyment filled the air. 
You managed to keep up chit-chat about anything an everything but your sisters wedding until all four of you had finished your dinner and took the last sips of your wine. When your mom went to the toilet and your dad went to the counter to settle the bill, you finally had a moment alone with Alessia. 
“Less,” you started. “I’m so sorry about that. I promise you really don’t have to come to Paris. I will make up an excuse for you, don’t worry about it,” you blurted out. 
“Actually,” she started. “I thought it might be fun. Besides, what girlfriend would skip their partner’s sister’s wedding?” You took a moment to examine her expression to ensure she was being serious. “Really?” You asked. 
“Yeah, if you’d like that of course,” she stated, though it sounded more like a question. “Yeah, no, of course, let’s do it.” You smiled at her and she did the same as a brief but comfortable silence fell over both of you. 
“Hey, you finally called me Less!” She teasingly interrupted the moment. “Better get used to it, marshmallow.” You teased back, right before your parents returned and you both got up to leave the restaurant and head back home.
The next morning the four of you had one last breakfast together before your parents left. “So, girls. I don’t mean to rush you and there’s no pressure, but I did promise Charlotte I’d let her know as soon as possible if Alessia would join us in Paris.” Your mom spoke. You and Alessia shared a quick glance as if to check if you both still agreed on what you decided yesterday. “I would love to be there.” Alessia smiled at your mom. “Great, I’ll let her know!”
Once everyone had finished their breakfast you hugged your parents goodbye, Alessia doing the same, and they left. “Less,” you started as she smiled at you finally getting used to not using her full name. “I don’t know how to thank you for doing all this. It’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me,” you admitted. 
“Hey, don’t worry about it. I had a great time.” She smiled sincerely. “Do you think it went well?” She asked and you glared at her in disbelieve. 
“Are you kidding me? You’re pretty much the ideal daughter in law. Polite, kind, funny, charming, beauti-” you stopped abruptly as you realised what you were about to blurt out. “-fully talented. You know, at football,” you tried to save yourself as you quickly busied yourself with gathering dishes.
“I best get going,” Alessia said as you looked up at her and noticed her cheeks having a light pink shade. “Yeah, of course.” You put down the plates and gave her a quick hug. “Thank you again, Less, so much.” The hug wasn’t as short as anticipated as you both held on just a bit longer than you would usually.
You belly flopped your tired body on the couch as soon as Alessia had closed the door behind herself. The weekend had gone infinitely better than expected. Your parents fell for your deceit and they loved your pretend girlfriend. You, however, almost seemed to fall for your own deception as well. Was it really just acting? Or did the line between pretence and reality blur somewhere? Surely it couldn’t. This was just your mind being inappropriate again.
Either way, just when you thought you had managed to get through the weekend, it turned out the adventure was not nearly over yet. There was much more to come. The city of love awaited you and your pretend girlfriend. You and your wonderful, sweet, beautiful pretend girlfriend that wasn’t actually yours.
-> Chapter III
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dreamyeuphoricll · 3 months
One piece characters Nationalities
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Brazil🇧🇷: known for its iconic Carnival Festival and the statue of Christ the redeemer 🎺 🎊🪇🥁🪘
Sweden🇸🇪: known as the Pop music Capital of the world 🎵🎤🎙️🎛️🎧🎚️
Japan 🇯🇵: One of the most developed countries,that produce Manga and Anime 🍜🎎👘⛩️🏯㊗️
France 🇫🇷: has the iconic Eiffel Tower,and luxurious fashion brands 🗼👗🍬📸🎨
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Canada🇨🇦: famous for its maple syrup, Niagara falls, northern lights and more attractions 🍁🥌 🥞🍯
India🇮🇳: has an iconic building,the Taj mahal,and also the birthplace of Yoga 🧘🏾🥻🕌
United States 🇺🇲: One of the dream place. With famous stars,movies,artists,cities,brands and attractions 🗽🌃🎥🦅🍔🎢🏈
Russia🇷🇺: famous for many things but mostly the beautiful iconic landmarks known as The Moscow Kremlins ☃️🥟💈🌨️🎪
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Austria🇦🇹: mostly famous for its castles,palaces and buildings 🏰🧭
China🇨🇳: has beautiful culture and most famous for its food, martial arts,and the iconic Great Wall of China ⛩️🐅🐼🍜🏯🥋
South Africa🇿🇦: famous for its history,natural attractions,food and wildlife 🦁🦓🐗🐃🐘🦏🦒🐦🦃🦚🦈🐬🐳🍊🍌🥘
Germany🇩🇪: renowned for multitude of things but mostly the Oktoberfest 🪽🪽🍄
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Italy 🇮🇹: famous for having one of the best foods in the world. 🍝🍕🍤🦞
UK 🇬🇧: famous for many things but mostly the royal history and culture,even for many sports. Not to forget tea and fish and chips🍟☕🚌🎡🏰🤴👸
Spain 🇪🇸: known as one of the top wine-producing countries in the world🍸🍷🍾🥂
Australia 🇦🇺: known as one of the most popular tourist destinations with many unique animals and attractions. Like the iconic Great barrier reef ⛰️🐺🦘🐨🕷️
Comment down below if u got more things to add about ur country
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Could you go into the meaning behind the aesthetics? I'm intrigued but I'm uncertain if I'm fully grasping everything I want too!
Character by character? Sure. Clockwise from the top left: young anglos only I will have to do the others another time
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Alfred: Clockwise from the top left: chalkboard to represent his math and science oriented brain from early days especially as he predates calculus in multiple handwritings to show the collaboration of science. Lady liberty emerging from the fog, his ideals looming over him. The microscope is a sign of innovation. The moon is his hops and ambitions ever upward. The car both the american auto industry and the innate loneliness of it. The national bird, the eagle in flight, the ferocity and aim he often has for his goals. the horseshoes for the old west but also the odd nostalgia Alfred has for things that never were. Then the star, rusting on a warship. theoretical end of empire but never the end of american airpower. And finally his portrait is his spacesuit. The only one without hair/visible human features because no country has ever projected such a strong image around the world and it obscures him.
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Matt: Whittling with a small knife because he's got anxiety and a lot of woods. a looming moose for the darker force and mystery of nature and his own personality. Pancakes because he's a domestic fuck when permitted. a hatchet. Lots of wood an also war crimes. his tools are often weapons too. Maple tapping. A reliance on the natural resources at his disposal that shaped his culture tightly. man's outline in front of a fire is for Matt's propensity for salt and burning and personally annihilating obstacles when properly motivated. sunrise through a frosted window. Spring and hope rising over winter and despair. A repeating rifle. He too, is the result the arms of empire. And finally his 'portrait' a young man facedown in the sheets, lots of curls. This one is popular for Matt aesthetics for the hair but he's a tired, depressive bastard who tends to linger in safety rather than push himself for better.
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Jack: a selection of fossils. The happiest part of his childhood was in natural history but these very collections are soaked in empire. A kangaroo and joey. His fauna but also his instincts of aggression about his environment and sometimes his sister. Meat pies because they're popular but also, born a penal colony he lacked a lot of agency over his own food and being as fast growing as he was he's a chronic snacker. map of Australia. could be self explanatory but even all the way down there he's pretty concerned about his place in the world and tends to look at himself at globes when he sees one. Two horses. Man and his country love to race but also I picked two because he really is not a person who prefers to be alone for long periods of time, as misanthropic as he can be. Surfboards: he loves his water-sports but the sunny, 'no-worries, mate' attitude too. Coffee on books. He's always been very keen to prove his wine, coffee, cuisine and tastes can stand up to the snobs and a flat white was an Australian invention. Golden wattle is the national flower and symbolizes resilience, often appearing first after fires and floods. And finally the portrait. A young man with a collar pulled up and one hand on the back of his neck, pondering his future? being a bit sheepish? both suit him.
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Zee: Two sheep gently headbutting each other. Sheep and a stubborn affection is something she shares with Jack even if it probably influenced her culture more. Books because she's the best educated of her generation for a long time but the titles for birds, fairytales and oxford classic texts are for her famous birds, her two sets of folklore and culture and her oxford education. Kiwi box on bike handlebars. Bicycles were a massive part of early feminism and her own independence. The box and kiwi silhouette see something she probably knocked together herself. She's handly like that. Silver ferns are a national symbol and very hard to kill, resilient and the shape is very elegant and invokes Māori art and resistance. A grumpy looking Kea. This image looks very cranky but they're the goofiest and probably smartest birds on the face of the earth. Map of new zealand on a globe. Her name is bigger than she is on the map because its somewhat imposed on her nd there's also her brother always in the corner. A canoe or boat to symbolize her maritime culture, but also her own ability to build and engineer and pilot one. Her portrait I chose a woman with her hair type elegantly put up and looking away, back to a wall, a hint of a smile on her face because she has her strict lines and a slog of struggles but also a pretty decent place in the world.
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mounttowrongvineyard · 5 months
Sipping Perfection: Mount Towrong Winery — A Gem in Macedon Ranges, Australia
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The Idyllic Setting:
Mount Towrong Winery is strategically located amidst the undulating hills and lush vineyards of Macedon Ranges. The serene atmosphere and cool climate provide the ideal conditions for cultivating high-quality grapes. Visitors are treated to sweeping views of the surrounding countryside, making it an idyllic escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. The vineyard’s commitment to sustainable practices further enhances its appeal, creating an eco-friendly haven for both wine lovers and nature enthusiasts.
