#beth obrien x reader
darkenedreaper · 1 year
hello it's me again haha🌸, I wanted to ask you if you could maybe write something for the descent girls (especially juno cause I'm in love with her😩), like how they would react if the reader was also in the descent cave (like how they protect them from the monsters and so on). Anyway I hope you have a wonderful day/night! 💗💕
Pairing: The Descent (all girls) x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of violence from the film
Summary: How the girls would put your safety first and do their best to protect you
You Before Me
Literally will sacrifice herself and fight these things just to maintain your safety
She stresses to everyone but especially you that you must stick together
She gives you her backpack, her necklace and even her flashlight and spare batteries incase she gets separated from you
She hates seeing your reaction when its exposed that she left the map in the car
Promises you literally every 5 seconds she's going to get everyone out
She analyses the creatures as best as she can in order to study them so she can keep you as safe as you can
Has breaks and rests in small corners of the cave that she can find
She'll carry you if need be
If you are to come across a Crawler in a close encounter she pushes you back and will fight it
Does her best to stay alive, solely so she can get you out
She'll do her best to get you both out, she's not certain that she will, but she'll fight to keep you alive
Beth tries to think rationally when the first Crawler attacks
Pulls you aside, holds your face and kisses your face to calm you down if you panic
Doesn't necessarily comfort you during times of panic because she doesn't want to make you feel worse but will always always keep an eye on you
Will do her best to fight a Crawler if need be so she pushes you away so you don't get caught in it
She's smart and uses her brain to evade the, not her fists
Gives you whatever spare stuff she has; batteries, food, rope, clamps whatever she has is now yours
Empties whatever water she has from her water bottle into yours
Makes sure that you're next to her every second you're in that cave
Actually scolds you quietly if you're not close enough to her
Whenever you find the exit she pushes you out first with force, as long as you're safe, she'd happily stay back in the cave
She real serious when shit hits the fan
Lectures each and every single one of you
She's actually always quiet for the time you're in there
Will always hold your hand
She takes off her coat and puts it over you if you're cold or wet from the water
There'll be times where you both need a break in absolute silence and she'll just hold you, keeping her unsteady breathing next to your ear
There'll also be times where you have to calm her down; she stresses and is sometimes reminded of Jessie
This woman will f i g h t, literally pushes the Crawlers eyes out of their sockets if one of them was to even hiss at you
She's very very defensive and protective of you
She'll carry you or let you ride her back whenever possible
She promises to keep you safe and sane
In contrast to her usually bubbly attitude she's serious
She's mad at every creature she sees
In the cave sometimes her anger will get the better of her and she'll flip out
She's a very affectionate person and so whenever she can she just holds you
She moves quick through the cave
She says she isn't panicking but she's frantic and desperate to get out
The adrenaline and anger goes towards her strength if you come across a Crawler
She plunges the pickaxe through its skull and whatever kind of brain it has and then takes a hold of you, making sure she still has you
She's smart with the resources, she knows how to conserve hers and yours energy, the batteries and whatever food and water you have
She does her best to reassure you with her physical affections and her quiet verbal reassurances
She'll fight the Crawlers to her death if it means getting you out
Sam needs as much reassuring as you do
She does her best to stay strong but really she's crumbling
She needs you to support her
She does her best to be rationalise in order to keep you calm
She clings on to you and needs to make sure that she physically knows that you're there with her
She's ready to become a doctor so she's smart
Because of that she'd rather her brain than a pickaxe and try to fight with one of them
She tries to think logically with regards to getting out of the cave, when she sees a dead one she takes a few minutes to study it, to understand it better to have a better chance of survival
She tries to analyse each new rock she sees so she'll remember if she's gone past it
Kisses you as often as she can, each kiss is one step closer to finding the way out
She panics as soon as the first Crawler attacks
Runs to grab you and hides wherever you can
She suggests to take a break instead of running and wasting energy immediatley
You both just hide in small sections of the cave and cuddle close to one another
You breath into one another trying to supress your heavy and rapid breathing
Always walks ahead in front of you to protect you from anything on its way to you or anything that may harm you
She puts a light and a pick axe together so she can swing at anything
Holds you as tightly as she can whenever she can
She's real efficient in getting out of the cave as quickly as possible
She promises to protect you for as long as she can
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darkenedreaper · 2 years
Hey hope you are well?
