#ANSWERED ... ‘ ooc meme.
poohsources · 1 year
🐝  *  ―  𝑪𝑶𝑳𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑭𝑼𝑳 𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑽𝑰𝑬𝑾. ( send one or more of these to get to know the person behind the blog a little better. )
[ cherry ]  what is one thing you love about yourself? [ crimson ]  what is one thing you wish you could change about yourself? [ scarlet ]  what is one thing you wish you could do? [ ruby ]  give one random fun fact about yourself. [ tangerine ]  do you speak other languages? if yes, which? [ amber ]  which is your favorite season? why? [ bronze ]  if you were stranded on a deserted island, which three things would you want to have with you? [ apricot ]  what do you think your life will be like in ten years? [ canary ]  do you have pets? if yes, how many and what? [ lemon ]  do you believe in ghosts? how about aliens? [ bumblebee ]  where have you always wanted to travel to? [ blonde ]  what is your favorite type of music? favorite artist? favorite song? [ lime ]  describe yourself as a character / mix of characters you've always related to the most. [ emerald ]  bonus round: coffee or tea? morning or night? extroverted or introverted? hot or cold? fruits or vegetables? sweet or salty?
[ mint ]  when did you start your blog? what made you start it? [ olive ]  what gives you the most inspiration for your muse(s)? [ cerulean ]  what is your favorite ( type of ) character to write? [ teal ]  which fandom has been your favorite to be a part of? which has been the least favorite? [ azure ]  is there a specific character or type of character you want to write but never have? why? [ navy ]  what do your muse(s) mean to you? [ indigo ]  when did you first start writing / roleplaying? [ denim ]  have you ever roleplayed on any other site(s) besides tumblr? [ mauve ]  give one random headcanon about your muse / one of your muses. [ lavender ]  if you could change one thing about the rpc as a whole, what would it be? [ plum ]  are you more of a dialogue or a description writer? [ mulberry ]  what tips would you give someone with writer's block? [ coral ]  give a shoutout to one of your favorite blogs. [ fuchsia ]  bonus round: angst or fluff? one-liners or paras? plotting or winging it? memes or starter calls? single muse or multimuse?
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ask-yanqing · 3 months
I saw your future, you will be demoted from the position as a lieutenant and forced to attend school instead of being tutored
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appleasks · 2 months
What are your opinions on Vox’s blog, Charlie’s blog and Alastor’s blog? It can be based on the asks or the answers themselves.
"uhhh  ...  a  strange  question,  but  well,  uh—ahem,  i  did  get  to  have  a  glance  at  the  big  capitalist's  blog  and  there's,  haha—a  ...  a  lot  of  mean  things  there.  but  also  really  ...  strangely  ...  how  do  i  say  this,  open?  you  guys  are  ...  quite  the  adventurers,  huh?"
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"and  oh!  charlie's  blog,  it's  so  pretty  isn't  it?  she  helped  me  out  a  lot  with  my  own,  can  you  tell?  and  her  asks  are  just  too  good!  i  remember  when  i  first  watched  tangled  with  her,  too.  go  follow  her  right  now!  i'll  be  mentioning  her  below!"
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"now,  ugh  ...  that  sour  old  grape.  his  blog  is  entirely  too  dark  and  honestly?  the  graphics  are  creepy!  it  feels  like  slime  that  won't  get  off  my  skin,  eugh!  and  his  responses,  so  ...  condescending.  sure,  i  don't  expect  any  better  from  vox  when  he  does  it  but  a  radio  host?  he  came  from  humble  and  charming  beginnings,  and  he  should  remember  his  roots."
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Whoops @/vigilant-yaksha-asks, would be ok
(Ok! Ty anon!)
Lumine took a deep breath, and tried to build up some courage before attempting this very embarrassing dare..
It was night time in Teyvat, which was already a good start. No sense in lulling someone into a mid day nap after all.
After a quick teleport to the Wangshu inn’s waypoint, Lumine carefully made her way up to the balcony, since she knew Xiao usually slept in the tree branches on the roof.
She did a quick one eighty look around before quietly calling his name.
“.. Xiao..? Are you up here..?”