A Rich History:
Founded in 1994, Mount Towrong Winery has a rich history deeply intertwined with the evolution of winemaking in the Macedon Ranges. The winery’s founders, George and Deirdre, were visionaries who recognized the region’s potential for producing exceptional cool-climate wines. Their dedication and passion laid the foundation for what is now considered the premier winery in the area.
The Terroir Advantage:
Mount Towrong Winery’s success is attributed to its unique terroir, characterized by cool temperatures, diverse soil types, and optimal elevation. These factors contribute to the distinctive flavors and aromas present in their wines. The vineyard carefully selects grape varieties that thrive in these conditions, resulting in a diverse range of wines that showcase the best of the Macedon Ranges terroir.
Signature Wines:
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Awards and Recognition:
The accolades bestowed upon Mount Towrong Winery underscore its commitment to excellence. The winery has garnered numerous awards for its outstanding vintages, solidifying its status as a leader in Macedon Ranges’ winemaking. The dedication to quality and innovation is evident in every bottle, making Mount Towrong a name synonymous with exceptional wine.
Visit and Experience:
For those looking to experience the magic of Mount Towrong Winery firsthand, a visit to the cellar door is a must. The welcoming ambiance, coupled with knowledgeable staff, ensures a memorable tasting experience. Additionally, the winery often hosts events, including vineyard tours, blending sessions, and seasonal celebrations, providing visitors with a deeper understanding of the winemaking process.
Mount Towrong Winery stands tall as the epitome of winemaking excellence in the Macedon Ranges. Its captivating setting, rich history, and exceptional wines make it a destination that transcends the ordinary. Whether you’re a seasoned wine connoisseur or a casual enthusiast, a visit to Mount Towrong promises an unforgettable journey into the heart of Australian winemaking perfection.
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audio-luddite · 7 months
Tripping Down Under.
Just got back and am unpacking my jet lag. In Sydney I met a guy who has 35 guitars and more than a few amps for same. He is a collector so frets about using genuine NOS tubes, but strangely has not put them in his amps and tried them out. It may be all about labels. He also had a large box packed with a lot of tube he did not want. I left it with having his son, my virtual son-in-law, to photograph and make a list so I can figure if there is any treasure there. Unfortunately no KT88s or 6550s for me. So sad Wa Waaa.
In Brisbane I told my brother's best friend that a blue tooth speaker is not really enough for his man cave (in Oz a "man shed") and he should get a real system. His wife agreed. Another potential victim of this hobby.
I looked at the local ads in the Australian Audio Mart and in Gumtree their classified ad thing. Generally the prices are similar to NA. but some stuff is very expensive.
All that said I did no high end activity at all except for attending a concert presentation of Das Rheingold in the Sydney Opera House. It was a long night, even though that is the shortest ring opera. We had decent seats about centered in the first balcony (circle). The sound was good and very realistic.
Wagner had a lot of brass and well loud stuff. The acoustic treatments worked well and the sound was clear and natural.
I tried to explain to my daughter that my audio hobby was an attempt to bring this kind of experience into my home. Great music without having to dress fancy and pay $200 bucks for 4 glasses of wine and some finger sandwiches.
While I was in Australia I got a notice of a black Friday deal for new 6550s at a substantial discount. Good ones apparently as they were new production from China but triple tested in Canada. I was not going to order it from Oz, but once home the deal was gone.
I am in a bit of a fret about getting a new tube set. 8 large power tubes are around $1k right now. The CL60 is voiced for Russian tubes and supply is tricky with that FN war Putin started. There is stock at my reliable supplier for now. In one or two years......
I would like to get a full set of power tubes while the current ones are still good. I figure at least one year is in the cards, maybe two before it is time to replace them. I can wait, but I am nervous.
This is a serious issue with tube electronics. Tubes wear out and are expensive. Golden ear writers can buy sets as a business expense. Affluent people can keep multiple sets for rolling. I just want consistent reliability with good quality. I do not like the idea of swapping tubes to adjust the sound of a system. That is just wrong in my universe.
In other news I read a thing by Frank Doris about imperfect audio systems.
This guy was the house tech at Absolute Sound during the HP years. He has heard it all. I think he is actually getting it. He hints at my thesis that there is no best just preferences but then kinda drifts into his preferences as best.
The title image is an example of Wabi-sabi the Japanese acceptance of imperfection. Call that Ironic given that much of the best audio stuff comes from Japan. Kaisen is the Japanese process of continual improvement.
I have preferences. I like detail and clarity. I made my speakers to minimize room reflections. I like ARC stuff that I can afford. So old stuff. That guided my preamp selection for years. And yes I have now snagged an ARC tube amp. These products speak to me. Yes they need a tiny tweak in the phono loading to work properly with non-mc pickups, but otherwise none. I do not care for McIntosh for irrational reasons. Hell I admit that this is an irrational hobby.
But it is fun.
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theredwritingwitch · 2 years
Dinner for Fools
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Pairing: The Thief x fem!reader
Summary: Your Thief is considered the best in the world, but how do the other greatest thieves in the world compare? And after a night of learning how to catch a thief, how do you compare?
Word Count:  4.7K
Warnings: cursing, stealing, lost of stealing, fun fluff, alcohol consumption
Ratings: M
Author’s Note: mi alma my soul
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Do You Know Your Den Is Full Of Thieves…
From China, Mexico, Australia, South Africa, and to France; they all crowded around the long dining table. Painted faces of long dead and forgotten nobles hung high on the walls of the dining room, watching the circle of conspiring yet cagey criminals collude over the candle lit table and mutter under their breaths to the shadows behind their backs. Blueprints were spread amongst the flowing wine just as photos were passed around the hushed plotters. And at the head of the table, sipping his favorite wine away, was the Thief. Content as the king of thieves, with his devious minions eyeing him up and down as his own eyes watched the swirl of red wine in his glistening glass. Here he had invited all the world’s greatest thieves, all except you.
You lurked around the edges of the room, in and around the cracked doors, and eavesdropped through the hidden halls behind rigged paintings. Working for the world’s greatest thief had many advantages; a good salary, nice benefits, and decent trips around the world. Once in a while, the Thief would gift you an expensive, and more than likely stolen, gift. He dazzled and spoiled you like you were one of the many statues he placed in the corners of his mansion. It helped that you swore your loyalty to the man, signing the dotted line as proof. You dusted and shined his treasures, scheduled his travel destinations, and swept his messes. You even had to put out a small fire in the wine storage once. You knew of his “jobs” or his gigs, but you knew not to speak so much of them. His travel, plans, ideas, and even his name was kept under lock and key; it was a sign and seal contract. There was a clear understanding, a fine line, in what questions you could ask and how much you were allowed to snoop. 
It was intriguing to you how detailed the job was but how amused the Thief was of your curious and cunning mind. The former assistant of the house was much more severe and dedicated to the practical nature of the job. He had found you between jobs, stating that his employer had asked for you personally. He interviewed you several times, even as the Thief had told him on countless occasions that you were hired. You did the tasks that your new employer asked of you, while still playing ball with the old assistant to satisfy his need for professionality as well as satisfying your need to prove to him that you were perfect for the job. It didn’t take long for him to concede and retire, granting you your new title and office with a new beautifully polished wooden desk that the Thief had taken from some parliament house. 
The report between you and the Thief didn’t take long for you to fill. You were told not to ask questions or to bat an eye at the curious nature and details of the job. But curiosity never killed the cat in your mind, and the Thief was fond of cats.
“Nine lives,” the Thief had stated out of the blue one day.
“Cats have nine lives, yet you’ve used all nine of them and then some.” His smile was contagious as you smiled right back at him.
“Is this in relation to the no questions, no accidents rule?” 
“Perhaps,” he chuckled. “Maybe I should change that rule in the job contract?”
“Probably. You have let me ask more than nine questions. Your other employees never made it this far did they?”
He shook his head no, “Not a one.”
“Obviously this job isn’t for everyone,” you joked.
The Thief tucked your hand in the crook of his arm, “Well you and I aren’t like most people, aren’t we mi alma.”
As his job was delicate in its nature, so were your questions. But his answers never stopped or faltered no matter how much you poked at him or how carefully you watched him. Truthfully he seemed to enjoy your inquisitive nature, basked in your adoring eyes. His need for secrecy didn’t bother you, his undercover title of world’s greatest thief needed no explanation as far as the job’s details go. All the other jobs you had couldn’t compare to this one. Unbothered by the clear thievery going on, you stuck to your thief. Even when you wanted more. 
So here you were, watching and waiting behind old paintings in thin hidden halls. The whispers, no matter how quiet, were heard by your ears. Even the slight-of-hand slips of paper were seen under your present eyes. You didn’t like the idea of these people plotting behind the thief’s back, even though he seemed unbothered by the folk. You watched him smell his wine and glide it around his glass as you told him so earlier.
“There’s always a fool, let’s find out who it is,” he shrugged.
Sitting in the dark hall alone to listen to the chimes of glass and giggle of schemers, you felt like you were the fool tonight. Sure you were content on most nights with this job, never bored that was for sure. But you didn’t want to be waiting at the hand of anyone for the rest of your life. You needed more, needed to find your own treasure as the Thief would put it. Although you were no thief of your own, that wasn’t your style. You planned, you coordinated, but never took what wasn’t yours, unless the Thief gifted it to you that is. But that was different. No, you wanted something of your own. Your eyes slowly ran down the table of thieves, watching as they mulled over plans, until you settled on your Thief. He relaxed and studied his wine, interjecting with stories to the conversation every now and again, but he didn’t participate in the scheming. 
