#better call Vik?...
ginacookiecpunk · 2 years
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Wait a minut....
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beelzeballing · 10 months
"gen z is so-" "millenials alwa-" "wow gen alpha will be-" doooon't care. im beating you over the head with a stick rn
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vincentmatthews · 1 year
Pov: Vik gets bored waiting for you to wake up from surgery
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scrunkalicious · 22 hours
bleegh curse of frankenstein based thoughts!
vik growing just a touch more obsessive over his work w marly, definitely a bit further into their relationship nd him being machine herald
sometimes he may seem a bit darker in his ramblings for the glorious evolution of humanity, going on tangents as his grand arm looms above him like the tail of a scorpion, but w marly! he couldn’t be happier
if he has enemies, if she helps him deal with them, maybe he’ll show her off beforehand as he monologues about his mission, she’s his greatest achievement after all! the grandest melding of his technology and her lively soul that he fell in love with
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yeah marly helpz him w the glorious evolution!! she doesn't exactly get involved in the surgeries directly (god forbid it she would mess up so badly lmao) but rather helps out with things like creating designs and trying to get people to join the movement,,,
I RLLY WANNA PLAY INTO HER LAMB/SHEEP MOTIF A LOT MORE!!!! ive read that machine herald has some sort of cult in LoL,, ppl seeing him as some sort of savior w the glorious evolution n i wanna expand on that yeah mhm,,,
marly going up to ppl (most likely those who went too far on shimmer) calling them 'lost lambs' and saying they can be found again w glorious evolution yeah,,, talking abt how great it is to convince ppl (shez just gushing abt her husband)
ALSO SHEZ A LOT LESS INTIMIDATING LOOKING THAN MACHINE HERALD,,, while i feel like vik lookz more like a beacon of power after the glorious evolution,,, marlz is that beacon of light and hope. i take slight inspiration from Sky: Children of the Light for her design,,, w the mask and cloak SO YEAH... FUN GAME BTW,,,,,
BUT YES SHE DOES FIGHT IF NEED BE. ENEMIEZ??? erm erm glancez at jayce talis (im gonna beat his ass)
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w2sology · 2 months
Hi can u do harry with shy and pregnant reader who ìs like a little sister to rest of the sidemen
nerf or nothing, harry lewis.
summary: the boys come over to spend a bit of time with you and harry, and they come bearing gifts!
warnings: pregancy (idk if that's even a warning?)
notes: as a shy person myself, some of this writing is heavily self inserted 🥲
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"what if they don't end up liking football though?"
"then we can try darts. or hey, even rugby."
it was past noon and you and harry were discussing things that parents to be often discussed, only harry was focused on the later years of your child's life.
the two of you sat in bed, your back leaning against his chest as you sat in between his legs, loads of catalogues scattered around you both.
"oh, about the pram that you were talking about before," harry mentioned.
"ethan said faith had loads of websites, she could send them to you if you wanted?"
"oh, god, yes." you sighed contentedly, no longer feeling the stress of having to look for a perfect pram. "or better yet, tell her that she can come over, i haven't seen her or olive in a minute."
harry told you that he'd let ethan know, kissing your forehead before leaving to the kitchen to fix you both a snack.
whilst he was in the middle of pouring you a glass of cranberry juice ─── "it's good for the body harry," you told him, to which he replied with "no, rank is what it is," ─── the doorbell rang.
confused as to who you were both expecting or if it was yet another baby purchase coming in, harry sat the glass on the counter and made his way to the door.
before he could even open it, he knew who it was judging by the loud voices and the bickering of what sounded like jj and simon.
"just ring it once, mate, they can definitely hear." simon groaned, trying to obstruct jj, who clearly didn't listen and kept pressing the doorbell, which earned your attention from upstairs.
harry stood a little away from the door, contemplating what would happen if he just turned around and pretended not to hear the commotion happening outside.
"we can see you, harry," ethan called from through the letterbox. so much for that plan.
harry sighed before opening the door, a smile plastered on his face as his friends all cheered, seeing them bound with gifts and food and other things.
the soft sound of your footsteps made them all turn their head to where you were on the stairs, your baby bump proudly peeking through harry's oversized shirt that you had on.
"oh," you shyly smiled. "hi guys." you didn't think they'd all be here, but there they were.
one by one they came up to you, hugging you and saying their hi's or hello's, asking how you were. and you'd reply with the same, you were doing good, more tired than usual, all that stuff.
whilst harry and simon carried the gifts and food bags to the living room, toby linked your arm with his as he walked you there, making sure you were sat comfortably before harry and simon joined.
harry, being attracted to you like a magnet, squished in next to you, his body on the edge of the sofa as you leant on him.
there was never a moment of silence when the boys came over, and like the listener you were, you loved it.
toby began to explain what each of the gifts were for, considering you didn't know the gender of the baby yet, most of then were just toys. but then again, with them being the slightly immature bunch if men they were, the toys were things like legos and nerf guns or huge dollhouses for toddlers.
"what the hell is a baby going to do with a nerf gun?" harry asked.
"i thought you of all people would like this gift," jj gasped, hand on his chest as he feigned hurt at harry's words.
"no, i'm just saying boys..." and there started the debate over suitable toys for children.
you turned to vik with a look that said 'help me' yet all he did was shrug.
"harry, a couple of months ago you would've been on board with this idea. y/n, what did you do to him?" ethan pointed a finger at you.
"what— me? he's right, a nerf gun's for toddlers, not babies!" you defended yourself.
harry's chest moved up and down as he laughed behind you, even more so at the way you groaned and his your face in your hands.
"i'm not ready for harry's mature era," simon commented.
"mature and harry don't belong in the same sentence," vik added.
"oh my days," harry mumbled as they launched into a new topic, harry's maturity level.
as they all introduced their own point, you just smiled and laughed along as you leant on your boyfriend, feeling even more excited for your baby to be welcomed into the family.
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marsplastic13 · 1 month
Knock knock - Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
It was a freezing Tuesday night, the crows were out to celebrate the end of an heist that required weeks of planning. Since not many people among the Dregs knew about the job, they decided to have their deserved night out in a club almost outside the Barrel, were they would not be easily recognized. Jesper extended the invitation to Vik, and even Kaz made his brief apparition for a few drinks. At some point during the night, Vik decided to head back home, since she had to work in the morning. Nina insisted that she let somone walk her home but she assured everyone that she lived nearby and there was no reason to worry. 
She was half way through when she noticed a man collapsed on the ground, trembling. Vik was unsured of what to do, there was no one else around her and this man could have been dangerous. Her medik sense of duty was battling with her self-preservation instinct when she noticed a cane with a crow head near the man. Kaz.
She was quickly at his side, he seemed barely conscious. "Kaz, Kaz what happened?" she checked his pulse while he tried to get away from her hands, "I know, I know I'm sorry but you loook really bad Kaz, what is going on? Should I call someone?" Kaz's sight was blurred, he could only hear half the words she was saying, but no one could see him in that pathetic state, so he used all of his willpower to shake his head. "Okay can you stand? I can't let you here, you'll freeze to death."
She was very worried, if for some reason someone passed from there and happened to recognize him, hell would brake free. A lot of men would pay good money to have a chance at a barely concious Dirtyhands. "Leg" was all he was able to say. "Your leg hurt?" he nodded "I think you have a fever, did you had any rest in the past weeks? Your body passed his limit Kaz" He knew, he absolutly knew. But he couldn't stop, not for a moment, not when the lives of his crows depended on his meticulous plans. "I'll bring you to my house, but you'll have to stand okay? Tell me when you're ready". She saw him trying to formulate an answer "No one is going to see you Kaz, I'm your medik, its my job to help you."
Her words convinced him to gave in and he tried to get on his feet, leaning heavily on the girl, putting his arm around her shoulders, while she passed her arm around his waist. "How do you-" Vik was interrupted by the boy starting to puke. The pain of getting up was too much. "Okay try to breath" he felt her cleaning his face from vomit and sweat "Yes, you're doing a good job, know here's your cane, I can make you feel a bit better until we arrive at my place but I'll have to touch your bare skin alright?" he nodded frantically, he would have done anything to get out of that situation.
"Good, I'll take your hand, you'll feel better but it's temporarily okay? When we arrive I'll check you properly". She removed one of his gloves, took his hand and his mind felt clearer, his pain felt distant. "Talk only if you have to puke again, we're almost there. Saints, you're heavier than you Iook". Vik had no idea of how she managed to drag him up for a flight of stairs, but there they were, in front of her apartment's door. "I'm going to leave your hand, you're going to feel really bad" he nodded, preparing himself. In any other situation, the accondescending tone she was using would have make him go crazy, but in that moment when his thoughts were all mixed up, he felt almost grateful that she was explaining everything like he was a child. "There you are" she left his hand and he collapsed back into her.
"Not... safe" Kaz muttered while she unlocked her door. He wanted to say that her lock was not safe but everything felt blurred. Vik dragged him on her bed, then lighted a few candles. She helped him remove his coat and his dirty shirt. Then, she took a cloth and some water to clean his sweat. "Kaz I can give you something for the pain and to sleep off the fever but you have to be good and tell me every medicine you take alright?". He used all of his strenght to give her the names and the doses of what he usually took, only after a long moment he noticed that she was writing everything with one hand while her other hand was back into his.
He felt too bad to process how that was making him feel. "Great, and how about illegal ones?" She kept watching her paper, he esitated. "Kaz I've been trained for this, I can see that you take drugs sometimes, and I'm not judging you, no one can imagine how much pain you feel everyday" still no answer "I would really like if what I'm about to give you doesn't make you od on my bed, okay?" he sighed. He always managed to keep that part him to himself, even Inej had never known those kind of secrets. He never wanted to make his people be worried about him or to think at him like someone that needed help. But this was an entirerly different situation, and he would not die because he felt ashamed, so he took a shaky breath and gave her the names. "Okay good, and what have you taken today?" "Didn't had time". She nodded and left to look for a strong painkiller. A new wave of pain washed over him when her hand left his. 
"Hope you're not afraid of needles" he extended his arm while she prepared the syringe. A sudden relief came from the puntcure, Kaz closed his eyes breathing in deeply. "I'm leaving next you a bucket if you feel like throwing up again, I'll take a quick shower and try to clean up your shirt" she noticed he must've fallen asleep faster then she predicted, "You fucking scared me Kaz" she whispered moving his hair awawy from his forehead "sweet dreams" "No dreams" he mumbled before starting to snore lightly. Vik shaked her head while reaching her little bathroom, under the hot water she was finally able to let go that night's stress. The boy didn't notice when she climbed into bed next to him, and he didn't woke up when she left the next morning.
Still with his eyes shut, Kaz felt awake. His mind was clear, his pain at the usual level. He could sense there was sunlight in his face, weird, he never left his curtains open. That wasn't his room. He opened his eyes, the brightness was too much to focus on the surroundings, but covering with his hand, he found himself in someone else's bed. Slowly, memories from the night before started to resurface. The job, the bar, the alley when his body rivolted against him, Vik's worried face. He sat on the edge of the bed, with his head in his hands. He felt the start of a migraine forming in the back of his mind, probably because he couldn't remember the last time he ate. After a few deep breaths, he saw a note on the handstand. 
Good morning sunshine! When I left earlier you looked so peaceful that I couldn't bring me to wake you up. You should eat, I left you something sweet and something savory on my desk (I have no idea of what you prefer). You'll find there a pill for the migraine you probably have right now, but please eat and drink a lot of water before you take it (it will pierce a hole in your stomach if you don't, I swear). I tried to clean your shirt, it's in the bathroom. I should be back around 4, don't leave before, I want to be sure you're fine (please!). In the mean time, my home is all yours.
Kaz shaked his head and got up to take the painkiller. Next to it there was a cream and chocolate pastry and what looked like an ham sandwich. Vik actually went out to buy him breakfast. The pill wouldn't actually make a hole in his stomach, right? After the past night experience, he didn't really felt like testing his body, so he recluctanly sat at the table and ate the pastry. To ignore how good it felt to eat something, Kaz looked through the papers left on the desk. There were mainly medicine books, with her notes all over the margins.
After a while, the boy started pacing around the apartment: her flat was made of large room, with a bed, a table that she probably used more to study than for eating, a library filled with books, a few cupboards that he guessed was her kitchen, and a wardrobe. Then there was a small bathroom, the door didn't close properly, it needed fixing for sure. The first thing he noticed there was the strong smell of vanilla, all of her products were vanilla flavored. His shirt was almost dry but he put it on anyway, drowning in her sweet perfume. Then he proceded to inspect all of her locks and windows, that house was absolutely not safe. It was absurd that no one had already tried to brake in. 
