#betula papyrifera
fleetingfutures · 1 year
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on the shore of lake michigan // march 25th, 2023
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Betula papyrifera, the white birch.
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sobekc · 8 months
dendrology at 8:30 am who up
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modern-cryptids · 11 months
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Camping tip #1: maybe don't eat random stuff you find off the ground
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[ID: Title at top reads 'alphie origins: plant, possibly?'. In the first panel Alphie is walking among birch trees with bark patterns that resemble eyes. Below the panel reads 'betula papyrifera (paper birch)'. In the second panel Alphie is looking at some succulents that look like bloodshot eyes. They hold a bottle of eyedrops and say "Eyedrops, anyone?". Below the panel reads 'conophytum wittebergense (living pebble)'. The third panel has Alphie throwing a berry from a plant that looks like eyes into their mouth to eat it. The text below reads 'actaea pachypoda (doll's eyes)'. Outside the panels on the right side, Alphie is leaning against one of the birch trees from panel 1 and puking.]
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pickerelstripe · 10 months
[CM] Trees
Alright, breaking into some of the funner expansion packs (in my opinion) - flora and fauna! These are the culmination of several weeks’ worth of looking into Maine ecology and making species lists for ClayClan’s territory. I can’t promise they’re 100% accurate (there’s always exceptions), but I can say that they’re very plausible based off my reading! In this post I’ll be sharing tree information, plus a bonus verb.
White ash (Fraxinus americana) - Shash Shash grows in moist soil and is somewhat shade tolerant. Its acorns and leaf buds are eaten by birds, deer, and rodents. This is a good tree for cats who enjoy climbing, as it grows notably strong branches.
American mountain ash (Sorbus americana) - Fefewlepe Derived from base Clanmew fewl* (to fall), hafefyl* (bird), and lepe* (berry). The fermented fruit of this tree may intoxicate birds in winter! It grows in a variety of soils and is shade tolerant. Fefewepe is an important plant to ClayClan because it's a valued food source for many small birds and mammals.
Bigtooth aspen (Populus grandidentata) - Roqruss Derived from base Clanmew roq* (tooth) and russ* (leaf). Roqruss grows in a variety of soils but is less adaptable than ufuf, quaking aspen; it prefers full sunlight. It has distinctly toothed leaves. Many birds feed on the seeds and buds of roqruss, while its inner bark is eaten by beavers.
Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) - Ufuf Derived from the sound of leaves shaking in the wind. Ufuf grows in moist soil and is shade tolerant. Its leaves tremble in even light breezes. Deer, hares, beavers, and various bird species all feed off this tree.
American beech (Fagus grandifolia) - Nekbossa  Derived from base Clanmew nekboq* (nut) and kossa* (tree). Nekbossa grows in moist, well-drained soil and prefers full sunlight. It produces beechnuts that are  an important food source for chipmunks and squirrels.
Paper birch (Betula papyrifera) - Ooshka Derived from the words shoosh and kossa* (tree). Ooshka grows in moist soil and is somewhat shade tolerant. Ooshka bark peels once the tree is mature - this bark can be used for weaving! It also has a lot of wildlife value; moose, deer, hares, beavers, and numerous birds feed off the tree’s leaves, bark, and seeds. 
Red maple (Acer rubrum) - Reyruss Derived from base Clanmew rey* (red) and russ* (leaf). Reyruss is named for its brilliant fall colors, but it has something red in all seasons - buds in winter, flowers in spring, and leafstalks in summer. It grows in moist soil and prefers full sunlight. Squirrels, deer, and rabbits eat the samaras and leaves.
Striped maple (Acer pensylvanicum) - Kossip Derived from base Clanmew sip* (thin stripe) and kossa* (tree). Kossip grows in dry, well-drained soil and is shade tolerant. Its bark is marked with long, thin stripes, hence its name. Squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, and deer feed off this tree; moose may eat its bark in the winter.