His plaid coat stretched nicely over his shoulders as he slowly walked around the table, leaning into his compatriots and eyeing the plans in front of them. You watched as his deft fingers casually floated over the backs of the chairs, his other hand brushing his graying beard before running a string of hair away from his eye. His hair looked so delectably soft in the candlelight of the night, and you knew it was since you were the one who had helped style it earlier, smiling to yourself when you watched his eyes close as your fingers ran through the soft curls. The Thief continued his route around the table, chuckling and conversing by leaning close to the other thieves’ ears. He often did that to you, feeling his nose lightly trace your ear as his breath slid past your cheek. The only difference here was that he would always hold your elbow or arm to him, anchoring you to your spot and to him. You waited without fail to every word he said during these talks, not a bone in your body could tear you away. And in the end, you always wanted him to whisper more.
Finally making his way near his own seat, you listened with interest to a story you had heard many times already, one the Thief loved to tell again and again. Truly he loved a good challenge, no matter if he was the one to take it or dish it out. He retold the story and warned the thieves of the Devil’s protection on the wine, ending the story with a swirl of wine running down his throat. You rolled your eyes to the warning, unimpressed that everyone seemed to be so unperturbed. You knew, as well as the Thief, there would be at least one fool to look out for in the night. 
They all chuckled and poked fun at the tale while an amused Thief lifted his eyes from his guests to take a sip of wine, landing his sight directly on you. You held your breath as the man seemed to look right through the cut eyes of the painting and into your own as you sat still in the dark secret passage. Unblinking, you held his focus until he finally gave a nod almost to himself and finished his wine. Rising from his seat, just as you rose from yours, a declared the evening over and for the guests to return to their rooms at their leisure. You rushed out of the passage to your own office as the Thief walked out of the dining room, leaving his guest to their wandering eyes and fingers. 
“What are the odds this time?” The thief walked into your office as you had just settled yourself with your own drink for the night.
“100% they will all try to steal from you,” you stated without missing a beat.
“You have no faith in my friends,” the Thief pouted and then quickly smiled, “I give it a 60/40 chance.”
“You’re making a big mistake.”
“In letting them steal? We’ve discussed this.” He leaned across the desk to you.
“No, you’re mistaken in thinking they are your friends,” you leaned up to him with a mocking tone.
“Well that’s where you're wrong, what’s the phrase? Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.” The Thief grabbed your hand and tugged you out of the office.
“And what am I then?”
“Maybe tonight is the night you find out,” he patted your hand and winked before letting you go. You rolled your eyes at him but bit your lip when he turned away.
“Let’s go see who's wandering around the halls tonight, shall we.” His smug face widened as he swung a portrait open to let the two of you enter the secret passage.
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Yes, Well Let The Games Begin…
A guest was already missing. The Thief had led you further down the passage, viewing several different rooms in the mansion including the music room, the parlor, and the games room. The guests were scattered in these three rooms, along with meandering the halls and their own bedrooms for the night. A few seemed to partake in communing still together, but others decided to snoop on their own. All were in the same area, except one.
The Thief spied that the group was missing a guest instantly.
“He kept asking about the history of our home, schmoozing the layout out of me. I’ve heard you have a collection of art, is it true? Maybe we could have a tour,” the Thief mocked the young missing criminal.
“And now where do you suppose he is? Dancing with your sculptures or fingering through your books?”
The Thief pouted and glanced back at you, “He wouldn’t dare finger my things.”
“Didn’t you see him eye the silverware?”
“I did but that’s such petty thievery.”
“I have a feeling he’s not a thinker and just a looter.”
“Looters are just hoarders,” the Thief scoffed. “Mi alma, there is nothing I detest more than someone without any taste. You go off to the art wing and I’ll go to the library.”
“Isn’t the fun of tonight is to see if they can actually steal anything?”
“The rest of them can try. They’re real thieves after all. But a looter.” The thief shook his head, “He’ll finger everything he can. And I’m the only one who’s allowed to do that here.”
You let out a little giggle as the Thief came to an abrupt stop, spinning towards you.
“You know what to do if you find him,” the Thief lifted your chin up to his dark amber eyes. You nodded to him, smirking at the fun night that was ahead. “Perfect, stay hidden, stay safe. I’ll find you later.” With a kiss to your forehead, he was off, walking towards the library.
Letting out a sigh, you watched the man briskly walk off. Many times you were left wandering the halls of this mansion, wondering if this Thief knew the effect he had on you. Even if you were hosting guests tonight, your walk in the halls felt like many other nights; your mind running with an onslaught of what-if and maybe-so. You loved this job, it wasn’t like anything else you’ve experienced before. But that was mostly due to the relationship you had with your Thief. 
He was certainly a tease, and he damn well knew it. And damn you, you loved it, especially when you gave it right back to him. The two of you danced around each other all the time. You both got along famously; he would bring you lunch as you worked away and he would sometimes leisure his time away in your office. The Thief spoiled you in clothes and jewelry. He ravished paintings to decorate your office and books to decorate your mind. Often he would whisk you away to trips abroad with him, hang onto your every word as well as deplore you to settle down for an evening with him next to a fire. But every night, without fail, he would bid you goodnight, leaving you wanting more but never understanding if you should go for it. And now was no different. You longed to run after him, tackling him with your own kiss. But the Thief disappeared into the dark hall, you then went your own way.
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It’s Only Thieves Catching Thieves…
To catch a thief could be a hard task for some. But to catch a thief stealing from a thief was simply a grand game. It didn’t happen often, but tonight was a different kind of night. Once a year, the world’s greatest thieves would come to discuss and converse schemes and plans, trade stories, and give tips. Or at least they were supposed to, every year one or more would try their luck to grab a treasure or two. The Thief was always happy to host and to boast. No one was ever able to steal from him, never one successful soul. The Thief thrived from his art, but he always wanted to see his compatriots thrive as well, see how they fared, and how they failed, leaving him to be the world's greatest thief.
Your helping hand would play a part in this. Like past years there was always someone prowling around, and tonight the youngest thief was delving into the art wing of the mansion. Behind the peephole walls, you watched as the young man browsed the art as if he were window shopping. He had not a care in the world to whom the trove of off limits artwork belonged to. That aggravated you, even though by retrospect the art wasn’t technically owned by the thief, but you still guarded the art and everything else in your home just as a dragon to its hoard.
The young thief wound his way through the gallery and you followed him behind the false walls. Soon he found himself in the jewelry section of the wing, and from the looks of it, the young man was on track to where the thief predicted at least one greedy guest would find themselves. As if by command or by fate, the thief eyed one of the most expensive and legendary pieces in the display. The Romanov family of Russia were long gone but they’re jewels sat in the Kremlin as well as in the delicate display in the Thief’s mansion. Here in front of the man was a marble statue covered in the jewels; a sapphire and diamond diadem, a sapphire bracelet, and an emerald necklace. You watched from right behind the marble statue through a one way mirror, your hand gently holding a round knob, turning it slowly as the thief raised his hands. Another statue, just behind the thief, rotated in his direction. The sound of stone on stone echoed through the hall, causing the thief to stop and turn to look for any potential visitors. When he saw no one, and didn’t even see the moved statue, he continued his pursuit in investigating the family jewels.
Your hand moved to the next knob, turning it and thus turning another statue to watch the thief and his pursuit of thrift. Again the man stopped in his tracks and looked around but then quickly went back to work. He slowly lifted the diadem from the statue's head, giving you enough time to turn two more knobs, moving two more statues to view the man of crime. The young thief jumped as the sound of stone moving echoed to him, dropping the diadem back onto the statue just to turn around and freeze under the direct stare of four other statues. You watched as his head snapped from statue to statue, cursing his senses, which gave you an opportunity to make your appearance. Quietly, as the young thief brain ran in circles, you pushed the mirror open and then swiveled it shut behind you. You waited patiently for the thief to come to his senses before he finally turned back around to you, nearly jumping out of his skin as he was surprised to see you. Sweetly you asked if you could escort the man back to his room, to which he instantly nodded his approval. With a quick move to adjust the diadem back in place, you whisked the young thief out of the art wing and to his room, only giving him one small warning of potentially heading to bed sooner than later. The door to his room shut before you finished your sentence, which made you smile. One job done, but the night was young and there were more thieves waiting in the shadows including your own.
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There’s Always A First Time For Everything…
Your own Thief had caught one of the older gentleman thieves perusing the library, placing his hands on the first draft of Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. A sting attached to the book, sprang when pulled, gave the poor man a fright when all the lights in the room flickered on and off, allowing your Thief to place himself in a chair near the fireplace. The old man almost threw the book across the room when the Thief told him that his home was not a public library. 
The rest of the night was quite the same. The Thief predicted the movements and goals of his fellow heisters extremely well. The night was long already, but you enjoyed it with your Thief. Running around the secret passages of the mansion. The two of you watched as one by one the guests made their way to various parts of the home. But one by one they fell into each one of the Thief’s traps. The aristocratic thief tried to pilfer the Florentine Diamond, but was struck down when a yellow powder came off of the diamond and stuck to her hands, clothes, and everything she touched. Another thief with a long beard placed his hands on the frame of Raphael’s Portrait of a Young Man, but was zapped in his hands, leaving him with a numbing sensation. The elegant thief even tried to dismantle the lock off of Blackbeard’s centuries old treasure chest. You and the Thief both stood dumbfounded that she had a crowbar in hand for the all too obvious theft. 
