#bettyxjughead fanfiction
mieteve-minijoma · 2 years
17 Crimes - Chapter 1
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Chapter 1 - About A Girl
Jesus... Cheryl might actually be The Red Queen... he thought to himself as he wandered among the hedges, his fingers tracing the petals of a blood-red rose. Well, no wet paint. Guess Alice got to keep her head... for now... 
Suddenly, Jughead froze as the sounds of someone softly crying floated through the night air. 
It was faint - as if the person was trying to keep anyone from hearing them - but he knew that whoever they were had to be close by. Typically, Jughead would have walked away, not one to get into drama or other people’s business, but his curiosity got the better of him. 
Plus, if someone was actually hurt, he would feel like an epic asshole if he just left them out there all alone in a creepy Kubrick-style hedge maze. (It wasn’t snowing, but knowing Thornhill and all its gothic horror aesthetic, there might actually be some crazy guy with an ax somewhere nearby.)
He followed the soft sobs to the center of the maze and found a blonde sitting alone on a stone bench, her back to him as she curled in on herself and cried. Even with her hair down and shrouding her face, Jughead would know this weeping angel anywhere. 
Betty Cooper.
Read First Chapter Now On AO3
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alittlebugsheadx · 6 years
A Hypothetical
If there was one thing in the world that Jughead Jones had an actual, desperate desire to do, that would be to kiss Betty Cooper. Kiss her on her damn mouth. Kiss her cherry-chapstick lips so they become pink and plump; kiss her so her eyelashes flutter open with amazement, and she feels dizzy with glee.
But that would never happen could never happen.
He was Jughead Jones, after all. And she was Betty freaking Cooper.
They were friends, but that was it. She and Archie had this plan, anyway. Whether it was working out? Jughead doubted. But that didn’t mean they wouldn’t pursue it.
So here he found her, on the steps to their school on that Thursday afternoon. It wasn’t supposed to be any special Thursday. Just an average one. For him, anyway.
He could see it in the way she was present but not actually aware of anything, in the way her eyes glazed over. She sat with her hands in her lap, subconsciously pressing down the creases in her cheerleading skirt.
He decided to get off his ass as he stood pointlessly against the brick wall and actually go talk to her, comfort her.
He took a deep breath, “What’s going on?”
He knew what was going on. Of course he did. He was Jughead, and this was his Betty.
But for her to come to terms with it, was a whole other story.
If it were anyone else that came to sit beside her, she would have definitely startled. But for some reason, Jughead was just always ‘there’: like she could sense his presence and that had some sort of soothing effect on her. And if it were somebody else, she would plaster that smile across her painted face quicker than one could say hello. She would say, “What do you mean?” as if everything was alright. Because everything was alright.
Everything was so perfect.
Well in actual fact, it was Jughead and everything was far from perfect.
She sighed, “I don’t know what I did.”
Elaboration: she doesn’t know what she ‘did’ to not be Archie’s crush. She doesn’t know where she messed up to not even crush on Archie herself. In other words, Betty is trying to come up with a reason to blame herself for disrupting her and Archie’s plan.
He knew this, but waited for her to expand on that herself. No need to push her. Just listening was sometimes all that’s needed.
“With Archie... One minute it’s pretty clear what’s about to happen, and the next it’s not.” She turned to face him. “And the weirdest part is...”
Placing a hand on her knee, he urged her on, “What, Betts?”
She glanced down at his hand before looking back to the steps below them. A small smile spread across her face and her eyes sparkled, “I...I think it’s okay. I’m not upset by it like I thought I would be. Like I should be.”
He grinned, “That’s great.”
She looked back at him, “It is?”
“It definitely is.”
And never before had Betty Cooper quite realised how many shades of blue-green compose Jughead Jones’ eyes. Truly spectacular.
“Besides, it’s not like he would have even known how to kiss you anyway,” Jughead joked, removing his hand.
She raised an eyebrow, smirking, “Oh yeah? How do you figure that?”
“Well, come on,” he paused, lowering his voice. “You’re Betty freaking Cooper. You deserve to be kissed like that.”
Curious, she pressed, “Deserved to be kissed like what?”
