#best placement college
krstseo · 5 days
ECE Best Students and Faculty Activities from April-June 2023
ECE Best Students and Faculty Activities from April-June 2023
During the period from April to June 2023, the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology (KRCT) actively engaged in numerous student development activities. Additionally, from engaging campus events to insightful talks, participations in competitions, and innovative initiatives, the department witnessed productive quarterly events. Furthermore, these activities showcased the dedication and enthusiasm of students and faculty, underscoring their commitment to their academic and professional growth.
Electronics and Communication Engineering: April to June 2023 Quarterly Events Conducted
Campus Activities
Mr. S. Dhaneeshwar and Mr. S. Arun Kumar conducted Peer learning classes for IV/ECE for the students of III/ECE.
Subsequently, the III ECE students were recognized for their achievements as they received certificates in the TN Skills Programme on May 6, 2023.
Further, on May 9, 2023, an awareness program titled "MANJAPPAI" was organized by KRGI and the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board. Students and faculty members from the ECE department actively participated in the event.
On May 13, 2023, a peer learning session on "Business Canvas Modelling" was conducted by Ms. J. Jodeena along with Pushpa and Mr. A. Keerthivasan from II/ECE.
Also, Mrs.Shanthi, a yoga trainer, conducted a yoga session for the students of III/ECE on May 25, 2023.
Additionally, the ECE students actively engaged in startup activities and were registered as incubatees with EDII-ABIRF, signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on June 6, 2023.
Insightful Talks at Electronics and Communication Engineering Department
Nonetheless, Mr.K.Saravanan, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, delivered a motivational talk to the students of III/ECE on May 26, 2023.
Firstly, the III/ECE students took part in TECH-HACKATHON-2023 at CARE College of Engineering from March 31 to April 1, 2023.
Also, the ECE students actively participated in DAKSH 2.0, the international techno-management festival at SASTRA University on April 8, 2023.
The III ECE students actively participated and presented their projects at ONE API DAKSH 2.0 hosted at SASTRA University, Tanjore.
Ms. A. Revathi of II/ECE secured the first place in the technical symposium organized by MAM College of Engineering and Technology.
The ECE students visited Anna University BIT Campus for an incubator program on April 27, 2023.
Additionally, students of ECE visited Anna university BIT campus -idea discussion at EDII-BIT campus on 04.05.2023
Further, on May 12, 2023, students from the ECE department visited the AU Incubation Centre to develop their BMC (Business Model Canvas) and revenue generation models for their proposed ideas.
Moreover, Mr.D.Chetan kumar of III/ECE and J.Joodena Puspha, A.Keerthivasan and Dharshini of II/ECE has presented ideas in Al BIT campus and signed MoU for incubation on 06.06.2023
Mr. A. Vanthiyadevan, Mr. R. Prasanna, and Mr. Thevanand attended a 5-day workshop sponsored by IIT Hyderabad and TIHAN at NIT Trichy on June 15, 2023.
On June 15, 2023, Mr. Keerthivasan from II/ECE pitched his idea to investors in Madurai, as part of an event organized by TN Startups.
Ms. Geerthana received the Topper Cash Award for her performance in NPTEL.
A SERB-sponsored national-level seminar titled "Artificial Intelligence-based Image Processing Implementation with VLSI" was conducted on May 22 and May 23, 2023.
Faculty Activities
The Department of ECE, in collaboration with coreEL Technologies from Bangalore, organized a faculty skill training program on VLSI Design using Xilinx Vivado and Mentor Graphics on June 13 and June 15, 2023.
To Conclude
Finally, as we reflect on the events and achievements April to June 2023, it is evident that the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) at KRCT has maintained a steadfast pursuit of academic and professional excellence. Moreover, through countless activities, seminars, participations, and skill-building initiatives, students and faculty alike have demonstrated their passion, creativity, and commitment to advancing knowledge and skills in the field.
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sirtbhopal · 15 days
A Training & Placement Cell is a department in every educational institute that aims to facilitate the recruitment of students for jobs. The cell works as a bridge between the students and the employers. They identify the industries that match the background of the students and then invite them to visit the college for the recruitment process.
As the best placement college in Bhopal, Sagar Institute of Research & Technology helps students with career guidance, training, and placement services.