Even between all the running around and corralling, you could see the smile wide and vibrant on the Thief’s face. Often the two of you would pass each other in the back passageways of the home, the Thief squeezing your hand with each pass or grabbing you around your waist and twirling you around, your giggles brightening his smile. There were a few times he snuck up on you, rubbing your shoulders as you watched patiently to see who would steal what. Sometimes he would whisper praises or funny quips into your ears, brushing your hair behind your ear and leaving you with a kiss on your neck. You shivered with every touch and not only did you keep an eye out for snoops but for your Thief as well. 
The night was for catching thieves, and you had been doing that well, but it got you thinking. What would you steal? If you had the cunning or the speed, even the desire or the talk to take whatever you wanted, what treasure would you make your own?
You were always fond of the written word, even poetry. Maybe the lyrics of the Greek poetess Sappho would satisfy you. Or you could take an oddity like Michelangelo's Mask of a Faun. Surely that would be so weird the Thief would never think you would take it. Perhaps the Scepter of Dagobert could be yours, everyone needed a piece of some country’s crown jewels, even if it was France’s. You walked through the halls, alone to your footsteps as you gazed from painting to painting, when suddenly you stopped and bit down a smile that slowly formed on your face. You knew, yes you knew exactly what you would steal.
Your heart raced as you dashed through the halls of the mansion, taking the nearest passage behind a bookcase as a shortcut. The night would be ending soon and you had no time to spare.
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Including A Dinner For Two…
“These dinner parties are always such a joy,” the elderly thief said as your Thief guided her to her room after she took a nap in the parlor. The Thief held her hand and smirked down at her hunched over form and her tiny gray wool slippered feet shuffling on the floor. He was worried the least about this one. But what he was worried about now was your whereabouts. He hadn’t seen you in awhile and his senses were telling him to go find you, as soon as he dropped off his dear elderly friend at her room.
“Well you always bring joy to the parties, don’t you know.”
The elderly thief laughed and patted his arm, “Always charming, even when you don’t need to be.”
“You never know who might be listening,” the Thief glanced around the halls for any sign of you. 
“Isn’t that true, well here I am. You go on now and I’ll see you in the morning for brunch.”
The Thief smiled as he watched the elderly thief walk into her room and shut the door. He knew that was the last he would have to deal with her. Sharply he turned and moved to where he last saw you. He looked all over the library, then the art wing, through the dining hall, in the games room, and back to your office. You were nowhere to be found, which worried him incredibly. Striding through the halls with a cress in his brow, he finally came to a halt when he saw a painting swinging off the wall. He sighed and hoped that he wouldn’t find you inside the one place he had always warned people to never steal from. Truthfully he was really hurt that you may have gone against the only rule he was actually hard on. His last assistant paid the consequences for stealing, he had high hopes you were different. Glancing inside, half expecting to find a small fire ignited, he let out a long breath to find nothing. No fire, no ash. But suspiciously he found one spot in his wine collection missing. Clicking the painting closed, the Thief smirked down the hall, knowing full well where you liked to dine the most.
There was a small potted garden you kept on the southern balcony of the third floor. The walls were decorated with the remains of the walls of the Amber Room of Prussia. Panels of glittering amber and gold leaf decorated the walls of the far room, shining down golden rays onto your plants. You said that when you sat on the balcony at night you could feel the grace of the moon and the sun at the same time.
Sure enough, that’s where the Thief found you. Basking in the glow of both the moon and amber, you sat with two plates of delicious smelling food and wine in front of you. 
“I thought out of everyone, you would be the least likely to be the fool,” the Thief announced as he entered the room. You smiled at him and jumped from your seat.
“Are you saying I’m a fool for trying to treat you after a long night of running around? I think you're the fool in this situation!”
The Thief chuckled and stepped closer as he took in the plated food. Plated up was a charred vegetable ragù and a beautifully sinful chocolate snack cake, both baked with red wine from his collection. You had made these creations for him before, and he nearly ate every serving of food available. He was already salivating at the meal.
“It’s not stealing if you give it right back as a gift in the form of a delicious meal, mi alma.” the Thief smiled and kissed your hand.
“I know. I don’t have the heart to steal, but just go along with it for my sake?” you begged as you motioned for him to take a seat, taking your own opposite of him.
The Thief lifted up a single edge of his mouth in a smile and just quietly stared at you.
“What?” you questioned as you squirmed under his gaze.
His smile softened as he leaned in and took your hand again, “You say you have no heart to steal yet you’ve stolen my heart time and time again.”
You paused and studied the Thief’s face. He was no liar, at least not to you. His eyes swam over you as his thumb ran up and down your hand. You looked away and sucked in a breath, “You never tried to steal mine?”
“Just waiting for you to make the first move.”
“Lucas,” the Thief hummed in delight as you said his name, “you’re a very patient man.”
“Years of practice, mi alma.”
His hand grabbed yours again as he stood and pulled you up and forward as his fingers dug into your hair and held you to him, locking your lips to his. You sucked air in through your nose as his tongue sought entry and danced with yours. His plush lips moved and sucked yours as his arm moved behind you and around your waist. You moaned and leaned into him, basking now in his adoring affection. Alone together in the silent night, he was yours and only yours. Slowly he pulled away, giving you one quick yet smoldering peck to your upper lip as he looked down at you. A look of pure and intense astonishment graced his face, one you were sure mirrored your own.
He opened his mouth to speak when suddenly his face changed to one of annoyance. The Thief looked away from you, towards the hall.
“I‘ve suddenly got a bad feeling.”
“What about?” you questioned as you sang a quick prayer in your head that it wasn’t about you.
“Someone has left their room,” he sighed.
Your head dropped to hit his chest, “Again?”
“We’ll make this quick, mi alma, I promise.”
You nodded and followed him hand in hand to where his intuition led him.
Silent and left alone, the painting that the Thief had closed just earlier was open again. A small crackle could be heard as well as a small bellow of smoke could be seen coming out of the opening. Once inside, you and your Thief were met with a fire and a pair of tiny gray wool slippers. A pair that the Thief remembered seeing the elderly thief wear.
“And she was always so nice,” the Thief mumbled.
“What?” you questioned him as you looked from him to the fire.
“Nothing, just someone lost their slippers I suppose.”
“The slippers are what you’re concerned about? Not the fire?”
The Thief chuckled and smiled down at you, “Nope, I knew it would happen.” He led you back out of the room, closing the painting behind him. “You know tonight may have been your first step into thievering but tomorrow I say we set off to Europe, have ourselves a road trip of burglary and piracy. We’ll take a look at some museums, visit some history, meet new people…”
“Are you really not going to put that fire out?” you pinched his side.
“It puts itself out,” he stated as he waved his hand.
Burying into his chest, “You say that so casually, like it’s normal.”
“You’ll understand soon,” he smiled into your hair. “Now about this road trip…”
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itally-blogs · 23 hours
Discovering Australia: Tour Packages from Mumbai
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G'day, travelers! Are you ready for an adventure like no other? Australia beckons with its breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cities, and unique wildlife. And if you're from Mumbai, there are fantastic tour packages waiting to whisk you away to this land of wonders. Let's dive in and explore the best Australia tour packages from Mumbai, tailored to make your journey unforgettable.
Why Choose Australia for Your Next Adventure?
Australia is a traveler's paradise, offering a plethora of experiences that cater to every taste and preference. Here are a few reasons why you should consider Australia for your next vacation:
Diverse Landscapes
From the iconic Sydney Opera House and the majestic Great Barrier Reef to the rugged Outback and ancient rainforests, Australia's landscapes are diverse and awe-inspiring.
Vibrant Cities
Explore cosmopolitan cities like Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, known for their cultural attractions, culinary delights, and lively entertainment scenes.
Unique Wildlife
Encounter Australia's unique wildlife, from cuddly koalas and kangaroos to colorful marine creatures like the playful dolphins and majestic humpback whales.
Adventure Activities
Whether you're into surfing, snorkeling, hiking, or wildlife safaris, Australia offers a wide range of adventurous activities for adrenaline junkies.
Aboriginal Culture
Immerse yourself in Australia's rich indigenous heritage through cultural tours, art galleries, and performances showcasing Aboriginal traditions.
Culinary Delights
Indulge in a gastronomic journey with Australia's diverse cuisine, from fresh seafood and gourmet dining to vibrant street food markets and world-class wineries.
Now that you're intrigued let's explore some of the top Australia tour packages from Mumbai that promise an unforgettable experience.
Top Australia Tour Packages from Mumbai
Sydney and Beyond
Destinations: Sydney, Blue Mountains, Hunter Valley Highlights: Sydney Opera House tour, Harbour Bridge climb, Blue Mountains exploration, wine tasting in Hunter Valley Duration: 7-10 days
Begin your Australian adventure in Sydney, where the iconic Opera House and Harbour Bridge await. Explore the natural beauty of the Blue Mountains and indulge in wine tasting at Hunter Valley's renowned vineyards.
Great Barrier Reef Explorer
Destinations: Cairns, Port Douglas, Whitsunday Islands Highlights: Great Barrier Reef snorkeling or diving, Whitehaven Beach visit, Kuranda Rainforest experience Duration: 5-7 days
Discover the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef, a UNESCO World Heritage site teeming with marine life. Snorkel among colorful corals, relax on pristine beaches, and immerse yourself in the lush rainforests of Kuranda.