When Vik came back home, she found Kaz weirdly tapping on one of the window's lock with one of his picks, his head leaned on it, listening. "Hey you're awake!" the sudden noise made him snap out of his focus and bang his head on the metal part of the window. "Oh shit are you okay?" he nodded massagging his forehead. She made a few steps in his direction, then stopped "Wait I had a shift in the Infective deseases wing, I should take a shower before staying close to anyone".
She emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a short black robe, her wet hair were letting water drops slip on her face and neck. Kaz found himself following one of those drops along her features, until it disapperead between her breasts. "Kaz are you listening to me?" He cleared his voice and diverted his gaze to the ceiling "I was distracted" he mumbled. Vik grinned, getting closer to him "How do you feel?" She was so close she just whispered, laying her hand on his forehead to check his temperature, while locking eyes with his. "Good, I feel good" her hand felt so hot against his skin that it didn't bother him. After years and years of shying away from human contact, Kaz could feel her delicate hand without flinching. "What are you doing?" He found himself whispering too. "Is it working?" She tilted her head a bit and moved her hand on his cheek, without breaking eye contact. "Yes".
She pulled away smiling. Keep touching me, don't leave. "I figured it's the cold that really bothers you, I tried to increase my temperature, guess it was a good call". He didn't know what to say, it was simple and brilliant at the same time. "So how's your leg? Your head? Everything alright?" Kaz nodded distractly, "I can fix your locks" Thank you for taking care of me. Her smile grew "You can? It would be amazing Kaz" he nodded moving away from her, towards the windows "Your door is not safe enough, I'll take care of that too" "Kaz" she moved a bit closer, her desire for touching him was becoming too strong and it took a lot of strenght to stay where she was. "You know you don't owe me anything, right? I did what I had to, it was not a favor you have to return" "I know" But I don't know how to say how grateful I am. She watched him with an worried frown. 
"Where did you sleep last night?" he blurted out. Why do I keep saying stupid things? She didn't have a couch, so it was obvious that- "In my bed, next to you" Vik looked surprised, maybe for the first time after he asked her to work for him. "Is there a problem? I really didn't felt like sleeping on the floor and I promise no one tried to cuddle the other" Kaz had no idea what to respond, probably because he had no idea of where he thought he was going with that question. Better if he left before other stupid shit found its way to his mouth.
"I should go now, I'll come back tomorrow for the locks" He crossed the room, hand already on the doorknob. "Great, I'll see you around 7?" She leaned on the wall beside the door. Kaz nooded, for a moment his gaze shifted on her lips. "Can you-" "The bathroom door, yes, see you tomorrow".
Vik closed the door behind him, letting out a breath. Did she really just put her hand on Dirtyhands' face and lived to tell others?
The next day, at 7 sharp, Kaz arrived with tools and new locks. And it went on for a few days. He would arrive, start to work on what was left from the day before and then the girl would remember about a broken drawer, an unstable shelf, and they would spend another evening chatting, eating something when she managed to convince him and walking together to The Slat when she had to work. She even made him laugh a couple of times.
That night, a fight broke out at The Crow Club, and Kaz got out with a bloody nose and a sharp pain in his bad knee. The other guy had it much worse. Normally he would just ignore it, but Vik was at The Slat for another few hours, so he guessed why not? 
He found her outside smocking with Jesper and other Dregs "Oh Gods Kaz, that nose is broken" Please, help me. He was about to respond that his nose was just bleeding when he noticed her wide eyes, eyebrows raised. Kaz frowned, was she trying to signal him something? She made an almost invisible nod. "Yes, definitely broken. Come on I don't pay you to chat" He said annoyed, and disappeared inside the building without sparing her another glance. 
Vik entered the infirmary a moment after him. "Thank the ugly Saints that you arrived" "Did something happened?" He sat on the bed and she came closer to look at his nose. "That Erin or Eric, I dont know, was becoming a little handsy and Jesper kept ignoring my signals" Kaz snorted "I don't think Jasper even noticed your signals. What was Erin doing?" " Just touching my arms, he tried to put his arm around me a few times" she released a breath "I know it's not that bad but I felt really uncomfortable" "Hey it's not your fault, he shouldn't had tried to touch you in whatever form if you don't want to" And I'm going to brake all of his fingers with my cane. "Thanks Kaz, I think you're all fixed, your nose stopped bleeding and you can take this pill for the knee"
"Good" he was back on his feet in front of her. "l'Il see you tomorrow? At your house?" he said clearing his voice and cursing himself. What am I doing? She delicately gripped his arm "Kaz..." "Yes?" Vik let out a nervous giggle "I think you fixed everything in my house at least two times". Kaz chuckled, biting his lower lip. The boy took a moment looking around "Yeah, well, I figured I'm a very bad handyman or you're more clumsy than you look". The truth was that they both tried to extend their evenings together as much as possible. Did she broke a few things on purpose? Maybe. And did he took an enormous amount of time to repair things? Also maybe.
"I don't want this to end Kaz, I genuinely liked spending time with you and I know that if I just walk out that door we'll act as if nothing happened and I'm not letting that happen". He raised his gloved hand to put her hair behind her ear, and after a moment of hesitation, his fingers started to trace the line of her jaw. "This is a very bad idea" he whispered "I know" "I'm a dangerous man with a dangerous job" "I won't wait up" A genuine smile took place on his face, making her grin. "I have a lot of powerful enemies" "I'll learn how to fight". Kaz's hand was behind her neck. "There are things that I dont know if I can ever give you" his voice was almost inaudible "I don't want anything you can't give me". "If we really do this, it's not going to be easy, Viktoria" "I want this". Vik carefully rested her hand on his chest. She could feel his heart at an impossible rate. "You're going to give yourself an heart attack" "I hope it's worth it then". He leaned towards her, slowly brushed his lips against hers. "May I?" "Please Kaz". And so he kissed her. A real, breathtaking kiss.
At the end, they were grinning like teenagers. "How about I go to break Erin's fingers and then I'Il walk you home?" "Can you break his fingers after taking me home? I don't want him to ask me to repair them". Kaz looked at her with his eyebrows raised "I think the Dregs have a really bad influence on you".
"Oh but it's such a romantic story Vik" said Jasper in awe "How I wish I could tell someone" she laughed "Kaz would have your head on a silver plate" before Jasper could respond, they heard the unmistakeble noise of a cane behind them "Why would I have his head on a silver plate?"
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slutforsnow · 4 months
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Chapter 9
TW/CW: Possessive/obsessive Coryo murderous thoughts
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When the train that weaved its way through the districts arrived at D2, Sunni practically leaped off the train and hugged her friends who were waiting at the station for her. The friend group was quite large, comprising of maybe 6 people.
"Cori, Sej, come here, you guys gotta meet my friends!!" She called, waving to the boys as they gathered their own + Sunni's luggage off the train.
Getting a closer look at Sunni's friend group, Coriolanus realized that she had a very mixed group of friends; black, white, desi, indian, boys, girls, androgynous, plus sized, and skinny friends. He didn't think negatively of that fact, though; he thought it was nice to see her have a large and very close group of friends. Most girls back at the Academy just just stick 1 to 3 people, and there'd be one poc at the most.
"Guys, this is Coriolanus Snow and Sejanus!" She introduced stepping to the side, allowing everyone to shake hands. "Cori, Sej, these are my friends Nero Amadeus; he/him, Maxima Benedictus; he/she/they, Nataila Catullus; any and neos, Viktor Dellis; he/it, Vivian Diamandis; she/her, and the twins Dele, & Demitri Chaconas!"
A chorus of hellos and heys and followed Sunnis friends as the boys shook hands and introduced themselves to Sunni's friends.
"So, Sunshine, how's the Capitol?" Maxima asked as the residents of District 2 led the Plinths + Coryo to the hotel where the Academy students would be staying.
"Uh, shiny," Sunni answered. "And there's more douchebags."
"Ha, fuckin' told you Vik!" Demitri interrupted, reaching over to smack Viktor in the back of the head. He simply ducked, snickering as they instead hit Sunni.
"Sorry, Sun, Vik ducked!"
Nataila laughed to herself as Vivian and Dele shared a look that read "they're so childish".
As the group chatted excitedly about plans for the week and caught up, learning about the Capitol as well, Coryo was glaring daggers at one of the males; Nero Amadeus.
Nero had his hands in the pockets of his jacket as he listened to the chatter, smiling as Sunni. He was happy to see her so excited and to be reunited with her friends but Coryo didn't know why and I was determined to get a straight answer out of the brunette or beat it out of him.
Cracking his knuckles and tossed his suitcase, which was actually Sejanus' that he was borrowing (read as stole), onto his bed once the group reached the hotel; all the Academy children were were on the top two floors and Sunni's group had the highest one.
"I don't trust that Amaedus guy," He huffed out to Sejanus.
"What? Nero? Why?" Sej asked, setting his backup suitcase on his bed.
"I dunno- I just get a bad feeling from him," He replied, tearing his hoodie off as he spoke.
"He seems pretty chill—besides, we just met the guy. It might just be your paranoia since this is your first time in 2," Sejanus offered, taking off his sweater and setting it on his bed.
"No, I don't think it's the paranoia. I'd know if it's the paranoia."
"Jealousy?" Coryo almost laughed. Him? Jealous? Over what? A girl that's not his yet?
"Jealousy, Sej? Really? Im not dating her, so why would i be jealous?" He asked, crossing his arms.
"Friends can be jealous. Hell, I thought Sunni would've replaced me after me, dad, and ma moved to the Capitol, buy she still cares just as much after a decade," Sejanus answered, opening the curtains to check our the view.
"That's different, you're family," the blonde snapped, falling back onto his bed. The was comfy; it felt like it was made entirely out of feathers, and it felt way better than his bed at home.
"Yeah, I suppose, but we should trust them. After all, they've been around Sunni longer than either of us, and for the past 10 years, I've only seen her on visits."
Coryo scoffed and rolled his eyes, mumbling whatever. He was going to find out if Nero had a thing for Sunni and if he needed to dispose of him to make sure he didn't get a chance.
But he'd also have to make sure that no one else would find out about how Nero "went missing". He needed Sunni to completely trust him, no matter the cost.
An awkward silence filled the room, only to be disrupted by loud music entering the room. Coryo sat up, glaring at where the music was supposedly coming from; he didn't need a headache before the festival.
"The hell is that?" Sej inquired, coming out of the bathroom, zipping up his fly. Coryo shrugged, and the two left their room, to see what the noise was. Seeing a door was cracked open, they gently pushed the door open and Coryo feel his blood boil.
Nero and Sunni were dancing to some upbeat and chaotic aong, singing along with it as the others were laughing and talking about an itinerary that Sunni made at some point. When did she make an itinerary, Coryo had no idea, but he didn't care right now. All he cared about was separating his girl from some loser nobody.
"So do you guys plan on making everyone else deaf?" Sejanus shouted over the music, grabbing the others' attention.
"Sorry, Sej, this is what we do all the time!" Sunni shouted back, letting go of Nero so he could turn up his hearing aids once the music was off.
"Why?" He yelled back, walking into the room, followed by Coryo, who was glaring daggers at Nero.
"Why not? It's an homage to how we met; loud music," Sunni replied, laughing as Dele turned the music down.
"Yep: we were all at a skate park, testing our skates and boards and we started bonding over some loud music people were playing," Demitri added as Viktor kicked their ass in another round of COD.
"Dude, how do you get so good at Call of Duty?"
"Eh, having divorced parents who always argue make it easy to find time to game," He replied with a shrug.
"So divorced parents equals being a god at Call of Duty?" Nataila teased, grinning.
"I mean, in my case, yeah."
"So then what does having a dead parent equal?" Maxima inquired.
"Art skills," Sunni answered, hopping her happy little butt onto the counter.
Coryo made his way to her as the others gasped and told Sunni she was quote unquote "wrong for that" while trying not to laugh despite Sunni giving them permission to, when Sunni was laughing and laid his head on her shoulder.
She beamed at this sudden "affection," and gently scratched the top of his head.
"Hi, Cori," She whispered to him as the others, including Sejanus, started talking about things they could do for the first day of the festival.
"Hey, Sunshine," He murmured, his breath hot against her neck.
"You okay?" She asked, gently lifting his head to meet his semi-relaxed gaze.
"Just feel better around you," He lied to her. Well, he wasn't really lying, but he couldn't say he was claiming what's his. He couldn't scare her off. He wouldn't scare her off.
"Okay," She replied, smiling and letting him go back to nuzzling her. Fortunately for Coriolanus, Sunni didn't notice the hateful and murderous glare he was sending towards Nero, who was chatting absent-mindly with Maxima.