He tilted his head, feigning a ‘deep-in-thought’ look even though he’s thought about kissing Betty Cooper more times than he’s proud of. “Hmm, let’s see. Say, it were me, for example, well then, I would probably place my hand on your right cheek-“
And he did.
“-and brush your jaw with my thumb-“
He continued to narrate his actions.
“-and then put that golden lock behind your left ear with my other hand. I would look into your stunning emeralds you call eyes, with a small smile playing on my lips. My forefinger of my left hand would brush across your bottom lip. And I would lean in, just like this. Then I would press my lips against yours, gently but passionately. And then as you’d kiss back, I’d bring you impossibly closer to me, closing the gap. One of my hands would drop to your waist. And then my tongue would run along your bottom lip and ask-politely-for entrance. Granted, we’d eventually pull away, pink, plump-lipped and catching our breaths.”
He whispered, his lips inches away from her own, “And then I’d rest my forehead against yours-yes, like this-and you’d flutter your eyelashes as you opened your eyes, and give me a small reassuring smile. The kind of smile that makes me want to kiss you like that every flipping day.”
Betty hadn’t realised the rate of her heart increasing as she sat on the steps, Jughead Jones’ hands practically branding her as her whole body desperately desired his hypothetical to be proved.
8 words. That’s it. She uttered only eight.
Truly life changing.
Definitely not an average Thursday.
8 words was all it took for Jughead Jones to have that twinkle in his eye and smug smirk on his face before he proved his word.
“I think you’ll have to show me, Jones.”
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shirly-gallagher · 3 years
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In Black Ink, My Love May Still Shine Bright ~ A Bughead Valentine's AU
Rating: Explicit 💋
Word Count: 23,985 ✏
Chapters: 7 of 7
Synopsis: Love's stories written in love's richest books...
Betty and Jughead celebrate Valentine's day with the things that they do best...
OR: Betty wears her cheerleading uniform for Jughead, and he relieves her of it...
Read It Here!
PS: she's part of a series...
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addictedtofiction03 · 5 years
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Where is the tea at?
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djgrannyglasses · 5 years
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Lightning Crashes 
Jughead pounded on the heavy oak door and a baby’s cries echoed, life can be quite blunt towards his current predicament. He looked down at his watch and frowned, he didn’t realize it was ten o’clock at night and they had probably just gotten their baby down. Jason, or Jay as he referred fondly to him as, was their six-month-old son who Toni had given birth too via a sperm donor. The two had been married a year and wasted no time in starting to get their family together. They were currently trying to get him on a sleep schedule because as much as Cheryl loved her son she was losing too much sleep which was bad for her skincare routine as she had so brashly put it at their last double date with Betty and Toni. And when Cheryl was adamant on something Jughead knew it got done, it was one of the few traits that he admired about her.
The door swung open and Toni greeted him wrapped in a flannel robe with well-manicured eyebrows knitted together in annoyance, and her pink locks thrown together on a knot in front of her head. “This better be good Jones!” She snapped. “Between you and the constant phone ringing, the baby keeps waking up!”
Jughead held his hands up in surrender. “I’m sorry, Toni, I had nowhere else to go, I can’t even look at Betty right now.”
Toni rolled her eyes. “What, did you two get into a fight about who was more in love with the other or is it actually something serious?” She snapped.
Jughead grimaced at the pixie’s outburst. “Betty’s pregnant.” He blurted out.
Thanks to @crepuscolo-writes for being my beta!
Chapter 2
Start from the Beginning
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bugheadspoby · 5 years
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Hi! I found your tumblr through the suggested blogs sidebar and I am so happy I did, your writing is excellent!!! If you don't mind a Bughead prompt from someone you don't know: "An SOS at three am rarely means anything good." Thanks for taking prompts.
I’m soo sorry that this took so long, but here we go! (SPOILERS FOR SEASON 2)
Jughead rolled over, rubbing his eyes as his phone vibrated frantically. It was 3:05 am and he had 3 missed calls and 4 texts from Betty.
“Jug, I need you, call me.”
“Juggie, I’m scared.”
“Call me now please.”
Jughead’s heart began to race. He sprung out of bed and threw on pants and a jacket, not caring that his black hair stuck straight up in all directions, or that he wasn’t wearing a shirt. He sent a quick “omw” text to Betty before sprinting out of the house.