How about the girls from the Descent reacting to the reader asking them to take them caving (not the descent cave) for the first time maybe?
I feel like Juno would be really protective.
Hey, I’m alr could be better like but it’s life. Hope you’re doing good anon.
Yeh maybe we shouldn’t go into the unknown cave.
She is literally so hyped
She loves climbing, cave exploring, skydiving, doing mad stunts
She buys you everything you need literally
Whichever cave she takes you to, (it’s a safe one dw), she sometimes forgets you’re a ‘beginner’
So she expects you to be running and jumping right behind her but actually you’re waiting for her to carry you across
She doesn’t really care about rules but she does set some in place, for your safety and your safety only
She’s so excited to have you with her literally
You have to remind her to take breaks
When you both get back to your home after a long long day she’ll fall asleep on your chest it’s the cutest
Oh and she’s not gonna stop watching her videotapes of you and her
This woman honestly
Acts like a mother the WHOLE time
She’s so exited when you ask her but then… then..
You walked off into the kitchen after only to get called by Rebecca voices, “Y/n we need to talk.”
She’s so serious you can’t help but laugh
She might come across as overbearing but when you include the little kisses she gives you it makes it better
She has scheduled times for sit downs, water breaks and snack times
If you’re scared she might throw it back in your face of who’s idea it was but low-key is sad for her baby :(
She’s gonna geek out about medical and safety instructions so watch out
When you get back to your home, she makes sure you feel ok, has a short bath/shower with you, feeds you and gets you to bed before joining you 🥺
Chill about it
She doesn’t really make it a necessity to get to a cave asap but if you’re wanting to, then she’s wanting to go asap
Helps you put on your correct gear
She’s like Rebecca, has scheduled water, food and rest breaks but she’s chill
When you take time to admire the cave she takes time to admire you
Short but sweet kisses in the cave
She pulled a prank on you. It wasn’t funny.
She ran off and hid around a corner and left you totally panicking for 3 whole minutes
You threatened her with her sleeping on the couch
She apologised profusely.
She’s really exited about you being there, she can show off her geological skills
Always always makes sure you haven’t been injured even in the smallest way
Will throw hands with the walls if you have
When you get back home, just fall asleep with each other peacefully and you’ll both have sweet dreams
Sarah is actually very serious
She gets very educational, pros and cons
But she does get excited when she knows you definitely want to go exploring
Doesn’t and will not take her eyes off of you
Literally checks up on you every 10 minutes
She knows your an adult and grown up so she trusts you enough for you to wander off while she has a sit down
She does start to relax the more time you spend in the cave
She gets mad because it’s already named and it’s not your name
If you get scared or anxious she’ can be quite comforting so expect affection from her
Takes secret photos of you
When ya’ll get back home, she’ll hold you close to her not wanting to lose the most precious thing she has
She really enjoyed it and will do it again
Beth is very straightforward with you about her opinions
She’s so funny with it
She tried to bribe you with sex instead of cave exploring
She’ll gladly take you cave exploring with the few yet important skills she has with caving(?)
It will have to be sorted on a day or holiday when she’s not teaching
Expect a lot of love, attention and affection from her
She’s always very close to you, won’t let anything hurt you
Breaks whenever you want or feel like it for as long as you need
I’m those breaks she’s gonna have you close to her, almost cuddling
She kisses you where she can before you’re ready go start trekking again
When you get home you take a shower together, hold her please she’ll sleep like a baby
Please this woman is so protective
Literally if she feels uncertain she lectures you on why you should go back
Always walks in front of you
Gets low-key mad if you wander off
Will always get less stressed when you kiss her so please reassure her 🥺
Wears that red vest
She has a habit of stepping or stomping on what she thinks is uneasy ground to make sure you’re safe when walking on it
She gets real excited when you ask her and shes on her laptop booking when you can go
When it comes to something dangerous like this she trusts you to SOME extent
Buys walkie talkies incase
Takes her trust pickaxe
When ya’ll are home let her hold you because she feels so much relief to be back somewhere safe with you
Overall she thinks you rocked
Thanks for the request anon I love doing stuff for the descent, send me some more !
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darkenedreaper · 2 years
Hey I’m the anon who asked for The Descent fix.
Wasn’t sure if the last one went through. My phone is terrible.
What I said was maybe Sam or Rebecca in Juno’s cabin?
I feel like both of them would love cuddling.