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Late into the afternoon, once all the Academy students were settled, the group had set off to explore District 2 and everything that had been set up.
Games, of course, for the little kids who had rich families or the Academy kids who had younger siblings or students who wanted to relax and feel like a child again, but also dancing, music, and all sorts of different delicacies. It was so wonderful, filling, and fun that they all felt calm. Even with the occasional dead dad or divorced parents jokes, which Coryo learned were coping methods that Sunni and Viktor used to cope with the loss, everyone felt happy.
But Coryo wasn't happy. People were calling to Sunni, getting hugs and having her full attention. Sejanus, at one point, had to restrain Coryo from committing any more crimes again because a guy hugged Sunni for 2 minutes too long.
Sure, Sunni reassured him and said he was "just a friend," but Coryo had countered with "friend's don't have their hands way too low where they shouldn't be." Which eventually led to Sunni nodding but telling him he didn't need to jealous because they guy was 15 and just really tall. At that point, Coryo let it go and gave in but has held her close to him, not wanting anyone to pull her away from him. As the group walked to another restaurant to check out the place, Sejanus shot Coryo a text wearing a shit eating grin.
Sejanus: Not jealous, hm? You haven't let go of Sunni since we found out about the loud music lmfao
Coryo rolled his eyes, seeing the text. Of course, he wasn't going to let go of Sunni. People could've turned against her after she was transferred to the Capitol, for God's sake! He had to protect his girl, even from her own friends if he had to.
Then Sejanus sent Coryo another text, but it was a photo of Coryo with his arms around Sunni's waist and holding her small hands in his and he had his head on top of hers.
He smiled a little at the picture and saved it to his phone before putting his phone in his pocket.
He'd make that his lockscreen later.
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Tags: @etfrin @hearts4court @snows-wife @delusionalbunni @kiraflowersworld @victory-scream0462 @curled-hair-red-lips @morallygrayboys @phoward89 @xoxo-eyeballs @thereeallink @graciouslyc @acidaciruela @wanda-maximoff-enthusiast @firstworldproblemthings @nowitsmissing @poppyflower-22 @kuromismom7 @xjinnix @flw3rrr @plathsotherib @beaphobia @valeskafics @aoi-targaryen @elayasversion
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boatdriinks · 8 months
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He hadn't been to a ripper in a while. Yeah, yeah. To his own detriment, he knew. With everything feeling like it was practically disintegrating around him, however, his health had definitely taken a backseat to everything else.
There enters V, who would one day end up mentioning his personal ripper. Dr. Vik Vektor. A pretty chill dude with a clinic all the way in Little China. Wasn't his usual scene anymore, but... well, it sure as fuck was better than pouring eddies into the pocket of some corp sellout. So, Kerry had taken the number offered to him and decided he'd think on it.
That would all culminate into calling the clinic using a voice changer and a private number one day. He hadn't gotten back to having his staff around him all the time anymore, so he just took the act upon himself. Placing the phone on speaker, Kerry would wait patiently, hoping for an answer, despite the lack visible number.
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itsjustbell · 1 year
Summary: After a long day at the studio, you decide to pay your favorite scientist a little visit and maybe convince him to get some much-needed rest.
Lol, I did end up putting this on a separate blog. This is the first fic I'm posting to Tumblr. I had to hype myself up for this, but I hope y'all like it. Please let me know if y'all would want more of this kind of stuff haha I totally didn't redo my whole blog just to post this, so I could keep my art and writing on separate accounts
Oh and thanks to @bruh-anator3000 for the confidence boost, i love you _______________________
You could see the blue glow of HexTech from under the lab’s door before you even entered the room. Familiar piles of blueprints and scribbled out calculations lay scattered across desks and floors alike. You made special note of the ones that bore black burns on their borders. You’d reckon that the lab was almost as messy as your studio back in the arts and design side of the Academy, splattered with paint and littered with tools strewn haphazardly on tables. Mess was the calling card of a creative you supposed, and at the center of this particular one, bathed in blue light and golden sparks, was Viktor.
Despite the echoing clack of your shoes against the floor, he stayed seemingly unaware of your presence. Not that he usually acknowledged the presence of many while he was working, but you still thought that perhaps the sharp sound disturbing the relative peace would have caught his attention. Even as you stood behind him, peering over his shoulder, he kept working. If he knew you were there, he made no show of it.
He flinched as you placed a hand on his shoulder, cursing. A part of you almost felt bad for spooking him, and you would’ve if he wasn’t wearing those stupidly adorable blue goggles. He looked over his shoulder at you with what you could only fathom was a glare through those thick blue lenses.
“You’re lucky I didn’t drop anything,” He scolded, setting down whatever it was he was tinkering with. It looked to be some sort of mechanical…claw with one of those hex balls he and Jayce had been troubleshooting. “You should know better than to disturb a scientist when he is working. This is—” He picked up the blue orb– “dangerous stuff I’m working with!”
“Mhmmm, and what would you have done? Beat me to death with this contraption of yours?” You gently removed his goggles, holding back a laugh. He grumbled as you did, but the pout that had formed a tight knot on his face all but melted away as you started to smooth out his goggle-hair. His hair was soft, though slightly slicked with grease.
“Is it so late that even you have stopped working to grace me with your presence?” He asked.
“I think I could hear the morning doves as I walked here.”
He hummed, slinking deeper into his chair as your fingers carded through his hair.
“You’re going to tell me it’s time to sleep, aren’t you?”
“It’s important,” You say as you work out a particularly unruly knot, “and I think your back could use the break from all the times you’ve passed out at this desk just this month.”
You slid your hands down the back of his neck and gave his shoulders a light squeeze. He shuddered under your hands. You leaned down to his ear.
“You’re turning into a shrimp,” You mused. He gasped dramatically, turning around in his chair with a hand to his heart.
“How dare you!”
You laughed, a smirk playing on your lips, “If it hurts so much, you must know it’s true.”
“Who said things have to be true to hurt?”
Despite the oh-so-scornful look on his face, he didn’t move when you placed your hands on his cheeks. “Are you going to sleep or not, Vik?”
He hummed, meeting your eyes with a playful smile. “Ehh… With all these insults of yours… I don’t think I’ve been properly persuaded yet.” His hands found their way to your hips, drawing you in close. Half-lidded amber eyes suddenly turned to alluring whiskey, and you eagerly drank them in.
“And what would you suggest?”
His eyes flicked down to your lips.
“A kiss, perhaps?” You chuckled, but fulfilled his request nevertheless.
You could feel the warmth of his red flush bloom under your fingertips as your lips met his. The hands on your waist wound themselves tighter into the fabric of your shirt, inviting you to rest a knee on the edge of his chair, so you didn’t have to lean down quite so far. His lips were rough against yours, but the abrasion only seemed to make you dizzier with desire. You had to steel yourself in order to pull away, lest you get lost in your lustful daze. An amused hum resounded through your chest when you saw his lips try to follow yours as you leaned back.
“Will that suffice?”
He raised an eyebrow. His pupils had nearly eclipsed his whole iris.
“Surely I can’t convince you into something more?”
“Nice try, mister,” You grab his tie out of his shirt and pull lightly. “You can have more when you’re in bed.”
He sighed in mock annoyance. “Well, if you insist.”
You handed him his cane, which he took begrudgingly, and helped him go through the motions of closing down the lab for the night— or morning, you guessed. The sound of his footsteps and cane alongside yours made for a lovely orchestra for the doves as you walked back to his room.
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whumpzone · 1 year
Linden & Colton - 28
CW: pet whump, dissociation, panic attacks, talk of noncon and sexual abuse
Linden made sure the newspaper was between him and Col, dividing the two and their respective bowls of cereal. There were days where Linden felt he couldn’t be bothered with breakfast, but Col deserved three meals a day, so he made sure to set a precedent.
I suppose I deserve three meals a day too, he thought with a trace of humour.
The newspaper was a small but important barrier, along with the cereal box, and a pine-scented candle. It was never lit- Linden didn’t want Col to know where the matches were kept- but its pleasant aroma was still there. Linden was sure the barriers were mostly of psychological comfort, but he had noticed the way Col relaxed with them. It didn’t look quite as easy to reach out and grab. Given his wrist scars, Linden imagined that Col had spent a lot of his time strung up, open and completely defenceless. Every layer of clothing, every object, even the table itself, it all kept him away and separate. Like he was his own person, his own body. He'd been planted in his own patch of earth, and he could grow in any direction he wanted.
Vik would call it all overthinking, but it came to Linden so naturally these days.
This morning, Col was trying out his new cutlery. Linden had gone online and found a set of accessible forks, knives, teaspoons and tablespoons, all built with incredibly thick tactile handles.  Linden had chosen the green set. He had weighed up asking Col to choose, but he thought it would be better to keep them as a nice surprise.
Breakfast was also a good time to see if it was going to be a talkative day or not. “See how you get on with your new spoon, Col,” Linden encouraged, picking up his own as he spoke.
Col did one of his almost-smiles, where although his lips didn’t quite turn up enough, the heaviness on his face lifted.
“Thank you again, Sir, really…”
“Aw, well, you’re welcome,” Linden returned Col’s smile tenfold.
Col picked the spoon up and his eyes widened. “It’s so much easier, Sir.”
Col scooped up some cereal with ease and marvelled at it.
“Yeah. Thank you,” he said, meeting Linden’s eye. “Please may I keep using it?”
“Yes, yes of course, they’re for you from now on. I have big and little spoons, knives, and forks.”
Col’s eyes widened even more. “Wow, I… how can I earn all this, Sir?”
“You don’t have to. These are just to make your life easier.”
“But I haven’t done anything to… is there something you want me to do that involves these?”
“No, Col, honestly,” Linden said, still smiling, trying to keep it light as always, “They’re just for the simple but important task of eating your food. Your hands are always improving, but these will help while they’re still fragile.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” Col said, almost tripping over his words to get his point across. Linden just waved at his breakfast with a limp-wristed hand.
“You’re welcome, sweet, now you can enjoy your cereal. I’m gonna do the same.”
. . .
After breakfast, after Col had prostrated himself in thanks for the new cutlery, which Linden had handled with barely any trace of awkwardness, the two moved to the living room. It seemed like it was going to be a talkative day, and Linden wanted to keep the momentum going. It was raining- the kind of harmless rain that nevertheless drove people inside. The kind that came from all directions like a mist and soaked you to the bone.
Linden was crocheting a new cardigan, and Col’s job was to hold the ball of wool and unroll it in even increments, making sure Linden never went without. It was the perfect light test of dexterity, with something soft and harmless. The only vaguely weapon-like thing involved was the crocheting hook, which was far too busy looping and stitching and working away.
“How would you feel about another walk, soonish?”
Linden waited for Col’s response before he clarified what soonish meant. It could mean today, if Col seemed willing, or it could mean in the next week, or month.
“Um,” Col started hesitantly, staring at the floor, “Would you please keep me on- on a short leash? If it isn’t too much trouble, Sir?”
“Would that make you feel safer?” Linden asked, and when Col nodded, he said, “Can I ask why?”
Linden knew this was something that would need to be worked around, not avoided, but it could be like the cutlery. If Linden could find the right tools to make it easier, then Col would be able to finally get some regular exercise.
“It’s st-stupid, Sir, I’m sorry for saying anything.”
“It’s not stupid. I want- it’s important for you to feel safe when we next go outside. I promise I wouldn’t ever use it against you.”
This seemed to get through to Col, a little bit. He gently squeezed the ball of wool as he found the words.
“I’m worried about seeing… seeing some people.”
Linden stayed quiet.
“Not my old Master, he’s- he’s dead, Sir.”
“Okay,” Linden murmured. He knew that already, from when Vik had told him, but it was good to finally hear it from Col. He was more than a little curious about the specifics of that, but it could wait.
“My old Master had all his friends ‘round, sometimes,” he started.
What followed was a very long pause. Col was still looking at the floor, but his eyes started to take on the unfocused, hazy appearance they had a handful of times before. Linden knew his consciousness was stepping away from the here and now, drifting like seaweed, hopeless against the syrupy pull of the ocean. He was being taken back and it was tumbling him like a breaking wave, crushing him against all the days and times and moments. Linden was watching him drown.
“It’s okay,” he murmured, and, mercifully, Col took a breath.
“He had his friends ‘round and they all- they all- they all fucked me.”
“Jesus. Oh, god, Col. Oh my god.”
Col wasn’t kneeling: his legs were tucked up against his chest, and his arms were folded over them like a hug. Linden quietly lowered himself onto the floor and mirrored him. When Linden next took a breath, it was shaky with horror.
“You know I would never do that to you? Ever.”