The rain soaked through his entire body, but he didn’t shiver as he navigated the dark streets of his childhood at full tilt. The black pavement hid the puddles that splashed into his shoes as he ran, soaking his feet. He had forgot socks in his rush, but he didn’t care that his feet were being rubbed raw and blisters were forming at his heels, he couldn’t care, there wasn’t the time. Betty was a strong woman and if she needed him this badly then it had to be something so awful that it was worth running right through the pain. 
Jughead stopped on the Andrew’s front stoop, uncaring at how the sight might look. A southside high kid sopping wet, on the idyllic front porch of a vigilante. He couldn’t care as water droplets slid from his hair, down his forehead and into his eyes as he dialed a familiar number.
“Arch. I need your ladder. Now.” Jughead could feel his voice getting more and more frantic, full blown panic apparent to his childhood best friend. He was so close, but so far. He didn’t know what was wrong, didn’t know if he’d make it there in time, just that he needed to. Betty needed him and that was the only thing that could matter right now.
Archie flung open the door, but didn’t say a word, knowing that Jughead would panic further if he asked. They simply looked at each other before racing, Jughead soaked and Archie barefoot wearing only boxers to the shed, sliding in the mud.
The two, now drenched, boys quickly set up the ladder under Betty’s window. Archie held the bottom, worried that it may slip and his best friend would never make it to the stunning blonde at the top, but rather to the hospital as Jughead ascended. 
“Jug!” Betty flung open the window, tearing streaming down her face. He quickly climbed over the window seat, not caring what he got muddy in the process. Jughead wrapped his arms tightly around Betty, soaking them both to the core in his muddy embrace. 
“Betts. Babe. What’s wrong?” Jughead pulled slightly from their embrace, tilting up Betty’s chin to look into her watery eyes. It killed him to see her cry. But sometimes the clouds envelope the sun, even when the sun is as beautiful as Betty Cooper.
“The Black Hood called.” Ice filled Jughead’s veins as the colour quickly drained from his face, he could feel his heart descend to his stomach. 
“He s-s-said” sobs wracked Betty’s body “That he knows I-I-I gave t-t-the l-l-letter to Sheriff K-Keller, and th-that he’s going t-to take away wh-what I l-l-love the most. S-s-so I needed to see you so I knew y-y-ou are safe.” 
Under any other circumstance, it would have made Jughead’s life to know that he was the one thing that his crush of nearly all of his 16 years, Betty Cooper, loved more than anything else, but he had no brain space to think about that. He only knew that the choice that they had made had put her in danger, grave danger. 
As Jughead brought his lips crashing down on Betty’s, only one thing was running through his mind.
Keep her safe.
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jansatabi · 7 years
Standing Places
Summary: Elizabeth "Betty" Cooper is a product of loveteam. Now, she struggles to pursue her passion on journalism and arts. Of fame and privacy, how could she make herself out when the spotlight is still on her as part of the "team"?
Note: This is a work of fiction. I do not own the characters names. An alternate universe for Archie comics.
PS. This story has been long overdue and running over my mind. Since I am back at writing and at the same time shipping Bughead, I decided to make use their names (I honestly wanted to make use Sprousehart but I realized it was uncomfortable and inapproriate. Haha I hope whomever may read this will ride the journey with me. 
CHAPTER 1: Of Fame and Privacy 
She knew these were perfectly planned.
A PR job for the most popular couple of her generation, this was way better than getting coffees for her colleagues in her previous job at print industry. She did not even get an opportunity published an article.
That was pure torture and frustration. She got a degree in journalism, graduated with flying colors yet what she did on her first job was to run errands for the seniors (even junior writers in her same age).
 This is better, she thought.
Betty Cooper is not a fan of show business. The entertainment industry was never in her option of works - making people believe this and that exists, hiding this and that to maintain images, and creating a world that viewers expected to received; Betty thought she could not stand depriving truth. Hence here she was inside a room, doing damage control for a certain celebrity couple nobody knows that is purely PR except them.
Taking a deep breath, she is trying her best to come up an excuse for this mess. Perhaps some may think working here is easy but they are wrong. How could you make real life people act behind the camera? Yes, they are actors but it is challenging for them to make a great act without having a 24/7 directors to direct them. Hell, she would not even spend her time being with this every damn time.