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Learn about the top recruiters  salary packages  and placement trends in the industry  Explore the diverse career paths available to BTech graduates
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tcbusinessschool · 2 years
How to Choose the best MBA Institute?
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It’s no less than a nightmare to choose the right MBA college, right? Up until bachelors, everything is calm and peachy. But the moment students step out of the universities with a bachelor’s degree in their hand, a question pops up, “now where?”. And having an ocean of colleges in India, it becomes more hectic altogether to choose the most suitable one. But, to help you out, we’ve come up with a guide (more of a checklist) for you to help you to choose the best college for you. Let’s have a look at them –
Faculty –
The most crucial point, the goodness and reliability of any college is dependent on the faculty. No matter how much a college advertises its courses and the campuses, faculty is the one thing that makes the course actually good and productive. So, while shortlisting your options, always check the faculty of that college, their qualifications, number of years of experience, etc. It will give you a clear overview of which college to choose.
Teaching Pattern & Curriculum –
Its 2022, old and conventional teaching pattern are no longer having any benefits on the students and their learning so, the modern learning technique is adopted by many colleges and those are the ones you should go for. Modern reaching methods and curriculum are more inclined towards practical and real-world knowledge than theoretical knowledge. Some of the top institutions in the country like TC Business School, the best college in Jaipur, India follows a modern teaching pattern which is designed according to international standards and extremely helpful for the career point of view.
International Exposure –
Today, an international level degree and knowledge is appreciated everywhere and is also prioritized at many companies. The one thing that you should look for while choosing a college is what are the international exposure opportunities offered by the university. For example, many of the colleges have a connection with international universities and they often practice student exchange programs. In that case. You must go through all the universities associated with that college and what their rankings are.
Location and Infrastructure –
Since you’ll be spending two crucial years of your life there, it’s only logical for you to go and visit that college before considering it as location and infrastructure of the college should suit your taste and preference so that you do not feel any difficulty while at the college as it will affect your learning and your mental and physical health.
Placement Opportunities –
The reason you must go to college is this, right? Well placements are from where you’ll get the return on the investment you’ve made over the years on your studies therefore, the placement opportunity offered by the college and the companies it invites for campus interviews is a major deciding factor for choosing an MBA college. Some may even provide placements in international companies so do not let them go and apply for those colleges as international companies value international talent as they bring a cultural diversity to the workplace which is highly appreciated by the companies and the pay grade is also higher as compared to the domestic companies.
Summing everything up, you should make a checklist consisting of all these points and strike off each one of these if and when these criteria are met. Find the best college for yourself and fulfill your dream of a lavish and luxurious lifestyle. Hopefully, this article helped you and took the burden off your shoulders of choosing a college. We wish you all the best for your future endeavors.
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grplindia · 1 month
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gayfranzkafka · 3 months
i got into grad school and they're giving me a 70% reduction on tuition :-)
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jobcal · 23 days
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rdiasrohini · 8 months
Get Industry Knowledge with the Best BBA Colleges in Delhi - RDIAS
There are many benefits of doing BBA from good colleges, but it depends on the institute where the course is offered. There are many management colleges in Delhi which are not able to provide quality education to the students after admission due to which the students get disappointed. However, RDIAS is one of the best BBA colleges in Delhi known for the quality of its education. This college is known for its graduates making successful careers in the business sector. The holistic training provided by RDIAS in Delhi incorporates the most modern and professional training techniques. The learning material provided is completely modern to the latest industry requirements. RDIAS colleges are best to get industry-based Knowledge from BBA courses in Delhi.
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cimagecollegepatna · 1 year
Best BCA College in Patna - Cimage College
CIMAGE: The Best BCA College in Patna
When it comes to pursuing a Bachelor’s in Computer Applications (BCA) in Patna, there is one institute that stands head and shoulders above the rest — CIMAGE. With its commitment to excellence, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and exceptional faculty, CIMAGE has established itself as the premier BCA college in Patna.
Quality Education: CIMAGE is renowned for providing quality education that combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills. The college follows a well-structured curriculum that is designed to meet industry standards and demands. The faculty members are highly qualified and experienced, ensuring that students receive the best guidance and mentorship throughout their academic journey.
Cutting-edge Infrastructure: CIMAGE boasts a modern and well-equipped campus that provides an ideal learning environment for BCA students. The college has spacious classrooms, advanced computer labs, and a well-stocked library. The computer labs are equipped with the latest hardware and software, allowing students to gain hands-on experience and stay updated with emerging technologies. The campus also offers Wi-Fi connectivity, enabling students to access online resources and collaborate effectively.