“Yes, Sir,” Col mumbled out, because he had to. Linden could tell he didn’t believe him.
“No, I mean it.” Col immediately looked up, a half-second away from begging that he wasn’t defying him, but Linden pressed on before he could. “I would never do that. I can’t. I don’t have an interest in sex. And while I would never do it regardless… what’s most important is that it can never happen.”
“You don’t have an interest, Sir? You don’t like it?”
“Exactly. I should have made this clear much sooner.”
Col lowered his head to brush the top of his knees, hiding his expression. “My old Master didn’t get involved when his friends came.”
It showed an incredible amount of trust that Col could say that- because what he wanted to say was are you going to do that? Could that be your work-around? Am I still in danger?
Linden remembered when Col had tried to offer him a sexual favour, back when he’d just arrived. Linden had been disgusted to find out that that had been part of the tapestry of abuse Col had endured, but he now realised quite how prolific it had been. It had been so much worse than he’d realised.
“That is fucking evil. Evil. Seeing that done to you would make me sick, Col. How can I explain… seeing something like that happen can damage a person. Even seeing it, yeah, Col? It isn’t normal. Not even close to normal.”
“So it… it wouldn’t please you, Sir?”
“Col, you poor thing. It would do the opposite. I don’t have an interest in sex, and that’s quite a neutral feeling. But seeing you get gangraped? I need you to understand that I would physically be sick. Normal human beings do not do things like that.”
“They don’t? Most people, th-they, it’s not f-fun for them?”
“Exactly. It’s not fun for Vik either.”
“Are- Are you sure? I’m sorry, I mean, I do believe you Sir, I just…”
“No, it’s okay. I promise. It’s okay to be unsure. You spent so long not receiving any kindness at all. Your old owner was a very wicked man.”
Col slid his arms from his legs, folding them against his chest, pressing his hands to his beating heart. His breathing was starting to speed up.
“Sir, that word you used…”
“Which one?”
“Raped. Is that… is that what happened to me?”
“Yes. I’m so sorry, Col.”
“But I was always just- it was always after I’d been really bad. It was just another lesson, that’s what I was told.”
“That doesn’t change it. That was wrong. I don’t care what you’d done. You never deserved that.”
“But I- but I- but, oh, oh god, oh god-“
Col’s breaths were now short and staccato gasps, barely able to get his words out around them. He pressed his hands into his face.
“No, no, it was just a lesson, just, just, a-a-and I always tried so hard,” he moaned as he began to sob. His chest heaved thunderously around his failing lungs, unable to keep up against the force of the panic attack.
Linden’s mind went white as Col wailed. Should he hold him? Leave? Speak to him?
Slowly, he reached out a hand, letting it rest on Col’s shoulder. Col wrenched a scarred, crooked hand away from his face and grabbed onto Linden’s wrist.  
“It wasn’t your fault,” he murmured. “And I’m here.”
“Don’t leave me, please,” Col wept. His crying was open-mouthed and wretched; Linden had never heard something so grief-stricken before. Col’s entire body was shaking from the force of it. It was a terrible sight, seeing him in so much agony.
Linden moved a little closer, gently rocking them both back and forth. Col turned his face down, pressing it against his shoulder, where Linden’s fingers made divots in his cheek. Linden could feel Col’s tears soaking into his skin.
“I’m right here,” he said, trying to breathe slowly and deliberately, but not expecting Col to copy him. Not expecting a single thing from the breathless young man curled up and crying against him, whose pain Linden couldn’t ever understand.
No wonder Col had been so terrified last time they stepped outside. He was living in fear of running into his rapists. Plural. Linden felt sick.
It wasn’t something he could produce a simple fix to, either. But Linden would do what he could. Ideas were already whirring through his mind.
Col sobbed until there were two rashes streaming down from each eye. Until his nose and cheeks and scleras were red. He eventually allowed Linden to support his arms and coax him onto the sofa- the first time he had ever let himself onto the furniture- where he fell asleep from sheer exhaustion.
Linden covered him with a blanket and kept his promise not to leave him.  
taglist part 1:
@newbornwhumperfly @whumpadump1939 @firewheeesky @whump-me-all-night-long @captain-seconds @grizzlie70 @unicornscotty @lave-whump @princessofonwardsworld @cupcakes-and-pain @bumbumbea @whumpfigure @yet-another-heathen @secretwhumplair @whumps-up @as-a-matter-of-whump @getyourwhumphere @itzagoodthing @whumpymirages @soapparentlyilikewhumpnow @the-monarch-whumperfly @penny-for-your-whump @briars7 @legallylibra @angel-stars @loyds-of-registry @tears-and-lilies @badluck990 @rosesareviolentlyread @vickytokio @neuro-whump @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @whumpsy-daisies @control-whump @theydy-cringeworthy @starnight-whump @cursedandtired @jo-doe-seeking-inspo @justabitofwhump @glamrockgregory @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @genesissane @justbreakonme @addyez @httyd-chocolate @littlespacecastle @haro-whumps @extrabitterbrain @neverthelass @downrivergirl914
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timaeusterrored · 4 months
(Sick Again)
There were things Kerry never wanted to hear or see again. Things that made his heart race and his skin crawl with anxiety, that made him feel like his world was falling around him.
On that list was something he was listening too now, V coughing.
His body froze, blood going cold as he listened. For a split second, he didn’t know what to do or think. He thought this was over, that V was better. Vik said the coughing thing was over, that V was getting better.
Kerry heard V groan from upstairs and hauled it to the bathroom, his heart racing. Then it sank into his stomach.
Vax was hunched over the sink, blood dripping from his mouth as he coughed. His knuckles white as he held himself up, spitting another glob into the sink. He was pale, sweat shining on his forehead, his legs seconds away from giving out.
In that moment, they were three years in the past. Vax barely clinging on to life, trying to find a cure while seeking comfort and love from Kerry. Trying to hide himself in the bathroom in the mornings, trying to ease Kerry’s anxiety with smiles and kisses that tasted like Johnny’s cigarettes and copper.
V gagged into the sink, his knees buckled. Kerry didn’t think twice and grabbed him. The coughs wracked through Vax’s body, violent and sending Kerry back three years.
He had to drag Vax to the toilet, where he promptly threw up. Kerry rubbed his back, reminding him to try and breathe. V looked so fragile and pale, panting once he was done.
Kerry sat in silence, his blood ran cold. He found himself praying to whoever that would listen to not take V from him, not again. He couldn’t lose him again.
Vax leaned back against his chest, taking deep breaths. He looked exhausted, like he had been going at this for a while. Kerry didn’t even want to look in the sink at that point, he didn’t want to know, but at the same time he did. He needed to know, and then go and choke out whatever Arasaka doctor that ‘cured’ V if he was doing this three years later. Kerry still had some burning rage in him from that, he could make some Arasaka assholes wish they had never even met V.
“We need to call Vik-“
“No we don’t.” Vax didn’t even let him finish, holding Kerry’s hand against his heart. “We don’t need to call anyone, I’m fine.”
Kerry loved his husband. Vax was his soulmate and his whole world… but goddamnit he’d love nothing more than to knock some sense into him once in a while. He was so scared of freaking people out again he had begun to just suffer in silence.
It made Kerry question how long this had actually been going on…
“We need to call someone.”
“Vax. Either I call Vik or I call Judy. And Judy can call Vik. But he’s being called regardless of how I get you to agree.” Bringing Judy into arguments was a bad move, but Vax couldn’t verbally fight them both so this was his best option.
Before Vax could answer, he launched up into the toilet, gripping the sides. His body shook, coughing and gagging. Kerry had to look away, but rubbed his back and talked him through it before he could rest again.
When Vax fell asleep in the bathroom floor after Kerry got him water and a cold rag, the rocker called Vik. What? Did you expect him not too? Hell no, he had to call someone.
Vik was there by the time V woke up, the Fixer livid once he realized who was in his house. Stated he was fine, that there was no reason to call Vik, no reason for alarm. But neither father or husband was having any of it.
Vax was sick, he always would be. Not even the greatest doctors could ever truly fix what the relic did to him, both mentally and physically. His body was worn, in desperate need for rest that V wasn’t giving it. And Kerry knew it would only get worse before it got better.
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wanderingaldecaldo · 4 months
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Tagged by @gloryride, @gamerkitten, @chevvy-yates, and @aggravateddurian to share something I'm working on. Thanks, chooms! Still leaning into the ADHD, so there's several things I'm working on simultaneously. Most recently it's been...
The cutoff vests are 95% done, just need a few touches before I can make them live on Nexus, so what better time to start a new modding project? 🙃 A friend mentioned wanting Vik's pants and I'm always looking for more butch clothes for Val especially ones that ride low on those hips but also the belt & tools seem like a fun project.
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Unedited. Not bad for an hour's work ☺️
Both the pants and belt are simple replacers to start while I test. I have some clipping to deal with on the pants, but so far the weights look okay. 🤞
As for the belt, I lost the tools somewhere between Blender and Wkit lol. I wanted to take a go at texturing them in Substance Painter so I split them off into their own submesh. Not sure where I lost them but I'm sure they'll turn up again.
It's fitting that Durian tag me because my latest writing was incited by a scene in his fic "The President's Lady" in which Myers invites Sol and V to lunch at the White House. I'm going for a more, uh, traditional take on The Tower ending than he is, using my fave angst, combined with some good ol' longing and probably some flashback smut. I've been canoodling on this in my notebook since Durian's chapter came out, writing a bit each night before falling asleep. I started transcribing it just for this post, so here are 315 of 338 words, hot off the Google Docs.
Some backstory: The second time I played Phantom Liberty I beelined to Dogtown, and skipped meeting the Aldecaldos and doing pretty much anything past finishing the VDBs quests. Vik was the only one who called, and she decided to take Sol up on his offer of a job at Langley. Soon after she's back in DC, she gets an invite to lunch from President Myers.
“Thank you, Madam President.” “V, please. No need to be so formal. I believe we’re well past that now.” “Heh, just a few weeks ago, told you—” “Yes, V,” she cries out, breath hot against her neck— Stopping, Rosalind turns to look at her, eyebrows and lines of her forehead drawing to a point, as if finally she recognizes V for who she still is. “I suppose that really was like yesterday for you.” The lines soften and she leads V to a sofa across the room, gesturing for her to sit first, then sits close and takes her hand. Long, graceful fingers teasing her skin— V stares down at her hand in Rosalind’s, her arms blank of cyberware still a disconcerting sight, but she doesn’t pull away. “How are you feeling? I can’t imagine the news was easy to hear.” “No, wasn’t,” she says with a shake of her head. “Thought I was gonna die a merc but now....” “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to tell you myself. Solomon suggested it would lead to too many questions among the staff. He’s right of course, but I still feel I let you down.” V frowns. “Ma’am?” “You weren’t my agent for long, but that doesn’t mean you weren’t important. What you did...” Rosalind trails off, eyes dipping to her mouth before she drops her gaze to their hands on her lap. Her nails are still perfectly polished, buffed to a shine. She looks up and says, “I’ll never be able to repay you for all that you did for me.” V down looks at their linked hands then, heart pounding, she leans forward to kiss her, as if she’s just any other woman, not the most powerful in the world, and Rosalind tilts her head and parts her lips and— She swallows and shakes her head. “You did, though. Least as far as I’m concerned.”
Tagging with the usual no pressure disclaimer: @medtech-mara @breezypunk @streetkid-named-desire @peaches-n-screem @rosapexa @luvwich @merge-conflict @steelscorner @ghostoffuturespast @byberbunk2069 and YOU!
Take this as an invitation to share something you're working on and tag me! Doesn't have to be Cyberpunk, or anything fandom-related!
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elvenbeard · 5 months
Before it Gets Better
Cyberpunk 2077 Fanfic
Summary: Kerry returns home with an unexpected visitor, but what he finds he did not expect. (Post-Sun-Ending, mostly canon-compliant, Chapter 12/?, 6748 words, Kerry Eurodyne/V - notes at the end) >> Previous Chapter >> Read from the Beginning
V was ripped from a dreamless sleep, coughing and choking, sputtering a red cloud across his pillow. He scrambled to sit up, his throat tight and scratchy. Fingers clawing into the mattress he tried to take slow, deep breaths to suppress the coughing, but his chest hurt like he‘d been stabbed, his heart was racing. An icepick through his optics would‘ve been more comfortable than the headache leaving his vision blurry and riddled with glitches. Trying to regain his breath, orient himself in the room, all he could make out through the blinding pain were the dark red stains on the bedsheet and pillow, blood trickling down the back of this throat as he continued to gasp for air. Even though he was sitting he could barely keep himself upright, growing increasingly lightheaded.