Melbourne and Tasmania Discovery
Destinations: Melbourne, Tasmania (Hobart, Cradle Mountain, Freycinet) Highlights: Melbourne city tour, wildlife encounters in Tasmania, wine tasting tours, Cradle Mountain hikes Duration: 10-14 days
Explore the cultural delights of Melbourne before venturing into Tasmania's wilderness. Encounter unique wildlife, sample exquisite wines, and hike through stunning national parks.
Outback Adventure
Destinations: Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Alice Springs, Kings Canyon Highlights: Uluru sunrise and sunset experiences, Aboriginal cultural tours, Kings Canyon rim walk Duration: 5-7 days
Journey into the heart of Australia's Outback and witness the awe-inspiring Uluru. Learn about Aboriginal culture, marvel at ancient rock formations, and stargaze under the Outback sky.
Queensland Coastal Bliss
Destinations: Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Fraser Island Highlights: Beach relaxation, theme park adventures, Fraser Island 4WD tours, Noosa National Park hikes Duration: 7-9 days
Experience the coastal charms of Queensland with its golden beaches, thrilling theme parks, and natural wonders like Fraser Island and Noosa National Park.
Western Australia Escape
Destinations: Perth, Margaret River, Ningaloo Reef Highlights: Margaret River wine tours, Ningaloo Reef snorkeling, Perth city exploration Duration: 7-10 days
Discover the beauty of Western Australia with its vineyard estates, pristine beaches, and vibrant city life. Snorkel with whale sharks, savor gourmet delights, and explore Perth's cultural attractions.
Tips for Planning Your Australia Tour from Mumbai
Choose the Right Season: Consider Australia's seasons and weather when planning your trip.
Book Flights Early: Secure your flights in advance for better deals and availability.
Pack Accordingly: Pack light, comfortable clothing, sunscreen, and essentials for outdoor activities.
Research Activities: Research and book tours and activities that align with your interests.
Stay Flexible: Allow flexibility in your itinerary for spontaneous discoveries and experiences.
Travel Insurance: Consider travel insurance for added peace of mind during your trip.
In Conclusion
Australia awaits with open arms, ready to enchant you with its beauty and adventures. Whether you're drawn to the bustling cities, pristine beaches, or rugged outback, there's something for everyone in the land Down Under. So pack your bags, set off from Mumbai, and embark on an unforgettable journey to Australia!
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rocksaltau · 6 days
Melbourne’s Hidden Gems: Family Restaurants Off the Beaten Path
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Melbourne, a culinary mecca of Australia, isn’t just about laneway cafes and rooftop bars. Beyond its bustling city center lies a treasure trove of family-friendly eateries that offer a reprieve from the usual dining hotspots. These hidden gems provide not only delicious food but also a welcoming atmosphere for the whole family. Here’s a guide to some of the best off-the-beaten-path family Brighton restaurants in Melbourne, where you can enjoy a meal without the crowds.
1. The Rocksalt - Brighton
Rocksalt in Brighton, Melbourne, is a celebrated dining spot known for its innovative approach to modern Australian cuisine with an emphasis on seafood. The restaurant boasts a stylish yet relaxed ambiance, perfect for both intimate dinners and group gatherings. Chef-driven dishes highlight locally sourced ingredients, presenting a menu that changes seasonally to reflect the freshest produce and seafood available. Rocksalt's signature dishes, like the seared scallops and king prawn pasta, have earned it a loyal following. With its friendly service, thoughtfully curated wine list, and picturesque setting near the coast, Rocksalt provides a memorable dining experience that consistently draws both locals and visitors.
2. Cubbyhouse Canteen - Armadale
Located in the heart of Armadale, the Cubbyhouse Canteen is literally a hidden gem, situated within a local park and playground. It’s an ideal location for families, allowing parents to relax with a coffee or enjoy a light meal while watching their children play. The menu features simple, wholesome food like wraps, sandwiches, and salads, along with delightful treats for the kids. On weekends, the Cubbyhouse Canteen often hosts family-friendly events, adding to its community feel.
3. The Boathouse - Moonee Ponds
Overlooking the Maribyrnong River, The Boathouse offers a picturesque dining experience away from the urban noise. This establishment is renowned not only for its stunning river views but also for its family-oriented service. The menu boasts fresh seafood, premium steaks, and a variety of kids’ favorites, all prepared with an elegant touch. The outdoor seating area is a huge draw, providing a serene setting where families can unwind and dine in the beauty of nature.
4. Farm Café - Collingwood
Situated within the Collingwood Children’s Farm, the Farm Café gives families a unique dining experience surrounded by farm animals and rustic gardens. It’s a fantastic spot for children to learn about farming and animal care, making it educational as well as fun. The café serves up a seasonal menu with ingredients often sourced directly from the farm itself. Favorites include the farmhouse burger and freshly baked scones. Visiting the Farm Café provides a full-day outing with plenty of activities for kids.
5. Poyntons Nursery and Café - Essendon
Poyntons Nursery isn’t just a place to buy plants; it also houses a beautiful café that overlooks the Maribyrnong River. The setting is tranquil, with lush greenery and the soothing sounds of nature. The café serves a range of dishes that appeal to both adults and children, from gourmet breakfasts to scrumptious lunches. After dining, families can stroll through the nursery or sit by the riverside, making it an ideal spot for a relaxed day out.
Why Choose Off-the-Beaten-Path Restaurants?
Choosing to dine at these lesser-known spots comes with a host of benefits:
Less Crowded: These restaurants offer a break from the busy city dining scenes, which can often be overwhelming for children.
Unique Experiences: Each restaurant has its own charm and offers different experiences, from dining by the river to eating in a nursery or a farm.
Quality Time: In these relaxed environments, families can spend quality time together without the usual interruptions of more crowded locations.
Support Local Businesses: By visiting these places, you are supporting local businesses that are often family-owned and deeply embedded in the community.
Tips for Enjoying Family Meals Out
Check for Amenities: Always check if the restaurant is equipped with family-friendly amenities like high chairs, changing facilities, and a kids’ menu.
Plan Ahead: Making reservations where possible can save waiting times and ensure you get a good table, especially when dining with children.
Be Early: Dining earlier can help avoid the crowds and make the experience more enjoyable for younger children who may have earlier bedtimes.
Exploring Melbourne’s family-friendly dining scene off the beaten path opens up a new world of culinary delights. These hidden gems offer not only fantastic food but also the warmth and relaxation that only such intimate settings can provide. So next time you're thinking of dining out with the family-friendly restaurants in Melbourne, consider taking the road less traveled—you’ll be pleasantly surprised by what you find.
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paragonwinetours · 6 days
The Ultimate Guide to the McLaren Vale Wine Tour
Nestled in the picturesque landscapes of South Australia, McLaren Vale is renowned for its exquisite wine production, making it a must-visit destination for wine enthusiasts and travellers alike. This ultimate guide to the McLaren Vale Wine Tour will take you through everything you need to know about this wine lover's paradise, from the best vineyards to visit to tips on making the most of your wine-tasting adventure. So, buckle up and prepare for a journey through one of Australia’s most celebrated wine regions.
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Why Choose McLaren Vale for Your Wine Tour?
Rich History and Culture
McLaren Vale boasts a rich history of winemaking that dates back to 1838 when the first vines were planted. This long heritage is reflected in the region's diverse range of wines, which have garnered international acclaim. The area is not only famous for its wine but also for its stunning natural beauty and charming small towns, making it a perfect blend of culture and nature.
Ideal Climate for Viticulture
One of the key reasons why McLaren Vale produces such outstanding wines is its Mediterranean climate. Warm, dry summers and cool, wet winters create the ideal conditions for growing a variety of grapes, particularly Shiraz, which the region is famous for. The diverse terroir, from sandy soils to ancient rocks, further enhances the uniqueness and complexity of McLaren Vale wines.
Top Vineyards to Visit on Your McLaren Vale Wine Tour
1. d’Arenberg
d’Arenberg is one of the most iconic wineries in McLaren Vale, offering a unique blend of traditional winemaking techniques and innovative practices. The winery's signature building, the d’Arenberg Cube, is an architectural marvel and a must-see on your tour. Here, you can enjoy a comprehensive tasting experience, explore the quirky art installations, and even participate in blending your own wine.
2. Wirra Wirra Vineyards
A visit to Wirra Wirra is a journey into the heart of McLaren Vale's winemaking traditions. The winery is known for its high-quality reds, particularly the Church Block blend. The picturesque grounds feature lush gardens and historic buildings, providing a perfect setting for a relaxing wine-tasting session. Don’t miss the opportunity to ring the winery's famous Angelus Bell!
3. Chapel Hill Winery
Chapel Hill Winery is celebrated for its stunning views and award-winning wines. Set in a former Methodist chapel, the winery offers a unique atmosphere that combines history with modern winemaking. Their range of wines, including the flagship McLaren Vale Shiraz, is sure to impress even the most discerning palate. The winery also offers food and wine pairings that highlight the best of local produce.
4. Coriole Vineyards
For a family-run winery with a focus on sustainability and innovation, look no further than Coriole Vineyards. The winery is renowned for its Italian varietals, such as Sangiovese and Fiano, which are a delightful change from the region's traditional offerings. The rustic cellar door and the beautiful gardens make Coriole a charming stop on your McLaren Vale wine tour.
5. Serafino Wines
Serafino Wines is another gem in McLaren Vale, known for its extensive range of wines and luxurious accommodations. The winery's picturesque lakeside setting is perfect for a leisurely afternoon of wine tasting. Be sure to try their award-winning Shiraz and indulge in the gourmet delights at the on-site restaurant.