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Industry Exposure: Recognizing the importance of practical exposure, CIMAGE has established strong ties with the industry. The college regularly organizes industrial visits, workshops, seminars, and guest lectures by industry experts. These initiatives provide students with invaluable insights into the real-world applications of their knowledge and help them develop the necessary skills to excel in their careers. Additionally, CIMAGE encourages students to undertake internships and projects with leading organizations, further enhancing their practical knowledge and employability.
Placement Opportunities: One of the key factors that sets CIMAGE apart is its exceptional placement record. The college has a dedicated placement cell that works tirelessly to connect students with reputed companies and organizations. Through campus placements, students have secured lucrative job offers from renowned companies in the IT sector. CIMAGE’s strong industry connections and emphasis on skill development contribute significantly to its high placement success rate.
Holistic Development: At CIMAGE, education is not limited to academic excellence; equal importance is given to the overall development of students. The college offers a range of extracurricular activities, including sports, cultural events, and clubs, allowing students to explore their interests and talents beyond the classroom. These activities foster teamwork, leadership skills, and a sense of community among students.
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Alumni Network: CIMAGE takes pride in its strong and active alumni network. The alumni, who are working in reputed organizations across the country, serve as a valuable resource for current students. They provide guidance, mentorship, and networking opportunities, helping students build connections and gain insights into the professional world.
Conclusion: With its commitment to providing quality education, state-of-the-art infrastructure, industry exposure, excellent placement opportunities, and focus on holistic development, CIMAGE has rightfully earned the title of the best BCA college in Patna. Students who choose CIMAGE for their BCA journey can expect to receive a comprehensive education that equips them with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in the dynamic field of computer applications.
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I really need to learn ASL but mostly at first phrases that I'll use when I go nonverbal except I need to learn the grammar too because that's an essential part of understanding and processing language especially in my brain and I don't know if "now" should be signed before "I can't speak" or after, but I don't know if I have the energy and executive function to learn a whole language with a fundamentally different structure by myself with nothing but Bill Vicars youtube lessons, as awesome as they look. But hey I can sign "I can't speak now" probably decently so there's that.
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krstseo · 8 days
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sirtbhopal · 9 months
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SIRT made History Again - 100% Seats filled
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teabookgremlin · 1 year
got a little personal thing to get out bc i don’t feel like talking about it with people in my real life right not
so i’ve mentioned before on here that i’m currently working with a service dog in training for an organization via a club at my school. the dog i’m working with, justice, has fairly strong anxiety around new people but other than that has been doing amazingly in her training. i’ve had her for about 2 months now and have loved it, it’s hard but it’s a really rewarding experience. today i got a text from one of the professional trainers in the organization that, due to justice’s anxiety, they are looking at placing her with someone else for a while to see if it’s a phase or not. now i fully get that a college campus is an overwhelming place for a dog and that if it is a just an anxious phase this is a rough place to work through it. i also obviously want what’s best for her and her training, that is the priority, that is the commitment i made when signing up to be a puppy raiser. it’s just hard to feel like i did something wrong or that i failed her in some way. i know that this being considered is just due to justice and her issues and my environment maybe not being the best place for her. i’m just really struggling with the possibility of her leaving me so much earlier than expected. it’s also hard because i am finally finding a community here at college in my fellow puppy raisers and i (somewhat selfishly) don’t want to lose that by no longer having a dog i’m working with. i meet with a professional trainer on thursday to discuss and figure out if justice will be placed with someone else and i’m so so so nervous. the hardest part is that i truly think she would be better off being placed somewhere else. i just wish i could acknowledge that without feeling like i did something wrong. because i know that i have done the best that i possibly can with this dog. it also doesn’t help that one of the dogs in the college program recently got moved due to her raiser being irresponsible so i’m also scared of people thinking that a similar thing is happening with me. i hope we can figure out what’s best for justice and i hope that whatever it is allows her to overcome her anxiety and eventually have a career because i think she’d be an amazing service animal. i just wish it wasn’t so hard.
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grplindia · 19 days
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ineedahugtm · 2 years
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Watching my AP art history lecture and the profesor is currently showing off his cat named Astrid
Best class ever
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