If I could just kill Archibald Andrews. Glaring at the guy in front of her, Archie had been caught being cozy with a super hot girl model in one music fest and went viral on the net. His fans went crazy bat shit and went full gone girl drama on bashing the model.
This should be fine. But Archie was not just Archie, the solo artist, anymore. After landing a main role in a primetime TV series, he got paired with Veronica Lodge - the teen drama queen. Every teenage girls wants to be like her. Or every man would definitely ask her out. 'Cause she is the epitome of beauty, sophistication and brain. So what's not to like her, right?
Betty knew Veronica. They shared some class way back in their college years. And she could not say anything bad about this girl because she is really what people think she is. Though some may hate her, but that's understandable. After all, you cannot please everybody.
"Archie, please could you now explain this to us?" Ras, Betty's uncle and also Archie's manager, asked exhaustedly.
"We were at the VIP area! I was pretty careful nobody was there to photograph me and-"
Betty cuts him before she would hear some crap excuses again, "It does not mean you're in a VIP area, people there don't give shit about you. For the nth time, Arch, in the time of social media, people are desperate to be internet superstar, at least, for once in their life! And now see?" Betty tied her ponytail up more, her kind of habit to loosen herself from getting more pissed on situation like this.
These are perfectly planned. But what now?!
"I am really sorry. I am, really." Archie said half-heartedly.
"We know you are not. You're selfish, Arch. You only think about yourself." Full of disgust, Betty could not contain herself anymore.
Men and their libidos.
"I promise to do what you want me to do with Ronnie. To make up with you, guys."
"Oh no!" Betty really went frantic hearing what Archie just said, yelling "FYI, Arch, Ronnie is sick and tired of this. She's been saving your ass, your career, for the past months now. I don't even understand why she keeps befriending with you!"
"That's very poor of your judgment there, Betty." said Archie.
Ras was just sitting there in his chair, watching his niece getting pissed of again by the great Archie Andrews. This is normal day to day scene for him - letting Betty went jurassic at one of his talents while thinking ways to resolve this. Since he does not have the attitude like a certain blonde girl in front of him.
"And it is not a secret to us that Ronnie is dating a certain non-celebrity guy." Archie continued.
"ARCHIE. At least, she is being discreet about it. But you..." exasperated, Betty knew this argument made no sense since Archie is being Archie, "we don't know what to do with you anymore."
"Okay, enough of this real life teen angst series, you two." Ras finally have spoken. Turning his gaze to Betty, "We could not do anything about this now. Let the issue be. Beside, Archie and Ronnie will be touring again. What we will do is to continue with our plan." Sighing heavily, "This bad PR is still PR. Let the fans go with their battles. Let that model," then glaring at Archie, "and Archie suffer with this."
Betty nodded.
"You're right, Uncle. Thank God Ronnie is out of the country for a week. I hope when she gets back, things will be okay."
She does really hope so.
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misspandalily · 7 years
update! - i was surrounded by phonies
Disclaimer: I don’t own Riverdale OR Harry Potter.
"The only thing that would be different would be you."
- J.D. Salinger, Catcher in the Rye
"Dead," Jughead echoes her, somewhat dumbfounded.
Betty blinks, purses her lips, and looks to the side. The strawberry milkshake he doesn't recall bringing out is flat, the cherry on top beginning to sink down to the bottom. He's worked at Pop's long enough to know how what milkshakes look like when they're left out for a long time, sadly, so it's safe for him to assume that she's been here for at least an hour.
What surprises him more is that it's ten at night. He knows as a fact that Alice Cooper enforces a strict deadline at eight, unless Betty's doing wholesome things like organising charity fundraisers or studying for their upcoming OWLs. In fact, her dishevelled appearance is starting to disconcert him because the humans of Casa Cooper, on principle, do not overtly display physical imperfections.
Except Betty absolutely is.
"Cheryl-" Her voice breaks off as soon as she starts talking. He is patient - an acquired talent he'd obtained after becoming a waiter - and glances away when she blinks back tears. "Dilton found Cheryl a few hours ago at Sweetwater River. She was soaking wet, shivering on the rocks, and when the police arrived, she told them she'd gone rowing with Jason in the morning," Betty sighs. "The official story is that her glove fell into the water, and when Jason jumped in to retrieve it..."