Tips for an Unforgettable McLaren Vale Wine Tour
Plan Your Route
McLaren Vale is home to over 80 cellar doors, so planning your route in advance is essential to ensure you make the most of your time. Focus on a few key wineries to avoid rushing and allow yourself plenty of time to savour the experience at each stop.
Book in Advance
Many popular wineries require advance bookings, especially during peak seasons. Ensure you reserve your spots for tastings and tours to avoid disappointment. Some wineries also offer exclusive experiences and private tours that can enhance your visit.
Stay Hydrated and Snack Smart
Wine tasting can be dehydrating, so be sure to drink plenty of water between tastings. Carry some snacks like cheese, crackers, or nuts to cleanse your palate and keep your energy levels up throughout the day. Many wineries also offer food pairings, which can be a great way to experience the local cuisine.
Don’t Rush
Take your time to savour each wine and appreciate the unique characteristics of each vineyard. Wine tasting is as much about the experience as it is about the wine, so immerse yourself in the ambiance and enjoy the journey.
Use a Designated Driver
Safety should always be a priority. If you’re planning to indulge in multiple tastings, consider hiring a designated driver or joining a guided tour. This way, you can enjoy the wines without worrying about the drive back.
Best Time to Visit McLaren Vale
Spring (September to November)
Spring is a fantastic time to visit McLaren Vale, as the region comes alive with blossoming vines and vibrant wildflowers. The weather is mild, making it ideal for outdoor activities like vineyard tours and picnics.
Autumn (March to May)
Autumn is another great time to explore McLaren Vale, with the vineyards showcasing a stunning array of colours as the leaves change. The harvest season is in full swing, offering a unique opportunity to see winemaking in action and taste the freshest wines.
Winter (June to August)
While winter may be cooler, it’s a cosy time to visit McLaren Vale’s cellar doors, many of which offer warm, welcoming environments with roaring fireplaces. The quieter season means you can enjoy a more intimate tasting experience without the crowds.
Where to Stay During Your McLaren Vale Wine Tour
Luxury Accommodations
For those seeking a touch of luxury, there are several high-end options in McLaren Vale, including the McLaren Vale Studio Apartments and Serafino McLaren Vale. These accommodations offer modern amenities, stunning views, and easy access to top wineries.
Charming Bed and Breakfasts
If you prefer a more personal touch, the region is home to numerous charming bed and breakfasts. The Bellevue Bed & Breakfast and Amande Bed and Breakfast provide cosy rooms and a friendly atmosphere, making you feel right at home.
Unique Stays
For a unique experience, consider staying at a winery! Many vineyards, like The Vineyard McLaren Vale, offer accommodation right on their grounds, allowing you to wake up to the sight of rolling vineyards and start your day with a wine tasting.
Enjoying the Local Cuisine
No wine tour is complete without indulging in the local cuisine. McLaren Vale boasts a rich culinary scene with a focus on fresh, local produce. Be sure to visit the Willunga Farmers Market for a taste of the region's finest ingredients. Many wineries also feature on-site restaurants where you can enjoy gourmet meals paired perfectly with their wines.
A McLaren Vale Wine Tour is more than just a journey through vineyards; it’s an immersive experience into the heart of Australian winemaking. With its rich history, stunning landscapes, and world-class wines, McLaren Vale offers a unique and unforgettable adventure for wine lovers and travellers alike. Whether you're a seasoned oenophile or a curious novice, this guide will help you navigate the best of what McLaren Vale has to offer. So, pack your bags, grab your wine glass, and get ready to explore one of Australia's premier wine regions.For more information and to book your McLaren Vale Wine Tour, visit Paragon Wine Tours.
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signaturecellars · 8 days
What Would Be the Best Wood for Your House Wine Room Construction Design’s Racks?
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Are you planning to invest in an in-house wine storage for storing your precious wine collection? Well, ensure to select the right racks for your in-house wine room construction design. Failing to do so can result in significant expenses in the future. But well, having an expert by your side can be a great choice.
Let’s dive into the following blog post to learn more about cellar racks.
So, why choose wine cellar racks manufactured by a wine cellar building company?
When it comes to choosing wine cellar racking for in-house wine storage designs, most people opt for one that’s cheap yet looks cool.
Well, nothing is wrong with that, but choosing one manufactured by an expert cellar builder company will be ideal.
Here’s why,
With so many options available across Australia, it’d be better to purchase wine racks from an experienced builder, as they understand how to coordinate interior décors. Hiring a pro wine cellar builder ensures that you are choosing the right racks for your in-house cellars.
Whether you live in a big mansion-like house or a small one, having a professional cellar builder by your side can help you find racks that can cater to both your interior décor and cellaring needs.
Wine cellar racks are made of lots of materials these days. Yet, most people tend to select wooden ones. Having a skilled cellar-building team by your side can help you choose the right wooden racks.
3 ideal wood choices for in-house wine cellar racks
Wine cellar racks are made of tonnes of materials these days, but none can surpass the benefits of wooden wine cellar racks.
The following are the ideal wood choices for in-house wine cellar racks,
One of the best wood choices for cellar racking is mahogany. With attractive grains and a pinkish tone, mahogany is the favourite choice of wine cellar builders for wine racks. Also, mahogany is non-aromatic, making it ideal for wine cellars. Besides, they’re stable, strong and long-lasting.
Another popular choice for wooden wine cellar racks is redwood. With a rustic accent, it’s one of the best choices for bringing a comfortable, cosy and relaxing vibe to your in-house wine cellar. If you’re into traditional cellar designs, adding redwood cellar racks can bring a rustic charm to it. Also, redwood comes with natural preservatives. Thus, you don’t need to apply any stain on it.
Last but not least, alder can also be an excellent choice for wooden wine cellar racks. This unique type of wood with beautiful clusters and burls can add character to your in-house cellar. If you’re into modern types of cellars, clear alder will be the best while knotty alder will be ideal for a rustic feeling in your wine cellar.
Bottom line,
Wondering how to choose the best racking for your in-house wine cellar racks? Well, having an adept wine cellar builder by your side can help you choose the best wooden racks for your wine room construction design. We hope this blog will be helpful for you.
Also Read: Is It A Good Idea To Incorporate A Tasting Room In Your Wine Cellar?
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frozozone · 9 days
Fucking Dutch pirates
Trick was invincible and he didn’t give nothing for those fuckers. No woman onboard, simple rule, these fuckery fuckers could navigate everywhere else aside from his boat. But no, he shall be damned, there must always be a fucking lady for you to help. Like fuck’s fuckery, goddamn.
They found her in the middle of the ocean on a little broken boat. She could have stayed he said, “but she’s alone and injured” has said his fucking second in commandment Tiff'. And okay, maybe he was right, like maybe it wasn’t moral to just let her die on her boat before knowing if she came from a ship with any treasures on it.
“Not the best reason but I can rock with it” rocked Tiff'.
So they all rocked and for fuck and Mary’s sake did they rock hard. Like, Tab' stitched her up. She had a bad case of ‘lost your limb in the ocean’ and, alas, couldn’t use her right hand ever ever ever again. Too bad you know. Trick didn’t give a shit.
Then she didn’t wake up until fucking Tuesday like she was on vacation or something and she had the audacity to occupy the infirmary bed! Even if the crew didn’t mind, it was enough to throw her into the sea where she belonged if you asked Trick. But again, Tab' and Tiff' said she wasn’t a burden, you shouldn’t kill women just because they happened to have a rough time and needed help.
So Trick didn’t mention it again, if she wasn’t mentioned she didn’t exist. Good reasoning, bad execution. When she emerged from the dead (where she should have stayed but no this bitch had to infuriate the fuckery’s fuck out of him) she asked for water. Water! Like the stitching part wasn’t enough, she also needed to drink. Women.
And then she got on a rent about pirates who attacked her crew and bleh bleh bleh and she was hurt and she thanked them for helping her and- Kill her already yes?
But no, even when he asked the important question (“Are there yes or no money on that fucking weak ship of yours ?”) she took minutes and minutes to respond and when she responded she was all like “Oh I don’t know I was the cook” and yadda yadda get your place woman! Either you give a shit about your ship or you stay where you belong for fuck’s fuckery’ shit. All of Trick’s men knew what was happening on his ship, everyone had something to say and if someone didn’t know something important then surely he was thrown away. He resisted the urge to say “Give a fucking shit you fucking lady, this is why you are in this situation” and instead let his second make the big speech.
“Fair miss lady, we are men of the good and we will act like some, allow us to track this damn vessel to avenge you and your crewmates.”
Naturally, Trick was infuriated but he was sadly forced to agree when the crew voted to help this fucker. Like okay, they didn’t have something else to do but destroying a random ship just because he killed a few weaklings didn’t seem like a reasonable option. But alas he didn’t have a say in the final decision so he dealt with it in his own way (with rage and wine).
While he drank, Tiff' ran the ship, and Tay’ and the other very manly masculine men on his crew incorporated this damn fucker along. Like what the fuck man? At the end of the day she was cooking and joking with the others and without her right hand? Who could do that? Not Trick yeah.
So they searched for the damn vessel, and naturally they weren’t helped. Like the fucker didn’t know what language they spoke. “Was it Dutch?” asked Tiff' before speaking Dutch like the manly legend he was. “no it was harsher” said the fucker and Trick thought that for a language to be harsher than Dutch it should have been the devil’s one. But surprisingly no one batted an eye and they tried again with all the languages the crew knew. And they knew a lot, there were French and German men, some Chinese ones, and others who came from Australia and could help with devilish things. But no, this damned dumb damsel didn’t recognize anything.