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in-omni-scientia · 6 months
Who wants some macaroni
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mechahero · 18 days
Vegeta has better things to do than talk to you.
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One day, you will not be able to mansplain, manipulate, or malewife your way out of a situation
oh? hehe, what an interesting phrase!! however, i do not do any of those~ i would never disrespect women by "mansplaining," a sweet little soul like me has not even the ability to "manipulate" and i cannot be a "malewife" since i am not married~
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Unpopular Opinion Meme | Accepting
being a female oc in the rpc (dare i say, ANY rpc) is still hard, and i dont care how people say it's gotten better or whatever. it definitely has, but it's still a task.
i will never be a lady character in any rpc because i still have the negative experiences of writing women oc's.
but i will always give female oc's love, because they're interesting and i do genuinely love them. i still hold a resentment for how i was treated eons ago and i'm still really suspicious and jaded of the community because of my own experiences and i hold a lot of disdain i'm still not ready to let go of.
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hollowfaith · 1 month
( repost, please don’t reblog )
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▐ NAME: – Lethe ▐ PRONOUNS: – she/her ▐ SEXUALITY: – cute boys ▐ TAKEN OR SINGLE: – omg married u///u ▐ FIVE FACTS:
i unironically love mobile gaming b/c it's about the only type i have time to play (besides ffxiv) all while carrying it around in my pocket. (p.s. 9 days until wuthering waves releases come play!!)
i have a love for miniatures. to curb that i only collect ones for my BJDs now and hunt for them via lucky finds in antique shops.
i do chinese > english fan translation for novels and series i like. update times are sporadic, however (cough these days most of my writing is just RP stuff)
my favorite genre of YouTube videos are 1) gossip/review channels for cdrama land, 2) horror let's plays from ManlyBad*ssHero, 3) real life disaster stories (ScaryInteresting is very thorough & the cave diving ones are super freaky). i like listening to them while doing the dishes/laundry
i can sleep sitting up on long plane and bus rides! women envy me men hate me etc etc.
▐ HOW LONG (YEARS/MONTHS): – it's gotta be close to 10~12 years by now
▐ PLATFORMS USED: – tumblr, but ezboard (forum RP) made up a good chunk of my early RP days
▐ BEST EXPERIENCE: – a lot, but any time characters from different fandoms just kinda connected and became friends/enemies/lovers whatever after a thread. the crossover interactions are always magical in a mfrp group
▐ MALE/FEMALE/OTHER: – hansum dudes
▐ FAVORITE FACECLAIM: – i change it up every now and then but besides girl up front i was really into this guy for a while b/c he was cute:
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▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: – where's the crack + comedy but okay fluff and angst are both rad, smut im like an amateur at lolol but i'll try
i also want to try more action RPs like fight scenes, they seem challenging but the potential for coolness tempts me every time ▐ PLOTS OR MEMES: – plots are great but i'm more of a "have vague outline throw self in threads" kinda RPer. things tend to change as you RP since it's such an action/reaction cycle between you and the other mun so it's nice to keep things flexible between the start and your end goal? i also think some of the best plots can happen out of a random meme response tbh ▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: – length doesn't matter to me as long as it addresses stuff in the other reply. i've had threads with long and short replies within the same RP session and that's fine, whatever fits the flow. wordcount only matters for rank up hahah ▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE: – apparently in the PM during breaks in work or late at night. mornings i'm too busy....most of the time (or still asleep) ▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: – i wanna say i'm 25% mary sue (the muse, not the trope) god we will never stop crushing on cute guys or wearing cute dresses when we can get away with it
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eorzeashan · 2 months
What's your favorite Swtor romance?
That's a tough question, given how I tend not to like inserting my own personal bias into something as varied as the SWTOR romances, but I'll do my best to answer!
The short of it is that I really feel that all of the romances have the potential to be someone's favorite depending on how they roleplay it with their own characters, so I don't actually have a favorite, in addition to not having seen all of them.
But if I can shoutout a special few, then it'd have to be Theron, Lana, Koth, Andronikos, and Khem Val.