“Kerry?” he croaked, but no response. Slowly he crawled across Kerry‘s empty side of the bed. Every inch of movement was a challenge. He squinted against the bright golden light of the setting sun reflected in the shiny surfaces of their furniture and walls, his call for Kerry still lingering unanswered, mixed with a hint of iron. Shakily V put his bare feet on the ground, pushed himself upright. Dizzy from pain he stumbled towards the gallery railing for support, fingers almost losing grip on the polished steel right then and there.
“Kerry?” he called again, hot blood streaming across his lips and chin, dripping on his chest and onto the floor.
Vik’s injectors… Not that they would help much anymore if he died of a hemorrhage within the next minute.
Just… breathe…
The plastic bag was still on the kitchen counter downstairs, and V cursed himself for not taking it with him earlier. He clung to the rail, peered down into the living room. Nibbles was sleeping on the sofa, but Kerry was nowhere to be seen.
Kerry, fuck… I need you…
Not by choice, but solely because he couldn’t physically move faster without passing out, he dragged himself forward along the cold metal railing, barely able to stand without the support. The whole house spun around V as he shakily walked down the stairs, moving automatically rather than consciously. Step by step, slipping and sliding further. He wasn‘t sure how long it took him, how he even made it all the way… but when he arrived at the foot of the stairs, in his condition, the bag with the injectors might as well have been on the moon. He shivered, heart hammering against his sternum. Once more he hoped that Kerry would appear around the corner any moment, to catch him, guide him the rest of the way… But it seemed that V would have to make it alone somehow if he wanted to make it.
Shakily he let go of the rail, his head pounding, edges of his vision darkening further. He didn’t remember how, but somehow, he crossed the distance, chest harshly slumping against the counter. Briefly he was jolted wide awake enough to slip a finger through the bag‘s loops, but then his legs gave in. He slid to the ground, harshly slamming his knee and elbow on the hardwood flooring. Burning pain shot through his broken wrist, he winced, but instead of groaning or screaming he only coughed and spat out more blood. Dark splotches blurred his vision further, his head grew heavy. Half-blinded he fumbled for the bag by his side, where it had clattered to the ground with him. Fingers locked around a fresh injector. His head fell back onto the hard, cool floor. With his breath rattling, V slammed the piece of plastic, metal, and needles against his bare chest, pressing hard and hoping that, if this did not save him anymore, it would at least ease the pain and just let him drift off into darkness peacefully.
His hand fell to the side, numbing warmth washing over him, rushing to his toes and fingertips, and he heard the faint rumble of the elevator being set in motion just as his vision faded.
“…you fuckin’ do this to me again! V, please, can you hear me?”
Kerry’s voice seemed to come from miles away, but the pain in his words was like a punch in the chest. Or it was the lingering sensation of the injector needle, or both.
“Don’t just fuckin’ stand there like a gonk, make yourself useful! Get me a blanket and, fuck, dunno… do somethin‘!”
V’s eyelids might as well have been glued shut, they were so heavy. He managed to catch only the tiniest glimpse of a figure rushing by behind Kerry. Kerry himself was kneeling right by his side, had one hand under V’s head for support, the other on his chest. V wanted to move or say something, but his body was paralyzed. The meds hadn’t fully kicked in yet, his head was pounding still. He couldn’t have been unconscious for long. That at least was a tiny silver lining.
“Here,” the other person Kerry was ordering around said as he returned, and V recognized his voice as Lee’s now. Kerry took the blanket they kept on the sofa from Lee, not letting go of V’s head though. He carefully, loosely put it over him, tucked it under him as best as he managed, and V noticed his fingers shaking as he brushed against his bare skin.
“Should I… call Trauma Team?” Lee asked quietly.
“This isn’t somethin’ they can help with…” Kerry said hoarsely.
“Oh, okay… Um, should I, dunno…”
“Can you just get the fuck off my back for a sec?” Kerry barked and V heard Lee shuffle away towards the other side of the kitchen. Then a soft touch to his left cheek, a thumb calloused by guitar strings for decades brushing across his cheekbone.
“V?” his voice was so quiet, so brittle compared to just seconds ago.
“Can ya hear me? Can ya… move, gimme a sign?”
It took all his willpower, the little remaining strength still in his body, but V managed only just to crack open his eyes again, and this time Kerry saw it.
“Oh thank fuck… okay, okay…” he sighed with immense relieve, voice shaky. He sunk down until his forehead came to a rest on V’s chest, one hand still at his face, the other searching V’s right hand. Like this he stayed, breathing deeply, holding on to V as if he was the only thing that would keep him afloat, safe from drowning. V wasn’t sure for how long, maybe five, ten minutes, maybe longer, or maybe not all that long. Slowly, surely his senses grew clearer again, and his headache became bearable.
“’n I’m the workaholic, huh?” was the first best thing he managed to utter hoarsely in an attempt to ease the tension. He opened his eyes and instantly met Kerry’s, in the same moment looking up at him. Kerry sat up slowly, his brow was deeply furrowed. Once more he stroked V’s cheek.
“Can you get up? Wanna get you to the sofa, off the floor…” he said, quietly and clearly unsure what to make of V’s remark. V was too weak to explain and also didn‘t want to risk another argument.
“Might need some help…”
“Okay, hold on to me.”
V tried to reach up to put his arm around Kerry’s shoulders, but even that he didn’t manage on his own. How pathetic of an image he must’ve presented. But there was no hint of pity in Kerry’s face, only worry. V grabbed onto Kerry’s jacket as tightly as he could, and despite his muddled state, under his palm he noticed a thin, rough layer of dust clinging to the leather.
Kerry pulled him to his feet, slowly, their movements matching each other as if they’d choreographed this… and in a way they had. V had long lost count of how many times Kerry had pulled him back to his feet again in the last few months. Literally as well as metaphorically.
Yes, Kerry was scared to lose him, he’d made that pretty clear… and at the same time V knew he wouldn’t be here anymore without Kerry, without someone waiting for him at home, putting so much more trust and support into him than he deserved. V was just as scared of going under, losing his rock, his bastion of calm in this storm… but more so because he was slowly but surely eroding him away with a constant stream of worry, stress, and pain.
“Alright, I gotcha,” Kerry whispered with some strain, then carefully but as quickly and directly as he managed guided him over to the couch. V’s steps were still unsure, and he groaned as he sunk onto the seat, clinging to the blanket still loosely wrapped around his shoulders. His muscles were aching and only now he realized that he was shaking, freezing actually.
“I’ll get ya some clothes, just sit tight here for a sec, alright?” Kerry said, pressing a quick kiss on V’s forehead, another stab to his heart, “Need anything else? Painkillers, water?”
“Water sounds good,” V said, words rough and feeling strange in his own mouth.
“Okay,” Kerry briefly squeezed his healthy hand, then straightened up and walked back towards the kitchen.
“Drinking glasses behind you,” he instructed Lee as he passed him by, quickly and vaguely pointing at the cupboards, “Water’s in the fridge.”
Then he jogged upstairs. V slowly, carefully turned his head, trying to process still what had just happened. Then his gaze briefly met with Lee’s, who seemed just as confused. He was standing in the kitchen, staring like a deer in headlights, then quickly turned on the spot and rummaged through their cupboards. A slight thud right next to V drew his attention away from the kitchen for a moment and to Nibbles, who had just jumped on the sofa. She brushed against him, purring loudly, and looked up at him with her huge green eyes.
“Hey girl… what’s goin’ on, huh?” V said weakly, but he was shaking too hard now to reach out and pet her. Even his teeth were chattering… He hadn’t been this miserable earlier at Vik’s. But it was a fierce drug cocktail he’d injected, likely not without its occasional side effects.
The fridge door opened then closed again, and V turned back to Lee as Nibbles got comfortable on the sofa beside him. Even from a distance and even half-blinded by pain still he could see that Lee was shaking too, as he filled the glass almost to the brim. Only reluctantly he walked over to V, keeping the coffee table between them. He sat the glass down and took half a step back again.
“Thanks,” V said quietly, but kept the blanket wrapped around him. Lee avoided to look at him. V could taste the blood on his lips still, feel it pull at the skin around his nose where it dried. He probably looked like absolute shit.
“C’mon, in my state I’m not gonna be able to do anything to you. Even if I wanted to,” he then said, trying to get Lee to relax… not entirely without ulterior motives, because their penthouse was the last place Kerry would bring his manager to without a very good reason. Why was he here? Where had Kerry let‘s-just-spend-the-rest-of-the-day-on-the-sofa Eurodyne disappeared to while V had been asleep?
Lee cleared his throat and shifted slightly where he stood.
“Sit down, you’re makin’ me nervous,” V ordered, and after a moment of hesitation, weighing the pros and cons in his head for sure, Lee sat down on an armchair nearby. They were at eye level now, but Lee still avoided his gaze. But that gave V the chance to get a closer look at him in return. His hair was somewhat disheveled, and what V had mistaken as an unusual hint of stubble at first was dirt along Lee’s jawline and neck. His white leather boots were tinted orange, as were the seams of his sleeves and his knees and shins. Overall, he appeared shaken, more so than usually… And all that, plus the dust on Kerry’s jacket, painted wild scenarios in V’s head that he couldn’t quite place into a bigger context yet.
“Can’t you, like…” Lee mumbled, “With your hacking and such… basically kill people just with your thoughts?”
He then looked up at V wide-eyed, like prey that knew it was going to die but also had no means to get out of its dire situation anymore.
“It’s not quite as simple, but technically… yeah.”
Lee immediately looked back down to his lap, where he had his fingers tightly intertwined, resting on his thighs.
“Do you need to, like…” he then continued to stammer, barely audible, “Look the person in the eyes, or just, roughly know where they are in a room? How does it work?”
V sighed.
“Lee, if I wanted to kill you, you wouldn’t be sitting here anymore.”
Lee laughed nervously, gulped, and briefly looked up at V, then away again.
Right as V began to wonder where Kerry had disappeared to, he heard him coming back down the stairs. He carried some clothes flung over his left arm, in his right hand he held a clean wet towel. He walked straight past Lee and paid him no mind whatsoever, instead returned his full attention to V. Putting the clothes down on the sofa first, then giving Nibbles a short pat, he eventually knelt down in front of V.
“I thought, maybe clean up a bit first before gettin’ dressed…” he said and held out the towel in an offering manner. V’s eyes had been following Kerry’s movements, only now they found his face again – and he froze when he noticed his eyeliner slightly smudged, his eyelids reddish and a little swollen. Just slightly, and right now he was gently smiling, as if nothing was wrong. But V could tell that he was hurting so much and tried not to let it show, and that in return hurt V to no end. He wondered if it was because Lee was here, or if Kerry felt like he had to be strong for both of them right now.
“Kerry…” V mouthed, his throat too tight to produce sounds. Kerry flashed a short smile, shook his head only just enough so V would see it. Then he carefully dabbed the warm, soaked towel against V’s face to get rid of the blood.
“Gotta get you checked out…” he said overplaying his sadness, the white towel progressively turning redder as he slowly worked away, “By Vik, or better, at the MedCenter. That wasn’t just a lil’ nosebleed.”
V held still, focusing on the warmth of the towel, the movement of Kerry’s eyes, his other hand gently stabilizing V’s head, fingertips caressing his face. And the slight resignation in his voice…
“MedCenter sounds like a plan,” V then said, automatically again almost, causing Kerry to freeze for a moment, stare at him with mild surprise. But then he smiled, more genuinely than before, and continued to gently dab the dried blood.
“Okay, good,” he said, “Want me to give Dr. Fuentes a call before, or…”
“I’ll do it myself,” V promised. Kerry finished by wiping the towel across V’s mouth, then his chest, then leaned in to give him a quick peck on the lips before putting it down on the coffee table.
“Not quite good as new, but it’ll do,” he announced, and V laughed weakly. The tension in the air was still tangible though, as Kerry followed V’s gaze back to Lee, who still sat on the chair, hands folded and staring at his feet.
“What’s he doin’ here by the way?” V then asked, no longer able to ignore the elephant in the room, “And where were you?”
Now Kerry avoided to look at him, bit his bottom lip and sighed, but his hands resting on V’s lap now also briefly clenched, curled into fists. He shrugged, and gestured at Lee, who stared at them both with wide eyes first and then over to the elevator. How subtle.
“Dunno, Lee, you wanna explain what happened?” Kerry asked, barely able to mask his annoyance and anger again now.
“Uh…” was all that Lee managed to utter, still petrified.
Kerry cocked his head, and when Lee didn’t manage to rediscover his voice, he turned to look back at V.
“Turns out, this little motherfucker is the one who swapped your pills.”
