reflexicon · 1 year
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Just a little bit of a hello! I’m reflexicon, reflex, lex, but I used to be betraeyal! Hope you enjoy your stay!
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hyperbali · 4 years
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Like honestly it almost works better as a palate cleanser than an actual drink by itself, I got more into it after some toast and chocolate 🤔
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ec-arts · 6 years
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Art trade with @betraeyal!!!
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undershade-comic · 7 years
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CH 1 PG 14
Just a bunch of talkin’!
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betraeyer · 3 years
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   [      .   .   .      ]            BUT      MASTER   REGULUS      HAD      PROPER      ORDER   ;               HE      KNEW      WHAT      WAS      DUE      TO      THE      NAME      OF    (         𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊         )      AND      THE      DIGNITY      OF      HIS      PURE      BLOOD.
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pistolslinger · 3 years
for the clown meme (writing meme) do reg or um. jordie :)
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WHO IS THAT BINCH I SEE 🎵 ( selectively accepting! )
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       THIS IS AS close as he’ll ever feel comfortable getting to another person.  even with the layers of bandages wrapped tight around the now - healed plague sores, jordie feels as if breathing wrong will spread the contagion anew.  with kaz standing mere metres away, that paranoia has him in a vice grip; he can focus on nothing else but keeping a distance.
       a lifetime of working among ghezen’s acolytes, ensconced far away from healthy society with the rest of the plagued, had not helped him any with his people skills.  jordie had turned to religion, and religion alone to cope, but never had he thought . . . that ghezen might bless him like this, with the return of a boy who was a ghost in his fondest and most guilt - ridden memories.  with the return of his brother, his kaz.
       visibly fighting a fit of something, jordie makes an abortive gesture, as if trying to reach out for kaz with his bandaged hands.  no sooner than he’s reached out, does he pull back sharply, a strangled noise rising in his throat.  no, no, i must stay away.  i must keep the disease from him.  i cannot touch him.
       “ my boy, ”  the bandages obscuring the bottom half of his face — covering the worst of the plague sores — muffle his voice, but the thickness of it, the delirious alarm is evident.  “ oh, my boy.  you’re alive — ” 
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nullifiedva · 7 years
So it begins...
Comic by @betraeyal
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askabound · 3 years
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WELCOME  @betraeyer  TO THE 23 CLUB !!!
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gryffinwolf · 3 years
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it’s happening 
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apartment404games · 7 years
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Some concept art for one of our first bosses.
Courtesy of the wonderful http://betraeyal.tumblr.com/
Starting a new blog for our new LLC!
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unfrgivble-archive · 3 years
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@betraeyer​ asked: ✉️
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atdrusja · 3 years
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   the  wait  has  been  the  toughest  thing  she  has  done  in a  long  while  .      being  separated  from  him  .       it  had  been  like  torture  .      separating  before  they  even  found  out  what  they  were  ,       what  they  could  be  .      she  had  kept  every  letter  ,       cherished  every  word  he  had  put  on  paper  for  her  .      each  of  them  felt  personal  and  she  kept  them  close  to  her  heart  .      and  now  the  most  waited  day  was  settling  upon  them  .       they  were  to  meet  back  at  os  alta  .
   @betraeyer​   sent  a  kiss  for  his  nina   <3   .
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   she  rides  in  on  her  horse  ,       eyes  looking  around  to  seek  his  face  out  in  the  crowd  .       maybe  he  hadn’t  made  it  back  .       maybe  he  was  still  in  fjerda  .     lips  press  together  ,      legs  slide  to  the  side  of  the  horse  before  she  jumps  down  .       handing  the  reins  to  a  stable  boy  .       then  she  sees  him      &     she  forgets  everything  about  the  rest  of  the  world  .       feet  set  off  running  .        arms  wrap  tightly  around  his  neck  and  then  their  lips  meet  .       the  whole  world  begins  to  spin  .              ‘          now  that  is  what  i  call  a  greeting  .           ’ 
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intragic · 3 years
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      ‘          -        did  you  remember  to  feed  the  owls  today        ?           ’          she  asks  her  cousin  ,        ‘dora  on  her  hip  as  she  stirs  the  pots  with  a  simple  swift  of  her  finger  .                    ‘          ted  won’t  be  home  until  late  ,        he  has  a      -      work  thing  .             ’              she  nods  ,     trying  to  keep  both  him  and  the  toddler  out  of  business  with  the  order  .         she  just  wants  them  to  have  a  childhood  .               ‘           i  can  go  feed  the  owls  if  you  take  dora  .            ’   
@betraeyer​    gets  a  soft  au  .
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undershade-comic · 7 years
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CH 1 page 13
what IS that? 
(i’m sure u already know)
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betraeyer · 3 years
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  [      .   .   .      ]            BUT       MASTER    REGULUS       HAD       PROPER       ORDER   ;                HE       KNEW       WHAT       WAS       DUE       TO       THE       NAME       OF                   (         𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊         )       AND       THE       DIGNITY       OF       HIS       PURE       BLOOD.
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pistolslinger · 3 years
kerch coffee: shit this got blood in
kerch coffee: WOE!.......................plague be upon ye! (throws rat in ur cup)
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