Hey anon, let me get right to this. Feel free to request loads more!
Sam is for sure a cuddle bug
She really likes to be little spoon but will defo be big spoon
Sarah’s seat in Junos cabin, she loves stealing it and cuddling with you on it
She’s only small so hold her close, she craves your attention 🥺
If you’re taller than her, it’s basically an advantage, because in Sam’s eyes, the more she can be held
If your shorter than her or the same height, she’s not letting go of you until she wants to
If Sam has had a long day she really does reach out to you
I feel like cuddling is this baby’s love language
She more than happy to hold you
When she does hold you, she makes sure to tuck your head underneath her chin
Keeps you warm
Forehead kisses are a big thing when it comes to cuddling with Sam
If she’s tucked into your chest, she’ll kiss your neck every now and then
Cuddling almost every night between you two
When Beth is on her way out to teach, she finds the both of you wrapped up on the sofa the girls sat on the night before you two ended up passing out on it
Rebecca FOR SURE takes pictures when she spots you cuddling
Sam doesn’t mind
She literally has it as her phone background
Cuddling with Sam really does ground her, so if she wakes up from a nightmare or is upset, cuddle her and she’ll be yours forever
Ok now, Rebecca is a cuddled but she’s strict
Let me explain
She will. Will. Cuddle you whenever she feels something isn’t right
Rebecca is quite tall, so she will just pull you onto the sofa and literally wrap her arms around you until you feel better
She orders everyone around her to get you things
She will not move away from you. She’ll literally take you to the bathroom with her
Holly likes to poke fun at her touch girl demeanour crumbling when your buried in her neck
It surprises the girls that she comes to you for cuddles quite often
She’ll just say in this voice, ‘cuddles?🥺’
Will get upset with you if you’re too busy or not in the mood for cuddles
Unlike Sam, Rebecca likes to take the armchair with you
She very much tucks you into her side and wraps her arms around you and will throw the fluffy blanket over you
When you’re cuddling with her and you and the girls are talking about your days, she has a tendency to fall asleep on your shoulder but always nestles herself in your side
Rebecca full on just lies on your stomach. She doesn’t care.
Side note: she really likes it when her head is on your chest and your legs and around her waist 😊
This was real fun to write, thanks for the request anon.
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darkenedreaper · 3 years
Pairing: On a cold night in Juno's cabin, you, Beth and the rest of the girls are watching a movie on a cold night.
A/N: Using irrelevant tags in this to make The Descent more popular because goddamn Beth is hot.
Warm On The Cold Nights
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You were all in Junos cabin, Sam and Holly were coupled up on the bean bag, Rebecca and Juno on the couch snuggling, Sarah on the one-seater with her marshmallows and you and Beth were snuggled up with a blanket across the both of you on the end of the other couch. The fire was lit and slowing coming back down to a flame and the tv was on low, almost coming to an end. Beth was snuggled in your side, your arm around her back and her legs were curled up into your side and her head was resting on your shoulder. You were thinking, just thinking about life. It was late enough anyway for everyone to be up and Beth warned you not to keep her up late as she had her English classes to teach tomorrow.
The end credits were almost playing on the film and you felt a hand stroke the top of your leg and you looked down before looking to see Beth staring up at you, as if questioning what was on your mind. You shook it off and she leaned up to kiss your temple before standing up and offering her hand to you. You took it and as you stood facing each other, she wrapped her arms around your shoulders pecking your lips ever so softly before pulling you close to her body. You wrapped your arms around her waist and kissed her back. You would've stayed like that until Juno started to ooo and ahh at you both before Holly sleepily started to join in saying, "Beth is gonna get some", in a sing song voice. It wasn't long before you all started chuckling amongst yourselves and when Beth replied, "Not on a school night", Juno started to throw her left over marshmallows at the both of you.
You all started to filter out of the living room and to your sleeping rooms. it wasn't long before you joined Beth under the covers where she was already complaining about her students who hadn't done their work the day before. She was on her side just waiting for your strong hold to come behind her. As soon as you wrapped an arm around her waist, her arm was on top of yours. Your legs slide and rested at the back of hers. The warmth was perfect for a cold, rainy night in Scotland, even though it wasn't much difference back home.
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darkenedreaper · 3 years
I haven't seen any fictions about The Descent (horror film, 2005) characters, so thought I'd give it a go.