Lee audibly gasped and jumped up from his chair, hands raised in defense, before V had even fully registered the meaning of Kerry’s words.
“He what…” he said, his pulse gaining speed, then he turned to Lee, “You did what?”
“They… threatened me!” Lee stammered, and if V hadn’t been shaking too much to hold a glass of water, he would’ve long grabbed and punched the shit out of him. But then a shiver ran down his spine, and he turned back to Kerry.
“He tells you he works for Blue-Eyes and your first impulse is to bring him here? Into our home?”
Now Kerry flinched, visibly guilty.
“Hey, listen,” he defended himself, “My first impulse was to leave him to die in the desert – and I’m still tempted to take him back there, if I’m honest with ya.”
“No, please!” Lee whined and both Kerry and V instantly turned to look at him and in unison told him to “Shut up!”
There was a brief pause, their eyes met for a moment, V couldn’t help but grin and noticed Kerry’s cheeky smile as well. But then he turned serious again.
“Fuck it’s… a fuckin’ mess,” Kerry sighed. He got up to sit on the sofa next to V, Nibbles between them, to explain the whole story.
V listened intensely, from Kerry’s discovery on the security footage to paying Lee a visit (admitting his plan wasn’t as well thought-out as he’d liked it to be), down to their conversation in the desert and the return to Charter Hill.
“Dunno I… had a real bad gut feelin’ about just leaving him there,” Kerry said, “He downright admitted to everything, I think if Mr. Bastard figures out he told us…”
V nodded pensively, keeping a close eye on Lee who had sunken back into his chair again, appearing small and lost like a guilty child called to the principal’s office for the first time.
“How did these people get in contact with you for the first time?” he then asked, “And when?”
“It was the same night after I’d signed the contract with Kerry,” Lee said quietly, but without hesitation, and V nodded. That had also been the same day V had been contacted by Mr. B about the Crystal Palace heist.
“Got an unknown number call me, voice distorted, and they had… all this information on me, no idea how they got their hands on it,” Lee explained, “They told me I should get something from an apartment in a Megabuilding, everything would be ready to go as soon as I get there. Or they’d ruin me, if I didn’t do it.”
He looked up at V with watery eyes.
“I didn’t even know it was your place, didn’t even know who you were at the time. Only that you wouldn’t be home, and that I had to find a specific pill bottle. Take one pill, deliver it to a drop point with a specific code. And I thought that would be it.”
“But they came back, I take it, with more demands?” V asked, and Lee just nodded.
“I got to know you a few days later…” he stammered, “And they said, they wouldn’t only ruin my career, they’d put all the blame on me somehow and you’d kill me the second you figure it out.”
V leaned against the sofa’s backrest and closed his eyes for a couple of moments, still tightly wrapped in his blanket. He didn’t know Lee that well yet, but he’d dealt with enough professional liars in his life, and Lee simply didn’t strike him as one. Also, he had nothing to gain from making this up, or at least he also risked his life big time. For what, money? He earned ridiculously well as Kerry’s manager, his life already was more prestigious than those of 90% of NC’s citizens. Also, the details matched up, his fear was real. No matter how much he searched, V couldn’t think of a reason to distrust him, not believe him.
V could feel both Kerry’s and Lee’s eyes linger on him, waiting for him to deliver an answer, a solution that would magically make all their problems disappear. Admittedly, knowing with relative certainty now that neither Vik nor his trusted chemist, nor any other third party out of their reach was responsible for swapping V’s pills, that it had “only” been Lee, was a small relief. One thing to cross off of the to do list that was longer than the lifetime V had left.
But what good was it really to know the truth when in the grand scheme of things V was still dying, Lee had a bright glowing target on his back the moment he walked out the front door, and Mr. B’s true intentions were still unclear… and V and Kerry were continuously delivering him reasons now to silence them as well. He had put a certain amount of trust in them by inviting them to the lab, showing them his tech, and they’d declined to work with him – or rather, V had declined, Kerry had at least tried to convince him to reconsider.
Either way though, they were in the process of figuring out more and more of Mr. B’s secrets, and V was certain this man had his means and ways to stay in the loop on what they were up to. Whatever had been in these pills, V wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. B would notice if he no longer took them, at the very latest when Lee – or someone new – was tasked to swap them out the next time.
The hamster is running in his wheel again. Has he ever left it, I wonder…
“I need fresh air,” V just said and shakily good up from the sofa, Kerry jumping to his side instantly.
“Woah, careful,” he said, hand on V’s back.
“I’m good, really,” he replied, and quickly squeezed Kerry’s hand. He slid the blanket off his shoulders, let it drop to the floor, then grabbed the comfortable jogging pants and t-shirt Kerry had brought him earlier. From the corner of his eye he noticed Lee staring, then getting flustered and averting his gaze. V could almost feel the daggers shooting from Kerry’s eyes behind him, even if he said nothing, and V grinned.
He pulled the t-shirt over his head, then turned around. Since he had to pass Lee on the way to the balcony anyway, he made a point of walking up to him slowly, then he stopped right by his side. Lee froze, then sheepishly looked up at him. V waited, looked him in the eyes… and then grabbed his jaw as hard as he could, leaving Lee wincing and gasping.
“Don’t ever try to fuck with me or Kerry again, or I swear, you’re gonna wish he’d shot you in the desert,” V threatened, his voice calm but cutting as sharp and deep as the finest katana rolling from an Arasaka assembly line.
Lee stared at him wide-eyed, and when V let go of his face again, he just nodded firmly. Then V slowly continued his walk to the glass sliding door connecting the kitchen to the outside world.
With each step onto the balcony he took another deep breath as Night City was slowly engulfed by darkness… But simultaneously somehow it came back to life in a rainbow of a million neon lights. V stopped at the railing, still somewhat lightheaded, and just listened to the pulsating heart of the city for a few moments, taking in the smells and sights, as if he’d awoken from a too long sleep as well.
He rested his arms on the metal bar and let his head fall forward. He could still sense the strain of his headache, his arm and knee hurt from his fall.
Next one might kill ya for good, just sayin’. You gotta get your ass up and do somethin’.
The echo of Johnny’s voice lingered in his ears again, and V wasn’t surprised. It was almost as bad again as it had been that day Johnny took control and dragged him to the Pistis Sofia. V had been so angry, so scared, and even in hindsight still felt betrayed, no matter that Johnny had acted in his – their – own best interest. Sometimes he wondered, even though he was gone, somewhere behind the Blackwall now, if a piece of his mind didn’t maybe remain in V’s brain after all somehow. He still had many of Johnny’s more vivid memories, because they were V’s now as much as they’d been his first. Why not part of his personality as well, seeped from the Relic into the fibre of his being where not even Soulkiller could reach it? The thought terrified him, that the reason he was dying wasn’t even just his body not accepting his own personality anymore, but rather part of Johnny still being here and actively – even if unwillingly – fighting back against V too.
V, you gotta do somethin’. Promise, this isn’t one of those things that’s gotta get worse before it gets better.
V opened his eyes. He was sick to his stomach and needed another couple of minutes of just breathing in the cool evening air slowly and steadily for the nausea to fade to bearable levels. Only then he pulled up Dr. Fuentes number on the holo. In the corner of the interface the time read 6.56 pm, so not awfully late for a spontaneous call, he hoped. He took another deep breath, then it started ringing.
“Fuentes?” was the firm response on the other end of the line just a few seconds later. But V hesitated.
“Hello?” Fuentes asked after a short pause.
Only the memory of Kerry’s teary eyes managed to remove the knot from his tongue.
“This is V,” he said briefly, not really sure how to even start, “I… wanted to apologize for turning your offer down so harshly the other day.”
Now Fuentes remained silent. Her holocall avatar was a plain logo of the Little China MedCenter with her name beneath it, “Dr. Isabella Fuentes” in sleek letters.
“No need to apologize,” she then said, voice calm and professional, “I take it, you’ve reconsidered?”
“Why else would I be calling, right?” V grinned, trying to play it cool after his initial hesitation.
“I’ve thought things through,” he continued, “Examined a few other options and… I think it’s best to at least explore all possible paths before making a final decision.”
She didn’t need to know about Blue-Eyes, at least not yet and not over the holo. Despite the secure connection, having Lee sitting just a few yards away behind him, made it hard for V to speak openly. Also, he still waited on Nyx’ background check of the doctor. Apart from that, she also didn’t need to know that he was growing desperate. Despair quickly attracted all sorts of favours and demands that weren’t part of original bargains in this city.
“A wise decision,” she said then, and once again, a shiver ran down V’s spine as if he’d just walked right into a trap, “Let me check my calendar… You’re scheduled for the cast removal on Friday. Would that be alright, or do you want to come in sooner?”
V paused once more. Viktor’s injectors would last him until Thursday at most, at this rate probably not as long. Hopefully AJ would have the next pill batch ready before that happened. Right now, he might still have remnants of Mr. B’s fake pills in his body that Fuentes could have a look at, too.
“Would tomorrow work?” he asked, and Fuentes hummed.
“Let me see… I can definitely move some appointments around. Why don’t you come in at… 10 am? And I’ll see what I can do for you, get things moving at the very least.”
“Alright,” V nodded, and his stomach slightly turned again.
“Alright,” Fuentes repeated, “Then I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a good night.”
“Good night.”
He hung up and returned to trying to breathe deeply, rubbing his forehead with his healthy hand. He stood in silence, in the fresh breeze for a little while longer, until eventually the door slid open behind him. Familiar hands found his sore shoulders, rubbed his back.
“Ain’t ya gettin’ cold?” Kerry asked quietly, pressing his lips against V’s left shoulder blade as his arms wrapped around his waist. V shook his head.
“Got an appointment with Fuentes tomorrow mornin’,” he announced, “Can you drive me? Otherwise, I’ll just call Del.”
“No, of course I’ll drive ya. Hell, I’ll come with ya,” Kerry said.
“It’s fine, don’t have to,” V shook his head, “Been driving me around all day today, and yesterday… I bet the studio’s been breathin’ down your neck the whole time.”
Kerry’s silence and slightly tightening grip was answer enough.
“But you hate doctors and hospitals,” he then mumbled against his shoulder, and V chuckled, putting his hand on Kerry’s.
“But,” he countered, “I’m also a big boy already. I’ll manage on my own this once.”
Kerry squeezed him once more, then slowly let go to lean on the rail beside him. He pulled out his cigarettes and lit one up, his own way of “catching some fresh air” V mused. They stood in silence side by side for a few moments, admiring the glowing cityscape.
“Y’know,” V then said, “I’m really damn proud of you.”
Kerry laughed briefly and flicked some cigarette ash into the air.
V nodded.
“How you figured out that it was Lee… couldn’t have done that better myself.”
“Got yourself a man of many talents,” Kerry smiled, taking another drag.
“I know you’re being sarcastic, but really, Kerry, you give yourself too little credit,” V insisted, “Couldn’t do any of this without ya.”
V turned to look at Kerry, but Kerry didn’t reciprocate his gaze, instead stared off into the distance. He seemed to want to respond in a cheeky way, something like “yeah, of course you couldn’t”, but he wasn’t able to bring himself to it. In the end, he just smiled, flicked away what was left of his cigarette, then looked up at V finally with his big blue eyes.
“I know you’re carrying big enough burdens and responsibilities without me already,” V said quietly.
“V, you’re not – …”
“I’m not a burden, I know,” V interrupted him, “I’m just sayin’… Don’t forget to take care of yourself, too. Neither of us has to carry all the weight all the time. We can take turns, share the load.”
Once again, Kerry seemed to want to say something, although this time V had a harder time guessing what it may have been. Instead, after a couple of moments, he changed the topic.
“I was hopin’… you’d have an idea about what to do with Lee.”
V looked over his shoulder. Inside, Lee was still sitting on the armchair in the living room, head hung low.
“You really think he’s in immediate danger?” V asked, but Kerry almost instantly shrugged.
“It’s less knowin’, more a feelin’,” he said, “Based on livin’ in this city for longer than most people, mostly.”
V nodded. Kerry’s life experience wasn’t to be underestimated. Even if he’d never been a true part of Night City’s underworld, he’s lived alongside it long enough, dealt with enough shady crooks, crazy fans, and dubious corpos to have a deeper insight into human nature and this city’s inner workings than most.
“Also… dunno, it could be nothin’. Just my own paranoia,” he then added, and V perked up, “There was this black van just outside the studio, right when we left to come back ‘ere.”
“A black van?”
“Yeah… pretty non-descript, just… black.”