The KOTXX people I feel a little bad about choosing given their obvious popularity save for Koth, but I've met so many amazing people through the shared love for those characters so it's highly ranked for me--I even stopped shipping my own character with Theron because I was more interested in others' versions of their own romance with him. That's how good that romance is. Lana, on the other hand, was my first WLW ship so that's both a special experience and self explanatory as to why she's a favorite. She'll always be my JK's wife (and mine).
Koth is probably a shocker to be on here but I genuinely think he deserves a lot more credit even with all the writing and content setbacks he had. For what little he's given to work with, what he has is both solid and extremely heartwarming, especially with his latest date night. I just think he has that much potential.
Andronikos I didn't even actually romance but I think his character is so strong and loyal that it had my heart fluttering on a Male!Inq. Also highly underrated romance, plus his dynamic with his Sith is always a treat and well-written. 8/10, with only -2 points for having no moments in KOTXX. But even his letter makes up for that.
Khem is a bit cheating given it's another Inq comp, but I think for something so short and sweet it's also incredibly compelling and serves his character while being unique. It's not every so often you see a romance where the recipient isn't ready to be touched but still wants to express their love, and as an aspec person, it's nice to see that kind of representation when a lot of the romances are very sensual. It speaks a lot to Khem's willingness to learn how to love despite not knowing how and his dedication and I think that's just really, really great as a romance, especially when said character is unconventional as one.
Others that didn't make this list because I could really go on forever would be Kira, Risha, Akaavi, Vector, etc. they're all special! Okay!
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breezere · 2 years
Also, imagine Kokichi taking Shuichi to work with him for whatever reason and D.I.C.E has to deal with their boss's CONSTANT pda
-🌻 Anon
NO BC I THINK ABOUT THIS ALL THE TIME ITS SO FUNNYYYYYY i like to imagine that while dice is supportive of kokichi and his relationship w shuichi they also act like theyre absolutely DISGUSTED by the amount of pda they share [kinda like the way a child would act w their parents] AGDKGDJAJSKZKCN
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sinnohsiblings · 8 months
How about your take on Leo and Gal's child?
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Don't let his charming smile and cheeky sense of humor fool you, this boy is as intelligent as his grandfather! Something is off about his typing tho? Turns out steel typing makes someone extra shiny!
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dadmareau · 1 year
This is incredibly random but I love you (to modmare. I love you.)
Awww, thank you little buddy, that's nice to hear! C:
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Glad I can? Inspire the Feeling! :D (genuinely happy)
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txmehunting · 24 days
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about / interview / stats / thread tracker visuals
◈ guys who have two lines of dialogue total😍😍 ◈ library hack! steal the books ◈ you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you? ◈ constantly within killing range
basic info under the cut
to be frank, there's very little i need to write about him. sennō is a paralogue boss (paralogue 20: infinite power) who isn't even featured in the introduction cutscene. he has an initiating combat line and a death line. that's it. he likes tomes and he's a little freaky about them.
with that being said, i'm infatuated with him, so a lot of stuff will likely be from my own interpretations. i will be writing him based off of the crumbs that we DO get of him in game:
he is an apothecary but will reclass to merchant depending on level scaling
he "uses tomes for his nefarious deeds" despite being from a classline that cannot utilize tomes whatsoever (if he just sold them on the black market wouldn't they just say that he sells them?)
he has positive magic growth modifiers and negative strength growth modifiers
but of course since he only has two speaking lines i have to make do.
sennō is pulled from conquest and technically comes from post-game, but he was captured and stuck in the prison for a long time and hence missed some important parts of the storyline. after the war ended, he cut all ties with the army and left to be independent again (which led to his failed attempt to rob castle krakenburg). this means that some story deaths and events may not register in his mind, and it is perfectly acceptable if any fates muses do not know who he is.
i hope everyone enjoys writing with this little freak thing!
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Travelling for work this whole week. Most likely will only be lurking, but I should be available for chatting in the evenings.
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jasminexbaudelaires · 1 month
top 5 hottest people in bearcreek
That's...damn, that's not fair. There's so many gorgeous people in this town. I guess, in no particular order 1. River Jackson 2. Nick Duval 3. Sam Evans 4. Delilah James 5. Gabby Fabray
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@riverjacksonx @nick-duval @sammyjevans @delilahjcmes @gabriellefabray
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