Hawthorn (Crataegus) - Wobenak Derived from base Clanmew wobe* (apple) and nak* (thorn) - this is a reference to one of hawthorn’s other common names, thorn-apple. Wobenak grows in well-drained soil and prefers full sunlight. It produces small red berries that feed various birds and mammals throughout the winter.
Larch (Larix laricina) - Rreenyyp Derived from base Clanmew rreen* (golden) and nyyp* (pine needle). Rreenyyp is unique in that it resembles a pine tree but loses its needles seasonally! It grows in moist soil and prefers full sunlight. Squirrels eat its seeds.
Species with the same name as base Clanmew: Red oak (Quercus rubra)- Byoch* Gray willow (Salix bebbiana) - Sawa* Pussywillow (Salix discolor) - Pfufoh*
Pitch pine (Pinus rigida) - Shkikee Shkikee grows in a variety of soils and is somewhat shade tolerant. It produces thick, sticky resin. Small mammals and birds eat its seeds, while deer may feed on young sprouts.
Eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) - Kik Kik grows in moist soil and is shade tolerant. This tree produces the largest cones out of any on ClayClan territory! Its seeds are eaten by black bears, rabbits, squirrels, and birds, while beavers, hares, and mice eat its bark.
Balsam fir (Abies balsamea) - Piksh Piksh grows in moist, well-drained soil and is shade tolerant. It develops resinous blisters on its bark and has a distinct spicy smell. Birds, squirrels, and mice eat its seeds, while black bears eat its bark.
Black spruce (Picea mariana) - Krrifuh Derived from base Clanmew krriki* (cone) and palifuh* (purple). Krrifuh grows in moist soil and is shade tolerant. It produces tiny, dark purple cones. Birds, squirrels, mice, and chipmunks eat its seeds, while hares eat its saplings; moose and deer might feed off krrifuh when other food is scarce.
Species with the same name as base Clanmew: Northern white-cedar (Thuja occidentalis) - Shawogi*
Bonus Verb
To peel - Shooshk, shoosh, shoos Derived from the sound of peeling wood. This word is used most often for peeling bark off trees or for skinning an animal. Like most verbs, this could be part of a warrior name - Barkpeeler, anyone?
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sarimulya · 17 days
asal usul Permen Karet
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Orang-orang telah menikmati permen karet sejak lama. Nenek moyang kita dari zaman neolitik pernah mengunyah permen karet yang terbuat dari kulit pohon Birch Bark atau nama aslinya adalah Betula papyrifera. Sedangkan budaya lain seperti Yunani kuno dan Indian Amerika juga mengunyah zat karet seperti yang terbuat dari resin dan residu dari pohon, rumput, dan juga tanaman lainnya.slottgacor
Parafin juga merupakan salah satu permen karet populer. Namun permen karet tersebut tidak dapat dikunyah sebelum dipanaskan terlebih dahulu dan dilembabkan di mulut. Pada tahun 1860, permen karet modern dengan zat yang disebut chicle mulai dikembangkan. Chicle awalnya diimpor dari Meksiko sebagai pengganti karet dan disadap dari pohon cemara tropis bernama Manilkara chicle dengan cara yang sama saat latex disadap dari pohon karet.polagacor
Permen karet chicle mulai terkenal dari permen karet biasa karena terbuat dari resin yang lebih halus, lembut, dan rasanya lebih tahan lama. Namun, sekarang ini permen karet dibuat dari bahan sintetis karena lebih murah dan juga lebih banyak tersedia di mana-mana.kartugg
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rabbitcruiser · 6 months
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Whistler, BC (No. 7)
Both the valley floor and the mountain sides are characterized as mixed forest, predominantly conifers, but with a peppering of a few deciduous trees like the Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii), locally extinct Pacific crabapple (Malus fusca) or Pryus fusca,[27] bitter cherry (Prunus emarginata), pin cherry (Prunus pensylvanica), choke cherry (Prunus virginiana),[28] Red Alder (Alnus rubra), Sitka Alder (Alnus sinuata), Paper Birch (Betula papyrifera), big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), Douglas maple (Acer glabrum)
Whistler was clear cut twice. The Oregon Grape Mahonia aquifolium (AKA hollyleaved barberry) USDA Plants Database and Highbush Cranberry Viburnum opulus were accidentally re-introduced as escaped landscaping plants, and may all be Oregonian subspecies. All the wild Pacific crabapples were dug up by Pemberton Pioneers for grafting Rootstock. It is unclear whether the Chickasaw Plum, Prunus americana was indigenous, or introduced by Indigenous Transcontinental Trade Networks or later Western Contact. All the wild Plums were dug up too by Pemberton Pioneers for fruit trees to transplant and as rootstock. Once abundant on the forest floor, Lingonberry Vaccinium vitis-idaea is no longer found because of the loss of habitat through the clear-cutting.