Then Trick didn’t care and insulted her in Dutch because she didn’t speak it and he spoke it very well because he was so very above her in everything he did. Unfortunately, she recognized the insult as the thing those very well-mannered pirates said to her when they attacked.
Of course it was Dutch. Fuck.
So the fucker was happy, Tiff' wasn’t so much because he understood everything Trick said, and the boat knew where to go. To Holland Island. Where well-mannered Dutch spent their treasures. Trac', who was the navigator set sail to the place. And if it weren’t to demolish some Dutch faces, Trick would have been happy about it, like it was a good place. Good alcohol, cool landscapes. Nothing to cry about.
While they were doing shit knows what to get to Holland Island (Trick wasn’t a map man), the fucker was smoothly integrated into the crew. If it weren’t for democracy Trick would have thrown her into the sea to die and die and be eaten yeah. But no, they “liked her”. Trick asked if they liked her butt, maybe it was it, maybe it was all there was between them (and it could be easily resolved: Trick’s butt was incredibly better than the fucker’s). But no, “she’s funny and smart”. "What the fuck" was Trick's response. He didn’t ask anything ever again to Tony', too weird of a guy.
While Trick was finally able to mind his own business (he was sleeping all day to avoid any scandal that could get him thrown away from the boat), he learned that Tab' was making the fucker a hook. “Like a hook hook ???” asked Trick scandalized. And Tony' nodded and it was a huge betrayal. An artificial limb was like an engagement ring, you didn’t fuck around with it. But the fucker received princess treatment.
Lucky for her, Trick didn’t have the time to sabotage the hook with nails and mites: they reached Holland Island.
It was at night, which explained why Trick was awake (he was sure if they had arrived at any other moment they wouldn’t have wakened him up. As they should, he didn’t care for their stupid vendetta, as long as they could leave the fuckers here it was all good with him).
So his manly crew armed themselves with arms and stuff, took the fucker with them, and ran through the city to search after every Dutch man they could find. Regrettably for them, every man here was Dutch, what a fucking weird fact yeah? So they slit everybody's throat, took their money, gold teeth, and hat, and ran away to kill more men. Iconic yeah.
At the end of the night, every Dutch throat was cut open, every Dutch pocket was empty and every fucking Dutch wife was crying. Like ladies, hold yourselves.
Trick didn’t care much, the whole thing went smoothly, and they did have good wine. So he stayed a little in the Dutch tavern before setting the city on fire. It was more proper.
And when he was ready to sail again (when he was kinda drunk but he could still fucking walk thank you very much) and when he arrived at the place he was pretty sure he left his fucking ship, he found nothing. Like no ship. No fucker and no manly masculine men. No Tab', no Tay’, no Tony' and fucking no Tiff'. Of course, Trick was a smart man, he knew what was up, the fucker took them away yes.
Maybe he cried a little, but he sure drank a lot while raging internally against women and “how she’s a bitch bitch yeah”. But alas, he didn’t see the note.
‘Sorry Captain. -Tiffany’
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marryslittlelambs · 22 days
Best Early Learning Centre Melbourne
A high quality best early learning centre melbourne will have a strong commitment to children and their families. They will offer a broad curriculum that will prepare your child for lifelong learning. They will also offer flexible family support services.
The educators at Little Lane are passionate, experienced and knowledgeable. They have modern amenities including a separate art studio, large open classrooms flooded with natural light and outdoor learning classrooms.
Goodstart Melbourne
Goodstart is a national best early learning centre Melbourne that provides early learning and care for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years. Its qualified educators offer an evolving curriculum that reflects the children’s needs and interests. Goodstart also offers a range of learning experiences for the whole family, including vacation and beforeand-after school care.
The organisation has more than 660 child care centres nationwide and serves more than 72,000 families. It is one of the largest social enterprises of its kind in Australia and is owned by a consortium of not-for-profit organisations: Mission Australia, Brotherhood of St Laurence, Benevolent Society, and Social Ventures Australia.
Goodstart’s diversified revenue stream comes from the operation of childcare centres, preschool, kindergarten and vacation care. The company focuses on building positive learning experiences and environments for both children and teachers. It also invests in its workforce through scholarships, incentives,
traineeships and career advancement programs. Get a full view of Goodstart Early Learning Ltd’s financials by accessing key data points and ratios, as well as the latest quarterly results.
Wantirna South ELC
Wantirna South ELC is a brand-new state-of-the-art long day care centre that provides childcare for children from six weeks to kindergarten age. Its educators have a strong understanding of each child’s unique family and community context, which allows them to foster more meaningful relationships with the kids they teach. In addition, the centre offers a range of enrichment classes such as 2D and 3D art, music, and Chinese language.
The centre is also accredited and can offer parents access to the government’s childcare subsidy. It has modern amenities like a separate art studio, large open classrooms that are flooded with natural light, and outdoor learning spaces.
The centre is a good choice for families looking for quality care in a convenient location. It has a curated curriculum that is inspired by the Waldorf and Montessori methods, as well as the Reggio Emilia approach. It also emphasizes learning in nature and takes the CDC’s recommendations for masking, sanitizing, and distancing seriously.
Little Lane
Little Lane offers a warm and friendly environment with outstanding staff. They focus on each child’s individual needs and development. They also offer a variety of programs and activities, including the Kodaly music program, which uses the voice as the first instrument to develop musicality and the ear. Children enjoy weekly sports and dance classes, as well as daily outings to the local community.
Little Bourke Street is a culinary delight with a local renaissance, offering up
Vietnamese Pho at the best outside Hanoi in Hardware Lane, a Melbourne-style Italian menu at The Hardware Club, Israeli roasted cauliflower with a cult following at Miznon, and if liquid is your thing you can’t go past the ever enduring Kirks wine bar. The Little Lane Nursery is a fantastic setting, my little boy loved it so much he spent 3 years there. Nothing is too much trouble and his progress has been amazing over that time. Thank you to everyone at the Little Lane nursery for making my son’s experience there so wonderful.
Kinder Care
Kindercare is a large-scale child kinder care provider that offers a variety of programs. Its curriculum is influenced by Montessori and Reggio Emilia, with the emphasis on STEM-based activities and more independent play. It also emphasizes the importance of character development and leaves room for children to express themselves creatively.
KinderCare also puts its employees first. Its employee engagement strategy has helped it achieve 23 consecutive quarters of growth and win a Gallup Exceptional Workplace award. The company’s success has been fueled by discoveries about teacher talent, engagement strategies, and values alignment.
In the infant stage, Kindercare teachers meet each child where they are at on their developmental path and offer support as needed. Teachers often provide one-onone time with infants and group time that includes singing and stories. They also encourage outdoor play and follow a schedule that is based on your child’s needs, such as their napping and feeding patterns. Many parents love the photo and video updates they get throughout the day, as well as the frequent updates from their child’s teachers.
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blackluxechau001 · 29 days
Personalised private tour services in Melbourne for travelers by luxury chauffeurs
Exploring Melbourne and Victoria in a supreme way with luxury car facilities is a worthwhile deal to seal. Black Luxe Chauffeurs is offering private tours Melbourne to travelers arriving to have fun. You can call our luxury car for your hospitality guests for pickup and drop-off service. Thus adding utmost convenience to their trips with an end-to-end transportation facility. There are several locations in Melbourne, such as Yarra Valley, Great Ocean Road, Phillip Island, etc. These are worth visiting places during your private stay in Melbourne for a remarkable travel experience. So, adding opulence and comfort to your secluded ride with a luxury car is like a dream come true. Also, Limo Hire Melbourne 
12 Apostles private trip with luxury chauffeur car
Most visitors to Melbourne prefer a Great Ocean Road day trip to visit 12 apostles. It's a ravishing coastline that stretches 240 km long. It starts at Torquay and concludes in Allansford. It offers captivating views of the 12 apostles, which are wonderful creations of nature. Thus, your guests can have a scheduled pickup from the hotel as the chauffeur arrives early in the morning. From Melbourne, the Great Ocean Road covers a 1.5-hour drive. So, it's good to start early to explore the maximum of the best nature glimpses. 
Book a Yarra Valley winery tour with luxury chauffeur car
The chauffeur luxury car or limo hire melbourne service is also available for winery tours Melbourne to taste fine wines or for wedding car hire melbourne. Yarra Valley is the oldest winery region in Victoria. It hoists a wider range of more than 70 wineries to let you sip the sparkling drinks of your choice. Thus, having a great private tour in a luxury car makes your ride perfect. You can have tranquil seating for comfortable traveling to the Yarra Valley region. Thus, during a trip, you can spend time wine tasting, having lunch, and shopping at small shop stalls.   
Take a steam train tour of Puffing Billy
Riding Puffing Billy, Australia's conserved steam train journey, is really exciting. You can ride this wonderful steam train with your family to pass through lush green forests and roll over mountains. It is located in the Dandenong ranges and is just one hour away from Melbourne. Arrive early at the visitor center of Puffing Billy in a luxury car for ticketing and other attractions. You can enjoy the luxury ride and then ride the steam train to have a mesmerizing experience, thus providing you with remarkable memories to preserve for a lifetime. 
Why book a luxury chauffeur car for private tours in Melbourne?
Traveling from one place to another is not easy, especially when you are in a strange place. As far as it is concerned with private transfers, you won't want your guests to be dislocated. So, having a trusted luxury chauffeur service for trips is a feasible decision. The melbourne chauffeur service comes as an added facility as it can pick up your guests right from the airport as they have landed. Moreover, the service is neat and clean, offering convenience to travelers. Thus, we offer you some of the great advantages that you cannot expect from ordinary taxis and buses. 