Pairing: Beth O'Brien x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Hints Of Smut
A/N: Tagging it with unrelated tags, relax people do it all the time, don't come for me
Beth As Your Girlfriend
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You were friends at first but neither of you decided to ignore the longing glances anymore
This woman loves to be by your side
She will comfort you 24/7 without any complaints
Her days away from English teaching will be spent with you in your home or if you're out
She loves holding you but when you spoon her she literally melts
If you cry, she'll cry with you then makes sure to hold you close while stroking your hair
If you have long days at work, she puts your comfort first and if you need to continue work at home, you'll work by her side
If you work beside her on your laptop, she'll have a film on in this background and snuggle into your side with some marshmallows or cereal
She doesn't like you working late, so when it gets too late she'll pull your attention away and onto her
Beth is very open with you, so you hardly ever argue
Juno likes to hear about the dirty side of your relationship and the others just fawn over the two of you
Beth appreciated anything you do for her
She finds herself caring for others a lot more than herself, but you stop and make her rest whilst you clean the house, cook dinner and tidy her classes books up
In bed, Beth is a bottom but will top you if you want it
Loves neck and cheek kisses
Her favourite position is missionary but lives for doggy
Will absolutely experiment with toys and kinks in bed, but don't keep her up too late if she has to teach the next day
If it's a hot summer morning and you have to work, she loves the way your eyes embrace her body only covered by the white sheets
Loves the kiss you give her lips before rushing off to work
She calls you 'sweetheart' the most, calls you a 'good girl' in the bedroom
When you kiss, she wraps her arms around your shoulders, she might have a hand on your cheek or around your neck playing with baby hairs
You and the girls are always out somewhere when you have breaks from work
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darkenedreaper · 2 years
Hope u are ok?
Loved your fics about Beth from the Descent.
Have u ever thought about writing any of the other girls from that movie?
Maybe Rebecca or Sam?
If not, sorry for wasting your time.
Hey anon!
I totally would, it’s so underrated and all of those girls are so fine 😩 send me your request and I’ll get right to it!
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darkenedreaper · 4 years
It's Alright (Fluff)
She Held You Without Any Talking (Light Angst, Fluff)
Come Back To Me (Light Angst, Fluff, Slight Violence)
NSFW Headcannons (Smut)
Your Walls (Angst, Fluff)
I Believe You (Light Angst, Fluff)
Before We Run Out of Time (Angst, Fluff)
I'll Take Care Of You (Fluff)
Puppy Eyes (Fluff)
Love to Live Life With You (Fluff, Hints at Smut)
We’ll Fight But We Make Up (Fluff, Light Angst)
Sleepyhead (Fluff)
When She Wants It (Smut)
Distant Lovers (Sad Angst)
NSFW Alphabet With Ripley (Smut)
There She Is (Fluff)
Newly Weds (Fluff)
Appreciation Post 2 (Sigourney Weaver)
Laurie As Your Girlfriend (Fluff)
Tight Hold (Fluff)
Loosen Up (Fluff, hints at smut, teasing)
The Pain of Patronus (hints at death, bloody description) [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] ongoing
Give Him A Laugh (Fluff)
Comforting Cassie (Fluff)
The Way I Look At You (Fluff)
Beth As Your Girlfriend (Fluff, Implied Smut)
Warm On The Cold Nights (Fluff, Beth)
Cuddles (Fluff, Sam & Rebecca)
Caving? (Fluff, All the girls)
Cuddles (Fluff, Beth, Holly, Juno, Sarah)
Dating Juno (Fluff, Implied Smut)
You Before Me (Fluff, Mentions of violence, All the girls)
Tight Hold (Fluff, Sam & Rebecca)
Late Nights (Fluff, All the girls)
How They Ride You (Mikasa, Annie, Hange, Ymir, Sasha
Lights Down Low (Hange)
Jealousy Does All Sorts [Part 1] ongoing
Sit Still (Implied Smut, Mob!Natasha)
You Gave Up (Angst)
The Velvet Box (Angst, Fluff)
Say That You Love Me (Angst)
That Wasn’t Real (Fluff)
The Forgotten Avenger (Angst, Fluff)
What’d You Expect (Fluff)
Serve (Implied Smut, Fluff)
Her Piercings (Fluff, Implied Smut)
Last Christmas (Fluff, Angst)
When She’s There (Fluff)
That Wasn’t Real (Fluff, Slight Angst)
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