Source: Wikipedia
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toddstreeservices · 1 year
Choosing a 7B Landscape Tree for Your Marietta Yard
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Need help selecting the best tree for your Hardiness zone 7b yard? Understanding different tree species’ characteristics and growing habits will help you plant a tree that fits perfectly in your yard.
toddsmariettatreeservices.com gathered the following tree species and growing information for zone 7b landscape trees.
What is a Landscaping Tree?
Landscaping trees are planted to create diversity and serve one of many purposes on your property. These trees come in all shapes and sizes and can be among the most significant assets to your yard by providing shade, privacy screens, wind protection, wildlife refuge, visual interest (curb appeal), and other uses.
What are the Benefits of Landscape Trees?
Landscape trees reduce air pollution and noise pollution. They also filter water and absorb rainfall, lessening the impact of flood and stormwater and preventing soil erosion. Trees also attract a variety of birds and natural wildlife, providing food and shelter.
Note: A large, healthy tree can absorb approximately 40,000 gallons of groundwater annually, returning it to the atmosphere through evapotranspiration.
What are the Best Trees for Your Front Yard?
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Flowers add pops of color, and mulch creates a clean, well-manicured look. With trees, you can balance height and width in your landscape. Trees are among the best ways to draw the eye, add height, and create a relaxing balance. Curb appeal helps sell a home (trees significantly contribute to curb appeal), and here are a few of the best front yard trees:
Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstroemia) reaches 15 feet
Blue Spruce (Picea pungens) reaches 75 feet
Cherry (Prunus avium) reaches 25 to 30 feet
River Birch (Betula nigra) reaches 60 to 70 feet
Magnolia (Magnolia) reaches 70 to 80 feet
Tip: Avoid catastrophic structural damages by planting your trees at a safe distance from structures on your landscape.
What are the Most Low-Maintenance Landscape Trees?
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Once you have determined your tree’s purpose in your landscape (flowers, evergreen shade, privacy, etc.), you should consider the tree’s maintenance. Some landscape plants drop fruit and nuts, while others grow with invasive or surface roots, disturbing your yard, driveway, and foundation. Consider the following low-maintenance landscape trees:
Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) reaches 25 to 35 feet with delicate branches and vibrant foliage
Jacaranda (Jacaranda) reaches 25 to 40 feet with striking blue and lavender flowers
Redbud (Cercis) reaches 10 to 20 feet with deep red, bright yellow, or two-colored foliage
Frangipani (Plumeria) reaches 20 to 25 feet with non-invasive roots and an abundance of beautiful flowers
Cherry Plum (Prunus cerasifera) reaches 25 feet with deep purple foliage and pink/white flowers
Tip: All tree species require seasonal pruning and thorough inspection after severe weather.
What are the Best Trees to Plant Near a House?