“Did you see the model, or brand?” V’s thoughts were racing, drifting back to the high-speed chase of the black Ragnar on behalf of the Peralezes. His first contact with Mr. Blue-Eyes’ organization, even when he wasn’t aware of it yet at the time. A black, non-descript car, not quite a van, but…
“I think it was a Columbus,” Kerry said, and V frowned, “Like… 80% sure. Not brand-new, but also not one of the older models that still pop up now and then. Fuck, Nance once organized one of those for a tour, lemme tell ya, was tired of the thing the moment I got in. Flimsy doors, too narrow really to get anything in and out that was bigger than a person… And fuck, it stank.”
V hummed.
“Odd for that corner of Charter Hill, too,” he said after a couple of moments, “In broad daylight and all.”
Kerry nodded. V knew Charter Hill well, he knew the street the studio was on, and really, black, non-descript vans stood out. It wasn’t exactly an area with a lot of big families that might get use of a car like that, neither an overly commercial area with a lot of delivery vehicles… And those were branded or parked in the back of the fancy stores they delivered to. Maybe it was a vehicle of Mr. B, or maybe that of a bad private investigator who hadn’t done their research on the area and just brought the usual inconspicuous car… Or a dozen other possibilities. If it was enough to worry Kerry though, he would treat it seriously.
“Alright,” V said and pulled up his holo again, “Better safe than sorry. Imma call Emmerick, arrange some security for Lee – and for you, on that matter – ‘til we know more.”
“Ah, c’mon, V, I’m safe here, and at the studio… and everywhere else I’ll be with ya anyway.”
“I’ll sleep better if I know there’s a couple more eyes on you than just mine,” V said and called up Emmerick to set everything in motion – and to remove Lee from their house as quickly as possible.
Less than half an hour later the doorbell rang, and Lee was picked up by two trustful mercs who specialized in personal protection. He was visibly reluctant about leaving with them, but in the end, V would’ve left him no choice but either go on his own or at least accompanied by well-paid professionals.
“You’re gonna pay us back for this,” Kerry said as Lee already had one foot in the elevator, “Not just the huscle, everythin’. Big time.”
His jaw slightly red still from where V had grabbed him, Lee just nodded in resignation before the elevator doors closed between them.
A huge weight was lifted off of V’s chest, and he leaned against Kerry, who put his arms back around him.
“What a day, huh?” he said quietly, gently rubbing V’s back in small circles.
“Hopin’ tomorrow will be better,” V nodded with his eyes closed, forehead resting on Kerry’s shoulder.
They remind like that for a couple of moments, then V stood up straight again to look at Kerry. Meanwhile it was almost eight.
“Whaddaya say… pizza, popcorn, and movie night?” he suggested. Kerry squinted slightly, in disbelief almost. But then he also began to smile and nodded. V reached up to brush his fingers through Kerry’s ridiculously soft hair, then scratched his beard, and Kerry closed his eyes and leaned into the touch. Like a cat, V thought, and chuckled. Simultaneously, he placed an order at their favourite pizza place over his holo.
“You’re all dusty still,” he mused quietly, “And I bet I look like a mess, too.”
Kerry didn’t even open his eyes.
“You’re particularly handsome when you look like a mess...”
V snorted and kissed him softly.
“I’m still kinda cold though, too. I’ll hop in the shower real quick. Wanna join while we wait for the food?”
Kerry grinned.
“Be there in a sec, I’ll just finally put my jacket and… stuff away.”
V had noticed Kerry still had his gun in his pocket the whole time Lee was there. He had been wondering if he’d kept it on him on purpose.
“Okay, but don’t make me wait too long,” V teased, giving Kerry’s jaw a quick squeeze the same way he’d done it to Lee, and Kerry bit his lip.
“I would never,” he purred, then they slowly moved away from each other. V began to head upstairs, clinging to the railing, the exertion really making him feel his earlier attacks now. Halfway up the stairs he actually had to pause for a moment to catch his breath. Then his gaze fell to his feet, and between them on the steps the dark red dried bloodstains he’d left here earlier still marked the floor.
He cursed between his teeth, froze for a moment, as his eyes wandered further up the steps where the blood trail continued. Then he looked down behind him, could see the stains still where he’d laid on the floor in the kitchen.
Slowly he made it the rest of the way up the stairs, behind him on the ground floor the door to the armory opened and closed a second time. Kerry caught up to him at the top of the stairs where once more V couldn’t continue moving. He could feel Kerry follow his gaze to their bed, where the pillows and blanket looked like a dark red can of spray paint had exploded. Even the wall had tiny stains.
V turned to look at Kerry, whose cheeky grin had disappeared, replaced by distress he didn’t manage or want to hide this time. Neither of them said a word until eventually Kerry just dragged V to the bathroom with him.
“I’ll call someone to clean up tomorrow when we’re outta the house,” he said, “Can sleep downstairs tonight.”
V just nodded and wordlessly followed Kerry. Any spark of romance was gone, not even the hot shower water raining down on them helped. But actually, just holding each other and existing in this peaceful moment together was what they both needed more now than a quickie, V realized. He clung to Kerry, and Kerry clung to him, and neither said a word. They just understood that all that mattered right now was that they still had each other after a day full of arguments and unpleasant surprises, with only little glimmers of hope between.
“I thought you were dead,” Kerry eventually broke the silence, voice barely louder than the rushing water, finally addressing what both of them had had on their mind the whole evening. He had his face buried against the side of V’s neck, and V stroked the back of Kerry’s head, scratching and caressing the short grey hair there. He couldn’t say anything in response, could barely imagine the horror Kerry must’ve felt, walking into the kitchen and seeing his legs and a trail of blood behind the counter first thing. V had stumbled into murder and violent crime scenes that had been less bloody than the state of their bedroom right now.
“I’m here though,” he then said quietly, “I’m so… fucking sorry, to put you through this, but I’m here. And I hope I can make up for it somehow, in... in the future.”
He almost said, “in the end”, but no. He didn’t want to think of things ending anymore, but of continuing, of something, some kind of future to look forward to.
“V…” was all that Kerry managed before he almost collapsed against him and just began to cry against V’s shoulder. It started as just one, two big sobs, but then he couldn’t hold back anymore. V clung to Kerry, soothing, whispering into his ear that they’d find a way, somehow.
“And if I have to burn the whole damn city down, I’ll fight like hell to get better. Be with you. Never leave you again.”
Like this they stood, holding on, until all the tears they were still capable of crying had been washed away and down the drain with the dirt and blood and dust.
>> Next Chapter
The mood of this chapter was: Lie down. Try not to cry. Cry a lot.
I always struggle a bit with transitional chapters, but this here finally ties off the "who switched the pills" plotline and V moves away from focusing on Mr. B as much (at least for now). I've been struggling a bit with putting it all together, but I'm ready now to move forward XD Next time Dr. Fuentes will make a return and I'm scared and excited to introduce you to her plans for V 👀 To recap the timeline a little bit, the day before all this happened, V was introduced to Mr. B's "cure" of his problems, and just a couple of days earlier he returned from the Crystal Palace and had his car accident. Busy af weekend really xD
Also yes, this is not the last you'll have heard of Lee, promise! He will have to pay for what he did, even if he was somewhat forced 👀
Requested Fic Update Tags:
@humberg @r3d-f0xs-blog @thatinternetwanderer @localtranspigeon @taiyo-yokai  @kharonion @genocidalfetus @seeker-of-truth @readalotbook @losttr3asur3 @chromeaholic💜
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claiestve · 6 months
Ima send a few ideas. Don’t have to write all just choose your favorite one.
Isaac finally being brave enough to leave the house with the listener. Before they got together maybe where a client came over (like Vik) but he was always looking at listener and then asking „where did you find them …. Hey sweetie you wanna work for me too ? I’ll pay you more“ and Isaac getting pissed at some point (jealous OFC HEHE). Xanthus coming back after a hunt in New Orleans and bringing listener a gift like a plush or something else. A funny goofy conversation between Xanthus and Dontis and DONTIS ALWAYS TEASING.
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𝐋𝐞𝐭 '𝐄𝐦 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 ꨄ 𝘐𝘴𝘢𝘢𝘤
˜”* ❝𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙩 𝙖𝙞𝙣'𝙩 𝙪𝙥 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙗𝙨.❞
⎯⎯ ୨ ୧ ⎯⎯
ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ: ɪꜱᴀᴀᴄ ᴅᴇꜰᴇɴᴅꜱ ʏᴏᴜ.
⎯୨⎯ " " ⎯୧⎯
This was your first time leaving the house with Isaac. You were a bit nervous since the people around were unfamiliar to you but Isaac would whisper in your ear who a certain person was so you know. 
Isaac was very adamant about staying by your side and staying with you but of course, he couldn’t be with you the whole time. 
While Isaac was gone, you made sure not to look at anyone to avoid conversation but of course there’s always someone that seeks you out.
“Why hello there! Have we met before?” You hear from behind you.
You turn around to see a man with light hair, light eyes, smiling at you. He was like the exact oposite of Isaac appearance wise. 
“I don’t think we have, Y/N.” You introduce yourself and reach your hand out. As much as you didn’t want to talk to him, you remained respectful and polite. 
“Oh! Y/N! I know you. I’ve heard about you from… who was it? Ah, Isaac. People say you’re the housekeeper?”
“Assistant.” You felt insulted by being called a housekeeper.
“Oh, assistant? Well, you could make a good amount of money working for me. I mean, Isaac, he’s not one for company. I’m sure you know. But I could treat you better, pay you better, everything else.”
You didn’t say anything but you did let out an awkward laugh. Well, what are you supposed to say?
“Besides, a pretty thing like you shouldn’t be in the care of… him.”
You felt a hand on your shoulder. Perfect timing, Isaac.
“Oh, hello, Isaac.” The man looks up at him. 
“Save it. You know better than trying to buy people. Especially in a place like this.” Isaac looked down at him. He looked pissed. 
“I’m sure your assistant didn’t mind my offer,” He says before looking back at you, “Right, beautiful?”
The man got closer to you before Isaac put a hand on his chest to stop him.
“Back up. You think calling them names is going to make them swoon for you. Y/N isn’t shallow like you.”
“Isaac.” You try butting in.
“-And I’d be damned if I let you ‘buy’ my assistant let alone my partner.”
His hands go from your shoulders to your waist. The man looks angry, like, seriously angry.
“Y/N, he’s taking advantage of you and your beauty!”
Isaac looks like he’s about to start but you do it for him.
“Look, I recognize that you think I ‘look good’ or whatever and you think Isaac doesn’t treat me well but I don’t want to go with you. Judging by the fact that you’re so comfortable walking up to people and trying to bribe them says a lot about you and quite frankly, ‘a pretty thing like me shouldn’t be in the care of… you.”
The man looks at you in disbelief. He must’ve thought his bribing would actually work. 
Isaac on the other hand looks, in awe. He’s never really seen you speak up for yourself with anyone but him so this was…
“Come on, ‘Sac.” You grab his hand.
He leans down a little, “I didn’t know you had that in you.”
“I don’t. I’m shaking like crazy.”
He chuckles and kisses your cheek.
“I’ll make sure that guy comes nowhere near you.”
dude i wanna see a pissed off isaac like he's so attractive.anyways THANK U FOR REQUESTING (i love isaac if u couldn't tell). im trying to get stuff out before his new part so yall can be fed beforehand.