The unmatched comfort of traveling
The level of comfort a luxury limousine service melbourne can provide an unsurpassed experience. Pristine finish, plush seating, a modern interior, and a smooth ride are what you need after a tiring flight. So, the service can add a flame of lavishness by serving a pickup ride from the airport. Just by dropping your guests at the hotel, they can head to the winery tours in Melbourne. Thus, being the one-stop travel solution, the melbourne luxury car hire can add the best comfort to traveling. Also, the service ensures clean and sanitised car rides which are ideal for traveling at a strange location. 
Tailored private visits 
Forget the bonding contracts of tour and travel companies and customise your private trip. The luxury car service allows you with this special facility to have independent travel. By exploring the popular destinations, you can plan your travel itinerary. It would certainly bring you the best satisfaction and convenience at your doorstep. Whether you want to explore a private sunset tour at the beach, you can book a luxury car. You can even explore the winery region and spend the whole day there to see fresh farms. Our melbourne airport chauffeur takes you pridefully to the target destination for unmatched adventure.
Have budget-friendly adventure
Making Melbourne private tours budget-friendly is the first preference of every traveler. Therefore, when it comes to enjoying the ride, cost shouldn't be the obstacle. Also, luxury chauffeur hire is available for private group rides to have fun together. Therefore, you can have a luxury people mover, which can facilitate 7 seating capacities for travelers. Thus, sharing a luxury ride within a small budget is a great travel endeavor. You can ride the Mercedes V class, which has a pristine fleet that offers group rides. Thus making the private ride superior and best for the optimal level of convenience. 
Fixed booking prices
Melbourne winery tours are available at fixed prices and include fuel charges, parking, and tolls. Therefore, you don't have to worry about paying an extra amount of charges to the chauffeur. Also, there's no metered charge applied to the chauffeur traveling for private travel. You can just make an online booking, which will enable you to check the prices as well. Thus, ensuring that you won't have the elevating costs of traveling for your private tour. You only have to pay fixed prices irrespective of the amount it takes to travel from one place to another. 
The final words
Hiring private tours Melbourne is a safe and smart choice for travel enthusiasts. Regardless of your origin and country is different, you won't feel insecure with Black Luxe Chauffeurs. Thus facilitating you with the best rides for a comfortable airport transfer Melbourne Tullamarine and a seamless travel adventure. So, you can book a ride for your guests from the airport to the hotel and the private tour destination. It will leave your guests stunned with the luxury transportation for convenient wandering.  
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visacollect · 2 months
Unlocking Australia: Your Complete Guide on How to Apply for Visa if You're from the US
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Many Americans want to visit Australia because it is a dream vacation spot with stunning natural scenery, unique wildlife, and big city life. It's very important to know how to apply for visa before you start this fun trip. The Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) makes it easier for US people to apply for a visa to visit Australia. It combines ease of use with speed. This guide will show you how to apply for a visa, use VisaCollect to make the process easy, and answer common questions to make sure your trip to Australia gets off to a good start.
Why does Australia stand out?
Diverse Landscapes: Australia has a wide range of beautiful landscapes, from Uluru's rough Outback to Queensland's lush jungles and the Gold Coast's pristine beaches. There are lots of different things to do in each region, from hiking and snorkelling to exploring the vast, remote places where you can see a lot of stars at night.
Vibrant towns: The towns of Australia are a mix of history, culture, and modernity. The famous Opera House and Harbour Bridge in Sydney, the arts scene and laneway bars in Melbourne, and the beaches and parks in Perth are all examples of busy city life. Because exploring these places gives you a look into Australia's heart and soul, you need to make sure you get a visa that lets you roam these urban landscapes.
Unique Wildlife: Australia has some of the rarest animals in the world. Many of them can only be found here. People who love animals will love visiting Australia and seeing the famous kangaroos and wombats, as well as cuddling a koala in Queensland and snorkelling with the beautiful sea life of the Great Barrier Reef.
Rich Indigenous Culture: Learning about the world's oldest live culture can give you a new way to look at Australia. People who go on indigenous tours, cultural experiences, or to holy places like Kakadu National Park learn about the land's stories, customs, and deep spiritual connection.
Amazing Food and Wine: Australia's food scene is a real treat for foodies. Because of its varied population, you can enjoy a huge range of foods. Also, wine lovers should go to places like Barossa Valley and Margaret River, which have some of the best wines in the world.
Adventure and Sports: Australia is a great place for people who like to try new things and play sports. There are a lot of exciting things to do, like surfing on world-class waves, scuba diving near coral reefs, skiing in the Victorian Alps, or going to exciting sports events like the Australian Open.
How to Understand the ETA for US Citizens
The ETA (subclass 601) is Australia's streamlined visa process for US citizens. It's for short visits of up to three months, including work and tourism. The ETA is different from other visas because it is automatically linked to your passport. This makes it easier for you to enter Australia.
A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Apply for Visa
Check Your Eligibility: Before you ask for a visa, make sure that the reason for your visit fits with the ETA's requirements. Your visit can be for tourism or certain business activities.
Make Sure Your Passport Is Still Valid: One of the most important things you need to do before you apply for a visa is to make sure that your passport is still valid at least six months after your visit.
Online Application: You can apply for a visa on the website of the Australian Government. The process is simple and only needs information about you, your visa, and your trip.
Fee Payment: When you apply for an ETA, you have to pay a small service fee. This step is an important part of applying for a visa because it makes the process easier.
Wait: Once you've applied for a visa, you should wait for confirmation. Approval usually comes quickly. You'll get a confirmation email that automatically links your ETA to your passport.
Why Choose VisaCollect When You Need to Apply a Visa :Getting Ready for Your Trip to Australia
To see this beautiful country, you need to know how to apply for visa. Get the right visa before you go to Australia. It doesn't matter if you want a short vacation, a longer trip to explore, or an adventure along the beaches and in the deserts. Visa services like VisaCollect can make the process of applying for a visa easier, making it easier for you to start your trip to Australia.
Not having to worry about applying for an ETA should be easy, but mistakes can happen. VisaCollect is an expert in visa application services. They will make sure that your application is carefully looked over, which lowers the chances of delays or rejects. When you apply for a visa, VisaCollect is a great resource because their experts give you personalised help.
A Look at Frequently Asked Questions About Getting an Australian Visa
Do you need an ETA for every visit?
Yes, but the ETA can be used more than once during its validity time once it has been issued.
With an ETA, can I work or study?
No, the ETA doesn't let you work and only lets you study for three months.
What should I do if I need to stay longer than the ETA says?
You'll need to look into other visa choices before applying for a visa again if you want to stay longer.
What will happen if my application for an ETA is turned down?
A rejection is rare, but if it happens, you'll need to look into other visas. After you apply for a visa, VisaCollect can help you figure out what you can do.
How can VisaCollect help me put in for an ETA?
VisaCollect makes it easier to apply for a visa by giving you advice, help, and making sure your application is right.
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hamiltonsmotel · 3 months
Discovering Queanbeyan: A Must on Australian Itinerary
Nestled along the serene Queanbeyan River and a mere hop from Canberra, Australia's capital, lies Queanbeyan—a smaller yet immensely rewarding destination. Its tapestry of history, culture, and natural splendor invites a deeper exploration. For those yearning for an authentic Australian adventure off the mainstream path, here are compelling reasons to make Queanbeyan a top pick, with the right motel in Queanbeyan enhancing your stay:
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Close to Canberra - Queanbeyan's proximity to Canberra presents a unique opportunity to delve into the Australian capital's treasures. Choosing a motel in Queanbeyan ensures easy access to the National Gallery of Australia, the Australian War Memorial, and Parliament House. After exploring, retreat to the peace of your Queanbeyan motel for a well-deserved rest.
Historical Richness - Queanbeyan, rich in history since the early 19th century, offers a journey through time. Nearby motels in Queanbeyan provide a comfortable base from which to explore heritage sites like the Old Town Hall and Queanbeyan Railway Station, immersing in the tales of early settlers, bushrangers, and the gold rush.
Cultural and Artistic Vibrancy - Despite its modest size, Queanbeyan is a hub of arts and culture. Staying at a motel in Queanbeyan allows visitors to easily experience the Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre's diverse performances and engage with the town's vibrant creative community through galleries and workshops.
Outdoor Pursuits - The natural beauty surrounding Queanbeyan offers a plethora of outdoor activities, from picnicking by the Riverside Park to leisurely river strolls and fishing. A comfortable Queanbeyan motel serves as the perfect starting point for these adventures.
Festive Spirit - Year-round events and festivals in Queanbeyan celebrate food, wine, music, and culture. The town's welcoming atmosphere is enhanced during such times, making it the perfect occasion to experience genuine Aussie hospitality at a Queanbeyan motel.
Welcoming Community - The unmatched hospitality and warmth of Queanbeyan's community are best experienced through interactions at local markets or pubs. Staying in a motel in Queanbeyan places you at the heart of this friendly town, ensuring a memorable visit.
Embark on Your Queanbeyan Journey - With its rich history, vibrant culture, stunning natural landscapes, and welcoming locals, Queanbeyan offers a unique slice of Australia. Planning your visit with the ideal Queanbeyan motel as your base ensures an unforgettable Australian adventure. Don't hesitate—discover the charm of staying in Queanbeyan today.
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