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Smaller trees with shallow or non-invasive roots pose little or no risk to your home. Consider the following low-risk tree species:
Weeping Willow (Salix babylonica) reaches 30 to 40 feet
Paper Birch (Betula papyrifera) reaches 50 to 70 feet
Silver Maple (Acer saccharinum) reaches 50 to 80 feet
Sweetgum (Liquidambar) reaches 60 to 75 feet
Crabapple (Malus) reaches 15 to 20 feet
Tip: Towering tree species like southern pines and eucalyptus should be given extra space and not planted within 40 to 50 feet of landscape structures.
Why do Landscape Designers Prefer Male Trees?
Trees with male reproductive organs are preferred in landscapes because they don’t drop messy seed pods or fruit. However, they do produce and release pollen.
Note: When female trees, which capture pollen, are absent from significant landscape areas, the entire area can be blanketed by mass amounts of pollen.
What is the Best Pine Tree to Plant in Zone 7b?
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Pine trees are often used in landscapes as privacy screens and specimen trees because they are fast-growing, shapely, and evergreen. Consider the following pine tree species for your landscape needs:
Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda) reaches 60 to 90 feet
Austrian or Black Pine (Pinus nigra) reaches 50 to 60 feet and requires ample space to flourish
Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta) reaches 70 to 80 feet
Red Pine (Pinus resinosa) reaches 50 to 80 feet
Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus) reaches 50 to 80 feet
Tip: Avoid planting pines near driveways and carports (overhanging branches can leave your vehicle or structure riddled with sap droppings). Pine trees produce and drip sap. The sap flow is heaviest in spring and early summer. During winter, sap slows down and picks up again as spring approaches.

Marietta Georgia Zone 7b Landscape Trees
In this article, you discovered species information and growing characteristics for several popular zone 7b landscape trees.
Knowing which trees to plant around your home and landscape will help you create a beautiful yard with purpose and elevated curb appeal.
Planting the wrong tree species in the wrong location can result in catastrophic root damage to your landscape, driveway, pathway, foundation, and home if it falls on your roof.
Sources: usgs.gov/special-topics/water-science-school/science/evapotranspiration-and-water-cycle#overview extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/SP517.pdf extension.uga.edu/publications/detail.html?number=b625#title11 uaex.uada.edu/publications/pdf/FSA-6126.pdf
Todd’s Marietta Tree Services
Marietta, GA (678) 505-0266
For the original version of this article visit: https://www.toddsmariettatreeservices.com/choosing-a-7b-landscape-tree-for-your-marietta-yard/
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holundra · 1 year
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Papierbirke Betula papyrifera @butterbaum_kiel #birke #blackandwhite #swfotografie (hier: Botanischer Garten Kiel)
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puqikofecad · 2 years
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temporalecology · 2 years
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This summer, my work in the lab took me on an adventure to the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, where I identified plants and collected their leaf trait data. There’s always a first for everything and that week I got to experience working in a common garden for the first time! I slowly but surely learned the difference between a betall (Betula alleghaniensis) and a betpap (​​Betula papyrifera), and later I was able to put a common name to these species - the yellow birch and paper birch - and who knows, maybe I'll now be able to identify them at home!
Walking through the Arboretum was also an absolute treat. It was situated on a 281 acre preserve, so naturally, we only got to explore a fraction of all it had to offer. That being said, getting to walk through coniferous forests and feeling like I was transported back to Vancouver, seeing the partially bloomed rosaceae, I couldn’t have asked for a better way to end off my week in Boston.
I don't have any photos of conifers or rosaceae so you'll just have to trust that they looked great, but you can still enjoy a really cool photo of Chionanthus virginicus instead!
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Papier-Birke - Betula papyrifera - Pflanze des Monats Februar 2022
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Paper birch (Betula papyrifera) has edible inner bark, sap, young leaves, shoots, catkins, and root bark.
More info on Plants for a Future.
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ahb-writes · 3 years
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infinitesismall · 4 years
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betula papyrifera
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fatchance · 5 years
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Birch bark.
Paper birch trees (Betula papyrifera), at Mitchell State Park, Cadillac, Michigan. 
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