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(ill do the other requests from this as well be patient w me yall)
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scrunkalicious · 3 months
yappost,,, just call me yappalicious now 😻😻🤭,, kinda a sequel to this post kinda,,, a collectiom of info and hcz, separated by a bit of space depending on whatz related or whatnot,,,
taglist ppl im sacrificing yall 🧍🏻‍♀️
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Yall know those "your F/O dancing with you" kinda stuff??? Yeah ok that but backwardz I am dancing with my f/oz like errm
Marly knowz swing dance,,, itz hella fun, and Viktor is kinda insecure abt dancing bc of his leg, limp and cane,, but he rlly wantz to hold n stuff, in the end it takez a lot of prodding from Marly but oh when she finally getz him to dance with her itz sohhnggghbn v gentle and intamate, slow careful steps with Marly not minding if he accidentally gripz her too tightly,, and she givez him the most blessed praise from her afterwardz
tho,, as the yearz pass (more around the part of the show after the timeskip,, act 2 or whatever), it getz increasingly harder for vik to dance as much/easily as he used to,,, it was a bit of a challenge even at the start, but now with him needing a crutch instead of a cane, and with his leg brace and increasing painz,, erm,,, it makez him sad bc he knowz how much fun Marly has with dance but she is assuring him that itz ok,,,,,,, oh man I’m gonna hhhgnbbtgtty (sorry had to get silly for a bit he is dying, bro dropz the line “We’re in uncharted waters now, and I can feel my body eroding” IM GONNA EXPLODE AND SOB ANDAND)
DW IM NOT GONNA END THIS ONE ON A SAD NOTE,,, every now and then they'll do the 'move' "basic" (I couldn't find a video but itz literally actually basic,,, like a default stance lmao,,, just moving legs one kinda small step with armz idk how 2 explain but rlly simple n easy),, which allowz for them to still kinda dance,, and the light movement helpz Vitkor's leg YEA yippee
PDA? No problem!!!!! Showing affect for one another in public is not a problem LMAO,,, there was most DEFINITELY a moment where someone was telling Marly stuff like "you can be with someone better and not someone from the Undercity" n shez all like "OH you don't like my boyfriend??? What if I kissed him on the mouth. In front of you." AND SHE DOES LMAO 🤯
it took viktor a while to ease into the idea of public affection but once he was comfortable with it bro is unstoppable,,,,
professional relationship???? yea ermm theyre kissing in public professionally
yea they are holding handz in public someone stop them (or get the camera)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The usually outgoing, extroverted, estatic Marly who seems to have way too much energy in public is ever so passive and gentle when in private with Viktor
She handles Viktor very gently, with the most softest of touches and utmost consideration for his body, something that seems like she may not be capable of, with how loudly she presentz herself, she seemz like she may be a rough/rowdy lover, but she is quite the opposite in most situations
The two are very very attentive to one another’s needs. Does Viktor usually need a pillow to prop up his bad leg when cuddling? Expect Marly to pull up with her nicest softest pillowz ever,,, sometimez even onez that she usez personally herself!! Oh, Marly isn’t one to fall asleep easily? Expect to find Viktor laying with her for however long it takez, stroking her hair, pressing soft kisses to her face and whispering sweet nothings to her.
bleehhh Viktor is the little spoon LMAO somehow it still workz despite the height difference,, Marly is holding him so gently,,,
Marly def layz on the couch with Viktor and pullz him over to her,,,, laying his head on her chest while shez snug under him,, he mayyy press a kiss to her neck if hez feeling extra silly,,
ooohhh they love love to kiss eachotherz molez,,, vik has the obvious two on his face, and he actually has one on his neck (found this after analyzing many picz of him),, Marly actually has some, too! She has one on her neck in a similar place as Viktor’s,, and one near her chest area (? Idk anatomy bruh),,, def expanding on this one later bc of reasonz erm,,
Marly WILL beat yo ass if you shit on Viktor for his disability,,
Whether it be babying him and treating him as if he can't do certain thingz,,, or just making fun of him,, she will send you to the MEATGRINDER.
"Sure, he's disabled, but never hindered,"
Lil 5'1/5'2 Marly gon fight you
She knowz how hard he has worked to be where he is now,,,, literally worked his ass off to be at the Academy and SUSTAINED his position. So for him to do all this and then be limited by someone bc they think he can't do certain thingz?? Not on her watch she is sprinting at them full speed to kill them 🧍🏻‍♀️
adding a teensy thing,,, Marly usually doesn’t get too mad easily,, but god forbid she becomez actually mad,,, she doesn’t hold back on wordz so expect to have her hit where insecuritiez lie,, maybe even getting physically violent depending on the situation
they are sooooo supportive of one another they are each other’s cheerleader ong
when Viktor had bad pain dayz, Marly is calling the both of them out of school/work,, spoiling and pampering him a whole bunch yeaagg,,,
Ough and god forbid the days where he feels insecure about his condition,,, when he believes that Marly should be with someone who isn’t “weak” like him,,,,
hes pretty stubborn abt that opinion when ir crosses his mind,,
but expect Marly to show him that she loves HIM. she wouldn’t choose anyone else over her silly scientist,,,
firm but kind words of affirmation from her,,,, the most loving touchez ever,, many kissez for him,,,
when he finally getz what she is saying,, omg itz like falling in love all over again bc wow,,,,
ooohh when marly actually openz up fr and allowz for thingz to be so that she doesn't have to be the only one to carry the burden of her problems?? thatz like viktorz most greatest accomplishment that he achieved ngl
Without her glasses Marly is practically blind,,, everything is all blurry n fuzzy outhghggvhelpme
She can become pretty panicky when she needs to take them off for thingz other than sleep, changing clothes, showering ECT,,, and heavily weary of everything around her when without her spectaclez,,,
But!!! She trustz Viktor enough to have them off,,, bc cuddling with glasses on is uncomfortable and getz the lensez all dirty or whatever,,
She'll have her glasses laid down on a nearby table as they're both on the couch or a bed,,, even though she can't see well she trustz that nothing bad is going to happen,,,
The first few timez she did this she was still pretty anxious,,, but soft wordz and assurance from vik helped with that,,,
they’re both so into giving praise and wordz of affirmation to one another,,,,
thatz the consequencez of paring an observative scientist who WILL spit factz about his partner, and an artist who sees the good in people and admires beauty in everything,,,,,
they both have an incredibly sharp wit and tongue,, though words often come easier to Marly,,
Sometimez one of them will get all blushy and stumble over their wordz during back-n-fourth quipping and they'll both laugh it off,,,
OH they also do petnamez a ton,,,, Marly often callz him “Darling”, “Baby”, “Sweet Boy” and like anything else that gal can think of,,, Viktor callz her “[my] dear”, “sweetheart”, “mahal ko” (translates to ‘my love’ in Tagalog), “My Marly” ectect
YEAH HE LEARNED SOME TAGALOG FOR MARKY N JUMPSCARED HER WITH IT!!, marly kissed him breathless after that just so you know
Marly toleratez Jayce, taking more of a liking to him when they first met
but when that mf got into politicz and started straining his friendship with vik,,, uhoh errmm this does NOT slide with Marly,,
though there are some momentz where he held her respect (UH SOME ARCANE SPOILERZ IN THE NEXT FEW BULLET POINTZ N SLIGHT TW WARNIN IG)
when Viktor legit just passez out in the lab,, when Marly found him, she called Jayce to help get him to the hospital, and he helped no questions asked,,,
and when uh. when vik was literally about to jump from a building and jayce distracted him. uh yeah Marly actually can’t thank him enough for that,,, Jayce found a small gift drawing from her later that week bc HOLAY MOLAY ERM if blud wasnt there then uhhhhh
and also the fact that he just isn’t mean to vik lmao,, Marly knowz that the two are pretty close and she respectz that
Bruh sometimez they are kindaaa clingy you don't understand bro physical touch is their love language ever
sometimez when Viktor is working in the lab and is like stuck on smth or will be there for a while,,, he'll have marly sit on the ground next to his chair so he can play with her hair or like pet her head while thinking idk man teehee
Or like,, if vik findz Marly on the couch he'll just go and lay on her lap,, claiming that it "helps with body aches"
Ngl they will sleep practically almost anywhere as long as they're with one another,,, hey the lab isn't the best place to go honk mimimimimi honk shoooooo but at least Marly is with Viktor and Viktor is with Marly yk??? Limbs intertwined,, marly holding viktor close with his head against her neck/chest
comfort food?
For Marly, either Filipino Adobo, Filipino style spaghetti, or sweetz,,
For Viktor, sweet milk paired with either cookies or a muffin,,,, yeah
what does one do when the other cries/is upset?
Viktor will listen very intently to whatever Marly has to say, and will usually also result to physical comfort, just holding her close. Takes her to a more comfortable place. If the cause of her being upset is a person, expect him to confront said individual soon,,, will spend a ton of time checking on her and making sure she getz better
Marly is quick to provide comforting words, and also provides physical touch, pressing soft kisses to his face as she whispers sweet nothings to him. She’s actually quite worrisome, and almost panicky, but will do all she can to make sure that her lover feels alright
what yankee candle would marly and/or vik be?
idk stuff abt yankee candlez specifically so I’ll just give you scentz 🧍🏻‍♀️
Marly's would have a fruity fragrance,, watermelon mixed with some other things, surprisingly light, as to not give the buyer a headache lmao Viktor’s is a 50/50. The candle may smell like caramel and chocolate,,, or metal and light chemicals bc bro is silly like that
THE TAGLIOST. MY CAPTIVEZ. THE SACRIFICEZ. {{ask to be added/removed lmao}}
@h0t-p1nk-ch33tah-pr1nt @sapphicseal @kiawren annndd liz but i already tagged u with the questionz so yuh
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bluef00t · 7 months
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Finally collecting these in a post—Atomic Robo robotswap ideas. This was more of a character design challenge than a real AU, but the concept kind of got away from me.
Rambling design notes + a couple panel redraws + some ideas I had for Helsingard and ALAN 1.0 under the cut:
This idea spiraled out of an old sketch by Wegner of real-boy Robo as a genetics experiment. I'm interpreting that as basically Wolverine minus the animal motifs (and generally much more well-adjusted).
I tried to mimic more elements of his bot design; for example the hair silhouette and the thick blue-tinted glasses, swapped for goggles as his lifestyle got more active. I guess sensitive eyes are a side effect of his mutations. (The classic superhero forehead curl on babyrobo has no design justification, I just couldn't resist.) His appearance would make the public of the '20s a little uncomfortable with seeing him as Tesla's son. Which feels very thematically appropriate.
I'm still calling him "Robo" because it feels weird not to, though it would be a nickname. Appropriate for a guy who never sleeps; plausibly derived from Robert/Ratko. (The American name would be how he's introduced to the public; the Serbian one used casually by Tesla.*) Honestly, it seems in-character for him to put down Robo as his actual legal name when he finally got that chance.
*Things I found out after picking these names for their superficial resemblance to "Robo": Robert means "famous, shining" and Ratomir means "defender of peace"; literally "war for peace". Definitely an affectionately ironic moniker for a son so determined to be an action hero. Though dear monolingual Robo probably wouldn't catch on until decades after Tesla's death... Well, now I've gone and made myself sad.
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The action scientists are mostly an excuse to still draw robots. Let's say they're Robo's big midlife crisis project after realizing he was going to outlive his entire first team and not think about it too hard.
Vik (inspired by Robby the Robot) is the oldest of the models. He's optimized for processing power, which is how you get a robot that will try to suggest purely hypothetical (but mathematically sound!) solutions to urgent real-world problems. And enjoys TTRPGs of Turing-complete levels of complexity.
Lang (inspired by Robo) came shortly after, more optimized for the "action" part of action science. Being made of metal does wonders for your recoil management. (I know she hasn't had the hair buns in 10+ years, but that's what I was trying to do with the "antennae".)
Foley (inspired by Alan) is the newest model, optimized for human-robot interaction. Getting wifi installed in her head early on had the unexpected side effect of making her really good at understanding networks of all kinds.
BRN-3 wasn't built to be sentient. He's just a lab geological survey bot that began showing signs of sapience one day and attributes his own "enlightenment" to the "crystals" he'd been studying. This is obviously bullshit but nobody can give a better explanation, so...
Jenkins is literally just the Terminator, except his evil future is vampires instead of AI. He was sent back to kill Robo, which clearly didn't work, so they talked it out and now he just hangs around Tesladyne on high alert for anything that might kick off the apocalypse.
(I have no idea where Ada, Ben, and Koa fit in here, but I might come back to them later. Using their Agents of CHANGE power suits as android designs felt like cheating.)
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Not included in these drawings are Helsingard and ALAN, but I'm considering switching around parts of their premises, too.
Helsingard was a Nazi supercomputer meant to calculate the perfect world-conquering strategy. Instead, it realized that Germany's loss was imminent and hid copies of itself around the planet. Every once in a while, someone accidentally boots up a copy and it tries to take over. In the modern age it's a total dice roll as to whether this will be horrifying (what major infrastructure isn't computerized these days?) or just kind of pathetic (it's too old to understand the internet and can easily get itself trapped in an office printer spitting toner and stacks of paper that read BEHOLD HELSINGARD).
ALAN (potential rename pending; the Turing connection is rather lost in the version I'm going with for now) is the world's second successful "unkillable" genetic experiment, a govt project during the Cold War to ensure that the last man alive in a nuclear winter scenario would be British. But it turns out telling a guy he's the next stage in human evolution and sealing him in a bunker for decades to await a chance to inherit the earth which doesn't come isn't great for his sense of compassion or morality. Eventually, ALAN decides to hurry things along before we inferior humans end the world in a less convenient way, and Robo has to... well, you know this part.
It turns out there was a secret phase 2 to this plan, which would have been to populate the solar system with perfect immortal mind-networked clones of himself. The single under-baked clone that it does manage to spit out before being shut down is our Alan :] He needs someone to look after him while his crazy healing powers fill in the missing chunks of his body and brain, and he didn't get a full memory upload from ALAN, so it's free son boy!
No changes were made to Dr. Dinosaur. He's already perfect.
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