"He drowned," Jughead finishes off. Betty nods in confirmation. His forehead creases. Jason's death-story seems as credible as pigs flying. He doesn't know Jason personally, because the Blossom twin-brother is a No-maj and spends next to no time in the magical community. But he's heard Cheryl boasting about 'Jay-Jay' in Ilvermorny corridors and can't help but wonder how the captain of Riverdale High's water polo team managed to drown in a river that was at low-tide a few hours ago.
And why didn't Cheryl use her magic to save her brother?
He holds his tongue when Betty exhales and sinks her head back into her hands, saving his speculations for another time.
Jughead watches her ponytail disappear from his view as her head pops up again. "But you know what's really awful? His body."
His eyebrows shoot up. "What do you mean?"
"They've been combing the River ever since Dilton's Scouts found Cheryl, but Jason's body is missing," her tone rises, hands wildly gesturing around as she speaks, "It's like he completely vanished."
"No one just vanishes when they die," Jughead says critically. "If he really drowned in the Sweetwater River, then his body should have shown up by now. What reason could there possibly be-"
"Jug!" Pop's voice suddenly rings through the diner, cutting him off. "You mind taking the order?"
He swivels around, sees a woman in a thick fur coat making her way to the counter, and sends Betty an apologetic grimace. She smiles briefly in reply and waves him off, grabbing the milkshake with her other hand. "Sorry Betty," he sits up and makes his way to the customer, not bothering to and not seeing the point of fixing the crumpled state of his uniform when his shift ends in an hour. One hour left and he's free from work for another school term.
That thought alone cheers him up enough to speak to the woman with a forced smile and a robotic greeting. "Welcome to Pop's, what'll it be?"
"A gin and tonic," she replies without missing a beat, voice high-strung and high-pitched. "Or whatever it is you hobos drink to forget about your Loser-dom."
His face loses its faux-enthusiasm (which, he admits, was limited to begin with) when he realises that the Devil-incarnate itself is standing before him, flame-red hair slung limp over her shoulders.
"Always a pleasure," he replies dryly. "We have," he makes a clicking sound with his tongue, pretending to search the liquor cabinet, "Vodka for Alcoholic Teens, Whiskey for Ginger Trust-fund Babies, and my personal favourite: Blossom Heiress breaks the Law," Jughead pulls out a bottle of rum, then shakes his head somberly, "But no gin and tonic."
"No," she agrees, pearly-white teeth glistening from behind her lips, "But my brother just died, so I think I can get a free pass for today."
"Sorry for your loss, but no can do." Jughead, by all accounts, feels more sympathy for the rocks that get crushed under Cheryl Blossoms's heels than Cheryl herself. Hell, he doesn't even beat around the bush and do favours for Archie, whom he's known since birth, much less bend the law for Cheryl Blossom - dead brother or not.
But, apparently, Betty Cooper does. She practically comes running up to them, eyes twinkling like she's about to uncover a goldmine. "Jughead," she gives him a pointed look, "It's on me."
He clenches his jaw, makes sure the smirking Cheryl sees his stink-eye and takes Betty's proffered twenty-dollar note. Granted, he's underage too - turning sixteen this year - so he shouldn't even be allowed or be able to serve alcohol, but here he is. Serving it. "Thank you," he hears her whisper when he places the shot glasses on the counter.
Jughead shrugs, then slowly makes his way to the only booth that hasn't been cleaned yet, seizes Betty's half-finished smoothie with his left hand, and wipes the table down with a wet cloth. Hopefully, it's his last chore for the day. Hermione Lodge is replacing him in an hour when her graveyard shift starts, so he doesn't even need to lock up the diner or stack the chairs tonight.
As long as nothing too melodramatic happens for another forty minutes, he's well and truly done with work for the vacation. Done with the stupid travel-ban that Headmaster Weatherbee placed on him.
Granted, Jughead rarely travels during the summer vacations because he promised Jellybean he'd watch over FP (senior) for her. He does the bare minimum, has been doing so since FP started combining alcohol with Serpent business, but he tells JB that they're okay - that dad is working with Fred Andrews in construction, that he isn't using his magic to do bad things anymore. Lies, all lies.
Nothing good ever comes out of associating with the Serpents, especially not when it's in your blood. So he lies to avoid breaking Jellybean's heart. He tells her sugarcoated fairytales for her to think that her dad is a good man when he's really, really not. And in return for his lies, he sleeps on the streets at night, crashes in alleyways and showers in Riverdale High's bathrooms.
That's all going to change tomorrow, when he congregates at Archie's place to floo to Massachusetts. No more drunk father, deadbeat dad, lying Serpent, for another year - or at least until the next holiday.
And best of all, he thinks when he sees Betty consoling a sobbing Cheryl Blossom: no more dead men.
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mieteve-minijoma · 2 years
17 Crimes - Chapter 4
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Chapter 4: Sunday Morning
Jughead parked the truck in the empty driveway, turning off the ignition before shifting in the bench seat to face Betty. He remained silent, unsure of what she wanted to happen next but not really ready to leave her just yet.
“Um, thanks, Jug. I had a really good time with you today...” Betty admitted, smiling impishly down at her lap, their kiss still fresh in her mind.
“Me too, Princess,” he answered softly, “So, I’ll pick you up at like noon tomorrow?”
“Or...” she mumbled, looking up at him through her lashes.
“You could come in for a nightcap?” she replied, smiling at him with hopeful eyes.
“To tell you the truth, I’m not much of a drinker.”
“Me either but I had something else in mind-- if you’re up for it?”
“Color me intrigued...”  he flirted with a smug look, throwing her words back at her. “Are you planning to have your dirty way with me already, Betts? Cause, I only go to second base on the third date, just so we’re clear.”
“Oh, whatever!” she harrumphed, her ears burning, “Seriously, does your mind ever leave the gutter?”
“‘Fraid not, Princess. It twas born there and it shall die there.”
“Come on, gutter boy. I think you’ll like this,” she huffed, pulling on the sleeve of his coat and dragging him to the front door. “Say, you like video games, right?”
Read Chapter Four On AO3
Or Start At The Beginning
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alittlebugsheadx · 6 years
Promising Kisses
Betty chewed on her cheek as she attempted to listen to what Reggie was asking her. Despite her efforts, she couldn’t quite ignore the dark-haired boy boring holes into her skull from across the hall.
He was clearly visible, surrounded by other Serpents. Whilst he ‘blended in’ with his people, he stood out like a sore thumb to her. Blue eyes and soft cheeks, that she used to hold in her delicate palms as he whispered sweet words into her ear as she had trouble falling asleep. And jet black hair, that she would tug in fists. And lips that devoured her own, but always left her wanting more.
Well not anymore.
That was the old Betty Cooper.
Now, she was the golden-haired girl who was about to reject yet another promposal.
“So yeah, I guess what I’m trying to say is-“ Reggie pouted, trying to think.
Had he really just forgotten where he was going with this? How thick does one have to be?
Betty raised her eyebrows and he swallowed nervously, staring blankly at her.
“What?” She urged.
She could see Jughead cross and then uncross, and then cross his arms over his chest as he eavesdropped shamelessly.
“Would you like to go to prom with me?” Standing before Miss Betty Cooper was the lead douchebag of Riverdale High, vulnerable and afraid of rejection.
She ran a perfectly-manicured finger lightly over her bottom lip, pretending to ponder. She had made up her mind already; she was to go with Archie: the one person Jughead Jones hated more than Reggie Mantle. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t drag this on a little longer.
She could tell it wasn’t torturing just Reggie.
“I’ll tell you what, you somehow manage to actually impress me-and no I don’t mean with your sexist comments or boasting about your ‘conquests-I mean, by being an actual gentleman, then I’ll consider it. If you’re only asking me to add me to the list, then you can forget it. Show me if you really want this opportunity.”
He gave an excited smile, “Alright, Cooper, you got it.” Bouncing down the hall he looked back to wink at her, to which she gave a small, amused smile.
Betty turned around to see Jughead, but she was looking over his shoulder, as if he wasn’t really there. She could still see his red face, eyes full of hurt. Quickly, she turned in the other direction, heading down the hall for lunch. Well what did he expect? Of course she was going to go to prom. And after all, she was a cheerleader, so it only made sense she would go with a jock. And it’s not like he had asked her. Or apologised. Or-
She felt a strong arm wrap around her waist and pull her into the empty Blue and Gold office. If it had been anyone but this familiar scent, she would have a bruised fist and an inpain boy on the floor by now.
But no-it was him.
With her back to the door, he stood right in front of her, looking down at her like she was the most precious thing on earth.
“Reggie fucking Mantle?” He whispered.
“We’ll see,” she shrugged.
He raised an eyebrow. “Don’t tell me...”
“Archie Andrews? Maybe. Again, we’ll see.”
“No, no, no, no. We will not see. Come on Betty, you know I’m sorry, can’t we put this behind us.” He leaned in, closer.
She rolled her eyes, maintaining an unaffected demeanour, “No, Jughead. We can’t just ‘put this behind us’.”
“Why not?” He breathed in her ear as his fingers rubbed circles into the small bare skin that her raised t-shift gave.
As his hot breath gave her goosebumps, she uttered, “Because. We can’t. You know that. We aren’t-together-get that-in-your head.”
His lips were dangerously close to her neck, “But I’m sorry. I really am. And I love you.”
Brushing his lip against her cheek he inched closer to her own.
“Don’t you love me, Betts?”
“N-no-no. No I don’t.”
“Why don’t I believe you then?”
“Because you’re an idiot, Jug.”
He grinned, and pressed his lips to her eager one’s. Her hands gripped his hair, as one of his own held her jaw and the other rested on her torso. His tongue ran along her bottom lip, asking for entrance, which she gave.
Needing air, they pulled away. Jughead smirked, “Well that’s true. But I am your idiot.”
She rolled her eyes, letting a smile play on her lips, before taking his face in her hands as he hoisted her up into his arms.
“We’re not together,” she murmured between kisses.
“And I’m going to prom with Archie. Or Reggie. We’ll see.”
“Mhm.” He muttered.
“And I don’t love you.”
“You don’t sound very convinced.” She breathed.
“Your kisses tell another story.”
It wasn’t either Reggie Mantle or Archie Andrews who took Betty Cooper to prom.
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clozzersaurus · 7 years
yay! I finally got the share to work properly
Chapters: 2/?
Fandom: Riverdale - Fandom Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: bughead Characters: Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, Alice Cooper, Polly Cooper, Archie Andrews, Veronica Lodge, Cheryl Blossom, Hal Cooper Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff, Smut, relationship, SlightAU Summary:
When Betty saw Jughead in that jacket she couldn't stop herself from liking it. She knew it meant that things were about to change, hopefully not for the worse. Then all at once Polly goes into labour, Fred Andrews is shot, Thornhill burns down and Jughead moves to the Southside. This fic follows Jughead and Betty through the ups and downs of their relationship in the aftermath of the Season One finale.
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addictedtofiction03 · 5 years
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djgrannyglasses · 5 years
I wrote the first chapter of a thing.
Thanks, @crepuscolo-writes for being my beta girlfriend
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mieteve-minijoma · 2 years
17 Crimes - Chapter 5
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Chapter 5:
Jughead smirked at the crowd of bewildered cheerleaders and football players they passed on the way to Betty’s locker, sending a wink to her former beau whose jaw was hitting the floor. He leaned down, nudging her cheek with his nose, “We got their attention, baby. Red looks like he’s about to blow his lid... His goddamn face is the same color as his hair right now.”
Betty giggled, pecking him on the jaw, “Good, he can eat his heart out.”
“I’ll eat your--” Jughead laughed as she cut him off with a glare. “Kidding... Maybe.”
Betty rolled her eyes as they kept going, starting to get used to his playful and suggestive comments, secretly finding them kind of flattering. He’d been a lot more flirtatious the last few days and Betty wasn’t even the least bit mad about it. 
She was so lost in her thoughts of the touches and kisses they’d shared over the last week that she ended up blushing when he stroked her hip to get her attention, having asked her a question that she didn’t hear.
“Thinking of something in particular, Princess?” he teased. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know, Jones?”
Read Chapter Five On AO3
Or Start At The Beginning
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